The Forty-Year Cycle in Culture and Society

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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In the past few decades, we've seen rising distrust in public institutions, unpopular wars, and lackluster economic growth. Why does it feel like we are repeating the 70's? We may be experiencing a forty-year cycle that goes back (at least) to the 1890's and seems to offer some useful insights into what to expect for the 2020's and beyond.

Transcript of The Forty-Year Cycle in Culture and Society

Déjà Vu All Over Again

The Forty-Year Cycle in Culture and Society

Jim Lee, APFTrends BreakfastUniversity & Whist Club

History seldom repeats itself, but it usually rhymes… Mark Twain

Why are we reliving the 1970’s?

Speaking as a GenXer

Economic Discontent


1970’s 1930’s

Unpopular Presidents


1970’s 1930’s

Crafting, Artisanal Everything


1970’s 1930’s

Folk Music


1960’s & 1970’s 1930’s

Social Experimentation


1970’s 1930’s

What about the 1890’s?

What about the 1890’s?





Values and Expression40-45 Year Cycle




• Internal/Relational:  The excesses of the previous decades are brought into question at an individual level.  Real estate values peak.  The social fabric unravels and there is a shifting focus towards social reform.  Young adults become less conformist and more counter-cultural. (1920’s, 1960’s, 2000’s)

• External/Relational:  This is a period of public unrest and skepticism.  Standards of living are redefined.  The economy is in a state of prolonged stagnation, yet major progress is made in terms of providing for social equality and environmental sustainability. Institutions eventually hit the “reset” button, providing a foundation for new growth and prosperity. (1930’s, 1970’s, 2010’s)

• External/Material:  Is a period of rising optimism. It is typically a “golden age” period for conservatism and business.  There is privatization, de-regulation and a less involved government. (1940s, 1980’s, 2020’s)

• Internal/Material:  The focus shifts somewhat towards the family.  Politics are still conservative, and the economy has stabilized into a period of predictable economic growth. Wealth and power becomes more concentrated.  Eventually, success leads to excess – leading to speculative bubbles. (1950’s, 1990’s, 2030’s)

• Values: Material vs. Relational

• Expression: Internal vs. External

Values & Expression Cycle

Relational• Declining social mood• Reform• Social Capital• Uncertainty• Counter-culture• Localism/Isolationism

Values Cycle

Material• Rising social mood• Growth• Financial Capital• Confidence• Conformity• Globalism/


Expression Cycle

Internal• Thought• Family• Nesting

External• Action• Individual• Exploration





The Socionomic Connection

Declining Social Mood

Rising Social Mood


A Possible Future – Previewing the 2020’s

Politics: Smaller, more limited government. Rise of a “big man.”

Science: Massive innovations coming to market based on AI, smart robotics, ubiquitous computing, personalized genomics, energy storage technologies. Return of ambitious science projects.

Culture: Careful re-examination of male gender roles (to reach fruition by 2030’s). Greater pressures toward conformity. Designers as brands. Digital nomads, urbanization, and the continued rise of status cities.

Entertainment: More goofball humor and fewer “dark” themes. Kawaii gets big. Increasingly, the audience chooses outcomes of stories.

Economy: New bull market after restructuring (repudiation?) of the U.S. debt. Focus on emerging markets for growth.

Thinking about Tomorrow

(Koans for Futurists)• What is work without employment?

• What is the role of men in a culture with less need for risk-taking, physicality, or territoriality?

• How does one conform within a post-modern society?

• What is rare within an economy of abundance?

• What does it mean to be human?


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