The French and Indian War

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of The French and Indian War

The French and Indian War

Essential Question: Why and how do people seek independence?

BackgroundFrench and Spanish owned land surrounding British coloniesColonies could not expandOhio River Valley was extremely important to French:

Connected land in Canada to land on the Mississippi River

French had profitable trade relations with N-A’sBritain wanted to trade with N-A’s for fur

Native Americans Choose Sides

Native Americans needed to choose sides:

British:• Farmers• Cleared/destroyed N-A land• Allies with Iroquois• Iroquois and British were enemies of the

Algonquin and Huron tribes

The Iroquois

Native Americans Choose Sides

French:Trappers and TradersDid not clear/destroy landMarried into and adopted N-A waysAllies with Algonquin and Huron Tribes

The Huron

The British Strategy

•Use the British Army and Colonial militia troops to attack the French by invading Canada.•Surround Canada’s greatest city, Quebec, and defeat it.•Once Quebec has fallen, France will have to surrender their army and leave North America.

The French Strategy

•Defend Quebec at all costs against the British invasion.•Use their Indian allies to form war parties and attack the American colonists along the undefended frontier. This will force the American soldier to leave the British army and defend their homes.•The French will encourage massacres of Americans by paying money for each American scalp the Indians take.

The American Colonists

•Many colonists feel that the war is not their responsibility. The British need colonial support to win, so they force the Americans into service.•Many colonists experience prejudice at the hands of the British officers.•Once the French begin attacking their homes, American desert the British army.

Fighting Breaks out in 1754

British traveled into French land (in the Ohio River Valley)Built Fort Necessity near French Fort Duquesne

Built by George Washington

French attacked and wonReleased Washington

But there is much more to the story…

British “Brown Bess” Musket 1756

French 1728 Infantry Musket

Albany Congress of 1754

Delegates from 7 colonies2 Goals:

Cement alliance with IroquoisPlan a united Colonial defense

Albany Plan of Union:Ben FranklinWanted to unite the colonies under one commanderAll colonies rejected the plan

British Luck

British lost most battlesWilliam Pitt turned the tied of the War

Encouraged colonists to join the fight by offering them large payments for supplies and serviceSeized Fort Duquesne and renamed it Fort Pitt

End of the War

1759, British claimed Quebec (France’s most important possession)1763, the Treaty of Paris was signed:

Ended conflictMarked the end of French power in North America

Treaty of Paris

Britain gained all French land East of the Mississippi River except New Orleans and West IndiesSpain gained all French land West of the Mississippi River and New Orleans