The french earlyexploration

Post on 09-Jun-2015

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Transcript of The french earlyexploration

  • 1. The FrenchEarly Attempts at colonization

2. Why so few attempts? French liked France The French were content staying in France Not into Exploration like everyone else at the time Hard to convince French citizens to leave France 3. Jacques Cartier Made 3 attempts to colonize Banks of St. Lawrence River Looking for riches but found nothing Natives were eager to trade for fur French start to take to much from Native Americans Most of the French die in the winter French begin to kidnap Native Chiefs and take themback to France The villages begin to disappear due to disease 1542 he thinks he finds gold and diamonds Its actually quartz (fake diamonds) and iron pirate(fake gold) 4. Jacquez CartierChoice 5 French Exploration Reading Choice 1 Reading Choice 2 Reading Choice 3 Reading Choice 4 Reading Choice 5 5. 1542 First Settlement ROCQUE 1st Settlement by France Mostly French convicts are sent and they aretreated very poorly They eventually REVOLT! Very negative relations with the Natives This settlement lasts barely one year Failed establishment Two other failed establishments 1562 in South Carolina 1565 in Florida (St. Augustine) 6. Samuel de Champlain 1608 lands on Satagoa (present day Quebec) Former Iroquois land Once established becomes major trading cityalong with Montreal (founded in 1642) All natives are cleared out for this to happen Trade is all about Beaver Fur Learn about Mr. Champlain Choice 1 Choice 2 Mastery choice reading 7. The Hudson Bay Company Reading Choice 1