The Expert Methodology of Creative Ad Copy & Testing

Post on 08-Jan-2017

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The Expert Methodology of Creative Ad Copy & Testing

Ad creation is just as much an engineering challenge

as a creative one.

The Expert Methodology of Creative Ad Copy & Testing

It’s Time to Take Your Ads to the Next Level

Many advertisers primarily focus on creative copy for their headlines and description lines, but much more can be done to improve your user experience and messaging (e.g. extensions, device adaptations, dynamic text, etc.).

Although ad creation is a creative process, we’d like to encourage you to look beyond your creative copy and make decisions based on data. For well-balanced and successful ads, you should continually test your ad copy to see how different creative ideas perform.

This SlideShare covers the latest techniques shared by advertising experts.

The Expert Methodology of Creative Ad Copy & Testing

From Margot da Cunha, Paid Search Marketer at WordStream Inc.

Five hacks to improve your PPC ad copy’s CTR threefold

The Expert Methodology of Creative Ad Copy & Testing

1. Personalize your ad copy—“Be the unicorn in a sea of donkeys”

• Humans are inherently selfish so focus on writing your ad copy with the searcher’s problem in mind and how you are going to solve it.

2. Use emotional triggers

• Amusement, interest and surprise are the top human emotional triggers, so keep your ad copy lively and avoid boring at all costs.

3. Use ad customizers to promise a reward

• People love to anticipate rewards even more than receiving them. Use ad customizers, like countdown ads, to build up anticipation, e.g. “Sale ends in 2 hours!”

Five hacks to improve your PPC ad copy’s CTR threefold

The Expert Methodology of Creative Ad Copy & Testing

Five hacks to improve your PPC ad copy’s CTR threefold

4. Headline moneyball

• PPC professionals need to think like content marketers. Look at other channels like Buzzfeed and Buzzsumo to see what headlines are getting the best engagement rates, and model your ads off of them.

5. Utilize repitition

• People forget 90% of what you share with them. Repeat one consistent message across all your channels and re-enforce it through remarketing.

The Expert Methodology of Creative Ad Copy & Testing

From Brad Geddes, founder of Certified Knowledge

Setting up PPC ad copy testing

The Expert Methodology of Creative Ad Copy & Testing

1. Determine if you want to test in one ad group or multiple ad groups

• Single: Best for branded ad copy, top performers, and high traffic ad groups.

• Multi: Best for insights across a segment – template created ads, small data accounts, and market research.

2. Determine your segments

• Be strategic about where you want to test.

3. Define your metrics

• Determine how you are going to judge your ads (CTR, conversion rate, CPL, etc.) before you run the test, not after.

Setting up PPC ad copy testing

The Expert Methodology of Creative Ad Copy & Testing

Setting up PPC ad copy testing

4. Define minimum and maximum confidence thresholds

• Don’t take action on insignificant data.

5. Test by device

• Pull data for desktop devices separate from mobile devices and create ads specific to mobile devices.

The Expert Methodology of Creative Ad Copy & Testing

From Marty Weintraub, Founder of aimClear

How to play with headlines and be creative with small space

The Expert Methodology of Creative Ad Copy & Testing

• Use emotion words in your ads.

• Try questions that are really answers—use when, where, why, how, etc.

• Tout the benefits—tell the searcher why your product is the best!

• Mention the negative consequences.

• Leverage the power of overused cliches and use them ironically in your ad copy.

How to play with headlines and be creative with small space

The Expert Methodology of Creative Ad Copy & Testing

How to play with headlines and be creative with small space

• Use memorable phonetics and alliteration.

• Call the user’s attention directly—Attention [keyword].

• If you are not the top dog, tell the user you are the alternative to your competitor—Alternate [keyword].

The Expert Methodology of Creative Ad Copy & Testing


Develop great ads that are creative genius and proven through in-depth testing.

The Expert Methodology of Creative Ad Copy & Testing

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