The friars in the philippines

Post on 21-Oct-2015

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Transcript of The friars in the philippines

The Friars in the Philippines

1. The message of Marcelo del Pilar’s essay is the wrong way of how we Filipinos

were treated by the Spanish government.

2. Del Pilar is considered an illustrado because he fought against the Spanish

government. He fought for the freedom of our mother country. He fought for

the rights of all the Filipinos. He fought against the maltreatment of the


3. The friars’ votes in the Philippines affairs are the improper rule of the friars in

the Philippines and the friar is the strongest and firmest bulwark of Spain in

the Philippines. These votes are not beneficial because of the low moral

standard of the friars and they are interested mainly in pleasure.

4. Monastic power is the power in which the government controls its country in

terms of its political, religious and economic aspects.

5. Marcelo del Pilar is anti-Spanish government because he observed that the

Spaniards violated all the natural rights of every Filipino, for taking away our

freedom, for the wrong way of treating every Filipino, and for denying to the

Filipinos the right to education.

Form of Initiation and Oath of the Katipunan Society

1. Katipunan Society is the union of people born in one and the same country, of

one and the same people, where descendants are of the same blood and

color, that is to say, sons of one common mother. The society is master of

your body, it is the sole master of your life and powers.

2. The Katipunan Society based on the document is anti-Spanish. Said society

was formed to fight against the wrong way of treating the Filipinos by the

Spaniards. It was formed against the Spaniards for violating the Filipinos’

natural rights and their right to education.

3. The different initiation rites and oaths exercised by the Katipunan Society

show that before being able to become a member (brother/sister) of said

society, different initiation processes and steps must first be undergone.

4. The purpose of the extraction of blood from a Katipunan member is to

symbolize that you are one of them and that you will not betray the cause of

the Katipunan Society.

5. Aguinaldo abolished the Katipunan Society because the society is nothing

else but a more agglomerate of persons moving without direction, order or

coordination. No, I am not in favor of Aguinaldo abolishing the Katipunan

Society because it should have been only dissolved by the members

themselves and the Society has good cause of fighting against the enemies

of our country.

The True Decalogue, the Political Thinker

1. The over-all theme of The True Decalogue is that people write in a perfect

solidarity of purpose and interest, in order to have force, not only to resist the

common enemy, but also to attain all the aims of human life.

2. Apolinario Mabini titled is as The True Decalogue because it is the same with

The Ten Commandments.

3. Apolinario Mabini’s role in the Philippine History is he is the one who played

the most important role because his thoughts gave another life to Filipinos to

fight against the invaders to protect our mother country.

4. Apolinario Mabini as a political thinker, for me, his thoughts about the relation

between the government and the governed are true. He conceived that the

success of governing is based on those practices that are the result of the

adjustment between the necessities of actual affairs with the natural and

immutable order of things, and this adjustment is effected by a combination

of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Apolinario Mabini is very

knowledgeable in terms of politics.

5. a. Mabini’s idea of Revolution is that, it is the violent means of

overthrowing a government in order to establish a new one. A revolution

therefore, ought not to be an expression of the will which would merely

destroy a government. Rather, it must likewise represent an attempt to

establish a government signifying progress and the absolute absence of

any form of tyranny.

b. Mabini’s thoughts on Government is that it must guarantee the citizens the

highest degree of personal security, the greatest number of rights, the

maximum satisfaction of economic wants and the best possible education.

c. Mabini’s idea on Independence is that it is the fundamental prerequisite,

though not the sufficient condition, to individual’s freedom and social and

national progress.