The Gateway Hong Kong Lasallian Family Bulletin …Hong Kong Lasallian Family Bulletin December 2011...

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Transcript of The Gateway Hong Kong Lasallian Family Bulletin …Hong Kong Lasallian Family Bulletin December 2011...


The Gateway

Hong Kong Lasallian Family Bulletin

December 2011

Thirty-Fifth Issue



The lead-up to Christmas is being blessed

with glorious weather. Clear blue skies, a

rarity in Hong Kong, and a cool breeze make

for a happier mood all round. Of course the

commercial aspects of Christmas are well to

the fore, especially in popular shopping malls.

However, one does not have to travel far to

see beautifully constructed cribs or to hear

beautifully sung carols. The message of the

child king is thankfully still heard.

The months of November and December are

‘busy busy’ in our schools. They are the

months traditionally associated with Speech Days, Sports Days,

Christmas Gatherings and, in some schools, Exams. Add to these the

Asia Pacific Lasallian Educators’ Congress (APLEC) and the Assembly

of Brothers and there is no shortage of Family Updates.

The Asia Pacific Lasallian Educators’ Congress comes around once

every three years. This year it was the turn of the Philippines to host the

8th Congress and a mighty fine job they made of it too. The Theme of

Living the Lasallian Values struck a chord in the hearts of our educators.

Besides, the sheer energy and exuberance of the participants was

heartening and ensured a memorable experience. The follow ups back

home will now be crucial.

And so, as we approach the

25th December, may we wish

all our readers a very happy

Christmas and a bright New


May we welcome the new-born

king and may he reign in our

hearts, forever.


Thirteen delegates from our Hong Kong Lasallian schools attended the 8th Asia

Pacific Lasallian Educators’ Congress (APLEC) in Manila from the 4th to the 9th

December 2011. There were also delegates from Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand,

Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and the Philippines.

The Theme was “Living the Lasallian Values in the Asia-Pacific Region.”

Each country was asked to give a presentation on how the Lasallian Values were

lived out in their ministries, with a particular feature on a ministry to the poor or

disadvantaged. The Hong Kong Delegation concentrated their presentation on the

Cross-border Students at the De La Salle Secondary School, NT. These are students

who cross the border from China every day in order to attend our school. Currently,

there are about 100 such students.

Besides the inspiring presentations and sharing, the highlight was undoubtedly the

Exposure Day with visits to Lasallian school and non-traditional ministries. These

visits made the living of Lasallian values very real indeed.

Another feature of the APLEC 8 programme was the exposure of delegates to some

of the cultural life of the Philippines, mainly in the form of song, dance and drama.

Many wondered if there was any Filipino who could not sing or dance!

A colourful, entertaining and energizing “Solidarity Night” on the final evening

concluded the programme.

Brother Kenneth Martinez, Aimee, Vanes and all their back-up team deserve the

highest accolades for seeing to every detail of the programme.

The Hong Kong delegates were well pleased and inspired with the APLEC 8

experience and are determined to share and promote their inspirations in their

respective schools back home.


The APLEC 8 Hong Kong Delegation

Back Row (L to R )

Mr. Joseph Fong La Salle College

Mr. Joseph Hui La Salle College

Bro. Patrick Tierney

Mr. Paul Tam St. Joseph’s Primary School

Mr. Lee Ting Leung Chan Sui Ki(La Salle)


Mr. Alex Chan Chan Sui Ki(La Salle)


Mr. Mark Mak De La Salle Secondary

School, N.T.

Mr. Billy Lau De La Salle

Secondary School, N.T.

Front Row ( L to R )

Ms.Rufina Cheng Chong Gene Hang College

Ms. Rhoda Lee Chong Gene Hang


Ms. Erica To La Salle Primary School

Mrs. Emily Leung La Salle Primary School

Ms. Carrie Ho La Salle Primary



Day One: Starting the Conversation

Brother Michael Broughton on Lasallian

Spirituality with Tracy Adams on Boystown,


Brother Mike Valenzuela on St. La

Salle: A Man of Extraordinary Faith

and Zeal

De La Salle University

students singing and


Mr. Henry Aytade, recently

elected President of the

Worldwide Union of Lasallian

Alumni, in full flow.


Day Two: Expanding the Conversation

Sector Presentations

Thailand Philippines Singapore

Sri Lanka

New Zealand Australia


Malaysia “Living the Lasallian Values in the Asia-Pacific Region”

Dr. Ben Eusebio on ‘Time for a Hero’. Dr Ben concentrated on how we, as

educators, can contribute towards making the world more eco-friendly.


Hong Kong Presentation

The Hong Kong Delegation concentrated on the project to cater for the ‘Cross Border

Students’ at De La Salle Secondary School, New Territories. This co-educational

school is situated quite close with the border with Mainland China. Currently there

are about 100 ‘Cross Border Students’ attending the school. This makes up about

16% of the total school population.

By ‘Cross Border Students’ is meant those who cross the border between Mainland

China and Hong Kong every day in order to attend schools in Hong Kong. As you can

imagine, such movement takes up a lot of time. In the case of De La Salle Secondary

School, for example, these students have to be bused to and from school each day.

Moreover, a number of teachers have to be deployed at bus stops in order to ensure

a smooth flow.

The Hong Kong Sector presentation highlighted the four main challenges the school

faces in trying to help these students. First of all, there is the question of their English

standard which needs to be improved. Then there is the question of adaptation to life

in Hong Kong, particularly to its hectic pace. Some students may also experience

feelings of isolation or discrimination and therefore require some counseling. Lastly,

there is the matter of communication in general since many of these students speak

Mandarin and are not fluent in Cantonese, the local dialect.


The rush at the

border: school is


Adaptation to life in Hong

Kong: teacher taking the

students downtown

Entering a local




Day Three: Deepening the Conversation

Day three was devoted to Lasallian ministries exposure trips. Participants were

split up into 9 groups to visit Lasallian works ranging from kindergarten to

university, and including outreach programmes to the poor, disadvantaged and

even imprisoned.

To many delegates, this exposure was the highlight of their APLEC 8



Day Four: Transcending the Conversation

Closing address by Brother

Visitor, Edmundo Fernandez

Solidarity Night

Delegates let their hair down



Family Updates

Lasallian Derby

On the 25th November two

Lasallian schools went head to

head in the senior A Grade

Inter-School Football Final. The

beautiful, newly-laid, astro-turf

field at Shek Kip Mei Park was

the setting for the contest

between La Salle College and

Chong Gene Hang College,

dubbed the ‘Lasallian Derby’ in

the local newspapers. The

game was played in a sporting atmosphere and a goodly number of spectators from

both schools chanted gustily and happily. When the dust settled La Salle had that bit

more firepower, running out winners by two goals. They are now champions two

years in a row.

Award for Brother David Liao

The La Salle Study Centre (LSSC) in

mainland China received a big boost

with the latest award to its founder,

Brother David Liao.

The big day for LSSC was the

invitation to Brother David to participate

in the 2011 南方华人慈善盛典(South

China Chinese Charity People Grand

Ceremony) at the invitation of the

Guangdong Overseas Chinese Affairs

Bureau and the Guangzhou TVS2 on 18th November in Guangzhou, as one of ten

distinguished awardees. The ceremony was held at the Zhongshan (Dr. Sun Yat

Sun) Memorial Hall and was telecasted live via TVS2. After receiving the award,

Brother David returned to Dabu and was invited to have lunch with the deputy mayor.

He was also presented with congratulatory letters from the Meizhou state

government and Dabu district government.


La Salle College 80th Anniversary Celebrations

Jubilee Mass

“This is your College. That is why we are here,” Brother Steve told about 1,600

students, gathered together with staff, old boys and parents at a Mass at the

Cathedral on December 2nd to mark the foundation of the College.

Bishop John Tong celebrated the Mass together with a number of old boy priests.

The Bishop also presented a papal blessing from Pope Benedict XV1.

It would have been impossible for a stranger to have dropped in and not recognize

that the student body participated in the Mass in a manner that truly reflected a

tremendous pride in and love for their school.

Family Fun Day

As part of its ongoing 80th

Anniversary celebrations, La Salle

College held its Family Fun Day on

the 18th December 2011. The day

turned out beautifully dressed, with

sunny blue skies and a cool breeze.

Delicious foods, creative games,

attractive prizes and souvenirs,

visual arts, science and heritage

exhibitions and top class

entertainment were the order of the day. There were also stirring dragon and lion

dances to generate atmosphere. A large and appreciative attendance soaked up the


The occasion was also used by the La Salle Foundation to launch a major fund-

raising drive, to enable the College to maintain its above standard facilities and to

remain at the cutting edge of modern educational development.


I reached the South Pole

Peter Lui, an old boy of Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College and a member of the Hong

Kong Lasallian Education Council, recently fulfilled a long-cherished dream. Here he

is in his own words:

“It is my great pleasure to inform you that I have

completed the Mission Impossible : to be the First

Hong Kong Scout to Reach the Top of the World -

-- North Pole ( 2000 ) and also the Bottom of the

World --- South Pole ( 2011 ). I left Hong Kong on

the 6th of Dec, 2011. After a long and

unforgettable journey, I finally reached the

designation on 11th December. I’ve stayed there

for several days to do a lot of photography and

science experiments, and was supposed to start

my return trip on the 14th of Dec. However, the

weather was too bad and the South Pole didn’t

want me to leave. I had to stay in the polar camp

to struggle with the strong wing and -38°C cold temperature. I was lucky to have God

by my side and finally can say good bye to South Pole and started my journey back

home.” Peter made sure to carry the school flag all the way in carrying out ‘Mission


Brothers’ Assembly

The first Assembly of the Brothers of the

Lasallian East Asia District (LEAD) was

held from the 10th to the 15th December

2011 in Phinma Training Centre,

Tagaytay, Philippines. About 110 Brothers

attended. What was particularly

noticeable and appreciated was the

natural interaction between the older and

younger Brothers. The entire programme

was well designed to strengthen bonding

and to initiate networking. A highlight of

the Assembly was the arrival and

veneration of a major relic of our founder, St La Salle. The concluding highlight was

the taking of Final Profession of Vows by Brother Arian. The new LEAD District is

truly up and running.


The Mobile-Library

The bus comes round just once a year,

A mobile-library bus;

Although it is the worse for wear,

It causes quite a fuss.

The six to nine year olds emerge,

And line up mighty fine;

They know that they are on the


And soon will sumptuous dine.

I watch their eyes take fancy flight,

On entering the realms of gold;

I watch their eyes all filled with light,

When they the gold enfold.

Sixty years seem but a day,

The written word to love;

Diamonds sparkle on the way,

The gifts of God above.

Note: A small reflection on what some APLEC 8 delegates experienced on the

Lasallian Mission Exposure Day