The flipped classroom

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Transcript of The flipped classroom

The Flipped Classroom

By Nichole Shorter

What is the Flipped Classroom?

How can it be implemented?

Content Delivery (At Home)

In Class Activities

• Videos• Pencasts• PowerPoints• TEDTalks• Podcasts• Learning Modules• Websites

• Discussions/Debates• Peer Instruction• Projects/Portfolios• Student Videos• Case Studies• Poster/Art

Presentation• Skits/Role Playing

Student Benefits and Challenges


Students can view the lecture multiple times and at their own pace

Students learn to come prepared for class

More class time is spent with instructor guidance

Less passive learning

Instant feedback in class


Often caters to visual learning styles

Requires self motivation

Requires access to reliable technology

Instructor Benefits and Challenges


More one-on-one time with students

More time for cooperative/collaborative group work

More time for concepts and applications

Easier to create a cooperative learning environment for students

“Sage on the Stage” to “Guide on the Side” (LifeMap)


Setting up the course can be a great time commitment

Requires good classroom time management

Requires some technology skills

Keeping up with technology

How can I learn more?

Contact me!

Nichole Shorter (

Also check out…

The Flipped Learning Network (