The Feudal System by the 9yo Class

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Transcript of The Feudal System by the 9yo Class

An Introduction to the Feudal System in the Middle Ages

Compiled by

Mrs. Szeryk’s

9 Year-Old Class

Kings and Queens

-the queens came from powerful families

-they were rich

-they were wise

-the king ruled parts of the world

-the king got crowned by the pope

By: Evy

Kings and Queens By Wout

It was the king’s duty to create laws for his people The king had to defend his people from outside

enemies’ kingdom A king was crowned in an extravagant ceremony

called a coronation Kings ruled over large territories called kingdoms The pope placed the crown on the king’s head Queens came from very powerful families and

were daughters of other kings or great lords Queens offered their husbands advice on how to

rule the kingdom

Kings and Queens by Kimi

Kings ruled over large territories called kingdoms.

Kings were the ruler of the whole land.

Lords and Ladies

A lord looked after his manor from his castle or manor home.

He protected the people who lived on his manor, collected taxes from them, and punished those who broke the law.

The lord controlled everything on the manor, including the mills and bread ovens, where peasants paid to grind their grain and bake their bread.

Lords and Ladies By: Emily Baur

• Lords• He protected the people who

live on his land• He collected the taxes from the

people who lived on his land• He managed everything on his

land, including bread ovens, and water mills

• Ladies• Her most important job was to have

sons so they could carry on the nobleman's job

• She could not decide who to marry• Always had her wedding in a


KnightsKnight are strong and


They ride horses very well.

They are not scared to die and kill.

Knights BY SooBin

• During the Middle Ages, knights who fought on horseback were the important warriors on a battlefield. Their horses allowed them to charge at the enemy with great speed and force.

• Knights fought for their overlords against other lords. They also fought in holy wars called crusades, Christian knights from Europe travelling to the Middle East. There, they fought Muslims for control of the Holy Land, the area where Jesus Christ was born, lived, and died.

• They practiced their skills at competitions called tournaments. Tournaments included melees, which were battles between two groups of warriors, and jousting contests. The goal of a joust was for one knight to knock his opponent off his horse by charging at him with a long pole called a lance.

• A noble boy began training to be a knight when he was about seven years old.


Most people in the Middle Ages were peasants who lived in a small villages on their lord’s manor. For two or three days each week, they farmed the lord’s land, looked after his livestock, and did other work for him, such as repairing buildings on the manor.


Most people in the Middle Ages were peasants who lived in small villages on their lord’s manor. For two or three days each week, they

farmed the lord’s land, and looked after his livestock.

TownspeopleBy Gee Yeon

• By 1100s, townspeople began to hold weekly or monthly markets at crossroads to trade their products for goods from other manors.

• Boys in the Middle Ages started to learn or trade when they were about seven years old.

• Some girls and woman learned crafts from their father or husbands, and worked with them

• Craftspeople and merchants who made or sold the same kinds of goods belonged to organizations called guilds. Guilds decide how much their members could charge for their goods, and made sure that the items sold were of a high quality.

• Guilds also built schools, fed the poor, and gave money to members who were sick to earn a living.

The End