The FreeMind Leadership through coaching ebook

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The FreeMind Leadership through coaching ebook

Leadership Series

Leadership Through Coaching

Copyright © FreeMind Business Solutions. All Rights Reserved

FreeMind Business Solutions E-Books


Let’s examine a scenario!

Dan has just been promoted to a

manager in ABC Bank. He gets

transferred to Delhi, which is what he

has always wanted. He reports to his

Regional Head, Mike, whom he

immediately takes a liking to.

Everything seems bright as he formally

begins his first day.

But then…

A week goes by and Dan realizes that

things are not going as he had expected.

People aren’t doing what he is asking

them to do, and they seem to be avoiding

work. A month goes by and Dan misses

his targets. That is when Mike decides to

call Dan into his office to discuss the


The Conversation…

Mike: So Dan, how was your day today?

Dan: Things are not good Mike! I am

surrounded by work shirkers, who are only

bothered about the pay day. No matter what I do,

I am unable to boost their productivity. I have

also issued warnings to a few of my

subordinates, but it does not work.

Mike: Don’t you think that your attitude needs

to be modified? You have an aggressive tone.

You need to learn to get along better with your



Mike isn’t really satisfied with the conversation.

He can clearly see that Dan is not entirely wrong.

He has also had earlier indications of a lack of

commitment in the team.

He realizes that he has just reprimanded Dan.

Telling him to ‘get along better with his team’ is a

very generic statement which does not really help

Dan in any way. Rather, Dan will resent the

discussion and not approach him for help in


He wonders how to approach the problem in a

fresh way.

That evening…

Mike begins to read a FreeMind e-book on coaching for

team development. As he reads on, he begins to get really

interested. The book has some insights that he has never

thought of before…

Coaching is an excellent way to develop people’s

capabilities and enhance performance. Coaching can be

done for development, specific problem solving and various

other purposes.

A coaching session is like a conversation between two

people. The coach, rather than telling the coachee what

to do, mostly asks questions.

“How does that help?” wonders Mike.

These questions help the coachee to think from different

perspectives and discover solutions by himself/ herself.

Having thought of the solutions themselves, coaches are far

more likely to believe in them and implement them.

“Can asking questions really make such a difference?” Mike

thinks aloud.

Mike is skeptical, but he decides to try this out.

Mike meets Dan again next week… Mike: So Dan, how are things now? Dan: Things are the same Mike, these people just don’t wish to work! Mike: They don’t like working? Why do you feel that way? Dan: They don’t do what I ask them to. They just don’t seem motivated to do anything? Mike: How do you think can you motivate them to do more for the company? Dan: It looks impossible with the team I have. Mike: Looks like you are quite upset. But let’s try to figure out first. What do you think is the reason for this behaviour from your team? Dan: Well, I have spoken to some of them. Most of them do not see a career growth as fast as they would like to see. Mike: See you have already found one motivator for your team – Career growth. How can you help them there? Dan: Maybe I can spend some time with them individually – guide them in their work. Let them understand what they need to do to grow quickly. But how will we find time? Mike: Is there any part of the day when you can set aside some time? Dan: Thursdays are usually light now. Maybe I can set aside an hour. Mike: Sounds good! So when would you like to start? Dan: I will do that right away. I am sure this will help. Thanks for your suggestions!

Mike: You are welcome. You solved your own problems. All the best!

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A week later…

Mike hears a knock on his office door. Dan comes in.

Mike: Hello Dan, how have you been doing?

Dan: Mike, its working! I have had individual sessions with some people. I have mainly been listening in these sessions, and I can see a change

Mike: Excellent! Are they improving? Dan: First of all, my relationship with the team has improved, though it can be far better. People are glad that I am listening to them and am taking interest in their careers. And yes, I can see a marked improvement in their commitment to work.

Mike: That’s really good Dan! Keep it up!