The Gamer Gazette #13 ()

Post on 07-Apr-2016

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A monthly eMagazine all about games and entertainment.

Transcript of The Gamer Gazette #13 ()

In This Issue...

Dragon Age Inquisition Review

New for 2015

Interview with "Brotacular13"

Partner Channel Spotlight

Tazer News

Tazer News...

Last month we ran the Tazer Advent

Calendar, which was a huge success with

over 15 games to given away and a special

custom YouTube Banner for one lucky

person, we felt more like Santa then even


Once again we'd like to say a huge Thank

You to all the companies who donated

games for the giveaway, without them we

would not be able to give away so many

games (Full list of companies can be found

on the Advent Calendar Page on the


Next Year, we hope to start giving away not

just games, but gaming gear too, but that is

going to take a lot of work during the next

12 months.

Tazer has many planned goals for 2015,

which you can find out about by reading the

"New for 2015" section after the Dragon Age

Review in this Magazine.

December also marked a momentous

occasion for Tazer. Our Gaming channel hit

over 200+ Subscribers and our network hit

over 100+ Partners and 250,000 total

network views.

This for us is an astounding achievement

that proves to us that we're doing

SOMETHING right. It's also a clear message

to all of you out there to NEVER GIVE UP!

You may have bad days when you feel like

it's never going to happen but as long as you

stick at it you will achieve your goals in the


I do also have to mention that the staff

maybe changing a little in 2015. Fariko Epic

or Chris as some of you may know him has

decided to work on his own channel, so will

no longer be making videos for Tazer. We

wish him all the luck in the world with his


Korpah, as far as I am aware is still

recovering from a car accident he was in and

for the foreseeable future he will not be

making anymore videos. We send him our

best wishes and hope he gets better soon!

Hello Tazer Fans! Long time no see!

Welcome to the Dragon Age Inquisition

(if you have not yet signed up you can

pick up a form at your local recruitment

centre). As an intro to this I will point

out that I'm a sucker for side missions

and there's a lot of them in this game, so

many in fact that I still have to complete

it. But it is fun as hell, with a few


Because the game is so big I will make

this in a few categories as seen below,

this is just so I can stay on topic and not

stray too far.


If you're not familiar with the history of

Ferelden and Orlais, when magic was

being frequently used people noticed

that with that power corruption was not

far behind. And in order to keep the

mages in line, the order of the templar's

was created. Should a mage ever resort

to blood magic or be corrupted by a

daemon then templar's would hunt

them down and kill them. This has

caused a lot of tension in the world as

many mages want to be free and the

templar's would rather kill all of them in

order to keep the threat of daemons

away permanently. Both of these are

controlled by the Chantry, their church if

you will.

In order to make the war between them

stop the Chantry calls for a gathering,

mages and templar's travel from across

the world to meet up and then unseen

hand blows them all apart. Yes literally.

All the leaders from all factions are dead

and the war between templar's and

mages spirals out of control. The only

survivor is you, left with a green glowing

mark in the palm of your hand, you can

close the fade rifts that the explosion

opened all over the world. With a few

soldiers and mages by your side you

take up the mantle (or more accurately

are talked into) of the newly reinstated


The story follows you as you try to

restore order to the world by uniting the

world under the banner of the


What makes this so fun I think is how

the story alters depending on what

friends and

enemies you

make in the

world. One

of the

biggest one

is the way

your main

enemy NPC

appears. If

you choose to ally with the mages the

templar's will become your main enemy

force, and the other way around. This

causes you to have to develop your

character in different ways even if you

play the same character type twice in a

row. Fighting

mages and


need two

different skills

and thinking

after all. Not

to mention

there are a

million side

missions that will have a similar effect

but on a smaller scale, like unlocking

one area might cause you to wait for

others and so on.

To add to this let me tell you about the

war table for a bit. Here is where you

unlock new areas and send your agents

to do special tasks, like spying, gathering

research materials and more. And this at

first glance is

fine, sending

some one on a

mission will

take a few

minutes or an

hour as you

start, this is

fine. But at

where I'm at

some of them can take up to and over

20 hours, that’s a bit insane. Some of

them get done if you close the game and

open it again but it's just a ridiculous

amount of time for me to go around

killing random

stuff. Luckily

there's a lot of

things to be

killed and a lot

more stuff to

explore, not to



ingredients for


I also have to add that I could have been

further down the main story by now, but

I'm a sucker for side missions and can't

leave them uncompleted as it messes

with my imaginary ADHD and I just have

to complete all I can in an area before

moving on. While we are on it, let's talk

about the sides for a while.

Not only do you find collectibles but also

a wide variety of missions once you have

unlocked a new area beside the main

mission. Everything from gathering

Minerals for research, or to upgrade

your keep. Some of them you will have

to do, as every time you use the war

table to do story

related tasks

you need




to do

it. The



the amount of

combined wealth, influence

and military power the current

Inquisition have. As you will have need

of a certain amount to get in to courts

(most boring mission ever FYI) take your

armies through other people's lands and

so on. Some of them can be done

indefinitely, like the mineral gathering,

so I would suggest to concentrate on the

others just to get things moving forward

(it took me a while to realize they were

on a loop and I was getting nowhere, I

do have a insane amount of power


As the story goes on you will gather

more followers, some of them can

follow you in the classic four man team

that you walk around with. Even

characters that can't fight with you can

be interacted with and sometimes give

better quests, or just more of the side

ones, and if you are like me, and the

story matters, then talking to them all is

a must, don’t know

how many

hours are





conversations in

this game. But as they

are optional it should not matter much

for those of you that just want to click

them away. But I do find it interesting to

listen and to learn as its helps me to

immerse myself in the story and

development of the characters.


You can play as either a Elven, Human,

Dwarf or a Qunary. As most people are

familiar in one way or other with the

first 3 I will simply say they the Qunary is

a highly religious race of giants with

horns on their heads. They are mainly

warriors but have mages as well. They

don’t follow

the religion

of the other

races and are


powerful but

not much

more is

known about

them as they

rarely seek alliances or trade with


As a class you can play as the warrior,

Rouge and the Mage, all of them have

different skills and there's plenty of skills

to make sure

that should

you play

warrior for 6

characters no

one of them

have to be

alike. Lots of

different skills

to be used,

some of them have to be unlocked as

the story progresses and you finds

trainers to teach them to you.

As I mentioned before you're not the

only character in the game and many of

the NPC's can be talked to above the

ones that can follow you around on

missions, sometimes you gain some

obscure piece of information on the

person in question, something like a

new mission

and even

more rarely

you get some



about an

enemy or


else. And I

like to talk to them, I have to say. Add to

this there are a few other familiar faces,

like Cassandra, Varric, Alistair and even

Hawk. The last one being the main

character in Dragon Age 2. Not only is it

fun for me to

see these


again and

follow as



as they

grow, but

they also

give a fair

introduction to them even for the new

players. And it really adds to the

immersive feel of the story line. But be

prepared to talk, there's a lot of it even

if you only want to do the necessary

parts, you will still need to talk a lot.


The maps in

this game are

pretty big to be

fair. And with

virtually no

loading time

between them.

The only times I

see it lagging a

bit is when I entered an area with a high

dragon as the game was loading it, but it

was a split second and then I was back

on track again.

The way the map work's is you have a

big main map with points of interest

dotted over it.

By clicking on

one of these

you will travel

the map you

selected and

kill everything

(that’s what I

do). As the

story goes

forward you will unlock new missions

that might take you back to an older

map by unlocking a previously blocked

area, such as having a unit of soldiers

remove the rocks from a cave in

allowing you to pass through. These

things are done on the War table I

mentioned earlier, and I like how they

did it. If you find a point of interest, be it

a cave in or a polluted desert, if you

mark it by

putting down

one of the


flags it will be

marked on the

map of the

War table and

next time you

are there you

can send soldiers to clear roads, build

new bridges or simply sanitize an area

well enough for you and your party to

keep pressing on.

Not only will the different maps give you


challenges as

they should as

in difference in

enemy units to

the animals

that lives

there. But it

will also give

you access to

new crafting materials you can collect (if

you have the time) or plants to help you

with your potions, salves and poisons.

It's worth exploring especially if you

want that little edge in combat and as a

mage I can tell you I love the

regenerating potions, they are the best.

A regenerating potion and a barrier

makes me almost invulnerable for a

time, and should I take some damage

when my barrier goes down the

regenerating potion will take care of it. I

love my mage.

Combine that with the Guard ability

from an accompanying warrior and your

set for life. But this is

a bit of topic I

notice (so

much for

making it



You will have to

take note of

quarries and logging sites as

well on the map as these will help you to

grow your fort and reinforce new areas

of it. Be it a new Chantry building or a

bigger plantation, you will need the

material for it.


As I stated before, the only time when I

see the game lagging a bit is when facing

the big dragons, that one second before

the battle starts, but then it sorts itself

out and I'm golden again. There are a

few small things however that slightly

tick me off.

1) When you press new game, or

Continue from the main menu the

loading time is a bit on the long side

before the game starts, but after that

the times are a bit more human. Even

though the maps are big I still don’t

want to spend that much time in the

loading menus. They

give you stuff to

read, but still.

2) As I play

on the PC

but I use a



pressing of

the green "A"

button picks things

up, but if your that millimetre

off target you will instead be jumping on

the spot. And this is not a big issue I give

them that, but I hate it, and it happens

so often. See a plant, or some loot, try

to take it, and jump up and down on top

of it instead. The worst time this

happened was while I was picking up (or

so I intended) some material at the edge

of a cliff, but duly jumped over the edge

instead to my early doom. Hate it!

3 Controlling your party members are

not as good as it was in the previous

games. Before you could tell them to

use different skills at different times, like

use Blizzard (a big area of effect spell)

when there are 3-5 enemies clunked

together. Or use this high damage arrow

on the strongest enemy in sight. Stuff

like that made

it very easy to

set up the A.I.

of your party

members so

you did not

have to


them all the

time. It was a

huge help, and did not limit itself to

attacks, but went for utilities as well

such as potions. In Inquisition they have

the skills and they don’t use them.

Meaning that they will either not use an

ability, they will

use it, or they

will use it

slightly more

often. This is

such a bad

system that you

will do one of

two things.


micromanage every single second of

every encounter, or just fuck all and

leave them to their own fate. I do the

latter and only take control if I want a

special attack made (which I could have

programmed in the previous games) and

it works pretty well, but this system

leaves a lot to be wished for.

4) Horses….well horses is a stretch let's

call them mounts as there are more

than just your simple horses. You can

summon a

mount to ride

on and indeed

it makes you

move a bit

faster, but you

will end up


every 3 seconds

anyway to fight an enemy or to pick up

some bloody plant that you just thought

you needed, that it's pointless to use it

in the first place. MAYBE if I could pick

up items or maybe even do some basic

fighting from horseback (that would be

awesome) but

as it is it's just

a waste of

time in most

cases. The only

thing cool is to

find them all as

some are a bit

scary and cool

looking, like the

Bog Unicorn with a sword through its

head as a horn.


I decided to have this a separate

segment as it’s the biggest cause of my

delay in completing this game. Before I

go on you don’t have to use this system,

as you will find a lot of good gear on the

way, but I like to customize and add

more power to my already powerful

weaponry and armour.

First off you need to gather a lot of

material, some harder than others to

find, but after you have made an item,

let's take the mages staff for example.

You can add more upgrades to it even

after its completed, by exchanging the

staff head, the grip or the bottom blade,

adding even more power and effects to

it. Even adding some powerful runes can

make it to a completely different

weapon then the original. And this is

where my ADHD kicks in, depending on

the material used not only do you get

different properties', but also different

appearances, as colour for example. And

having the top red and the bottom of

the staff green or blue makes my eyes

twitch and I will spend countless hours

on finding the materials I need to make

it matching colours with the best buffs I

can get. Say what you want I don’t want

to go around looking like a fucking rain

bow, it's just not going to happen.

Same goes for armours and helmets.

making an armour, be it light medium or

heavy, will give you the same options of

materials and colours. Add in that one

can, with some amours, add parts like

with the weapons, for example adding a

new set of boots or armoured gloves to

the set, making it better (and still

keeping in a unified colour mind you).

You can craft your own runes here as

well, after finding the blueprints for

them in the wild. Some materials for this

can be found in merchants while others

need to be obtained by exploring or the

mindless killing of as many enemies you

can lay your staff on.

All in all this is a great game, and I have

experienced very few issues with it so

far. But if you pick up the title make sure

you have time, the game is long and if

you do all the missions you will have to

spend many hours in this. I have a total

of 55+ hours, I think, and I still have a

long way to go.

As a last note there is a multiplayer

option in this game but I have as of yet

not been able to play it, but I have heard

both good and bad things about it, so if

you have played it please let us know on

our Facebook page and maybe we can

share a game between us.

Until next time, Happy Gaming People.

By Kim Gustafsson

We have many plans for the future of

the Tazer Brand, but before I go over

what we are planning for next

year, I'd like to take a look

over the past

year to show

you exactly


much can



in a year.

Starting in

December 2013,

we had our very first

Advent Calendar

Giveaway. We gave away 3

games over the space of a month, and

this was very well received. The games

themselves came from a cheap humble

bundle that we picked up just before

Christmas. The reason I mention this is

because we have just recently

completed this year's Advent Calendar

where we gave away 16 games and a

custom YouTube Banner. The games

included big name titles such as Five

Nights at Freddy's and Doorkickers. Next

Year we hope to up our game once

more, giving away not only a ton more

games, but also gaming gear too.

Talking of Christmas, we also have plans

to create a Christmas In-Game

Pantomime for next year, something

that'll take a lot of work but I'm sure (if

we can pull it off) will be very rewarding.

Obviously, the most prolific

change this year has

been the

new Tazer

- Gaming


which I'm

happy to

say has

been a


success. We

currently have

over 100 partners in the network, and

we turn over some 35,000 views every

single month.

Next year we have huge goals for the

network. We hope to hit 500-1000

subscribers on the Network Channel.

We hope to hit 250-400 Partners in the

network and bring in over 1 Million

Views every month!

Aside from views and subscribers, we

also have a number of new ideas for

future benefits to partners. Such as;

Tazer Sponsorships, Partner Run Tazer

Channels, Discounts on Gaming Gear

and Recording Equipment and hopefully

the start of our "Graphics for Everyone

Scheme", which involves having our own

Graphics Team who can provide free

graphics to all of our partners. This is a

big goal, but one we think is achievable.

We saw the starts of our team this year

with the addition of Gully Graphics to

our staff.

In terms of our gaming channel and vlog

channel, well the vlog channel has now

changed to the IRL and Podcast Channel,

which although now doesn't have a

weekly video schedule we are now

doing the podcasts regularly on a

monthly basis and will hopefully add

vlog videos as and when things crop up,

like gaming events etc.

The gaming channel is going to remain

very much the same, except we will be

trying some new series. We have just

start a Minecraft series and a Fun Series

called Taze-Tacular Games with

Brotacular13 that we are really excited

about. We are also hoping to do some

glitch, Easter egg and tip videos in the

future but not sure when they will start.

As for the rest of the series, we hope to

see Korpah back on his feet and raring

to go with the Tazer Plays Series, but for

that we will have to wait a little.

Aside from that, why not let us know

what YOU want to see by visiting our

website ( and

suggest a game or series via the

"Suggest a Game" page.

Overall our plans for Tazer are to make

it bigger and better, always with

community at the heart of everything

we do. We know how hard it was when

we first started and want to help those

who are in that position now.

So here's to a great 2015, I hope that

you can follow us on our journey TO


DOMINATION....wait....sorry I meant to

becoming the best we can...ahem!

Thank You for Reading!

Our Interview with...


Real Name: Nicholas Skafidas

Age: 16

Channel Name: Brotacular13

Started YouTube?: For Brotacular March

5th 2012 but for my old channel called

“Baskettball1234” I started February

10th 2012.

What made you want to start a YouTube


I wanted to make a youtube channel

because I saw a youtuber named

1800PwnTime make these funny Man

vs. Skyrim Videos and I thought it was

the funniest and coolest thing in the

world so I grabbed my camera and went

to my friend’s house and we recorded a

video of us doing our own Man vs.

Skyrim and I made the channel

Baskettball1234. After doing

Baskettball1234 for a while I moved on

from it and created a channel called,

“Brotacular13” and decided to pursue

that one. And throughout my journey

with Brotacular13 I have run into many

obstacles such as losing internet, being

bullied about my channel being terrible.

And a lot of people ask me why do I stay

with this channel? And a lot of times I

tell them it’s because I love doing what I

am doing and that is true. But the other

reason that I do it and I don’t mention

this often is because my dad passed

away in 2009 and he was someone who

loved making videos and had always

wanted to become something great and

I thought I would make him proud by

carrying on his dream with me and this

youtube channel.

What do you hope to Achieve?

Honestly I hope to achieve my ultimate

goal of making youtube a full time

career. Even though I am only 16 I

haven’t found anything in the outside

world as fun and as rewarding then

youtube and I hope to reach 1,000

Subscribers before I graduate because if

I do then I am going to pursue my dream

and focus more on youtube then just

going to college for some boring career

that I won’t be happy with.

Do you have any "Real Life" Plans for the


Depends on what you mean by “Real

Life” I suppose. To me “Real Life” can be

anything if you put your heart into it and

for me that would be youtube. I have

already spent 2 or more years of my life

into it so why stop here?

Who is your Favourite YouTuber apart

from Tazer of Course? LOL

Hahaha. Well I would have to say my

inspiration came from 1800PwnTime

but I suppose while I was doing youtube

I looked up to Pewdiepie when I was

growing up.

Do you think you aspire to be like them

or do you try and be your own person?

I think in the beginning everyone aspires

to be like someone they have seen and

as they grow and become bigger they

come up with their own thing and learn

to branch off and become their own

person and I would say the same for


Where do you see yourself in 10 Years?

Hopefully doing what I am currently

doing right now. I don’t want to be just

another person in this world. I want to

become someone known that makes

people laugh and also someone who can

give back to the community.

What are your 3 Favourite Games?

This is a hard one… I do love assassin’s

creed, I also love Halo, and I suppose I

love the Walking Dead game on PC that I

have been playing for my channel.

PC Master Race or Console?

I really, really loved console for a long

time but after doing youtube and

receiving my own personally designed

Tower I learned to love PC more

because it’s so customizable unlike a

console that is only built one way and

can’t be changed. Although don’t get me

wrong I do love a good game on Xbox!

Partner Question: - How did you and

Tazer Meet?

I met Tazer when me and him were

invited to work for another network and

we basically hit it off and when he told

me he was making a network I decided

to come aboard and help out with the

growing of this network.

Partner Question: - How did you come

up with your Channel Name?

It’s a funny story actually. It started

when I asked my friend in middle school

if he had an idea for an Xbox user name I

could use. Now do keep in mind when I

asked this the whole putting the word

“Bro” in front of everything was

trending at the time. So he came up

with some stupid names like

“MinieMuffin24” and stuff like that until

he came up with the name Brotacular

and I fell in love with it. And a lot of

people can guess where the 13 came

from and it came from me being 13 at

the time.

If you could have any free piece of

gaming gear like Headset, camera, mic

etc. what would you have?

I would really love a new camera but I

am pretty happy with my GoPro I have

now. I think if I could have anything it

would be a new desk and more space

for recording because right now I am

cramped on space!

What piece of advice would you give to

all of our partners who are new to


The best advice I can give to you guys is

just stay with it. No matter how small

you are or how small you feel right now

you have to stay positive with

everything you are doing right now. I

believe that everything that happens to

you in life is a test and you can either

pass or fail that test and if your dream is

to grow on youtube then work hard and

make that dream become a reality. I’m

not saying it will be easy because it’s

not. The people who get life handed to

them on a silver platter are the ones

who don’t appreciate what they have.

It’s the people like us who work hard for

what we that learn to appreciate and

love what they are doing. And that’s

why I am never going to stop youtube

and that’s why you shouldn’t ether.

Were you told you were getting paid for

this? Because you're not...I have a

gummy bear you can have though, will

that do?

I think I will have to talk to my lawyer

about this… actually give me the gummy

bear and we are even…

What is

up guys and

welcome back

to another


Spotlight that

features one

lucky Youtube

Partner from the Tazer Gaming

Network. This month’s featured channel

goes by the name of UnitedGamers.

UnitedGamers has been doing

Youtube since September 13th 2014 and

currently has 2,877 total video views

and 82 Subscribers. The channel

features 6 different staff members, Dan,

Matt, Casey, Martin, Dean, and Ike!

These are the people who create many

different types of videos varying from

daily Vlogs to Gaming Commentaries on

this channel.

While checking out the channel I

watched their featured trailer labelled:

“What is UnitedGamers”. And while

watching I learned that this Youtube

channel loves to feature the game that

everyone knows and loves called

Minecraft. But this is not the only game

that the channel features. They play

many of the classic games we all know

and love such as Five nights at Freddy’s,

Grand Theft Auto V, and so much more!

Some things I think that could use

improving on the UnitedGamers channel

is having a regular posting time for each

member of the channel for a certain day

of the week. The reason I suggest this is

because viewers like to know when

videos come out on others channels!

UnitedGamers also has a website which

can be found in the about page of their

Youtube Channel. The website features

many different things such as Polls,

Blogs, and their very own Forum! After

checking out the channel I believe that

this is a very good channel that has the

potential to grow and become better as

time progresses which is why I would

like to personally congratulate

UnitedGamers for receiving this month’s

spotlight here at the Tazer Gaming


Anyways guys that is going to

wrap up this month’s spotlight here at

the Tazer Gaming Network remember to

Subscribe and become a partner with

the Tazer Gaming Network to have your

channel featured in the monthly

magazine and don’t forget to check out

Brotacular13’s series of Tazer Reviews to

get a chance to have your channel

reviewed in a video on the network.

From all of us here at the Network we

wish you a good rest of your month!
