The Future of Mental Wellbeing Services

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of The Future of Mental Wellbeing Services

The Future of Mental Wellbeing Services

A Case Study for London

Jennifer Bagehorn | Service Designer |


Gene Libow | Service Designer | Livework

Hiwe’re Jenn & Gene

from Livework



We’re here to speak with you about

mental wellbeing

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Icons by Made by Made

There are some practices that can help take the edge off.

Image by Louis Blythe on Unsplash

Take a seat

Image by Aakash Gautam on Unsplash

Digital Mental Wellbeing

London has the UK’s highest levels of anxiety and

almost a third of Londoners report low happiness

levels with half describing themselves as anxious.

The Office of National Statistics Annual Population Survey 2012/13

Many Londoners are likely to have a common mental

difficulty. Of these only 24% are likely to be receiving

clinical help for their condition.

The Office of National Statistics Annual Population Survey 2012/13

£7.5bn is spent each year by health and social care

on treatment, benefits, education and criminal

justice. A further £10.4 bn is lost each year to

London business and society.

The London Mental Health report 2014, GLA

Service design at scale


Greater London

United Kingdom

The business case

Is that the right solution?

We approached the project from

three different perspectives

User needs

User needs


User needs



What do Londoners need?

Meet Christina

Photo by Alice Hampson on Unsplash

"I think lack of sleep will make you anxious, and that does make you depressed, and obviously because

of the trauma what happened, but I just tried to sail through it and I

don't think it has gone away.”

"I do find online very helpful though, and speaking to people

online is quite good… to see what other people are going through and

that might help you, that your situation is not so bad. Or maybe

that you are giving somebody advice, that can help them as well,

that's a good thing.”

Meet Martin

Photo by Jesse Orrico on Unsplash

“I don’t really know what causes it, but I know I sweat profusely when I sleep at night. I don’t know why,

but it wakes me up.”

“I got my own house, that I own.… but I’m not living in it since I split with my wife. I get to see my child

every weekend, which is not ideal, I used to love going home, helping

her with her homework….I’m back living in the room that I grew up in….It’s not ideal is it? That could be a contributing factor, I don’t


We learned we needed

to take a different approach.

Meet Londoners where they are.

How can we deliver this?

Integrate, don’t duplicate.

Our vision. A world where mental wellbeing

services are distributed into the

environments where people already are.

Back to Martin

Becomes aware that he’s not alone

Finds out that help is out there

Discovers a service

Uses tools that work for him

Developes a routine

Gets consistent support

A distributed service

What impact can this have?

£7.5bn is spent each year by health and social care.

A further £10.4 bn is lost each year to London

business and society.

The London Mental Health report 2014, GLA

Reduce coston the system.



where they are.

Reduce cost on the system.

Integrate, don’t duplicate.

As a start, to test our hypothesis, the team has conducted a small study.

3,557 people clicked ads related to sleep on Google, Facebook and Twitter.

Connect with someone like you

Seek out information

Try a new service

Photo by Nikko Macaspac on Unsplash

Reach out

Connect with us@jennbage | |

Jennifer BagehornService Designer

LiveworkGene Libow

Service DesignerLivework