The Excessive Choice Effect Meets the Market: Experiments ......Trey Malone Outline The Excessive...

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The Excessive Choice Effect Meets the Market: Experiments on Craft Beer Choice

Trey MaloneDecember 2, 2016

Trey Malone


The Excessive Choice Effect Meets the Market: Experiments on Craft Beer Choice

Motivation → Study 1 → Study 2 → Discussion

Q & A

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 2

Trey Malone

What is the Excessive Choice Effect (ECE)?

Contrary to neoclassical utility theory, an excessive number of choices might lead to increased levels of regret and paralysis


Number of options

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 3

Trey Malone


A large literature has provided inconclusive evidence on the existence of an ECE

Scheibehenne et al. (2010): Mixed results from 50 experiments (N ≈ 5,000)

Example: Scheibehenne (2008) unable to replicate the famous jam study

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 4

Trey Malone


More interesting is “why” and “so what”?

Regret minimization (Irons and Hepburn 2007)

Information asymmetry (Kamenica 2008)

Consumer heterogeneity (Schwartz et al. 2002)

Search costs and uncertainty (Norwood 2006)

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 5

Trey Malone


More interesting is “why” and “so what”?

Regret minimization (Irons and Hepburn 2007)

Information asymmetry (Kamenica 2008)

Consumer heterogeneity (Schwartz et al. 2002)

Search costs and uncertainty (Norwood 2006)

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 6

Trey Malone

Search costs: it’s easier to find the red ball when N=6 than when N=24

Search Costs and Uncertainty

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Trey Malone

Uncertainty: it’s even harder to choose a ball when your preference for red is not very strong

Search Costs and Uncertainty

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 8

Trey Malone

Imagine buying beer at

(1) a liquor store or (2) a gas station

Key point: store has an incentive to keep the right number of options stocked

Search Costs and Uncertainty

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 9

Trey Malone

Research Questions

How does the ECE vary with consumers?

Do sellers encourage purchase by altering the choice architecture for buyers?

Can reduced search costs mitigate the ECE?

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Trey Malone


Context and consumer heterogeneity play an integral part in the existence of an ECE

I empirically test the ECE’s potential causes

Reducing uncertainty and the cost of search can minimize ECE

By providing buyer-relevant information, sellers alter choice architecture to maximize sales

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 11

Trey Malone

Why Craft Beer?

Fulfills the preconditions of an ECE

“Sufficiently” large number of options

No beer listed is highly dominant

Vaguely defined preferences

Beer is an experience good

Quality can only be determined after purchase

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 12

Trey Malone

Why Craft Beer?

Proliferation of food options

Craft brewing has growing implications for agricultural producers

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Trey Malone

Map of Breweries in the Continental United States, July 2015

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 14

Trey Malone

General Hypotheses

Increasing the number of beers at a bar will induce the ECE for some participants

Targeted information might reduce search costs and uncertainty, thereby reducing the probability of no purchase

Beer Advocate scores

Prominently listed “Special”

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 15

Trey Malone

Survey Experiment (1) Field Experiment (2)

Pros Cons Pros Cons

• Individualized data

• Stated preferences

• Revealedpreferences

• Loss of Control

• Control • Context

• No individualspecific data

• Within subjects

(more power)

• Between subjects

Two Studies

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 16

Trey Malone

ECE varies with:

1. Beer Advocate scores

2. Prominently listed “Special”

3. Novelty-seeking

(Manning, Bearden and Madden 1995)

Study 1: Hypotheses

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 17

Trey Malone

Study 1 Data: Consumption Frequency (N=1,697)

Beer Frequency

Craft BeerFrequency


Never Less than Once a Month

Once a Month 2-3 Times a Month

Once a Week 2-3 Times a Week


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Trey Malone

Study 1: Experimental Design

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Trey Malone

Study 1: Experimental Design

5 Beers



Beer Advocate Scores

18 Beers



Beer Advocate Scores

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Trey Malone

Study 1 Results: Heat Maps

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 21

142 of 1,697 participants (8.4%) selected a beer that was

revealed dominated in their earlier choice

Trey Malone

Study 1 Results: Heat Maps

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 22

Trey Malone

Study 1 Results: Heat Maps

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 23

Trey Malone

Study 1 Results: Logit(Prob. of None)


Standard Logit with

Clustered Standard


Random Effects


Random Effects

Logit with



Intercept -0.414* (0.058) -0.447* (0.081) 1.245* (0.287)

Specials -0.671* (0.120) -0.746* (0.115) -5.370* (0.424)

Scores -1.557* (0.129) -1.709* (0.128) -4.643* (0.447)

Number of options -0.036* (0.003) -0.040* (0.006) -0.011 (0.021)

Novelty-seeking --- --- -0.505* (0.084)

# of options x Specials 0.030* (0.007) 0.034* (0.009) 0.302* (0.032)

# of options x Scores 0.076* (0.008) 0.083* (0.009) 0.255* (0.033)

# of options x Novelty-seeking --- --- -0.010 (0.006)

Specials x Novelty-seeking --- --- 1.381* (0.120)

Scores x Novelty-seeking --- --- 0.895* (0.129)

# of options x Specials x


--- --- -0.080* (0.009)

# of options x Scores x


--- --- -0.053* (0.010)

Generalized Chi-square N/A 6905.53 7139.76

Number of choices 10182 10182 10182

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 24

Trey Malone

Study 1 Results: P 𝑦𝑖 = 0

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 25

Probability of not selecting a beer in the menu experiment(Note: upward sloping line indicates presence of an ECE)







N=5 N=18

Control Special Advocate Scores

Trey Malone

Study 1 Results: P( 𝑦𝑖 = 0 |CNS)

High Novelty-Seeking (CNS=5)Low Novelty-Seeking (CNS=1)

Probability of not selecting a beer in the menu experiment(Note: upward sloping line indicates presence of an ECE)

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 26

N=5 N=18

Control Special Advocate Scores







N=5 N=18

Trey Malone

Study 1: Implications

The ECE does not affect everyone equally

Sellers likely make decisions based on their desired type of buyer

Novelty-seeking buyers likely have lower concern for uncertainty

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 27

Trey Malone

In a field context where consumers are not likely to be novelty-seeking in their beer preferences, an ECE will exist

If the ECE does exist, targeted information will reduce its consequences by lowering search costs

Study 2: Hypotheses

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Trey Malone

Study 2: Experimental Design

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Field experiment conducted at a wine bar in Stillwater, OK

September to October, 2014

Two datasets collected to improve accuracy

Restaurant sales system

Server-collected receipts

Trey Malone

Study 2: Experimental Design

6 Beers



Beer Advocate Scores


12 Beers



Beer Advocate Scores

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Trey Malone

Study 2: Experimental Design

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Trey Malone

Study 2 Results: Odds Ratios

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 32

TreatmentNumber of Options Odds Ratio - effect of

number of optionsN=6 N=12

Control 16.86% 13.64% 0.959

[0.907, 1.014]b

Special 20.14% 13.25% 0.920

[0.867, 0.976]

Beer Advocate Scores 19.93% 20.44% 1.005

[0.958, 1.055]

Odds Ratio - effects of special and scores

Control to Special 1.244

[0.922, 1.678]


[0.661, 1.417]

Control to Scores 1.227

[0.929, 1.620]


[1.154, 2.295]

Beer Sales as a Percentage of All Drink Sales in Field Experiment

Trey Malone

Study 2 Results: P 𝑦𝑖 = 0

Results for Experiment 2






N=6 N=12Number of Menu Options


BA Scores

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Probability of not selecting a beer in the field experiment(Note: upward sloping line indicates presence of an ECE)

Trey Malone

Study 2: Implications

In this context, the ECE existed

Simply providing a prominently listed “Special” does not appear to reduce the ECE

Providing third-party quality information (i.e. Beer Advocate scores) eliminated the ECE

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 34

Trey Malone

Discussion: Value-Added

Market context and consumer heterogeneity matter

Reducing uncertainty and cost of search can minimize ECE

By providing buyer-relevant information, sellers alter choice architecture to maximize sales

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 35

Trey Malone

Discussion: Key Applied Contribution

To overcome the ECE, know your target market

If your consumers prefer novelty, give them novelty

“the trend for 2016 is not a trend, rather it’s diversity”– Bart Watson, Brewers’ Association

In some contexts, it might be helpful to “nudge” consumers via quality identification

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 36

Trey Malone

Discussion: Related Future Research

Are there benefits to categorization?Manipulate menu categories at a pub

Do “mavens” (i.e. bartenders or friends) reduce search costs?

Measure changes in sales/satisfaction when bartender makes recommendations

Veblen effects?Invent a beer, and ask bar patrons if they are more (less) likely to buy it at varying prices

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Trey Malone


December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 38

The Excessive Choice Effect Meets the Market: Experiments on Craft Beer Choice

Trey MaloneOctober 17, 2016

Trey Malone

Study 1 Data: Description

Gender Ethnicity Education Age IncomeMale 54.15% White/

Caucasian79.08% Less than High

School1.00% 21 to 24

years7.54% Less than


Female 45.85% African American

7.37% High School/GED 15.62% 25 to 34 years

25.22% $30,000-$59,999


Hispanic 7.25% Some College 21.98% 35 to 44 years

16.85% $60,000-$89,999


Asian 4.77% 2-year College Degree

11.61% 45 to 54 years

20.39% $90,000-$119,999


Native American

0.24% 4-year College Degree

32.41% 55 to 64 years

17.86% $120,000-$149,999


Pacific Islander

0.35% Masters Degree 13.73% 65 to 74 years

10.67% $150,000-$179,999


Other 0.94% Doctoral Degree 1.36% 75 to 84 years

1.18% More than $180,000


Professional Degree (JD, MD)

2.30% 85 years or over


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Trey Malone

AppendixConsumer Novelty-Seeking Scale

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 41

CNS scale statement Mean

I often seek out information about new product and brands.3.427


I like to go to places where I will be exposed to information about new products and




I like magazines that introduce new brands.3.104


I frequently look for new products and services.3.433


I seek out situations in which I will be exposed to new and different sources of product




I am continually seeking new product experiences3.426


When I go shopping, I find myself spending very little time checking out new products

and brands.



I take advantage of the first available opportunity to find out about new and different




Novelty Seeking Score3.292


Trey Malone

Study 1 Results: Odds Ratios

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 42

TreatmentNumber of Options Odds Ratio – effect of number

of optionsN=5 N=18

Control 64.44% 74.34% 1.037

[1.030, 1.043]b

Special 75.28% 76.62% 1.006

[0.992, 1.020]

Beer Advocate Scores 72.46% 77.80% 1.022

[1.016, 1.028]

Odds Ratio - effect of specials and scores

Control to Special 1.680

[1.421, 1.987]


[1.067, 1.200]

Control to Scores 1.452

[1.343, 1.571]


[1.129, 1.296]

Percentage of Times Beer Was Chosen in Survey-Based Choice Experiment

Trey Malone

Study 1 Data: Identification as a craft beer drinker

Not at all like me12%

Not much like me14%

Somewhat like me27%

Quite a lot like me24%

Just like me23%

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AppendixBeer options for the field experiment

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Trey Malone

AppendixZanotti’s menu with Beer Advocate scores

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Trey Malone

Embedded Short Trap Question (Above) and Long Trap Question (Below)

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 46

Trey Malone

No FeedbackEmbedded Short

Trap QuestionLong Trap Question

Number of participants 1000 1017% incorrect 20.0 37.2

With FeedbackEmbedded Short

Trap QuestionLong Trap Question

Number of participants 559 591% incorrect 21.8 25.4% revised correctly 9.5 16.6

Effectiveness of Trap Questions at Identifying Inattentive Respondents

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 47

Trey Malone

WTP for…

Short Trap Question Long Trap Question








RespondentsHamburger $4.16

[$3.98, $4.34]


[$4.53, $6.11]


[$3.60, $3.93]


[$5.14, $6.68]

Steak $7.23

[$6.86, $7.60]


[$5.88, $15.04]


[$5.77, $6.45]


[$8.55, $15.58]

Pork Chop $3.85

[$3.64, $4.05]


[$2.68, $7.47]


[$3.16, $3.50]


[$4.44, $7.16]

Deli Ham $2.41

[$2.21, $2.63]


[$2.05, $5.58]


[$1.73, $2.08]


[$3.34, $5.89]

Chicken Breast $5.43

[$5.18, $5.68]


[$5.81, $9.74]


[$4.36, $4.75]


[$6.2, $7.76]

Chicken Wings $2.14

[$1.92, $2.36]


[$0.40, $4.75]


[$1.47, $1.80]


[$3.25, $5.89]

Beans and Rice $2.76

[$2.41, $3.11]


[$0.75, $3.08]


[$1.66, $2.22]


[$2.42, $4.12]

Pasta $3.67

[$3.40, $3.94]


[-$1.35, $6.14]


[$2.36, $2.91]


[$3.18, $4.56]

Comparison of Willingness-to-Pay (WTP) Estimates for Participants who Correctly and Incorrectly Responded to the Trap Question

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 48

Trey Malone

WTP for…

Short Trap Question Long Trap Question







RespondentsMiller Lite $5.70

[$5.00, 6.40]


[$5.70, $14.90]$3.75

[$3.33, $4.17]


[$4.93, $9.41]


[$6.91, $8.80]


[$-8.54, $36.41]$5.95

[$5.51, $6.40]






[$8.71, 11.48]


[$5.52, $13.15]$6.44

[$5.94, $6.94]


[$-159.7, $196.98]

Budweiser $7.98

[$6.33, $9.62]


[$5.32, $10.76]$4.32

[$3.99, $4.66]


[$-13.99, $38.05]

Oskar Blues $3.31

[$2.75, $3.86]


[$-85.43, 90.82]$1.64

[$0.85, $2.44]


[$-5.01, $10.84]


[$4.54, $5.79]


[$-49.28, 50.97]$3.04

[$2.58, $3.51]


[$-114.08, $125.48]

Comparison of Willingness-to-Pay (WTP) Estimates for Participants who Correctly and Incorrectly Responded to the Trap Questions with Feedback

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 49

Trey Malone

Per Capita Consumption (2011, in gallons)

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 50

Trey Malone

Self Distribution Legislation (2014)

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 51

Trey Malone

State Excise Taxes (2012, $ per barrel)

Source: Brewers’ Almanac

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 52

Trey Malone

Parameter Estimates for Total Number of Breweries per County

Parameter Poisson ZIP ZINB

Intercept -0.189 (0.420) -1.477* (0.426) -2.001* (0.654)

Political contributions 0.003* (0.001) 0.005* (0.001) 0.012* (0.002)

Beer taxes per barrel 0.007* (0.003) 0.002 (0.003) 0.003 (0.006)

Availability score 0.295* (0.064) 0.331* (0.067) 0.336* (0.100)

Self-distribution 0.228* (0.062) 0.205* (0.067) 0.289* (0.093)

Growler legislation 0.056 (0.035) -0.013 (0.037) 0.164* (0.067)

Per capita beer consumption 0.025* (0.007) 0.012 (0.007) 0.015 (0.011)

Median household income -0.249* (0.016) -0.068* (0.015) -0.124* (0.035)

High Creative class 0.758* (0.051) 1.056* (0.054) 0.909* (0.087)

Percent of persons with a college degree0.051* (0.002) 0.039* (0.002) 0.064* (0.005)

Rural Urban Continuum code -0.312* (0.010)

High amenities 0.219* (0.053)

δ 0.741* (0.050)

Regional fixed effects? Yes Yes Yes

Religion effects? Yes Yes Yes

Logit link function

Intercept -3.051* (0.250) -7.343* (1.010)

Rural Urban Continuum code 0.480* (0.037) 0.917* (0.121)

High amenities -1.022* (0.201) -1.463* (0.452)

AIC 8008 8732 6952

Number of

observations in

each regression

= 3,108

Total number of


= 4,400

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 53

Trey Malone

Brewing Up Entrepreneurship: Government Intervention in Craft Beer









Banned Legal

Total Brewpub Micro

Expected Number of Breweries, Microbreweries, and

Brewpubs within a County when the State Legalizes

On-Premises Growler Sales









Banned Legal

Total Brewpub Micro

Expected Number of Breweries, Microbreweries, and

Brewpubs within a County when the State Legalizes


December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 54

Trey Malone

If You Brew it, Will They Come? Factor Analysis

Miller Lite


Sam Adams


Oskar BluesMarshall




0 0.5 1




Factor Analysis of Taste Perceptions

Miller Lite


Sam Adams


Oskar Blues






0 0.5 1




Factor Analysis of Beer Familiarity

December 2, 2016 Motivation | Study 1 | Study 2 | Discussion 55

Trey Malone

Parameter Estimates for Brand Equity Models

ParameterNo Equity


Brand Equity Main


Brand Equity with


Price -0.266* (0.007) -0.360* (0.009) -0.066 (0.139)

Taste 1.384* (0.018) 1.729* (0.168)

Familiarity 0.648* (0.024) 0.960* (0.235)

Price x Familiarity -0.093 (0.054)

Price x Taste -0.097 (0.039)

Familiarity x Taste -0.110 (0.063)

Price x Familiarity x Taste 0.032* (0.015)

Miller Lite 1.414* (0.048) -4.460* (0.087) -5.485* (0.597)

Budweiser 1.595* (0.047) -4.588* (0.088) -5.613* (0.597)

Corona 2.023* (0.045) -4.348* (0.087) -5.375* (0.596)

Samuel Adams Lager 2.177* (0.045) -4.328* (0.088) -5.355* (0.596)

Oskar Blues Pilsner 0.511* (0.056) -4.408* (0.081) -5.439* (0.595)

Marshall Pilsner 1.049* (0.050) -4.030* (0.078) -5.058* (0.595)

-2 Log likelihood 48045 33864 33855

AIC 48058.7 33882.1 33881.2

Number of observations 13576 13576 13576

Number of participants 1697 1697 1697

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Trey Malone

Own Elasticities for Price, Taste, and Familiarity

Own-Price Own-Familiarity Own-Taste

Miller Lite -0.879

[-0.92, -0.839]a


[2.673, 2.81]


[1.466, 1.695]

Budweiser -0.826

[-0.864, -0.788]


[2.651, 2.787]


[1.468, 1.697]

Corona -1.815

[-1.898, -1.731]


[2.872, 3.019]


[1.787, 2.067]

Sam Adams -1.767

[-1.848, -1.685]


[2.646, 2.782]


[1.81, 2.093]

Oskar Blues -2.097

[-2.194, -2.001]


[1.773, 1.864]


[1.702, 1.968]

Marshall -2.053

[-2.147, -1.958]


[1.72, 1.809]


[1.731, 2.002]

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