The Fortified Churches of the Transylvanian Saxon 2

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Transcript of The Fortified Churches of the Transylvanian Saxon 2

Bisericile Fortificate ale Sa[ilor dinTransilvania

The Fortified Churches of theTransylvanian Saxons

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Na]ionale a RomânieiIOAN, AUGUSTINBiserici Fortificate ale Sa[ilor din Transilvania / Augustin Ioan [i Hanna Derer;versiunea englez`: Constantin Lucian [i Ioana Luca;ed.: Arpad Harangozo. - Bucure[ti:Noi Media Print, 2004ISBN: 973-7959-14-0

I. Derer, Hanna II. Lucian Constantin (trad.)III. Luca, Ioana (trad.)IV. Harangozo, Arpad (ed.)

Bisericile Fortificate ale Sa[ilor din Transilvania

The Fortified Churches of the Transylvanian Saxons



Augustin IOAN

Bisericile sa[ilor din Transilvania îndeplinesc toate

criteriile prin care putem recunoa[te buna arhitectur`

pentru comunitatea de pretutindeni. Fenomenul – pentru

c` sutele de biserici fortificate permit extragerea unor

tr`s`turi comune [i simptomatice – poate fi folosit cu

prisosin]` didactic` spre a înv`]a [i a celebra buna

întocmire a unei cet`]i [i, mai cu seam`, a spa]iului s`u

central, destinat cultului. În economia inevitabil strâmt`

a unui asemenea text introductiv nu pot fi celebrate toate;

iat`-le îns` pe cele cu gradul de generalitate cel mai

semnificativ, în opinia unuia care le descoper` la fel de

fascinat, ca parte a propriei tradi]ii profesionale.

1. Sanctuarul este, prin chiar defini]ia lui de loc sfânt,

un loc al ascunderii. Acel „dincolo“ pe care îl verific` ([i îl

edific`) spa]iul sacru, spa]iul lui „Cel`lalt total diferit“ (R.

Otto) înseamn`, printre altele, [i loc de ascundere

ocrotitor. Str`in`tate radical`, loc straniu, locul sacru

este în acela[i timp [i teritoriul ocrotirii. Dreptul la

sanctuar a fost [i este respectat înc` în ceea ce prive[te

l`ca[ul de cult, dup` cum înc`lcarea lui poate produce

efecte devastatoare. Prin urmare, în chiar defini]ia

l`ca[ului religios întâlnim ideea de ocrotire. Dublate de

fortifica]iile proprii, bisericile sa[ilor transilv`neni

func]ioneaz` drept centru viu al comunit`]ii care se

ascunde pe teritoriul ei în caz de primejdie. Fortifica]ia

pare c` nu face altceva, în plan simbolic, decât s` traseze



Augustin IOAN

The Saxon churches in Transylvania meet all the

criteria by means of which we can recognize good

community architecture everywhere. Accordingly, and

given that hundreds of fortified churches are still in

existence, we can easily identify significant features that

can be put to good didactic use: while celebrating the art

of citadel construction, they also teach it to us, together,

and more importantly, with that of erecting the central

worship space. In the limited space allotted to an

introductory text I cannot possibly do justice to all the

fascinating aspects of these churches; while still being

excited to discover them all as part of my own professional

tradition, below I will dwell only on those that I deem most


1. The sanctuary is, by its very definition as of a holy

site, a place of concealment. That “beyond” which the

sacred space confirms (and defines), the space of “the

wholly other” (R. Otto), also signifies a protecting place. As

radical strangeness, as a place of the strange, the sacred

place is at the same time the territory of protection. As far

as worship places are concerned, their right to provide

sanctuary was and still is respected, and violating it may

have tragic results. Consequently, the very definition of a

religious abode implies the idea of protection.

Strengthened by fortifications, the churches of the

Transylvanian Saxons acted as the living center of their

cu precizie, s` fac` vizibil` [i defensiv` limita spa]iului

sacru. Din acest punct de vedere, ele sunt amplasate în

vederea ocrotirii limitei (Carpa]ii o fac vizibil` [i mai u[or

de ap`rat) dinaintea înaint`rii musulmane.

2. Avanpostul este dublu orientat:

a) în sus: plasate pe punctele cele mai înalte ale a[ez`rii,

vizibile deopotriv` pentru ochiul privind de sus, cât [i de

cel privind dinspre localitate spre centrul ei înalt, biserica

fortificat` este un avanpost pe vertical`.

b) spre est: localizate pe „locuri mândre“ (Alberti), care s`

îng`duie epifania (Aristotel), bisericile sunt de asemenea

plasate ca avanposturi ale cre[tin`t`]ii în raport cu

invaziile t`tare [i turce[ti. A fost ideea teutonilor, aceea de

a avansa [i p`stra prin arme limita estic` a cre[tin`t`]ii

r`s`ritene, pentru ca, ulterior, cet`]ile [i bisericile

fortificate ale germanilor, secuilor [i ale satelor române[ti

bistri]ene s` preia aceast` func]ie de „prim` linie


3. Caracterul fractal al ansamblului. Fortifica]ia este

de altfel un criteriu de departajare a tipologiei bisericilor

s`se[ti: zidul perimetral este fortificat (cu unul sau mai

multe rânduri succesive), sau, deopotriv`, zid [i biseric`

sunt fortificate, articulate într-un sistem de ap`rare

plurimorf. Pe rând, zid exterior (unul sau mai multe),

turnuri, drum de straj` în podul bisericii, turnul situat de

regul` pe pronaos, devin dispozitive care îng`duie


communities, which could take shelter on their territory

in case of danger. Symbolically, these fortifications seem

to have had no other role but mark out precisely and

visibly the limits of the sacred space. From this point of

view, they may be said to have been erected with a view to

protecting the borderlands (which the Carpathians make

visible and easier to defend) in front of the Muslim


2. As outposts, they had a two-fold orientation, both

upwards and eastwards. Situated on the highest spot in the

settlement, equally visible for the eye looking up and for

that gazing from anywhere on the territory towards the

center, the Transylvanian fortified churches can be said to

be an outpost on a vertical axis. On the other hand, located

on the “fair ground” (Alberti) that enables epiphany

(Aristotle), these churches also act as outposts of

Christianity in front of the Tartar and Turkish invasions. It

was first the Teutons who wanted to advance to and defend

the eastern border of Christianity; subsequently, it was the

fortified churches and citadels of the Germans and

Szecklers and the Romanian villages in Bistrita that took

over this role of “first defensive line”.

3. The fractal character of the ensemble. Fortification

serves as a differentiating criterion in the typology of

Saxon churches: it is either the surrounding wall that is

fortified (with one or more successive layers) or, on the

contrary, it is the wall and the church that are fortified,

thus making up a multi-shaped defense system. In turn,

the outer wall(s), the wall turrets, the guard zone in the

church attic, or the bell tower usually situated on the

narthex become defensive locations that permit developing

complex retreat strategies, as well as easy communication

between the various defensive positions. Even the gates,

with their highly sophisticated locking systems, are part

and parcel of the defensive system, illustrating on a small

scale the complexity of the ensemble.

On the other hand, this fractal-like feature also defines

life within the precincts when the whole community is

strategii complexe de repliere [i comunicarea între

diferitele pozi]ii defensive. U[ile chiar – cu extrem de

elaborate sisteme de încuietori – fac parte integrant` din

sistemul de ap`rare, repetând în mic complexitatea

ansamblului. Pe de alt` parte, fractalitatea devine o

tr`s`tur` care define[te via]a în incint` în cazul replierii

a[ez`rii în`untrul ei. G. Oprescu o nume[te „miniatura

vie]ii normale“: în intervalele dintre atacuri, sau în

a[teptarea lui, fiecare membru al comunit`]ii î[i

prelungea în incint` ([i la scar` redus`) via]a din afara ei:

„Fiecare, în afara orelor de lupt`, î[i continua, cum putea,


4. Coprezen]a define[te, în buna tradi]ie a

arhitecturii, modul în care aceste biserici [i zidurile lor

ap`r`toare au evoluat de-a lungul istoriei. În primul rând,

este vorba despre o func]ionalitate a pluralit`]ii. Dar, mai

mult, este vorba despre o coprezen]` a modurilor

arhitecturale însele. Din secolul al XIII-lea [i pân` – în

cazuri extreme – în secolul al XIX-lea, când fortificarea

putea fi considerat` de regalitate un primejdios mod de a

dobândi ([i de a afi[a) autonomia a[ez`rii, deopotriv`

fortifica]iile (atâta timp cât ele au fost eficace din

perspectiva artei r`zboiului) [i bisericile, [i-au schimbat

chipul, fie prin ad`ugare succesiv` de straturi pe vertical`

sau pe orizontal`, fie, în secolele din urm`, prin

restaurare. Construirea nou` era adeseori urmarea

devast`rii [i distrugerii, dar nu mai pu]in semnul unui

statul comunitar nou sau al unei prosperit`]i recâ[tigate.

5. Arhaicitatea este o tr`s`tur` eviden]iat` de aproape

to]i cercet`torii fenomenului transilvan. „Întârzierea“ de

decenii (sau chiar secular`) pe alocuri cu care arhitectura

acestor – în majoritatea cazurilor – hallenkirchen nu este

exclusiv produsul unei retard`ri în raport cu stilurile

occidentale eponime. De altfel, într-un concert polifonic

al straturilor succesive, a fi la zi cu ultimul stil

arhitectural din marile ora[e mittel-europene reprezint`

ultima dintre preocup`rile locuitorilor sa[i. Un anumit

„autism“ arhitectural este cu siguran]` expresia


forced to take shelter between its walls. G. Oprescu calls

this “normal life in miniature”: between attacks or while

preparing for an invasion, each member of the community

transferred inside, on a reduced scale, his or her life

“outside”. Oprescu writes: “After battle, each inhabitant

continued his trade as best as he could.”

4. Co-presence defines, in the good tradition of

architecture, the way in which these churches and their

defensive walls have evolved in history. First, we notice

plural functionality. Moreover, we also notice the co-

presence of architectural modes. From the 13th century,

when fortifications could be seen by the rulers as a

dangerous attempt of a settlement or another to acquire

(and assert) its autonomy, up to (in extreme cases) the 19th

century, both fortifications (as long as they were effective

in war) and churches changed constantly their

appearance, either by the successive addition of vertical or

horizontal layers, or, in recent centuries, by restoration.

Rebuilding often followed devastation and destruction;

however, it also signified a new community status or

regained prosperity.

5. Archaism is a feature highlighted by almost all the

researchers of this Transylvanian phenomenon. The

decade-long (and sometimes even century-long) “delay” in

the architecture of these (mostly) hallenkirchen is not

exclusively due to lagging behind with reference to the

eficacit`]ii necesare într-un astfel de program: ap`rarea

nu face cas` bun` cu extrovertirea decorativ`, cu

flamboaian]a împodobirii. Aceasta este adeseori redus` la

detalii (arcatura de intrare, ancadramentul ferestrelor,

nervurile tavanului) sau, cel mai adesea, la

somptuozitatea altarelor din lemn pictat.

Severitatea acestor biserici este probabil tr`s`tura

„modern`“ cea mai izbitoare, morfologic [i decorativ

vorbind. Etnicul are aici o contribu]ie neîndoielnic`, dar

nu e singura cheie de în]elegere a fenomenului.

Austeritatea unor biserici catolice devenite în timp

luterane se explic` astfel [i în cheie religioas`. Pictura a

fost fie neglijat` (succesivele refaceri au influen]at aici

hot`rârea de a mai continua sau nu tradi]ia anterioar`),

fie deliberat evacuat`. Bisericile sunt îns` [i imaginea

unei comunit`]i de clas` mijlocie, omogen` social, f`r`

vârfuri interesate de gesturi arhitecturale grandilocvente

[i, f`r` îndoial`, f`r` o experien]` a „plusvalorii“ estetice.

Investi]ia, vital`, era aceea în durabilitate, în acea

stabilitas vitruvian`, iar nu în prea pu]in ocrotitoarea

frumuse]e (venustas). În plus, este vorba despre

arhaicitate esen]ial`, de o priz` la sit a templului care i-ar

fi pl`cut lui Heidegger, pentru c` i-ar fi ilustrat de minune

conceptul de pro-punere a p`mântului în oper` într-o

realizare, iat`, germanic`. A[ezarea pe curbele de nivel ale

în`l]imii sugereaz` eficien]` [i lipsa unor preconcepute

teze estetice. Adecvarea la mijloacele avute la îndemân`


eponymous Western styles. In fact, as witnessed by the

polyphonic concert of the successive layers of their

churches, being in tune with the latest architectural styles

in the great Central-European cities comes last among the

concerns of the Transylvanian Saxons. A certain

architectural “autism” is, assuredly, the expression of the

efficiency that is required by their building program:

defense does not go well with extrovert decoration or

flamboyance. These are often visible in details (entrance

arches, window framing, ceiling structures) or, more often

than not, in the sumptuousness of painted wood altars.

The austerity of these churches is probably the

“modern” feature of these churches that is most striking

from the point of view of morphology and decoration. The

ethnic element has a definite contribution here, but it

does not represent the only key to understanding this

architectural phenomenon. The austerity of some

Lutheran (formerly Catholic) churches may be explained

also on a religious plane. Painting was either neglected

(and frequent reconstructions no doubt influenced the

discontinuation of the tradition), or deliberately banned.

These churches also reflect the self-image of a middle-

class, socially compact community, that lacked not only

personalities interested in making grandiloquent

architectural gestures but also the tradition of the

aesthetic “plus value”.

The vital investment was in durability, in that

stabilitas of Vitruvius, and not in venustas, or

unprotective beauty. Moreover, we have here an essential

kind of archaism, a relationship of the worship place to its

site that Heidegger would have liked: it would have

perfectly illustrated his concept of pro-posing the ground

in a work, illustrating it by this very German example.

The location of the churches on high spots suggests

efficiency and the absence of preconceived aesthetic ideas.

Making do with the means ready at hand was not only

required by the existing material conditions, but also

deliberate: stone is imposing, resistant, and discourages

este nu numai dictat` de condi]iile materiale, ci este [i

deliberat`: piatra este impun`toare, rezistent`,

descurajant` pentru cel ce o înfrunt`. În fine, este vorba

despre o arhaicitate ]inând de sacralitatea obiectului

central [i a incintei înse[i. Biserica trage dup` sine o

tradi]ie (pe care, de pild`, preeminen]a tipului bazilical cu

una sau trei nave o reclam`) care îi întârzie – cu bun`

[tiin]`! – orice tentativ` de aggiornamento. S` observ`m

numai c` mi[c`rile eretice [i apoi cele protestante (c`rora

bisericile-cetate luterane le apar]in) se întemeiaz` în

numele întoarcerii la origini, la principii fondatoare, la

arché. Cu alte cuvinte, preocup`rile arhitecturale ale

sa[ilor transilv`neni care au proiectat [i/sau construit

bisericile lor fortificate nu au fost nici o clip` luminate de

efemeritatea modei, ci de durata lung`, singura

p`str`toare. Este un comportament el însu[i

funciarmente defensiv. Comunit`]ile „asediate“, aflate în

„exil“ , fie acesta geografic, religios, etnic – îl adopt`

instinctiv prin „replierea pe codurile tari“ (Cezar Radu).

Limba veche, obiceiurile vechi, revizitarea obsesiv` a

arhitecturii ancestrale – iat` c`ile prin care comunit`]ile

de felul celor ale sa[ilor din Transilvania, dar [i ale

oric`rei diaspore de oricând, au în]eles s` supravie]uiasc`,

fie [i cu riscul ie[irii din timpul istoric.

Bisericile fortificate din Transilvania sunt un excelent

studiu de caz pentru toate principiile bunei arhitecturi

din totdeauna pe care le-am enumerat mai sus, dar [i a

multor altora. O literatur` de specialitate consistent`, pe

care textul urm`tor, al conf. dr. arh. Hanna Derer o invoc`

[i o completeaz` ea îns`[i, poate fi folosit` pentru

aprofundarea pe mai departe a temei acesteia, fascinante.

Din nefericire, exist` parc` tendin]a nefericit` de a

monopoliza [tiin]a despre bisericile fortificate, în loc ca ea

s` fie pus` la dispozi]ia [i cuno[tin]a publicului celui mai

larg. Ceea ce pare s` lipseasc` – iar acest volum al Editurii

NOI Media Print î[i propune s` suplineasc` – este

existen]a unei c`r]i care s` trezeasc`, s` educe [i s`

ilustreze profesional, dar în acela[i timp cu savoare,


those who confront it. Archaism is also connected to the

sacredness of the central object and the precinct.

Churches are bearers of a tradition (which is, for

instance, signaled by the preeminence of the basilica-type

with one or three narthexes) that deliberately delays any

attempt at aggiornamento. Let us notice here that

heretical movements and later Protestant reforms (which

include that of Luther) take as a basis the return to

origins, founding principles, or arché. In other words, the

architectural concerns of the Transylvanian Saxons who

designed and/or built their fortified churches were not for

a single moment influenced by the transience of fashion

but rather focused on lasting duration. This testifies to an

essentially defensive behavior. All “besieged”

communities which are in “exile”– be it of a geographic,

religious, or ethnic nature – adopt it instinctively by

“going back to strong codes” (Cezar Radu). The use of the

old idiom, the charm of the old customs, the obsessive

appeal to old architecture: these are the ways by means of

which communities such as that of the Transylvanian

Saxons or those of any diaspora have used in order to

survive, even at the risk of going out of historical time.

The fortified churches of Transylvania are an

excellent case-study for the principles of good

architecture of any time that I we have listed above, as

well as for many others. An extensive bibliography which

the text of Associate Professor Hanna Derer Ph.D. reviews

below may be profitably used to probe deeper into this

fascinating topic. Unfortunately, an unhappy trend to

keep the topic of Saxon fortified churches in the field of

academia and away from the broad public seems to be

prevailing. What is sorely missing—and what this volume

prepared by the NOI Media Print Publishing House

attempts to supply—is a book capable of stirring,

educating and illustrating in a professional and pleasant

way a wider (and perhaps more efficient) interest in the

heritage treasure represented by the fortified churches of

Transylvanian Saxons.

interesul mai amplu ([i mai eficace, poate) pentru

comorile de patrimoniu pe care le reprezint` bisericile

fortificate s`se[ti.

Deja, abandonarea satelor de sa[i transilvane este un

nou exil, de data aceasta de vector opus – o târzie

„întoarcere acas`“ mai degrab` în imaginarul simbolic,

cât` vreme ea se petrece abandonând casa [i biserica reale.

Or, acest exil a adus cu sine [i o inexorabil` parc`

decrepitudine a satelor [i bisericilor respective.

Perenitatea lor presupunea continuitatea de genera]ii

defensoare [i p`str`toare. Conservarea institu]ionalizat` a

acestei tradi]ii, abandonat` doar în seama unui stat (sau

dou`), a unei funda]ii sau a alteia, nu este, din nefericire,

o solu]ie pe termen lung. Interesul turistic, de dorit pân`

la un punct [i de valorificat, va fi dublat de grija pentru

p`strarea lor pe mai departe [i, de ce nu, de o dezirabil`

întoarcere acas` a sa[ilor transilv`neni.


The forsaking of their villages by the Transylvanian

Saxons may be said to be a new exile, this time in a

different direction: this is a belated “homecoming”.

However, as it takes place by abandoning real homes and

real churches, it is a “homecoming” more at the level of a

symbolical imaginary. This new Saxon exile has also

triggered off what appears to be the inexorable decay of the

respective villages and churches. Their perenniality

required a continuity of generations seeking to defend and

preserve them. The institutionalized conservation of this

tradition, entrusted only to one or two states or one

foundation or another, does not represent, unfortunately,

a long-term solution. The interest of tourists, desirable (to

a certain extent) and profitable, should be accompanied by

the continuous concern for the further preservation of

these constructions and maybe even by a much to be

wished for true homecoming of their creators, the Saxons

of Transylvania.




Terra Ultrasilvana, Transilvania – „]ara de dincolo de

p`duri” – poate fi considerat` una din cele mai sugestive

ilustr`ri ale conceptului de „peisaj cultural“. Una dintre

componentele esen]iale din acest punct de vedere este

constituit` din a[ez`rile rurale fondate de sa[i cu

aproximativ 800 de ani în urm`.

Numi]i ini]ial flandrenses, teutones [i ulterior

saxones, primii 2000-3000 de coloni[ti sosi]i la solicitarea

regelui maghiar Geza al II-lea s-au stabilit în secolul al

XII-lea pe valea râului Hârtibaciu. Sa[ii nu au constituit

singurul grup stabilit în Transilvania la cererea [i cu

sprijinul coroanei ungare. La începutul secolului al XIII-

lea Ordinul Cistercian fondase deja o aba]ie, în timp ce

cavalerii teutoni edificau cet`]i pentru ap`rarea grani]ei

de sud-est a regatului de atunci. Dar prezen]a acestor dou`

comunit`]i a fost de scurt` durat`. Purt`torii sabiei,

cavalerii teutoni, au fost expulza]i de însu[i regele

maghiar dup` numai 14 ani de la sosire. Reprezentan]ii

crucii, c`lug`rii cistercieni, r`mân pân` la reform`, dar

influen]a lor se diminueaz` considerabil înc` din secolul

al XV-lea. În consecin]`, singuri me[te[ugarii [i

agricultorii sa[i r`mân în Transilvania [i capacitatea

acestora de asumare a noii lor patrii este atât de dezvoltat`

încât ei asigur` [i continuitatea a[ez`rilor fondate de c`tre

Ordinul Cistercian [i de c`tre cavalerii teutoni.



Transylvania, the “Terra Ultrasilvana,” or “the land

beyond forests”, may be said to be one of the best

illustrations of the concept of “cultural landscape.” As such,

one of its essential components is represented by the rural

settlements founded by the Saxons some eight hundred

years ago.

Calling themselves Flandrenses, Teutones, and finally

Saxones, the first 2000-3000 colonists accepted the

invitation made by the Hungarian King Geza II and settled

in the valley of the Hârtibaciu river in the 12th century. The

Saxons were not the only group that settled in Transylvania

at the request and with the support of the Hungarian Crown.

As early as the 13th century, the Cistercian Order had already

founded an abbey there, and the Teutonic Knights had also

erected fortresses for the defense of the south-eastern border

of the Hungarian kingdom. However, the presence of these

two communities was short-lived. The sword-bearing

Teutonic Knights were expelled from Transylvania by the

Hungarian King only fourteen years after their arrival; the

defenders of the Cross, the Cistercian monks, did not leave

until the Reform, but their influence diminished

considerably as early as the 15th century. Thus it was only the

Saxon craftsmen and farmers that came and stayed in

Transylvania; they identified so much with their new

homeland that they were able to secure the continuity of the



Dezvoltarea comunit`]ii s`se[ti din Transilvania a fost

probabil accelerat` de c`tre „scrisoarea de aur a libert`]ilor“

sau „Andreaneum“ emis` de regele maghiar Andrei al II-lea în

anul 1224, documentul cel mai complex, care confer` cele

mai extinse drepturi unor coloni[ti stabili]i în estul Europei.

La ob]inerea acestor drepturi [i libert`]i excep]ionale

[i-au adus contribu]ia [i reprezentan]ii micii nobilimi s`se[ti,

a[a numi]ii Gräven. Ace[tia au fost elimina]i din structura

social` abia în secolul al XVI-lea [i re[edin]ele fortificate

construite de ace[tia au fost preluate la rândul lor de c`tre

comunit`]ile locale libere, supuse exclusiv [i direct coroanei


Condi]iile prielnice generate de „Andreaneum“ [i efectele

sale nemijlocite au încurajat probabil valul de colonizare

intern` de la jum`tatea secolului al XIII-lea. O alt` ipotez`

referitoare la acest fenomen se bazeaz` pe informa]iile de

natur` istoric` despre incursiunile t`tarilor, dintre care cele

mai devastatoare au avut loc în anii 1241-1242, respectiv

1285. În orice caz, prin colonizarea intern` comunitatea

s`seasc` î[i extinde aria de existen]a înspre nord-vest, pe v`ile

celor dou` Târnave, majoritatea a[ez`rilor de aici fiind

atestate documentar de la începutul secolului al XIV-lea.

Colonizarea intern` ofer` o explica]ie posibil` [i pentru

identitatea ]esutului din a[ez`rile aflate în cele dou` zone de

reziden]` a sa[ilor. Format din imobile de tipul Fränkischer

Gehöft, ]esutul a[ez`rilor rurale s`se[ti se caracterizeaz` prin

parcele adânci a c`ror parte situat` spre spa]iul public de

circula]ie este destinat` locuin]ei principale [i anexelor

acesteia pentru ca în partea posterioar` s` fie situate cl`dirile

cu func]iuni legate de practicarea agriculturii, gr`dina de

legume [i livada. Terenurile agricole propriu-zise sunt situate

în afara a[ez`rii. Cl`dirile situate în partea dinspre strad` a

parcelei sunt dispuse cu latura scurt` spre aceasta, în timp ce

edificiile din spate sunt deseori dispuse cu latura lung`

paralel` cu axul str`zii.

¥esutul a[ez`rii astfel structurat este dominat, într-un fel

sau altul de biseric`. Ini]ial, aceasta a fost o cl`dire de cult

uzual` care poart` caracteristicile etapei stilistice în care a fost

settlements founded by the Cistercians order and the

Teutonic Knights.

The development of the Saxon community of

Transylvania was most likely encouraged by the “Golden Bill

of Liberties” or the “Andreaneum” issued by the Hungarian

King Andrew II in 1224; this most complex document gave

extensive privileges to the colonists settled in eastern


The Saxons’ enjoying these exceptional rights and

liberties was also made possible by the activity of the

representatives of the petty Saxon nobility, the so-called

Gräven. However the Gräven disappeared from the social

fabric in the 16th century, when the fortified dwellings built

by them were also taken over by the local free communities,

exclusively and directly subjected to the authority of the

Hungarian Crown.

The favorable conditions generated by the

“Andreaneum”, as well as its immediate effects, probably

contributed to an increase in internal colonization first

visible in the second half of the 13th century. Another theory

seeking to explain this phenomenon focuses on existing

historical information about the Tartar invasions, the most

devastating of which took place in 1241-1242 and later in

1285. At any rate, by means of internal colonization the

Saxon community of Transylvania extended its area towards

north-west, to the valleys of the two Târnave rivers, most of

the settlements there being attested by documents at the

beginning of the 14th century.

Internal colonization also provides a possible

explanation for the structure of the settlements present in

the two residence areas of the Saxons. Made up of dwellings

of the Fränkischer Gehöft type, rural Saxon settlements are

characterized by large building lots, whose side adjacent to

the public circulation area was occupied by the master

house; the backside was occupied by farming-related

constructions, the vegetable garden and the orchard. The

farming land proper was situated outside the settlement.

The buildings situated on the side adjacent to the street have


edificat`. Probabil c` biserica era situat` în interiorul unui

areal sacru definit ca atare printr-un element de delimitare


În anul 1395 are loc prima incursiune organizat` de

c`tre turci. Ace[tia vor continua s` devasteze zona sudic` a

Transilvaniei timp de aproape un secol. În fa]a acestui

pericol, ora[ele, constituite ca atare de la începutul veacului

al XIV-lea, încep s` cl`deasc` sisteme defensive urbane. Satele,

având posibilit`]i limitate, adopt` o alt`

solu]ie, bazat` pe construirea unui

„punct“ fortificat capabil s` protejeze

via]a [i bunurile cele mai de pre] ale


Biserica reprezenta singurul

edificiu de dimensiuni suficient de mari

pentru a ad`posti întreaga popula]ie a

a[ez`rii rurale. În consecin]`, edificiul

de cult este modificat pentru a putea

func]iona ca ultima ([i unica) redut` în

cazul unui atac. În plus, biserica

prezenta un avantaj suplimentar în

raport cu modul în care se desf`[urau

incursiunile turcilor. Organiza]i în

grupuri mici [i extrem de mobile,

ace[tia atacau cu o rapiditate care f`cea

imposibil` retragerea s`tenilor într-un

loc fortificat situat la distan]` de

a[ezare. A[ezat` în centrul de greutate

al satului, biserica constituia deci un

punct accesibil oricui într-un interval de timp redus.

Modalit`]ile folosite pentru fortificarea bisericilor au fost

diverse [i variate. Studiile dedicate acestui subiect nu au putut

identifica principii valabile pentru anumite zone sau anumite

perioade de interven]ie. În consecin]`, fiecare dintre cele peste

200 de biserici de sat care au existat [i din cele peste 150 care

s-au men]inut pân` în prezent constituie un unicat.

O privire de ansamblu demonstreaz` îns` c`, practic, au

fost elaborate modalit`]i de fortificare pentru fiecare

their shorter side facing the street, while the constructions

at the back often have their long side parallel with the street


The settlement thus textured is, one way or another,

dominated by the church. Initially, this was an ordinary

worship place bearing the stylistic mark of the period in

which it was erected. The church was most likely situated

within a sacred space defined as such by simple marking


In 1395, the first Turkish

expedition took place. For almost a

century the Turks devastated

periodically the southern area of

Transylvania. Confronted with

constant danger, the cities, organized

as such in the early 14th century, began

to create their own urban defense

systems. With their limited resources,

the villages had however to adopt a

different defense solution based on a

fortified “spot” capable of protecting

the life and the most precious assets of

the community.

The church was big enough to

give shelter to the entire population of

the respective settlement. As a result,

the worship place was altered so as to

be used as a final and unique defense

in case of attack. Moreover, the church

offered an additional advantage in relation to the pattern of

Turkish invasions. Organized in small, extremely mobile

groups, the Turks attacked so quickly that it was impossible

for the villagers to withdraw to a fortified place situated at a

distance from the settlement. Standing at the very center of

the village, the church represented therefore a refuge that

anybody could reach in a short period of time.

The techniques used for the fortification of the churches

were quite diverse. The studies dedicated to this topic were


component` a bisericii. Astfel, turnul clopotni]`, situat în

mod tradi]ional în partea de vest a cl`dirii de cult, a fost

transformat în turn de ap`rare prev`zut cu guri de tragere [i

un drum de straj`. La rândul s`u, corul a fost uneori

supraîn`l]at în forma unui turn cu caracter defensiv. Alteori

fortificarea corului a fost dublat` de

construirea unui nivel de ap`rare peste

altar care deservea guri de tragere [i

guri de aruncare. Nu rareori bisericile

au fost prev`zute cu dou` turnuri

defensive – fosta clopotni]` în vest [i un

turn nou cl`dit deasupra corului. În

fine, exist` numeroase exemple în care

toate cele trei componente volumetrice

majore, turnul clopotni]`, partea de

nave [i absida altarului, au fost

transformate, deseori existând peste

extradosul bol]ilor din partea median` a

bisericii un nivel unic [i amplu de


Începând din secolul al XV-lea,

bisericile astfel fortificate încep s` fie

dotate [i cu incinte defensive propriu-

zise. În func]ie de posibilit`]i [i

necesit`]i [i în func]ie de nivelul atins

de armele folosite pe scar` larg`, au fost construite incinte

simple, duble sau triple, turnuri de diferite tipuri, bastioane,

[an]uri [i zwinger-e. Împreun` cu biserica – fortificat` sau

nefortificat` – aceste dot`ri formeaz` un sistem complex în

care î[i g`sesc locul [i cl`diri cu alte func]iuni decât cele

religioase [i strict de ap`rare, în special depozitare de alimente

necesare în cazul unui asediu.

Evolu]ia ansamblurilor constituite de bisericile fortificate

a continuat pân` în secolul al XVI-lea. Existen]a lor a permis

supravie]uirea (în bune condi]ii) a comunit`]ii sa[ilor din

Transilvania, teritoriu râvnit [i deci transformat adesea în

câmp de r`zboi. Nici încorporarea sa în Imperiul Austriac în

anul 1699 nu a îmbun`t`]it situa]ia. Documentele

not able to identify general principles valid for all areas or

periods. As a result, each of the 200 village churches ever

built (and each of the more than 150 that have lasted to this

day) may be said to be unique.

However, it may be safely stated that different

techniques were devised for the

fortification of every element of the

church. Thus the belfry, traditionally

situated in the western part of the

worship place, was turned into a

defense tower with openings and a

guard walk. As for the choir, this was

itself reshaped sometimes into a

defensive tower. In other cases, the

fortification of the choir was doubled

by erecting another defense level over

the altar, with ports and loopholes. It

was not uncommon for churches to be

provided with two defense towers – the

belfry in the west and a newly erected

tower above the choir. Finally, there

are also numerous examples when all

the major volumes, i.e., the belfry, the

narthex and the altar apse, underwent

various transformations: thus there

often existed a single and quite vast defense level over the

extrados of the vaults in the middle part of the church.

As of the 15th century, the churches thus fortified began to

be equipped with defensive enclosures proper. As

circumstances permitted or required, and in relationship to

the sophistication of weaponry in use, simple, double, or triple

enclosures were erected, together with towers of different

types, bastions, moats, and zwingers. Together with the

church (fortified or not), these formed a complex system that

also included buildings that had no religious or defensive

functions, e.g. those meant for storing food in case of siege.

The ensembles of fortified churches continued to evolve

until the 16th century. Their existence enabled the survival of


demonstreaz` c` sa[ii au folosit cu succes bisericile fortificate

[i în r`zboaiele curu]e încheiate abia în deceniul al treilea al

secolului al XVIII-lea.

De[i de atunci bisericile fortificate nu au mai trebuit s`

îndeplineasc` func]iuni defensive, ele au fost intre]inute în

continuare cu grij`. Recunosc`toare, comunit`]ile în cauz`, a

c`ror identitate fizic` se conservase [i datorit` bisericilor

fortificate, le-au atribuit acestora, chiar [i dac` neexplicit,

valoarea de identitate cultural`.

Situa]ia acestor ansambluri cu valoare de unicat în

patrimoniul european s-a înr`ut`]it abia dup` evenimentele

produse în România în anul 1989. Majoritatea sa[ilor au

emigrat înc` de la începutul anilor ‘90 în Germania, cauzând

moartea civiliza]iei [i a culturii lor vechi de peste 800 de ani

[i un patrimoniu arhitectural de excep]ie care sufer` în

absen]a unor utilizatori sau a unor utilizatori care se

identific` cu el.

Având în vedere calit`]ile bisericilor fortificate care

îmbog`]esc diversitatea patrimoniului cultural situat pe

teritoriul României înc` de la începutul exodului men]ionat,

au fost ini]iate, [i se desf`[oar` în continuare, eforturi pentru

salvgardarea acestora.

Un prim pas l-au constituit desigur m`surile de natur`

juridic`. Clasarea ca monumente istorice a reprezent în acest

sens numai primul pas – în prezent [ase biserici fortificate ale

sa[ilor din Transilvania se afl` pe Lista UNESCO. Pentru dou`

the Saxon communities in Transylvania, a territory much

coveted and therefore often turned into a battlefield. Its

inclusion in the Austrian empire in 1699 did not change

much the situation. Documents attest to the fact that the

Transylvanian Saxons successfully used their fortified

churches during the anti-Habsburg wars concluded only in

the third decade of the 18th century.

After those events the fortified churches were no longer

required to fulfill defensive purposes, but they were still

preserved with much care. The Saxon communities, whose

identity had also been preserved with the help of their

fortified churches, gratefully (albeit not manifestly so)

treated them as a cultural identity markers.

The situation of these unique ensembles in the

European heritage worsened only the after the events of

1989 in Romania. Most of the Saxons emigrated to Germany

in the early 1990s, causing the demise of their more than

800-year-long civilization and culture, as well as that of their

exceptional architectural legacy, which resents the absence

of its users or at least of those users that identified

themselves with it.

Given the unique qualities of the fortified churches that

enrich so much the diversity of Romania’s cultural heritage,

efforts for safeguarding them have been made since the

beginning of the above-mentioned Saxon exodus.

A first step was taken on a legal plane. Listing these

churches as historical monuments was only the first step: at

present six fortified churches of the Transylvanian Saxons

are on the UNESCO list. Programs meant to revive the

respective rural communities are being carried out for the

villages of Biertan/Birthäm and Viscri/Deutsch-Weiskirch;

the programs are financed by the World Bank. The

Câlnic/Kelling ensemble was taken over by the Romanian

Academy and made into a research center. Solutions are also

being sought for the conservation of the ensembles at

Prejmer/Tartlau, Säschiz/Keisd, and Valea Viilor /Wurmloch.

In other cases funds were collected by the local

communities, while experts also contributed by

dintre acestea, Biertan (Birthälm) [i Viscri (Deutsch-

Weisskirch) se deruleaz` programe de revigorare a

comunit`]ilor rurale, programe finan]ate de c`tre Banca

Mondial`. Ansamblul din Câlnic (Kelling) a fost preluat de

c`tre Academia Român` [i transformat într-un centru de

cercetare. ßi desigur se caut` solu]ii pentru conservarea

ansamblurilor din Prejmer (Tartlau), Saschiz (Keisd) [i Valea

Viilor (Wurmloch).

În alte cazuri au fost adunate fonduri de c`tre

comunit`]ile locale [i speciali[tii contribuie sub form` de

voluntariat. ßantierul încheiat de la Hozman (Holzmengen)

s-a desf`[urat [i cu ajutorul studen]ilor-arhitec]i din


Trebuie men]ionat c` toate aceste eforturi concrete se

sprijin` pe o documentare complet`, efectuat` timp de [apte

ani printr-un program germano-român la care din nou

Institutul de Arhitectur` [i Urbanism din Bucure[ti a avut

onoarea [i pl`cerea de a participa.

Interesul stârnit de campaniile de cartare, inventariere [i

relevare este unul de lung` durat` [i se concretizeaz` prin

lucr`ri de diplom` pentru înv`]`mântul superior sau

postuniversitar, care încearc` s` identifice poten]ialul

func]ional al ansamblurilor private de utilizare contemporan`

sau încearc` s` conceap` modalit`]i optime de conservare,

restaurare [i punere în valoare.

volunteering their services. The work at the

Hozman/Holzmengen site was carried out with the

assistance of the students in architecture in Bucharest.

It should be pointed out that all these efforts rely on the

information gathered and organized for seven years as part

of a joint German-Romanian program, in which the

Institute of Architecture and City Planning in Bucharest had

the honor and pleasure to participate.

The interest aroused by the mapping, inventory and land

surveying campaigns appears to be of long standing and has

as a result many graduate or post-graduate papers that

attempt to identify the functional potential of the ensembles

for contemporary use or try to devise the best ways to

preserve and restore them and highlight their value.

This Gothic church was built around 1409, on the foundation of theformer Roman basilica. The fortress walls were pulled down by 1870.In the Boot-makers tower, situated in the south-western side, home-made bacon is still hung on the crossbeams, like in the medievaldays.

Agnita / Agnetheln

Biseric` în stil gotic, construit` în jurul anului 1409, pe temelia uneifoste bazilici romanice. Zidurile cet`]ii au fost demolate pân` în anul1870. În turnul cizmarilor, aflat la sud-vest, se p`streaz` [i ast`zisl`nina ag`]at` de tavanele din bârne.


Un [ir de guri pentru aruncarea smoalei topite au fostf`cute în peretele corului supraîn`l]at.

A number of narrow apertures through which moltentar could be dropped on invaders were made in thewall of the overhead choir.

Agarbaciu / Arbegen

Biserica a fost construit` în secolul al XIV-lea [ifortificat` în secolul al XVI-lea. Ultimele modific`ri au

fost f`cute în secolul al XIX-lea.

The church was erected in the 14th century and it wasfortified in the 16th century. The last alterations were

made in the 19th century.

Alma Vii / Almen

Biseric`-hal`, construit` în secolele XV-XVIII. În secolulal XIX-lea s-au f`cut modific`ri în interiorul ei.

The hall-shaped church was built between the 15th and18th centuries. In the 19th century, many changes weremade inside.


Apold / Trappold

Biseric` înconjurat` de dou` ziduri de incint`, puternicfortificate. A fost construit` pân` la finele secolului alXV-lea. Turnul de deasupra intr`rii, denumit al ßcoliiVechi, se învecineaz` cu Turnul Ov`zului.

The church is surrounded by two well fortifiedenclosure walls and was built before the end of the 15th

century. The tower above the entrance is known as theTower of the Old School and stands close to the OatTower.

Mobilierul din lemn, pictat cu motivedecorative [i alegorii biblice într-unstil tipic picturii s`se[ti.

With its decorative motifs and Biblicalallegories, the furniture is painted inthe typical style of Saxon paintings.

Altarul, executat în stilul Ludovic al XVI-lea.

The Louis XVI altar.

Tabernacolul, o bijuterie lucrat` în piatr`.

The tabernacle, a true jewel cut in stone.

Portalul de vest în stil gotic. Arcadele suntdecorate cu motive vegetale. Arhitectura [isculptura sunt realizate în mare m`sur` deartistul Andreas Lapicida din Sibiu.

The western Gothic portal. The archwaysare decorated with vegetal motifs. Thearchitecture and sculpture are mostly thework of master Andreas Lapicida of Sibiu.


A]el / Hetzeldorf

Vedere general` a bisericii fortificate [i alocalit`]ii. Biseric` gotic`, ridicat` însecolul al XIV-lea [i fortificat` în secolul alXV-lea.

General view of the fortified church andthe village. The Gothic church was erectedin the 14th century and fortified in the 15th


Altarul bisericii din Atel are o structur`poligonal`.

The altar of the Atel church is polygonal in shape.

Axente Sever / Frauendorf

Biseric` atestat` documentar din anul1305. Imagine de interior: altarulneobaroc.

The church was first attested indocument from 1305. Inside view: theNeo-Baroque altar.

Vedere aerian` asupra bisericii fortificate [i a împrejurimilor. Este de remarcato particularitate ce îi confer` caracterul atipic: turnul masiv construit pe nav`,

o raritate arhitectonic`.

Aerial view of the fortified church and its surroundings. Attention should bedrawn to an unique feature of the church wich gives its unusual aspect – the

massive tower rising above the nave, a very rare architectural feature.

Bazna / Baassen

Biseric` gotic` cu p`r]iromanice de secol XIII.Zidurile de împrejmuireconstruite în secolele XV [iXVI.

Gothic church with Romanelements dating from the13th century. The enclosurewalls were built in the 15th

and 16th centuries.

Sta]iunea de tratamentBazna, vilegiaturi[ti –începutul secolului al XX-lea.

The „Bazna Resort“.Holidaymakers, early 20th


Biertan / Birthälm

În localitatea Biertan (jud. Sibiu), atestat`documentar înc` din anul 1283, se afl` una dintre celemai puternice cet`]i ]`r`ne[ti din Transilvania. Întregulansamblu fortificat, cuprinzând trei incinte înt`rite cu[ase turnuri [i trei bastioane de ap`rare, domin` a[ezarea,fiind amplasat pe o colin` situat` la vreo 25 m deasupraacesteia. Construit` între anii 1490-1522, cetatea a suferitunele transform`ri în secolul al XVII-lea. Prima incint`era prev`zut` cu un zid de aproape 12 m, 7 turnuri (dintrecare patru au fost distruse în 1704 în urma asediuluicuru]ilor) [i bastioane, unele, ca cel de vest, f`cândleg`tura cu a doua incint` (acestea nefiind concentrice).

U[a de intrare a bisericii, construit` în 1515, are unsistem ingenios de închidere pentru 13 încuietori, ac]ionatsimultan cu ajutorul unei singure chei. În interiorulbisericii se g`se[te un superb altar poliptic (compus din 28de panouri), cu sculpturi policrome executate în lemn(1515-1524), incontestabil cea mai pre]ioas` lucrare deacest gen din ]ara noastr`. Se p`streaz` stranele originale,decorate din 1514 cu intarsii realizate de JohannesReychmuth. Amvonul bisericii, din piatr`, atribuitme[terului Ulrich din Bra[ov, este decorat cu reliefuriinspirate din ciclul patimilor Mântuitorului. Este renumitlapidariul bisericii unde sunt strânse lespezi de mormânt,unele lucrate de cunoscutul sculptor ardelean EliasNicolai (secolul al XVII-lea).

Biertan / Birthälm

One of the strongest peasant fortresses inTransylvania is situated in the village of Biertan, inthe Sibiu county. This fortified complex was firstattested in a document in 1283. The ensemble, whichis made up of three enclosures strengthened by sixtowers and three defense bastions, dominates thevillage standing on a 25-meter-high hillock. Builtbetween 1490 and 1592, the fortress underwent somealterations in the 17th century. The first enclosure hada 12-meter-high wall, 7 towers (4 of which weredestroyed in 1704 during the siege of the anti-Habsburg fighters), and bastions. Some of these, forinstance the western one, connected the outerenclosure with the second one.

The church door, built in 1515, has a ingeniouslocking system with 13 locks operated simultaneouslywith a single key. Inside the church there stands asplendid polyptych altar (made up of 28 panels), withpolychrome sculptures in wood (1515-1524). This isundoubtedly the most valuable piece of its kind inRomania. The original pews, decorated with inlaidpatterns in 1514 by master Johannes Reychmuth,have been preserved. The stone pulpit attributed tomaster Ulrich of Brasov is decorated with reliefsinspired by the Passions of Christ. The lapidary of thechurch is also famous for its tombstones, some ofwhich were carved by the well-known 17th centuryTransylvanian sculptor Elias Nicolai.

Boian / Bonnesdorf

Biseric` de tip hal` din secolul alXV-lea. Construit` în stil gotic, afost fortificat` [i supraînal]at`ulterior.

The hall-shaped church datesfrom the 15th century. Initially aGothic church, it wassubsequently fortified andheightened.

Br`deni / Henndorf

Biseric` evanghelic` de tip hal`din secolul al XV-lea.

The hall-shaped Evangelicalchurch dates from the 15th century.


Bradu / Gierelsau

Biseric` evanghelic` fortificat`,atestat` documentar în anul1315.

This fortified Evangelical churchwas first documented in 1315.


Bune[ti / Bodendorf

Biseric` evanghelic` fortificat`.

Fortified Evangelical church.

Bruiu / Braller

Biseric` atestat` documentar din anul 1307. Este o bazilic` romanic` dinsecolul al XIII-lea, transformat` în secolul al XV-lea, când i s-au ad`ugatelemente gotice.

This church was first documented in 1307. It is a 13th century Roman basilica,which was altered in the 15th century, when new Gothic elements were added.

Altarul bisericii, în stil renascentisttârziu, probabil realizat la sfâr[itul

secolului al XV-lea, începutulsecolului al XVI-lea.

The church altar, in the lateRenaissance style, was probablycreated in late 15th and early 16th


Chirpar / Kirschberg

Biseric` evanghelic` construit` în secolul alXII-lea, a fost ini]ial o bazilic` romanic`. Pelatura de vest are un turn-clopotni]` cu ceas.Construc]ia ini]ial` este din piatr`; toatemodific`rile ulterioare sunt u[or de observat,fiind executate din c`r`mid`.

The Evangelical church erected in the 12th

century was initially a Roman basilica. On itswestern side there stands a clock-tower. Theinitial construction was made of stone; assuch, all subsequent modifications, made inbrick, may be easily noticed.

Cinc[or / Klein-Schenk

Biseric` de tip hal`, construit` [i fortificat`în secolul al XV-lea. Corul [i altarul bisericii.

The hall-shaped church was built andfortified in the 15th century.

The choir and the altar of the church.


Cincu / Gross-Schenk

Piatr` funerar`.


Biseric` romanic` transformat` însecolul al XV-lea în stil gotic. Unadintre cele mai mari bisericifortificate din Transilvania.

The Roman church was remade inthe Gothic style in the 15th

century. It is one of the largestfortified churches in Transylvania.

Altarul cu o pictur` renascentist`realizat` la 1721 de pictorul

Vincentius din Sibiu, ocapodoper` ce reprezint` scena

revela]iei Sfântului Apostol Toma(Toma necredinciosul).

The altar has a Renaissancemasterpiece, the 1721 work ofpainter Vincentius of Sibiu: it

represent the Revelation of St.Thomas’ (Doubting Thomas).


Cisn`die / Heltau

Biseric` din secolul al XII-lea, ini]ial bazilic` romanic`, fortificat` [itransformat` în stil gotic dup` devastatoarea incursiune turceasc` din 1493în “scaunul” Sibiului. Planul bisericii are trei nave, cor [i absid`, navelelaterale terminându-se în absidiole. Pe latura de vest a fost în`l]at un masivturn-clopotni]` (cu patru niveluri), încorporat navei, deasupra coruluip`trat când absida semicircular` a fost modificat` poligonal, apoi câte unturn de flancare deasupra celor dou` portaluri laterale. Acestea au fostsupraetajate la 1500, odat` cu în`l]area (7 m) acoperi[ului turnului central.Clopotni]ei i s-au ad`ugat cele patru turnuri de col] în anul 1591. Însecolele XV-XVI au fost construite cele trei ziduri de incint` înt`rite cu 7turnuri de ap`rare. Din pricina acestor adaosuri biserica a devenit o mas`compact`, maiestuoas`, cu putere m`rit` de rezisten]`, turcii nereu[ind s-ocucereasc` în 1658.

În biseric` se p`streaz` fragmente de picturi murale de sfâr[it de secolXV. Predela altarului poliptic reprezentând Apari]ia lui Iisus (Vincentius -1525) împreun` cu alte obiecte de cult ce au apar]inut acestui l`ca[ seg`sesc la muzeul Brukenthal din Sibiu. Deasupra intr`rii sudice a bisericiise afl` un frumos portal de gresie.

Cisn`die / Heltau

The 12th century church wasinitially a Roman basilica that wasfortified and altered in the Gothic styleafter the devastating Turkish invasionof 1493 in the Sibiu area. The churchhas three naves, a choir and an apse,and the lateral naves end in absidioles.A massive four-level belfry was erectedon the Western side and incorporatedinto the nave above the square choir,when the semicircular apse wasreshaped into a polygon. Then flankingturrets were added over each of the twolateral portals. These were elevated in1500, when the roof of the centraltower was also heightened by 7 meters.In 1521, the four little corner turretscompleted the belfry. In the 15th and16th centuries, the 3 enclosure wallsstrengthened by 7 defense towers wereerected. All these additions made thechurch into a compact, majestic mass,increasing its ability to withstandattacks. The Turks were unable toconquer it in 1658.

The church shelters fragments oflate 15th century murals. The predella ofthe polyptych altar showing “TheAppearance of Jesus” (Vicentius, 1525)as well as other cult objects thatbelonged to this worship place are nowon display in the Bruckental Museumin Sibiu.

A beautiful sandstone portalstands above the southern entrance ofthe church.

Curtea interioar`

The inner courtyard



Cisn`dioara / Michelsberg

La biserica evanghelic` cu hramul Sfântul Mihailse face referire într-un document din 20 noiembrie1223,prin care aceasta era donat` m`n`stirii cisterciene de laCarta, fiind incontestabil cea mai veche biseric`romanic` din România. Aceasta se ridic` pe o colin`înalt`, de aproximativ 100 m, cu flancurile abrupte,înconjurat` de fortifica]ii ce alc`tuiesc o incint`circular`, cu un turn înt`rit deasupra intr`rii (o partedintre ziduri se mai p`streaz` [i ast`zi), fiind una dintrecele mai vechi cet`]i ]`r`ne[ti din Transilvania.

Dispozi]ia planimetric` a bisericii (bazilica scurt`,cu trei nave acoperite doar de [arpant`) [i decora]iaportalului sculptat (1260) indic` influen]a arhitecturiirenane. Spre r`s`rit, biserica are un corp p`trat, boltitîn cruce [i o absid` semicircular`, navele laterale cuogive terminându-se în câte o absidiol`. Partea cea maiinteresant` a bisericii o constituie portalul romanic (pelatura de vest) datat cu dou`-trei decenii mai târziudecât întreg edificiul. Pe aceasta latur` au fost prev`zute[i dou` turnuri, r`mase îns` neterminate. Întreagacl`dire a fost realizat` din piatr` brut`.

The Evangelic church dedicated to St. Michael isfirst referred to in a document from the 20th ofNovember, 1223, which mentions its donation to theCistercian monastery at Carta. This makes itundoubtedly the oldest Roman church in Romania. Itstands on a 100-meter-tall hill with abrupt sides and issurrounded by fortifications that make up a circularenclosure which has a fortified turret above theentrance. Some of the walls have been preserved to thisday. This is one of the oldest peasant fortresses inTransylvania.

The plan of the church (a small basilica with threenaves covered only by a framework) and the decorationof the carved portal (dating from 1260) bespeak theinfluence of Rhineland architecture. To the East thechurch has a square cross vaulted body with asemicircular apse, the lateral naves with diagonalvaulting ribs ending in absidioles. The most interestingpart of the church is the Roman portal (on the westernside), which is two or three decades later than the restof the edifice. Two turrets were also to be erected onthis side, but they were never completed. The wholebuilding was erected in stone.

S`soaice în zi de s`rb`toare.

Saxon women at a holiday.

Portalul romanic de vest.

The western Roman portal.

Cloasterf / Klosdorf

Fotografie de epoc`, de la începutulsecolului al XX-lea.

Early 20th century photograph.

Biseric` de tip hal`, terminat` înanul 1523. Fortifica]iile dateaz` dinaceea[i perioad`. Biserica se g`se[tepe strada principal` a satului.

The hall-shaped church was finishedin 1523. The fortifications date fromthe same period. The church lies inthe main street of the village.

Cop[a Mare / Gross-Kopisch

Imagine de arhiv`

Archive image

Biseric` fortificat` din secolul al XIV-lea. Este interesant jocul [arpantelor,

unele prelungite peste naveleexcentrice. Intrarea se face printr-un

turn fortificat, cu ceas.

The fortified church dates from the14th century. One notices the

frameworks, some of which extendover the eccentric naves. The access

to the church is made through afortified clock tower.

Cristian / Neustadt

Biserica evanghelic` actual` se ridic` peste o vechebazilic` romanic` de secol XIII, din care s-au maip`strat fragmente incluse în noua biseric` în stilgotic din secolul al XV-lea. Fortifica]ia s-a f`cutîn secolul al XVI-lea, cu dou` rânduri de ziduriînt`rite cu turnuri.

The present day Evangelical church rises over anold 13th century Roman basilica, fragments ofwhich were included in the new 15th centuryGothic church. The church was fortified in the16th century, when two outer enclosuresstrengthened with towers were added.


Darlos / Durles

Biserica evanghelic` din Darlos, în stilul gotic târziu. Înziduri p`streaz` fragmente de reliefuri din stele funerareromane. A fost ridicat` în secolul al XV-lea.

The Evangelical church of Darlos is built in the lateGothic style. Reliefs from Roman funerary steles havebeen preserved in the walls. The church was erected inthe 15th century.

Portalul de vest în stil gotic.

The western portal in the Gothic style.

Dealu Frumos / Schönberg

Biseric`-cetate, a c`rei construc]ie a început din sec alXIII-lea (bazilic` romanic`), transformat` în biseric` de

tip hal`, în stil gotic, în secolul al XV-lea, prev`zut` apoicu turnuri de ap`rare la col]uri (cca. 1522).

The construction of the citadel church was initiated inthe 13th century, when the Roman basilica was erected.This was made into a hall-shaped Gothic church in the15th century. Defence towers were subsequently erected

on the corners. (c. 1522).

Portalul bisericii cu o u[` ac`rei feronerie este inspirat`din vechile motivegermanice.

The portal of the churchand a door whose metalworkis of old German inspiration.

Biseric`, detaliu de interior: inscrip]ie ctitorial` baroc` înpredel`, imagine biblic`: Iisus pe cruce. În lunete, imaginea luiMichaelis Kleinii [i alte notabilit`]i ale vremii. Datat`: 23 iunie1721.

A detail from the inside of the church, with the Baroqueinscription in the predella and a Biblical image showing Jesuson the Cross. In the groins, one notices the portraits ofMichaelis Kleinii and other notables of the time. The date is the23rd of June, 1721.

Orga bisericii, decorat` în stil baroc.

The church organ decorated in the Baroque style.


Ghimbav / Weidenbach

Biseric` gotic` de tip hal` (secolele XIV-XV), ref`cut` în anul 1775.

The hall-shaped Gothic church (14th -15th century) was rebuilt in 1775.

Altarul neoclasic (sfâr[it de secolXVIII) din marmur`. În centru, unaltorelief pictat reprezentându-l peIisus înving`tor.

The marble Neoclassical altar (late18th century). In the centre, a highrelief represents Jesus, the Victor.

H~rman / Honigberg

Vedere aerian` asupra ansambluluifortificat. Ast`zi au mai r`mas [aseturnuri din cele [apte semnalate deEmil Sigerus (1854-1947). Eraînconjurat` cu [an]uri de ap` pestecare erau coborâte pun]i mobile.

Aerial view of the fortified complex.Six of the seven towers mentioned byEmil Sigerus (1854-1947) have beenpreserved. Moats with drawbridgesonce surrounded the fortress.


Planul cet`]ii

The plan of the fortress


The Roman style church (1280–1290) was erected bythe Cistercian monks and subsequently remade in theGothic style. Between 1500 and 1520, it was surrounded bya strong peasant fortress, made up of an enclosure withoval-shaped, 5-meter-thick and 12-meter-high walls. Theenclosure was surrounded by deep moats and defended bysix bastions. Along the walls, the locals built sheltersmeant to protect them in times of peril.

Several Roman capitals have been preserved insidethe church and some consoles sculpted with grotesqueheads have been preserved in the sacristy. The church alsohouses a funerary chapel with Gothic-like murals (1460-1470) showing scenes from the Last Judgment. After the1593 fire, the church was restored and received its presentaspect.

Biserica în stil romanic (1280-1290), construit` dec`lug`rii cistercieni, a fost ref`cut` ulterior în stil gotic. Înjurul bisericii s-a construit (1500-1520) o puternic` cetate]`r`neasc`, alc`tuit` dintr-o incint` cu ziduri de form`oval` (5 m grosime [i 12 m în`l]ime), înconjurate cu[an]uri adânci, str`juite de [ase bastioane. De-a lungulzidurilor, au fost construite înc`peri etajate, menite s`g`zduiasc` popula]ia în caz de primejdie.

În interiorul bisericii s-au p`strat câteva capiteluriromanice, iar în sacristie câteva console, sculptate cucapete grote[ti. Tot aici exist` o capel` funerar` cu picturimurale de factur` gotic` (1460-1470), având ca tem`Judecata de Apoi. Dup` incendiul din 1593, biserica a fostsupus` unor ample refaceri, dobândind aspectul actual.


Turnul bisericii, de[i impresionant, nu juca unrol de ap`rare.

Although impressive, the bell tower did notplay a defensive role.

De jur împrejurul bisericii, localnicii [i-au construit înc`peri în carecombatan]ii î[i protejau familiile [i avutul în caz de atac.

Around the church, the locals erected shelters meant to protect theirfamilies and belongings when the fortress came under attack.

Portalul gotic al bisericii

The Gothic portal of the church

Altarul neoclasic

The Neoclassical altar


Homorod / Hamruden

Biseric` fortificat`

The fortified church

Altarul [i orga bisericii

The altar and the organ of the church

Imagine de la începutul secolului alXX-lea, cu turnul de est [i localnici.

Early 20th century image showing theeastern tower and local people.

Fragment de fresc` în stil romanic,aflat` în corul bisericii.

Fragments of the Roman frescoespreserved in the church choir.

Ho[man / Holzmengen

Biserica romanic` (secolul alXIII-lea), modificat` în secolul alXV-lea [i fortificat` pe la 1500.

Roman church (13th century),altered in the 15th century andfortified around 1500.

Detaliu original din portalulromanic.

Detailed view of the originalRoman portal.


Fotografie de epoc` (început desecol XX).

Early 20th century photograph.

Iacobeni / Jacobsdorf

Biseric` evanghelic`, o bazilic`-hal` realizat` în stilul goticului

târziu (secolul al XV-lea).Fortificat` în jurul anului 1500.

The Evangelical church is ahall-shaped basilica in the late

Gothic style (15th century).It was fortified around 1500.

Fotografie de epoc` (început desecol XX).

Early 20th century photograph.

Ighi[u Nou / Eibesdorf

Biseric`-hal`, de secol XIV,realizat` în stil gotic. Turnul devest ce are aceea[i în`l]ime cubiserica, reprezint` specificulacestei construc]ii.

14th century Gothic hall-shapedchurch. The western towerstands at the same height as thechurch, giving this constructionits unique character.

Fereastr` de piatr` în stil gotic.

Stone window in the Gothic style.

Malancrav / Malmkrog

Cel mai valoros ansamblu de pictur` mural` gotic`se p`streaz` în biserica din Malancrav. Este realizatîn anul 1405.

The most valuable Gothic mural paintings arepreserved in the Malancrav church. They date from1405.

Biserica este construit` în a doua parte asecolului al XIV-lea.

The church was built in the second halfof the 14th century.


Biseric` evanghelic` ridicat` în secoleleXVII-XIX, vedere general`. Zidurileînt`rite sunt construite în secolele XV-XVI.

General view of the Evangelical churcherected between the 17th and the 19th

centuries. The fortified walls were built inthe 15th and 16th centuries.

Altarul bisericii

The altar of the church

Merghindeal / Mergeln

Biseric` romanic` realizat` la sfâr[itul secolului alXIII-lea (cca. 1280). Cele dou` turnuri a[ezate la est [ivest, confer` edificiului o simetrie lateral` foartepregnant`, mai pu]in obi[nuit` la construc]iilereligioase. Fortifica]iile au fost ad`ugate ulterior (însecolele XV-XVI).

The Roman church was erected at the end of the 13th

century (c.1280). The two towers situated on theeastern and western side give the edifice a very stronglateral symmetry, which is less common in the case ofreligious buildings. The fortifications were added at alater date (15th-16th centuries).

Mesendorf / Meschendorf

Biseric` gotic` de tip hal`. La vestse remarc` turnul cu ceas. Zidurilefortificate au fost construite însecolele XV-XVI.

Gothic, hall-shaped church. Onenotices the clock tower on thewestern side. The fortified wallswere built during the 15th and 16th


Vedere de ansamblu asupra localit`]ii.

General view of the area.

Mo[na / Menschen

Biseric` zidit` între anii 1480-1486 în stil gotic. Este

înconjurat` de o puternic`centur` de ziduri, înt`rit` cuturnuri de ap`rare (secolul al


The church was erectedbetween 1480-1486 in the

Gothic style. It is surrounded bymassive walls strengthened with

defence towers (16th century).


Movile / Hundertbücheln

Bazilic` romanic` de secol XIV, transformat`ulterior [i fortificat` în secolul al XV-lea.

A Roman basilica dating from the 14th centuryand was subsequently transformed and fortifiedin the 15th century.


Netus / Heithausen

Biseric` fortificat` din secolul al XV-lea (cca. 1448).

The fortified church dates from the 15th century (c. 1448).

Nocrich / Leschkirch

Zidurile de ap`rare dateaz` dinseclolele XVI-XVII. Biserica estemai recent` (1802) [i a fostconstruit` pe locul celei de secolXIV.

The defence walls date from the16th and 17th centuries.The church is of a more recentdate (1802) and was built on thesite of an older church dating from14th century.

Fotografie de epoc`, reprezentând primireaclopotelor cu tot fastul, la data de 24 aprilie 1926.

Early photograph showing the welcoming of the bellson the 24th of April, 1926.

Amvonul bisericii cu basoreliefuri [i ornamenta]iivegetale aurite, având influen]e jugendstill.

The pulpit of the church is decorated withbas-reliefs and golden vegetal ornamentationsinfluenced by the Jungenstill style.


Prejmer / Tartlau

Vedere aerian` asupra bisericii [i cet`]ii. Cetatea era înconjurat` de[an]uri cu ap`, por]i de fier [i poduri batante. Construc]ia dinsecolul al XIV-lea, este una dintre cele mai impresionante dinTransilvania.

Aerial view of the church and the fortress. The fortress wassurrounded by moats, iron gates and drawbridges. The 14th centuryconstruction is one of the most impressive in Transylvania.

Planul cet`]ii

The plan of the fortress


Prejmer / Tartlau

În interiorul cet`]ii existaulocuin]e-fagure, servind dreptad`post familiilor în timpulasediilor.

Inside the fortress there were bee-hive dwellings used by familieswhen the fortress came undersiege.

Detaliu din zidul exterior,prev`zut cu firide [i arcade ce auc`p`tat func]ie decorativ`.

Detailed view of the outside wall;in time, the niches and archwaysretained only a decorative role.

Corul [i altarul bisericii, cu o pictur` datânddin jurul anului 1450, probabil realizat` de un

maestru vienez (Erhardus?).Altar în stil gotic, reprezentând scena


The church choir and altar. The altar features apainting from around 1450, probably the work

of a Viennese master (Erhardus?). The Gothic altar depicts the scene of the



Detaliu de mobilier de interior: strane ornamentate cumotive florale.

Detailed view of interior furniture: pews decorated withfloral motifs.

Sa[i [i s`soaice în costume de s`rb`toare. Fotografie de laînceputul sec al XX-lea.

Saxon men and women wearing traditional garb. Early 20th

century photograph.


Richis / Reichesdorf

Portalul de vest al bisericii. Construit` îna doua jum`tate a secolului al XIV-lea,este o bazilic` gotic` cu trei nave.Lucr`rile executate în piatr` suntremarcabile.

The western portal of the church. Builtin the second half of the 14th century, thechurch is a Gothic basilica with threenaves. The stonework is remarkable.

Orga cu ornamenta]ii baroce a fostadus` în anul 1788.

The organ, decorated with Baroqueelements, was set up in 1788.

Altarul în stil baroc, realizat în 1775.

The Baroque altar dates from 1775.

Roades / Radeln

Cetate ]`r`neasc` din secolele XIII-XVI, fotografie deepoc` (în jurul anului 1900).

The peasant fortress dates from the 13th-16th

centuries; early 20th century photograph (c. 1900).

Imaginea actual` a bisericii evanghelice. Se remarc`aspectul arhaic, u[or greoi, datorat propor]iiloredificiului.

The church as it stands nowadays. One notices itsarchaic, slightly bulky aspect, due to the proportionsof the edifice.


Ro[ia / Rothberg

Bazilic` romanic`, construit` în primajum`tate a secolului al XIII-lea;interiorul incintei.

The Roman Basilica was built in thefirst half of the 13th century – view ofthe inside enclosure.


Saschiz / Keisd

Planul cet`]ii

The plan of the fortress

Vedere aerian` asupra cet`]ii ]`r`ne[ti [i a împrejurimilor.

Aerial view of the peasant fortress and its surroundings.

Biseric` fortificat` (1493-1496, construit` pe vremea invaziilorturce[ti), azi evanghelic`, este str`juit` de un turn izolat la circa 10m de fa]ada nordic`, ridicat în 1832, având [i el func]ie de ap`rare,asem`n`tor în partea sa superioar` Turnului cu Ceas din Sighi[oara.

Construc]ia actual` a bisericii este amplasat` pe ruinele uneibiserici romanice din care s-au p`strat câteva piese sculptate,capiteluri [i console, ce servesc ast`zi drept suporturi pentru vaselede flori de pe altar. Sanctuarul însu[i a fost transformat înfort`rea]`, cl`direa c`p`tând aspectul unui bloc masiv, trufa[, cu unacoperi[ dintr-o singur` bucat`, f`r` nici o deosebire între nav` [icor, cu adev`rata p`dure de bârne la interior – pentru a-l puteasus]ine [i f`r` turn la apus. Atât turnul cât [i biserica au fostafectate în urma cutremurelor (1977, 1986, 1990).

The fortified church was built between 1493 and 1496 at thetime of the Turkish invasions. The present day Evangelical church isguarded by an isolated tower, standing at about 10 meters awayfrom the northern façade. It was erected in 1832 for defensepurposes. In its upper part it resembles the clock tower ofSighisoara.

The present building stands on the ruins of a Roman church,from which only a few sculpted pieces were preserved (capitals andconsoles): these serve today as flower holders on the altar. Thesanctuary itself was turned into a fortress, the building having theaspect of a massive, proud block: it has a one-piece roof, whichcovers uninterruptedly the nave and the choir and is supported by agreat number of beams, making a western tower unnecessary.Both the tower and the church were damaged in the earthquakes of1977, 1986, and 1990.


ßeica Mare / Gross-Schelken

Ini]ial bazilic` romanic` de secol XIII, biserica afost transformat` într-una de stil gotic în secolul alXV-lea, o dat` cu ridicarea fortifica]iilor.

Initially a Roman basilica built in the 13th century,the church was reshaped in the Gothic style in the15th century, when the fortifications were alsoadded.

Slimnic / Stolzenburg

Vedere aerian` asupra cet`]ii. Localitatea esteatestat` documentar în anul 1282, odat` cu cetatea.Biserica este construit` în secolul al XIV-lea [iref`cut` în 1792.

Aerial view over the fortress. The village is attestedat the same time as the church, in 1282. Thechurch was built in the 14th century and rebuilt in1792.

Exteriorul corului bisericii.

The church choir viewed from the outside.


Soala / Schaal

Biseric` fortificat`, construit`în secolul al XV-lea.

The fortified church was builtin the 15th century.

Detaliu de incint` [iîmprejurimi.

A detailed view of theenclosure and itssurroundings.

Somartin / Martinsberg

Biserica fortificat`. Vedere general`.

Fortified church. General View.

Stej`ri[u / Propsdorf

Cetate ]`r`neasc` cu biseric` în stil gotic de secol XIV.

Peasant fortress with a 14th century Gothic church.

ßura Mic` / Klein Scheuern

Bazilic` romanic` de secol XIII,refacut` [i fortificat` în anul 1506.

A 13th century Roman basilica, rebuiltand fortified in 1506.

Altarul bisericii în stil baroc ]`ranescs`sesc.

The church altar is made in the Saxonpeasant Baroque style.


Valchid / Waldhütten

Biserica fortificat`, construit` înanul 1390 în stil gotic. Areturnuri la fiecare col], cel cu ceasfiind cel mai deosebit. Cetatea afost devastat` în timpulr`zboiului civil din anul 1605,odat` cu localitatea. Altarul [iorga au fost ref`cute între 1809[i 1811.

The fortified church was built in1390 in the Gothic style. Thereare towers in each corner; theclock tower is the mostremarkable. The fortress and thetown were destroyed during theCivil War in 1605. Both wererebuilt. The altar and the organdate from 1809-1811.


Viscri / Deutsch-Weisskirch

Biseric` evanghelic`, ini]ial o bazilic` romanic`, transformat` ulterior într-o biseric`-sal`(cu altar semicircular) de dimensiuni mici. Impune prin zidurile sale, atât ale sanctuarului,cât [i cele ale primei incinte, cu un turn gigantic de la apus ([ase etaje) construit în 1494.Zidul primei incinte, bine p`strat, are patru turnuri, dintre care unul deasupra intr`rii [i dou`bastioane apropiate unul de celalalt. Între acestea se putea comunica printr-un drum acoperitf`r` a te expune pericolelor pe timpul luptei.

În interiorul bisericii se p`streaz` un capitel cu ciubuc care, împreun` cu arcul triumfal,provin din biserica romanic`, justificând datarea acesteia la începutul secolului al XIII-lea.


Viscri / Deutsch-Weisskirch

The present Evangelical church was initially a Roman basilica that was subsequentlyremade into a small-size hall-shaped church with a semicircular altar. Most remarkable are itswalls, both those of the worship place and those of the first enclosure: they include a huge 6level western tower built in 1494. The walls of the first enclosure are well preserved andinclude 4 towers, one of which stands over the entrance. Two bastions stand close to eachother, and communication between them was possible by means of a covered walk thatprovided shelter during battles.

Inside the church, a capital has been preserved. Just as the triumphal arch, it was part ofthe Roman basilica. This can be dated to the early 13th century.


Intrarea la Sfânta Liturghie.

Entering the church for the Holy Mass.


Vulcan / Wolkendorf

Biserica evanghelic` din Vulcan a fostini]ial o bazilic` romanic` din secolulal XIII-lea.

The Evangelical church of Vulcan wasinitially a 13th century Roman basilica.


Din vechea bazilic` au mai r`mas doarferestrele [i bolta de la intrare, restul fiind

modificat ulterior în mai multe etape.

The windows and the entrance archway are theonly original elements that preserved; all theother were subsequently changed at different


Imagine din interiorul incintei.

View from the inside.

Text / TextAugustin IoanHanna Derer

Grafic` / Graphic DesignIulian CapsaliAugustin Ioan

DTPGabriel Nicula

Fotografii / PhotosDan Ioan Dinescußtefan Petrescu

Mircea Savu

Legende / Captions Mihaela DâmbeanDana Voiculescu

Versiune englez` / English versionIoana Luca

Constantin Lucian

Director de proiect / Project managerArpad Harangozo

Ovidiu Morar

Tip`rit la R.A. Monitorul Oficial