The Genocide of Rwanda By: Matt Jorgensen content/uploads/2009/01 /rwanda-3717-r10.jpg.

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Late 1950s Rwandan Independence Hutus Rejoiced Transferred with attacks on Tutsis 1930s Belgians issued ID cards

Transcript of The Genocide of Rwanda By: Matt Jorgensen content/uploads/2009/01 /rwanda-3717-r10.jpg.

The Genocide of Rwanda

By: Matt Jorgensen


• 7 million people total• 85% Hutu• 14% Tutsi• 1% Twa

Late 1950s• Rwandan Independence• Hutus Rejoiced• Transferred with attacks on Tutsis


• Belgians issued ID cards

• President Juvénal Habyarimana was assassinated on April 6, 1994

• Unleashed Horrifying Events

Change of Government


• Broadcasts told Hutus to “defend themselves”

• Hutu were told the Tutsi were to blame for poverty

• Ideology said Tutsis were foreign, had no right to live in Rwanda

• Newspapers and radio (1990-1994)

Hutu-Tutsi Conflict

• Nothing to do with language or religion.• Class warfare• Tutsi from Ethiopia, Hutu from Chad• Assassination of President Habyarimana

sparked the extermination of Tutsis• Widespread sexual violence against Tutsi


United Nations

• The UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was established on December 8, 1948.

• More than 20 countries ratified the UNPPCG

• UN Peacekeeping forces arrived by the end of 1993. Months behind schedule.

Raphael Lemkin

• Polish-Jewish Scholar• Fled Nazi-occupied Poland• “Genocide”

– Acts committed with intent to destroy– Didn’t exist before 1944

“What is Genocide?”

• Killing or causing serious bodily harm to members of a race or religion

• Intent to destroy a national, ethical, racial or religious group.

• Preventing birth from members of the group and forcibly transferring children of the group.

11 million

1 million

People Killed

HolocaustGenocide of Rwanda

Death Comparison