The First Draft Of My Music Magazines

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The First Draft Of My Music Magazines

The first draft of my music magazines

Front Cover 1

Masthead is bold which will attract the readers

Model has been deliberately place so that the magazine sticks to the codes and conventions of the left third and eye flow rule

My Target audience are teens. I have used stereotypical colours and features in the magazine that I feel will attract my target audience

Colour scheme: Pink, black, and white these colours will attract the reader as they are bold colours.

Model has a look of attitude about her and because she’s a teen, other teens will feel like they can relate to her, so they will purchase the magazine.This issue has a “meet Paramore” section, an interview with Karen Luan (Kill Casino singer) and it’s a poster special with a number of things on the cover, this will attract more people to buy the magazine

List of bands featured in this issue will tell the readers what's in the magazineSame colour scheme used for the back drops of the kickers

Unique-ish style font. The font is quite grungy. I have used the paint bucket tool to fill in some colour and make the letters bolder to add a grungier feel.

Unique, catchy headlines/tag lines

Images give reader clear idea of what's in the magazine

All the fonts are informal sans serif fonts

Posters are of featured band. This will attract fans of the featured band

Featured band name is displayed in the middle of the page in a larger bolder font

Front Cover 2

Masthead is bold which will attract the readers

Models are in the middle of the page going against the codes and conventions of a normal magazine

My Target audience are teens. I have used stereotypical colours and features in the magazine that I feel will attract my target audience

Colour scheme: Pink, black, and white these colours will attract the reader as they are bold colours.

Models are fighting and look angsty and angry. Which is a typical teenage stereotype and because they’re teens, other teens will feel like they can relate to them, so they will purchase the magazine.

The tagline is “sex drugs and rock n roll all in one mag” this will attract teenagers because teens tend to think they’re rebellious and like the idea of this catchphrase.

List of bands featured in this issue will tell the readers what's in the magazine

“it’s all about girl power” will attract both girls and boys. Girls may be inspired to make their own girl band and boys will want to read about this new girl band

Unique-ish style font. The font is quite grungy. I have used the paint bucket tool to fill in some colour and make the letters bolder to add a grungier feel.

Unique, catchy headlines/tag lines

All the fonts are informal sans serif fonts

Album reviews will tell the readers about new albums that are currently out and whether they are good or not

Featured band name is displayed in the middle of the page in a larger bolder font

Front Cover 3Masthead is bold which will attract the read

Models have been deliberately placed so that the magazine sticks to the codes and conventions of the left third and eye flow rule

My Target audience are teens. I have grungy fonts to attract them.

Colour scheme: black and white

Models have a look of attitude about them, and they are also swearing which rebellious teens will love and because they’re teens, other teens will feel like they can relate to them, so they will purchase the magazine.

List of bands featured in this issue will tell the readers what's in the magazineSame colour scheme used for the back drops of the kickers

Unique-ish style font. The font is quite grungy. I have used the paint bucket tool to fill in some colour and make the letters bolder to add a grungier feel.

Unique, catchy headlines/tag lines

All the fonts are informal sans serif fonts

Featured band name is displayed in the middle of the page in a larger bolder font

Album reviews will tell the readers about new albums that are currently out and whether they are good or not

Front Cover 4Masthead is bold which will attract the readers

Model has been deliberately placed so that the magazine sticks to the codes and conventions of the left third and eye flow rule

My Target audience are teens. I have used stereotypical colours and features in the magazine that I feel will attract my target audience

Colour scheme: Pink, black, and white these colours will attract the reader as they are bold colours.

Model has a look of attitude about her and because she’s a teen, other teens will feel like they can relate to her, so they will purchase the magazine. She is pretending to be innocent which is what a lot of teenagers do

This issue is a poster special with a number of other things on the cover, this will attract more people to buy the magazine

List of bands featured in this issue will tell the readers what's in the magazine

Unique-ish style font. The font is quite grungy. I have used the paint bucket tool to fill in some colour and make the letters bolder to add a grungier feel.

Unique, catchy headlines/tag lines

All the fonts are informal sans serif fonts

Featured band name is displayed in the middle of the page in a larger bolder font

Front Cover 5

Masthead is bold which will attract the readers

My Target audience are teens. I have used stereotypical colours and features in the magazine that I feel will attract my target audience

Colour scheme: Pink, black, and white these colours will attract the reader as they are bold colours.

Models have looks of attitude about them, and they’re fighting whilst looking angry and angsty like most teenagers do and because they’re teens, other teens will feel like they can relate to them, so they will purchase the magazine.

List of bands featured in this issue will tell the readers what's in the magazine

Same colour scheme used for the back drops of the kickers

Unique-ish style font. The font is quite grungy. I have used the paint bucket tool to fill in some colour and make the letters bolder to add a grungier feel.

Unique, catchy headlines/tag lines

Images give reader clear idea of what's in the magazine

All the fonts are informal sans serif fonts

Posters are of featured band. This will attract fans of the featured band

Featured band name is displayed in the middle of the page in a larger bolder font

Models are in the middle of the page going against the codes and conventions of a normal magazine