The Ethiopic Version of the Book of Enoch

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Transcript of The Ethiopic Version of the Book of Enoch

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THIS new text of the Ethiopic Version has been the labour of many-

years. It is practically exhaustive ; for no pains have been spared to

secure a first-hand and complete knowledge of the MSS. evidence.

I have not, however, restricted myself to the mere task of publishing

the Ethiopic Version as it is found in the best MSS.;

for this Version,

even when first made, exhibited many unintelligible passages, which

were due either to the mistakes of the Ethiopic translator, or to the

corruptions of the Greek text before him, or to the mistakes of the

Greek translator, or ultimately to corruptions of the Hebrew text before

the Greek translator. With these various sources of corruption I have

sought to deal : in some cases, I think, with indubitable success : in

others, my reconstructions are at the best merely provisional and ten-

tative. In this work Halevy led the way and made a permanent

contribution, but many of his reconstructions were valueless from the

outset as they were based on Dillmann's inadequate text of 1853. Asa result of these studies I have abandoned the view that Enoch was

originally written in Hebrew, and come to the conclusion that, like

Daniel, it was written partly in Aramaic and partly in Hebrew.

The Greek and Latin fragments have been printed in parallel

columns with the Ethiopic Version and their relations with it have

been fully discussed in the Introduction.

The Ethiopic text has been printed directly from a photograph of

the chief MS. g with the necessary corrections from other MSS. ; but

the orthography of this MS. has been nearly always adhered to, althoughit very frequently confuses the aspirates and sibilants.


In a work of this nature, where sometimes in a page there are

800 acts of collation and verification, mistakes are inevitable, and, where

such do occur, I can only ask for the kind indulgence of the student.

My best thanks are due to the late Mme. d'Abbadie for permission

to collate four MSS. and photograph two others that were at Abbadia;

to the librarian of the British Museum for permission to photograph

its ten MSS. of Enoch;

to the librarians of the Paris and Munich

Libraries for the courtesy with which they lent the Ethiopic MSS. in

their charge to the Bodleian Library for my use;

to the librarian of

the Berlin Library for the loan of its splendid MS. together with per-

mission to photograph it;to the librarian of the Vatican for permission

to photograph its MS. of Enoch; to Baron von Westenholtz of

Hamburg and Mr. Garrett of Philadelphia for having lent for myprivate use their MSS. of Enoch through the kind offices of Dr. Enno


to my niece Madeleine La Vie Charles for much help in

making the Index Graecitatis;

to Mr. A. E. Cowley for revising the

reconstructions of the Semitic original in the first thirty chapters ; and,

lastly, to the Trustees of the Revised Version Surplus Fund for a subven-

tion towards the expenses incurred in my expedition to Abbadia at the

foot of the Pyrenees.

Finally, I cannot conclude without expressing my deep gratitude to

the officials, and especially to the readers and compositors, of the Press

for their skilled services in the publication of this text.

R. H. CHARLES.17 Bradmore Road



Introduction : page

1. The Book of Enoch its fortunes. Originally written in prose and

verse, and partly in Aramaic and partly in Hebrew . . . ix-x

2. Greek, Ethiopic, and Latin Versions x

3. The Greek Version. Editions of this Version xi-xiii

4. The relations of the G8 and G8 to each other and to E (the Ethiopic

Version) xiii-xvi

5. The Latin Version and Quotations xvi-xvii

6. The Ethiopic Version and MSS. xvii-xxi

7. Relations of the Ethiopic MSS. xxi-xxiv

8. Editions of the Ethiopic Version xxv-xxvi

9. Original Language of Chapters VI-XXXVI Aramaic;

of I-V,

XXXVII-CIV Hebrew xxvii-xxxiii

Symbols and Brackets used in this Edition xxxiii

The Ethiopic Text 1-226

The Greek Text 3-75, 175-177

The Latin Fragment 219-222

Appendix on VI. 7 227-228

Greek Index 229-237

Addenda et Corrigenda 238



1. The Book of Enoch its fortunes. Originally written

in prose and verse, and partly in aramaic and partly in


It is seldom that authors attain to the immortality which they hope

for, and it is still more seldom that anonymous authors achieve this

distinction. And yet it is just such a distinction that the authors of the

Book of Enoch have achieved. That such should be ultimately his lot

was the deep-rooted conviction of one of this literary circle. He looked

forward (civ. n, 12) to the time when his writings would be translated

into various languages, and become to the righteous' a cause of joy and

uprightness and much wisdom.' This hope was in a large degree realized

in the centuries immediately preceding and following the Christian era,

when the currency of these apocalyptic works was very widespread on

account of their distinctively religious and predictive contents. But from

the fourth century of our era onward they fell into discredit, and under the

ban of such authorities as Hilary, Jerome, and Augustine they gradually

passed out of circulation and became lost to the knowledge of Western

Christendom till about a century ago. It was not, however, till recent

years that the Book of Enoch and similar works have begun to come

into their own, not indeed on the ground of their intrinsic religious worth,

but from their immeasurable value as being practically the only historical

memorials of the religious development of Judaism during the two

centuries which preceded the birth of Christianity, and particularly of

the development of that side of Judaism to which historically Christendom

in large measure owes its existence.

In the course of editing the present work it suddenly dawned uponthe editor that much of the text was originally written in verse. This

discovery has frequently proved helpful in the criticism of difficult passages.

Another conclusion, to the adoption of which a prolonged study of the

text has led the editor, is that the Book of Enoch like the Book of Daniel

was originally written in two languages in Hebrew and Aramaic.



That the Book of Enoch was written in Semitic is now accepted on

all hands, but scholars are divided as to whether the Semitic language in

question was Hebrew or Aramaic. Only one valuable contribution on this

question has been made, and that by Halevy in the Journal Asiatique^

Avril-Mai, 1867, pp. 352-395. This scholar is of opinion that the entire

work was written in Hebrew. Since this publication, however, fresh

evidence bearing on the question has been discovered in the Greek

fragment (i-xxxii) found in Egypt. Since this fragment contains three

Aramaic words transliterated in the Greek, some scholars, and among them

Schiirer, Levi, and N. Schmidt, have concluded that not only are chapters

i-xxxvi, but also the rest of the book, derived from an Aramaic original.

In support of the latter statement no evidence has yet been offered by these

or any other scholars, nor yet has there been any attempt to meet the positive

arguments of Halevy for a Hebrew original of xxxvii-civ, whose Hebrew

reconstructions of the text have been and must be adopted in many cases

by every editor and translator of the book. A prolonged study of the text,

which has brought to light a multitude of fresh passages the majority of

which can be explained by retranslation into Hebrew, has convinced the

present editor that, whilst the evidence on the whole is in favour of an

Aramaic original of vi-xxxvi, it is just as conclusive on behalf of the Hebrew

original of the greater part of the rest of the book. To determine the exact

limits within which each language is used is a task of no little difficulty. This

is due in part to the fact that for four-fifths of the text we have onlya translation of a translation, and in part to the close affinities existing

between Hebrew and Aramaic. For the resemblances between the two

languages are so great, that frequently retranslation from the Ethiopicinto either is sufficient to explain corruptions in the former. Notwith-

standing, there is a clear balance of evidence in favour of a Hebrew

original of xxxvii-lxxi, lxxxiii-civ. There is much room for further

study of this question, and it is to be hoped that there will be fresh

discoveries of MSS. evidence bearing upon it.

2. Greek, Ethiopic, and Latin Versions.

The entire book was translated into Greek and from Greek into

Ethiopic about the sixth century of our era, and possibly into Latin.

These are fully dealt with in the following sections.


3. The Greek Version. Editions of this Version.

The Greek Version has only in part been preserved. Chapters i-

xxxii. 6 and xix. 3-xxi. 9 in a duplicate form were discovered in 1 886-1 887at Akhmim by the Mission Archeologique Francaise at Cairo, and

published by M. Bouriant in 1892. These are designated as Gg and

Ggl,and Gg2 in the case of the duplicate passage. Large fragments have

been preserved in Syncellus vi-x. 14, xv. 8-xvi. 1, and viii. 4-ix. 4 in

a duplicate form. These are designated as G 9 and G81,G82 in the case

of the duplicate passage.

The chief literature on these fragments is as follows :

Bouriant, Fragments grecs du livre a"Enoch. Mimoires publics par les

membres de la Mission archeologique francaise au Caire, torn, ix, pp. 91-

136, 1892. This is praiseworthy as a first edition, but the text is

disfigured by many errors.

L Evangile ct VApocalypse de Pierre avec le texte grec du livre

d'Enoch. Text public en facsimile par Vheliogravure d'apres les photo-

graphies du manuscrit de Gizeh. Paris, 1893.

Dillmann, Sitzungsberichte d. kgl. Preuss. Akademie d. Wissenschaftenzu Berlin, 1892, li-liii, pp. 1039-1054, 1079-1092. These studies are of

course good, and several of this scholar's suggestions are excellent. In his

comparison of the Ethiopic and Greek Versions he had the benefit of havingcollations of qtu before him. These gave him no inconsiderable advantagein dealing with the problems before him, though his article takes cognizance of

only a limited number of readings where these MSS. furnish a superior text.

Lods, Le Livre d'Henoch, Fragments grecs de'couverts a Akhmim,

public's avec les variantes du texte Ethiopien, traduits et annotis. Paris, 1892.

Lods' contribution is learned, scholarly, and judicious, but as he had the

misfortune to base his work on the corrupt text published by Dillmann in

1 85 1, a large portion of his conclusions was vitiated from the outset.

Charles, The Book of Enoch, pp. 318-370. Oxford, 1893. ^n tn,"

s wol'k

I attempted an exhaustive comparison of the Greek and Ethiopic texts, and

carried the criticism of the materials several stages beyond previous scholars

in this department. An overestimate, however, of the Ethiopic Version

led me to make some unjustifiable changes in the Greek text. This error

has been set right in the present edition. Notwithstanding, the subsequent

thirteen years of study have confirmed most of the suggestions made in 1893.


Swete, The Old Testament in Greek vol. III. Students are very grateful

to this scholar for the inclusion of the Enoch text in this edition, but the

text as printed leaves much to be desired. It is occasionally unintelligible,

where a comparison of the Ethiopic Version would have suggested the

true text.

Radermacher, Das Bach Henoch, hevausgegeben . . . von J. Flemmingund L. Radermacher, pp. 18-60, 11 3-1 14. Leipzig, 1901. This text, on

the whole, is well edited and forms an advance on preceding editions. But,

unless I am greatly mistaken, Dr. Radermacher is not a Semitic scholar.

This deficiency in his equipment proved a sore handicap in the task he

undertook. How is a purely classical scholar to edit a Greek text which

is Greek in vocabulary, but largely Semitic in idiom ? To show that our

text is of this character it will be sufficient to adduce the following

passages: xxii. 9 ovf] 7rrjyr/ tov vharos kv airy ()2 , , , , *iE>x)

= '

in which

there is the spring of water.' xvii. I h u> ol dvres e*ei yiyvovrai (, , , , lE'K

Dt>>)= ' where the dwellers become.' Here, it is true, eKei could be taken

with ol ovTts. xxxii. 3 ov (crOiovcnv ayiov rod Kapirov avrov (lHQ , , . . "l'N)=

' whose holy fruit they eat.' The editor's failure to recognize this idiom in

xvi. 1, has led him to emend the text in such a way as to obliterate whollyits original form. The unemended text runs : and i)p,epas .... davdrov

acp &v to, TTvevfAaTa eKiropevoixtva e rijs ^v\rjs rrjs aapKos avTwv. 1 This

Semitic construction is supported by E though in a slightly corruptedform. Hence it must be preserved, though as I pointed out in 1893,there is according to E the loss of t&v yiyavTav before acp' &v. This very

phrase, moreover, tG>v ytyavrcov is found in G s, though this version inserts

after it a gloss (?) containing the names of the three orders of giants as theyare given in the Targum of Jonathan on Gen. vi. 1-4.

The text and notes are accurately edited, but there are some errors. In

v. 6 Radermacher reads ol dixiavroL as an emendation of the corrupt readingwhich he says is ap.a


rot and not apLaprrjroi, as Bouriant and Lods stated.

Bouriant and Lods were certainly wrong, and Dillmann's edition and mine,which were necessarily based on the work of these scholars, shared in

their error. The autotype reproduction of the text was not published till

after the issue of these editions. But if Bouriant and Lods deciphered the

MS. wrongly, so also has Radermacher. It reads ap.ap\roi. The p is

partially obliterated, but it is unmistakable in the photographic reproduc-

1 I have given the idiom in Hebrew, though the original was in Aramaic.


tion of the MS. Hence we should emend ajuaproi into a[xapT((oX)oi.

Thus the Christian origin of the words which I bracketed in 1893

becomes still more manifest : Kal iravrcs ol aixapT(a)\)o\ xaPWvTai, kol

iarai avToh \vais apapTitov, and internal evidence confirms the omission of

these clauses in E. Notwithstanding, this forms a serviceable edition of the


Another fragment is found in a Vatican Greek MS., No. 1809, written

in tachygraphic characters. This was published by Mai, Patriim Nova

Bibliotheca, torn, ii, and deciphered by Gildemeister in the ZDMG., 1855,

pp. 621-624, and studied afresh by von Gebhardt in Merx' Archiv, ii. 243,

1872. Besides the above, references to or Greek quotations explicitly or

implicitly from Enoch are found in the Ep. of Barnabas (see iv. 3 ;xvi. 4, 6);

Justin Martyr, Apol. ii. 5 ; Athenagoras in his Upea^eia, x;Clement Alex.,

Eclogae prophet, iii. 456 (ed. Dindorf) ;iii. 474 ;

Strom, iii. 9 ; Origen, Contra

Celsttm, v. 52, 54 ;In loannem, vi. 25 (Lommatzsch, i. 241) ;


Homilies, viii. 12. Since these last afford but slight help in correcting the

text, we shall do no more here than refer to Lawlor's article on this

subject in the Journal of Philology',xxv. 164-225, 1897.

4. The relations of the G 8 and Gg to eacpi other


(a) G" more original than Gg. These two fragments are closely

related and yet exhibit marks of independence. They are closely related,

and probably go back to the same Greek translation of the Aramaic

text, since they present in so many passages identically the same text.

On the other hand G s has in several passages a different and undoubtedlybetter order of text. Thus G" rightly places vii. 3-5 of Gg

(or rather its

equivalent of vii. 3-5) after viii. 3 of Gg. For manifestly vii. 1, 2, viii. 1-3

precede vii. 3-5. Thus it alone preserves the original order. The angels

went in to the daughters of men, who bare to them three classes of giants.

And the angels taught their women sorceries and incantations (vii. 1, 2).

Then follows a detailed account of the art, which each of the leading

twenty angels taught mankind. And after this the giants turned against

men and began to devour their flesh (G8 viii. 1-3 ;

G viii. 1-3, vii. 3-5).

It will be observed that in viii. 3 G is very defective compared with


GB in the list of the offices of the various angels. The additional

elements in Gs here could not have been written by a Greek, for in

every instance the office constitutes when translated into Aramaic

a play on the name of the angel who discharges the office. Similarlyin vi. 7 the order of the names of the angels is different and G B

is here

preferable to Gg E.

Again, viii. 4 of G 8 has preserved in all probability a more original text

than Gg E. For it is natural that the substance of the prayer of menas they were slain by the giants should be given when it is first referred

to in viii. 4. Here, indeed, G s

presents a duplicate text, and both texts

give the prayer in question. Gg E, on the other hand, do not give the

words of the prayer till ix. 3, when the angels are presenting it before

God. G 8 in Semitic fashion gives the prayer in extenso here also. xAgain

the additional clauses (-nopevov kt\.) in G s x. 2, 4 belong most probably to the

original work but have been lost in Gg E, see p. 24, note 25. The sameis true of the addition in G 8

ix. 9 with its peculiar diction, as is clear

from a comparison of x. 9, 15.

Finally G 8

preserves several right readings over against Gg E. Thus

brjaov in x. 11 where Gg E corruptly read b-qXcaaov, KaraKpiOfi in x. 14where Gg E read KaraKavaOfj. Cp. also x. 7.

{b) Relations of G8 and Gg to E. Even the most superficial studymakes it clear that E and Gg are more closely related than E and Ga

or G8 and Gg. Indeed the evidence makes it clear that E was translated

from a MS. which was also the parent or ancestor of Gg. This follows

from the fact that the same corruptions appear in Gg E over againsttrue readings in G8 where this exists. Thus they both give impossible

readings in x. 7 -fe-nara^av (G8

etirov) ;x. 11 b-qkaxrov (G


brja-ov) ;x. 14

^KaraKavaOrj (G8

KaTaKpidfj) ;xiv. 8 1[Z9opvf3a(ov (a mistranslation of the

Aramaic original), f(^-niraa-av ;xiv. 18 -fopos (corrupt for opao-is?); xv. 9

fai>(OTepti)v (G8

&v6pa>TT(i>v) ;xviii. 5 ij3a<TTa(ovTas (v vecpeXfi ;

xxii. 4 fiiroirjcrav

for (iroL-qOrjaav ; xxv. 5 feis 0771/ ; xxviii. 2 faird t&v (nrepjxdTcov. In ix. 6

all the authorities are corrupt, but Gg E agree closely.

Furthermore, they add xv. 10 against G s as well as the sense of the

passage, and omit the same clause in x. 2, 4 against G 8. To the above

facts we should add that E agrees with Gg in transposing vii. $-$ from

1 Hence I withdraw the suggestion that G avii. 2 is corrupt.


its original position after viii. 3 against G 9,as we have shown in the

preceding section : also in exhibiting the same defective text of

viii. 4.

On the other hand E preserves certain original readings lost by Gg

and vice versa. Thus E G3

rightly add avrois after ly^vvr\Or]crav in vi. 1

and read fiaaiXevs tu>v {3a<n\ev6vT(ov in ix. 4 where Gg reads /3. tS>v alvvcav, and

navTMv tt]v i^ova-Cav in ix. 5 where Gg reads -naaav r. eovcr[av, and attest Iv

reus OyXtiais in ix. 8 and els aX.\ij\ovs e clvt&v ds clvtovs in x. 9, which Gg in

both cases omits. Moreover in ix. 11 the corruption in E = rd eis avrovs

(for ea? avrovs so Gs)

is easy of correction, whereas Gg offers the hopeless

aias. In the following passages Ga omits clauses a7id passages preserved

by E. Thus it omits by hmt. clauses in ix. 1, 5 ;x. 16

;xii. 3 ;

xiv. 3 ;

xv. 2; xviii. 3, 5, 11, and without any such intelligible ground ii. 3, all

iii and iv except six words, words and clauses in vi. 1, 5; ix. 8; x. 10,

19, 30; xiv. 14 ;xv. 4, 8

;xvi. 1

;xix. 1

; xxii. 5, 8;xxiv. 1, 2; xxvii. 1.

On the other hand E omits words and clauses preserved by G9 in i. 1, 9 ;

v. 1, 3 ;x. 1, 2

;xiii. 7 ;

xiv. 25 ;xv. 11

;xx. 8

;xxii. 2, 5 ;

xxvi. 1.

Naturally Gg and E have severally developed corruptions which it is

generally possible to emend in either case by the help of the other.

Thus E reads in i. 9 (&'. for b0".;

ii. 1 m?*: for m*:;

ix. 4 &fUn>:

for Kit;;

xii. 1 and 2, xviii. 9 ffrt*: for Xrt*: See also notes on xiv. 2, 21,

24, 25; xviii. 7, 9, 13, 16;xix. 2

;xx. 2. 6

;xxi. 7, 9 ;

xxii. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8;

xxiii. 4 ;xxiv. 3, 5 ;

xxvi. 3, 4 ;xxvii. 5 ;

xxx. 1;xxxi. 2, 3 ;

xxxii. 2.

In the following passages E presupposes oixov jueia for 6\iovvto.i. in v. 6;

ra fxera avrd for jueVaAAa in viii. 1 ; d^dyco for avayvSi in xiii. 4 ; ^vaT-qpiov

for fAvpiav in xviii. 16; a>s dp-qvaiai for as aret.prjvas in xix. 2

;Ada) for x^^

in xx. 5 ;koiAoi for /caAot in xxii. 2, 3. Corruptions of Gg will be found

in the following passages; i. 2, 3, 5, 8, 9 ;v. 1

;vi. 8; ix. 4, 6

;x. 19;

xiii. I; xiv. 6, 8, 13, 15, 18, 19; xv. 8, 9; xvi. 3; xvii. 3, 7; xviii. 4,

7, 11;

xxi. 10;

xxii. 5, 6, 9 ;xxiii. 2 ;

xxiv. 3 ;xxvi. 2

;xxxi. 3.


(/:)From the above facts it follows that Ga and E spring from

a common ancestor which we may designate x, and that this x and G'

proceed ultimately from the same original, the first Greek translation of

1It is noteworthy that E in xv. 9 gives a conflate text based partly on Gg and partly on G :

also that in xiv. 22 G8 and E do not agree, but rather supplement each other. See p. 40,

note 21.


the Book of Enoch.1 Hence the genealogy of the above documents

might be represented as follows :

Original Greek Translation from the Semitic

l l

x Ga



5. The Latin Version and Quotations.

The Latin Fragment, which constitutes a very imperfect reproduction

of cvi. 1-18, was discovered in 1893 in the British Museum by Dr. James,the present Provost of King's College, Cambridge, and most kindly placed

at my service for publication in my edition of Enoch in 1893. In the

same year he issued it in the Cambridge Texts and Studies II, No. 3,

Apocrypha Anecdota, pp. 146-150. According to Dr. James this fragmentis found in an eighth century MS. (MS. 5, E xiii in Casley's Catalogue

of the Royal MSS. now in the British Museum). In this MS. the

Enoch fragment is preceded by a penitential edict of S. Boniface, and

followed by an anonymous tract' De Vindictis Peccatorum.' 2

The text has suffered from additions, omissions, and corruptions, and

is very seldom a literal rendering of the original for many words together.

Notwithstanding, it makes some contribution to the formation of a better

text of cvi.

This MS. further may point to a Latin translation, or at least to

a partially completed Latin translation of Enoch ;for (1) occurring in the

midst of original Latin treatises it appears to have been found in Latin

by the collector or scribe of these treatises. (2) It has suffered much

1 This conclusion hardly seems adequate to explain all the phenomena mentioned on pp. xiii-xiv.

These postulate not only the occurrence of duplicate renderings in the Greek translation, but

most probably also the occurrence of variants in the Hebrew original. Cf. v. 9 ; x. 7 (note 6) ;ix. 4

(note 20) ; xiv. 8 (see p. xxix) ; xvii. 7 (note 14 : see also pp. xxix-xxx) ; xlvi. 4, 6 (note 35) ; lii. 9

(see p. xxxi) ; xcix. 6 (see p. xxxiii).a In my edition of 1893 the description of the position of this fragment was both wrong and

inconsistent. These errors were due not to Dr. James the source of my information but to

inconceivable carelessness on my own part. When Dr. James rightly disclaimed responsibility in

a review of my book, I wrongly maintained, in a rejoinder, his responsibility for the errors in question.

I must either have replied without consulting the passage referred to, or else I consulted it but failed

to observe its utter absurdity. I did not recognize it till much later.


in the course of tradition, and may, therefore, go back to a date, when

the Book of Enoch was not reprobated generally, and when a Latin

translation would have been acceptable. (3) It does not show signs of

being an excerpt from a collection of excerpts, such as we find in the

Greek fragment of Enoch, lxxxix. 42-49 ;but standing as it does

without any introductory note or explanation, it looks as if it had been

drawn directly from at least a larger Latin fragment of Enoch.

It is possible that the absurd statement with which the fragment


[Cum esset Lamech annorum tricentorum quinquaginta] natus

est ei Alius'

originally referred to Methuselah, who was $$$ years old

when Noah was born according to the LXX Chronology. E speaks

here of Methuselah taking a wife for his son Lamech and of a son being

born to him.

Latin Quotations. These have been collected most fully by Dr. Lawlor

in his article in the Journal of Classical Philology, xxv. 164-235. Theywill be dealt with at some length in my new edition of the Book of


6. The Ethiopic Version and MSS.

The Ethiopic Version has been preserved in twenty-nine MSS. of

which fifteen are to be found in England, eight in France, four in

Germany, one in Italy, and one in America. Of these MSS. there are

only three of which my knowledge is indirect and slight, but not yet too

slight to enable me to estimate their value and their affinities with the

other MSS. These MSS. are p and z, jz.Of these z indeed was most

kindly lent to the Bodleian Library for my use, but unhappily I was

absent part of the time of its sojourn there, and whilst I was present

the officials of the Bodleian did not notify me of its arrival, p is of no

account as it is merely an exact transcript of b. Next as regards p,

this MS. formerly belonged to Lord Crawford and was lent by him to

the editor of the German edition of the Ethiopic text of Enoch which

appeared in 1901, but since that date this MS. has passed into the hands

of a lady, who refuses to lend it or any other MS. in her possession to

the Bodleian Library for the use of English editors. Of the remaining

MSS. I have directly examined twenty-two, i.e.g.gmqtu, abfhiklno,and suvwy /z fi.

Of these I photographed thirteen, i.e. g tg mqtu,f hi k 1 710. Five others, i. e. a by t


I had no need to photograph, as



the owners ofja, ft most kindly put these MSS. at my service for the

space of two years, while a by were always at hand for consultation in

the Bodleian, to which y had been lent for that purpose by the Munich

Library. Of the Abbadian MSS. rsvw I made collations on a numberof test passages, while at Abbadia. These readings are appended in

foot-notes on these MSS. in the following list, and are sufficient to showthe affinities of these MSS. amongst MSS. of the second class. Finally,

as regards cdex I have used Dillmann's collation of cde and a photo-

graph of x which I procured from the Vatican. Thus for the construction

of the present text I have had at my service photographs of fourteen

MSS. ggmq tu, the constant use of the five MSS. a by ta p, Dillmann's

collations of cde, Flemming's collation of/ (which I have used sparingly)

in all twenty-three MSS. Four other MSS. rsvw I have collated

sufficiently to determine their character. Of the remaining MS. z (for

may be ignored as a transcript of b) it is enough that we have

Flemming's assurance that it is closely related to abcde.The division of Enoch into chapters was made apparently in the

sixteenth century. The division into 108 chapters was made by Dillmann

without MSS. authority, but as it has been followed by all subsequentscholars it is here adopted for the sake of convenience. The above

division is indeed found in one MS., i.e. k, but this MS. was unknownto Dillmann when he made his text. Moreover, the chapters in h vary

frequently in length from those in Dillmann's text.

The full list of the MSS. is as follows:

a. Bodley, No. 4. Large quarto. 40 foil. 3 cols. 105 chapters. Latter half of

1 8th cent. Enoch only.1

b. Bodley, No. 5. Large quarto. 141 foil. 3 cols. 18th cent.(?).

Enoch (98

chapters), Job, Isaiah, 12 Minor Prophets, Proverbs, Wisdom, Ecclesiastes,

Canticles, Daniel.

c. Frankfort MS. Riipp. II. 1. 34 x 30 cm. 181 foil. 3 cols. 18th cent. In

several hands. Enoch (98 chapters), Job, Octateuch.

1 Laurence issued a transcript of this MS. in 1838. The transcription is somewhat faulty in

the earlier chapters. The errors are, as a rule, easy to correct, but, even after the rejection

of the obvious errors of the press, a considerable number remains, and the most of these have

been reproduced in Dillmann's Apparatus Criticus, and from Dillmann's have passed over into

Flemming's text of 1901. In chapters v-x these errors are distributed as follows: one in v. 3;

viii. 3 ;x. 1 : three in vii. 1, 2, 5 : four in vi. 1, 4, 7 {bis).


d. Curzon MS. Quarto. 91 foil. 2 cols. Enoch (102 chapters), Job, Daniel,

4 Ezra, Sirach.

e. Curzon MS. Small quarto. 10 1 foil. 2 cols. Marginal notes from another

hand. Enoch (98 chapters ?), Samuel, Kings, and Apocryphal book.

f. British Museum. Add. 24185 (Wright's Catalogue, 1877, No. 5). 2 cols, of 23

lines. 19th cent. Enoch only. 106 chapters.

g. Brit. Mus. Orient. 485 (Wright, No. 6). 190 foil. 23 x 19 cm. 2 cols, of 23or 24 lines. First half of 16th cent. Enoch (without division into chapters),

Book of Jubilees. On foil. i68a 1 77a a duplicate of chapters xcvii. 6b cviii. 10

is inserted from another MS. akin to g. See next MS.

tg. This MS. consists only of xcvii. 6b cviii. 10, and is found in folk i68 a-i77 a oi g.

It is inserted between the last word and the last but one of xci. 6. It is written

by the same scribe, but the text though belonging to the best type differs

from g.1

h. Brit. Mus. Orient. 484 (Wright, No. 7). 3 cols, of 50 or 51 lines. 18th cent.

Enoch (108 chapters), Octateuch, Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, 1-4 Ezra, Tobit,

Judith, Esther, Sirach.

i. Brit. Mus. Orient. 486 (Wright, No. 8). 3 cols, of 29 lines. 18th cent.

Chapters i-lx. 1 3amissing. Nos. of remaining chapters erased. Enoch, Samuel,

Kings, Jeremiah, Sirach.

k. Brit. Mus. Orient. 490 (Wright, No. 12). 3 cols, of 30 lines. 18th cent.

Enoch (107 chapters), Job, Daniel, 1 Ezra, Isaiah, 12 Minor Prophets.

/. Brit. Mus. 24990 (Wright, No. 13). 3 cols, of 31 lines. 18th cent. Enoch

(divided into chapters, but no numbers supplied), Job, Books ascribed to

Solomon, Isaiah, 12 Minor Prophets, Daniel.

tn. Brit. Mus. Orient. 491 (Wright, No. 15). 219 foil. 40 x 32 cm. 3 cols, of

27 lines. 1 8th cent. Enoch (without division into chapters), Job, 12 Minor

Prophets, Tobit, Judith, Esther, Maccabees.

n. Brit. Mus. Orient. 492 (Wright, No. 16). 3 cols, of 30 lines. 18th cent.

Enoch (87 chapters), Books ascribed to Solomon, Jeremiah, 1 Ezra, Canticles,

Sirach, Judith, Esther, Tobit.

0. Brit. Mus. Orient. 499 (Wright, No. 23). 3 cols, of 31 lines. 18th cent.

Sirach, Daniel, Enoch (106 chapters), Isaiah, 12 Minor Prophets.

p. Formerly in the possession of Lord Crawford now in that of Mrs. Rylands.

67 foil. 39 X 33 cm. 3 cols. 17th cent. Enoch and other books.

1 I here accept Flemming's correction {Das Buck Henoch, p. 8, note) of my description {Book

of Enoch, p. 266) of the extent and character of this MS.


q. Berlin MS. Petcrm. II. Nachtr. No. 29 (Dillmann's Cat.1). 167 foil. 17 X

14 cm. 2 cols, of 13 to 14 lines. 16th cent. Without division into chapters.

Enoch only.

r. Abbadianus 16 (vid. Cat. raison. de mss. e'thiop. appartenant a A. d'Abbadie,

Paris, 1859). 19th cent. Enoch (77 chapters) and other works.1

s. Abbadianus 30. 18th cent. Enoch and other works.2

/. Abbadianus 35. 40 x 35 cm. 3 cols, of 38 to 39 lines. 17th cent. There

are many erasures and corrections and marginal notes. The latter belongto the later type of text, and are designated as t

2. The division into

chapters is marked in the margin on the first few folios. Enoch, Job,

Samuel I and II, Kings, Chronicles, Books ascribed to Solomon, Prophets,

Sirach, i-v Ezra, Tobit, Judith, Esther.

u. Abbadianus 55. 191 foil. 51 X 39 cm. 3 cols, of 48 to 50 lines. Possibly as

early as the 15th cent. Enoch (without division into chapters) and other works.

Text of Enoch much abbreviated after chapter lxxxiii.

v. Abbadianus 99. 70 foil. 23 x 17 cm. 2 cols. 19th cent. Copy made for

M. dAbbadie from a MS. in high estimation among the native scholars. This

MS. has all the bad characteristics of the later type of text. Enoch only.3

1 This is a poor MS., but it exhibits a few good readings. Thus it agrees with a, ad in vi. 540

(i. e. note 40) : originally it supported g in right reading against all other MSS. on xvii. 222 : it

agrees with qt, R-abdx on xxxix. io1,with a-m, deklnw p. on xlv. 3

28,with a-q, defhklyp

on xlvi. 7', with aehknvw on Ixiii. i30

,with a-t, a efh k n on lxix. 4

18,with a, a efh ik In p on

lxxi. i 16,with a,filoypfi on lxxxi. 3

18, with a-u, acefhikn on lxxxix. 42

s,with a-m, acfkikn

on xciii. io16,with a-m, acdiklopfi on xc. so/


, with m, cfhiklnxp on cii. 428

. From the

above it is clear that this MS. though it does not follow closely any of the special groups of /3, yet

it shows some affinity for e and its congeners.2 This is a poor MS., but has some notably good readings. Agrees with u, evx on ix. 8 21

, agreeswith a, defh klnyp on xxiv. 2 40

,with I

2, defklnyp on xxix. 2 31

, with^ww on xxxix. io 1, with

gm q, adfoyfi on xl. i29

,with a-m, deklnwy fi on xlv. 3

28, with a-q, defhklyp on xlvi. 7


with a-q, defhkno fi on xlviii. 6 s,with a, 0-bcx on liii. 7

19,with a-u, kn on lxii. 9

15,with a, in

on lxii. 1522

, with aehknvw on Ixiii. i30

,with eh on lxvii. 3


,with a-t, aefhkn on lxix. 4

18, with

a, aefh ikn on lxxi. i 16, agrees with h on lxxxiii. 830

, with a-u, cdfiloy ta fi on lxxxiii. n 10

, with

gmt, abcfhiknx on lxxxiv. i2*, with a-g, aeloxyfi on lxxxvi. 2

12,with a-m, acfhikn on

xciii. io 16

,with g,gt, bilopxy tafi on c. 12 31

,with m, cfiklnx t

a on cii. 428

. This MS. so far

as it agrees with any special group within 13 does so with eh.3 This MS. which embodies the text approved by the Mamheran or native scholars exhibits most

of the vices of the second class of MSS., but some excellent readings. See on lxxxix. i20

,c. 4

7 below.

It agrees with boxfi on ix. 10s,with p on xvii. 3

27, with a, 0-a b dw xp on xxxix. 7

24,with qt,

cefhklnoypfi on xxxix. io1,with gmq, adfoyp on xl. I

29,with ch on xl. 2

30,with a-q,

defhknofi on xlviii. 6 3,with a, P-bcx on liii. 7

19,with eh on lxii. 9

14, with q, /8 on lxii. 12 12

, with

aehknw on Ixiii. i30

, with gq, ef originally (?), but with t u, 0-ef over erasure on Ixiii. 75,with e h


w. Abbadianus 197. 157 foil. 26 x 23 cm. 3 cols, of 29 lines. 17th or i8ih

cent. Enoch (98 chapters) and other works.1

x. Vatican MS. 71 (cf. Mai, Scrip/, veierum nova collectio, Ro?nae, 1831, T. v. 2, p. 100).

27 foil. 3 cols, of 32 lines. 17th cent. Enoch only. 98 chapters.

y. Munich MS. 30. 61 foil. 25 x 15 cm. 2 cols, of 20 to 28 lines. 17th cent.

Division into chapters only at the beginning. Enoch only.

z. Paris MS. 50 (see Zotenberg's Cat.). 17th cent. Enoch (division into chapters

only at the beginning) and other works.


. Paris MS. 49. 18th cent. Copy of b.

a. Garrett MS. 17 x 12 cm. 2 cols, of 22 lines. 19th or end of 18th cent.

Enoch only.

b. Westenholz MS. 71 foil., of which first and last two are empty. 2 cols, of 24

lines. 1 8th cent. 106 chapters. Enoch only.

7. Relations of the Ethiopic MSS.

(a) Two forms of text, a, (3, of which (3 is late and secondary. There

are two forms of the Ethiopic text. The first is represented by g tgmqtu(and in some degree by n), which we shall henceforth designate by a, and

the second, which owes its origin to the labours of native scholars of the

sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, by all the remaining MSS., i. e. /3.

The result of these labours has been on the whole disastrous;

for these

scholars had neither the knowledge of the subject-matter nor yet critical

materials to guide them as to the form of the text. Hence in nearly everyinstance where they have departed from the original unrevised text theyhave done so to the detriment of the book. But it is not to be inferred

from the above that a always represents one type of text and (3 another

on lxvii. 326

,with a-t, aefhkn on Ixix. 4

18,with m, @-i l on lxx. 3*, with a, aefh ikn on lxxi. i


with/, dhixon lxxxiii. 830,with abehknx on lxxxiii. n 10

,with gmt, abcfhiknx on lxxxiv. I


with m on lxxxix. i20

(here undoubtedly right), with a-u, acefhikn on lxxxix. 42s, with m,

befhnpx on xc. 20/2

', with a-m, acfh ikn on xciii. io16,with tgq on c. 4

7,with m, cfiklnx t


on cii. 438


1Agrees with a, adr in vi. 5

40,with a-t, n on ix. 68

,with aeffcklprsvfifi on x. n 14

, with

mtu though originally with^, t3@ on xv. 12 23

,in margin with g on xxiv. 2 39

, with a, de/kklny ta

on xxiv. 240,with t

2defklny t

a on xxix. 2 31,with q t, cefhklnoy t

atb on xxxix. io1

,with a-m,

deklny^/i on xlv. 3s8

,with a-q, defkkly t

a on xlvi. 7T,with aehknv on lxiii. 1



a, &~bcdnoyp on lxxi. i16

, with a^filoypfi on Ixxxi. 318

,with a-g, aeloxyfi on lxxxvi. 2 12

, with

a-u, acefhikn on lxxxix. 42s,with a-m, acdiklopfi on xc. 2C)

24, with a-m, acfhikn on

xciii. io16, with m, cfh iklnx ,a on cii. 4

28,with ,gm, 0-c on ciii. 7", with abcek on civ. 9



type opposed to the former ; for the attestation of neither group is wholly

uniform, as each group is divided within itself. This statement holds true

in a much greater degree of a. Indeed, the cases are comparatively few

where a differs as a whole from /3. Fifty readings out of fifty-one which

any editor must adopt will have the support of one MS. singly as^, m, q,

/, tc, or of groups such as gm, gq, qt,gu, gmq, gmt, gmu, &c, and

the fifty-first time of the undivided a. For instances of the latter see

i. 9 (note 23), viii. 1 (note 34), x. 3 (note 36), 13 (note 28), 17 (note 7),

22 (note 48), xv. 5 (note 24). Moreover, when the attestation of a is

divided, the individual or group of a attesting the right reading will often

have the support of /3 or of groups within j3. The above facts serve to

prove that the recension was not the work of a few years, but was rather

a process which culminated in such a text as we find in /3, but particularly

in the MS. w.

(b) /3 or groups in /3 sometimes preserve the original texts. Again it

is noteworthy that in a limited number of cases /3 preserves the original

text where a is secondary. Some of these are no doubt accidental, but

seventeen 1 such readings in thirty-two chapters are hard to account for

in this fashion. These instances are found in the following passages.

Thus /3 is right over against a in vi. 6 (note 43), viii. 3 (note 18), ix. 1

(note 6), 3 (note 18), /3-/ in ix. 1 (note 7), x. 1 (note 24), beefhi2 no

against a and rest of (3 in vi. 6 (note 4), abx in ix. 4 (note 24), be ox ja tb in

xviii. 4 (note 12), dy in xxii. 13 (note 53), hop in xxiv. 3 (note 47), nja,


ix. 6 (note 10), ox ft in xviii. 15 (note 32), 11 single-handed in ix. 11 (note 15),

x. 3 (note 37), 7 (note 21), xxii. 9 (note 29). Hence in some cases there is

in [3 most probably a survival of the original text where it has been lost in

the present representatives of a.

(c) The character and affinities of the chief MSS. g. Of the MSS.of a, g is decidedly the best all-round MS. This does not mean that

it has more unique and right readings than any other MS. of the older

type of text, but that when all the good points of the various MSS. are

summed up, g comes out an easy first. In the first thirty-two chapters

g alone attests the right reading in vi. 5 (note 37), xvii. 3 (note 27), xviii. 7

(note 33), xxi. 5 (note 8), xxviii. 3 (note 11). In lxxxix. 42 (note 4) it has

only the support of n, the best of the second class MSS. This MS.


Flemming enumerates only six, and three of these are wrong ;for t in these three cases agrees

with /3 : in ii. i t is wrongly represented as agreeing with a-t.


has been made the basis so far as any single MS. can of my text. It

exhibits much strange orthography and bad grammar, and many cor-

ruptions. Notwithstanding it is by far the best representative we have

of the ancient text. It was this MS. together with m that I used when

emending Dillmann's text for my translation and commentary which

appeared in 1893.

,g. This MS., which has already been described, shows certain

idiosyncrasies in ciii. 9-15, where it uses the first person over againstthe third in the other MSS. Outside this chapter it agrees in turn

with g, m, q, t,11 or with combinations of these or with one or more of

these combined with j3, but it is most nearly related to g.

m. This MS. is in some respects the weakest of the older group.It attaches itself so closely to g that we must assume its having comeunder its influence. This fact becomes of importance when we come to

chapters xcvii. 6b-cviii. 10, where we have both^ and


Moreover, the evidence is not as decisive as we could wish; for though alone

or together with j3 it agrees in many passages with g (see xcvii. 6 (note 28) ;

xcviii. 2 (note 19) (along with /3), 3 (note 29); cii. 1 (note 1), 6 (note 2);

ciii. 2 (note 2), 13 (note 15); cvi. 10 (note 6)), yet we find it displayingsimilar affinities with

4g (see xcviii. 6 (notes 13, 15); xcix. 2 (note 2);ciii. 2 (note 51), 6 (note 34), 7 (note 41) ;

civ. 1 (note 5) ;cv. 2 (note 32) ;

cvi. 7 (note 24), 10 (note 1), 19 (note 34)). On the other hand in the vast

majority of its unique readings tg is unaccompanied by m. Hencesomehow m has been influenced by the readings both ofg and

tg. In x. 2

(note ^) and xvii. 4 (note 36) it alone attests the primitive text, in vii. 3

(note 9) alone with/, and in xv. n (note 21) with bxy.

q. Though teeming with every form of error incident to the transmission

of a text in the way of additions, corruptions, and omissions, this MS.contains a larger number of unique original readings than any other used

in our text. Thus it alone preserves the original text in ix. 8 (note 21),

x. 11 (note 16), xiv. 1 (note 39), xxi. 2 (note 24), xxii. 9 (note 25), xxiv. 2

(note 41), xxvi. 3 (note 33), xxvii. 4 (note 47), xxxii. 4 (note 31). It

approximates more closely tog tgm than to tu.

t. This is a most interesting MS.,1 as it gives the older type of reading

3 This MS. is notable also from the fact that for the Books of Samuel and Kings it alone

exhibits a third type of text diverging from the two types of text in circulation in Abyssinia.

These were the first and primitive type of text and the later or Vulgate. Where this MS. diverges


in the text and the later either over erasures or above the line or in the

margin, with the rejected words in the text bracketed. The corrector has

not done his work thoroughly. Accordingly many of the older readings

remain untouched. The work of erasing has been so frequently perfunctory

that it is generally possible to decipher the original text. Moreover,

in some cases the correction represents a return to the older text. Cf. i. 6

(note 5). Asgjgm are closely connected, so are t and u. t is the least

original of the MSS. of the first class. Thus it is hardly ever right alone.

For one instance in the first thirty-two chapters see x. 10 (note 3).

u. This MS. would form a good third to g and q but that it is so

imperfect after chapter Ixxxiii, for nearly one-seventh of the entire book is

omitted in the course of Ixxxiii-cviii. These omissions are made in the

most capricious way. Sometimes words, sometimes phrases, sometimes

whole sentences and paragraphs are excised to the entire destruction of the

sense. Notwithstanding as u is a valuable MS. I have most faithfully

recorded all its omissions and changes. In chapters i-xxxii it alone

preserves the true text in iii (note 23), iv (note ^), xxi. 7 (note 40).

n. Of MSS. of the second class n is by far the best. Indeed, though in

the main embodying the second type of text it attests more unique and

original readings in chapters i-xxxii than m or t or u. Thus it stands alone

in giving the original text in ix. 11 (note 15), x. 3 (note 37), 7 (note 21),

xxii. 9 (note 29)(?). Alone of MSS. of the second class it gives along with

various MSS. of the first class the true text as in i. 3 (note 18), xiv. 21

(note io), xxv. 7 (note 19), lxxxix. 42 (note 4), &c. Thus n exhibits the

characteristics of both types of text.

Remaining MSS. of /3. Several of these MSS. go in pairs. Thus ax,

dy, eh, op must go back respectively to four common sources, as they

respectively attest a vast number of unique readings. With a in a less

degree k is connected, eh and op, moreover, have also a considerable

number of readings in common, and likewise dloy.A study of the notes will show the reader that it is possible to establish

partial connexions between other groups of MSS. than those already

mentioned, but the further prosecution of this subject does not lead to anyvaluable results.

from these two classes of text it repeatedly agrees with the Hebrew (Massoretic) text. Subse-

quently a corrector worked over this MS. and erased readings belonging to the first class, as well

as those peculiar to this MS. which were derived from the Hebrew, and substituted readings of the

second or Vulgate type. See Dillmann, Bibl. Aeth. T. II. i ; Appar. Crit.y p. 5.


8. Editions of the Ethiopic Version.

Laurence, Libri Enoch Versio Aethiopica. Oxoniae, 1838. This text

was issued simply as a transcript of a, one of the MSS. brought to Europeby Bruce, the great Abyssinian traveller, in 1773. The transcription is

not very accurate in the early chapters, though the errors are as a rule

easy to correct. In chapters v-x there are ten;most of these have

passed over into Dillmann's Apparatus Criticns, and from Dillmann's to

Flemming's. As the text advances it becomes more accurate, so that

I found its citation by Dillmann to be sufficiently trustworthy for use in

the present edition.

Dillmann, Liber Henoch, Aethiopice, ad quinque codicnm jidem editus,

cum varus lectionibus. Lipsiae, 1851. This edition was based on five

MSS. abcde, of which ab are in the Bodleian, c in the Frankfort Library,and de were the property of the well-known traveller, Robert Curzon.

Of Dillmann's collations of bcde I have tested only that of b in the

opening chapters, and found only one bad error, in chapter vii. These

five MSS. are all of secondary value. The best of them is a. Nofurther work on the Ethiopic text appeared till 1893, when Dillmann

{Sitsungsberichte d. kgl. Prenss. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin, 1893, li-liii,

pp. 1039-1054, 1 079-1092) published some variants from three MSS. on

the first thirty-two chapters of Enoch in connexion with his edition of the

fragmentary Greek Version.

Charles, The Book of Enoch translated from Professor Dillmann s

Ethiopic Text emended atid revised in accordance with hitherto

uncollated MSS. and with the Gizeh and other Greek and Latin

Fragments. Oxford, 1893. This translation was based on a drastic

revision of Dillmann's text. Ten new MSS., which belong to the

British Museum, were used, three of them, g tg m, being of primary impor-

tance, and seven, fhiklno, being of only secondary. Of these MSS.I collated m,fh iklno on about three hundred passages; but gtg I collated

throughout, on the whole accurately, but defectively, as I now find, in

a relatively small number of passages.

Flemming, Das Bnch Henoch : Aethiopischer Text herausgegeben

von Joh. Flemming {=Texte und Untersuchungen, Neue Folge, VII. i).

Leipzig, 1902. Dr. Flemming's text is based on fifteen MSS., abcdegtg mp qtuv wy. Of these six belong to the first class g tg m qtu and the



rest to the second class. This editor has been at no little pains in the

preparation of his text. Thus he has himself collated gmpqy. His

knowledge of tu he owes to photographs taken by Professor Meyer in

France, and of vw to collations of the same scholar. It was a fatal

error on Dr. Flemming's part that he did not photograph gmq, or, at

all events, revise his collations of them.

Flemming's text naturally constitutes an immeasurable advance on

that of Dillmann, and a considerable advance on Dillmann's text as emended

in my commentary in 1893. With the help of the three new first-class

MSS. q tu, this editor was able to point out a few passages where I followed

mere idiosyncrasies of g, and also some others where I preferred the less

trustworthy of the two texts gyg in chapters xcvii. 6b-cviii. 10.

On the whole, Flemming's text is good, as might be expected from

so excellent an Ethiopic scholar, and several of his suggestions have

been accepted in the present edition. On close examination, however,

Flemming's edition proves unsatisfactory from its frequent inaccuracy in

the collation of the MSS. generally, and its inadequate collation of the

first-class MSS. In my review of this edition in the American Journal

of Theology, pp. 689-703, 1903, I have summed up its serious shortcomingsunder the following heads :

(i) Inaccurate and defective collation of the

MSS.; (ii) The adoption of inferior readings into the text where the MSS.

evidence for the true text is incontrovertible. Flemming's treatment of the

great Berlin MS. q on chapters x-xxxii will exemplify his method in

dealing with the other MSS. In six passages in these chapters q alone

amongst the Ethiopic MSS. preserves the true text of E, as is proved

by G. Yet in two of them, xxi. 2 (note 24), xxiv. 2 (note 41), q is not

collated at all, and in the remaining four, x. 11 (note 16), xiv. 1 (note 39),

xxii. 9 (note 25), xxxii. 4 (note 31), the reading of q is relegated to the

notes, and the wrong reading adopted. In x. 7 (note 21) q practically

gives the original text (which is preserved by n alone), but the corrupttext is adopted by this editor, (iii) Corrupt passages are left in the text

without any attempt to emend them or even to call attention to their

viciousness. (iv) Divergencies between G and E are left unexplained, (v)

Practically 710 use is made of the Semitic background for purposes ofemendatio7i. Notwithstanding the above shortcomings, Dr. Flemming'sedition is deserving of the gratitude of Orientalists, as it constitutes a vast

advance on that of Dillmann, and forms on the whole a serviceable workfor students generally.


9. Original Language of Chapters VI-XXXVI Aramaic;

of I-V, XXXVII-CIV Hebrew.

That the Book of Enoch was originally written in a Semitic languageis now universally admitted. But what that language is is still a questionof dispute. In the past Hoffmann, Jellinek, Dillmann (?) assumed a

Hebrew original, and Halevy (Jonm.Asiatique, 1867, pp. 352-395) furnished

excellent grounds for such a belief, but of late years, since the discoveryof the Gizeh Greek fragment, there has been a tendency to assume that

the original was written in Aramaic. Neither view can I believe be

established, but each appears to be true in part, as I hope now to prove.The proof in certain sections amounts almost to demonstration : in the

case of others only a probability can be indicated. The results of

present study of this problem tend to show that chapters vi-xxxvi were

originally written in Aramaic, and xxxvii-lxxi, lxxxiii-civ, and probablyi-v in Hebrew. The original language of Ixxii-lxxxii is still indetermin-

able, but the probability of an Aramaic original seems to be greater than

that of a Hebrew.

Chapters i-v. Probably from a Hebrew original. These chapters do

not come from the same author or period as vi-xxxvi.

v. 9 (Gg)


They shall not be punished (jE^^Ui-: = KoXaa-d-qo-ovTat.) all

the days of their life/ Since E has apLdprcomv here, if the text in

both cases is rightly transmitted, it is probable that ID^N"1 stood in the

original, and that it was rendered by afxapTcoa-tv in the text of the Greek

translation and by KoXao-Orjo-ovTcu in the margin, or vice versa. In the

Test. Asher, vi. 1, the converse appears to have happened and the translator

to have rendered this Hebrew verb by Ko\d(ovrat instead of by ap.apTavov(ri.

Again in i. 9' He cometh with myriads of holy ones


the text

reproduces the Massoretic of Deut. xxxiii. 2 (see note on i. 9) in readingNrw = cpxtTcu, whereas the three Targums, the Syriac, and Vulgate read

rinx = fxer avrov. Here the LXX diverges wholly. The reading xnx

is recognized as original. The writer of this section of Enoch used the

Hebrew text, and followed neither Version nor Targum in reproducing it.

Presumably he wrote in Hebrew also. See also notes 1. 9 on p. 10.

Chapters vi-xxxvi. It will be observed in the notes on these chapters

that sometimes the Greek is retranslated into Hebrew and sometimes into

Aramaic. The reason is that when they were written (in 1901-1902) I was still


undecided as to which language was the original. The balance of evidence

now appears to me to be in favour of the latter, and this is as follows :

(a) Aramaic words transliterated in the Greek. In xviii. 8 cpovKa =N21S, in xxviii. i and xxix. i iiavbofiapa and (3aj3biipa

= tf-QID.1

(b) Aramaic constructions. In xlx. a we have the peculiar Greek al

yvvaiKes avrtiv tu>v irapafidvrcov ayyeXoov. This is a literal reproduction of

the Aramaic idiom 1cn '1 N^N^Ei H {irWJ. The same construction recurs

in E in ix. 8 which = avvKoipri6r\<jav per' clvt&v pera t&v OrjXei&v = 1T3^

N*tM Dy ?nw. Here G8,

it is true, has omitted fxera t&v 6i)\u5>v. This

omission may be due to the unintelligibility of the construction to a pureGreek scribe. It is possible, however, that G 8

is right, which connects

iv reus OrjXeiais with the next verb o-we/coijur/^rycray per' civt&p Kai kv

rats 0r/\eu? ep.iav6i]<rav. But this is very unlikely ;for the natural

construction would be avvK0Lixi]6rj(Tav [xera t&v d-qkd&v Kal kv avrais Zpuav-

Orjcrav. We have probably a third instance of this idiom in vi. 8 ovtol

ela-iv dp-^al <ivtG>v ol bena, where ol beta should be emended into t&v beKabw

with E. Then dpxal avrQv tu>v beKabwv = NnnDjn JIWso. This Aramaic

idiom has made its way into the O. T. as in Canticles iii. 7.

(c) Some of the proper names zvith which paronomasias are connected

postulate an Aramaic original. Thus in G sviii. 3 we have 6 8e TpCros

b(bae to. cnypeia tt)s yijs. Now 6 rptros in vi. 7 is 'Apa/cu;A= /N^pIS, where

P")N is Aramaic for 'earth.' Again in G 3

viii. 3 we have 6 be cikoo-to?

ebibae ra o-rj/weia rrjs creXrjvrjs (Gg2epiT)A <reXr]vaycoyias), where 6 eiKOOTo?

according to G Bvi. 7 is Soi/htjA.

= iWifiD. Here "inD is Aramaic for 'moon.'

Again in viii. 3 the 6 oyboos in 6 8e oyboos Zbibaev aepoo-Koiriav is Gg 'E^kitjA


ZaKtr/A) = iwprttJ\ priB? (=

a?/p), it is true, is Hebrew as well as Aramaic.

(d) Occasionally the source of corruptions in the Greek can be detected by

retranslation into Aramaic. I can offer but a few instances of this nature;

for though there are many passages which can be restored by retranslation

into the original, the restoration can be made equally well in most passages

by retranslation into either Hebrew or Aramaic. The evidence, therefore, in

this section is not conclusive. It serves to prove, however, the thoroughlySemitic basis of our author.

x. 17 ra o-a/3/3ara avr&v. Here we should have rd yrjpas avra>v. Here, as

note in loc. shows, the source of the corruption is explicable both in Hebrew

and Aramaic.

1 On the other hand in xxvii. 2 777 is a transliteration of N^J (='

valley ')which is a pure Hebrew

word, the Aramaic being fcOTt. Since N^, however, is here used as a proper name, as denoting the


Valley of Hinnom,' its use may be justifiable in an Aramaic document.


xii. 6 ovk1[ eorai avroUf ds ekeov. See note on this passage on p. 238.

xiii. 2 avo\r} ml epdrrjais <roi ovk corai irtpl 5>v e8et^a? abucrnxdrouv,' no

forbearance nor frequest shall be to thee in regard to &c.' Here N^NB'


epwTTjo-i?) was corrupt for N^V^1 = a^eo-i?,


forgiveness.' Cf. xii. 5 kcu oi/c

tforeu . . dpr\vT] ovt acptcns. Here the Hebrew can also account for the


xiii. 9 ttv6ovvts h 'A/3eAo-ia^A (so E), i. e. 'A/3eiA?^rj = \hwi }^2N

a paronomasia.

xiv. 6 01/K eorai ip.iv fo^rjo-t? avT<5y dAXa Trfo-oCz/rac . . . iv nayaipa.

Here ovrjais = into, which should here have been rendered /cardAeijUjua. In

Hebrew "UV also admits of both senses.

xiv. 8 Ka.T(Tirovbaov kclI t k6opv(iaov. Here the second verb is

impossible, and we have probably two renderings of one and the sameHebrew word vny> accordingly as it is pointed as a niphal or a piel verb.

In Aramaic the pael of this verb = 6opvfia(u, rapdcra-oi, or avvTapdacrco in

Dan. iv. 2, 16; v. 6, 10; vii. 15, 28, and is rendered by Theodotion 2

by one or other of the latter two verbs. On the other hand the LXXrenders the same Aramaic verb by KaTcunrevbai 3 in iv. 16 and v. 6. Thusthe translator of the LXX, who, as we know from the rest of his translation

of the Aramaic section of Daniel, was very familiar with Aramaic, assignsto the pael of the Aramaic verb the same meaning as the piel and hiphil of

the Hebrew. Hence we may assume that the pael in Aramaic could

mean Karao-7revSa) or 6opv(3a(a>. Thus we could explain our text as a

dittographical rendering of one and the same Aramaic verb.

If there were two verbs in the original, and this is possible, then we have

simply a mistranslation of ?rd in ZdopvfiaCov.

xvi. I d<' &v . . . Ik rfjs tyvxrjs rrjs crapKos clvt&v = JiniDl t>S3D "H.

Similar Aramaic idioms are found also in xxii. 9 ;xxxii. 3. These

anomalous Greek constructions can also be explained from a Hebrew

background. In xxii. 6 Sio in 810 ovtoos fj <j>u)vr} avrov should with Ebe emended into ov in accordance with this idiom. Thus we should have' whose voice thus.'

xvii. 7. Here E= rd oprj t&v yvo<pcov= tiblp HID (see my note in loc).

1 Or possible *# = 'rest.'

1 Two MSS. of Theodotion's text AQ render by KaraairevSai, but this may be owing to the

influence of the LXX.* The translator of 2 Chron. xxvi. 20

; xxxv. 21 renders the Hebrew S"0 by KaraairfvSu.


The phrase seems to be borrowed from Jer. xiii. 16. If this is so, then

Gg which reads tovs cWjuovs t5>v yvScfxov= N?3p Tin. In that case we might

suppose that the Greek translator found one word in the text and the other

in the margin of his Semitic MS. and rendered both, and that Ggpre-

served one and the Greek ancestor of E the other. The text in v. 9,

where E = Kokao-Oijo-ovTai (or Kpi6r}crovTai) and Gg reads afxapTuxriv (which are

two possible renderings of the same Hebrew word), requires a similar


xxviii. 2 TiXriprjs hivhpoov kcX curb tG>v f airepfxaToov. It would be absurd to

speak of a plain as full of 'trees and seeds.' Here I take euro tu>v

(nrepiJ.dT(tiv = ]>^'Ci, corrupt for piJHT = ' and of vegetables.' See my note

in loc. for other possible explanations.

xxix. 2 fK/Hcrecos bivhpa. Here KpCcrccos= WY1, corrupt for Krvn (so

Praetorius)= evdbrj. In Hebrew the corruption can be explained equally-


xxxi. 3 otclv TpL(3co(TLv. These words refer to certain fragrant trees

mentioned in the preceding verse. These trees yielded (see p. 70, note 35)

a fragrant odour when burnt. Hence it is possible that the Aramaic flppT

(=Tpifio)(Tiv) is corrupt for ppS>T= Kavacoaiv. Thus: 'when they burn it, it

is more fragrant &c.'

Chapters xxxvii-lxx, from a Hebrew original. The assumption of

a Hebrew original is required by some of the following passages, while

others would admit of either Hebrew or Aramaic.

xl. 9' The third who is set over all the powers is Gabriel.' There is

a paronomasia here on Gabriel's name iwnnj Nin niTQJi i>3 by 1WK. This

paronomasia is possible also in Aramaic. In the same verse the words ' the

second, who is set over all the diseases ... of the sons of men, is Raphael'

=^SB1 Nin DIN V2 nbflO bl by ncx, contain a reference to the derivation

of the name Raphael, which is possible only in Hebrew NS1 ' to heal.'

xlv. 3' On that day thine Elect One will sit on the throne of glory

And he will choose their tvorks!

The words in italics are a translation of ?f<5: 7D7n<5IF<n><: Flemming,

after the example of his predecessors, translates :

' wird Auswahl trerfen

unter ihren Werken.' But this is a mistranslation and would require

&yn7flU'cn>; Moreover it is absurd to boot. The source of the corruption

becomes clear on retranslation. Thus Vi&\ = eKAeerai = the Hebrew "irD"1


which might (? cf. Isa. xlviii. 10) itself = hoKi\xa<rei} or else it is a corruption


of \T0.\ which normally means 'will try.' Thus we should read 'And he

will try their works.' In Aramaic irO has both meanings. Hence this

passage is indecisive.

xlvi. 4b ' He will f raise up the kings and the mighty from their thrones.'

Of this verse a dittograph occurs four lines later, xlvi. 5a


'And he will put down kings from their thrones and kingdoms,'

for the parallelism shows that the latter is an intrusion. On the other

hand P-lAfYfrav'. = Ka6aipr\crei= T'D'1 is right (cf. 2 Chron. xxx. 14), whereas

iP'ha^i = eyepei = *vy is wrong.1

*vy would then be a. corruption for "VD\

Hi. 9' All these things will be f denied and destroyed from the face

of the earth.' Here Dillmann and Flemming try to give a better sense

to the passage by rendering &YYichfU' werden verschwinden


and Beer'

werden vernichtet werden.' But the word is unexampled in these senses

in Ethiopic. The explanation is discoverable through retranslation. E =&TT<xpvr}8ij(TovTai /cat acpavLadrjaovTai.. These two verbs are dittographic render-

ings of the Hebrew ^C!|?'

lvi. 7' Till the number of their corpses is f through their death f .'

J^-f-flD" = K Oavarov avrcov = D^B>?, corrupt for ni3"J' more than myriads.'

lxv. 10 ' Their judgment has been determined upon and will not be

f reckoned before me.' Here '

will not be reckoned before me ' = ov

XoyicrdtfaeTaL Kara -npoo-aiirov p.ov= ^30 StB'n* to where the verb is corrupt

for WW. = '

will be withheld'

used of judgments and calamities. Thus

the text = '

their judgment has been determined up and will not be

withheld by Me.' This restoration is possible also through Aramaic.

lxv. 10 ' Because of the f months which they have searched out and

through which they know &c.' Here Halevy (Journ. Asiat., 374-375, 1867)

objects that Kahfri: signifies' months


and never astrology, and that the

knowledge of the future could not have been regarded as criminal bythe authors of Enoch. Hence he conjectures that C&hn (= 'months') was

a corruption of CBhn = '

sorceries.' This conjecture restores sanity to

the text.

lxv. 1 1' For these there will be no place of f refuge for ever.' Here

fVftX: = a.Tro(TTpo(pri= mitfn, which should here have been rendered



lxvii. 13 'These waters of judgment minister to the healing of the

1 In the notes in loc. I have supposed ? l,

32 an^ ?S) .


body of the f angels. Here, as Halevy (pp. 366-367) has remarked,'


is an impossible reading. It = D^NpO, corrupt for DwB '


Ixix. 13 'This is the f number of Kesbeel.' The word 'number' is

here unintelligible. The context requires some such words as'


function.' Halevy's explanation is very satisfactory. He holds that the

translator here rendered n~np2 by' number


when he should have given'



From the above restorations on the basis of a Hebrew original, the

majority of which are not possible on the hypothesis of an Aramaic

original, the natural conclusion is that the chapters xxxvii-lxx were

originally written in Hebrew.

Chapters Ixxii-lxxxii. From Hebrew most probably.

lxxvii. 1' The first f wind is called the east because it is the first :

and the second the south because the Most High f descends there.' Wehave here two paronomasias, one misrendering and one corruption. First

of all, as Halevy points out, the Greek translator erred by rendering Tfh

by' wind


instead of by'

quarter.' Cf. Ezek. xlii. 20. Next,' Most

High descends' = EH TV> corrupt for D"> T*T = c the Most High abides,'

a play on DV"n 'south.' Finally, the '

east'= EHi? : hence it is 'the first'

\3icnp. In verses 2, 3 there are similar paronomasias.

lxxviii. 1. See note 13.

lxxviii. 3. See note 25.

lxxx. 5 See note 1.

Chapters Ixxxiii-xc, from Hebrezv (or Aramaic?). The evidence is

here very scanty as yet.

lxxxiii. 11. Here a corruption in text can be emended by retranslation

into Greek or Hebrew. See note in loc.

xc. 18 \\S3ft\ JLfhWaD4: = eKaXv^ev eir' avrovs, a clear Hebraism = HD3

tivby. See my note 16 on p. 185.

xc. 38 'The first . . . became a fword.' Here IS. = prjfxa, but the

Greek was not pyp.a but /jtj/x a transliteration of EN"]= '

buffalo.' If wewere sure that p^p-a stood originally in the Greek translation it would

be an argument in favour of an Aramaic original ;for pt)p.a would = NBV


Chapters xci-civ, from a Hebrew original.

xciii. 5. See note in loc.


xciii. 8. See note on the Hebrew construction.

xcvi. 6. See note.

xcix. 6. Here E = eij rj^Jpav aifxaros dSiaAeurToi;, but in Tertullian

(De Idol., IV) the phrase appears as 'in diem sanguinis perditionis'= ets

rjixipav aifxaros a7ra)Aeta?= *TW D1 Dlv where TN7 is corrupt for 1V?=abiaketTTTov. So Symmachus renders *1V? in Job xvi. 8 where Massoretic

has lj?b.

ci. 4. Here the text rests on a mistake of the Greek translator or

else on a corruption in the Hebrew text, whereby ^apP'

kings' was read

for *Hpp:



G denotes the Greek Version.

G sdenotes the Greek fragments preserved by Syncellus : where there is a duplicate

version GS1 G s2 are used.

GB denotes the Greek fragment discovered at Akhmim, and now preserved in the

Gizeh Museum. See p. xi.

E denotes the Ethiopic Version.

ab c dep. 4b, &c, the Ethiopic MSS. described on pp. xvii sqq.

hmt. = homoioteleuton.


The use of these brackets in G 3 Gg i-xxxii means that the words so enclosed,

though only in one of these authorities, are also in E. Such words in E G s

goback to Greek archetype. In Ixxxix. 42-49 and in cvi these brackets simply

denote that the words so enclosed in G and L are not in E, but may nevertheless

go back to the archetype.

r ] The use of these brackets in G s Gs means that the words so enclosed are

found only in one of the authorities, and may or may not go back to the

Greek archetype.

( ) Words so enclosed are supplied by the Editor.

t t Words so enclosed are corrupt.


Words so enclosed are interpolated.

K7h<i: v?tt



1. 1-5.

1. PA: 1

(Itfrfr HJfffh: fflun>:2

Otfi: KM: (D^&fh XA; UAm.: J&M-J-: (10At:

i^TSft: A/iAAft": *K-A; XJkPJ: wd.Cl'iii'

2. wtia>-r>fr.h *a)Q,i 2Fh: 6

-nXA,: U*fc 7 HXyfA: Xm&<lrfi>C: [X1H;] *0j&*}

l*s8 iiu*^! <dIo?l\ 9

X?: fr&A: 10 HAAW*: H"ACftW.: 12ffDAXfc*: coA^Ote

XyfftlPtn*: Jfft ! *wKXavCh-\ hi.13 tHX&rt.;"t atffr AH: ta>-2v,; M: AH:


163. nXlt: ^.H: Xft: 17 <D*a>/Xft: nXltfilftn*: yflA 3

Jfca>0X:18 $&A: a>m.e: X^yW:

4. <D ,9*Ay"Hi: 'Mi'V Xi^W?; 21 J&h^^; 22A: A.V: .&(1C;

atfATC/l: ntOjE."}*:

.PfttCA.:23 *n2A: JW: 24 XyAW:: 25

5. w&CO". 26H-A-:

<0.P,A#A*: Wi;m\r>hao*: C7t: 27


9fljfc: XAh: fi$TC: 7&C\\


/#, abc delo x. g1 omits together with next word, m, h'n read Jf5*h: H^^-fl:

(fireads H) o.*Ji.: ^Ay": H ( omits) ^h; JAJ&: ^A: (m omits together with two

next words). So k, but omits two words before last, q reads X; HCX?: ^A:

/reads HJ^fc: JdjE.; ^A: y reads H^h: ^A: and omits following Hi?".2^?.

"mtu, /3 read Hhoo; 3 G omits. * a-a. reads H-A": ^A.^"}: /3 tfA*: XSkH:fl^A. 1

}*}:5 This is a poor attempt at rendering the phrase ava\a$a>v rfjv napuPoXrjv.

Ethiopic translators indeed found this phrase difficult, and never rendered it

literally. Cf. Num. xxiii. 7, 18; xxiv. 3, 15, 20, 21, 23. gmqt add X*}h: which

may be a corruption of i^AA: see ver. 3.6

u, b c d x ci alone in E preserve this order

as in G. All other MSS. trans. 7q reads >flXA>: RJ^fc (sic).

8.Here E is

supported by Num. xxiv. 4, against G, which has Bpaa-is.9 So also Num. xxiv. 4.

G corrupt. See note 7, p. 3.10

g m, by. Other MSS. read $&A: x adds X7H7rflrh>C:11

q, d read CD.n n reads XCftje.JP:

13? omits. "

m, /2/3. ^ -7

/ read XC*.:u HXCAjE.; The text = a i6e&>pavv. We should probably read X*JH: X&/L: or possibly

<JXjE.; a seer of visions (n^), of which the unintelligible hChfr in -^/ may be

a corruption.15

a, ben. $-bcn read jE-ffDRTh: /3 adds ^(D-lK&i16 ?/. ? read

C^-f: u XyCJ^T: The Xi^ here may be a corruption of Xft: = \a\S>. p-d

read C1$>'\\ d "ty1?;


q prefixes (D. d reads jE.fl>:Kgqu, n. m, $-n read-

HtD". / HjE-ffD^X:19

qu, $-11. gmt, n omit.20mu, $-11. gqt read WiXi;

n K9" HA^Ay: 21 All MSS. wrongly prefix (D against G. ffl omits.


? reads .PAt^i 24 a-u. u, p read dittO: 1J&A*;25

/ reads X^A^-ft:26

/. All other MSS. read mLC\)\ s7 d prefixes (l.28

^ omits.

1. 1-5.

ENDX1. Aoyos evXoyias Evu>x, Kad&s eiXoyrjcrev (kXcktovs hiKatovs oiTives ecrotrat

els f/ixepav avayKrjs e^apat1Tiavras tovs zyOpovs


rK<xl (TOi6i']aovTai oiKatot"

1 3.

2. Kai ava\afi(>>v Ti]v itapafioXr]v avrov et7rev 'E^w^, avdpooTtos StKaids, e(TTti>4

opaats5 eK 0eou ai/ra> cbewype'znj, r'/y


7 r^ opaaiv tov ayiov **at toS


, f eoete'j> pot9 rKa aytoAoya)i> ayiu>v fjKovcra eyaP, Kai r



irap clvtuiv Ttdvra Kal eyvu>v eyw BtoipGiv10 "

Kat oi'k es r?p> vvv yeveav ^^uvoovp.rjv'1


aXXa ent TTopp(t> ovcrav reyco AaA&P u . 3.

rKaV 7rept rwv ZkXzkt&v vvv Ae'ya> Kat

wept ay-rajy aveXafiov ttjv Ttapaf$oXr\vrpov


rKaP eeAevo-erat 6 ayto's fpouf12

6 fxiyas eK r?]s Karot/c^crea)s airou,

. Kat o Oeos tov auovos j ewt yr]vjld

7rar?jo-et em ro 2,eti>a opo?,

Kat <pavr\<TZTai* k rfjs TrapzvfloXrjs avTov u

Kat (pavr)<reTcu ey t?} owdpet nj? iV)(ws ai/roC a7rd rou ovpavov [rwv ovpar<3//]

5. Kat (po^rj9r\o-ovTat iravres

Kat "|'77tcrrev(Toucrti'"j'15

ot iyprjyopoi

Kal A^pi/z-erat avroi)? rpop.os Kal cp6j3os p.4ya$ pe'xpi r<3z/ ireparo&v rrjs yrjs

MS. e|ap E adds *cal tovs do-f^eZr.3

Though E omits, the clause maybe genuine.

4 To be taken with dveayp.evr) or omitted. 5 E = d<f>dd\pdi avrov which

gives better sense, and agrees with Num. xxiv. 4 D^y ^j. 6rp> must either be

written rjv or ^. But the context is against the former, and r\v is quite intelligible.

It is to be taken with tex&)"t as forming a periphrastic conjugation = 'he was

thavingt.'7 = TD&, exflv ls found as a rendering of TriN in Job xvii. 9 ;

xviii. 20;xxi. 6

;xxx. 16; Is. xii. 8, and it may be so here. Of course TnK could not have

stood in the original. It is corrupt for Hjh = 6pa>v. Our text is thus brought into

agreement with E J&&&: and Num. xxiv. 4 (mrp HP nfn) which our author is here

using. It is possible, of course, that the corruption arose in G, but it would be

difficult to explain how. The passage in E = 'Ev>x, uvdpamos dUaios ov e* Qeov 6<pdaX-

(M>\ avrov dvemyfjLepoi Kai ea>pa ttjv opadiv tov ayiov.8

Corrupt (?) for Kara tov ovpavov as in E.9 Text corrupt. E = 77" ?8ai/ fioi ol ayyeXoi.

10 MS. Geopcov." So Swete emends from

eya> aXXw. 12 Can hardly be right: unexampled in Enoch;E = Kai.


Corrupt possibly

for eKfWev as in E. 14 E = o-vv or iv tj} iraptvfioXr). This is supported also by the

parallelism.15 E = o-a\cv6f]o~ovrai : a sense which accords perfectly with x. 12-14,

&c, whereas Trio-Tevo-ovo-iv gives a sense wholly at variance with all that follows. It is

possibly a deliberate change. Flemming suggests ttt^ovo-iv ;see next note.

16 This

clause, which E omits, I have removed to the margin as an interpolation at variance

with the closing genuine words of this verse, and with all that follows on the fate of

the Watchers who were imprisoned beneath the hills. The scribe who added it was

possibly thinking of Slav. En. xviii, where the singing of the Watchers is mentioned.

After typTj-

yopoi the fol-

lowing wordsare interpo-lated : Kal

aaaiaiv diro-

Kpv<pa kvjnaan

tois ciicpois T^SKal atffOrjcrov-

rai iravTa t<L

aKpa TTJs yf,su

4 tfoftvtu: yr*i: 1.6-9.

w^avdm.: 3 hao; (&1& 7: 2i74fMI:: 4

7. ffl^TiPrnT;5 i^C:

(DH-rt-; Ha*frfr ^\eC: J&trft7^:6

wflhart; ttrh, 7*/10rt; ffft:


8. [40A; 3.;Ki: V-fra*!]9 (MAW Mao; j&70C:


wYiah'i. u wlVh\ u Wfoirao*;

whahU ti-trav. Hrt.7D'tti;

w(lCV\ tea*: -dCVi.16 h9<\Xi\"

9. aW; *avRh n^fc&At: fc&Ti: 19 hm> : 7nC: $trh: tAOA>lFai*;t20


H-ft": H^: QXTti frrt-: *H7-(14-: a^flfr: 25

A0A>U: ^Ttts26



gu, P-n. mt,n read iT^t: q Wi\\ (sic).2ws/a, p-eln. g reads iT'it: ? JT*Jt:

(sic). ^/}T^*J: omits.3g reads "av([ah\


g prefixes co.h

gq,t'1. mt x

u,p-akread f/lmT; /' ^ClT7: 6 gm prefix.

7/#,/3. a-/ read 1"rh;

8 u omits.

Dittography of words before and after.10

a-m, n. vi, p-n read "^*1rt:u

m, I2

P-n add Afft>; adds *i'. tfff^;12 a reads tDfQ".


^ omits, together with

next two words. " m t, p. g u read *7UA: 15q reads (DjB.A,flrh: _y omits

initial CD.16

g, read (ICyi: 17 G omits.IS

<? reads>Ji"?i:19 w omits.

This and the two preceding words are drawn, as Beer has pointed out, from

Deut. xxxiii. 2 tJ>Yp ]"QT]D nnsi. Since the LXX here renders a-vv fivpidaw KaSfc,

it is clear that our author followed the Hebrew. Observe further that the

personal pronoun (= His) is wanting in E, as in Deut. xxxiii. 2 and in Pseudo-

Vigilius, though found in G, Jude 14, and the Pseudo-Cyprian.20

Corrupt for

([tirtrao*; So G, Jude 15, Pseudo-Cyprian.21

mq, Inxyp. gtu,P-lnyta read

Wfih". 22 Add H-rYffi*: with G, Jude 15, Ps.-Cyprian, m

reads je."H2V$: qtu J6.HA$: P ^WPft: 24Corrupt and defective for itCt: V-dd;

Cil^ao*; H = ndm-aav i'pyoiv rfs dcrePeias airwv 8>v.25 Em. from d.(\%". in accordance

with G, Jude 15 (Ps.-Cypr.) rja-iprjaav. After di\0". the following clause from Jude 15,

Pseudo-Cyprian, and G should be restored in the text (DttXl-fi tt'fri Ofrftfc rlfflO*;

26tu, p. gmq read in ace.

1. 6-9. ENI2X

6. ml (TLcrdi](TovTaL [kch -necrovvTaL Kal hia\vdij(roi>Tai,~\l

opr) vyj/i]kd

Kal rave iva>6ri(rovTaL fiovvol v\j/r}\ol [rod biapvijvai oprf]''

teal TaKT}(rovTai cos tempos dub 7tpo(ru>TTov Trvpbs [c-y cpAoyt]

7. Kal hLao--^icr6i](TTai 7/ yrjrcr^[ap.a pa-

's "14

yaot ,

Kal TrdvTa ocra eariv tirl rrjs yrjs d7roAeirai

Kal Kpicris ecrrat /cara TravTwv.

8. Kal ju.erd5tS>v SiKaicoy ttjz' tlpT\vr\v 7rot?]crei,

kch * 6771 TOUS eKAeKTOVS errrat (TVlTr\pr\(n<il

1 Kat eiprji'Tj ,

Kai e7r' airoi/s yem/creTat7


Kai ecrovTai iravres tov deov,

Kal rr\v f evboKtavf8

cocrei avroT?,

Kai 7rdz'ras e^Aoyr/cret.rKat TTai'Toov avTiXi]pi\lfTaL~

l 9, [.<at ^orj^cret

Kai c^a^Tjcrerai avroi? epeos

rKai TTOirjaeL in avrovs tlprjvrjv1 9


9. fr


epxerat enjy rat? 11pLvpidcnv

[avrov Kal rot?]12

dytot? aiTOU, (#) iroiT/crai

Kpicrtv Kara irdvrcav,

(b) Kal duoAe'crai 13'"Tro'iras"' rows dcre/3et?,

(r)Kat (e)Aeyai

14iid<jav aapKa

(a) Trept tt&vtoov 'ipyuivrrf]$ dcre/3eia9 avrco^


coy r}crl$r\o-av

(/3)rKat aK\r)pG>v 3>v eXdXrjcrav Adycoi/

115 Kar'

aiiroC dpaprcoAoi acrefieTs.

JUDE 14, 15.

'I5ov T]A0ez> Kvpio? ev dyiat? pLvpidawavrov (a) rroifjcrat Kpicrtv Kara, TrdvroiV

(b c) Kal c-Ae'yat ?rcWas toi/? acre/Sets

(a) 7rept 7raj/Tcoz> rcoy epyoov dcre/3etas

avru>v $>v r\crfir)(Tav

(/3)Kat 7rept rrdvrcav tu>v o-K\r\pQv coz>

eAdArjcrav Kar' airoC dpaprcoAot daeySets.

Pseudo-Cyprian : ^4 c/ Novaiionum

(Hartel's Cyprian, iii. 67).

Ecce venit cum multis milibus nun-

tiorum suorum(cz)

facere iudicium de


(3) Et perdere omnes impios

{c) Et arguere omnem carnem

(a) de omnibus factis impiorum quaefecerunt impie

(/3) et de omnibus verbis impiis quae de

tDeot locuti sunt peccatores.

Pseudo-Vigilius (Migne 62, col. 363)Et in epistola Iudae apostoli :

Ecce veniet Dominus in millibus

(a) facere iudicium

(5) Et perdere omnes impios

(c) Et arguere omnem carnem (a) de

omnibus operibus impietatis eorum

1 These words are omitted by E and against the parallelism.2 Bracketed

because omitted by E and against sense. 3 A dittography.4 These two

words look like two renderings of the same Hebrew word. 5 MS. peya.6Cf.

Wisd. iii. 9 Kal fTTia-Konf] iv rois e/cXf/crots avrov. MS. yemjTat. Corrupt for

doblav. Cf. Sir. xliii. 26 where the same corruption occurs in MS. B. G thus

= Dnvy So E. 9 This verse though omitted by E is probably genuine, being sup-

ported by the parallelism.10 E = Kal I80C : Jude, Pseudo-Cypr. and Pseudo-Vig. Iftov.

11 MS. tchj.12

Interpolated against E and all other authorities. Read ayian

instead of dyiW to agree with fivptao-iv.1Z MS. anoXeo-ei, but the parallelism, Pseudo-

Cypr. and Pseudo-Vig. and E require dnoXeaai. Other edd. dnoXeo-ei.14 MS. \(vei.

Parallelism and Jude, Ps.-Cypr. and Ps.-Vig. require i\ey$ai.VoUndoubtedly genuine

though omitted by E. G adds dittographic clause Kai nepl navrcov 2>i> KaTeXaXrjo-av.

Additional Note on I. 9. In order to arrive as far as possible at the original

form of I. 9 I have printed the two Greek and the two Latin Versions of it in

6 CDftvtU: y?\\; II. I_iv.

II. mjE,*:1

Ittri Ha*nt: tPHfr V-ttd: ki h.aoav? WeVavi (a))flCy?t:3

Ha*fl+: A"7,e.; hao; Wfc; .eiPCfc a>*?0C-ft:4 */v^0: JM-;




ky^mW. 82. *CX^.T; Ay\C: aiA-flaLi^aXIt: y7aC: 10

HjE.t7ftCi ftAOA,?: 11

\F>$S{<PL\ Mlh; 12 TW2T: Jim>; /LjE.t<n>?T: frA-;13 .WK-: 14 A/i^AH: XlH; 15


3. CfcjE,?V7 Arfj^: Afc^t: ha*>: *ffA: y\C: 18 <n>&#h "7?; 19

wav<;i a)20m^: fflTtty1':


22A0A,U:: III. *mjE,<fc: a?CXfc

23*H-ft: O0a>:

24 XC:

.PAtCX?". hm>; jE.ft.fl; <dH"A: fi^JWUPffi*: 25!**?:

26 Hfc*MA; *l<on27O0a>.; HA.jE.ti7f:



jE-fttrh.; to^-ftAve; &fth; jtn>->i: ^*A: 2lFD*4l2i&: 30 fflXy; r31*!^*:: 32

IV. a)^7tn> : mjE.*;33 m>P0A: rh^jE,; h<n>; . 0rfi,: ADA,?; 35 ftM<^y: 36 <D37A*tt*tn>

A; t^u>: 3S i^frAA: aJJMftT; 39 A^t; TO?: 8rhJ&: iT^CA; 40ta>4.: X-P#: 42


=Karavo^(raTe. Em. from m?k of MSS. 2

q U, /2/3. Z

1 read LjB.tffDfflV:

w /iLjEffonV: (sic).3

mq. I have supplied the lost a) on the authority of G. h inserts

htn> : before 0C7". All other MSS. read -ttCYV^i4

t,$-fhklno. fhklnoread M". ^ reads JE.93M1: w JP9$*fl: ? ?0$ft: u .POfrfl: For the word preceding

u reads jE,ftC$:5

q reads ^4-0: frft :6 x reads "H<n>?ffD: 7 gq,/hknox.

m reads "t^^ffl.: /, / 'je-t^cn-; u,abcde "jE-tO^ffl.:8

a. reads XytXWtnx;9

? reads ChtoV: &7:C'. a>Afto>-h-:10

a-mt, bcdti. m reads ^"70^:

ae &yJ(\C: t,fhklop h^V-QC: " r^ read ADA,?: 12 ^w/ prefix a).


?, * omit. Here E has probably lost yD70C: Ho*fl+: J7\C: *A: ff*A: (so G)

through hmt. 14a-q. q reads 7-flC; /3 7ft4:

15 If E has lost the clause

mentioned in note 13, then KiHi which all MSS. but qt read, is a change made in

E because of that loss. We should read ([Xiao*; as in G. 16 = $aiWrat. This is

probably a wrong rendering of the original, see note 3, p. . q reads SftV&fc''.

n adds AH1A*:


a-q, $-dhoxy. q reads C?LXl!Pi dho(v)y read Ch&V:18

a-u, fh. u reads H"ft: JT"^; 0yA H"A: JT^C: I9

q t, 0. ^ ? z< read


by omit. 21^ reads *H?tn>: g,hk n 0. ??i reads jP9". ? XOCf:

7/,_>> 0CQ abcdefl ?0". a-/prefix <D. / prefixes H. The right text after all may be K*ft:

7&d.i tTD^Vftt: ^7?: ffl^'fflmrt; mtlSavi <D?9C?:23

. All other MSS. read m?*:

wChfo: g has the superscription flXl*!*: a)S O0fl>-:2i

gmq. tu, $ read Jun>;

JfA; 08a>; but ^ a omit lfA: ^ adds hO&'kira*: a).^ m reads X^^A-lFoo*:

26a, ak. $-ak read 17-4-t!

^/ write in full 'iwC'V: (DtiC'lO'V'. ,a reads g for g.

280-a k. a,ak read "}7^:

29 Em. from XA; (Flemming).3V mt u. Other MSS.

read g.31 w/ read in full "u'Afl'F:

S2gmq,p. tu read hd.'^t; 33

z/. Other

MSS. read m?4?: 34/ omits.

35 a prefixes ft.36gqu. m reads tyg^ZY;

/, i3 ft^^^y; 37 ^omit. 38

a-q, /hi ox. q, abcde read 1"}".39


CDR-AAt: 40^/w. treads W7&C'. q, p-efo read W7&CI; efo (v) 9:CL\

41 m erases. ? reads fWki 42^. w reads W<F$: q havm-fa t u, /3 Xa^^-f;

II. i III. ENI2X 7

II. Karavoijaare Travra ra epya V rw ovpavio, tt<os ovk rjkXoluicrav ras obovs avruiv,r/ccu~

I rovs (poxTTripas rovs zv r<2 ovpavio, w? ra Travra avariXXet nat. bvvei, rerayp.tvos

e/cacrros ev ru> rerayp-evcp KatpS),rKal rals koprals avr5>v (palvovrai,^ Kal ov rrapa-

fialvovmv rr]v lblav raiv. 2. tSere ri]v yrjv Kal biavor\Qr\re rrepl r&v epyoov rS>v iv

airy yivofxevbiv arr' apyjjs }J-^XP l TfAeicoo-eco?, ^s 1el<riv (f)9apra, w? ovk dAAcuourai 2

rovbev r&v km yys, aXXa? Travra ipya 6eov ^vpXv1cpalverai

3. 3. Zbere ri]v Oepelav

Kal rbv \eip.Qva . . .. III. KaTap.adere Kai Ibere Travra ra bevbpa4


parallel columns. That the Latin are versions of Enoch i. g and not of Jude 14, 15

was shown by Zahn in 1890. The words, Et perdere omnes impios, Et arguere

omnem carnem furnish irrefutable proof of this view.

This being presumed we have to determine the relative faithfulness of the

Versions. First of all it is clear that Jude is the least original as it compresses

the two clauses (b) and (c) into one, and introduces Kvpws after rj\6ev. Next the

Pseudo-Vigilius is defective : phrases are wanting in (a) and the entire clause (3)

is omitted. The Pseudo-Cyprian is the most perfect of the three as regards the

parallelism, though corrupt in nuntiorum (=dyyeX<ov) suorum, Deo for eo, and want-

ing in impii after peccatores. Turning now to G we see that it agrees in form

with the Pseudo-Cyprian and Pseudo-Vigilius, save that against all authorities it adds

after Xoycov a clause, which is obviously a dittography. The interpolation in the first

line is noticed in the text. Thus the structure is well established : namely, three clauses

(a), (b), (c),the last of which is subdivided into two (a) and


On the other hand the infinitives perdere (= dnoXeaai) and arguere (= eXcygai)

are right, and this evidence, together with E, shows that we should not read dnoXeo-u

and (f)Xeyei in G but dnoXea-at and eXeytjat. The parallelism also supports this view.

Having now ascertained the structure and details of the text we approach E and

find that it preserves all the clauses, though in the case of (b) and (3) defectively, and

of (a) corruptly and defectively. Thus it omits Trdvras in (b) and <a\ a-KXijpav hv

tXdXrjaav X6ya>v in(/3).

We conclude, therefore, that the original form is to be rendered as follows in English :

I. 9. Behold ! He comes with His holy myriads

(a) To execute judgment upon all,

(b) And to destroy all the ungodly,

(c) And to convict all flesh

(a) Of all their works of ungodliness which they have ungodly committed,

(3) And of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.


Supplied by Swete. 2 SoDillmann and Radermacher from aXXvowrai. Ct.rjWvoo-av

in ver. 1 for rjXXoicoa-av.3 =

**K")= *


: cf. Esth. ii. 9 ;id. vi. 4 for this meaning.

At any rate (palverai gives no appropriate sense.4

III. ih V. i a lost through hmt.

8 ootfvtu: yr-n: iv v. 5 .

rh4.Cs1 wKl^a^tx:- ktfcA-: h^^; 3 C[7C: whSh-ftdi. 5 QXlt: aM).*?::


V. m.*: 7 XG: *0Ba>-i8rfKn>&"7A: ftMto: 9

J&th^i-; ?: <0A-flai.: OX*it:

JfA*: cD^Xy4-: Oh<n>: +70Oifn>: AXA**}*: ffft"ff*>:tn HrTWa*: 12 A^Ai^! 2. 0^704-:

frC^O: AA: -}m>* : H^/ia^l: 13 a}}fA: i^>704-:u *#*,: 15

ft*F: <D/Lje.t<n>?T:16

R4: Ohm>; ipCO: Ai^lti: hffo"H: ^-mC; 17JfA"::

ls3. CX?V 9 XG; frOAC*:20 aW17:

10^: 214fr<n> : V-aCavi

4. aj^ltff^A: /LtTi^&tn*; 23 <Dk70C*l<n>: *XHH: 24 X7RX: 25

Ms t^^fu-iiffix:26

a}(haDj2.\ia^i m.*?t: 27 to&Vvt;* ^1t:

fl*fi: Ch-Ot;29HfrMlcfl*; O3OA0A: On?: RAlM

flOi: &41: /i/hiaM&ffix;31 A4y:: 32

5. a>^OXIfH: /Titffi*: <n>p*)fttiff->; -V<!7a*>:


(^ffD^t: Wtfiff^J&OTH:33 nC^imt: 39 HAlA*":

a>A.J&iiaM*ntn>: vy^;40

1zrc prefixes w. 2 w adds flH*^; ^T.7?-: w. 3 a-w. /, read hj6.+;

4 a reads a).5

^ reads frHvh: 6\ mfu,p read "PlXP: $7 "),:


Other m?4?: q adds wCh\b\ 8 /,. ^i read 00<D: 00. g OBa>i OH.9

/ reads ri^^A-lPff**:10

^ omits. " a (save that zrc / read AXft"and ^ inserts

Jiod; before ffffoi*:). Corrupt for 7flCai>: AXftTF: h'W: = G enotrjoeu aira ohms.


,P,w emended a into 7fl<S: Aha**1

: AKAfl'F: (abeknox X^ll*:) H"ftai>: Flemming

proposes 7-fl: JlffoH: Xft''

or AXft ".12

? reads H?**!?-;13 a d omit. 14 w

reads 1*704-: q ^VdC:15

a-q. q, read "4'1 ?':16

a-q. q reads "jE.m>flV:

".fi^cnjffiTr; # omits. / omits initial (D.17

^ reads JB.7>0C;18

^ reads tblf:

m adds AA*rh&; 19 P u, dy. So G. All other MSS. prefix d).2J w ?, /3. ^ reads

([ftifc^i /z^ Orlh&'fc21 = dfxoiws G. So also in Job i. 16. See Dillmann's

Lex. 598.22efhno omit. 23

a-, fhklno x. Other MSS. A.TO". .r trans,

after next word and adds tD/L<{.R.'7Dftcn>;

24^ reads TrXHR- A.

25 a > read

JWRfrflrtbC: 26g m t,fkln x. q u, $-fk In x read +0". 27

q, /3. a-^ read 9fljB.t:

28/3. a reads a)S:Va\ 29

/ ? / save that / reads 0A$; C", ot ? &hL\ Ch-Ot: CJv"

is here used as a noun, g reads Xiltn>; CH'0 ;fr /3 reads OAf: Ch-01": (dhlxy/i

CH-Ot: /Ch-Ot:).30

/3 omits. 31;/, /3. ^ read "th-V. y "WT.

a: trans, this and next word before JE-O-Ofr32 mq read A*1ffi>:

S3^ omits.

34 Vomits. -6b

g,fno. k reads $*tti". m q tu, $-fkno 1**}".36

z omits.

37 Added in accordance with G. 38 m omits.39

a-q. q reads ODd^-fi j8 avC17i40^ reads ^WA:

V. i-5 ENI2X 9

V. 7n3j ra <pvAAa x^wpa Iv avrols o-Kiirovra ra bivbpa1kou [7raj]

* 6 Kapirds

avr&v 2 rcts n/^T)y Kat So^ay."



at yv&Te1

rrcpl 7raira)y t<2j> fpymv

avrov, koX vorjo-are on r6ebs (oiv

1ttoli](Tv avrd ovrais*,

* Katrj

4 e? 7rcfora? roi/s

atcyj/as* 2. Kat ra epya avrov ri;dvra, oaa (Troirja-ev, ets rovs alQvai1 and

eviavrov ds eviavrbv yivop.tvavrtdvra ovrcas,'


Kai rrdvra ocra diroreXovo-LV airyra epya, Kat ovk dAAotowrat vavrdv ra Zpya,

1 dAA' a><77repet Kara kmrayr\vb rd

rtavra yiverai. 3. tSere ttq>s tjOdkacro-a Kat ol rtorap.o\ a>? 6p.oCo>s ai;oTzkov<nv,

Kat ovk aWoiovcriv'1

avrG>v ra $pyarairb r&v Xoyoav avrov1 .

4. Tpet? be ovk evep-dvare ovbe e7rot?/0"are Kara ras eiToAas avrov

dAAd dTr&rrjjre, Kat KareAaA^a-are p.eyd\ovs Kat o~K\ripovs \6yovs

ev aropari. aKaOapcrias vp,a>v Kara rrjs p-eyaXoavv-qs avrov, [on KareXaXqaare kv

rols ij/cvp.acriv vp.5>v\

crKXrjpoKdpbiot,, ovk tar dpr/vr/ vpXv.

5. roiyap ras rjp.e'pas vp.S>v KarapdaeaOe6

* Kat rd errj7

rrjs (oorjs vpStv a-noktlrai

Kat rrd err] rrjs diroiXdas vp-Stv1

TrXrjdvvOrjO'iTat, Iv mrdpa aluvuv,

Kal ovk carat vp.iv fXtos [Kat dpr\vt]\8

V. 4-8. A possible restoration.

4. Yptis Sc ovk eVfjueiVurt ovbi eVoiijcrarc Kara ras ivroXas avrov

aXXa aTrfart]Te Ka\ KaTfXaXrjo-aTf ptydXovs Kai a-icXrjpovs Xdyovs

iv arofuiTi aKadapaias vfxS>v Kara ttjs pcyaXoo~vvr)s avrov'

o~K\r]pOKdp8tot }ovk tartv

elpfjVT) vplv.

5. Toiyap ras fjfiipas vfiSiv vfuls Karapdo~(o-6e

Kai to. err) ttjs fays vpvv dnoXurai

Kai ra trr\ ttjs ancoXeias 1/j.cbv nXr)6vvdr)o~tTa(. iv Kardpa al<x>vo>v

kcu. ovk tarai iifxiv tXeos.

E= ra. 8iv8pa iv (pvXXois ^Xwpotf o~KenovTat.2 E = Kapnofpopovo-i.

3 = W^D".of which Itteai*: may be a corruption.

4 E = 6 2>v.5 E adds 6tov.

6 MS.

Karripao-ao-Oai.7 Em. by Dillmann and Lods from Kara.

8 An interpolation,E omits. Elpfjvr) forms end of ver. 4.


io 0t>fivh<: ?n : V6-9

6. ftaj-Xf: m><pO&: ^U-A-: 1Atn>;

2aftliffi*; (lC7ffD*s

3 HAMy": AH-A-;4 S^l:

. . . W&L,~ Ahm*: 8 f*A-: yAA: 9


1. wdchWl. Wud-Ii *iffi\n axp^i: w(\<[r>:

wMiav-fc dCM; ha>}h<n>V3C7tn>t::


8. w^Y; 1**<DUnffi*; AAWJ: TA-A: 16

cDH*fttn>; Xfr-TF; 171thJ2.0L:

toKf-SMao". A-AA:18



AA: 20J&71?<: HAffi*; TAA; 21

9. w-2fLVao'i AAA: 23


H-ft9; odTOA; A^fflfa^;

1 =Scba-erf, whereas G has <orat. But since the phrase ^IhA*: Atn>; RAhtn*:

AC7" A*Ut'' is clearly from Isa. lxv. 15 *mb imsfeDDtptf Dnmrn, it is probable

that E is right and G corrupt. Again So>o--e is naturally a rendering of ^nn. Is this

a corruption of 'inan = KaraXel^eTt.2 a-m. m reads tn>pOA: /h^fD^fttfl*



Xtn>T0A: /2/3 Mav; 3 LXX has here s nXwpovrjv = njnfe^. q reads C7<n>+s

but originally prefixed A.* m reads AH"A<n>*;

5 This supposes fyias Karapao-oprai.6 This should correspond to ol Karap^voi.

7Corrupt : q reads <DHA4-: / omits

next four words. 8Corrupt for (D-QXia^", g u omit initial W. q reads <n>Atal<n>*;

e omits w([" together with next word. 9=z6fiov (ifto. corrupt for 6/x.ovPTai. Thus

we should read "Allen)*; fZ>7fhfci = iv Ifiiv opuvvrai which is here = liasy D32 = '


you (the sinners) will invoke imprecations/ i. e. invoke on themselves, if faithless,

the evils that have befallen you. Cf. Ps. cii. 9; Jer. xxix. 22; Isa. lxv. 16.

wgmlu. q, n omit initial (D. q, f


, /3 add A.u

q reads -ttCYii12 n omits

initial (D and adds A.lz

qtu, p. gm read JLlbftiao*'."

/, /3-o. a-/,

read C7ffDf; 15 Em. ttz, acdehkln read fl0A<n>5: gqtu, bfoxy/ip (dKooYa16

$rread TAA: 17

q/, p. gm read XA'I'F: omits. 18a, ehlnoy.

a be dfk x ta p read AAA: 19

^ prefix W. 20^ reads hdi " l

gq- mt, fi read

TA-A: u omits. 22

a-q,ce/n. q, a b dfh ky p, b omit. 23

^ mq, fi-b x. tu, b x read

AAA: 24 W?, 0-d. gt,d Wh.^if". tL^Wh = ov KPi6{,<rovTai W#IO K^

(cf.Ps. v. 10). But punctuated as toB>&0 N? the words = ov

\ir\ apapTuxriv as in G.

Or E=1DQB" corrupt for iyB>2', =G. In any case the corruption was in the Hebrew.

1 E = Scoaere. tarai corrupt. See note 1 above. 2 See note 3 above.3 Observe Hebrew idiom. See note 1 above. * MS. reads apaproi.

5 Thefirst two clauses which I have bracketed are Christian interpolations. So also

Radermacher. The remaining clauses are mainly doublets of ver. 7. E omits.

V. 6-9 . EN&X 11

6. Tore lorai 1 ra ovdpara v\x5>v els Karapav2aluviov ttolo-lv rols binatois,

/cat iv vixlv Karapdo~ovrai3 ^ndvres1

oi Karapwp-evoi,rKat irdvTfs

1ol ajuaprcoAot Kai acrefiels iv 6p.ovvrai,

[fcal Trdvres ol afiapr(coA)ot4yapycrovTai, Kat eorat avrols Auats ap.apriC>v Kai irdv

eAeos Kai tlpijvri ml e7TietKeia, carat avrols o-ooTrjpCa, <pa>s dyadov, /cat avrot

K\r]povop.'fi(Tov(Tiv rrjv yfjv]5

vkoI itacnv rols a/xaprcoAois ov\ vrtdp^ei crcorripta,"'


[clAAa iirl irdvras KaraAwe t Kardpa.~\7

7. /cat rot? e/<AeKrots larat (pais ko.1 x^P ls Ka^ elprjvri8


Kat avrot KXr/povopLrjaovaLv rrjv yrjv, 8e rots dcre/3e'crtv carat Kardpa.

8. ro're ooflrycrerai rots eKAeKro?s[c/><2s

Kat X^P ts >Ka' aurot K\i]povop.r\crovcnv

tt]V yrjv, tot oo6r\aTai nacnv rols tKAexrots 9

] croc/>ia,

/cat 7rd^res ovrot ^jcroi'rat,

/cat ov /xt) ap.apTij(TovTai en ov /car' daefietavl0 ovre /cara vTTpr](pavia,v,

rKat eVrat eV dvOpdiKo 7rec/>Goric7yxeV(i) (p&s Kal dvOptoTuo iino~Tr)p.ovi v6r\p.a?X1

9. Kat oi p.r] 7T\rip.p.eX^crov<nv

oijoe ftr) ap,dpT(i)criv rrdcras ras 77/xepas rrjs ((t)rjs avrG>v,

6. Tore ficoafrf ra (W/xara tyxcoi/ (Is Karapav al&viov iraviv rols biicaiois,

Kai iv ifilv Karapdo~ovrai ndvrts oi Karapd>fx(voi,

Kai Trdvres ol anapr<o\o\ Ka\ dcrf/3<Tp iv Vfxlv dfj.ovvrai

Kai naaiv vffiv tois dpapraiKols oi% v7rdpu croorrjpia.

7. /cat rols iKkfKTols (0~Tai <p<os /cat \^Pls *a ' e'P'7 ,^7>

Kai avroi KKrjpovofir]0'ovo'iv rrjv yiji',

vfiiv Se to'is do-ffifaiv (arai Kardpa.

8. Tore So6rja(rai rols iicXeKTols aocpla,

Ka\ iravrts ovrot (rjvovrai,

Ka\ oi pr) apaprrjaovrai en oi) /car' daifteiav ovre Kara vneprjfpaviav

f Kai 'iarai iv avBpana ntcpoiricrpevu) (pais, Kai dvdpcma imo-rfifjovi vorjpa. f

6 E omits, but this clause may form the fourth line of the stanza. Radermachcr

brackets it.7 Em. by Radermacher. MS. reads KaraXvcnv Karapav. E omits clause.

Probably a doublet of 7 (c). Radermacher brackets it.8 Also in Wisd. iii. 9 ;

iv. 15.9 Doublet of 7 (a b).

10 Em. from a\r]6(iav with E A.O: In ver. 7 do-tpio-tv is ren-

dered by the adjective from this root dtfH: and in x. 20 dotfidas is again rendered

as here by dClO: Hence there is no justification for the various emendations

of \rjdr]v, ayvoiav, &c. There is something to be said for dfidtieiav (Radermacher).11 E = oi St rrjv aotpiav t^ovres npqus taovrai. G is here like an Alexandrian addition.

12 ooftvtu: y?n: v. 9 vi. 6,

<D*h}aoa>^i *aav$w$.:ri wKdao^i^

M. 3 >&fe: 4 m>P0A: /hj&fflfm*:5


co,2vUfc <fta>-frn><: AAA^":

a>9n>;M*. Qj*h\Tao". ,MH: 6

*A 1#h a>AAAy: 7 HA^Ai^: 8

a*At: H-A*: ffDTOA: ch^wta*::

VI. <dM: 9 fcyH: 10 ATI*: 11 o*A\e: A-OX: A^TF: <n>q>02V: Ta>2v: ft<n>:

*?&.: 12 Wi**: 13 w^ih&v." 2. fflCX?-: fi^lfl: m>AMit: a*A\: A^t: 15

a)^+a>-5Pl: to^ftA-: AAj&CtlFtfi*:16

"ifr: l<ft: Af: fi"JAt: XyDa*A\: A-AM

a/JA^: 17 AJ: a*A\e : : 3. w(\,h>ao". l\?Hi w KiH: 19a*A*F; aohfoa*: \LCV\

TZ\ h/Vtt&i* *7AC: 21 TOT: 7-AC: wKha^li hit AM*?: 223?: 23 A^rtUt:


4. whay-P'fa ft*fc26


ajj&ftA-:28 m>,M: ^rh^: K-^VJ:

29 a>Ca*7H: 30

JfM: 31 a32Aj&Vti: htm: /^ff^fn^AHtsi^iiC^a^A^: 35

*AH*fc: [^fcC:]36 ?*^:: 37

5. A^y: 38ffDrhA-:

39HA<fl*: 'JAv!: atfoTO; 40 nO^TtlFaP-: fl-ft: 6. art*: 41

Ytfra*\ *&&&; yXt: 42 iwm&i a*At: *GA: "Hcd-VF: ^-"7^: (\-a&: hCTlA 43


,</ omit. 2

/ reads Ano 1}*: mh.baDtyxP&Y: u, n omit the & before m* 4}*:

We should perhaps read ([avtywQti avffii as in G a familiar O. T. phrase, Isa.

xlii. 25; lix. 19; Jer. xxi. 5, &c. 3

q reads (Dfifofr4

gqu, n. mt, 0-n read

*WVfe: 5

^ omits next three words through hmt. 6

a/hklo{v) read &KW%\7

q reads AAA-?": W(l'hwi:f: The A before AAy": is supported by q,@ but om. by a-q.

8 a omits. 9 u reads (DjiJ.; jc adds AavX'F: odTO^: 10 reads &1H: " reads A"H*J:

12 7" Put tn is andg-z* next word in ace.13

q reads iPCfJ: 3 c trans, before Af^U^:14 u puts in ace. reads ^VlhP*: and trans, it and XP^S^: x trans. IPC" and A".


? reads A-AX; ,6 reads "IF"}:17 w ? /, /3. ^ read ImbA: 18

^ reads A*"".u gm/


u. q omits. /2/3readH.

20gmq, klx. tu, fr-klx read &*?&&&'.

21 A reads ft/ft-OC:2a

qfl omit. 23

^ m t. q,bc dfh Inoxy p read L%PI\u LA<t\ aekp t

a L%V1\ 24gm. qtu, p-d read AHt: (/AH: 25 m reads

9AJB.:2G reads tfa^i 27 omits. qfu,(3-n. So also G9

. gm,Geomit, n adds H-froo-:

29 adds AAJWi: 30g/

1u. m, /

2/3 read mVtVTH;

^ omits.31

^ m /. ^ k, /3 omit. 32 u reads AA: S3 reads "\aog.a\\

34 omits.35 k omits next three words, n reads "17*A<?:

3S Bracketed as an

intrusion from preceding clause, e reads 9\kl& 37^. w^/, fi-den read 7Ad:

J 7<1^: i^lKl: e omits. 38 reads hPHh: ak omit. 40/2>- read "tP7H':

$-a d add \ttrat>". x trans. H"A." after AA" and A'F: before it.41 G has here the

superscription fA: A/h*F: ffDAXh^: ASP^^: A-flX:42

/. ^w read in ace.

V. 9 VI. 6. ENftX 13

Kal ov fir} diroddvaxriv ev opyfj dvjxov,

dAAd tov apiOfxbv avrcov fav^ fjp.epwv 7:Xr]pa>arovaLV,

Kal rj far\ avT&v av^r]6r\crtTai iv elprjvr],

Kal to. erri rijs xaP<* ? avT&v TiXr\Qvv6r\criTai

(V dyaAAtdaei Kat t.lpr)vr\ al&vos

kv Trdcrats rats fjpLcpais rr/s fav^ avT&v.

Gs G9

VI. Kal kyiviro orav l"n\r\QvvQr\o-av VI. Kat eyeVero on iirXrjOvvOriorav

ol viol tu>v av9pa>TTu>v, kv kKtivais rats ol viol tu>v dvOpaircav, Zytwrtdrjcrav

fjixepais kyevvr\6r]o-av10uyarepey clpatat avrois dvyarepes a>patat. 2. Kal eVe-

rKat Kakat. 2. /cat eOedo-avro1 avras ol 6vp.r)o~av avras ol kypr\yopoi \koi cbr-

dyyeAot inot ovpavov Kal eireOvpLricrav eir\avq9rio~av ditiad) avTu>v^\ Kal cTttov

ai/ra?, Kat et7ray 7rpds dAArjAovs Aeure irpds aWr/Xovs 'EKAecoue0a eaurots

eKAecop.e0a eavrots yvvaiKas duo t<3z> ywawcas d7ro tcov Ovyarepoov rS>v dvOpco-

<xv6pa>TToov, Kal yzvvr\( kavTols Tf.Ki'a. ttcov ttjs yfjs. 3. /cat enre 2ep.taa?

3. Kat et^ei/ 2ep.etad? irpds avrovs, os 6 apx">v avr&v irpds avrovs (


r\v dpy^cov avr&v <> p.r) ov OeXij- p.rjov OeXrjo-qre iroirjcrai, to irpayp\a

crere irotrjcraL to irpdyp.a tovto} Kat tovto, ko.1 eaopiai e'yw \xovos dcpetXirrjs

eaopat eyco fiovos dc/>eiAeYrjs dp.aprias apLaprias p.eydXr]s. 4. Kat direKpiOrjo-av

fxeydXrjS. 4. direKpi6r\o-av ovv avrQi ai>T<2 irdvrcsrKat enroll 'OptoVcop.ei' dirav-

irdvres, 'OuoVcop.ey opKa> Trdzres Kat res opKO) Kat dvaOep-arCacapiev dXXijXovs

dvadep.aTL(ru>[jLV irdvres dXXr\Xovs p.?)tov fxr] diroo-rptyai ttji> yv(op.rjv rax>Ti]v,

diroarp4\j/aL ri]v yvd>p.r\v ravr-qv, pte'xpts p-e^pts ou diror^Xio'cop.ev avrrjv. 5. ro're

oil df [reAecrco/xey ai/rrpj^ Kat]2

7rot7jo-6optei; 7rdVres (ap.oaav ojiov Kal ave6ep.dTLcrav

to TTpdyjxa tovto. 5. roYe 6p.oo-av dXXi]Xovs. 6. Tjcray oe oSrot hiaKocrioi

Trdvres 6p.ov Kal dveOtfAaTMrav dAATyAous ot KaTafidvres iv rats ^p.epat? 'Idpe5 eta

> avrw .... r^y Kopv<pi]V tov 'Epuoz;tetpt opou?, Kat

eKaAeo-av to oposc

Epp,cop:, ko^o'ti &pLO<rav

Kal aveOepidTLaav dWr/Xovs iv avry3


1 E G 9 add airols.2 Bracketed as a doublet. E G 9 omit. 3 Gk omit through


q omits. Other MSS. put numerals. 43 G8 has ol KaTafiavres : that is H(Dd.&: As

G a has ol KarafiavTes iv rais rjnepus 'idpeS (Is ttju KOpv(pr)V tov 'Epfiovulfi opovs OUT text

ought to run H<D^&: (ltnxpOrt: lo&\ o^flt: <"?&: A^HC: ACT!: Thus it would

appear that fiCfcfl: is a corruption of 'idptb and 'Ha^X'F: gt, bcdopp or Ha*X*F: w^,

14 ootfvtu: yfft: vi.6-vn.r.

wZtD-OPi 1

A*.&fl<;:2 hCTti hllavi rm^A*: 3MV wha^lH". aaWtWa*:: 7. a>Tft*fc

ftft^tlftr^: (VffD/lXfctlFffi*: iv^fiHH: 6"Hit: 7 a>X*F: tn>&fiiitn>: *h-h.a^trZh,^: 9

MilttA: 9 moihhi 10 taiKfa" Wh&i kH>*k&: 12n<Z.*?2V:

13 hfth&i" AC^YCfi: 15

nniCfc^: 16 Mlhti: 17 Mhh; 9 Cl7ttth,&i 19 AtCkSV: 20nvCfi,2V:

21 rr>h,&\

tX<J.UP2V:t23 &A-: Xaix'J-F: *lM,t: 9>C+: RfilFai*::

24 VII.(Jkft-;)



*: i^AA.lFai*; 27

[<d]V&: ftai>*:29

fi*}ft+:30 a)$W JfrA-:

82 AA: C&fr: firhti33

aefhklnpx a corruption of a*fl1*: In the next place the A-ttd: is supported by /3

but omitted by a. In this passage, as Halle'vi {Journ. Asia/., 1867, pp. 356-7) has

pointed out, there is a play on the name Jared if we retranslate into Hebrew ^a ITV'

T. We can hardly help assuming, therefore, that this part of the text is ultimately

derived from a Hebrew source, though on other grounds we are obliged to postulate

an Aramaic original of most of vi-xxxvi. x omits next three words. '

g reads

(D&(D-Pi (sic).2

q omits. We should expect JZ-ttC:s We have here again

a paronomasia Ift^nN . , . Ji0"in. This play originated probably first in Hebrew like

that in n. 43, p. 13.4 b c efh P n and G s

. a, a dl{f)y p. omit. 5

q omits. 6


g reads hH.: MULi m, (3-d e fl^PH: tu Cl^hHH: d HflHl'. e A^H: The

word is from NtyEB' or iKTnB55>.7

a-q. So Ge olros. q read H. 8 gmu save

that mu read as one word and^- divides into two after h., and the three MSS. omit

the final &. q reads <*L*Hl<Wb^: t, I h.ML&&r2.h,&\ save that / reads "7 for <7Z.

a fr^h.AC'Zfe^; dk n "&a*Lh&.\ bcefhnox <x p "&"%&&. I }uMl(M.tnlh,&\

Here &><**LhlS.\ probably corrupt for h&hhh: Thus we have in G B'ApaKifa (cf. 'Pqk^X

no. 20 in Gs); and again in G s in viii. 3 where it is speaking of 'Apa^^X we have 6 8e

rpiros (Sl&aev to. arjpua t?js yrjt. Thus 'ApaKirjX= p^pltf where p"N= earth. This angel

is mentioned as unfallen in Sib. Or. II. 215-17. Kipfipd is corrupt.9

gm. q reads

fcA0/i2V. / MWT. /3 Ah.(l>A,V: save that / reads Jl for Ji. The name is from

^"3313= 'star of God.' ,0 mq tu, p-eo p.. g reads T^fe^: eota m^Z". The

name = PJODID' the perfection of God '

(Schwab, Vocabulaire de Vangflologie

d'apris les MSS. Hibrcux, p. 375). /. ^ reads "7A,A: m <W7". q, d.ffi>".

This angel is referred to in Apoc. Baruch lv. 3, where see my note. 12

gmq,acdefhklnp. /reads JiH<fe/WV; bxKtt%h,&\ ("Qh&ix). ohW. illegible. SinceGs

viii. 3 writes 6 S oyboos iBi8aev depoa-Koniav this word comes from PN^pntJ'. pnK> is rendered

by dfjp in 2 Ki. xxii. 12; Ps.xviii. n (Beer).13gm. q reads A<J-$\P2V: / 0$/iV:

a efh k op AKP&: be din /i <kh\ x */iA: The word = iwp13."^, -/.

w, A' /read h(\hlK: q h&fthlK'. /h/\(hl\; The word= iwy (Schwab), but see other forms

in Appendix.15

gq, n. m reads hCaoCll: t KC%Ci\: u illegible, p-e hC^Cll:

e ttCVCll'. Since G 9 viii. 3 writes with reference to this angel 6 8e hSe/caro: Qappapbs

fblba&v . . . cVaotSds . . . Ka\ f'naoibuiv XvTrjpia the name may be derived from D*in

VI. 7 VII. x. ENX2X 15

Gs G7. Kal ravra rd 6v6p.ara

x rG>v dp- 7. Kal ravra rd 6vop.ara rStv dpyovrcav

Xovtuv avra>v' 1,epLa(d, ovros qv avr&v' a 2epia(d$, 6 apyav avratv, /3'

apX^v avra>v' 'ApaOdtt, Kip.j3pd, 2a/x- 'ArapKOvep, y 'Apa/aTjA, 5' Xo)j3a^ir]X., e'

liavt], AaveirjX, 'Apeapcas, "Sejuu/A, 'I<d- 'Opapjj.ap.ri, $-' 'Papir^A,"

2ayx\//t^, rj'

p.enjX, Xa>xapi7jA, 'E^exajA, Barpi^A, ZaKi^A, 0' BaAiai/A, i' 'A<"aArjA, ta'

2a0i?]A, 'Arpu/A, Tap.i7/A, Bapa/ai/A, <t>app.ap6s} t/3' 'A/xapi7jA, ty' 'Afayrjpas,

'Arai^a, cozu^A, 'Pap,t7jA, 'AcreaA, i8' aucrcnjA, ie' 2a/xt?/A, t^' 2apiz>a?,

'PaKeijjA, Toupt7jA. 8. ovrot eZo-iy ap^al i(' Evpajk, irf Trpt^A, i& 'Iovp.ti]k, k

avr&v oi 8eKa 2. 2apirjA.

VII. Kcu 3Zkafiov kavrois yvvaiKas' VII. * Ovroi Kal oi konrol Trdvres 6

/<aoTos ai>ra>i> k^ki^avro kavrois yvval- \kv rw xt^ t00T(? eKarooTw kfio~op.r)KO<jr5>


Kal ijp^avro dcnropevto-Oat, rrpbs tret, rov Kocrpiov6]l:kaf3ov kavrois yvvaiKas,

1 On these names see other Table in the Appendix.s The manuscript reading

seems corrupt for dpxai alrwv tS>v 8tKa8wv, a literal rendering of NnHBJJ1

"! pplHMO. We have

an undoubted case of this in xix. 2 at yvudiKts airav rcbv . . . dyye\a>i>. Radermacher

proposes dpxai avriop oi(eiii) 8e<a, but this would mean '

their chiefs over ten (angels).'

In G we should have oi SeKaSapxat axirav.3 See note 5.

4 E = e'geXegaro

eKa<TTos eavTcS fiiav. E = Kal ot Xonroi ndisres per avrav Ka/, where the final Kal

is an intrusion.6 Additions of Syncellus.


gmtu. q reads 0TC&&: bx(lT6K&i acdefk^aTdhhi hnop ttTd^:/ (lm^A; 17

gmqt, deln p. u illegible, afh kox p b read htth,; b c frTlA.;

The word = bmiy.18

n. gm (u ?) read H$A>: q "Hftrt,; / H*A>: $-n H*fl: 19


So also cefhklnojxjb save that they read tl7tl'. m reads flF(\^Cy?b^i q ft^tiXft'.

tui\7(TE(t,". abxtUPtXW. dh^tiy". Since G" viii. 3 describes the functions

of this angel as 6 be e&8upos e8l8age to.o-T]fj.e7a

rod T)\iov the name was from {J>0>, i. e.

iWEtotf.wgm. q reads h&rk&l t tftC u hCW. acdefhkob ACT. IphOV".

b x OCt*". n t\bfY". Schwab (p. 309) derives the word from Aram. ^"lOD= ' God is

on my side.'21mq, fi-ny. g t u,y read (D*Cft,W. n ttt&". Word= Aram. PNmo=

' Rock of God.' After this our text has lost a proper name. ffl

q, p. gu read ^i^jP^V:

m t read fyf^: Word = iwV. See Gen. xlvi. 10 (Schwab).23

gqu, /3. m reads

A^*H?V; / (fi^'H/i.^V: This word recurs in viii. 3 as Xft^rCft.^: in all cases corruptfor (\6?btk; which = iwnnD where ino = ' moon.' This angel (viii. 3) looked after the

moon. 24tu. g reads 0(l?i 'iwC'Vi R". m rhn^+(n>; ^ipCF: R". ? OQ^t: IR".

/3, x OQ^foi>: A( + XaP-t-F; x)na<[KtiV'. f- OO^t: rtil^fc: ^X-V: ao/[".25


plied from G9.

26/3-. gmtu,n read flO.' ^ lOA 27

^ reads RAlFff*: H'ft :


y reads \tft>cn>".29


a. adefhknopp read Alftt-P: 3r/.r fi*}fl,ti>


31/, /a-^ fflf: 32

q reads H-frffi*-;33

a, aknyta. Other MSS. add Arht; Arht:

16 oDflvtU: Vftt: viLi viii. i.

wa)Ci\U j&flk:1

-fAlTi: a>*1\tn>4;2i^ftA>in:

3 mavOCPl'. ^d-f?: <D*J-am*war>t& HCa>", wOB(Di b havCPln* 2. whmVth 01A: (D<dM; *tffrf; 9QjE.t:

D"4-^flp*; (1(1: i:8ftXcn>V:: 3. hA: 9 ahO". H-ft":

10 W: A-flX: thfthst11 tlXiPa*: n

*CMl&\ A,nM*:: 134. [aj]ttn>^nv;

14iMje*: 40A,!F<n>*: a>(l&0jPai*; 15


5. wmaxU 17th-ttCbi ft*0?: a?ft: 18 Jrfh cDnH^-tAtD^: ft'i'Vfr ^"^ifa^;

(injCC-fclFaiXi tA&fr:19 gi^od: At?<:



216 . AW: 22 y\C: Ah?+ff: 23

A*}"?^*}: 24 VIII. artHH^: avVCao". AA-ftfc; 7(l& ftftj&St:25


a)a7^v^; (DACOi* XlV&'ii a^CfirffD*: 29 tHXy\"*d>lFaP;t 30 ^OCai*; 31

D32Aa>44.t; ACT-; cDtHvihft'T:33 atfAlM*: 34 #CH1: 35 wK<iii *Ksrltfci Ml"}: 36


? reads ?frflft;2

Possibly corrupt for 1*7ffi>J.: or rather firtlaoh = Ge a


z adds t.igmt, ace/knx a. q u, h jb read fl*flO". <5 A'flT. /<? Aflfi".





,ny. So Gs ras pordvas. m reads Ofl: #, /2/3-j/ read O0<d; Here 09<D:

is a rendering of Pordvas as in Wisd. xvi. 12, and must be translated'


or {


as \njub. x. 12. We have this use of}*y

in the Hebrew Book of Noah which treats

of the subject in our text. pNH Vjn Nsni? "ixtan "pan = '

the angel showed how to

heal with the plants (or shrubs) of the earth.'6

q reads h^ioVi: 7 m reads ^JPAJ:

^jEtf: ? <T (D0(l,t: a>.8 m reads u"M: i^X*: 9

w,/ All other MSS. read


Corrupt for XA*: a rendering of the Greek art. rovs." = wore (as in

Matt, xxvii. 14'; Mark ii. 2;

1 Cor. xiii. 2). Corrupt for as Se. Read Aft: x reads a).

12a; read tlKh li

q,ak. gmtu, $-akn(x) read A.A" A", n (x) AftF*a*i A".

14 The (O may have arisen in E through a misreading of i>s be as axrrt in the

preceding verse. i*OD"= irpdir^dav, which seems preferable to iroK^aav in Gs.15

q = G *cai KaTeo-iWai'. All other MSS. read j2.fl^0JPtn>*:16

? omits. 17


reads <Dl"tfi>J&fn*:ISgmq, i^,abc de/hko x /i b. t


u, In read aid.19


a and the rest of /3 read TAV0: In the case of this verb and the next the

MSS. are strangely divided. We require here either an imperf. indie, representing

the practice of the giants (= KaTeo-Bioo-ai/) or a subjunctive (= Kade<r6Uiv) after a>a\'h'.

Here the best MSS. are wrong, but right in the case of the next verb.20 at.

/, j8 read A^fr 21 Bracketed as a doublet of h^ZYi -22 n omits. "g reads

Ahf-frn*: *g. Other MSS. read AOTfttf; 25 reads A$$: gtu,

save that ^ reads "ftAt: wz ?, /3 read ffoTArtrfc 27^ ^ . w /, /3 read a)Ad:


q, be dfh n x/zjb. Other MSS. omit.29

c reads hChT'. 30 = rh /xer ai corrupt

for ra fieroKXa.31

^, /2

<?. Other MSS. read W?v'7(\6\J'aVi save that omits the

initial (D.82

a. /3 omits. 33

q reads (Dl*H"AA^:34

a, e. fi-e read (Dta^lT:^

g. q reads ^Cl'fl: mtu, /3 ^d'l-flt: This together with the preceding word =to Kak\ij3ke(f)apov.

36 = navroiovs.

VII. i VIII. i. ENI2X 17

Gg G 9

avras nal \iiaivcr6aix kv avrals' Kal Kal rjp^avTo jxiaiveaOai ev airats [ews

Ibiba^av avTas cpap/jiaKias nal iiraoibds rod /caTOKAixr/jioC]. 2. nal ctckov

Kal piCoTOfiias, Kal ras fioravas e?j- Parrots yevrj rpia' npG>Tov\7


Xaxrav avraxs. 2. At 2 8e ez; yaorpt peyaAous, Tot 8e Tiyayres tereKveoo-ai/f

Aa/3oC<rat (TtKoaav yiyavras peyaAous Na<p?]Aetp, Kal rots NacprpXetp feyew^-

ck Tir]yjav TpLcr^ikCoov, 3. oinves /care- 0rjcrai>t 'EAtovS. Kai 7jo-ai> avav6p.evoi.

crdocrav rows kottovs t&v dvdpa>TTOiV. a>s Kara ti]v peyaAeio'r7/Ta avT&vA 7/cat

8e 3oiik hvvr\Qr\(rav at/rots ol dvOpomoi e8tSaai>[eauroi)sKat]rasyi>i'atKaseauT<yi'

(TTi^opriyilv, 4. ot yCyavrcs eroAp^crai'4

(papfxaKtias Kat e7raotSas.

e7r' at/rovs, Kat KareaOioaav tovs avdpco-

ttovs. 5. kol i]pavTo ap.apTavi.iv kv

rots 7rereiyot? Kat rots (6)ripCois Kal

ep7rerot? Kat rots (t)yj)vcnv, Kal akX.r\-

Ku>v ras (cr)apKas KartadUiv, Kal to atpa

(tymvov. 6. tot 7] yrj kvirvyev Kara VIII. TlTpwrosI 'A^arjA To 8eVaros

tG>v av6p.wv. tG>v apyovT(uv\ e5i'8ae 7roietj> p.ayaipas

VIII. EbLbagev tovs avOpwirovs Kal 0copaKas Kat r7raz^ cnceSos 7roAepiKoV,

'A^arjA pLa^atpas iioieiv koX oirha Kal Kal to. peraAAa tt/s yr)s f^at to y^pvcriov\

a<rnibas Kal 6<opaKas [bt.bdyp:aTa dyye- ir&s Zpydo-covrai Kal [iroirjacoo-LV airal

Acof], Kal vTribet^ev avrols to peraAAa5

Ko'cr/xta Prats yvvai^i, Kal tov dpyvpov

Kal T7]v pyao~Lav avT&v, Kal \j/eki.a Kal eeie 8e avrotsl Kat to t<rriA/3etj>t8 Kat

koV/hous Kat art/3ets6 Kat to KaAAt/3Ae- to Ka\\(oirCiv Kal tovs eKAeKrous kldovs

1 E= piyvvadai. See note 2 on p. 16.2 MS. reads ev.

3 E=ware. 4 E= eYpa7n7crai',

of which eroXprjaav seems a corruption.5 MS. pcyaXa.

6 G 9 has <ttlX(3(iv which is

corrupt. See note 8 below. The Aram, was prob. NTHV. Cf. 2 Kings ix. 30; Jer. iv. 30:

Heb. *]1D.7 These clauses, though omitted by E and Gs, go back to the original.

That three classes of giants were mentioned in this chapter is presupposed by lxxxvi.

4; lxxxviii. 2. Moreover, Jubilees vii. 21-22 is based on this passage: 'The

Watchers took unto themselves wives . . . and they begat sons the Naphidim . . .

and they devoured one another, and the Giants slew the Naphil and the Naphilslew the Eljo and the Eljo mankind.' In ver. 24 of the same chapter, Jubilees

quotes the greater part of viii. 5 of E and G^. Hence, whereas G s omits vii. 3-6and E and G? omit portions of vii. 2 which G 9

preserves, both texts are here

defective. The three classes of giants go back to Gen. vi. 4. The Tlyavres = 0^133,

the Ka<fnjkeip= D^DJ, and the 'EXtovd the DKV1 V^. heKvaaav and to'is N" iyevv^aav

may be corrupt. We should expect according iojub. vii. 22 (Kreivav and ol N" tKruvav.s

Corrupt : <tti$L(iv (Diels).


is <*>tfviu: yr*i: viii.i-ix. i.




wttfc: T^^i-.' 'MIC: 4

[ffltflKlm: *}rtyD]::

52. <oW:

*Cftri: 7

[m.e: a>]8-fllM:


10 arMrfrtV 1


frA :



3. /i^R^A; 15 odO^; 16 aoftuOfi;' 7 fflao^C^i: ^CTtf 18 a^AC^CA: 20trh: 21



.e.Pi:24 hvii-nt; Wi-Ok^; 25 tXi^C^t; aj*m^fc^: 2s

(n>U<i:27 CM; 28 Wrtl: (D^tlAC&fc* aoVd: 48t: cdC-V::

304. aMtf)7"A+: 31


eCrft-: aXlKvfi; ^ft ^; A"??:: IX. ffl32A^7; rfi<D&; <"Z.h&&; *a)K-Ch&i: W^hh


, beefhioxp. gmqtl

u, a dkn a read frfrC:2


bcefhlnax p. mt x

,adk <z

read aJ'H-.fc: Since q, G& 8omit, the word is either a dittographic rendering

or an interpolation.3

g reads Ty0". 4

g" reads "Hid.:5 In faO'lm:

we have (as Dillmann observed) a corrupt transliteration of /xeVaXXa. Hence we have

here a dittography. See note 30, p. i-6,and 5, p. 17. The complete phrase rh per. rijs

yrjs is found in G8. g reads "ta)([n\;


g reads Wfrk 7 mu. g reads dCVYh;

q CMi: I, ft dltt: 8mtu, /3.


? read 9(1?: a>. Since Gs 8 omit I have

bracketed the word as an intrusion. 9mtu, 13-d. d omits together with preceding W.

g q read dH^rh: but q trans, after next word. 10

gmtxu. q reads (DHS^P: P j8 H^iP:


^. w /, |8 read milfh'P; u 1*Arh*F: ^ omits, a^ add wHavOL.; a m 1. g,qtu,

m 2

adeklny ct read "YAf: befhoxp "VA?: 13 " and apparently q. Other

MSS. read H'(V:u

e reads ^-fcnx;I5

^. 02 reads h<H.W". qh<*V\'. tu

hPHM'. aklhPV\Mi\ bcdefhox taphaV\". n hrmt-O'. 16

g reads ^W^: /2/3

add HA: 17, /3. g reads cn>A'fl <LPJ: w ? t ffDAflO.PI:

18(3. a reads V&f^;


a-q,n. q, ft-n omit. 20 a read hC7Ci\: c/KCPWlb21

gmq. Iu,j3

read Afrh: 22 ?, acdelb. g reads A-d^t: m ZHftPfc /,/A jr fl-flWt:

AO0".23g. m reads (l$/b&: (It-ifi: I u Ad-fc^: abk ttC$"J2V: chnox a

(ld$"}2V; de/a4"i&: I Cld$"ifc y Ad#fi2V: 24/, ab c de hko x a b. g m read

6*Xfi; qu,fin h*\\ q omits next six words. 2h ak read ?th.(bh,fo.:26 a .

^ (over an erasure) m u read TaH.fb lL; t T"7?". <$ c defh Ino x a

tb TSF* ". This word

is corrupt. Gs has Ia6(i)q\, corrupt (?) for ZaicirjX. We should perhaps read HilftA:

See note 8 below. 27 g omits next four words through hmt. 2S/, efh n p. m u,

abcdkxp read X?: I d.h&l'.29 m. q reads KA^*?i.^: / Xfl^C/b^V; is-

illegible. /3-r read hft&.C'hA', e hh^-J^fbi All corrupt for C\6h,lS.\ or some such

form. See no. 21 in list of names in Appendix.30 m omits.


q reads Xi^-flTCi:


aeklnif) omit.

1 Since G9 has to KaWanrifav the Aram, may have been simply IB^J?.2 E adds

to fnfraWa rrjs yrjs a doublet. See note 30, p. 16. Observe that ri}s yrjs is found in G 8

but not in Gs. 3 E=fVnotSoi)y Kai pi^oro'/ious.4 Found also in Dan. v. 12 PlPi? ^1?'J?

where Theod. translates it Xvcov o-w8eo-fiovs.5 See note 13, p. 14..

6 E= ao-Tpo\6yov<;.7

Corrupt for Xwxa/iJujX. See note 9, p. 14.8Corrupt for ZaKirjX or 'e^ki^X. See

note 12, p. 14 : also next note.9 This word (which is translated in E) is corrupt

VIII. i IX. i. EN12X 19

Gs G*

(papov1 nal TravToiovs XtOovs enkeiiTovs nal to, fiacpiKa' [kol eiroirja-av eavTots ol

teat to. ficMpLKa2

. 2. kcu eyevero vlot tG>v dvOpcoircov kcu Tais dvyaTpdatv

aaefieia ttoAAt/, kclI eiropvevcrav ical avT(2v, nal Tiape^aav km e-nkdv^aav

aiTTTKavi]dr](Tav nal r}(pavLa8j]a-av ev T0v s ayCovsl. 2. nal eyevero daefieia

Trdaais rats 6801s avT&v. 3. 2eptaa? toAAtj ["Iffl tt}s yr/s,l nal rjcpdvtaav ras

ZbCSagev e7ra(ot)8ds nal pi(oTop.Las3 -

'Ap-oov s avrcov. 3. Ten 8e Kat 6 7rpcorapxos

p.apcos *&raoidwi/ Aun/ptoy4>

(Ba)paKtTjA5 a^<Sz/l SeptaCas ebibagev feiz/ai dpyds


darpoAoyi'as6 '

Xa)X t?p\7 rd o-rj/xetoTixd-

Ka ToC wo'

s >*<" /> as P0TavS>v fr^


9 '

2epHj(A)10 W* 1 ' F 8

/e^ecarosl <J>appap6s



.\<papp.aKeias, eiraoibas, ao<pias, Kail

(Traoibcov \vTr\pia' 6 evaros TeStSa^e^l

ao-Tpoo~KOTTLav' 6 be rerapTos lebtbaev I

avrpoXoyiaV 6 be oy8oos ebibaev depo-

o-Koniav' \b be rpiros ebbae ra o^peta

r^s y?7s-

6 8e e/38opos ebtbae ra ar\p.ela

toC ^AiouT 6 8e cikootos ebibae ra

o-qpeia T7/s (TeATji'jjs. p7rdz>Tes oSrot ?/p-

<xvto dvaKaXvTTTeiv ra pvo-Tr/pta rais yv-

vailv avT&v Kat tols re/crois avrcav. fxerd

8e raCral [VII. 4 5] ijp^avTo ol ytyavres

KaTeadleiv [ras adpnasl tS>v avOpcaircov13 '

G81 Gs2(G.SyncellusI. 4 2sqq.)

4. Kat rjpavTO ol dv- 4. Tore1 efiorjaav ol

dpcoTTOL kkarrovo-dai \kiil avOpcoirot els Toy ovpavbv

ttjs yrjs. ol be Aoi7rotl

e/36-qa-av els rbv ovpavbv

\itep\ tt)s KCLKcoaeoos ovt&v,

Xeyovres elaeveyOrjvai to

\xvr\p6o-vvov olvtG>v evcoiriov


IX. Kat [aKovaavTes

ot Teaaapes peydAot dpx~

dyyeAotl, Mtxar/A Kat

OvptrjA Katc

Pa(par)A Kat


4. TU>V OVV 14dv6p(0TT(DV

aiTo\\vp.eva>v rj y3o(rj) et?

ovpavovs dve/3y].

IX. To're Ttap^ajnv

"tyavTes MtxarjA

Ov(pi)i)k koI 'Pacpa^A


\\eyovTes F,iaaydyeTe tx\v

KpicTLV rjfJLWV 7T/109 TOV

v\]/mttoi\ Kat Ti]v cn:(i>ket.av

rjpcov evcoiTLOV rijs bo^rjs

rrjs p.eydXrjs, evcoiiiov tov


T?] p.eyakuxTvvij\.

IX. Kat [aKovaavres

ol Tea-crape's peydAot dpx~

dyyeAotl, Mt^a^A Kat

OwptrjA Kat 'Pa0a7;A Kat

for depoaxonlav as in G s. Thus 'EfewqA (from \>rv&

' cloud')

teaches the knowledge of

the clouds. 10 See note 23, p. 15." MS. <re\T)vopayias.

12Corrupt for

eVaoiSa? (Raderm.).13 This sentence summarizes vii. 4, 5 of G?. The order of

narration in G* is better than in Gs. M MS. roj/ j/ovc.

20 trotfvtu:liTW: ix. 1-4.

coH-ft :7

9ffD$;8 H^t7nC: (K(l: y^eC:: 2. a)0>fci nnj&Vtym*; J>A:

R^tlFai*:9 0^: RCrfrfr y^C:: XDh: 11 tt*R: 12 A"7.: 3. [(D^Xftf.: Afcoi*;


Afc&<1f:14 AW:] 5

^rth?-: iPAlV 6 AflX; X1H: -{lA: frflk: 17 Af: <P*rfi: *1(l: MHV: 18

4. ffl^ftrt-: A19Xm*ffi*; tAJ7^t: 20Xftm>:t

21 X7R*<nx: ASPJlBts23 ffl^IJi^:

Aft^tarfr <Dl7-^ff^ : A}7^t: <D23tn>W: fMlrfith:24

aJ-ftt:25 H"A: *^oj-^^:

^rtyo.26 (0*117^. fr&ft: 27 orfKM: 23 *a*A+: H-A-: ^Ay; 29 wtoW [whO-fhif

1 The text is based mainly on g m t supplementing each other, g reads (bCfafa

<Dl<lCh,&: m ^kh,&: w(bChh\ wW. q aTMl" wChCfh: tu wh-Ch,&\ wW.p WW wChCfi: (aekn "f&i) WfrCfl'. (akn "$&\). After 7-d" bnx add 4-4<k2V:

(in b in another hand).2

q trans, before GHMhlk: 3

gu,k. q omits, m t, /3n read


^ m,fhklnoxap. Other MSS. read "h0a>: 5e reads &(1:


^ m q add

^ffKfc /*/ petit; G, rightly omit. 7/3-/. gmqt, /read tOffA":

8 /# trans, after


g reads R-^tlFoo*: eRte<?(SO*\ g m add $>([. K6.?(fl>".10 G& 8

omit, but see Ixvii. 2;

lxxxiv. 5. Cf. Isa. xxiv. 1.n

q prefixes W. 12 w reads fiV^R;13 omits. 14

a. j8 reads $.". 1S

Interpolated in E. See note 2 below.16


m, p-dy. qiu, g2

dy read iA: 17? reads A7>(1^: m hV-dfii

18 a trans,

before frflk: against 0, G. 19 ^omit.20

a. adeklnp p, read ATfcJ1':

bc/ho xy b 'YbP'; The text is corrupt. There is no point in this designation

here, as there is in chap, lxiii. We should read A^A"?^: here (= G Bl


note 5 below. 21 Emend into KYt'. as in G.ta p omit.

22q reads

Ai7^;j*; jx om j t next two wor(j s#23

q om its.24 abx. All other MSS. read


or reads a*X*fc A.26 x reads ^o>-2U: HA'}/l7D : and omits next

six words. 27 m reads ^hV: fr&Al: ^ omits S'.S.fl: together with <D following.28

</j> omit next five words through hmt. 29a. fr-en read ff*ftT: ft-A*: ^tfl^.2:

JA^; e A^a*&.: 9". Ci'HiF ;30 Should be restored before o*A+: with Gs.

* reads toOci-hi b x read a)Ki\: QrVhi31 An intrusion.

1 Ge omits through hmt. Kai iracrav avifieiav yivopevrjv em tjJc 777? against E G sl ' 2.

2 E adds Km rOv irpbs v/na? roti? aylovs rov ovpavov. The words ^XP1 T^v ^v^^v

t. ovp. must be taken with ivrvyxdvovo-iv as in ix. 10.3 E adds t5>v ftaviKecov.

Gsl has twv aloivcov. See note 5 below. 4

Corrupt. EGK=rwi' (3ao-ik('a>v or

^ao-tXfuoVrcov. If this corruption is not native to Gs then we must assume a corruption

in the Aramaic, the converse of that in note 5.5 E = r&>i> PaaiKeav= N*37D

corrupt (?) for fcOft?y. Hence 'Lord of the ages.'6 G 82 has dvdptairav, i.e. avirav,

IX. i-4- ENJ2X 21

kcu ra/3pir/(A), ovtol e<

tov ovpavov eQedcra(y)To

aljxa ttoXv eKyyvv6p.ev{ov)

eirl Ti}s yrjS1 ' 2 . kcu elirav

Trpb(s) dAA?/Aov? <5>eovri

f3o(6vTu>(v)eirl tyjs yijs' fxe-

Xpt ttv\>(v) tov ovpavov2

3. evTvyydvovcnv at \^uxa '

Tu>v av6pa>TT(6V XeyovTiov

ElcraydyeTe rqv Kpicnv

i)p.G>v 77/30? tov v\}naT(ov).

4. Kai et7ra(j') t) Kvpia)3

2t* eT Kvpios tG>v Kvpicav

Kal 6 6ebs t5>v decav koX

j3acn\evs f tc2v alcavcov f4,

6 Opovos rrjs b6r]s crov

els Trdcras Tas yeveas tov

alcZvos, Kai to ovofxd crov

to dyiov Kal fxeya Kai

v\oyr)Tov els -ndi'Tas tovs


Ta(3piT)X. irapeKvtyav [ZttI

ti)v yrjvl (K [tc2v dyicavl

tov ovpavov' Kal deaad-

fxevoi alfj.a ttoXv eKKe)(y-

fxevov (irl rrjs yrjsrKal

Tidcrav dcrefieiav^ IKal dvo-


yevop\evr\v e-n av-


2. r elcreXOovTesl

elirov Trpbs aAAjjAou? Tort

3. Ta Trvevp-ara /call at

yj/vxal t&v avOpcaircov

[o-Tvdovcriv~\ evTvyyd-

vovTa Kal keyovTa on

Eicrayayere ttjv Kpicnv

i]\x5>v irpbs tov v*tyicrTov>

[koi ti\v dircakeiav r\\j.S>v

iv<tiTTLov rrjs bdris rrjs

ixeya\u>crvvr]s} evcairiov tov


Trj p.eyaXu>crvvr]\. 4. Kai

eiitov TtZ Kvpiu) tG>v ala>-

vcov 2,v ei o Ueos tcov

0(2v Kal KVpiOS T(2v KVplOiV

Kal 6 fiacriXevs t<2v fiiacri-

KevovTcav [km 9ebs T(2v

aldvu>v] 6,

Kal 6 dpovos

tt]s b~dr]s crov els Trdcras

Tas yeveas t5>v alcavcav,

koX to ovop.d crov dyiov7

Kai evXoyrjjxevov els Ttdv-

ras tovs alc2vas8


Taj3pir]\ 7rapKV\j/av [eirl

ttjv yr\v\ \k [tc2v ayiawl

tov ovpavov' Kai Oeacrd-

fxevot al/xa ttoXv eKKexy-

pi.evov ttI ttjs yrjsr/cai

Tiacrav avopLiav1 [Kal acre-

f3e'.av~\^yivo\i.evr\v e-n av-


2. [dcrtXOo'vTes] ei-

Ttov irpos aAA?/Aous Tori

3. Ta TTvevpiaTa ai] al

ypv\ai t<2v avdp(airu)V

kvTvyydvovcri [crTevd^ovTa

Kali XiyovTa Eurayayere

tt\v <iz7]cnv t}\aG>v irpbs

tov v^ncrTov. 4. Kai

[7TpOCT\66vTeS 01 TCr-

crapes dpxdyyekoi] etirov

r<jj Kvpiio 2u ei debs tG>v

6e<av Kal Kvpios t<2v kv-

picav Kal fiacriXevs tu>v

ftacri\ev6vT(j)V [Kal 6ebs

T(2v avdpdiTcovl, Kal 6

dpovos tt]s So'^-tj? crov els

irdcras Tas yeveas t&v

alu>va>v, Kal to ovo\xd crov

dyiov7 Kal evXoyrnxivov

els TidvTas tovs al&vas.

corrupt for al<ova>v. Same confusion in XI. 2.7 EG" add ku\ niya.

8 Here G sl adds k<x\ to. e^rjs. totc 6 v\J/i<ttos e/ce'Xeuo-e to'is aylois apxayythois, Kal i6r)Kav

tovs f'dpxovs avrwv kcu efiaXov avrovs els tcjv ci^vctctov, teas rijs Kpicreas, Kai Ta fr}s. Here

Syncellus summarizes x. 4, 12. See note 12, p. 19.

22 rotfvtu: yfft: ix. 5-9 .

5. Alt: 1 laChi ittf: w*hh<Mi H-A: 2 7l\Mi: <D*Ytfc\ ftiP-ts 3 ^^Zh: 4 a)7lh:

flJ^t: t&fc: K-ft :

5 a^O: H^thU^: 6 V^dX. 7 Kyi,hii 6. C&h: 8 H70<::

JWHAA; 9 nwavVd: n ffft ;12

Jfn>q :

i;i (KA; r>&C\ a)hVVA H-Jft-*t: i(iTi \ tXA:

jE.t7ft^: Qrt^^t; fiff^; rtflA::15

7. (cDH)fiyD^H: 16 HAW 7

ffllMtti;18 AVni:

^ft^"}; hA: 19 ^AA>U: 'ift^:: 8. a>^4r "JO: fiVSUi; A-flfc: AA: i^C: 21

wtlhO"." *yAA>in; ^AA: X&Jk /TiAt; 22 wdltCbi-3fflA70^: 20

*ft*} : tffr;24


9. whitish. 6a)([X; li&K\* OH: 28 avMft.-* *H"1: F>C\ Z0


1 b x omit.2? reads P'tS.aittw h*"ft:

3 be (v)x trans.4

^ prefixes A.5 Erased in /.


q omits. reads Y\.\\k\ 7gmf, /no x a b. qu, abcdekl

read M"iAh: 8 a"A ', P-ny read CA.Jfc: _y C/Lfc: 9

q reads AHH/b^V;10 n a=8i or oo-a. All other MSS. read Hhffl>: = s.

u n trans, after *}<n>q; u omits.13


trans, before ar>U& uq, t

%$. a-q read "M0&: x adds H"ft:

15 So ^.

First of all we see from Gs* that XA: M*7A4: (^ /, . Other MSS. read XA;

jB.t7A&:) should be trans, after AA^V-ft: and that ^7"= emrrjbevmnnv or rather

ought to. Hence we must read either J&7(14: or preferably J&t7>A4: -T^AC; is

a not unusual rendering of eWijSfu/ia. Cf. Lev. xviii. 3 (twice); Deut. xxviii. 20;

Jer. iv. 18; vii. 3, &c. eVtr^Scueii/ may mean 'to practise,' or rarely as in Herod,

iv. 170; 3 Mace. ii. 14 'to attempt,' 'try.' I take this to be its most probable

meaning here. Next comes w(a omits)fttn>^; (=

e'yi/a>pio-e)which is a corruption of

q which reads hXavd: = eyva>. Finally A*AX: (q u : so Gs) alone is right, g mwrongly read AAfi; / AA-flX: /

2^A-fl0^1': Thus E=(ra) iv to, otpava a eW^Sevov-

aiv eyva> avdpanroi, and we see that E faithfully reproduced the impossible text of Gs.

For further critical restoration of the text see note 4, p. 23. E should be restored

as follows (H)AAff7^t; XA; t7,A4: hh7C: A-flX: or instead of XhF>Ci possibly

Wj2sf$7(t". (see note 4, p. 23).16

I have supplied DH. Gs supports W. In nocase may the evils which precede be attributed to tl^SH; They are all due to the

agency of fiHU/UV. See x. 7, 8.17

q reads K\f: 1S

gmt,$. qu read <DlMlh;19 m omits.


dy read in the singular.21

^. ^w/ 1 read A<Aj AflX: ( + A<A:y^"C: zra originally) where A" may be corrupt for ?AA:


(z>)x omit. /S-* read

^A"; which /2 adds in marg.

n=ner avrii- pera twi/ 6t]\(iu>v = n^j Dy pnoy ;

for XVIk is only a rendering of the Greek article. Here E may be right, repro-

ducing as it does the Aramaic idiom. Gs omits the difficult pera tu>p 6., and G 8 trans,

it after nai and connects it with eyuavBrjaav. But G s seems right : cf. x. 1 1;

xii. 4; xv. 3;

vii. 1. For ^AA: which q omits, bin read A, and for yftA: and next two words

x reads 'IQ'd.;23 So also Gs. On text of Gs see note 22. For (DditCb: d reads

"A; zndy "A;24

/. gq read htV>

i'V: ittfi m ft*F: HtPi u omits. reads ft*J:

Xft ^: 25a. reads ^rtia>-A:


a. aehkl(v)b read fDAlAti.: <5a-

(DAlAt: /<? AtAtt: Tlgmt, abcdefhkox a. qu, Inp read 0".

2S. w/

read ft"H; ^ (Dh^^ u, /3 fDAH:29

^ reads odAA: 30/, $-bgmqu read

H-A ; y11^^; 3 y^C; H"A:31

y reads ^yj

IX. 5-9- ENJ2X 23

Gs G8(Syncellus I. 43)

5. 2u yap erroC^aas ra iravra, mi 5. 2v yap et 6 ironjaas tcl itavra

iraaav 1rr\v eovatav e\<av, KaX iravra Kal tiavroiv 7

T-qv eovaiav e^u>v, Kal

evanriov aov (pavepa. Kal ctKaXvirra, Tiavra eva>iTi6v aov (po-vepa Kal aKaXvirra'

Kal Ttavra av opqs2 ... 6. a eTtoir]aev Kal iravra opqs,

rKat ovk eanv 6 Kpvfiijvai

'A^arjX, bs 3 ebibaev iraaas ras abiKtas ae bvvarai. 6. opqs^ oaa eTroCrjaev

eirl tt}s yr\s Kal ebijX&aev to. pwar-qpia 'A^bujA. [Kal oaa elar\veyKev\, oaa ebiba-

tov ai&vos ra ev tQ> ovpavS> a k-nirr]- ev, abiKias l~Kat ap-aprias] enl ttjs yrjs

bevovaiv*j" eyvoaaav f avdpumoi

4. 7. Kal T/cat -navra bokov kill ttjs i]pa.s. eblbae

Sejuta^a?, u> ti]v e^ovaiav e'SooKa? apyeiv yap] *ra p.vaTijpLa Kal aireKaXv^/e tQ>

t&v avv airy ap\a ovtoiv. 8. Kat al&VL 9 ra ev ovpavio.*


eiropevOrjaav Trpos ras Ovyarepas tQ>v he Ira eTTiTrjbevp:aTa avrov,~\ elbevai

avdpu>TT(i>v rrjs yrjs Kal avveKOipr\Qr]aav [ra p.varr\piaPi10

01 viol t&v avdpunroiv.

avrals Kal 5. . . ep.tdv$r]aav, Kai e6?; 7. *ra> 2e//,taa

uTi]v e^ovaiav eboiKas

crav avrals iraaas ras ap.apTias. 9. Kat f e^eiv12 t&v avv airy apa ovtoov. 8. Kat

at yvvcuKes eyevvrjaav TiTavav, *v(f) S>v6

eTTopev9r]aav irpbs ras 6vyarepas t&v

avOpcoTTiov rrjs yrjs Kal aweK0ip,/]di]aav ovt&v Kal ^ev rat? 6r\Xeiai^ epidv-

6r]aav, Kat ebr\koiaav avrals iraaas ra?

ap.apTias, \koi ebiba^av aiiras p.iai]Tpa

7roie'iv\. 9. Kat ^vvv Ibov1at dvyarepes

1 E G" = iravrav.2 G& OmitS through hmt. Kai ovk ecrriv o Kpvj3Jjvai o~e 8vvarai.

Spas against EG9.

3 See note 10, p. 22.4 E presupposes (see note 15, p. 22)

exactly this impossible text save that it reads ?yv<o or iyvdopio-tv for eywo-av. If we

insert <ai before ey. with Swete and Radermacher we arrive at a wholly unsatisfac-

tory sense. Hence as G s reads dde'vai it may be best here to read yveovat and regard

the corruption as native to G^. Thus we arrive at an excellent sense ' which

men were trying to know.' On the other hand a different meaning of emrqSeveiv

'to practise' is presupposed by G9. See note 10. If we are bound to accept this

meaning, then some corruption seems to lie behind eyvuo-av = ypv (or run"1

'')and elfevat

= y"PD. These may be corruptions of an original p*n,|V

l= ko! dwWvprai. This

gives a good sense :

' which men are practising and so are perishing,' i. e. by the

practice of which men are being destroyed : and thus the text is brought into line

with X. 7 iva p-r] uTtoktovrai navTi<: oi viol to>u dvOpdmans iv to>p.vo-Tr]pl(p, K.r.A., and X. 8

Tjpijpwdr] . .fj yij . , iv tols e'pyois ttjs StSacrKaXtay 'A^arjX.

5 Add iv rais 8i]\(iais with E G 9.

6 Gs = Kal.'' See note i above. 8 See note 2 above. 9 E Gs = Kal i8r)\ao-(v to.

p.vo-Tr]pia Toi> alCivos.10 Here Gs means '

they practise (Azazel's) practices in order to

know the mysteries.' This is possible, but unlikely."Corrupt. E Gs= Kal 2f//iaar.


Corrupt for apx^v (Raderm.).

24 ootfvtu: y?n: ix. 9-x. 4 .

ffl^ooq:: 10. aM&XH>L: TU; 2J&fcCi.: i<?ft:

3Xrt: Tt: fflj&ftttf:

4fcfth:* #R:

A^J&i <D^C7; 7t}Cffi><; <0Aje.*i&:

5 wR.h; Xfb&aDi 7fc;6 la^: Ht7nC: 7

nn; 7Ci 11. <A*$t: ?h?Ci sitlr.

9 HKlQrt: ^h-1: Alt; 10 ^^"Ci 8

Hit: 11 t<DHRAlPai*;t12 cd 13A^O: H 14ti7tf: i^t: 15

tnxpta*: Mhra*, 16 (ATI*:

Hit:: 17 18 X. X^y-. 19 &<HV: (0>;)20 m: 21

a>fr&ft; tV7<J: a>ia?: 22 MC?: &S.C: 23

JQ: a7^A <\?%Xt\ ffl^ftft !24

2. (r**C: ft'?'*: a>)25

nft:26 (lton^ Rft?; 'MX: Cfcfth

A?^: ftt: Stt*7?:

28 H^odR-X: Xflff: &r}rb&\*9 i^\C; H-ft*:

30 <d^?: *'*

J&m>8-X:31Oft ; 0: Jfft-:

32 J^C: <d?WV; 33 HUft : a^flt^:: 3. a>,MM.: <n>UC: htm


a7jB.-}aC: HCfr; AH-ftW; 35 ta>A."; 36 A^rty ::37

4. .eft;38


1</ omits.


q omits. 3a. /


, /3- (z>)x p read J$<1t: <S o (v) x p i^ftt:


q u read fDj&rth.?': omits the initial ffl.5 a-m. m, /

2 read "PXlCk;6

^ reads

7&; 702 trans, after y^rC: perhaps rightly: cf. Gss.

sgqu. mt,$ read

tAi^C: 9 a omits. 10?, 0. a-c/ read filt:

" omits together (D following.

reads H.12 = *a\ to. (Is avrovs COlTUpt for Ka\ eas avrovs = CDt*}^?^;

13?? omits.

14 d omits. \. So Gs s. a-m, eko read ylt: ^,

P-ekno a^lt: 16 mu,/2p. g q Z

1 read Id,". 17 reads QXltH:18

Superscription in ^ -JO: YIC: ao^Xi; AM: OMt ^t: 19a. /

2/3 prefix a?.

20 Added in accordance with Gss. 21 In prefix W. So G9.


gqtxu. m,t


read <dLW\ 23

g. m reads Jft<C&: k&V-Ci q h(\to<l>: rtA^C: / AflCAA^C;z/ AftCfcAfcA: /3-/ACfi?-1i\

lr'C: /A&ft". All are corruptions either of 'larpafr (Gs)

or OvpiTjX (G8).

The latter only belongs to the original: cf. lxxxix. i.24


a, / omit. But the text is supported by G. Thus Gs has nal elirw, though it has

wrongly trans, it before Kal enc^fv, and G s has \(ja>v rightly at the close of ver. i .


Supplied from Gs. This phrase belongs to the original text though already lost

in the Greek archetype of E. It belongs to the original ;for it is preserved in Gs


and each new command issued to the angels begins with the word '

go.' Cf. G s

x. 2, 4, ii. Gs and E are defective in the first two passages.26

e omits. 27 gqread AftffD;

28 u reads $&od; 29 gm qu read j^trfj". /, tt^" or ttt".30g ??i. q reads it ft*; but trans, after W which follows. /, $-1 read JM: / omits.

u ii'lf: a k trans. JM; before F:C: 31b x read ^9^9^'.

32a, b x. $-b x

read }M: ffl

m, save that it gives the unusual forms ?nl

JE.^7 ^V: m~ jB.'fT'A: So

Gs dnoUa-ei, Gs AraXcb-ai. All other MSS. read &??' or J&fJ".34

gq. mt, p

read &i$.R: u *ift\7; 35a-t. t, fr-n read AH'ft; n ahiW; ss a . 13 reads

if&Ci S7 n. So also Gs s. All other MSS. omit. 38 a-m. m, j3 read w(hft>i

39a, p-p, but bracketed as p, G omit. G 3 adds here, and no doubt rightly (see

note 25), 7TOfjevov,'Pa(par]\, Kal.

IX. 9 X. 4 . ENiiX 25

Ge G*

oAtj r) yrj iirX-qadrjratfxaros KaV abiKias. t<ov dvOpdircov (-tzkov Te^ ovtu>v vlovsl

10. Kal vvv Ibov j3oaxnv al yf/v\al rS>v yiyavras' lKLJ3br]Xa iirl ttjs yrjs ray

TeTXevTi]KOTu>v Kal tVTvyyavovaiv p^xpi avdpodiraiv KKi)(yTai^] Kal oKi) rj yrj

t&v itvXiov tov ovpavov, Kal avefirr 6 eTrXrjaOri abiKias. 10. koI vvv Ibov [to. avT&v Kal ov bvvarat e^tXdtlv Trvevp.aTa] t5>v -tyvy&v^ tg>v airoQavov-

cltto irpocrcoiTov tG>v knl rrjs yrjs yivop.ivu>v tcov avdp(0Tta>v kvTvyyjavovcn, Kal jue'xpi

avop.y)p.aT(nv. 11. kol o~v iravra otbas tS>v irvX&v tov ovpavov avefii] 6 areva-

irpb tov avTa yevio-dai, Kal crv opqs avT&v Kal ov bvvaTat zeX6eiv and

Tavra Kal * kqs amovs x,Kal ovbe ^juu/


TTpocrcairov tG>v kitl rrjs yrjs>v

Aeyeis tl bel ttoiciv avrovs irepi tovto>v. abiKripLaTcxiV. 11. Kal o~v avra otbas

Trpb tov 9 avTa yzvioQai Kal opqs avrovs

Kal eas avrovs, Kal ovbev Ae'yeis, ri 8ei

TToirj<raL avrovs irepl tovtov.

X. Tore "Tv/aoros ei^ey 2[ircpl X. Tore 6 vxj/lo-tos enre /cat 6 ayios

tovtu>v\ *6 p.zyas'Pi.yws, Kal 3eXaXrjcrcv 6 fce'yas eAaA?jo-e, koI eVe/x^e toj' OvpirjX

* Kal et7rey4 Kal eVe/x^ey 'larpa-qX

5irpos Trpbs tov vlbv Aa/zex Xlyu>v 2. [Ylopeuov

tov vlbv Ae'juex 2. Elirbv avrco em rw Trpbs tov N<e Kail ei7roz; avrio r<p e/iw

e//<5 ovopcaTi, Kpv\j/ov o-eavTov, Kal brjXca- oVo'juan Kpv\j/ov aeavrov, Kal brjXwo-ov

aov avTUi riXos (TTep^op-evov, on i) yrj avTQ> re'Aos kirepypixevov, otlr) yrj airoX-

aixoXXvTai Traaa, Kal jue'AAei At>rai iracra' Kal [elirbv avTu> oril Kara-

ylveo~9ai Trda-qs rrjs yrjs Kal a7roAe'cret jueAAet yLvtcrOai Trdo-qs Trjs yrjs,

TravTaoaa eW ey 6avrf]. 3/KaV bibaov airoXtaai iravra dirb Trpoaa>TTov rrjs yrjs.

avTov ottcos K(pvyr], Kal p.zvel to 0-nipp.a 3. biba^ov *tov bUaiov 10 tl [Tronjcrei,

avTod ets Traaas Tas yevtas tov alGrvos. tov vlbv Adp.e\, Kal ti]v \lrv\rjv avrov

4. Kal 7ra> 'Pa</>a?/A et7rey Arjo-ov tov et? C^W o-vvrr)pr]o-zi, Kail e(/)ewerai

TSt' ai(avos\ Kal e^ avroi; \(pvTtvdr\o-Tai\

(pvTtvua \ko.x

i\ o~Ta0rio~Tai -nacras tcls

yzveas tov ai&vos. 4. Kal r.a> 'PacparjX

ei7re rriopevou, 'Pac/)a?jA, Kali brj<Tov tov

1 MS. has mas. E = ra V airovy a corruption.2 E omits wrongly.

3 E =6 fieyas Kal 6 ayios.

4 These words should with G8 E be placed after Ae>fx-

E= cat etn-e 7rpos avroV. GBXe'y<ai.

5 See note 23, p. 24.* Emended by Raderm.

from evnv. 7 E adds ndXtu 6 nvpios.8 Ge E = a* yj/vxai.

9 Emended by

Raderm. from to>v.10 Ge E = avrov.

26 ooflvtu: yftt: x. 4-9 .

A^4-^^; XftC; AftHmSV: ftX&fr;1

fflX74-:2 a)^^: a*ft+: JtaaD*: a)frft$>P;


A7yD; X"}t: Urtarfr ft&k&; 4 fflW: ?: 5. *.,; A0A>tf:

6Xflf; 7 mT^t:

coftA.'Vr; <DXi*?f JttVtrot: <dU?: J&I^C: 9 A9AflI a)*\i:<?i A7&: 10h<n>: A.^CAj&:

ncyi:: 6. nOAt: 11*"}n,e: XTIV2

tfik: htm; tSV3 a*nt; P0.: 7. a>/i<ftP: 14

Ay\-C: 15 hits fr^Ak rn>/)Xht; <Dcha)?i Ay\C: 16 A^O: 17 htn> : BP*ih fl&(a>)P;,s

A^^-C; 19(D*h.

20 :r(h7(ti ttlra*: m-frA: A-flX:20 ftyVflLC: 21



*7yV4fflffoo^: Aa*A-ai*:: 8. tD^Ait: H"l;

25 i^C: *nt^yCt; 2G7*14-:

AftHm&: <dA0A>I>:27 Rrh$:

2S H-A; ^rtLfrT::29

9. a>A7>flCk2V: J&ftft : X7RX; 30


SftU'tn*; Am>THV2 wd^Wk\ *<0ft: a*A\; 33 H"7; 34<D*A'V?"fto


[Aa*A\: H"7: co]36Aa>A\; 37 Wf: Xi^A-flX; 38 w39


[<D<ajPtn> :]

nn^VtlfaD-: Xa^TF; 43cDAA^lfff^; ft#t2V: j6.trft7A: Xftm>: Mi; 44 odpO&:


efkop(v)x a p read QX^'El>:2

a-q, n. q, /2/3 read fflX7*5lh;

3/, / read


?, ,a read &&h,&: b

g omits.6 = inL6ts.

7a. /

2, read

fiXAt;8^ m read cDil^T: / inserts ft7R: before (Oh".

9 reads J&lftC:10

? reads \\&?i bR&av^i rf &?; A7&: "m, b e (k ?) read


0At: 12 Trans,

with Gs. 13

q. a-g,f!o read "&i(D.i $-flo"L\a\u = .! W<u. So G.

w, ,3 read "?*P: <$ or omit initial (D.15 w omits. I6 See note 4 below. 17 # omits.

18 Em. from iThjE-V; of ^ m u in accordance with G laaumai (so also Flemming).

qt, acfhoxya read hch&T; bdeklnp{yw)xp hth&T'. 19

<?/, omit. 20 omits.

See note 5 below. 2111. So also q, save that it reads A for fl. All other MSS.

(l7 Ji'aL& except g m u which read A" for ft", and which omits ft before 9?*".22 So all MSS. but q, n which read H-ft:

23 = rdraga\ See note 6, p. 27.24

a* adds croAXtlt:25

/ omits. 26<y read AtX^C^T; 27 / reads <DAA.lhi

23? 'S ft g m u, f1 read Rrft<L: trans, after next word. 29 m reads 2"na>7i:

30a, /r. /3 reads Xmft-ftrffeC: / trans, the X7H.X; after JHh\Fa&'.


^ ? u.

mt, /3 read AvC\ 32

q,abdx. g reads fflAffolH,^*}; ; AffD^H'J'l: tu,cef{h1)kin op (v) fi b read AffD*}H.d'}:


? reads fflfD-A'^:34

Corrupt for Tlm^: =t)s nopveias (G). g, a k omit next three words through hmt. 35

^/, 13-ao.

?n reads h^fhtfOQ*', u, ^07". a omits.3G An interpolation in E. a omits.

u reads Ao-A^cn^Z: G omits. 37 m reads <dA*^: (sic).8S

q prefixes (D.

39g reads Xflh: 40

q reads hm-BXlPavi 41/, /3-wjj/. Bracketed as a dittographic

rendering, gmu, noy p read a)LWa^\ q (Dd.ia^9iax>'i4 - t^u read ftft: ft.

43 bnx prefix A.44

gqu. mt,$ read Jv;

1 E =: (Trldes." = E. Gs 7rX^y^s.

3 MS. taa-oj/ri.4 E = rijv yi]v.

To explain the fact that in this and the next clause E has both times y&Ci = yrj,

G8 has both times Tr^yrj, and Gs has first yrj and then Trkrjyr), we may assume that

irhriy^ was the original in both cases, and that Gs represents the first stage in the

corruption and E the second. Or we may assume that the variations in G arose

X. 4-9- ENI2X 27

Ge G 8

'Aa?)A TToalv Kal \epcriv, Kal j3d\e avrov 'Aa?}A X P cr '' Ka ' Troal \o-vp-nobicrov

els to ctkotos, Kal dvoi^ov Ti]v epr]pov avrov], Kal ep/3aAe avrbv els to ctkotos,

tt]v ovcrav kv ra> Aahow]\ kclkzI /3aAe Kai dvoi^ov rr]V epiipov rr)v ovaav kv rr)

avrov, 5. Kal imoOes l avru> Xldovs [epr;/xw] AovbarjX, Kal ckci [iropevdels]

rpa^els Kai 6els /cat kinKa\v\\rov avT(o /3aAe avrov' 5. Kal virddes airip Xidovs

to o~kotos, Kal olKrjo-a.Ta} kKel eis roi/s oets Kal [At#ous] rpay^els Kal kiti-

alG>vas, Kal ti]V oxj/cv avrov TTcopaaov Kal KaXv\j/ov avru> ctkotos, Kal olK^a-dro) kKel

<fi>s p.i] 6ea>peir(i)' 6. Kat kv tjj r)pepq els roz; atoiya* /cai ttjv 6\\nv avrov 7tw-

rr?/s peydXrjs

1t?}? Kpiaeoos diTayd))o-eTai Kal (pus pi] 6ecopeira>' 6. Kal kv

els tov kvnvpio-pov. 7. Kal laOr](rerai tjj r)pepq Trjs Kpwreco? d~na\6r]o-eTai els

*7 yV> Vv yfpo-VLaav ol dyyeXoi, Kal rr]v tov [tov rrvpos]. 7. Kal

locriv tt}$ ,yrjs2

hrjXcoo-ov, tva tacrcoyrat3

tairat rr\v yijv i)v r\<pavio-av ol kypr\-

rrjv ir\y]yr)v4

,tva pr)

5cnroXoovTai. Trdvres yopoi

14,Kal ttjv lacnv rrjs 7rArjy?/s SrjAco-

ot viol T<av dvOpcancov kv tQ> pvarr\pi(a crov, tva *tacrau'rai rr]V TrXrjyijv


roA&)^ (of kirdra^av f6 ot kyprjyopot /cat p?) d7ro'Aa>i>Tat 7rayre9 ot utot rco!" avOpco-

ehi(ba)a,v rovs vlovs avr&v, 8. Kat 7toov kv rw puaT^puo o elirov ot kypr]yopoi


r) yrj [depa^to-foura]7 ey Kat kbtba^av roi/? inovs avrcav, 8. Kat

^rots epyois Trjs bibacTKaXCas8

'A^arjA* rjprjpatOri -nacrar) yrj kv rot? epyots tt/j

Kat e7t' avTco ypd\f/ov Tas apapTias Trdaas. bioaaKaXCas 'A^aT/A' Kat e7r' awij16

9. Kat T<pTa(3pir]\ elirev 6 Kvpios' Ylopzvov ypd\j/ov Trdaas tcis apaprta?. 9. Kat

eirl tovs paQipkovs, kitl tovs Kifihr]\ovs to> ra/3ptr)A et7re* Ylopevov, [ra/3p:rp\.]

Kat tovs vlovs Trjs Tropveias10

,Kat aird- kill tovs yuyavTas, e7rt tovs Kt/38?/Aous,

Keaov ll tovs vlovs t>v kyprjyopoov duo km tovs vlovs Trjs iropveias, Kal aTrdkto-ov

tG>v dv8p(oTT(t)v'12

Trkp\l/ov avTOvs 13 kv tovs vlovs T&v kypr\y6pu>v airb tG>v vlS>v

TTo\kp(i) aTTCtiheias. p.aKporr]s yap fjpepcov tu>v dvdpcoTrcov' Trepij/ov avTovs * ets

a\Xi]\ovs, k avT&v els avTovs 17, kv

iroXkpw Kal kv a77toAeta. Kat paKpoTrjs

from two possible renderings of NJHX which punctuated as XJ?")X y^ and as Ni>"W


5 MS. firjv.6 Here iTrdra^uv = ^3N corrupt for IION = emov as we

have in G 8; conversely in 2 Chron. xxii. io "Ql^ = e'jrei* is an error for 13^

= a7r&)Xco-6'. Bouriant's conjecture eneTacrav which I formerly followed is impossible.

ineTaaav cannot be used in this sense. 7 Gs E omit. 8 E = r.rj


t5>v epynv.9Ki^Xos here seems to represent NPJILW (cf. Lev. xix. 19; Deut.

xxii. 11) or some derivative of it as representing beings who are derived from two

distinct classes of creatures. E took it as = dSoKt/xos.10 E = iropvqs, corrupt for

Tropveias.ll E adds tovs vlovs ttjs nopVTjs Kal.

12 E adds i^anoaTti\ov avrovs Kal a

dittographic rendering.13 Add els a\Xi)\ovs with G8 E. " Gs E = ayyeXot.

15 See

note 4 above. 16 Gs avrS. 17 So also E. Gs omits.

28 rotfvtu: yfft: x.9-16.

h&P<fl*u l10. artM-: 2 H\AftAh; 4


Afin<lPoi*: (ATttlPtf*; 6

XAffD; {\,&.m..7 J^m.; 8 Aj&arr: H<V}AyD : artiffD;

9 <M(D: 10 firh&: ftrfi&:

"kyixrw. $7lft: yXt: fc^t.: 11 11. wCiaHMh,&\ u J&ft:13 *Xmh: ^C: 14

tAj&^O: 15 tAfti^H: toA*^*"}; XA: yAA>U: XA: rft-04: yAA: filftt:

hffD; j^ftj.; yftfUr*: A 16CH-A: 17 RAlTi:: 18

12. <d19AQ: &r&-ltt\ H-A-:20

o-A^ffi*: <dAQ: 21JE.&X?-: dfrtt>(fli A*<M.lPai*: KhCa^i Ag^m-A^j a^At:

*a*7C+: 23 i^^-C: XAh: OAT: H-Jilffl^; arTS^-frn*: *XAh: ^TAR*": 2*itti.:

Hrt^Atn); 25 ^rty:: 13. aMa>-X*F: <n>pO&: J&ajft^ffi*; a*AT: av^fh-fi"'6

XAT: (a)f7(i^0Ci (DCiCy-T; Tfofo: aP&t'iBai.i A^Ay :: 14. a>AA: 31


w^m-. Xi^Xft: yftA.lffl^:33

rhftvS; J&T/iAt: Xfth: T$S"Zt; 34 ta^^ATa*2v.\ 15. atf'iT-ftoffi*;


36*<n><Pftt: 37 TaM.*: 38

(Dday-Ctf-a^i (ftVtl:

XA<n>: 7<P0JP<n>-: AA-OX:: 16. Jirh-HV:39

ffft : 7^: 40 Xy7R: 41 y\-C: fflifA-:42

y7a<S: 43Xh-J&; J&'t&fc

44 a^AtC/L: 45+*iA:

46 .*: fflCtO: ,eha**}; AAtfitf 47


^ prefixes a).-

t. gmqu read aJjfft : /3 wYtleaQ".3

/. All other MSS.omit. * w. ^ reads J&AAA*h: .

/ u, tthM\: Marginal gloss in / ttCfZ:


q, 0. g / u read tD?L.\hi'. m Xfta*>: fi^fcha**}:6

gq,@. m prefixes <D.

z/ omits. / has an erasure. 7


prefix /t.8

gmtu. q, $ omit.9 be add X-

10/, read in singular. dfhop


(vy) p add ift.<Dl*: f x add fh<Dt; HA^Ay":

f omits next three words. " m q, /3 read fc^*7?"!*:12

/, en add i.13



mqt, /3-y read J&fl,ft: k adds h^H; M/, h 2 save that 7, A

2 read d*C\ mq, bed

no{y)x read X7R*"flrtfcC: a <?/Ax

klprsvw pp hVYLh-dtlhC: ih>& 15 = Socorro*/

in G&. But this is corrupt. See note 2, p. 29. Read XAC: here.16

q. So also G.

All other MSS. read AH-A*: 17 m omits. 18/, n read "iFff**:

19 omits.20

Probably corrupt for XA*; a rendering of the Greek art. of.21 reads (D.

22w, Inoxp read AA-flfi; / AA*! 1

}: /2Xfth: A".


^w?. /, p-a read fia*7<J:

<? omits. 2iq reads X" &)lL'. u omits. ^ a <? omit.

26gmt,&. q reads

av^-foD-, u ^S^t: 27 Added in accordance with G. 28a. /3 omits.

29 m reads jB.t^9a>-: / ^.tO". 30/3-a read A'JAffO;

31 a = 8tgp corrupt for

6s aV. /2/3 read coAfty; Instead of the first seven words of this verse n reads (dAAX:

(Dt\&9>(fl>". WflJ.; ^tt-<:: Xfh&L\Pao". 32? reads ^.*B^: Read ^^H: see

note 5, p. ho read whfth: A^A^: (v)p insert this phrase before i^ft".

34 m adds ^a^; H.S5

gu, 0. mq, e read (Dhdit". t, p-eox mhttfb". x &}&'.m adds TftaiFffD4


g t. m, &-e read (littpav. q U,e omit. 37 Em. with Gfrom i$Al*s

38 G has tS>v ki/3S^Xi/.39

/, $-x. gmqu, x read Arfi7-(7*- ^ ?^)^V:40

gmt,f. Other MSS. read 7$0: 41 m reads Xy?^: A.42qu read H-ft:


gmq. tu, $-y read 9K\0. y reads y^-C: 44/, ad eh In pp. gq,b cfo read

X. 9-1 6. ENI2X 29

Gs G*

ovk eaTLV avT&v, 10. Kal Ttacra epwrrj- fifxep&v ovk ecrrat avrois, 10. Kal -nana

ciS } {ovk) iarat rots Trarpda-iv avTcav epcorrjcrts ovk eari rots iraTpdcnv avrwv,

[/cat]r7repl avr&v^, oti ZXttCCovctiv ^r/crat ort eA7rt{bi><n ?/crai C' ^ aicornou, Kal

Coorjv alwviov, Kal otl ?/a-erai e/cacrros ort {?]o-erai eKaaros avrcov er?7 7rei;ra-

ai)Ta>v err} 7rei>raKo'cria. 11. Kal eiVe^ KoVta. 11. Kal rco Mtxa?jA et7re"

(rw) Mtxa/jA Ylopevov Kal f oryAcoa-ovf2


nbf/crov 2eptacu> Kat

2eptaa /cat ro;s Aotirots rots crw a{ir<3 robs aAAous crw avrw roi/s o"i>p.ptyeWas

rats yvvailv ptye'vras, paavdrjvai kv avrals rats OvyaTpdcn tmv avOpcaircav tov p.iav-

iv rr] a.Ka6apaia avrcov' 12. Kat orav Orjvai kv avrats ey r7j aKaOapaiq avr&v.

KaTao-qbayGxriv ot viol avr&v Kal Xbcacnv 12. Kal orav Karaa^ayGxnv ol viol

rrjv air<6\eiav ra>v dya^Tuv, [Kal]v Kal



t *V IvAkaav t&v

s" ) \ t os / \ 5 dyaTTtiTcav aur&v, brjaov avrovs eVlbrjcrov avrovs e/sOoprjKovra yeveas ets ' ' ' '

v , i < t , 8bouLi]KovTa yeyeds eis ras ycnras ttjsras vairas r?/s yi]S ^XP C VV-tpas Kptcreoos ! < , , , ,

v s ~ v a- v y^s juexpt wepas Kpurecos avrcov, pexptavT(t>v Kat crwreAecrpoi;, ecos reAecrthj to \ ,


r -.

., ,"/


/ TJpepasreAetwo-ecosI reAe<7pou],ecos o-vvre-

Kptua rou auovos rcoy atcorcov. 13. rore., , , ,

/ , ^ Aeo-0j] Kptpa rov atcoyo? rcov atcowoy.

dirayOrio-ovTai ets ro vaos rou irvpbs Kat ,


/ , / , ,^ ' " r 13. tot^ aTtevtydi](rovTai ets ro xaos tovds t^v pdaavov Kal et's to beo-^ptov

vvpds Kal ^ r^ ^,ww Kal eZs t6

*<rvvK\cCo-<os atcoi/os3

. 14, Kal*os 5 eo-p.cor?]ptoi; r^s (rvyKXetVews rou atcu^os.

ay 4fKaraKauo-^f/f

5 Kal d(pavLo-0rj, dub 14. Kal 6s ay KaTCLKpiOrj Kal a<pavi<r6fi y

tov vvv jjlt avT&v 6p.ov beOrjcrovTai dirb tov vvv per' avTwv beOrjatTai pe'xpt

pe'xpt reAeicoo-eajs yereas. reAetcoa-ecos yeveas avT&v.

15. 'A7ro'Aecroy TtdvTa ra 7rvevpara rcoy Ki{3brjKa>v Kat tovs utoi)s Ttoy eyprjyopcov

bid to dbLKrjcraL tovs dvOpwTTovs. 16. Kal diroAecrov rrjy dbiKiav irao-av and

Ttjs y^s, Kal Tray tpyov Tiov-qpias eKAet7re'r<o, Kal dvacpaviJTO) to cpvTov rrjs

biKaiocrvvrjs ml Ttjs dArj^etas6

ets rovs atcovas .... pierd xaP^s cpvrev(^?;)a-erat.

1 MS. epyns. Em. by Lods. 2 = E. Read bianuxrov as Radermacher sug-

gests and change datives into accusatives. Perhaps Gs E go back to *1DN corrupt

for ^DX = S^cro/'. But Radermacher's conjecture seems right. The corruption of

tea-fiacrov (or Bea-fievaov) into 8r)\co<rov is native to G ;for the Original aCC. fiiyevras still

remains. 3 E = Ka\ avyKXeidrja-ovrai els tovs alavas a free rendering of the text.

4 Em. with G9 from orav : E = orav.B = E. Corrupt for KaraKptdrj as in G8


Add with E kcu eo-rai evXoyuT to. (pya ttjs 8ikcuoo~vvt]s kcu ttjs aXrjdeias lost through hmt.6

Mi^fo m, x tybJPi u (k ?) fi.^A. *q reads (D^tl-fdPL:

46/ has gloss in

margin ^'V; 47j/ reads ndhi*:

30 odrviu: ym: x.i6 xii.i.

7A& 1 R\efc (DCWi A^A^V A3^^: J&thft::4

17. D5J&XH>L: H-fro*: S^V

&bW w&nw-U ihfVk XAh; J&tD^^-;8Ig: a>H-A: odTOA: a*CH"frffi*: <d*A*MT:


10 AAA^:: 18. (DnX^l-F; ffoTO^V: **7AC; nH"l: y\C: 12

A8%e-fc a>*H"AW; 13 ^th^: 14 OR: *ffltffP^X: Atfit::15

19. <d*H-A*:16

08a>; 17

?*: thA; 18 ^fty; w-t\ifc; 19fl,y: fifD-W map},- 1 HthV: 22





-p-(l; cdH-A*: HCX: 2G HHX: ft7: *rh*: 27 cn^Ct; t7-AC

X&: 2S atfrht: <n>ft&Ct: A^ViTl: *7-nC: 29 lyhW: 30 H^t:: 20. coAlt

Ki^r^i (W&C\ Xi^H-A-: 7$0: toX^^A-: "}m><l: foX^H-A-: ^nUt: fflX^H-A-

A.O 1 w*ltfc Otili31 H^iaC: AA: 9AC\ fi-*2V#<n*:

32 Xy-SA; 33 y\"C:

21. a)lhU 34K-A-:

35 a*A\: A<lX; 3.-H; 36 w*^h-U zlffA-: fiiftH-O;

38 ^y^h-. 39

(DmObi hi9

?: (DH-ftfl^: A.+: J&A7&:: 4022. avHJWh: y\-C: XyfrA-: ao-flT

<dX7H-A-: 2m.ftt: a^Xi^H-A*; 41 tn^u^: *<dX7dH'A: ^OCl 42 w^^^V^i hm>


ft7:44 AtaJ-^^; ^a*2U*; a>XAh: A^AT11

:: XI. a^X^Tfc 46 aofOh

K&A'ih\ ffDH7flt: A^ht; 47 XA: AA^; hm>: h(D-Cf-a^\ *A: y^C: A: 7-ACcn*

<D*A: q"71Fcri*; Aa>-A\: A-OX:: 2. a^AA^ : fflC^O: frfta: J&ha*f.;49 OKA*


^Atn> : ojAK-As *(&&: ^Ay:: XII. Xr^m); 51 XA: 52 I7C

1 a-m. m, 13-e read 7flC: eVOrC: 2 w omits.3o omits. 4

q fu, e/in(w)yp.

g, abcd/(k?)loxp read jE-^hA*; before which g prefixes (D. m J&^hAA": 5


b c trans, before It", n omits."

a-q. q reads JE.7?<; &TW\ t adds gloss

in margin KS^^fdlfi^i8 reads (DlS.',

9$7reads A" ILhO", We should read

C^hlVa^i See note i, p. 31.10

qtu, /3. ^ reads &&Kyi m ^R?*', w/#,

/3. ^ reads ^"AC: ^ l^lflC: 12 For this and next two words m reads $*dn13 G has tV alrfj.

utu, cehlnx p p. g, ab dfoy read ^Htti^V: wz ^hvV: ^ omits.

15 d omits. has the superscription 0X11*: O0a>-: <0<n>AC+; hfriftl'. MVC: 16

^ m.

q t u, $-d read (Dlttfi Vomits. 17 w reads 0B(D<1 Vomits. 18

mqu, h(J)ny x p.

gt, a be defl op. read JE.+IiA*:19

gmt, abc efh Ix p. b. d omits together with

next word, qu, oread J&i*hA*:20

/, oy read <!itD/


l: ?^ trans. before %A?I\ 2l mreads wa)ii y w-U 22 w^, P-bdly. gt,bdlx ab read H.1*h2V: _y HthA:23 g reads DJ&7". 0HJ&7". J&t7AC: 24

^w/. ? reads ffla)^.}: /3-/ ^d>: /

Sfly: u omits. 25^ omits. 26

dy omit. 27^ omits next four words through

hmt. 28/ read <?.:29g reads 7-dd; t^7AC: 30

a. |3 reads i^h^t;31 ^. $r

reads It' Cfbhi m A: /, /3 XyK-A: CK-A: For CK"A: lb read Ch-A:

The construction is that of a nominativus pendens. (v) add fflX^JfA*: Super-

scription in g AXlt: fn>H7-01*: O^lrfr s2? read S"J".

33u, n I read AA:

34r reads W&tUD-U Gloss in / htn>: XA: h<\Cf^i 35

qt,anx read K"ft(n>;

<? omits. 36r omits. 37 n omits.

38 m reads fhTHl;39 reads Sao".


t,fnpp read J&A7/?.;41

z/, omit. k% fho trans, before preceding two words.

X. i7 XII. i. ENftX 31

17. Kat vvv ttuvtzs ol biKaiot eKcpevowat, Kal 'iaovrai o>vtS eoo? yevvrio-oocnv

XtAtdSaj, ko\ iiacrai at r)p.4pai veorrjTOs avr&v, Kal f ra ad/3/3ara avrcov *perd

dpijvris Tr\r]p(acrov<nv2

. 18. Tore kpyaa6r\criTai Tjaaar) yrj Iv hiKaioavvt] Kal

KaT<x(pVTev9ii<TTai, hevbpov (V avrfi, /cat 7rArjcr^^o-erat evAoyta?. 19. Kat Trdira

to, bzvbpcLTrjs fyrjs dyaAAtdcroiratf3(pvreu^o-erat, /cat ecrozrrat (pvrevovres ap.TTe\ov9,

(/c)at 17 a/x7reAos ^v ay (pvTevo-<ao-u>} iroirjcrov(nv irpoyovs o'ivov' *x.iAidSas Ka i

anopov 7rot7j(ret Ka0' K<xaTov piirpov4

, eAata? 7rotrj(ret dm /3drous 8eKa. 20. Kat

oru KaOapicrov Ti]v yrjv and Tiao-qs aKadapaias5 Kat a7id 770077? d8iKia? Kat 0770

(770)077? d/xaprta? Kat 6do-e/3eta?, ko 77ao-a? rd? aKaOapaias ras yivop.ivas kill

rrjs yrjs eaAen//oi>7

. 21. Kat eaoirat 7raires Aarpevo^re? 01 Aaot Kat evAo-

yowre? 7rdyres ejuot Kat Txpoo-KWovvTzs. 22. Kat KaOapicrdrjcreTaL ^Ttacra?r) yrj

and iravTos /xtao-juaro? Kat 0776 7700775 aKaOapcrCas Kat opy^s Kat pdortyos, Kat

ovkIti TT^p.\}/u> in avrovs ei? 77ao-as ras yeved? roC atwro?. XI. Kat rdre avoi(o

to. ra/xeta 777? etiAoyta? rd ovra kv ra ovpavw, Kal KartveyKtlv avra. 8e77t to. epya,

e77t roy kottov tQ>v vlutv tcov avdpcoiToov. 2. Kat ^dre1 *a\i]6eia Kal tlprjvq


Koiyco^o-oucrty o/xou ei's 7700-0? ras 37/xepa? rou atcS^os Kat ei? 7700-0? rd? yeved?t5>v avOpwiTOiv


XII. ripo tovtoiv tQv Ao'ycof \i]p.<p6r\ 'Eyco^, Kat ovSet? Twi' avOpviuov

1 = pnri3^ in which the word is wrongly vocalized for pnririEi' = 'their old age.'

The error is explicable in Heb. also b^W instead of D3t2> (Wellhausen, Skizzen vi.

pp. 241, 260). Hence read to yrjpas aircbv.-

Appears to be intransitive here.

E renders it transitively and puts the preceding nominatives in the accusative.3

Corrupt. I cannot restore the text.' Tree of joy


(as in E) is an expression not

found elsewhere, navra ra 8ev8pa t?)s yrjs dyaWidcrovTai = *t!0.1 NJTlK fTwba. The last

two words may be corrupt for Wrn HfcO = '

goodly in appearance.' Thus we should

have navra ra 8ev8pa wpaia tgJ ei'Sei. At any rate G and E are corrupt. ^VTevdrjaerat

may be an intrusion.4 Text is translateable but seems corrupt. E = Kal nas 6

crnopos 6 cntapas iv avrfj (kocttov fxerpov 7rotf](rei xi\id8as Kal eKacrrov perpov. The opening

phrase is a nominativus pendens.5 E = dftiKias.

6 E adds ndcrr}s."' E adds

aVo Tijs yrjs 21. /cat eaovrai ndvres o't viol twv dvdpJonav 8Uaioi.8 E adds fVl rr)v yrjv.

9 E trans.10 E = alwvav a wrong expansion of avnw which appears in G.

/ adds CDX^Jf-rt". aDfpw&V: n reads simply fD^OC: and trans, as h 0.43

q reads

K4J-:44 abefhknox p add Xfipi cdly a h^\ 45

g, e(v) add ^Am>:46

g reads (D-WV; 47q adds ?.'

48a. /

2, j8 omit.

49c reads 1bh 50

g reads

awPOfc A. Superscription in g 1(\\ TJHW*: WXi:61 a-m. m reads X7.

p prefixes a).52 Em. from itfci with G. m adds ^(D-hA

32 roftvtu: tTW: xn. i xm. 4 .

ttrftT:1 5fi: wh&(\\ HSh^Ci* K7a><fci A-flfc; ft*Jft: th-ftt: a>3

*fft: Oft :

a^lt: 4 Mh 2. onJfft'Jt57fl4: i^AA; * 1Tffli w7Mi fr&AV m^OA; 7

YlfiO-.i 3. atfi: 2<?*i: MJn XaCfa A*Xm?i: 80ftJ&:

9 a>AT7uV "JAi^i 11

<d70: 12 WJ: &a*(M.: A/!*:13 AJWii R^A: 14


4. if<?*i: R->:

8\fc f*C:16 &fc.0: At7yj; AW: XA: rfi.67: A"7?: M>A: ;^$Pm>: :7 fc.A: 18

HA^A^ ; a^AA: MA*: "YAk ffl7-fl4<:19 hao-r ,7-ft4:

21 a*A\2: AftX: 22atf^fc;

ftai*: Xlftti cD^rtJ-;23 m?: cn><ft<r: flft: i^C:: 5. cD/L.ChtD-'J; fta:

rt^^.24 (D^w: ^fttAt:;23

6. a>26}iAtn>: jE-t^ffr: 27 fta*A\frn*:

28 #tA: 29

<?*<M.lF<n*: ZtoX?".30 wJldi rfi7"A: (D-frf-a*?

1 WOW2 <dAXA-: AWy ;33

wh.harti trai *7'\d.:Vi a?rtly:: 34 XIII. w%*?Hi $&: j&ftft ;

35 A^HUfc^:

kZiKD-ihi *AAyD : mjE.; 37M-JI.I a>87i: A0A>h: 38

J&XftCh:: 2. (D391?^: 40 whXtfVi 41

/L*.ha*Hi; 42 QXIt; Hcn>UCh: 437<?0: DftX*iT: H-A*: ^"7^; B*C<{/fr <07$O:


tD'haitcY: HbChZhi AA-ftfc::45

3. A^y; rh<EC?: J7CtiJPai>; AH"A<n*; ^ft-^;46

oXa^lt: *Jfftffi>; Clfr 47 a?48^?^: *Vha*\ *a)tf&\\ 4. coTflXA-i.:50

h<n>; fcBvh$: fta^; *-tmd.i AXA*: 51htn>: j&fc?aD<;

52 1^7t; <D*hm>;53

ft};54 *0C7: 55

1 = iXwfdr}.*gqu. Other MSS. read H?ft".

3 a adds A^VO: Htt^C:4

^ reads W5P>1IY',


Corruption for JtA*; which was a rendering of to before


a. reads $&" ffii^AA: W. 7 All MSS. prefix ft against the

parallelism and G. 8 Em. from XVUKi of all MSS. but cy. cy read X?aX?:9 Em. with G r?}$ iMeyaXoawrjs from ^, 0ft.,: # read Oft.i'l*: ; / 9flPto10 f ^r read w'i'hw. " a reads AA.?":

12<:.* read Ttf;

13</j> omit. 14 a reads

R^: nq t, fr-dy. a-q t read (Dje.O>(il\ dy fDj2.ft.ft*:


g q u. in t, read tb-Ci

17g. mtu, $-e read <D.7

D3,,P(n>: b w7 <t"P7i e w^^VTa^i 1S

g reads

fa&ftl: ? fc&ft:19

z reads "7-fl&:20

a-q. q omits. reads Hh<n>:21

?;z reads ^.7fl4: q omits. 22 Seems corrupt for ?flfl; as G has ttjs yrjs.23 Prob-

ably corrupt for hP^M*: in reads "Yflfc24

^?/ read A-Iod; q, ay add ft^ft:

^^C: against g mtu, n. cdefhklo jab add ft" 9" before A-tT : and ay after it.

.* trans. AA^: WhA" $OL" before hS-hatf: and add ft^fl: y"" after ftan:25^ omits. 26

gin. qtu, $ omit. 27 gqu,y\ m reads AJB.^^" XAtn: /, /3

JiAffO; &*?". "8t, /3. a-/ read (D'Ctp-aD". which might be construed as the ace.

after ^4". gtu,p. in reads CD*tA: ? -tt^: 30Z


, /3. ^ ^ u read ^CA?-:

w, /2 &&&: 31 ^ reads CXAtn^: 32

u, /2 read JE.704-:

33c omits next four

words. 34

g. in u read ^thd/t: (Dh^Mao: q yrhd.-f; w7Ltl<\Sri t, $ ^ihirV:

wKM^i 35 m omits, q trans, after AAH". S6<f omits. 37

q reads AAff:

9ft.?:38 m reads Jiyj-h: and trans, before (D$hi

39 w / omit.40

/3. /

read in ace. ^^ read ft/hl*T: w AAI*^: 41^, /3. ^^/ read "A1*: /S-a/J

XII. i XIII. 4. ENX2X 33

tyV(> TTOV \7]jX(pdr] KCU TTOV iCTTlV K0.1 Tl cyeWro avTu>. 2. Kal to. pya avrov 1

ixera t&v eypriyopcov, Kal fxera t5>v ayioov* at r]p.ipai

2 avrov. 3. Kal re<rra>s"'

W7]v 'Evo^x zvkoy&v ra> Kupio)3

tt]s jueyaAocrw//??, t j3acn\ei tG>v alvvoiv. nal

Ibov oi kypr\yopoirroi> ayiov tov peyaXov

1 inaXovv p.



,.... 4. 6 ypap.-

ptartvs rrjs bt,KaLoo~vvr)S, iropevov Kal ei7re rols kyprjyopois tov ovpavov otnves

aTToXnrovTes tov ovpavov tov v\f/r]\6v, to ayiaap.a rijs oracrecos tov al&vos, p.era

t>v yvvaiKcav epuav6r]o-ai', Kal aoaTrep ol viol rijs yrjs iroiovaiv, ovrms Kal avrol


,Kal e\a(3ov eavTols yvvaiKas' a< p.tyav f KaTr]<paviaaTe f


yqv, 5. Kal ovk ecrrai"1

dpijvr] ovre a^ecris. 6. Kal irepl &v \aCpovcriv

tS>v v\G>v avT&v, tov (povov tu>v ayairriTobv avrcav 6\f/ovrai, Kal tirl rrj airtokeCa

tcov vlcov avTu>v cmva^ovcnv Kal beiiOrjo-ovrat, eh tov alStva, Kal ovk eorcu avTols

ets eAeov Kal dprivr\v8


XIII. 'O e 'Evcax tu) 'Aa?)A. f elirtv Yloptvov' f9 ovk eorat croi dpy]vq.

Kpip\a pieya erj\0ev Kara, aov brjo-aC o~, 2. /<ai avo)(r] Kal epwrjjcrts croi ovk

Icrrai 7re/3t wy eSei^as abiK^pdrcov Kat irepl tto.vt<x>v t5>v epyaiv tG>v dcre/3ei<2y

kcu Tr^s dSiKias Kat rrjs ap-aprias, oaa viribei^as tois avdptoirois.

3. Tore Troptvdels etpr]Ka iraaiv ovtoIs, Kal avrol iravTes i(poj3ridy]aav, Kal

eKafitv avTovs rpopos koI (pofios. 4. Kal rip^rrjcrav10

07ra)? ypaxj/oi airols

VTTOp\vr\paTa epcoT^crecoj, Xva yivr\rain avroi? cupeo-is, Kal tva eyco avayvG)


1 MS. aira)!'.2 E corrupt=eV raij fjixepais.

3E^Xoyelv used with dat. in Sir. !. 22


li. 12, &C. 4 Add with E tov ypa/inarea kcu tmov efiol 'Ev&x lost through hmt. 6 E=(nolrjo-av OV TifTrotTjKecrav.

6 MS. Kairjcpaviaare, Seems corrupt for d<p. ply. aar-

rjcpdvto-av. It is most unlikely that we should have here a piece of the oralio recta. E=koX d<p. pty. r](pavlo-6r)o-av but see note 23, p. 32.

7 E = avro'is which appears right.8 A strange construction.


Corrupt for nopevdeh tX-mv as is shown by E and G xiii. 3.

The corruption in G may have originated in the Aram. G = T'TX 1DK corrupt for

11DN1 bin. Here we may conclude either to a happy emendation of the Ethiopic

translator of G or of the scribe of the Greek MS. used by E or to the existence in the

Aramaic of both forms, the corrupt in the text and the true reading in the margin.10 E adds epe.

u MS. yevovrai.12 MS. avayvoi. E = dvdya> corrupt for dvayvw.

43 u

34 c/Drtvtu: y?tt: xm. 4-xiv. 3 .

raw. AXA-frn*; 1 ke-m>: 2 Xmfi: 3 A"7:: 45. XAcn> : *Xtn>


$tA: A.J&&A-:5

Xi^J&XH,: -TC7C; 6atfj'iftfc: 7 HOfritira*: a>A+; A"7.e; X^ttt: fiMlF<n>".

Hth-IJ-.-j 6. ft^y; 8 RrhiK 1*H*i& AXAfm*: tDfiftt-flW1*:9 AX^t: avr\Lt\a^\

w*([([hih&: 10 yytlCao". artlXTh Hj&rtArt*:11

htn>; h-<?a*i 12 AC?1V 3<0}.rfit::

7. tD 14rfi<EC?: JAO: A: "7JPt: *^1s A*V5


je-Xt: Xi^ 17?"?*: 0<!A:18

flCTV9 atfHWl: 20t"H*& AXA+cn*: XAh: 21

.etfAfc:: 8. wIV-. 22 fhW: 23

aoRKii co^XjPt: 24fl>?: <d^-*j 25 CAlK ^X^t: 26

rn>ftiP$t: (wcwXh: $&: X^H:

-fl&:)27 X17C: 28 Aa>-A\: rt^J&i coXmCcn*:: 29

9. <m*U?: tn>SXh-: -JftlPcn*:

(Dti-tra*: 7-ft-A*}:30


X"iH: J&Afhtn.: A*frfl^A?AA: 32 HUAarfr "7XhA:

A.a?Tl; D*A,iAC: 33X*JH: 7vft-n*J: 7frn*:: 10. artVZCfc: ke^ZtPatH; 34


XJP+: HCAlK 35 A1P^; 36 <Dcom,

}JK X*T7C: 37 a*Xt: ;M1*: fr^-fc a>Xm<?: 38

A*7<yi: A"7j&:: XIV. "HaDjMuL: 39J>A:

40 8\$; a>HA4.;41 *Wl: XA: 42

Xy^Ai^: QhffD: *HH: fc&A: <Dm: Aj&X-fc; <J-X:: 432. M: 44 C/tfK

45 CflVT *:

Hfti: J&Xlfc:46 Xi7C: 47 nMI; 48

H^,?; tfDAffDWl?: 49 HcdUA: 50 m: 51 A: 52t AA-OX:

M*W: 53O-F: (DJ&A-nm.:

51 A2W1:: 3. hffD; m<:: ondIM: 55 AA-nX: 56^AflfflL:


1 w reads AXAfc hm>: P-thTa*'. hcn>;2 a

,a/5. 0-a read *}A:


q, p read KVH.fMdhC: 4

a-^. ^ ^-^^ read A*7??: Ao omit.6 ^/. So also

m q save that they omit A. P reads A.jB.ftA*: Xm**}*!* w adds firh.?DT>,


^ reads

+7Ct: t m,eoy read ".n^fc: Z1

"je.J^ft.;8/, . ^w^, /3- prefix a).


a-?. ?, /2/3 read "04>1\Pf<n>: 10

^ reads AXA: Arh&: * AA2S o Ag."^ ?/,j>.

m q t, p-y read HJ&AXA*: g,kl read WtTav. 13

_y adds (D'V.e^: and puts the

words before and after in nom. 14r omits.


afk read .fi''}:16 gf u.

m q, /" p read X*it: 17? reads A.


q t, I. P-fl read WO: ^ ,// W-fli 0<J-A:

19 m prefixes H. wgmq,f. tu, ^read \i<\<\\

21 reads XftffD;22


read (D&'hloti".23

gu read fh&ffD;24^ ^ u read "dAW: ,3 ^X?: mq read*:2G

. All other MSS. <^X?: 27 Restored in accordance with G <a\ r,\6ev

0wi/i) Xeyovaa.28

q tu, fi-o. gm, o read hiVCi qtu, n. g m read wh.H&G.av4;

p-n XHACcro-: s0 a-w, . / reads T-ft-A**: (sic). /3- 7ft*^}: / adds on

margin ^Qrhh 31

g reads ^.I-AO-:32

^. g, p read fr-A^VAi'fc^: w &&&&&&:/w ^A^vA.?/bSV: See note 7, p. 35.

M^ot. qtu read A>1A>C: /3-y AfcAC:

n h%(hi,Ci y Ch^ChC: p, (LLC: 34p prefixes A.


q, e p. add XYC7C: 36a-^, /^.

y, t2P-k append ?.

37 reads MV7C: 38 w reads "&od*\ n (DXHACffO*: 39^.

So also G. All other MSS. read UffoRvhS: 40q, b p read ^At: 41

mtu, p.

g reads H&: q HA<t: 42^ reads ^Vfi: 43

/% reads d-X?-:44dy prefix a).


q reads CiMlJP:46

^ adds CMbi a).47 reads X^?7C: 48

q, b n p read

A^VA*}?: / omits next five words. These were afterwards added in the margin.

XIII. 4 XIV. 3 . ENI2X 35

avTois to VTro/JLvqixa ttjs eoGoTrjo-ecos v(6mov Kvpiov tov ovpavov, 5. on avrol

ovkctl bvvavrai AaAr/crai, ovbe e^Scai avr&v tovs 6<p6a\p.ovs els tov ovpavov

airo alo-)<yi'r)s*

Trepl &v i)p.apTr]Keto-av Kal KaTeKpiOrjcrav . 6. Tore eypa\\ra

to v-nojivrjixa Trjs epu>Trjcreu>s ovt&v Kal tcls beijo-eis Trepl tS>v 7rvevp.aToov avTwv

Kai trepl 8>v beovrai, ott<i>s avT&v yivoovrai a(pecris Kai p.aKpoTrjs. 7. Kal

uopevOeis eKaOiaa eul tu>v vbaTcov Aav ev yr\2Aav, tJtis eartv k * 8etcoi>

Epp.a>veielp. bvaecas3 *

aveyivoicrKOV to virop-vripia tG>v ber\o-ea>v avr&v ecos4

eKoip.r\6r]v. 8. Kai i8ot> oveipoi eix ep.e r)kQov Kai 6pdo~eis k~n ep\e tttiiriTiTov,

Kai tbov bpdcreis opyijs,* Kai rjXOev (fxovi] Ae'youo-a


5 toIs viols tov ovpavov

*tov e\eyai6

avrows. 9. Kai %vttvos yevop.evos fjKdov Trpos avTOvs, Kal ttclvtcs

o-vvr\yp\evoi Kadr]VTo irevOovvres [o-^ev 'E/3 eAcraTa7

, Tjrts forty a2/a p.eaov tov

Aifidvov /cat Setter?]A8

, 7TepiKeKaXvp.pi.evoi rr)v o\J/iv. 10. evooTTiov avrcoy Kat 9

ayy/yyeiAa avrois 7racra? ras o/aao-as as elbov Kara tovs vttvovs, Kal r)pdp.r]V

XaXelv tovs Xoyovs Trjs biKaioavvrjs, (XeyyjDV10 tovs eypr\yopovs tov ovpavov.

XIV. BijSAos Ao'ycoy biKaioo~vvrjs Kal eXey^ecos eypr}yopu>v t5>v cltto tov

al&vos, Kara. tt)v evToXr)v tov ayiovn tov p.eydXov ev ravrr/ tj\ opdVet. 2. 'Eyco

elbov Kara tovs vttvovs p.ov o 12 vvv Xeyca ev yXd>ao-r] aapKivr}* ev tw %vevp.aTi

tov crropiaTos p.ov, o ebooKev 6 p.eyas13 rots av9p(oTrois XaXelv ez> avrots Kal

*i/o^o-et KapbCas1*'

3. os15 eKTiaev koI ebuiKev 16



E = 7Tfpl roil' afiapTicov avrmv TTfp'itov KaTCKpidrjcrav. E wrongly OmitS.

3 E gives the right order = 8egi5>v Suo-ewj 'Ep.4 Em. with E from us.

5 E = Iva

ciW 6 E = Kal e'Xf'y<o.7 Since E = 'A^eXo-mijX it is not improbable that we have

here a corruption of 'A/3X?7W7 a town in the Antilibanus, which could be loosely

described as lying between Lebanon and Senir, i.e. Hermon. There was a play

of words in text. The angels were mourning (jv3N) in Abilene (P'QK).8 The

O. T. Senir, a name of Hermon (Deut. hi. 9) or of a part of it (Cant. iv. 8).9 Trans,

before wmmov with E. 10 E = <a\ eXey*""-" E adds mt. 12 MS. <ov.

ls E = km

iv T(5 irvevyLarl jiov o cdancp 6 ptyas els ro oro/io. But see note 5 2 below. u If the

text is right vorjo-ei must be taken as under the same government as yXwo-o-?;. E=w}o-at

Kcip&q.15 Read wy with E. 16 Add with E the following words which have been lost

through hmt. : voelv tovs \6yovs rijs yvaaeoos, Kai e/xe eKTiaev Ka\ edcoKfV.17 MS. (KXtJ-aadai.

n omits next word. 49

dy read flfn>"}^ft; See note 52 below.50 m appends I.


giu, ^. mq read 9fl.ft52 m I, /3. gqu read *<?: It is possible that for A:

or KL\ we should read fif?; and read as follows (Un^rt; ftf?; HdJUtt: 0(1^-: = G.

lxxxiv. 1 confirms this suggestion. After hL\ m adds HcoUfl: Ofl^-: ^ add Ha)00:53

to reads ^t^7C: 6 ,a add Art-OX: / prefixes hff:54 w reads (D([Qr: 55

^, <?

read (DwVfl; 56to reads rt-dft: g m u add a)A.t: ? adds a7A.1*L:

57 ^ adds

36 rotfvtu: y<m: xiv. 3-8.

*-JA' Xk9C\ l a)*M-k 3m<S:

4 wmva. 3 KH^Go*. 6 AWi: 7 a>A\: Cl^fi-i:

4. hi:8 AXAthm*: 9

ZtbGYb: <dAX?; JiffoH; .PAtC/i/.10

hHao-. AXA*ii<n>; "

^haJ-JlKnx; a*At: JNV: *tn"p0A: 'JAi^: <D 12H-Ji,! Sfri^t: 13 10A>&<n* : a> 14



5. "Xy.fcXti: KXICW *a*ftt: *A<77.: 18 XAh: JfA*: My ;

19 a>o*At;20

y*\C: t}7: 21MACiiffi*: AJfA-: m>P0A: M*":: 6. fflX^ke-ffD; "Hit: ChXiao<\

rh7"A: a*A\*iffi>: *<?**}: (Dhh-rnia* tTtWUFffi*: 24tftl:

25 a>.*; freshen*;

flrt<?:: 7. toftXAt&ffi*: nXmifa**; 25 ^ha**}: 27 amXTtftiicriM;28 a^ta^X: 29

X1H: 30tAfc?-:

31 a^Atn^th <d32*/HV74-: 33 fD/LS^W4 ^A; Xi^a>.At: m>8vh<p :


8. a>A/fr *X.: JiffnUj30 ftA+C*?LI 37

Vtf-:38 ^ffoVt; AX.e.:

^fca^L: 39a7Z'7Z: J&fcfD-Oi:

40cd4.RT: hTh-nt: mffDaCfct:WOt41 ani>



? trans.2

y<? omit. 3* adds XAft". J'A; fcXyGi * n reads 1<5: and

omits following W. 5a-/. /, append t.

6a. /3 reads XHACtfD4

: trans, to

end of verse. 7, fn p read A^?*yJ:

8 u omits. 3 <:/"/$/ prefix (D.9

#z, /3.

a-w read AXAt". 10

? reads flftLhs. o adds /; "g, h o read AXA1*".


? reads <JAyD : tn>P0A; h cn>P0A: AA^": 13

ot^/, j8. gu read 8\'7D1*; "? omit -

15 n adds AA7; ^ adds the dittography from verses 5 and 4 : <dX7&K)1>\ ti.'t'id.tb'.

tu-At; H-A*: tn>p0A: ^Ay: wYt\%\ Jt*^Dt; ADA^m*: (DhPnat-Wiao*:

16 w omits,17

^/, /3-. m reads "^C7-; ?, -fOChi u "TOCh: 18

? reads A"??:19

/ adds ?&$; so E defective here. See G. 21 u reads Wld: 22/2 reads

CAli: 23

q omits. 24

abcfhklpp. g m u, dy read TCiT. ? mdsPMFtfD;

/ T^LlFtn*: T^^J". lYtT. TCSUPao-. T<tfV. I take *" to be

a corruption of 'V<#5i>

l.lFtfl>< : = KaTokunna or KaTXoi7r<H = Aram. "^niD. As this

word means either KaraXfififia or o^o-tr we have here an explanation of the text of G.

The construction in the text ft&'QXiaD". TV cannot be given any intelligible

meaning. It = nee habebitis possessores eorum, whereas by restoring the single lost

letter we get nee habebitis reliquias eorum. 25

q /, /3. gmu read XA: 2Su, n

omit. v m adds XAh: A^Atn>; 1(\.9V


28qu,/hon omit the initial <D and

u, n trans, before A..ha>-*}: / appends X to <dQXY' and fi-b c I append i .

29 u omits.

w adds ^Vrifr30 omits. 31

g u read ^ftli?':32

u, b n p omit. 33 u omits. See

note 10, p. 37. The negative should be omitted here and in the next word. 34

gmq, d.

Other MSS. add t.35

g adds superscription Qhlt; ^.ft: ^tnxj't: ^(D-O-LJA: CK?: ftt: H^J-fr: AXfli: Cid&i 36

a, a . /3-a trans. 37^ reads SC^?t.

38d> prefix (D.


^ot. Other MSS. jafcaMM.:40

,a 3^^/^. ^^/ read "0*1:

m,fhkln a p"i\;t

41o, dfhklno p p. abcep read JP7-". omits next five

words through hmt. 42

gmq. /, /3 JP8"04?L: (</ omits the i). Either word may be

regarded as a rendering of eGopvpafov pe which is here, however, a false rendering

of the Semitic. See note 13, p. 37. d omits next four words.

XIV. 3-8. EN&X 37

tovs vlovs rov ovpavov. 4. Eya> tt]V epcoTrjo-LV vp&v [t5>v ayyikutv]1


Kal kvrfi opdaei p.ov tovto 2

ibe^^7!' *nal ovre 3

f) ipcaTijo-LS vp.S>v irape-


,5. *tva p.tjk4tl

5els rdy ovpavov dvaj3i)Te eirl irdvras tovs alotvas, Kal *iv

rols f beo-p.ols f r^? yrjs6

eppedr] brjcrai els irdcras ray yeveas7 rod al&vos,

6. /catrlVa~' 77po

8 rovrcoy io>/re r^y aTT(akeiav tS>v vlQ>v vp.aiv t5>v aya-Tnjrcoz/,

/cat otl ovk carat ovqcris9avrwy, aAA.a ireaovvTaL evu>7nov vp.G>v ev fia^aipa.

7. Kal7j epcorrjcrt? vp.G>v uepl avT&v ovk carat ovbe Trepl vfx&v'

* Kal ifxels

Kkaiovres 10 Kal beop.evoi. Kal p.T]v11 XaXovvres "nav prjjxa airb rrjs ypacpfjs 77?

i[ypa\}/a. 8. Kal ep.ol*

e(p' opacrei12

ovrcos eSei'x^'/' ibov vefyeXat. ev rrj opdcrei

eKdXovv Kal 6p.i)(\at. p.e ecpdvovv, Kal tu>v do-ripcov Kal biaarpaTraC p.e

Kareo-irovbaCov Kal f kOopvfia(pv\lz

p.e, ko\ avep.oi kv rf\ opaaet p.ov f ee7reraaay f14

1 A gloSS. E OmitS.2 E = Kara tovto.

3 E = on. 4 E = ovk e<7rat tfiiv,

and adds (Is ndaas Tas fjpepas tov alcovos Kalr) Kplats tTeXtiadr] t(p' iifias Ka\ ovk ecrrat v/iiv.

5 E = Kat anb tov vvv.6 For SeapoU we should probably read cW/xtW. The

phrase is found in Lam. iii. 33 piN^TDX, LXX cWittW yr) s . The phrase here means

'those confined in the earth.' For similar phrases see Zech. ix. 11, 12;Wisd. xvii. 2.

There was an obvious paronomasia "IDNE9 ^TDK, for G as early as Origen's time had

fifcr/toi?. But Origen's words (c. Celsum v. 52) Ko\drdai 8(o-poh vKofiXrjdevTas ivyfi show

that he could make nothing of Beo-pols rrjs yr)s. The corruption most probably arose in

the Aramaic Sf07x01s rrjs yrjs= ^Vl-



.;|B^ corrupt for "N *Tt?t$. E is defective = eV

Tn yfi-7 E = r)u.epas.

8 MS. fffpt.9 Beer (Kautzsch, Apok. ii. 245) regards this

word as a rendering of TAJ = to kotoXoiitov, which, however, the translator rendered

by ovr)o-ir. But could Svrja-ts be a rendering of "W ? Since E is here corrupt but

points to KardXa/jLua (see note 23, p. 36), the original Aramaic was probably "into,

which = KdTaXtifxpa or ovrjats.10 We should expect ko\ k\ch6vtwv. " Em. from

MS. fir/, which E follows. The corruption of pr) into fir)v is found in x. 7. If, however,

the negative is original, fir]XaXovvTes may be corrupt for fir] Xaxovres or \aft6vres = H?

Jv3pD, which should be taken as the apodosis :

' Ye are not to receive.'12

~E= opao-is.

13 This word (= perturbabant, and so E) cannot be right. We require a synonym of

KaTo-irov8a^ot>. Now ec%)v/3ac/>j>=Heb. )??\2\ In this context the translator should have

rendered it irdxvvov. In Aramaic this verb is only found intransitively in this sense, but

this may be an accident. M This may be an attempt to render ^ITISS =' caused to fly.'

This Aramaic verb is used by Onkelos to render W in Num. xi. 31. On the other hand

the LXX gives eeirtpao-cv but one MS. igeneTao-ev (as already remarked by Lods in loc).

Now if imSN stood in the original, i^niTao-av may have been an attempted rendering.

But in that case we must attach to it a meaning that cannot be justified in Greek.

This verb is from eWerdwi^i = 'to spread out,' but the translator of E apparently

confused it with e&TTTrjaav and derived it from eWeVa/xat and ascribed to it an active

38 ooflvtu: yrft: xiv.8-i 9 .

*cD}4-At: A^XjB: 1


a>y>T*h-l\* toXlrkLi* AOA: ff>At; A'W::

9. OXh-: XAh; 5X#C-(l;

6 10: Tfry: Hflrtfrt: nftXOi; 7 MA; wMi; XAt:

?9o>.S:8 cD*comI: 9


10. a>nXft-: o>ft+: Ml: XAt: cd#<W1Ji.: 10:

ft*: mj&: H-VJ-R*:12 A*X0i: 13 A.: 14

cd**<I<P+; fl>X*F: ft*:15

h<n>: RPR:AA>#**: 16 aKkaV. H}& 17a&i a)*7W* 0&er:: 11. m4. : hm>:

4-Rt: WIHlt: a^croncfcts 19 cD^XhcVm*: h.4.ft*i;21 HXAfo wd^rao*-

"?.:: 12. cdXA*: H^irA: a&ah& Mtt: 2* wTthl?: *d>1: AXA*:: 23

13. conXh-: 24 o>ftt: cd-X-F: ftt: co*.7Do>fr:

25htn>- X<Vft cD<fe<5C; h<n>: n^:

A.*yD1t: 26P70: 27

Aj&fflt:28 ftkO-K" tD-IHrFl 80 <PCy*: 31 h^it: a>tf.e-: JtfHL;


14. cd^XIH: XtUarti: 34XC0^: cd.2*; A7Jr?: a>X&&: AX:: 15. cD35<Tlfc

5i&X: ft*: H36?m: KF*TKVPi 37(Ditto: cM*: 38 Cfct; 39

Afrfi-^Z?: <D40tfiJ.ft-;

n*M": 41 XA*:: 16. wClitfc ^LSHSt&x AA-flrfrfr cDQ42fc.flc:: cDflOA: 43 XAh:

k3i&: IfJjPtftff^:44

AX*}t: A-flrh-fclfr45 coAXlt: 0A?<::

4517. cn^WA: 46

H47XA*: wao&OfcKlhi cronC**; 48 wS^CVd: hTto-Ot: a)miU: XAt: HJ&J^:^-::

18. cdJRCM-: cdCMh D>Airfc cn>W: 49 &0-AI 50<D*<f-X?;

51 hm>: ftftrfrhf: (DlMO-:

hcn>; 0rh^: H-PACtJ: cd4>A: h.4-ft*i::53

19. coX^^t; 63mJ-JfK-:




<7reads ad^AI*: (ld,&:

2?, / read JPA".

*miu, fr-a = KaTeo-TrouSnfoi;

or (iraipov. G has (Trr/pav. g, a read $"b'\ q Ith".4 = *" avrjvtyitdv /it, and

should be restored after ADA: /3 reads cd}/". 5 adds fan>;6

g reads XS'C'fl:

7a-q. q, /3 read AX>Ai:

8/3. reads Shayp, m t Wahf-i q u ?fia*; 9

q reads

com*-:10 abcde. g,Pfhklnflb read .P<?CyL: m f&CVL: q f^OhlA

tx f&CYL: u h$>d\)L:

"37/. w read OftjE.:


? trans, after (id&: Viq, n read

nXflh 14 m reads A/ftCe:15

a/h k read WS^F: ("!*;//&) D>Xt; 16a. a 3 read

AA>3: cde/hklnoap AA>: 17

^ reads HXyX-df: 18/, j3-^. g omits.

$r/ read 9&t.\ c (\FA^\ 19 reads ffo-fl^fc

20 3 f u read <D(1.21


gu, ^read"ft^: 22a-^, . ^ reads X^t: /3- S^*F: 23 reads $AS;\

21Superscription to verss. 13 sqq. in g *Jft; CX?: ffolft^: A.0*^V:

25/, 0. ,#/

read? *: q 9mM gqu. m reads .^Vfr t, acdhko tb 9"Wa beflnp

9yt\& i7gq. miu, fi-n read 79: tJtA: tD??"}:

28 omits. /, /3~

prefix CD against a-/. gmu. q t, /3 read(/, omit)A^0;

30 a 3/z read

(D-A*^*:31 w prefixes CD.

32^-. Other MSS. give the usual form htHL:

33q omits. 34 gm omit. s5

^- reads cd*ivX: (D.36 reads W. 37


^, /read "HTF: 0-/ "Hh-: ^w. ^Z1 read -S"W: /

2, ^"i^: 39


$-lnJ>. mq read C^fl^^: In CAa*\ J> Ct&l40

q, P p. gmt l u omit.


gmu. qt,& read Mi: 42ot ^, /3-a /^ . gtu,akn read CD. q, eno (v). gtu,

P-e n read coOn^.; ot ^a^.:**gt, ab cdeklncip. m reads H>Jcd1*". ^ ItliPl*".

Hj^cd^'. fo H>*}(D1^'. /^ H>lJP+cn>*;4S

e trans, these two words. 46m, n read

XIV. 8-19- EN12X 39

p.e Kal eirfjpdvl

jue avoo2

kclI ela-qveyKdv pie els top ovpavov. 9. Kal

elarjXdov jue'xpi? V~yyiaa T*l)(OVS oiKoSop,???3 ev KiOois x^^-C1!^ Kal ykdaaais


irvpbs kvk\u> avrS>v' Kal yjp^avro eK(po{3elv p.e. 10. Kal elcrriXQov els to?

yAcocrcras roS irvpos, Kal ijyyiaa els oIkov \xeyav olKobop.r\p\evov ev *Xidois

XaXdfos5, Kal ol toI^ol tov oikov g)s XiOortXaKes, Kai Ttacrai tfcrav ck xlovos


Kat ebd(pr] xlovlko., 11. Kat ai crreyai <ws oia8pop,al darepoiv Kal aarpaTiai, Kal

p.erav avTu>v x P0V iV Tivpiva, Kai ovpavbs avr&v vbcap, 12. /cai 7Tt>p (pXeyo-

p.evov kukAw rwy rotxcoy, Kal 0vpai rrvpl Kaiop.evai. 13. eia^Afloj;7

els r^r

oikoz; eKetyoi', 6epp.bv7

a>? 7r5p Kat \j/vxpbv wj x lc^> Ka ' ^J"00"

01 rpocpr]8


ovk tjv ez; avT(L' (pofios p.e KaXv\}fev Kal Tpop.os p.e eXafiev. 14. Kat ?//xr;y

(retopeyos xat Tpep:u>v, Kai inecrov *kill Tipocrumov p.ov xac 9

ededtpovv evrfi



,15. Kai iSoi) *aXXrjv Qvpav aveu>yp.evr]v KarevavrC jxov, Kal 6 oikos

p,eicoy rourou, Kai oAos 10olKobop.rjp.evos ev yka>a&ais rrvpos, 16. Kai 6'Aos

btacpepcov ev boy Kal ev rip.?) Kal ev p.eyaXoo'vvrf, ware prj bvvaaOal p.e e^enrelv Trepl TTJs bo^r/s Kal 7repl tjj? p.eyaXoo-vvr]S avrov. 17. to n eba<pos avrov

7]v Ttvp6s.j to be dv(orepov avrov rjcrav do-rparral Kal darepcav, Kal fj

o-riyri avrov ijv -nvp (pXeyov. 18. 'E0e<wpow Se Kal elbov lzOpovov v\(rriX6v


Kal to elbos avrov ucrel Kpva-rdXXtvov, Kal *rpoxbs u>s rjXiov kdp.TxovTOS

14 Kal


x*P0Vfit-v - 19. Kal viroKaTca rov Qpovov e^eiropevovro Trorap.ol irvpbs

meaning, i.e. 'to cause to fly.' The same wrong meaning is attached to i^Triraae

by the Ethiopic translator of Prov. xiii. 16. On the whole I am inclined to regard

i&neTiwav here as a corruption of egentpao-av, as Lods suggests. The idea seems

to be derived from Num. xi. 31 nvedfia egrjXdev irapa Kvpiov Kal f(irepa<Tev dproyoprjrpav.1 E = KdTccrnovdaCov, or possibly enaipov.

2 E wrongly trans, into next clause.3 E = oiKobop-ripivov.

4 MS. y\a(T<TT)s.5 = *H3 ,

?.:?^ (Isa. XXX. 30).

6 E = eV Xidois

tois fK xiovos."' E prefixes km. 8 E = rpv<pr]. These words are frequently confused :

cf. Gen. xlix. 20. It is difficult to decide which is original, rpo^rj may be right. On the

Other hand rpvcpr) is used of Sheol in Sir. xiv. 16 ovk eariv tv ahov Crjr^a-ai rpv^v (^INSSO

JUJ?n wpib). Cf. also Erubin 54a


9 Added from E. 10 Seems corrupt. E which

gives good Sense = aWos oikos pei'fcoi/ tovtov ko\ oXtj f] 6vpa avrov dveayp-tvr] KarevavTi (jlov

Kai. Gs appears to be a dislocated form of E. " E = Kal r6.12 E adds v airy.

13 m 9 or"

E = v^r]\ov.14 E = rpn^os avrov ij ijXios Xdfincov. The expression goes

back to Dan. vii. 9 P.?"}"113 '"Hi???? = Tpoxol avrov nvp Kaiopevov. The text of E is

preferable as to sense. 15

Corrupt for opaa-is. E seems to have had opos before it

and emended it into 6rr6s (from ty)'

the voice.'

fD9:C(\: *a. omits. 48

a-q(v). g, j3 read ao<&&\ 49g

2 reads m>iaC:50

/u,p. gmg read &0*&; 51

/reads &: 52mgtu. g, /3 read "ft&:

53a, jb. $-0 p read (Dhao^ch-fi 54

g reads (WldCi The suffix in "04-: = the

Greek art. /3 adds 0aj&: B5 w gtu, $-fl. g reads J&a70A: (sic) // a>0fr:

40 ooflvtu: yfW: xiv. i 9-xv. 3 .

K<*<Yl\x Vtfh U&A&-. mlL&n&i* CX?:; 3

20. <D*m.: 4A-Orftf: W1C: A0A,!>:

a^ifrfA: HJ&QCU; Xy0rf>,; a>j&R9.&: X^lfA-: 5 nd^:: 21. a>/L,ii2V;6



9A'Efi! mChli 10 7&:11 * AfcO-fr atfOvh; 12 (DA.fc&; 13 nKPaoVte

HP1?: Chi tiV~.i 22. XAt: 15 Hi& (Mm-fri 16 a^XAt: m,fc: 17 .etfa^; 18

$"20*: atf&O: Hje.*C-(l: fftO*; X^XA: hay&\ tX&<J.t: 19 +X&<it; 20 fcfr'W:

iwahirfi &&&&: waykVh yfcCt:: 2123. *a?fcAt: fc/J-AV2 XA; ^*C0-:

2ftfr: &C-%%\ A,A/T:23 fDA^Atf; 4

Xyi,l>:: 24. wM: Vda>Yh'. XAh: VTVi

J2Q: 7R?: t72VAfl>t:25 X^H; Xe0.: 26 a)X7RX: Clh^U-. 7 &(D-0Li <Dje.ftAi.: *<Mli

W: 2^*1: a>A#M: +fc&A::t 28 25 a>AWii: cdA^M.: XAh: 29 -^-iti

<dMA: 78-?: pch-fi ifoXCi.i 30 XV. atfa^Ai.; 31 a)0,([t; am^A-: 32 A^Oh-: 33

A/i'<P<M):34 Jfu *lXa: S^-fc cDft^: SW!*1 fo-fl: "H?:

35 artl^O: &Mu2. a^C: 36 (Ufa*: *At77i: A*7^: 37 XA: iatfi:

38 tAfi^: 0XltAlFa>*: A^op-;

tn>$ta>.; tAAA-; (lXTfr A-flX: a>Mi; 39AflX: nXTtttld*':: 3. nXTT: S^^i

$ya", A^Y?; *&(H\: atf&A: 40 HA9Ai^; <D41i^AA; AlAt; Afrfliifft>; j^AA:

>^ reads ft7A7: a/2

. All other MS S. "j&iiA-:3gm,/

2 a&. q,P-akyread CXf-fc /

x ChX: y C>tf?\ 4a, y. f2

p-y read Oa?: 5 In omit.8

/, 0. gmqu read "jE.hA*;7


, /y/* omit.8

</ omits next seven words through

hmt. 9/2, &-y. a,y read cn>A".


gqtyn. u reads Ck?: w,

- X?:11

? reads 75?:1J

Probably corrupt for AfrdC: fDA-Afh^: as in G. 13

/, cy.

gmu read WtL&ilft". q, ft-cy h.ttl\i 14

bey p omit. 16 a (save that u

reads in ace), a k oy. So w, but prefixes <D. /3-a k n oy read XAl": XA^; 16/ reads

Afia*.C:17 3 trans.

18 a prefixes H. b adds toXA^h 19

q reads AX4; CO.

20gmq, fi-e o. iu, eo (v) read AXA^fc 21 So g q u save that q u add A at end of

fflm-Sti and q reads SrXl&i This may be simply a corruption of <0a*fi*trA: &<.$.:^h^: of w /, (save that m h read FtlC'.), which, if we emend F\ld.'. into tn>*i>;

= Sir. Xlii. 21 ouSe TrpoveSerjdr) ovbevos avpfioiXov = }"QO ^3^ T1 "!^ N^. It is probable

that E and G (= ko.\ tras Xo'yoj avrov epyov) are both defective and complementary.At all events both clauses seem to have been before the author of Secrets of Enoch,

xxxiii. 3' My wisdom is my counsellor, and my word is reality.'

22gu. mq (/'?),

fp. read ^^At; $&". /\ jS ^^rAt: (D^Al: 23/2

, /3-^ add (Dh.(fl)/hkl/iJb)ao'iMx

e n read m><}^t: w&".u

g. m (, read a)A.^tA1"F: ^'

f-htt: u'

di'W:25 = iTfpifi\r)pa. n reads 7V0ffe?: But the text is corrupt for 7&A*>fl: = ntpififfikrjiifvos.

The question then arises which is right, G or E? The former seems right: cf.

Dan. viii. 17 (6ap.^i]6r)v ko.1 ninra ori npoaonrov pov (Theod.). The same clauses are

found in the Secrets of Enoch, xxi. 3'I was afraid and fell on my face.' Lods well

compares Luke xxiv. 5.26 h reads XChr: wKVOC: (v) add wXVOd after

XC0.C": 27p omits. 28 = ayiov corrupt (?) for okovctov as in G. Here E is

XIV. i 9 XV. 3 . ENI2X 41


Kat ovk Zbvva<r9r]v Ibetv. 20. koIfj boa f} jxeydXr] ZkAOtito e7r'

airy' to TTepiftoXaiov avrov [cos etoos]2

tjXlov AapirpoYepop nal XcvKorepov

Trao-qs x L v s- 21. koi ovk ibvvaro was ayyeAos itaptXOzlvreis tov oikov


Kat t8eu/ to Trpoo-coirov avrov * oid to evripov koI tvboov 3,

/cat ovk

eowaTo Tracra (rap^ loay avrov. 22. to 7rvp (pXcyoptevov kvkAw* Kai irvp ju^ya

TrapeLaTrjKei avTco, Kai ovbels eyyi^et avTco (tcov)4

kvkAco, pvptat pvpidSes eor^Kacriv

(vcottlov avrov,* kgu ira? Ao'yos avrov zpyov

5. 23. Kai oi aytoi tcoz>


ol eyyt'^oires avYco ovk anoy&povcnv vvktos ovre dcpurTarrat avrov.

24. Kdyco ?/]U,7jv ecu? tovtov cth TTpocrcairov fxov /3e/3Ar7peVos7 Kai Tpepcov, koi 6

Kvptoy T(5 aTopiari avrov endXeo-ev pe Kai ei^er pot ripo'creAtfe c38e, 'Ev^Xj K t

Toy Ao'yoz; pov clkovctov8

. 25. rKat irpoaeXddv poi tls t&v dytW ijyeipev pe1

Kat o-T7]aiv pe, Kai irpocnjyayiv p.e peyjn t?}s Ovpas' eyco oe to 7rp6o-(oii6v p.ov


XV. Kat cnroKpiOels eiTreV pot ['0 avOpanros 6 akr\9ivos, avOpomros rrjs

aXrjdeias 6 ypapp.arevs]9 Kat ttjs cpoivijs avrov rjKovcra' p?j <poj3r]6r)$, 'Erco^,

&.v0pcoTTOs d\r]9wds Kai ypap.p.arevs rrjs dA^fleias* 7rpoa-eA0e cSSe, Kat n}? cpcoinjs

fxov <xkovo~ov. 2. Tropev9i]Ti10 Kat 10


Tots Tr4fx\j/a(rLv are ... . 'EpcoTjycrai12

vpas eoet 7rept tcoz> dvOpunrcov, Kaifxrj rovs avOpcairovs Ttepl vp,G>v. 3. 8td Tt

d77eAt7TTe tw ovpavbv top v\(/rjkbv rbv dyiov tov al&vos, Kai peTa tG>v yvvaiK&v

1Better read (jAtyopevov with E : cf. Dan. vii. io. 2 Bracketed as an interpola-

tion.3 See note 12, p. 40.

4 tup supplied from E. So Diels and Flemming.kvk\o> cannot be connected with the next clause owing to the words iv&mov avrov.

5 See Slav. En. XXXiii. 4 ;Ps. CXV. 3. E = ov8e TrpoaBt'iTai ovbepias a-vp^ovXijs. It is

probable that this clause, or some equivalent, is lost in G. See note 21, p. 40.6 E = aylcov.

7 E = nepij3\r]p.a which is corrupt. Enoch is prostrate on his face :

see note 25, p. 40.8 E = ayiov corrupt.

9 Bracketed as an interpolation.

They occur in their correct form and place two lines later. If they are in any sense

authentic the second avdpcmos must be regarded as an intrusion.10 E trans.

11 E adds to'is iyprjyopois tov oipavov.12 Add with E the following words lost

through hmt. : iparrjaai irtpi avrS>u.

defective. G supplies the lacuna Kai npoo-e'Kdav poi els rw tiyiav fjyeipev pe.M u reads

JO: 30 Untranslatable : corrupt possibly for ftftYi: = G (Kvcpov.31 u reads

wK\". 32 Em. with G * t?js <p<ov?js avrod from fl^rt*; gmq. u omits.

/, read flV0: 34 a e prefix tD.35 d reads CVHIi

36gqu. m A /3 read WfoC:

37 G omits. gtu, p~h. m reads &ia>h; q'tL'tYv. A /i Marti:39


klnp\ gm,bc/Aop 2a,0 read fit";


q reads &0"8il cA&lb 41 m omits.


42 rotfvtu: iy%\: xv. 3-9.

*HV&: A-AX:1

dhft\i(n>". mmXiiaw; Afctn*: Xiil-ti <D2hm>; (&(&: F:C\laCXun*: a)*tD([licn>", o*rt\; 4 ^J&t:: 5

4. Al^ff^rts *fr&A*}: m>Wterh a

A/"Pi; 7 AjBait^HA^A^ : tAA:t 10/ftAt: <Mhai*: <Da*av; j?;" ha><([:tia*i

iDtn^ffDst 12 A-AX: <S.Ta**Kn>; a)7ACh<nx; Jun> : Xtnx'J'F; J&7-A4-:13/"?;" <0.frn>;


XA: 16Xao^l-F: *fiaoarfk aP&rrtrt'fai 11

5. AXTTH: 18 wV-atiPao-, 19 MAW: 20

hin>: J&UCfr: AOA>m: cD^ttDA^.:21 a>A%: 22 AA0A,tf}: *hin> : Ji<W; 23 kW: 24

7-AC: tAA0A>m: 25 t AA: yvtC:: 6. aytffrnWl: #**l: 26 Wiim>! flo'teAqejPi:27


<fc.arfr29 HAMy": W^^aomA; A3 1*A: t(D-AA 32 9Ay:: 7. fflAXirH: 33

&4 A}i-: Afc<n*: Mfiti*; 34 XA<n> : rrD^A'E.Pi:35

A"7j&:36 *a*M*: A^JB.;

mMi-C^IFa*:: 378. <dj&XH>L; *: *XA; +<0&&: 33 X<n>C?At: 39 a)40

^,?: od^AI*;41

XtKPi: 43^rtaojE.:

43 OSA: 9S:Ca ffl44a*At: ^.frC: 45

J&ha^'}: ai^^lFai*:: 46

9. a>*iWh 47 XIkPI: fflfrfc:43 Xi^^lFffD- XAn>: tXaD&O^: 49


(<D)50XyD*^'}: ^7-71; to: 51 QZaHA-w aP&t*LP rioAtfr;

55*<n>*}<Lrt: Xh-?:



1 a reads ftVUr: 2^, aTy omit.


3 u omits. 4

q omits.5 u reads

dO^-t: /2 #h 6

^ m u. So / save that for "q2.fl: it reads "ok^I: q reads

".Pl: fr&AI: ^ "aKfi: $&". 7/, a (y)y read ihPPlx 8

^ reads fha)T:9

^ reads H.10

Corrupt for A^tro; G iv r<5 dlparuu d reads ,&n>*;

12 For

the corruption underlying this phrase see note 4, p. 43.13

q reads J&7A4: fl omits

together with next four words. 14 m prefixes H.15

/3. a reads .Cy":16

^, h

read XA*: 17a-/, h. t, fr-h read ^^". 1S

a-qu. u, /2

/3 prefix w.

q reads AXlt: H. 19

g reads wV-aXlfPa*: 20\ Other MSS. read MAt-P:

21/, |3. ^ /w g u read .C^GDArfi"; For this rare active use of this verb see Gen. xxx. 3.

22ggu. ml, /3 read (D-fcA'.

23g omits, together with next three words, m omits

next five words. 24gt

2. So t

x save that it prefixes W, and u save that for fi>VV2i

it reads 11*7: reads ^*7AC: 25 ^/. Other MSS. omit. May be corrupt

for ffA*: {?(&*. = 7r5i/ avroTs as Flemming suggests.26 reads 4,

-<7Z; _y trans,

after V\". 27^w. <p

read "<E^1: /, /3 read "okPI: 28/ omits. 29

g reads

rh^-flJl":30 w reads a>.

* l bhoxp read A.32

? reads ^D-^V^r: HA.33gmtu, ade. q>fhklnop{p)y fij> read AX*ifH; bc(w)x w(x omits)AX^t: "HTF;

34^7//, a</^^. ^/, bcfhlnoxpj) read AWl\P; 35

a-^r. q reads cn>*}*LrVEi>


/3-^/ "a^^lrt; \y) AffT36



/3 omits.37


. m, P /3 read "V^^lfff^33 * omits. 39 Em. from q Xtnxr^At: ^ reads Xi^I^^t; Other MSS. Xi^i^ftt40

q l\ x omit. 41g. m tu, read m)?At; ^ cDODV^flt:


, 0. ^ to ^ Z1z^

read hlhfii op add Ch-Af: a? before XJkPJ: 43 ^. Other MSS. read jLhaofr

x trans, before m>T'.44

<f reads cdA.45 w reads y^-^lFtnv: 46

g q u. m t, /3

read tr7'h&6\FaD4i

47/, $-dnoy p. gmu, dnoy <a read }<Vfr ^ }^flf:


^a prefixes (D. u, n add X<n>^.C,

<5lJJ{n>; D, but 7? obelizes.

49 = d ru>v uvarepuv

where dvwrepav is corrupt for dvdpamow as in Gs. q reads XyOAi*: 50 Added

with G. 51 / reads M; 52q prefixes Xy. ?/ reads hF0fP^.Sr

OJtao*\ 53 w adds

hcn>: *^ff^: 54 reads 4,#7Z:

55 m read avwd-fi 56w, Pfi-nob. g t

x read

XV. 3-9- ENI2X 43

K0ip.r\6r\Te kcu fiera tG>v Ovyaripiov rStv av6pti>ir<x>v epiAvdr\T Kal eAa/Sere kavrols

yvvaiKas ;1

axnrep viol t?/? yrjs eirou/trare kcu iyevvr/o-aTe eauroij [re/cya]2

vlovs yiyavras. 4. kcu vjueis i/re aytoi *ko.I 7ri>evjua(ra)3 ij>ra alcovia' kv

t<5 atpari tG)v yvvaiK&v ep.iav6r\Te, /cat ey cupari aapKos ZyevvrjcraTe Kal f ey

a'ipaTi avOpcoTrcav eTreOvprjcraTe4

, ((cal eTroi^crare) kclOcos kcu clvtoI iroiovcnv o-apua

kcu alpa, otrt^es a7ro^i'r;crKOVcr ti' /cat cnroWvvTai. 5. bia. tovto ebu>Ka avrols

6r)\etas, tva CKeppaTicrovcriv5

els avTas Kal TeKvcoaovcnv ev avrals 6 TeKva ovtms,

Xvap.-)] eKAetTT?/


8ttav epyov eirl rfjs yrjs. 6. vpels be vnripyjETe TTvevpa(Ta)^

C&vtcl alcaina Kal 10 ovk cnroOvrjo-KovTa els irdaras tcls yeveds tov alG>vos. 7. Kal

bid tovto ovk eiroi-qo-a ev drjkeias' ra n Tn/ev/xa(ra)9 tov ovpavov, ev rco


Gs G8

8. Kal vvv oi yiyavTes ol yevvr\6ev- 8. Kal vvv ol yiyavres ol yevvrj-

res a7ro t>v TrvevpaTOiv Kal aapKos tivev- QevTes curb TtvevpaTcov Kal o-apKbs irvev-

/Lia(ra) flo-xvpaf12


eirl juara Trovrjpa. em ttjs yrjs KaXecrovaiv

ttjs yrjs Kal ev r?) yfj r) /carotKTjcrts oxjtS>v avTovs 16,on ?/ KaToiKrjais avTcoy carat

carat. 9. 7rz;eupa(ra

) ^ovt]pa erj\6ov ^ T^ 7^* 9. -nvevpara irovripd

dub tov awpaTos aireSy, otoVt a7rd row r&rovrai, t<z wct/^arol e$eXr]XvdoTa a7rd

fazwepa^t^eyeWro^aWKTSyaytWro5 ^oros Ttt/s crapKO?! avrcoy, Stort

iyprryopav f, apXv rrjs KTiaeois aurcoyd7r6 ry 0p6 iyivovro, Kal h t&v

* Kal &pxv 6ep.\iov15 - *wetpara irovrjpa ^^ t5>v

fyppYopV WW "> ^C<r <os

avTOiiv Kal apxj] 6ep.e\iov' Ttvevp.aTa

1 E adds Kai.2 Bracketed as a dittographic rendering.

3 E = irvtvpariKoi4

eneBvprjcraTe cannot be constructed with eV cupari dvOpooncov unless it represents someSemitic idiom as 3 ^3if. If it could, it would mean bloodthirstiness, an idea quite

foreign to the context. The error appears to lie in eV atpaTi dvdpwnwv. This = D12KBO which may be corrupt (?)

for N^> V.2? = Sxrnfp viol ra>v av8pa>na>v. Cf. precedingverse &<rnep viol rrjs yrjs fnoirjo-are. Mr. Cowley suggests a confusion of D'lK '


and D^ 'man.' Next the object of (iredvprjo-aTe may be crdpKa mi alpa. In that

case they should be placed immediately after enedvprjo-are. But it is better to add Kal

eTToirjo-are after eTTfdvprjO-aTe with E. Thus the restored text = Kal wo-nep X'lol t>v dv6pa>7T<ov

tTredvptjaaTe, Kal eVoi^o-are Kadus Kal avrol iroiovo~tv adpKa, rA.5 MS. o'liepparl^ovo'iv.

6 MS. avrois. ' MS. cK\einei.8 E = iv avraU. 9 E = irvevpaTiKa.

10 E= ra.

11 E prefixes StoVt.12 May be corrupt for o-icKrjpa: see ver. n. E G e

=nojrt)pa.13 Added with E. G9 has KaXio-ovaiv alrovs.

u So also E. Corrupt for dv0pa>ircou

as in G8.

15 The phrase is possibly a dittography. dpxn ttjs KriVecaj = JT1710 ti'X"!

which could easily be corrupted into mbm "l = dpxh GepeMov. In Aram, we maysuppose XtytTPl ViT\ corrupted into X^D 1


[.lfi See note 13 above.

hthfi: q omits next five words through hmt.

44 <*>#viu: yrvi: xv. 9 xvi. i.


fl^A; T^C: aw^A: 2Kh-JPf;

3&t\ao&\\* [10. ool^t:

5 AW: *o*A+:


J&ha^l:7 cn^^iFa!*;

8 awn'RAt: 9 y^C: H*a>&.; 10 AA: y^Ca*At; ^"^C: m>:>.<5lF<n*::"] 11. a>m>1,LA; ^0j&t*t:


13t XA

,7$<h aJJP^Ak 14 a)&(D&&, tD&rahtti* $*: 16A: y.frC: to^HJ:


7-n4<: (DhJol-TLi* Hj&n&(fc19 MlA; 20 a? x

Sk9*h>\ <D*fisrO$4* ::22

12. tD23jE.t}/"fr:

XftTF: 24 J<PAt;25 A: a>-A\: A-nX: fD*Q; 2G Kih^i Xhao; <d0&; 27


XVI. XffDTOA: 29 H*&: a>ffi*A<r: rt: 30,eti;

31 *Mt: *JA:32



X.7WA1*; 35 ^IPtn*:36

A^h-*}: 37 H*JP"fAI: 38 HX7AA: JNi.1 h^V". .P^Ak: 39 XAh:

OAt; T^ ^*; 40JHi.:


42frn> :

43 }Ay; 0a.: 44 pViJU*-* [K^n-Tii


^ reads J&fcf.:2 a reads a><n>lft:

3 P o (v) ab. All other MSS. read Kit-fil4

gqu. mt, P read A<n>$;5

#. flz read ffD?Al*; ^/, /3 (Daoq".6

^ omits.

7 w reads J6.ha*j: and trans, before 0*A1": 8a. ^ reads ^V'V.SCffi*: Other MSS.

<77'*.<5lF<n>: ^/. Other MSS. read OD?At: 10a. p reads XA: ta72v&:


g u. m t, p read H^fi'. q "aol&i.". l*a,ak ft oy. p-a k n oy omit.

13 See

note 3 on Greek text, q reads w&aottL; "^ ? . w read <DJ&"7". /, /3 "7".

at trans, this word and the next after fi-^d" and adds J&m^fi.; in their place.15


P-ae. read dJJ&^a".36 mtu,bhnx. g reads <0,.<H?: ^ JE.^-*;

P-bhnx (Df&tyfa 17 = Tpd/xovr. See note 5, p. 45.lsm, ady read "T^V^ix

u "9Tt\ 19mtu, p. gq read H^fl^O: 20

/ prefixes (D?L. u reads XA:21

m, byx. All other MSS. read (Dh., but G rat bvtyavra supports our text.

22 = irpovKuTTTovra. Em. by Dillmann from h.&YI&it: of a-^, /3-e>. q reads A.J&^aJ?':

,read /L.fctOaJ*:

23 w/. gq,t*p read ff>A..ugmq, P. t reads MTF;


771 1, p. g u read J$A1*; ? I ifl*:26 n a omit. 27

?, hexread rn>R"fr:

^ Added in accordance with G. 29 Em. from q ZiaDVOfc a-q,

P-l read Hav; odpOA: I OffoV". 30

q reads cD^f: 3l u reads d.0P<R:32 = unde, a free rendering of def) S>v.

33^ u. Other MSS. read <D0/h:

34g (save


puts in ace.) m, ef<P pp. q,y read tn>"}<{.A: /, P-efoy ao'i&A1?'*

35 Em.

from ^yt^AiT: of eny. g reads Xy'l^At; w omits, q reads XffDV^A^: <D.

/ XoDT^At: ai><PA+: Xh^: ^Aff?.; u &y. p-eny Xi^t^At: 36

q prefixes H." reads AXh-^1: 3S Em. from ^.^A"};

39 Em. from JE.^" of n-u, p. u reads


q tu,p-bcdn. gn read t^^t: ot 5t7Z: bedxp read H"ft:

41 Restored in accordance with G. Observe the reading of bedxp in last note,

which supports this restoration. 42a. p reads QQjB.;

43 Em. from hS^i umtu,

P-np. gq,npora\t.45


1 E = nvev/xara irovrjpa taovrai eVi Ttjs yrjs xai Trvfiifiara novrjpa Kkr/BrjcreTat.2 This

verse is merely a repetition of phrases in verses 7, 8. G 9rightly omits. 3 So also

E = pjjy. G s has vepoiuva, which in the sense of '

laying waste'

may = pyjn which

XV. 9 XVI. i. ENI2X 45

Gs G8


. [10. Ttvevp.a{Ta) ovpavov, TTOvrjpa cm rijs yrjs eaovrai 12. 11. rd

ei r(3 ovpaviS fj KaTOLKt]cris aiirwi; carat* Tivevp.aTa tu>v yiydvTcav vep.6p.zva, d8t-

Kal to Trvcvp-ara iirl rijs yrjs ra yevvr}- Kovvra, acpavi^ovra, ip.iri7TT0VTa Kal

devra, em Trjs yrjs i) KaToiK-qcns glvtG>v avp.T!akaiovTa Kal pnrTovvra eirt Trjs

carat. 2]

11. Kal to, Tive.vp.aTa tu>v yrjs Kal bp6p,ovs itoiovvra, Kal p.r)h\v

yiydvToiv f vecpiXas'f3dbiKovvra, dcpavC- kaOiovTa,

rdAA' cktitovvto?1 ^ \koX <pd-

ovra kcu (VTTiiTTOVTa kcu avvnaXaiovra apiara TTOiovvra^1*

Kalbi\j/covTa KcuTrpocr-

Kal crvvpiiTTOVTa kill Trjs yrjs [irvev- kotttovtci. 12. kcu z^avaaT-qaovraL ra

//ara crKXripd yiydvr<av]4 kcu bpop.ovs

5Ttvz.vp.aTa ZttI tovs vlovs tS>v dvdp<oT>a>v

TTOiovvTa Kal p,r)hV ZcrdLovTa,rdAA' Kal *t<H)v yvvaiK&v

15,otl Z avr&v ee-

dcnTovvTa? 6 Kal hofy&vTa Kal -npocrKo- Xr\\vda(n)XVI. Kal cnro i)p.pas [Kaipov~\

TTTOVTa"7. 12. Kal kava(TTr\(renavTa (to) o-(payrjs Kal dircoAetaj Kal Oavdrov r



(is tovs vlovs t5>v dv9pa>- yiydvTcov1

[NatfjrjAei'/x, ol lo~\vpol rijs yrjs,

7r(oi> Kal *r<Sz> yvvaiK&v9,on k^krjXv- ol /xeydAot oVo/AaaToi]

16 rd TWi.vp.aTa to,

Qaviv vc\-n avroov


XVI. and r)p.ipas K7ropv6p.eva and Trjs ^UX^ ? avT&v,

crcpayrjs Kal dircoAetas Kal Oavdrov 10, [>s el rijs crapKos eowrat dcpavi^ovTa

aaV 3>vn rd Ttve.vp.aTa eKTtopevop.eva zk \copls Kaurecos* ovtcos dcpavLo-ovcn p.e\pis

rrjs \}/V)(rjs Trjs crapKos avT&>v eorat i)p.epas Trjs reAetwaecos, ecos Trjs Kplo~ea>s

acpavi^ovTa ^oopi? itpio'eoas' ovtws dcpavt-

o-ovo-iv jue'x/HS r)p.epas reAetcoo-eoos, *rrjs

was corrupted into pjjy. Or vepopwa may in the sense of '


be a rendering

of pjn, which being a corruption of pj*sn (so Beer) was itself corrupted into pjJJJ

= vecpeXas. Bouriant followed by Flemming takes veqbehas to be a corruption of

NcxpTjXeifi. But vfpofifva is against this.4 A gloss. G8 E omit. 5 E = rp6/xovs.

6 So also G8: E omits. It may be a doublet of pij&ev iadiovra. If it belongs to the

original text it may be a mis-rendering of 2JH = '

to hunger/ and should be replaced

by Treivcovra, or better Xipwrrovra. aaireiv in the sense of an involuntary fast would be

unusual. Beer quotes Wellhausen, Reste Arab. Heidenihums'*, 149 sq., to the effect

that the Jinns suffer from a devouring hunger and yet cannot eat. 7 E corrupt =dopara. See p. 44, note 22. 8 MS. wrongly trans, before Km ^araor^ei.

9 E =ets ras yvvalKas.

10 Add raw yiyavToav with G s E. It is required by dcp' S>v.n


&>v must be taken with i< rijs tyvxrjs rtjs a-apKos airav. It is the Semitic idiom E?MD **1

JiniD2 = ' from the souls of whose flesh.'12 Add with Gs E npfvpara nowjpa KX^^o-erat.

See note 1.13 See note 6 above. " These words though not found in Gs or E

may be genuine as Lods recognized.I5 See note 9 above.

1B A gloss from

Gen. vi. 4 ? va^rjKd^ is a transliteration of D^DJ, and thus a doublet of yiydvriov goingbefore : see Gen. vi. 4. ol lo-xypoi ttjs yrjs is an expanded rendering of D'HMn and

ol pey. 6vo[iao-Toi of DEVI ^tPJK in the same verse.

46 ooflvtu: gm: xvi. i xvii. 7 .

axSA.91:]1 *frA: jat^Ry ::

22. (Dj&Mli.: A*7-y"fc XA: <Lkah: 3 *AA&:

nXlt^lFcnv: Xrt: #.frfl>:4 AAW: VCUn..: 3. [<0je.Mfci.:]


6 AA"^:

VCifDtiao': w*(HCt;)7 lA-Vh *}.: ^*th^t: 8 Atom*: nfl: 9 yvm.^: 10

kXavCmatx; wWi-ti Yi>ia>-Xia*: AfilAt: AJHO: SWlViin*; amTTttV 1 J^^rtLC



fDrtflX: taints14 AA: y^-C 15

:: 4. AA<n* : MhA: h&tfliia*

AA<n>::16 XVII. atf^fri.:

17 a>-At: firfi&;18

<n>*i*i: *JA: XA: 19OAaa.: U?: hm>: XAt

H20J&J..; a)AA: $&: .PAtCX?-: htn>: AflX:: 2. <d21<dA&L: 22 a*At: 0051'}

HOffl-ft : aw-AT: 23A-ttCi Hht7: CXfc J&A8vfc: XAh: 24


3. <0Cft.f1-!

cn>Vi<T1Vfi dCy^t: 27

ffli-Ke-:^: a*At: 28*ftJW<?: 1A; u<n>J;*> ffl;3o ^/w^.. j^

<D31rh8-: ffl^yM^tlfa^: 33 a)t\L\ Mfc waoiXC^i Jf-A-::

344. ffli^fri.:

35 XAfi

W*: 36 <WP*}: 37


toXAfi: XAt: 0<Ml!39 Ha*X*F: ^Xlfl: SfcV: 0CA1V

0rh^:: 5. <0tn>qXfi-:41 *XAh: A7: 42 XAt: H^rhU: XA*;fun>: Hf>\ cD^thOdM

a*AT: AifoC: 0A.J&: m>TM: 430^-fl::


44OAJfrf; ft<?A7:

45 a>XAh: Oa^: 46

R-^aot: ASAfi-. fflffcCh-: -JO; ifA: ^j 47


48.nAA<:: 7. coCft.fl-: ft^ad:

1 An Ethiopic interpolation, m, dy omit (Dd.(l.".2gqtu save that ^ reads

Jfft ; for K-A*: and u &YL' for J&t<'. This clause is supported by G" 0* a7ra

6/xoO TeXco-^ireTat. m, omit. Here ^ adds h^TFTk axSA.**}: H"A*: kF^Tffi:

qt add only X^^y*: 3, P-k


ob, k\ gml, k xb read io>fi; ? Tio>fi:


q reads frff^.:5 An Ethiopic interpolation.

6 adds A. 7 I have here

added JfA*: in accordance with G. 8a, n. fi-no(v) read "f\\F"$\ o(v)/> fh^'^i

9g m. q reads '^J^t: /, j8 "ni; a ^"J/J:


q reads i^VfTLC: "/ reads

tDAX*}+: "H". <0AiH.n

$-aky. g m t, a ky read .PATH: ? .PAHf: *< ^ATtt:13 reads ft*}A+:


g. m t u, read XfL+: ? ftfKPt:15

omits. 16


Other MSS. read AA^ :17

^ prefixes the superscription *JA: CX?: "y.P'l*: ^i^T^:18

q adds fl^:19

^"w^, /2

. /?^, ^ omit. 20??i, P. mqtu omit. 21

7^ omits.


g. All other MSS. read cdA^L: 23^ reads WO)(\&L\ 24

^ ^, efhlnopp. m t u,

abcdk read o-Af: 257 reads H^\ 26

m'/ii, /3-. ^^read aoq^iCf:

n XAh: aoli^t: 27g (but in ace), w? read >{\CY7: tu, (3-n WWii n -04-7^:

A 'Tt:28 a reads J&nR-A: XAh: 29

Possibly corrupt for JiJMX: OffD^: =Ttt apa ^>;. While gt give Off^; w, /3 read 0ffD<fc: <7 Off ^;

30a, ak.

/2^-a ^ omit.

31 m /, /3. ^ ^ omit. 323 ^ read <d(/z omits)o>-A'l':

zzmt, $.

g reads y^l:". ? yD7J-'i^". TR^^t". 34

q reads oK-ft : omits. 35

q reads

<D}/"ftt;36 w. ^ ^ / read ^VJPi": /3 ^7?; 37 So in superscription in ^ and G.

See note 17 above. All MSS. in text read chJZ.wH': save m which gives fh&wf;38 a-? . y, /3- read H^tl". HA.J&ti". An Ethiopic gloss.


^??^, /. m t, 0-/

read <}>fl:

40 u reads g.41

/ reads WwK' 42to omits. 43

g m q u, /2

XVI. i XVII. 7. ENX2X 47

Gs Gs


n}? jueyaArj?, ey tj 6 atwv 6 ttj? jueyaA?]?, ez> tj 6 al<av 6 jxiyas reAe-

/xeyas reAea-^crerai2

. cr^Tjcrerat" e$' a7ra ojxov reAeo-0?jo-eTat.

2. Kat zw eyprjyopois toi? TTep.\}/a.o-LV ere epwrjja-at Tre/H avrcav, o'lrives3 ev

ovpavy rfcrav 3. 'T/xet? ev rw ovpavu T/re, Kat Tray p.vcnr}piov [6]4 ouk

&veK.ahv<p8r] vplv Kat p.vo-Tr\piov* to e/c tou 0eou yzyzvr\p.ivov

5eyvcare, kclI

tovto e/xrjtware Tats yvvailv ev rat? o*KA7?poKa/)Siais vp.G>v, koX iv rw uuarrjptfa)

toutm TrKt]dvvov<Jiv at ^Aetat /cat ot avOptonot. ra Ka/ca e7H tt/? y?}?. 4. et7rdz>

ow avTot? 6 Ovk earn; zlpi]vr\.

XVII. Kat TrapaXaftovTts /xe ei? Tti>a tottov ^aTTrjyayov1

,iv a> 01 ovres

(Ki yLvovrai u)S Trvp (p\iyov Kat, otolv OikdXTLV, (pmvovrat axret avOpotnrot..

2. Kat ainjyayov p. t? (ocpdhrj7 tottov kcu et? opos ov *

f] K<paAT]8


ei? Toy ovpavov. 3. Kat iSoy tottov ray (p(acrTT]p(av kcu tovs drjaavpovs t&v

aorepcoz/1 Kat ray fipovT&v,

raaV cts Ta aepoftaOrj9

,oVou to'oz> irvpbs Kat Ta

jS^At/ Kat at df/Kat avr&v 10 Kat at aa-rpco7rat iraaai. 4. Kat aTr^yayoy jue

/xe'xjOtvSarcov fwyrtov Kat juexpt irvpos Sucrea)?, o eariy Kat irapiyov

nirda-a? Ta?

SuVas tou rjkiov. 5. Kat 7/A0o[/xe]v ju.e'x/H TTOTapt.ov irvpos, Zv w KaraTpzyti to

Trvp &>? vSwp Kat peet et? 0aAaa-o-ai> jxeydXrjv Svcreoo?. 6. tSov 12roi>? /xeydAov?

TTOTap.ov{s), Kat p.e'xpt toD /^eyaAou ^ora/xot! Kat jue'x/H toiJ jueydAoi/1 13


Kar^yTijcra, Kat a.7rrj\6ov ottov naaa o-ap ^ov1 7rept7raret. 7. t5oy tov? avp.ov$

tS>v yvoepwv f14 tov? x.eijU/HPOVS Kat ttji; <-Kxyo-iv

*tt;? d/3i;o"o-ou 7rafTcoy vSaTcoy 15


1 E wrongly OmitS. 2 Add with G8e<^' a7ra| Sfiov TtXecrdrjacTai. E = oXwf

TeXeadfjaerai.3 E adds Tvporepov.


Interpolated (?). E omits. 5 E = iov-

GevTjfievov.6 E adds iiplv.

7 E = yvo(pa>8rj taking yvocpos in the sense of '


wind' or 'tempest,' as in Job xxvii. 20 (LXX).8 E =

t) Kopvcpf) rrjs Kecpakrjs.

9 E seems corrupt, but may point back to aupa j3d6rj.w E adds /cal pAxaipav nvpos.

11 E = TrapaBexoufvov. I don't understand napexov in this clause. l2 E = nai l8ov.

13 E omits through hmt. M E = to. oprj tS>v yv6<j>a)v a phrase that is derived from

Jer. xiii. 16 sjEO "Hn where the Targ. of Jon. has P?p ^D. In the original then we

should have had N?2p HID. In the text before the Greek translator "HID was corrupted

into Tin. Hence tovs dvepovs rav yvoepcov. These mountains are probably those

which the Babylonian Cosmogony represents as standing at the ends of the earth

in the neighbourhood of the'

springs of the great deep,' which are referred to in the

next line. These mountains may again be referred to in lxxvii. 4 where the mountains

of the hoar frost are mentioned. 15 E = vharw rrjs d(3vo-aov v-days.

aek. t, $-a e k read HffT'. "g t, /3 add H"ft; against mqu.

45 b reads LCCl\46

/ reads 'ifl.jB.;47gm. qt u, /3 read HS"?:

48 Inserted in accordance with G.

a reads H.

48 avftfhd: 11TW: xvii. 7 xviii. io.

-PA^t: 1 XA: XttT^Vx W9to0a>i* <"?-. H3H-A-;

4 Rfc:: 8. wChAhi fiflfai*;

AH-ft<n>r fi$A7: FAC\ wh&Yi CiM.i XVIII. mChto-i tn>H?.nt; H-A: 6

J4At; cdC/Uk h<n> : nm*: AAC7a>; itfc: ^T^t: ajavftdptY: Ai^C:: 2. <dC/LJk

X-Af; "taint; 7 y^-C: CAlK fiCAOt; }Mt; XA; J&R(D-CT: Ai^C: <0R-1O;S

A'W:: 3. wCh.\b\ hao-. 14-At: jaA-AP: A&02W; AW: 9a>X<n>lt; &$ay<ao".

"7XhA; A^; (DTv&Cl Xai*l1V a*Xtffi*; hO^A AW:: 4. <DCA.h: i4At:

XA: ^ffDjaTT;11 AA*^; a>XA; 12

.P0CA-:13 AilAA: 14 d(h: artf-A ;



5. CAlK 16 H 7 A: y^C: J4-At; H^Ra^C: 18 tA.&n>?ti 19 CMhi <?<d: <n>AX*it3

Chlb:21 a>-At; R-l: 22 7C\ R-10:

23 H^AW: m^OA!*:: 256. <D*rfiA<Pfr;


<n>17A: fili-A: (a?C/Lft: drills)* H^J^r^-s <n>0&t: 29 a>AATs *JA: A-ATft

fl^AC: HXi^X-Al; 30ilfrC;

31 rooTM; R-A/fo: <DODl7rt ; MMl:: 327. a>H33


RAtVA; 34 *ttXsn>X<lk /h-AC:35a>SA: X^X-AI: 36


a>S*i.:3s Xi^X-Af; 39 a>A;


cD41H<n>l7A: *IM1: 42 XyXtfl; 43 #rh:: 448. <0O7XhA.A; 7\X: *XAh:

AW: 45hffo; <n>ia4.; AXmA-ArffeC:: HXi^X-Ai: Th: 46 w^^dhi A<n>m4: 47

XyX-Ai; 48 A1TC:: 499. XAt: 50

HJ&J^"^: C/LJk ttDHUrV; a>-At: HA-: A.AC::t51

10. [wCh\b\ U?;]52

tn>*il:53 t^OPFst 54 A*0a,: r>:C; bh

m-. je.t.?Ak;56

1 w reads "<Jt;2

^ n. m I, /3 read "*}G0;3 reads Ho^Ai": c omits.

* a reads o>-At;5/ reads AH"A*:


/3. a omits. 7 /, 0. reads "Hit;

Y '"Hit:8 a-A /, |8 read <DAR"".

9</ omits next four words through hmt.


q omits. nq reads .fcRfD-OP:

l2 be ox a b. So G. All other MSS. read XA:13

t, abed, gu read ?0CA: m,fx$V\ q ?0(vA: e hJlOCO". hkloyJbVh".n ^Chi 14

? /, -/. ^ reads ADA: frh-A; ra AMtfls ff>A. / &AA; u omits.13

puts in nom. 16a. /

2/3 prefix a). ^^Z

1 omit. 1S

gm. qn read JSRcdC:

/, 0-/ J&RO-4-: / XlH; jE.a*&; 19 ^y. w reads A: ^ffoTt; /, /3 ^ffD^t;

Text corrupt.i0

gtntu. q j3 read mChAh'. 21f

1 omits. / prefixes a).~dny

read fi$W; 23 ^w read JfrlO:24 omits. 25

dny read (TD^O^Vt: 26w, /3.

a-OT read HAll-: 27 Restored in accordance with G. 2Sg only. All other

MSS. read w. 29^?^. mqt, /3 read od^". 30

^ reads HX-Al: 31

y reads

XlCtd.'. o il-AC:32

q omits next two words. 33

g. All other MSS. W.'M Rd.

SA: (Flemming). e omits A.Zhgqtu (save that -^ read XAl: for XAJ;), $-dh.

m reads "Xfli: (\chCi dy "Xfll: ^A*C; 36 m q . ^ reads Xi^}; /, /3 HX^X-OJ:37

q reads A<J^::^

^, d omit. 39n, a. p-a read HXy". 40

? reads <ta>-A;41 /omits. 42


^/, /3. ^ w z^ read "X-AJ:44 ^. Other MSS.

read ^J&rh:45

$?reads A7?; 4G

/ 7^ ;/ o read T*i; ^ T*:47

a, adefklny.beob read AffDlQC: ^^ Ao^Xt: ffolAC:

4S m tic. g reads X^i: ^, HX^X-A};49g reads AiTC: 50

^77,/* read XAt; x<ap omit fD.51 A bad and corrupt ren-

dering of KaneKfiva tu>u opeav tovtuv. H"A*: is corrupt for XA"I dneKeiva is always

XVII. 8 XVIII. io. EN&X 49

8. Xhov1 ro aropa ttjs yrjs TrdvToiV tG>v TTOTap.Qv Kal to <rr6\xa ttjs afivaarov.

XVIII. Xhov 1 tovs dr\cravpovs t&v dvep.oiV ttclvtcov, Xhov 1 on ev amols eKOQ-prrcrev

irdo-as tcls KrCo-ets ko.1 tov 6ep.tki.ov ttjs yrjs, 2. nal tov kiOov Xhov ttjs yoivias

ttjs yijs. Xhov tovs ricro-apas avepovs rr)v yrjv fiacrrd^ovTas, Kal to orepe'w/xa

tov ovpavov, 3. Kal 2 avrol Io-tclo-lv ju,erafi yrjs Kal ovpavov3

. 4. Xhov 1

dvep.ovs* Tu>v ovpav&v

4oTpi(povTas Kal f hiavevovras f

5 tov Tpoyjbv tov fjkiov,

Kal iiavTas tovs a&ripas. 5. Xhov tovs eiri ttjs yrjs dvepovs ftao-rdCovTas f ev

ve(pekr] fG. Xhov"* (rrapd)

8irepaTa ttjs yijs, to crTr\piyp.a tov ovpavov errdvoj.

6. TlaprjkOov9 r

/cai Xhov tottov* Kaiop.evov vvktos Kal fjpepas, ottov ra eiTTa. opt]

cltto kiOoiv TTokvTek&v, (Tpia)10

els dvaTokds Kal Tpia10

els votov rfidkkovTa.~*


7. Kal to. pev irpos avaTokas 12cltto kidov \p<ap.aTos, to he t)v airo kidou

fxapyapiTov, Kal to and kidov f TaOev f13


14 he Kara votov and kidov irvppov'

8. to he [xicrov avTcov fjv els ovpavov, uto-rrep dpovos deov and kiOov cpovKa,15


Kai r) Kopvcpi] tov Opovov anb kiOov aaTrcpeipov' 9. Kal Trvp Kaiopevov Xhov.

Ko.[Tre)Keiva tS>v opecov tovtoov 10. tottos eorlv -rrepas16

ttjs peydk-qs yrjs' eKel

1 E = Kal Xhov.s Before Kai E adds kcu Ibov a>s ol aW/zoi c^ertivov to vtyos tov

ovpavov lost through hmt. 3 Add with E kou ovtoL flo-iv oi orOXoi tov ovpavov lost

through hmt. (cf. Job xxvi. 11).4 We should probably emend into tov ovpavov

with E. 5 E = bvvovTas in an active sense, and this is probably the right reading

here. itavtvovTas has been emended into bivelovTas (Dillmann) 'whirling,' but so

far as there is any sense in this it is already conveyed by o-rptcpovTas. Swete proposes

BiavvovTas; but this would require Tpo^ov, whereas the context requires Tpo%6v (cf.

lxxiii. 2). According to lxxii. 5 the wind blows along the chariot of the sun. Does

this imply in our text hianviovras, but this word could not rightly be used in this

sense. 6 So also best MSS. of E. Later MSS. = ray veobikas.7 Add with E

rar obovs tuv ayyt\av Xhov lost through hmt. 8 Added with E. Lost before

7repara. Radermacher and Diels add nepl to.9 E adds np6s votov.

10 MS. Tpn.11 MS. jSaXXoiras.

12 Add t6 fu'v (Radermacher).,3 E=IACUUC. Corrupt (?)

for I ACTTI AOC (ns"^'1

)= ' of jasper.' But since radev is the reading of Gs, the Ethiopic

translator most probably found merely a corrupt form which suggested some

derivative of lao-Gai as Iotikov. This word taken in conjunction with radtv might

point to vaKivdov as the original word, or lavdlvov. Diels suggests the latter." MS.

to.15 An Aramaic form of ^3 .

16 E = nepav.

misrendered. Cf. xviii. 1 2;xxiv. 2

;xxx. 1, 3; xxxi. 2.

52 Addition in E. gq,y-Other MSS. read ao\\\ 54 = mpav corrupt for irepas.


q reads y" 0".56

q reads

(Dj^l-ttfh: This seems an unhappy rendering of o-uireXeatfijowrai,


50 roflvtu: yftt: xvm. io-xix.3.

A"?^:: 1

11. wChAb-r l^Ot: 3Off*J;

4 ahO^^lhi AX<1t: AW:!

ntD-ntfcm*: A0"7^: 5 Mti HfraCAi 6 a>K$L{Wi 7 >2V&: 8 fD9^fn>*J7A:

10 tn>2vOM*

to ^Ucro-}7A: 0fffc:

1212. cdA: 13 o*X*F: 1W: CAJk ao*ii: D^,4

R-*J0: tm&A0A,fl: tDA.<n>At: 15 i^C: (UftfttJh:

16 <d"7?: 17 *&A: AAOA>lh 18 fDA-AOT^; 19

M: ao ao\ih d&ahx a*X-F: a)7^7i: n 13. ChAb\ AU?; 22ftflOt; hYiKW: hffo

(Mj&t: fi^AC: HLM2-: 23tartiffD; rml^h: H.AaAi.::t 24 14. 0,:

26 tro^il

TPflJ-X-fc oDiiJs 27 IWEfc AA^: aJA^i^^-Cl ftt: Tbfh: Wa^\ "Hl-F

AhThflt: 29cdA2.A: AW:: 15. D30hPh-At: XA: .PHwSiK.:

31A: XAt

Xfr; 3Ja.X*ffi*; XA: ?A; tXHH; X7tt*flrh,C: XykC-ff0; frA^ffi*; Xftffo:


tLODRki AZUlPffi*:: 16. w^lrfoOPa*: (DhhCw. Xfth: Ztfc: tS^t^rtUitffi*;

35A"}<n>t; t^WlM!:: 4- 36 XIX. tDJ&ftAL: fcC/WV: 37 AH?: 3S -r^fflCm*,

ffoAXht; i^AA: ftlAt: #a*ffo; a^ffoVSAtlPffi*:40 AH"}; 41

<J-X?: h^ff*: 42

*Ch-njPai>\43 AAflX: <D.PA<fctjPffi>\

44hff>: j&tP-ifc AWtf*: h<n>: A^fct:

Xflh:45 OAt; 46 Ofl: JHi: AH; J&tttfi-; Xfth: jE.t<Wff0:: 2. tDft'ttti'lFffixi:

AA/ftcM; 47 tn>AX*ltj43 ih*>i A 1*7 Eft:! 49


3. aifti:51

ZFfc: CA.h-:52

ftCftJP;53 Artit*?:

54 A8*V^: iirfri cdMA: H^iSA: 55 X^AAX: hffi>: Ai:56



1a. /

2 2 read cro.Pt:2

omits. 3 d reads filfcOti /2/3 add ^".GrC:

4 a read Oa*h b

mqtu, add A"Vj&; H against ^, /2.

6a. reads H.C.CDC&;

7 w reads H.W. q readi art JVP: 8q u. m,abc defl n x p p read -&&$*: t,hko

read "J^A<fe:9

^ omits. 10

q omits next two words through hmt. " u omits.

12m,f$al. a-m, <z/read 0ffJ>*fc


Wrong rendering of eW/ci/a.14

q omits.

13 u reads croip;h A.16

a-q. q reads Atrot'i-fclJ': A^/frF; ? adds art.rt"??:

17a-/?*, a</-6. w, /

2<$ cefknox a /read "crojB.:


#///, /. ^/, 0-7 read AO".19 a-w. ot, /

2 read fiO<P: 20?, |8. gmt read XA: a 4>A:

21?. All other

MSS. read (DV^-ao; n x trans. 7" after CA.JK in next verse.w n reads fDAW?: and

trans, before ChM-i 23a-t, save that ^ omits H. /,/3 read Hh"<: Here / adds in margin

the gloss ao\\\i\\ XA: (D&k\ 24Corrupt. See note 5, p. 51. G = HAXTtMPoi*:

XlH: XA.AJV: 25

q prefixes (D.26

;/, 13. gqu read H. 27 gqu read ffi'}:28

/, aexa read CD.29

a-^r q } ^ read AhTh-At: A?A: g t read cdA, A.31

q reads ft1hCh4: 32 x ,b. a, p-x read coXA*: (v) XA*ns 33

g reads Xcn>:M

^ nyOmit.

35^ reads '^f^\(D'hM'(P


Corrupt. E = iviavra fiva-rrjpiov. G evtavruv

fj.vpia>v. G is correct. See xxi. 6.37

tu, p. g m q, p read h>6<h>tK\38

/ reads H?:39 m. All other MSS. omit. 40 a reads ffDA^tlPcm*: 41 All MSS. prefix wagainst G. For -AH*1; of^?we find -AH*^; in m t, jS.

42/2, 0. a reads h'G'?:

43/, /3. ^w? read ACh-fllia^j

443 omits, y, /3-^ add AA-AX: 45

mf, bchox b.

gqu, a de/k In p read Xfl<n>;46 gmt 1

,co x p. q u, b read OA^: /


,adehl A0A1*:

f{k ?) n p AOAfc 47 Emended from hhdwfi: of a-^, /3. q, a read Xflrfi.-f-aD':

XVIII. io XIX. 3. EN12X 51

avi'TeXeo-Oijo-ovTai ot ovpavol. 11. Kal Ibov ya^fxa p.eya ev rots aivXois l tov

uvpbs KarafiaLVovTas Kal ovk r\v \xirpov ovre els fiaOos ovre els v\j/os. 12. ko\

TTKiva tov yaap.aTos tovtov 2 Ibov tottov ottov ovbe o-repeco/xa ovpavov eudvco,

ovre yrj3



3 viroKaTo) avrov ome vbcop rjv vtso avTco4 ovre ireTeivov,

dXXa tottos i]V epr]p.os Kal cpo(3epos. 13. e/cei ibov eTTTa darepas ws oprj

p.eydXa Kaiop.eva, *irepl >v TTVv6avop,ei(o pot5 14. elirev 6 dyyeXos Ovtos eaTiv

6 tottos to TeXos tov ovpavov KCU yrjs' beo-pLcoTr/piov tovto eyevero rots aarpoLS

/cat *rats bvvdpeaiv tov ovpavov6. 15. xai ol acrrepes ol KvXiopievoi. ev

t<2 Trvpt, ovtoC elaiv ol TrapafiavTes Trp6a-Tayp.a Kvpiov7 ev dpyr\ rrjs

dvaToXjjs avTtov [on tottos eco tov ovpavov Kevos eortz']8

,otl ovk eT]X6av ev

toIs Kaipols avT&V 16. /cat opyiadri avTols Kal eh]o-ev avTovs p-^XP L KaVwTeXeiuxrecos [ai/r<5i>] cipaprtas avTiov,

* iviavr&v p.vpicov9


XIX. Kal elirev pot OvpnjX ' ol payevres dyyeXoi rats yvvai^lv

aTijcrovTai, Kal to. Trvevp,aTa avT&v TroXvp-opcpa yevdp.eva Xvp.a(veTai tovs dvOpwTrovs

Kal TrXavrprei avrovs eniQveiv rots baifxovCois10


ttjs peyaArjs /cpto-ecos, ev

y KptOrjaovTai els aTTOTeXetojcru'. 2. */cat at yvvalKes avT&v tS>v TrapafidvTcav


eis o-eipr\vas13


Gs 1 Gs2

3. Kayo) 'Erw)( Ibov tcl 6ewpr\p.aTa 3 dvOpcaTTcov a>s eyot

pwos, *tc\ irepara ttclvtoiv, Kal ov p.r) elbov.

tbrj14 ovbe els dv6pu>TTcov <us eyo) Ibov.

1 MS. (is tovs ctvXovs. Add with E tov nvpos Toil ovpavov Kal ?8ov ep avrols o~tvXovs

lost through hmt. If G is not defective read els x<*~Pa vha T0^s <?tv\ovs. But

the text requires xao>ia to be the object of "8ov.2 E = eKeivov.

3 MS. puts in ace.

4 MS. avro.5 MS. Ttt6uvou.aiov pot. E corrupt =: Ka\ cos nvcvpaTa nvvGavopfva pov.

6 =D^^n Nnif. Cf. 1 Kings xxii. 19.


E= ^o0. 8 A gloss in Gs.9 E corrupt=

iviavrco uvcrTTjpiov. Cf. xxi. 6.I0 E adds cos Qeois.

" E adds tjJs fjpepas.12 This

phrase reproduces literally an Aramaic idiom IDn "H N^N^D ^ prT'B'Jl.E is here

corrupt. See note 47, p. 50.13 See note 49, p. 51. aapr^v = nij in Mic. i. 8;

Jer. xxvii. 39 and HJST l"fl in Isa. xiii. 21 and fJD in Job xxx. 29; Isa. xxxiv. 13,

xliii. 20.14 Some MSS. of E add 6 'ibov.

E = irXavrjo-ao-ai and is corrupt. G reflects an Aramaic idiom. See note on Greek text.


g q t\ m u read OT>lX*lT: /2

, j3 ao^KXffi rt^VjE.;49

^ / / ("JP1*: w). ^ ,k read

"^2JP*J: ^-^ "tD-^l; E = cos elpT]va7ai, a corruption of G (Is o-apiivas= Afc^i'T:

60^ reads J&H'T:


^ reads fD^IX:52 m adds nAO^It?: A.


q reads

<J-XjPt:54 ^ reads AO". ^ trans, after Jfft-:

55a-/. /, /3 read HCX?: gqu,

bclx p. add HCA.h-: w hftWh: ttCh.h-1 against /, G.56

u, n trans, after CMb\

52 <*>flviu: yfft: xx. i-xxi. 3 .

XX. ffl-HTiV Afl^tlfoo*; MA: t7lfr fc&Al: mulMrfr: 2. frCAA: 3

5*Xm)/lXht:3fc&A"*: Xftcn>i MO? / wmMA-.-A" 3. 4-4-A.&: Z*Ksri: fr&A*i:

<n>Atarfr 6 Htn>c$At: A-AX:: 4. <WbV; 7gXi^J: ffoAtait: $&A"i: Htft#ft:

AM* : [<D]8A-0C7?t:: 5. ^hAA: th9h\ <n>AX*it; fr&A'i: XAffD; Q;

9 uWF:AA-Afc: +AHR; 10

A:n rhTMl:: 12

6. A&4>&&: 13 t^F\\ cn>AXfct: fr&Al: 14 HA:avq^hfrK [X^A: XmA^a>:]

18 H*<n>$ft1V 7 ?2T&::18

7. 7-ACAA: SXyi:

ffDAXftt: fr&A*i: HA: *7Jt: atfto.e.A*:19

co*h.4ftl::20 XXI. a>A-JK 21 XAW: 22

1A: WVA*: 23 Ht7AC:: 2. *amiJ?: C/Ukm 7-A: 74-<n>! CAIk 25 a?A.A"7?:26

ADA: 27 w?L9v^d: 2SChCC-f: M: m>hV9 HAfc 30 ,&a*: 31 oj*?^:: 32

3. ffl3^?: 34

CA.J*: A-AOt: hTfrfl-fr AW; fcA<H: 35 AA0Alh 36 tlft^t 37h<n>: A^AC: OAJ&t:


a, $-n. n reads fflTI: contains the superscription AXI!": hliTfcVav".

AfrS-A"}: cro/lXh^; /3-<5 w add a^X'F: against a, bn. q adds CA.h-:2w/fc, /3.

^? read fc". 3

^. Other MSS. read X^i: m><[".4 Em. from gq HAMi^:

All other MSS. read H'}.7D:5

May point back to a corrupt transliteration of

Tdprapos.6 m q u, a k. g reads &fn>A" $& '. /, /3-a k ti9\\ ao<{' $3.". m, 0.

gq read A*". / W\ u C-ao*'.8 An intrusion in E. For w([ n (v) fi read AXlt:

9 <z^.*:read AA; 10

g m t, /3. 57read TAHH: " w reads AA: 12 See note 8,

P- 53-" a-?> ako b. q reads h&$*". fi-ako (IW. g omits following g.

M ak 2

add Xfttn>;15


,/. All other MSS. read "AT: 16 Bracketed as an intrusion

in E. 17 Ace. of lim. after ?^>" or a locative ? G has eVi ra irveifiari.18 m t,

fkin ox p. q, abedeh read ?*f". u$*Y. I9^ ^ / save that ^ / insert H before hXl".

So also z save that it reads HMi.&At: for KXl". j8 reads Ah.A'h (<z AIlA^:) tDHA:71^: " mtu. q reads Hh.4-fll: ^, |3 fl{M: 21 = tyw&tvo-a, a rare sense of

this word. Cf. Gen. xii. 6, where it is a rendering of biodeva. In xxii. 1,7; xxiii. 1;

xxvi. 1;

xxxii. 2 c<po8tia is rendered by **: M gmq/\ u, t2

@-o(v) read XAh:

(v) (D-ft-fi P p add aoiiii23

a, ^/^ knojb. bcdl (ivy) xp. read fi&O:24

^. ^read ChXh\ AiJ?: /, /3 wC&tb: AW?: 25

^/. ^ reads wChto-'. mu, /3 omit.26 a-w. m reads <DA.A'77^: /3 &A"7?: 27

a. Z2 ^ read ^0*A: "

^ reads (D7&Ci29

a. /2

/3 read ffDViJ; njtD: The text was probably m>*if: originally. Cf. G.30 Em. from HM: of a-q (so Flemming). ^, read H only. Hflfa .C"Va*: = a*cara-

vKivaaTov. 31

y, 0. a-^r read ^"^ai: 32gq,P. mtu read l^ao; 33

y omits.84 reads AU?: and trans, after CA.1K M

^ w /, (v) b. q u, $-n read XA*<J"}:3(5

q reads 'AlFff^: 37 ^ reads "ICld; Dillmann suggested that "1iQ?d: is corrupt

for 7-^^.: But we require not 1&L\ here but 7&4f: It seems, therefore, more

probable that the translator of E which = bpov had a mutilated form of e'ppt/x/xeWs

before him like 6fxov, Another solution is possible. See note 12, p. 53.

XX. i XXI. 3. ENI2X 53

Ge 1 Ge2

XX. "AyyeAoi t&v bvvdp.ecov1

. XX 2. 6 els t&v ayicov

2. OvpujX, 6 els t&v ayicov dyyeXcov 6 dyyeXcov 6 e-rn tov Kocrpov Kai tov

eirl tov Koafxov2 Kal tov rapTapov

3. rapTapov. 3.


Pacpar]X 6 els t&v ayicov

3. Pa<pai]\, 6 els t&v ayicov dyyeXcov dyyeXcov 6 eirl tG>v 7tvevp.aTiov t&v dv-

6 e-nl t&v irvevpcaTcov t&v dvOpcoircov. Opcoircov. 4. 'Payou^A 6 els t&v 13ayicov

4. 'PayovjjA.4

,6 el? ra>z> ayicov dyyeXcov dyyeXcov 6 eKbiK&v tov Koap.ov t&v

6 e KbiK&v 5 tov Koap.ov* rwi" abator- cpcocrTijpcov. 5. Mi^ar/A,

* 6 et? rco!*15


. 5. Mt)(a7/A, 6 els t&v ayicov ayicov dyyeXcov 6s eirl t&v tov Xaov

dyyeXcov 6 eirl t&v tov Xaov dya6&v dyad&v TeraKTai Kal ercl t& x^ 16,

TeTayp.evos (cat7

enl ru)(d(i)8

. 6. 2a- 6. 2apu/A, 6 ets rcof ayicov dyyeXcov 6 eiri

pirjX, 6 els t&v ayicov dyyeXcov 6 eirl t&v nvevpaTcov oiTives eiii Tip irvevp.aTi

t&v TTvevpaTiov oiTives *e7rl tu irvevpaTi^ ap.apTavovcriv. 7. FafipniX, els t&v

ap.apTdvovo~LV. 7. FafipiTJX, 6 els tcov ayicov dyyeXcov 6 eirl tov irapabeicrov Kai

ayicov dyyeXcov 6s eirl tov "napabeicrov tcov bpanovTcov kcu yepovfiiv. 8. Pe-

koX tcov bpaKovTcov Kal yepovfieiv10

. peir\X, 6 els t&v ayicov dyyeXcov ov

*dpyayyeXcov 6v6p.aTa eiTTa

n. eTaev 6 debs em t&v aviaTap.evcov?


*cW/xara f dpyayyeXcov.

XXI. Kal ecpcobevcra ecos t?Js a/cara- XXI. Kal ecpcobevcra p.e\pi rrjs aKa-

cTKevdcTTov. 2. KaKel edeacrapiqv epyov TacTKevdcnov. 2. Kal eicel eOeaadpriv

(poj3ep6v' kcopana ovre oipavov e-ndvco, epyov cpofiepov' kcopana ovTe ovpavbv

ovTe yrjv reOeapai Te6ep.eXicop.evr\v ,dXXa e-ndvco ovt yrjv Te6ep.eXicop.ev7]v> dXXa

tottov dKaTacTKevao-Tov Kal cpoj3epov. toitov aKaTacTKevacrTOV Kal qSofiepov.

3. Kal eKei eirra tcov acrrepcov 3. Kal e/cet f daTepas tov

tov ovpavov bebep-evovs Kal epipp.evovs12

oipavov bebepivovs Kai epipp.evovs ev

1 This verse is defective. Its complement is found at the close of the chapter :

G 1

dpxayyeXcov ovopara kirra which shouldj however, be read as in Gs 2ovopara {' ap\ay-

yt\a>v. Taken together these point tO ovopara twv eVra dpxayyeXcov tcov bvvapfcov.

E := Kal ravrd itrriv ovofiara rcov eyprjyopcov tcov dyiiov dyytXcov. If the Original \vere

Hebrew we might with Lods take Koo-pos here to be a rendering of N}? as in LXX,Gen. ii. 1

; Deut. iv. 19, xvii. 3; Isa. xxiv. 21.3 E corrupt = rpofiov.


5 MS. fK.hd.Kcov I have emended in accordance with E. See, however, note on

xxiii. 4 below. 6 E = ko\ tovs (pcoaTrjpas, but G is right.7 E wrongly

omits. 8

Though E = Xaw, the above is right. Uriel presides over Chaos :

see xxi. 1, 2 (xviii. 12). The Kai which Gs preserves before eVJ t<5 Xa<5 supports

this view.9 E gives ace. of limitation.

10 See Gb2for ver. 8 omitted here and

in E. n On these words see note 1 above.12 This phrase goes badly with

rtdeafiai. Is it a gloss due to ver. 4 ?13 MS. tov.

" MS. wtKiov.15 MS. o s

tov.16 See note 8 above. 17 This verse is genuine although lost by Ge 1 and E.

This is shown by the eWa in both G l and Ge2.

54 tt>Kvtu: yrn: xxi. 3-9 .

wWXtfti KiH: 2 I&::3

4. cdXT: ZH>: &fl>: nX"Jt: *,: ;}m.ffh tAftf:

amXTfr yVfr 4 7K: l*7.f ::5

5. (DJ&ArtL: fcC/i^; 6JS*X^

D**01: m>4tarfr 7

H^flA,?: ahX-V: WaDC<hk w(bl Z?*i: flXlt; aoU trt-A^: 11 amXlT; m>k

tm,?*: 12a>tR-yfr:: 6. XA-: a*Xffft* :

' 3 ftyj. hTh-nt; Xrt: Af: tXHH: 14


(DtXfl4-: a16"H?: Xflh: M: 17 .fct&Ry : tXAAt: 9^D ;

18T2vfe: 19

tTDTOrt: ^rtLfrfrn*:: 7. ffl^iJ?: f*Ch-: *1&A: 21<n>irf;

22 ^"H: 23 H^7Cy: 24

<D25CaiH 7-fl: 74-<n>I26

X<Vfr Ofl.J&:27 (IU?;

28 H29 J.,: <0.nn<Vn&: a^ffDJ^tCT: 30

fi*Fi ffDiiJ.;31

fcfih: M.: tPfry1':

32AO*7^; 33 Kit: On#ftM HJPfflC^SPao-:


whShyvcrtf <d/L*0(1?V7 ^hU^h-: ifr: 33ajflXlh-: [fitt?;]

39 O^?:: 408. a*Xt:

Ztfc: Xft: &G: 74-^5 TOT; a*>*iii a)(ha*r>\ n CUKCa 9. a*M*: Zlbi ha>-r>hV.

hCh&\" FhybXAl: <n>1tarfr43 KiU: u yftA,?:

45 Urt; 46.effcrti.:

47 ^fc: 48

1 Em. with G u eV from <DH ofgqu. m reads yftrt: /. /3 <Dh(n>; H.2

^ reads

OnjRt: H.3a-q, n. q,bhx read JUAAx /S-3 x hr&: 4

? adds +fift4:

tDftMl*; 5i reads Y1&&.1 6

? reads frAA: 7a-^. ^ reads ft^i:

%&" aofi'. p-k kr>i\ av<[" %&'. k >yao/[' $.". ^. All other MSS. omit.

9 Read jB-ffoCipoD4: with G fjyuTo ahra>v. Cf. xxiv. 6

;Ixxii. i

;Ixxiv. 2.


dy read

^"1^: ngtu,$. m reads ^ftX2V: ? ^flWE.fc


^. i reads 'frnj&fc tu,

& ^Obf-fa q tfthhfc Here ^m?^: and ^JMJfc are to be taken together as

a rendering of nje akrjOtiav (piXoawovMs. See note 2, p. 55. tu, /3 add ff>irft?iV:

13q, x read JiOi>*TF:

14 m trans, before 2>rt: and inserts H before KVH". a pre-

fixes fl.15

/3 adds V0*V;16

omits. 17 gmt u, q1. q


,8 omit. 18 Em.

with G Ztt) from ^rty :


gqt a. m, $-a read **&&: u I^Vfe: ?/2

prefix <D.

20g m omit.

21 u reads *iV*J: a rf *l2V&:22

? reads fn>h"J:23 g q read Xyh^vX:

vi XyH: u prefixes a).24gqu, ac/hkp. mt, bdelnoxab read UJ^IC^'.

25 omits. ak omit. 27rfy read OAjB.;

"^ be ho omit. 29

q,bc omit. 30^ 7, a.

w reads y^t: / ffD^^C^: 3 / (p v wy) p, aDf-fC^i u m>tCt: cfh koxavqv-f-C^: d aoavfC^i e T-fC^i n ovF-fCti 31

a. Z2^ read w(\U 32

q reads

^J?.ffO; Here /rc adds superscription flJlli*: fli*: ^^^(n^: At^/lXii^; These words

are given also in g at top of column beginning with xxi. 5 b.33 u reads fi0CT7&; H.

34q, be dfh loy x ,a p, but q trans, after next word, a-q, aekn prefix (D.

3 "'

g m t, p.

q /2 Sha^^y. u V(a>-):9>aD".

z6q reads h^aiU tt h^m?<**>*:

37q reads

Ort?*: Oft?"^04 : n omits next two words and a).38

^ omits next two words

through hmt. 39 An intrusion in E. y adds Xft: before \9:C\ and omits this word

in next verse.40

u. So also m *}?: t, fklnox p read 'i&fc abedea 0i*l

h omits, g reads n^O^lt?: ? ^^?>

:41 Em. from ift

ff7yD : of a-^, 0. (So

Flemming.) ^ reads fhv*7i See note 10, p. 55, and note 5, p. 56.42gq read

XXI. 3-9- ENOX 55

Ge 1 G 2

iv avTco1, opotous opecnv peydAots kcu ev clvtio, ojiolovs f opdcrei peyd\?7

12/ecu ez>

"7rvpt Ka.iop.vov<$. 4. Tore enrol* Aid 7rupt KaiopeVous. 4. Tore et7roi> Aid

noicw airiav eirebi'Orio'a.v, Kat bia rt a>8e iroCav nlriav kirebiOrio-av, Kai *oid TroCav

epl(pr\crav ; 5. rare elirev pot Ovpu]X, yalriav 13

ZpL<pr}(rav c55e / 5. ml 14et7reV

6 ets rcoy dyicoy dyye'A.coz> 6s p*T ip.ov p.oi Ovpujk, 6 eis tu>v ayiuv ayyiXcav o

r\v kcu avrbs rjyelro clvt&v, kcu et7reV wer' (p.ov obv kcu clvtos avTu>v ^yeiro, /cat


n'Eyco^, 7rept tCvos epcoTas, ?} 7repi eliriv

rp.oi? 'Eva>%, 7repi rivos epcoras,

tli'os *ri)y a\rjdi.av (pLkocnrovbeTs2

; i] 7repi rivos ttjv a\i]6eiav cpikocnrovbzls ;

6. ovtol tlcriv T&v d<xrepcoz>rroi5 ovpavov' 6. ovtol elaiv tS>v aiTTtpcov ^tov ovpavov^

ol Ttapa(3avTS Ti]V TTirayi]v rod KVpiov3

,ol TrapaftavTes tt)v ZirLTayipy rod KvpCov


Kai ibidrjerav <S8e we'xP1 ro" TrXrjpaxrca4 Kai zbtQ-qaav cSSe ue^pt Ti\r}po}Qi]Vcu

\xvpia TT},tov xpovov5 riav apapTr]p.aTU)V p.vpta Tt}} tov \povov rcoz> dpaprTj/xdrcoy

at/rcoV. avrciv.

7. Rd/cei^ey e<pcoevcra eis tiKXov 7. KaKeWev ecpcoSeucra eis aAAoz;

TOTroy rovrou <po/3epcorepoi>, kcu re#e'apai totxov tovtov <po/3epo6Yepoi>, /cat refle'apai

cpya <po/3epcorepa6

, 7rt5p p.kya e/cet Kaid- pya <po/3epd' 7ru/> peya e/cet Kat.6p.tvov

fievov /cat cp\y6p.vov, kcu biaKOTTi]v Kal cpXeyopevov, kcu biaKcmriv ^Xev

eix^ o T07TOS ecos r^? afivcraov, TrXrjprjs tottos ecoy r^s aj3vcraovy ir\ripris arv\cov

(TTvkaiV Trvpbs ueydAou7

KCLTCxptpopevoiV -nvpbs peydAou7

Ka.Tcupepop.i'vaiv' ovre

ovre p.rpov ovtz ttXcitos8

rjbvvrjOrjv p.irpov ovre peyeOos rjbvvridijv ibelv ovre

ibelv ovbt et/edcrat. 8. rore etirov X2s ctxdcrat. 8. rdre etTroj' X2j cpofiepos 6

(po/3ep6f 6 9tottos Kat w$ beivos 10

rf; ro'7ros ovtos 15 Kal cos beivbsrfj opdera.

opderet. 9. rdre cnteKpiOr] potn 6 els 9. rare a.TTKpC6r] pot Kat et7rei> ....

tcoi; ayibiv ayye\cov 6s per epoC ^v, Kat

et7rc-'z> pot "^'Eyco^ bta tl ecpo/3?;0r;s ovrcos

1 E adds 6fiov, which goes well with 8(t(fievovs, and could easily fall out before

opoiovs.2 = N^sr TWX Cf. Dan. vii. 16, 19. See note xxv. 1 of our text.

8 E = 6(ov.4 G^2 E = Tr\rjpoy6rjvat.

5 E = tov apidpbv rap fjpfpav.6 G^2 E


7 Read fitydXav with E. 8 Ge2 E = peyedos which is better than

7rXoroy as is clear from ptrpov which precedes.9 E gives iVi'V: and thus agrees

with Ge2.

10~E = dSwrjpos. See note 41, p. 54.

u E adds OvpirjX.12

Corrupt.13 GB 1 E=S (rzW. " 06^= t6t(.


Corrupt. We expect r/(rcrap.

&&AA: 43a. /3 reads \aof{' $&!'.

44 a . ^ reads H. 45 omits.46


lo p. p add (D/ia^/^Ai.: b c defh n add ha*" against g,akx. The word was wronglytrans, here from its place after wA'i^hi where I have restored it as Wha>'vlhih'. =anfKpidt]i>.

*> m omits. 48q omits.

56 <K>ft<h<i: ym: xxi. 9 xxn.6.

5^1*: J


3 mAipihi atfaMVXfc: 4 (iXirH: 74^D: ovM. w^od-.

1%.\ *AU: fhtT7^v .:b

10. a>ftAi.: 'HffDh'J: ftt: rfc^oi*; A<n>AXht: a>U?:6

J&tXrhH*: XAh: AMP11:: XXII. wXfVti ^Ch-: M^: ff*iJ: a>ACA?i.: ny0<Ml:

*^-(l^: Oa?: 7 a)*i<P1;8 <D*h.HYh: JttO::

92. atfiCaOIV aoiiVt: 11 tWJPt: 12

[aTjna^A-rF; HO-F: *0<n*#: tDClQ: 13 a)&ai>8y4 T#: (wAAf; XyW}: RA/ft:

atfrfci:; -OCWt: oi^O; W: (l^XhA; Xft:)15

h<n>: 2Vcn>R-: tlinft^H-Cit 16 wOao-b:

a) 17R^trDt: AifrC:: 3. a*X+: ZH>: ha><Jfr.19 4^k<\: E*Xy}: fr&A'i; tnxlXfc*:


X1H; 20 UAa>: yAA,?: a^ftAL: H^ffD^t: tAT^Ist 22h<n>: je^flk: ^ftlfl;


*m>vAt: Ai<?A<fl*;24 Ayfla.^! 25

*A*F: UTF: 26+<{/P4<:

27"H?: JPAt^flfr:

28H-ft :


}<PA: a*A\2: A-OX:: 4. a>X<n*l1V troiiV^: 1A: ^i-nCJPtn^: t7-(14-;t31 XAh: OAt:

imiFffD-:32 33XAh: frn>:

34 ke-^lFtn*: O^*^: 35

[a^X-F; H?m:]36 *XAh: Afn>;


SHfc <M.; SSAAOftlPff^:: 5. CAlK 39

*m><r<?At: a>-k&\ A-flX: XlH: cr^^l;

a>Xf<n: a?J*ftcn>;40

nRvfi: XAh; 41 A^J&: cd^AJt.::42

6. a*X*; 43ZH>: tAXtaiJP:


^ . ;;/ ? /, /3 read ^It: /2 add tD-XI3

:%gqt,P. mu read $CUth:

3^ reads X-^H: </ omits next five words. 4 Restored. See note 46, p. 55.

5 =rijs

d8C^s. G has here rrjs fcivrjs. As Ethiopic translators almost always rendered Seiko's

freely, it is possible that the translator of E had the present text of G before him.6

-?>/ ?> /3-/read <DQU?: 7q,t


abcefhn oy x p. gmt x

u,dk la read ARC: 0(L:8q,ae. gmu,bcdk l

ta read Wh\ t,fh n oy x,b Wp\


(v). y reads tfritth; %Vi'.

All other MSS. read h-Hvh: SM-O: except q which reads "A; JM-O;10 All MSS., which

write the numeral in full, put it in the ace. "q, fi-y. a-q,y read "V1":

12/3. a reads

".PI": Here E = koXoi corrupt for koIXoi, as again in ver. 3.13

gu. mqi, fi-d

read OffHP: cdCMI: For 0(fl>pi d(v) read 0ffi>$;14

mqt,fi. gu read co^ffO'R:

omits to ^Vcn^Jt; inclusive through hmt. 15

Supplied from G, rpels alrcov q-Koreivoi

KCU fit (f>a>reiv6s, Kai nrjyr) vdaros dva fiecrov avrov Kal uttov. = ra Kv/cXco/xara corrupt

for ra KotXco/xara.17

q omits. 18 gmt x

u, q"1. q


,/2ft read h(D'P'hl\



q, /3 read Xtn>A"s ^". 20a-^. ? ,

read H.21

a. <z*/// a read VI: inxXfcicdho b XA: 22 g m. q tic, ft read iPT.P^fr / reads in margin XhvPfc Here text =KaKoi corrupt for koIXoi. See note 12.

M/2i3. a reads fl>U<:


1. mu, /


abcdefklnxp. read ooV^A^: iAtn>: ^ cn>?^At: iWffft>-; h tn>V^Al": J^^t^

(z;) p aDq^htVa^i ^gu. mqf, p read ([S^tD-pl; gq u. m reads TOT

Z1Hflft: "Hit: aefhkno (v) b tva^i XA"J-F: bcdlx/x tra*'. Xft "*^: /

2 Xftolf

27ml, p-o. gu,o read t<J.T^: q mLC\ * g reads MlW'. 29

$r,/^ read Itfc

30^ reads cdX'7?".

31 So all MSS. but m which reads i*7 >(14: which is an Ethiopic

emendation. G which corruptly reads inoujaav was literally reproduced by E.

XXI. 9 XXII. 6. ENflX 57

kcli (TTTori6r}s ; *kcu aireKpCOy^v)1Uepl tovtov tov cpo/3epo{! (tottov) koI irepl rrjs

Trpocr6\}/ea)s *Trjs beivrjs2

. 10. Kal elirev Ovtos 6 tottos beo~p.oiTr\piov ayyikoiv'


(TVvcrxzBriaovTai [p.e'xpt kvbs~\4

eis rbv al&va.

XXII. KaneWtv icpohevcra els aWov tottov, Kal ebeiev fiot irpbs bvcrp.asra\AcT1

opos p.iya koX v\\rr\kbv5

ireTpas orepeas6

. 2. kol Tearrapes tottoi ev

avTu koTAoi, fiaOos7

e\ovres Kal Kiav Aetot,rrpeT? avT&v crKOTeivol Kal els

(paiTeivos, ko.1 TTTjyr/ vbaTOS ava fiicov avTov. ko.1 etrrojj"1 8

IT<2s Acta ret KotAco/xara

raura /cat 6\o/3adrj Kal crKOTeiva tt\ bpacrei. 3. Tore hireKpiOt] 'Pacpa^A, 6 ets

r<3y aytcav ayyekcov o?' e/xo{5 ^ Kat ltiv p.ot Ovtol ol tottoi oi KOtAot,

tva ziTio-vvaycovTai els avrovs ra Trve.vp.aTa tS>v y\rvySiv t&v veKpQv, ets avTo

tovto KpL6i]o-av, a>8e eiTio-vvayeo-dai iraaas to\s x/^u^a?9tcov avOpcaircov. 4. Kat

ovtol ol tottoi ets eTTLa-vvo-\eo-L{y) avT<av TTOi(r}9)r]aav10

p-e\pL tj}s rjp.epas T77S

KptVecos avTcov kol p.expi T0^ biopio~p.ovn

/cat biopiap,ivov \povov, ev & 1) Kptcrts

77 p.eyd\rj earat ez> avrots. 5. "fdvOpcairovs veKpovsrevTvyyavovTos~^,

Kal rj (poivi] avwdf 12p.e\pi tov ovpavov irpoefiaivev Kal eveTvyyjavev. 6. Kat 13

1 E wrongly trans, before /cat dtrev poi and changes into 3rd sing. See note 46,

p. 55.2

~E = ttjs oSvvqs. See note 5, p. 56, and note 41, p. 54.3 E = Kal 2>8e.

4 This phrase forms a doublet with els rbv alcbva. Here evos is a corruption of alwvos.

We find the same corruption in the LXX. of Ezek. xxv. 15 eW evos. Radermacher

emends pe'xpi alayos tu>v alavav.b E adds Kal.

6 Here in genitive. But if we

follow E we must read orepeas in ace. MS. eio-repeas.7 E adds koX nXdros.

8 E omits.

For (JKOTtivol MS. gives eto-KOTivot.9 E adds tcov vlcov.

10 The impossible enoirjaav

is accurately reproduced by E. The ovtoi ol tottoi. (also in nominative in E) mayof course be a nominativus pendens.

" E adds avrwv.12 Text corrupt : also that of

E which = Ta TTvevpara dvdpancov veKpau Ka)17 (pcovr) avroiv. As Lods has pointed OUt,

vers. 5 b and 6 of G show that only a single spirit is referred to. Moreover G has

lost Tivevpa which is preserved by E. Hence read nveifia dv6pa>Trov veKpov ivTvyx&vovTos

Katrj (pcovr) avTov. H. = totc.

32 n omits next three words. ^q, P /3. a-q omit.

34b c omit, q reads A*


35q omits. 36 These two words seem intrusions in E. They are wanting in G.

For H?*}fl.: of g, all other MSS. read *}fl: q omits next four words. 37 = eons.

If the two preceding words are alien to the text, then eW was corrupt for i <w.

38gt. mu,p read m.: 39 mqt

lu. g, /

2/3 prefix tD.

* Better read as

suggested by G tn>1<Lrt; rt-OX: ^(D-^i KiH: &(\h\ a)?fci For op*^*J: of g q, u reads

^"E^l: other MSS. 9^a^y\\ a omits (D before Plea*', against /a/3.

41 m reads


</ omits next verse through hmt. 43a. &-e read ^.Xt: e (D^-Xl*:


58 <n>ft<u<L: yftt: xxn.6-i 3 .

fat-hhi aDhtoi; 1


Oft ;

3 ^AA>?: Xftft*: HWi&ft: Hm>J. : artrt\ Hha^H

;Wh 5 nvh: J&ftit:: 7. atfa>/"AL: [a>,fl>AL:]6

Xitti 4l&: lttV\ tn>l^fl

a*A*F: H*a>$Wi: 7 hyfiflA; H*<H*A; 8 W: 9 XW: wwtltL.

nYiflhi Xflh: AA

^YMl: 12 HCfr:13 Xyke-aD; 14

*7^: A^^C: (DK^HChi MX: je^yftt: HCfr:

8. aJ-Xt:16

ZH>: tflX^h-; 17

[AXltAO-: <D]18nX1t: +Ji.: 19 tH-A: 20 AM+: ylt

U^vm-: 21 SKyJ: g:: 9. *wha^J TiL:22 cd^AAL: XA: Ft7-fl4:

23 hm>: 21 je.*AT: 25

avr\U\ao<\ A^OUFi: 26 whaoHi +<JAm; 27 A28od*}<lAodv9 <M&P\\ H3Wi*F: 1*0:

"W AAOA>0*: dCOt:: 3210. (lh<n>: h<W: tT<5: A^T*!; AA: ^troai-'F:


a)^t*a4-: a*At: y\"C: witil: KZiM\ A 5A0A>O,ffi*: Arha>-frn>*:; 11. AH?: 36

tAT: 37 i^AtOVi*; 38A: Ht: 0a,fc:

39550C: Xfth: frn> s 0A: OAt; 40 Alt: frit.:

fflffD^iP^t: a^OC; AXA: ZdVa*: 41 XAh: 4 AMy : <dA#&: Af$A<n*I AU?; 43 thftCa*:

fcfth: AlAy": [wXavii ahfrVi XsrbcxDi <}AyD::]

4412. wrvn>Ti; t^m: 45

Ai?A:4G XA: A*i?<:

47 KA: 48.PCX?-:

49 AMI*: A>At: 50frn>:

51 +H*A: A<n>pOA; 52

^T*"*:: 13. a>53h<n>"H: +TY: A54

i<PAai*; AA-OX: XA; 55ft.**: %$>i\ Mi*7

^Thi.iS XA: ^X.^!;

59 MA: 60 wyMi Mtlfii 61 Yud-U h<Wai*: <0}<PAtfiW1:



a, a k. Other MSS. read H. 3/reads ?rhfl>C:

4 m reads H.5

^reads tf'ft ; ti M; 6 Bracketed as a doublet of X*}H: J6.fl^: ^, a omit. 7 Em. from

J&fDJtX; ofa-g, /3. ^ reads >ao'fc\\sgmu. q/,j3 read 'H'ft :


gm,ho p. q reads

WI: /, /3--8 op 4ttV: K*i: a- Phfc 10

abcefhkPn o. a, dlx

{v)y x p. omit. " u

adds X^O*: 12/, x read "^7-A*:

13 a adds H*A*: omits next six words through hmt.14gmq. tu read XFi\ Xy. 15

a-^. ^, j8 read 7R:1G 3f^ insert fflAXTni: before

O-Xi*. 17 w reads i*AXVftJP;18 An intrusion.

19 = Kpifjuirav, corrupt for KoiKandrcov.

20 Position of IfrCti after the noun due possibly to the position of mivTav in G. /2

add OlXflvi"^

gmq. t u, /3 read "^m; H a omits. / o_y /* / omit the initial (D.

23 ^ reads ^ifl^:u m adds J&^ii^; o. 2b

q = G xa>p' e<J^a'- g m read

,e.2VT: /, /3 JE.^nv; 26gu. m /, read 9ah?Hi q avfii *g,ak

read htAflV; 2SSupplied in accordance with G. 29

n. Other MSS. read

J$AffD<:30^ ? . Other MSS. read "H.


mtu, /3. ^$r read ^7?: thfLa?t\82 Em. from ACri: with G <^>cor^ (so Flemming).

33 n adds tDje.t^7A-84

/2 brackets. 35 a omits.

36a. /3 prefixes D. 37 a. /

2/3 read "<J.A1

88Corrupt (?) for ffD'J^A'fcO'aD*; But }^A; = nveifxa in xv. 12

;lxix. 12

;xcix. 7 ;


xxxi. 14 ;Isa. xix. 3, &c. 39

q reads 0A.JE.;40 gu read 0A1*:

41 We should

read jE^^cn*; See note 9, p. 59.42

q omits.43

a-q. q, f- /3 prefix <D.


Ethiopic intrusion. 45 m q, P $-a x. g lx u read *tLWV\ a x f&.&mri 46

g (Z1


q reads i^Ifl: m i^frav*: u, fl

fi read A}^A(n>*; p adds A before the next word.

XXII. 6-13- ENJ2X 59


'Pa$arj\ tov ayyekov 6s per ip.ov ?p', ml ei7ra avrio Tovto rd

irvevfxarrd evTVy^dvov

1 tivos kcrriv, ov 2oirroo? r/ (pour) avrov Ttpoftaivei ml

VTvy\aveLrtW tov ovpavov^ ; 7. ml direKpiOr] poi \iywv Tovto to irvevp-d

o-Tiv to ee\6dv and "A/3eA ov i(p6vVo-ev Kdeiu 6 dbe\<p6s, ml r"A/3eA


evTvy^avei rrtpl clvtov pexpi T0^ airoXiaai to o-nepp.a avTov and Trpoaunrov ttjs

yrjs, kcu cltto tov o-nipp-aTos tG>v av9pa>TT(ov acpaviaOrj to o"nepp.a avTov. 8. Tore


irepl tS>v KoiAcopdrcov4

TrdvTOiv, bid tC l^pio-Oiqaav *ly a7r6 tov

h'6s 5. 9. ko.1 aTTeKpidr) pot Xiymv Ovtoi ol fTptsf

6eiroirjdricrav yjupi^ecrOai

to TrvevpiaTa t&v vtKpcov' ml ovtoos (e^coptcr^Tj eh rd Trvevp-ara t5>v bimicov,

ov 717 Trrjyj] tov vbaTOs ev cdrrw 7

(pcortrrj* 10. kcu ovtms eKTiadr] ^toUs


,otolv diroddvcoaiv ml Tacpwcriv eh tt\v yrjv, ml Kpio~is ovk eyevqdi] eir

avT&v evrfi (/o?) avTwv. 11. <58e \oopieTai rd irvevpiaTa clvt&v eis ttji; p.eydXt]v

fidcravov TavTrjv, p^XP 1 Tr7 ? p.eydArjs f]p.epa$ rfjs aplaem, t&v paoriywy ml tS>v

paaavcov t<i)v KaTr\pap.ev<t>v ^p.eyj)i aicovos * iv avTa-noooai's tmv TTvevp:aTO)V

eKel brjcrei ai)TOvs pexpis al&vos. 12. ml ovtcos e^oipiadrj rots TTvevp.aaiv tG>v

kvTvyyavovToov, oirires evfyavLCovaiv Trepl rrjs dirwXeias, orav (povev6<ao-iv (V reus

rjp-epais tG>v dpapra>A<3i\ 13. kcii ovto>$ (ktCo-Ot] toXs t&v avOpviraiv,

00-01 ovk eaovTai 12ocrioi dAAd dpaprcoAoi, ocrot

13do~efiels, Kat perd r<3v dvop.u)v

eaovTai p.tToyoi. rd 5e itvi.vp.aTa [on ot e^^dSe 6Xij34vTes zXaTTov KoAdbz/rcu]14

1 MS. rjpa>rr](T(v.2 Em. with E from 10. Thus in ov . . . fj (pcovrj alroU we have

the Semitic idiom B.^ *T. See also ver. 9 ;xvii. 1

;xxxii. 3.

3 E adds nepl

avTov mi but wrongly, apparently.4 Em. from KVKKa>parav. The translator of E

found KVKXdopara in ver. 2 for a corruption of KuiXdopara preserved in G, and here

Kpipdrav another corruption of KoiKaparav.5 Em. by Dillmann and Lods from

r)v ano tov auovos.6

Corrupt. We expect reo-o-apes.7 Semitic idiom = 13 , , ,"1^K

or H3 ... ^ .

8 Em. with E from rav apaprcoXa.9 E takes this transitively :

but it is to be taken passively as in Wisd. xii. 11; 2 Kings ix. 34; Matt. xxv. 31.10 E = pexpi alavos km. " So Radermacher emends from r\v avTcnroduo-eis. E =Kal ttjs dvTanoboo-cas.

u E = Jj<rav.13 Add oAot with E. 14 An explanatory


47/, 0. gu read ^rth?: mq &t\

1h&\ *a. t


aehno{v) xb read wXft: bcdfkla07AXA: 49 reads JP&X?-: 50

^ read ch(dt u^hM:51

^ reads XA: 52ti omits.

53<y. All other MSS. omit. 54

^ m, n omit.55

z prefixes A.56

q reads

5UjK}: 57 w reads M: 58/, /3-aa-. a-/, ^ n x read ^T^l:

M/, p. a-t

read 8.t77l: 60 m prefixes H.61

g. Other MSS. read ftnA^I:

60 rotfviu: yftt: xxn. i 3-xxiv. 4 .

a/Tfr+tA: AOAT: B-ffc ffl^^tJ^ft-:1 *X7Di: TK:: 2

14. a>Xt: ZH>; (\d\i9".

A*Xmft: A-Arfrfr3a)Xfl>:


5 X7RX?: X7R*; 6 8\fc H7in>&*r. XAh: A'Jrty ::

XXIII. fflXi^W?;8 ^Ok 9 *1&A: tn>*if: <n>T7A; 'tefl: XAh: /iff?*?.: y\C::

2. cdCAIk XAt: RL\: 10 H"J&^a>d: X1H: ^*?9C?: 12<0/i.*je.}t7:

13 Xi^e-fc

n>0MV 4a>A>A/T: AA: 15 h^U-ao.: 3. cd 16+AXMk X"iH: X-A&: HTF; ylt:

ahfrVi HA&A; 170<5<F+::

184. a*X+: ZH>: hm-vfa: 7-&&: 1B r-'K^i: $&A*$: 21

tn>4tarfr HUft : i^AA,?: (DflChftL: HTF; 22 HCA.h: 234-Rt: t<D"Hi.;t

24 m>TM: 0<S<1:

XA*: H*A,\; 25a*X*F: H-ft :

26 -ACrct: A"7:: XXIV. toXi^O?: 27f*CJi-:

**i&ft: m>*if:28 y*\C: <029

fiCa?L: ^-(1^: XAt: H^lOAfl^: m>OM*: fflAAT:: 30

2. a^Ch-: cn>T7A,l>: <D*iRtfK 31 AflOt: fi.A<!: fcAvM: fflH-A-;32 thr>\: SX1H:

J&tBAT: 33<D

34aXAh 35 *XiQtM\ wwSfi. mUrCt. 37 &A-C; 38 a>AA-A: <J.Xr<n>: wwSfi.-.

7<n>: faoTIA: frA<fc: a>*frj.r};39 gA: ga>rrn>T7A: A 47


g-SA: gote'lt:41

Ocnxfc42 tom' 43 *Arht: A44Arht: WtWa::* 3. a>A-AO: .C-AC: "yXhft-cn*;

AXfcTfc46w*<?-<?ao*f> H^t^VAA-: 48

[H-ftai>:]49 hm>; tn>-}n& tfr<f.?A;



ORfD: ao^H:: 4. <D52Uft: Xy^cD-A-fc+ff^: 00; H34

fi2VO; *7op: 55fiap;

56 JUa)*L: 57

1 ^ m read J&J-P'k:2

a. p reads XyW: 3

<y read X7ftfrArfbC; hi" A-Arht:

X7H*(fi ,Afh>C: only.4

^ omits, m repeats this and next seven words. 5/2,


(frh.'lri6 w prefixes (D. q, (3 add A'Arhifr (D. 7

a, k Py a. $-c k Py a read

HK"ft; c K*ft: H.8 Before this chapter in g there is the superscription *}A: CX?:

XAt: H.a><0: X*JAA: O^t: 9* reads CfLfc:

10 A gloss ? G omits, m adds

H.W1C: u a-m. m, /2/3 read a).

^gmt, hknxt

a. q, abcde read .PO".

,//<>, ?0".13

^ reads ?<}C<P: ?, a ^it7: 14

gu. mqt, read aol".15


So G a\\a. g reads XA: / q tu XA: For next word q reads "iPm*: 16

^, /2 omit.

]7 a x read Hfi&0*F:18

^ q u, o. m/, &-o read O^^t; 19

mt,hlo read d-'hh&i20^ omits. 21 abelno xb trans, after tn>A" against a, f <//^ k {v)ya.


^ adds a*X*F;

23 G omits. 24a-q. If this is right, it represents to before 7rp6s Sunday. But it may be

a corruption of TOjE.; as Flemming supposes, q reads DHi/. /3 H.25 Em. from

J&i^:^'; with G e/cStwKoi/.26 Em. from H'A';

27 Before this chapter g adds the

superscription AXlt: gA^AC: hA-^*};ffl

Z1 reads ii^Vft: rro^t: a i2vA: only.

29 w reads H.30

hkop omit. 31a. reads CA.JK 32

q reads fflH-ft :

33/, 0.

a-/ read JE.*B2VT;34 m u omit. "

$rreads fiOAl:

^^, 0. a-g read llA-d:

(Dip??; 37gu,(3. vi q t read <DH"A; gmiu add fyfl^; mqt,fi. guxQa.<\

WW:: ffl

mqu,p-dy. g reads JUKI: /, R-0*?!: aTy JM-'Jt:40

abcox{vw)badd (DR'M'}: against a, defhklnya.


y. All other MSS. read <feAl*: (#A+; ).

42!7. ^ ?^ read OffD

4^: wXtn>^; /' Off"*^: /2/3 Off^^l*: 43

^'!7- w/, /3-a read

'T1*; a omits. 44/ ^, /

2/3. ^ reads AArht: A. /' read AAftrht: ( + Arht: ).

XXII. 13 XXIV. 4 . ENI2X 61

avrStv, ov Tip-idpridrjcrovTai* Zv rjp-epq rrjs KpiVeo)?, ovbe p.r] fxcTeyepOwcriv kvTtvdtiv.

14. Tore r}v\6yr\(Ta tov nvpiov rrjs 8o'tjs, kcu enra Ei/Aoyrjrds *et, Kvpte 6 tt}s

hiKaio(Tvvr]S2, Kvpiavutv *roiS alGiVOs


XXIII. KaneWev tcpubevcra ets dXXov tottov irpos bvcrp.as4

t<2v Trepdraiv

rrjs yys. 2. Kai -\6-\ao-dp.r\v irvp5

hiarpeyov kcu ovk avaixavopavov oibz

cvXelTTOv tov bpopov, i]p.ipa<i koX vvktos fdpaf6

btapdvov. 3. ml ripcarrjcra

Xdyojv Tt (cttlv topt,i] ^xov b\vairavcnv ; 4. totc jxol 'Payoin/A, 6 els

tG>v ayioiv ctyye'Acov os p,er' (p.ov rjv Ovtos 6 bpop.os tov Ttvpos to 7rpbs bvcrpas


tSet^eV uot oprj Trvpos mi6p.eva9

. . . . vvktos. 2. Kai. kniKdiva avT&v iiropevdriv Kai

i6ta.o~ap.riv eurd op?) evbo^a, iravTa eKaVepa tov kmTe-pov otaAAdao-owa, *c5y ol

Xidoi iVriuot ttJ mXXovj]10

,kol iravTa eVrtpa koX tvboa Kai eveibrj, (rpta e7r')

duaroAds ecrTTjptyjaeVa (z>) ev rw kvi, Kai rpta tirl votov (ev) kv tu kvL ko\

qbdpayyes /3a0etat /cat Tpayj&ai ,uta r?} juS ovk eyyi^ovcrai, 3. Kat [rw dpet]


efibopiov opos dva p.zaov tovtcov, ml *vTTpnx*v to> v\j/ei, op.oi.ov13

mdzbpq 6povov,

koX TreptdKVKXov bivbpa avTo 14eveibij

15. 4. /cat r]y ey avrot? bivbpov b ovb4-

ttotc & koX ovbtls trepos avT&v ^ojcrcppdvdri1 16

3Kat ovbtv itTepov opotoy

1 E = dvmp-Orjaovrai or dnodavoiiPTai. This is supported by xcix. 1 1;

cviii. 3 ;

Matt. x. 28.2 E = Kvpios -tov, 6 Kvpios t?}? StKaioo-vvTis.

3 = '

the world.' E =if'xpi tov alavos.

4 E adds pexpi.5 E adds -fiXeyofievov.

6 Read aXXd with E.7 = nin ])V1 Is the yjn corrupt for H^T = '

feeds,'' nourishes ?


In that case we should

have a play on the name of the angel. See xx. 4.8 Before Kai insert with E

Ka.Kfl.6ev f(po)8evcra els SKXop tottov ttjs yrjs.9 E adds fjnepas Kai.

' E = Ka\ tovs

\ldovs evrl/jLovs Ka\ KaXovs or by a slight change the nom. can be read: see notes 35, 36,

p. 60. u~E = aKoXial.

12 An intrusion. 13 E(i.e.

hoib)-=.vTrepelxfV (

a> $-ho p

ko.1 to v\j/os)avTcov rjaav ojioia iravra, but navra is an intrusion, and by slight changes

we obtain a text = v-repelx*" avrav opoiov. See note 47, p. 6l.14 MS. avra>.

15 E = evahr- which is right. Cf. vers. 4, 5, xxv. 4.16 Em. from i-vcppavBrj (Beer).

Here avrav is the object of the verb. But as the verb was wanting in the original

of E, E rendered avrwv as though it were e| alrav, thus making it dependent on the

subject. For oi8e\s. . .avrcZ E gives oiSeV (or ovSfls) (ivtcov Ka\ ov8ev erepov o^ioiov avrco rjv.

- m qt,p. g reads foO: P"$>d<l: u "i'da-.46

/, /3. gm u read AXrt-". q AXao-'i'Vi

47 hob vi-epfix-v avra>v. a, /3-<5 read k^avft'. (g Ir1*"). This final rt, which is in

all MSS., I have emended unto H and prefixed to jE.^^7".43

gu read pYao".

jE.f7" should be emended into .Ct^rt^: Thus HjE.^'"7"= G Spoiov.49

I have with

some hesitation bracketed this word, as G, d omit. 50gq. mlu, /3 read tfVG'ifti.



abcdeh. mt,/klnox ap read ?T qu SK'. m adds flYH*:52 m omits.


gm. qtureadHXy. /3 omits.


qu. gmt,fi

g reads l-VC-'.8fi m reads Xflm>: 57


62 0t>tfvtu: y?n: xxiv. 4-xxv. 5 .

i(Dh.-bky a>l\1;Jtav<'. wnOXIt: Hh^O-: 1 KMl JE^OU: 2

Xi^frA-: odOH

wkftfc a> mOe-: tLZai>Zi A^Ay": aj$d>lH: ip?j&: a)&frA: h<n> : fifiiiA

AWh: 45. (D-XTi* ZH>: Xft:

6 TOT: ip?^: 7 00: tD 8t*iP?^: ACX;t 9 atf/?^

fefrA: a>t<Pd>lH;t10

T7fl;n T#: ACX?: 12 7:: 6. a>.XT: 13

ZH>: fia*//ii.:14

(*HMh&'. SXyJ: trD^lXftt: fc&'H: tDhft-d."}:15 MH: 16 FhM: Oft : fD-Xt: H-SftlFfftx;:

XXV. <D*.en>Ai:17

5T?Si: ylt: tA^: ls (lXIt: rn><}Hlh: AH: 1900: cotm,?*; 20

hm>; ?b<r>Cii 2. a*Xt: 21ZH>: *fia**7X*iJP:



24*X"JH: X-(12V:


Jfrt-: X*.: iXyC: a>26<U*4.*A: 27 nXlt*"H: 2400:: 3. atfa*/"*: 28 XlH: J&-fl&

TOT: -nC:29 HC&h: JW: 30 HCXfr: avft&: cminC: AXmX: 31 tn^A^: flJ-Xt

1(1: M1C: *$&&: ffl0A.J&;32 Xmfi: fMrfrfr 'J7-/

1': HA^rt^D : AA: 33 ^(DCJJ

?1a*st:34 Ay^frC: Aw"^:: 35

4. fflHTFZ:36

00: 37 a*m w?Lh(h&: W9^Pfi^O: ^<ni: 40

hrn> : jL}p>v>-* Xflh: frn>;42

0OJ&:43 JHi: fon> : tfl,#2V: Hft

a)*^^R-^:44Xflh: AWi^S "Hh,:

45 A46*^"*: wd^iih^'i: JfctaJU-fl::47

5. [&*]*&a*U: [M^U-fl:]

49 A-iWI: 50trhj&a>t:t

51t*<0tn>T7A: tn>A0:t


53A: 54

1/ repeats, q reads Hh^lFff^: See note 1 6

, p. 6 1 .

2gmu. q t

l read JEL^OH: /2/S

Hj&yD0'H: 3 n reads ffi^&lh: op trans, before <0&". 4

op read A^hfc 5

, ta. ft-p.

read tDO^Xi":6 Add \\.ao\ and trans, the next two words with G. ft adds }"P:


omit.8 a x omit.

9 = eieibts. But eia>Ses in G is all but certainly right. For ACX:ofgmt, ft, we find ACAJE1: in qu.


Corrupt for KIM". = av(h) avrov. See same

corruption in note 3. q reads ^loV"."

^ reads fDcn>*7*A:ugmt, ft. q reads

AC/l?-: u CiChXi13

a. /2/3 read CD(P-X+:

"^ reads fitD" m fflfia*'' and trans,

before o*X1":15 G omits. 18

a. ft reads H: 17 m reads ,fl>ft tn>4 :

18 ao ^^.SoG. a, ft-aoxp read ^ATiAi: 19

^ reads Aa><X*F:"

gu. m reads ^mfrty; qf, p

^aiZty: See note 6, p. 63.21

a,e/hklnop{v)ap. ab c a'^readOfD-Xl*: ^qt2,p.

g reads fttD-P/Xfr: mtuftm-P'h; 2Z

g,Pft. Other MSS omit.24

? omits.

25q reads a)Xflft: / Z

1 u X*JH: jB.fl^V:26

5? tu, ft-o. gm,o (v) omit. 27 m omits.28^ (though with rare form fta)"). All other MSS. add L.

M/ adds as a gloss

X7"HXt: axtCS9x>\ fflO: Hj&ft: ^-(ld: A/TJ&:

30 a-?,o-. ^ reads J*P*J: 3r <-/ }*:

dhkl(oT)y fi b Y^h\:!1

^ read tn>-}n: AX7aft(lrtbC: (AX7RX: ).

32 u reads

in ace.33

q reads cdAA: (D. ax add jE.ffD0X: <D.34g reads J&'SfD*^:

35? reads ipS"J&: omits. s6

a. ft-ef read cD*Hl*Ft: efWfth:.37

tu, ft-n.

gm, n read 00: ? 00OD:38

/2, ^ add ip?J&:

39 omits.* a-m. m, Pft read



, 0. reads J&7AA: 42

^ omits. 43

g t. m, ho b read Wfrqu, ft-ho b 0&: g adds XAt: Xlt: 44

gt. All other MSS. read ^t^Ry:45 a = ro'Sf. reads "HJk 46

_y omits from 'K:$r\\ to Xy inclusive. 47 c omits

next three words through hmt. ^ G omits, and rightly. This preposition added

when jE-^fflU'fl: was interpolated.49

Interpolated. G omits, g reads Q^tDY-tti

XXIV. 4 XXV. 5. EN&X 63

avrip' 6ap.i]v elxev cvooSeorepap iravTcov apojp.a.Tu>v, /ecu ra (pvXXa avrov Kal to

avOos kcu to bevbpov ov cpOiveL*

t? rbv alQva' *oi 8e 7rept top Kapirbv2 oxrei

fidrpves (poLVLKcav. 5. rdre itirovr'i2s^ kclXov to bivbpov TOVTO ZaTIV K.CU

ev&bes 3,Kat copata ra (pvXXa, ko.l to. av9r\ avrov copata rfj opderet. 6. Tore

aireKpiOr] p.01 Mi^ar/A, et? t&v aymv4

ayyikuiv 6s' epoti r)y /cat airo?

avT&v rjydro, XXV. Kat i7reV pot 'Erco^, rt epcoras5 rnal tl kdavp-acrai^ kv

T?] oa/jLi] rod bivbpov, Kal r8ta n" *0e'Aets ti\v aX^detav fxaQtlv6

; 2. ro're

aireKpidrjv7 avrco 8

FTept 7rdi'ra)i' etSewu 0eAco, pdAtaTa Se 7Tfpt rot) btvbpov

tovtov o~(pdbpa. 3. Kat cnreKpCdi] Xiyoov Tovro to opo? r6 v\\/i]X6v9



Kopv(pi] opota dpovov Oeov, Kadebpa10 eorty ov Kadi&i *6 p\yas Kupto?, 6 aytos

T775 8of)]su

s6 fiao-iXevs *rou atcoyos

12,orav Kara/37/ kniaKi^acrOai rrjv yr\v tit*

dya0co. 4. Kat roCro ro bkvbpov evcobias, Kal ovbep-ia crap z^ovcrlav e\et

a\//acr0at avrou pe'xpt tt}s peydArj? Kptcreco?, ev 13$ eKSiKr/crts Trdircoi' Kat reAetcocrts

pe'xpt? ataiyos' rdre 14tKatots Kat oatots Soc^crerat. 5. *6 napiibs avrov rots

eKAeKrots f ei's C^^t e^ ftopav, Kal 15perac/wren^r/a-erai ef roVco dytco 7rapd rov

1 MS. (f)6(ivi.2 E = 6 8e Kapnos KaXos kci\ 6 Kapnos.

3 E = evfibts but text

is better. See note 15, p. 61.4 E adds Kal ivrlpcop.

5 E adds pe.6 This

interesting phrase = Ka^"1 fcCVD. Cf. Dan. vii. 19. E = aKpiftols paddv. Here the

paOelv is unnecessary. Cf. Dan. vii. 19 (Theod.) where after iivr)Tovv d/cpt^ws some

MSS. add padeiv. The phrase has already occurred in xxi. 5 n-epl rtW ttjv akr^deiav

(piXoo-novfteis. There E renders freely as nep\ rlvos aKpifiois ko.1 (piko<nrov8t~is. See also

Dan. vii. 16. "' MS. mreKpetdtj.8 E adds Xeycu^.

9 E adds 6 etSey.10 E adds

avrov. Text Confused. E = 6 ayios Kal 6 peyas 6 Kvpios Trjs 86r]S. 6 Kvptos riji do^rjs

is supported by xxvii. 5.12 E = al&vios.

V6 MS. e<.14 E = r68e.

15 This text

seems right save the phrase ds ftoijf= prp or possibly H"rb corrupt for Nin? = earai.

The writer had before him Ezek. xlvii. 12 bmzb V~IS VH1. Thus the original prob-

ably ran byzb Mnb Nn^nni) naw. Hence for els C^W in text read eVra*. E which

s= ec toC KapTrov avrov So^crerai toIj eicXeKTOis ferj, Kal (Is (Boppav should be Corrected

accordingly. Mr. Cowley suggests s fiopdv may be a rendering of N?on^ and of this

Wn? may be a corrupt dittography. If this is right, then the full stop should be

omitted after Sudrjo-erai and rdre . . . fiopdv treated as one sentence.

q a)>iVa)V'(i'. The verb in the Aramaic was n\jrib = earat of a corruption of which

cis faqv is a rendering. See note 15, p. 63.50 m reads (H^i**: q A"i<J-l:


gq (=ds foiiji;?). All other MSS. read rhj&tot: = faij. ajf trans. #)" after

ffoflO; In either case the text is wrong. See note 49 and also note 15, p. 63.52

gq. Other MSS. read any ai>ft0: Here E confounded ds jiopuv = (\X*l2V: with

tls PopPb\v = aoY aDftO: The a) before aoYldi should be placed before .fc-tti^:53 We should prefix w. See preceding note, u adds tn>*}7A: avfiOl bo(v) t

a b read


a. /3 reads (D-flt;

64 ooflvtu: yTVi: xxv. 5_xxvi. 4 .

aviii; fr&fl; m>T7A: ft-fc AXmX: "Fl^: HAMy :: 6. iD-Xt;1

ZH>: J&t^rfr: 2

(l<Pw'i: OJJ&trhrt?': OJ-nt;



5*<td<}H; fto^e n^Ofr^tlfffp-;

Aj&fflt: -AH"*:8?rhj&ffi<:

9 fKA: 10 ^^C: QJictd; rh^OJL:11



1H1: a^wyV 3 a^OC: 14

axrDftiP^t: h.pivv'ao".;1 *

7. a*X+: 16 ZH: n^foJP:

AJ^Mi: 17 fl-nrh*: Wi 18 HA^A^: Xnai>: fiAt-SAtf?: *AA<lX; h<n>"H: 5.*;K}:19

0110011: ^md: to^ftj ?IM1jpop:: XXVI. ffiX^U?: r*Cft-: "7XhA: y\-C

roC^h-: *m>hi: ft-W [Tft-A:]21

(HAT: 00a?;)22 HAT; ZiOfr*:

23 H 24}-AC: wv>Ck



2. fflAU?: CiLlK .e-A^: fc&A: (D27ffi>t<fot; .&AC: <W

Xtn>T7A: 28frA/fo;



31 tm.\ 3. a?C/LiK <n>T7A: A<fo

*ii^A: ^fl<I:32

Hj&ia*'*: X^U: 33 WVtoitpavi <feA;34 Ocn^*; 35



a^ATi: 38 "H^v* ?rha^C: aY7A: ,2-AC:: 4. <D<n>T7A: 0<2A-:40

A"H:41 *1&X:


q prefixes W. 2qtu, ft. g reads JE.^^^A.; w '6l(t\\


^ reads

AAi": G has <a\ els.4

g adds "Y'V.CC:b

gq, tb = ko\ Xfyovrai or elaoiaovcri

= p^JJV See note 5, p. 65. w/, /3-fl/ read ,PAa&: which may be corrupt for

flfl>frl == elo-eXevo-ovTai as I Conjectured in 1893.6gqt=rr)V ocrfirjV avrov;

for it seems that we must here take ft*F; as a rendering of avrov, just as in

xlviii. 9 IfffD". = avrcov (see Dillmann's Lex., col. 23). m, ft-ax read ft '!1; o?H:

ffP^H: For A '?: ax read 00CD: 7a, kx

n. fft-kx n read Aft.

8 u reads


?!:9 " reads lih^:


?, 0. mtu read A:"

w& reids /fij&d);


q adds AA: y^C; 13 a reads y^ft: "a. j8 reads a>55"7:

^ trans. WW after wavty". lh

g reads h.S2". 16 # prefixes ID.17 ?/, ft-x ,a.

gq,x,a p read AX7a& 18

^ reads *}7iP; ? AIT-/1':


g, n. These two MSS. alone

preserve the strange order in G ovd/mirou ra roiavra bacalois. All other MSS. read

hffD-H: AA" %". A late (?) hand adds A before %&'' in g.20

q omits. 21 An

Ethiopic gloss inserted asyndetically in g m iu, c dfh'X: / ny. G, <?

omit, abeh2 ox p. b

read DTA*A; 22

Deliberately (?) omitted by translator of E on the ground of the sense,

though possibly it may have fallen out in E before HOT: h". See note 10, p. 65.23

a-m, k. m, t*p-k read KQ%&: t adds marginal glosses rhPC^: and JOi't:24



g omits. 26 a x read i"1*5iA:27 c omits. ^ a-m. m reads

a1". |3 Hao"}".29

a-^, a//z. ?, /3-a/a read R-arfv:30

q reads o-'iHt:31 reads XtroT'.


^^z^ read h^X: ^*AC: 33^. All other MSS. read hooTf;


q, i3 - ^ ^

J read ^1^*: ?< fe'lt: w ^fei>AA;

ir (sic).35

^ k. w q/,p read Oo^^;36

^. a reads A^Off**: 37^. w ^ / u read C'irt: a^.r <J*H1: cefhkl <x b J.'Wl:

</ *^-fl:38 Em. with G Si' air^y from ft-Fi.: of q. g reads tD-XT: Other MSS.


^ reads <7Y?: /3 trans, after ?*h" against a, ().40 m reads ^^>(l:


^ reads CitlYb: e A.

XXV. 5 XXVI. 4 . ENX2X 65

oTkov tov Oeov l

/3ao-tAea)s2 *tov al&vos 3

. 6. totc (.v(ppav6r\aovTai tvfypaivo-

fxevot Kai xaprjaovrai Kai 4 *ets to dyiov daekevaovTai' at ocrpal avTov 5 tv tois

oariois avToHv, Kai farjv TtkeCova 6(^(rovrat (tt\ yrjs fjv e^crav ol 7rarepes crov,

Kai ei> rats ^uepats avraiy Kai fidcravot, Kai 7iki]yal Kai /xaoriyes ovx. a\J/ovTat.

o.vtG>v. 7. Tore TjvAdyqcra7 Toy Oebv tjjs bo^rjs, rw /3acriAea *to0 atwros 8

, oj

fjTOLixao-ev *av6p(i>'nois ra roiavra 8iKatois9, Kat avra <-ktlo~cv koI eiTtev bovvat.


XXVI. Kat (KtWev ((pdbtvcra cts to p.(crov ttjs yfjs, Kai Ibov tottov

rjvkoyrjp.ivov, eV a>rbevbpa ty^ovTO? Ttapaqbvdbas p.vov<ras Kai fikaaTOVcras [tov

bivbpov Zkkottcvtos]10

. 2. kokci, opos dytovn

. viioK&TOi tov opovs

vbodp e dvaTok&v, Kai ttjv "fbvaivf12

c*X V vpbs votov. 3. Kat Xbov irpbs

avarokas dkko opos v\j/i]k6Tpov tovtov, Kai ava, p-tcrov avTov 13(pdpayya

fiaOtiav, ovk zyjzvcrav Tikdros, Kat 6Y avTrjs vbcap 7ropeveratrvTTOKaTOJ^ vnb to

opos. 4. Kat Trpbs bv<rp.ds tovtov dkko opos TanewoTepov avTov Kai ovk (x,av

1 E = Kvpiov.2 MS. Paaiktvs.

3 E = alwviov.4 E trans, after ayiov,

and perhaps rightly.5 E = els to ayiov Kai (gq, p. m/u, j3-o b omit) \rytyowai t^v

oo-fXT}v avrov, but, as we have shown (note 5, p. 64), it can by an easy emendation be

brought into line with G. Otherwise the two versions may go back to the Aramaic.

Thus G = *nnn pbw WDpbt and E Finnpi>T(l) mvpb. The next words are

somewhat in favour of the text of E. iv to'is oo-riois avrav = |irWU3 which

also = ds (avrovs. This latter meaning suits the context.6 This seems to require

us to read tj before rj.7 MS. r)vkoyr)o-av.

8 E = alwviov.9 This order is

preserved in E. See note 19, p. 64.10 This sentence is difficult, tov bevbpuv

tKKoiTfVTos can only be interpreted of Israel. Hence if they are genuine, bivSpa

exoira cannot be. So the translator of E may have thought and so omitted

rendering bevbpa exoVTa - If T0^ bevbpov eKKontvTos is original, the text may refer

to the participation of the righteous descendants of Israel in the Messianic kingdomin Palestine. Since, however, the trees here spoken of as having shoots are

again referred to in xxvii. 1 yt} . . . irk^pris bivbpav, we conclude that the bevbpa

are original, and that roi, bevbpov eKKontvTos is a disturbing gloss, which introduces

symbolical meanings into a non-metaphorical passage. Hence I have bracketed it.

ptvovvas which seems to be a rendering of H?J, and so may be rendered

hereliving.' E adds Kai.


Corrupt. E = /5iW which is right.13 Better avrS>v with E.


66 <K>Rfal: ym: xxvi. 4-xxviii.i.

OaHrV cDje-O-fl:8 ffTZA: fr'R: iPAfltlfa^::

95. mltfci teAt; 10 Oa^t; 11

a>*/iVDV 2C-iA:


14R-J-Ol a>0fl: &15

J&th2i:u A0A>m:: 17

6. wXihClb:

(iXfti h-ltrh: (Dh-ttiCtb.19 aKiV. <feA; a>T#: /rthCfc::

19 XXVII. a*Xt: 20

ZH: Xft: AX*it: i^lt: Ht: i^^C: 21(WTtlt:

22 aWAW: y^X*; 2309a>:



M: C?^: "yXhft ^:: 2. a><Xl*;26

ZH>: h^P'Kl: frCft.^:27 FX^&A'i:

ffonXht; 28 *X1H; UAa?; 29 ynA,?: a>.efl,AL:30 "HM: 31 7^: J&Xt:

32 AC^"?!:

Xfih: A^Ai^! "H?; .Wflfc; Hft ^; XA: J&-C1A-: AftflPff^: *A0A; Xmfi<lrh>C: 33

*A:34 H*A.35^^A: am*X*it: 30

*ft*lrht: HSU*: 36 J^tW: 37 OfrAt: U?: ^At^-dXiPff^:

cd38"H?: 7D -Ti.lFaiH;:

393. A2<5:

40 tnxpA^; ha>*}: 10A>IPod; ACA^; H-ft: HA:

KM**: a$cn>i WW; [AlAi^:]41 HA: m"P0A: "H?;


43 i^rfv^V4

A*X?aS: A-Arfrfr45 YhP3

-^ HAWi^:: 4. A<td<p0A:47 H-IklPm*; aC*lJP: Ai^/fo^*:

Ah<n>; hfttfi*:: 5. a*Xt: Zlfc:48 A^hi?: A**7ttfi: ftflrfrfr

49aJ*tfr"fc J70K 50


Ah<n>: ^.^A: ADA?-:: XXVIII. (D*XyDU?; 52 r^Cta *<n>T7A:


gu. m, abc defno x a b read J.*!: ^ *J->Vfe: t,hkl V$\2 w adds fiVO:

For feA: / reads "feAt:3

/ reads pthti 4/ q u, a prefix <0. / reads <r7XhA>U,

ff>4 :


^ m u. q reads CDiiSvXtL: /, (3-a aJhSVfit: a x h^ft^Z:6

a-/. /, /3 read

"feAt: 7?. ^ reads Ooo^t: All other MSS. Oo^t: 8 Em. from J&ft-A'}:

oigq. rntu, read "At: 9

gmq,p. tu read iWlAttP*}:10


i3^y read ^A*F: reads feAl*: and trans, before H-A":" u reads Affi^l*:


q reads fl&Offi*:13

a. a<: read &*H1: defhklnox a b <J'W1:14

z* reads

X^H-H**: 15 Added in accordance with G. g, e read H. All other MSS. omit.


qlu, j3-a = G (pVrevTo. g m, a read J&th^V: 17a. /

2;z read AAOA>lH:

a r rf efg hiox a b AAOA.IFW. 18

? omits. 19 m adds AX*it: hK-rh: wKihCth:

AX1+: feA: (DhlhOh: r prefixes ffl.21

^/x add XA: K

/ read

ft-Wlt: (*lt: /)23

^ reads y^Xt: 24trans, before y^Xt: rf/A^/^readOacD-:

25#<// read (DH: 26 n prefixes <D. 27

a-^, efhkln. q, abcdx p. read ^<^A.A.:

op{v),b bbhAii ^a. reads XffoAXht: *^A*J: 29 m q t\ g u read XyH: Uft:

/20HUft: 30 a,romit. 31

a. /2 read HfeA: a HUA":.

32 omits.33

^ trans,

before A/ilFtriH; ax trans, after HAjE.. A*:34

q trans, after H/SJB..6A*:35

g omits.

36 reads iKldt'tlh: 37^ prefixes H^:

38 abdk x omit. w a-tu. tu, read

F^YtSTao*', Perhaps both forms are corruptions of aoh\(?ao*\ =. ohrfrfipiov.40

/3 pre-

fixes <D.41 Bracketed as a dittographic rendering of els rbv anavra xp vov-

u prefixes H. 42gt\ m, f1 $ read A*H?: quWHt:

43 u prefixes (D. d adds

d^ihirY: 44 Em. from ffD^Ci**}: G gives ao-f/3eIf corrupt for tvaefieh.45 a n x

read XmJHMfcC: 4G

q prefixes A.47

q. g mtu read wavv". P0(Ddaov".48

1\ add ftlt:49dy read X7aft-Arh,C: / T*iP: A-flrht:

50a, /<r/A kin op(v)yta,b.

XXVI. 4 XXVIII. i. EN12X 67

v\}/os, Kal cpdpayyar(3a6elav Kal ^-qpav*

l ava p.iaov avr&v, /cat aWrjv (pdpayya

fiaOtlav /cat fripdv e7r' anpav t&v rpi5>v ^opu>v^ 5. /cat ^iracrat (fidpayyis2

eurty /3a#etat3

e/c irtrpas crrepeds, Kal bevbpov ovk itpVTdvero e7r' avrds. 6. Kal


Ttepl rrjs (pdpayyos, Kal Xiav (Oavpacra. XXVII. Kal 5 euroy

Ata ti ?/ yrj avrrj r) tvXoyrip.i'vr] Kal iracra irXrjprjs oe'yopcoy, afar) bei) (pdpay

KeKariipapiivi] eariy;6

2. yrj7Kardparos rots KeKarapapero is ecTty p>-e\pi

al&vos. c55e e7rtcruz;a)(^?]a'orrai 7Tt{yTesrt>t KeKarrjpap.evoi? oiTtyes

8epovaiv tod

aTo//.art avT&v Kara Kvpiov cpcoyTjy cnrpeirr}, Kal irepi rrjs boi]s ai/rcw cr/cArjoa

AaA?/0-oucrty. cooe e7rio-uyax0?7o-oyTai, /cat cooe earat to oiKr)Ti]piov9

, 3. t7r'

6o-)(aTois aicdtrty, *ey Tats r)pepais10

rrjs Kpiaecos t?/s &\i]di.vr]s evavTiov Tcoy

biKaicov eis Toy diravra yjwvov. cooe e^Aoy?jcrouo-tv oi evo-efieisn Toy KVpiov

tt/s oo)]s }tov paaiAea ^tou atwyos *

,4. ey Tats rjpepais t?/s Kpurecas avTouy

etiAoyTjaoucny ey eAeet, w? ep.epiaev a^Toi?. 5. Tore rjiAo'yr]cra Toy KVptov Tijs

bdfys, Kal rrr)v bo^av^ avTov eS^Acotra /cat vpvrjaa p.eyakoTrpe-nS>s.

XXVIII. Kai eKeWev eiropevOrjv13

els to /xeVoy14


,/cat tbov avro

1 Instead of this phrase E reads vrroKaTco.2 MS. rmo-i <f>apavyes.

3 E adds

Kill ovk i\ovaai 7rAaT09.4 Add with E rrepX twv n(Tpu>v Kai i8uvfiao~a lost through hmt.

E = Tore. Add With E Tore dneKpidr] Ovpitp\ }6 eis tu>v ayloiv dyyt\oov, bs per

tfiov rfv K.a\ tlnev.7 A transliteration of N\3. The translator of E understood it

rightly as = 4>apny. It is similarly transliterated in Neh. xi. 35 ;Ezek. xxxii. 5 ;

as ye in 2 Chron. xxviii. 3 ;Ezek. xxxix. 15 ;

as yal in Jos. xviii. 16;Ezek. xxxix. n.

Before yrj add with E avrr) r).

8 MS. tipss.9 E = Kpirrjpiov avTwv. E may

be corrupt. See note 39, p. 66. 10 E = eorair) opaais. Thus E makes the

sentence begin with this verse, whereas G makes the first half of this verse part of the

sentence which immediately precedes.u MS. ao-eftus.

u~E = alwvios.

13 E adds

npos dva.To\ds.u E adds tov opovs, which G wrongly omits. See note 3, p. 68.

15 A faulty transliteration of N"$*]E>, more faulty as ^a(38rjpd in xxix. 1. ThoughN*U"!D is Aramaic it does not prove that the original was Aramaic

;for ffo^fltJ-:

(= madbard), which is an Ethiopic transliteration of the same Hebrew word"



in Jos. v. 6, implies an Aramaic form. For other forms see Jos. v. 6; xviii. 12

padftap'iTis or iiaPSaplns. The Greek translators were often Aramaic-speaking Jews,

and introduced Aramaisms probably unconsciously.

abcx read HCYh: ft*F: Since G gives rt)v S6av alrov e'S^cacra we should restore

fl*flrfrfr before tf^i Then fMlrfrfr ft*F: = rr)v bd^av airov (cf. note 6, p. 64) ;or

we may suppose that ttjv hdav was lost in G and airov subsequently changedto airy = tfVi 51 Em. with G vpvrjo-a from UhCih: q reads 1*HhClKB? g reads K^Vi

68 avftthJ.: yftt: xxvm. i xxix. 2 .

R(\fh:x ?Xh1s 2 A<1; 3 odACU*.* coChXiT: Via**'. *am<frf ::

52. JP'A'X: 08<0:

*(<D)XyJ: HTF: HCX: [wf'Wi [QAOA:]7

A<?2V:8 X^AOA-: 9

3. ftl-fCfc10

*h<n>; A^-fl:11 -iUM: [H^rtC-fl;]

12 ^aD 'n <">T?A:

14<n>f|0 ; m>TM: 15

0<J-O: [tf>]16Xy

H-A2*.:17 .P0C7:

18 f7??: <omA:: 19 XXIX. wX^mi. 20frCh-: a*Al*: ffDVit:

*i2vX: Xi^i: ffD^n^: 21 mMm>TM: frA/ft:23 *A-nC: Tn*fc 24 4<MUk: 25

2. a?ny?; 2R

CMhi 0B(Di tK-Ji.:27 t^tA 58

[fcft'MI:]29 ""W: 30

At"}:31 hCft: <D08a*Z:


1 G omits.2g, ax read "VXhA: a slip in the former for ^XhA: 3

q,y read

AAflC: a >fl& G omits Afl: but this range of mountains is referred to in

xxix. i, as Lods remarks. 4/20. w^/ 1 read en>fl.g: ffofl^d.: aog-ftg.;

a transliteration of the Aramaic X1?1P-5

"#. z//^/1 read (Z


omits) Orh'fc'fr


, Affo'fc'i"! fl?A<ft*F;6 E = dno tS>v a-nepnaTcov Kai. G has Kai dno tO>v OTrtpfiarmv,

and this is preferable. In both aireppdrcov seems corrupt. If we assume the original

to have been Aramaic, G = Ny*Wl which may be a corruption of NT1DD1 = <a\

an6 tov opovs. This is the mountain referred to in E and G (xxix. i) and

in the preceding verse in E. Or G may be a rendering of pjTlTDI corrupt (?)

for pljPTl (cf. Dan. i. 12, 16; Mishna, Kil. ii. 2; iii. 2), which would have been

better rendered by <a\ <pvTevpAra>v. If we assume the original to have been in

Hebrew, and adopt the order in E, then E = CyiTIO which might possibly be

a corruption of D'Oyjn = '

green.' Lods has suggested that Vlffi is corrupt for

STltO* = ' and sown fields.'7

a-q. q, /2 read XyA0A*: Since G omits I have

bracketed flA" as an interpolation.8 = dvopfipovv.


g tu = awdtv. m, /2 read

X-^A" QA". q omits. 10 = (paivoptvov which seems a corruption of (paipopevov

(i.e. (pepopevov) of G. q, cob prefix (D to i*A"."

g. m reads AA 41: qtu \iao\

AA<Ml: $-hob Aftlfl: hff: hob read hh" and trans. h<n>: after flH"k 12 Bracketed

as a gloss on A<1: According to Flemming / has the gloss hew; flH"J: HJ&AC-fl:

on this word. 13 m prefixes W. \\ao\ = as. This redundant use of >s without

anything corresponding to it in the Semitic is found also in 2 Chron. iv. iow irpbs

avaroXas Kurevavn = !"I333 b^'O T?1i?.14 a adds R(\rbi

Vo m prefixes (D.


Interpolated in E owing to interpolation of HjE-AGfl: above. 17 ax read XyU?fj

qX7ilh%:ls Em. with G (dvdyu) from gu ?0C7: mt MCV: q &0C7

a x read 00a*: 19 Em. from "7,: a)mV: with G. / adds in brackets HHrLfil>

Before "7J&; E interpolates wh^Vit: (see note 20). I have obelized "7?: as

corrupt, but the corruption already existed in the Aramaic since we have v8a>p

in G. In no case can it be said that water 'ascends.' Again fllA: i.e. hpoa-ov

shows that we require some such word as ' mist'

or '

vapour.' The exact phrase we

need is found in Ps. cxxxv. 7; Jer. x. 13; li. 16, i.e. t^NBO <"6y>? which the LXXrenders dvayeiu ve^'Xaj in each instance, and the Targums by pjjy p

sDJ2 in all three.


pr][xov kclI avro fj.6vov, 2. irkrjprjs bevbpoov' f kcli oltto t5>v aTrepp-drcavf1



,avioQev 3. cpepopevov

4 wj iibpcLyayb? Sa\/aA.7js5 wj 6


fioppav ZttI bvo-ix&v7 TT&VTodev *a.vayei fi/Sujpf /cat bpoaov

8. XXIX. *'En

eKet^ey 9kiropev9i]v ei? a\\ov tottov *v t<2

10Ba/38 ';pa


Kai 127rpos

amroAa* tov opovi tovtov <^yop.y\v, 2. kclI13 i<W Kpicrecos

14bevbpa Ttviovra 15

apupdrcov \ij3ava)V1G kcu [xvpvr]s


kcu rci bivbpa avT&v opota Kapvais18


1 E = a7r6 twi/ crnepfxaTcou koI. See note 6, p. 68. G and E only differ in respect

to the position of kgu. Neither text is intelligible. The corruption must lie in

anepnaTav.2 E adds V ni;r<.

3 Em. with E from avopftpov which gives no goodsense.

4 E = <paiv6pevov, but G is right. MS. (paipn^vov.5 E adds or vbpayvytl.

6 See note 13, p. 68. 7 North-west. A Semitic idiom. Cf. Hebrew rmyo PiilQV or

rpmyo rVJIQX in this sense.8 E = dvdyerai vdap Kal tyoaos, but by a slight change

in vocalization becomes = G. See notes 18, 19, p. 68. 9 E = koI iks'lOw which it

has trans, into previous verse. See note 20, p. 69.10 E = diro tov.

n See

note 14, p. 67.12 E corrupt.

13 E adds .

14 = WIT which (as Beer

following Praetorius points out in Apok. v. Pseud, ii. 256) is corrupt for NrVH.

Hence we should have dadr) instead of aplo-eas.y E corrupt. See note 28, p. 69.

16 = ny3i>.17 ="to. MS. Zpvpva.

ls E omits, unless we suppose kuaskuas

which occurs without any sense in the preceding line to be a corrupt transliteration

of Kapiais Or KapviaKots = 1^. See note 29, p. 69. MS. Kapoks.

I therefore conjecture that in |"D (= vbcop) we have a primitive corruption of pjjy.20 E wrongly trans, this word before ff*>?; and replaced it by (D. I have restored it

to its right place with G. 21P-o. g reads avft&fc m y>(|&; q t ao-agfa

u ao-RSifc ffP^n<f-:" Em. with G from H of g. All other MSS. omit.


gq,ho (v). Other MSS. read R(\(h>\24 a-m qu. mq read rt^-fld: U u AACIC: and

adds ffHTF; after 4>4ttb: t\ p-h read rtaJ-Xf: ARC: h op a?a*flt: (h a>-W.) &'.25 u prefixes (D.

26 m adds i. q reads (D.27 =

Kplo-tcos. See note 14, p. 69.28 = nXe'ov corrupt for irviopra. Perhaps &.&" here was originally &&.&QZ*;= nXtova

(Svra). We should read jE.Jrf>.:29g t. m reads ^fl^fi; ? feft#rt:

Ml'feft: /3 'fefl'lirt: This word is an intrusion if G is right. In any case it is

unintelligible. As it may also be hflftft: it is possibly a corruption of hC*lO: =Kupvais or Kapvois = Ij?.^ or W, both of which may mean the almond-tree or the

almond-nut. Since this word is found at the close of the verse in G I have supplied

it in E in ace. after Afa^rtrt*:30

/ prefixes (D.31

a-q, h ob. q reads ft"il:


, de/k Inyp. Hftfh.1: abc{w)x Aft".32

a, dklnya. obex a>00(Dl: c "a>-Li

fo p OBtD-Y.: h O0<dE: Flemming thinks that in E and G there is the loss of a word

signifying fruit; but I am not aware of any balsam- tree which yields nuts.

70 <k>K(\\<l: yftt: xxix. 2 xxxn. i.

J&WAA-: 1

(JlC*iO::)2 XXX. <d[AOA>U:] *AOA: Xfl^lt; 3

[AOA:] t^fl^t 4

frAfli: ffli;6Crh-*:

6 w'CMb', *m>*ii; *i&fi :

8*feA: "7.Pt: 9

[h<n> : HkM^X]:: 10

2. ff>C/Lfr: O0: 11 u"T?: 12 *H^afi^: 09: m^M; 13hffD; Kit: 14


3. <dW}7A; 17&"}&<?;

8 AfcA*: 19fcA^-F: CAJk? *#Wft: H^H: 21 aJ*fl:

JiAlrfc32 4^-Ah-: 23 m>T7A: 24

A<ih:: XXXI. (dCMi-: **i&*f: ?LA<S: 25 *HA:

a*ft*-frnx;26 O0<0; 27

ajjfcaiefc:28 h^lV- hm>: i<feTC: 30 HAtn*; 31 A<!: 32


2. w*ZCl: a*X*F: 22.C-AC: C/Lfc: .C-Ad: *i&/i:

34*ff>a*AirF: 00a):

HOrtT; 35 tfflXMK 36 tO0a*; yrt"^: 37 Hh<n>: hChO: 8


3. a>AA:

tW"^: 40 t*rta>X-F; <?&:41


>ir>YtCt>. hLa^v. XXXII. mX^JM*!:

1 m. a-m read '^A^; /2 A^t^AA: A.^t l77rtft:

2 See note 29,

p. 69.3 A dittographic rendering of ml eneneiva tovtwv. For <dA0A>U*: u,ax read

a>AA". Before ADA: dy prefix (0. For ADA: Xav'i'Vi ofg, we find in m t u, efhklnojxp

A" XA-TF: or XATF; ? AXA: abcdxW M*}-F:4

Corrupt (?) for $d.-Mb\ = xd/i^.

Cf. xxix. 1; xxx. 3.5

a. G omits. /2, /3 prefix a>. u adds .&A& 6 a-/. iu, /3

read Crfr't:7

cfhklnop ap omit.8

^ reads in nom. ?/ 00*1?: *lVfi:9 a-.

reads feA+: /2

feAt: ffD.Pt; /3 feA+: "?.: 10 Bracketed as a gloss. For

hffo; w reads whavH; q hffDU; u omits h<n>; H. For W ^ reads JE^T".11

;;z prefixes H. u omits next three words through hmt. 12

q /, /3. reads

Hi^TjE.; m &<!: Since G omits it may be an intrusion. 13 a-u. u reads

cn>0H: p (DavmO". u omits. u?/omit.

16</ read A.h/'.

17 a

reads ^XhA: 18 w/ 1

?/. g reads tal&lh /2 hl&Ctnv; p Xih&Wav, q omits,

together with A following.19 m reads A^iAf; WfeAt: 20

0. a prefixes <D.

21 _D'5^2"i03|3 Exod. XXX. 23.

a = iircneiva tovtcov.23

^ prefixes (D.24


prefix H.


2Sa, /

2 ek n (w). Other MSS. read *i2vA: .6-A& 26/2

,e n. g m Z



dfh klopy{vw) a b read HO: o> AfF: ? HA: (D-ftkP: abcx HA*F: 27 ^ q u,fkp.

y omits. Other MSS. read 08ff: G = h0fcn>: O0a>-:^

w, a omit, q reads

.fca>0X: g H^cd". ^ adds ^JE.; a7j&ff)0X: / originally added ^JE.; and some word

of three letters now erased. 29

q omits. ^g. q, abc/h

1 klx a read i.i'VCi

t J.4TCA: e *r\ u, do 1<PTC: y \<V'. h*n W. m omits. 31 m omits. 32

g, dny.m reads AfD-d-C: q t,fho tl&fa ul\&; a b c e Ip x a {16&: k A 6-6-\

33m,en. gqt,

dh b h^VAi."}: u h^AU: c la h^Ai.*}: a b x Ji^AiA://C h^Af}: 34

q reads (Dh^X:35 Observe that G is quite different. It gives the habitat of these trees the furthest

east, but not their name. E supplies the name. Here OAT: (g. viqu,fhlnoyp,bread fi&'P: /, abc ek *}^VT; a hlhVi d omits together with H) of course represents

akor). But akor] here is not 'the common bitter aloes used in medicine to which alone

the name is given in classical writers,' nor yet what is commonly known as the American


but '

the modern eagle-wood, a precious wood exported from south-eastern

XXX. i XXXII. i. ENflX 71

XXX. Kai *e7re/cetra1tovtcov cu^opi^v

2irpos avarokas 3

p.aKpdv, Kal Ibov tottov

aWov ^ixtyav , (pdpayya vbaros 4,

2. *ev a> Kal bevbpov5XP a<i apcojudrcof o/xoioov

o-^Cvu), 3. nai ra irapd to. x 61'^-7?

t^v ty&pdyycuv tovtcav Ihov *KLVvdjxaip.ov

apoifxaroiV7 nat *(TTKeiva * tovtoov <Ly6p.r)v irpbs avaroXas. XXXI. Kal Ihov

aXka oprj Kal Iv avrolsrd\(rrp bivbpcov, Kal KTTopev6p.vov f avT&v 8


to KaXovpievov crappav9 Kal -)(a\{3dvri

10. 2. Kal (ireKeiva

1tu>v opicov tovtuv 11

Xbov aWo oposr7rpos avaroXhs rS>v irepdroiv t?}? yfjp


Kal irdvra to. bivbpa



ev 6p.oiwp.aTi aptvybaXcov. 3. otuv TpiftaxTtv15

,bid 16


vnep tiolvapoojuajVcoi/] XXXII. *eis fioppav

17 r7Tpdj avaroXas


1 See note 51, p. 48.2 E has A-ttdi (= opr?) which may be corrupt for ^d.'Mb:


3 E adds ov.4 E adds devaov.

5 E = /ecu i'iW SevSpov kmXoi/.6 E = ofxoiov.

xpoa may be corrupt for ^Ada (Radermacher).7 See note 21, p. 70.

8 E adds is.

9 = nv. 10 = im!>n. E= cttfow.12 This clause defines the habitat of

the tree. E omits this, but gives the name km iv at SevSpa dXorjs.13 Indeclinable

as in xxviii. 2.M Em. from etjavrrjs. E corrupt = arepeos. a-roKTr] = D7 Gen.

xxxvii. 25; xliii. n. It also translates Dl^ilX, lb, *|BJ, *J23 in the LXX. See

note 37, p. 71.15 E = A<i/3&>o-u/, and adds Ueuov rbv Kapnov, and connects this

clause with what follows. That for rpifiaa-iv we should read Kavawaiv, see note 40,

p. 7 1 - E omits. E = Kal perci ravra ra apapara els ftnppav 6pu>u vrrip to. oprj

the first five words of which were lost through hmt.

Asia which yields a fragrant odour when burnt' (Encyc. Bib. i. 1 20-1 21). In Hebrew

its form is DvflK (Num. xxiv. 6; Prov. vii. 17) or m^TiX (Ps. xlv. 8; Cant. iv. 14

in the last passage N of the LXX and Aquila render it by aKorj).In Aramaic the

form is K^nx. For matftfCti . . . HUAT; q reads <D*ivX: 00(0: Hfi&T; For 09<0:

of a,/h I have read Ofla*; with $-fh.36 Read wfttir, with G km ndvra. d omits

together with next word. 37 After 7fc'' a word is wanting, but its corrupt

equivalent is found in R"}.0: three words later. G has egavrrjs. Since 8"}.0 = o-rept6s

it is possible that both f$avrr]s and o-repeos are corruptions of arcucrr)? ;for o-raKrij is

used as a rendering of the perfume ni^nx which designates also the trees mentioned

in the text. Otherwise the corruption might originate in the Aramaic. Thuse' avTTjs = I^O corrupt for fcOID.

wI take these to mean almond-trees, not almonds.

39 See note 38.40 = Xtifaaiv avr6v. But ^\Pi\9\ may be corrupt for flftj&JP =

Tpificoo-tv. If my identification of this tree in note 35, p. 70, is right, we might expectKavaaHTiv here, as eagle-wood exhales fragrant odours when burnt. Now TplfiaMnv =pppT (Pael) corrupt for Jip^>T = wivowiv. Hence we should read a>-0!P: in our

text.41 An Ethiopic gloSS ?

42 = fc\Tioi> earai.

72 ootfvtu: y?*i: xxxii. i-5 .

XA*: KLa>-\ A<n>flO: KiH: XifrC: 1 av&OMr: k(\C: CMb. 2%h&(\t\ 9k\\

AI-flAt: 3 ke"P-fc 4a>08:

5 wWi a>*<K*}rV. 6 (DTT&:: 7 2. XyU?: f*Ch-

*m>2V0M*: CXAffi*: AXMk A^raC: 8 X1H: Crfrfc a^Xf: AfrOrh: 9 arfAPlK 10(1

0/^: A-Ct^: 11 fflX^ilh CrthQ: tKlfcit 12a>rfiA<?JK a2V0&+: 13 A 14



3. a>tn>iXJi-: a*flt: 7ft: %&$>: toClLh". hrhfrfclPoDV 6 AXMrfc 17

09a*: 00: 8-ntt^}:

19a)0a.PJ: JE-Q^rt-; flU?: a^'XlH: fcVlFffi*; ipVj; Oa^**: 22

(DPXfaD-. *.flH"i: a>ftfWh*$:23

ffl*O0;24 T(M1: Hh7i,V". (MLPa*: f&ST-CVi*

ATM: 00^:: 4. wcwl\fc dun*** JfrJ-X;27 axp&lfr h<n>; /iAnA; 28

a?jE.*} :

*u"TJ&: T*; 29 wMO". Aa*Xt: O0; 30 ?rha*C: 31fP^::

325. fflXft;

33 u^J&34,H:




?)u reads jCig-C:

2a,y prefix a?.


^. g reads AlA^t: AtAltOther MSS. Ain&t: 4

<g\ niq tx

u,abc efh k x p read <P&(Di ?; din oyb $ra><5

a-q. g, read 00a?:6 gm t, $-a n. q, a read "KlTA: i^S^Tli n K*}?v,


7 reads TT<#: ekno p TT&: 8 = eVt ras /i^paj twc 6pta>v tKelvcov.9 G adds

rJjs y^.10

/2/3 add kit: "

g. qu read &C. mt, /3 &Ct: 12


for f^Cfc: G reads <^xMv -


if omits.14 G omits. 15

a, $-adefnpy.ay read HTkflV: </Hm/i,2V: efnpYta*".

16gm. g reads hihtlPa*: t *iU*i".

,/& o h*W. a * r *l*fchrh". </<? hrfihrh". //& h(hh". n Yl&tiiT. la *irhW. l7

q, dyread AX&lK J8

g omits.'

19t\ P. ggu read OH"}: w Z



^ reads


/ omits. ^ w q prefix a>.23

^ reads fifh'VJ: flH'^'}; w adds

fflTfHVH: ^AT :

24,o b read 00a>:

25a-/. /, p read ?/T.


gqu,ab c.

m reads rh?<2: /, dfklny xp b &>aD&\ e frJF'd.i27

q reads R"CX: 28 w reads


a-^. So G. ^ omits. /3

q adds T*: 31

^. y reads

C-flJWh; Here^ w u add asyndetically jE.*fl55r5f: against q and G. The next stage in the

corruption of the text appears in /, /3 which read ?/lia>C: aJ.fcflJfrfa:32

mt, nx <x.

g reads jf'P'k y, /3- i^"*: $P*f:M Add hffD; with G. 34 a;romit. 35


1 E = hivhpa iviohr] a free rendering.2 E ^ inrep,

3 E = naicpav ano tovtov

KaL 4 E adds Toil ayytXov.5 MS. t\6u>v.

6 E takes panpoBev as governingthe following words in the genitive.

7 E = <pv6p.eva. If 8va> p.v is right, then

to htvSpov Trjs t^ should be inserted before xai to 8tv8pov ttjs (ppovfjo-eas. But the

evidence of xxiv-xxv is decidedly against this;

for according to xxiv. 2-xxv the

tree of life is in the neighbourhood of the chief of the seven great mountains. Nowthese mountains are in the NW. but the earthly Paradise is in the NE. xxxii. i


Ixxvii. 3. The passages from the Zohar quoted by Laurence and subsequently

adduced by Lods and Lawlor in support of 6wo piv as the true reading do not

necessarily support their contention. These are according to Laurence, p. xxix

(vol. i. Parasha JT'K'Nia, p. 37b

,ed. Mant. et Amstel):

' Sanctus et Benedictus sus-

XXXII. 1-5- ENI2X 73

reOiafxat litrd opt] TtXrjpi] vdpbov xprjorou kclI cryj.vovx

koX Kivvap.u>p\ov Kal


2. Kal ZkcWzv (cpobevixa enl 2 rds dp^ds ^itavTOiv* t&v opicav tovtcov, p.a<pav

&-nyu>v irpbs ava.To\.asrr?/? yrjs ,

/cat buj3rjv kitdv<x> rrjs kpvQpds ddXacrcrrjs, /cat

<L^6p.r\v *e7r' "AKpcoi;, /cat d^d rovrou 3biifirjv kirdvm 4 rou Zcon?/A. 3. Kal


7rpos tov Trapabeicrov rrjs biKaioo-vvii$, koI tbov *p.a/cpo0ez> tG>v bevbpwv

rovTOiv 6btvbpa irXeiova Kal peydAa *bv(a p,ey


8, pieydAa crcpobpa KaXa

Kal tvboa r/cai p:eyaAo7rp7T?/


Kai to bevbpov rrps (ppovqaem, ov 10 kadiovcriv

rayiou rod Kap-nov avrov^ 10

/cat knio-TavTai <ppovri<nv peydAr^. 4. op.oioi>rro

bzvbpov eKetVo 0Tpo/3iAea to v\j/os, rd 8e cpvAAa airoC"1 nKeparta.

12opota, 6 8e

Kapiros avrov wcret fiorpves dp.Tiikov l\apol XCav, r) 6e dcrp.r) avTou biirpex^v

iroppco a7To to{5 bivbpov. 5. tot 13 ei7jw ^ils1 KaXbv to bivbpov, Kal <us

tulit eum (Enochum) ex mundo, ut ipsi serviret. . . Ex eo hide tempore liber

tradebatur, qui Enochi dictus est. In hora qua Deus eum sustulit, ostendebat ei

omnia repositoria suprema, ostendebat ei arborem vilae medio in horto, folia ejus

atque ramos.' Again (vol. ii. Parasha n?C2, p. 55a)

: 'In Enochi libro narratur,

Sanctum et Benedictum, cum ascendere eum jusserit et omnia ei superiorum el

inferiorum regnornm repositoria ostenderit monstrasse quoque arborem vilae et

arborem de qua Adamus praeceptum recepit.' But these passages refer not to the

Ethiopic but to the Slavonic Enoch. In the first passage the italicized words omnia

repositoria suprema refer to Paradise and hell which are described in viii, ix-x of the

Slavonic Enoch. Moreover the next italicized words, arborem vilae medio in horto,

are an actual quotation from viii. 3 of the same book. This tree is in Paradise

according to Slav. En. viii. 3 but in the neighbourhood of the chief of the seven

great mountains according to the Eth. En. xxiv. 3-xxv. In the second passagethe reference of superiorum et inferiorum regnorum repositoria to Slav. En. viii-x is

still clearer than in the first : similarly the words arborem vilae are derived from the

same source. On the other hand what are we to make of the phrase arborem de

qua Adamus praeceptum recepitl It may refer to Eth. En. xxxvi. 3-6 since there

is no mention of this tree in the Slav. Enoch. But the conjunction of these two trees

in the Zohar does not necessarily imply that they were represented as together

in the Paradise of Adam. If the words arborem de qua Adamus praeceptum recepit

refer at all to the Eth. En. they are sufficiently explained by xxxii. 3-6. We have

already shown that the phrase arboretn vilae medio in horto is from Slav. En. viii. 3.3 E adds eiafy.

9 Can the Greek before the translator of E have been ev8ij?

If so, it is a corruption of the ei-coS^ found in E after .

10 =the Aramaic idiom

^TS ?. See also xviii. 1;

xxii. 5, 8." This clause is lost in E through hmt.,

though the order such a loss presumes must have been different such as : opoiovrr6

SevBpov fKe'ivo . . . Sfioia1

KepaTiq.12 MS. Kfpari.

n E = Kal.


74 <n>K7tU: Vn\l XXXII. 5-XXXIV. i.

00: m*haDi l

[ip<r.: wf^x^fh-. CX?t::: 6. what-J^His *4-4-kV: onSvAli: fr&A; 3

HyAA,?; 4a)J2.fb([l\

5Waj-X-F: 7 *00: H8TQfl: HXyi-lh: A2Vfr: JiAh: W: 9

fflX^h; XAtMEfr 10 XA; 4>arxhi toKkaoCffi ATA-A: artvLtrh: ftOj&ltlTao':

whkavfr hao; O^tlPffo*: 11 OAflX: 0IYI&: Xy7it:: XXXIII. ffiXyy?: 12

**Cfc: XAh; h%SL'. yC\ wOLlH AU?: 13ft<WEti

u OQJW 4 a>*jeAT; 15

SX^JiAfr:16 o'^CP^X: j&tAT: 18

7frn>; cdA^o^; a^A^Z: tBAT:


2. a>*8-A^ai*: 20 A*XA; 21fiCP;

22 Chh-\ hSKte FAd AfA:

A7J&: ?0C<P:23 ariviafi tm&\ CITt: 24

3. 0C&taa XC: J&cdR-^;26


A"7J&; aA*: 27 HX^*: 28 a>0k: IViai: a>Rrh?JK H-ft : aix'tttO'ai*:29AA*gg:



33 a^AAffYtlFai*; axtfath., w3i71(\C(fl>". (DZHira*: wKay&yFa*:

Ahm>: 33hChli.: h-CMii 36 aoMan" HJ^AA,?: fc&A:: 33

4. H-ft;39



A.*;42 ai*fc hb^tWavi *Rrfi: /It:

43 ffltXHHa^; 44 w^-hat-tWa*:: 4* XXXIV.

(Dlnn>Mi frCtl-i aoYltli aoAO: A4G/i{t<L: js^C: a)AW?: CA.JH i^hd: 47



? omits. 2 Omit with G, ?.



q,k. gt u, P-a k read ffi>2V" 3&A; 4-". 0* ft&A:

&>&' 4-". a 4-" cm".4

/2, //^/3 add V([(D; p-fh add Oft : a trans, the Oft : before

^"AAj?: 5 a x add *HJk 00:6

? omits, u reads H. 7? reads Ttt*F: "H.

8gt. m u, P read 09: ? 00: artl.


t(v) read fiCP'E:10

gtu, ab cdefi/nx a.

m,fAko t& read \0>&&ri q hCbdi

"qtu,p-bchlxyb. gm, /il(y?)a read "$>t\Pao<i

b c "P'tiWav*; 12

g adds at the beginning of this chapter the superscription *JA:

CX?: rhTAo: AW: X^IA: ,a>0k: JVPfc-At: a>*JA: je.a)0k; ifcAt;13 omits.

14 u puts in nom. 15

q reads JB^T".1G

^ omits next seven words through hmt.17 m reads a)A.

18 u prefixes H. d adds g Xyil^fr: 197* adds WhOvq.Zi

M^AT: 78^: 20

q t1u. g reads 3-ArNn><; m t" p A8*AfNn><:

21 reads X2V*i*F:

22a. t- p read AtJ.'Et:


gt,fhl. qu,abcde read ^0". fl? ^T'. x a b IT.24 u reads C'lTt: 25

^ adds fflXfl.:26

Z1 reads ^ffR-fr: " ^^ , ^-/? b.

g tl read lo^ife; ^At1

-: / *i^'l^:^

t- p. g reads AXyJ: w/ 1 X^DJ:

qh^i-.U. uahymi: 2q. g u read rmTJttUh: Z

1 o^iiAtO: /2 a*%htira*i

P av%fc(fl>", m omits. 30a, dfhklno x a p. abcertdid'B. 31

w, dhoa read AA.32

a-;w. ;/z; /3 read "i


/ reads a)AA. 3*_y reads fflA.

35gq, P- mtu read

}lffi>;3G w/, /3-/. ^ reads frC q, I a ft<6.'.

37/3-^ trans, before frCAA:

against a, e.^ gmt


u. q, t'2 read Oft : fr&A: /3 Oft ;

39 a-u. u omits.

^ reads fflK'ft :40

/3 adds A/i":41

c omits together with next four words.42

a. p omits.&mtu, p. g reads Rrh$: A/fr ^ omits. 44

a. breads


45 ^ ^ /. m u read ^'lA^'. /3 ^A*?.". /2 adds w^yM*".


^ reads a). 47 a-?. in, t'2p read av*itld:


XXXII. 5 XXXVI. 2. EN12X 75


tt] 6pd(TL 6. Tore aireKpidrj 'Pcxparik, 6 aytos ayytkos 6 /ier' e/xou

wy Tovto to bevbpov (ppovqatcos, e ov ecpayev 6 Trarrjp o~ov.

E adds koXov km before this word.

ftftvh: ahW&Yi AH"!: 1 r>&C\\ 2. <z)2Ay?; 3

Cft.h; fV-iff): A^W: St^t: 4

AAW: ivAAt: AArfci^iin: 5 w0k. 6 14-W; Atn>T7A: 7<n>A0: AA; 8


<h& (D'a&i co lnftA*JtJP:

11 wmh\ WHSF*:-. 3. fflfcyftrfYt: ff'lJh

niv?j&: !<?>*.:1: cdAA: A*ivft,in:

13 -J^on }$>*.: tA;WV: a?A50C; ,hfr*$:

A: y&Ci <Dttl^^: *<?>*. t::14 XXXV. <DftyU?: frClhi cn>T7A: 0^-A:


AftOT&: y^-C: ff>Cft.ft-:16 AU?: uAAt: "J?"^: A'W: 17 C'JTt: Arum; CftlH

OWA&: 19 Aft^m*: 19 JT'JaM Aft^m}: 20 Tta*F:: 21 XXXVI. ajXi^U?:

r*0; CTD-J7A: ftrMl: A-ftJTC^: y^C: AW?: *u*Aftt: *iVW>: AW; 23

ChV-f, 2i w<d$X; hsn>w, tAlWIst 25ff)

26m&: cD"H?y: 27a>i4-ft:: 2. (oK^M:

1 u reads H"A*: a A:2^ omits. 3

^ places as a superscription to xxxiv. 2 the

words: "J A: CX?: ^'P'Vffl; }4-<Vfc4

/2 adds C'iTt: on margin.


gtu. mq,read "h^Wa*: 6

/w, 0. a-m read .CffiGX:7 g m, /3. $7

reads A^XhA:/* itd*}7A: /

2Htn)"}''. m adds aifWiC'.


^ prefixes CD.9i^, abc deflx a.

mtn, hkno(vw)b omit. 10qu, (3. gmt omit. "

ot omits. 12



cklna. m,t2ab'defox ^read^.1^: h f-i^'hi

13a. /3 reads OglFffO


14 This

clause is corrupt probably for A*i.2V: \tt<\ atfOC: jE-ha**}: A: y^C:: For

a?A30C: of^/z;, /3-^, to read wlOCi q oMfr'iO; fl^^lOC: a<?.r read AlOC:

am*J.2V: instead of AT cdA^".15

<//read fttfe-A:16 For this word together

with the next five d inserts a clause from xxxvi. 2 <dAU?: rf'P'Ja); A ?^*;

C'JTl*: tn>'}7A: frArh: AftJMVL: A^yj&i (observe that the last two words occur first

in xxxvi. 2) and then repeats this passage with the exception of the last two words.17

a, n (v). /2, &-n omit. For the next word q reads CWi; ls

Corrupt for AfroAO:

Enoch does not see the East till xxxvi. 2, 3. /, cly read AyV*'*^; 19

g reads

hyaii: wg reads (\hFmh /Wh9mii 21

g, n. m reads ^Sft'F: q cnHfr:

/ av^frVi u a&CXh'Vi weftV: $-n (WW (or h) *F; q reads (0.23^ reads

IT" ipA" ffJA<77J&:M

? reads C'itD:25 This cannot be right. Corruption

may have arisen in the Greek. Text = votos which may be a corruption of votis or

voria = '

moisture.' Or AtMl: may have been a marginal gloss explaining X^U?:Thus q omits it together following W. The fact that lu, abcklx

ta omit this CD

though they insert JitMl: may point in this direction, u cuts the knot by reading

Xyftftfl: m&; for X^US; ft" com^V: 26 a ^ omit. * m omits.

76 rotfvtu: ynri: xxxvi. 2 xxxvil 4 .

r**0: m>T7A: frOrh:1

flftitfA; tFl\ a>*n?: 2 CAlH wAftl*: 3 IT'*: A'W:CiTt: n>TJA: 8-Arh: AOfUFcn*: fVfon-, 4

l&ffl;:' 3. AAS: 6 XyXSVft-:

*J9"*a*; "ikA"}: frh&f: 7 hP*Hlt; (m^\ a>frha*{.: *yOA: A$?t: 8 &WtCXFh ftai*::

104. a>AA: AtfM 11 AHA-: 12

Ztfc: a>13XaOi A*X7R?i

fMMrh 14H7-fld;

16 TAT^t; 690JPJ: a?flft"i}: htn>: JPCA.: OA?: 741^: A<n>AMiW

<D*AIiWh AA-AX: 17 h<n>: .eAflfliiP:187-AC: *a>H-ft: +7A: 19

hcn>: .*?; 20 *7A

^jBfr:21 a^A-a/h^: 23 A23

7*ld: fc&lfc" m: w(\tti9>: hhh: A^Ai^::

XXXVIL *&: HCX?: iAX: X?: TA-A: HCX?: JOTls" ai^A X^: a)&.:

rn>A&&V: 27 a>2v.: ^jRSlj aiiLft" JJ<?A: artlA A/fr cd&A ft*y:! 2. <d"H;29

CXfti A30i7d: TA-A: HWTOMk"1 MV7C: 32

jTrtlA:]33 AKA: f^^fj -At:


ft^O". $7^ wCkte $CPk" Yl& fc&A: 37 KA; Xi7C: *^:mj X7H.A:

odWW:: 393. XA: ta<^; 39 j&-iA: 40

-AWV:41 V^GTHb* fcWlfc* CXA:

ATA-A:: 4. XAh; j&Xli: ft^taMJni.! Xy 45kffD; odWW: 38 HTOMk

1z* omits next ten words through hmt. 2

/"reads U?:3^ trans, after


zra omits, q reads *JlP'i(Dl":

5;;z, n omit next four words through hmt.


abc(h TjX. g reads (D%. qu ?. /, defklp{w)y ta Clh(h&', (or AS), ob ASS. 7

^ reads


az reads A?t: y06>(l; ? A?<?t: 9 Vomits. 10 a x add a>AHA-: ZtL:

11wz reads A<S*1JP:

12a, L P, p-k prefix (D.


a, ^j/^. t\ $-dky ta omit.

14 <W read

\y\UH\rtbC; A-Arfrfr X7RfrArtfcC: o b I7u: A-Arfrfr15

^ reads H7<1: 16

g t, IB.

m u read W&.\ q ^X^CI*: 17 gux

(but reading }4A^:). In the (D([ before

A>AX: is erased, q supports the text save that for i^Afc it reads i^Al": m reads

!4At: A-AX: /, it |8 Ai$At; A-AX: After A-AX: ot repeats h<n>; SCtL\ OA?: 7-A4-:


g m u. q reads je-ChJlchPi t, ^ jE.A>Arh;19

^ /. ^ reads K-A*: t7AC:z


K-A-; t704-: k K'A": t7A^: /2, /3 fflKA": t7A4: 20

/, fr-a bcx. g m u,abc xread Ch: q SCfa


q reads *JA: 7-04-:22

^, d read ^A.-n/ThlP: ^ JBA-Arfw23 a b x omit. 24

a-q. q, /3 read X^(EI>:


^ adds ^Atn>;2fi These words are

om. by u but the space is left for them, n omits the first two words. For *]AX: of

^<7, (/;?) nib, in mtufi-a {hT)n b we read *iVfi:27gmu,$. t reads ^y^V/^V:

^ "yfAA: ffl

q prefixes a).29 w^ read DH. 30

^ reads A. n A"H.31

^ reads

}vlh\h\ t h^liihi

32q omits. 33

a-m, dy ta. m, $-dy a prefix (D. Bracketed

as a dittography.34

g m t. q omits and puts next word in ace. u, /3 read ^A35 m omits. 36 dx read ^Ct: 37

gmt,/(v)b. Other MSS. read $&A38

g. Other MSS. read od^^A^: 39 A nominativus pendens. Else em. XA*

into XA: or AXA": q t read *^^: for *".40

q reads jE.-iJ&A: a &%&&41

/ adds TA-fl: as a gloss in the margin.42

m, $-a bflx. a-m read JS^C^^X:

q'TZi abx&pcrih.fU&Cn; *gt\ Other MSS. A-lhAX: 44Z


reads H.43

^ reads HA. a e x omit.

xxxvii. 4 xxxviii. 4 . ooftvtu: yftt: 77

TAfl: flhffD: ^Aj&Jm OJiffD;1 #: X7Rfi: aol&A*? Hta>Uni: Xy>i.U: &<?A:

rh.BcDt:3 HA^rty11

:: 5. coM-:4

fl?: wAA^: 5 i^AA,: 6a?AJ: 7 Al^Xh-; 8 XlH;

X-nftcn*; AXA: *ty&*r\ 0: ?-(lA::9 XXXVIII. i^AA,;

10 #^1An: 11 .PAt&fc: 12 ^M: 13 %&P\\

cd^X^R; ?4lA; jE.ttfcDjK16

2. cd 17AA: .PAt^/i.:18 8\*: 19

n7$?cn*: A5^^*J:

XA: 20 ^.H: 21 'fVdCav". AM: a22Xmfi: ffD*iAt:

<D.PAtCk: -OCy*}; AS^"}: cdA^-H: XA: *?^4-: fl: Wlto 23

X-: m^-Ms* ^Ttt:

wh^-t:-' yO&aa*: AXA: ft/ih^iPj26 AX71U: croWlt: 2

Xy^Acn*: 27 AA: ktcov&::

3. AA: 23je^hivt;

29 'SfWiWcn*: 30 A^^;jE-t^JJ.:

31 2T*1;

cDje.tUco}K32 ^1; Xy7R: 33 3,eKi; wlWi i:


4. coXy.eXlk: ^^-hajj.: *OH.Hf; atfiUW: 35 XA: 3C.eX-VHT; 37 Ai^C: 33

cok.e&A':39 CX?: *7R: fr&Al: 40

XAff*>: X7ti?i:41

<n>*i<LAt:2 ACS?: 42 -nC??: 43 A447R: $&A1: SUM*"!:

45 wlWi.i

17;z prefixes CD.


g\ Other MSS. read cnx^ftfc3

^ reads th&wY:4 u reads cdW: 3

/. ^/ read iPAAt: Other MSS. .


o(z'), read ^A^V^:7

<7 .v read a)K\(\'.8

02 z* read IP/Ah-:9

a-^, efhklno(vw) b. q reads

(]; abcdxta $&& ?*AA: Here/ repeats xxxvii. 2b (A^D*: . . ,)-5.


gt, p.

m q u read ^AA: "q reads W. 12

g. q reads jPAlVlk: (sic). Other MSS.SATCh.\

13</ reads "T^d: 14 m reads <D.

15 m q omit. 16

^ reads +Uo>Jk17

?, /2/3. a-q omit. 18

^. ? reads .fAtl*.; Other MSS. .PAtC&; 19 a-m.

m, /3 read %$'. - y reads A. 21

? adds TA^lFcn*: <D.22

q reads A.

o p (I'M: 23 w reads MA: ?"i.4<: (sic).24

^. Other MSS. read ^'hSf.L'.25

q adds "Y'I.eeffi*: CD.26

q reads 70fP: 27 a b x prefix CD.^

a. l\ /3

read cdA(1:29

a, d. /2, j3-rf read ^.thiP^:

30ot, /

2/3. a-/ read 'M-frtlJ'

^ prefixes CD. & omits. 32

g reads cD^^y". ^^ reads &y$:(n>


<? omits next verse through hmt. *gu(y). Other MSS. OHHf: coAACMl

6 n adds ?-J^CT: CD. 37ot reads "HJP:

M m adds coAA^jE.;39^ reads '\*l&

^ reads 7R: %p\\ co^^A*}: k Xy7Ji: SS^^"?:41

a, </. /3-rf read AX7Rfi! Emended from tCX?: 43

q. Other MSS. read UCYU " Emended from A


a, defklny p.. abcop{v)x,b prefix CD. It may be interpolated.



78 roftvtu: yTft: xxxviii. 5 xxxix. 5.

5. fflWt; w-IHMli Ao-VF: ZH>: *M*27-A-:

(D^wUfr: 4o*Al*: fc.: 3.1W; a)fc&A*J::

6. a^fo^'U?: fi^A: H^ftt^AC: ftai*;5 A6&7Rfi: aol/LAt; 7

[Xflffo; +aU>7i: XitWa*: thwart- ::8 XXXIX. a^jE-ha*!:

9ATIM-:'" mxpO^;



*-i4-JP*J: <Dfr&A*i:13 fcy^frA: A*^; 14 ai*AifiA 18


HCAtn>*: ^AA: a*A\S: AflX:: 2. a^flai-frfr rrDp0& : Vhi %<?Xi\ av^thQt

*$**#**: ajaoOt: 19a><n>5/h<piv 7*7*$; <dUo>.*i;]

(0*7^^: K^ha^l: 21AOA.lPtn*:


23 &m*: m^At::3. wa^df-Xti m>T0&: 25


Oa^ft : il-At; 27 K?*Tli (t^&Ci 29

artlA^i.:30 a*A+: ***: A^t:: 31

4. AU?: CXIk" <J-X?:33

*i&fc m>;X<5lP<nv:34 A$&A*i: 33

a^AiiatlFtn*: 36 AS^**:: 35

5. nU?; 37 CkP: JiOj&W; 3S"Y'l.eCffT*:

39 iP>AA: *m>AX*it: 8\*: 40

ajyAnaifff^: 41 i^AA: fc&Al:

ajj&A&A-:42 atfAtA^fr: 43 a>&&ft Ahlt: a*A\e: Aflfc:

<D8\fc htn>: ^7^: J&a*<frH:44 ^^IFop*; 45

tD^tfidt: hoc: m&: -At: i^C:


^ omits.2

a. /2, /3 omit. 3

g. q omits, a reads &&*}" a?. Other

MSS. read W (D.4

^ reads &TV". 5

a, f 0(0)/. Other MSS.

omit. 6a. breads 10: 7

^. Other MSS. read <n>Wft 8

^ z; read rhj^mi".9

? reads MvD-h 10 n-w. w* reads ATI: |9 (VHYF:u w adds jE.h-1: h<n>;

"w/'.ft ? ,/2 read .<fe#:


? trans.14

a. /3 reads 210*41: A'-TJPfcngmqt. u, ft read .


<7reads fi-lKD-fc and trans, before /Wh,C: 17


Other MSS. omit. 1Sa-m, ft-dy. ?n, dy read aoRthA.; "

/ reads in ace.

q trans.20

/ adds fy&A^h H. / inserts fr&A^: above $1" but encloses it in

brackets. 21? reads ^rhdt; &fr1; 22 w adds JBh-1:

" w (w) add


^ ? /, ft. m reads A. u W. 25a. 0^- read Ztl: j/ omits.

26q, ft. gtu read nowml; miJhlA f, ft add .<n>7: <D against a. *gqu,t*.

m, ft read J4-A: Z1

tD}4-At: 28 a * read 7R: 29 reads ttlft:30

u, ft. a-u

read MArL: 31

(v) p read 7R: A'W: 32tn trans, after &?:

M a a omit.

34 g q u. m t, ft read mi'h.&\Paot\ m inserts W before mi'h". (i omits next seven

words through hmt. 35ft trans, tyf*' and %&" against a.

36/' x read

yAhAIFo^: 37</ adds Chlhi *

q u read hOPitt: 39gmq. i, ft read

<r7'*.e<5lPtn>: 7^^r".40

a. /3 reads troAXil^:41

a-q. q, ft read

^A^Atlfa*: 42 w omits. 43t\ a b read JPAt-A^O*:

44 m adds ffp'POA.U'iro';

45a. |8-h read A^^:". omits.

xxxix. 5-io. tfotfvtu: y?tt: 79

haD-Hi aykVi ^hhlva^: 1 A24}A<n>: 'JAy1


6. watD-Wi odJi'}:4 C\: fiO,eW: 5 *W: G A78\e-fc

3 aJHW??*:<D8\fc J&ha*"}: A<n>T0(ID".


a^^l; aHWi: 11 *JVfe: 12 A^Off^j 13 ke-^lfr A^AffD; ^Ay"::

7. <D 14C/lh-: "7-V^C: 15 ant/frfr 16 **&<?: X7H7i: 17 aol&.tfti

a^H-A-: 18 *?^"}: a>Wi: nfcer"2lft19 J&tArhfc 20

Jun>: -ACM: KAt:

wfoWav. at>h>ii Adht:

<d211K<P<5UVi*; j&A>-ArfK

22 AT: Afc7Hfc tn>-}At; 23

a>B\fc kC-^lfr k?22vfc

*a?CtO: MptiPi $&"2fri\ 2i

8. U?; #lh: 25 ta,C;

tD^tajf; cip'RA?: 26Aa>-X*Fi ^.CC:

AW; 27 W: *iM; k-tn>:

hAm>; hao-H: RIO; 23 A^tA?: A29#.<n>; od'RA*:: 23

9. A30a>Wi: 31 <n>P0&: AAtfifc: wfaOMhi AT: Afcmfc ao'RA*: 32A<Jht:

wil-tith-fi XAtn>;33 a*Vfc XR-lOi: AA<21rfr a^A-Arfct: 35

Ahtn>; *>&; AX7H*

cro'RAt:: 23 10. a?*^^?: 36 CX: 37 fiO.W: Aa*fc-F: aDifii w(\(M9


^ trans, after 'hfcT*;2 mq t, ft. gu,y read &F. 3 n omits ver. 6 through

hmt. 4a-wz. *, /

2ft read ffD<p0&;


^ reads A0T?: 6

a-^. ^, ft-a read ooiiJ;

(^ omits) 'H-Pi: a x ao" 'h^Si: /2inserts op5i}; above ^4?: 7 -*. /3 reads H.

m omits.8

f reads *?.$: 9

a-/u,ft. tu read cdA.10

. /2/3 read

A<n>P0AJF<n>: "<?

reads ay%\\ gqtu. q also prefixes a?. /, /3->$

read "W^f*1*: h k "WV<fe:

13 k reads fiVP: Before X^V" there is a letter erased in /

and tiff"*}; is added in the margin.14

tl u omit. lh

gm. q tu, hkPnoy-p read

^.CCoi*; abcdefPxyla1 g\&6\Pa*\ 16 k reads ^At; 17 breads k?aX:Ah?<L: ffoAMl^; <D.

18 ^/. q reads Hft: w, /3 Ittfav. 19 w omits.

~m,t2ft-a. a-m read jE.fifA': a frtrfiA?-:


2ft. q reads A. ^w/omit.

22gq,ab dex. t

x u read A>A<if): w, /2

<r//^ / a/ J&A>Arh; or "(Hi:23

g. Other

MSS. read ffo^A^: 24

abd{w)x a omit. 25 a _r read ta*JK 26

a-^. ?, /3

read i^A?: 27^, prefix (D.

^gqu, abcde/i. m t,fk hi ox a b read ft"}*}

29 Vomits. ,3 reads <D.30 a-u. u, /

2/3 read fflA.

zlgtu, ft. mq read O-X'F


^. _y reads A-Arht; Other MSS. tn>?^At: n adds (DaJOflh-:^

// o b read nhm>

(y) htn>:34

</j; read <DA. See next note. 35 w repeats as follows XAff*>; tD-Xf

fift-VJL: AAdh^: cDAA-Arfit; mgmq,f~ft. t

l reads 7U: wT-1* 37 ^Other MSS. read CX^:

80 ODffVtU: y?tt: XXXIX. io-XL. 4 .

a)fl(\ch\l9>il KiHi X-A2VI 0ri: oX-f: m&YCltti'. ^^<n>; 2 a>

3Xflh: A9rt^D ::

11. ajn'fce'W: "yMfclV fi^Ol a*X*F: JH^C: 6 HX*}QA: J&t^mC: l*AyD :7

yit: oX*?: A^rty : a? t(D-^; HJ&ha**: 12. J&aCh-h: XA:

/Lj&Joa^; m^m-a^i $\m>: 9 A-flm/Th; 10 (D(\CYbi u w(h>(\(h>i (Df&Ofci X*}H:

J^-flA-I fr&A; $&A: fr&A: 12 Xmfi: ff^At: 13ja<n>2vX:

14 y.^: <n>Wlt:: 15 13.

AU?: CkS: fiO^lt?: H-ft ;

16 XA: 17 &ia><(n*; fi$aha*\l *

frfi* ^: w^dClb:

w>f\fcl 0-^h: Sit: 19a>(K4i: Acn*: A*XmX; 20 *A,}Am>: <JAy:: 21

14. cDtfflAm:

78"?: XA<n>:22

liKllb: IRC:: XL. coC/Lfc: 23 fiXA: 24 AM?; 25

ffltX^t: tK^A^t: 26 **JM&: ar^AA: 27 fiVAcn*:2S XA: ^o-ff^: fr.<n>: 29

XTH.*: ffo-j^At::13

2. C/Lh-:30 <D 31n**CnO-fc 33

fch&lfr AXmft: aD^At: 13

CAlK SCAOt: 33*7fc: *i^7i;

34 X^J: 35 XA: K.P>\a>ao<- wMl^tWa^'. hhavCih:

HAJ&^-Ot: 37 aA^tlPtn*; 38<n>2Vfi*i: Hm>^S; i^AA,?; 39 oHA : 'WfrT: *Cfi?i.::


3. A^Ota J'ft'ai*: A*X^fK 417fr: ftCaO-fc

42X*SH; J&ft-flrfv: k-<n>: 43 Xm*:

Aflrfrh: 444. j^: ##TO QCJi;

46 AXmfi: ffo^At; 47 A^Afff; M?"::


it, cefhklnoy p. p. gmu read coAOifoJl-: a^x omit.2

/^2 add^A5rD


_y omits. 4 n reads fflX?13:

5". So also ^, k save that they trans, after fiVO

w/ read "Y'iA'H*: So also abcdefhlno x p. p save that they trans, after hlkfS


??it,fhklnox a p read ?&7DC: 7? omits. 8

a. /2

, /3 omit.9

?. Other

MSS. read ft^^ffD;10

#> read Ih:"abcp(v) add suffix h; zrc omits

next twenty-one words. 12l


,a x omit.


g. Other MSS. read OD^^At;14 a x read>v5i: (j&n>2vX: #) H'ft :


,/2r/V; k I (zv) x a. g t, be do b read

oDl^At: 7, a ffDAt; w m><r$Al*:1B

q adds t77i: ^ fif:17

/$ omits.

#, /#/ prefix a).19

<? reads (D-X*F:20 ax read X?!!?!*!*!^:


m(v) read

A'JAy1*; and m trans, before AXT. 22

a. /2, /9-* read XAh: e (D. q trans, before

ChAb: a x trans, after tX^&t: 24 a reads JiXA$:25

a-#. ? ,read fiXA^':

a. /3-a,? read tX^At: aex ftp fiXA^'; j; adds SXA^: 27a-m, k.

m, fi-k read 'faHity*; (DrhA^fl:2S

/3 prefixes W and trans, before *frlKty*\29 /,

be ehkln a add Aflrhl*;30 ^?/ read (DChJtb: c/i(v) omit. This word belongs to

the preceding sentence according to mtu,fx and certain of abede, Dillmann does

not say which. 31

dklnyp, omit. 32

gmt. qu, read g.33gm. qtu,

read 0.34 h omits, n reads 7RT: *i^I: 78: 35

gm. qtu,^-o'k91'

omits. 36 a-m. m reads &l(D<avi f2, /3 read J2.<pa><av*i

37q u read X^-^L

38 ax omit. 39gmqt, $-eln. P, e read 1ft?: a, //z 1ft?: yAA.?


g reads Aj&^-'Jt.:41

gmq, abc dx a. /, efhklo b read KhftVi u X^Vl-p; (?)

n XA*:42gm. q omits. / read q. So also 0, but it trans, before 78":


q reads A.44

dyp read ffD^At: 45f (v) add XlH; 4G

/, p-h. g u read J&ACh-:

m q J&aCili": ^(p)jBOCft!47^. All other MSS. but ^ read od^A^: ^ Aflrht:



xl.5-xli. i. ooftviu: yTtt: 8i

5. m*P&i ^X: 1 A"70Jk XiH\ fi>(lCW A*-*4: cdAMW"}: XA: A*A1: AXmft

m>Wlt:: 46. <D*72vA; J^: 5 A^YOh-: *X"iH; JE.AX&: a?je.fcA;

c nXIt; XA

?rfi,-4: At: 7 ?*lA: PAtA^O: 8AAtn*: AXmfi: <*} A*:: 4

7. *#&

^<10; 9 A^Ofc: X"}H: J&A^ar*; 10 AA<nCt: a>/L*?;X?ffi*:n

afr: "J A:


hffo; .Pfrrq\e-j&iP<n*:13 AXA: ?^4: A:

14?*lA:: 8. Xy.C-WH

TAX&&JP; AaD^fth: AIT : H i^ftA,?:15 ?rfiC: 16 HX1V 7 ^C^?t: H-ft: H-*0X: 1S


aJ-X-frfl*:20 XA-: 21 S22

78": H23CAlK <dH24A70Jm ^ArcH*: tDfcrh$&JPcn*::

9. a?,n>Ai: IPtf-WE; X*F; tn>^<5: ar2fCrfi.#: <n><}t;27 ^.'afe^I *i2vX:


HA: H-A-:29 *ch cr7Fv i A: H*A: <HlA: 30


A-flX: X*F:32 4-4-&M

a><7&A: HA; H-A-: $fc X^: 33 741CAAI <MlO: HA: 34 ^A^; AtA4-: 35

XA: a)CCb: Aje.t: 36 HAMy: HAtn*: 37 4*AA:: 33 10. XA*: JiCaOfc 22

aoAXhtU-: A*X7R?i: fn>*}^At:39 fiCAOt: JA: A^YOftt AX-H; 40 (WVO^w

XLI. Xy.C'te'H; C/SLh-: Jfft :

41 MA-fiW: 42 AA^t: 43 a)OD-}7^t: he; 14


gqu. m /, ,3 read #A: li&fi:2


/3. a reads J&aCfo?':3

? reads ^?:4


. Other MSS. read ffix^At:3

##. So also q save that it trans, m reads

U/&A: $rt: /, |8 /&A; ^A: 6 Emended. All MSS. but dn read XlH; JB.AXA-:

a)*%&&\ q trans, this clause after ?<lA: </ reads X*iH: XAXl: jE-fcA; XlH:

.&AXA": .PAtA^O*: 7 gmt,bc dfh klo a b. q u, aenx read A:8 Em.

from Wfil-tnty-O". of the MSS. n reads jE-fcA?-: here. See note 6.9

^ q u. m /,

$-efhknop read #A: d*IW: efhknopb A: ^-fl1}?:


? reads J^h^A'Pav.11

q reads V\&29(^t\ M". l



g m. Other MSS. read ffD^At: 13 m reads


-^, /3. z/ read -AT:15

/3 trans, after tdUD-Cl against a.

16<r reads H?*hC: 17

? reads "HX*F; z adds &C&2V: 13 a be <^.radd Xftft :

against a andyA k In op (vw)ab.ia m reads tn>J.; ? XA: ffDj.; a^ omit.

20/ reads u>-X*F:

21 a reads AXA*: 22

q omits. ^q reads XA: 24

^, h. Other

MSS. read XA; 25o 3 read "H^s 2G

/ omits. 27/3 adds fr&A: 2S


/3 pre-

fix (D.29

o b add from next sentence ^J&^V; a?^A; K'A*:30

Z1u. So also

^, /2/3-0 save that for MA: they read M^V: ? reads cti^IT : ffJ-SA: H'A-: ^ rh^Vy


ffl^A: JfA*: ffl^A: ^A^: o/ <?Wl2V: aocbPH^x 31 ^ ?///. ^ reads Aa*A-.:

/2 HAA 32 a reads a)a>-X*F: ^^-A: 83

/3 adds ^A: 34z reads Hhff:

rfy add H-A*:35

a-^, df/^ klno{v w)y. q reads "JA^: AlA'h: abcex Y (dA1^A4:36

^ reads tA4-: 'ijE.ffli*:37 a. /

2 adds Xf: above HAff*: /3 reads fl>X*F:3S


$-h l. gm, h 1 read ^hlK'. 39

g. So also mqtn save that for oT' they

read ao^At: /3 reads X7aSflflbC: &<MV:40

^ reads AX*F: 41

q trans.

before C^h-: h reads Jf^a^: a .r omit. 42a. /

2, /3 read 'hQrh'\FavA

\ (a correc-

tion). /, |3. ^ reads ffiAA^Yi*^: mqhhPlfr44 a a; read htn>:


82 ootfviu: y?n: xli. 1-5.

ttiuLtX: 1 wTV(\di A-Ah: h^o; 2 A'tn^a*: Ma>- ::4

2. AU?: 5C/LJi-:

m>2U*<5lFm>:6 AA^'i: (D*aD$:6iraii~ Afc&A*i: <dCA.P: ADjE^t?:

8 AU?; 9

jf.ftojjo.. ^,/p^; X1H; J&A.2&:10 X^U?: XA: J&ii^^iP;

11 A*Am> :

12 X7RS: an'RAt: 13



*2VA<n>; Afn>fciP$t: Xlt; t<DfrX; lfi

fcy 17Xmft!

tn>Wlt:: 183. aMU?: Ck\ 1A-*t: aoCXCtt: 19 aPfrAZAi* 1

w^Cthti J4-At:22 XC: 23 J&th&ta 24

h<n>: l<wfr: A: y^C: aHA-St: ,&n>ct: 25

com^X; 2 <dAU?: CAJh 27 Xy-JA: ^odR-X; 28 Aa*Xt: m>V}: a^X^U?; 29 &BVO".

fcAA;30 y^-C:: 31

4. AU?: 32 GAIN tn>H7At: OfrYi: mXyilfai*: th<{.Av


troTH-A:34 *HA^^r: 35 <0}4A:

3GcrofttA: 37 Z ^: *<DHcn><r: aj^aosv8 aAU:

X^AOA: 39 y^:C; 40 ?-J^C:41 X^fre-fl"; <JA7:: 5. wCtLlb; tn>H7-At: 0rh: 42

mHaCI: KFh^i &<Dbh-\ aift.Mr:43

l-ttK>: a>7-(lft-frn>; AAvih:44 <dXG:

j&ivAC: Arh&: A45*i&fr: co^AfCcn*: fl^:4f

wh.*tyM\ A7 9(t\Vl: tDlL&BlttH

whX-pR&\AS Xych<Pdi i9 YLhWao: aW??*; 50

?0frA-: S^AA: *i&fr: AtrorfiA:51



/, P-ch. m, ch read tt*lV: q th<A: 2

^ omits.3 m omits.


gqiu,fkl. m, P-dfkloy read jE^Am.: tf>,a jE.,Afl!: o je..C\.cD-:5

^ pre-

fixes a).*

gqu. mt, $ read fnl'h.&\J'(fl>". q omits next two words through hmt.

7\ m reads y^aiFtn*; ,

omit. /, P-fhop p read al'Sfi.l>X?ao*\ fhovb

yAhAtlfff^: 8

?addsh<n>:9 k omits, a x add aH'hfi.L\ 10


,j/ read &(l:&:11

aV^/z read ft/fo^ST:12

ady x omit. 13

gm. Other MSS. except a x read

m><rftt; a* A-Arht:14

gq. m reads J&AAA*: tu, p Zllch-apa*:15

^?, k.

So,but it trans, after Kh(\aO"t m /, p read 4,^7D j

16 ^ reads t<n>0X: v a reacjs

A*JA: Vomits. wgm. Other MSS. ffD?$At:

19 w reads y7A<Z-t: dfhkoyp<n>aC$t: 20

j/ adds ift*.21

cdfhko vy p read }7>^^^; 22a, p-dfh k o.

d reads 10-fc }4At: / 'JA-fil: At: hkoap -*A-*t: "At: jy -*AA: i4ft:

fi'/jF prefix <D.24

g, cl read J&t*l".25 a a- read }4>At: 26

q reads mAt:a a- add (D^anq^i v m reads <n>frX:

^^ w . Other MSS. (D&X: a


AU?: w adds C/lh-: See note 27.30

;, P p-n. gtx u read JtA-A: q R-A-AJ: BAAt:

31Z1 omits. 32

gu. Other MSS. prefix CD.33

gmq. ttt, p-k read }4-At:

X' omits. 34

gtu. t- prefixes (D. q reads cn>"H7fl: m, @ waWfflCi; 3b


q, P read A*^: 3Ga. /z w ^ read ff}4At: /3-^ &/ omit. 37 P prefixes <D.

38 ^w1. So q save that it trans, the two words, gu'

2 read W&aoq; 7/1 .Cod?:

(DAavq-. f-, p-a (DH^ffoVt: ( + .71\C: jy) w(a)H d)g.aoq x a x (Dm>'H7A: ^m>?t:



/3. ^Z1

// read fcyAOA*: ot, a ADA: */

l u read y ^:41 d reads ?*J^r4:



, P-ax. mu, /2 read H0/iijE.; ax omit. 43 breads

wK^h^t: 44

^ ?^ read AA*rh:45

a-/, t, p read KF. 4G reads ^0*^: 47 g m t,

hklnx p.. qu, p. be defo p read ?*J".48 m omits, q reads CDA.?'JK'J?.: /^ "^rhdA": In a

"CVfiDfr:49 a reads fchTdi


g?nu. q reads "f?t: /, p 'V-fa^i 61

^ reads A1A:

xli. 5 xlii. i. ootfvtu: y?n: 83

tH^^^t.s 16. wwfa;- $od: OrtiZ.

3 a)'MC\ 4<??+: (l^XHH; X7RS:

ffD-J^t: 5 m^RtO: 6ftff*: A^rttm; <JAyD :: 7. <D?iyDr 'te*



CtLlb\s $?t: 9

fttO-X: OJ10iiiHrj HfflC*: (Du^chVd; &Ffi Z^RT": aa-frf; aoK\\ (Un^'V;

fflAA>A/h wh(U&\ u A13*i&fc; J&iR-C:

14 n$\m>; 15 *Xm*: ffWlt; 16<D?*tf*F;

roj&A-flrft.:17 whXVCW* Kftm> : Afr.*fcn>; O^t: 9 a>MY:o tva*- 8. Xfttn>;



ffD-i'm,;23 A1V4 *AAtfrh a>AffC:7yV5 co^CTR: P*i AfflC-i;

A265i^M: -ncyj: fDA^T*"}; JttVm>t; AAffi*; AXm?i: H^m^; "7taiA; >OCr};

ffl^XhA: 8-^fn>t: a>hA: tn>-}frn*; 27 AA-flX: atfJttOi28

trol^Aff^j AS^"}:



H7iU:: 9. hftcn>: tmbfrXi; /L,*rtV;31 a^ritf: kj&ft&:;

XAod; A<n>hTk 32AH'fcai*; ,&A.: 33

<D*Xft'H': 34 JfAai*; Afr^lh 35 a>Xt; .e^Ti::

XLII. TfMl; 36ffDhl:

37 fi^hAt: 1A: t^AC:a>*UA<D; 39 "7^^^.; a*At: A 47^::.40


gm. qtu, ePo b read *J.4: ab c dfhlnx a\^\ /C* "1*C14-: But the text is

corrupt, and the corruption may have arisen in the Hebrew, where W3B>3 = 'they have

sworn,' could be corrupted into ^35? = '

they have dwelt.' Flemming suggests the

corruption of vpiclaOrjo-av into coKiadrjaav. a x add (DjE-VflC: ty&av't2 u reads

w(D&h<: 3

^ reads $<h\ 4

?, r read ^7*0X: 5

^. Other MSS. read

tnx^nfc 6/ adds gloss XtAA: rh80s in margin.


q, c omit.8

u, (v). All

other MSS. omit, but this, or some such verb, is required by the text ofgqu (see

note 9) and by the context. 9

gq u, do (v). Other MSS. ^^T: See preceding note.


g. Other MSS. <DH." m reads H. 12

gm. tu, en read <D%. q, [3-eu S.

13e reads yAA: u

gu,p-cden. m reads JL&lRGl q &%R& t,cdn(vw)blftC\ e M*VRC: 15

? reads ty&cw. m il u add A-Orfit;


^. All other

MSS. but n read XT' tn>?$ftt: reads X7mKlrtbC: 17 ax trans, before <D?fiH-"

(a^H"" in q t u, n).18

g q,/lx. m u, abcde read Wh.Q". /, hknox b (DhW '.

19; reads KC^Vi 20

omits.21 "

^ #, /3-a bco(y)x b. mt, abc (v) x jb read

([(m omits)arftJ&; ;, /2

0-Ay add >A4*U: gi(,h. Other MSS. -AH"*: tf.r add

Srtl1lT; 23

g/u,n. m, p read ao$a\,\ q, $-bno 7$tt\>\24 a a: trans, before


e reads ([avCIT : ojAA".26

^2 reads fflA.

27 w reads ao'hLfc

u "Vtoitrav. -sq reads R*}0:


w^, j8-a. gtu read nfla^4; ,a OhffO! /' adds

(WiLtl; and the gloss 07 je.*7?^: in margin.

30 u prefixes a).31


,^. Other

MSS. read &\\&h'. 32a. All other MSS. aDh-l"}: The latter may stand if with

nearly all the MSS. we read J&&/L: two words further on.33

g. All other MSS.

except n read loh.; n reads C?L;34m, a x read Ktf'i'V: q omits.


q adds K-ft'tn^:

u(D. 36 w, /3. ^^readTan;/2<DTn-fl: 37

q, read odIiI:3S gmq,/lnox a b.

in, abcde hk read fJ^rC: 39

^ w /; ^ Ino a p. q, abcdk xy read Aarfr

40 w reads A^J&j

84 ODflVlU: ^TVi: XLII.2 XLIV. i.

2. GtftV T(M1: htn>: ^rh^-C: a*ftt; a*A\; A-flX:

a&lhftt: "Y^d:T(M1: a*At: odv,?; 7-flfit:

a^ta-OJt: 2 ^KhA: m>1tarh:

3. fflOffo^: fflDAt;3 Xm>H7>fty; 4

Wh.L^^r\ ^hftiT:6

a^dt: a*A*fen*;

XLIII. (CA.fn *ivfo oftC$t; fflhTh-dt: AW: a>CAltt hm>: 7 &%,aypa*i

AH-ftoffD-;8 naXA f77tlFffi>; (DjE.Ay


92. aJC^ftP: Aintn>^<D: ft\-fc hm>:

J&.eAm.:11 W-ttCYStlPavi A^^A;

12 aoWtlPaoV3 <D*0At; 14Jii-frn*;

15 ffl^m^tr^;

m>>ft<M>;16 <!>&: waim-fao*; ft*-frA&: 17 cn>Atari*: <Dyj&<Wfrn>*i ?^A-: 13

AA^Ttlfff^;; 193. arTAfctaiJP: Am^h; H?rha>C: 20

i^AA>?: HfiCTtfi.:21 H^ft-fo

^Yfr ^ff^lt: XA:: 234. <DJ&ftAi;

24 i^AA: 25HUTilFffi*:

26 X7tU: fl^Wl*; 27


fcA: XffJ>TF: fiA^-tlPm*; Afc&AI: 29fcA: ?^4: 30

A: ?<lA: w??i7vte

AAffP*;31 A13X?aX: m>Gt?ft*i A^Atn); JAy ::

32 XLIV. <D*ii^Xt; 33 Ckfts AXTr:

arad<i>;3i fc: <Pay-a*i XyhTh-flt: wpt\a>U ao-atf; wh.HCt'i ;>7:



a, {5-a b c d e (v w). abe ex read fn>fr/i;fr d avfth',

2g, /' ft. w^read

tRW*; ( + <0?).

/ RIM*: ?<; TRiOfc 3/ reads ffDRTit:

4/ adds in margin as

a gloss UhJYYYi 5 u reads W. 6Z


reads fctflffr;7

<r omits.8 /, /3.

-z? omit. 9

a'j/ read cdA^OJP; 10

^/, cfhko a b. gm, abdepx read A.

omits. "/, a o a read &([(&, /i JB.&AO*:

12 "

(save that I have em. ft

into A), m reads ftCft: (sic). / ftCJft: a rhft: be &.chb\ defhklno p. b

ft^ft; x 2 wChlb: q omits. 13

q omits."

/2/3. ^ read OArf: m K\i".

q A-t: Z1 KiM-fi Yo

gq. m,abcdek-ox a b read M". f, fh k l ln () }H".

u hi".16

gqt. m reads A<n>><l$: a>&{&\ Z2 p-d ar>4l<l>: av>(\'Pi d reads

as but inserts (D before tn>ftd4': Z adds gloss in margin idS^V'. th fPCS,:V'i'.

17gqu. m Z, /3 read "Wv<fc;

18z^ reads 04ft*; omits. 19

/ reads Aft: ftjE.S'ai*;

ftft: ft^tlFffi^;20 m reads HOft :

21 omits. 22/ reads ft.


gq/u.m reads ahfrV; Xfc: p-n Ktv'i'Vi n \fr\

24 m omits.25

Z2 reads A^AA:



,a read HHtL". 27 g m. Other MSS. read m>$At: " ^ trans,

before KVHh: against a.29

a. j8 reads A^.^'}: 30 u reads ?rfj(D4:31

q reads AAn>; AAfl1*4 :

32 m adds A'7?'}:33 a-t (save that ^ puts in nom.), a.

/, c read *ivVfr j3- f_y i^^t: y ffDli^t;34

? reads <iCYl: t adds gloss

OD^y^l: fttfttV; 35

^. Other MSS. give the normal form 17:

xliv. 1-XLV.5. rotfvtu: li?ft: 85

i^&lPoi*;: 1 XLV. "H:2 *i^X; yAA>i 3

A;4 XAi 3

J&*hft&; AT; 5 A ?-*.^**.: ffl

7X7Rfi; ffD^At:: 8

2. a^/LA*7??: ?0C7:

hffD*-H;5 je.ha>1:10 iiW 2T*1: XA: *hfc&;

12 AT; AX7R& tn>*RAt; 8

XA: hn>"Hi t0<fth 13 Au0At: fttrhi m^WO,;:3. AXt; 15 OAt: JE-HIC:


17 tn>in& A-Orfrh 18'14<?:


a>2W<5; 21 y^A^lPffi*: 22

a^Orf-Cm*; T&<fe; 23 A&A; 24


n^Xhft-ffix; 26 tRIO:

AA: CX^m*; 2'A-l^JPi:



Ah?-; Ai^?: 30AO-rh::

4. Aj&Xt: 31 OAt; M<IC*2 WXhtra* AW: 34Rfi?:


a?X<e&<n: 36AA"7,e: <d*X7(1<!.;

37 OOff!" <D*>ACyf;39 AM* ::


5. aftVArt; A41Mlfl: a?X7-0: *rtn^h;


ffl^AAWi: Rfi?; M-flftnx; a>-n*;h43

a?AXA: 447>fl4:

45^rtLfrfr ffl7^?: &!.: a>At^::


, yr. Other MSS. read ynrt,lFai>; / adds gloss (WiCZWa^i 2

? reads

(DH: 3

q, /2/3. gmtl u read yAA; possibly for ^AA; as Flemming suggests.

See xxxvii. 5 note.4


u, a omit. 5 m omits. 6/2

^ read C[a7'W[d.', n omits A.

7o. /

2/3- read a/A. n reads A. trans. X7" ffD?" before vH'h&tA 8

^w. Other

MSS. read crof^nfc9

a-/. /, j8 omit. 10rf prefixes ff>.

nreads fc$A:

12 a-m. m, /3 read J&5l<fo&:13

ot / read &Y1$Ct\ M7 reads 0.


pre-fixes <D.


^ reads i*}".17

\ w, abdex a read ft. q /u, cf/ik (I?) noy b omit.18

^ reads A-flrht: a ^ AflrhtU*: 19

g q tl u\ m, /

2 p-b read 'S^: ?'2W: ,0 omits.

20z reads (D%Jcn>\ 21

^ reads R$&\ m $6\ ?*J<5: = inn'' corrupt for \TQ>= '

try.' LXX implies same corruption in Prov. xvii. 3. But if the original was

Aramaic, then the translator followed the wrong meaning of ir\2.B aeh} x

read yy(\Ca*i 23gq u. m, $-k read *WV<f>*: /, k >&<fe: 24

a, k n. t" fr-k n

read l&SSa&x 25a. /3 reads (Dav'i&fiaih; y omits next three words.

27a-?;?, dekhi(w)a. m, ab cfho x b read CXjE.JP; y omits. ^


dekln{w)y2a. m, abcfho xy

l read A^4*?: tn adds A/l"i29

a, $-abfhop.afhopx b read fflXA: AXA; 30


, /3 add fr&A; a?.31

/3 prefixes a).


? reads fiWlCcn*; u Xf-flC:33

a-^, 7/. g reads ^XhA ;- n ff7XhA cn>;

3imf,!3-cn. gqu, cy

2 read A'H'i'J: A'i^: 35 omits. 35_y reads

frfaeArtl: (sic).37

?z reads X&>i\: 38a-/. /, /3-a read AA^h^; a x AAj&a)^:

y omits next six words through hmt. 39 a-m. m, $-n read 'ttCYli n <[<IG".40

/2/3 prefix H. _/ omits next six words through hmt. 41

q1 omits. 42

q reads

Adhi*; 43 a x omit. 44

a-q. q, /3 read fflXA;45

f reads ?*J^4<:

86 rotfvtu: yrtt: xlv.6 xlvl 4 .

6. Ktkn>i hi; CMhi 1 avfiftKniya*: nAAT ; AS^*}?:

wXiacxiyw. fre-^?;

*hffo; fiifrNFffDV Xy7R: f&C:;XLVI. QU?; 6

CA.h-: Hft"F: CXA: odtO^:

ff>CXA<: Jitn); ayC: R0:a)yAA>l>: *1&X; H7&: 7 hm>; CX?+: 8


<0loj^A-X: R^: 7&; "

h<n> : SXm>AX*rfr fr^A"}::12

2. (D10tftXV*lJP: A*+gXfn"lXht;t

13H?rf)<J>C: yAA>?: aJuH-ft; -JfrAt;



flXTft Ufc: w&& 17A-flX: cn>}.: a^X*: fflXy^j&t; ha>^; a*X*F;


y*}^: yAA: 19 CXA: 20<n>?0&: frfian::: 3. <d 21Ao>/"AL: a>ftAL;

"Hit: 22cp-X-F: <&.& A-dX: Hft*fc Wi fr^;

a>2,8\"fc yAA,UV3 3d\ 2i

a}*itlrao".b <n>H7nt: 26

H-*frX; 27 a^X-fr h^t:

Xflffo: Xm*: <n>-}At: 28JiJPU-: 2C?;


a)H**i<?A:30 TO nkm>: Xmfr. troWl*; 31 QCtO: A^Ay*:;

4. TOT: 33 artVA 34 A<lX; HCAIi:

tJPJ^cn*: 35 AJ7^t: a>rt;WI: XyAhatlPtn*:


a-?. ?, /2j8 read CMl9>a". '

g reads^<7Z?:3

</ efh k I oy <x b read tfriht:


prefix A. 5

g,abcde read *<ft". _y trans, after y\C; 6

g, /2/3 prefix <0.

7/ reads 75*.; ? omits. 8

g reads 7R: 9

g adds 7&: 10 n omits. u*

prefix 07.12 ^A-"omit. afx omit next two words. The prototype of af probably

contained three words here : <D1*A" ASXtn>" ty&t\1'. Hence loss here would be due

to hmt. l3 Read ao&fih: (Volkmar). There is only one angel guide in xxxvii lxx

ehklno r{v w)y a b (also the prototype of af: see note 12) add ty&t\*i\w a omits

x omits Jfft : and H. 15

g reads (Z-X.P'fr16

g tlu. m q, /

2 read hChRk17 m reads <J>A\C:

18 ^o/ omit. 19/2/3. ^ read flXlt: ; g AXlt: ^AA

Z1 yAA: 20

g omits. 21* omits. 22 n reads "H.

23 n trans, before fr.^24

gm, be de/ln a b. tu, hk read *}.: g omits, o ^r read ?*!.: 25^. ^ H'Ct

Other MSS. Jfft :26

in reads aDTH-nt;-7ffPH?*!^: *

m, a read H (m omits)

*lfl*&28 m. Other MSS. read onT^A^: g omits next seven words through

hmt. *g. m tu,abc defk read Ite?; >% / n x p. p ^}iR\ {v) t?<: 30

c dy omit.


,abcdWlnox a b add Jfft : against a, efh


k.31^w. Other MSS. read


/, a read HA. 33/, e add o-X'F:


1 omits. 35 This word

to which dy prefix H is corrupt. If we compare this verse with xlvi. 5a

it becomes

obvious that the one is a dittography of the other. The parallelism shows that

xlvi. 5a

is an intrusion. And yet Pl&JVfraD", undoubtedly represents the original

XLVI.4-7- <n>ft<\\d:. ITW. 87

m^tfrrhi 1 &W1Y2 frWJ:

5. [<D,e7<?/r*cn*: Ai7^t; Xm^-nCtlFffi*: 4a)Xtn>*}7/"tiFffO';



Xfltm: ^^ft.OMP; 7co/L.fVfl/toP:


wkWi". 9 fcyW*: 10 *taMJnt; fVm*: hdW*:: 11

6. co7fc: JM-4

}"*: 7tX: 12

a^ft-SvoD^; 15 .Chosen*; ,G


a>*09.HV 8je.ha>?cn>:

16 yftViPcroV 9

Xfltn>; *APA,OA: fiT:21 CiXVUh: m>-}<L<Vh:


7. cofccm^-fc to: fcrt:23

J&Vft:24 hTftflt: AW:

and fhP'ha ", does not. Cf. Ecclus. x. 1 4 0p6vovs apxovrav KaBtCkev 6 Kvpm : Wisd.

v. 23 nepiTptyei dpovovs bvpaaTav. Now we can with some certainty determine the

Hebrew lying behind J&7<{." ; for in the next verse (xlvi.6a

)we find this verb recurs

in the phrase 7R; fi-lAJtX: which = D'OB T&l (see xlviii. 8 for the passive construc-

tion). ThusJ&7<{-^rD; rtJ7^*: XavS-aCtWa*: cDfcffD^^tlFtfD^D^m-ns* b^lDn"ni3?t3D1 D!"PniND3D. This verse was probably written in the margin as a

more correct form of xlvi. 4a

. gkP'htW; then in our text = egapel or <W<m = b)W

corrupt for ^QV Hence for .Pi" read J2.1&Jffrav*i The above conclusions postulate

the existence not only of a Hebrew text, but also of a MS. with marginal alternative

readings.' u omits. A/Vfh: V3" is a strange phrase.


q reads &\ao\3 = (rvvrpfyei tovs 686vras from Pss. iii. 8; lviii. 6.


q u, 0. ^ w read

avquCtlPa*: fl^d: aoq-actlPavi / ftoDftT a(l: ^Ide-tlPa*: &

gm.qtu, p read "W^av-. 6

f omits. 7 #/, 0. w? read i'^O^S":8

7?;/?/, |8. reads jE.rt>>fl<fc: ^ ^.ftflrh.:9 ax add rVF:


g adds oX'F:11

Cf. Wisd. vi. 3 ih68t) 7rapa tov Kvplov tj Kpdrr](Tis d prefixes (D.

ua, e h

(vw)p. abcdfklnx a read *iQrV\ Cf. Hab. ii. 16 \bp Dinb>\14

? reads


m,/'2p. g q u read "Vin>-fr z



^ prefixes co. a a- read

ha>*}: ir a-w. w, /2/3 read aV'l.&Wa*i ls

u. gmq read O0.P+:

/, /3 Oft.Pt:19 m reads ^fthfllPcn*: 20 reads over erasure &W.

21reads tLf&OP: (sic).

22gm. Other MSS. read ooffffr: q omits next

seven words through hmt. 23 ax omit.24 = uplvovai = Wl\ So all MSS. but

q which read JfS/JrijtiJ.; CD. The text of this stanza gives no good sense and is very

corrupt. If we read fa and 7

btogether it is clear beyond doubt that the writer was

making use of Dan. viii. 10 'And some of the . . . stars it cast down to the groundand trod upon them.' The corruption originated at all events in part from the

88 ootfvtu: yrtt: xlvi. 7-xlvii. i.

w .PA>0A: fc.<filF<n*;2

a^fl-f: &0-&1

w*h&'. n:4

?-flfl: cd*?1,-4-:5(D-lH;?:

w*itfc:G -rvnCa^i Otroq; .PCX?*: 7

wY&vW-ta*: W: Afi^Mit; 9 XA: 7-04-: nk.C<ElFai*:

<D*,eiitfhejP;10 AftffoV

1 AXmS: in>Wit: 12

8. <D,rt"&:13

frfl-flV4 ^At^n*! 15 r*u:

a)A lfitn>y^7D'n: ?iA; ft*'!'*: (lflffi*; AXmA: tn>*R<Vh: 12

XLVII. waay-WV: od<pO&'. 0C7t; 17 Rft1V8 S^"}:

intrusion of 7b between 7

a and 7. If 7b is genuine it came immediately after

hirD'TF: \\U XA: Turning now to 7C we see that it is senseless as it stands.

whfi-%.; %S\\ ?4lft: = Ka\ Kmanarova iv in\ ttjv yrjv. We have only to supply an ace.

to the verb here, i. e. read fihJ&JZlPaD". = KaranaTova-iv airovs in order to bring the

text into line with Dan. viii. 10, save that the latter connects the eVi ttjv yrjv with the

preceding clause. It is now obvious that (DV'i&fc fDf|'t*K; is a senseless addition.

Moreover this phrase which has here a bad ethical sense has always good ethical

associations throughout the genuine sections of the Similitudes. Cf. xxxvii. 2;

xl. 6, 7 ;xlviii. 5. In the interpolations, however, it carries with it doubtful or bad

associations : cf. liv. 9 ;lv. 1

;lx. 5 ;

lxv. 6, &c. Returning now to 7a

,the verb in

this clause =W which seems corrupt for l?^ = Kara^aXXova-i. For jBtfc*}}.; we

should then read wC&>\ The stanza should then be read as follows :

wXa^W: XA; WOA*: X^'ElPa^: a*ftt; &0-A:

Since the stanzas before and after consist of distichs it is possible that the words

PAjOA*: XA" (&" V0*V; (D are an interpolation.'

q omits.2

g, /3. mqturead X&lPcn*: 3

q omits; possibly u originally.

4 m reads fli"; c omits.


g tx read 2.C4:

6 m reads ttif".7

a-q, defhkly a. q p omit. I2

,a b cox

read C0.PC". All MSS. but q u, en b make a dittographic addition here, g m add

(Dltd". 1*7fl<n*; Offq: /, a b c d/h klox a add T7" 0<n>q;8^ * omit. 9

tl u

read AA-T^M*: 10

a-q, la. q, e/h k op (v w) b read J&hrh^; a b c x tlch&Pi

n tlth%Ji" w/. be dip,, g omits. ^, efhknop (vw) read A? ; a fieri*;

12 ^ m. Other MSS. read ar>C$iVh 13

g t. mqu, (3 read a)(\Si.. 14

^ to Z1


q, I2/3 read XyA'fl.PI";


gqu (save that ^ writes last letter as X). m reads crr>fti*7.ftfi;

l,de//iklop ib^ h:

i"bCthi a bx kb^T-toHi c ^h^'htthl: 16/' reads A. abx W.

11 u,abe de. g reads 0C7t; w /,/^ In xpp iCT\\ ? OCT.1S a* add frS-fl*?:

xlvii. i-4 . <ro#vtu: yrn: 89

ffl^ffo;1 %&:- tei: s F>&C\ $(ii Xmfi: m^At: 4

2. nXA: 5 awpOh; ty-aW fc&A*}: XA: ?^4; 7 n8ffi>2v0M*: A ^*: 9 (ISM;

<D10.fft*QHh .efcA?-: J&ft-flrh.:

artfflHV 1 m(\Ch". AAfft*:12 A13X7R7i; tn^Ati 4

flXlt; ^ffo; 55^-^5 H*t*iO<D;H

<D 13ftft<"hn*; fl^^*}; Jictd; &*tR<!-0:

16 *n*^-ffo : X7Rfi: u cm'teAti 4

tiaoi j&t7nC; 18 Aai*: 19H-Ji.;

<Dt07/"t: 20 h.lbi:" 1

ft ^: 1 AWy::3. n-X^Ylt; 23 m>P0&; 24

C?L*iJP: ACXA; m"P0&: AA: M<!: 25 od^: 20 A-Orfitlh 27

tDffDJ?At: 28iThJPT"}: (l^^lh; 29 th^-F; 30


^jft-;31 HffD^O^Vt; A^YJPt: <D32

*a>..e; R*U: J&*a^o^j nk"Zlh:: 33

4. m&flavi (ft&tfi; t<n>&X: 34 S^'h:

KlloD-. 4>Ca:ib >2V& 36 A*8\"fc 37

<DfcA-fcn*; AS^*}; 38 tA^O: 39

D^.cn>; A3,fc O^^-ffo; X7HJii m^Ati 4 tA:: 40


? omits. 22 reads S^"}: q %&$\ 3 w adds %$>!; 4

^ wz. Other MSS.

read odV^A^; 3

^w. Other MSS. read AXA: 6

g,/ox yab. tu, abcdehkln

read ?*i>04-: m ty&te q ?*J^4: 7g. m ?>fl4<: ? ?-J^4-: tu, 13 HIU

8^ m q. u, omit. / defective here.

91: omits.


^, ^ omit. ng t,fhklo x a


mqu, abc den read (Dfh". g trans, after (D&fXClhi12

a-q tu, a be e. q reads AT5


/, dfhkl(nl

T)op (w)x /a

/b QAff**: n" Aff: tl omits. 13 n 2

omits.14 a reads

tfiOarh* ]5 a bx omit. g qt, abcfhklno x ab. m reads '1*80: zz J&R^-O:

rfft"0; eiVft&'hi "

efhknop{vw)xb read Afr^^l*; AX7". 1S<? prefixes &.

19 reads frA*:"# read ffl^O?/1


^/k, /3-a. *?, a a- read h.ha*7:22

a. /3 a)A.23

^ reads o-Xf: 24 m omits. 25#z reads JAfl;

26 g m.

q tu, prefix fl.27 m reads A*flffrh


^ reads (Dcm^^'i (sic).29

</ reads

fc^-^U*; c o trans. 03r\, '/

after 'Y\\P"\?\30 m reads l-Ji^t; 31

? puts in ace.

32 Si iXi cdefhkln


oyjab. m u, t^abn^x omit. 33gmu. i

x read ^J^ZU*:

? A^od; /2obelizes. ^ adds here the following dittography : WlP"^\ V:(t\ $&Ct".

Ucw&O&H'av". A"?^; (Dha^A Mhfri je.<pa>-av*i a<p:orZO". In u this dittography

appears as Hi^'fr tf-A*: 'i^A': ttcw&0&Jtav", No other MS. shows any trace of

this dittography.34 u reads ^.ffAX: 35

a. /3 reads n^'rft;36 a-w. ;, ^

read >^5: 3 ' m reads 5J^-^:38

q reads A^^Al: 39^ reads tA^O:

w, ,^3 tA^^: 40/, /3. ^ reads tk: w t^*^: ^ t^^*^:


90 rofivtu: yftt: xlviii. 1-6.

XLVIII. (Vaj-X-F: mufti Chfr-. ftOr 8\fc H S&*JA**: 4

w*hahX: ?fia*: G AH"*: 7 KiH-f: T(W1: 8

tDwoD$J>;6\rar>-in FM; *%&91\ aJ^&A"}: 13


2. a)14njE.Xt;

15 A 1

}*:6 tfcaM); 17

*<d2V.2; A-Afc: "Hh-:18 AfA: km*: ffDWWV 9

arfltn*;20 aofygav. Ch(\: m><pO&::

3. artitfnA: tt^mC; 21 BA^i tDflWCi

&*}AA:23 t7A4; 24 hPh-(lt: AW:

who*-. tRaMh 17 VLV&aoi &7H.A: tn>*RAt:: 19

4. a>*fc je.ha>.*i: At: AMrMs" h<n> : Of; je^n^-M*: 26 <D^j&^*; 2r

awD-X-fc *<iCYi: SAH-Oi 28

<d<d-X1V .Hud-I: TAk AXA: frh^n*; 29 A^Acn*:: 30

5. JfcaM**;31 <DA7*.: 3a ker*Z0-: H-ftai*; XA: ?2"4: A:

33 MA:

a)J&A,-0^9: fDjE-aChiP;34 aUGHT *: A35Xmft: ffDWIt:: 36

6. nXTTH; 37 Ms 14* fflltttf; Afr-"E!/: 10

1 m u. qt,$ read fDft.2

^ . to / read iH: On $$0: / adds gloss frffi:

3m,op. Other MSS. read a>.

4 w/read ^je-^-JoA'^: / /Lfc^A^:5

?. f/1 *

read ha^fU m, fhkn A*}a*&: t-abc deloxy tajb A0o><&; 5

g txu.

m, cefh k tiop (w) b read Vhay&9\ ("Vim). q\Ka><:\ t* W<D*?Vl a b dixy a

Wa>*i 7gtu, p-abno. m, nolp)fl read (1H*^*}: q AH*'J: ab cD-flH"*:


q omits next six words through hmt. 9

gt, ab c efhno x b. ?nu, dkl(w)yX^i-lh: All MSS. of j3 trans. 2t7D

"after .eAirfc:


q omits. ^j-/1!*.

w, /2

/3 ^"i^iSlPat^;12 omits, u reads ^^l: 13 m q t, fi-a. g reads

^^^l: ;/ omits, a trans. W$&" and &%". uqtu,fi. gm omit.


^ reads


^ /#, 0. ^ w read AOift / OA^. l7gqu, abcde. m t,fh kino xpjb

read i*RtD9; 18 gmqt (=6 vlos tov avBpuirov i<eivoi).u. $ Hh-i wl\..\ AflX:


gm. Other MSS. read ooVSWh 20*/#, /3. g reads (DftoD; ^ Xft<n>;

21a. jE^mC; 22

g. mqt, $ read (Dth^Ci u omits. 23/ ?. /, p-n

read HXlAA: a, /2

(z/) / cdHXIAA: 24

q reads "7nC: 25p-a add ffl^Al;

/2 a.r a)A^<l*}: against a.

26a, ho{y)y pp. p-Aoyab read :

VavC7}i". 27?

reads a)^jE.ffl^fe:28

^ reads ^ICVii AA^H-A; 29 gmt x

u. q, /3 read ?rhcn>:30

^ prefixes W. 31

^ reads J&^*:32

^ trans. J&ffl^r*; and ,fcA".

33^-, acefhnox b. mqtit, bdklyp read a*ft1":


q, /3 trans, before (DJ&A'AriFiP':35

gqxu. / reads AAff"; ^

2 AfooD4: over an erasure. / ft*F; A. j3 ft*F; AAtn);

g. Other MSS. read cnx^ftfc37

q, j3 prefix <D against gmtu.36

xlviii.6-io. ooflvtu: yfVi: 91

Hhlafc. 1 *M*mC; ibr>\ mXitti; A^A^:; 3

7. <D*hu"fr 4 *A*^ls <dA3.W: 5 TfUh 6 Afcmfc n>-}<Vfr 7

XA<n>: 0*0: fc$ftffi>: AS^**:

Mao; fUvfcjP; woon?: AH; 8 <JA7D : H*}^:

cDK-ft ; yD7ac?: aXP^W. RAfc; *nft<n*; A9X7a*: ffD^At: 10


frh A13<ftj&a)-frn*::

8. n14thYtV 5tnxpO^: hf-; tA^J: 7fr: J7^t: i^C:

cofr}.^: XA: jaX-VHT;6 AWlA: nKlt: y7nd: 17


Xfttn); nOAt: ?d*tnv :

is tDSS^na^: /LP."JJ.: 19CfcAaD-: 20

9. a) 21a*nt; &&lFffi*:22 A23'^!: aft?;

24 taJ-Wcn*: 28

htn>; *70C: a*At; XAt: Jun>H; 26J&aJ-O?-: ftyfce-ffD: 7R: $&AV7

hffD;28 O^C: (D-At; 1^\ .Bi^mm*; 29 hyfy&aoi 7ft: S^**: 30

wK ird.h<l: tea*: h(\Cu 31

10. co 2a*0At; 32 SAO: aAlFffi*: 0<!<Pt:33

tha*"}: A:34 y^C: 35

1/?/. ? reads MflA: q, /3 hSPty&av: 2

q omits. 3

^, abclx /i

add n^^r^U*: ^ add frfi"^!*: against a-#, */^ X- n o.4

wz reads 1h^1*:

a tiw-tao4:

5 /, / read A3.&" <dA$&". 6*/, P-y. gu read cDTAfl-:

7 ATA-fl: y omits.7

\ Other MSS. read aD?$nfc 8a, p except ?,

<?//$/ o (v w) p which give (OVYV: 9

? reads Oilav-10g m. Other MSS. read

n>flta "g- omits.


g. miu, p-oy read WLPZ,: q mL&ft'.

o (w)yp (DLty&t 13 a omits.14

a. /3 reads a)fl.15 ^ ^ . nh*}*F: is

clearly corrupt, m t, p read fla>?i*F; h"}*F: is corrupt for "HTF; 16 a read

JE.M"HJP: 17

? reads 7fld:18

acfp read %ch$av: c adds Ofrn*; (sic).19

/ reads KA'hU 1,/aKS^h c S^'hU wgqtu. 02 Oi$fon; p {^Aff^:


? reads WtD-'kV: n w(\', gmt u. q, P read KAVlPav*: 23</ reads H.

24 reads HXmfrnrfbC: 25\ Other MSS. give the usual form Xw&rav.

q prefixes (D.26

q prefixes (D. This word together with the next four m omits

and all other MSS. wrongly trans, after "7J&:*gqtu. p reads %&P7;


gmtUi. q, /2 read Whao; 29 All MSS. prefix W. 30

a. reads

fr&41; 31

gmt, p. q u hftdi32

</j/ omit.33

z ^ . /, /3 read

0^^: w adds aftlfff^:34

a. /3 reads (l-Stl:35

rf omits next three


92 rotfviu: vrto: xlviii, io-l. i.

XA<n>: \icbrpi Afc7Rfi: tn>Wlt: 6 toAcn^rfK 7

w^^ddiii Am*: rtXmfi: rn>*}<Vh 9

XLIX. KtloD-. TA-A; 10fcOo*:

11hffo; "7:

A-Arfrfr A/r^tXfc ^''ZUV 2 A9A<n>: ^Ay::

2. Xflffo; $fte o*X1V 3 AfrA: 'iA'friV4 R\fc

JiflffD; ^^: 18*tn); A19

fc-<n>: fcmft: ooWlt: 6

<Drtflrfttl>; A9rttn>: "}Ay:

tD-^j&A*: AiTtD-^^; ^aJ-fVC-::

3. oA-F: V$Ci ffD-J^A: TA-A:

<DtrD^fi :



waD'i&.fti3 ^VCfr w^W.

aJOD-J^A: 23 XA: <?a*\ A248\-fr::

4. a>20a>Xf: ^11; IttA-Vh 25

a>}7<!: Ail;26

fi&A: 27 Hfc\: -flZA: Afcj^l*:

XAtn); ^4.j&;8 a*A*Fr9

(\$&cn>; Xmft: tro^At: 30A*un>:

31to-VF; &d&\\

L. am*^**^ 32cnxpO^v: ^mt; 33 *ha**}: *A$&<ri: cD34




a-q. qx reads ^^iFffC; /3 toA^^U*: 2 m reads J&'fc q omits.

3ot reads "Wh: *

gtu, 0. ?//? read (Dh&fra*'. 5. /3 reads AX.C'eih

^w. qtu, $ read od^^A^: 7 "

omits this and four following words throughhmt. 8 tu omit against mq,j3.

9 m. Other MS S. read rnx^ftfc 10<5cjtr read

a*i<LA: TA-A: nqu. g reads llOaJ: (sic), ml, ft 1'tlO<D:


^ alone has


13 Some word, not (D-hrV; erased in m. 14

a-m, $-dy. m reads

WP-fi dy "lOth;15

tl reads fflA.


? reads **&$:17 ^. //,

aj^D^iqiyD. is ^ ^ trans . after ^^jd; aga ins t a_^.19 u omits. 20

^ omits.21

gqtu. m, /3 read cdo1<{.A: omits. E^ Hfl>A*: ^

# reads a7<n>*hLft:

24 reads H. 25 -2^ #, /3. H'iflrA and w IMA*Ai*: = ^otto, H being here

a translation of to. Z1 'iA*^: g{ll)u read Ah: *

^ prefixes CD.


^ reads W": 29 omits. 30

gm. Other MSS. read m^At: m adds

A-ArhtO-: A^Atn); }AyD :31 reads $ao\ w. 32

? reads a*X*F; 33a-/.

Z1 Minimi: /

2i3 tnicn^V',

34 m omits. ? omits to.

l, ili. i. oD^/hc<: yrtt: 93

w-ftCIh 2 aoVOfc fL(\>\F(fl: <1$&C:

wMth^V: artHIC: Afe&ffl:;r<n>?'P:

[n30At: 4 XW 55rfi^l:: 2. HtH7(l; 6

Xh-?; 7 10A: ^TA*}:]

wZavahfa *{,<JV a*rt<n>; A9X7Rfi: ffol^t: 10

a>*.PCfi.;n A*-Att: 12

hffoj .fcttflrfK13

<DjA^7-5 r"m& X.C'EU'ffi*::

3. a)*?Lu

h(D<7i Ira*-. *H1C:15

flflffD;16 X7H.*; trD^^lt: 17

amftff->: M'SUa>X7HJi: n>WW: 10 ^rhCa*:Xft<n>:

18-OH-l: ^A^-F:: 10

4. a>*%efc a*X*F;20



a>(to&aoi *h'ttdvfi Rfilfr22

tD^iaoq: h/fPa^^i

OH-fiD-:24 HAjB-HArh: 25 k'ZU: 2r

jE-trhTA:: 27

5. <DXy,eXH>: 28 ?L7vchCar>". j&ft; X7R*; ctdWiT:: 10

LI. (DnX^l-F: ffoTO^V: *^7flX: r>C\A BRWWxtoCLHMA ^7flX: HtffDmot: 29


17 omit.

2/ reads flA'?:

3a. /3 reads <0ft. This latter makes this

the opening of a new sentence.4

g /, /3-<?. w^, */z 0A1*;5 omits.

. m H7-0*: Z1 H7-0& ? tH7A; ,

/2717(1: /3^/> tH7-fl: /y tH7fl: In

these readings g and z^, /2 are equivalent to (V rfj fjnepa rrjs #Xtye<or) rfj Tfdr]<Tavpi<rfxei>T).

The readings of the other MSS. appear to be attempts at emendation. The passageis corrupt or interpolated. I have bracketed it as the latter.

7 a-m q. q Xfr*j:

m omits. /2 reads Xh.C: /3 XJl't*:

8/ adds (11W14-: 0.

9</ reads ft<n>:


^ ?. q/u, ft read ffix^ft^;"

7, read SloK.\ (corrupt ? for &&>&. ?)m omits.

12/ appears to have prefixed W. 13

mqu. g reads &nPife I, /3 jB.}ftrh:

14f wo/*/ omit. 1B

^ reads frfl<!:16

a. /2, /3 read Qft&av; w


Other MSS. read tro^^ft^; f omits next four words through hmt. 18 m adds

a*Xl*; 19 bcoxb read ^"fhtfh 20 reads Xr^i 21

a, . /3- omit.

57omits suffix after Mlhi: n omits Q before W. 22

a. |3 AflA"tU*:23

^,2 omit.

24 This may be a dittography from preceding line.25

g mqu save that ^ prefixes a*.


reads HA/ftlAfh: /2/3 HA.J&I.fl/h:


a-?, q, f read n$,."r7Ztf: * w pre-

fixes *.:*

?, /2

/3 read "jE.XH.rt:29 So ^ save that for "H-hPtf", (q, 0)

it substitutes the gloss XA: 1*117(1*: o*ftir;h Cf. 4 Ezra vii. 32. Z1 are defective

^7-flX: A*&: ^chBl^i H+ffDmarfr /2 adds a)7ACl\ in /* after aW+tiW.

has a conflate text based partly on the original behind g and on tu\ ^flX7:C\ "V'Wtf". m&hfc ^7-dX: (" 0) "7^81^: Httnma)t: (Hrn>ma>fr </).

94 ODtfVtU: y?ft: LI.i-LILi.

(DthT-ki1 ^7-dX: H 3 &::

2. <D?2<5:3 3.W; 4 wty&t\W >x9i,XFa*;

Xlkroi *Cnt; OAt; 5htn>; ka^t; A"tt:: 6

3. a>-*4: 7 nX^rj-F: m>q>0&: fl: cn>*$nC?:8J&I-dC:

OKA ;9

'Vft-At: T(MI: aPtX^AA-tt fiflfr 0X; U

XflffD;12 Xm*: rml^t: 13 a?UA; 14 wtMfci

4. AA^lt: odtO^: HJ.; h(\C\ hav; rfid-Zt:

whah7Cl\ .TRCOfr: 16 htm; cro^nO: 17 JTOnf: rhA.A:


H-rt-;19 tn^Mrfr 20 A21A7JB: l*a*\ J&AClh 22 (Whw

5. Xflffo; nX"Y*it: rn>P0&: -*4: t*i/*;

wr>C\ tt&'Vrh;23

S^'}: fty;24


cdMWIj fty;26




LII. a>fc*\e"Wi XyTfc odpO^: A<PA*ft ffDhlr9 AfA; 30C/Lh-: *ifft: dA.Pt; 31

^ agrees with /3 save that for the second aH'h&\$'\ it reads X'77'V0*}^*: z also agrees

with /3 save that it omits the first m?'}B*i$", and the second ^1-ttX;

1 g u put in ace, and all members of /3, except ,write rftT


"^; not rh7"A:2

/2 reads AH. 3

g?nl,/lnxa. q (DJP16; u, $-flnx a fD?rh<5:4q puts in nom.


q reads OAt: 6

gmq, abefoxb. t, I np f*?ph u,cdkJS-Tih 7


read tD'J^?: 8l~$ a*\Wr\ 9

a-q. This reading points to .P<D0X: below

and not fi-wBhl q /3 wti-fci10

g u. q m /, /3 omit. u Either emend a)'' into

.Pa)0Ji: and omit "h9 or better retain J&id" reading JfA*: above, and trans. 2ybefore fiU*;.



gm. qtu, /3 read ffo5ftt:H w adds /"^V^ni;


n-q. qp <DA.1G

/, 0. m i\J.C00*: q WW'. KiLClB". which words it

trans, after rhA.*fl:17

mtu,fi. gq aortillk18

q reads cDjElia**}:19


q AK-A". w, /3 H*ft(n>:20 a-w. ;, /3 aolMit: Here the old MSS. retain the

original reading, where ffD^Xht: is the subject and not the predicate, and l^a^i is

an accusative of limitation;or tn>" may be taken as a nominativus pendens resumed

in Ifraw;21 m omits. B

. Here ha>-U &(\C0". are to be taken together.

Other MSS. ACU; 23 ttiu/X: 24

a-?, /3-a. a trans, after ?2U*4:

y, o read fD-fl-fc;*": and trans, after ?^".25

a-mtu, (3. mtu omit. 26


Z1 omits. 7, /

213 read (D-A"t^*:

27 n reads ?rfia>C; ^ omits. 28 Bracketed as

a dittography. It is supported by gq (save that q omits the (D), /2

/3, but

mPuomii. 29 w reads ao'VaC'.30

/3 reads *Jfl:31

</ trans.

lii. 1-8. <n>tfvtu: yftt: 95



XA<n>; +<n>iPTfK *AiftC^: Itth' axDA.Ci.:' 'ttA::4

2. AU?:

CX: G ?i0,W: H'ft :7 'JfrAt: AW: Hh-*i: 8

Uft ;


10 JU: tD^fl^: ft<5fc

(D'^-dA -A^C: <0.frA& 12fflCfc (dJ\(a im-A^Hl; 13 aj^-d^: 0C:: 3. <DtAX2v*iJP;

A<n>2vA*l: H^AA.?; ?rfia*C:14 XlH; X-A2V; yYh a^Xf: ^a^l^; XA: 15 XA: 16

A'^A-Xi C&h-:18

4. w0>C[k XA: K-fta^; HC/Lh; 19 A20A^<m: cn>A.rfK Xa^TtV 1

hahU havi ffrHH: <d*M-2?V;21

A; 7^Cn 5. whayP'hv1 X1H;-3J&-AAL:


oj-X-F: ffo^hr5 AIT"; JWVh: Ifltti26

ffl.ethu't; Ah: 10 ffA; 27 fMA-X: HhAA: 28

Xm& croWl*:: 296. aPXA-TtV 1 A^aC; HCX.P: ftOj&lth;


*<D.&Ad; wCft\ ZA a)>(i& im-Am-A: *a?.-A; 0C;

XA-: ittva^i fr^^lh A-*4v&: ha>*: 35Jun>j ao^d: 7; :i,;

Afr,<n>; 37 XAti

who": "Hfr Ha)C:\ X^AOA-: A: X^VYF; A^aC:

wha>.k &\b"7k 3S n^ao: 39 X7<5!>:;

7. <Dj&ha*V nX"?^; odp02V; K.>g iU/LA

41<dC$; (DtLa^Ci

w}u&a(t\Vi 7*?:: 44

8. wtLflhah'}: 2&V5 A0-AX; 46


a-q. q, t2 B H'VO'X:


q reads AcrD-}hHv:: 14-At: AihCft<i: XAt: a>J4-A:3

^, n. gtu, B-n read (DWtl&li to aoh&k 4u. gmql read Od.'tti which, being

ungrammatical, /2

/3 retained, but set right by prefixing aJ-ft1:5

a-^, b.

q, B-& <dAU?j 6

gm. qtu, & CXjP; 7jS trans, after A'W; 8

g. Other

MSS. Hha>/}: 9 qp 8 add A(? 0to.)A: ?":& against a-?.10

^ omits.11 n omits. 12

to omits. 13

^ reads frtvAmA: 14

a-^. ^, /3 trans, y adds

qj^d^j i5 a-u,aehkloy tafi. ,/read Xm^TFs XA*; r</,v XA*: Xm^-fr16

jy omits. 17 k reads d omits next three words. 19

q reads

XA; CAli: y HC&fr: 20

? read A.21 a reads <?**&: n J&tl?^:

22a. /

2/3 add I.

^q reads <0.


a-q. q J&AAt: JE.-A&:25

^ reads

ffD^Ah; 7/ odAAIi: H. 26/3 adds co^&k; 27

z /, 0- . g q u, p read ittf:

28 a-z. to, /2/3 H1*hA: 29

g save that I have corrected the final letter 1* with tV.

Other MSS. oDTSftt: 30 ^ omit> u a_L ^ ^ Xft"^; 32 a save that

to reads Chi; AO" /3 reads ChJt\\33

^ trans, after tDC$; 34 trans, before

a)&' Mb; 35

^ adds A^^lh: 36^ wrongly reads 74: 37

a-^. ^ H^^m>;/2 n^^oD; 7R: /3 H^tn>; 7R: ffl

z^ reads ^\^Ti\ 39a-/, a 3 c dklxa.

t, efTin o(vw)/> read A^/ih1*;40

^ reads WpncD-U 41

? reads CDA.A. ^ A., o fl.

42b reads fflA.. o (DA. 43

/, ^ add ,"}; D.44

^/. to ?, /3 read 7J&? :

u KfrVk ibto reads rhJU: o rfi^d: trans, before Htf-hahl:

4fi</ omits.

96 <K>ft<h<:11TX\: LII. 8-LIII. 3.

^^n^O: 3 -net;4

9. XA: H-ftff^j [^iuhfr. fflj^^rh^rt-; UAm.: fcj^fc; y^C:Art; XntCA.; A4-J&: rt$U*<n>: 7&; mx^nt:: 10

LIII. rtW?;11 Chf: XOj&lt?;


13 ^a?; fflOff^*:14


<Dtf-ftffi*i Xrt;

?^4: ft: ?-flrt: MAC: aJ.grt.P*: ^7^: a^flW3 a^: ^ffoR-fr: frfc



<fert: h.av&LX:i

ffiH-ft ;

22 HJ&^fflL: (MPfr 2TV}; j&rtMh 24

<DXylfr. 27 ?":&-* R*!h jE.t*a)(n>;29

D[/L]3TJ2V*: A^AffD; <JAyD ;:

3. &ncn>: ttMPW? x A^Ara*; 32 oBlXilt; ffofcu^: XlH; *?^4; S3 atfrtt&


g t> efh7iflb. mil, abeklox a7AAflrt: q (DAjE.rt-flfl: d W10: Here a-u

add the dittographic phrase Afl-flX: fflAJWlfl:2 reads &C0: A. 0/ ^C1


3q prefixes W. omits next three words through hmt. 4

q reads "flCi*; f rt^'C:

5a. /3-a read (DhJiOili a k <D/LVhO: 6 As this clause destroys the

parallelism I have bracketed it as an intrusion. 7

g, fi-n x. x reads /Lj&t'BAT:

m i u, n read fijB^pfoA4"*: ^ omits with the <D preceding.8a-q. q omits. /3 reads.

9 Bracketed as an alternative rendering of FlTCf] which was rendered, as I conceive,

by anapvr]6f](TovTai and by atyaviadqaovTcu in the margin, or vice versa; both renderings

being subsequently taken into the text. /' reads h.&:Vhfh&-'. u omits.

10 m reads

m>*}tfh "a-q. q, /3 read CDftU?:

12c reads *0lt?: 13 reads }M:

14. tw^ read OtfHh wCl(D; tu, j3-n OcwPi (DC^a>-i n Off^'P: HC'ia*:

15 Emended from fi<EU,ar>; of gmu. qi read h&WW. /3 fifth

16/ reads ffirt.

17 ^omit.18

omits. 19

a-q,aek?i. q fOUTF: b c d Ip x a (D'ffll'Vi); fhopafWa-\ 20

02 reads Off***: bcdlxa trans, after ftl:21 a reads rt7.;>?:

22 a-/w ?, /3. m H-A-: ? H'ftai>;23 m t, p-a. g omits, q u, a 7,,??:


if genuine is the subject of this verb and of the preceding, but since it is quite

needless in the next line I have bracketed it.23

qtx omit against gmu,t 2


26 g m. qtu,p ffoV^nt: 27 g u. q m /, (dX^I^i A."

/, /3."

02 ? read i^C:vomits. u,P$-d. g &Y$>(D<aQ<i (sic). ? ja^aim**! w, </ ,C4aHn>; /^7^W;30 Bracketed as an interpolation. Z


omits, but /2 and all other MSS. insert.

31 d reads

ChZiav; 32a, 7;. /3- omit.

^mqt,aehk. gutfh&C: bcdfl?iopxya t

b il(h(D<?r'.

liii. 3-liv. 4 . odkviu: ht*i: 97

^vm.:1 K-A : <n>n&0+: 2


4. <DtAX&*l9': A<n>Mih: 4 AA^: H?rfifl*C:

yfIA,?; Xft1t: 5ffoa^Ot:" A<n>J. : .PA+^Aa^tn*:: 7

5. tD^ftrti.:3 Xft*Jt: 9

AH^t; a)A;WAf:10

"HTF: 11 ;p\-C: h<n>: 0*fc jE-trft^rt-:: 6. why&WH; 12

aba*: ([XVYLfr. anWit:: 18

7. <d*/L19XA: h(\Cr J&ha>.J.:

21 n*^m>: 22 8\*: 23 hm> ; y\C:whahVC: ZYkd-U 2*


}$<}; "7j&;


55^-^*}: fcyW; 2"FV}::27

LIV. wiZCh-i* ffltcn)?Th-;2J

*i&fi: 7R: F>&C\ wCfLlbi Q30U?: &A: Off***:

KiU: trigr&i Vlt:: 312. a^fiyfrX'Pai*: 32 AW^t: toA33


4^*}: (D^mSf:

ya*i Ziahft-fi m-. 35 OaHh feA:: 3. amU?: &: Zi0.eW: 36

H^oDn^OtlFtn^: 37 X1H: 741001*; cn>fiACt; 38 rhJU: H*&0: rro^Aa>t:: 39

4. <D40ttaMi$P: AffD^h: AA^! H41?rfia>C: ^AA,?: X1H: 42

X-02V: fcA-:43



tu,abcklnxa. gq(DSXW^Ct\ m, efhob a?jPAl"vai.: (so also </butomits W).2

gq. m reads fn>a^1*: (sic).Z


?* tn>flOV*fr /2/3 tn>O0A1*:


/3 prefix A.4

g reads ([aD&hfr. 5 reads XA'VF: ?i a?Xfl>ft; AXA*: G

gmq. tu read m>aOV+:

/SffDaCltiftiw). adds H?rha>4: 7

^w. /z/,/3-</^.PAt.SVa*JP<n><; ^AT-SAa^:(sic), rfo/ i'A+^^ViPff^: 8

or omits, a-qu add X*iH: fl2V: against qu, p.

aefhkp add i'A+^AfD-iPo^: n adds i>

Al\AflO.; and "&9<W\ qu, nx omit.

bcdl a add ^At^o-iPo^: 10. /3 fflAf.P'VJ:

"a-#. ^ omits. /3 reads H7J1*F:


n-q/, n. qt, [6-71 7n*F: n g reads hMCfc Mq reads B\#: a>W:


g u. m cmA+7n^: ? yAt7nfi: /, 0-i ^At^A"*: /& ^tl^VOrH: 16

q reads

R^lFffD-; 17

g omits.1S

z (g ffD"}&Al*: sic). ^ / u, P tnxT^At:19

3 c x omit.20

? fi^rfld:21

?/, 0. ^a read J^hah'iiw

a-mq, p-nx. m Ahtn>: q $&av;n x Afce"7Z0: 23

a-q. q, t-p-n read 7&: omits. 24b omits. * trans, after tT7^-:


? omits. "a-qu,fhkl no u, a 6 c d e fOCfc q ,f*J2Vf !

27? fAt^T:

28 w adds wCtLlhi 29

^ trans, before (Di&Cth:30P-fhklnoy omit.

31 reads XA+: _y omits. 32c reads Ka>-9i".

33^ reads a).


q, a omit. #z, /3-a read (D(D.<Pav*i 35

a-^, P-bcdnxy. n reads *H. q, be dxyomit. 36

q reads ftO^-'it?:37 m q. t, p read ffDAOAtlfff^: 7<lO/\tlPa^

g tn>^0^tlFff^ : jv adds AXA*: S8

^. m t ^OACt: ? ^XA^: u ^hhOVp-c 1 n a ffD}iPCt: c n ,a aolllCti /ffD^ACt: 39

g-.w /, ^ read aD^ft ^; ? ffo^'ft'i'

ffD^Tt: wqu,l

2p. gmt1 omit.

41 Vomits. 42e


43?/ omits


g\ This is a rare word which generally = 8Vts- or fieo-/^, whereas we require here

teo-fxos. There is no objection to taking the word in this concrete sense. Therareness of this word led to scribal changes in all the best MSS. save q, which has

XAd-F: Thus u has Kfr^: m "YOACI*: / ^XA^t: aefhk ao<}p>6.-Y-

bco axl\P3i^\ d^fh^^i l^hP'Mri n<rtlctfi&iY\ xb ^OA^t: See

note i, p. 98.


98 QOtfVtU: yftt: LIV. 4-8.

[ffDO^Ot;]1 ([avh 2 &AOl<:: 3

5. ffl^ftAt: XA-: ,Am: 4 AtGjW: fiHH>/WV;5


Jt-travmahPa*'. wZZfrya*: 7 m^AI*: 8 ffA: 91: ffl/iXaf;

10 mW; 11

&nU l avWrthtfcnx Mvn>i XHH; U Xmfa flDWH*:: 156. (D^aVnhbi'.

w7>(lCh,&\ 17 w^h-hh: (Dfohh: m-Xi-a*: fBIOyavi flX*: OAt: 0OJ&:

a>19a*At: X-H; 20 Hir&; ja>.e-jPai*;21

fD-Xt: OAt: htn>; je.tfl#&; XyklPai*; 22

*X7Rfi: no-J^At; 23 n249tn>qiPai*: AXTl*: HJiJ-: AXh; 25 AA^l: atfAftJPtn*:


AXA: t-i&fr m. 27?-(lA:: [7. ama*X*F: <n><p02V: a)0X;

28 od^ip^; 29 AX7afc

*<n>*}A ;h 30 wpCdv 31H-A ;

32 m>H7-at; *'77i>

t: HffD^OM*; 33 A<Wfr 24


MfrOt: XA: aotAt: Aff7i,


ffl*XA: filfcOt:35

tn>t/ht; y\C:: 8. a>je.&(n>4:

1I have bracketed this word as an explanatory marginal gloss adopted into

the text, n omits, g adds after XA*^: (Cf. d a7XP,^iVi "lOM^f.). All other

MSS., however, attempt in one way or other to give it a regular syntactical connexion

with the text. Thus u makes it the subject of the verb and changes XAdfc the original

subject of the verb into a participle qualifying it (see p. 97, note 44). qt insert a copula

between the two nouns, m, (3-d make the added word a genitive dependent on

the original word. For odO^O^: m reads odQ'JM': q <D<n>A&0l": / aJcroflOA^

tttnMlOA+i /3-</<n>aO'Vfc d^Od^Vi 2


e reads JPAl^m.4

^ u, j3-n. vi q t, n read jB.&Ao*:5

-. q m u, /2/3 fiH*H/i,2V: Z

1 fiHH^6

<r omits. 7 d reads (D(DJ>&!PaD*;8

?n av^Arf: 9

/reads HA (sic).10

q reads fiXA*!:"

^. a-^, j8 mVJPT:ngq- mtu,p \i&U 13 a-/ 1


Pp-aa. tl reads -SfMFoi*; a ODAXfttlFtfi*; /z <n>&0Vfc".

14f reads fiHtf


^z. ^/, /3 read ffiW^A^:16


/3-/omit.17 wz/# trans, after a>4-4/bV

against ^, /3. /2 omits D before 7flCftA:

18/2/3 omit.


a-q,/hklno xy/ip

q omits, abcde read (1.20

a-y. ?, jy read XAt: /2X-Fi: XAt: (sic), p-y X+i; XAt

21/, /3. ^w^omit.

22omits. B g m. q t u, $-n read X7HJi: ffD^ft^: ^ trans

before \\ao\ vomits. 24

q omits. ^a-m, c defhkloyp.. m, a b n x read AO'li

/ iXfr 26

^ reads flO/iA^SPai*;"7 mq read fD-At:


q, by a read .frrofrX29

q reads a$A5M": ffoO'F:30gm. Other MSS. tn>?^A^T:


gtu. m reads

(D-fCha)^; q fD^lrim". f2p-h (D^dlOk; 32a-/ra. m, bcdl read tfA*:

/2 a efh kno H'tra**:

33 d omits. ^ reads croi^; Htn>0M"; by a slip.34

p omits.

A marginal gloss subsequently incorporated in the text. There were according to

early Semitic views only the waters above the heavens and the waters below the earth :

such also was the view of our writer as appears from the next verse. The text

in brackets follows g m, t2f$ save that for AI^Ol*; in g I have read Khtyffi'. with m.

q supports text save that it reads A^YJE.; and Z1 save that it reads ^S^V: for A^Vi*^:

After XA: u adds rn>vOVi": A^yjP^': id.35g m save that g reads ftl^Ol": instead

of ftl^Ot: q u read KibO^V; XA;. / reads only XA: and p H.

liv.8-lv.4- ooftvtu: y^ri: 99

FA-: 1

"VJPt; [H]2yAA; 3 "V-ft: 4 Hon^OM*: A<WtV +A0;J*: ^X*F: <D*7,e.

HaotAt: i^^C: Xifty iV: j&Xt:: 9. a?^^fn)fir>;' frft;

8Xrt: M,4: *A

?-AA: fflXA: 11&W ao^fh-f; h%q&; AW:; 1010. a>u *nXW: H12fihcn>CP

rt^ffoqiFa^: Mt: 7-A4*: A:13 i^C: aJO^Xt: 14 M"J7A-:: 15

LV. wh^r^d.Vi iriP'ih: CXA: <n>?0&: a)fl>; Oh; 17 Hrh'hhWPa^: AH-ftffi*:

A 18XA: i>A4-:19<r*At:

20?-AA:: 2. axrorfiA; nftao*;

31 0a; JiffD; Xy\XH,: ^^7flC:

hcro-H;22 A23

H'ft><n>; fcA: J&Ml*.-.24


?-AA; ffltfcyCt: Xmfr. AA^t: 26wfihrn-'ii

"tahA,?: tD^MiA^ffi*; 27 yj&^^t: XAh; 28 AMi70: flnml: <n><P0A: A^: 29 A:


y^-C: <d*"H; AtXHTK; 31a*A*F:: 32

] 3. AA: <LJ\fc: hm>: 33 flJWm*: dhAtn>AXftt: AOAt: 91JUb; Wth^^: fc-fH>HiM *m>friP$t?: a)fn>0t?:


^ftlPa^: 36J&ft; X7RfrArfbC: 37 X7H.S: ao'RAt:: 38

4. J7^t: ;WVi: XA: t^4-: 39


g m tn. q reads H*A; /3 H^ff**: 2 3 a: omit. /x#j also omit together with

yAA: "Yi^: through hmt. f" restores these words and adds ^.fcA: All other

MSS. read H but the context requires its exclusion. 3

q reads tnV0Vl"!4 a reads

A^t: s ^ reads floy^. q adds "Yje.; /3-;; add the dittography ^^A: (a^^A: e)

HffP^O^t: AW: (A^i't; *).6

g. m, n KUft&BrTx q K\h'tS&Vi tKlMlS^u K\X\^W\ p-e n Ktf\?i e Ktf\?VjY: ~'

gt,ae. mqu, fi-ae read mp*avt\(bThe next word H'tf>; shows that g i are right.

8a-q, p. q ittVOV", fi-p S'A*

9g omits through hmt. For JLfi; q reads fi>A*fr So also / over erasure.


q reads

i^C: "q omits.


fu,e(w). gmq,i'2p-e read AX1+*H: Here I take

Anl'l*; Hh&OVCPl . . . ffldJZ-tlt: = Siort eyvwvav . . . Kai iv tovtois (or tovtg>) =n?X21 , , , iyT *D. Here the Greek translator should have rendered "a by r and


a-qu, q u, read AA: u mtu. g wXti q, /2/3 fflAX'Jt'H:

15zrc reads IvhT'-rt*;


y reads (DAhllU: 17-,j/ read Ah<n>;


gr/, x.

Other MSS. omit, r omits preceding word. 19

q, e h n o (v) x read K*l:*r\20 a~q>

afk Ip (w)y. q, be dehno xp read -A: 21y omits.22

q, Pfi-x. g m ll

u, x omit.

23 n reads ADA: op A:24 n reads ?^4-:

25 3f x read ffJA-f: op A.

26<?/z o/ (v w) p read AA^jE:; 27

a-m, e. m, 13-e w/Xhtrav",28

g prefixes (D.

29 a adds ajy^C: 30 breads A^A: 31g L m tXHW: U. ^ "H; tXHH: AKJMS'?:

,/2/3 K^H: A^XHH? (e

omits ?).32

/2omits. 33 u omits.

34 = ^npo^v roirov

a misrendering of HNT *3?"?.35

/3 reads m>0" (DOD^".36

a-^r save that / reads

AOAjU'od': for JUblTao".


q reads ?*J^C: JMhlTav-i t2(3-dty:C.<\0A>\r(fl>". u, dovait.

Here gmt, afh k add od^ip^?: (DonO^?; and <5 r e In o a aoO" (Daoip" against q u, d,

owing (?) to mistranslation of DNT 'JBO. Seenote34. For h$"'m text normal form is *J".

37^/, 0-b ex p. g m, b c xp omit. 38

g m. Other MSS. ffD^^At!39

ml, (3-y.

gqu,y read ?*J^:4: q, P-n o add o-A!*: n o (v)b add ^A; and change ?4lA: into ?-flA;

ioo <n>KA\l: yftt: lv. 4-lvi. 5 .

?<lA: tCfW; iMfflfctn*;1 A2W; Rft?: *iffD; .M1C; 3 a>At: 4 tn>W: A-Arfit: 5

wW?\ 6 AAHH.&&: 7 tDAfNton*; <7Yftn: RSlh: <DAt0jB.1t: RfiU: 8JNt :


AAcn*; AXmfi: cn>Wlt:: 10 LVI. wCfch-, AU?; tOjE-WV 1

ffDAtarT; 12

<n>)>u>t: 13X"JH; ?rha>^: <D ,4

.X<fcH<:15 *aD^ui^t; tD l6

tn)"/7^: 17 rhJfJ: aMICt::

2. <DtAXStfiJP: i[ar*Mh: AAi^: H s?rfa*C: yAA,?: *X1H; X-A&: 19

Atn>j. :

Mkd<4*;20 *AA: XA: 21 J&MH-;

22 <n>*uit:: 233. a>je.fl,Ai.-.

24rtrih^i; HSlFcnx;


fttn> : t<D.?; to-At; *i*>0t;2c "jO^h 27 Hfe1:: 28

4. (D^^Yi j&op^K: a*Xt; fct; Xy>h A^l: <D*$<to: ti&lPtfi*;^

cDje.fB.SX:31 OAt; 32 A^<Dttn>:

OAt; A<fot-frn*;33 Xy\eXH>: ^tt^A**:: 34

5. fDQX^ylt; 35tnxpOiX: 7-Afr;

3 m>AX*lt:

to^cD^: 37 fiCXAtlPcn*; *d9F'tfl", A-JA;39

A-AS:39 C*; 4

Dtn*&! 41

?rhD-AiPcn>*:4 - AJ7^t: <D*je.Aa>-X: AOAjIPop*;

43cn>*i<LA; OtD^h;

a^fUfD-iiiPcm*;44 X^WlPcn*; 45


/3- trans, before tCfijE.JP: against a, *?. <r reads UAaJ'ilfn*;2 breads H.

37/2 pre-

fixes &. 4

a-^?A ^, arread^A; P,ade/h^k In/id. <5j/omit. c/z'c (^)^read A?*7?*;5

a-^. ? reads A-Arht?: /2/3 A-Arfit?:


? reads "$V?ao*\7

gtu. m q, /3 read AftH*HA,^;8g omits through hmt. 9

a-q. q, /3 read ffft-'ai*';10

g, m. Other MSS. troV^ftt;11

a-? ?. / q, p tOlt: 12 g t. q, /2

/3 read m>AX*lt: H. w tn>^0il^t; which

it trans, before t0.e.*}ti u av^hhPT: 13

q, /2/3 prefix H. u

a-q I, /20.

qt omit. li

g<?- m /* omit. /2/3 read X^Hl: 16 " but in the ungrammatical

form tn>^u^t: <D. w u read CD. All other MSS. omit. 17

^ reads ooA7C^t:

tn>^7Ct; 1S

^ reads X"iH:19

^ reads <DXfl>ft:20

jy reads ?rh.4-;21



mqt l u read XA*; /9- XA: X*$H:22

gm, (3. ^ prefixes <D. /reads JE-X^H*:

^MH 1


24/2/3 add ES. 25

a, . /3- read <dA?*<M: RftlPcn><;

26 m (w) read "l^t: ^ omits. - 1 mtu. g ao'i'r'tpi q ooOy^t: bcdefnoxap070<7D4>t; /2 aOy^t: 28

</ omits next four words through hmt. 29? omits.


y reads %&M3Pa". c omits RftlFcm*;31

^ reads <DjE.t<D.SX;32

? omits

next two words through hmt. 33 m reads Afl/iitcn^; u A/htcn^; 34^.

w/ read ^tt^A^: q ^jE-f^A^: j8 ^jE-t^A*";35

^ reads (DAtD-Xt:36g (m originally ?) q. m (over an erasure) / u, /3 read jE.tP*AS;

37 ^ reads (DjE-tD^^::is

q reads A^A^: AtA: 39g m read A-AX:

40q reads ^CF; 41 a-? . q reads

ffiH^; /2/3 fD 47?^-:

42 So all MSS. See Dillmann's Grammar, 48.43

q reads

jE.Aa>fr; AA0A>lFcn>;44

q, v read ^Vat-hya*; dy ?rfHD-Jicn>*; 7/ ?rhAa^iPai><;

,a ^AtD-AjPff^: 43

a-q. q, /3 read Xtn>?-ACtlPcnv; /2 XyT-ACtlFff^: (sic).

lvi. 5-8. <n>ft<hd.: yftt: 101

wZmBfa 1

hew-. hS-ah*: kJ^ftnatlFcm*:

wtvw; JTHX-flt: CWli "7XhA; aod-Y: KUlTa*.:

6. D*ttC7T: 2 a)*h<Pi 3 Ay\<S; 4 ^Si: bRfilfr


cDthaj-*}; 9"L\~ 1W. Rfil>:8 A^^-^lPtn*; 9 yDhi>

^: <0 1O*A<!:

7. <duD7<!; 12 %:&. MM: &nay\: ^O*^: 13 AMlt$6A.IPa*\ 15

cD-fi^k; AAs lli

Aj&VtlPcn*: <H*A: 17

ffltittO: ?ff7?a*; ls ^ftlfa^:

fflAJTiyC: 19-(lXrt.:

20 AfcW:

ffl/LcD^: *AfiO*lh; D21AXa;Xflli:


3 >&fe: 24ft-OJtlt:




28 Ah::

8. AX"W: 29rnxpO^V: t<J/hft: A.MV: 30 rW:



wWtrao*: fJ^-7: 32


J&a>^fnffiH;34 A 10

2T**1; fcy*fce-tn>535

7ft ; ^.Pf;:


q reads JGodRTh;2

^ ;//, f: q reads J^C?*: Z1 m*P; ?< i'dC^'Pj which,

as well as the form in the text, may be for fOCVV; /3 reads wWChi (or ?T). If u

is right it = dvaa-TTjaova-iv avTi]v, which the Ethiopic translator should have rendered

here by ?UjE.^"P:3 u reads JZh&'i'P: (3-o Pn?.&9\ op PafLgya*; 4 gm

read (UF'&C: 5e omits next four words through hmt. 6 a-m u. m u, f-fi-e

read Mh\P<W<: 7u, /

2/3. a-u read T*S:C\ Hence it is possible that *i4sPI: MfHh: may

be a gloss.8

t"c (v) x read MhWcW*; 9

?, o,<5

read ^i^lh: d omits. 10

^ omits.11

/#, /3. ^w^omit.12

^ reads X7<J;13

g-z^. ? /, read ^OfoL: q awpty&.;14

Y read AA. 1S

? adds wfwKh-: 16

g-/^. w^, /2 read A. 17

?, aefhkn{vw)trans, before 00: 18

q reads yj&^^fm*: gqu, abce. m t,fh kloxpp read

(DhJih^C: n (D/Lth? *?; d omits this and the two following words. 20 a k pre-

fix cd. /2/3-</ add A*i^fr: <d.


gq, /20. ^/ x omit. ^ omits wCikao*:


? reads ftfloD;23

/2 reads h.J^ha^'ii


^ ?z. / /, j3 read "W\.fe: ^ frb&ao-.~b

gtu,$. q omits. / h-tt^-t: 26q/u,p. m Xq*(Wi g omits. Text =

Gavarov airS>v = Drriftft corrupt for riiiniO or rfaT).~7

/ reads toKoD?1'. t/y omit.

q adds /M-*}t; 28

a-q t. t reads fi/l*hti**}: q (Dh/VihU /2

/3 <d(/ a omit) &1ia>-1;wq,p prefix a).


q, trans, after /i^F: o a read AA^^; 31

g reads cDj&tf'm.7D


</ omits this and four following words. 32g. q reads h/fi^V: m "twTcW;

u t*J7^A; t\ /3 omit. /2 reads 1"J^"7:

33m, /


prefix A.34 m t\ /



that m, P prefix (D). g reads J^m-'hTi q W&YVimr, /3 ^ah^fnew-, u omits.30

a, a ^//^ kino a b. bedxy omit.

102 GDflViU: i?ri: LVII. i LVIII. 5.

LVII. co*KW k9WR\ mChfr'. *iStfit:3tOj&*}t: wdiniV aPhTH: &&CU 6

atf}d.4>; OAt:: 2. a^-TAi^O: 12jJA;

13 ^i^e: tiaWtfw. cdM: Ms 'H14l/a>.ti:


*A: 16 Xsroh^fr k}ufl>& w07: 7JZC: 1vfia*rt:17 KaViaWs <d*TA*9: 19

fty^frra.: A^yjfc:20 *KAh: ftJW$:

21nfirfct: OAt:; 3. a>*jBa>^*;


a*J&ft7*:a cn/RAt; 24 a*"HTF; 25 a*X*F: 20 tfflW,5 *ivX: 28 yAA,:; 29

LVIII. wh-mfa XA&: "y^vrt: yAA,: nXTT; %&P\\ aJ+nXTt; 30'K-.H::

2. *<ia-: filtai*; SJWI: whWii 31

Xflao; AQvfc;33 bCAHa*::

3. a>j&ha>i.; 5.Fk *fMlcyfc Bitifr

ai83A4sP1: (HlCyf: A^fflt: HAM* :

aj^Afct: 34fi2VO*F:



a>37**.A*J; -frAfc:



4. w<i$JJ9>ii0 H-aCTii (D*J2.dHO". X-^*: 41 niQ; 42 tn1^t:M

AA^": 43 AS^Ii AAm>; 44 X7Rfi: Wy:: 45

5. aft^A-hCai tAU& Afr&Ali 46 HAW; 47


q trans, after hF:". 2a-qu, aehk. qu, b c dflno x ap omit.

3a. /

2, /3

read *iVfi:4

^/, abed hi ox. gm, efhky/ijbx&z&tlWVt:b

a. /2/3 omit.

6z reads &'}<?: JWIs 7

zw. ? (Z1

?)read ahfttpi u ay-ft-FP; I" (over erasure)

/3 ^ftlPo^:8

/, /3. g m u read faoftki q JZwRk: 9 = Heb. 3 which may be

a corruption of 3 = '

like.'10 n (g by slip reads i^Al";). /3 reads J4-A:

u^ reads

fflXfth: i^O^-fl:12

a-mtu, f% j3. mPu omit. l3 r.v omit. 14 y prefixes H.15

q, h read UtD-h;16

omits, q prefixes (D.17 m reads 'MvfKDft; 18 m reads


a-u, fh kino x p,b. u,abcde read tA-^O; 20

a. /3 reads y*\C:21

a-q. q omits. /3 reads Xfth; fifrC: A^J&s 22

q reads a*^*: 23^ reads

A7&: 24 ^. Other MSS. ooV^At; 25/ reads U 26 u omits. 27

q u read

"I*^*7?^: 28

g reads *iVfi: A*l&X: 29

g omits next eight words.30

u, a d omit.31 d omits through hmt. 32

Z1reads flH"i: but /

2agrees with text.


q reads

n-nCy*-: 8rh.: atfihtD-'ii A.34

^?. Other MSS. ffl^Afct: 35

? reads fi&0:36

a-;;/. ;;; reads A. |8-. AffT0A: ?i ttcn>V". 37o. /3 <dA. gqu, though

here as frequently they write it ^^Vfe; 7 /, j8 read "^^Vfe:39g reads ffDYOA:

40 m t,fh kino x p, b. g reads (D^C^XPP3^. q D?-}^P; (sic),u. abede mV\P')u9\


q reads a?jE.^h-{liP; A8"^^; m CD>tXtf\9>\42

/ reads X^IA: 43/2 adds ftooo';

44 a-m. m, /2/3 read AIA; 45 3 reads ffDV^A'lT: aoqqftftx A^Ay"; 46

c omits.

p omit only A.47

q, /3 trans, after jB.'l/^iP-; against a-^r.

LVIII. 5 LX. 2. (*>KA\<:xlTWl 103

hm>; mm>o>-i x -JfMt: 8\fc fc?A: y"Y?trXAtn> : ip#: hcwS B<h; -SA; *?*nfl:

aj 4*8*#un>t:

5 'JA^t:: 6

tfM>V (fe: tn>pf)^;8fL(\a>-K.\

Xlkw. 9 ^ff^: 10 l7fc7"At:u 8Afft:

amC??: WOs 12 n^tn); 13 Xm?i; tro-J^t: 14

trMlCyj; CtO: t01O: A^Ay : A$,crD: K7R& m^At:: 14

LIX. nX^TF; 15 <nxp0&; CkP: *0W: 'JO^t: aQC$t: <0 16.nCy?t: 17 tDjtti,lPcn*

ffJ^nC*:13 AA^ht: fDAaoCVy : Ah<n>: #: avILfftv. 2. cdAU?: CA.^

MO-*t; i*K-3.-;19 <0

2OAA: $$>;21 A22cn>&0M-; A*7^: a) 1Wat*: .eA^O


?flA: Jift+Cfi?!;24

[<d$>&\ Hi7.3-;]25 A2 ' AA;70 : aJAA^ht: fflXtrD;^

A^Zi70 :

22 A284A:; ao^At:: 14

3. tD30&J7D,-i<;


H: tCX?: A/T; HA; n

ta-h-tlTW2 A-ncyTtj coAcroaCfrt: <D33AAht; <dA8-;N1: J&AC*::34

LX. n^ffot: 35 g^Xt: AcdC*; 3A-flO:: *fiai>: 0i4; 37 <0^A-(h A^C'J: AA^fflt:

^g.^.39 ft^^x-F; fiJ7^: C/Lft: hero; ^A*^; 41

*A<77?; A^-ft: 42 **&$>&$:


ar}.eA: A2V0-&: tDcrDAMit: fiAA: 44fiXA*?:

45 <DtX2v&t: 4G tX^*: 47

ftJcr>h.; *lHit: OA.?::48

2. iD49C?iA: ctdp0v : -SA: ffW: A-flrhtlfr J&W1C;


1 See note 47, p. 102. 2

g reads^l';3;, b omit, x omits ip^: hero;

* d reads ?4lA;5

g- reads 8*Vcrt>1*;

6a. /3 reads *JA: 7

/, /3. gmqu read

^"Jort^; 8 $.r omit. 9 ^ reads AAh: 10

^ prefixes H and trans, this word

and IVh" after SMi".u^ 01. Other MSS. 1Vfc7-A:


a-?. ?, /2/3 read RfO:

13<5 * read A*JA;


g m. Other MSS. ffD^^At:u

/2/3 prefix <0.


q omits.

17,ev. @-e v ^CYSTi 18 Vomits, q omits initial W. 19

(5 a: read Yb?l&\20


to reads 170: / .<>*; 22 omits.23

g. tu maofySZ&Yx

m, fi-n (DaTl',i&fc\\ q, n (DaH'h^:6^'t Text = ol^para corrupt for Kp'ipnra (or olKTjrrjpia

for KpiTrjpial).24

a-u, cefhkny. abdovxpfi fiftl'Cfi?'!; u fift1*CfiL; (sic).25 All MSS. but u add this gloss.

26b read CD. ^

a-u,f. li-fwdhtm; u omits.-s reads A, and has H. 29

a--, 0. g fy&avi 30/ omits. 31 m q read Jfft ;

u omits. 32q reads 'IQrfrEV*;


, ^ omit, x omits preceding word.M

q reads H^AC^: 35 m /, /3. y ?^ A'Jod^: ^ A^Ay :s6 gmq read A<0CJ:

/2/3 prefix CD. 37

a, e. 0-<? k7o0v>'$<i e adds IVC41:

39 This name was

probably inserted here in place of Noah by the editor of the entire work in the Hebrew.40

m, b x read <DA, v reads <DA.41

q reads ^^A*^: 42q reads A"??: / A17?^:

43a-/. /, j8 ^"tX^*: Oa?: 44

/a, P-ekv. gmq read SXA^; ^^0 omit.45

a-^, . q, p-n read ftXA4<^:46 y omits. 47

2 reads AM; <5 ^ hlxab h^hrYx48

/3 trans, against a.49 m omits. ^ adds ^Q>7: ChJtb: q inserts this phrase before (D.


q reads iCld.: and inserts it before A:

104 <n>KA\<L:xi?X\\ lx. 2-6.

3. wMr; tt&\ 0&; \rh\x1

w^CY^i ftrhHL:3

a>a).fc; 078*?::

4. <dI<d: 7 ^iife^V: *i2V/i:s avfrhh: 9 X7D1(**A,

fc ariVftt.: *<dAA: Al^AL: 11

trD-Uft?;12 7-fltfh" XAcn>: /L&U&M-: tW: 14

X?: 13 Ufa &: <DhJ,

!>: Ua**i:16

<D/r}#vM: 17rt"7^::

ls5. a>fl,Ai.:

19<"Z.*ik&: y*HV CX?: 21

Hh<n>-H; t0a>-h: 22

XAh: T9\ UAarfr OAt: ^/fo^: 23 DOA: crD^; C^*: ffD^t: MOA: XA: 24

?2-4-: A: ?-nfl:: 6. <dAA; tffDR-X;25 *OAt: a^M: fDffD^iP*?^:


X1+: AAt^Aa): Xm?i: cxd*}^*; 27 AXA: /LA7&; 23Affii.: R\efc: AXA; *J&fc<ft&:

AJHi.: ft\fr;29 a>AXA: .e^k: 30 AT: 31 Ah: m32t^AaJt: .X*: OAt: 3 Arh^l:

ciDrhA:34 a^A^TAl: rftt^::



1 n trans, after &4>ahav.2 reads fright: For d'Kfr: . . . a)*?Cy^: q reads

i^fii.: <T aj"}a^:W i^fii.: a?.3

^ q, Z1

/3. to /' u omit.4

/, /3. g m q omit,

but wrongly. Cf. Nahum ii. io; Jer. xxxvii. 6 (LXX).5 All MSS. save u, dy

add (D. This wrong insertion led to the addition of the gloss "fao^w, in /3 in order

to furnish It&if^l; with a

to q (save that to omits R),fnx. g/u, $-fnxread JfA*}^?: /3 wrongly adds 1*cn>AaJ; (which _r /z trans, before H*A") and g W&4!:7^ reads WtH(D\ y (DL\9\ be x add A/fc $&A: j3-3 <: x add $&A: 8

^, w omit.

^ reads ffDAfi"n; and together with $-v adds $&ft: S.10

/3-a oy add m>AXirfr

against a, akoy."

/2/3-\ For AT' ^ reads f'J^XlK a omits through hmt.


a-^ (save that u prefixes a)), /3. ^ reads }4ft?: and trans, after 7flA*1h13

^ prefixes (D,

and reads aW-fltfft 1?A?: efh n trans, before oo'RA?; 14 m reads 1"}7^Jl-; (sic).15

a-/. /\ adefhklnoyab read X^tZ-X?: Pbepvwx Xi^CX?: 16 reads UaMr.17 ^ ? u. m /, /3 Jfi#2V$ft:


q u read A47??:19

/3 adds 4>&A: 20 a-m q. m, f2

i^t: q, /3 AX11-: ^Yh 21

g. u X?: to ?, /3/3 <^X^: /


(over erasure) CfLhi"gP, hlnx. gu,fp i*0Dh: These two equivalent forms are contractions for

fVay-Wn: and 1*U(Dhh: to reads *Tr^0a?ft: /2 a bedekoypb "fOflJ***:

23to adds

AX7RJi-flrh,C:24 reads AXA: 25

^/w1 read m>frA:

26z^ reads OAt: troO-T:

27gnu Other MSS. mWA"!*: 28 So u only. All other MSS. omit negative.

In my edition in 1893 I restored this negative on various grounds when as yet

u was unknown. Cf. 4 Ezra vii. 37.29

q reads JZ-tlih&P: u,d e omit together with

AXA: through hmt. For A before ffifc: g reads A.30

a-tu, Pv. tu, $-Pv Sh^fe.

q, h k w read liffD;32

to omits.^ u omits. 34

g reads aiJ'^([\


q, jb trans,

before av/hA: 36to reads i*A4": ?/ "trhi*: Here ver. 25 should follow immediately.


LX. 7-1 1. ooflvtu: y?n: 105

7. < *nfct: OA*: 2 fctXkf

OV-flCt: 3 0?M: ftlftt.WV HA"?


htn>: ***.: a6t\7-t: 0<ftC

n>t\OA.t: frifcOt: "V^t:: 8. At

4 Ezra vi. 49. Et tunc conservasti

(= mXJ corrupt for m^ : hence read

creasti) duo animalia, nomen uni vocasti

Behemoth et nomen secundi vocasti Levia-

than (Enoch lx. 7, 8). 50. Et separasti

n0;f,: 7iiatx; flrh,rt;


9 aKlV ea ab alterutro (Enoch lx. 9) non enim

poterat septima pars ubi erat aqua con-AiM-\ <M-D-: 10 UVSlftChA a>A<n*;

&Wh 12 OT ^*: 7ft: ttlO: \>aw3

MW*J: tD%$>V. u n-JQ: 15t<n>ma>:

AA-Ofc: H7-(l^: 17 Xmft: tn>*}<LAt ::18

9. cDtAXtXhJP: A 19 *u\X: <n>t\Afc:20

*hcn>: SCtol: 21 1fr(fi\ AXiXh-: 22

OS-flCt: &G: tA>A?<: AArftt: OAt:

tDtaJ^?-: sacXT^I*: ArhC: cdFAWIA; 23


gregata capere ea. 51. Et dedisti Behe-

moth unam partem quae siccata (Enochlx. 7, 9) est tertio die, ut inhabiiet (lx. 8) in

ea ubi sunt montes mille : 52. Leviathan

autem dedisti septimam partem humidam

(Enoch lx. 8, 9) : et servasti ea vxfiant in

devorationem (Enoch lx. 24) quibus vis et

quando vis. Apocalypse of Baruch xxix. 4

'And Behemoth will be revealed from his

place, and Leviathan will ascendyhwz the

sea, those two great monsters (Enoch lx.

7, 8) which I created on the fifth day of

creation and I kept them until that time ;

and then they will be for food for all that

are left' (Enoch lx. 24).

10.ftAL: 24 Alt: 25 a>&&\ A-fuY. <VH?:26**.: 27 rf&i^C: Ittft*:: 11. fflJ&AAi:


1 m. The usual form with this meaning is th" but see end of this note and p. 106,

note 13. This MS. alone is right. The separation of the two monsters here referred

to is not to take place on the day of judgement, as a-m, represent, but is already

an event in the past as ver. 9 implies. See also 4 Ezra vi. 49-52 which is dependent on

our text or on a source of it. a-m, behkPnx p. read (DJZsVXiLfc'. acdfPop w.!fli&.fir.

2 These words have no reference to the day of judgement mentioned in ver. 8.


doy read fi^At: g adds OAJE.^;4 a~tu, de hklny. tu, a b cfo xjxp A'iAt.P'Et:


g. m,abc efh kin oxap A>T;H; q I (mX\\ u A>tDsP;H: dy (UP?: 6

q reads

a*At: 7 /^readtoAtAOfc %

mq,$. gludhtriV\

9 n adds y^:10m, v read {\&<D\ " eh read H.


g. t&IX&ll u f^&Si&hx m, abcdfklnox&Wi: q PiWli eZAP\\ h&Pk($). "OT/^omit. n

efhn trans.

15 b c v read wafCl: 16b reads ft^rtMD-h: q, $-w add Ha*X*F: I7

/ reads H7AC18 ^. Other MSS. tn>$At: 19

a-q, n. q, t2 a b c efk Ixy ,a ftHlh: dhvftH,

op AUTF: ^trans, before *i&X: 21

? reads HhCMl: Ba-?, *. ? AHf*

AKtrp-lt: /3-* AtaVirf: a? reads "JO: ?OA: 24 ^ omits ver. 10


_>>omits. 26

/ reads fl*H:27

, omit.


2gW, /3. gqt'uWj^Cbtfl


106 ootfvtu: yr\\: Lx.u-15.

av&HXi: iitih:1 HFhM: ?rhff>C:

2 fflHAIA*: 3 JPCMt: 4 *WZ: mSQloV* AA<W*Ao>At: 10ft*;

6 wapthlri 7Mlfti Am>'}yD$';

8 am9*}*'?*?.: A^JE.; *<DAffDtf^t


12. a}"trDH7flt: ao'UA!V\u a?hG:<Lft;

13 m^Ati 14 <0&C

J&^rt-;15 m 16

jB-i^|^: 17ta*fr0:

18 ffoWfi*: 19 A20A-Jje.A; ffD*i<LA: w^lfa^i

(MCYi. 22 (DC\\ w(tt)YvTDi -Jjfcrt: fr,-fc h^t; 23 hYfrAt: an: A^ff*: 24

a?H-A: 25&<?&; *h<{A:: 26

13. (DYb&Vtfr. A^ffD^tlPffi*: fflA^H-A". Sl$2V:14

HjBth<{.^:29 AffD-A^: 30

h<n>: .eflCfc31 <d3

tOj&l+ff^: hffi>: $flW: .fcA^frs:33

14. fcA<n>: Of: A29i7\-3.: i^O^t: 34 A35*0Mr: AJA: 36Rfilfc t^UA: 14

a>/L.etA>A<: 37 &f7%-3": a>&38m>>flfc a) 29&*k$n>39Si A40ffD*h?.A:


*?rftaK. ; a>fctA>A?-:i 1415. XAcn>; AA: AC*: 42 ffD-A^: 17-^-^^:

SW: JBIMI: a>*ffi>*i<{.A:14 AZH>y; 43

JPOC*?:44 14

04?: h*P&: 45 "tahfrff*:

KAtn>: *ffD-H7A; ZftiWff*; 46 H47-?S: a*fc1V8FFXyi-lFcn*; 49 A2WV


1 m u, trans, before cn>vfrti:2 # cfh n x trans. ?rhff>: before i^AA.?:

g, j8- c/z/. z?z ^, 0/*/ read wWhQrh'. /2fDAH'JA'X: over an erasure, u reads H.

4 m reads ZiCfifi.: trans. Sti&to after H*^: 5

^. / *^^: a^*?:* ?, /3 H<M*: (DHApti u omits.

602 prefixes W. q, n read AAOA*: u HA40A*:

7 gm.qtu,$ (DAo>At; 8. i /, ACT70yD4'; ? Om^JHrt'i fDff70yD?':


? adds

o*A+: 10 u omits. For A^VjE.; ex read y.C-C: " All MSS. but ^, or read <DA.12 a-w. *, /3 14-A^: 13

gm, a dp. qtu, fi-adp &X\\.L(b\" u omits.


gt, $-nx <x. m, n jE.&AffI: qu$S&\ x a &([(IL'.16 Before (D gm insert

a dittography from the preceding words wX(Z: ftsVtiLfa: ffP^A^; against qtu, 0.

q add JiC after a*. 17^. Here the 3rd sing, is supported by JB.,A*: in the preceding

clause, mi, aefkly read Jfc^A*: ?, hnojxp jB.t^A'H (? JE.^V) u,bcdxJ&^-JoA*; 18 Emended with Flemming from JfiftOt: of a. reads Ki'PO'Vi19

^k. 02 ?/ read ffoV^Afc u, fDi^A^i 20w, omit.

21 h l reads Ai22

/J omit A before >AC7*}: a 2

z;z<y read A-ACy^t: 2S m reads aWVh H.24^ reads AT: 25

^ reads a>K-ft:26

abdefhkln. J&til^^: f fcth^A':

^ ^ ^h^^V: (perhaps original), m ^Jl^JA; / 1*}l^A: u, y omit, a omits next

five words through hmt. ^mqtu, dfhklnoy. g reads W&. abcex AA.

28 reads (D.^q omits. so

bcdloxy ap trans, after /WlCfc against a, a e/h ik n.

31m, p-p. g q, p read .BACfc / jE.fl^;

32 w omits.33

gvitu, abcklxjx.

q reads J^A^YO: defAinopfr(\y0", ^addsAA-AK: 34

a-m,aikop. m,bcdefhlnxp.9*b&h?)L\ m inserts <0 before y0". 35 w reads HA. 36

m,p-nop. a-m,nop A^A:37 w reads cdA.I'A.A?': ? <Dh.ft&A$\

38 ^ reads <DA.A and <? omits the whole

word. 39^w^. /, omit. // omits fuhT ^'.

40 a omits, n reads AS;41u,behk read ffD*$A; * reads JZ-vC'P'.

43^ prefixes id. # omits.

44. ^, h 2 ?0C$: mqt,abcde WCfa fik n xap Vh&*\

4b u adds crol^A:46

11 reads rn>"H7Affix; ttZH>^*tlfff>*:47

q reads A. omits. 4S n p prefix (D.

49 m omits. ^, add AZH>7 (or th)\50 m adds KyiO*: A add ^ft: J&O-A:

lx. 15-21. avftfacL: VTW: 107

hrVC[; FAC\\ 16. wao'iLh; (\chC: tOD^jE.: a^XT: a)6}.0: a?Mitn> :s

2.eA: R-*iO;h 0^^: fifth.* <Dhtn>"H;7 tti-SX: ffltH^X: OH-ft-: hf\di 8

?"&'. 17. <D<n>"RA: flArfrhP; ffD^h: R*H: a*X*F: a>cn>1&A; nd";

aoMAi-* ic a*X*F:: 18. wao^d: thavX: rfUH; 10 AXIt: 2A: ftftlfr11

waolLfa Of: 0<fr1V 3 a)H?0C7: X^i-lh hew; mJHi co-hX; wftavi &to\\

19. maVi&h: Z^ : ^.Ct^AC: i^AA^ffi*: 14a*flt: avHJfttirar^. XI: 15


P1V 6 AAtlV 7Xfltro; y%p^: RAD-: *A41rfrT: A:

18 a ,9n-flCyfc am20^^;

cD^ntl^^t: (Dfttyfr (D^avtna; Hh7; aotoAi'.'22

a>X*F:} 20. a)23<n>lrt: m&:

^'W: A24fiR-V<{.: A^: wA^V:"s

a*X*F: i^AA; ODH7-(lt: "Hf* :86 (D^chTd:

ft*?; 27 Ohd^t: aj*a28rh^j&: tD^m)?: Rfly :

27 a7^aD<r : z*e : ^ft-C:29 a>X1V

whehfr. A*i^fr: 31JBIWIij 21.

* 32*ffDl^fr: A33"H9^i,

j AA: .et^tfA:34 kT\\

aoinni Hh7: 5i at>Xfc m>AX*rh atfCHn.: 86tn>"H7Q: (DfmXkP: wM\ HX:

A: JfA: ?*lA: 37 J&t^OC:33 yAA; 39 Wi 40 HA: 41 Mlfo *a>AA: jE-t^AC: AtfA*:

Zft: iP'AA: ^J&; HA: ?(!&:: . . . .



^ puts in sing.2

^ reads a7jE.^T(D^X: s? adds (D^H^X: 3 # omits.4

gq. mt,/hilnox tajb ftiH^f\ abcdek-QHIi u omits. 5 eh omit this and next

four words. 6

g tu, abed I. m,fv read Slfthx qpSl>0Ki ikno xfi JP7(I& (sic).7

e reads fflOHhffD'H: A (Dnhtn>H: 8 reads ASW: 9

gmu, $-a. q t, preadtrogVMi:

10 vomits. "vomits. 12 waddsW: lz

q,fi-bevx. a-q (\{Wfc$".

ben*vx AOrhOT: 14q reads ?*HIC: ^AA.^: ^ reads X^HFaP*; for ^"A".

15 reads W. I6zw adds ?"Zn>; ^ reads fD-X'F:

17 be ex prefix A.I8 a-w.

m ft-nrfrfc 0"Vi 13 nA-Orfrh19

q omits. 20^ reads 0, /reads a?.

21 tu read


? trans, together with a>X*F: before o^THA: / brackets tn>vfift; and reads

flCyj: in the margin. ;3 adopts this gloss into the text and reads ftC3*\\ (DOD&Khi

but for the last word ai read ffl(W&ihXl\ Our text follows a.ffl

bciop xp omit.

y read toA. 24

? reads XT". 2a?' reads S:Vd\ 26

/w,/1 read ftCVi:

vgqt. mu,$ HhO". 28 bcx omit.


^ reads 'iflrX:30

mtu, /3 omit.


^ reads A*1^VX:32

^-^ omit. g, abcdeiklno x p,p. m }4-A: qa^\Lt\\ A.

/ i^fr: A. / trol^A; A (sic). >$z> wao'hLfa 34/, ^ read frfia>ti:

35 a-w.

w, /3 a0: 36i reads coi'C^: 37 c ^ add <dAA: 3s

^/k, jp. Other MSS.

jB-^-i". ce add (MfA-; Zlt:39

q reads Q: /, fl/A ikln op. add ifA*:40 ob omit.


^ reads H. 42 This clause is supported by a-q (save that u omits yftA:

"7JB.: H^fl: ?-flft;), 3/"^ ikln x p. q, acde oyb omit. The apodosis of the sentence

is lost. The protasis is not a dittography. Observe the Hebrew idiom in AA;

AH-A-: Ztts nykn '

*a, For ^t^J" ofg/u,/ most MSS. read ^T.

108 roftviu: yffl: lx. 22 lxi. 2 .

22. *XAtn>: hfe 1 "W*: *AXA: ?rfn4.:2

A: Wife XAtn> ;:> ^A.P: rt?<if|;

4 X^-fA: 5

&(MV: HO: 6rt^J&s a*X-fc Kftav; nXTTH: tn>ACt: 7 P*F: TK

,yD;8 <D9<n>nXht

Z'WmtD-Pii 23. AXA*: 10H-frff*:

11CfLh-: XAh: 7Jt: S^l:: 24. a)fl,Af.

n>&fih: AAi^: Hi^AA,?: 12J&2A*:

13XA-: fc&fc: OC-OCt: AOA: OAjfc:


Wf\\ M\W*

[htn> : oDipwW; *AX7Rfi: tn>-},L<yiV6 Ah: 17 tD**^: 18 .*#: 19

i^Art: X^tlFff*; 20

<D.<fe#:21 i^AA: hCmPW^ 25. AA: 23 -HC*?: 24

ctd*ip^*F: AX7Rft: itd-RA*: 25

SftlFff*;26 ^OC*?: 27 htn>: A/fr^SX: 28 ao^u'^'F; AX7RS: od-RA*; 25 Ah:

*#*&: 29 *#: ^AA: X"7tlFtn>*: a>.g<6#:30 i^AA: ftA<ElFffi": [AA: tSCS:

ffo^^-F: cml^At: A: XA:]31

"*<!: tha^: H-Ji: n^A^; 58

aMtd?^:: 18

LXI. (dCMk AX^TF: 33 <n>pO& : a>34taMm: AX&lrft* ffoAXht: firh<UV: iP^*J:


a>N"fc: ft^; 37Xfti..

39wddi-: eofrW 2 AS9m>Y7A: <n>A0:: 2. aj+AXtaHP:


zrc, p-doy. g Xff*>: Wj / XAm>: W: omits. ^ X^hJ: tfojr/ Xtnrtil:


^ reads H.3 u reads <D and omits seven preceding words. 4 m reads AiA:


q reads A*JA:6a-/, bcdloxpp. t, aefhiknpzvHX? :

7a-mq,k. mq, P-k

aoP'UCftx 8-/. w 2

?2/, |3 prefix A.

9 Vomits. 10


. a-/ XA-: 3 XflpTTi11 g reads ffA*: a trans, after C&fr: u u omits. 13 n reads ?rha>C: and trans, before

yAA>?: " mtu, p. gq OfLjE.;15

g. The transitive is implied also by q*

which reads JB.A.AJE.JP: All other MSS. have the passive frdCit'i The transitive is

right. Cf. Apoc. Bar. xxix. 4 ; Targ. Jon. on Gen. i. 2 1 . On the intrusion that follows

see note 22.16

a. reads AX7H.A>flrfi.C: 17 bcx add h.J2.lbi; and <? /L.C.ySX:

after Ah: 18a-zrc. m JW-TA*: P a>jE.tH*A*:

19m, p read <*: q reads


a-^ (m (DAQfa). q, p read wahfrg: 22 The whole passage in

brackets is simply a dittography from ver. 25, in which, by an oversight, hJf^^h: was

omitted. ffl adky read toAfl:24g t,/hklno xpp. m q read yiCGl u,alcde

POCQ. i i*0C: ? omits next five words through hmt. 25wz. Other MSS.

ODGGrftYl u omits next seven words through hmt. 26 /reads SS\\ XA": 27I, abed.

g, i read -fOC^i m iN>G$: eh WCQ fklnoxpp 1"}C$:"

?2 reads tffDfrX:

29^^. m reads as in note 18. tu, p omit together with next eleven words against gmq.

30g. mq wAffi; 31

1 have bracketed these words as a dittography from the beginningof the verse. It is possible, however, that they may form the protasis to the sub-

sequent clause. Before X7RA: q adds X7Rfra<fc>C: 32q adds X7Rfi: tnx^A*:

33y reads AflJ'X'F:34

q, P omit.35

gm, a efh kinp. tu^bcdioxp read AXVh<:

q Ah^Vfc:36

a-q. q, P i^li ("$i; q which also puts preceding word in ace).37 m reads YttTOO", u reads lt(C; d omits.


g reads h^A: 39a. p omits.

lxi. 2-5. <n>KA\<L: vcm: 109

(\av&Mn K\H\ Xflft :1 (\9VY\ Uh\ Xft"}1V frJAA: 3 <DrM: mj&AAi.:

4 ^4: 5

Jntp; jEffDTJ.::6

3. a}jfl,AL:7

tn>2vfih; n*7hM: s tduD-C:

XA-: Xff^TF:9 AyniJ: 10 %&P\\

ffl^XA*!: 11 S^iK}: JPffofrfc: AS^**: 12

ha*. fctrn^'M*: 13A;

14Affix; AXm*: avld.^: AMffi*: ^A7::

4. BTJ.; 15 (rtth&W6 -iWi: i^AA: ^.H:a>XA-; hfrntti XA: ^(DVCti 17 Ay^*7??*:

atfeiOV: A,88\e-*::

5. a>XA: *yffl*i;19 J&h^t: H-ft:



AOffD*: 22 ^^C:a>XA: t^A*: X^a^fl)-:

<dXA: +A&0-: 23Xi^Ad-'E*;


XA: 25tn^VO*:

26 X^"}1?: 27 aAC:


J&7flk: (D.fctffi^'Hfr29 AOAt: *W<J:


XAff: ft&fl-fc31 Ht27-&: 32 A33

fc-ffi>: X7Rfc ffn'teA*: 34

mhbifl: H^hh: t^T-A-l*::


a-/w^. 7, /3X*l2V: m Oft": 7AA>?: 2? reads XffD'Tfc



W^fi: u omits next word. 4 m reads jE.fl>A*f.: 7, e k omit together with three

following words (q however places hero: J&erDTfc after Xffi>*TF: in the next verse).5 g reads fMT: *#, </omit. 6

tu, /3. ^ reads jB.aJTJ>: * J&a*Tf; 7 omits

together with five following words. 8 adefhknvw trans, after ?ffca*C:9

q adds Jiffi>: &avTk from ver. 3.10 w reads A^ffWI*; fiflff>:


abedefn. hkota Jt aohlld: t,lav$P

3\ u,z

afhll& 12

m,p-n omit. 13a-/, h o/xJ>.

/, /3-^ 0/z,3 &\?avCb\Y\M

7, <5<r<//<y read A.15


mq read (D^A^'.17 g reads J&tffllMl:

18a. /3 reads 010". ^A: 19

7. ^/ read hFmi:m, &7fflrt": for this word and the preceding u reads (D. u reads XA*:

gqu. mt,p 'IQrhF:22 a reads H0ffi>#: j/ A.

23 m reads ^A&0*:24 tu and 0-rc save that 0- prefix 01 and trans. cDXyfi&ljfc after OrhC: but

g m support the order of / u though their text is corrupt : g reads XffD^'flfc

m tet; ffDH7fl^; q omits XyA&'Et: ff>XA: tn^O*: n omits X^tM^: a reads

(DtovhWt: y&C: *7 omits. j8 omits XA: 26 /. ^m^flAO*: q,P omit.

Probably ?,/3 are right.**

^/rc?. /, /3 X^^^i*: /3 trans, and reads X^^t:AAC: cdX^ ^^: *

7 reads mhoo: 29 a_w> ^a/. , t*P-ho/ib read

frn>CMft 30/ reads >Ve%\ lift?:


a-?#. qu, p-A fiSVO: A omits.

m adds rh.fcaJ^:M

/ reads H&^rtfrfc *q omits.


gm. Other

MSS. cn>V$A*:

no roftvtu: yrn: lxi. e-io.

6. ffll^fr:1 tfcHH: 2 &A: 3

ft4o>&0M*: A*7^: 5


ffl^j&A;7 *a#A: 5

8aMICyi: 9g

10h<n>: fcflt::


7. (DAtD-frF; aoty&avi $&; 00: 12




<D16jnvn(h 17ft

15i7C: <Dft<n>l<{.A: thfrurVw

8. cDXmfi: odWI*: -SO: ffi>W: Aflrfrl*:18

ftlftC:19 A20tf>4;

appll: ti-tri VHCao". Afc&Al: 21ftffD2v02Vh A'W: 22

9.24Aft: JPA>0&: 75?: h<n>j j&hTJ: <P?-frn>;

25X*}t; 1ft*: 26

fti7d: Acn*:

Afcmfc m>l^At: 27

*atfA<S: aXlPff^: 28 aSFt: JHfc R\-fc H*fc7Rfo <*>*} At; 29

(DjE-ACh-: cDjB.A,0fft.: .PA^OA-:

<d*.A: 31 A32Am*: Afcmft: <n>*}<j.A*::33

10. a>fc,ff>0:34


*^JE.A: AW*: 36 wttCt: v fc&Al: 38 Ain>vOM*: 3gffl^A;


1/ reads ffltVfc: 2

^ reads *XHtt: e *XHtf :3

b d omit. 4? u, d


a-/. /, /3 read A*7?^; 6 omits. 7

^. w? ?}p>1k\ u omits. Other

MSS. ay$&S\ bcv x add E.8

gm. q reads ^V: hth&; tu, $-c aJ^; S. c omits.


gmq. lu, & (D'ttCYIi10 ^ omits, but leaves space for the symbol.

u bcv xadd taMJft: ft<nv;

12 a-w. w, /3 &(\C\i9\13

a. ffJ^A.O^?*:" bcdloxyap

read rojB.A.'flA?':15

? reads A.16

; /, /3. g- q omit. a trans. fD after jE-mflfl*:

17a, z'k v w. p-ik v w fnftft-:

18 p reads A-flrhtO*:19

g reads A^ftC"}: q KiCld:

20? omits.


q reads AS^I; 22e inofi read A^Wt: 23

t\ abcdefhkl.

g reads J&^^fll.: q J&&Aa>". *, / .Aa>: f' io Am<: n jC^Aa*;24 /omits.

25/ reads ^Vfravi u omits next two words. 26

gmt. q, en 'h-QhrV: fi-e n 'HQttfYl

27 u omits next seven words through hmt. 28q reads toAA: htldi YLhlfri


j3 fc7Rft-fl<h,C: &(MV: 30r

2 ^ omit.31

a, . P-n&Z(b\ z

-gq(H)u.m, /3 ft.

ffl m reads m>*}<LA:34 If R>o>0: is retained it requires the following

nouns in the accusative. But probably it is a wrong rendering of poi'jo-et. which

should be rendered JE.RCJ; (intransitive). The transitive character of %,a>-0:

probably led to change of the first it(t'. into Itlt". in the best MSS. and of a like

change of the second itCti in the inferior MSS. m reads jB.J?,ff>(h35 Emended

from H-ft : See preceding note.36 m reads H^J&A: AW*: For ^A: . . . fc&Ali

$rreads *^A1: Jf-ft : ^A: A^Yi't: 37 ^. q t, p ittVi

3Sa-/, a.

t, $-a \&t\\\39 a-u. u omits. /*- read Htn>2v" Htn>^V0^t; A47?^:

40c reads f^Ai; .* ^^At: e h v add A^V^t: witif: fJ&A;

lxi. 10-13. rotfvtu: y<m: in

kmfrflrkC: h^fl/i:1

<dA-<!.<U:2w*hq.Vi: wtttra*. 4 m>Atar!v ^M: 6



fcteUt: (D-Kfr w*i&Xi $&. fcA: a*At: ?AA: <d 9A: "7,::

11. fl^Kt: OAt: J&i^fc:10 *Kth; J>A;

U wC\Ob\ wtMlth>'. 12a)fCi,0fc 13

aaol&hi y^tft; *<0Aot>*}A: T(Ml: 14 cDAm^A: 15 t07/"t: a^A'WJ^A:

y/ftt: 17 D*n16ffi>*Rrt: Ji.: tcAly": <D 18 n>*}A; 14-t: co 19


Jfft ^:A*rh&: #&; ft-44i;

21 (D^ntAii fta*i AX7Rfi: ff^At: A^Ay ; atfiAh; MOT ::

12. AC*liP:23

H*A-:24 XA; 25

^J&ia^ffiv; *n<n>&0&t: A47^: 8

J&aChP: H-ft<n>; fc&Al; 26 XA: a*At: A"?^cD*H-ftcn><;

8 iWi: XA: ?rf.4: a^At: 7ft: 27 Aj&arfr16


ffDl^rt: -ACr*: Htfc^: 29*OCJit: A-A^t: 30

a^Ofrt: 31 <D<f,At: 32 Aftyh: A-441:33

H-A-:34 ^^: 35 [H].: Ksn^iZbn 36


tACfc; 37 AA^h; 38 A^Atro; 39<i([yii

13. XA<n>: AH"*; ^ifo^f: AXm*: 40 tn>*iAt: 41coCfh-*: ff^t:

*atffA: 7-A4:42

wltfci 43fi^itf:



hint: *A*U-H: aMlWk *AAen* ; AX7R*: ffo'RAt:: 8


a-q. q, /3 h.4<fl>V:2

a-^. ?, (D(l'&d bii3

<?/ omit. *,n op. m u,

abcdfiklxpYtfir, qtitti". e h omit.5

/ omit, n reads tn>AXht: 6 ^ omit.

reads D^,fci\;7 \ w /, /3 read H"A*: ^ ffA": omits.

8 u omits. ^Inxp.Other MSS. omit. 10

w, bcnvx. Other MSS. prefix <D. ? reads a^ti^fr:11

? reads A/irh&: #&! 12/3 adds wfi-V&fti 13

^ omits.14

*" omits. 15 //a.

a, adfhknob read A: i5f^(D, 16

^ omits. 17

q reads SF'chd'Vi Vomits

together with next word. 18 a-m. m, (3 a?A.19

tu, 13. gmq omit. 20c reads flA":

21 bcvx add o*X*F; 22 m adds ^Aod; 23q reads (D(\d.Xi9>i


a-^. ^, /3 H-ft<n*;25

<? h v omit together with five next words through hmt. 26a, bw xy. fi-b w xy read

%&t\U u adds XA: JL}a>-a*i 27? reads 7ft: a 7ft: H. *

q reads ifrft :

olr^: 29a-qu,(3. q HthA: a Htl&; 30

?. -? ACfr a>A-Af**: /3 ACH*:<DA ,Afht: 31 a-m. m, /3 (Dh&iOlr-t:


tu,fhiklnopvwxjxp. g reads aJ^iJrAt:

^ fDf\-At; ot, abcde,y wp&fr-t: 33a. /3 reads ^A: 34

q reads Jfft":

35 a-w q. rn omits. ^, read H^jJ: I have bracketed the H before LA". 36_/omits.


g reads tA-Arh: a?tA^h: be tA" tA'' (^ a>tA")-38 w trans, after 9Ai^:

39,^ f ^ omit. 40 d adds ^XTit: w. 41

^ ;. Other MSS. tn>?$At: -.

(DltCti The construction is a nominativus pendens, d omits. / (DitCtl V'QCi

Other MSS. (Djf-ft : 7*flC:43 a-. /3 a)K-ft: u omits together with next two

words, q /2 add -JJ&A-: /3 adds -ijeft-; /3 reads a&7<nii 45

/, /3. ^^ 7A<J:

(corrupt for 7-A&) w 7-A4-:

112 roftvtu: yftt: lxii. i-5 .

LXII. ahflD"H: ftHH: KVUK. 1 At7^t: mHV wWVi: cd5AXA: *?rh^CP:

Ay^-C: 6fflj&fl^: fc^-fc ftO^-tho*: *a>fiVfr: ftfrCTttitn*: 7



*k7-fc AA4-J&::

2. wZ\a& 9 XVIM: aol^t: 10 *Q: rn>-jn<:: li-ttthtO".

wuaD'U.(\i Xft; thOa>; fttf:

ami.\ M<V". jB.*t^: H-A'a*: 12^Ttf;


<D*H-ftai>;14 O^Wl: 15 ^78.: 16


3. wMahOD*; *nj&Xt: OAt: H-A<><n>V7 n^t: (D^OHM'ii

*tD&M\\ cd7XA: .eX'VH'P: Ay\C: 19

<Diok?>9\ wh9CS>\ ivn>i j&WlC: Q: ai>ia& MihtV".

wXAb. 21 $"20". J&ttfcH:22

wild; Ml; ft^O: 23Hj&taUSV: 7 nkC-^Z!*:: 7

4. wZaoRfc ^ftlPffo*; rh^Yi^: h<n>: flXA-t: XT!*:24

-At; 7 ^A^ ^ :25

[Wl: A-fi-:26


AA: o-A^: 27J&<n>$ta; A&L: 28 ^Aei: 29

ffltOfl-O: A30a>AJ::

5. a^&Xfr ffDl^ffD*;31 AffDl^ffD*:


jP-fctfj-F: 7fc<n*:

AA: 7 &Xfc 32 A"HlK 33atfv.C;



36JfcWlC: A: m>*}n& A-nrfitU-::


? reads K7RA: i^^At: 2

#/'. w q, /2/3 a)A.

3? reads mi: (sic).

*z> add hcn>: j.A>flrh<;4a-w, 0/. m, $-op read fflA.

5u, z'omit.


^ reads

frh,r4<: Q: WlA: 7 omits.8 u reads AJiffD;

9 Emended by Dillmann from


g. Other MSS. op?Wfc "o omits. u

gq. mt,pYtlri vomits.

13mtu,fi. gq read ^T41:


gqt. m, $-n H"ft: u, n omit. 15

g. mqtu,

p OvfQfliim, p"ii)16

a-t. t iiffy&aDi So e save that it prefixes W. @-e(D(dom.)

fa^lR; 17/prefixes W. vomits. 18

u, bex omit. 19

bcdloxytap read A?*flft:

20 reads (Df-CXf-P:21

a. /3-o read W%&1: AR\fc o/ coS^I:22

ar-tu. t reads k?2&$: omits, p-v reads je^i*-: ^74-: a?,ttfc"

at ?rha*4-: ,oomits with rest of verse.

ag prefixes (D.

24/ trans. a*A*f;

25/, deftvw read rh^T : u omits. 26

? reads <dA~: ^^ read A<dA.^". u m-fc&i27 g t. m reads fflAJl'; and q a>A\C: but trans, it after J&fn>R*X: omits, fi-e W&iiand trans, after $*ao?&\ e (D&.&: For jE-trofrX: ^w a read J&ffDjM; read

AXC: ^^ reads "fth0i: ? "^iB?: zo

gmq, p. lu A.31

? omits. 32g.

Other MSS. &Xj&JP;33 u reads Ao-XI3



^ reads by a slip W&&;38 a-m. m, )3 >flXA.^r:

36 m prefixes (D. n reads H.

lxii.6-11. aoftthJ.: yftt: 113

6. a)(\C\i9>; (DZh-ttchPi1 a>&0&i9>i Yl^v m^OUKi; cDjHfrn*;

4 M: *KrtiHVi

A5y*\C; HHaD&ii: ttfci ftMO-X::

a)>Pahaii n^^lfr *H-ftai*: rh^"}: 12ClJ^Kt: OA*::

9. w(D&$ Kirov-.* t7^t: 14 a) 150lLHV 6 aiACKl: <dXA; 17^.ffD^iTP: A?*nfl:


(lke^U-: 19(TCBffi*;


a)(\V&:* wh>LCOsr* A23Hh-: <&.& fc$A: &n>rh.Pa>.:

i'fltn^OSP: a?fiXAi 24ffttf-:

25 iP^T::10. aj*sybha*\* a^X-F: 28 Km*: <*><?&*:

hoD; i^Tk a?j&qfc;29 X^^od: 7&:


jBtro^X:31 ^^t:

ffl^^aDt; 32jatTAh: 33


11. a^jE^TJPaD*:35




^, ft trans, before (DJ&QChiP; against a-^.2


^ prefix <0. x adds y^C:3 n-w. u, ft omit. 4

z/ omits. 5 m omits. 6

q omits. 7g. m reads

Jii^'f'.fon*: ? /, 0- a Kyty&sr : u, a h?$:avi 8

g omits.9

w* q read fflhiPt:

and / adds (DhiPt: A'Wi: AXA; a>*flT; T$(h\ after A'iV. 10/ reads DH>h4:

0,3 omit together with next three words. uft trans, u, x omit '}$>'}, (D. d reads

ojA'V^JP'J: for WSV. 12

^ trans, ti, x omit Jf^o 4:


Something seems wrongwith this verse. It is hardly possible for J2-CD&4!', and )K"<7ZIJ; Q7Rcn><; to be

separated by seven words. The text looks as though the intervening words had

been thrust in.14 eh omit. 15

a-u, kn. u, ft-kn omit. 1<s bx omit.

17 g reads AXA: d XA: 18

g adds (D&fa 19 m f, ft. g ^"ZlPa*:

q (l$& {r2lPav". u omits. w u trans, after w(\J&: i omits. 21

^ adds


m, ft read (D&h,&.ah9>;^qu omit. mtti,ft-e. gq, e


#z /. omits. ^, a ?' read ft*Jfl0*: and trans, after yrh1*:

/3-az' read hS^'itblhi and trans, after F(h". 26 a omits. 27 m reads

PT/Mh (sic). 6? &yfr?a&\ q, ft-c add X"ih: c adds Xflh:* ^ through

slip reads (D-Kf:29

q reads (D,fia)]ft*fr:30 w reads (17ft<n>; and trans, after

2T: omits. 31 a reads>Afr: w ^ffP^V^ffO*;z'gt,ft-f. qmu,f

cdR-^ctd^: 33,bciv x read jE.'BAft:

3402 reads (YlZav4


35 Emended

byFlemming. reads "ZfliaD*: ^^ZTiPtfl*; /, /2/3 jE.^^EmaMPffi*: Z


7/ omits together with next two words. 3Sgt. q reads AffVfift: m, ft ao'\htl


37 a-. u, ft omit. 3S ^a read RAffD^h omits.


114 oDtfvtu: yftt: lxilu lxiil*.

hop; 1 &VL&\ hsr>%Wao<i 2 H370jpo^: *A<6*: aPMiWS RAlK: 6

12. wma^U' hChfi CM&$>1\ *a>A-*4-JPi: Rfclfc8

fDODTa^f: 12 Xy.eTcn*; 13 tAfcC::

13. wWMi ffl-iWl;1 A"*J-: Aje.At: OAt:

wlZa*; A^T**}: fDA^^^'}; 14 hS-L>\W fo^Mi::14. a> lffc7RA; ffDV^flt;

11-SftlPcn*: ??,;

toyflA: "Hta ffl^A A3A; Acn>/fti>

a>.:17 ,eA&lh <0.fcAfcA*! cDj&ti^fr: A^AffD: 3Ay"::

15. ffltVfc: 18 S^l: tD^-H: Ky&Cia)-J^7-:

19tffrht: 7B":


*a>Aaft: &-AA: 21 A-Arfrh: 22

16. fflfD-Xf: h-1:23

dVAAiKr*; 24 tVnA: A^cd*; 25 A^-JA: 26 Amfo cro^A*: 11

atf^nA.titn>i.; ^^0^:a?A-flrfi1:*nn**i.;

27 &mfc Aktn>: 28 A7R& troWl*::11

LXIII. n29X r7TF; aovOfc J>AtA**(h *m*n: toF/V"*: 30 XA; X-VHP: A?-AA:31

XtnlXht; 32cid^ip^-F:

33A*JA: I/Am.; 34 y"pP}; 35 j^. ?yna^: OdStfi lAtt:

haD; S6 AC*: cd.A7&: 37 Ak"ff: Xmfc tn>T^At:38

cD^tAcrof.: ^rtLAfai*:

Afc"ZU;: 2. <D39J&aC*iJP: <D <eA>'OrhJPi A&mfi: odI^A*; 40 tD^A-; 41

1 omits.2

^ reads XS^iO". u flff^O^; _/*omits.3 /reads. 4

qu,opomit. s

^ reads A^4?: "$hfr\ o / omit. 6u, o jb omit, a b c add Off1*:

from next verse, efhnpx omit next five words through hmt. 7q, op read


omits. # z add a&MD-h hChfi AS^l: 9

gfu,p. m trans,

after JB.^^". ^ reads OJOffD4:

10#z prefixes CD.

"a-^, /3. ot reads od^A 1^:


<?, /3 add CiKVMhi cnx^At: 13 Em. from AT^lFtn*: /3 trans, after tAtlC:


q reads foO"?". a omits. 15

^ reads &<!i>?ijE.P;16


, 0^ omit.


1 add ?t.4: to.18 w reads a) 1


zra reads (DiT. 20 reads

7fccfl>:21 eh 1 read 2VA: ?

a, in. $-in ta read iftj&mt;

ta chf-wto*,

23a-?, (?). q, $-71 jB.JtfD-*};


?, omit.25

//* read fc-AC: o/ omit26 a-/ 1

, t\ Z1 reads *JA: /3 AfA; 27

/, be omit.*

? reads Afre^tf-29 ei l read <0A.

^a. aehknvw read il^^i bcdfilopxyp-p il^viV

0RH1: /2 OaHl: J7^t; 31

?, <i> read A^^C: 32 w reads fDAffPAXftt33

a-/, /3. tq* read ou^iP^t; aDO*: 34

q adds XtnAXilt: A*JA: OAfflL

35/ reads ^TTl; and trans, before A*JA: 36

a. /3 reads tD\vao\ u omits next five

words. 37 a c i a b read J&A7&:38 w reads ffD"}<5.ryfc

39j; omits. m

gmt.Other MSS. oo^iflt;

41/ omits.

lxiii.2-6. ooflvtu: yrn: 115

*fri: m-X-pi kVYUii avl&fl*. 1*mX'7iUi(fO". A'W*:8

*<D4Xm*<n>: A50aHl; <D*X7a*<n*; A*10"Vi:6

<D*X7a*; 7 A-Arfrh (D*hV\lh: 7 TA-A::

3. ^nCU: 8 Q9H-fr;

10 WX\ U fJBAh:" Ata>A.e: ta^^^r:

wMrtithi *A'}Affo ; ^rty: 13

OffHp; a>K-F: frfr;14 'JA**: 15 afih: <DTMM 16


wX<t Rfth: 2AA: 19fi&A::

4. XH>: XXfn>0: hem: ^A-AA: a^ADi: 20 A21*X7a*ffi*: A22*?/"*: 23

<dAH: ^J?/"; A: fttrao*: YVv:T\\

5. cD^ftA-;24

ffDf-: fflOAJ:25


hffD;2 ' *"iA-A/h! fflTXirt';


WiXaol: $&ao; A-Arft-fch::29

6. J&Mti.:30 Wtti 0<S$t: VY^m wMdH-a-.* 1

*1(\A\ 32 ffl^lM'H: 33

"nOT: 38 h^^^J; *JA:

cDjt^ffot: F'i(\ih Z6 A37<JA<n>: 9Ay::

1*rc p omit. reads A^h: cd-WV:

2g. mq /, /3- read wh-VMh: u X7H.R

reads WpVhaoU JOLtta*: <DX7afi: 3e h v read WXHt: n x tn>V^AV

4 3 omits.5

$7reads X7afi: u omits. 6

^w. ^ reads; A0A.

/ X7a&: A410-2V: u X7aS; &0*A*i: /3h X7afc; AA0&; X7aft; A02V1 n omits. 8

gmtu, ip mark off this sentence from what precedes.9


m reads A. u, omit. 10 u omits. n m reads 'iA'Ai*; u omits.12

a-u, op,

u reads A*J^A*: fi-o p prefix CD.13

e reads A^o*" ^OK 14

g m q (q reads H*ft:)

/ #, /3-.# trans, after afih: .* omits. 1S

_y reads ^Q"fi;16

m, $-w read "WV'f*'*

^ omits initial tD.17

^, b c deilnov xy tap read fi&P: 18 3 reads W&9::$19

a-OT, a^/. m, fi-akp rhA*A;20

a-q, $-bcfpw x. q, bcfpwx read lA-Af1*

ffllACh: 21i omits. 22

a. /3 ?k7a/i:2S

* hy read m>?^flt: but _y adds

YIP1^', also.24

a, aehiklnowypp. jE.flA*: must here be taken as a future.

b cfx read (Df-afci </ fDJ&ftft :25

w, ^ read XyaJUA}; 26df omits next

nine words through hmt. 27^ reads tD\iao\

&a-q. q, /3 read "JA'Ar**:

a)9XH"fc reads lA-Arh: only. /3 also adds a>*fACfo (z> <D*}AC*l:) trans -

"JA-ArN and lACh: 29,

read A-ArhtU*: 80?, /3 prefix (D.

31 r reads

<Dh.lCh<\: 32^ Z


(^ *JA"), / = /caraSttiKo/ie^. ,I omit. OT y, /

2/S-f /l/ lA^^*;

,a <DK\h&&\ tDh.lOM: 33i reads mtui-Wl: u omits.


^ omits.

55f adds Atd; 36 deha read ^D7A<5}: 37

y reads XAh: A.

lis oDfivtu: yrn: Lxm.7-12.

m*?L(\(\rhi'.a Afhn*; 4 AXmfi: rn>WfiV [flJ/LAntfiClh

6 AX7RM; 7


a^tftto: Ms 0:9 A^: 10 fn>-}7^**J;u

mA; 12fHlrh-tt::


8. a?A0At; 14A<?-<ftJ: ^"toftis AXC-tfi:

Khav; m>y<r>-ii tD-XW 6 X7iiM: 17 AH-A-: ^704-: a>18H-fi.U: cofr^*:

<d7R: Jm*0i 2&J&W"*.:s


9. wYi&$". \w&\ aXi-r. 7Va6l:

wttfc, 21

^jaih^ir2 A8\fc 1-SA*::

10. XH>:23

.fc-OSUPtn*;24 *R7nr5

}$Af: fcyW; 0<n>1: <0k*thkX: 26 wlPM*fcy&O: 28 A*iA.: 29

A.WV:: 30

11. fDK9WHi ao&h; 7BtfO*j fr&oDt; aj^^t; 31 Afr<n>: "Hta a?v.& X3A:


whToip&aDi 7&: J&A&:

a?Aj&<?;33 f^C: fc<n>; 7fr:



12. Jiod-H;^ j&fl, ;37 X7RX: ffo'i&At: 38 TPa^lV ^CTfc 41 artHiU*:

42 A^OfcHls

1 w reads Atf'-Scfl*; a A^^tf1*;2^ omits. 3

<? omits together with next

three words. i

gm,/u. q reads (DdftaV", and trans, after td"$.". /3-w read Aftf*^:

AT: b

gq,efvK m reads R^XTft*: /, /3-^/z)1 $7^: The succeeding

bracketed clause is a dittography.6 n adds AT: 7

j3 reads Ah7HJt: AffA*:

1"7A4*: w omits. 8 reads A.9

z reads AA: u omits.10 - m i, o p. p.

tu,fvTesidaDladi q, dhkln dH'd.: ao^ddi y tn>Y' at^: ^f a* omit. "m, c

omit. // omits next six words. ngm. q t, (2 read (D.


q adds aHlOVi;14

^ reads ADA!*: n aiOAt":15 ehv read WJSmls I6 a omits together with

next three words, b trans. a>X*F: after X7H.M: 17 ^ ; / prefix W.18

^ adds SrXav*l

AHA-; yvynte <DH*ft: /3 adds AH-A-;19

g prefixes (D. m reads frP'ti20

q prefixes W. 21

^ reads tDH-ft : gqu read ^rOLfrth23

3 read jE.JiH>L


filo/xp read J&fWUP<n><:25

w, *> read ^8'7'fl:26

mt, $-in. g tilAX: ? ^*]2V

a, H^A.: *}hA0: 27 reads t<DCti: 28 ^?. /, $-b read X^AtM<5a h^Ay-fl: 29 = /3dpoy corrupt (?)

for j3dpiv = *

stronghold.' q omits.30

0,<5 omit31

g omits. 327?2 reads ffiQ^^roo;

33</ reads <D,fcA4: G0-

M " adds ty&C35 ^ ?/ read ^DhAjIfff^: a^ &(\&a*i 36

a-^. ^ h<n: /3 a)hffTi; 31 d adds

XVYimdhCi 3sgmt. Other MS S. ao^At: 39 ^ . Other MSS. "HTfc

40^ omits. 41 a-m. m, (2 J^CO^a**". The construction is unusual, but the textual

evidence is irresistible. See next note.a

a, adfhknopyb. be eilxp,xzz.dwYLhfflao'i 43 m omits.

Lxiii.12 lxv.6. ooflvtu: 1TW: 117

(D'CtiV"*: a>A2V(MV wtfkdi J&A'VH'P: A?-AA:4 Aktn>; XVYLKi m^At:: 5

LXIV. <D**i2V?i;8 73t: 7 ChAh: Qa^Xf: od*i*$: ^ft-fttj:

82. A"70Jk 9


A<n>&ftti:u X1H: ,e-A2Vs XA-; a*h+tn*; 12 m>Atait; AA: 13 <d.: w 0: y\C

HA^A*: 15 hu*F; Aa>-A\e; A-Afc:16

tDftArfrfrPcnxi A*a>-A\: 3 AAfc; htn>; 7A4*

^aih-fi: LXV. a17XyTF: m>P02V: CM; 18 PI: i^^: 19hcn>:


21 whav

H-fl: iftMi: 822. w^'iJ^h: A7<5!>:

23 2l7U?; 3 a>^ :24

fcAh: KOT&: ?CcdRCJ: 25 AXy-iaM 26

JWfc:1 a?ft: 27 ^: 23 A"^: 29 tn>C: 30

Ai^Oi.: A^Oi.: hF0h 3X

*^&A:: 3. a>32&ftA; 33*J7dt:

2 ^"it: *a>X*F; H^tVnC: 35 *A: 36 y^C: XA<n>:

hm>*Hj ACrfrh y\-C: a>A14'&<MJ

fr fZ: tt: M*27*&: ^AA,?:: 4. am^/ft^: 37

a*^; 33ZH>: Ws Uam: OAJ&: A:

39 y^-CT: tftAJ^O: !>&:40 KyAW: <D(D^*:

A78"?:: 5. <D<n>frfi; 2f?h: fcyrfwD.*?:41

<D#<n>: "Jft?: coj&ftAi:1 AyVfr 42

fc^tfih: 1ft?:3 fr^f: 43 tn>^ : aHlii?:: 44

6. ffltXHH: a>K7i; fci^tero; 45*7fc:

fc7Rfc; A:46 XAs ?rfi.4: ?>AA: 47 *un> : a*X1V8


tfi2vM-<n* : &A<n>: taoD*.:

H*A; 'JA-frl'; m>AK*it: wtttfi 7$0; 50A.eitf*: a>H-ft: 2ft><n*; *-HHfca 'ift-Xt;


1 w omits. 2 u omits. 3 # reads A. q omits. 4

q reads Cif?:Ci

op omit. 5rf adds TOT: fD-X'F: ^COfen*:


gtu, ab cdfhiklno x ,ab.

m, e read *i2V*1*; ^ *i2V&; 7 gq read 7^: 8?/, 0. ^ 'iA**'}; 'iO*^: m omits.

.# adds, v x prefix a).

10? reads ^ft ^; " m reads AffuAMl^:

^ reads avJKhXi; and trans, after J&>flV:12

a. /3 Xcn^'J'F;13

o p read a)XA:14

/, /3 add fc^A*7?,^ 15

a-?, a**'*.<p HO: ICtfa bdefhlnpb artHA-0:

c x hHA"2i: 16e omits next three words through hmt. o p add }i<td; ,fA/h^SPo^4


37a-q. q, j3 read a/A.


? reads CX?: / ChAh: M: 19

/, /3. gm read y\C:? Ay\C: 20 breads hf: 21

a. /3 reads ft^Ht: 22

w^/3 &-hop. gu, hoprftT-A;

23/ reads Ki^Kibi X7C?: 24

/ reads W^Oh'. d o p frl\ 25/ reads

W^^'hlbi 26 /adds?. u reads ah7". 21a-qt,$. q reads <0,ftft; / (DXft;

28/ omits. M

77/ reads A^A; 30g. Other MSS. m>/5C: 31

q, di omit.32 w omits. 33

o, . /2

, /3-/ read J6.ftft"; / j&ftAt:34

77 omits. 35 n adds


a. /3yread AA: /H^A: 37adefhiklo. g reads wHA^Ci mq

wa2(q1)6i utDO&ibfa /omits. c * ff)^"Vd: cDXy^^: mqturead flJ-Xt:

39 a o/ read AA: 4072 adds A: f&Ci v 0&: 41 ^ omits.

42gq. Other MSS. A^lti 43

^ omit. 44q reads ffl-AhJ&: ^lh?:

45 a-.

, ^-72 read fcy-JA: 7? Xy13:

46a-^, fr-n. q reads 7R: X7aft: rro^^A^: A:

X7RX: XyD*^m>: 7&: A. 77 7R: X7aX?: A: 47a. /

2/3- read o>At: ?-AA;

7/ ^A: ?flA; 48c7'77omit. 49 m reads J&hOJ-l: /omits.

50/ read 7^9:

51 "

A ^-a l- m reads A"iA*ftJ; qu,an


52 ^ 772 /. 2/ reads "tA*ftt: ^, ^ omit.

118 roflviu: yfn: LXV. 6 LXVI. i.

*a>Jfft: It-tea*'.1 AXA: VlftW V&>?:* wif-fra*; A-Wtet: 4


AXA: J&A-flh-:6


Jfft-;8 y\C:: 9

7. <d 10XG: &Va)h&\ ma Xy0ftft

pv&C; XC: Wiarti im-flflHl: ft. y^C;: 8. Xfim>: 0<SCs ffiVXfc; A^toA^X^^C: 11

*htn>; <M<rf 12iftO: <dX*F: Hi'aJ^a^: 13 (DodA^: .fctru-y


14 a^At^i

<D 15J&ft.-C:

16 OhfrVi ao&hXlw 9. a>Xi7I^'*<2*H: ,7fl^Hi: hyrfca)-?; 2?fc;

flX&?; 18 AV/iL: 17flD^ftAL: frC\

wXfitn> : tfiXMiJP; AXmfi: ac'RAt: 20

nXTTH: 21Ua>-*i: H 22

ft: y^eC:: 10. J&ftAL: ftXTT: 23 OffDqif^j T^fccn)*

itriiVao". ta^t^A^: 24 ft^e*7??; ftXTT: tfia>-<J-'*:25HfiPiP-: atfiXm)*.;

26 r>Cttrh72V: a>XA; tyXW1 -Eft?:: 11. cdXAv8 yTafc 29

ft&nffi*: A^A*

Xfim>: hCh9>a*i H-Jft-X: a>XA: th-fr: a>3nAh: 5 Sits a^V.?: ftXtn>& Xm*tro-J^At: Xfim>: Ifcifo; ariC: AW 1 X^"H: 32

Ifi:33 H3M0-St:: 12. a>hK*iP

Afli^h: 35 A^XhA: 36fc&A"}: a>?0$ft*i: 37 XyXA: RcbAte ft; ?-flfi: artJW

A38HCXh: HR\-fc 39 Ai7^*: 40Afi-ftrfrh Oft^t: <DX.7HCXh: a>0X: 1*0

3JW: cd^AI: a>*-Javfc: /toftcm-41 AMJP':: LXVI. ffiXy^'te: "H: fiCft?*.:


m>AXiit: ao^iP^t: *XA: AhVi. 5hav-, *?Kfc wflttih." Ittf: -Jj&A: "7J&I


3#z reads /"<??:


4^ reads

u reads J&A-flJi; 3 jE.7>fl4.

*"z reads Xftfc'

trans. tyfi&L15

Tfl, tt2



1 ^, aehn l v omit. 2 adds )"&>*'. (D.

AXA: 7-{14: A'M^i*: <5 x omit. 5<5 ^ omit.

7^ reads Xfih:

8b x read flH*A;

9 v reads ^T^; wa-q m

q, fi-i XfiiK i Xfih:"

? omits. 12/ reads Xfitn>; J'-WE; w

after J$0: I3

? u. m t, read U&mhP-OV".u

prefixes a? (:*r/z,0 H).

omit. 16/ reads jE-^ft.SC: Beer conjectures .PftCfi": 17 r omits,

m/, j3 read ftX&U: 19

gqu. m /, j8 read rhC: wgmt. Other MSS. aoV^fit:

21prefixes <D.


q, aehx read ft.23 adds H. 24

? w, /3. ^ ^ / read

iD?LiV}h<hi Text = MftPTfo corrupt for ^n^Nbl = '

will not be restrained.'


g reads ha&1i Text = CCHn corrupt for D^"in = '



mq, ^ add hff; against gtu.27 ^ reads ,M14: 28 <5cx read a?AXA*:

Flemming suggests a)XA*: XA: but no change of text is necessary. We have here

a nomin. pendens.29

a-m, dko. m, fi-dko read ^^ftX; y7ftX: here =anoo-Tpotyr) = rQ15?n which here means '


(Hale'vi).30 a-m. m reads hfr

fi (Dhfr'.31

q trans, before l&rh: aefhknvw trans, before W%C\ 32/ reads XyH

a X^: 33 /k read;34

^ reads H. S5 a adds ^fi: 36i reads (D^XhA

^ omits next seven words. 37q reads Wi^Ml'. 38

^ omits. 39a-q. q reads

Hft*^-?: /3 ftR-^^: 40j8. ^ m u read wYl^^x q cDAff17fit: / a)ftffPl7^t;


^?/. i, read >^4M<: S^Oa^: ?^ A2VO: >^"fe:


^ reads ftC/tR:43 <5^

read jBtrD-ft.: fD^^tfh: (x wg r>rtK).44 m Z

1 read A'W: ^ A^V^: id'7?^:

lxvi. i lxvii. 6. ootfvtu: llfW: 119

H'mi^rht: 2 i^C: htn>: h-"}: AJfti; fDArfiT-A: AifA-;3 KA; i-A4:



A: ?*lA:: 2. a) ehUH: KVHh: ffo-RAt: avfatiTi &A: JZ-wBh-: h<n>: ^L^l^ft-: 8

&.&D: a)j&0*tt-; Khav-. KMb; 9 avfaXi^i A: 2A: ^Xt; 10OAflOL:: 3. a^Dltai-

^^n^^.^.7 7R . ^5 ft:; LXVII. aJAX^TF; odtO^V: W; ^A: kmfrArfcC

ft?: aJ^ftAi; F'*;11 *i&h: 0C7: 12

?ft?; *i$&;13 Hfi^A-F; rfufl: %iA: <?$

fflC^O:: 2. fflj&tafcZ; ^7<14-:14 <n>Atarh 09ffl;

15wflCl; wgfa Aa^f: 17

tn>AtarT: Xoj: XZX. 6 JUhYi atfOfrO:18 a>tha*i; fcyi,y! HCfr. rhjBfflt; (DtfMT; 19

A& hero: kpiClC: ?-AA;20 0#:: 3. atfiRW 1 AHCMi: A^'7??;


^Ay: (DhHCbao-. AfcA: ?^^4: yAA>h: 23i hJt>aDXiC\-> A:

25 7R; 23?*lA;


a7jta<Jh: cD^taHrtfi:27 kaD; 28 WlA; A*A<n*; AX7R&:: 29

4. artOJftPffi*;30


tn>A2iirfr XA: ftCAje.P: A^aoq; a*At: a^Xf: 32<feA:

33 Mt: ti^:^: 84

Xtt". hCMk QXoHa^ Kyrtya*-?: V?Xi\ Md-ft: A*JA; h(\d; wC& w-a^C:

wdi^ii wicn-am-a: a?tfrti:: 5. wChMVi Aj&Xt: <M: Xlt; 36 Ua>h; m.fc: 37

at: 33 a)7Ua*h: 39 "W*:: 6. <Din*F: itA*:40 AA; 41 t7*l& 2 ^fD-frfc JflWUnA: 43

&At: a>*Ua>-Ji(n*;44

Aa*fc*F; od^}: T<d&.: 45 A?; +: a)*t^(l^:46 ^AA: KMk

1 a reads fl.2

</ reads ot>$ip1*; 3gtu. mq, $-n read AffflPffi*: n A.

*^ omits together with following ffl.

5 Bracketed as a dittography. u, bx omit,

but all other MSS. support text.6

q omits. ' u omits. 8 reads J^i^h-i9

a, a/. /3- w X^ft-fc XA-; 10

q reads AY; "/2, /3 add U: 12

q reads

0C7: 13

g" omits next three words through hmt. For hV: w^ read h5Oi:14

p-x. a, x read 7-04-:15

/ reads O0*A;16

/. ? read (D&h\ m W&'i:

p-o wBh<: o avftfc 17t omits.



, j8. g reads 0#A: ?* OftO: A$A:19

q, e. gtu,$-e read 1*aMlm: m 1*a>'Vn:20

trans, after 0<J-#:21


fi-ehoxpp. gm, ho xjap read Wh%*\?\ e (DhKiPav*; 22#z reads ^^rffD;


omits. 24Is h.&av\lCi which is read by a, fi-bdoxy corrupt for

/Lj&ffDh*}; or i'ffoh^:? In g- the C is over an erasure, bdoxyp omit, cfp trans,

after Wtfl: and read fLj2-avHC\ 0: 7R: ?*lA; (/ 7Ci). 25

bedflox ftpread fl><ft+:

2G ^^ read ^^C: 27 3.r read a)&>aH'li28aefhklp read A:

j; cu-At: 29/ reads Aff; hVUhii o l\ao<\ AX7aR: tn>?^At: 30

a,/, p-fread (D?06aJ-PJtn>;


g. z ^ /, i read X^Vh*: /3-z XA.ft'F: u omits. 32a, 3 c ix.

fi-b c ix read JZ-K'ti33

o / read 'feA^:34 w omits together with next word.


q reads QZav4; u omits. 36 m adds 0A(D: 37

q, b read ^0^: ^o w omit.

39 w^, e/hn1. g reads y<Dfi; /, b 1"0fl>*h: ao^ i*0fl>h: <5<t^jv; +Ua*ii; z'/atOa^ii:

2 ta>-h-: 40 m reads o>X*F: 41trans, before HTFs 42 w adds Ah:


q, dfo ap read icix-am'tti44

k. g reads Kf(D<\iao*\ m \vao\ Vatffla*; q 0a>-\*ao".

t iiW tWa*; /3 is conflate OaJ-Jitn^; H?Ua*Jiai><:

45 w reads ^cd^V^-:*6gt,fiknx. m reads fJ-AC: ?, / o fl-iUS: ?^ "J-fl^:

120 (toft<h<L: y?tt: lxvii.6-i 3 .

"If^i mZX-ti &4: 1 *X*it: ffDltat; XA: aftrhf:2 tJ^-^: m>frht: J&Xt: i^\C::

7. <D3X*}t: Mt; Rfiy: *A7i hAt: *J&m)R-fr; in: 4

**!,*}.; K^Vti^P:5 tn>AMrfr

fcA: XftrfttiPao-: AXA: ?2M*4:6

A:7 WlA:: 8. wha><U fc&fr:

8 "HS^\

nX^*}*: odtO^: AJV^t; ajAOaHl: tDA&Wi: 9 <d2AXA: ?^^^: -A: 10?-AA:

Aa*A: n ^P; 12 a> 13AJHi.: ao'RA: a>ta>J.t;

uJ&ffD&fc; avr\Lt\a^x frn>;

3 jBth-Hs 18

^IFod-;16 KAffD; h/Tj^-iP: Afcmfo cro'teA*; 17 a)lok.W a mW&\ Xlt; 19 *frA:

OAti 20 <D*A.21?fc7J.;


239. a)htn>: -OH"};


25/"^Ifff^: *hffD"Hs

Oodv5 tfD-Am; 27 Aao^A; 28 AMm*: '}A.7D

; hAan; fi&A: A^tn>; &7RA: ao'RAt:

Ri7C: 29}7<J:

30 Ah:: 10. hA<n>: *<n>Jta; Jfii: JKblTa^-. fcAcn> : ?fijr}.;22


/"^Ifff^; flJtrD^A: XmX: iifh&:: 11. a>*Jieifr32 ^.P*; 33 (iahWVi

aovOh: Oa^; TaJ-Am: 34XA<n>: AA: t*tfk ftM*; 3' aoAtait: Aa*X1V9 ^JP*; 37

jE.^BAm-;3s VOrav. fc&ta 39

fi^Ol*: ^VJPtj a>AA: ?0C7-:40 aoAMiti J&^TAT:

Hfc: "W*: 41 H/rtfcOt:42


12. fflA^OhiP: A44^.*iA.^: X"JH:

iWh; 45(D^fl^: *jm: Ht; 46 Xlt: J&tttfJ.: <n>Atarh 47 A^Ot: 48


Ai7^t: ajA490ttH*i: KA; 50

J&X'i'HT: A?-AA:: 13. KA<n>;3 XA: "7?; 51


1</ adds tUtf:



q omits.*

a. /3 reads JB-cdRTh; AfA:1

a-^w, /3-/. ^, z'&gVh-:6

g-/ trans, after ?>AA: 7 reads fl>Al": fi?/ft.

*'# /z omit, and read next word as WlAi 3a. /3 reads Jt^Vhi1


9e h v w omit.

p erases.10 n omits. n

g m, b x. qtn, /3-3 x A<La>*A; m t, /3 add }^A: *D.12

z' reads


g,t2p. w^aomit.



Y\)i,p. gqu read a>1*yi.t (

//;fr ?) :


gmu. qt,& read jE-tM}-:16

3 < & # prefix A. 17 g * /. Other MSS. m>$At:18 g reads &&; ; / >&: i >loh?*9\

19omits. rf reads AKIt;

20 mqu read Jfft : OAt: 21^ omits. 22

q reads ^^D}.;

23o^ add

AXmfi: tro^At: 24^, /3-<f?>. w reads flH-^: y/, <fy <IIM: -OH^1:

25dy read P0?:


^ reads htn>: HOff^: ^ (DhaoTi: 0^: 27 ?/, a</^^. ^ reads

fcoAm: w, fi-adhk i*a>AT: 28#/, /3. ^ read Atn>*}^.A: w reads ffD*}<{A:

and trans, after ^Ay; adds A^A^11: W. gtu. mq, fr read H&tfnC:

30a, a/w. ^-a/z; read Ai7: 31

w/, /3. gqu read At^it: 32c reads

AX&frF: & X^ViTP; j> fi^lF*: -5 ^ omit. 33

q adds a7.34

a-w, a h k.

m, fi-ahk read "FtD-AT:35

^"/, $-bcdlnow (save that fli? prefix A).

be dlnotvx/ip read &2ViTFi w Hhtn^VF: ^ Xo^l^F; 36 omits. 37 $-v read

odTO^: omits.38

^. Other MSS. .CtTAT; 39 a-. reads KhttV:


,a efh iknpvw (ihhh-\ b cdloxyab ftk&Xi%\ 40 u adds ha^l'Vi 41

^ reads

"7JE.; ^ omits.42

^ reads HAl^Ot: 43gq. Other MSS. read aijBftCC:

44^ adds ft&A: 45

w, 3 read JPo*/"k; 46/3 trans.

47 u reads ffPAhllt;48

^ prefixes a), u reads A'7?/''^:49

omits. a,aefhikn. v reads (DhAi

of/3AKA: 51 a-? . ^ reads ^JPt: /3 ^JPt:

lxvii. 13-LXV111.5. aoftthJ.: 'iTVi: 121

A<Oi*A: jvpirw Atn>Atait; 2 <DAto*i.t; 3 ^iFot*: tD}L!o>&\ a)KRh9Wtvn>; j&tTAm-:


6 tni^:Y: w^ahW XA+: 8 H^J^-^: A9rty::

LXVIII. w9>iSn>WH: wvai: ^K^Ci". JNPffi*:10 HWti" Atn>K7h<P:


k^rka*?: 3fi: tD^A^JPt: 14 KA: 15 toMJA: 16ft*fc a).cn>Cai*: A/T: A*i7<^:

tn>87h<K 17 HyAA,:: 182. ffl*J&Xt: OAT: 19 ftaw/i: 20 <^*ik&: MH: A&:

A4^k&: Wh 21 Affol^A: ^ff^mi.; .eyAOL: 22 AXTfr 23 08A-:24

AKti.; ?rtt:

-Ifrtfh 23AH-ii.:

26tn>J. : o*^: 27 H.*i2V: t07^t: 28

00*A:29 AMt: *7*l<St:



(DjataoAai.:32 A^^y:: 3. whay-P'h^ *iOA:


330-Z.ti/iA: A364.4AA:


itdJ.; a*A1s HA.<ttrh: 37 iMh 38fl,y;

39 mfL^Ocoii: K-AXtO-: 40 X^Ht: ^A: 41

*JHi.: ffl^Xt:42

0lFcn>: [XyilPtn*;] HfiaJ-eAjPat*; Jutd'H:: 4. a>M; 43 AA: 4"-n>:

a$ao: Xmft: ffo'RAt: 44 am-roU; 45je.fl,AV

5 -^Vi^: A4--WiA: ffl/L.eha*'}:47

Atn*: 4S Aa*A+: W: 49 &7RA: Ktlaoi fcm&: m^A*;44 t7D0/,tn>: XAffD; 7 A A-.50

fc7H>i: 51J&7-A4-:: 5. AXlfH: 52 m>KX: AO&lFcfl*: frA-:

53 H-1A*; 54A'JAao:

1 bcv x read HJUPao-, p, omits next three words. 2

by omit, oa/ add


/?/. / read (DAt^tt: (3-y aJAft: j- omits.4

? read


5a. j8 reads

6 reads X*\*rfc 7 *w reads a)^aa^\\8

? reads XAt: 9

? adds wh^H: 10 w reads H*A: 'JA-I*; (sic) tX^Ct:11

gqu,opp. m reads CD^A-frfr /, /3-o,tf,0 *lft-Jrt*;12 ^ reads Atn>8vh<L;


omit. 14 a defh?iklowp read y-AA^t: 15a. /

2 read H. 16 a-, a efh ikln.

u,t2 bc do xap read TaMJA: 17 ^ reads ao%(hL\ YIC:


?, v read H^AM:19 ^k. ?/,/3 read d^-hti OA^: 20

?/, hio. gq2u read ha^^hl: abcdefklnxap

hayP'hx adds ft&A; 21

g reads f.BA:a^ reads AWmL: to^i^OL: (sic).

For (DfyOOL: u reads (D^ffDyOi: ffl

q, prefix <D.24 m reads O0*AtO-: ? Ofr-A:

ta omits next three words. ih

q iu, abcefiklo xab. g, h read '}A*'Vl"" m,dn'V-AOt:

26?, |8 add noAMl^: 27 * omits.

2S n reads f}7^: 29q, e read

O0A-: 00-At: 30^^z; read to^UAt: 31

^ adds ffliA^t;32

u,cdekn. a-u,

&-cdekn read (D$saot[ay\ p. (VfaodOh: b2inserts ?L after OJ.

zz gqu read

athayP'hix n x whayP'h't 3i nx omit, a trans, together with <DJ&fl>ftj after

*Hhhii ffi

^ reads cDjE.fl,Ai.: s omit. adds $&ft: 36^ omits, a .r add

*^A: 37a. P reads H/U&t^^^'i: a b c defk I n xy \\&$1Ch\ (or "l&Cfa or

"MC'hx) hiUhfC-iC",; ojbUKCpC$\w a-m. m reads AfWIi ^AA: 3Q ^

reads Hfl,y; ? AA: ^AA: ^A*: AA: fty;4V m/u^ti-tiftV". q ttil: ItA"}^:


^$r. mtu, fi read ^^V: 42 ^ reads WcoBh^i itii,:43

^ reads W: (D.44


q, read ffoT^At: 45

q reads (DX^Ti; wlr iai>7fi46p adds *^A: 47

q reads

CDjB.hff<*J: WfLfi-lhi: n 2 v h.>\\(D<~i\48 ^^2

z; add P^rhd^l h inserts it in margin.49g reads ^JB.^; q adds X7aA-ArTbC; 50

/3 reads A/ii^AA:61

^ reads KVMh:52

^, prefix a). b3 mtu. gq read Jf-ft : /3 itil:h* hvw read H. omits.


12.2 CTOtfVtU:11TW: LXVIII. 5-LXIX. 2.

^rt^: htlaoi hJcn>hh\i; <dA/{1AA.:2

A.*j&f'ZmaM 3<n>h,{A-fc

4 Ms" Am**}^:

OM-hn>; tanmai.; ***.: RAlFai*:6

A"}Acn>: JA^:: LXIX. wXy&WHSH-fi: .P.ef70JPffi*;

8 m^yOOiPcn*; 1 XAod; Hit: 11 ACAfc A12XA: ^4-: A

{flhi: 2. a>JT:13 kb^/tira*: AA&h-: 14 aDAA&t: *<d"HTF: a*A1V 5 AA^Y-tlToo-

M"??: 10JtAlFffi*: 17 Ai^H; 18

<d*i^A: 19 AC<n*4: 20 aJ^&A: 21 ftCZfj 23 <D<MlO

MH1AA; 23a)2yl\: tnv4A,&: 24 a)f\hi *rr>h\ 2h <d26A-(10; /Hi^: 27 Ay*}; 28

U4>A.2V: 29 ^A0; 3U nfrAA; 31 V^C: AW1A.2V: 32 WO wh(h&: ACTCA: 33 WO.a?ii&A: (lmCi^: 34 WO a^A: tnAAA.?^: 35 ^C: axMlO: rfc<nAA: 36 ^C:ffl^ft; im-Ch,b, 37 i WO <Dt\&\\\ A.ff'Z.TA.AA;

38 WO. OJ*frn0s39 J&tCAA: 40

1/i omits. 2 n reads tDiiA-flA:

3g, P-b cfh i. m, h v read J&ttn)ma>;

? ^t^rn; iu^bcixpp f-tWrnai; /"avcnca,:4m, bfn p

cot - x ,a read

cn>hM-(n>: ? ffD&Ml-fc <Dcn>ft<{A-fc5

q reads AA*:6

dvy read H-lilFff^:

^ adds AAh: 7</ omits.


g m t, P-c h, qu, c h read $Sl?a". m prefixes (D.


7 omits. 10m, p-acikn. g reads (DfavdP: t A^OOfP: ,

7/ .P^OiPtn*: ^ omits,

a z' read i'troOOiP: <r Sr0?cn><:"mu, be i. gq, h read Ht: adefklnoiv Ht:

/ omits. ? adds frii,;12

^ adds AflX: /o>A\C: A4lA: A.13

g adds AA<n>: m AffD:

On the following names see notes on pp. 15-16, and the Appendix on VI. 7.ugmq,f. tu, /3-/"read AX^VtTfr 1S

^, ^ omit. ^t, ab c dfiklno. gmu,eh

read M<77,: ?, r 4"^^: 17<5 ror omit. 18

gqu. Inp. m reads Ay^fH:

/, cfhokx A^PH: / add Arh&; 19/3 reads <D*iVA: 20

^. We should

here read frnCfe4: C^'Arapnoty in G s vi. 7. w? reads ACA"!^: ? ACA'n'fifo

tu, p HChai (m- e) fe (4 a) 4-:21 u reads (D^MP; w,// read ftCll:

23o, f. -<?/ read W1AA.&: * fih-AA.A;


. This is corrupt for m^AA:Cf.VI. 7. GsTa^A. Other MS S. OVCAA: 25 reads 7A.&: 26

^ omit.27^/. //, abfiklnov a read !?&: z; SChS&\ 28

/, prefix <D.29 a-.

?^ i.1,'/b^\: /3 J.^'A.^V; The text is corrupt for \\Alh,?K\ See Appendix on VI. 7,

no. 8.30

/3 prefixes <D.31

gt, abdkox. mu read A<?.4:&2V: q, efhln ftd4,i>^:

f fl^A.^V; z'flC^'A.^V:32gmq, p. tu read AHH>AA: 33

a-qu. q reads

AC"7ftA: uhC^VH: P-lnb AC^CA: lnbhOrtt\\ a-qu, p. q &TCS&'.u OCm?^: /

2 nnC?^V; 35 ^w. ? reads AAA.PAA: / aAAA.?^: abedfobflAAA^V: hikin AAAA>V; All these forms seem hopelessly corrupt. See Appendixon VI. 7, no. 13.

36gqtu. m reads rh?*}A.?A.: /3 AT}AA; 37

a, <r. abdefklnox read

flVCP^V: ^/ffljCi*^: All forms corrupt. See Appendix on VI. 7, no.


q,hto read A>YTA,A,V: / A.^.TA.AA: 0/^/2 A-^TA-A.^: b c Ix b (iWT&hh;d A^VTAiAA: c ?/ A.yDA.TA.^V: The original seems to have been something like

2afx\l,iT)\. See Appendix on VI. 7, no. 16. 39^ reads Aff^l:

40gtu. 7/2 reads

.CACAA: ?, a b c dfh iklob -YChW. e J&nvCA-A: n ^tC?^: x A-tCAA;

Lxix.2-9. ootfvtu: ym: ]23

wfrrti&i tfiHltflV::6

3. wXCti "ka^YV: fiCXftt: avfatitWa*. 7 w^h^tVav^. 9

WaoitW: 7XT: 10RfilFffi*: a)crDh~iii 17tl. u

RftlPcn^: a)aDh1i: 0u*C1V 2

HfHTav-.i 4. (D^ftao-. A#.WE: 14 jW: 15*"Ha*X-fc HTinrfrfr H-ft-ffi*;

1 ' <#;

m>AX*rh 18 (D^ha^i.Pa^e d:21

f-n^l: atfftrh-frfl*: a"JMi A-dX:: 245. cd 25


Affix; frlHlh&r6 "HTF; *fim><n*: ^iid: XM: 27 rt*^4*: m>AX*it: 28 $&A1;


htn>: .ffflj.: P>?X?a*\ OPUVtiA A-dX:: 6. a>25l72vn: A<n* :


2,C&.^: 8 Tnt: 32 HfiC*?: H-ft-:33 "H-drnt: 34 Tt: Aa*A\; AflX: aJa>X*F: hiltbfi

([dhVii 35 wahWP: hCM; [W: Tt: A*#: A-dX:]36

*a?v;h a?.C0: 37 w(\&.\

A38#tA: fflK-A : IT?: 39 Tt: Aff>A\; A-dX:: 7. toX^*: X&U-: 4 w$h." %SS,\?a&\

AXA: ?^4^: d: ?-dA: XT^eXt: OAt: 42a>

8XAh: A*9An>: <}([<r> : <, 8. axf-dO:

Am*: Tim>X: 44 TH"*: *Cfi?:45 Aff>A\C; A-dX: *<n><^: wcWiCId:* coHChTa*"*


'ift-^t: TdOffi*::48

9. a>X*F: 49 AAA^ff^: Afl-dX: tn>$Mi; d"??: 50


mtu,$. g reads tfavhlK: qy

Vaoh,h\ *

gmq- tu<r\Ch,&\ $-n (T\ChlK\

n mC?V: 3 w reads <D. ^ HD^**^: /He: ?/ omits.4a-u,$-ak. a k read

^9vhbi\ u omits. Both forms seem corruptions for F^y/iA: 5 a prefixes H.

6gu. m reads h,mi>hl\: qt,diklnp /iH"H/t^: a fiHUftA: bhx Mhllh,^: ev

h\\AVh&\ cf(pw) /LlLllAA: o fiHHk^: All these forms may be corruptions of

2aptijX. See Appendix on VI. 7, no. 21. 7 to reads oDAXft'fr8


*a, <? >$.

/S-A A.10 ^ reads ^X^: "

q reads g.12

g reads OipCF: 13 omits.


q reads (l4'Jiin?&i 15a-u,in. reads *J&"}; acefpwx J&fe*J: b $T\\

&ii 16 ^/. reads a/Ha^X"?: H. ? HffJ-X'F: <D7n*F: H. 17?, 3 1 read


/, bcdilopyxafi add fc&A*}: n X7Rfi-drh>C:19 ^ omit. 20

q reads

hfD-d&i 21to adds ^^"C: <D. m,v omit ; z; omits two following words.

23 reads A.54

q reads RfilF<n>*:25 ^ reads cdA:

26/ reads HMhh

a \i(\4\hfc i XA-dfe^: 27q reads i^hC: XfrJ&: h^hCd*: 2S w reads tn>AX*l1*

^g^j 29 ^ omits.30

i reads <D.31 m reads h<n>;


gtu. m reads H*H";

y omits. /3 reads "Ho>X*F: z^ omits.S4

a. p reads "H>dm^*i*;35 mtu,n read

ArtfeT:36 A dittography from the close of the verse. 37

a-q. q reads (D&pi

(D&COi support a-q save that they prefix W to (D&pi adefhkvwwC0: wa)&?: adds XW&'i: after ,C0: 38

q reads A.C?; A.39 w adds

A-flX: H.40

q reads X&lFtn>*: dXJ?,U:41 a reads <D0fr:

42?, /3 read Zlfc:

43?, bcdloy omit.

"^ reads *FiA2V: r -titn^O: ? adds <D before next

word. 45 u reads HACS?: 4G reads av&&: ao'iCUi waViCWi ao&6.;

47q reads H*A*: b x (llttecwi c H-^ffo*:

48q, v read Td-d: 49 b c x prefix a).

b0 nw x. a-q, $-in w x read cDd*7??: ^, i (D^ft;

124 croflvhci: yrn: lxix. 9-i 3 .

Sao1?'. WXiCffr. waXirHi CIH'ltt:


3 A<MV ^l^AT : coXflh: A'JAy

mXnh: Ht: 5 OAt:: 10. XAtn>: &ta>k: 6 A-Ah: OH: 7htn>"H: a*Ay: on17??

AiTDt: S?ftO".B Y "?<?*& :i 11. XA<n>: k*tT<:: 9 A-AX: HXIAA: htro

tn>AXht: 10 htn: &\bW l""Mfc-W: a^-H: 12 a^t: HH-ft": ^^7/""}: fctn>:


tLltlfiao-i K4: u A*H:15 aX^C-fr**; 16 trh7A-: AUTF: 1J&2V:

17 +J&A&U:: 18

12. a}^Fh\ 1\a*\ hA^-^X: 20 "HTF: *a*X*F: H21fiCA?: Aa*A\2: A-A?i: H-ft :


"H-Am^t: 23 KM: 24 HJSAt; 25aJHfcPT**: o"Hflm^t: 26

*foqfi: "7A0*}; 27 hm>:

.fc <D[7Wlmt: i<PA:]28 ^Aht: 29 KCS: aW-Am*; 30 H^ho-l: A#*C: wM:

AACT: 2 H I7Affi*: TAOt:: 13. "HrF; 31 a*^; 32

-frA*;33 A^A-AiUV: 34 C&A; 35

^rM: 36 HACA?: Afc&A'i: AA: 37 ?$& A&0&: 38 A39A-Arfit: fflAtf*: Ajh: 40


e v read tDfth". m adds tn>Rvft: 2^ omits. 3

^, ai?/*^ knopv wp omit.


adefhk read Arh*F. ^ omits.5 n reads H. 6

zrc reads A/1"<dV&; 7 = /a.

Em. from AH; of a-g, en. Otherwise take AH: ha^lli= els roiavra. g} fi-en read ATI:8qu, j3. ^#2/ read XiO".

9 w reads TT4: q T(D&i 10 w reads

<n>Atai1*: A-OX: u reads ,C7A4:ngmtu. q reads 'J&'W: ffl^AJ:

/3 *." a^JT. 13

gqu. mt,p read XT". " m reads AA: 15

? reads

AfltM: 16e h read ftX7Gi 17

z omits.:8

gm,fhiklnoxpp. /reads

J&A2VJ: qu, abcde J&A2V0L: All seem corrupt. Perhaps we should read JE^ASVD*:19

q, x read A.20 ^/. ? reads hA*K\efc: hA^X: a hA^^O: ^hA^-JPO:

ztlA..fO: z'&A^i'O: p-adi'v hA,\P0: 21

a-q. q, v read H. /3-z> omit.

22b nx omit. 23

$r,x read "H>AmT: 24

^ reads Mh: / Ah?: 25

gmi, binx.

q, acdefhkloap read HiWfr u, v HK-Afc 26^, /3. ot/ read "H-AmT:

^ cdH: "Hflml*; 27wz /. g reads ^X": ffl/hq*}: which seems simply a scribe's error.

q u read iXlX: "V'Wi: ('"*: u). /3-* qXfa; A^^: and so*',

save that it adds a)

before AT. 28a. For "H-A" reads "H-Artl^t: Clearly a dittography from the

earlier part of the verse. The preceding CD connects directly with lAhi":^ be x

read 1Ah;H": q, v prefix a).30a,bcdilox fljb. $-bcdilox,a t

b read <D"H>flm;M":

This and the next two words should be restored after &&: Cf. Ps. xci. 6 daifioviov


a,dloy/i. aefhikn read <D"HTF: 3<r.r <D*H:32

^ reads H.

/omits. 33iu,in. g q read *J2vfe: w, /3-/' o "J^^V^; <?/ ^^V^: ^ ^.^W^:

Text = mips (HalMvi) which should here have been rendered 'charge/ 'function';

or = "1SDD corrupt for DSK> = 'law,''



q reads ilA0/i>2V: /, /3

hA-fl^^; hA>AA.^; 35

q, n add odTO^V: CXA; gqu. m t, /3 read

cn>rfiA:37 w reads <DH.

*8a-q. q reads A^0*A1; j3 AOA; 39

i reads

a), t omits. ^a. /3 reads fl.^;

lxix. 14-19- roftvtu: ym: 125

14. 7H1V J&ftcV; A'tr-ZAfcA: SChr-. 3 nm>: 4-ttl-ft: hm>: 5

je/HhCsP: (FY'Vl: 6

*un>: J&CJ&: X^'a^Xf: fl^": a^rhA: 8 XA: ACS?':9

Aa*ft%e: A-ftX: H-ft:

Hft^ft-X:: 15. (DHTF: *JJ&A: ATI:11 "7A4: 12

Xfltn>: -^V; 3-p-Xt: a?f)J.O:

whldCi A"H: "Y^M: tfiX;14 ftX,l>: ftaHMtb&w

16. a?XA-*HV 6 Xff^-F: Jft-frrih;17 AH: "V-M:

odi-O!18 n^rhno-:

<d 19A"7j&: trtfrA: HX"MA: t<{.mC: 20 JAT :

ffiXfth: MAT : At:: 21

17. cDi^^C: 22 ffiltt; ft:23 7:

fflXi^i: -}ft-*t:21 h(\Ci <n>0k:

25 n<ft.PV6"-7JP*:

X^^T^t: 9Ay : *<0Xfth: AM^:: 19

18. rDftaJ-X-fc <WtAF t^T^t; OAC: 28

artaDw&fi AZH>; avft-. K\b& It: -tfl:

<DA.*tf*XP: 31 XypT^t: 'My: a^Xfth: AM? ::

19. mdaf-frVi aVih<\i Mj&: 33 01O*: 34

1 a-m. m reads Hit: /3 wlVi^: 2 3 adds fc&fl:8q reads .PCA.:

3 reads fChfavi 4m, en read AT: / flffD*;


? reads wfaao: Here all the

MSS. but gql make additions to the text. > add ^."HhCiP: AtD-XI1: fl^: X*h:

(D'ift'X: htn); save that u omits Xh\fc: a). 3 adds .CCfije.fP; Aa*X*F: ft?": 'Ift'X: <Dh<n>:

For (DhffD; a reads fDhffDH: 6 "

q- mu, p read tn>fM: / Aa*X*F: ftyj "Jft*X;

7^ reads ft.


g, mtu, 3 read aodA'. qaH't)



q reads fiCfi?:10

a, adky.Other MSS. H. u

q reads ft*Hl*F; <? AUTF: 12</ omits next seven words.


q reads ^JEA: 1.CA: "$rreads 2Vft-0: fi*lX: may be corrupt for (U: or

fice versa.153 adds $&fl: 16

. to /, *'/ a7Xft*i'F: , 3-/^ read coXA*:

^ omits. 17 to reads h.1S

gqu. m t, fi-d read ffliOO*: </ *8**i'>:ig

q, h omit.20 reads a\LC\ 21

a-q. q, 3 a?ft*F:2a#/#. to reads a^^O.: q 7&&

3 ^^"C: 23to prefixes 07.

24^to^, $-abefhnx. tn, befhn read 'ift'Vl*:

a reads tHft*/^: and trans, after h(\C: 2Sa, fi-b cf, save that a prefixes W.

be read f-aDftfa f aDRhi 26a-TO, aefhikp. m ([ihfii u, lyp read

A-WT"}; f at AU.*?*: A<fo.: </o 1U.P: (+ AdhW: p/). reads 2VIKP*:

and trans, after 7". 27 From this point to 1Y1*: 'JA^": ^ reads OrfiC: l*^^:AZli: 0*^7: fflAlft^: It: ^(td : ^q : (D^trft^V?: Xi^aJrtT: A^Ai^: np add

(D^Oft^V: Corrupt for (dCL??: = op^"" ^"- Cf. Jer. v. 22. rf omits the

rest of the verse.30

to reads Mft: 31 g reads ^^^s For t" X" 9" reads

t<{/lYt: htn); t'i^^: 32 reads X^tXHH4:

33a, p-benx. benx "M-ft:

trans. +" after fcT. 34a, /3-^f . b reads RIO; c RIO*:

126 roftvtu: yftt: lxix. 19-27.

20. wdm-tti "Vrti*. Brtifr aftod: &6JKW.* ^chVGa^:

21. OfD-X-F: 7/h*1; hTft-nt: J&48-ai>: Srch<P6\Pav<\ 6

mhilvttiraD". 7 J&fca*0;8

^(D^JiJP: 9 ftyD'}rtyD : fflXAh: A9rtyD ::

22. [fflhffDTf; A"7^: i^AtlFffoV Ai-VAt: 11 <D12!fcVm*: ,3 od^A*:" cD<PV<PtlFtn>:


fc^H-fr: 'V-Od-t: m>Wlt:: 1623. coaWi je^tf-fr: 17 JA: 18 Ai7%-3,: ffl-ncyj.:

([avft&y. wam. 19 &n+Oi ffDHT-flt: A^: <D*m>H7'(lt: 21fiArht.P: a>m>H7-n+:

Z"Z: a)22m>H7-(lt; HSr*: mm^:: 23 24. *HA-: fcfrTF;2* <Lh9U artftJM-:


Afrtn>: Xmfi: tru'RAt: 26 a^A^rf*: 27 AH-A-: ^jE.ftff^ :

28 whAV(fl\ AH"A:

ah-1rh At: cDWH-fc 30ffljBA-flrh.; cDi


A>0A: AAtn*: 31 A?i7Rft: iroVWh 82

A*^Atn: 9A^::]

25. wJHhWa*: 33 RIO: 34 "H^rM:


tTF: [af^CTWPii**: [JE^^A*;]37

wyctiVtstira*; k^A"}::

26. wWa*: ^P3^: -}a: 38

w(\ttb\ ay(Hhh>', wh&Q(t: x

AMI": Hth/t: cYm*: Aff^:30 Aa*X*fc <02V.C:

40X3A: X<n><fr.PaJ<::

27. M& A: <n>lA<:: A-Arfittf*:

1 g omits.2

(5 c read A9Ay :


? reads frVg&a*: 4

^ reads w?L&fh&Q6 w omits. ?, /3 add cdXAA: AlAy": 9 7, afhkloab. m, bcdet'nx read ^foVCa**4


q, v 5P>ih (P6''\ft(fl>



omits. 8 m prefixes W. q reads ^JWO; 9 reads

fi/D-^XiP:10 #read JAt("J* u)tVa^:

" ^ reads Ai^At: ? prefixes a?.

6 x read }4<A^*:12

a. /3 reads a?A.13

?, x read H"ft:14

?, e i read

rmV^A^: a: omits, n tWfr 15wz reads (D^iVtlPa^i x adds AH-frffi*: trn'RAt:

16a. /3- read trD^At: m? read ^.t^*(l; /3 adds tn>H7-nT:

1S? read ^A:


? reads tDttRWi 20w, ehioxy read M^A*; 21 omits.

22 adloyabomit.

23/ omits. 24

^w. / reads XA*: Xtn^TF; uibfci&av'I'Vi q,xW\tlcao"t

XArTF: P-x (Dtttrath; XffD-1-F; gmu,fhiklno. qf,abcde read .PfiH^:

grata. Other MSS. m>??At; 27 /reads cDj&Aflrft.:28

f * add fiJKtt:

(V ^).29 c reads AA^ffO4



g,/h iklno. mqtu,abcde read (Di>



q, n AT: 32 mtu read oD^At: ss reads wZ&th 3igq, abcdel.

n reads RIO*: Other MSS. R?9: s5q reads tD^.t0a*:

36 Introduced owing

to the dittography firn$0r.37 Bracketed as a dittography. q reads M^fr:

38^. Other MSS. 00?: 30

q reads AT; 40 w/ omit.

lxix.27 lxx.2. <ro#/iu: liTW: 127

a)CK(bil(MO,'. taMJAt: 2

A*F: Aa>2v.C: X3A: Xavthfah:

a^&S: 4 atmtth* 2T*i: 7 h7*^ao: s7fc:

9 SrCiffl

10AA: btlrti^Pi11 rVMy"::

28. AASA&: je.tAA4:

tDA^IACai*: H ,3<n*ft?: ^.t^Rffl.:


<D*H-ft-:15 j^nCai*; ?rh&<?: &y*k-<n>: 1G 7R: 17 i^C::

29. cdX^J&XH,: 18 /Wha^; H 20^"7?I1:

Xftflt); a>X-F; 21 *a>\.: -flXA.:22 tCfc?: 23

(Di^: A: aoln^; 24iMrtitV".

cdH-A-j25 Xi*: \r>$S:ao\ 7&: ?rf>2vP:

artrfito-C;26 iwMIW1 Aa*X*F: mhAw


arWJO: Afr<n> : X7UA: rn>Wlt; 31

TOT; 32 a*VF: ;p>AA>:33



LXX. toW: fcy\e"J<:*-H:35

trt^rt: Aai*: AjPa*: *A?ftlfr A3Ca>XlV7a>\.fi; X3A:

KaDthfan waiCl. 3* X7RJi: tro'teAt:39 XyXA: ty&*r\ #A: ?-nA:: 2. art'A'JA:



to, 0. read CXA: ? / CfiA:2

a. /3 reads 1*aMJA: 3_y omits.

40. a-^ read ?&$: ? "JA; 5

?, e omit. 6/, 0. ^ to u read J&^AI:

^ omits. 7/3-a

7. ? reads IT" but trans, it after 7X-: Its text runs fA: "kF^^^ao;

78.: *JT*f: y\"C; </ reads ^JTK\\ gmtu omit ^T".8

befhiklnovx tajb omit.

*a-q,hl. q reads 7&: 0-/2/73: A.10

/ omits. "to, *'<?/*/ read JiArh^JPcn*:

12 eh read CD.13

to reads HA: 14 gmqu prefix H. 15?ntu, 0-o. ^ read

H"ft: o }fft(n>;16

e h v omit. 17 d 73; A.18

bcehpvx add A.19

to reads H.20

to reads /L 21to omits. 22 a reads U-tthCl; w&r: 23

<?/ read HCX?:24

^ omits. 25

^ reads K"A: 26q reads frhaJ-4*:

27a-/, dfikl


opwy tap.a reads Dj&}7C: and hence belongs to the same class. Only /, bcehPnx read

(Dl'lte The reading in the text is hardly possible. W^iVS*'. may be a corruption

of some noun on which ([(D-h.'Vi wlS.&; *flXA.: is dependent. If we accept the

reading of / and its supporters we must omit the (D and take }74: as the subject of

Mkd-C: and J&910:2S b omits. 29

g, n read OXA.t: 30a, adefhikl



Only t x omit. 31

a-$r. Other MSS. m>V fr|fr32 a . 0-</ read tt </ omits

together with next four words. 33g reads yAA; .^AA1

: A^AA.: 3i


omit. 35omits. 36

to/, 0. ^ reads A*iA; A. ^ A*fA. A. 37 Vomits.

x adds -AXA.: m^/. ? reads ariA: mu, p-o (Ittti obltti gmtu.

Other MSS. froCftfr: */ adds Am*:

128 <R>KA\<L: y?Fi: lxx. 2-lxxi. 3 .


AA^At: 1tn>*hi.A:

2 wmBhi A^1*:

3 A^taiA ^;: 3. wh7 \t; OtfVx

<n>A0: a^d-A; A"JA: i-P'fc: JufrAA:8

tn>AA*it: h<n>: A$4: M4

: ff*li: ([rtiWl:

(dCMAPIa 4. waW: CMb\ mw. 9 <py-t art^i: 11 Xfc Ji^A^i

LXXI. <0W: X^.e-'WH: hm>: tthAt: tn>-$fl? :

otOC7: 12 a*At: A^-Pt:

a) 13CAAJPffi>V

4 Aa*A-cn>; 15 Atn>AMit: fa&AV a

h&: 17 A: 10(1; XAt:

atfJVAAffix:18 RW;H [a)



2. (DChlb: H^h-f: hWi XAt;

*cdAC7J: THk XA*; 24h<n>: JPhlt: .PACi):

aP(DS&\ A7fr?:26 ^od: 27 Kmft: trol&At:: 28

3. w*aD&toi:w <*Z.*i*A:30

[gk7ACXA*: ai>Atarfr]31


?i&?:33 H?"7l:

wKiJM: whaybhl." *JA; frA-: Mft-Vh

whChlli H-ft :35 ^O-^t; 36 ^fhl^i 37

<D*hCh1l\ H-ft ;38

'JA-St: frA*::


^ reads AA^Afc g, y AA7A: 2 reads cn>*J<J.A; 0/ add 4&A:3 m reads A<n>*: ?/ A7: 4

?/, i*. w, /3-z1 read tArh-Afc: 1*AArhh-:


w tftAth-: 5ay reads wKidi-h 6

gmtu. Other MSS. o^A^*: 7 c omits.

a, *. /3-jc read firhAAl*: 9

?,/0,3 read JiAa*;10

/, 0. ^w read (D^fi.7^i

q,fop ^A^^: uq reads W%&$>~\; n

q. g reads W^O^V: m tu, (D^OC?;13

a, <?/. $-o]b omit. 14/ reads Cfi.Jtt

u w repeats. / reads o*A*".16

bcdoxybomit. ,7

rf reads Mll?&: J/ inserts X1H: before J&h".18 a-m. m, read

WVAAJPtn*: M ^ reads 0^^.:20

fn omit. I bracket tDOJfrCoi*: as a dittography.21 adds i. See preceding note. 22

0,3 omit. 23 ^, cPoy tab. mqt, abefhikPnx

read(DflC7i: d W41CY1: * a e n w omit. 25

^ omits.26

<(y omit.

277w, & read A^ffD; m

gmtu. Other MSS. tnx^A^: 29 cz/^omit. 30trans,

before <n>vAli:31 Bracketed as a gloss.

32^ wz q prefix <0.

^/ reads

AX&U-: / AX&?: 34dy read Wha^^hli 35 omits through hmt. S6 reads

^Qrh:V'. Hi 37 This line and the next (=Kai edae/tot 7rafTa ra

fiva-rfipiatov e'A/our,

/<ai eSet|e ^ot 7raWa ra fivarripia ttjs 8iKaioavi>r)s) may have been alternative renderings

of pivn nnDD ?3 yxini. At any rate we should expect a tristich.S8 omits.

lxxi.4-8. ooflvtu: ym: 129

4. whCMh H-A : 'Wt**: JifrC^;1 A'W:

wWtei oiH7-nt: 2 hTlHtf*; artlC/St; H-A<n>:3

Ky-JQ: 4 <D0&: A7R: $&A*i::

5. artia-fc ctd'RA?:5


<d-A1*: A"??; 7 A"?.^: 8

wChlh-. QU?: ["7XhA: Ufa 9

-OCri:]10 hm>; 0*: H'j&^J.Cfc X^X-flh 11


a>13 *<77Xhft<u>: A14Xcn>TfV 5 XQV 6 &ACT; 17 X<Vfr <Wa*:: 18

6. fflCX?*:19 aol^fl?: fia*; 20 H?fia><: Aa*X*F: ftt;

21 XAt: 22

w'h^hCaO'Vi hM&O". 2* Aa>X*F; ftA7: 25i^A-*"*:

6 XA1Y27rfc-fro:


<d?Aoj.C-jp; AtD-X'F: ftt::

7. (Dha^^ fr<0: 30a>*h.4.n/i:



a^XA": Xatxl-fc XA; h.ia><(fl>".

wlrtO". tm'iat: *iMi(h-fi Hhtha Z4

8. aJC&fc: tm/ltarfr XA: /SLj&t^A*;35

fiXA^. 1

?iXA$;36 <d*X&+: ^X^A*; 37

IKah&Pi AfD-Xf: ftt:

ffl^ii/iA: <d4.4AA: 39 a>7-nCk&: tokSV: 40

a><n>AX*rfr fr&AI: XA: 41 tn>^0M*: A7^t: 42

J&Q^fr: a>je.a?0fc;43

(laJ-X-fc ft*::

1 omits. 2 <5x read m>*H7ft:3

q, i read H-frOD". /omits, m reads

preceding word in ace.4

* reads XA: 5a. /3 tn>*}ft;

6 Bracketed as a gloss

explanatory of?. It first appears as (DYPXii in gqu, as ft: JJSti: in w, as a)M;

2?fc: in /, and as A2?ii: in 0.7m, n omit.

8/ adds Vtelbi


? trans. *H*H

before ^XhA: 10 Bracketed as an explanatory gloss of AU?: "o, 4

a read X^Xfll:12 reads Jiftrh't.P:

u c omits. M/3 reads ^XhA: 15 u reads XA-TF: 16

u. gmqtread Xfll: /3 fiXAJ:

17 reads Mi: 18/rc prefixes H. 19 a reads cdCX?: 20

a-$r, z/.

The suffix here expresses the article, q, read ha>*&\21 " m i, a. q u, fi-a read ft*:

22a, b read XAt: 23

?, /3 omit.24

?/z reads fi^AZlfc wa JW&tf*: ? omits

preceding numeral. ^ dlotap read A7: 26

^/w. $rreads yDA*X: z, ^A***:

27/zz. gmq,P read XA*: ^

/. gmu,$ read rhfa*: m prefixes H. ^ reads


a-^. ^, acdfiklo ap read wKah&: bnx waOa>-&: e/KDWa*&:30

a-$r. ^, /3 read A<<A: 31

a-^. ?, read h.4<ftV:32 "

mqi,$ read fi^il:53^ omits. 34

q reads RAO"; ^ h-aihtO". **a, n. p-n read kM^A*: ^ adds AA:

36gmu. q, read fiXA^: / omits. 37

^w, qtu, fi-n read AXA4-^*:3S

benxyomit. 39

^z^ omit, den trans, after (D7>(lC^A: ForW /^ reads 4-J-^^: in second


e trans, before 7nC&&: 41f /^ omit.

42 n reads A17?^: <dXA: A^VOo^:

"^M*: ^ adds a> before next word. 43q adds fta*ft+: a)a)$h-;


130 ooflvfu: yfft: LXXI.9-13.

9. mmQW h9h m-irfi ft*:

m'anMhh: m*r^h&\* ml^CKW, (D&bh&\ A

aHffl&li fe&tfis' m>4Ji*ri-:6 XA: ft2V0oo; T2v&j: 7

10. wyhbtfao". CXrt: ffoTOA;:"

fflCXfr: W: 9h<n>: e^Cs $W: a)10lJ?.A:

a>2Wlrt<: H"fcJ&T<I7*D ::

11. fflffl^*: (17fr?:

a>R-*h-: AM: mjB:. . .13

(lffo-J^rt: &:

12. aftAtK 16(Itfrh 17 AA: a)0*:

18 Xyi: 19ftf?: MV ><n*t: 21

kfrtn*:23 Hfc:

CXhi <n>q>02t:: 13. <0<n>R>ft : a***: ChC\: tn>P0&: FM: aWihh; wUhfc 25

wl-dCOA: (Dtehh ftMft 36 ai^XA&t: 27 aonXht: 28fcrt: aJvnai*; T2V<fe::



^ reads ff>je.aJ0fr:2

gmqu. /,)3 omit. 3 w ^ #, bcehnoxa trans, after

<D7flC/b^V: against ^7, adfiklwyp. abcdoxp omit <D before 44".4

a, a omit.5

,omit. 6

z omits. 7a-w, . Other MSS. "W^: 8 ^/ cor - read

aottA\ 9/3 omits. 10

dy omit. "/z* omit, m, x/x read what follows as &??'.


^ reads cDffft : z# omits. 13

Something seems lost.Hq reads fl^hJP; 0,0 omit.

15^,/read fflAnrhVtfP:

16a-/. / reads WHlh: j3 M: 17

a, x. 0-x nh;H":18

qu, bcdek. gt,fhilnxj> read ffl^: m, aoa (D$h>\19

qu,/hn read XT":20 ^ zw /, fr-f. q ,/read W: 21

^ reads /"o^; ngmq. tu, read nfc"<n>:

23^/, /3 trans, after a>7flC/bV: against g m. p-x omit initial (D.

M Here /##

make the following repetition: 8. waof[\\fy\ $>&4*}; XA: ffD^O^Vl*: A"7i^: {(\atI^;

q)waa*h.i (q omits a>j&tt") a>.e<00fr: 9. fc^}: a>-X*F: ftt; aj<r9ftft.A: (044AA:Wl-QCfbfc (q trans. V 7") <04-J.&2V: (g omits fflV and here the repetition in

q ends) aXltt^i $&41: fcA: fi^noi*: >2vfe: 10. a^ftAjlfin*: CXA: ffD<pO^:

cdIi}: CXfri hav, B7Ci MX; *}&rh: wh-bfa tt?L1rd'byv .1 11.*: Q7R-?:

trttfr: /".P?: +m>ft<D: aNn>?&M: t<Drtm: cdR^IIk <W&: m.^: QffDl^rt: ,&:w(\ib\ (DtofcYbi (DhtoMhi 12. <D?&ft.; (ldSrfr XA: a>0/i: fc^i: /if?: (here the

repetition in m ends) W: ^"(n>T: n^^*m>; "Hh-: CK(\\ cn>T02V: coao^h: (D-K'Pi

CM: ctdp02V: ^AA: aiMhfc (D^h^\ afmCK&i <Dhkh&\ In the above

repetition in gmq observe the loss of three words after (DfLmBfa (ver. 8) through hmt.

and the omission of (D before l&rft: (*}&rh: m) (ver. 10) as in dy. See note 10 above.25 m omits together with next five words. j3 prefixes W. 26

bdefhikloal) omit.27

^. ? /, /3 read tX^V&t: XM4t: 2S,a omit. 29

a. /3-/^ read "W^:

LXXI.I4 LXXILi. <nftd\J.: HTW: 131

14. waofthi $0,1: (D-trf:1wb$>to\ h71V. wQ,([L:

Ki-Vi (D-'kV: m&: -flXA.:

HtcoAJfti: (?%&.a>B\fc 3 AOA>h: 1&&:

wK&<tn ACXA: ffDTO^V: hJ2-$:lh:i

15. w0>([Li *fca*0i Ah: 4AAcn>:

5 nAcn*; 6 AMj/V H\eha*V

XAm>: 10 Xyy?: wbh; nt[<[7; X^SlY!*: ^A^;

cDhffD-H; J&ha^l: Ah: 12 A^A^: coA'JAffD: 'JA^1'::

16. a>HA; 13 IAkd-C;1*

A: <??th;15 XW 6 8\fc ^J&^^7h: WibF-i

yAAjh: 18j&hfD-'J; rn>;>.GtflPcn>*i

ie go^AA^; 20 fc^A **:

fflXi^ih: Aje.tA>Afc A^Ai^; *a>A'}Acn>: ^AT1'::


17. w-haVH; ha>-1i J/J: ai><P0&: ^AA: a*X*F: &.: X3A: XffDft.Pa*:

ffl23AAy: ^hco-li

24 A3.W; 23 a?*^t: CfO; 26 AI^-^1:

AAffD; cml^At: 27 A^Am>: 'My ::28

LXXIL cn>Rvh<L: ff^mt: 29 -OCyVt: A"7^: SS*nhffD; 30UAffl.;





. j*>henl?ao", coAA; Mav^ath; gsna*A^ao; 34 aJtr^A^tlfa^; 35 co*AA: 23

h(D<6sWao~. XA: ftCftft.: kC*A; 36ero^tti: fr&A; HUA: i^AA,?: Ha*X*F:

av&llPaD-. wlttr: 37 aoRrtiaao". Ahtn>;38 cu-X^: hCk?l: a)a*hao, 7

H-A-: ^aot:

9rtyD .39 nXftfc A^AyD : XAJi:40 M*7AC; *7nC: A:

41H^f-AC: XAh: A^Ai^::

1 u omits, q, /3 add Oi>VAh: *glu, abcfklnx. mq, dehiovypp read fl.


g, d omit.4

ot reads .fifea*1

}}!: jE.Jto-0; here = ^aeral o-oi dp^v which is

a bad rendering of D17K'"]? X^p 11

: cf.Jer.xxxiv. 8; Test. Dan. v. 9(3).b

mq read MST :

6 a omits. adds X^R/h ffD^Afc 7 a omits. 8

^ reads U 9z' adds AA<n>;

10?/ reads (D. eh omit. "

q reads erofrfi; w ^-flO0X:12

0/z omit. 13

^ reads

Wittr. $-aljb add ha*1: w, alb add HJ&ha**}; a?.14

q reads ff.rC:15

q reads ^?1*h:16

#7, IB. mq read Xli*: ft <D. 17 adds 9Aff":18

bcvwxyprefix CD.


gqu. ml, adefhiklnopp read "Y'i.C^lFtn*; <: x vV'h&GaB".20

w, add J&hco-"J:21

</y omit.22

q reads gd/L:a n omits. 24

g prefixes CD.


q, c omit next three words through hmt. 26

glu. m reads ?+: C*fO. (8 S"F:

CFO: This last is obviously a correction of the bad syntax. A5^^!: seems wrong.27gml. Other MSS. aix^At: adds h^Zl: 29 reads aim-fao-. A.

30 a-w. w, j3 read Hhtn>: 31z /, /3. ^ ^ ?^ read Oft ;

32 w reads AflrhTf(UFavi33

? reads cdSZ; 34ml, /3. ^^^ read AffO



u reads coR^A*tlfff 4J

36 w/,$r-op.J). g, op.p read fr/t,V: ^ omits. 37

^/, 0-A ^w ,/5 read (D)tCt\

Mreads H.

39 u reads AA^1*:

40 u prefixes <0.41 ^^ read 7-fl^i ^A;

132 rotfviu: y?*i: lxxii. 2-7.

2. ffl-HTF;1 tfcHU; +<^B: HflCy^: 2

GrhjE.: >Tim: 3ffixqfr; A^T'Ja?: A"7je.:


XA: tn>T7A: frOA: aj^O^aU-: 7 W-pVhw. AW: Hi^OtMl:: 3. fflCkJK AA:


fcrt:10 in: 11

a)0?i: 0rfij&: <d 12AA: 2P-*D;13 XA: 14

*JA: ?9Cfl: 8A^: 15

omdCAx Aa*X-H: pV'lahi J&iPCfc cd?^C-(1: awofrtlFfli*: AhTlMift yAA; XA:

J&aDCWtn*: %a(\fh: w%*ar>0&.(i.lfi

0/fiJ&:17 D}fftffD; 2S

18Xy\e"ld ; *i&&:

CFOj (D'avfttiahi flH^t:19 XyD?ff

7}.: fflfcye.Pfn*; A"Hft-: ^T'la*::20

4. a>*<l: 21

JfcatfX; -dCn; 22 mj&: 23Hfltfo*; flrfije.; cdHAO-: Jun>:

24fcAA: 25 AW: <d*H-A: 26

i^A-X: XA1*: 27 H^QCU: 23atfa*'*.::

295. A<S7A1V 2

A*JA: ?9C7; 30$4<A: J&}^: 31

wMC-a; d(h\ Xi^AW: WJ2.KIX: Kifi m>A0: hrn>; j&^C: 32 ^V**: 83

a>J&Jfr>'*: Jun>; aX; 34


tf'it:36 atfACU: *A7R: AW:: 37

6. hat^H: 38

<D0X: amtt: #WE: 39 A5-?-**: m.: 40

[J&a>0X:]41 Kl*\ J&Xt: tMlfl*:



^T-Ja*; %-. M: m>l7A: W<Z.#: 0rhj&]::43

7. a)*a5jE.Xt: **: tMlO*: 44 *XTt*:

hsr%y.* JE.CD0X:46 erfi: AaXM: #.We: 47 At; 5 'J^: a>&2v/i.: m>A*KD: 4S

C-iTt: 19 HXyilH; 50Jfca>ta: AW-A; 31 AA: J&^rftm,:

52 fcy*Hm>i: RftlPm*::53


/3-*A add D-X*F:2

/3. a reads H-AC7V1*: perhaps rightly.3y reads ACy<rt:

fflfWi: </ omits.4 a omits, and makes 2>*P" ace. loci.


^ omits. 6 m /, /3. g u

read H. ^ omits. 7$rreads yOtf'A.lFffO4


8^ reads H. /omits. 9

mu, /3. ^^/read

^ffP^a>''. q omits next six words through hmt. 10

b omits, a omits XA: and next five

words through hmt. "a, n. (3-n read XyiA: 12 d omits. 13

7z, $-h. gmt, h

read ^Y'io*;14

/3 omits. 15^ prefixes a).

16 m /, /3. $rread A^OtMl:

17^ prefixes a>, omits.


^ reads g. adds AA^CJ-hn*: 19

q reads A-A1M:20

/3 reads tf'Jt:21

* reads WpX^W: wq reads ACFCt: 23

g. Other MSS.

H?0A/. 24 m adds ftffP;25

u, o omit.26 ^Z 1

*. m, /2^ read K-Al^O*: 27

mq, h

read XAt: *gu read H^ACU: 29

^ reads a)S^u\ 303 reads J&ipC*:



read (DjE.}^: ^romits. </y trans. JB.}" before 14-A:

32a-?, ^^te/. m, fi-hk read jE.rftC:

33^, a read

( + od17A: a) 7P'&$\34

/3 adds lA: 33-/, /3. t reads "Hh-;

36 /.

g reads ^1*: m ^, ^'Vt: 37 3x omit. 38o^ omit.


^ read P^t^.: 40/3- <5

read OAjB;41 Bracketed as a dittographic intrusion. /3 sought to make it grammatical

by prefixing (D.42

e adds 't?'hiV\

43I have bracketed this phrase as an

explanatory gloss. /2/3 adapt it to its context by prefixing h-ST* before Xfttib'.

a efh k n trans. ^T*}(D: %. d omits tn>*}7A:44

/3 trans.45

</y trans.46

q reads

VfloDX: and trans, before \9nVt\ omits. 47q reads 4*^^: a-q. q.aefhikno

read in>Aha>: bcdlowxypb I'P'Sa*:49

a, o^. /3-0/z read C'htD^x50

<7,z' read

HXy'ilFff^; 51

^ reads AUA; KA'V: 3 omits next four words. 52/3-A /*/.

a, hkjajb read J&iTdrhD-;53 reads Hfl^k

Lxxii.8-13- oDtfviu: ?ft: 133

8. AA: J&iPCfc Bib^: 1 ft^A^: a)dX\ Mt: 2JE-Xt: **S"*t; <MlOt: 3 iMA; 4

JWMi:5 tDA<WlOt: 6 -^t: Kit; 7 ^O^A: bPHfr CVOi &<dC&\\ 9. o^X^I-F

<n>T0&: tiav*; 9 OAt: 10 fc^OAt: art^frC: A>A.t: Ji^AAt; 11 XAh; uMfrAA:: 10. na*X1V 2 OAt: tiaJ.-*: [*i0nt;


] OAt: 14 ^AAt: *^AOtfc.C:

15<Dtha>*i: OAt; 16 T*}*#; 9i^Ct; 17 *iPA: ffltha*!: AAt: 18 Am>"HV 9


Tf**:: 2011. wa)$X: erfije.; ky*-H*rF; 21

tWlO; 22'tf'it; art'JC'fl: A<MlOt; 23

<D7nX: At: ?yA: 24ff'it:

25 Xlt: frA/ft: tf"M; 2GfrArfi;

27 ww&k'. X7i,Yi-3

toWC-a: a*At: ^At: 29tf'lt:: 12. w^K^Yi Mat"}-.*

1 OAt: t*i&k:t 32

&: tha^i: OAt: 'Ju'Ct; whth fc$A: (D-fihRC: AAt: tha*!: A-Ati*:34

fc<PA:: 13. a>7-AJi; 35frArh;

36 wjeaahX.*7 a*At; A.At; 3S a^tfOX: 23 wWC-tti


;#, 0-0. a-w, omit. 2jib / read %i7\ 3

trans. For <J.flOt: ,<5 ^r

read <J.fl<i,t:*gmf. qu, j3 0.

b gmq read JtArh:6

3jtr read

<DA-A1t: 7<? reads ^7: 8

/ omits. 9ot reads H'ia^S^i ehv Way-",-.

10? reads tropO&: OAt: "

g adds XAh: A>A/h 12a-t. t, f3 read waXl:i

13 An interpolation. Its meaning is 'twice as much,' as in verses 14, 26, and it

cannot be so used here. This interpolation led to the extrusion of tA'Jt: &:from the clause in m t, 0. m reads *l0At; u trans, after OAt: and reads Jv^OAt:*iOAt: 14 m reads HOAt: fci^OAt: *iOAt:


g. qu read &&; (&.: ?).

All other MSS. omit. See note 13. The ninth part = the ninth part of the

whole day. During six months the day grows longer and the night shorter each

month by j^th. Hence the entire difference each month amounts to T2gths or ^th

of a day. Flemming transposes the phrase before OAt: making it dependent on

5i0rtt: and renders it 'urn das Doppelte eines Neuntels'; but this rendering is

impossible grammatically, and if it were right in grammar, it would be wrong in

sense. 16

gmq read OAt; 17gmt. qu, /3 read X-


gq read A>A/1*; aehtrans, before tha><*i:


gt. m reads AffTF; qu, (3 x. 20a. /3 omits.

21a-q. q reads "HTF: aefhiklnpvwkt\ b c d x ci HYbi 22

a-q, bcdox.

q, (3-bcdoxp <MlOt; ^q, $-bcdxp add "S^t: 24

a-u,fhilov xpp.u,acdekn read ^yAt: b ^f^lYV\

25i omits rest of verse through hmt.

26g m t. u, 13 read tfi . q omits. 27 g m read frArh: q omits. 28 omits.

q,h loap read ^^A; / ^>9(\?V\ gm add ffl^yAt:30

b c dlop xypb omit.31

aefhknp read tfaM; 32a. /3 reads g. I have obelized the word as corrupt.

We should have hdtAl or g. See ver. 18.33gm. Other MSS. I<dS.


Other MSS. g.35

/ reads ma)QXi a)t7-nX: /S adds erftj;36^/.

Ace. of motion towards. ^ reads frA/ft: ?;/ AJfAA; Other MSS. AfrAflr. 37 w^read a)j&7-flK; m reads A^rAt: /, ?'oz;^ A^A: /, /3 add *9"it:

134 Gfcflvru: yfn: lxxii. i 3-i 9 .

n^^-flt; 1 -Wfr WW m&MXch',4*AX*H*: tfci^Ct: 5


14. A7,CAt:

OAt; tiaj^: OAt: Xi^AAt: <Dstha>.l: OAt: 9 hOAt: A>A/fr tha*'}; OAt: 10

*i$A: Xffll:11

ffit^frC;12 A>A/h 13

ffltJuD-'i: A-At: 14*1<?A:: 15. 0WX;

erh^: hm>: trhfrC: 15 OAt: 16art*}.-*;

17 A>rftt:18


0rhj&: (PR-AA:

cD*j&Aa>A;21 a>-At; A^-At: 22 -tflt: a^j&iPCfc 23 fc^i,?: art'JC-A:

21 ipAA; 24

R-Arft::25 16. cdAA: 1VLRtn>; ipAA; 2G

8-Atfi:27 trfiOO: ^Svt: *ii^rt: Arft^;


T"}*#: cotha*}: OAt: 9wCtj a)firfi.e; ii$A: a)AAt: A*m*:: 29 17. <D,ea>AX;

erhjB.; &F>h 9(M*b\ ^Xy^Xt: A^At: ^>^t: 30a>?rfia*C; yD^^J: 31 wv>Cfa

A^At: 32tf'Jt:

33 iMA; 14Arh;

34atf'JC-A: A^O^-fl: *iOA:

35 *^yDAt: tf'Vr;36

XTT; 37 yO&fl:: 18. A38^Kt: OAt; 391vfi0ft; OAt: 30 tii&kt;t 40 *iPA

ffitha^; OAt: 41'Jtf'Ct: 5l?A: w&dsVi A<n>Tfr *1<?A:: 19. cD*jE.a)AX:

42 B(h

te&kt\ ^yAt: 43 -^t: 44ffl


1}^: 42 A^At: 46tf'it: Kit: ?06a

<d*J&ipC$;42 A<Ml0t; 47 -M*: AX*HVS tfcyC;W; 49 XTT: 50 *u"M: a)hrti&

1 w reads A^rA*F: h A^"A: * omits next word. 2zrc omits, q reads *7vA: 3 a

omits.4 reads JtArh:


^ prefixes A. fl? omits.6m, b c io xpp read Rfttf':

7a-q. q

l reads a?. ^2/3 (DA.

8mu, ft. gqtovcnt.

9 a reads 0A1": 7 add A>A/fa

a k omit together with next three words through hmt. 10

q reads 0A1*: e omits.

11 mt read ^CI^T:/); <0&2V/b*F(1*;/): /3 trans, before fc$A:12

? reads ffl^:

13 gq read A>A/fr14

? omits.15

mt, 0. gqu read "tibKC'. q adds hcn>:


g reads OAt: 170. a reads tiiD-i;


? read AjA.1*:19

0. a reads

t7"AX; 20"<?A Other MS S. A.

21 a gives the verb in the 3rd fern, sing., in

the 3rd masc. sing.^mqt read A^A: 23

0. a reads to1C$: &ex add Qihfr.


^ omits. <?^ read A0.ib

g reads JtArh: omits next four words through hmt.

26 a omits. *>$ read A0.27

w, read JtArh:28

a. reads EhA: w adds

*1$A:29mt, add *lA: 30 u omits. 31 a reads A.Wfc 32


afhikn. g reads A^^At: w A^^At: ? A. bedelox ab A^^A: 33 Vomits

next eight words through hmt. 34gqu read frAfh:


q reads *lOAt:36 w.

Ace. of place where, gq read ^yAt: (q om.) ^'it: / A^At: ^'it: , /3 A^A:ff".

37/, 0. -;? read AX"}t: A.

3Sq reads a). /(DA.

39b omits.

401 have

obelized this word as corrupt. The day increases or decreases only by one part. Weshould read hihA: or g. See note 32 on p. T33.


q, b omit.*

0. a gives

the verb in the 3rd fern. sing.43

/ u, n w. gq read ^^At: which q trans, after ^it;

m, P-n ^yA: 44

^ reads ^^"fi q omits.45

/ reads H.46

gtu, n. m reads

A^^At: y Ag. /3- A^yA: 47 ^ z> read A^-A'it:4S^ m, p. q t read

AXIt: u A.49

a. /3 reads tXyCt: aA7: a-z^ add a dittography A(^ A)d-A0t:

^t: hit; A8*Arh: adds only the last two words. 50 a-t. t, /3 omit.

lxxii. 19-26. <*>flvtu: y?tt: 135

ft(\fh\l (DWCft. (L^OA-fl:: 20. Aj&Xt: OAt; 2

^9<Sj&: 3 ^M": jn>AA;

AAt: [wYuD'ii 04-?-:]4 (D^ha^li AAt: tA'it: %i$A:

5 m^^t**.: 1*fl9t:

fcA:: 21. <z>j&a>0X5 0rftj&: Xy.eXt: tf'Vt: atf'JC-n; A^OtMl: *<d,7-AX:s


(DflwOki a*u/^Vflt: -tf-Vfr10 u*AA: 2


a>tt&fl:13 O^OrfWl: 13

fT^ftt: 14 Wt:: 22. a>AX*: OAt: tiff*'*: A>A/h Xi^OAt; 15*<DA>A/]r:

Xyrt.A/ft tiaM: 16ffllvhft-C: OAt: X^OAt: XAh: ipAA: frAA: 17 tDtJND-*?:

AAt: C^Ci*: fc$A: Tl**: ffl 18ff7^t: Affo^tj19

h$A:: 23. a>*a)0X: 20

9rh^: Xy.eXt: 21 ^Ati" -Vrt: a^C-A: 20 WlMl^r *?-**: A0<1:

*a)l<ihi a^Ai; 2' y^fc <D23 a>0X:24 a*A+: *i2vX: *-ff1t: XyV"^; 23 wAA:

SMA: cDhffo-H; ?0C-O: (l^X*: 28 tf-rtV7 Ay0A; tm&\\ 24. <D28Aje.Xt:

OAt: 29 ^hart: A>A/fr 'JipC*: a>Arfi: fcA: wOM': A-AW *i$A:: 25.

m*a>0X: 31 0rh.: 32A.eX*; OAt: XWXt; 21 *i&Xt; -tf-rt*:

33 a^C-fl: 34

n^0&>(l: A^SvXt; 35 -tf-Vh36

<d*j&7-AX;34 fl^^; *n*ffi"t! -tf-Vft

37 u*AA:

w%R(\ih:3S 0*nCOsM *A*rht: tf'it;

39 *A.7,,0<Z-A: A'W:: 40

26. cDA,eXt:


g- m / read ipAA: whih: JfrArh; q ...w... JtAift: a, 3 read giaJEfrArh:

but aefhkn trans, this phrase before AX*$1*:2

q omits. 3

gt,fi. m, celnopwjapread j&t^J&: ??/,a^tO^: txttUfr r//^ *<.: h&Vtt&\ 4 Bracketed

as a dittographic rendering.5

</ omits next three words through hmt. 6a, i.

/3-z'omit.7q reads A.

8 u omits.9

gq, bx. mt, ac defhik Inopp read

AfrAifa: u omits. 10 h n 1 read 'V&A: i?" and omit the next six words through hmt.11

gq read JtAfh: Z1

omits. 12

q reads ffl^C-fl;13

qu omit. 14

w^ 5n 2 read

*7VA: 15w, * read Xm>}^: 16 a-w. m reads wCl&X't', OAfc fao*'*: A>A^":

|3 XAh: fflfrArh:17

a-q,e/In. q omits. a<$<r dhikoxypj) read OAfc 18<fy

omit. 19/?z reads 1PAA1": 20

/3. a reads in the 3rd fem. sing.21 u reads fl.

22 m reads vI&h\ 23 m reads fiA:24 w. a-m read 'froGX; /3 .fcajflX: Brtii

25a-/?/. /, /3-<?j/ read *S


'*1': yVd-fc u, e tf'it; 07D/U<J^: 26o-ot, z>. w

3 -;>

read *ivX: ^ Here m repeats the preceding seven words, save that it reads fl*ivX^:

for A*lvX: ^ gmq omit. 29 u reads AtA/Vi 30qu read g.

31/3. a reads

the 3rd sing. fem. For ^.cd" <5.r read &xPCty'.32 6x omit.

33* omits next four

words through hmt. 340. a reads the 3rd sing. fem. 35

a-q. q, /3 read *ivX:36

z' repeats twice the rest of the verse. 37 m reads flArh*t; A'^'i^ : u omits.

^y/ add odtOA: 38 Px add AXlt: ^XyCt: WJ\7:39 3-. ^? read flAt;

AArht: OAt: w AA^A: -*T'h:Y\ which it trans, after Ai^O^-A: tu read AjE-Xt:

A^": t u are simply an emendation of gq. a reads A*lvX; ***".40 a-w. w, /3

read A^O^-A: and trans, before tththt:

136 avftihd: y?tt: lxxii. 26-32.

OMr: *!(&*, AA*: 1 cDtha*'*: 2iiDA?*: A"m*: 3

ffltha*'?: A>A/fr4 9uCt:

<D*i2V&1*: fc$A;5 T*$*#: 6 w^'i^Vi A.At: *i*?A:: 27. wLKod; Rdifr.

hCXhtV". w^SflaDi1 \h&S!:\ A;8 Ufa 9 hCMtV". (D^dahk-. Aaj-htV tf'rtV1

iMA: 8-arh:12 coA^OiMli.; Ay'J^tf': 14

?9C(1:: 28. cDQj&Xt: OA*: 15

108t: 16 A>A/h 17 fo^?: t^AOt-t 18 &.C: ["Hai-M': &SA: ftrhA]19 aj^Wt:

AAfc" ^yjct: whctifr, *iA; 21 fflffD^t: Afl^t: fct?A:: 29. a)7-nX: 228rhJ&:

a?nfi:23 a>nt: **AX:

24 ^'it: Xlt; n25yD/,,*fc aj26j&7n?i: *A: THh* *CXA*tf:

iMA; 8-arh:23 J&wCfc 29

artSC-A:: 30. cDAj&Xt;30 OAt: t^R-R*:

31 A,A/h 32

JlT }.?:33

aJthaJ-l: A>A/h 34 ^Cl*: 35*1<?A: tD^^t: shPA:: 31. wa^Kt:

OAt: <D0X:36

Brhj&: fcy-M&Xt: 37 -7'it: art^C-A: A^-A: 38(DjB.7nX: A^A^fc 39

fflj&iPCfc40 A'V&At: 41 -y^t: wAAi ajArh^; R-Arh: art^C-A: A^OtZ-A: 42


32. Wkti OAt: Td0: A,A/fr fflth^*}: tAW: 44*i<PA:

45 *<00A;fr -Tnia*};


tA'it: ii$A: aj^Wja; 47 A>A/h i^AA: "y^-V: J&ha**}: *}ai>t;27 T"}**: 48

1 ^ omit.2 u omits next three words through hmt. 3

/ reads AOAfa4 eh omit.

5*-1 omits rest of verse.


a-q trans, before %l*?A:' #z reads fl:

?*Jok-: A:8

/ reads A. 9a. /3-z read &A: i X&ft*F: 10

m, /3. a-;rc

read AfrA*:"

j8. reads 'pV'l'RV". *f/ pViOHn mqu read ROrh:

13 reads A, reads (D." a-^. w, /3 read A/i*i3<5lJ:

15 w /, $-f. g q,f read

AAift u omits. 16

^. m, read IVhRC: /?/ fdiffBi 17 trans, after,

? trans, before XW?'. IS

gq read tA^T: ?/ g. /, P-0 read h(h&', (or firh&:).

a reads %. m omits together with "h&\ The 'ninth/ if original, must be of the half


for night or day cannot decrease or increase by more than ^gth, as in ver. 16.

See note 1 5 on ver. 10. Perhaps we might emend K^i^i into JiffD^^: 19 A gloss.

For h**A: {gmq, a) other MSS. read ti$A: and for hth (g) other MSS. read hih&;

or g.20

a. /3 reads ^ha*"}; A second hand in b adds A>A/ir:21

q omits

next three words through hmt. 22

q reads ml'QKV: 23,

ze> omit. 24qt read

*l&&h 25m, omit. 26

^ ot, /2omit. 27

^/"A v read ^A: XMl*F: omits.

mq read 8*Arh;^

q omits. 30</ omits entire verse.

31a. /3 reads 1*1frC:

32 w reads 0A"V:33

<5 x trans, before frhRC: 34u, aehk omit. 35 a^ read %.

36^ reads to)". 37

/, ^ add *i&M*; ^ adds *i^X: 3Sa. p-e read A^O^-O:

<? A^O^A: A^J&i 39^. w/, /S-o read F'P'&i'i q, op. F ^^: " m trans,

after AW^A^: 41

a.fhiknoa. abcdelxb read A'V^A; q adds 0A*V:^?adds

Q(b>\ A.^gqt. m u, /3 read <DA.


^ reads Afl*}+*45

fli omit next four

words through hmt. 46^ reads cDflB^^Vl*;

47gq, abPklwp. m,cde/nx

read fiftUfr tu ^Otfr hv ttsV%.^\ doyci &Yd.h\ 43e adds *?8.oi>:

LXXII.32 LXXIII.4. OD^/hci: ITW. 137

odtOA: 1 *iPAAt: 7X-t: Ms8 ffl^CAOt:: 333. a)l$\ AOAt: a>AA>A/fr 4

a><fc0i ADA*: AAA*: Al^AT^: 0rfij&; a*X*F: ^tA,Aj&::6

34. AMtAlh

J&iav*:7 7chV6V". s OAt: fcyOAt: a>A>A/h fc^AAt: #CA:: 9

35. WHahfrV:

tXHtt: a^AY*-; A lo0rh: a^-Wlfr: 11 M: 12 g 137*lX:

14a>j&a>0X: a^: 15

flCyi: mj&: 16 HAopj&: 7 0fh: 18 A9Aop : ^Ay:: 36. TOT: 19 a^-F: 20

Hje.DeX: 21 *a*X'fc22 *-ACyi; m: <D23

j&A<n>J&: *AfiCS.P: RfiOV4 A*un: *HH:

X7R&:: 25 37. *AhffD; J&a)0&: ohooH: 26J&Aa^fo 27 aj^-Jflfl: whJZOCG:

**A: j&^a^R-:11 ffo^t; <dAAT: 29 aXICYii WM. Afl'iti 2iA J&ACU: 30 fci^H; 31

<dCU; atfyfllMPffi*: Afc^/blFff**: Ha>7:; 32 LXXIII. w&'ltoV'; A*H; tXHH:

CAIh *i&*: 33 thHH; 34 AflCyi: IfrA: HAff*; a)Ch\\ 2. cd&AA-: hffD; &AA:

AW: 35 a>*AmT; 36 R*l>: A1A; 37 Jfc: }4-A; ti?A; 38 a>Acn>ACt: *<d!HI: 39

A ^: -aCYV..40

3. 07AH-A*: cdC*: a^faD". <D*y>AP/U*; 41^.t'BAT: a>cn>P0AJJ:

htn> : odtOA: Bch^i <dAA: ^<5: 42h<Ei:

43-ACyj-: ^ha*}: 44 A-A1

}?;45 &.:

Kf-aCYh B(hii 4. a)h<n>-H: J&wCfc a>Cfcft: H46rn>TM: frOA; je.a>0X;47


^ reads ffOTO^V: If we transpose before this word the A that follows in

gmq, we might recover the original.2

/. gm ArJj<D. Similarly q AAAA*F:

?X:V'. fflAA: u, j3 omit A. u and most other MSS. give simply the numerals

rfaJ ( omits CD) g.3

/. w reads ^A'D*: gq read ^A"0: , /3 read either

<SA*0: or dOrl; or g.A

q, h read a>A>A/i": and ^ omits next three words

and reads A^OtWl: 5

q reads D.6 gmq prefix ID.

7^ pre-

fixes <D. x omits.8 <Sr read F^chVd.: 9

^wz^ prefix a*.10

q reads A*JA:

?rfiff*C:" u omits. 12 w adds 7Afc: ^7-Ah: A( A)X*Jt:


g, /3.

w$r/ omit. 14zb adds A&*H*Z:

15 m,bx read Ua^-fr /3-^ Ha*X*F:16

|3 adds HA9A7D:17 b x omit next nine words through hmt. 18

a, e h n.

Other MSS. 0rh?:19

q reads a>"H:20 u omits, a" adds thHtt; 21 *A read

a?0/i: u reads H and omits next three words + CO.22 m u, /3 omit. 23 u omits.

For w /3 reads H. 24

q reads ahChfO". Aa*X*F: 25*5 x read X7R?iJ: 26


m hao'Hx a)'' a), qt tiaVH; g.m" whooH; u (Dhtn>"H; &-anx ffllltn>"H; &" w.

anx 0110011; ^Afl>-k: (D. v an read <D0X: ffl aehikw omit.M

/2, |3 add

AA<I7A: 30 a-m. m, /3 read ( + a) m) ^ACU: 31 ^ omit.32

^/ omits.

33q reads *l2V& 34

^ read ^fcH*H:35

ot, aefhknpw read 0rfij&:36


/, read A^7A: 37 a reads A^A-X: 38^?k. i/, ^ read ^1^: 39 breads

JE.taJ0A: * reads >dCYl'.41 a-? . ^, ^ read ao*(\?LV".

42 a reads 04?:

> adds htn>:43

t, P omit. ^ adds H.KV".44 abc deiklo ab add ACy}-:

450. # ^/ read A<l^t: w?^ read x.

46 be x omit."7

i? prefixes (D.


138 CTOtfVtU: yfFi: LXXIII.4-8.

awW Xdchr watk-ti OAt: .fA+CA.: w*ha*'ii (\Xiao. XA: wd: ipAA:

OAt: 4yli(ii 9rftj&:

5 A-?-**: KIT: a)QXi 0rfij&::6

5. wool^i Cl-bi 7

*AA0l*: K& hctifr.9 w*ftCt\ *iAA: Mhlhi Ml. 10

*Hfi2VA: >aC7i.u HfclAA; A-AOt; 12

fc&fr;13 *0iPCt: <M10*: 14

fc.2: -ACy*-:: 6. fflAOAt: ti^fc: 15 A*lOt: 16fc.6:

c/d-R*: 17 ^icyk a) 18j&ha>1:

19^IC7}.: A-AOt: 20 X&\ /irht:

21 a)22^*}^:: 23

7. ffl^C-A: 25 7ftCl\ Brft^: 27 a>AQ: u*Cfc erfi^.;28

J&ipC*: <dC*: 29 iP>AA>:

fflJ&i^X; <*>}#: KAi flCy}:30<0A.efr: AAt: A*CKA: frArh:

31Rftlh: Ak<n>:

0A*F: AcdC*: 32f'JC-A: cdC-I;

33 i^AA: arfij&: <D,efWvin; nV: A>A/fr gA-A'JIV4

&.: 35ffll^:: 8. (Dv>Cft\ Aje.Xt: OAt: A-A0t:

36 k& Tl**: (Dj&aiOX:87

1 reads tDAP^A: 2 reads 'ti'h:

\ u omits, and /z<; add j<D0X: 3 omits.4a. /3 reads JfrArfi: m adds AaJX: 5

^ adds A>Vfe; &a)Qk; 8rfij&:6

/$ trans,

before J&(D". '/" omits. Flemming obelizes this word, and proposes Ch-&1

(= Sparos) a word not attested elsewhere. But the text is right. 01&'. = i?x.*>v

which is used of the rising or appearing of the sun. cexav might in turn be a

rendering of K^ which is used of the rising of the sun and stars.8 Emended from

A-A^t: X&: (&& () h(h& of gt and AflOt: X&: hrti&i of q. m reads %\&\ a)%&\

u, abefiklxp read %K& g: cdoya %X& Wb\ h A-A1

}?: X.: hth&\ n %Ki K(h&\9q omits. 10

a-g, in o xp. g reads Ahffi>: Other MSS. Ail:u Looks like

a gloss on Aft: For ACyi: zrc, /3 read flCiHf:12

^ #, save that they read "1*:

g reads A-A^t: w reads %. /, /3 A-ASi/fr1S a-m. m reads 2w: /3 X& Rfilfr


^^ and u, save that Y put in ace. and for OwCi": u reads J. #z, /3 read X-7laJg:

/ X^^ipCF: ACAD*: g adds atftefk'*15 a-*. m, /3 read J&i^X:


q. g reads

AA9t: w u, k %. t AA<L1*: fr-k A-A4

}?: _y inserts 2 before A". 17 ^ ?, oap ("*: ?, o).

Other MSS. maol&jp: 18

a-^. ^, /3 omit. 19

$romits together with next word.

20 Emended from A'A'H*; g. AA01*: q. So also mu,d%. The later text (drawn from

ver. 8?) first appears in / A*A*H*: A.AT: / %(D% (?). $-dk lo %a>%. k o %%.


p.t reads Afirh*fc: Other MSS. Arftt:


^,/omit.23 ^/readoD*i*; a-tu, ahikn.

tu, $-ahikn omit. 25trans, after 0rhjB.;

26 a-t omit. ^o^ omit next

three words through hmt. *c adds OgggX^: ,&<8\710

: K*ft: fr^Vtn)-|: cDnAxxX^":

^48,^T>: H-ft : 'ACy?: Ai^^^: fflAyO^-A: drawn probably from lxxiv. 3.

29/, 0. a-/ omit, but m adds it after next word. 30

q, ex read >QCYk 31

^ wread JfrArh: ?/ J?"Crh:

32omits next two words through hmt. 33

1\ dy omit.34

g. So2L\soii%%,abcdefhknoxp%W%. mqt A^:A*F: % (q Cl-ttCV'. / ajA*A91*:). Upsupport mqt %(D%.


op omit next six words through hmt. 36 Emended from

gt A-ATl*; q A"A01*; mu,fhiknxzz.&%. abdeilxp read A'fl'}?: c%%. vu, omit.

lxxiii. 8-lxxiv. 6. G^KviU: yftt: 139

weni X?>frPi 0<hi QJ^OCU: 1 A*: 2 OAfV *A.At: cdA-AW &.C::5

LXXIV. <D**idVfi:6 yfaVd: 7 ffltXHH: 8

C?Llb'. ft"F; X*it: *Aa*X*F: t^HTf: 9.&7-AC:

yfhVC: w Who>fri\\ 2. <D*H-ftH:12

/iCft?L: fcC/iA: m>&ft)i: fr&A: Ha*XlY3

ajRrh^JM ha><fri.\raD". flhffD; UAm.: 16 a>*CX?: 17 ACyS'ai*: &Ah: tR<n> :

*0i-C: arfmWI: 18<n>P02V;:

193. Ag

20*S 21ke*;

22 6,Ky: Jfft :23 flC??: 24

OipC*: 25 <d*AAx?U: >6J?;9\ Jfft : Jta<n>-fc2<> ny0<Wl:: 4. ma^hahfrii

"kavfrX B2VT: 29 ^O^AT; fflAfiaKW fcffiHt;30 Mia*C; 31

SrchV6lh: 3i

h(h&: hth&i: 5. A33*i&k: mCi WC<\\ yAA: Bdi^i AXA*: \i^h. sb W^a*:

XA: "tahA; 36 A^&At: 37 a*Q<Wl0t; 33-tflt::

396. ^codX; 40

A-Cl^t;41 odtOA:


a, *. Other MSS. .fACU: w adds J7U: *

gmu. q reads At<5: Rftlfr

/ tiYl>L\ j8 Al^*?.:3

/ reads OAfc ? prefixes A.4

/. So ^ save that it omits CO.

q reads A.A+; A-AOt: w,

A^At: (""ft w) ox. Other MSS. JZa>z.53 c add

af\<*$\ wv>C& Aj&Xt: OAt: A411}?: &.; 6

w, 0. gqtu read *i^X: 7//, 0.

^# read yAT^: This word may be a gloss from the margin, but /3 is possibly right

in reading CO before next word. Cf. Ixxii. 35.8gm, and save that ^#2 omit CO.

qtu read ^XHH: 9 omits.10 reads T^thf*?; n ^chVd: "

/ reads Q.12

?#?/. ^ reads H-ft"; "H; H"A-7f: Jfft :130-0. a reads Tfa^X'F; 0/3: omit.

14 u omits next five words. 15

g m q. t, read simply Rrh^iK16

q reads UAa?:17 m reads frht\


gmtu. q reads OACF: fflfJ^AI3: /3 I<Dg:


q omits.20 m /, 0. 3^ read ff (? flCAO^) A. ot / add toCii 21

/3. m ? read A-ATF; AATF;/ reads A-flTF: A-A^t: gn


gA-A^t; u %co%. #z^, 0-. #/, read &.:a adds XAh: 23

g reads H*A: 24q reads flCyj-: // ** read JMVrn>-fc and add

aMAga^: 4,R7i frft : AC7?>

: OW**! coa^Ofrtti This addition really

constitutes verse 3 as found in a. According to Dillmann e makes this addition after

the second Jffti in the text, and similarly p v w according to Flemming.25 g m q.

tu,& read ttiF'P'&ty:26

a, an omit. On the insertion after ffft ; in this clause

see note 24.v

i, 0. mqu read CO. g omits. Mmt, /S. "^ read Xavfrl''.

c omits next four words through hmt. 29m, /3. a-w read J&T^flV: </ omits next

three words. 30mt, /3. ^^ read XawfrTi ti, oa omit. 31

gu prefix (D.

52q reads FchV6\rao<; fpp yOfrXV". 33 w reads AA. bcvxy tod.

84/ trans, before hVfc: 35

$7adds ha^fri'. CO.

36 a-z$7. ^ reads "VAhA:

w, /2

prefix A. 37a, i. $-i read (W&ft: ^/5 prefix.

38 3 <:<//<? a"^^ read

Ad-AO: 39 n adds Xlt: 40 n adds erhj&:41 /^ ik n w read AA-9:

140 <K>flviu: yftt: lxxiv.6-h.

w<lKa>-: aW-dX: *iOA: *A-?'Vh Kit; 1<D0fc: flrfijB; <D2 B-y: H-fr"

flCy?: 3 wJLm-. XSPBrtifr <DAa*h: *t\a*h avp(tf[i* A*A.ftt: 5*?'**: M*

X^fcy; 6 <8X: erh^:: 7. a>AA: *0fftjB: <d8X; 7 X^MlOt: 9 T^J&a>8X:


11 <n>POA; Xflh: a)&X'. *Xy}: ^A*; 12<d**iOA:

13^.7-OK: AfrO

ffDTOrt; *A-?-Jt: <M10;14

aJJ&^,*^; Jf-ft>:13 flCy?; 15

ajjE.^*}*}:16 cDj&Aa*X: 17

n*^^t: ls Tit: rtffivj: tn><POA:: 8. <D**iOA;19

JE.7>AX: AA-O: rn>TOA; AtMlO*; 20

WIT: 13 Xlt: fcyi.y: jE.a)9X: 8rfi:: 9. YicWHi21

CfLh-: finCa* a13hm>:

*uCfc fiflKJ.'i:23

tftf'JC-A;24 8rfi: n25X"?TP: tn>PO&:: 10. cD^fBAfc: 27




rt139rh,e: ipAA: tn>p0^:




J&AJMhJP;34 A^ffot; F*2k^"kAlH g9m>t: +tn>A^tn>: 3fl pfoahU 31 *xga>g


cn>P0A:;39 11. fflJ&AJMh: 7>a%rtiAra*i 40 ([$ihi <DAhP*Hlt: AA<:



A^ffDiHV4 AA 45Afr: j&AJfrNn*; A 46i>M: OAt: a>?rfi80;

47 fcy0rh.: 48


^ reads (K^: to. a 1A: 2/2/3 add ntD-Xt;

3? reads fiCYfc a omits.

/z i trans, before Jfft"; :* omits next two words. 4

q reads flAff04"}; tn>T0V:5

tn reads Aj2"A:6 # reads *JA: .*/z omit preceding word. 7

^/, z'. ?^,abcdefhklo x /z trans. ?z reads &(D" wC'ii 8 w reads A.

9 n reads <M10:10 a adds 8rf: " w reads 'JA-fc

12wz reads Ji^J-^: 2^A*F: Ag. a *

^At: 13 omits. uq reads A*?' <M10t: zz*JA:<M18; / A<MlO; ("to ) ?".


^ reads dCV^ff ".lfl

z reads <Df?tY\\ q (Dfflh corrected into a)?R"}*}: u omits.

17 o ^ omit. 18

q reads n<pJioH.i19

/z omit. 20zz trans, before AA*0:

21 u reads (DK^R; Z>nxa)haVH; 22

^ reads cn/JOCa**: d F^lfXAtfa*'. fy&ftavi23

a-q. q, read /"C8t: *o>.*ilPffi*; J&iPCfc /2 ipC$: W flanS-llFcri*:

24zz omits next three words. 25

gmqt. /3 reads (DA.26

a. /3 omits. w*B adds

AA: z>addsA: 28/. ^ ? read ^.^At: Other MS S. g. mt,$. gqu read

}ffDl*:"g u (a c

?).m reads .e.AJttfr'P: ? afflifrh: /, p-a c (D^-Afr^:

So also ^ save that it omits W. 310. a reads m>T0A: 32

^ / read Wltlf;33 reads ffOTO^: u omits. 34

^ reads J&Afrrh:35

^, /while mqtread ftrfi&:

Other MSS. read 5 and trans, before "Joofc36

q reads 1*ffD^Aao: e i*'77A.^n>':

37j-<7. a, o read ho**i;

38gmu,p. qt S (/u


Dk;h fflAA:39 adds

JE.JUD/J:40 w

, /3. ^ reads yflArfUfr ^/ read yAi?rfL0: 41 m reads floAA:

<7 AA:42

m, j3. ^-^/z/ read cmTOA: 43 a-w ^. m reads A. ^ omits. reads fty :

44a-K, 0. reads ^od^: 45

m, 0. a-wz omit.46m, (3 omit. 4T

/2, |3. a reads

OJ?rh90*: and is probably right. If so, we must understand h&'&'h'. = '

moons,' as its

subject.48 u omits the next five words through hmt.

lxxiv. 11-14. ootfvtu: ym: 141

wh^hVtKi^: 1 wCAv \pf\t\\ rmpOA:: 12. *a70rfij&;3 amviMt; 4


Mov?*:* T*HjHV fffrm*: 7 htm: y*in<5lF<n>;8 AMi^: 9

**J&A."4: (Dwh,f&W l

hctrt: 0A1*: R4i ls ^^OV: 'Jffot: A8\$: T"}**: 13 A14a: *H<0sa^ft-O: <n><p02V::


13. AW: 16ctdtO^: 17 Ia>a 18

<D*i&k:19 iDAg*'}^; X20(D*sr


ffD'PO^:22 (D^hav;

\bi: Ag249ffi>t: g<0gf;

25tn>p0^:-6 Wiv*C\ a>AJ.J&: <n><p0& 14. Ci^mCh'.

A^nM-F; ^AfrA; 29<n>pOAJ*;

9 A30 ^yj 31 X: <D<Dg 32ffDp02V: *a>Ag:



q omits next five words through hmt. 2/2, /3. a has preserved the word but

in the wrong context, for it trans, it into the next sentence and made it the subject

of &<&>", and so destroyed its sense. /2/3 here represent the older text by preserving

(DOS', in its right context, but have erred in following gmt and intruding a)Ch\

as the subject of the next sentence.3 Emended from ^y0rhjE.; of gmt. qu, /


omit. See preceding note, dthfr, cDli'Pfo'flfc are the subject of Sa*>9:h(&". This

construction can stand though ^'ffDR'XjPff^: would be more usual.4

. gmt read

^hTtl-Crt*: I2,

omit. After (DhVil^i all MSS. except n add (DmC^i (n adds

<DC'V;) This transposition was first made apparently by gmt. /3 here followed gmtand at the same time the older text in reproducing wC'hi in its original context.

See note 2. Our author advocates a solar and sidereal year as the author of the

Book ofJubilees, vi. 32-36 (my notes). The unemended text which represents the

moon as the perfect time divider is in glaring contradiction with verses 10, n and with

Jubilees, vi. 36.5m,p. g reads (['iav-f; qtu ([lao*?:

5/. gmq read Tl'fc^l*:

a./^TW; /trans. TV before AT. 7 m prefixes CO.s bcvwx read f'iflCa*:


q omits.10

mt, 0. ,7 read fi^WUH-: <D. omits.nmt, p. g reads /LfM*:

^ /L.&'JjC;*.: &?f.4: (sic).12

? read XA: 13 ^ omits, w reads Tlfe:

But probably Tl'fctf': and ft8\e,

$; are alternative renderings of eV akrjdeiq.u h omits.


?/ read u'Aft'F: y ^: ftA: ffl<:a*0(/0): aovOA (/ &) :16 reads Ar1}^*:


a-q. q omits. /2 read odtOAJJ*: g-aaddOJ.

18/ reads Ov>CV: FhJY\

<Dl"A^: ? %\f :%. For J w reads 19

? adds 'itnt^;20

^ omits, w? reads XX-21w, /3. / writes in full Clao'YVi yhrV'. g u read J. q omits.

^/3 trans, after %.

23 /writes in full m\X\tr>\ </ reads g|.24 /writes in full Aft^n**}^: -#read


g-w, 0. / writes in full &ft; tDfftrF: ^"M": w S0H. In ? both

numerals are erased. 26a. omits. * gu read A.

ffl ehx a omit.M


fixes H. *> ak omit. 31 a adds cn>P0&:32 So all MSS. but gu

which read <D5j. / writes in full AA: (Dii^Vft,: and omits next word. For &A&; 02 reads

tlV&*F; In ^ f(Dga)I is erased. ** gu and / written in full w(&!F,tW\ 9^:m reads g*}^ : ^ cDA'irn)^: g. a <?/ wCiWiao^; bcdiloxp. wMod^; g.

142 ooflvtu: y?tt: lxxiv. i 4 lxxv. 2 .

?280: cn>pOA: ^y /!:1

{Xftav. &t*B(m: O0frF: XI: switch'. odp02V::)2


coj&hco'i: Ag: 'jyj *lcoxgco3 <n>V0&; Jutd; ^h-l: AcoCk n4



gco5:: 7 wfimfofr cn>Y02V::8

16. [Xfttn>; As'JffD^i ffDVO^: *]9H-fta^ :


avvO&i n$BB:u hyxWi mxpo^: 12

::: 17. coj&t^RyV3 ^m>t: 14 nR\-fc

nhtn>: oDinds 15^rt<n>;


17 co*^"}^15 0rh.: XA: ipC*: X^i: <?'!*; XA: 13

X^ilPffi*: jaiPC*: <D?^C-fl: ffDP0A: 0:: LXXV. co19OT><Z.iftjPLlF<n> AACXftT:

fiXA*?: XA; 0: H-ft-: T^t; (1: H-A-: hTlWlt: i^AA: 20XA-: 21 5*XA: 22

^fBrth-:23 KpY&bW* *Xyi: ^ACa**: 25 ahm>: 26 AM: 27 lav*: wXfc t#f?-;


g: m"P0A: XA: ft^jB^Ath n30/fiM: ^tmt:: 2. conXltfilPffl*: &ll*\ *A*lX:


Xfi<n>: XcnxTF; UCYtti 08\fc 32*#}?<; <n>-}n<!:

33 W? : BO**^: 34

1/. w, /3 read g. ^ ^o^rt:

2 This clause is bracketed as a marginal

gloss as Beer and Flemming have recognized. If it belonged to the text at all it

should be found at the close of ver. 15; for it simply explains how that 2832 arises

from the addition of 1770 and 1062. As regards the text q reads Xflh; for Xft<n>:

bcdex trans. &W' after ARfi*: (g reads (IRA^:) against a, p-a bcde xy. ay omit

OR", a adds (II after JBW, and /, p-a add &(1: After AR" I have with the marginof <: added XI which is not found in any other MS. 3

gu,p, and / which writes

in full OipCF: coA-fl'J'F: .T^M*: wtM'ii m reads Xfcogf. ? Icogggco:4 ^/.

*, |3 read A- ? <D.hmt, p. gqu omit. 6 <^. /

2/3 read odYOAJJ": jw/ omit.

7 tnu and / in full 0^: yXfc cortffD'J'F; ^'X'fc /3. g reads COgco5:. $7 cogjf.8

e h add htn>: thBB". Ag'JffD^: odtOA^A*: 2fco2g0coicn>p02v;9 The clause in

brackets is either a marginal gloss or not improbably the next clause and it are

duplicate renderings. For ffDp0V: which a reads, p-eh read avTOtLV", e omits.

h reads 'iao^i For ^0*: of g q, m reads "IBB: /, /3-z' *}00*: ,i *J0*0: For 3?

/ reads An"i.Pi10gfu, adiklo a p. m reads H"A*: ^ ffft : bcefhnpvx

tDltfcaviu w reads Hrh0: For Xyg ^ reads X^TF: 12

a-w, ar. dfilnoxppread ffDP0A: m, ehkv omit. lz

qt, p. gmu read co^^Roi*; " reads


^ reads y^O^: 16 /. ^ read ^Ai^: w, ]3 omit. 17 breads

RXU*:18 a omits.


q, p. a-q omit. 20^^. w/, /3 read WFhA: 21


^/read?iA: w, j3omit.B womits. ffl

^prefixes fa, n xCO.

24m,$-bc xap

prefix CO. be x ab insert coXA: before K.&V".25 m. g Z

1 read ^7i: 9^1^:q K7h ylAC: t\ p ti^lfXCatx; p a(jds H-A*:

* y reads -frh*h: d adds

^U^l|^.28 d readg J&^^1}JE.;

29^ n x om j t _

30 ^ om jtS-SI ^ Q_

Pj ^ trans>

32p trans, after JE.^**".


J. Ace. loci, mq, cdo read ylad: abefhik

Oyia^: // Ohtn>; i^'ja^: /2 RaDiati 34

gu read *^ffD;

lxxv.2-6. ffDKvtu: yfVi: 143

-Trti 1 wFCH&fti* *-*?W: A^: 3<DgA*<MlO:

4 V'Wi' <dSAA,A: -S"it:

<D^.t4Ri^:e TW: 7


8 A9A: Ha^W^W; 12

"JAy":: 3. KA<n> :

MrtWCrTi cdAATF?!; a>A9aD*; <DA,4m>pO&: fiC/tfi:15 h>Ch,h: ao^KM; HAW: 16

km*: A-Arfrfr 17 MAW A: H-ft<n>: -AC^t: AYJ&: AA^J&i 19 am^A^:

hffD: ^Ah-; 20 a217R: A'W: cnjatdWs 88A: ^^C: tDj&h-J-:

23 tn><ftjPi:

A24aD^t; a>A25A,A/h erfi: a>a><M; fflhTiMt; artf-A-;26 ^l?^; 27 XA: M<d.:

(lifton*:28 A<57At; 29


4. hffi>U;<yw4-:

31 to^k: ^T'ia): SCA?i:

&C/iA: C-Wt; 32AfcAA: Ami*. 83

erhjB: A^A^: XA; &yi.lF<n*:35


X7<57; A0rh: a^fcyilFtn*: jBajftX: r*: 38A: ^^C: AA: &Vl$Ok^ (Mm ?"!:

&A: Xcro^l: flao".\ 5. t<DAi4-At: <DAcn>-RA; m&:t 40

[AA: Sfttyw.

Ohaft\ AA"^: A: fiiW*?.::]41

6. *AA: J&t^ffl,:42 S^: wXi&hi ^Vhat-.


atl'Wi A;44

fifrtt.: 7C: XA: XimiFcn*: tD0X:45 0rfi: tocoC*: cohTh-Ot:

1*' omits next five words through hmt. 2

qtu, op. read A^fXAfa 3a. p reads

-Vrtl 4


q adds cdSA-J^A:'

67,/3- ? /a read <Dje.fr5n>:


g- prefixes A.8q reads 'iF :

9 3 <: omit.10 g omits.

"/ writes the

entire numerals in full ipAAI1: ^M*: wMi cdACAO'F;


q reads ^lA^:13

a-q, aefhiknpw. q reads wMdT : bcdloxpp wMoo^V;li

q reads <DA.15

< omits. 16a, *'& p-ik read HJYiAC: 17

? reads m^At: 1Sa, /. P-l

reads HA9A^: 19/ omits.

xg reads JP^^i*: 21 gmt read A.

22 h i read

WpVtf&\ 23o a read J&hOJ-}.: *" read (1.

25i' reads (DA. bcnptD.

ah k read wfttfOB4:

^ a read fcfcH*:28

?, e read AH"A*: 29q reads AcZ-'Efc


/"reads A"?^"!*:31 m reads 'JiP-d:

32tu, afhikn. So also * save that

it adds ffD&Ml: after KC and zrc save that for C'J'Pl*; it reads ^WPTi q reads

pV^a*-. wfiChtl'. kt-hfc g omits all but last word. 3 <r dloxab $WlfD(Zo ta a*):

C-W-fr *G" fcC". a-j7. ? reads A<S7At: p A7At: H. 34? reads md, b tt.

35, / omit next four words through hmt. 36

q reads f-wBhi37

/20. a omits.

38/, p. g reads m><: m q, p T^i u ffO^H*:

39p. a reads PV{$(D-\ m adds

^>^^. 40j kave beiized the above three words as unintelligible in this context.

q omits W before Al^Afc 41I have bracketed these words as a dittography of the

first clause of ver. 6. The text given is that of g. mqt agree with it save in read-

ing OhfD^; and $$"; and u save that it omits A (for which q reads A) before A"7J&:

and reads AC'larT: for OSaft\ A and fifM"; for hRS&A /2, P obscure the dittography

by inserting MiW^I: after &Vt$(D-\ (for which most MSS. read "&(BS). Further

variations in p are as follows : for C'ia)^: p-e o read C'VPt; and for AA^YJ&s a efh n,

bcdikloxp read AA^JPfc o a read C'lTfc and omit jB^^a*: For the last word

P-o read "$00a 42 a (save that a-u read verb in 3rd sing.). P omits.43


P reads ^fT^w. and adds C&iK 44 a<5f read CD, defhiklnopwxyp. A.45

a,/ /2, /3-/read J&toefr:

144 ODflVtU: 1T%\; LXXV.6 LXXVI.5.


V-ttMr: tW\ K7ii 9VJU&. a)teh 90Miii 7. woDfttia*-: *CiTt:

Att^t;2 *&fv$P7vi tofcyW}: 3 whihti n>ftirfc



6 paDm-fa

r*; 7 H8hcn>; tavh-; ^VJo*: XA: <00&; 9

fcyilPffi*: hTh-At; Ahcn>; AHWtn>*:

ffifcA: Oaix:10 MCA-: 11

Ahin>: -J^frn*:: 8. <d 12C&Jk A74t: AA^YJE.; X1H:

a*&: A^Ai^: fcfn>&0&-frn>V3 (\Xhh-i $V}a>-i XA; Am*: 14

j&tffD?av; hTfc-At:

XA: fi^CA-::169. a>g*?m?*<n>;

17 AH-ft ^: *a?aJ.X-F: H18ttoK: 19 A20H-ft-: 'JAy ::

LXXVI. <D*nfi$M"<{.; y^-C: 21C/Lh-: S^: 22 (DXi&h; $Vkd\ CVPt; 24 A^H-frm*:

J4-A*;26 XA: X^ilFtn*: J&atfft.:

27 iW; 26cD^i^ft-;

28A: ^^C:: 2.

29^ilPai*: CIT*: 30 A7R: A"7J&: a7

5n*yD0^*n: 31 a?* 5a?'77}: A"7J&; 0>*



3 a)3^**^^^: 33 XA: n>l7A: frAA: a?*A34<n>TM: rn>A0: ^[O^-'id: XA-:

na^i^:]35 Aod17A: fitMl; a^A1}^:: 35

4. (FgfciP'tlFffi*: J&atfk:38


Atfrfr a^Ali^: tD&^A&fc: A"?!*: 40J&a>0&: i4-At:

41aD^iv^t: AA; j&t&IOi.:

J&^ffDnAT:42 A*iM; 43 i^C: a)44^: 45 Hfl,7; artfA-;

46 XA: ?^4: -SA,?: 47


Hi/ft"; -At:49 "Hfr a?A: WlA:: 5. <D

51je.a>02i: QWfr J4-A:

1 ak read WittCi e/hnmlttPao'i2?/ read C'VPt; "AH^I*:

3a. bcdilovxypp

read ^L7I,1?ffl>'; (D&F'Vite acfhkn read the same but in the reverse order.


^ reads aotiXlW,5

? omits. 6<? ^ read tiAU*: 7 # /, 0. wz reads 9*<D*$\

<?,,atP't: u avip-t'i

*iu, read A.


^ $rread a)0X:

10 a omits. "q reads

SOC-A: / fOCQr. 12</ omits. 13

g reads Xtn^lO^fff^: bcdflopwxypp add



fh ,


14<5^ at trans, after &Yao". m omits. 15 n omits. K


g reads ^Ctt*: ? ?*}A: 17 ^ m q. Other MSS. ?0-Af<n>: or ?Wl". 18

a-? ,?i.

u reads (DH. ^, &-n read DO*X*F: 19 reads *}o>-&:20 y^ read A (q omits).

21 u omits. 22/ reads 0i>*4: mqt,ox /axQ%.&?)V\(D'\ h adds Gktb:

2iq reads

C^Tt: 25* reads <dA.


g reads $At; 27? read Jtajflfc: gtu, $-eioxt


mq, eiovxp, read P*\^ft*\ u adds JfcAfc 29 a reads Df.30

m, p read C'hV-t'i

q C'hah; a. n OW\\ 31 n reads ^O^A: A"?^-:32

qu, ^. ,// omit. ? omits

following (four times).^

a-q,z. q reads *JS7JP^*: fi-in&Syffc n ^^fD-jPl:34

a-^. 5^, ^ omit. 35 Bracketed as a gloss. For A^"i<I: ofgmu and ffol7A: d&'lid:

o{q, A^"iC: is read by /, 0, and for JiA*; ofgm, XA: is read by ^/, 0.36^/. m, read

AW-A: y Ai^O^-A: 31m,$-ehl. gqt read A. a>, ^ H, / <0A. /omits.

380. a-m read a)0Xi m omits. 39

</ reads a)A.40 Emended from tWYVi of

a-w with |3 which reads g. omits.41

^ reads J^Vift^ w/, ft-hklp.

g, hklb read jB^yAAT; jr je.rC-yD". ^ reads JfA*: a omits.44 u omits next

three words. 45

gmt,h\ q, dp read A'W: /3-a<// A^JE.; a w AA'W; 46


q, read a)AH-ftffi>:47 a reads a*A*;J*:

4Somits, a reads H*ft;


efhp v


</ reads A"?^: 51 m ^ omit.

lxxvi.5-10. ooflvtu: yrn: 145

kyKMrfi 1

^fV^ah: Hftffix: frO^: (V+OTto 2-tflt: *X1t: tn>T7A: frArh: 3

a> 4WJ: AMH1: &D$ki* XfiX: &9(l(l: 6Wlfls' a^: 8


6. a)*a10In^"it: ^MiAj&t: 12 a>0X: 13 *C*0: a><00X:" k7i,y: *7KyD : <d$<5>:

a>rt'l7IV 5 (Dm^; aja*"/^: 16 -S^t: "XTt: n>T7A: 17 <n>A0; J&aJJta: **C: a>?-nfl::

7. fflXy^l^: fcA*:18 JW: 3 a19

<n>TfAs HOAL\ ,D0fc; Ar^t: 20


Q**^*: 2*tf'Jt: fcjP';

23frit: ^R1*};

24 A 25<n>T7A:

3 f^ttii <D0X: 26

ifcA:27 ^s; 28

8. wd-Vrti *h*Jt: ^ft7;3 ^hhlj&t; 29 a70k 30 hyi7:

odOH; ipj&: a>m&: cDHVyn. axVlT : wch^w^n 9. a^A^^At; 31tf'it:


2lW m>T7A; y0>a: J&C00K: &yiy: 32 m&: a>"HTy: fflWH-0: 33 aMW^AA,::

10. whFr>A'\e.\ XA-:

3414-A*: 35 *H<n>TM: aofiO:


[Hfta*\ AAC: H<D0/i:]37

te*%?rt. x*}t: odTM: 9p>6$v [<n>TM: ftft-fl:]40

a>0fc:41 fcyiy; 3 mV:



gmqt. u,P read &y2iMK 2a, 0-* o v. ehnv read M^.fci o,b $%&&

u omits. 4a. be dloxyab read XTfc a efh iknU. See note 7.

5 a pre-

fixes (D.6 reads .ft^AA: 7 Here ^ repeats again all that precedes of ver. 5,

save that it omits (D at the beginning and reads K. for CD before ifRYi:8g m /,

P-fin. fa/t'nv/iieadtBT*?! # tDffHh 9 reads arfjBA:10

/3. a omits.


^? a. si reads &2V&*F: /, P-fA it6ihrV: fAW&\ 12a-u, p-A n 0. treads

"Ytall^: Anovwp ^XM^: 13

? prefixes CD.14

,z' omit through hmt.

u omits Wfr(D" and trans. C^O: after "h^Vix t omits tD before J&O)".u # reads

<DAAyD : afWS9*\ &&&>: 16a, a <///& / wy/afi. bceAin read PMfc 17

reads H. I8

q reads XA; ob omit. l*gmt, P-eA. q,eAv read H, A.

20 m reads A'fl&A*: 0At: H^"lt: u EW^i ? omits.21 m. gt read ***J&*i

0-* My\ffc i$&axLS:r\ To be omitted with qu. qu, P-lox tafi. gmtread

4OTfc lox/a

ib^fi<Hi *

i, P-n. u reads fcyiin: t-/, Ji^ilPff^:24

a-a, rf/y. u, P-'dk ly read Wft: k Wfc 25^ omits. 26

g m u prefix a).

21p-e?i. g reads }A1*: w t^A^: ^ J4-A: /ttt4-A1*: ^itA:(D. n omits. glu,p-a(


m reads y1"^: ^fl^i v/i^ffa29 reads ^MiAM*: "VXhA^:

30? reads f-wtoifo

31a,aikln f

a. bcdefAov xyp read 7^A: 32,

<5 omit.


?/ read R^UO: 34 u reads JiA: ^qt 2

,p. mt x u read }Wl: ^ omits.

86 w reads Htn>*J7A! JfrArh: <Dtn>A0: ?/ HffoAO: ^ omits. 37 An interpolation. The

entire clause is found in a, save that q omits W before HfD". /3 reads Hftff^: AAC: only.38a-w. m reads ^'1^: ^aj&: A-fllJ^: /3 A-n^^; -ff*.

39c omits.

* This inter-

polation appears as above in gtu, or as Arfc-fl; only in ^ or as H^RTi: n>T' A" in w or

UPXYi; aoT ft" in p~o. op agree with /3 save that they omit A".41 g t prefix <D.


146 <K>ffA\<: yf-n: lxxvi. io lxxvii. i.

a) 1'H?7D: fflWH-O;3

(D'9t\t\,\\ 11. fflVfohie: 4 T'Vh 5 CtOt: JE.OJ0X:6

*<ft.arfr W7"! m2V; 7 rtl^j 8 a^fmftt: 10tf'it: Kits 11 m>T7A: 9 yO^fl:

[Xlt! Wi: Arn>ft0;]12

jfca)0X: fo^y- Z ^: atffirirhf: a)than*. artTCyV3

<Dm&: atfWl):: 1412. aft^MMl; XA; 15

[gJ^fVfr 2iA; 17 m>TM: ^"OMl: 18

a19*^t: 20-tf-it:

21 Xltr2<n>l7rt: ODftO:


24j&<dOX: m^; 25 wMldi^i^

a>vfr>Ci tDihaDfr. a>&Xi\; 13. wh9h tf'Vfr29

"yMiAje.t;30 .a>0X: 31

m&: 32 w-Hq^i a)33rtn^D: aMtfrh a>*a34.Wh -y^t: KW\ n m>T7A: AH><1:

(002%: Xyi,/; 32Wlft; aJ^^A,: <d35

p0,: adiT-hi: 14. <D*TRtfi*: 36^^4-:

(D^fe: ^P'iaJ.; HfiCOOl*! i^Vla): 37 A^: tD*H-ft:38 ^XHtftn*: <d*H-A: 39

m>frui$f<n*; <D*A-ir<fl>:40

Jfft :

41 hCh\hhi a>2U*?: <WM:: LXXVII. .*ift,a*0JP:

A*ih 48 #WE: 43 AfrO^; 44Jirttn>:

45 "M"?*:46 CD-Xf: aM&fcaM)?': 47 A*i&&:

'^ omits. "*

qtu, ehinvwjb. gm, ale dfk I ox a omit.3

^ read ftVftO:*gmq. t, h read <D<n?toi<[&:

ri u ffl^XM^i a * z cDn^Y^hljE.^; bcdloap(DXfT7tol'i&

:V: f <DQff7Mi1,: 5

omits. * /$ omit next eight words through hmt.

b trans, after C^O^fc Vomits. 6/3 adds hFlV'. 7 gm. So also qtu save that

they insert W before m&; /3 reads HS*y: (0m2V; aJrhJ&arfr8

#z. ^/, prefix CD.

g omits. 9

^ omits. 10a,atn. bcdfkloxypb read ftP/^Vft:

" a reads H.12


trans, after wK<?'. ugm, p. qtu read cDfaTftO:

15a? omits. 16 A gloss.

17q reads Ml*; 1S

^ reads cn>ft0; <: .* 0<MI;19


. a omits. 20

^ reads *frWE: omits. 21^ */ omit. 22 u reads <D.

M add ^Rll: A. 3 a; add ;J*RTI:23

q reads i^0<Ml: *0. w / read

m^Waw, qmh9l1h u (oX^ilfii 25? trans, after a>Ki\(h'. adds afWl^x

a omits next ten words through hmt. 26# trans, after W^C'. 27

^, / omit.28g m omit. 29

u, i trans, after ^Vtai".so

?, read <77Xh'1 (E;fr ^fch'Ifr-Tr:

31/ prefixes (D. n adds "^9Vf\ 32 3 omits. M

a. omits.34

? u omit.35gmq. tu, omit. 36

a-^. ^, 0-0,3 read l^fc"?: o/t<LRtn>;3? a reads

lWhay\ H. After the analogy of lxxvii. 1, 2, 3 we should expect i^^Vh = avepav

= ninn here. If so the corruption cannot have arisen in the Ethiopic. Possibly the

Greek translator rendered ninn rightly here by /xfpow, as in Ezek. xlii. 20 (LXX).From fiepau the corruption 8vpa>v could arise. Hence possibly our text.

M m q read

H-A*: / Ytteav; S9 m reads H*A*: / ItlPav4: q u omit. qt, p. gmu read

Altru; 41

a-q,//u\ q, a be deklnoxpjb omit.*2

mqt,p. g reads J*?A*V:

,a 14-A-t*: 14-fl: here = nn as in lxxvi. 1.


q prefixes A. e reads tP%a1it(B:

m trans, after next word. ugu. q prefixes (D. t, abcdhiklnoxpp omit A.

efhnp read R-a^T: w hy/"^': "ftWl!: Here Jta^'B: = Dip.45

^ reads a>X*F;

flaih;46 _^ !

,i observe play on Dn.i?.

47^^ read fflj&Jta^O:

lxxvii. 1-7. ootfvfu: yrft: U7

AIM: 1 Xhaoi *&0>&i *y?: ,<dC: 2 a>L&k2.\ Ufc3 (0C: 4

ft-4-il: A'JAJP'::

2. cD}4-ft:52tf0<J.-{l;

6ftffi*: tT7: 7

&fitn>: n8?: ?rh00<:

9frA: 10 -flC^t: rt"7.:

mwC&\\ 3. a>u<MlO: 14-fl: H*ftcn>:12

rn>fi0;13<{A:14 yAAt; fc<?A:


bth&\w Kyiirao-i "Y'J.eC: 17rt

18rt*{lX: <D 19

*i2vX: (PA-flACr; 21 W; 22 md23*^*:wa24PFi WWWIV: cD^JtaffDt; 27 a^Z^j fDiP^Vfl;

29 &<?&: Q*7it: 30 R\$::

4. A-nit: 31 *ft-a^: 32fP^i:

33 CUb\ XA: J&Iawh.; X^H-ft-: X^raC: XA; a>ft+;

^\"C: a>hy>j.iptfi>; j&(D0X: ixhch^i <d?*J&$;34

ffi><pA2v; tDHaD*}; aj'iffDtji35

5.3WV7: 37 Q: 38 y\C: *C**i 'Mj&t:

39 ^H-ft-ai*; 40 fiW: 41firfi&:

Jtyi,lF<n*; n>8*; 422L?"%>fl; a*ftt: AAC: Oaj&: XiO". "ITn 6. a^Xtarfc 27

&M.: 43,&n>Jfrk: Xtroftrt; *XAh: AAC: 27 ^hOm.: 44 "Ifa*; (l

45**^: KC^t-; 46

Xsmtyi; 7. whCi; +C: ACaOIV7 <D0fr:43 (HO: 49

tn>A0: fcfttt: flrh<::60

RJilFtf*: (H^/b-F: XAh:)51




(l55atfC: m:


^ repeats preceding clauses XftffD; >WY9; a^VF: wf-lahOPi Ah&X: Xft-fl:

Here JilMl: = tfiW. 2 =D"}

TV corrupt for D"}"AT

(a play on Dim) = ' the most

High will dwell.' Hence for wC&\ read Vi&C\ 3 m trans, after ".4 See

note 2.5

a. p reads a>Ai$ft:6

gmu. q, a read HfOl'd; / yOt-ttl

P HXyOtZ-fl: 7Corrupt. We should expect Wifti Hflcfl*: ^0<M1; 8

<5 omits.9

/, |3. a-t read ?200:l0

q,abc efjb read H* ft ;"

</j//or - read w([.

nq omits.

13 =)1BV.

14c reads jE.^luUV;


? reads hV; u aoXiA&ft 16

efhnpvread cdJ.

17^ reads "Y'V^: 18 h reads <dA. 19

q reads a*A.20



^, a read fcflfliCt:'agviq. tu, p-a read ^.Pt: a H^-ft;

23^ reads fl. , //z



*w reads (D. e (DA. 26 a-. p reads OJft.

omits. w omits.ffl

a, fi. P-p read (0ft.29

m, p. a-m read fflfy^X;

30 reads 7J^: H. 31g reads A'fl'J'F; ^, dey prefix a?.

32//, -/. gqu, I

read ft^aC: 33ot

/, |3-/. ^ reads }<P^t: ? IT'lt:,a JT^t; / }P^*};

M^, /3

add (D?rha>C: K/3-z'. gqu read A'JodT; w (DA^ffo^i.; / ([lao^; i whav^i

36P-n. a omits, n reads (Dg.

37/, /3. a-/readS^A7: ^^o^-omit. s9

m/u,bcdilox pjb. g reads CfLth: 'idfi.; q reads wCfLfh: and trans. OfljE.^; (sic) after

X^A7: a e//^ y^ n v read 0nt: CA.h-: and trans, before &d\ ?*:& w d reads

JiyDH*A': /5 wittcaD1:

41/ reads S^'17: m omits. 42

^ prefixes <D. a ^/ y

read JfcfDfrX:43

; adds &$ohi*\ W. 44 All MSS. but^-, which reads tiO".


<y read A.45

m, p. g reads ({chd.: hC-fA: q (\chC\ tu Clfhd: fLC^:47 b c trans, after &(D'.


doyp read ^.tn>R"ft.:49

e reads "ksrl(\\ h m>7n; (sic).80

reads Q^hC; q omits next seven words through hmt. u, n omit next four words

through hmt. 51 Text requires this addition."g omits.

53 g reads &C1"<J:

/ ^C^^; 54

g reads ACnO*F: 55 m omits.

148 ODflViU: ynn: LXXVII. 7 LXXVIII. 6.

m't\a)m".* ny?: 3

[<D4,ftA: 5



8. ft-OO*:8 MS-t: 90I&1*!

C/Lfr:9 na^C: fflOy^C: *myCi fflgnaAC: 0a;: 10 LXXVIII.

mnftM1:ift 13AarhJ&i hffDTfc ThCflofc" w*i&X\ li


2. (D^wChx

SCaOt; 17fift ?*: 18


gflcmv M.P: 21<D*i2vK:

22 frdl: 23 aW&ft; ASA,: 24

<MlO: fc^:: 253. fcrt-; &<n*ViV6 fc^k: 27 flC^t: OQ^t: hnoa^:

jitrD;28 nan: rt"7^: mhyoaih fcnfun*:

29 tai^MFtn*! 04-J&::30

4. mian: 31

erh^: A-nrF; 32 *iA: -ficyj: tHje.tert%i:33

n*F:34 fc^<DCM:t (Offset: 35

tttf.Ce: Will: ?rf)&$: MO: 35*i$A: 0rfij&:: 5. <D?0CO-: <0,&na*fc:


tV'iafi-F0Mii artfia>&: Xlt: rroftO: coMt: iT'fcD: 7J&1pi &$&>: (1:33

7ft: rt^j&i: 6. a>M: *m: a>Cfc .Pfi+C/L: Oft^Vj^: imlA*: 39 MO*: 40


a-q. q trans, before (1U?: /3 omits. *m/u, j3. gq read ^lPa^rtV:

3? reads MJ?: 4

?, 0/ omit. 5 u reads J&flft*:6

&. gt read ^Ml^:^ y^(f: (sic), y reads od{1,2<;: u ^Ml^if.; 7 Clause in brackets interpolated.8 a-m t. m, /3 read AO*1

}: or rtO*0: / rtfrlh ot inserts wC&Jto before Aft-1

}:9 w

prefixes W. 10 So bcd/loxyab, and ?' save that it trans, g after fl^^*C:

Thus according to 2''C: occurs twice together. Other MSS. based on such a text

could easily omit one of them, and this is actually the case in aehkfi which otherwise

agree with be dflo xy tap. The text followed above may be supported by Jubilees

viii. 29 which speaks of 'five great islands,' which apparently are located in the

Mediterranean. On the other hand it is strange to find a-m reading (MO". (D\llSh,\

ft(\rh: hC^fc (hCffa g, fLC'ffc q /).m is conflate, based partly on a and partly

on/3. I OT^e-C; (DgaOrhd: hC^&l "a-q, eh I. q, (3-e hi omit. 12

g. Other

MSS. read MTF: 13m, cfhklnoxa. Dnn "tfK = light of the sun.' g, abdeipyp

readfiCJPC&fl: qhlo$lot\: tuK>C".u a-u. ,/3read<0liVk:



Icfiklnopwxyp read f^ftft: (AA: f). Corrupted from E>B> or from non(Halle'vi).

16gu. m q t, 0-1 read <DA. *' A. 17 w reads /iCAO'F;


gtu,h. mq,$-hread AAffD*: 19 ^ reads P<n>;

M<? omits. 21

mtu, p-ci. From HJ ji^X

(Halle'vi). g reads fiA*$JP: q Xt\1: ci htftS:*denoyp read Wnkfc

Kgq. Corrupted from n^nf). m reads X'CMlA: /, X-flA;

2imqt,(3. From


|3. ^readA?A>: 25 From nij.26 omits. ^^w^romit. *


reads wfrymlWoD". 39a. omits. a- add here h<n>: &nA: A<W; 30 m q /.

f read 04?: OWJ: 31 h reads (DtiQA: AhnH: Possibly the text is

a corruption of the latter.32

/, *'. gq read rtflOl*: Other MSS. %. Perhaps we

should read ftflO'Vi33

g reads H&^cdCRi: x omits. If text is right emend

tevmCh; into AaJCJ: 343 adds hA: flCyi: at omits. 35

^w. ?/, /3 read

nffDrt^C^: flffi>A".36 m reads Aft-0:

37 omits. adds o-At:38 u reads fl.


prefixes (D, and thus makes tn>*i" subject of fi\UD*1;40

zra /.

^ reads IflOt: q u %. /3 0*00:

lxxviii.6-9. ooflvtu: y?ft: 149

XX: 1

[-aCTi: J&ha^: M-. H-A-:]2

fim>:3 *0v*C: wiCtOi 4 5WV 4\CY<?:

7. ^t'iyflt:6

'ttCY'ii jE.ta>.: 7 a*A*;h XAh: *(h-C: w$a*l\i9 tt&W

-ttCYi: MfHb: CL^KSPCti9 9m>t: a^ha*"}; A'^t-Ji^At: cDj&ha*"!: <dCA

bnao~iL$\ AflO:3 X^1

:: 8. fflnARR: a*U: *n*^^t: OAt: 14Mft-fr;

15 OuCtatfCaOt: XA -flCW:

16ftftl>: a>ftAi.:h frhfrfr; OwCfr awAAt: XA -flCr*: 17

a>ft: r;18

fja-fr: OtfCt: <Dft&k: 19 aJfTiMlOt: 20 Oi^Ct: (Dhrtig; *i$A; a>ft:

B^WJWfc Oi^Ct: *1<PA: aJfTA^At: 22 ?ffffr;23 tATT: h?A: fflft*A-flOt:

24 Mfrfr:

Am^t: hPA: a>a*/Wri* ?-Jfrfr; A-ftOt:26 ft^AOt: 27 Mfrfr: fl^rftt:


am^C*: 88 Mfrfr: -Ji^At: 26 (DA^Ct: a)Vl1%9c\ fiCAOt: 29amx<D**l&k:


rjR-8-;31 ipAAT: 32 tDftVC: "M; 33 ?1fr: fc&/i,+:

34 ft^C: <D<M10: f-Jfrfr


AflO-fc36 XA 37

H-ft-:33 41CYU w^Wi^C; 40

a)*2yAt: 41 OAt: M^-SXH 42

iv:<{.: XyH-ft*:: 9. aJft^a^-*: Xff^^t: ^ha**};44



V1 a-u. u, P j3 read XA and thus make QCY1: dependent on it.

2I have

bracketed this clause as a dittographic rendering of n\rjpol to<f>S>s (or n-X^povrai)

which the translator renders by &6a?;!F> i 'ttCYY: a few words later. Z1 inserts

m before flCYli For flC" w reads 'ttCY^'fi For H-A*: which gmt, ak2read,

^ reads ittfi but a omits together with 0*F: and /3 trans, after JB.8\7: 3 a-#.

a reads <Dh&\ /3 (Dfl.4^^, $-fhn. m reads ^ip-4-: aJ<Jft"0*: u 1(00. /^# read

*}/"& W{ + ft )<2fl*0:5

? reads J&^^Ry1*: /3 adds H-ftj which it has transferred

from before fan>;6

^, 0. ^ reads 1**JffoA: w iPAAfa l^yAl*: / wAAl*; ^^7"At:7 i7 read ^a?^?-: 8

a-g, ef. g reads Oi^C: tD^ffoA: /3-^/Oip-C: <D^yA:9 w reads TTXT ^: H.


0/ read H. "a-q. q, omit. 12 u reads A, anv

omit. 13

<\ m t, A-flOfc Other MSS. . Ver. 8 : the forms which the numbers

take in the different MSS. in this verse are numerous, but as they imply no variation

in meaning they will only occasionally be registered." u omits. 1S

q omits.16

qu omit. ^addXA *a-q. q, /3 omit. 18

g. m reads ip&AI5: q "7&A:

/ "WVA^: a ^^A^: 19 m i. g reads *!&&: Other MSS. g.*

a-^. q,

read<WlO: adds ?rfifl0:21

^. z ^ / u read 2^ At: ^^A: wa. /3 reads

A^"A: a a omits.24

a. reads AflO:*b

gq, bcdlox/i. m reads Atn)"}^

/, $-bcdlox ta A71: *

y, add h$A: ('A: ^).27 a-.

,read ^*A0:

28qtu. g reads O^Ct: ^ reads 'JipCF: Vt^C: 29

t. g m q A-aO?: ,j8ff.

P-cdlo add h$A: w^. / reads ilAvA/F; Other MSS. f.

31 r omits next four

words through hmt. 32 $-klno add h^A: M m reads (D0.M

/. reads g.

gmqu aDl&.ipi35

^ reads oo'Rfc 36/ and /3 (g). ^ ot read a)A(lOt: (^1*: ot).

aix. q aJftAflOt: 37 ^ . m q t, /3 read XA: ^ adds ?^Dd:s8

/3 prefixes to

against a.39 omits. i0

gmq. t reads ^Ct: I-41

g. mqt read

^^"A: (Sg. *ehpx&A<D." reads ft, y omits.

44^ reads (D^ha-V:

*gqiu, &-i. vomits. A reads ft. i Hflfl:

150 ootfviu: mi: Lxxvm.9-15.

AtfC'i: *<dA: hav, t'a)(\(W 10. artist; 3 /"Ot: 4 ACA?L: fcrfA^: 5 AA:

JE.taJ.C.fc:6 -ACyJ: ff^flt: a>Ok flA^IA! *<; teeihi\ 7 11. HA?; 8

Hm>i: 9 H 10t1a>-C: wCI: -OC7is" HJK7: *<d: n^^ffD; 8rfi: fcAh: X<Dg12<n>p82V;

[J&t^^: -OCyS":]13 w{lto &&W H-A*:

15JE-t^R^ : -ACy*-:

16o-ftt: A"7:: 17

12. A 18M<^t: OA*: ivC*: 19 ^utn>j& : Kflm); A&-: OAt: ti/2i: 48A,y;

ACr*:: 20 13. J&t^Ri^:21 Tl**; 22 AOAt: J&cdC^: 8rh: a*Ai*; 8<S>A: fflXi^J:

j^Wfr: 23 ?0C7: 24 AA>A/fr <D*.fACU: 20 tDC^: 25AH-A-: A,A/fr

26 a>27Xfm: uCfc

8rhJ&: Ake^tf-: 25 a*J&t^J&: 28fflC'i: *Aktn>: 8rfi:: 29

14. fcyfA: 30

<n>R*; 31 flCyj; 32 A<dC*: Xi^U?: 33*iOA: ?rha8; 34

fcfih:35 **&: 36

frA-: 37

ncyj: 38 m<P: tn>T8A: wCli <dH\C: fcAA-: Ah: 39 HJrtAA: -acrii: 15.

ffliPAAt: dCfj J&7-AC: tfm>P8A: 40 a^AfrH"?}; 42 RM-; 43 AA: 44 m&W Rftfr:

1 Such seems to have been the original text, g reads (DftdjihffD; Here &xd; is

simply (fiffD; which should be read before j?, and AA a corruption of A (so mq, 0),

owing to AA in preceding clause, m reads fDA: coAX^*?*: ? (DA; AffD; AA: 3.

/ <dAA: hao\ Kf&\ uha\t. /3 <DA: ZH>: frn> ; g.*q reads tog.

3/, $-cdfloy.

g reads orti&X'h #2, r dfloxypp w^&hfi q afii^hrVx u afti&X; *mt,p.g reads 'Jtf'Ct: a 'J-P'Ct: ? X.


^?. Other MSS. frCAA: 6 Vomits next

five words through hmt. 7/2

/3. g m tl read &7vQ(\th: q 2c7DRArhE:

u X9R(\ch'. at$}iis

mq,p. ^/ read H"A: 9

m, /3. a-m read Hcm'i:10

q reads Ki"fi "a-^. Ace. of limitation. AC?}; could also be taken as the

ace. after ^(DK; q prefixes cdA. $-n prefix A. n prefixes (D.12

gqu, /3.

mt read hv*CV: QJfiCAO'F: But the numbers in the text may represent ordinals.13 Bracketed as a dittography from the next clause. For JE.^^" AC", which a reads,

reads &V&," AC" tD-fli*: A^TjEl: This further addition is also drawn from the next

clause, h omits next five words through hmt. 14 g reads <'}.'.I5

q reads


^ reads ACy: 17? omits. 18

a. fi-dy read a?, dy omit.19 ^ reads \P&; q v*Cfa 20

z omits. 21

q, /3 prefix W. &m, 0. a-m add

XA*: 231 omits. 24

q reads ?^CA: 25 u omits. 26* adds w(lCV: AA>A/fr

27 a-., /3omit. ;/, ^-a. ^-^, read J&^A^: "

^ reads A^17?^:


^ prefix CO.31

gmu,fhiklnox tap. qt,abcde read -(D??h:32

a-^. ^, /3 read ACy}.: 33 reads at.34

^ reads Wf88; fD?**88: and

trans, before 5iOA:35 reads (D.

36q reads ^^^0: 37

,b x omit.


^m, dloypp. qt, $-dloyap read ACyf.: u omits. 39</j/ read Ail;


^ read A^dTO^: w ^ Z1 odTOA: </ omits together with next ten words. 41

/3 omits.42

^-. mqtu, $-a k read AHtn>J; ^ ^ 0^^ AHod}; ^r reads R^y; ?/ omits next

three words through hmt. /3 omits next four words. 44

gqt. m reads AA: u, /3

omit. ^ omits next two words. 45

g m t. qu, /3 omit together with next two words.

lxxviii. 15 Lxxix.4. oDflviu: y?tt: 151


vCiU-fi- (DCIi 7flC:3


5tn><P0fc KA; Off**:

67<lC: 7


Rfilfr A9Htn>*} : +OTg :

10 <Dna^"Vt: tf/WE: (TootO^: l(Dga)%\\

16. con 12HffDj:

13tm-qfr: *<dC1: 14 .PAtCA.:

15ftflffl<n>'PO&: aJ*r

16 DCJ; 14 finCh.:

Aft; g 17a)ti-0; <n><p02v : : 17. ft18A>A/fr jPAtCft.:

19ftfth<n>: flXA.: tn^M*: 20

hm> : AW; 21fcAm>; *i&fc: ^Itl.: 22 hhdt'. HfclAA: -flCyh Rfcy;: 23 LXXIX.

wiM,li &.?: 24K-ft :

25fiCftj&h-h: <D*tRtn>t: 26 */"C}+: H-A: 27 hYh-At; 28

^^^..29 2 a,30flCft?L.jj.^.3! /^-fr**: *AfcA-: Xlt: 30

AH-A-: OAt: 32 oAK-A-: 33

Htn>*$;34 HA35/1'&<n



a>AH-A-; 37 JtrDfr amtn^k; 30 amtXHH; 33ftK-A*:

39 wCh:

a)wltfc A1A*:; 413. axihRR: wCh\ H*je.*7AC:

42 A*AU*A;fr



ttHt: i?'**:45 AJtAt: je^RT :

46 -ACPi: RftU: 47 (D*X7i,WB &hah\\ CKA; 49

^ASR/h: 504. ((D^ASfc/h


) HnM*7AC:: A-?1*: 52fcStffcts AH<n>j ; \LhV-:

XAh; 30 J&t^RT ;53 ^TO^; EaJgaJxiA^CJiy

5 AlAt; *<Dg: 6D56ft&/b*F; <n>P0&::


a, save that$r prefixes (D. Hence all the members of a originally contained the

clause omitted by 0.*

/3 prefixes (D.sq prefixes W. gmq add Ahcn>;


opread ft.

5 m reads ifAO:6

c omits. 7/, j3. a-/ read &l>Wc\ 8


Other MSS. ;J*rh5SR.1":9

q reads <D.10 u omits next two words through hmt.


q omits. 12

q omits. reads W. tu add tLAO: 140. a reads fl0CM:


q prefixes (D. mx omit next three words through hmt. 16g omits, q reads g:

/ U'AA'F: 17Z

1 omits to ftft'g inclusive through hmt., but /2 adds in margin.


q reads Aft.19 m reads ^AtCA.: 20

u, f$-hn. gmt,h read cDod 1}^:q, w 1 ftoD^^t: 21

o prefixes ft."

/, /3-f dk l/x. a-t, cdklp, read ^Iti: 23 wreads Rfilfr

24/, (3 add "71^1: 25

/3 trans, after next word. 26

gmt.qu, p read t<LRtn>; 2' ^ /. ^ reads /"Cit: HH-A". H-A-: ^CJjM*: /3 JtA":

/"COT: ffl

a, bcfhiklnopvw xyp p. ade read hfil-ftfT: H. 29 a-. u,

read A^JE.; 30 u omits.31


a. /3 reads odP0V: 33 n OffA*:34 reads KW^i'i: 35 a-. reads fflHA. adefhiklno tap HAH-A*: bx(D(\ltfr:

c wmitCbi 36^ reads /"&<ni; 37

y reads A^A": " a-. /3 reads tDfl^XHH':

u omits. 39/3. a- read (DffA*: DflH*A":

M a-u. u, read fflA.41


/3 reads AlA^t: 42 m t, p. g1 W1C: g

2^7i-ftC: (sic). ^ u fil-ttd


/3-?7o xajb. g reads AlA^: /, ilox tap A,C"A: ot adds flDCi:** u omits next four

words: /"omits next three words. 45 n trans, after A^A^: i6 5x omit next

fourteen words through hmt. 470. a reads Rfty:

48/20. a reads fc^ilPcn*:

49/3- add (DC'h't (D against a in order to emend mutilated text. See note 51. n adds

only m. 50

q U . *, j3 "JW: ^ reads tARR.^: / rh8d:51 Lost through

hmt. and here supplied (so also Flemming).52q adds Kit; 63

/ readsM^RT :

54a-/, adefhiklnoypp. t,bcx read (DA.

55 w reads WJt: HWJt;56 w ^ (/ 0^<f.; (D^yAV: o), /J. ^ reads a>gg: g(Dg:

152 ooflvtu: yftt: lxxix.5-lxxx.4.

5. fffrJfc> X^Srh^: A^CHV hYii-At: fffiWh 3 o^TOA: A*Htn>-} : Arh^.;


Tl*#: fflAA: J&*4Ry: *"Hn*i1; H5t&fc:: 6. lun>1l:6 hChfi aJ7


K^ltCti -OCyj: HACm. frC/i.^:8 od&Mi; 0a: H9a*X*F: ao^tlFtfo-::

LXXX. aJttaJ-XI3: tn>pO&: hayJhl\ kChh: 10 0D&M1:" a)0,fa: iP;



H-ft :14


H-ft": hytfc: Ah: *CA?V 6A*H: 0*hj&: AH: cofM: 17 <AXA:

fiaoClPtfl*". AWlrtll": A'W: 18 a^H-ft-a^; 6 &A: j&tn>,e.TJPaD: V-ftCa*:

2. <D*A21<n>P0A; ^Ttt: inS"?*: 22


a>*HCA; 24 aSlPff^: ^ha*"*: 2<Z.<E;25 a26y&Ca*: (oaw^Ca^i 27

artf-A-:28 7*1C: 6 HA: fAC: J&tffDfT:


cDA.jPAtC^: 30 A^H^tf*: 32

ailicy : ^thAK; 33

oA"?^: ^*aJ-yj: 34

3. aXUD-frft *W*n: $&: y^C: .e^*: 35.eha*"}:

(D&Mr&.\ auavu

wG&>\ 08: ^thAK: AHffD} : Rftlh::

4. a>a>Cfc e&T: JCHr:36

wK. irhi AHm>J: RSU:: 37


1a-/. /, prefix (DH. 2 Emended from A^CH*: ofamq, 0-6. m q read

A^CJt: 3x to^C and v a>teP'C'. For the above use of A replacing another

preposition in an enumeration in this instance "h9 see Dillmann's Grammar,

p. 308 (1st ed.) ; p. 347 (2nd ed.). Our text here identifies the solar and the sidereal

year, as in Ixxiv. 12.3 m reads ^tS^ll



/, |3. gmqu read AHffi>i: g (fith&; m).6qt, &-n. gu read "Havhl: ("A'}: u). m (VHavVii n Hffi>7: H.

6 u omits. 7 g omits.

? read fr&V: 9*> ^ i read "H.


^0,1$ read h-6*h&'. q omits."gmt.

qu, |3 omit. 12 a reads U: wz omits. "mq, 0. ^/k read /tCMh:

14,w omit. 15

prefixes A.16

/ reads ^Chfav; n b x omit next

two words. 18 u reads hTh-A^: 19 gmt add cD,trt>je.TP'ffi>4:

^ reads


q omits. 22

^k. Other MSS. h^^t: ^?a prefix <D.


gtu. q reads J&1JM-: *, /3 ?rhR-: 24

? trans, after RftlFtfi*:25#?, /.

tXWJ& u $6*<\ m,&-l read $&&. n trans, after d^ACo^x 260. a reads A.

27 a-u. j3 reads cDAtfl^Ccn*: omits. ffl

? reads AH*A*: e <dAH*A*:w

0. a-

read J&rn>T: / adds SWElfc u omits. *^ w, /W. 7, </ read coXft+Ck: tu JPA".

31a-/. /, p-h read A. ^ omits.

32a. /3 reads Htn>}-:

33q reads *i2&:

Sim, t*p-i. gqt

1 read tVpahy-. u^ah?*'. t<pah7: Kgu,kln. mt,&-kln

read $&S: q fipW; 36

^/ read /"CJftf^; ? reads aftlfoi*;

LXXX. 5-LXXXI. r. ODflVfU: 'IT^iM 153

5. [amX^TF: m>P02V: Pxthfr tA^; 1

a>.fcflJtth: tOAC: 2ftfr'te: A<S7At:

6. a^Arf: -ftlW: hC>M\Pao". A*hPlWrtV tXHH: 7




11 wV-ttCa^i

tD/U&t^Afc ftttITi: 12RftlFai*: XA: tftHtfc A<n*::


7. a>}f-A: ^CWs 11 hffcflt: 15.CtO0a*:

16 40A: 17 ^TVJ:

(D(htiS;\?ao*\ AXA:18

(1: T^e-C: A<frF: SftlFtfl*:19

[a)j&tfl?m-: XyH-A-:

8. a).eft7tt: AOA.lPtn*;23


waobwtt: J&ffoR-X: Sfttf'ai*:25

Jun>;26 ^/h^A: 27


LXXXI. fflj&ftAi: *JfrC: ZFh: 29He<P0<J.:

30 A"7,:

ai^l'fl-fli HBvh.<?: ftlffltH;3i


mq, /3. /# read AA*7?^: Text may be corrupt. The Greek translator read

tiVQyfc for VKfr\ and ajri'

hunger' for 3"$'

evening' (Halle'vi).2 See note I.

sa-q. q, /

2/3 read ft.

4 Bracketed as an early interpolation in the Hebrew text.

When these clauses are removed, verses 4 and 5 form a tristich relating to the moon.

It will be observed that before and after verses 3, 6 and 7 are tristichs.B

q omits.


gq,ol). Other MSS. hP*i-fl+: 7q

cor. Other MSS. tXHH: Beer conjectured this

text. See Kautzsch's Apoc. u. Pseud. II. 285 note.8 tu omit. 9 u reads XA: and

omits next three words and following CD.10

q t1 read fi.aofi.^yath;

u*/^ knvw

read ^WfclFffi*:1J

jw 7, <f read AH<n>J:13 a reads A*fc " m q /, /3-.

g u read /"CrF: /"CWfc 15,

omit. 16a-^, /3-c delnab. g, cdelnap

read .^0001,: at gives both readings, q prefixes H. 17 n reads ft.18

/2/3 add

HK: 19 reads ^ft: y^"C: 20 Bracketed as an interpolation, u also omits.

If the clause referred to men, it could only according to Biblical usage be com-

mendatory. If it refers to the stars, it breaks the connexion. When removed it

leaves a tristich. For ttTtlPa*: (of g t, n) m, fi-n read WElPtfi*: and q $V<Elfr31

qu omit. Mq reads aJjB.ffD^TJPao*: / mfrft&Fa*; a m reads AOA:


gtu,x. m, p-x read Xh: q XM: 25

<r/A read A0A>lFffi*:26 omits.

27a-q. q reads prh'htFav'i /3 PP<fr7'-ft

oaD: *a-^. $r

reads AH-A*: /S-^,3 AH-frff^:

o, 3 Wtrav. 29 a save that m inserts * before JfCTl! j8 reads *2?h: i8*C: tn>8vh:

save that </y omit before Jf" and that omits <n>K7h: 30wz reads HR$ft?: a>H:


^ omits next four words.


154 oortvtu: y?n: lxxxi. 1-6.

a^AX^C: 1

Itfei ArfuS: h(h&\\

mMa-aXiV: *Am>8vh: H-ft-;6 F>7(\C&>". AA-flX:


8a*A\e: ^;>;

9 HQ:F>&C\ Xfth: *&-&.: ^rti^::

3. ffiX^Afty; 10 a^hP1: AX7aX; 0a; u (Whwi fWlrfit; A'JATV3 Ohm*: 7fl&

ittri v-ad.* 'JAyv4

<D*Aa<frJK 15 X7aft; 16 WW"*:w(\Ob\ *0: a*A\; fi^y ::


4. fflXyilh: 19 Xft:

OfrO: -flXA.; H.fcnxi**:80 SJtfc <D-iC:

atffrA-: <n>87h<L: 0<n>q 5 A.21tR-/ft<L: fl>U-:

ajfc^htti-fl:22 *0AT: H-Ji.::


5. cdXop^-F; fifod-l:24 g25

fc&<Vi: tDAIQW.: 26 aJ-At: y^eC: n^m>: a6tf'il*:

ftM: 5ffl^ftft-i:

27 /i^^-0;28

H"ft; A^-FAA: m&\\\ wUCfc A^ft-ff^: 29<D-A\fi-h:

hm>: ^S0JE.X^*:


32 H^: 33 tt*^tn: X7aX: Xfttn>: a^X-f: LcnCa^w

6. *9tmt: Arh.C;34 fJ^"7h: 35 AIA; 36 ffl^h: 37 XAh: 38

*iOA:39 tA/HTfc 40 ha*.*


1 m reads KhlF'Ci 2", /3-a add JfA : a omits next three words. 3


q reads 00&: /3 nft<??i<.i*q trans, after AX" ittfi


? omits.6 m t.

g u read AffDRvftft Jfft: ?, /3 Atn>JMi: wibte: HJM>.: tD-ftt^*: To this fr-c

add ffft : ^ a)H"ft: The original text appears to have been Affi>JM: HftrthQ

OO'h'i^i Itfa STvyflGtfl*". AAflX; = /3i'/3Xoi> a ytypanTai eV avra navra to. epya rap

avdpomuv = D1NH {J>yb"^3 13 D^im "1B>K "1QD.7 omits next five words.

a-u. reads (Ditlf:9

aikpw prefix H. 10

a-^. jr, /3 read wK^Hi AftF;11

j8 omits.12 m prefixes (D. q reads CttT-Vi AX7afi: c TfrP: 13

a, /3-3 c

read HC[ciC[F

vi b c omit. 14

op read 9ffD^:15

a-q. q, /3 read fflAAtfihJP:16 ^/. wy, /Sread AX7aX: 17

a-q. q, read AXlt: J8


P-fhilnoy /z/read -GAs a*A\e; ^Ay: A o*A\e: A: JfA-: My : A: H"A:

*a*&.: 'My": ,9a. /

2p-i c x read oj&Xt: Zft: <5 f ^ (Da>X+: ZH>: mq.t


add X*JH:21

a-? /. ? /,j3 read HA..22 a-w. w, /

2/3 read wh.-td.Xia-.


t reads QOAt: It", q 7,^?: A0A,U: /2

, /3-^ 7^J& A'. ^ X>&\ nA0A,U:24

mqt,&. g reads tLipdarl; u A.+C0*i: lu, /3 trans.W after V. 25 ^. za^/write in full A'fl'J'F; /3 reads .

26 ^ omits. 27 bdnxy read a7j&fl,Ai:28 d reads A?r&0: 29

/ reads S*A*:30^ omits. 31

a-m, &-n. m reads %&$:n PRffy;

32,h read frft ;

az^ reads ihay\ Zi

gmt. q reads 'iav^; Arh/J-:

,9oot: 2. /3-z" S 'Jffot;


qf,p. gu read 1A.C-7: ? Irti&Vi 36

^ reads 1A:87

a. reads A'J&h:M

omits.39^ / trans. *i" after ^A". u omits *i".

40ot/, p-cde. g reads 'TTXHUj ^ ^*HH: f </<r (according to Dillmann) ^VWtt: but

this seems a mistake, u omits.

lxxxi. 6 lxxxii. 3 . ooftvtu: i?\\: 155

tryVCa*: 1 AtD-A^h: w^RchQ* fttn>;3 cd^A^O: 5


AJfft'ff**: o>-A\e-h:6

a>7A*"AA: 8 ^y: ^i^fch:9 fc7MifraD:: 10

7. J&R-TO: SWlh: 11

XflffP: -i^-}:12 A-i^l: SW0". *8\#:

jj^.13 ^0^^. j^cf. ^S^th'.

8. <d*^TX;4 7M: *2TX: ,e^>a>

Jh ,8

a>.WP: yhCi: .WT: 15 Amy2:

9. fflXA: J&7(14: fr-#: avart', aXlT: yVM: A-flX:

w^p-ah-i OXIt: 7-nCcn*: 17 (iiivn.'.

10. <D ,8nV7TF: rnP02V: R<n*: X1H: MV74-: 19 i^AA,?:40Xh-: 1A;

20 A-OX?:

?rtH:21 fcOCh: AX7Rfi: SAy:: 22 LXXXII. j&Mfct: m&gb <VFn4: *Jfftcn>:

fcA-TT: 3 Ah: M7C: atftfrA*?: Ah: 24<Dtfftffi*:

25 hwth*: Ah: 26 <D 27 DlMm4i: 28

ffDJlrih^tlFtT^: AXA: H-ftff*>I29 0Hl: &?: 30


fc&lh: A*0-h: a)\\av;

tO-d: Ata*&.: 33 M7 ::

2. TAA: aJUflh-:33 Ah; a>4Aa*A\h: 34

[fflAXA: h(frh Ah: 35


htn>; ?UO*:35 Aa*A*<n>: 37 Ata*2v#h 38

AH: TA-A: A:39 th(LWao-.i

3. a72S&iaMn>: XA: 40A>-AOl:



m, p read ^yUCffi*: 2

gq,kn. Other MSS. ^ftvfc^: I have here preserved

the indicative, as the indicative form of the following verb is so strongly attested.

3 u omits next four words. 4

q omits. 5

g, acdefhio. m q t, b-k I read ^fli^O:6

g m read Aa^AvC'h: 7/ omits.

8e h read A*lVft<:


q reads &\Jvh\v.

10;w adds a?AhV?i; "

ot reads ^VOifl*:12

^ reads rthC'.13

/, 0." reads

&#: (sic),ot 8\<l; q $: (sic). ?*$: 14

/,<? /$ o read ^TVJ: ? omits

next two words. 15/, e h v read ^fThl: JZ-avah'f:

16 u adds je.frMT; <D.

17gu, /

2. mq, p read 77(\Gao*: t

x omits. 18 ^ m t omit. 19

^ reads 74*:20 reads yflA: 21

g m prefix W.22

a-$r. 5?, /3 read ^A"?^: * ^ /. m reads

H-ft: Xft>*it: ? H-A-: UrF: H-ft9; 3 c ilo x,a Win M*it: ae/hkvw M*}+: it ft :

</ H"ft: Jill*: M" Ah: H-ft":u gmt omit. 1?/"/$

Jz; omit next three words

through hmt. 25^ #z. r

/, /3-?' read aJH*ft: i reads ffft": omits.26 u omits.

27/, i'omit. 28 m reads fDU-dhi; 29

q adds ftcn>:30 /, add ^-fAI:

31/k, /3 read ffoSfh^t: 32

^ reads Aa*A\e: M w reads fflO-dh-h:34^ reads

TAA: (DiV^-h: / AfD^^h: m adds oA^A'^h: 35 b trans, after a>A*^:36g reads 1*UO<n>: 37

q adds Xfth:w

^r/jc read A^o*-^: ^^^^-;AtaJ-^^-: y Ata^^V^: ^Ay: ?, /3-^ add fcfth; A^Ay": S9

^ reads wHSi\

b x fl>A-f: / reads M; <. 41<5 ^// a; read ^Aj-A^T:

156 ooflvtu: y?tt: lxxxii. 3-8.

wK7K-'. (VWHVa*: htm: ^avUCV: A*H; 2 TAfl:

tD^A&Pa*: Xm>a^O^: vC.Pt: *AXA: A^0*:: 2

4. Afr'H; S^l: JNtonx;3 XA: 4

?rftfl>4: A$?1V R\*: 6 a^Am*: 2>rtLM*:T

*htn>: ^T*1:2 A^Mi; 8

H-A-:2 aD<pO(UPa*i AH: ?fa>-C: 0rfijE. : A9

A"?.e: AfrTfrfr


tDj&ajR-X: ipAA: 11 OAt: i^AA: 12hCXitfr; XFH'VCJ+tn*: Ahfii-At

yAAgfcA: M"BAh-;15 XA: 16 ^AA?-: 17 "YfchA: 18

a*i$A: 'iffDt: hA: j(n>CW<n>

wr>tlA,\ra*i j&Aa>.fc: ACOOt: 19 odtOA.: 205. nXI-fcftlPff*!

81 ,27?-: A-flX

(DKRIllWa*: tArhAA: 22H-A-:


24XAffi>: pvq&vw, w^^Sh^Cya^

A-Afc: Tl**:: 26. XAm>: WAfll.: A2VhAA: 27 ^tn>t: a)*"?'}: Mbn &ffi*TF: A'iAy 2

Xrht: (l*^t: -tf-Vt:28a)*Arht:

2 A^^At: 29-^-J*;

30 atfrht: A^-AO*: 31(Dhrtiti

AA.CrAt; tDJ&'lh&Ry: 9n>t: 32tn><p0&;

33EXa>$(D&(tOr. 7. wh^V. \1W

a>T*}**: 35rtitlCt: H&h-O: XAtn>: A-AC??*: wdhaM: ajAAW: 36 tDAtiOT*; 37

fflArroTO^: ACMt: wk^th: fl,?: KChb: 38 tHAHH: 39ft"F;

40 X7RA: 41H-A-:

^T^t .

jAyD .

rt43Aj&A: A"7:: 8. <Dft^<nJ:

44O-F: A45AA/h aXTWM*!


^/omit.J omits.

3a-u, /3. reads 410*" 3.". / repeats exactly

the above three words: q adds flfr" Xlh: H"ft<n>*: t, p-g ( + (De)'d0'" ftteaw.* u prefixes at.

5b reads A, d ***??.

6/ reads Z&PI: 1

gqu, h. mi, P-h

read pfllffli8a-^, /3. g reads A"^


^V ,I^:9 reads W. 10

prefixes <D.

11 reads j?.12

/ prefixes (D.13

/ writes in full Oi^CF: yX^: tfz reads and

trans. OwCF: before fiCXAT: X<D and trans, it before hC". ug m t. q, p

read"H. u omits. 15 breads jE.^'BAft:16 a-m. m reads w}\(\; P W. 17

qt,P-no.Cf. lxxxii. ii. g mu,n o b read JB^AjA?1



V, P- reads A"?ihA: #//"YtaiA: ffl^VXhA-: (////"A:) A (/ omits).


g reads fiC-A*};20

t,p. a-t read

ffT0^V: S1 omits, gqtu add 0*F:22

</ omits next ten words through hmt.33 u omits. 24 Words obelized. Corrupt (?) for AffA*; /fiAA: 'ia^'V: So also Beer.

For 'JAy": b reads A-flX:25 w omits.

26 m reads A. 27 adds ^Ay : <D.

28q adds cDXrftt: A*i^X: a-a, /.

,A read "/^VA: /3-^/m read u/^A.t:

30 u reads ftfht: ^, p omit. 31

fioy J) read Wilt's ? add (Dhfht'. Ali^At:32q t. gmu read (D'iaD'f; p reads ^ffD^":

33a. p reads Atn>T0^V: 34

c reads


mq, p. gtu read T*}*+: 36

q, p-f. g reads AHA'J'Vfr tn A^At:

/ AA^At: /(DAT. 37 ^. a-gu,p read fDAft^ ?^: w^^ read fr^A,^:

aefhkw trans, before tDj^rh: z*

g mtu,adikly ta. q reads HACAfL: P, bce/nx

HAHH: o/ HfiHHt: Text = ^ fV/ra^e corrupt for J forera^e.40 Em. from A/I*;

Here H . . ft"fc = f HfiHH: (or "H:) A.t: . . . ArhJ&A: = 'whom He hath commanded

for me over the host'

gives no reasonable meaning.41 u omits next two words.

42m, dloy omit. 43

a, ahikn. P-ahikn read A.44

a-m, k. P-k read a7A2Vnl:4S


, 0. ^ omit, m tx u read A.


/3. ^ wj read A. ? (D. /" A. f1cdA.

LXXXII.8-M. <mft{h&: 'iTVi: 157

a*At: tm&\ Y\av. SCh.:' <iC7l: A: MX: *B(h?:" w^wCi. 3 whVXKl-t: 4a^H-froo-; 5


rt"7jB.:7 XA: ^ovlm-i 8 nonpar*:: 9. mwHt; n

J&Xt; ^CJt: 12

Wlrflt: XAi ?0CO*: 13 nmWtlf* s




(D*au?i(D-frl\raTii 17 10. a>*XA-:18

Xft^'tlPffD': AXA: J^aoC^yav. A19XA: *?0fcft-!

<0 14J&na*k: OftU^J: RXlfa^: *XA: frntCWw, A(n>WtU,ffv aM/,'C l




<D*nHZH.JPtlfrn>; wahahWlPa^i 14 wah&aiqt\Pcn><i u a)ayo!t''Ptn?1:\P(fl>'i: 11.


Jfcfta*k:14 "M^: 22 XA: 23 AA?-: gfc<PA:

24^tn>t: a?XyD."*&lP<n*

X(DU*av&.fhnK H^CJ^t: 26 XA: A,&9>a*i AfiaHW7 toA;28 *Ha>gJ9ACXft+

X*f30XA: Jfc&T5Pffi*: A<n><P02V: a>*A 31

gXA: ^-tBAh-: yAA.lfff*: 32 *XA


34g*m>*i<{A+: ^tn>^t::

3512. a)36Xtn*TF: 37 fiCXftt; XE^XhA

ao^t: cDffo^rfu:38 tEA*i: 39

g(UC"*<:: y^pyD:

40*<Dtn><Z.<ftJPi.lFaD<: ^Um-:: 4 '

13. a>XA-:42 ftA^tlFtn*: AffP^A^^"}:

43 XA: jE-^^VrtV: g<n>*iM-: 'Jtrot: XA:

^Wi: '"ZAJiASV:44 (D^&XSWtei.* a*"ZAM&: 46 cd<7&V:: 47 14. <D*A"7lF<n>:


^ reads .PCX?*.:2

g t read 8rfi,fc:3g q t read cdCM: m adds 0: A-(lX:


q t, h read <D(^ omits^ViHrt*:5

^ reads H"A*:6 u reads ftV"l};


q reads

A^yjP^*: a omits next two words. 8

g reads ^ffD?T: / jBfan>?fli:8 b reads


/ a omit. " d adds ^CO*: 12 a reads P'C^C'. H.13

? reads W^Qr:n w WCb'. u u omits.


gmf, p. q reads coahH^^tWa^: u whU^UTa^:16

q reads mMa^^tVaO". u omits. 17 w ? read Aan^'fclFaD':18 /reads XA:(sic).

omits. 19m, bnov xp read w([.

20 a-. reads <Z)XA: ?*aoCA9>ao*\ /3 omits.

For XA: ofqt,gm read XA*: 21 w reads fiCAO'F: ffD^^^tlFffo-; id. m reads

<p&av: q ME; u omits. adds ,fla>-&:*

^ adds fla>k: o>. u reads

mXA: 24 adds 'JA^1': (D.

%tic,p. g reads m><Z.<ft.Pt: w# m><f.rh.Pi.lFfl^;

16 a reads H^CO-fcn*: p (DRP3CJ^t: u omits. *q reads Afta>-ilP<n>:

28a-q. q reads (D. /3-z add "iffD^h z'


:Fi gu. m reads . q sfx.

/vAA'F: ^"Xfc atflA: cdACOO'F: ^AA: /3 tlat(fx omit cD)g<DgyDAA: 30

^ omits.

31 w omits. 32a. ^ reads ^ftlfff^: 33 w /, /3. ^ reads XA: J&^^T: ^ XA:

jB.iJ.A.TiPtn*4: omits.

34 a-m u, $-ip. m, ip read av&thfh: u reads tn>^rhi>



a-g, p-fh. g reads aoXiL&V: fh ao^L^ft: 'iav^f;36g }

h omit. 37/^ omits.

m adds g.M gm u. Z

2^ read Wtao&rti.: qt


,</omit. 39 /, $-efh. m q, efh v

prefix (D. g reads ffl^'lTTAh:40

q, a read y^Too*: CD (a omit).41 omits. For

&Tg reads i>


42^ reads XA-; ^ XA: Xm>*1t: 43 a ^ read AffD^^ilfffi>;


^ = *>k^d (Schwab 173). m reads t^Ml". tu OHAK'. q "HAhAl p-o

yMlh&\ op 9"&MA\ 45

a-q, (B-eio = -\bwbn. q reads U^V: Xy017?^:e VhT'r'h.tei'. i U^X^Z". P U&Xy^Ah: 4G

P-a eno = fot&D (Schwab 172).

en read yM^: aop ^Mi^: ^ ''Z^A^: mu ^A,^^: ? ''Z^A.?'^;

/^^V^f.^: 47 =bti-v. u reads V^A: ,a VA^:

158 <K>Kfc<L: yrtt: lxxxii. 14-18/

AXA: ZavCWao". hAIChfc 1 co*KSfrt[hh\- w*htt^Zhh: z AA: rXA: t&m.: 4

g'SloWao". (i*av6rhi\ b ^CJ^t: fflSHJ&+rt:6 &1d 7ar>6chi. 8 ^CJ^t: XA:

Whai.; 2:"il\ K&trf: aotchfi: 9 ^fr^t: ,0 XA: Lhat\ fiCAOt: *iA:


15. n^tn>; ^trot:12 'J'WE: J&iPCfc

13<Dj&m>2v*i: ^Mi.^: 14

H^WffP^; ftr:15 tm>^^L: 16

<0*8rftJ&;17 tD*ffft<n>V

8 m>P0&: 19 Hn2n^mJ; RftU:

XA: ^(TD^h: 21 S-a^SOAt:: 2316. <dXA: *XyC1*: m>P0&: XA; UAm.: 24

.PAtCX?-: (1:25 i^C: (TtnxpOA: 21 fi^i; aftlh: U<?: <D*r$; 26 <DH<ftV7


Ofla^:28 LCW w&ft&i wftX: (1HA; 08a*: <D30ff7X<^: AC<T,;

R"i: fc a?*^: 8-l.Pt:31

H.ea>8X: 33 (Vf**1*: <D08a>: h*!^: jeMfr::


17. XA-: fift^tlFff*:34 A<n>fli.n: 35 XA: fn>t<frfclF<n>: flChfe^V:

36 HA-nAfcA: 37

cd*i&X: H.etTrth: CXA: Igfitn*: ZA\*W: 38a)t^RffD; m>POA: ii&tt)U

30 AH::

18. *i&X:4fl

avcdi.\ H41."tti>IJ:

42 Sf^Xy^A,*!: 43 H&a><OPi AT: 44 *0rh?:

1* reads fi^CT/i^: 2

^. w.y read &?frft&&: /, &.Prt<AkV: ^ Wrt-".

*gmt. q reads fr^/i.gV: f u htWhAi fr-aino/ip &fr0%&&; a /z, h.S^Ct^hA'.

1 ?LCb9v?b&i nWZhfoi * m reads J&t&a>.JPffT><:5

rf reads ao^'hS'h'. H, and

omits next four words through hmt. 6 m reads P'Ch1^'. and omits next three words

through hmt. u omits. '

^ reads &*ilo\i"t Aj?.8 reads tn>fhJP*3r: and omits

next seven words. 9 m adds ^"CJ^F: (D. q reads ffDfMhi*"}:10

q reads ""71*:

omits. ll a-m. m, /3 read 'iao^;12

^, /3. -w omit. 13

^ prefixes <z>.


g t, P-a. q u read F&K1\\ a 7&Xil\\ m omits. 1S

gmu, cdlov xab.

qt, abefhikn read AffD4: /$ ftffD;

wgtu^'K'iu)/^ Wn 'southern' (so Goldschmidt

and Beer), m, a read t^^i: ? Ttn>fli>

i.: abcdbiklnoxp iWHLs h tfrn>L:17

a, a . /3-a read 0rfi?:18

^ reads ffft :

19a-u. /3 reads on'PO'Vfc omits.

20^ reads <D.


$rreads J&tn>^Jv:


qt read i"A^:^

$-il ab. gmt read

firht: OAT: ? Kch&\ 0A+: k, *7/z,3 gOAt:24 u omits. 25

aefhik read nA:26 reads a&$\ p T^'. 27

. All other MSS. fflrftH"?:" m omits. M omits

next four words. 30

q reads fl. d omits. 31

mqt, i3. ^ reads JfA*: R7JP^":

k omits. 32a-OT. reads R7?': w omits. 33 m reads ^?-(lA': ^ jE.?-flft:

34 ^ omits next three words. 35 u reads Atn><Jl.lffft>*: 3 ^//j^ AffD^'ijPi.lfffi^j omits

next two words. 36 ^/, ^:' = ^N"a"Q. m, abc defklo x<xp read &CXih&r.

q ftCXlh: 37 a-m = i?X^T (Schwab 123) = 'this is the heart of God.' m reads

ft^A-n^^V: a&M-n&h: bcfiklxfi HA*fl^^: <f<r H^{lA'. A IMlftA". 0/H.^ft-A^: ^=s)DriN (Schwab 58). mqt read J?A^A: ("A?: ?/).

aJf/f^A,?: bcdefhknoxpJiltoSbfa HW. 390. a reads A^FaD*:

omits next three words. 40 d prefixes (D.41 u reads CD.

4igtu. mq, /3 read

SZ'SloWaO". ^^ ^ reads Z^V^fc; / XA,?t7IU7Zl: y Jf^Xy1"^*!:

*' U^VX^ZA.*!: o '^^*i: 44 u reads Aff*: z omits.

lxxxii. 18 Lxxxiii.4. ooavtu: 'iTft: 159

AW wYtfr: <n>pOA: <lCV^*Ta)hihti OAt:: 19, *a?XA: ^X^Ct: aDpO^: 3

AA; 4 y\C: rh4C:5

eDftlft; a>08a>-: fmKki S&lFai*: CM. 6 <d7j&U-A-: H-ft :


<Z&\ra*: *C(ti\ (D-afrfc.9 cDhdVO: ^A<P:

10 a^fcRW 1

<DJPAt;)>A*.;12 JWrV3

<P&: y^rC: a>*H-ft; H0ft: u OJ-flt: 7a>U: a)*yDhi>

^; <d,V 5 wZYhd-I. 16 A<n>P0A:

*A^<nJ.;: 20. <dXA: 17 Xod*TF; 16 ATtn*: 16 co/"C^tlPtn>; 1S Dtn><fti,



AXA-; JiCXAt: 20ll*ZZhX&\-


a>h,A,&: atfA.^;22

<D*A<n*: A^H-fc^A*!: ^flA.lPffp';

CXA: Hi 24Aft^/b^V:

25 a>tR<n>: m><p0A: A2V<nl: Rfitf-:: LXXXIII. a?,MU:*CX?h; 26

<; ^AA: H-ft": Xi"t?: 27 XA: 28 CM*: Afresh; Xi7C::

2. fc^/i,*:29

tJ-X?;30 CfilK X*MA: 31 XWK: -AXA/fr atfrh&Z: 32 X^ilfff^i /U&t^YAtX: ^

i^AA: *i2V&: *^ CT??: frn>;34 Xt^UC: 35 ao%(hL\ <D*ii2V/i:

35 X*iAA; 37 XV*: 38

AXyh; 39 CAltt X?: Jtt-O: fflnXlt^lFa^: *At-A#0*iJP: AX7HX:: 403. Ah-A: 41

Kttu 42Afl,t: t^>1^fc^: XyrfbtM; C/Lh-:

43 AX: 44A*7^: 45

je/H<tt; ^.tO?^;46

w(D!pi t7 *A: ygCn 4*4. cdM: jfca^ft;

49 A: ^^C: ChXlV, WXCi1

0. a reads in nom. 2/ reads 1*A^:

3/3. m t read XA*: in>pOf\: ("A: m /)

^X-^CF: ? XA*: WPOh; ^Xi^C^: AtX^CF: and omits next two words.4

doxy/ip read H-SA: 5

g,y prefix <D.6

/3 adds G0ArtA: omits next four

words + (D through hmt. 7 m omits. 8 a-/ q. q reads H"Afn>4; w, omit.

9a-, save that g reads in nom. 0-0 read J&?-AA:

100-<z i. gqu read jE/fAY:

/, i ^TfXT: a ^fXT: ^ omits. u d reads (D^BiAs m adds flJj&t^'P:

12 /, 0-z'. ^w? read JtflTXlft:("X:?). z f-^P-dh-i g omits next three words.13

<?A omit. M reads H. ^ reads JfA-i HUA: 15

,ap read ytUP-St:18 a omits. 17 reads AtXi)?^: AXA: 38

<$<:</.*; read M'CO'fa^l u omits.


gmq, p. t omits. reads .fiaoCWcn*; w /, add XA: ffD^rh-fclFtn*;M

q reads

ACXAtlfo^; <D.21

g. mq read 1%hX&\ /, a 6fi x ,a ,6 ViM6il (&\ab/ioxab). Z^X?&: c dl %Xhh:(Z" I). ehk7Ahte('KSh\hk). n%*$h&\22

/, 0. a-/ omit.a

q reads Ooo*:M a adds A<n>*:


? reads /iA^^V:

AAf/b^: 26771 reads XCA.h: 27 a-/. /, read X.P1*: a, bcdloxy ab.

aefhiknpvw read H. ffl

^ inserts ^^h: and w A?1"

before Xl&fcY:30 a-? ,

ay6w. ^, bcdefhilnoTQzd d-X^t: 31 (//read HXlAA: 32g. m, $-f

read fD(/ omits) 5Z: qu,/W%. t (DfLhrti&Y,:3i

mu,p. g i prefix W, g reading

a)<n?t\ii q reads ^opAA :34 d reads XA: 35

/ reads XtffDUC: d J&t^rh^:38

q u read ii^vX:37

g. Other MSS. HX*iAA: E8q, I. So also ^ / u, a efik n ab

but that they write it incorrectly Kh^h: m, bcdhox read X'J'VX:39 bed read

Xtn>h: x XffO; e adds XJJV: *g reads AX^rLA-OrfvC:

41e prefixes 0.


^/w read Mh: 43^ reads CA.h:

44m, dop read <^X?; u omits.

4i a pre-

fixes H. 46 m reads P?&..&; h &Yt(h:\ u,av omit.47

u, 0. ^ omits.

gmt read arftDj&fc 48q omits.

,beh7iv x omit next four words through hmt.

49/3. omits, a-z^ read ^aJ^fc;

160 <nft<\\<: yrn: lxxxiii. 4-ix.

hffo: tttfrhT: tD-ftt: #A.: Oftje.;1 whC\C\ ft;

2 a^OC: J&A#A-;3 <dAoj-7C:

*ft: hat-VCi4jBAfntf*: <d08o*: W*; 5

J&^7Hfft>*; Xy7"*!#lP<n*; 6 0*^7^^ :7

*wJ2.(Unar><: a*At: M:: 15. a^fcyfctf-:

8 ,#: i7C: a*At: ftf?: a^AI^Xh-: 9

Xfr<ih: fflXft: TrhT-A*: y\C:i 6. a?ffDA2V.P&:10 fcyrfba*?: ftVAi.: 11 X1H; 18

Al: XAfrfl: "Jftlh: <0.ftAL: i^lt: 13 hm>H: tftCi: a)^^-?: a^Aylt: hrro-H;1

t^D?-:: 7. <d*J7CiiP:u

*it(r: ^X?: 1 HCAlK <D,fl,Ai: htnV JM-O:16


&,?: ar}?A: 18 CM: 19 AAyh: Mft-At: H-A-: ^rttAt:20 9C\ <D21*Am*:

UAfflt: a*At; tfAJPt:22 a>*1vh72V: 23

-*7*A: Oft.?:: 8. ffl^Xftt: whW*fJ^X: Aft-Nlt^: AX7RA: ft-ftrfrh

25 XAm>: avyfi.^'i; KVt. ha*. MY*?: 27

*<?: 28A: i^C: 29 *w?l7dMi AH-A: J^C:: 30

9. o^^-?; 7 J^A^: 31

J&SfA*: H-A-H:32

ft: i^C: a>A: y^C; Mxahli Mb: Oft.:: 10. fD^Xi^iO": 1

rmfc: (DRAjE-h-: a>AA-NlOfc: a>AA&fc: 4 a^RA *?: 34Rrh?h-: Ata*^: ^Ay": 3i

a>H-ft>; ACfc?h:36 a*^?; 37 <WIA:: 11. a^AA: 38

tDlXh.; ?tht\ (DCAAlJP;39

1 omits. J w reads o*ft1*:3q trans, before fl: A.". 4

? omits.5

? reads i'P'lt: <? J^^"};6

g, 0. w reads X^T^-SlFa*\ q t \9*'b'\P&>'\ u omits.

7 w reads ^.^7^^: q fil&i*: d adds a*ft1*: "MjE.; and omits following <D.

8/, b cfiklno x b. gqu read wXavh ("i: ?) m, ad eh a X^WTav*; 9 reads

tWhtb: t, n AlUh-: ,0

gu. Other MSS. fflffoA^^: "g reads A**.:


q reads <0.13

a. adeikloxpp read ^"fr: <S <:/ Ai^Vfc "/,d omit.

15 w reads YlCXiPW. q, a YICP'.16

u. t reads R-J.9: gmq, p ft-J-O: ( + 8'J-'}: <D m).17 #* prefix CD.


mq,p. gt read a^jE-A: u omits with next two words.19 m adds a)l,: q reads X?: and trans, after fhlKSPtv.

wtu, $ save that /, /

read H*ft: for JfA*: g m read ^fTLA1*: H"A*: ^fdlh'f'. save that reads the last word as

"pm.K'Vi q ^fOLhi": H*A: 2l

^ omits. Ba-t, bcloxflp. t, fi-b c I o x a b read

<M: s w /, i read ^rh7,, X: omits. u eh omit. 25(f reads aoqqftVx

26 omits next eight words. vg. mqt,$ read JB^C^:

M ^-. ^^ read *&&.'.

m, n 'Xl&\ 1 17!: M^ omits next eleven words through hmt.

30 This clause is

of doubtful authenticity as gmqu omit. On the other hand it could be lost throughhmt. The text as it stands is supported by be/, and also by /, dh ix save that these

omit ?L and h reads AH-A*: for AH"A: As regards (DtLfi-A" a e read WfLai>M:iklnoap DjB..ffDflA: e like h reads AH*A":

31 u omits next six words. 32gm,

be eilno xyap. / reads H"A*: H. a dfh k n Hitib'. qu omit. Mm, dlo a omit.

34mt, j3. ^ reads RAjB.!*: CD. ^ omit. 35 u omits next four words. 36

c h (i?)

read hChlh; a hCh-\\\ w omits. **mt, p. y omits. Since, however,

reads KT"}: q X(n>L; u haofc it appears that Aft: is a late emendation and that

h^ZV". (written /VZ**.;) was the original reading.39

q reads wCfLlbi

LXXXIII. ii LXXXIV. 2. CTOflVtU: yftt: 161

AA"7,: (D l *(Wd\S o>R-X: 3 Xyr'&bi 4 w'&Ch: a>Ci 6 K^O^-tt: 7

a?*awh<#fr 3hTfc-flt:

9fflK-rt-: *7D^C: (DfrA-:

10 +H n/i2i<n><:;

12 *fl: *^^: 13

tDfhS&JP:14 AAmft: Htt: a>ft*F: fflO-dJM OA?: 15 Xflm>: *fla*Wi; 8rh?;

16 XaoAhaJ:

7^^: wOCli 17 awtf (l: 7fc: AW: a)K\r>h\ (Dlrtim-Cr GSTi X*lt:

TCMt: ft"F:: LXXXIV. a>MvO&h: &.2<E?:21 n8\fr: waOiP: Afr&ft:

fflAmje.: a>I7Ch-: n<n>*$<LA: fif?: <D*Q2vAi: ^J; 22*X*}+: 7-itt:

23 W[\i\ Aa*A\C:

^P: 24A-flX: *h<n>: je.tT/4-: <V: 25 wwVPa*: aD*\Lt\\ a**Mh whL\"&


J&t?74: Of:: 27

2. 0-4**1: Alt: Km*: 28 17^:

OnX: 29 w?rh\ non?: R/ih:

Am*; H-ft-: T<M-; 30 AW:"J7W: 17^t: atfytti: frfr:


ffl*ffDrt^h: D 3,tn>*i7^th: 32OOj&h:

33J&I-OC: *A'JAyD: D34A9Am>: 9Ay":

fflAH-A-:35 taJ-^A *a>^.-; n&flrth;


fflHft ^: A^Wt: 36 yla<5h: 37 AlAi^:


^ omits. 2 w trans. A0rh,; and AA^YJ^: omits next three words through

hmt.; for in the text before the scribe of u wBdifr occurred before WtoChi

3q prefixes (D.

4 gmq (also original of u : see preceding note) add cD0rfijE.;

5 d omits. 6 m q read fyDC&i o a)CX: h adds 2iW*: toatCii a)C&:7gt,p. mq read ny". Ay". 8

^, /3. m reads 'VJt; qh-$X\ t u tD-thtfii

9 omits next six words. ^ reads next three words in ace.10

gniqt, c dfiloypp.abehknx omit through hmt. u also omits (see preceding note).

" bn omit.

12 = dhev = P^n corrupt for PPO (Margoliouth) or = ivorjatv corrupt for eTroi^crev


q reads I'.&.ft: u (see note 9). n omits.14 m adds -fltf*:

15 g reads Oft?":16 u reads hf&bK-i d(h: For next two words .* reads fcyv^fc

17 ^ reads %7: n hOdli u omits.18

q reads awd?; gmq, abc efh k x.

t, dilnoy/zp read wYiP'hl u omits. 20gq read (DjE.^aJ-C: mrNS: u omits

next four words. 2]-/ ?. /, read X^D-?: "

? reads Ml: ^??: &A1:

H^: 23 n reads H7-0C: / H (XTt: /) t7-0<I:Mg m f, abefhiknx.

u, delopyap omit. q reads H/",?; and trans, after AflA:25 u omits.

26 a efh knvw read KL\ wMh 27q reads At: *

/ omits.29

0-i prefix tD.

30 reads ^T^: H.31 n adds *^-*: z^ omits.

32g reads ffol^^th:

u omits. a^ reads a*0fl?h: omits. u dvzv omit.

M w adds ^"^Vllh: -^ft:


g reads A^VJPT: 37gtu, $-aeh. mq, ae read ffDlQCh: h tn>ia^h:


162 roftvtu: yrn: lxxxiv. 2-5 .

fD*H"l:] 7C; cn>h.- X7<5h: *A'}AyD : aWMffD;* than ::

3. Xflao; Alt: 7AOi: 5 arAH-A*:rAlt: tao^h^

a>*A^ftlOh: 87-AC:

9*a?A.: 2



TA-A; A/lvh2v<?:12 *XyDlAt; ylA^h:

(DA.tttn)?T: 1! AAT^frh:

Alt; HA :

14 *^AyC: a> 15t&A.: 16 <DtAy0:

fflA^O: HJ&ttaA: ir Xi^ih: [Xftff: H-ft: t&A.::]18

4. o^Xlfct.: *ffoAXht: A^-Pth: 19A,-AA<:

a>A: J"?. AflX: tha*!: m>0th:

Xfth:2 ' OAt: ' 0A; Xlt: 23


5. cD^Xlfci.: A^Aii: a)X7aX: 1 ffl^Wl OAJE.:26

AAtA<H>: <dXAX2V: hcn>; ^frj^: A-t: AXAt?:


ot/, /3-. ^^ read H'A*: z* omits.2

^w. ??/, read tn>h?.:3 omits.

4 m u omit. 5 reads L(l\Ch: ehkn add H"ft;6

gmq. t trans, after

tffo^h; omits. $-ehn read H"A: reads H"ft: and trans, after Alt: ehomSt.7

dloyap read t<n>vX: z< adds Ah: B

a-g, $-dfnop. g reads ARlOh: H*ft:

</" AJ'ftlOh: ob /LRlOh: 9

? reads 7-A: 10

^ , 0-A i. m t,h i read <DA.Arfc&:

q W?i(h%-i u reads (D. .r A/fit: I have bracketed this phrase as a dittography.

The dittographic text appearing first as fflA-StDA-E was next expanded into

<Dh.7>(Dh.h(h*t; as in g, fi-h i, in order to bring the dittography into grammatical

agreement with TA-A: or into (D?Lh(h&.\ wh.hdi'tx of qmt,h i. But the dittography

cannot be connected with TA-A: for' wisdom


is here personified as the subsequent

clauses show. 12 Emended, g reads A.t". n A.t^^h: Other MSS. A.fJ&h:13 Em. from a><n>?T: (floA.ttn> g q tDA-ttm^mh: m) Xtn>lACt: (qu omit)

ylA<5h: (ffoin^h: g Xm>lACh: m q) ( + A^Ay: n) a). By this simple transposition

of the verb A.ttff" the parallelism of the text is restored. Further XffolAC^: has

been emended into X^lA^t: Thus the phrase XylAt: ^lA^h: = mro roi

ronov tov 6p6vov (tov = ^&?p3 P3*?*? Ps. lxxxix. 15. To return now to the word

Xtn>lflC^: which I have emended into XylA^t: we should observe that it does not

admit of any reasonable rendering in this passage. The word means '

state,'' con-

dition/ 'life,' or 'food.' Even if we forced upon it the meaning of lebensgrwid,

as Flemming has done, the sense is not suitable to the passage.M eiv trans, after

W. u omits. IS iu. g reads ^X^C: a), m, jS \h9C\ a), q omits.16

g adds

(DA^fttCA.: 17/, 0. a-/ read Htl-AA: 18 Bracketed as a gloss.

19 u reads

tn>AX*lth: 20 u omits. 21 m omits.-

q. Other MSS. read OAt: Bg. Other

MSS. omit. M u omits, n trans, after next word. 2i/, $-e. gmq, e omit.

26u, e omit.

LXXXIV. 5-LXXXV. 5. ODffvfU: HfWl 163

Yiod; tt&fr M-. 2

^6-f".3 o*A1V 9.C:C:

*<d^TX: Hit". J"P: A-AX: 5

tD^Ofrfc6 A-T^C:

wZYHD.'i: rfiTA: 7 rfV}Ay::8

6. ajAIMj *7HAfc 2 ATPX: *Xy(l: y^C: J"?:8 AW AyOOth:

a)J?: *%: <d"C*0: ft^: A+hA: HCX: MAT":"

iD^AtD-C: 137fth:

14 AyftXAfr 7AOi: X7R*:: 15

LXXXV. X^.e-'WH: hAA: 16rhl\av. 7 Chlb\ wlttr: <foAm> :

18 *X?h: mlKM::

2. a>AlJ"A: lu ZFh; 20fflj&fl,: A<oA&: ^'Ml: Ah: X-AAh: <dA.?: 21 A"Y0: I7C:

*a>A$r*n: XWh: ACM: th6iao; *frh::22

3. X1AA: XV*!28 AXyh: X.V:

CAJi-: A*X?: yA*Hl?: 24 wW: *<[V7: <D0ft;5 X^^C: 20

cohJ: Hh-: AUy":

XW: fflXyo^-i^U-: atffit: mOV: hlhPfifrl* hthtr *(DF>l\(W;* art*-:29

*i&/i,1Vn"}0P: 31 a^XyMPaD-i 32


344. <d*7-.*: 5


XAJ^: rtlOT: A#/h; 3,i

ffltAiP; *a>At: ^\C: )7 (DhJnVhh-: X^Afty: CXr-fr 38




5. fD*Hh-:42 *RA.yD : <nOP; 43

l\V4'.u a^trofrAt:


1/ reads p-fCG: 2

*< omits.3

q, n read .^<5 V?: / StyCW: * u reads

A:5 u omits. For ^"^: q reads H/"^:


^ /. ? reads w3'Q$>: m u, (i-h

WfLpOCP: h wfLpCOP: 7 m prefixes A.8

q omits next fifteen words

through hmt. 9 a bcde omit according to Dillmann. n reads H.10

{i-f. gm read

HfO-th: tu,fhF"lQrtYli" a omits. 12 omits next five words. w

/z^read AtD-C:

u? omits. 1S g reads X7HX: 16

g q read hAX: 17q reads

rhAy": 18

#. Other MSS. omit.I9

? reads toYiP'hi /, a^o*/"*: u omits.20

trans, after w?(h: 21 omits, q adds "V'FAA: 22 reads <D/i8-yDX: YllA

hM\: fhhav; ffl

^ ?*, /3-/ In ox ftp. gmt, kino xpp read Xl^/i: (sic).24 g m I.

u reads yA*Wl?:.7, /3 X: A^A". 25

a. /3- trans, n reads rn>JM: AUy :

26g reads Ay\C: 27

g. m t, celnoap read HVftP&Vi q KilftfVr. U, abdfh ikx

AlAWE'TT: 28? reads i^AA.!*: /, */>& <d^uAA,0-: m

g, n. q reads a><D0fi:

Other MSS. tD0A: 30^, . / h^A: Other MSS. hAX: 31 reads fllOT^S

32 u reads h^lU-: i fcy^&ircn*: 33

^ reads RA-^D :


gmt,$ save that ^ mread 4J&rh: ^ reads *^ilfj: z^ |^rh: 35 m reads 7^9: 36

^^?/. Other MSS.

A4\rh: 37^. ^ ^ , /3 read ^A: y3

". // omits. 38/ reads Chf*: 89

g mprefix (D.

mgl,p. m reads H^fh: quQV-th'.

41 g reads "i*}^; ^ omits

next three words. 42 ^ omits.43

g. m reads rnOT: u KCLT": Oilier MSS.trans. 44

-^, ^. ^ reads &U*: w adds RA.y3: a>-X*F:

45/, IB. gmq read

164 ooflvtu: yftt: lxxxv. 5 lxxxvi. t.

?1\M". "HJK 1<nOP:

2 aiA:^*; 3 a>CfiJH X^fctf*:4HjE.<D0fr:

5 *A^VU7D^: ntt^VXW J&ffo^JP: fD^t^m.: 8 ,C"W>1K: 9

6. oXTttrt: X7-MV &:**: "

XWt: 12 *^^.t: 13art/it:

14 Xyfce-ffD; 7R: 15 Hfc: <[V7: * CT7'E:

16 ^iwh 17

A*a*X*F; 2rtlOT: #fc/fo;

18 aJ^Jittf: atfa^fflt: Iftlh;19 *a*.Pt; 20 OlLPt: 21


7. cdCAIk Xfth: ar>Kk "Hh-: ly^; 22 "WW!: 23Ifl,?:

24 ar^Ctn"7?:25

a^X^J&X*: ZH,: 27 &28ftCrfrh: 8. (DXsrWHi wiiA^i *i&*: 29



}*?: a^&y^CJ&tf-:30tort^t:

31 *A&U*Dt: -nH-^J: a?X7MV2 RA^i:: 339. a>CA.fc;

dTpy?: "Hh-: AC: 34 RW: a^hnoHj8 &U# : <dM: Ad; 36ft*}*;

2Ofl?: w*Xsrl,V",

atffc:37 ^Uyt: 38 -fUW: 39 R9^: <0.<n>n2vjp. io. (DcocnU *X*JH: a>2V&:40

^^VU^t: -nttlM;41 9,A\ *a>XA: J&tn>A2VJPai*;

42 a>*tAa>: 43 SA*^:: 44 LXXXVI.

ffl^On; 2 C^h-: 45 QX0W: XlH: Kia*yi wChJb: A*7??;46 tn>&0MV7 wW: 43

1a, a(i)knw. Hlh'. being rarely used as fem. was changed into XYlTiK by

bcdlox/zjb, and into H"t: by efhpv. i prefixes A to Till-:2 u omits. 3

\ /,

In o read filA^^s ? u, $-ln o K\ftt$<gY\ I hWV&V\ 4 u omits. *' reads

HXi^itf*: hm, fi-n. g q t, n read H,a)0X: omits.



?>*<? Phrase attracted

into nom. in the relative clause, tu, /3 change into ace. A^Wyi": flH*;M: g2 makes

this change only in the first word. 713. a-u read wKiH: u CO.

8gmt, $-h ik o.

q reads arl*Affl; vomits, ^z'io aJJ&1*Va<:9

?, 0. ^wz/ read g'SioWao4;

u omits.10

? reads X7-2V: ug. mu, Inoa read Kih'VS'B^i q KttYtS&V\

tKttft :Y\ P-l n o a K\lYt$<&Yi 12

qu omit. 13 w reads +#l: k omits.


q prefixes CO. 15 aw omit. & reads 7R: and omits next four words. 16a-u,

afhikvw. omits, b c d e I n o x p. jb read fP<*1L\

17 o adds fDh.On.Mr. gqu.

mt, (3 read fp&ch:19

g. mt,$ read Afl7: q JLfoV", u omits. mq reads

ftatfcofc h *}.?+: gmt,ab diklno. q u, efhp read 0(1?: r a> (M^t:32 a omits. ^

// read $0*1: 24

^, <: ny read Afl>y: omits.25

^ reads

Sri+^tn"7?: SCff^oD^: / omits preceding <D.26

qu, bcefhnx. gmt,a di k I oyjzp omit. 27 u omits. For Xy^Xt: i reads Xy<D-X*F: m m,cread <D. omits. mt, fi. gq read hV&: reads g and trans, after *[\}av

30 reads *i0fl:31

/j^ read m([i 32^ reads in nom. 33

q reads RA.'7?^tu RA/7


r/read Ad: 35u, bnv omit.

3fi m trans, after Ofl-?

y, aehiky read AC: 37 reads (D&& n aoRk; iiF^lV".** gu read h6iV?v'Y

39w, /3. ^/ read >OH"t: y flH*^t: '^J:

40 reads wmft&i n ([&41

q puts in nom. **q reads (D$ao". { wfZ.avl\tfP; u omits. a-m. m, fi-d

read tA5: rf tAfll.:44

g m qt(u) add mt2l: ("^l: ^). adds AH'^I: but trans,

it after\ in next sentence. 45 u adds flH'^M: which it has transposed from

preceding sentence, but omits next four words. 46 u prefixes tD.47 gmq repeat

from preceding clause coChJibi A17??:* u reads (DYh\

lxxxvi. 1-6. ootfvtu: yfn: i65

Mi-fl: hdi&\ x <d&$? Xyrt^jR: aJj&^A.OSV:3 w&abiO: .C^O^: 3 "7XhA: 4


62. {dX7W

8 "rtkuy"*: Oa^i: ftA/*?*:9fD*<;y:

H-ton*: 3 Am-: 10 ^OSTa^i (DT^ChVao*', w*KrrO fP\?aot.n

coXrhH*: t ?rhOl.; 1S

2*A 13*i^fc:: 3. artiOA; CA.h-: AA.: 14 a>*fRCh?V 5 A^AW: 17 <D*fT: C/LJi-:


hTlHlt; 19-OH-?**:

20 wdHS1 co**l&i*\ Xr>tllT1i AlA: 23 Ufa Mrth* #-WE:

aJ^XhA: 25 XMi-: <nOP:26 AMJi^t: 27 M-s <D2S

.7DftA>lP<n>: J&t^ 1

)?-: [^tanYa*::]29

4. (DlftChSPffi*;30

cdC/IJi-: cd*IP:31


fia*0&: *i^^tlf(n>: htn>: AS^A: 33

atfrhtt: JB.0^7-;34

0: XT-M*: 35 A^y^t: fflfclA: friVi:3 cd<dA: J7..P+:

36 atfT^A

whh&l:: 5. <D*JNton>: 3 AMiyt: ^LCUiPtf^: 37 a>.17fr: X?HPaD". atfrhtt

X1H: 3S W: 39nftiilPai*: a>.ea>-<frfn-: 7*.: (\h$ffllPari: 6. atfrhtt


*1&0jpod: 41 A*X&ta" ft^U^t: a>*iP: H-ft>ffi*: a>-A\: 7.C; 3 Arhtt

1 mt. qu read g, so also /3 but trans, before Mi-fl; omits.2

*/"^ trans,

before Mi*fl: in /3 text.3 u omits. 4 u reads rn>vOVl": 5

^ u. mqt, fi-n o

read Xt\h-; XA": o omits.6

g omits next three words through hmt. 7/3. /# q

read a>X(n>*?ft / "TXhA: u a).8

/ omits, * / add XMlt: ("*F /). q, i X&tH9

gq, ahikob put in nom. reads OA.JPT. &%h.(nf\\ 10

g reads fflrtm;

11-7tc. y / read fnOTlfff^: j8 frnO*PtFm*: omits.

12 So g. a-g, a e I oxypread tOm&CU*'. bcdfhiknya V}(D*p.aX\ ("j&o-: *).

But the latter word gives no

satisfactory sense. The black bulls (i.e. the Cainites) did not leave their pastures

and cows simply to engage in lamentation. In fact ?0" is simply an emendation of

Sih&ffX: Nor yet can frhJ&tH.: be original. The difficulty does not lie in its being

in the indicative;

for this construction occurs occasionally see Dillmann's Lexicon,

767, but in the construction frfi.CiTJU; Aht\fc: which is practically impossible. But

the emendation of ?rh" is easy. It appears to be a corruption of ?rhj&&: Hence

the phrase = rjpxovro hiapira^eiv (kckttos t6v likrjcriov avrov.13

a. reads ^AA: a late

change.14 m prefixes (D. u omits next four words. 1B m reads IRCfr:


g reads A.17 a-u add coChlhi I8 m trans.

19 a-m. m, /3 put in ace.

20a. 0- put in ace. n omits. 21

prefixes a).M u reads l&fc * a-u.

u, /3 read 10: 24 y omits. 25 reads ^AA: 26/ reads axtlOTlPaQ". omits.

27# /. m ? a read A^Uy1^: /3 iDfiMJ^t: 23

omits." Bracketed as

a dittography. omits next two words. "/ reads (Di&Ch-i


q reads U*:

waddsC^h-: S2trans, after ha*'. 33

<f reads Llt\\ y omits.34

^. Other

MSS. J&0C7-: a. abcikloxyp read X^At: rf/A /i X"M+:36 ^ / read

J7Xt: ^ V7^t: 37c reads $.LCMV<s*\

mq reads Xlh: 39

/ read ^W.omits. ^ adds X*JH;


y reads J&Q".42^ w, /3. q t read X^h*F; omits.40

166 ooflvtU: yfVi: LXXXVI.6 lxxxviii. 2 .

C0&: 1 a^i^AS^*: 2 Xi^lFtn*: 3a>**}<{.fc:

4 \9\\?&>*\\ h LXXXVII. artiOA:

ChXiPoD*: wh-m-.* X\m~' frDVX: 8 FAh^fc:10 a>u a>-chtni

n 13A*i2V&: *wr>C:

ftlHt: tJM.'*:: 32. cd14A*}?X^: fiO,W: *iO(l:

s a*ftt: A"7: *a>Cfili-:

n^Xjfc:14 wiV: m$h.; lB X^A"^: 16 hao; 1 ? ft^AA: A-dX: *R^: 3

a)35 18a>0k: 19

*Xi^a*X*F: imm; 3 tD^I^AA^ffi*:: 213. toXa^TF; 3


R-&: g'ht.v*

rtrhlH.:24 QX&?; 3 idAI^M: 25 Xi^o*^: 3 sr&C: 3


0: tn>*iV7

}T^.i4 a)*hCt&V. "l-hLfr. iP-J: Xi^C: foWs the-Bi" itCt.3



<D*ftAi: 31 inC; "H?: XAh: *&k: 32 H*A: Haft}i'. 0: XMi-: 83 il-P*;34 cdS7'77^:

wkX&V; tDSLfr* hTh-Ot: 3 aj^Q: fiMJW*; 35 aWfrm*:: 86 LXXXVIII. C/ilK 37

UrtiA X^XMi-: a38XA: a>0&: X^3*.^: <D*Arhli:

39*A"Hh-: Mi-fl:

40 +<7JB: 41

H(D^-*: 3 X^A"^: 3 atfAC: X.C'EI*: a?X7<50: wwA?: 42 a^ftt: ^O^fc 43*afflh-:

ffy0yD^.i4 j^^. 0,0^0.^.3 a^OJWl; 44 a?fr^fTD^ :. 2. a^X^XA-: 3


A: 45 wmVPa*: AX2Vh<: ITJPt:34 *?^: 46 a>aX&7: <D*Aftfc 47 *X"}H;

48 7*.fc 49

1<2 reads C0&: *

?n,abc efh iklx. gt,do<ip read Jr\-A#Vfe: ?'AfcA*:

w .P.A$A4?: */ omits. z u omits. 4

?. w, $-y read JB^X.; /,^ ,}:5^ot. Other MSS. omit. 6

m, b cfln oxypp read (DhrtiH: u omits. 7 m omits.

8^ tu. m reads J^a^VP: q, p .a}ih\ 9

^ trans, before J&a)7X:10

z> omit next

two words through hmt. "q omits. 12 m reads R"pC^\ q ,E.a>-rhT:


g trans,

before a*fhfn;14

qu omit. 15

<?/ read (DODfrft-:16 a omits. 17

quread (I. omits. 18

gqu. mt write in full ACADf: reads 2.19

a. /3 reads

tD0A: gqu,fi. m t write in full ipAA'F: 21 w only, k omits. Other MSS.

^AA,!*: gq,p. OT/infulliPAA*: omits. 23q reads &"ilo\*".

240. ?/

read tDftrftHl.: /rc fflfifH: omits. 25 w reads wlia^P'M;. 26 w reads AMAi:17 m adds fr&A: w. 28

*z reads *CA?i.:29

/, /3. a-t read 'W-R: (? "Jfc).30 ^ reads MJ7C: u omits. 31

a-q, c efh ik. q,abdlnox{y T)pp read ^ftA't:32 reads X&fi.: a. /S-* read XA: e 7:Ci AXA*:

34m, p. gtu read

J7.H*: qWf^: 35

^ ,* read ft^i^: 36

gmq. t reads H-ft": a^lfft1^:37 r omits. B

y / write in full ACAO'F: ^ trans, after wQfa 39a-^, 3/^ ikln o x a p.

g,acde hy read hdift:40 w reads *Hh: JihA:

41a, a k. b cdiloxp read frWE:

efhfl$%aiA nQABW. A2 ehrezdw^Ta^i 43

^ reads od 1}^^: wjS-rf.

^ reads 08": w 90: ^ 9ft: / XK": d OBfl: It is not improbable, however, that

q may be right and that gmtu corruptions of it.45

a. reads A: 46/, /3.

a-/ omit. 47a-mu, i\ vomits, w, /3-Z


^ z'2 read A1H: oftW; 48 womit.

Here w places an indicative after fifH:49 reads J&0)7A:


2Ah2Vfc: artW 7 AC: ftltfavM*: 2-SftlFtn*::

33. <d*AA: 4

ChJtb: AX:w\VS K\W 2Xy*X&h-: 6 57XA: 8

a>0fr: <d7<I:9 X^A^: whh^-ah: 10 cdI^A: 11

H-ft :12 hTh-nt; 13

0A..PI:14 XA: -J^-frn*; htn> : -J^t: 15

fi$ft: (Dh(lC<fli *AH-ft<n>:

n'^^lfa^: a> 17X7<5lPffi>: a><D.?\n*: nifrOt: 13 y^C:: LXXXIX. (DSXy11

*X&h-i 19 UM; IQ: *"Hv: MTV RW: w*avVC 7 J"Old: XlH: /L^J&CO^:

a*X*F: 1Uy; taj^.2: ffljif: A-d*: JteA: A*; 4<n>ft#<; : 0A.?: a>jn<!: 0,7:

WSH^VV ^: JA4-: yAA,U: 23 nXt; aoM"PC: a>24th-i: 40A,lPaiH:: 2. <D**iOn:

fiSVfofr;*5AD^Ti;?: 26 od^A: 27 A^: aC&h-: *Stti(\; &0-A: 13 w%haCl: ftU-:

a*X&h-: 28Aft<Ml:


30 AFOR^: 31 * ff7?: -nHTft:: 323. <d*CMk hOA: 33

cdW; 4 tt^O^t: -rCAm.: 34 *A: iP\C; 4 Aa*X*F: *0Rj: 0a: 35 *MH; 36 a*X1V

"7: J&2V<ft; 37 ^oj&ti^X: (1: ^^C: 4 ffltXCX?*:38 Aa*X*F: 0R.C-:

39 XAh: 40

K-A-: i^**: 41 th^f: A'W:: 424. coATi?: fllh: ^7^: D$Mvm>t: fflZ



toX&ik ffD^O^f: A"Hfc:44 ",: cd-MOA: 45

a*X-F: "7: 46 rn>&0&*: rta^X-F:

0R,; 47 a?,h(h 48tn>2v0&-fc A0R.: (D$at>; K(l: 7&C:: 5. aHttrao*: A^VUyt: 49

1 d reads AJfA*: 2a-^. ^, /3 read fi.

,A$A4,;ft3 a-w ^, /3. m reads

IMj ^^-C: A: 7C: q ^AAjIFo^; 4 omits. 5

u, I omit. 6a, an.

$-a n read X2Vil*F:"

3 cdloxap trans, after (00fr;*

u, fi-tb. gmq /read

Xi^XA: ,3 fflXA:9

a, /3. gmq t prefix <D. adds A&: 10 /, /3. ^ w ^ read


mt,$. gq read (D\P'h-: b x trans, before <Dfift1*". vomits.12 Vomits. as

^ puts in nora. 14a, bcdilno x a p. a/h k read OA.i'l*: c 0A1*:

15 aenwy omit. 16,a omit. 17

/, <z. Other MSS. read (Dfl.18 a reads

o-Ai*:19 a <?/"^ k v w read XVfrF: 20 m only. a-/, /3 read Xlfr: (X&h'F:

aefhknpw) XAUyti 21b d n x read c&VCaD4

: gqu. mt, /3 omit. For

J& .r read J&C0&: ^ omits next four words. 24/, 0. ^/rc^ omit.

25a. 0-3 */ trans. 3 ^/ omit *iOA:

26^. Other MSS. ACeW; ^

/ reads

fl>Ai*: omits this word and the next. *^ reads X^Vh*F: u omits. M omits.

^ adds nOA>W: 30 a-w. *, JPai-'iH*:31 reads hOM\\ HOR^": 32

u, 0.

^ reads 7?: -fllM: ^ / "VJ^: (lH"i:33 u trans.

w^ reads +C*a?; 35


36 reads fi*JH:37gq. Obs. indicative. Other MSS. read G4ch: gl.

q reads CXf: w /iuCX?": CA.h5P: /LPCAf": I take these readings to be corrup-

tions of an original hCSav = excelsa ejus. Flemming emends into X>Xf:

39 d adds wfriiO". ffDV0V"i*: drawn from end of verse 4. u omits next three words.40 m reads XftffD;


q reads iP&C: t FAd: 42 u omits next three words

through hmt. ^ u omits next ten words. **q reads AtD-Xl*: in A"H:


Other MSS. i*A^A: or i"A0A: 46 n omits, d omits with next two words.47

q omits. 48

q reads (Dj&XiOa*; n adds "7?:49 w omits next three words.

168 oofivtu: ym: lxxxix. 5-io.

XA: o*X*F: 0R.: tP-Ofr: XftW: 1 ChAPa*-. v>a\a*i 2 a>tarjm-: 3 c0,^;Wh^ffJ-X-F: "?,:: 6. mm-X-V: ao^tiC; Rfl; A; "V^; c0*lNv>cnx:

3 A^Wi^t:

a)*}!.^; 6 tDWIh: whK&V: 3 TipTo^: *a*ft1": i^C: a>tf-A:6


whtoVMh; Ckr+ao-i 7 w^aoWh* tlfoi wfLh. 9

wf^tfri wrwTao-i 10 *a*At:

Rfc:: 117. a>*ii0n: 3 C&Jk O^XjEi;

12fcfth: AAA*: **Hh-: ftft^a*:

13 ^""HiKAA: &0*&: 15

ffllfrOt: ^^C: O^?-:16 awDV^h 17 *i&Vfr 18 TAtA-:: 19


atffH: "?: {.&-. (D-ft-H-to*: Xfth};20 th^t; 21 jn\-C: 22 <Da*X*fc m)f|*C: fn<I:

aj-At:23 y^C; 3 ffl+^A*: 24

R-&cn>t: aM: flCn.: 259. (DattiV: <[V7i *R0:

HW: -flXA,;26

a>R-fi;27 Xi^Wi-; 28 odA^C: 29 a^A^Ui^*: ^AA^; a>W: SJu^"Hii-:


X^^Uyt: R03: 3<n>Aft:

31A*"Hh-; nyy>>;

32atfrh*.: fc^MFai*: 3

f'J&ift:33 *hao;

$J'^ *(Dhdi&\ RAJ^1*:

35<Da>X*F: *Hh-; Ay* :

3 R0: 1A: X^i-lFai*:: 36

10. whthtti J&A&: foVti Vi7\ tD*h(>V&.; 37 wM; h?l,\rar>". H*?*^^: 38


fifhH-fl: AC-nA*: 40 a^AVi^C*: 41 <DA*Hkn*; 42a>A*i2Wrt*:

43 atffrnO*: 44


^ reads XAh: hi: u (D. n Ktlh:2 m reads frhrnffi*:

3 u omits.4 m reads A.

bm, p. gtu read }7JP^: q SV^i u trans. A^y.^: and il".

reads (D. 7 /reads CA.f+ff04 : iRG-taV". 8

gmt, a e hi k opp. q reads

?i(n>*'J*Frt: # omits, bcdlnpxy read Xm^f: /"Jun^TFL:9 w omits next four

words. 10<? h omit. " reads M?: 12

^ reads AAJP: u omits. 13a. 3 X^V3>;

( XA*:) AAtMl: 14/ reads XA<n>:

15 w reads 'JAJt:16

a-/?z. w reads


: 0-z>O<i?: ztW?i 17

t,$-bfilnx. gmq read rn>0 (9w?)yfct

("t: ^). 0/z7 * ^Oy^t: reads i^^C: 18/, /3. ^w? read *i2vXt: ("*: *)

omits. 19 u omits next seven words. wq reads XAh: Mi 21 m prefixes h.

e reads i*hA*F:22 ^^omit. 23

gm,bcdlox. qt, aefhiknpvzv read fl

# omits. 24

qtu,n read fDl^A: 25, 0. a-^ read -flCyj:

26 reads

HW: R03: 27?,/prefix W. * u reads O-Xf: 29

^ reads tm^flC30

. gmt,$ read X"Hh-: Xy: ^ ZX^D :31

prefixes W. n prefixes H.32 u reads

R0: 3Sq u read #rh: 34

e omits.*

/3. a omits. 36 u reads Xj^iO*;37

q, In. Other MSS. A0?: omits next five words. 38a-u, efhlnpy

a b c d i k Ix fl read hS^lttvav: obiiS^llPa^". a-u. u omits. P-o read 'Hid


gmu. ? /, read fittlM*: 41z . ^ reads Al-OCt: ? AlACt

/, p-e hG7Cfi e AS"-flCt:agmu. q t, /3 read a)A"HX(lt: /3 MSS. are here

divided as to the position of this word, aefhiknvwy support the text but

b c dlox ap trans. wKH" after wffii".43g m. Also 3 cdoxp but in ace. ^ omits.

/, [S-bcdoxp a>MiWl+: fflfthgWl^; z' trans, fflftli" after cD/iR"0". See preceding

note.44 m. g reads R-AOt: ^ omits. / reads AR"fl^t: AR-A^t: cftfiln

AR-Oflt: So also but that it trans, after 7&7: adeh x kowxb omit.

lxxxix. 10-15. GTOtfviu: yftt: 169

a>*rh<.P: 1 7y: 2 a>&ffi&: 3a)*7rfti



5 coAAt: 6 coAlflCt: 7

cD*lfa^:s a?e^


}fl:9 ai*^t:

10 cotcD&.; "YXhfVcnx: lUi^: R^;i 11. cofrJH*:

J&tTAft-;11 AA'Wfclfcn*: g*A ,3 *i&&: coWi-: My": R9: *Htco2v.:

ovXhffaD'; 14coA.2:

15 ^7: '1X9 \

u a) 17<\Vcn> K&\ yftA.UV 9 cD*ATtt.;


fiX&7; 21 1X9 \\ 12. <DD-X*F: tyy": *Hta>^^: Xi^ilh 2 coAA th&Zfi*

7tfy:>;23 waVOi R03; 4 coa>X*F:

2ScdA.2; /irfcCa): -AH^i;

26 *Da>X*F: A70: 27

coA.2: OiPCt: wXtkh-V: MV0a 2S13. coAA; &*: Hfc; 29


A/irh.&:30 X^i-lPcm-; cn>ma>jP;

31 AfiX&7; 32 <d*XMk 33 *X&7: 34*10A: cn>mcEMP;

AWm aVO: A^TlX-At: a)&V<P: Ufa A70: 36 "7XhA: JTHX-A*:: 14. X7RX:

K9Kha*\ Aia)S^O70; *h<n>: ^^^"4-: i^AA,!*: 37 a)-&Vd.W'. iP>AA,lh3S "7XhA:

fiUX-At; co*AT.: fflji}.;39 cn>0?: -AH^t;

40 HAA70:; 215. wmmU ftUXflt:


J&^CUiPo^:42 a) AmfcPcn*; 43 XAh: .PlM?; 44 SMba*? *<d!A4<\ M$a*>". Ai

Aa>*iH: "?; -AH"*;46 cd*XMk 47 MJO: wn\U JfcfrC*.:

48 *AX*it; S&$&\-


gmq. tu,$ read th&ay-f: 2 omits.3

a. reads 'feVfrA:*

qt. greads 7rfi^+: jw 7rlfcJPt: Zrh^t: |9 7rh>.et:


gq,k. m reads JftHCi

/ fft'JR^j a rhttid: M rhW: 6

-,. a-#, /3-a h k read A,At; a A.A.1*

h AA1": 7 Emended from a which reads a) (q omits) A1AC+: reads GDhai-lYf

or fico-A*: (*).8

a, k. p-k read IFA?:9

a-q, k. q reads $?: 0- read

CWh 10

a-m, k. m, p-k read Wi u^ reads jE.t?A7; ^"i^fr:

12^ reads AgA; A.

13a, /. $-d read i^AA: 14

? adds (D before Htco'.

omits words. 15

g repeats two preceding words. 1G u omits next three words.

17/, 0. gmqu omit. 18

0. a reads *W9i 19

q prefixes W. 20/zz, n/i.

g q, alcdek A"H*f: m,fh ilo xb read AU^:21

a, abdiklnoxp. cefhread ^,75 gmq. t u, read fh<JDjP;

23/#, $-dioy. gmq read

%(L9i d toy omit, z' omits also next three words. 24^ prefixes CD.

25# omits

next four words through hmt. adds (h(D<: 1X9: 26/, (3. w reads 7^7":

^ J5*iTs ^'}:27 n reads A70i: 28 m omits next four words through hmt.

29 a-m. 13-5 read X2VITF: ot, 3 omit. 30/, j3. gu read g. ot^ (Dg.

31/ reads

aoaxy. 32

0/ omit together with next four words. 33a-u, fi-bcep. u reads

"Hh-: bcpx)\Ct\ eXlMvVi 34

a-q u trans, after *iOfl: vomits. 33

0/ read

"YXhA: 36 m adds AfrHX^lfc 37i/ omits next two words. ^ g prefixes CD.

r </ omit. 39 m reads A"H^: wW; 40^ z /. q reads flH**Jl: (sic). "OH"*:

0m*;M: 41 /, w omit. 42

g?nq, abikoxb. tu read S-CV9>aO". cd

efhlfl &.CV9>a*i n ^^CWiPffO*;43

a-/, cfhikin op. f, abx read

JifTUDfaPaD*; dta hCt)$$9iao,

\ ep fiTa)*?'.**

m, abcdek loxab. gt,fh{iT)nread ?^$; ^ }&.& omits. 4S

^ omits through hmt. u omits initial CO.

40omits. 47 m adds A. reads XA*; u omits.

4Sm, do read jRCrh:


170 <n>ftvtu: y?n: lxxxix.i 5-24 .

w*(\iiW IQ: X7Rfrn*:: 216. co*n70: H,"M: K7h ftUXflt: 3


arJA: D-At; AX&7: 73^; aChtoPao-. rt*AQ70tj 5 XlH: Khaj^Ok: a>j&ftCfc s

<0.AX2UP:6 AX7HA<n>; n-A: 2tra*i XAh: 7 <d<;,: "HiK X7RA: fiA70:


^ft-at*; AAA70: XT"*^-*: 92V0-&: *aMR ,f : -Jftlfap*;

3 (DCXr<n*:: 17. a>*Ra>/: 10

AHfr: Q70; Ht^Tfi: X^/THX-flt: 3 a>1V7C; QXlt: AUXflt: Jiod : .PAi^O:

SftlPm*: 11*hffD; /WAAjPtn*; 12 AM70:: 18. a>W: Q70: *iaj AUX-A*: 14

A^A: X7HX: <D*i2vX: (170: t<MiH: 15 <0^: yft&V". <d^: 16 a^Ak: fc^/blPai*

'iAvS:3 a*At: H-h^Ca^\ A*"Hh-: 17 JiUX-At: ailVICPff*: 3 whhr'O". XSkXPw

Jun>; Xyj&Xlt: 18 fL^V^^Pa^-. A*XQ70tii 19 19. a^Xi^tf*: 20 ChMPa*

AATlX-At: a>XC: 21fclfr: <L4-.e: *A: *A70; AHA*: 2.ftffi*;

3 <dM70; RC*:

20. a)X7*iSrn*;22apfr*; fftlFtf*; AAA70: 3 ffl^lH*;


2' *AX2Vh: 25

frHX-At: 3 a>2 TTHX-At: 27 A1H-; 23?*a>-.eai:

29 a>*A70: XCffDff^: mk^fl&Yi tLBCt..:

21. <DC/LfcJPai*: *AfiA70: XAh: a)0k: X^frHX-At: a^AVX-at: tftAA-: 31

hOPitirao-i wwbh.; XlH: ^t^a>>iPff^; AAA70: 1flH" /THX-At;3 A*frA:3


22. <DX7H.3m* : AAA70: Mi yft&Wavi X1H: cn>C^ai>: a^JNfai*; 3 *AA7<H>:

tAa*P; 33 a>7&: *AA-<ft: ffl&A-C: <d74^: ACX:: 34 23. a)35frHX<l*A; Arhtt:

Prtiayyao-i A "HM-:36 AA70t: i7 XAh: 38 +h-AJPai*: AArht: 07: "H&w 24.

ffl^Xf; 0J&7; "7.e:39 ti^m; 40

<D$m>; 41 "?; X^H?: fflX^Ti?:42; 7fcff*:


gm, p-k. q, k read Ah?<: / j&Ah?<: a Ah?-:2 reads X7RA: AA70:

3 u omits. 4 ^. Other MSS. f^ft: z^ prefixes S.5 "/. to ^, j3-f read

170: <r A70: 6to reads jE.AX2VJP(n>:

7to reads XA<n>;

si adds

X^JfCrh: omits next three words. 9

t, b read JMMi: 10!, /read Ra>-0iP:

11a-u. u omits. reads 40A>lPffi>:

12?^ reads co/ijB^AAffD


13 ^ to omit.


q omits.15

/, p-d add Aa^X^: A70: </ adds AtD-X'F; u omits next three

words. 16

gmq. tu,$ omit. 17a. /3 reads XMh; 18 w trans, after next

word, u omits. 19

g m t. qu, /3 read XA70: 20w, / read X^i-lPm*:

/ X^H: 21 m reads XC: omits. 22 m adds RC^! CD.23 a-m. m, & read

HH: 24a. /3 reads pH-ft(nat>*\

25rf reads A. e reads AX&lTf: omits.

26 inx omit. wto, in omit. ^ trans, after flltti after Xoj-?(I1:

^u, e omit.

gq.abfiklnx. mt, c dehoy p, read ?'}a)jE.fll: ?* fia^Ol,:30 reads A.

z/, </ji; read 1*RAA: 32

gqf. m reads HiTF: z^ omits. ^ reads X^Vh-:

^ reads AA70; ^AAjO*; tAflDU;34^ m. So also / save that for ACXj&: it reads

ACA.: qu read Aft-rh; a)7^^: AC/LJ&; /3-a Aft-A: a)?^^: <f-X?-: (DXiQrC;

a V^7i (DA" <D^" ft".35


g q t. m, j3 read XVh-i a, zo omit.

37 a-u. u, /3 read AA70; ssto reads XAff: 39 ab omit, z/ trans, after 1*iPm:

40f reads 1*iPm4: // I'ipT^'i

41 a c read (D$av. 42

^ omits.

lxxxix. 24-31. <*>Xd\<L:llTW: 171

ffiXm^tn*: X1H; Tje<n>Offi>: w*$av-r- <"?hhtrai>". cD"7XhA: AUMl^:: 25.

a*9*lftfD.3 "Hh-J4 AUA-At: 5

A.CA,ejPcn>;6 AfiA70: 7 a^4-: *"yMiA: Wi-;

8 0,7:

7^; AUX-nt: 1

+Aa*<Pfft>: A/iA^O: a?C&: *-*&lFai*: 9

[>&h-: fiHA-At:]10

Am: 11

OjE.7: <*?,:: 26. An: CK&P-. A*Am*<n*; Afin^Ot: 12 *7Afc: hm>; 13

&bW\ u ^F^ODi 7R.: a^WH 1 07: "7J&: l^-Afi; a?W: 15Jun>: <P1Y1V 6


tB1JaoMn* mi. aJtAOA: 19 AAh: h^^a^s A'ftAfr: 1 fiUkA*:: 20 27. a>C/llH

AAh: 21-fdi-hA: H-frm*: fiTtfrtrtV

2 AA: 23tAa>5P<n*: *AWh 24

fiATO:1 ampTffi*::

28. w2h*mV0(\: 2Af: 26 ^"Hh-: 27 "?: wmQki *a*n+: A.a>-: 28-JA: fi^A:

*7fc W10& 29wh^lt: *WVi hOj^tlTa^i a)lo>&' wChlb: A7rUiffT*:

AfiA70: J&COfai*:31 w&0a*i "7?: w^Od: WHh-i A70: K*}H:


ffi'^ffDC^ffD*:: 29. <d0C7: Wu 33 A70; 34A: ^"77^:

35A"Hfr: fc#<h: 36


a>X7R3m>: AfiA70: J5P:=7 ia>\ra-.\ 30. a>*fcyD i,tf'ffi*:


39 AA7R*:

*A70: H*od : ip&^ira*: <d&>&\ *0aj&: ffl40?^; <d.P&: a^Jffrffi*:



*A70: CX9>: mLGO-x" fc^fc:: 4331. attlra*: XMm Clfr

44 <d45 C0&: 46

1omits. 2 a r read $<JO",

3 reads 2ii?vft'ld.H: u omits. 4 a-#.

omits. /3 reads X^h-: 5u, d omit.

602 q u, ft- a. g reads hJ^Ch" and so /,

save that it omits K.. a Aj&Cft".7

* adds 0^4*: "YAhA: Wk AAA70: 8 reads


zv omits next five words. 10 Either an interpolation or a corruption for AXAJl-:

AA70: as Flemming has recognized." a-u. u omits. $-bce read A"Hft-:

be ex AtD-K-F;12

^. ? u, p-b read A7" ?iA70: /,b A7R*; *A '.

13 m reads

<D7Ak: 7Aft: u omits. 14 reads 7?".li m reads ftC: e omits.

16 w reads ^Td.^'i n qu omit.18

#2 trans, after I'AOA: u omits. 19


Other MSS. 1*A0A: or I'A'JA:20

e omits next five words through hmt. 21

q adds

\iS^f?0*\ (D. i omits.^

u, ad omit. ^z' omits. 24

^ ^ /. #z, $-a * read AK&lKa * A. omits.

25<5 c omit. 26

trans. 27g m read hyU: ^ prefixes <D.

28^ omits.

29gtu. m reads 00: ffl*

7?^.; ffl^OC: y<77^: (D^Oti p-o <77^:

cdWOC: 00: ffi^OCs30

gq. Other MSS. ^CW: 31 m reads C&favi

a PCttTa*: 32mq, /3. ^ / read ft^H: ?^ omits.

33/, 0. a-/ omit. M omits.

g adds Xi^H: ?rha>-C: <DavCfra*\ wOCl: A70: 35 ^. Other MSS. .fi-'W:

36^ omits. 37

/, $-biox. a-t, b x read L\fD\ iob L\9>&>".38g q i = ^ra raira.

m, abcdihlnoxab read h^iV". efh 1\9*7i\\ omits.39 breads Chlb:

40a, v. omits. 41 a-w. z

3 /3 read "kh\b\42

</ reads mLCM9\ e h omit together

with next four words. 43 u omits next three words.44g prefixes tD.

45e h omit.

46 u reads WC0&:

172 tfoflviu: yfft: lxxxix. 31-36. <D&kC%\ &*,&>$-. (L*1Xh.\x A70: ^AA.lFtfix:


[Hft: ^Xhtftn*:]3 XA<n>;

&}&&: #<Etn>;4 k<TP; X7H.XJ: cD/MfrC* :: 32. <D7-Afc TttK A70: H^C^ff*: 5

wOCl: a^-^-J: 6 TttK ft-frA: a>*A70: A?tt:7 RAA: 8 A0TlFtn*; 9 a^Arhf: 10

^yon^^. ^-}t; zebra*; (DUtb: A70: HS\ao m 33. (DttnLfia*: A12AA70:

ty00: 13fl,lF<n>V

4 *m>0t: On.?:15 fiXa^: "HJk A70: fflaxSA Xyf: ^r"?^:


A17hHvft: aJffoR-X: *JA: fiA70t: 18 a^hA: H^rnKTH-V+tn*: H20R-A-2V: SO^ltlfa^:

<dXA: 21A/frF:;

2234. a?M: CXje.P; <J.Clfr a>C0&: Xi^^on; 75?.: #&:


J&7-A&: A*A0*S.& 23RTilFai*::

135. coWm A70; J^A: yAAjlfr 1 A0A 24

hdVOi (DM: A:25 Wk 26 AA70: 1 *XA: Arh*F; 27 fflAIH;

23 J&frtftW 29 <D*fiA70;30

<J.Clh: X^3^: 9 a^-A^tn*: OJ-X-fc A70: AX&Jk 32fiA70: XA: Arh*F: <D*7-Afc:


a^At; 1 hO%fUratii 3i36. <i>C/ilH ATteX^: 35

Xfth:36 ahfrVi 37 A70: W; AXA,:

cDrhift; At: 38AX7H.ft; ftA70: cd*AH"A-;

39*fiA70: h$r&>".w A^Xf: ft*;:

1 omits. 2gmq. t, ;3 read ^AAjO"! omits.


g u. Bracketed as

a dittography (so Beer), mq read A*l&X; A70: Htfft : ( + ^DAAJU,

ff4: ?)



/, HOft : AhSvX; A70: HW; "VXhtPav; * b"n v x. Other MSS. omit. 5

q, d

read HffuCr^ff1*:6

g(?)qu, abc dehklnp. m reads Cl^^tt", and trans, after

h-ffrh: tt/h ioxp read A^""?^:7q reads X*IH: # omits. 8

g, $-ao xb.

ml, ao xp read J&R&A*: ^ JE.&AA': i^RAA*:9 u omits next seven words.

10a-u, ad e hob. bcfiklnxp read fi-lldi'Vi

" omits.12 m adds X7H.X:

13 a-u (?n t faoO'i:), a bfh kx. u,cde in opb read t^O: or 1*yD^: M/ reads


15 a-u. u,(3 trans.16

gfu,op. m q, fi-op read g^O". ll tu read

AX*: ehndHh-i ls

g*u. Other MSS. AA70: omits next six words.


gm/,aiknw. Other MSS. omit.20

^ omits. 21 m reads AXA: <t <dXAA:22

p adds Xy^^P: 23

^ q. m reads fiOl-ST: /, P 00A omits. 24c-ot.

w reads A" AA" in nom. /3 reads AO-Sf:25

a, though wz trans, after AA7d: |3 reads


a. ^ reads XVh-: 27?z omits, w adds from end of verse t07Afr: (D-ttV;

hO^'tWff *:w

u. gmq imply this text in the corrupt reading a?X*lH: /, /3 read

wK^lli A1H: 29 ^w^ read ^t^ff^: 30/ reads AA70*: u omits.


, x read XyD^tn': 32

aefhknpvw read AXAfrfi "/ reads 7-AX:

34 w (/ ?), bfiopw xpb read XO^tlfff^: AXR'Elfa*:3Bgmt. q reads A"HJv:

<^Xje.: omits. ^ reads AW?: <JX?:36

w, read XA<n>; omits. 37 u reads

*Hh: 38 u omits next three words. S9 a-u. u omits. /3-</ read (Utlpav.

d tttrao".* u reads a)W AAA". 41 m reads A.

lxxxix. 37-41. <*>rtvtu: ynri: m37. (DCMh: Ktlh\

l (ma. 2(D-X-V: A70: WTMifli *<VHib: A70; 4 HcroOcn*: 5

mCMb\ XAh: 6 t^A-: H-fVcn*;? fiA70: *0aJTi: a)1h.tl1\s tl^fr: UHtlfff^:

coAfc: a*At; aoCW\ a)$Cfr: 9"JA;

10 A7: nH^\\ 38. (D"Hh-: A70; 7 H*ffi>Ocn>V2

*HW: -AXA,: 7 lAA?: 13 &yfclFcn>v cdAIiA: cDlffVcn*: fiA70: $v>J<Piu w&Ci<\

JEftlh15 *8"1: On.?::

16 39. <dCA.Ji-: Xfth: hCaoa*: 17 te lsKdst.: CiTlih: A70

<D*2Af :

19 A*"HiK 20(D-rtiMi "7J&I w*$av-i 21



fcA:24 ZavCchPa*


AfcA: AhA-:26

cDffoCAiPtn> : : 40. cdC<Uk fiA70; 27 &Ah: ^Qo-fr

a28*n>*i"i: ip?j&:

29 cDn30y^C: 2m: 31 coA-A/tth32

fflC^h-: *&&?!: Aa70; 33 Khh

R7A-: cdcd^-F: ft*: ^Xhft ^: a7C; $VHi: 41. *cdA: AA: 34J&thu'*:


AO^ItlPff^: *cdO: AA; 36 &AA-: 37 hAh: 38 +Vfi: *i&?i: A70: cDcroOcn*; 39

whV-aHa^i A27K'ft tn>< : <D*th/"t; 40


1 m reads XAtn>; omits. !trans, after A70: 3 u reads a).

4/, $-0.

g reads *Hh-: AA70: m (D-frV: A", q omits, u reads A. ([(D-frVi A". / adds

AAAO: for ASO70: This addition /3 accepts but trans, after HavCfrW. B See

end of last note, u reads Hj&ffDC^cn*; opUa^ClP:6 u reads he*: 7 omits.

8 reads *}0*" cdOA." and omits next five words. 9z reads "fCA: 10 d adds

th^co^i w. u a reads 0J&7: </adds ift.&Dl*: 0. 12</>& read aoCXPao".

13</ prefixes CD.

14 n adds 0ODTOA: 15</o read *Jfllh

16 a-. /3 trans.

u omits JfrJ-f :17 # omits next seven words. 18 a omits.


g m q. /, $-d

read^A^: d'id^yao". n adds A"Hh-: A70: cd^A^JP;20

omits.21 eh read

^mj u adds ?iVh<:22

_/* omit. 23 Emended from IttPOD". of a-u, /3

which is here impossible. The two leaders are Joshua and Caleb, aehk trans.

H"ft<n*; before AA". 24

^ omits next four words and the following a).

25m, p. g reads 1*ilWAcn>: / i*hftcn>*: # omits together with next three words.

26g. Other MSS. Ahft-:

27 w omits.*

a. /3 reads a>A+; 29 f ^ trans.

30a. /3 reads ID.

31 u omits next eleven words through hmt.(?).

32a, (3-a b c deo p.

abcdeop read cDA'Afh*: 33 n trans, m reads Avil1": AA7^: M -/. aw, /read

CDlfl: $-in<x (D(\\ *JA: tD/l

i'A<Th;i*: /z CDO: ^ omits next four words through hmt.


qiu. m, /3 read ^hv^i 36q t, i, m reads DA: "Jfth omits. P-i'no

read toO: *JA: 0: ZH>: cop: Zli: cdAA: 37gt, diy. m, op read AA*:

f, /, .fcftAA*: ^ omits, a /5 read J&^A^V: <5 r / x JB.&AA: ^ ^AMi M u omits

next eight words+ CD.39 reads HfravCfrav4


* a-u. u omits. /3 reads

174 QOtfVtU: *iTX\; LXXXIX. 42-48.

42. atf^tt: Mit-A: <D<fe<rfr&: (D/h^ftf:1

rftfc&: JkdSvOjPffix: A*Wh 27*070:

fcfth:3 Al^A: 4

[*i&X: A70:]5 *X7RA: fiO70;

6 thr>%XPa*\ dtCli li*JLaoCfravix 1

43. "Hh-: AC7,: fcttfc8 a>7X: 9 X^TK: 10 a^X^TK: Wk 12

fihAA: <D 13<feCfrA:

Wfh&'Bf: 1X7: U XAh: AH-fr-oi*;15 hWfra*:: 44. cd*^^^: A70: 16 Ht<Ltrfi; 17

ftO^tO-: 18 CM: 19 Hfc: 20rhC7,: H"?XhA: 070: Hrh7: ftflrfrfr otfrfiH:

&hha*\ n A*"Hfc:22 aO70: 23 (DYbta*^ wM: HX'MA: tJM:: 45. (oXVYLfia*:

AXA70: 5P: A*A70: 25 10: *1&X: A70: wKiJ!n xh<n>; j&ft/};

27 ibCV. w*odCrNn*:

28 AAO70; 29 UHt: Ufa *rhC7,: [A70:]30 Hrf).7: ft-drhtlh::


r^: 32 Iftlh a>1V7C: 33 AntfifF: 34 a)*V*: Aoj-X-F: rfiC7,: ffl*7-OC:35 m>hli: 36

w l3av.(h,'. ASO70: a^AH-A-U: 37 MlA-A: 38

^R-U^iPff^; 39Afin70:: 40

47. <D 4,rhC7.:

#.WE: A>V2A"Hh-: rfcCT.: *-*irf.<E:

43 arTVfi: Hfr: 44/J/fo<J.<E;


46a>I<PR; 47

Xy^aD; 7&: 48 CAIk Xfth: Hah^pp-. HIk 49 Mil*!: 40 A50AC7: #WE::48. wXWR: bl UJk 52

rfiC7.: -WA: 53tDtroC^tn*: Afia70;





gmq. tu,Prez.&a)(h&(D'\ d adds 7-7D : a).2

a. /3 reads XVJl-3 reads <D.

4g, n = Greek rjyeipev. Other MSS. corruptly give 'YltP'h

owing possibly to the succeeding gloss being in the nom. 5 n reads {CO**4

6u, bdloxypb omit an emendation attempted because of the corrupt "Yi^ii

7q reads avCfra*: 8 dh read X*tH: ,b WaoCfrav. friV:


g,e. Other

MSS. a>v>0:10 reads X^US: u

* omits. 12

gmq. t reads "Hh.

"HTF: fi-hop XVto1*: hob X&h*F: w$r read next two words in nom.13 m omits.


q, e omit. 15/, /3-a. q read Jf^ffftv; a AffA*: m u omit.

16 Greek gives ra np6l3aTa, i. e. the faithful Israelites, and probably this is right. The

singular would mean Samuel but Samuel is called ap,v6s in the next verse. 17 I have

here supplied H before 1*<." in accordance with the Greek. As the text stood A70:

was the subject of 1VJ." and hO" the ace. of limitation. But this construction in

the case of T&Vih: or Th/"+: with hOfrltWav. is, so far as I am aware,

unexampled, n shows its consciousness of this by inserting Xfth: before 1*<J." and

thus rightly making JiO" the subject, as is the case everywhere else.18y prefixes

ahFi 19 All MSS. read CX?: 20a, afhklnopvy b. be deix

ta read *Hh:

21afoy ap read Pb&PtWx a-m. m reads XVJl-: 0Xffi>-T:


/omits.24 u omits.

25 Greek has t6v apva tovtov. q reads AO70: ft omits next four words.

26 m /, * read wKhP'fc. 27 r omits.mgg. mfu, pf-yC^a*: 29 u omits

next six words. 30<?. Other MSS. read A70: 31

dloyap read frfl/frfc

32 u omits next three words.33

q reads 1*?7<I:34 m t, p. g reads C[(\ch't


q AArh". ssi reads Lt\T\ u omits with next four words. 86

/, /3. ^ w ^ read

od\i\;37 ^ reads (litA*: H. AH: }fA*: /3 adds X^Vfr:

88q reads

^^-{1: fD^htfl; 39m, dlopjb read ^R-A-diPcn^: qtu, p-dlopp %W.

lxxxix. 42-48. <*>rtvtu: itw: 175

'Ek tov tov 'Evc^x. /3t/3A.tot; xPV <rts -

42. Kai ot Kwej rjp^avro kutzo-QUiv to. 7rpo/3ara Kat ot ues Kat ot dAcoireKes'

KaT-qcrdiov avrd, jue'xpt ov ijyeipev 6 Kvptos t&v irpofidTuiv Kpibv iva ck t&v

Ttpofiarutv. 43. koX 6 Kpibs ovtos r/pgaTO KepartietvrKat e7rt8ico/cet^ ev rots

fKepcunv1 Kal ^kvTiva(T(Tv^ eis tovs dAcoTreKaj /cat

r/xer' aurovs1 eis tov? vas Kat

d7ra>Aea-evrva? 7roAAoi>? /cat /xer' avroi)? * * * * * to tovs avisos

1 2. 44. Kat

*rd TrpojSaTa, $>v ot ocpdaXpol r/voCyqaav, ZOedo-avTo 2 tov Kpibv tov kv rots Trpo(3aTOis,

ea)s ot) a(prJKv ttjv f 66y4 avroO Kat ?/paro iropevecrflat fdvoSta

5. 45. Kat 6

KVpios t&v 77po/3drcoy aTreareiA.ei' rdv dpvaG tovtov iirl apva Tpov tov aTrjaai

avrov et? Kptov ev dpx?> T<5v irpofidrajv dvrl tov Kpiov tov dcpeVros tt\v f 65ov4

avrov. 46. Kat kiioptv8r\ TTpbs avrov Kat t\d\r)o-tv avTui ^oiyrf1 koto, povas

Kat ^yetpev avrbv eis Kptdv Kat ets dp^oira Kat et? fjyovp-tvov t&v 7rpo/3drcov.

Kal ol Kvves iirl Tract tovtols l#At/3ov rd npofiara.

47. [e^s Se rovYots yiypairrai, on]7 6 Kptos 6 7rpa>ros tov Kptdv tov bevrepov


. Kal et/>vyev d-ab irpocra>Trov avrov. *lt eflecopovv, [<p?jcrtV,]tov

KpLOV TOV Ttp&TOV, eCO? OV TT0-V p.1TpOO~6zV TCdV KVV<Sv 9. 48. Kat 6 KptOS


Corrupt for Kvveo~(riv.2 Eth.= auTot/s navras. 3 Eth.= rb Trpofiarov r^voiyr^aav

ol o(b8a\uol avrov Ka\ eidtv or to Trpofiarov rjpoiyr) tovs ocpdakfxovs avrov Kat ei8j>, but the

construction in the latter case seems unexampled. See note 17. Hence the Greek

is to be followed here, but emended into rb Trpofiarov ov . . . ideao-aro;

for this verse

should refer to Samuel as the phrase rbv apva tovtov in ver. 45 proves.4 Eth.=

b~6gav, and this seems to be the true text. See next note. 5 Eth.=dSo('a and

apparently rightly.6 Eth. =.np6^arov.

"' An addition of the scribe of the fragment.8 Eth. adds Kal dveTrf]8r]cre 6 Kpibs ((Kelvos)

6 Seurepoy.9 Eth. = Kal i6ea>povv ewr ov

Kare{5a\ov ol Kvves tov Kpibv tov npuiTov.

40 u omits next six words. 41 n omits. 42 mqt prefix H.43

g. m reads

qfj/jCTyqa. q%&& t, /3 read $&& 44 m prefixes (D.45

g q. miu,$-n read

^(J.'E; n omits. ^tu, /3 trans, before ftch&tEi 47

^/readI^R:* m reads

1&6,: 7R: 49 a-m. m reads &Mi: (sic). /- ?i^h: n Xft:50

/, j8. gmqomit. 51

^ ^. m t, ^ read ^^<E: /3 trans. ^^>" after rhCI:52

w, /3. a-

read A"Hil-; which is practically untranslatable. 53/, ^, but bcdloxypp trans,

before "Hh-: rhCl: (i.e. ffltT' "Hh-: rh" ^" whilst aefhiklnpvw read fflHh-:

rh"^"+T'. See note 52). g reads i^fi: w^ \P>ha*\ u omits.M

^ trans,

before (DaoC. bb

g. m t, /3 read "jtfr'1

!'}: ^ u "JfriP: which trans, after thCI:56

/, $-bcloy. gq read A*H: a corruption of "Hi*: w, bclo pp read "H; a correction

of A"H: u omits.

176 ootfvtu: ym: lxxxix. 48-57.

thCl: a)(li ftA70: -Att^i: fflrthO: a>A70: Ifrfc Ms ACi: Wittf-; fflW:

*ai>h>Vi <DW: ffD^rtt;> A*X2vh-; 2 AA70:: 349. &*: AW: X^h-: aA70:

wtttrati X&fc: 4fifcA-A: a>&ffi&; <DrfiE.P;

5 IX?". 6 LO)-. 1wi<i>&:

8 Xi^ilfr

a>*a*X1V thCl: 7*.fc 10cotftA: frft : fi<J.<t; whXMfc Woo;' XMk 11 *<*:

"7XhA: 12 fiA70i13 <D 14



16 X^i-lFa^:: 50. "HM-:17

ft*: W: Ofl?; fflCiA; ot^lR: rt*"Hh-:18

fiA70; (a>)19"7-V<Jj*:

20 *}-*: a>0a:

trftlR: A: ft*:21 *AX7tifi: fiA70:

22 ffl+tiM-: 23*"H?k ft*:

24<D"7-V<JJ*A: -M0A: 25

ffljij; iPl: a>X7RJi: AO70: *tn>; A: a*X*F: 26 "?-*,; W^te; yavXt: 22 AfoA-:

(l27$\"Ztf:: 51i wChAiPoo". *iOA:

28 A*"Hh: 29 AO70; 30*iOA:

31hav-. AM:

*a?^4-: A-Att<ft: WP*; 22 w6fhA'hi "Hh-:

32ftt: RftlPtn*: a>X7R*<n*: AAA70: 22

KahOi 33 Kyay-iitta*: A*a70: 34 wdtfrao-i -JA: ftA70: <d*AA70; 22Ji^tt:

fc*2UPai*:: 52. mih^Wa*". &"&> <d/L+#*A: 22 a>#JR: 35a>ftC*J: A: AA70:

#&: fc*2VJP: a>X7Rfc fiA70: h2<?i 36 *}\yUPa^i 37 AAa70t: 38 atfOd?:

1ft?;39 <Dft*iA:: 53. *ii&3f:




42IftlPaD*: A"Hh-:


JiA70: i'fiya*:44


ft!Fffi*::46 54. Xi^lh 47 Chlh: AA; 48 ^7-:

ft*: A*X7RX: 49 <d"7'*; 50 XyH-A-: 51 AA*F: 52 ffltRAA: 53 XO^tlFcr^: a>C/ili-:

X7R*: AA70: h<n>: 7-A& #*A: 54 *M"f: 28ftlPtfi>: Om>^0j&lFtn>;

55 XAh:

$?,a*0JP: X^fc: fiA70: A*7ffi-;56 #*&; <D*fi7Afc; 57 odIiP:: 55. tDih&av-.

m-hfi X: fiVAA*: aiM^C*! 88 <0frHX>A*: 59atffrO-A*: 60 <Da*At: X: kVJta:61

DA: H-A-: fiE*: <D41ArfiH-:


62 *Et: 1X7i ^^/"TJPffi*:63 A*X^h-:H

AA70:: 56. wChto9>i 6b\\ao\

m rh.7: 67 A*Hh-: ftt: RAlFffi*:68 "y-^cri*: 69

a)*^?*^; 70AJfft<n>*; .A; 71 XA 72 Ji-AA*: hff: 72 j&i^^TiPff^: 73 ohao:

A&0jP<n>*: 74 a>*A+: X.C<ElFai>: AH-ft-tn*: *<*;: 57. ffl*Ai;22

A^"Hh-: X"^A:75

AK-A": ;WV?; 76 cd*XRo^^; 77 AX7RA: AA70: 78 fflACXr:79 AX*iT: Aa70t: 80XAtn>; 81


^w/, i. So also ^, $-bdiloy save that they omit Ws u, dloyajb read only

ao&-fa>\ b aD.(b,: a7ffDh" cDaoCfra*". 2a, 3 /'. /3-3 ?' read X^VtrF: 3 w omits

next four words through hmt. A

a-u, bciklna. op read XVJl*F: u,adefhpvomit.


gmq. tu, /3 read CDrh<fa^i,


57omits. 7 ^ / ^ prefix a?.


^ reads

<DJ4.0*:9 omits. 10

$rreads T'^rX:. hoxjb *b:^\ u reads XA*: vomits

with next word. 12 reads i"^,a>-^ :

ls omits next four words. "/.r omit.15

w, <f^ read yl^t: 16 / reads Xi^iPnv: 17 m reads 'H'J'F:18

a. reads

XVh-: 19 All MSS. omit. M m /, tin oap add I'P'i: A: *Hh-: ftt: (D^y^^^-;21

g, lopp. So z save that it inserts "HTFi before fl^T: and so also /, in save that

lxxxix. 48-57. <*>K7tU: i?to: 177

6 bevrepos avaTTi)hi]cras a(pT]yr\craTO t&v TTpofiaTwv1

,49. /ecu ra -jrpo/3ara

qv^rjdrjaav Kal i-nXriOvvOrjcrav. /cat tt&vtcs ol kvvzs Kal ol a/\.co7re/ces*


air avrov Kal Z(pofiovvTO avrov 2.

1 Eth. adds /cat eKtivos 6 Kpios ryewijere Trp6j3ara TroXXd, /cat tKoiprjdq /cat irpofiarov piKpov

tytvero Kptos avr\ avrov /cat iyivero ap^cov Kal iytvtro fjyovpevos SKclvav rS>v Trpoftdrup. This

may have been lost through hmt. 2 Eth.= /cat vts tyofirjdrjo-ap /cat cqbvyov an avrov.


they insert Hh-i q reads IVI: frhlR: u 0AJ&: wYf\\ fi-ilno read W'hi (i'E'J: b)

A; "Hh-: ftt: 22 u omits.23

c/reads wj-fhti 24 w reads UTF: 2S ^?.

Other MSS. +A0A: 26 reads "Hh-;.*

u,h omit. 2S*/& r read h&fi: /omits.

29 a-u. u omits. /3 reads XVfr: 30omits. 31 ^, <?/!& omit. z<1

g?nq. u omits.

/, /3 read "Hh-:33^to prefix W.

34ot reads iih-dO^ti n hWii u omits.


Corrupt (?) for 4>*}/i: q reads Wihih <Di0; and omits next five words.

u omits next two words. 37

g m. q reads &Sr & (RiraD", t, /3 fcyXJ^lFao*:

u omits.38

gt. Other MSS. except m, d AflATO: ,</ read AA70: S9


after <dK\" .


^ reads *lV*$! (sic) and reads next two words in nom. u omits

next two words. 41 a omits.42

q prefixes (D.43

a. /3 reads rtXvh-:44

710 xb read SdF ^: u reads il7v09,cn>". and omits next two words.

45g, abc defik I. mq t, hno xp p read W^hcD&ait or <D.fW. 46

? reads A:

*Hh-: ftA70:*7

g, bcdloxap. m q t, a efh ik n read a? (^ omits) Xfltfa*:u w. 49

q reads a>AA: CA.h-: hm>: 49a. reads X7R& AA70:

50 reads a7'V<J.j2':

51omits, d prefixes W. 52

prefixes W. b3

g m q,

fh ik n op. t reads fD'i'RAA'; abcde Ix a ffll'ftA'l: omits together with next word.54 h reads -H^A; 65

gm.ab dfh ik Ioxpp. cenvy read AAffD &,". t bao&faXPaO",

q (lawpOiUPav4'. u omits together with next six words. 56

i reads HXvV:67 /reads h.l'(lh>:


^. So also q but trans, after X'HX'fl^: mtu, /3 read

l&d^Cft', q reads AlAC^; here and trans. KU?C?\ wrongly as already stated.

59 Here c7 adds as observed in preceding note.60

mq, 0. ^ reads <DAJt,flOJ


/ fDAfrnO^; omits. 61 omits next three words. 62gq. m reads X^VJl-:

/ "Hh: /S X^il*F;63

c reads i'^ATiPff^*: rf<? fiavtlTyav; u omits next

three words. 64*' reads X^Vill1


65 a-. vomits. reads a)C?Lh", o adds Xfth:66 a reads <D.


,? /^ read *J^79':68 a v read Aft-lf<n>*s

69q reads

0^7^^^: H-MFav\ 70C7

reads <D^^.iPffi><; u, n read l^oo4

: and u omits next

seven words. 71 a-. omits. /3 reads a*ftT; 72 wz omits. 73 g reads

?*9P'9ao"t d JLodjt'. 74 w omits next four words. 73 m reads fcyjf<M:76

f7 reads IjE-ftoo^; 77 m q, oyp read \%(D'9\ u omits next two words. 78 gmqread A?^At: 79

q reads a)?iCXr; ? g. Other MSS. AA70: 81 d reads XA:


178 <n>tfvtu: y?W; LXXXIX. 57-62.

TAMh 1 Xf^tParx. 2 *h6*W\ 1X7.. 3 58. a*aJ.X*fc4

fiC<n><n>; *X*iH: &/L: 5

wt&r'th: kllaDi *T(\&0-. aFtahthm-. 7 atOP-H.-. (D^&lavi a*fVr: *X;Kirov. 3

A^.'Et; Atn>-nV0:: 59. (D&m-Oi g:9 ?4M: 10 a^.eCtfi*; ft ^: 11

AUto 2 Aa70; 13htn> : G0JP<n>: (D^A: AmS>

<VE.P'$ ;

15 <D5AR7tf : FA-;5

SFfcytfiai*: Xy.eXH>: 5 ^CO^-iPa^: 17 ASQ70: <d*H-A:5 UXhUHHa^i hi:

7Q4-:: 60. a^X^TaJiiffoV8 n^**; 19 <D\V7'iia*i H^t^T^: Xi^lPtn*: 20

(DKX?ao. a-VWfr 21 a)*ava\(Di' 2fira*. TOh" *a70:: 25

61. a>*A*i&X: 26

RtD-O: 27 a^ftft : *Aft-: <dCKa 2SH-ft :

29 H*7*K.: Wfr 31A; XA*: 32


XAffD; 33.Prfj-Hfrw X^a>ft1r-frn>; 35 &.l*g.\

b Xi^H: 36ArTHilJPffi*:: 62. D*H-fts

fr^A;37 aJrh7"A;

33 Ht*7AC: ASVffr 39fcrh$: ^tmmJ: 40

.frf^A-;41 AtXH"H?: 42

aj^aomh JtrtiblFa*^ ACXAtn*; hao; ^7^.45 A&FFA'E;47 Rrh^i fcftlPtfi*::5


-?. Other MSS. TA2V(h 2? reads H*ft: AV-Aflt: a>. omits K-flPff^:


g omits. 4<? omits.



gq. mt, ft 1*AV(h <D. u omits.

7^ reads 'fVftKDr: u omits next seven words. 8

g reads H"A*; X.C:.90-0 ,3.

#z q

read A-A01*: ("W: z q). t tMh: u %. ob gAflfc10

a, h. p-h read <?t[a>*i\


?. g reads 7^C: ftffi>*: All other MSS. omit ft<nx; and read only l&av<i The

whole clause is a rendering of i'ppi-^ev airoU eVeti/a ra npofiaTa. Cf. Job xvi. 12. zz omits

next four words. 12

gq t. m, /3 read AXAfr-: 13 m omits.14

/, 0. gmquomit. 15

a-, /z. z^ omits. 0-/$ read ^ItD-^*};16

^ reads 2. d AAEg.17

^ /, 0. ^ OT read ^CXjB.jPflp'j u reads hCh&pav*; 18

^ reads X^TiPftcnH;

adds A};19

gtu, I. q reads (VHVfe: ot, A^"?*1-:

20 m reads Xyi.haP';

u omits next six words. 21

$-bfloxp. gq read Arh7*A: w/, bfloxjb hctibCt:


^ ^, 0. 02 reads ffDmm,: / avaxpav; 23Z

1 omits. 24\ / reads (iHihi

m reads AX&JH ? H*A: 0-/&z' XMlt: // XMl*F: *'Tttw zz Xft^t: 25 zzz/read

AA70: (D(\ZttraD*\26

? reads H-ft:Tl g q u. mf,p Za><P:

2Sq reads A"Hh-:

(DChJihi 29^ trans, after HJE.7".

30z, </ read 7 ,fl4:

31 omits next three

words. 32 m reads ffrt*: a X^Vh-:33

z reads \vao\ e Xcn>;34

qu, $-iop.

g, i read Kphtir. m, op g"ib&\ t WHta 35 reads XyilFff^: omits.


0^ read (D. 37/3. a-^ read itfci %?<l\ q Itlrav". R-^A:

M0. ^ reads

<D^7*-^: z / tDrftT1

-^: ^ rhT'-A*: Hje^rhTA: d. omits.39 g m read Ayft-'F:

z/ omits. 40 u reads H. q, d omit next three words. 41

^. wz reads Sftihfc;

uWbtir. /, /3 ?(or^>


42^ repeats three preceding words and u omits

next three words. 43gq. m reads S'Yhtea^: t, $-a ?(ori


)*}7, A: p SrhtCt:

u omits. z adds A^XHH?: (D.44

a-/?z. m reads H-ft*: /3-z' (DH-ft ; i omits.


^ Z1u. g reads AT'-A : w rf^A*: /

2/3 rhT'-ft'cn^:

46^ m u, 0. q reads Sg.

/, $-nab AASZ. ^a/ AAS. 47^ omits.

lxxxix.6 3-6 7 . rotfviu: i?to: 179

63. a^m-M"-: 2 A*HM1: ^'7Z?;3 wA

0*Laocn\\ tyT-fa5 aj^m>mJ: 6 ZTOLi 7

rfW-A: htn);s

h/}; A.1V "HTFs10


X.Q>\Fa*\ *iun> ; hhsr>C:i


V-aCa*: AFWJ; 12Jim>: fcoDTFrn*: 13

foXC/i.e:14 H*7-n^: rtXffi>; ^i^; 15

tttXHTK: HAHUhJPai*; 16 ffl^Xao: A^O:: 17 64. wfLShF^ s whWhra*:"cD^mcm*: Mi Rrh: frft :


20 ^Wi: 21 (1ZUU; 22Art: ZlwhOCVi *iitf>\


65. <dCA.Jh *fcflh: M: 4fc^h-:



26 nZftlh 27atf^H*

*irrt:28 (D^ftO-Ct: flH-J:

29 fc^XHtfrn*: 30a)^"*: Hfc: 31 A070: a>ftt:


fiC-ant:: 66. 0)0^0*: Da><ftrtV;4

(n>^-H^,fcn>: A"Hh-:2 ^O70: 4 AT-fint

tDfif^Ct: 33wrti6.<Ri

34 7/?^: (UVO*:1 ^HA^mx; a??ia>*0,eiP; A*7ttu 35 "V'*^

a) 36h^J&5P; A*Uh-: 37 ft*:: 67. fflrfiHlh-: flttl;

38 T#: OXlt: "H'SLg fcfan>:40

thC?: 41fl>X*F: At: 42 HAn?0: 43


ktiU^Vfr; CXf+ffi*: AftAfc"


g omits. 2 a-w. m, /3 read n>^IM':3

\ Other MSS. prefix fl.

4 u omits. 5

^A w reads Sihtfa q Z-Wfa u, $-i fdfbfa i Prphfabcefhnpx add (iChfiao*:


q reads ffDfni: ,(D. 7 #/. ? reads

<Om: w aZ trOK: q fr<r%f

T'i9>(n>". p-i P^TtD-pa*; i ^"ZauD-fPtWi8

;? omits.9

^ reads A followed by an erasure, u omits. 10i reads HYh',

u omits."gqu. m t, read fl.?

1"}: w adds H.h\Tav. cony01}: 12

a, h. $-h

read T^cd-SI: w omits next two words. 13 Emended from \(DT (?ao*\ gq.m reads \ao r^g*ant

\ mfarD*?tWi t, /3 XffDTJPtn^; This emendation made first in myedition of 1893 has since been accepted by Beer and Flemming.

M m reads &Cfi?":15 u reads ift4:


? reads HAJ: AH", u omits. "^/, 0. reads

Jiin; w &tn>: fiji; fio*; figyfi;w

^_^ ?


g m t,hi read wtLfXavfa

q whSh7^', u omits. 19

^ reads fD/L^flTCXftn*: omits, i" reads

wKChYao", 20 */. reads A7--A: ?, /3 rfiT'-ft-ff^: A.21 a-w. m, /3 read

SMokPI: .* adds &Ch&'. **

a-u,$-bcipx. u omits, bcipx read AdZ".

#z omits next nine words. 23g. Other MSS. except 0/ trans, op omit H'A:

24 u reads &rt-:*gqt,h. mu omit. /3- read ^la>-".

26m, ^/read J&C9?-:

("A?-; ^/). n C&%: 27 nZH>!fffi>: m omits. 28^ reads J&^trt": omits.

29^-^. ^ reads flH4

^': lu, |3 flH'^'J:30

^/, 0. ^ prefixes CD. m reads XAff:

HAHHtnH; HJ&0^: u omits.31 a-z. m reads &2VJK /3 h^Vht:

32 a-u.

u omits. reads Aft&fr;33

^^. Other MSS. ^^C^: 34a. /3 reads rf)^tD-jP:


mqt, j3. g reads U*}*F: DX*F: 36 omits next nine words. 37u, e/h I

read a*X*F: 38q reads <L^4<^: 39

/ omits.40 ^ ^ read wKhav-. t H.

41 m reads th: q rH*iC?: >5 h^J&h-:42

e omits.43

w^/ read HfiOTOt:<? omits next five words through hmt. 44

g. Other MSS. read fc^ilfr45g prefixes tD.

180 ootfvtu: y?ft: lxxxix. 67-72.

XO70: AXtro;i j^ddhh.: **JA; "Hh-:2

flrh: 68. a>*S,4E.fV mVWlao*

avmahpavi 4AX3\Ji-:

5fia70: AH-A*;

6*A<J.<Et: 7&7: 7 h<n>:

s JMhOpa*w*fttea*i ttk7i,\Pa* Ami*: 11 A^M"-: 12 jRt^ma*: 13 BS: K^ilfff^

A14h&fr; fltfDX-rfi?: fcrfi<?:15 ff 10<n>m}: ?rfTHV: 16 X^klFffD; [A*i^fc; Arn>8Yh$::]


69. <!>&.:*.& X^'VC'J-frn*: S518j&+*& :

u <D*?rhKV: 20*J: ^"Hh-:


a>*ft0a*?':22 flXTfr "Hh-;

23 *a70:: 70. haoU; AX.e: 10CA.*iiP: AUto

HjRvft<P: XG: J&R-/fcP: FH.trfc7-2V: XiP'l: Ufa 25^I'EJPl;

26*aitfr: OAt: 10

<Di><}C7:27 .HC*?:

28 a^Cfc: K-ft :



30 AX7Rft: fiA70: Itlri

H7fl^: <DH-ftj10 HfiXtt: 31

SS: XyiWa*'. wittf,10 Hm>mai.: 32 Arh7"&:: 71.

*a7tn>8vfc<?: tfA: 33 A$\<n>: X7Hfc fiA70: (D\Jh\ (wRih&'. Xi^X-fc:34 *atf*$A0:

aW7?: a)Kla&ii Zo72. wX7l,V", ChJb: XlH: C0?-:

36 Ffft: 37r<Dg


a>?: rX^Tih-: 59 AQ70: 107-Afr:

40 *awi>Jto: oOfr: 41a>A*itt: *X"iH: ?}&; 42

H-ft ;



a-^, p-n. g reads AXA: XA: 2

^, /3. 0* reads A"HTF: ?/ AWka (D-ltfi o*X*F; 3 a-. reads S7H"tn>; /3 ?Aa>i*1: omits next word.*mu, bce/hknxa. t, ad read tDffom". ^ read waoaxyao*', so z'0,3 save that

they omit <D. omits next two words. 5

^ reads A"HIk ?'# AXVfo*F; 6g pre-

fixes fD. /, n read A and / trans. H*A*: after 7&7D:7 a-u. u reads fi?>flA

;h/3 K&VrVi 8

^, omit. 9

g. mtu, p read H"A". q (D-XI3:

10 omits.n

a-g,fi-ade. g reads AZfttf*: a^womit. </ reads AAZ". omits next four words.13gq. Other MSS. read (1>M>*: mt, acdkl. g reads ^avaxOL'.

q, bfinoxab read fsY^mOL: eh fsV^axm-yao*'. ("ma*JP: ^). */ add

aJn"*^^^: jE^Ta*: j3 adds oft-A"!14 Better emend into A.

15u. So already

Beer conjectured: Apoc. und Pseud, ii. 295 note, g reads jE.R''*i^: Other MSS.

&Rth$: 16

^? read ?rh7'-A*: w /, a fttfrfc /3 ^rhT1

-^: omits next three

words. 17^ adds J&8vh$:


g prefixes W.19

wz reads ,$irV: 20?, fr-abcdef.

g reads JPrh7'-ft : m Jcttf-hi tu, abcdef SHkibkx 21 w adds X-A2V: t,p-ilo.

g reads AfcDfr w, * ftaJ?: ?, /o^ AAfD?': jc ha**: u omits. j8 adds flH"J: T*:from ver. 67.


qtu. g omits. /, /3 read X^VJl-;24 ^ omits.


^ /. ^ u omit,

w, /3 read KMb: 26a. reads ^Aa^^l; w w /, /3-. g reads wViCVi

n (DfOC?: q u omit. M w trans, before WfiCV: n reads a?^0C: and trans,

after ^C". u omits. 29$rreads itlfao*:

30y reads S"ft: m>&fb&f. 31

^, </

read HAX1"Fj omits. 32w, la read Htnma): /, ^ Hffomo^: u omits.

33 ^ reads waDft(h&.: ;f*HHI; trans. 1*}A: after SQ70: 34

^ w /. ? reads X^g./3 nX^-: a omits. 5

^, /3. a-^ read KiaCi: (DdftaDi whlCid: (

2KidCi\ in third


q reads J&C9.: /<? ^CA?-:37

q, a trans, before XlH: 38 m t write

in full 91PC1": aJh^ft.1": adds W%.39 a-. omits. /3 reads XyX^h-:

40. ^ reads 7fl4: q t *7>CIA: omits. 41

g, ^. w ^ / read cdodRTi: aM:ffoR-fr; ^ reads ^AIJ?.:

43^ prefixes w.

lxxxix. 72-xc.i. avftthd.: yftt: mH(D&<Pi K^ay-XK fl^T; (D(b&<E. 1 1*9; h&X9>ari 2 (DhAVfc:: 3

73. artim

*iOA: &cti\&\ htn> : $%aH.\ Xl^XiP: Aa*X*F: H^LS:\ a)(lav:* *^-hL:\

J'E'J:5 atfW: *iOA: X\U\ SMW *^m>: "7-i^^: "7X.2: 7 a)*H-A: 'VAflt:

H^ftlh: 8 OA: 9 a>h.M: lJUh:: 74. a>*.A: H-A: KCt. fiA70: frA-Al:

XO^Itlffl^: cD/Ljfc&X?': aJS'ft-frn**^:11 *h"7tf: a? ,2

,ie."ZTa*5Pcrt>: A?ft+tn>*Z: 13

Arh7-\: *L&?*&; aMX7<5tP<nx; < Yb&Pao*; AfiA70: cDA2v0iPtn>:: 75. X7ftft:

*A70: hCaoao: Xfthi:15 tHCH4; 16

*H-A-: ftA70: 17 7^tn>: a>1\frn>4. : yAA>lF<n*:18

WffffiPao". 19 K7X: M^Yw 76. a>*"H:20

n%(hS>'. m>ftvh: hbtf\

wUChr-. (dXUUIi A*JA:21 X7R/V. fiA70:

22 a^JPAtAW; 23 AMtfilFm*: wllXtf>i i4

nK1tAlfcn>; 25 MH; 26 .PCfc?V7Jfft ;

287-A<!: ?ftt; 29 a^Ai^O: 30 Ak-"ZU: 31

A: H-A1: ?A<E.n::

32 77. (DJTL^: Xi(\d; IhfO". mi*: 33aDX-rfi^. art*::


XC. wCMb: XAh: H<n>-$ : Hhm>H: 35 C0W t0<Dg 37 t?A'EJP1:38


'?/. Other MSS. th&a>-i 2 w prefixes CD.3 m reads aJ/LEftUA*:

/ WhtoVlh: u omits. 4

q adds htn>; ^ff'Z.:5

g u. q, x read "H'hL&x Wi:m /, /3-.r read mIHtLfi.'. fP*J: u omits next seven words. 6 m /, /3. reads J&M1C:

q ,&}A4: omits. 7 m t, 0. ^ read ^Ju^r: 8 w /, /3-a bcde{kl)o xb.

q, a b di ox b read tttriWllTi HZ", u Ytk\ HfD-AirF: 'MAt: f H-A: -MAT: H ".

9m, h read CtfA: 10

/, /3 z". ^ reads A: H"A*: a?XA : w A: H-A*: XA: ?, z' A:

H"A*: u omits.n

a-n, wy. &-ny read $.. u, n omit. 12 b reads aWHM",d h^yih: For next two words u reads ffV'fanv;

13a-u, a d/h ikno wy. be elx

read I. e adds h"Yi>: 14 a reads W. 15

^ reads fcfthl: ^, *' KAh: 160.

a reads tHCHd: 17qu read H-A: (H"A-: ) XA70: 1X7: 18

(5 adds in margin,

x in text, and over erasure in the text JfA*: ^'A'E: <DfiA70: e adds in another hand

over the line K'A tn>4 : ^Aa^^"}: u omits next three words. 19m, n read f&'S".

d&1<?ao". 20a. ^ reads *Hh-:


^. mqtx

u,$ read (+ A Z1

)X-A^t: *JA:

(mqtl u omit). /

2*}A: XA.i'i": A.

22 u omits next two words. 23 m reads

^AtA^O: /, en hh-t-a^-P: Here ^ w add AXlttO-: ("iFo^: w) (D^AXft : ("A*: m)

X1H: i'At-A^P: ("0: m) a corrupt dittography (?).


^, /3. jw/ read tD^AXA*:

^ fDJ&AXtXiP: k omits next eight words. 25^wz. Other MSS. omit, ot adds

(DZtihte:26 a reads tD.

27^ reads Ch!Pi * fhn omit. gmq.

/,0read 9>

/H-ffi>:30 w/. ^^ read J&A"^: ^Ai^O: 31 ^ read A^^ElFtfD-:

32a. /3 reads S'AaJ-.P*}:

33 omits. /, /3 trans, before Jii'U*: g adds a*X*F:


^ reads wmOfc u omits. /^ reads wQhi 35^. w/, abcdefklno read htn>:

hffo-H; ?j h hoDH: ? htro; Hooffl: omits.36

u,fhlo ta read ^CO?-: 37


j8-*> m omits. ? reads ipA"A; (D%, u hAh: U'A'A: cog, ky <&<D%. All are corrupt.

We should read 3<Dg.M a-u. u reads SVPffiH-f: FAaKH: 39

^ reads ^.Rtn>:

182 <K>rtvtu: 1?\\: xc. 1-6.

HrfcW (MZHUV*: *htn>; M<77E.n! 2 a?*O0^1: 3 taDmo-jPtfi*:4a>-At: "k&EXPw.

hao; C09><n>". anZH>lP<n>:s


^1<E: 7 nztttf*:;8

2. wX^Tli ChJihi

n*d-X^?: 9H-ft-:

10fi0P<L: A*7?^ avRfa 11 KihC^i a^fao-A*: 12 *<mra,: <}*:

whltlC^: 13 ZaoOhyao"." A*H-ft<rD:15

ftOP^: fl^tt: j&-n&0JP<n*: A*Wk 16

ai?0: ffl^hC?":17 H011:\r<fl>". a^j&n^OJPcn*:

18A'^lFai*:: 3. cDSa?0: 20 RC^:

XA<n>; tAMh 21 ^IFodV3fcyoj; ^oP?: w*hW s iRCh-: 22 wh(May\b\ CCiV^K:

tt:23 a>-X1V3

?<!<: HZCOra*; AftA70:: 4. <D24C/Lh-: XAh: imfr: *Hh-;


fiA70: fo^Mi^-nt: 26 a^^AIAC*: a>*&*D27lPaj&; tDtL^&h fta^: /;);

7<n*<Z.: fflk^XA; 29 A/^Ca* :

30 XAh: $<n>;31 a^fF: 32 SOd^tlfff^: 33




36(1: y\-C: cr/iXfh 37 fia70:: 5. wCMh KAh:

Htn>1: XAii;33



a><J.Ren>; nnZHlfrn*: 41ga>*

42ZH,.Pt:: 6. a)*iP:


m>?AVfr 44 +a>2v&: ^Hi*: 45 fiQ7<HV6 XW: 47 atfW; *ftO*}tlPtfi*:

1 omits, breads itlt",2

g<2- mi read h" *P atL7; u omits. $-bfiread #Wli bfixa $WI(D-S!\\ 3

p. a reads 00^: 4, 0. ^/ read

faDfWPav". m ^aoTPaD". q i"trDmflL: omits rest of verse.5 w ^ /, /3.

g{y?) read OZH>".6

/, /3-/. ^ reads AJfA*; * w\kfc\ q H'A: / H"Aai>:7

a. /3 reads SMa^H: 8g q t. m, /3 read AdZ". 9 a-w. wz, read X:


q, dioxjyp read H*ft: *^ omits. " u trans, before ftOVA.:12

/ reads 9D*Cfa

q OafAti mtu add cD/ftAC^: 13 vomits. 14 w reads &ao" wXF" w%"whT a), u <DX?" a)%" &ao".

"q reads jj.^.. w jj.^.

M^ OT ^ /, read X^Vh-:

omits. 17 a-u,bcdio x p. I retain the indicative here owing to the textual

evidence. aef{JiT)klna read tDJ&iiC?*: omits with next two words. 18 m.

g, eh op read >(l&L09>a*i q, ex J&A&0JP: /, abdfiklna J2-<\&0Pi19


omit. 20 reads AA70; u W. 21a-?/, u, /3 read 1*AV0*:


gqu. m reads

CA.h-: /, /3 fttft'tti-:23

02 adds K-ft:24 ^ omits. 25 a-w. m reads K^h:

(sic) and trans, after ftO". /3 reads "k&fc:26

^. Other MSS. Atl'l-fl:*qu,n

omit. 28/, abcehiklnox ftp. g reads ?S$:

rh\ mq^d/^fJUlx

292 reads

^OA: 30z reads P*CfD*\


^/, be defhkoxp. mqu, ailnvwp, read #01*:32^w/, ^. ^ read Mfht-fa*: p-e (Xcht-ta*:

33^ reads liOB? ^: tfop

omit. 34u, bed/1 no xjap omit. 3b

gmt. q reads ftOd^n*tU'<n>4: vomits.

/3 reads ftOdyDtlTcn>t; 36^. *?/, ^ read fD^-*; 37 w adds ?l71:

38 a-w. w reads coXiWl; @ omits. 39

g. mqt,$ read JE.CO?-: omits.40

/, 3 add FWl: ("(D-.n: /3).


^ reads XAh: Zll^tlfff^: 42 m reads Atni.t:

^ Affo'J'F: / Atn>*}1*;43

a. a e h k np v w read "JJMVfr r .* IkAlA: diloyppJfrAI: /10-AtA:

"^/, /3. m reads ^rhA^t: ? cro^AXt: a ^^AXt :

*gql. m, p read fc^X&h-: omits. 46

^ /. w reads (170: ?, /3 AQ70:u omits. 47 a-. omits. & reads fAga*:

xc.6-11. aoflvtu: VTW: 183

&HVP: 1 tDZCMi a)ftC*%i "itt: fiA70:: 7. a^ftAC-Wtn*; 2*a7A..Pfrj7nk:


frl:4 <{Jt4-.;

5tftcnxn*; 6 (DtRAA: 7 hOWtlPw. &$: tarf?A-:: 8

8. <09 &fc n^X^s 5^?t: 10

hcn>: ddW 1 Q: XMi?: 12tn>*JAX;

13 <dATHjp:

*Ctfich&\ X^Hh-: 14 a^lAX: aj<f"P4"PJP<n><: AftA70: (oahOPa*:: 9. wCtLlh:

Ktihi (Ddhi fta^i 15 AfcCit; AH*H 16od^AX: a^t; 17 a)%9>ati A^ftfrCitlPtf*:

(uCMi-: XAh: 5 AfeA: F#C*i: m; 20 AF^i: TttK 22 AA70: fflth^t: 23


10. a?CX?: Oa^i 25

[arf^trfc: A0TVi*:] 26 <d*RC1: 27

ftao; 23 A*A70: (D.gft'Vfr CXJP: cdCJJ.: *H*Atn*: -Jfttf::29

11. cd^AAH:

H-A". X^fn AlACt; atfa^At: a?}t: wW(li 31 XAh: JB-Xftj33 tn>ATJP<n*:

AXA70: *a>,AC4-: ^ftlfao*;5a^j&A&OJPff**;

33 a>An70*A: 5(.r>a*" a>*.2fl><Vfr


1 a<?_/7j/ p w trans.

2 z. Possibly we should read .PAC'Wff1*: For g,iPnpoint to the imperfect. All other MSS. are corrupt. The corrupt readings arose

probably through the wrong insertion of h. before ShCWa *'. or else through the

corruption of h in AAC'WffD4: into ?L. Thus we have a change of verb in g

fLfi&C'HPavi and op h&CA9<&". and yet another change of verb in / hJt\!P>to9a&\

or a dropping of the corrupt negative in q RC'Wff *: u omits with preceding <D.

In /3 the corruption has advanced further and introduced XA70: save in the case of

op which we have already noticed. Thus p-in o read SA70: (AA70A: a) hRC'SPao".

1 12 n a mJO'. K.{Pn omit)ZZCWa*: 3

a-g. g, n read <D/U>

fcyDfr: 17".

abcd/hikloxp <DhSb9K\ HilCPa*: ej> mtLfB^&Pa*: HiY. 4ot reads

XA: 5 # omits.6 u omits next four words. 7

^ /, /3- read 1*RAA*: 8

gm.q reads <DJ&fJ&A': /, fi-bnopp WpSCi: bnx Wpfiii o $8li There is some

corruption.9 a n omit. 10

a-m, n. m, $-n read $ft\\ The next twelve words

are repeated by g in ver. n. See the repetition in note /, $-en.

mqiu read Clddi en AC4-:12

g. Other MSS. X&\h\ 13 u omits next four

words. 14/. g reads A"Hh-: K^llib'. m AUft-: q h^hdi^i ATih-: /3 ASXyX^Vh-:


gq1omit. 16

a. reads AX^VJk 17 omits next two words. 1S

g reads A.19

g, a omit. 20

q omits, a trans, before #0: 21

g. Other MSS. S.22

a. /3

reads X&h-: aa. /3 reads th^^*: 24

g m t add a>CX?: hOfritWw.25 reads ^Off^", 26 omits. Bracketed as a dittography from the precedingverse, m adds wt&rVih: For arhL" ^ reads TA/ftfM 27

m,ft-in. a-m read

ROfc z' RC^: ^ ^ omits. 29a,<S<r.r. 0-<5 ^ .r, z> w trans.

30trans, after

Afl>A^; omits next five words. 31 ^ omits and repeats instead from ver. 8 :

htn>: Ad4: A: X2Vh-: m>^A?i: cdAITIJP: h^fidt^i A"Hh-: (so ^ reads in ver. 8)

ffo*JAXi cd^T^TJPo^: AAO70: fDA^VOiPff1^:32 ^ reads fflXfih;

M^ reads

^A^OiP: Mq reads .^op*: zb

gu,fikl. m reads J&ftA: (sic). ^/^ftA:

184 <nft<hcL: y?n: xc. n-17.

thwJZca*: w^Clf.i 112. (D*XMbi 2

#}*: J&t^rt-;3 (D^dhfb: 4 7il&0". b

w&<P&\ 6 *fXWi #C?: 7 w*h.s\iV&9>ii 13. w*OLthi 9


tn>R7t: VAVfli

a>"XttlCrri artm-: 12 fao-At:1

<Dlfaj&: RC*: 13rt^t:

14 hm>; j&^TfcTJP: 15 *#C?:

AHh-: 16.CftA:

17 cD+oafr: ot^trt-; 1 ^AAjUV 8 0a*X*F: ^tOAfl: yAA>lFff*:


hffo; tj^SX: 20 ^fc-F:; 2114. a>*C/iJi: Xfth;


ar>Kfr. HIk -OXA.:1

HRrfi: *A"7tlPtfi>: AHTi <d*.P0C7:22 fcC^U*: 1 AX7Rfi; ftATO: a^aJ-frF:


^fr 23 wh:2<?i4 mhChT: K-ft";

25 ffo^^ :26 A27^/**: AHh-: 28

.CftA:: 15.

w*Ch.Yb'. Xfth:1


-JftlPa^:50 Km*: 31 *a70: 32 AffDlt: cdXA: CfcJP:

K-fta^: i$R: ww^ia ittvcn^;1 a*At; RAft *: 33 *&y*,"<n>: 7R.::

116. H-frffoV4

**$&*: Wiahh^, 1 *a><}t: a>lFaj&:35

t^-Afc: <d*opR&: 36^ftfUFffi*; JfA-: 37

AA70: 38 7**: <D*m>Rfc: 39*H-A<nx; ifhSji (Dt^^fr: 40 hao; #T$TfP; 41 AUfc:

*Cfs .SftA:: 17. C/LfcJP;42 *AHJk dXA.: 43 H 4\RrhP: tn>Rrfi: A4-A:

X7RX: 43 XAh: 46 ^{/frN 47 *Aa>X*F: ffDRrf): 48 tilth: HhrhT-fr. 2 tavh-;49


1 u omits.2

$7omits. 3

^ reads **.&: ^t^tA": J&t,?".4

^?A , j8 read J&^A/ifr: ,omit. 5

^ reads ^AAjlFcnv; . h yAAjlfl:

a adds 'iftlfoo*:7

; reads ^X" *W: q &" $Q*&>*\ u fh^Pi 8i omits.


^. w, /3 read ChtoPa*: qt CMlF: u omits. 10a. |3-# read FAo-i**}; ^ STrfc


^ omits. 12 a-u. u omits. reads (D&lMbi 13wz reads fflRC'W: u omits.

14</>> read tyffi'. u omits. 15 u reads ^Tfcfll*: 16 ^. mt, bcdiloab read

A#CJ.:AWi-: ? A#Ck Am*F: a */ w A+Ct: "Hta ATHk *Ci: 17-*&, 1.

zb, /3-z'/fl,A!J8 All MSS. but g trans, before tDl*^". omits next three words.

19/ reads wZCrth: 20

a. reads ^JtA; 21c prefixes A.

Mqtuy $-inop.

g, otb read WC7: w ^0C7: z' ^C7: *07: 23 a omits next five words.

24 All MSS. omit but g.25

? reads fflH-A*:26 Emended from tDd&: ao&&\ = 6Pw

or opptjfia. The confusion of m> and <D is found a few words later. See note 29.27 All MSS. omit but g. m reads AUK-ft :


g reads tD0A; but see ver. 18

where tn>87i again occurs. 30g, ;3. ot / read ^ftlfffD*; ^ omit. After fftlfff^j

?, add "Hh-: w adds XAo>: 31 m adds APXTiiT: a).32g u, p-o. mql read

AA70^: omits. 33^w. ^/, |3 read RAft *?:

34/ reads itCt: u <D.

35z trans.


gq. Other MSS. hS^Rfa i, a omit next five words through hmt.37

g. mqt, /3 read Jfft : tttPOD",38 bd/i (in margin) x read A0&7:


$rreads ffldfr:

40 w readsot^-Ofr:41 ad 2 read ^.*T*T5Pai><


42gt, p.

mqu read a7CA.h-:43

q reads "HJi-: n". t "Hh-: (lKA; Ufa 44

^ reads

hoo; 45

g reads X^RAflffbC: wz lUilh; AX7RX: Since ^ gives a peculiar text

from this word to tt\blk\ and is unsupported by the rest I will give it here.

After XVlLh" it proceeds : Xtlav. -f^'dii A^A: fcmX: AaJ-Kt: tWh^: 46 See

lastnote. 47qiu,b definx a. g, op read IVl/iVh: z, a r ^ k I read ^^rh: 48 For

text of#- see note 45. e reads ([ahfrlri avftchfa H.49

m, biwx read X^Vh'F: 3 XA*:

xc. 17-21. roftvtu: m: 185

XVUh. 4 mVO:, 518. (D*CMbi Xflh:

3*avfth; -miPai*; 7 *KVHhi M?0: H

w'ivhi AX&: ftt: <n>rfc9

a>*Hft<n:10 Ay^-C; *ffltrtmt: y^eC; 11


ht-V^i <D*H-ftffD<:12 AOT^: 13 AW; w&<k\ u X^llibi 1 *

Aft70: wrhTav;asrCi *artist: fl,lF<n*:i

1G19. <d*C/LJk Xflh:

3 taMJft: AA170: AW:Oaj&; oajftfr: hdVO: ft: Jfrt-:

17 *A*ts 7^7: 1S*un>:

19$t2VJPffi*; <D 2ft


^Et; (D-'ht>VL;n (l^fr i$ft: K7^Aao\ 7fcm*:: 20. wCtLlhi 22 XAh: 3 ff*MC:

TrfrtR: fti^C: rhT-H: 23<Dfft<I; ft,lh

24 X7HA: AA70: <Dl/A; tH'ft :

25 tn^^t:-iMt: ffl*<L


26 Aa*X-F}; 27 aD5><fc<Kh28

A$M*ffD: &7VUi: AA70:: 21.

(D*&ah?a*>:-' X71LX: AWl-;30 A<lX: 31 g^ft^a*; 33 4,-Sff7<E.e'}:34 aJ^HH: hm>: 3

P^RTh; 35 k"ZU; 36 ky^iih-fl; M'77<2;

3 H$&r>; fcyf; "Hi*:33

hTft-fl*: KA:

1/ in full 9ipCF: <D*i2vk*fc


g reads AC/iX>

: htn>: ? hCKIMa^i (sic).

?<; ACA?1; Y\(JD\

3z; omits.

4/ prefix (D and omit D before See note 6.


q omits next six words through hmt. 6

g/u omit. 7/// trans. ? reads

miPcn*; J&ffoR-X:8

? /, /3. reads AAA70: z A7tUii a omits. 9 a e read

ffoftf":lu a reads 0fti);


^ reads arfaPT'R"; omits. </ omits next ten

words through hmt. 12 a-u. u, j3 omit. 13 a reads ftOV^?; H.14 ehikn l v

prefix <D.13

a. /3 reads X^il-:1G mq (save that ot inserts ft before JKhWa^4


d{y)-=tKa\vi\rtv eV airovs = Dnvj? HD31. The phrase is from Num. xvi. 33 where the

LXX renders eKaXv^/ev avrovt but the Greek translator of Enoch rendered literally

but ungrammatically as above. The same Greek rendering of the Hebrew phrase is

found on Ps. cvi. 1 7 eKoKv^fv eVl r^v (rvvayayrjv. y reads h^.i'Vi (\7:C'. fLfolFav4:

g \iVa*i ". /, $-dy read i*h^it: %' a correction of later times, ob \b&Y\ ".

# omits. Instead oifl!' ?nt read ft-". ll

gmq,aefhikPn. tu, xomit. bcdPopvyabread Xft*:

Mj/ omits. 19

ti prefixes (D.w u omits next four words. 21

/ omits.22

g omits. 23

q reads rfiTHt: t rhTUt; 24

g reads ^ftlfo^; 25Corrupt

for 1ihh.\2G

/ reads ^chP'ii 27^. m, (3 read ftX'7?!'?:

<7aJ-X*fc / fD-Xt:

?^ omits with next four words. 2S/ reads av^fh^ft", g, /3. m t read Ra>-'}:

^w RaJ-0: 7/^ omits next two words. 3

*V?- ;w A read AXViK 31a. /3 omits.

32, /3. / in full rt-ft^; m reads fflrt-flAI': ^ omits, u adds AO70: S3

ff? reads

M&(D\ 34

^ w u. q reads tpX^Pii 1 4,^^'ii p QAWm-fl: 35

^ m, IB.

qtu read ^.^Ji'fr;36

^ar, </ omit. 37g, I read A.

38 a-m. m, /3 read X^Vh-:39 Bracketed as a dittography. u omits. For \hi)i)h\ of g other MSS. read

H(^ om.).^; x omits A before JiJrfl: and 4^'ffP:40

^ omits. 41

^ reads


18G Otttfvhd:: yiffi* XC. 21-28.

AH-frm*:1 fre^Zlh:: 22. aJj&ftft": AUte -nXrt.:

1 HKcti&. nfcfc'W: 1


UJ-Xf: 53Jiyf: Ww 4

g5^^^: cDM&ftfr-:6 Vfrn*; 7 AXA*: gTftfTi XA:

tn>(j\a><\i9>aTi mvOi". 9 a?**"*.^; 10 *tA: AH"*: 1 *^H: *H*H*iJPefl*; Xtfi>TF::12

23. <d!>: H-fttn*: XA<V 3 *C/IJk a>$ai>;3

H-ftffi*;14 ke^U-:: 1

24. }&;

W: %&ao\ XyhTh-flt: 1a)th-iJ-;

15arti: ^T^I:

16 a?^4: m>if: iff*.:17 a> 18


a>nt: 0<HP; 19 a^frX: XAt; 20ffl^MJ-fl: <DyA-Xi 3 fiC^; 21 XAt:: ls

25. dWk 22

C'^Wl: 2*tftf}-:

25*<D*i~: ^TAf;


<Dta?-?.; Xai*rF: 26 *a>ArH: 27 "70^: 8

Xtfhs 29 26. <dCA.Ik *Aa>-X*F: ZH>: iitnV tC'fcD: *S70yi,ft:

30 h^lh 1

A^VXhA: y^-C: H*yft-0: XA+; 31DjL7R-XfPai*; AXMk *a70: frA"!!;



ittftn*:33 (DM**4

2T*f: fflta?^?.; a>nt*"H; 350<n>#:

36 XAt: ffla>0?-:

<D"HTfc 37 ^Oi^: 33 Ws A?"?*-: A"HJk 39ftt:: 27. (D^OuXiya*: AX&h-: 40

AO70: X^H: a>0<: aj'fiOfli^lriFtn*; ^a^O?-:;41

28. m&jn'JK hCA,; XAh:

1 omits. 2 a-. /3 reads H. u omits together with next word. 3 ^ omits.4

gqt. m reads X^VJ>: #, j3 omit. 5

az^k, /3. / in full frfl'H2: omits.

6 m t u, fi-h xb. g q, ho xp read jB.fl,ftffi>;7

^ read VAjPffp*; 8; 7;, /3. q t in

full A-A1


omits. 9

w?/. ^z/ read fiA70; |3 A070;10 u omits. <? reads VLfc

k YLfa " reads >AH^M: and omits next three words. 12 save that for

h\m"f reads mn\iy9>avi g reads #tA: XA": (Dhmav. m q "ka^YV: H (q omits)

SHHo^: / XyH; KhKHXiyw, 1St, d read KCbM; ( + (Dd).

u m t. q, p trans,

after $:". g u omit. 15 u omits next- four words. 16

g reads 2"PVi:17

z/ prefixes ob omit. 19 Emended from OffHE1


u,(B-be. a-mu,cread XAV: 3 Otn>.C: XAfc m u omit next four words. 21

g. Other MSS. 0<n>.C:22

^?. w, /3 read wXlMh: t XA*: W. 230. ^;^ read A-AX: and / h-tthi

both corruptions for A-fl1}; u omits. 24

a-t. t reads ?A^*: |8 S>

4a*.fl:25 0$ prefix <D.

26z' prefixes <D. u omits. 27

^. w^/ read (TH: u fl.

^ o>A1*: "Hh-:ffl

^ , (3-c. m reads ^yO^^t: ^ / ffD^y^t; c aViy ^;29

prefixes H.30

a-q, (3-bcfxa. q reads ^Oy ^: 3<?/^r /? X70yD^: 31, j8.

g reads S^^lr. XA^T: mq/ffrO; XAfc 320/ omit together with next three

words. 33 a *_/^ ^ w zc trans, after ^Thi: 3iq reads (Dili; u omits.


u omits. Other MSS. read Tift-:36 w /, fi-d!a. g, dla read OoHh q

tr709v4'iji omits, a adds 9:C\ H. 37

gtu, bed loxajb. m reads flTflT: q,afhikn(Dlih-: eh(D{h om.) CiMK Hh-: 3S

? reads 0007$: u omits.39 w adds XAt: H.

u reads CA.ll-: XA*: 41

g. , w, /3 read J&fl^l.: ^ / XfH; ja>-1.: ?/

xc. 28-32. rofivtu: yTtt: isr

tmfflT: 1 AUto ft*; 2 0A\: a^AajflXjPtn*: 3 A*Hftcn>; 4ftC7?^; 5

<z>HA-: AttiM-Y

a>7ft}-: Ao*X*F: ftt;

8 trnflum: 9 ^AA,lfr (Dh&BtiPi mwS&y. OS10<nll:n 0?"7i:

5^^-C:: 29. <0CA.iK *Xflh: AyR7i: X7R/i; JiO70;12

ftT: **KA: m?: 13

id^O-A: *Xyf: *HIk u *^^.: 15 0**HV 6 o*At; od*iI:17 +^<^t: 18


tnvflAAt: 19H-frff*; fiO^A KhY: rfi-SOV <dAV: rhfl: 21 <d8

0OJ&;22 Xy^^t:


X"H*: fia>0/i: <Dffftffi><:24

7*070: ^XhA:: 30. wChtoPa*: A*H*fttn>*:25

AO70: 26 XA: tC: 27 <0*ffA".28 X100; H29

0; 7&C\M a>*H"A: 31 *0P: A"7J&:

<d-4?: 32tDj&A7^: AXMm AO70: 23 tD*i


ntO<H>5P<n>: 33<Dje.Ay



OH-A-: #&:: 31. a^XJ^kO-: 35 *X^iK 3,iXA; ^A-flfr: 9A(D\r' ffl^lU:38

0X&?: [XA; "Mod-; 0<57-L;]39 X&fr: Way-XT .CftO:

41X*JH; tX-Wt.: AO^i.: 42

atfilOV**.;44 "yXhtftn*:


4i AO70t: 47 X10A: Wis" JHi:: 32. 0*fofK*


np. Dillmann proposed fnT: y reads m<DT: w 1*ATffi>: Other MSS.

m^Pi We should read (*9"9\ "' m adds 9a^: 3qtu read JifD-GXjP;

*y read JfA*:5

// omits next eight words. 6

g. m i, fi-ya read UlA*: q *l"ft-V:

_y/s "lilA*J7 n adds Jf*A": <? adds H'ft:

8 omits. 9

g t, $-dyp. ?n reads

:T(l\iD-JF'i q, a "fcrKDao; So dy save that they prefix W. w u reads AS. g adds

ft*: 0. "g reads rn>*il: // omits. n

a-u, aefhikn. be dlow xypp read

X7R& fiO" Xflh; fl-P11". So also u but that it omits Xfih:

13 - reads in nom.

//trans. 14

g, /3. mq tu read Xy. yg. Other MSS. $fiail&\ 16

q reads

H'Pa>'7 i17 cd/hikHoxy a b. a, abek ln read 00*1**;

18 reads ^^jE.;19

?// omits. 20/,

3 // v add a)i*ii /l: rti%J\\

21// reads /fi-SO*}; and omits next five

words. 22 d reads 0OJ&:23 g omits. 24 a m (save that g omits fD) and

acdikloab. m, befhnpv x read a/X7VLft; (save that / omits w). Seeing that

g??i, which are the chief representatives of the two readings, omit (D, it is possible

that Ki-f: hah'' Hlfao": (or X7lLfi;) JiO" ^KM; constitutes a single sentence. In

that case we should emend AO70: into AO70: and for "7X" read X^X" and take

X*H*{ . . . X^yXh'l: together = e' tjs. Then we should have ' from which He had

sent forth all the sheep.'25 //omits.

26 /omits. 27 u omits next seven words.28 a-u. (S reads ittFaD4


29 n reads X*}"1":30

e omits next three words. 31 a-u.

$-e read H'ifa^-.32 g reads a)m:&. u cD^iD&^\ 33

g reads i'AtO^^:34

ml, 0. gqu omit. 35

qtu, p. g reads X9J>*Hh-\ m h^lblPa*: 36

;//, /3.

y / write in full XVft-: ivAA'F: // reads g. g omits. 37g. Other MSS. RW:

// trans. R" before XA: 38^ reads A^Hi.:

39 Bracketed as an explanatory gloss.

qu omit. 41

?//,^/^ read ^0,0: 42

/3. /// reads ZOChL: ghOCV: q WC?:t A0C7: u omits. 43

// reads mffifld:44 / omits.

45// reads ^XhA:

a-u. u reads X&J1-: /3 AX&fH "7 ^ y /. m reads O70it': //, /3 A0704^ m adds "HH-ft-: q t "H.




188 avftthi: yTtt: xc. 32-38.

XH70: Y*U H'ftm*; RW; toR^; aTilFffi*: *0a?: a/JR-rli::1

33. fflfffr-m*:

XA: 2 1vh7"A: <0*tHCH4-:3 FA-: 4 **<+; 7yD


5(Djfft-: flOf^! ft^jE.; t^-dfr:

ft^X*?: ftiT; <0Xm*<n: A*ft70: t^^rh: *0a?: $/w'i:!r

Xft<n>:8 Jik H*ftffi*:

-i}; 9<D*7-flk;

10 *a*At: fl/F::11

34. mCh\b\ XMi: 4fifth-fliP: A*a*X1V A<k 12

H*taMJ(l'.18 AAa70: 14

(DhV-CfoP: *a*nt: ftt;15 <D*ft: 1G *tevl7$&av i 7R.:

AXmX: wli-tra*: M70; 4 tRaMh 8ftaj-Xf: ft*: aJ^^7m>Ctn>:: 19 35. a^AOje/J

tlfa^: AKAa^: th^t; 21*a>.Ci.R-4-: ip: 4 (DFH&^&fi.: MiiV ft^Xhrt-ff*;: 24

36. mCMb; \iao\ M; a>X*F: ftt; Oft?: flJCifts25 cd^A-X; 26 <J.^^:: 37.

oCAli-s htn>: t<0&.: g27/iU*i RW: a^AfcCTfcU-s OftJ&t:29 a>*JMh 30 ftMBts

*lfir>i cD*frA-;31 *fiOP: AW: 32 >LCV9\ *a?.Pntft'i>

1-OfP: ftH-ft-:



38. fflC^ln Xflh: tfflAm: 34*H-A-; KH^fLXPa*.* atofc tttrari *h&Vf*t; R<}: 35

0,36^^^.37 *ji} ; ffyXhft ^: tf7C; 38<d*(D-X*F: J7C;

414s fiCB; Oft?:


1. Other MSS. read Oaj&: a/jR.rh; zz omits next three words. 2

g- omits.3

/ reads +HCHY: 4zz omits.


op read ^^'Et:6 b reads O-Al*; 7

?/trans, u omits ^/"'*i;

8 m reads Xfth;9

/ reads "i<J"}:10

^ reads 7i7afr:11

^, $-iko. a-g read Afl/F; z/1,/3 a*ft'fr ft*; (/adding oj-X'F; above the line).

o (D-X'fi ft1*:12

_/ omits.13 h reads 1M1UA: 14

zz omits next seven words.15

g. /3 reads a*ft+; ft*: m flft*F: ? / Aft*fc u omits. 16", ft m t read rh+ffi>:

^ $-f(JD". u omits. 17n-?,r. u, /3 omit. 18

\ /, h n read fJAa*; All other

MSS. tOfrm*: 19 w /, 0. ^ reads "Sy^Ca*: q "SI^Cw. u omits.

20 h reads fflk;21

a. (3 reads th^^; 22 adds XyklFtn*: 23 w reads H.24

zzz reads ^O". P omits. 2502 adds h<n>j JiJ; Clft: a reads toCrHii

2G So

all MSS. except u, Iv. I v read yft*^; zz omits. 27<?/"/$

omit, /erases.2S

zz omits.

29zzz/zz read 90^*s Oa: a-q,efhn. q, j; read H'ft : abcdikloap


iX be read H"ftcn>; ^ omits. 32?z reads ^iOT^;

33^ ?<; omit. 34

7/;. reads

faDAfTh 3d/, ?;. ^ trans. w ^ z; read A^Uy ^": RW: abcdchiklxa

hlW^'t: MA(D: fob '^'i ?A2;(D\ 36^, /3. a-^ omit. 37 c reads ^^:

38 a-u. a, and fl'z'/v'zz save that the latter add ft before ^X" and for }7C: read ild.;

u supports text but that it omits VIC: b c dlo xab read ft<7YXhft<n>*: Ms ML\ efh v

M; I7<J: ft^YX". J7C: is to be regarded as a misrendering of pr^i which the translator

took to be pr)na but which was a transliteration of the Hebrew D^"]. Goldschmidt

(p. 91) holds that H^D was the original word and that this was afterwards corrupted

into n??p meaning'

word.' But this would make the text absurd.39

q t read OajE.;

xc 3 8 xci.3. avftfhd.: yrn: 189

*<DJSn: Ytfravi ft^Uyt:: 5 39. fflfij;6 AJWIJk 7

"YtaiffffD*: fflWUft-;8


K-ft:: 40. WiMPi 10aJ-X*F: d-X^:

11 K"iH;ia XAtWl: 13

cDfcHJJi-:14 airhHl?:

AXmfi: 8\fc <Dft"F: <0U-(lft: A-flrht:: 41. a^ft^jfcU-:16

nhj&h-: *0A.?:


atfl-flO?; /Lfrn>: XAh: 18 k&y^iK 1*97^t: 1J AA: X&/L; 20 kfcr 1 mC&\

A: "Hh-: H*CfiJKn XAm>; frA: 23 ^oofta; <D24.fctRi7V5 <0H-A: AA: *iPA;

^fld; 26A-flX; tCX?; A.*:: 42. AXt: 27 A>A/fr

5 tHhChiP; 28 Arh^; 29

#"?; coAXTtfil*; 30 Ah,ft: cotOfflh-;31 Xtlav; CMh\ a*Xt: X?:i

XCI. ffljE-Xai: a)^^?: "^FAA; fta>-0; A.+: ffft :



ffiSfJt^-nK: A/T: tfA: <&#: k7h; 32

XAtn>; J&: &a><0Li

wav^Lh'. thOfflt:33 IDA,?: 34

hm>; XC^ftff^: 35 H*A; 5H.A87&*iffT*: Xnh: 5 A^A^ ::

2. (D*'k9oV0".ifrl; "WIA: a>fta*/>tfi>:

36AH-ft-a^; *2<Elfr

37*Jft!>: aJ^At^fl^ff^;


A*A'H ff7^: Rfifr::39

3. wf^lCa^i AH-ft ^; 5*a>-A\e: f$\fc 40


Ai^Ch **#: Z?h; 41 frAV2ild: hOriia^i


, 0-y$. eh read (la><ft1*: ;;/., z> read 0>A1": qtu (\.*g. m reads

fifcClt: AM*; RA^7t: ? "CJ+:; RA^t: /* 'Clt: ("CVft ) JO*:RA-^t: /3 "CVf: O&f^i W%(LmIi


^ reads ffu.P'Hfo4 We should expect

Jlthlhi here as Beer first pointed out.5

omits.6 u reads cDftlA:


n adds

yAAilFff1^:8 u omits next nine words. 9 w omits.


^ reads WH\h'.11

zzz reads (D&&&; fb omit. 12/3. reads a?. #217/ omit.


mq,fi. -/read


? trans, after K&<Pi 15</ omits.

16/ reads \T"b\fa^\ u K7h (sic).

17g, abcdelo x ab. m q t,fh ikn trans, u omits fl*i?;

18 reads a).19

^ reads


x''t: mqt omit next two words. tt next seven words. 20

, /3. mqtuomit.

- adds XAff: 21". m reads XA: </

/ AA; /3-;z omit. ;z reads KlHi22_/ reads UKdoh.'. omits. 23

17,1? omit. -4 reads H.


q t u read ^L".26 reads 7V(\^: A. /z .WK-: 27

a-W, adfiklnopy a p. bcex Wd^Ktih a)kt\ 2S u prefixes <0. r reads tHhChV; 29

a. ^ reads A/ih^V^1*?:

30^ reads Ahl*tAlF(n><

: u omits.31 a e ha read wtVa^-lbi u omits next four words.


g reads &<k4". X^h: fD^At" A.t; fi^h: ?;/,/// omit A.t; in this clause, and

u omits A.+; ittf:33^ / /. q u, $ read -tiltta);

34 ^^ ?/. w /, /3 read AA0A>?;35

ra reads ftCXjE-hoi^;3G

;^ omits next three words. 37g?n/ add (D^fD-Pao*

38;; reads AAtP-d^o^: "

? reads ft'H'7?^!)':

40gq,J'A mu read *^*

/ a*A&: 8-^*; &-ehny/zp oj-A-^: -^*; ^ Aa>-A^: fr^-*: 72 a^A-^; 8\*a R'^r*; 41

a. /3 reads ^'64'?;42 w reads tthtiav. u omits.

190 roflvtu: yfft: xci.3-7.

fflAfryfc: ACtO; 1



fi<pfrCP:5 ACtO: w*(\t: 7


4. tD^'foA-; 9 10; CtO; AhtXk; Ml; 10

[<DA/r-*A4: i^AA: XA: Afc&k; A-fl:]11

ftli r*4*:12 A8\fc 13 ^4*?; 14

5. Xhav. hhsr>C.19 hm>: JE.R10: ME; 21 7$0; 22 AA; 23 y\-C;

iD^&Wi" *aD^v3^i oa; 25A; y^C:

a^^fti^: 26 *IMs 9<n>q: 27



<DH-A: ttrt*. ?;WV<?::

6. ffl^t^y : *iOA;30

Scnxi: art***,** :

31A; y\C: 32

cD*ttA'J'H: H-A-:33 7-Ad: ^ffo^: a>

347<?0: atfAA: *iOAt::


7. D*&<n>i.:3G t&Ufr: ^rtifrfr Wiaoq.' wXC&rV: a>70; 30 (FH-te t7AC: 59

1/ reads ACFO: omits next seven words. 2

g, ft. m q t omit. 3 reads

*fty0: q AAi^O: 4 a-. /3 reads $4?^?: 5?/z reads h$&CP\ (iWVcih

q hG$CP:6m, h read A. 7

gtu, ft. w^ read A*F:8 a-m. m, ft read rM-:

9 reads ^^A": e tydQri10

c reads 2VA*:n Bracketed as an interpolation

(in Greek or in original Hebrew ?). g u omit through hmt. (?) Found in all other

MSS. li a-m. m, /2

ft read dh^i 13

a-g, ft-n (but / trans, after .e<fe$?:).

g reads AC^'O: n AR\$?: 14

a-g, ft-ny. g reads fflAftvS'fc ny omit. omits

next five words. 1S h reads fcJDfhCfcffl*: or H'aoCrhi.: uqt, ft-lab. g reads

<DAV<ET: w, ^ A*?*}?*: la A<iW: 17 ^ reads "it: 7 -4*1: / "iCt:18

q reads .P-haMhcri*; w^hahl: Ahem*; 19

^ reads hK7G: 20? reads ^JttO:


g reads U<VBU: 22q reads 7f0: / 7-AC; 23

g. Other MSS. A:24

g m.

q^i&y : tii^L&F*'. ftPXAJkr*'.23 gq put in ace. u reads 00^: w adds

fl*F: omits next five words. gm,ft-nop. q reads ^8,^D : tu^LKF ;

11 op &&<?. This word may be an interpolation. In that case omit the (D before

WT. 27^, -0. w, read H*A: 9rn>i: i Itft; q oD^iP^t: frrV:

28^, ft.

mqtu read X?Ju& (Ryi (whP'&'EY: u) tt7". 29<? reads wh.. 30 a omits.


gQ> Z3 - w/read cd^"^". omits.

32 u omits next four words. S3in, ft-adin.

g reads ^XH"H: H"A: ^/ tX-i"H; H-ft: a din ttAITi: H-1: 34/3 adds 7-A&

36^, /3. m reads tDiiO-A^: y / A*iDA1*: (^s /). omits. Just before this word

^inserts XCVIIb-CVIII. 10 and then g resumes with *10A1":36

gq, ft. m reads

k^iO". t ^"H; u omits. 37 a-u. u reads ^fttAt: /3 ^aD^; w*>". 38o-^.

^, /3 read a).39

a. /3 reads V-ttC: /> omits next word.

xci. 7-12. trotfvtu: y?Fi: 191

.3a)*tMJfr:' Oha)^: AAA: 2 wClth:

cD4<n>$iP<p-V: Oa^: 5 *J&tia*V XyA^.e: 7 A: XA-: 3 K-fta^;


m 9 wdX\ X7RX: 10 fc&A; 11 A ,2tn><}t: am^ffofciP*?*;


hffo; J&?nC:14

frfi: A; y\C::

8. AX^TF; tn><P02V: **7H*; 15 7$0i *Xi/Di: ^<E7: 16

aj^ffoq. *^a(\: ^^ft-t: 18 fcy^rht: AW::9. *(D\tCt\ ^(DV-tt: ^AA: hrhH<l\*

fD-^l'hl.&v 1 AXAt; *L\: 22

aPfaVkpao'v* hsrttfci y.C:

<D,trh7'A-; 27 AcroO*;23 at*ontas ^^: 30

X"it: A^Ai70 ::

10. gdjW/X; *$>: 31 X^TPffi*: 32

aj^tt'VX: TA-A: (D^^wV-a: fttnv !:

11. [a^Xi^l*;3J&tVHff^:

35 a^^aJ: 36<}<n>q: <d2TY}: ,Ctrfi7A; AA<?: *X7U

R-4^4-1:37 J&t7H<n* ; (1HA-; tn>*iV a>*XA: 33 (hh>p A7<?0:

40<d*XA: J&7-ACP;


(iKC&JY: J&rrh7-A:42


12. <dX7i\"WH: 43thtJ**}: *i2vXt:

*Ai^rh A1A*: 44 Xlt: K\fc:

1 breads 1*UV$; 2 gu omit. 3 omits. *a, dob. Other MSS. omit.


gq, (3. tn t read OAjE.; omits. 6ttc q t read ^ha**}; jE-ffOfrX:

7 "

omits.fe a adds cDJ&fDR-X; X7RX: $&A; Am>0t: cDffD^iPi?^; 0AJ&: ,eha>-1; X^A47?^:A: XA*: K-ft'OD':

9ra q t omit. 10

o omits. " u omits. adds 0: 9*S:C\12

; reads A.13

? reads a?A. aefhklo a b CO. u omits. H^ reads

^7nC; 15o b read ^TH?"; ]6

gqt, bcdiloxab. m reads X^i: fi^<Ey:a omits, a efh knviv read X7D^<J''E7; x "' S 1 omit, and possibly rightly.

All MSS. but -? add hJ"6cD: K u omits. All MSS. but gq add here

W{u, b cfhp omit) ^trft7A*:

19 reads A.20 ^, o,J. Other MSS. omit. 21 m t, 0.

g q read aH'hL&\ 22 u omits next three words. ffl

^ omits. M reads PfD0OjP:25 reads JE.^7^^: f P-^'lUaQ


26 omits next four words through hmt.27 g reads w'*Vfri'. (sic).

2Sz' reads Xctp 1}^:

2s a omits. 30

^ reads *JjBA:31

ra reads %&ty\ **gmq, x. tu,fi-x read K^TT '.

33 w? omit.34

g omits. This verse is bracketed as an interpolation.35

q tu, ft-o. gm, o read

jE.^7HyB. mtu,$. g reads X^VCw. q hP'CW'. (sic).37 a-u. vomits

with next word. /3 reads XT"^*-**: 3S<?>$z; read XAX: 39

q reads -i&9>;

Uyajbfri&P; n fiM-ttCV;4U

^ reads A7f0: ^ omits.41

,omit. i2


m q read ffl^'rh". ^ (DtrftT^A-: ^ ^'4'tA':43 reads wh^li: 44

\ Thesame order is found in q t but for t\7" q reads Affo"}^"; and / tUF'l/t: m reads

Ay ^*: only and AIA^': only. /3 reads A1AV; Ayi^:

192 ofcflvtu: vrvi: xci. 12-16.

coj&frmMI: At: A<P: htn>: J&tVftC:1 Hii; R\fc 2 *ky2iA: jE-7^0*:


13. ftt^S ^; 5 ^mC&; frfLPt:6 ^B"^*: RfilFai*:

.etlJR-: *ftt: W: 7 0a.: (TA-flrfit: XAh: A^Ai^::

14. <DXy\"}<rH: ftAlftt: ;J*A0;9 at; m%\ 8\$>; tthiPt; 10 AHA: "JAi^:


wYtfr: *7a<5:12 dtlM; mQX: K^Za ltfc;

u VAC:a^Kvh*?; 15 A*rh7-A: 'JAi^:


(Ditto: (1-aX:17 IRWS A*<?<rPt:

19 C^O:: 20

15. wtev&'Stflh* 1

ftAlftt; ^Ct: g22X.: 23 at; JHi: XTt: A^AT11


[(D^ldCi K^Wi: bPH&x HA'JAy:]


Oft..:17 H25

je.tft*A:26 X^VXhft ^;-' AffDAMrh: 23

16. a^tl^fi: ^.W^: 30 a>0X:31


tDA"7^.; **&: .M*<;*:

tDK-A-: 2A; 32 A"7^t: 33JPftCI>;

34 A-AW 7 ^ftOat:: 35



^ reads /^fflU-fl: ^^ftC: 2^, d. The phrase recurs in ver. 14. Other

MSS. read wRJEty: 3g reads XA: &iq*to9>a*\ u omits. 4

^ reads frn>mai.:5

a-^, adikloy save that /reads A for ft.17, bcefhnx prefix ffi.

fi u omits

with next two words, e trans, after YLhlPar*",7g. Other MSS. fl,^: KYhP':

gm. oyfi omit. Other MSS. read A.9

g, ft- mqtu read ^A0^1 ,0 -


^"h^A; (sic).?^ reads oj^^Siuj^; u omits next ten words. 12

g omits.13

q reads Xi^'ift;14

w, e//z omit.15

g q. t reads ffrfc: Other MSS.

ftrh<: 1G

^, vjb. t reads AfT^: A9A7D : Af"PA: a^Ai^: jy K"A; 9A^:U"KV: w 7, ft-n oy th"h&; i&9"\ I7 u omits. 18 ^ reads %RC: k filfcCl19

# q. m reads ^iTt: / $t<Dt: /3-/ $?t: //z ^: u omits.20

? reads

$: fh CtOt: 21

^w, kn. mqt, (3-kn read TITF; 22u, 13. q in full

AflO^T: s% reads (Dz. / A'ft'M*; omits. 23

q tit, ad hikoab. gm,bceflnxread K&i 24


,i. So almost atf^'' tWYFTk; HA^JE.; fflA'JAtxD: This

clause appears in t\ ab c defhklo xy ap as aflftl" X^'Wi; ("i: tl

) wtl^J^:

(cdMF13: a) HA^Ay

11: This clause was lost in a-t through hmt. or, as taken above,

it is a gloss on the next line.25 be omit. 26 m it. g t, ft-y read Jfift^A.: which

is probably a corruption of ^ft^'^V; (= punivit) which is found in q. bey read

ftl?0: (sic).27 / reads XF^lttfa^i 11 omits. 2S

g, (3. ?n q /read ffDAMrfc

11 omits. 29

q omits. 30 u reads W^ffr 31<5 jv read jE-tro^'X: c a)>ao'\

32a. /3 reads ^J&At:

33?, aehkn read A17?^: 34

^ reads (D^aCO", q (\".

it fftCV: m q t, p-a h k add A^Ay : against g it, a h k.35 m t, ob read oofcOfLT:

xci. 17-XC11.3. rotfviu: ^TFi: 193

17. (D\9vgsa\\ rtin^t: -AH^t: fcA: fi&OV >&'fe: A^Ai70 :


A*i4t;5 a)&%&$\ \\a><U

w^aih^l". &sn>W'. ?LttAtf&; 7 XAh: A 4


18. <Bj&hILt; XflA&ai*; ,C<B>?;S whCKiiiao". <P?TT:

10 JWV'h wWFVi" 7<?0i:

ffl^CMhff^! 12*iOA;

rh<n>: ^j^: HfravRKi: 19. iiXM: Ai^lM.;


<$?: <Du<**W bA<??<Pt:

u R\fo cdA.**^*.; 17 A^CTt; 137^0: JiflffD:

19 *rh7A-:A'toi^: ffAff^;- hA; ?rfia*4<: A*?Tt; 21


XCII. Htftvfo; ti9WXi\ m>8vh;-2

[*rh; Xlh: Sfffh:23 HJfA: 21 VX^Ct; 25

TQfl; fc^ffA-: A-Afc: AAvh; tD2CaDft1f: hvA: y.C;] AHAai*; oj.A%C?: *XA:

?^^4. : *fi : MA: 27

wa^ay-hfr. S&CSTW* XA: 7414*: C^O: a)AAcn>::

2. S-tAHl: 30 <n>lA*in*: a*fiTF7l: 81

hAffo; ctdtOA; a?UA: qp&A: 32wfMLfii



3. GJ^tJu/h: *5L$: h7D'iTF i

JBtWJi: 34 cd?^^: AWt: 35 8\$:

a)SA: <?S"F: a^ytfiT^: 30 A14t; 37 D*A3q /U&; HA9AJ7"::


??/, $-bc dloypfi. m t, be dloypfi read fi&Pai*:2

gq. m, $-hk read

^^4^: t,hk-^h&\ }&*: (sic).3

/ ? / read A.4

g. Other MSS. omit.5

^ reads (Vi^'Xiao*:6

?/ omits. 7q, fi read JE.*1*A0V: For preceding two words

fireads (DAW?: 8

c * trans, before XflAfocn*:9

\ Other MSS. KC".

u omits. adds H"ft:10

/, a read ^iTt: ?T: "m, a read ^TiTT:

12m, 0. ^/read hCh&Yh\iav,

i u omits. 13

^/z;. ot repeats thrice inserting (D

before the third. reads A^O*: g" omits.14 omits.

15a-t. t,

read rh4:16

tf-w, 0-3 <r ixpfi. m, fi read ^Ti*: <5 c ixa ?T1": I7q u. vi t, read ^rthte

13a-m, p-bcZxpfi. m, Ipfi read TP1*;^WI*:

" reads <0.20^ pre-

fixes W. e omits U'tFav, h before C\.i&9\ 21

gq. mtu read ^^T:??t: 22

g. Other MSS. omit. 23

g. Other MSS. except a read merelyRrfi&: For rf)&; a reads Rrh: The following words require a verb.

24 a-t.

t reads HHA": 0^ *Wfr(t\ y HA*: 23

^ adds W^hfC'l". 26^ w omit.

27g. Other MSS. except u, e read ^A; 7:C\ U, e omit.

2Si omits.

29a, a e/h ik ofi $&Tii bcdlv xyp read gZ/Aahf}-. a)h..

30tu. g, h read

(+ (Dh)hh'ihWi\ mq,p-h ^Wli "a-^, 0-a. ^ reads ft'

7?!: a omits.32

0,3 prefix A. 33^^, ^ /a. mi, $-elp read OA.^.; ?^ omits.

34qiu (save

that u omits je.fa"), /3 (save that i adds <0 before PY\"). g reads merely TA-fl;

(cf. xci. io). m K&<P\ h^lTcro4; &Y\VI\\ u omits next three words. 35


g omits, m reads A^lTt; /3 A^ffl*:36

g. Other MSS. 7ctiV&0".vi reads HA^^: Other MSS. HAl^'V: 3S

^, /3. w^/ omit.

C c


194 croflviu: ynn: xcn. 4 xcm. 4 .

4. ^/Ofto; 1 A3-fc 2 wtrW J&lMl: CtO: HAgAyV<d1M1: ^<ni: coj&Ikd-I:

5A*i4t: cDAB\fc


?rh(D-4-:7 AMICF}: HA'JAyD ::

5. w^aih^i WX&aDfc ttfh-hh: *XAh: A'My :10

a^MTHja: 11 Xlh: Xi^j&Xt: OAt; XAh: A^Ay"::

XCIII. wXyAWH. 12 f*wV(lli Jf?^:13




2. tD^ifl,; jfffft; nXlt: a*A\e: 8\-fc 15 amXIt: ^4-i**: 'JAy : wdXtti tilA:

CtO; 16

X^lf: XflAha^; cDhl&Otiav". 17 A<kH: Mi a>-X1V 3 WXi\

AH; *fiAl*Cfi?L: Xi^X?: AW; 19

a^XWA; 20 $&A1: <n>AX*rfr in aXcn>Cft:

oXy*; 21 R$R: A*7^: AAa>4i:: 22

3. atf-JH: *X"ih: J&WC: 2?fc:23

XtTDSAtpt; a>je.fl>:


A-flO:25 ta>A.lK n2"**"*.*: AlAt; 22

XAh: har>\ UH: wK&fa fJ7iP:: 27

4. m*'l>ahsrv i-* Xy\"J<S>?: QH&Xti 29 AlAt; *0fL: Xh: 30

<D7-/foA-t: A&Ati 31

At: ^ho-V2 *$%atL:Y; ^"Z; 33

^to. Other MSS. v>Vlt>; (or "7ft;).2/,/3. gq read rtJWtfc to A'JAy :

A5!^"^:3 reads <Df*F: c omits. 4 a omits next five words. 5

/ reads

tD&fyTii q adds ACtO: a).6

o/ omit. 7? Other MSS. read Mmd-G

8a. omits. 9

Kj h read ff>.10

?<: omits. "q reads jB.^fi.fc

u reads jE^fi?-: i ^HYS?*: u omits next three words. 12 u reads CDXyD'H13 gqu save that ? inserts *H before Jf?*!: w reads 2?Sii: W; /, M: 2^*1

What the true text behind gdUAL: is I cannot discover.14

g. reads WhlHmqtu omit. adds %*?ti:

Vo u omits next three words. I6a-q. q reads

ft\$: (conflate) 8\fc wC^Oi 17gq, 0. */ read h%0lh\l(n>".

13 w omits. 19 u reads TiCftfi.: AA^JEI; 20q reads XA: 21 m q. g reads

X^f 5 / u, oXy :22 a omits next five words. 23

, fi-afh k n. viqt read

Xlh: &r*nC\ a//5 read 2f?*i: ,EW Xlh: So also n save that it adds X*iH:

before PX'S". u m q omit. 25 m reads flA-flO: q A*flO: h omits. 262' omits.

27# reads 1*W; Xlh; <D&a?:\\ 28

a. ^"fffl-r: 29

/reads A*i&X: *1&X:J7'. ?/read 0a,: XhJ&: 0O.: Xtit; 31

* reads At'-At: <0A#2V:32

reads <pa>'7: mq. /, ^ trans., 0/ reading ^"2: H+^flU*; ^ reads

xciii.4-8. troftvtu: WW: 195

fflVCOt: jB.t7flC;4 A;W::

5. a>\r>&'htf\\ n*u/^nt; 5rtint; ntwz;h

JEI^^J&i flXrt.: AthA: HI*.; 8\fc

*a>tfc7,\'*&U: a)0A: AtiiA: 8\fc A^AffD; <JAy:: 6

6. w*'&r>&'i,aw n ^(iot: rtint: 8 n9t<Ps"2^;

a^atfy 3A**a*2v.C: 13 ta>-2v.: cdOR^: J&t7AC: 14


7. cofty.C'te'H: (T^ft: AlAt; 13 (ltWZ:ftfit: A-flrfrfr ffD^^t: J^^iifr; 16

fcAh: 17 A^A^D ::1S

8. a^iM^H; 19 AA^-fit: 20 AM*: XA: 21lia>*: a>A*;h SMHtfi* H-ftW

ffl^t^/O; &0<n*; Afrft<n>v 4 fc^TA-fl: 25


1 u reads JEAU$; 2

g, P-c. to ^ / read fty.^"^: u a), c omits.

mqf,p. g reads IvLRtn*: omits. 4

?, . Since m u read ^C(tf"; jm\C: (sic)

I take it that the J2-1-QC'. is a corruption of JE.*7AC; as it is again in ver. 6 in q only.

See note n below. The passive and intransitive verbs in this and the next verse

point to J&^AC: and the recurrence in ver. 6 of the actual phrase in our text. /, P-nemend the text wrongly into JuC0'ti ^1'ttCi

b m q read "l&tli6 mqt save

that q reads "A'h&H for "A'hioH". u, (3 agree with the above save that u, P omit

*}Aff>; and p reads jcn>$tX; for J&ajfiX: A. g omits first four words through hmt.

and for AT Y reads HA^A^11; I have obelized K?13^" (D" AthA: It =


avrbv ycvr]cr(Tat to <J)vt6v. This gives no intelligible sense. The corruption, I take

it, lies in fitT avTou. This = V*"l!"lK which is probably corrupt for imnx ='his

posterity.'7q reads h^lli 8

g trans, q reads <MlO; AM*: to omits

AM*: 9to reads a?. / <Drt.

10 m q, p. So also u but that it omits

cdS^". ^ reads <Z.K?: $&? <D?t&. t 0^*; fr&At; <D%&9*\\ "-, A. w?,

->$ read verb in plural. / reads hh'Ch&\ 12

^, op read cdACOI*: omits.13

e omits. 14^ reads frl-RC: See note 4 above. 15 a-u. u reads ^yft'V;

AT'. |S reads AT' ^A: 16/2 reads **rh '.

17 omits. 186? reads A^Aff:

^A7: 19

^ u, p. vi q read Ht: / TOT: 20a-^, dehiln 0. q, b cfk x t


read A^"A: So also ay and trans, after AT'.21 n omits. 22

m, en. qt u, P-e n

read JtA'AI:23

rf reads CDH-tva^i24 omits, to adds a) before AH-ft ^:

25 = da-e^o-ovaiv mptilai iravroav dnb rijs aortas HC3nD D^3 2lb J?B>1\ Cf. Ps. xviii. 2 2

t)o-el3T)o-a otto roO ^eo5 jnou= S^ND Tiy^l. That ^AO; is the rendering of do-^dv follows

from x. 20 and v. 8; civ. 9. Moreover the parallel of blindness (8"/ 1};) and godless-

ness of heart which appears in our text recurs in xcix. 8.

196 otttfviu:xi?W: XCHI.8-L2.

wMlSWZ?? a><i.:4

fl>+: <n>"l7^h 5 ftXAt:

coat; Hda>-; 6 H-Av Hm>: */"Ca>.; -i^:: 8

9. fflXy^'i^'Hi ITfl-nO*: ftiat: ttiA: ta*/\": OAt; 10

<D*-mM: u S^Vfl^tY: 12

wftfci Toyd&tYi O^fflt:; 13

10. <D 14flt?5'

7E^; 13 t:W: 16 MWI: S^V 7 Xy>**iA: %$; 1S HA'JAi? :

&A: 19J&ttDO-fi: fro*'. *A-fl<FF: ffDfcOa+t: 20 ti^tJCt; AHA-: ^T^t: 21


11. [>Atn>:22 tn>k (dX-V: Itfci

3 *a>-fc; A-flh:24 Hfc&: A^O: ^ft :

25 A$&A:

wtL^Umfr. waou H*i&; 2c hm>;- 7 ?rfi&: 'iA/TS*: fflffD}.: H 27,*i2V: ift-CI*:



i^Ad: 20 AW:: 3012. ffl*^

D1t: o*X*fc 31 Hi)/X; 32 ifrC*: 33 AW: cd*(td}.;34

a*X*fc H*i2V: hh?Ci 3b7-fl^: AW: Juid; ^CA^: 3G

i<PA:37 a>*Xav Mi

ffol^A: 40fDj&ii^V:

22 }Z& 41cd*Xod; Ah: 42



ffft;45 Mi^lFa^:

1o reads Ht: 2

q reads ,<JC7s3

b x read ""^P: 4

q reads 1^:

o/ omit next five words. 5z/z prefixes (D. e reads ao^Cn: 6

gmt, fi-befklnx.

q it, bcfklnx read J&H^OT.: 7^ reads H"AffP*; # omits.

8g, P- q reads ACfl>:

*}&; z^ reads *}jE.&; only. ;;/ / P'Ca)'. $&&'.9

a-y, /z o A'/. ^, fi-h n o x b

read A-flO:10

? ?/, /3. g m omit. / reads O^fD-t; u, /3. a-g- read ftH^'.


<?/z omit next two words through hmt. zz omits next three words. 13mqt, $~e.

g, e read O&CD^: 14 m q t omit. 13

^ appends Z to this word. 1Ga-m, a(c)fh ik n.

m reads ^V^)t^\ b I op xy p. b J&tOiP?-: dy "Aj&j17q,abefhikx. Cf.I.i Greek

version. So also / ^.H; *{.$>: ^ dloypp read *J4.H: SWrfc zzz S^fr: u *t?r$ni\

and omits next three words. en read 'i-Wl: <D^^"^>1:

13/ reads S*.^;

39 u reads D.20 m i, cdt'ob save that /reads ^il" not ffoft" and c dio %. g reads

'''it: tn>hOat:<p,

a */A * f xp. read g ^ftOati*: zz % yfoOftT. 21zzz /, (3.

g q read T<51*:22 u omits. 23

zz omits, a reads AH'A*: The text seems to

require hS^ before Jf'A*: or else an omission of K'A*: OJ-A*^: A*flX:24

g, /3-zz. z;z(p


read a><A\C: (ffl/X^: </ u) flhA: zz omits. 25u, ey read ^A*:

26it, d omit next

five words through hmt. 27g omits. 2S

a. /3 reads YfrCJ". a more usual con-

struction, q omits next seven words through hmt. wt reads 7V(\6^)l'.

30z;z, <//

read ip?^: i- reads u1?^: A^VJE-:31

zz reads o}.: 32u, $ omit next five words

through hmt. !3t reads tih^G^l 34

zzz q t read ^liTj S3

q reads hX^CTl36

(3-o. a-/ read ^C&; / &&: <?/ JE-CS?-:37^zzz^/3a^. t,

ac dcfhiklnoapread i^A; zz }^?A:

3S^ omits. 3y

</reads "VMlA: c? omits next five words through

hmt. i0iri t

it,b xy. g q read ffol^A: $-by avniL(\\ 41

/, &-o. g m q read

7a<S: o reads iCl\ u omits.42

q reads ^XhA: 43 reads 9C7: 44

^ reads


zz omits next four words.

xcm. i2 xciv. 4 . <n>ftvfu: yftt: 197

<D^rh,Arff^; a)*Xcn>: hW 1<IC:- h<W<n*:: 13. co*ar>U 3 a*VF: K"A: 4flKrt.:

H*iV: hh^C-t. b *&: a*fctV rf.'M;7ffl^; ([F:C; w([avu TCJtf: fly "!*:


K^ffiH:: 14. *a)\ao: (rfc HA-: flfcrt.:aHJ&&2V: AXyCt: 6

l#: AA'W; fcC;

a*X1V 2V0&V7; a^A: ylt; R*iOt;10 fflffloumV 1

*fA*ai>*; A12hT*mt: a> l3A*,e.1r:

.fOCf: 14Jfftffi*;



XCIV. wflXtiik XtfAftm*; 15 <&?; KG&CV: AR\fc a>At: <M.:16

Xflax); ^9Tt: 17 R\fc *.e.CA; ajj&tajhi 18

ffl^Ttj 1' ^l: ?m-f;13 ^trhT-A: 20


2. toAA-AX: Xtn*V2 fcyta*^: Jfcthu**:23




cD.eC'Vfc:25 h^lVa**:

whs' ?&(&?cn>* u 27

3. wXlhl: Aftm*; 6Jtfi&i


ft.*****.;29 Q*Wts" 2tfi-:


mhJVWtti <Pt:

whrV^dOr: lihlPav".

4. *M: $fr&:34 a^fc Ahm*: R-^-^s^

*Wfhayln ^<5ts 36

<D*fHr:37 n*Wti 38 Any; 39


^ reads X^MiAftfl*: 2,

</ read JE.7AC; prefixes <0.3

g, /3. a-^ read

yft*! 4 We should expect XyjfA*: here or else an omission of K'A*; >flXA,:

See note 23, p. 196.b

g reads h&SrCP'. (D. be Kk^C', u omits.7 / reads (MA: trans. &" and V. 8

/ reads fiytfl?;9 u reads <D<n>fc a omits.

10? reads RlOt; h adds ajy *}^:

"-#, add a*X*F: 12 a-. u reads

}>&<&; /3 ^MffD1;

13q omits. M ^ u. m t, ?0Cf ; q 0C&. 15

* trans,

after .4$?; omits. 16 a-m. m, /3 read th>^i17

w, 1 read *}+: pvyftfrY

e At; l3

gq = 3|iat Kal Se/crat'. w reads .CA: ffi^tfflhf : / J&.CA*

^CDhSP: J&^A*: /3 J&^A-: J&^cDh^yaO", save that trans, the two words19

flz reads "iPt;20^ ? u. m /, ^ read je.trh7A; 21

\ w reads (DfrtiRK

q f, ft (Dtih&O". u omits together with next seven words. 22_/ reads &av6A"

23\ Other MSS. read the plural.


q reads 70; 25m, b read .eC/ft*

?/ wCfti$; 2G


omit. 27/, /3-/$. ;, ^ read "jWVaMPai*; ^ "J&t^^ff^

"J&^'Th^iPoD-: u omits. 28^, <?/ read XflAfto^: 2 'J

d-zw. ?, /3 read ^rh^30

^, 3. ot reads ^iTt: y ?t: /, .v ^T'V; z^ omits. /3-3 or read ^^t31 adds ffl7^0: /^ omits next two words. 32 m reads ^Wt\ q $G'X\ <P?1*33

gt, abefhnx. mqt*-, deikloab read A/Wh^A*: ?^ omits.34

g reads hff

XA; &&&?*; hh-l; u omits. 36 u omits next four words. 3G h reads 'it?

ffl/ih^a)t; 37 a-u. [3 reads rft4<: u omits.3S

w, z> read ^^T; / ^Ifl39

z^ reads (DAAffO; and omits next word.

198 roftvtu: UTtt: xciv.4-9.

tDlThje.m.:1 aJt&Am.:: 2

5. otX'SH*: 3 n4<ftA.V: tVflhtnx;

fflA/ASi^AA:5 \1C&\ fc^WHltn*; 6

Xfttn>: JiftyC: frn>: PWhCPao"* 1 ^T^l: AA<lX; 8

hen); 7A4: 9 TAA; JtM; 10

H-A-: tn>hl: k&rOi-a: It: 11

<d 12H-A-: ffoh^: fc?rfi00::

6. h&\ tea*: A ,3&A; ?rhlX"P; A'Jaoq; (DA7^0:U

(D^P/CCT: A7"AAt:

Xfttn> ; $nvf: ^tlivF:

atf&Pai*: AAa^:: 15

7. JiA>:16 Acn*: A17XA: ?rfTi&; ftfl^fff^;


(ipaiW:*hilav; Jl^H-A-: 17 odip^o^; 10 ^tJwF:

[amA<P: J&eo^*:20


<DhA; ^mCJ&iP; 21AfflC*: cdA-A^C;

AH-ii.:17 m-i; je^Af-A-::

8. JiA>: Alien*: frnO^*; 8JtAffO; 0;- -{lOMltn*; tfflh^Vftff^;


&n<n>: A25<\0*&: M:tthtti7Pi Atn>pOA: <lOMiff^::

9. VnC&yT: 26 *A-C<Lt; a^A^croq; 2*

to^Ti: Who*-. AOAt: hOfflt:23 .ey:

*a>A0At; JttVOD*;29 a>

25A2D0At: H-Ji,; Oa^:: 30

1 m q. g reads <D^*rh?a>: /, /3 htn>; ^'rhftlL; omits. It would perhaps be

better to read arFrhfa*: (subjunctive used as imperative).2q u, k. g reads

w^fiAah'. m wtgday-i /, j3 cD^AflL: This last reading is perhaps the best.

u omits next three words. 3g reads A^XHH4

: ak toX'irh n wth*}Y\".4 g reads A.

5 m t, $-doxb. gq, do x b read .CCaDrtft: u ^^ffAA; 6 d reads

?rflA5lcn>*;7w, /3. a-/;z read jPah". 8 u omits next four words. 9 d reads

7nC: 10p. gq read XJk: w / XhjE.; Here I take fi-V(\^i ftfc?; as a bad

translation of KaKonoifiv.n m reads (Vt: q A/t";

12/$ omits. 13

omits.14 u omits next seven words. 15

^/. Other MSS. (\f\9\16

& prefixes CD.

17 omits.18

g- as 0, /3-/z*. ^ /,/Y read h-QftWav4:

19 reads Xcwwd.FtU'aQ4:

20; reads .4?: q >$: ~ x

a-t, 8-bcloxy ab. / reads fOXC^: bcloxyabfmCjE-V;

32 w reads ftfttn>:23 a repeats the next eight words twice.

24 k repeats the next seven words twice, reading flOfr'ffi*; wrongly for flO&Jlfli*: in

the first case of its occurrence. 25q omits. 26

a, a k. $-a k read IdCXiF^y:27 u omits next five words. 2S n reads Xi'hD;


g, a omit, u omits initial a?.

30gm. Other MSS. 0OJ&:

XCIV. io XCV.5. ODffVtU: UTtt: 199

10. htrn-H:1

X-flfX: hi: (DhKAOXia*?

XtlaDS puJYhWao^ H&mdtiarx;*

wm-. r S&V&a*? ?Lh(D<1: H S^chd^. 9

wL\t>Xiao". jE.tu/<fi:

10 OrM-Miff*:: 11

11. w9>$>h attun*; 12pt\a>U

3 flX^TF: mxpO^V: fcXA*; 14

A:Wi: wadCM ::15

XCV. ffDj-: ^U-flL:16 ArtOjE/iW 7 *h<n>; h.? :

18 ^odV; 10"7JE.;





Al-flO?: *7un>; &aoq\-* <r?i

(DhOC$>i h^ihHi: W1?:;24

2. cn>k (DOahff^: 25 *hmj t7fl4-:26 JWVfa coXh?: 27

a>*J&<tti(UlcrD;=8 A^TVi: JHi,::29

3. kt$Ctf: S^**; Xi^TSl:Xft<n>: *iOfl:

15 fl-ahw. KVUh-ddbC: 30 a*fi+: *X&*lcn> :

h<n>; ^(K-; 31'10A>!F<n><; JHi.: nhtn>: L$\ia*\\

4. AA: Ahcn*: XA: ^wVlt: 7H^t: hm>: 15 A^t^trf*: 33

tTJ*cr>fi: \9%Xia*\ nXTfr ^rtUt: afthcn*::


5. fiA>: A*icn><: XA: !*,?': KM: AaJMitrD-;

Xritn);36 tt^?-: 37 nhoD; 33 sn>y(\6tia*n

1 omits next two words. 2

q reads W^Oiia^', u M&O: 3a. /3 reads


m/u,P-cfo. q, o read jE.7<L+fiftcri><; g, cfPl^OiKW.'

u omits

next five words. 6 reads (D'J.S;7

/ reads f,t{Mlcn>; Bmqt, $. g reads


/, /3. w ^ read 9fhf: 10 # prefixes CD."

* reads

ft/ft"NVhltn*: 12/3. a- read afih: omits.

13trans, after tn>pOV: against

w^/. d reads UfifUD'h omits. omits next two words. ""? Other MSS.

0XAt: 15omits. "^ adds "7?: 17

-? /. q reads AAOjE.'m: /, X0jE.1t?:IS g tu, fi-afhkn. vomits. ^ reads hfl^: n iicm; lfQ afh k v w read as text

but trans, before /iOjE.'.19 reads ,fn>T; 20 reads fl^jE,;

21 w reads XAJi:22 m reads X*10*: y XfcOo*: a

trans.24 w reads tVfl&tfl>;

25, /3.

m t read J&lKUitn^: ^ ^ ?0*(lll(nJ< : omits next five words, ^g- omits. 27g,p-d.

w reads Xh-fc q Xlh: /Xh^-: </x toXh-?: 28 a-. /3 reads jE-CrHMtn*:wgm,p. qtu prefix Q. a trans, before A^T". 30

gm,p. qtu read X7ILXi31 ^ reads X&hcn*: hero; ,&7flC: u reads "h&Xiao*: hao; and omits to (Micro inclusive.32 w (above the line) /, /3. ^ ^ z^ omit. 3%

gmq. t, [3 read t^^Mk omits.34

tu, p-x, save that u reads <J.T>rt: ^ reads &.a>-t\; \\ao-. $$1 mq Lwl\\ CVf:x Li' AC/f>fr: 35 u omits, ^r omits next two lines.

36 m reads XA; e h<n);

?^ omits, together with next three words. 37 h reads ^L&t". S8 n adds 0(1^:

200 <fl>#viu: yr*i: xcv. 6-xcvi. 3.>

G. Ml: Cttiavi AWOt: 2rfirt*:


wd'hd: fifiAtD-Vi6 AO^:

XAffD; Qm-i; ttrh7ft*.;c

7. XA>; Alien*: (i7$TXii Xfl<n>; A9.JW: trt.e-^iPtnv ;

Xfltn*: KVraD". trtrnm.; 9 to*^.^: 10 an0m>q;

a>*Wi0: 240A>ftcfl*:

13ftC(Hfc ft*?:: 14

XCVI. trtm; 15 **.$& Xflffo: $flv$: jB.tU7A; ir

2T*1: XiHKe^ftff^:

aj^&fliV 7J&hai-l: Afctfl*;

13 &IP<n>: 19 nhm>; 20 ^^rhciD*::

2. a^flOAt: yl^ftlfa^j A^Ttt: M*A>0A-; 22 ffl^ti^k: 23ftff*>: MftC'Trs

*X7"A: Rfifccnx;24

a>&-fc; Ji^f: fao-nt: 25^fccD-l: yfr4&fcffi*:


ffltDCT: a>*tna>fc: 27 Al^A^t: Frd<DM*Wt: h-H-A: A^Ai^: hffi>: Zrfc:

28 XF^Aaoi OTOjP'fc29

a)*l0h.; 30 ^fMitn*: 31a?,ah?<;

3JLCtffr: 33

3. totfilta^A; /Lt$Ci>: XA: (hao^\\a^\

artier*! -n^U:36 i'OCU; AHa^: 37

to^A: Od.^: tA^O-; 33 X^A"^::


^ omits. 2a, ,<5. /3- b read A^VO^I": 3

z* omits next three words. 4

g omits.

n reads A.5 m reads jP^&oo-'P:


t(w) read J&l'rfi".7

,_/> omit.8

z^ omits next nine words.9 All MSS. but g which reads ^Tffl,; 10 All MSS.

but ^/, a which read ^A"&: //z trans. W2" and W. "g,y. tn q read X^.

Other MSS. XA: 12

g. Other MSS. J&R10: 13

gq, a. Other MSS. read 040".14

gm. q reads \LhV". t, /3 tt.hti'av".15 tu read l^^rfK 16 omits. omits

next five words after %&$r\\ 17 g m read tD^A/nl: 18

g u omit.19

z<; reads


^, 0-*, mqt read hffi>; <? reads HJlfn>; u omits together with next

word. 21

^ omits. 22 u reads ^'^A/'.23

/ read JE.'Y"JA'F: zz omits next

four words and a).24

^ reads XA: ttfilfen*:25

^ reads 00*4^: 26 m.

qt, eh read i^frAAAlff1*: $-e h yjMA/'. u omits together with next word.27 g reads .GiTfhD'k:

2Sa. reads Vth,;

29? reads 0<W. b omits next five

words. 30/, 0- r. ^ reads iwlh; m q PiOfr, x .&10&: 31

/, 0. g reads

tyJZ'Wav". mqJUbWa*;32

/, 0. ^ w ? read J&Ah.: ?/, 0addhcn>; w adds

above the line hOd: *.gqt> reads &/'. 0-*zz JkJW:!**: <?zz &&*.".34

zz omits next two words and (D.35

q reads Afttn*;3C

zz omits. 37 u omits

next four words. 38g, /3. w ^ / read ^"AyOlP:

xcvi. 4-xcvii. 2. coftvtu: a?Ji: 201

4. Aft,: Alien*: 2TA1: Xflcn>:> flO^hff^; 2^ffDflAiifl^:

3 **#!:a>&Micri>';


b htm: ^T*"}; rYJtffi*:

"Hl-F: HC: *hay'\\ fMi<n><:6 A"Y0t: A*fH*iC: &ft%fl:i7

5. fiA>: Aha*; XA: tn&0: /"-Orh: ACCJ&:

ffltAt?-; t^J&A: JCw. si$0:t

6. AA>: Atom*: fcA: tAtfc "7?: *flH-A: ZH,:19

&ftcn>: tt<S..C?<;n

<?m-f:12 *a>tt ,

E.e-fV: <D ,3t?-nf>:


XfiffD; rh.CTffi*: }$0; fTh.ea)t::

7. fiA>: AhffD^: fcA: t7-A4<: O^l; ro7"<fcAt; 15 a}C<U**.

rHh& 16je.}ia>/}: ft,*i<n>*: AMi::

8. fiA,: Afctn*: ^jpm:17 *A; 1S A^^V: 19

th-COJP:20 A*3.fc 21

^AffD :22 tffDfrX: OAt: tht-hXia*:

aWl?: odtO^: ai>8-A:23 *AL;KJ: m>p02V:

24*-nH-^t; a)-i<?.t:


ADAt: K-Jis RMl<n*::

XCVII. tfiffoJ.: 5^^: Xn<n> : AfrXAt: jeiia*}.: ;Wi: 26

wv^tWhfci ADAt: 9tn>q : :

2. fccrnvS:28

j&ha^*J: Afcff*: fcnm> : MMv : j&fthC: rh7"Alicnx:29

a>*4^Mw *tn>4Kht: A^W; 30tt: rh7-A: RMiai*::

1 u reads 2un>: ^ adds &&> 2 # omits next three words. 3 B-ho jby.

a-u, ho jby read ar>hC[\ia*i4

q reads SU^I: fD/'iSWIhcnx: H. b

qf, B-bdy.

gmu, bdxy read JZWdAJnaQ4'. u omits next three words and following (D.

6 u reads

&ha>mao. i g t. mqu read t*H*l<S: (*C:) fcJKft: /3 "h^: Mi.Pt: 8 u trans.

^ reads *JJE>A: AftV: P'Ccd; Obelized words (following order in q) = l<rxvv nrj-yrj:

piCns= 1psi) py ry corrupt (?) for npnn pn3 = ( of spiced wine.' Cf. Cant. viii. 2.

9 u omits, f reads nA.'flilff^:10 This phrase seems corrupt. It = njrpaa corrupt (?)

for W?3ft 'from every fountain' used here metaphorically as opposed to the

}$0: fh.lE.fDt: omits next two words. "mqt omit. 12

trans, before tt<L".13 u omits, w^/ omit the W before ttT". <5 reads a)tT?.C"f*: <0.

14f.r read

t/WlA*: 15 omits next five words, q puts this and the next word in nom. 16


read fH*lC: 17 a reads If&Li vomits. 18 -

omits. 19 u omits. -?ntu,

B-a cfh k save that u, B-afh k read "rhP; g reads hCV9>: q fr-CV9>i c thCW0jP:21

q,o tb read ii^'^''}; }'. u omits next four words. M

^/ read XAh: 23a.

afhklnopypb read avRh-i bcdeix P-aoRIi;24

trans. For tn>T0A: ^ reads "OA:25

/, B. So ^ but in ace. m reads *nH"J: tD"i^t: y OH*^'}: "i^l: u omits.2C


omits next ten words. 2r /omits. *q reads \a&fc\\ 20

gq, a k read rh7,-^htn><:

30n, w. B-7i read mAXftt:


202 rofivfu: ym: xcvn. 3-9 .

a)*hW ^WW Q*J&Jit: OAt: Mt: 5 Bib

AO: tfli^lh 4A: RAr-frn*; AS^"}::

4. mKfta*\ 6thtD-J.; 7 h<Wtn><; 8

XA; 9 A^Ot: jE.ho>V -SftlFoDV1 HTF: 12


(h-Vtoi13 Wciao".

u A^TVJ::5. <D

15nX^TF: flDTd^V:16 *ftB"J: fcft-frn*: A**^A*}; 17 ?ft: X7H.X: 18

coAhff^: 19ftRvh:

20 <n>pOA:15 Htt*ton>:: 15

C. a>**HWI: 21 *H-A: i7; 22'JffDq&aD':

23 *^tn>: 0ft..:34


tD&YILC:-* 7Jttiffi><:

a>*.7.$; 27 JHt :


29 *HJO0: ftS0<JffDq : :

7. *A>: AhffiH; ^T*!: XA: "7XhA: 31A/ftC: a>ft: f-flflj

XA: 32 mc<&". Mk: 33(Micn*::


8. ftA,: Aha*: 34 XA; ^mCt: 35 *(IW: wmOP H&W: ft8\C-fc a)t-ftA:

ftOM: 37-(10A:

38 fflW: At: W^: 39

fflXT^J: K-A : H<L#.i:: 40

9. a>,XlfcL; T7ftC:41 H*-JAi: 42

XflffD: -(1W: AAt^OXf:

<D<n>AM: rn>H7-nth 43 Yia: 44 "Y:aMlH"*; 45 *rfint: Afli'ti::



g m t, $-afh ik oypp. q u, afh ikoyjab read ^"fl^:2 mu read VtClKW;

3 mt read ftftjfrfr:4 u adds ^Til:

5 u reads 0A1*:6z, n append A. 7

Y#.Other MSS. read A/ftlo*}.;

8 u omits next four words. 9/ reads Xfl<n>:

w/, p.

gmq read J&ha*}.; which g trans. before preceding word. "g. All other MSS.

&(Mi<n>: 12 reads A7OT: I3

q reads "4-*i:14 u adds ft<*F4.f:

15 omits.16

g adds tffDfta: (D. 17g, afhikpv. Other MSS. read %&^\\ 1S

efnpread X7Rfrftrh,C: /

2 X7R*: rn>$nt; 19

g reads Afctfix; /<Dh<n>: V reads

J^-asi-J: n w([Rh\ia*i u,c omit.21 reads J&tFIC: /J&*M1&: "^ reads

H-ft": ? K'ft : J7d: a i7d; a YlCtU&*l 23 a reads HOod^: 24 Here begins tgwhich extends to cviii. io.


g,gmq, n. tu, $-np read fDfr&fl; a wTh/^i20 reads WjE.t'Eh?:

27(over erasure) ? /. ,# reads ?2.7: w

, /3 ^7^^:28

SI- omits. fl& / u, /3 read JfA*:29

g,gqt. m, j3-;/"read i"7nC: z^,_/"omit.30

,reads ft only, and omits. 31

,g reads fl^yX".32

," omits, m adds

7ttlCft<n>; to.33g reads Xh?; 34

,g repeats.35

op read !FwC&:36

^, ^ trans, q reads in nom. 37 n reads A^V'ft}:38^ u omit, z^ omits next

three words. 39tg reads "}??:

40 omits next six words. 41

4g adds itfipi

42> i3 - ^ m read *IjE.^VJ: ^ ^JS'}; 43 u omits next five words. 44

tg only.

All other MSS. read mhoo; 45

g. g, p read flJ-flH"J: m ftH'^l*: ? /, j8-3 flH"i:

^^ (save that ^ reads h-tt^h). q /,'p read ^ft-fc ft-flfti; w Aflf rhdA^:46

xcvii. io-xcviii. 4 . <mft<\\<: vrtt: 203

10. afaao\ "7: j&a*'VH; rhrt^hcn*:


hJZ-KlC:*Alien*: nOSV;

2 Mi* nW: ?0C7: ^ttitfl*; 4

ftA<n> :


6nOffoq; AT^J&htn*: 7

wKi^ao". ([aoC17i 0a: ttattlft-::8

XCVIII. j&totk h\\ X?cb&'. <[Hcfli rtmaa"?: a7A ,nAfl^:

2flffD; -OH"!:" t&Xfc A;12 y^C:: 7

2. Xftm: 13 ^J: 14 taM*?-: A0A>fcai*: Altff^: *0a>-: <J.^4-^;15 fcyjVttt:

cD-WhS: 16 A^4.A termite 11

n18tfDl7^t: <DnOnj&:19 am20^"!!:

aW-fl^C: 22 wwtfP: WW:toto-aCi <D23tn>O^0t: hcn>: "?: je-thOm.;:


3. (tirtrH;25

*it*y>UC+: wTda-r6 h&Pav.

*<001J: ^t^A-: 27

'ifhSs 7ftA: WtlFtn*:

a^AA: tfA*: A-flrh-frnH: w\i<lCa*i 9

(FitaA*: am30#*2V: toA31"**,*:

32 oa:ttaJAfc: 33


*a>^lt: frH: &<Vh: 35

4. ODrfiMK 36 Ahtn*: 2T**$: hao: 3? h!M\ *4l& 1-ttd;38

1 ^ reads h<n>; omits next eight words through hmt. 2 m reads ttlMfl>4i flO^V;

flOfMlff *: omits next four words. 3g reads &A; 4

zh trans, after next word.5 d reads hff*>:


,gqu> n1 omit. 7 omits next four words. 8

q reads ^V^wU-tti9

,# reads Z^chSL: wmu,P-a. g,gqt read fD/LA. a a?.

" -

reads AIM;12

#, <:.r read AA: 13c prefixes (D. q adds AAfl^"}: I4 # reads Ai:

15?z trans.

k omits next four words, c omits next three words through hmt. 16 m reads (D^Qrd:

q wh'dC: n 'i'ttd:17

/2, /J-.*- add Atn17^V; which is a vox nulla.


tg reads a).

19^w, 0. ^ reads wO(l: q flOfl: t fDA0n: u omits. 29

(gu read (D.

b A. omits next four words. 21

g, /3. ,gmq t read a*.22 w omits next word.

n next three words. 23q reads CDft.

24 abcehino. So d save that it prefixes H.

a,/k lx/xp read .C^hOo*: u omits next two words. 23/, </y prefix 0.

26g m.

tg reads tyWCt: fflTAA; ? / ^UCt: TAfl: a fflTAfl: /3 ^yVC^i a>TA-fl:27,??/, 0. reads ff0*F: frh7'&: 8 reads (D^ihT-^i and trans, before <DTA>fl:

u omits next three words. ^ a omits. 29

^^, /3. ^ w read a?. / a?A. ?<; omits.30 m reads a?A. gu CO.

31z>z read A.

32 u omits next six words. 33 gmqprefix CD. <5 c x read ^Y(D". Here we have evidence of w? following g when it is

wrong and not g. See also note 29.iX mqt omit next three words. 35 = ets

ttjv k&hivov tov nvpos of Matt. xiii. 42, 50 (Beer).36 g omits. 37 p reads Xfttn>;

38 w/,^ ^ reads ^-OC: 7ftC: ,g <l&iaC'. q A-ttd: 1>{\\ u AdCKDVdil-ad:

204 ooflvtu: yftt: XCVIII. 4-10.

<D&ho*V tDh.a)VC.2 A'-flXA/h frn>t:



^rtLtfTL:5 h^Lhw^i ft: FrC:

M: 6Aflfc: fcyCfcAtmV mCPi 7

wsaavClsri Odfi-i VYim-h M: 7-flCP::

5. ^fci*: 10 A-flAA/h fctaJ-Uftt:

SI: A^Tf: 7-fl^ X&7: 11 *<n>OKfr *HMftA: aJ-A-^::1

6. oDditohi AhffiH: ^T**}:12

ftfrS-ft: 0fl.: 13

Kilav; H-ft. : yuttuwi bibfr hiP-t; 13 a*X1V 6 flA^t:

a>;i2WM<n>:> 7*7-fl<I: 7<?0:

18*ii&i: atf/*frfi::


*Jfrt-: ^flLtffr22

nrt"7^: Rrfi$;23


0}fft; 0At: 23 n^C^U-: A2VO-2V::26

8. Xy^fctl: ^fii^: *tfttn>: frA-: 7<?0*i<**: Ht7?(h 27 RrhK AH-A-; OAt

*Xflh: OAt: 28H"ii*h<n>::

169. *A>: Aha*: MXii Xflm>; ttrh7A-! nXAJMitn*



(D*u"?jE.t;31 &i(Uiai>:: 32

10. .fcXifci: hte$>

hm>: .CATl: 33 Mt<n>i AOAt: 34 *dfrfc aFfcYtlLah hao. 1 t/Mm.: 37 2T**i


39 toDa^; 40Xflai>: fi.

41;^^: 42fl,n : fcntfD; t^AtD-hai*

1omits. 2

#/, /3. ^ reads <07<S: <d^l: hm-VC: qu co^coVdi

g,g u read fiffD^ jr kao^4

^ prefixes <0. reads <DhCT70';

8,#, / omit.

9reads A.


g reads XA: 7 omits next four words.

3mi, /3.

5<z omits.

10iu, P-n


m prefixes Au omits next

17 u reads

^ reads 7^0: u 7fl<2:19 a-w . u reads

20 omits next three words, and reads \iao\ in their

Other MSS. YttF: Jmjfti*3

gmt, p. tgqu read

13gQtu. m, fr-n read wO(L: n tDd'idJS-:

14 m prefixes ft.15

tgm prefix (D.16

j? omits./b

g,gmq, n1 read 7h*}JPt: "a-g, aikw. Other MSS. \SX&\

and adds Afl?i:

seven words.

XA: flhtn*;18

$?/, p. w trans.

WW: w, &&*}: a>&4ftft:

stead. 21

5?omits. 22


,fi7fi*?: a omits next three words. 24q reads UAfD: 23

e adds Xflh: OAfc26 u omits next seven words. 27

^, omit.2S u reads H. z adds T^lia04 '. (O.

29;/z reads (t\&(\*llA omits with next ten words.

tg omits initial CD.30^. ^

reads ^ChOPa*: m fcthyCPaD". (sic). ^ hXCOZPav; /, /3-a/ ^Ai^OiPtn^

/ fctn* ".Zl

gqt. g reads iP?J&t: Other MSS. ipVj:32 ^ reads ft/hT,

33<? reads ffD^^Tl; 34 reads IDA; f de flDAtj

35^ reads Jtih&Xiav

36z reads ft.1*A<{.fll: lu, ,a ^A<{.fll: 37

cvwyp. read l7hj01: ^ '^Ajtoi,

/^ omits next three words. 3Sg reads JA: 39

g,gq read ^rhtD-4: / 1"Ay440 a omits next eight words.

41 ^ ;, |3. gqt omit.42

^^. Other MSS. 1*fiy4i3

ggm,P. q reads ftH: Z1ftt; ftH;

",g, p. g reads 07. m q t omit.

xcviii. 10 xcix. 2 . rortvtu: yfft: 205

A0A+; Htti 00J&:2 AOAt; 3 ^l^ft: ffl-J^C: 0AJ&:

4AffDl^fmm>:: 11.

ftA>: Ahffo*:5 71H-J: A-Os 6 &A: 7 *7-(14:

8 &fc?: a^n&fr; .<n>: 9 tv9h^hWa*; *a&(h niP?J&: ffltAt?-; tD^WCti 10

fcAtro; &yHA: wVJfc:11 H*..e

hVHKi n &0-&: A:13 y^C: <D 14

*A{ttiffi*: A1m>:: 1512. fiA>: Atom*; 10


PtiPCV. 16A*7fl<!: 17 loo*. Ay*it: Ahao-: 18

frAxLaUP; 19 AipVj&P SXy%: hao

UAfflticfl*: ttcDOtt-:21

(lk&lPffi*:22 AS^f: 23

cDjBaDt4-: *iAaK&tn>: 24 ,#tA-fcffi*; cDAj&ytfiWitrD*:;

2513. fiA>: Alien*; &A: ^t^rfr; tt?'ifia>\ra*'.

AS^I: 23fcAffD; ciD^flC: ^J&th^: 26 A*un>:: 14. AA>: Aiitfl*: XA: ^ftTA*: 27

}7<J: 3^1: XAtn); KjLhah'ii Ahtn*; tA4-: A^aJ^:: 15. fiA>: Ahcfl*: XA:

*8vhf : *i7<!: rhAt: 23a>}7<2: <;A.ri:

29fcAm>: *a*>i-frn>: j&JWhf :



^A^fr: 32a7^C^0jP;

33 AAD^-; 34 w?iYiah1: tea*?* AAy; 36 *AA: Tt: 37 j&tn>a>-1Vs

Sm-i::39 XCIX. fiA>: Afccn*;



42 CA'TCt: 43 A'TO: rhAt: 44



trhT-Alicnxs47 atfAflhai*; 48 *<fo(Dt; ipVJ&T::49

2. */iA>:

1 /# read Q.2

hz reads O&fi; 3

ggqt. m, P prefix <D. reads (10AT:4/ reads 0Aj: omits together with next word. 5 m reads ftffO* A.


q omits.

7 omits next two words + a).8

/, p. ^^ w ^ read J&7". w repeats &A: J&7"fl4:

three times. 90. # zb ? / read J&A^OiP: ("JPai*: m) ([7: g J&(1&0: .&n>:

u reads 'fQV0*: and omits next four words. 10 u omits. " u omits next seven

words. 12 a-m. m, p read h7tiM: 13c? omits. 14 m reads H. 15 gg q t.

m, p read (l<\7:16

wz reads if&frl-: g,bco xb "fyCPi 17? ,

omit.18 g trans, after ^A^.". f adds XA: htn>; u omits. 19 a-m ic. m, n read

Hd^fD-Pi ("V: n). u reads ^A><Lffll; and omits next four words. P-n read VAa>-'P:20a-^ u, bcdpvw. qu omit. /3-<5 r *//> read ([W'i&t'i

21 & prefixes a?, m reads


^, n read (lX,C(E!J'ffi>

4: z/ omits. n u omits next four words.

24m,fh read "\Fao*\

25 omits next four words. 26

a-gg, $ (save that p. omits ft.).

gg read jE-t^ft^:27

^^. m reads ^ftTA"; ^/, ^ read ^QTA; 23g,

read rftAl": ?<; omits next six words. w m reads ^"VtoFi't g adds Xff^l'F:30 g reads fl^Xf: JE.R-A?:

31 m omits. 32a. /3-rfy read J^A^OT: /<?_y #


J&A^OT: 33gqtu. ^leaves the space vacant, m reads jE.d>A0iP: /3-</y

ft.^-CAO'P: doyp (D?L&C 34a. reads AJiA^: u, Jb omit, q adds AOO^":

36p-k 0. a, k read AAffD; AAtn>: ^A^": 37

q reads CD. k M: m ^ adds XA*:39 way add wiL^'b\A <


a-^, </^. g, p-dpy read A<n><:

41a. p reads

AXA: 42 mi. a-mt, p read JE.7".43gq. g reads CAOV: mt, p CAOVt:

omits. 44 u omits next three words. 45/. Other MSS. read J&A/'.

46/. ^

reads JE.7A4: Other MSS. jPhfl4:47

q reads rtih&hW. 4S ^ omits.49 ^^/

(save that q trans.), akl. g reads ch^wf'. ipTJB.^: w, ^ f dfh i,a chf-O)^-, xvl&Yien ch&" w\pq". xp rhjE-fflt: uVJ&t; u u"?J&i*:

206 <*>K\tu: ynri: xcix.2-7.



3 A4i7t: CtO: 5 a^COt: 6Jilt: AM^ : ?^^ca.:

&&?: CXAtfl*: H/S.J*: [^TSi;]7 Q: ^^C: UAm.: th?&:: 8

3. AX^It:

<n>P02V: t^Am.: S^"*: Jim>; tV&; 9 Rft^hm*: 10 OfHhC: 11 (D*KHlC9>W 2

A^Ot: Afr^-oro: rn>AXftt: ha: SI-dCFa*: 13A*:>rtLftt:

14?T**}: Afr.<n>:

&0<&: AfH*iC:: 154. AX<TOV6

cji><pO&: J&tUartK 17 firhHfl: aJjE-ti^fr;13

^07^.19 ^/hHfl; 4 ftOAt: 20 Kit: 4*h"HV::

215. <d

4AX"?TF: m>p02V; XA: je.fcite

J&a>0&:22o^ffo^rtv: %$ar>. a)&l&$.9>ai>" wX^llFa^i"4MVW ahfcao<:2r>

wXlHi J&fiHUn.:27 *J&7^?P,atv;


29 <Dk30j&7nk; IftlPa^: *a>kjy

(hCPa*: A^^ilfa^:: 46. <d31

*iOA; fiJ: X^A^: Afca**: A^TYi: XA<n>:

A320At: 33 ^y; HA.?U.X: 34 tAa>t: ^rtLXt::35

7. a>XA: 35 J&A7&; AX-M; 37

XA: 38 72vf: ^AA: 4 H39<DCfc a)*H 40-n4-C: a)HO0: 41 D*H42&<Wf*t: a>XA: 43

1 SM m ' ?^ w3 @ &&>' Ahtn>; repeats the phrase.2 a-

tgm, 0. ^?;i read

AXA: 3

^^w. ? reads TAT0: / tB^TSs u WVU P-e t'ESVTJP'i:

e fB&T'P: 4omits.

5 h v read JWtto ?/ omits next eleven words. 6

,g,bh xread /"COt: 7 A wrong gloss. The text refers to the practice of uncircumcision.8 u adds afirV^tiCt: before this word, d reads J&t*l".


,g reads *}'. q omits.10

,reads &ir$~t\raQ".

uq reads At^rA: u omits next eleven words. 12

^ /.

^OT^readXlACJPffD*: 0-^/3 XiattlfPaQ". dp KiRC\iyff^: aggmg- /reads

jPAa>*XiP'$: /3 Sl'ttC9,i though in ik the } is practically erased and in n it is over

an erasure.14

g t, be x read ^fOlh^i a lOLftfi 'My": m omits. 15

a-g /g, /3.

g reads AfH*l<!:tg tH*l<5:

16/ prefixes m. ]7

/, 0. a-^/ read tO^h-: ^ta*Ua*Jl-:

18/, /3. a-/ra / read &>&'. m kPi^fc 7fc: d omits together

with next two words. 19

,g omits. gqtu read AOAt: 21-, 0.

w reads rf^: H^rtLftt: tu rh7"A: 2". ? A'' ITS'}: ^? omits. 23 n reads

(DfiM&fa 0/5 (D&l&GPi adds A( omits)&$$aD,i u omits next three words + W.

dloy omit the initial (D. omits the word. aa-g,g, 0. g reads -%Vd".


26j> reads (D>A"^: 27

,3 reads mfl(te w omits next two words.28 n reads fil&4*:

29^ /5

r. w ^ / read AQtyaD", /3 omits. 30

/ reads a).

31g,/hn. Other MSS. omit. 32

^, </omit.33

g add JlO<Dt:34 u omits

next two words. 35Is this a loose rendering of a^Tavo^ia ? Tert. De Idol.

iv above has penitentia which may be corrupt for impenitentia.3S

q. All

other MSS. read (D. The context requires some such reading since it is rather

a tour de force to render the following <Z)?iA: as' and others.' Moreover, Tert. De

Idol, iv qui servitis . . . et qui support q.37 u adds here from next line the clause

atfiA: J&A7&: 38 b omits. u,y read m. c h toAXA: AXA:39

,* omit.

40^z/, e omit. 41

;;z/, e read wOQ; h reads HO^: u omits with next five words.

b omits next two words, x omits next word. 42e ob omit. *

q reads AXA:

e'/^ 7i toAXA: x w.

xcix.7-13- <*>flviu:li?X\: 207

t\l&\ AiWfr 1fcfcJPih

2 afhpmn w([*HCt: mP*/ [<DY&a-r7YCib a)*H-A: fi

h-ti 7ftj&tfifr:

8 kyurai*:: 8. a>9tft0<:

10 QXIt: fcn.6; &Ofn*:

w*&([(t". n hOWtlTa*: a 2GCV-t: hPa*-. a^ACX?: 13 ch&Ta* :iu

9. 0oi*:



Xft<n>: K-ft :17 7-nCcn*: (UhAt; 18

7414-:19 a>*A7&: 20 AX-M:

<Dt,h7A". ny0C:: 10. wah^l-P: m>P0&: -0^1: H-ft-tn*;21 XA: jat^Zmm.:


}7& 23 TQ-d: 24a>*.Pfti7 CJP'i:

25 oW-flO*}; 26 A*$P+: 27 &(MV: artrhfD.*.:

n^t: 23 *R\#: aftlfr29

a?ft.jfc<tt(h30 yftA: XA: j<tt<h Ma*. XffD-l'F: j&^-iJ.::


11. ftA>; Ailff*: XA: tASAT: 32 A*Xh; 33 AaJMicn*; Kilav.3i akfifc W1*A-:: 35

12. ftA>: *toia*i XA: ^7-nCP: 36 A*m>AC+: 37^rtiftt; T-AA-t: <dXA: 38


*(1: T^C: Xfon>: 0*F: je-t^ft-:;40

13. XA,: Aha*; XA: 41

1 reads cn>5*M*:2

I have retained the above reading of g m q with some

hesitation. It is supported by t which read Xh-JP"?: But this reading may be due

to xiv. 9. On the other hand the infaviibus of Tertullian suggests CfrAfc as in

acefhikn or Ch-Al: as in bdloxyp, p.3tnu, </read cdA. y omits.

4 u reads

mP^: 11 tt'lrav". mP?^: 5

g.' tg reads At^UC: ? / ft-Q^tJCt: = Tert.

(loc. cit.) non secundum scientiam. So u save that it omits ft., m reads ft.:

(l^rh^^'V: and so also /3 save that it omits ft..6

. Other MSS. H'A*: save

u which omits. 7g,g<?- u reads dZghsV'. Other MSS. ^.frft/fc omits next

two words. 8 Emended from ft.jB.^JHl; Cf. Tert. loc. cit. nullum auxilium

iuvenietis ab iis.9 a omits, q adds ft..

10 u reads J&dAO*: and omits next

three words. "a. p-adoy read J&R.A4: adoyap JE.XAA: 12 ^ reads flXlfi


g,g,P- m reads (1<Z-X?; ??; ACft.?: / ft.ACX?:rV?- Other MSS. ftAAro^

omits next six words. 15 reads &.P'0". 1G

^ reads <LCU*: 17 abcdehkln

Since a,_/Y0 read K"A*: it is possible that 7-A4-: is corrupt for 1*7>fl4:18 u pre-

fixes (D.19

/, ^f/1^- read J&7-(14: See note 17.

^qt read (IV&'.

21 ^ omit.

22 ^ reads ^^ODcnOL: a ^ reads At7<S:24 omits next four words. 25

g. tgmtread Sh^CV; So also adiklnoap save that they read ?ft". $r reads Sh9"C9\and so also b c e/h x save that they read ?ft".

26q reads jE^-nO: "flC'P:

27 w? read $&(Dj /z $5^: 28 /a read A^TTt: 29a.

, j3 read 8\C-fc30

^ reads ,C>fl(fr here and the third word omits next three words through

hmt. u omits next five words. 31 u prefixes W. 32

tg reads :V(\&a><Ti q ^A^rhJP:33

a-q. qre^dsKib^i pkluVi M /vomits.35

^^ read W. ; ^*tA:36 reads Aai><

; AXA: JE.7A,/

.37 a-m t, i\ m reads avtyxpQt'. /, p-i

1 ao\Ptf:\38

tg reads ^Tft"J; fflXA*: u IrTLft^*; (D7,-rhA,;l"; and omits next three words. 39


tg reads cn>Xi$.; m t, $-p SaD&ri p faoCCPi None of these words gives a goodsense or forms a parallel to the preceding verb.

40qtu, $-fn. g reads J&(D^ft-:

n x SW&fa ^(D^h-i m, (/?) J&tT^fr:41 m adds *Kfc:

208 (toftfci: ym: xcix. 13-C.3.*: Rfl^tfttnv;1 nW: A0.: 2

o?lfA:3 aDl&Qao-.* 7*J4^: m5

X>AJ: 2rtL#ft6

XflAfccn*: 7 hffo:8fi2Wttltn*; AAcn>::

914. fiA>: ftffi>-.

10 XA: 11J&^Z"}}.:

12 oofl^Ct: 13

CAt; 14aA^lPffi*:

15 Kit: 16 <M7D; cD*-ftun.: }<?Affi>; JM*. mPW XA<n>:


KVaay~\\ fttn*:19


15. fiA,: ft-cn*:21 XA; 22

7-ACP: 23A'JodI:


a><!.e-XP: 25A7<?0: cdJ&'H'A*:

26afcffi*: XAh: OAt: Hik 0O^:: 27 16. XA<n>:



A-Arhtfttn*:29 wa)%; KM. 50 A31

2V-fl*i<n*: atfi^X: *tn>0-fc a?aD*$<LA:32

.Prfi7-A*iaix;33 A*H"vS4iim* : AA$i wftlra* ***: <d5S-jK} :



afthffo-:: C. a>flX<yTfc <tdpOV: A38Sffi>*il; fina*; yAA: (D-A^cn*: ^t^fr

<DX*}a); jp'AA: afta**:39 m^rngfa* 1 ar^i XAh: jBiD-'iTI:

42 thR: ^^odRftlFai*::

432. XAm>: 44

.nXA.:48 k*h&X: 46 X&U: "k^at-tote *a>XyDI: a*A\

a*A&: 47 htn> : J&frtft :

43 <d 49 TX: fc*h&X: 4fl X&lfr 50 h?i\ XW: \iQ-C

to*1ihi 61 XAh: tOC-d: 52Brtify tH*A:: 53

3. ffl?rfHD.C:54 &ft: XAh

XlT.e-W: a*At: An*: ^t*?:85 a)*A^7At; 56 *XAh: tn>^0^^: 57 *Amy\: 63

1 m trans, after AO^: 2 omits next three words. zgt, x read ffft :

7? ttteao".4

* /, /3. g,g q read taf\l^aon\5 reads A.


,# reads ^TAI:7 mtu, $. g q read XflAhtfi*4

: XA: ,# XA>Ahtn>; XA: 8

,^omit.9 a-m. m, p

read AA^": 10

g^/w, . ^/ read fiA>: Afttn>" reads AXA: u g ygm, p.

qtu read iT^". 13

? reads anA^T: op add rh7: M omits. 15

q, v read

firt'Eftffi*:1G reads XA: 17

,#. So also w save that it trans. l^Aff^: after mP^i

gqtu read j+" S? i$A: l/,t: /3 ^T J<?A<n*; ^ ,n".

18 reads a).19^ 0.

gmqt read Aftff *: omits. wg,gfn, P-p- q t u, p read "i*: 21

,gu, p. gmqtread Aha**: B <z-.

, /3 read AXA: 23

,gu,P. gmqt read ^*7".24 omits

next two words. 23za reads W. / W^l-dCV; 26

sw reads (DJ&OTJl?: A.27 0/ reads 0a: ** gmqf p. tg reads i*D^:*; / P-tDfifci

29 ^ reads

Aflrh'tO': z^ omits next six words. 30 ^ z ^ /. ^, /3 read Xh?: 31

a-g u. ,g, /3

read o*ftT;32

^/. ^w read ao" mao*\&.t\\fg, j3 read tn>*}<{.A: ffD9*F: and ^ adds

o-At: ^V'flil(n><:

w gmg t. u reads tD?17,

-Aiiai>': ^, /3 hcn>; SttkhbChaD".34 w omits. 35

q reads <DK*^Vitn>*;36 g tg mq. t, (3 trans. ?^ reads ZJEPI;

and omits next three words. 37 m reads J&Hjh^:38

q omits.39 u omits

next seven words. 40

g,g mq t. $ omits. 41i adds A^rttA^;

42,g, /

2/3 add

JlffD; against ^ ? ^ tl.

43 ^ reads aftftoo*:44

</ reads hffo;45

11 omits.40

^ reads jE.Ji^;47

/3. ^ z / read a)\7h\ W&.& wh&\tg tq a)\9"\\ (Xffoi.: q)

(Dl\&i a>-A*&: u ahfc&i t, p add 7rti.& 4S?^ omits next six words. 49

/, p.

ggrnq read A.50 g adds XFi: X^lh: 51

/ reads 8*AA: 52^?z read WC-d:

63 All MSS. but via prefix (D.54

p reads <D?rha*4;55 omits next four words.

66S m $* save tnat & reads in ace. /3 reads A^7A: 5


/, i3. gq read XAh: OAi":

l^>A0^^: {ar>h" q). ig XAh: 0'' m>&0&t: / XAm>i op^ftt: m>^0^; 5S ^prefixes <D.

c-4-io. ooavtu: yfft: 209

4. (VhWilF: aotpOfc ov^tei*: a)C&:- o*At: y'JQVh w^l-ahPa^i a3Krti&:

ao\ii; AffA-:4 XA: 5 <dCV: 6

A^rtiTit: fDje.ti'fX: 2V(MV; A^Xt: *0At: JNi,:7

hffo: J&7AC: H-Ji.:8

0(1?: *Xff7Xhftai*: A9

2T**}:: 5. <D*0*(lti 10J&IWli A:


jj.fto^.12 *55^.^^ : aft&tfi-n XffDiltait:14 *&AV 5

?0*-n5Pa^; 16hfn> : flit: Oj&l:

XAh: J&T.eX; 17*H-ft": Xfr?; wittf: ^flUt:

13 <D*Xm>i; 19 frm-a*: %$>1i *lPtn>;

JT-i:20 atf^A; 21

H.e<LCU:: 6. <D*X<n*i: 22jE.&X?': *A-0X: aUlAl; 23 a^A^m.:

a^A-A y^-C: frA :

24 rte: Ht: 25ffDftvh*?; a)*t&W6 ha: h.Xih\ flOfta^:

hAW-i-ao". ([0*$$: ^rtLfrfrn*:: 7. AA>: Aha^: ^TSV7 AA: ^aoi^-apav:

A**^**; 28 AOAt: tt*l: -JJP&: 19<D*;The\-jPai>;

30 AXAt: a>M-fc *hm>:

^n^ifctn*:: 318. *A>: Aha*; 7H4i: 32

&41: XA: *t+7lfr *un> : ^AflaMP; 33

AXfr: 34Oft :


36 SCUt; 37 a^O: ITj&^/ihai*::33

9. JiA,:

Atoin*: ^TVh 39A: lit.


41 a>A: T7A& 42X.<E*Kn>: *XA: 7-fl^


CAUtoffi*:44 a*T0?: AU-fl: X^XA*: 45 a*:: 46

10. a^j&Xlfci.; *Xy4:



gmqt lu. Other MSS. read fDrt.


^ prefixes a).3



reads a*ft1*:

gm/. ,gq,$ read AH,ftot>*: AX&fr: 5

</0j> read AXA: 6a-/. /, /3 read

dtiVi 7,gq. gm read OA^: Yt\%\ /,^0At: *mq/u,p. g reads H-ifch:

^ omits.9

,gmq- g reads fDhPlbtotiraD*; u "VMiArai*; A. /, /3 X^M-ft ^:10

_y reads ftflll*: </ adds JE.M: <D.u u reads A. y adds ^^C: 12 u omit.

13 y trans, at reads }&?: and adds 'J'Hll*; after next word. u omits to^.^/'.

14 y reads ffi>A".15 adds htn>; _y omits.


dlovycib prefix ff>. w reads

Slty-ftPa**'. q u &04''(l9,(Wl qu omit next three words. 17 ggmq'2

. ql


read M"B*X: 18

,^ q. gt, P read H"A-: Xfc?: (Xh-JE.; /, Xh.: 0) wltfa -patift:

u omits all but "pttLhrt;19

q reads Xff*>J.; t \a&\\ u omits.20g trans.

21a-t. /, read aJfi&PffD*;

22/, /3. $r

reads \w~\\ g m "har>l\ omits.23 g q read AflA: maOJ: 24 omits. 25 adds y'^C: <D}7^: 26 -

y /.

^ reads .P&y^: w, |8 Kh9XiIv\ u omits together with next word. 27 n adds

flOA^:ffl u reads ^T^l:


o/ read ^ff^Vli u omits next two words.30

q reads pg'tfpa*: Zl

gmqf. g, )3 read Ahffo: ^"7(16X10^; u \\av-, ^VM".52

a. /3 reads 7^*F^J: (A7^" </).33 ^ /, save that ^, ^ have ^Ci-iXayyath; gmq

read ^.t70: htn>; ^.Aflo-lP: (^^'flaJ-'P: ^). fitVlh only.34

, j/ read AhhJ&:35 a -^. ^ reads OAaJhffD4

; /3 <BUA<0;36

g,P-et\ ,g q u, e i read frdtiCiXiav4:

m je-ChAo^: / ^A-flhff^: (sic).37 /, /3. ^ reads ^C0: (sic). ^ ^Cyt:

y C0t: 3S ^ reads &LJ2:h&>".39

^, (3 add Xft<n>;40

^, /3 read ^A:41 omits next three words. 42 reads 7fl<;:

43 g u. q, /3 read XA: 7>fl<!:

wKA:7fl4: /XyD7fl<J: 44 /. ^^ read d&'ftiiao". gmdtL'itfiav. p <\0Xia*:

45 gmqt save that zrc reads ffopOA: for T*. ^, read T" ( om.) AWA: (.v om.) XA^:?/ OXAfc 46 gm tu.

, /3 read ttD-0?1: ? ^-^1: The sentence is incomplete.

Perhaps we should add ^(D-OV; This could easily fall out after J^cd-I',47 n omits.




210 <n>K7iu: yftt: c. io-ci. 3 .

XilaDi* *fcffDAtarfr ^tfuV; 2 F>7(Wciw, A'AW: w4Xy0(h: (D6Kyo6(DC'h

w'k^W JiVfrAt:8tiXYY: ^atiftXiW *>d\av. AA: 10 FAC\ *7-A4:

u 7M: U

S^l: JHi.::13

11. to(lF0i u A0A>*Kn*; 13 IMn 16 A*oq- aJZ^: <DmA: 17a>'Hftn>:


fcAm>: OAffl.: Jffta^;19J&frh&fr:

20 fc^i-hm*: htn>; ft.2\d&: ftiiffi*:" a^-iSvfc24

(h 25^rtLft^lun*:: 12. (Dj&XtU: UA: *A'HyD: ft*";*:


27 ^MhlXs**<d^5^: .fl>h<n><:

29 a>m2V: Xm>: Tm>maj; 30Xi^iftm^: a>C#: aHl: *\vjv\

dn 3113. AQ: JBcdC^::

32n>*iai*: Xftrfri'.ft aJrftffD^:

33 a>4*& RfilFtn*;34


i4-At: rhm>; 36eo*H-Ars 37 10t: RftlPai*; flX^TF: 38

n><pO&; ft/frfr:

*<n>: b&viPtfl*:: CI. mj&*T: 39 AA'W; 40 o*A\; A"7j&:41

<dH-A: *7*1C:

A"A0-&: a>43$Cth 44 Jt^iO-: 45<D 46

A/i*7A4: Xft-?:47 Ake^lK-: 2. &<n>:

OBcd.4* aoAJit:

50A*7^: arti^VA: *"H?m>; tomA: 51

htn>j SjE^fri52 *A: i^C:

(iXithXia*: ^OAfflhff^: 54^7A4*:: 3. a)Xff; 55 }; tn>0f : fl>*iai><;

56AH-A-: 67

1a,qev. Other MSS. Jiffo;

2a. /3 reads ODAAftfc &ITfo'v*i 3

^ reads

X7D .


, /3 omit, a: adds C[7:Cl b ak omit. 6

k, <// omit. 1gmqt.

/g, read coXy. aJ.8 u omits next eight words. 9

a. /3 reads 'pflLfrt'i

MUda*: 10

^, 0. gmqt read a>A: lI w /, p-c. g reads 1-704-: (sic).

,g th-A4: ?, f t7A4: 12

^ ? /. ^ /3-i read *iA: d 1A: tn>*i*};13

? omits.

x reads JfA*:H

/ reads w(\y0". 15

,reads Ailff^:


?/, /3. gq read JfA*:

,omit. 17

;, 0-a e/h k. ,gqiu,a e/h k read CDO\h\ 18w, /3-a e/h k.

g,g qtu, a e/h k read (DTIST :

19u, en omit.


read jE.^JiSVft-: ? hVfr:21

tg omits.22 u omits, c reads JftJiaD4

;23 a-w /. m t, /3 read CDh..


^w^k, j8-3. ,omits.

/, /3 read J&^OL: 25

a,//$ *'/ o. a^ dep{1) read 1A:2,3

a. p-otl> trans, o/ omit ATiVy : For h7" m reads hS^^\ia^i

27/;/ omits.

qtu,dv. g,g m read *tilAX: ^-rf tthAX: <? adds "HV.7D:29

;;^ trans. ?^ reads

aJ^A only, d omits the next eight words. 30 m reads J2-:V'rZ(T\(D'i


^r/ '/,

bilopxyab, mq read hff: A-J^^^*: u, fi-bi lop xy a b ormt. u reads CD for

next three words. </ omits next two. s2gq. Other MSS. J&a?^^:

33 d omits

next five words through hint.34 u omits next six words through hmt. 35

tg reads

H'fFav; m, oh Jf'ft :36

g omits. 87tgm, ob read H*ft: a omits. 38

^w,prefix W. 39

$rreads m?$"P: 40

/2/3 add Jf^fto^:

41 omits next

three words. ^g.gmqt. /3 reads 7A^: Mw, /omit.


tg reads ^'EU":45

/* omits. * add H-Miff^: 46

tu, /3. g tgmq omit. 47?;z adds A^A: ^^"C:

48gt, $-e nx. tgu, ex read Xtlav. m q, n hav; 49

q reads fc09".60



) 0. ^ reads

avftihT: m cn>AXht: ^ tn>AfKF: / avt\X\w.51 ^ reads "H^y: only.

62 omits next five words. 63 x reads &(h\iav. 54

<7reads h?%\ 0Ao>-hff*:

c? atLOClah".65

; ^ read (D^itd: ^r adds VCiwiKW; w. 56^^ reads h7Hiat>".

and omits next two words. b ~'

tg. gq omit, w reads A. / a?A: (D^A: K'A*:

ci. 3-9. <*>rtvtu: ynn: 211

FVa6iia^i hW KW<fl>". &A: ?fttafr-09>S kAm>; 3 tt774-!4

A: 8\#: Rfil>;6

Ofl.Pt: aJftm*: aj^fliifftH: AAtn>::6

4. &7:V&>>i9>a*U s Ati7^t: 9firh^C; 10

fc: *rV(D\b'. Xrifr. aj^+Afrta 2ii^12i4-At: hcb^Cw. ajj&tffDj^tV::

5. <D13*AfcTl*: "Hit: 14


Jtflm>: HA-: W<n><: ip?j&;16 aJ0X: 7 m-ftt!

n<ftC: ^A&lPtn*: *gduj?: k18jB.rhA?-: A&0<n><; htlao; OAC: 19 .eaMfnap-;



6. Sfa 28ffA-:

23 AAC: fflH-ft-: Wfc?; frA*; rh-rt^:

7-0& &02V: (D-W: *a)aykV\ H-ft: 7fld^: 0#cn>;24 whhtf5 *H-AW: Wlv

7. aiftfflJb **CU: aftt-ahi*1 <0*ifAV8 Wffi ai>a>^; 29fflffA*; Hl/ft;

m-A*^: tDhVtav. $<rX\\ fcA:14

A:30 i^^C: A/hJ.CUJP::

318. Mife" cD-fc^s

7-A& A"??: a>r>S;{.\xz

<DfrA: H*(Jft;33 a*A*+ai>; m>J.;

34 <dA: **OTJGt>

TAA: 35AfrA-;

36 XA: J&t*J<DA:37 A: i^^C: <d*A&A; 0<ihC::

389. fito:


m-X-hiP".40 tJ7^t: 41 AA^C: CUP: 42 AAftC: <D43;Wh 44 AA0A: k45


1'e k I read fito;

* gmt u, 0. ^ reads hftfrdV. q ^AtAfl^'. * ;t*AtA^fr:3

c omits. 4 u omits next three words. 5 ^ reads RftlFoi*;6 a~m. m reads

AAtn>*: /3 AAi^: 7a-?. ^, read (Dh\ *

gmt, P-e. g, e omit the final .

q reads t^K^JP; <n>}.: ^lohfi-a^h (sic).9 H^t: = /SacnXe'as = afe corrupt

for WO = vavra? (Hatevi 392).10

; reads y\*C: (Dh^C: "</y read A..

12ffi omits. 13

r omits.14 omits. :5 omits next nine words. 16

afhknvwomit. 17

q reads (D0&: 183. ^^ w q t read lPV?; (ipTJB.; g) mh.. u (Dh..

19 g adds yAAjlfoo*: u?^: aJjB.fhA?': A&A<n>; XA<n>; ArhC; Perhaps this contains

a better reading than the text.20 w adds (D&nx^rfc 21

z* reads AtD-A't^": gg q-

u reads XAffD: Other MSS. fijij.;23

^, efh v read ffA; omits next five words.24

e (save that it gives h<Pao: for O'fw:). So also $-y save that for h&av: it reads

rfilw: and j> mHS: 04>a*>: gmt read a>-X*F; m&tYi w^f; g reads fflH-A*:

7-fl;h ffl^^:$ry-a&tY'. tD*7??: k omits. Cf. Jer. v. 22; Prov. viii. 29; Job

xxxviii. 8, 10. ffi

m, /3. ggqt read mhh&i u a).25

/ trans. 27a-^, at.

3-at trans. ^ reads ^WlA; 28qu read H*ft: r omits next three words through hmt.


gu. Other MSS. J^aoah'Vi u omits next three words. 30a. j3 reads tD-Ai*:


^, p. read A.^'^".32

^ reads hi*: u omits. 33u, b c x omit.

34. /3 pre-

fixes (D.33 reads TAA: (D ;rXyDCt: b trans.

<?reads ^^UCt: TAA: ^ reads

^XyCt; <DTAA: cD^^UCt: ?/ omits next nine words.36

g m q t. g, 13 read

AH-An>*: 37 aknvw omit. 33g q L g reads XA; AOrhC: m AXA: AOrihC:

P-a n AKA: fD-At: OAC: a o>-At: AAC: AAC: only.s9

q reads AJi:

40/, P. g reads tD-Xl*: ^ omits, w

$7read fP-X'F:

41 See note 9. ^ reads

J7^t; Aoj-AI*: 42-^,a^. g,p~adkK2A"V9>\ d h.LCM9>: m adds ([?Ci a).

43reads 44

a, aetklno. 8-ae iklno read ^TVJA:45 ^ omits.

212 roflvtu: ym: cn.i-6.

CII. (VVTO1: aorOA: AXtro;

2 (D^?^ fl,&ai>; 0041:4 XAt; ft**: 5 -Wfr: 8

<DftA*: 7 *."*}-: <D8Aft: a?; jJft:9

JKbiia^i Mi; 10 ^ffoOhm.: 11 (D^LCO-.'.

2. aj^ft-ffo*;12-ftCyCt: Jtfhmiihai.:

13(UPCO*: Oft.: *a>IM: J^C: 14 ttaoVYvD-i13

wu:TC0&i w^T-Ki: 3. mit-tra*: cn>AX*it: 4$frn>:17 tXHHtnn. (D$.&&%.\

hm>: 18J&t-Hlfc:

19 K?$&aDi 0a: 21fl-ftrht: cdj&C0&: *.<fe#: i^J2:C:


*^UDh-; 22AT*****;

23 2TA1: C^^l: A'JAi? :

24atfA>ftliff*>: A1<n>::


fi/hpCfr: Altai*: }$A; 26 S^'i: cDtA^m.; 27*fcA; rtfcffi*:

28 ftR\*:: 165. mh/V

WW9 XoD; 30a><S.e*;


32 a*nt: A.A&: nrftHI: <DA.hft: 33 ^tiao*:



35*A1: frlfh.;

30 AOAt; 37 XII*;33

H-Ji:39 2TAV

fflflOAt: ar>Ct7i aPaotyoMQfr .. 6. a>AA: tff-wfc jC-nA-: AOAifctfi*;42^TAIs



,gq tu, ahedeh. gm read A. fhiklnov ft.2 ^ omits.

3 reads

}a?:4 ^ trans, after &A1*: <? reads 00fl: u omits. '

gmq. gtu,$ read

AJ&1":6 omits next two words. 1

gmqt,^. tg reads fflAjfrfc1

:8 Vomits.

9^ reads H"ft: omits next two words. 10



^. w/, /3 read M*fc xx Mu

read ttUtDli-: u omits next three words. 12 g reads H"A*:13 a-u save

that ^ reads pYavT. u reads (D^ffDftoi.: /3 &k'\)(DYh\14

,-, /3. ^ m read

J^C: <dKA: ? (D910"(Dltlf. t W7" w\t<[; u W7" only.


,gmqt, /3.

g reads JB^od". # omits. 16 u omits. 17q reads J&t&Rcn*;


gu, n

(erased) omit. 19 u omits next seven words. 20^ adds 7&: 21 a-#. omits.

(3-x read 0ft.?: a: fcmA: 22 g reads J&W. 23 d appends A.24

? omits.25 a-m. m, j8 read A4y; 26

a. /3-^r read J$At: a: fflA/l'.OTO*: Alto**:27 ^ reads cD^^m.: 23

m,cfhiklnx a. g q t u read XA: T1*: ,^ i*?A: &A:

T*F: abdeoxp OAt; TthffJ*: 29

^/. ^ reads A/frfim: Other MSS.

a?A/M"HJ.; omits, q adds &A: ^tlff**: A8\-$> :30

gjg. Other MSS. ftftffD;

31 u reads .; a: adds fMiaD<: 32/, /3 add a>-ft1*: Oft.: ^"Wft: amC:

fflTXh: tD.83^ /, 0. ^ read A.hft: w &fl<n>: ?LOi-mia*i q hahd&V:


reads ft. r ftKll*:35

tg reads rb-d^'hff*3'; ?^ omits next six words.36 Emended from Mi Kih: of

tg m qt, /3. ^ reads ftt: X*ih: The word Kih: is

unmeaning here and is clearly a corruption of {tlffr: Cf. cviii. 2 where the righteous

are again bidden ^Jttrfv: AhA: cn>*P0&; XAh: jE-^'^Rff^: XA: JE.7-(14: XM: and in

cviii. 3 KYYao*([\ JtlrfK as in our text. 37 Emended from ftOA'V: oftg t, /3. gmq

read flOA1*:^g, /3 add ft*t: against


? ^ /.39 Emended from Mhtfi*:

^ reads /LK}ilcn>*: It is clear from the context cf. the preceding A0A*V: Xli":

and the subsequent A0A1*: avC^T : that Mho**; is the corruption of a substantive.

gq, a. Other MSS. ^TAJ: This word may be a gloss, and its incorporation40


in the page has led to the change of ftiii into itiitKW; which was subsequently

corrupted into MiKn*; 41 u reads tuft;42

a. reads ftA0A>".43

/ omits.

en. 6-ciii. 2. ofctfviu: vrx\: 213

\\ao-. *TtI: TT: 1 3.$1: to^Th 2 W: A'MTff*: 3 A'-WlCff*:: 57. }P:

hayj.e r1:.7 n^HI: amJttVffoT: a^yTh 8 ^^ff*: fc^M: 9 2tffcH>: 10

TO^i:: 118. aJ71t: 12 J&i^k: 13 fl^W4 &2tf: A'JAT1': 15 a) 16

Acn>TFZ: :7

IT: ^"F: 18a>*fcrDje&H>: A^AT": 5 kd,X&: -ttCYii.

199. XflAhff*: filtffi*:


9TV}: AhAfcff*: AA.0:21 <d* AT.J&:

22 w*U. 23a>*2rtL#h

24 *artOC$t: A-flX:25

atfTCft: 26 "iP: 27 <0*C&rt: 28ffi>P0&:

29ipTJE.:: 10. CfchJPJPff*:

30rt^^r^l: XC:

W: 31 tS^-fri*: 32Xftav; JM-*" 7S0: 34

k*1*<;*in:35 a36




11. <D*l7h7"A-:40 cdM: htn>:

41 HA.M.: <d*<d<2&:42 a*AT: A.3&: m>-}<VlP<n*: 43

n^l^A:: CHI. ajj&Xftt: fii: fc^A^: 44Afcff*: A45 5-KJ: *Clfl-flrf*F:

A0a: wtoiOrC: a>0ttH: odI?/"^; 46 amOa?-: 47 fc^M: Aha*:: 2. &Affi>:


Afti^C:49 yrm.lx a)KiM\tb\ 0<?0: 50 A^^: 27 a>ft.h-: $Wht: frA+; 51


^ reads T'f: *gtn, 0-3 cdl xa. ,gqtu, bcdlx

ta read ^""H*:

3 m adds


q reads A. -6 a), u omits.5 omits. 6

q reads h^VU*!

u omits next three words. 7 reads ^-frff*:8

tg reads FT>'i^O>; q u F"Y\C\


qfu omit. 10/ prefixes (D. x reads hH>: " x reads J&^^J&: yAA>J

u omits next two words. 12

q /(save that ^ omits initial <D), /3. g,gm read .7"$^;13//, 0. g tgq read jE^J^fc; M

/ reads ^VY: 15j omits. 16

gmqtu. ,g,

read XftffD;x1gmqt,fi. tg reads Xff^l'F: vomits. 18

</ prefixes fD.19

^addsA^A^": 20

<z//U z; omit. 21 ^ read AA.0:a^. ^^ read At?: mtMlfc

13 reads ?,: ? U.: V&&1 24 ^ reads oi^Ttfft u omits.


,#-, |3 trans, before wVJ^^ri against a-g. u omits.26

fg q read (D/iTC?*:27

omits next three words. 28,gmq t, be dlo xpp. g t

a read CX?T: efhiknpvChU: 29 w^ read ffDVOA: 30 //, adefhkpw. P, bclx/i read as in text

but add J.. ^g-

?, z'0,3 read ChXlPa^4; but ^ prefixes (D. n Cftiuwh 31

^, 0.

a-g- read }ij-: a: adds y^ACff*: a);32

/3 adds AAffi>: against a.s3g tgt.

u omits, w>7, /3 read }fA*:

34 reads ^70: 35 ^ reads ^hft^: 36

^,y^ omit.

37tg reads "tiff*: / adds kftffD; ^tdtiA: 'Hl'F:

38^?^ read XAff: 39


^, read OAT: ^Tff*: 40

? reads 'JT'A':41 w reads Xftffi>:

42e reads

43^m/. ^ ffoT^fl". Similarly u ffDj^A''. tg, j3 read <D(/3 om^t^Atlfff*:

44 a e

read fiyU^V: 45^ omits. 46

g and alsotg save that ^ omits A before

Oa^.: i^/ read AftflrfrF: A(wom.)0A.J&: tDQ^om. A)*l(W:: tn>17^"F: k reads

AA-flfhT: 0A.JE.: olift-C: and omits rest of verse. P-y aO(Li A-flfftT: a)\iQr^:

wa(dnom.([)Xia-C: (d tt-QC:) rn>W"F: y QO" A" cdAOO^: h^chh: Ahff*:

fDh(14-: fflAhft-C: ffDl?^^: 47,gqt,$. gm read a?n0nj&:

4S ^ omits.49

# reads th^C: /, jS-^y add Hit: y adds H" after y ^,,/.


gqu. tg reads

?iffD?A?1*: m/,p AR^R^: 51

?. g/ read ^At: ^w, /3-^ 4^A1:x Cl^fr *^A1:

214 rotfviu: HTW: cm. 2-7.

coOKttb'. SfrfrA:1 CD-At-hn*;

2 (D*MhO: 3 ClXltWav.i 43. &A<td : H-fc: u"T^

$^i: 5artHIC: t.A<D; 6 <DtfMh: A<n>WHriF<n*; ? AXA: 8 ^t: n8\fr

*artltMi ip?J&:9

je.ttD0fl:10 Ahai*: 11

tiiA;12 Who*; 13 am$Mi<nx :


kT^fc^A: 15 (hSVlw 4. <D*? ffD^fthaP*; AXA: Ttfta^; 18 njf^*

ajt^rfK. a^rfunfr 19 (oKprdfrCt (W\&.fvt\ya^\-X mUrHhCa^i'2


&ao\ *7&: A230a: Ci*itfcin "VahhAi 'JAT'V4 wK\t>L: h-VQCVW M^Gao^.i

5. ftA>; Mia*-. y>ayF\ 2TA"}; AQ: *ffDa**F: tt*nOA: 272m.ft*haiH:



*&0,\un>". XA; h^iun*; 29 fl^'J: fctf^TF: 11 ^T: H-fr-:30

m><p0ft><n*: CX?-::31

6. cDj&Mfci.:32 fF: 33 nu?^: 5 am-flO&: a^^VUbi a>#tA; 35



afflfrflrirfr M: atfHi,: fc+7-(l<;: tra*i n^J&fflfff^:: 7. *?h?C9,a*i Ktlai

AA.J&: .Pa7C.-JP<r: Ain><r$ft1;hcn>:38 cdMkPI*: 39

je.ha*?:40 ^"WIMPa*; 41



^ reads Rth>Q ftvh&:2

gmqt, u, /3- read a^AlrF: Of the

3 MSS. ae/hkv trans. a>" before frrft<J.: n also trans.3

/3. a-q read \ft=0:

$7 2v(HV:4 reads tD'A'H'ffD*;

5 u omits next two words. 6

4g, add ft'tn*;

7 mf. g reads Atn/RAthcn*:,AA^tlftn>: ? An>$A"*itn>; /S Atnx^Atlftn*;


/ reads tikao; 9

g / read (THHM: cdip?J&: ^ <0>{1H*1: u".

<D>fllM: ^"TJE.^: ? ^IH"J: u"T?: /3 aXMlH"} : wTJ&i omits. 10 m reads

cDOfls (sic)." u omits. 12

z reads XAh: reads A1\6"A:13 u omits next

six words. " g omits. 15 reads h^A*: ^ adds $&A*}: 16

^, /3. ,7 read

Mi?-! mfth&D.'. q ch<l(B.\irg,gq,t

2P- m t

l read ffD^Aff^: ntgi P&>

gmqt x u read T*F; 19

#,-, /3. reads J&^rhu'.C; ^00^: qtu omit.

20g<I iu - ,g reads <D/l


'A*: w <D/U2.^rh7o/l: 3 omits, omits next five

words. 21

gmt. ,gq y /3 read ffo^At". 22Z1. # reads mh^HhCa*:

m a)h/ni\\Ca*: q wMfHii&tira*; ,g, /2/3 wTHiiCao". ,g, /3.

mt read 7R: ^ 7X-: omits. 24 omits next three words. 25 m reads fi/^CWP:a x\b "pav; 26

gmqt. g reads ffD^"}; , /3 omit. 27a-^. y, /3 omit.

28 u reads ^HtLttao-,29gmq. ,g, $-ahkn read Jift*; JiA: h*7?" ^fl". a A ^ n

XAr: XA: h*7?". 30 n read H-^ffP4; omits with next two words. 31

q reads

Ch&\ ,g adds ip??; 32

gtu read W(u om.)^.JH>;s3

c omits next eight words

through hmt. 34

tg m, be de lopb. gq, x read fDfl. /, afh ik n v omit.35

q, d

read Wp^VlK; uq reads hck^i s7 u omits next six words through hmt.

33g,gqu save that

tg reads T>Al*: for A before tlhlK\ and Ai^A'tlFcn*; for AtroV?"

and for the latter word, which u omits, gtg read Afn?^A'tU>tn>*: /, &-n read

TKavCyao". (T?i7oCPa0'fc be) XAm>; (hm>: f. 3jc omit) A (m-ft-fi /3) A.^^V:

JPfflC^iPiro4: (frP-Ce"" flf ^/6) Am>1<LAt" (At^At


/3).m waft-arti^i ^-f; XAoo;

AA.^^V: i'tDC^iPff^; -Yh^CPh Atn>l<LA'tfttn>4: is clearly dependent on m and

reads amftfl" Tt'. fh?vCtPav,i Ai^AtlFa^: KAtro; a>At; A.^^: Xa7C^". omits

next six words after &". 39gq read Xh-i*^: 40

q reads jB-ho-?!41 ^ w, /3-r .

r reads a7i/Dl^/,

. g q 1 71*ia,',**? /, /3. ^ reads OflC: ^ a?0aj&: w omits.

cm. s-i i. avftthJ.: 2TU: 215

8. a^A'Jtatrot: maavCa-a*-. cdAM-A: H&&&: in: 2JHfc 0(\\ 3 tAa^: 4

ffD^Ohff^; 5oH-ii: 00j&:

c tha*V AH-A-:8 to*^: 9 M^V h(\>: Afctn*: fcA<n>:


fi2V>mitn*: rt'ltn);:12

9. fcva&9>a*i AS^*}: <D*i<V}: XA: OAfflL:1


/hjarot; Am>pf)A: */"/*)!: W; 13 SodoM: 14<dH-A: WJ: C&fc 15 a>*Xlb1;i


*<3rflfi fflta^Oi: a?aM*.i: 17 ffl^XAt: 13tn>-}AJ::

1910. a>*1vfi7-&i:


a>*/i2vn:21 H&hk-2 Ai7C: 23 ffl/LAym: 24

fctfWlf:25 a>*tR0G: 26

ffllVhWil: 27

m^tA^aH: 29Jiffo; "JC^e;

30 Aj&Dt: OAt: 31 fci^OA*:: 11. 1AC: 32


Chtl: <d*W: 34 HfA: 355><n>aM:

36 X1H: ItlQC: 37 a>k*iPATi: 38A: Wf: 39

<d*W: 40 aoa^Ot: A^T: oA^WG.Pl: <n42/rtiA&: ADA,*:

43fiCO-t: aftlPcn*::


,omits. s reads D. 3

gmqu, ci read OftjE.; omits next two

words, dy omit next four words through hmt. 4 g prefixes W. 5 g reads

aol&fiav". 6

^,(z?' read 90.^: omits. 7 m adds tD^AaJ-X: ffDl^Ahoi*:

toffA*: Jf ii,: 0AJ&:8

,reads A. m omits. 9

a. /3 reads ^a*^^: XAh: A.10 h omits next three words. " u omits. n a-m. m, /3 read AA-T": 13



^Z 1?; read ^Afroo", WH\ g rhfrmfa*\ VH\ Wrfcffi*: m n4: Throughout

the remaining verses of this chapter g puts the verbs and pronominal suffixes in the

3rd person except in a few cases in vers. 14, 15. The exclusive use of the 3rd

person would certainly make the sense of the text much clearer. Since, however,

the MSS. evidence so preponderates in favour of the 1st person we must perforce

accept it.14 g reads 3ffDCTJ:

15 g reads Ckfr.ugmt, In a. g, efh ikl

read Xh-^t: AH-f : q iirCt: kfcJPt: u XiKft: ahc doxp XhJP-fc -CMf! 17 greads hA*: (D&a*-^'. (DCD-chR.; For -frnfl" q reads 1*<D/ij$: reads <Sh*Af : and omits

next two words. 18

qt,behiklnx. g reads "JfrA^T: ," "JfrAI*; frJ-: m, acdfo ta



,reads trD^AoP': _r adds wtVmtii: 20 ^ reads rh7A*:

21 ^ft '*0-^ w/1 "> d omit -M a~^ * ,g reads H^^^-^o^; /3-rf H^M:

23gqt,$. g reads Ai7: m AI74-: omits. 24 m. gg read "yltt:

? nylti: /, /3 wayVdC: (b "ffol^A;) AM; <0/tyD*m: omits. 25 ^ reads

^hfr: 26

g. m reads 1*890: ?/, $-e TfrOCf: < TSOCf: ^ tft-04:27 ^ omits. omits next nine words. 28

tg q omit.29

tg reads i"A<J.fll:

^? omits next six words. 30tg reads JZ-Cht".

31 w adds tD^^aJl*: and omits

the preceding rhj&tDl*:32g q t. m reads 'ifo&Ohi P Wtft&m-i: J&tldJDd

33 gg read &n-U 34 ^ reads VMa 35 w reads HX*}AA: q HfACI: 36


prefixes CD. ^ reads ^cwak; t %.H\\ 37 ^ reads ^T.A^: u ttClC: q adds

fD^A^Oi: 3S

tg reads AAfTb: ?/ omits the rest of verse 1 1, all verse 12, and the

first three words of 13.39

tg reads 3<77lFffi><;

40(g reads \W. 41

a-u, nx.

p-nx read <D.42

^. Other MSS. omit." 3 ^ reads AOAjlfff^:

216 QDflvtu: y?*i: ciii.i 2-civ.i.

12. tMflV: 1ft}:

2 XA: R2Vfrf:3

*fcA: ACT-M: 4 <d*A5XA; j&JUVfci:6 ^trfiti:

HA.Ci: 7 ffl^yAt}:: 813. ki: 9

*}^C:10 Xi^lFffi*: htn> : Ti^fo" <d*VOC<?; 12

cD&*tfHli: 13 fA: IT-Afc;14

w^JS&li 1* tx9%\?a*\\ 14. cDrth^?lf<n* ;

in: rroAtarfr 17 n^Mftl: 18 a^ft^-M: 19 70Cf: 20(1: Krt: *,n&(M: 21


Rfti: hf-lkW2 w?l&JI>&; hao; j&ftyfr: MI;: 2315. a^J&^&Ptnx; 24 AM:


<D*jfcO&(W:26 <d27AXA: Aawh&i; 28 <D29?-Hlk: 30 V^Pa^i91 wtifmOh.;

fc^M: fiCO-frn*:32

AfcA: 33 J&A&tH: ffl^H^"H: 34 a7J&*tAJ: 35 a>?*Mlk: **AI:

^36 *tHh4: htn> :37 ftVfc: 38


A0A>f::40 CIV. k^chfe A&cn*: 41





AfcTtttiffi*: Au7j&: 46 n47k-<n>:


g&> deloyap. q reads 1*A&fn; zrc +AAOV; /, $-deloyp,p read ffltiP^m-:2^, 0/ read K(\>XFao,

i3 ^ reads jE.Rv&JPffi>*: a c omit next four words through

hmt. 4/, (though 3 </* read "(?)). ^ reads YiH: ". So also ? save that

it adds JE-R^frj: before ^^ ,. w A0AJ&: ^7J?.J: ^ je..e7"JW<nx:


qt,i omit.6 ^ reads ?&bSsS>ao<\ 7 ^ reads ft^lf: q Atrh-f: &A.Ci: 8

g,ehiw. m t,

abed/kino x aft read aoV^i: q SPeh^i: ,g avrtiCPav; 9

gmqt. /3 reads

<DK gtoiASUl0

gqt,hik. m, p-A i k read 1ih>& ^4-:n

g. mt,pread Tift*: qlL9t9i ,g PiLft". omits together with following ai.


q reads .P0C 1?: ," .P0C: a omits next five words. 13

tg reads lilft*:14

,#" reads

pbW; ls

gm,loft. q /,&-! oft read 1WI: gMth 16 u reads a>Ah}:and omits next two words. 17 ^ adds a>704*:


,reads Ay^ftlFffn*:

omits next five words. 19

tg reads 5U?f: 20g. tg omits this word, as we

have seen in note 17, though it inserts it elsewhere. Other MSS. omit. 21

tg reads

n&0jP<n*: n(\&0". 22mt,l3. g reads hJZCW. q h-CX?>: ,g hO&\

u omits together with next word. B ^ reads PlCOD", u omits next three words.24 ^ 0- / read hCXXli7DPao'i q "\i9a*\ 25 w /, /3. # reads JBUASJ:

? fto>*&i:tg p>Q.&9>(TD". 26 ^ rea(js ^n^vOiPff^: ? AV(H: a omits next

two words. 27w,y*omit. tg reads AiDv^JPfln*:

29 en omit. 30^ reads

?*J-fl/W:E1 omits next five words. 32

tg reads hCPJtfft>,i

33 w. g,g,/o ft read

&A; ?/, /3-yo fiA: The clause <0?1*flk: 41"which follows shows that the words imme-

diately following hCh^av4: refer to the enemies of the righteous and not to the rulers.

Hence AXA: or XA; not AA: is right. The word ' rulers'

forms the subject of all the

principal verbs.34 a

tfhiklno x p. ft.a b c de read JB.HCH4J: u omits next four

words. 35 x reads wa)ll&.i g w&fy".36

q reads W. 37mq,fi. g reads

tHhthoO'; ^ tHhCiPff^4: / ^-Ith^: iiao-. u m only.

" m omits.39 reads

X&IFtn>*:40 ^ read AOA.lPo^: omits next two words. 41

/2 add ^A^i

42 reads XA: 43 ^ omits. 44

q reads ,H>fo4: prefixes H. 45 u omits next

two words. 46

q reads Au'V.e: AA^^: Au1?^; y (l(latIfri

47 k omits.

CIV. i~7. ODftTlU: XITX\: 217


rtOa^; 2 aj^rt^thff^: 4ftrh<?:

5 n*^ffD; Mihtlhi (iO(l\: 2.

trt^m.: 6XAtn>: "M^: 7

;VC*icn*: nMij&: <D*n8^A1i 9cojeXtU: tACtf-:

10 hm>:


A"7,: frflClH12 n^dhW 3 m*-?^: 14 AW: je.ta>-:

15 Ahm*::

3. <Dfr<S.f: R*hai>: SHfe frC**-:16 JPAtC/L: Afttn*: VlaD;'? ^7"}: tn>1X*it:

j&t^uW8H-ft:'9 ylfXhXiaD*: a>w}i<r>lt(rav< l fcA: *CXjP<n*: AXA: ?0^^iitn^::

4. tAm: w&fpt&bi l-A^hff^; XAffD; tha^: Ah<n>". S^h: 0&:- 1


tn>Afctit: A^:: 5. ylt: 22OAcDiiffn-:

23 t7A4: 24 Ah: ttf-Ofc UAtDiun*:

(10At: JHi.;26 0O.; 27 atf/'rtYlift-:

28 hm> : ^TA1: a>17JHfc friti AWy; tha**}:


AH-A*: *aJ^.g; MT :: 6. wKW>l\ hJV^CV". %P\\ Ad; 3"

t&X.ejPtn*: A^TVi: J&fclO':31 cD32

^^Affl,:33 ^^a^: 34 BAMs* frW:

yAAjlFa^: frl;36 <Wi*: 37 ft^WO: RMFtn*; 38 ^Aod; A*1<M: 39 A^A: UAfDfctn*:




7. ffl43XA<n> : t-nA-: **}*(**; ;Wi; 32 ft'ViP-: 44 a>k*87hf :


1 ^ reads <n>AXil*fcU*:2

u, ahkn 1 omit next five words through hmt. 3a, i.

e reads XAtn); p-e i omit. 4to, e read hha7'tU'(fl>4 : b g to, (3. g reads

8vh4-: q t frftthb: e adds dd^ffi-:6 a omits next three words. 7

a, a.

0-a read ft^".8

<S c omit. 9 omits next seventeen words. 10q, o omit.


gmqt. ^, /3-/read (lCy?t: /tTDlMrf:12

a. /3 omits.13g reads t^rf.".

* ^"El?-: ^Cfifr14^ to read -^T: "

gmqt,fklojb. g reads

"dJv'av. w^a dihOL'. In abcdehi \X. is doubtful whether it is sing, or plural.16

to ? /, /3. # reads fcCfc: ^ RCft: ir,

omits. 18c dfh lya read "li^u*:

<? 3 "IxPP*!?; u omits next seven words and all verse 4."

to /, z'read H*A*: 0/ <DH"A*:

20 Vomits. g,gmq,fin. t, $-fin read 0HJ&:22 a-m f, e. m reads ^"H":

/, /3-* 2i"H": omits. 23

q,fhil read UAo^licrD4:

247/ omits. 7^ omits next

four words. 25</>/ prefix H.

26z^ reads fDH'Jfc: and omits next nine words.

27q, i read 0&: 28

? reads ^ChOr: 29 reads A0A>fccn*;30

q omits.81

-to. q reads ^"JO*: z* omits. Other MSS. read jE.Rl(fr32 u omits.


g' reads J&&A*: to ,,Aa>: q &&{?: u omits next fourteen words. ^gmqt.

,g reads (1$". /3 O^taJfff^:33 a-. /s reads ff)^. g adds W^Wa*: a).

36^ to read ?iA:

37g m read C'i^: 3S gmq read HASltn^;

39 ^ m q L Text

= dyaQiov corrupt (?) for dyyiXcou (Flemming). g reads *hlo'. Other MSS. (h&i

which may be right: cf. Luke ii. 13 (Rev. xix. 14).40 g omits, diob read

VhayXiao". 41

bepv x. fn trans, ^ihfc after (ft", h k add it on margin. All

other MSS. omit. The syntax requires it.42g reads A'F". / ft^doi g (IfPVit

and adds hVftn*; ^/ w . Other MSS. omit.44 reads ^Y^ypP3




^$r read jB-frrh^: to ?^ ^Rrh^: /, /3 ^.Rrft^: a omits next six words.


218 oDtfviu: ynru civ.7-11.

*tirtt>: ^flUSt!:1 *R"<ftf: UAm: 2

fr-Y;3^-TLfrttia-V *AH-A-: OAt:. 5

8. rujE.

&H>L: hi.6 SCX?hnv; fcAm>: 7 *^C7*J: ffiJttWDt:

8 *0(Vh a)A>A/fr9 loMi 10

ttfci" ^aih-fiia^ii12

9. /LtC^fr: 13ASWlfcai*: <Dk*l7hAm.: 14 tD^ir^TT: 15

AJ7<S:]6 CtO: 17 a^-JThAa^: 18 Ai7d: *&A: Oaj&: 19 a>/t*trhA-AP: 20 A^^iia^:

XflffD; A.Wt: H-Av 1


artf-A-:23 CAnhai*: 24 Aft\"fc M: 25


Oa^;: 2710. <DJ&MU: Mi Sfii^tf:

28 AH: 29 y-ViTLC: 30XA<n>:

31 J7& C*0:

tn\em-: 32cD*?0-\ai.:


34 2T*V5 mj&tW: 36J7<?.+: XJkPT: cDj&rfbAm.;

<DJ&<LT4-: <?TYt; 37 OA.i't:33

cDffDiJrh^t:39 .WMhf: 40

A: Yl6-t\Fao*\\ 11.

a>AAA: 41JfA: 42 }71*: 43

JE-frrhf:44 (lCtO: A: ^A^tlfff^: a>/LB2vnv:

a>;i*?rhfrj?.:45 Ji^n^t?: 40 Ms *H-A: ACtO; 47 ^8"Af: 4S

frft :

49 H*^^:


g,gm <l (save that ^ reads frA*;). Other MSS. HA; $OLh:Vk 2gt,P (save that

/ reads .Cftvhf :). ^ reads XAtn>; UA<0: .fcRrh^: ra Rrf)f : OAohoo*; ? &?Cch4*\

V([9>ar>.3 ^ read H-A*;


^ra/, [3-d/ob. gq, dfop read "h^iia*:5

reads Jf-ft: OAt: 6 g trans, after fiC". q t omit. 7?/ omits.

8 m reads

A-AC amJttV". k flC/i : a>5V2V<n>T:9

qt, (i. gg put in ace. m reads OAthff^;

ffD-MVT: cdAAT: u reads AAT: and omits next five words. 10

q reads JE.CX?-:11

,# reads JfA*:12

/, -</. -,?, d read "ffitia*'.13

? reads JLCAO*:

o (Dh-VCVO". 14mtu,p-e. g tg read *V-h''. ? t^T: e IVhAA*;

15 a-.7/ omits. /3 reads ''TIP;

162 prefixes W. u reads At7<2: 17 u omits next

sixteen words. K abcek. The parallelism supports the above reading rather

than that ofgmqf, op l7hftaJ-5P; g reads iV'hh(D'9}i d pdihcD-Pi fn x a iThAa*?;

i?chft(D<9>\ /t^na>P:wgqt. Other MSS. read (DOajE.;

20g reads t^A-AT:

, ^VhftflJP; ^ I^^A'P: Hence the reading in the text. But the reading represented

by the other MSS. may be right. ml, &-/zf> read *VA-AifoJ>': ("Vi /). flfi A-ArhJP;21

? > ,g q, read HA: m Jf ft":22

z reads A1*". 3 f Im.Xt". 23g t, (3-a d.

,g m q read H-ft: a d JM: 24

gm q t, [3-e. g reads CilW. e CAO^. 25 g reads

K([; 26^/omit.

27ggmq,bcloxfi. /, &-6cloxp read 0OJ&;

2S ^^Other MSS. KhS^C: 29 w ^, w read AHll1


^ omits. omits the rest of the

verse. 31 g reads \vao\32g reads ^aojCT: r wfi-ao^mr;


^ /, /3. tg omits.

; reads ^r'. ? ^r. uggmt. q, op read -nH"i: p-op >att$'ii *gqt,fr-e.

g m read ^TAJ: ^ omits. 3617reads (D,C>i74:

37 w reads m: ;/(_y)

^T^^t: ^q reads m?: 39

/, /3. ^ /<?; ? read ao^th&Yl:

40 ^ ^ /, (3.

g reads JB-J^rfi^.; ra >%(h&\ 41?/ reads AAA: u omits.

42^- reads Itfc:

vomits. 43 a-lu. t, d read J7C?: ?/ }7d.t?:44

,- reads J&8*fh: z'adds

K"ft: H. reads tDj&Rfh&i and trans, before t7" and omits next seventeen words.45

g,g '/>. ^ reads i>

'}8'}{.: ^ ^.f60*: abcdekln xtap SthOO".


/;? reads

I7^t?: 47 m reads n8"-*: onC^O: H'A: q AC^O: JfA: 43 ^ reads a)R(h&49

^ omits.

civ.n-cvi.2. oDfivtu: y?tt: 219

hii^On--. aXi-thiPw.i 12. a>**i2vfi: ^p'aic-. 1 *K7C'. hftcn> : *As.*ka?AmaOV fr0lMl: s tm^rh^^t: 4 A<?^': *a>ACtO: a>AT(Wl; 5


13. wtfcnx-.7

j&tffllMl:8 croi^St: 9 fflfca^W ?*yJ.: n Off*;

12 ajt^Iwp<n*:

13 <D 14jt0u'?':

15ffft<fl*: %P\\ fcA;

12 h^llTa*- hKtn>W 7ifft :


CtO:: 19 CV. afc^TF: 20tn>p02V: J&ft: ?i7RX; 21 Ra>(h 22


Aa>rt\e : y\C: 24(ITanffi*;


6ftff^ : Xflm>; fri^a*; (W.^l\ra^^

co^O^JPt: 23(1: H"!;

29 7JCu 2. JiAod; X};30 a?a?2v.?: 'i&aoC: 31 yflA,^^:

A9Ay: n*W: 3J CtO: Clch <+a*i 19 a^AI^V3J&ha**$: Ahcn*; t^rt*:

a>A.e: C^O: ft*7?*}::


CVI. atfLT^e"*^; 35 m><pO&: i^fi: a>2U?: 36 <WM: CVI. Factum est au-

A(dv&: l^h; 37 nXA.t: eiAt: Ki^lh a?a>A.e*:38 tem tcum esset Lamech

v r ,, . . . - . .. . .. ~ annorum tricentorumwh.w li

2. with >2d. RMs h<n>: ftftrlrhf:t

-, of c ootquinquagentaj natus est


h<n>: 8"; M\ (Dftfrd; Chft; hew; B^C: 40

e i filiu(s), 2. cui oculi


-t<Dil&7&{T70': &<?; aOTttf:t 42 a?AA: sunt sicut radi solis,


q reads in nom. 2

q reads AmaHl: <03.". u (\%&" only.3a. /3-a k

read "<0lM: a omit.4

gt,$-benx. ^ reads "ftJT: m,bePnx"&tl q "$+:

omits.5 a trans. *' reads fflAC" ATAfl: reads fflAG" only and omits next

word and all verse 13 except the words &A: K^hWa^i 6

g reads flH'*f :7 ^

reads aJft*F;%ggmt. q reads J&U-fl: /3 "(DUO:

9;/, /3. , ? read "+;

w adds (Dftoffo*: ?ftyDf.; /adds (\&P''*\\ fflACtO:10 a-. /3 reads a?.

" ^reads &hyi*'. n

,g omits. 13zrc omits. u

^ omits.15

ot, dehily read

J&^rfiiP?':16 reads yAAjlFffi^: 17

?, 0. ggmt,yta read hhF ^'.

1Sg reads

H*A*: ? trans. K*ft; after C^O: 19 w omits. M a-w. w, /3 prefix 07.21

* reads

ftVYLK'ttrtyC: m t, &-x add hffo; omits next two words. g> c read ,".


tg, abcdefhiklnp. gq read aM^ft". w omits. /, oa-

/ read (D(\". 24 reads


adds XftffD;25 # omits next two words. ft-a. g,gmt, a read

fiCfi?1: ? fiCX?": ^ a reads av6.(h,l\J>

(fl>". u omits next four words.28g,g q, i.

mt, ac e/h kin a read O'WI': 3 tf*o x iHi\\ op ftiP^t; 29

g g, abcdeklnx.

mqt,fiojab read S"A*:30

/ adds /i-fl:31

mq, p. g ,gtu read 1&at>C:82

,^-w read ^?1":33

tg reads A'ltn): and trans, after Aha**; 34g ,gqu- ml, /3

read flX*7?'}: ^ adds yA>A\P: gqtu add as a superscription 1fl: *ta)^A 5**1!

35 m adds >nH"i:36

q reads a>^^.; 3ra, alovxyb read A^U: *

/ adds k7i,V".39

gu. bnx <Prtii Other MSS. *J&rti;40

;/ omits next four words.41 m t

omit. 4 '2 The second reference to Noah's hair in 7" is corrupt. i^VjE.; is like-

wise corrupt for B'hfi: See verses 5, 10. Hence I restore the text as follows : hff:

hl6V". AB^JE.; AOJE-T'. So Lat. oculi sicut radi solis. I should add that /, /3 add

(D before \P<;&\ against g,gmq and that gq add <D before A0JE.V' against gmt^p.

220 rortvtu: y^vi:


hiPt: M&itlhi frilCU:1

*K-ft: ftt;2

h<n>: Q-h. 3

rtLAkZ: nCU: *H-rt-: ft*::5

3. wfi&Y. 6 lrh\

K7}iZ,Yi 7 AciDa*A#fr 8 (D9hiPt: fcflh tartV7<2:

A*fcmfc R\fc:: n 4. a?<LCU; l^ft; MHhu JU^U*:

<d7?: (DffD-ft; -JQ: fiCHfr yFA4:i 5. wfrcytri Mi

wC[lb: wh\ n a*A-m: 14 <d 15&W: hm>; A-Ofc: <D16j&ffi>

t\6i: AM: ffi>1tait: ft^jE-: aXpT^-F: *1&MV7 <d18/LW:

h^i: (DX0jE.ltO-: h<n>: Xl0". CiB'h^: 78.:19


6. wavMl: hao-. KM\ X7tfi Mi Xmxfofct: ^frFi

whLCO'. ha*>i Tu&YlbC: odIXiC: Clar>VO(Lfri *Qi

y^-C:: 7. (DJ&toM.: UAoMk fi(K; *flta<H)h: 20

XfttaV; X^ffth: h<n>; t^C: 21-JA: **?&: fitt-i;


a>*W70: 23 Xy-JftO-: ft^f: 24Xfttn>: (D-XW sr>M:

m>4tal*; ^W:: 258. (DM: Ai^O: or l:

'1/l: }7;

a>2v&:26 aoRh; ffl,?; oKlt: ft8Sf<L: y.C: Xfl<n>

rty0: htn>j4

*U?: UAfD-h-: 27 a>fcC*J: cdA^OIk ^ft9;


iDtn>i{Xh-: ffttf: a?Xftft: ?l>: Orttu-h-: a>2U?: tXftfli>:29

m>Mii -Jft?:: 9. atfa^Ai.; cD^fl,:30 nXTT: *3Ufc

0ft: 31tnn&ft-: Ifth: waXfti Xj&; OO-Oi OH: 32

CVI. 2-9.

capilli autem eius can-

(di)diores in septies nive,

corpori autem eiusrnemo

hominum potest intueri."1

3. et surexit inter manus

obstetricis suae et adora-

vit dominum viventem in

secula Haudavit.1 4. et

timuit Lamech, 6. ne

non ex eo natus esset

nisi nontius dei, 4, 5. et

venit ad patrem suum

Mathusalem et narravit

illi omnia. 7. dixit Ma-

thusalem : Ego autem

non possum scire nisi

eamus ad patrem nos-

trum Enoc. 8. quumautem vidit Enoc filium

suum Mathusalem veni-

entem ad se, [et] ait:


gmqu. gt, readXlCTi"

mq. g reads Ytfc; ftt: ,g H-ft : tuftCti

ft*: /3 JM: ftl*: u omits next six words, b omits next two words.3 s .8 and sob ib



Other MSS. 8rh:6

tg omits. g reads H"A"; ftT:5

mq/, /3.

ft : "1*:6

g. Other MSS. a?AA: 7 g reads fcyaJ-ftt; h^,7: w XF%0".

gq. g reads Aff^A^t: m Xod<d&.*: / AcnxoA'. Aod'PA" /3 A<n>a>V".

,-. Other MSS. u omits, n reads I7i J7C: 1ST is possibly corrupt for

1*,PJ?: = oravit. Cf. Latin in ver. 11 or 7i?: = adoravit: cf. Sir. 1. 17." m reads

JtftifrflrtbC: K:$\ q omits verses 4-1 1 with the exception of the last three words

of ver. 11. 12 u omits rest of verse 4 and verses 5-1 1 with the exception of the

last three words of verse 11. 13 reads (D-C\r&:u / reads a>rt\; 15

gg.Mi H. bcdn read Mi # Mi Jim>Other MSS. omit.


gg. m> reads H. mand trans. J&orDft^V: after (WjE.; /, aefhiklow t

ab omit.17 ^ reads 5i2V&

18/ omits. 19 ^ prefixes (D.w ob prefix a).


21 ^^ /, /^ /^. Other MSS. ^foC22 w reads Jf^h: ACHi: ^ ftft-i: Y.F*i:

M ^ reads ^flyO: 24

^ /, 0. g m read

Xcnx}:25 g reads "i-d^-F: / tn>*jn4:

26 ^ adds A^Etli27 bcnx trans.

28 reads 3A; 29 = 6ton corrupt for bib. tL Cf. Lat.'

quid est quod venisti?'

Hence read Qjilt: ^"It: 30,g, x read a?jB.ftAL:

31 ^ w /, save that / reads

0<\: for 0aj&; g reads SIW*: Oa?: /3 \1C\ Oaj&:32 w reads (TH: omits.

CVI. 9-14. rotfvtu: yftt: 221

tow*:: 10. aM&Mfci.;1

Aft-?: AyOt: 2kfl<n>:

*<02V.C;3 AM^h: 4 a?4u?; aj^V^-;

5 *w?lM; HAi^AA-: 9

cd^TY*; A.W: 7 htn>: $T<S1*: A*lk: <D'WK-:8 R0&:

^Afl^ti*: gd*#*: 9fcyfrT,; ; tDR7"& CXA-:

A8^J&: a>*hi+: 12 X0j&^t; a>2frnCU; 13

frft :

14 At:: 15

11. (Dfi^A: a*At: 16 X&Y: A*tn>a*A#fr 17 a^A: 18

Aflfr a?n<Sli:19 Afcmft; A'W:: 20

12. (D&CVi *hO-0".

A^h; 21oT-fc 22

"Jft?:23 wKKT^h h<n>;

9fcyiU-: a*2i*F:

ftA; fiyAA*: 24 X<n>AMit: A^j&i w^U". tn>J?Xh: ?fl,h:25

hffo;9^j&,e-0t: 8\#:: 26

13. aJ^a^Xh.; 27 Mi 2f?h:


firl&ft: XmX; 29 -KAt: 30A: i^C: 31

wKi-t: *w&h-, CM*: 32a*fcj&: (D37iA0h-h: XAm>;

Ata*^: 34 A&.P&T: 33Aft-?:

36 frJAf :37 \1C\ AXmfc?: 33

X<n>&0v+: 39A^JE.:: 14. wWa* *jE.7n4: JnUt:

atf-JM.;40 JC0-ti ffl^AA: filAt: 1\&n>4. : a)41yDA

A>m: J&7-C14-: ^rtLfrf: atfa*Aft-: fcyiin: 28 a^yklP*};42

Quid est quod venisti ad

me, nate? 9. dixit, 10.

Quod natus est filio suo

Nomine"1 Lamech(filius)

cui oculi sunt sicut radi

solis, capilli[s] eius candi-

diores septies nive, cor-

pori autem eius rnemo

hominum potest intueri,1

11. et surexit inter ma-

nus obstetricis suae rea-

dem hora, qua procidit de

utero matris suae, (et) ora-

vifdominum viventem in

secula et laudavit. 12.

et timuit Lamech. 13.

et dixit Enoc : Nontia-

tum est mihi,rfili,


m omits. 3 m adds Miaw;6

g m - ,g, flp read fl*Hs fi^AA*:8 g reads S^i.\ J"?})".

9 g omits.12 m reads af>tVv,ti


gm. gt, /3 read

1 m add ll!F"iL: a omits next word.4

top read A^U: 5

tg, vy read ml\.\

/, p-a HfLM: h9". 7 g tg m. t, /3 omit.10 /omits. n

gmt. ,g, 13 read h7<51fr

h-QGYl ug,gmt, fi-bceloxp. bceloxprezdlfli

13 d reads A>A/1":16


adfhik op.p. ,g, be el* read ftya>-Al*: 17^. reads ffOtDA^h #*/, aoah.&V:

18zrc adds a*Al":

19 With this word q u resume after their long omissions. 20 u

omits next thirteen words. 21

gmqt, bceiloxp (A'TJU: x p). yg reads A^h;a dfh knv read A" ft".

22 For the next five words m reads Yiao; fc^i,?; D-A*F:

&A: ftffD};23^ reads fftlh

24^ /, h. q t, fr-h read A^Aft": 25

? omits.26

q omits next three words. 27 VI reads fifD^XW: ^ u omits. 29<? .3 read

27lifi'(lrh>C:30 ^ reads fh^Ai*: omits. 31

z<! omits next five words.32

gt,ikopwyp. ^g reads ChAbl mq,abe de/hlnx (Dfi" (DC. 33

tg reads &k&ii

<D?0*: 34^ q t, (3-a b c x.

tg reads ([^(D-'. m ftt: ^A*^: a 3 <r x *?(&&%.'.35

^"/^ Other MSS. AjPi>^r:36^ omits, u omits next eight words.

37 m reads

?i^^4: q A*i^:38

^^^, Peklnap. mt,abc d/o x read AX7RX: h AX7aft:39

^ /^ k read ffo^OM*: ffoAXilt:40 u reads a)?*i^V^: wmJ^T 1(11" and omits

next seven words. For a)?*}^V^ ^ reads ?rfiv:

read (D only. ^ omits, x trans, fcy11" after a?A&:

41</ omits. 42


222 rotfvtu: y?n: CVI. 14 CVIL 1.

rpost quingentos annosn

15. mittet deus catacli-

smum aquae, ut .deleat

16. et



w<[&; <#:: 15. *a>(Whfc Oaj&J1 ha*l; 2


H-rt-:3 y^-C: a^?; fije.-*:

4je.ha>V a>*rh7"2V: 0O.JB;


fl*firfi&;7 ^ffnt:: 16. a^ha*?: 9


HtaJ&A" Ahfftx; a*Vfc 9tC<?: 12

<1: i^C:awrtfrfc 7 ^**: 9

J&^"SJ.: i^ftA.^: 13A(l: ,etn>tD1V


H-ft-; A-OX: H^n: 15^.fi-C:

16Ae"*"}; a^Xf: aU><*:: 17

17. oj 18j&<d&&: 0: iP\C: XA: .Ptvftt: fifr Hffp-RA;

M: H^: wZhart; *m>fciP$t: 0a: 19tti y*\-C: 20

aj^iafl: J^C: Xy-^H-A-; 9cn>ftT:: 18. *a?j&XH>L:

ft.0: 21 AtD&.h: l^h: XAtn>: HttD^V^: a>v&; 22

a*X1V nR\fc 23 a>*Ra*0: 24 AT: T'*: XAcn>. artrt\

Phahh; AhaP*: 25 t^4: 26a^tD-X-F: w$$i Z&'hU"

Xa*>A7: Xfti taofrX: 0: i^C: 28 X^H-A-: 29^m.At:


coX^ttA*: 31 9oDq :32 Xlt: UAarfr 33 **4Ryv4 *n;

y^C: 35<Un>P0fUJ:: 19. <dX;td.'WH: tha*"}; 36

}cn>q: A^-^: 37 Xi^XIt

t^Rtn>t: *^^: 38 *(1: ^frC: 39 *XAcn>: fiftyC: WflL**! fcfcffl:40 XAcn>

a*X*F: X7RX: 41*Cft?i: tuAAC-Oi:

9 a^aftQU.: A"7J&: Ma-flto: CVII. a>C&fe

romnem creaturam"1 XL

(diebus sicut) ostendit

oculis nostris.

erunt illi tres

erunt nomina

eius Sem Cham Jafeth,1 ipse vocabitur Noe,rqui interpretaturrequies,

quia requiem prestabit

in archam."1


fg reads dibto 0(1?'. q ffll^ft*: Ofl.?:2

c omits next six words throughhmt. u omits next three words + (D.


tg, e hkn omit. * u reads fl"??: hfi-'li

and omits next three words. 5 adds -fl; H"rt*; .T^C: 6

j*reads "ft*; "?;

/ rh7-V; 74g omits. 8^ ?. Other MSS. omit.

9 u omits. 10

tg m q, 0.

g reads Tlat-ftVi H(0V.*: / ttav; u 'Hat^Ai ng reads tiwd&i u omits.

12 u omits next two words. 13 u omits next eighteen words. 14 m q, /3. ,/

read JLttOfD^ti15

^ reads Afl: 16 gg omit next six words through hmt.

q omits the next three words. 17a: adds jE.Jfl4.; .fl; y^C; 18

q t, x. m, @-xomit.


gt,p. m u, op omit 0fl.jB.; ^^ put in ace. omits next two words.20 adds jElho."};

21/ reads &&/>: 22

ot /, p. ^ ? read W&&\ ,g (D&i&h:23 w^/2

, j3. g tgu read $.$: Z1

ft\-$: /<r omits next eight words. 24 y reads

&a)RX: 25^ omits. 26

g. g reads ti^,: w q, |3 i*^<{.: / reads t:27 ^ reads ^^"il: 28

/ adds X7itfc a).29 aw prefix (D.

" u reads ^ffq:31

^ reads WitCt: u W&hah'}; a a).32 a reads m^f|7: ?/ omits next ten words.

33mf,p. g reads 0^V(D^: ^ OSVovh $r OAfflt:

M ^ m (save that m trans. ttCafter y^C:), j8-* 0. gqt,eo read ^Ry": 35 a adds ROodI: i omits next ten

words through hmt. 36tg reads frlltD'li

37 a omits. 38 m trans, after 9 $:C\

(g omits. 39/ reads ^ftlFoo*.

40q reads ^1}; Q<n>?0<Uh "^womit.

cvii. i-cviii. 3 . ooflvtu: yfvi: 223

XfoL'. n'AOA.lFa*: 2Xftffo; to*^: 3 X^m-hJ':: tfcnil; Xfth:

4 ttWX: 5

^oj-^V^: ft\*: 6 atfnA: 7 ^trhTA: (D^ailfti ttArfift: 9 Xi^O: y^C:ffiH-rt-: ip?^:



122. a7j&XH>i.:

7 co'X.e?; ^C: 13 **:A*D^^h: n^2ft:

u XAm>: UtD 5^: 15 Htffl^A 16 a)^: Rfi[J: cd-X^F: TiTJ: 17

(DtLWi thCl-fii 3. <d*M: 18 rtyO: <WMi J7<2: fiO-U: 2f?*i: Xfrn>;19 (MfrX: 20


*H-ft: 7-dd: a>7nfi: whCWf. w(lcn>W hr; A*Wi-: 24ffl'X.e: F'i: Xn<n>:

o*X*F;25 ti,At4/w'h; 2(i A^^C: X^frA-; ftM:: 27 CVIII. 5i^X;



HRrh<L; J??*]: Aa)^: ^-MA: a>*AXA: 30cmRK.i *i?v 'U>lh: aj*MtohM

/"COt: 32 A^<5: a<P0&:i 2. XA: 7nOi<n>: I*"??:33

tJttrfK34 AXA: 35


Xflh:36 je^Ro*: 37 XA: 7<K-: Xft?; ffl^t^Ryj 33

*${t>arxi Atn>frfl<r$::39

3. cD^lto^A: ft-*}rfr: XAh; IvhSV*?:41


XA<n>; vtt>: ft-poi*:43


*XaDRib&\ fh^m^i w^Xavvtrh^i fr&Al: 46 wHCfia*: J&trh7-^: A^AT15:


c^ omit. 2 omits next four words. 3

g reads 1*(D1


/, .

^/^ m 1 reac^ Xft<n>: (D.5/ reads ^TTV/i.: a trans, after K&fy. 6

<?/(5 read


?/ omits next two words. 8</ omits. 6

ggmPuy/ht khtpvwci(save that g- reads t^A"). qt~, abedeoxp read ^^7*^: # omits next six words.10

e omits." a trans. jE.ffDft*X: before H"A": f//> read /tj&<n>".

12 ^ reads

&(\\ SrC'. 13 gg* u -<2,

read d*C: x prefixes ffo'FAA:14

trans. omits

next six words. 15 m q f, p-a. g reads Ha>l.C: ,g Tfffl^V^h: a hen>"H; a hffoTf:

ro/X^: a>X*F; tDtDA^! 16 n omits. 17 reads tDjW}: a r flfi".18 g reads

*iOA:19 d reads hffi>:

20a. /3 reads IMft'X: 21

/' omits, u omits next four

words. 22 This is the text of g save that it has compressed 7*fl<J; (Dl^lh'. into

V-ttCh: g reads frA": 7-0& /, a 3 f dloxyp fttr; V-flfr a)7<\fc CKF: efh iknp.Yt" (n omits) T wChTi 1-ttKi ,a trans. C" 7". m \1C\ H-ft: 7-flA: (DhChT:

q H*fl: only.23 gmq t,fhik, gu, $-fhik read w(\ODf; u omits next word.

24a-$r, cdfhiklnop.p. qu, abpw read fD-X'F: if H. 25

tg adds JP^"*)?*: aJ.

26;/, /3. ^^ read JPAt^L". Corrupt for i'Atl^: = &aia7raw as in LXX (or

perhaps avivtyv^i)= 0^, Our text had thus a paronomasia on the name Noah


27 g,g m u - Qf>$ rea^ ffrHV; 2S,g prefixes (D.

29 m adds WZfh: 30

^ reads

XXA: (sic).31

tg reads ^O^ft":32 u omits next eight words. 33

g tg. Other

MSS. omit. 34

g,gq. 7n reads t^rh.; /, /3 ffltR".35

^. w reads ATfh-:

Other MSS. AXA": 36 u reads fflXAh: 37gurf. gmt read ^Ry"; q "l&9\

38 ^ Z3 - gl read ooAjE.^^". w (DAjB-TT4". / &&XL'. u omits together with next

two words. S9fib trans.

40a. /3 omits. 41

g reads ^"rft^V?:42

i omits.

7^ omits next eleven words. 43

g, ax trans, after $&(&".44gg t, $-af.

m reads JZA^Mi q, a/Px ^^yAA: 45gg. q, x read Xtn>5?At:

(Xavftthfc x) rhftpl: m t kaoRrtiQ a). P-x omit. mqt (save that for

b&AI: t reads ^^fl^i), eb. Cf. ciii. 2. g reads "kao^d\L\ $&A: ^ Xooil^^t:*^At: /3-^i\r/ Xffo5lrh?+: $&<V}: ("At: ^).


XffoJfrfi^: fc&A'}: r ^A*?:

224 ooflvtu: y?tt: cviii. 3-7 .

a^ffol^AWtfl*: 1 jW-Wh 2 w^d-i wlhwJZaL: aan^ih A.av. 3 HtLffttCh.:*

ffl*(l^t; J^-:5

JiflffD; jUJA":6 U? ; jP\-C:: 7

4. <D*CfilK 8 AU?: 9 hm> : .em*?;10

H&J&MJ&: 11Xfltn>;

12 Xj70ot>*: 13h.\iVhlb.

u+ A0A: iC:t 15 MOA: VHV7

CAJk 18 *?%1H: he,: 19ftA-/ft: a^j&^hAA-: 20 hm> : kOC: AA-W 1 w^Uwih:

A: <dA:: 5. <D*tAXtaiJP: AS22Xtn>Atait: fr&AV3 XA: ^ftA,?: mXftft :

*y 1^: o*X1V4 HAA-A: 25Xilm>i **.W: A"??: 26

fiA:27 AUA: XA*: *AAt*F:

HK-.: 28 <d*A: *-A*i.e: a>8-rh: 29 fifD^*: 26 m^th^T : 1.P&:: 306. ojBftrtL:

HTfc 31rrolil: Ht&fc: AU?; 32 pYw&W* cn>?^flt:

26 ?T: 34 fflfrW: XA:

^.7-04-: Xh-?: <dXA: J&tn>fiv: *H-ft: H26J7<!;

35 XmX: 36 Afi: 37 IA..W XA: 39


H-A-:41 M-7A4-::

427. XhaD-* UAm.: XytlFa*: Kvh-Vi: ariUrtV

1^ . ,g reads }$A-fc". ? /, ffoVSAf. 2

gmq,p. g reads J&W./ *fh7*A-: <D&VV. u,f&tihT&i ('"hfcf) which trans, before aoq".

3 ^reads ^J&l: omits next seven words. 4 = doparos which is the LXX rendering

of inn in Gen. i. 2. The rendering of IDS (Gen. i. 2) is found twice in xxi. 1, 2 (see

Greek).5 Emended from flX^Vfr i&; which is the reading of all the MSS. save

q, ale x. q emends into AX11*: }&.: and abcx into AXAfo *&: The following

clause XA<n>: /UJft : &c. shows that the preceding words AXAfc }<&: constitute a further

description of the place of punishment. This chaotic flaming hell is beyond the confines

of the earth. See xviii. 12;xxi. 1, 2.

6 g reads AV0: q UA: 7 ^ reads 9JH.\8

trans, after AU?: 9

a-q, a/hiklnv xa. bede read U?: ?, 0/ omit.


q reads A.C7V: " The fact that we have H/LPA+C/l: eleven words before

implies that there was here a different word in the Greek probably qv Siacpaves.

u omits the negative in this word and next five words. 12 g omits, a reads (D.

13 g reads K74fll1ri 0oi"&: q X<n>0*F:14

tg prefixes a).15

e trans. I have

obelized the words as corrupt. They give no intelligible sense. They may be

a corruption of >flZ2V; *f Jt*C: = elweip ttjv irtpioxfiv alrov, or for ^VO^V^U*: YKC\16 in omit. 17

ggu. Other MSS. XA*F: 18

,omits. 19 a reads H&&&1

and omits next five words. 20i reads J&h'AA':


q reads AAvh: 22q reads

TAX&JI-: 23 omits, /reads Aft"VJ: 24 reads S^WU ihqtu,^.

gm read HftAvh: g HQrfh: (sic).2fi

omits. 27u, d omit.



abcdiloxpj). g reads \&&\ OAt-fr mu read HK-.: */ * z> Hi''


a. i3 trans.30 g trans. reads ttm^x 31 reads H. x Wb:

%2 gqu read U?: 33 g m t, fi. gq u read A'a)t\f*.\34 omits next four words.

35mtu,fi. ggq read 7*fl: 36 a-. /3 reads X7RR'flrtfcC: omits together

with next word. 37 g reads A^A: 38e x read tA.^'tO*: omits next four words.

g reads H.40 g reads Oft : and trans, after JEI^". ^ omits next four words

through hmt. 41 m. g t read it ft : Other MSS. omit.42 ^ reads }'7AC:

and trans, before K*ft: See note 40.43 u omits next two words. 44 g reads


cviii.7-11. rotfvtu: yrw: 225

*AOA: A'AW: hoo; jPlflfllPcnv;2troAtarfr atfXy ^.

3HOft": JkAKvNn*: 4 A52TVf

a>Atn>Cfft+;6 *W}: a>KA: fidiaPcn*:? /"^Ifa^;

8 tot^?": A?A:9 fiyltl



*2i7DMi%e'ii ft-ClXs12

8. fcA: Si&GP\" A^Ah: <d ,4/l<dC#

a>frfl{.& fiP#4-:15 <Dk*H-A: i^fc 16 Ha*A+; 4}A*D : SA; 17 tDOO-: *?&(&". A30C:

9. &A: 18Jii^Atn): i$.: &*tai: 19

cn>O2v0t: H*a>ftt: 20 y^C: AA; 21 ^Afc


h<n>: *ffDl^fl: ?i*H*:3trfik*?:

23 Hit: 0*ft-: a^-OH-^:24 KaohCaoi*

hWLh. 26 a>*t<S&(h 27 ffD-J^tlPtnv;23


h<n>: aCfcJP;30 Mla*i: 10.

a>*H-ft:31 n<ShtatH: J7Ch-: A<n>3AKfr 32 a>*0Ar<n*:

33 AftCXAWflrx; 34*?tft<n>;

KA-i 35-ttitCt.

36 JP^CJP: 37 AA7: fcyfcAtWtn*: 38 HA^Ai^: wXiH-. th?&; 40

X^Xh-^'}: rt-nX: wtl70" kytCblPa*: **0J&CT: <DfrC1V2a)*-J^4:

43 X1H:


11. a?^.Xfti.;45

2iJU><0: m>^^fitlF^: ft-i^l; ^yta*^: X*HV6


,# reads AOA: o*ftt: z* UAfflL: ADA: 2 w /, /3. ^ ^ ? u read S^CVW.3 omits. 4

g^/, $-cop. m qu, c op read J&AR"".5

^ omits.6

_/"^ klnx <x

read (DrtffD^fl^; omits with next word. 7^ reads dMWi 8 omits next

four words. 9

gg. m reads Jl7: q I, dfhiklnopyap %S\\ c X^-fcA: a^^xfcyiA; 10 reads fcAX:

"* reads rhrtd; ariA*-:

12 ^ reads A*JA: Xh-''

A". reads hFCl<ih'. &1b" and omits next three words. 13

a-u, c/hiknopvwya./ reads "44: abdex read h$t&C9\


a-g. ^, /3 omit. Vo

g?nq. tu,

a de/h iklx p. read AJP^^: ^, c dn oyp &&&& g trans. KS&." before a>Ctf:

omits next four words. 16

/, /3. gq read JfA*: u,//.

,02 H"ft: iP^Jfi*: 17 ,?#,

abcePnx. g t, dfhikPopyab read XA: ^ omits.18

,?. g reads ftl:

wz Z1 KA*: <D. /

2 oXA*: toXA: omits next two words.19

q reads f&A'Cn.i20 u reads fl.

21mtu, fi-k. ggq, k read 2A: 22

,\ reads H*ft: Other MSS.

CXAff^: M/ ? /, . -,# read ^'rh^V^: ?rh^V^: P-n *id&JY\ u omits next five

words. 24mt,&. gq read flH"l:

fg tt>(lH"S:25

q reads fravhCya*: 26

y^, ,read

h7aX*(lrfcC: ^ omits. 27^/3- ^,^w read -T^Q: Z

1 ^hA: t^ha:/2tilA:

2Sgmt, be efh ikoxp. gqu^dlnp, read <n>T^ftf'. a-^ /.

q reads IR-At: /, A*}8-<ft:30^ / read J&OCh-:

31 g q read ^A*: 32 m reads

AffDSJfh^'tlfflp*; and trans, after fD0A+ffI>': see note 33. ad read A<n>ft7h; z/ omits

next two words. 33gq t, /3. g reads ^Aftn^; m reads OAi+tn^:

31? prefixes a).

/writes i^tVtXPao", above hC". Zi

gqlu, j? reads XA: w Jtcw: XA*: "^ adds

XtH: w adds XA: 37 e reads fi* 3S m reads Xy""}}?.^: i^Atn>*: For \7x reads ^AA: 39

g. All other MSS. HA. 40q reads jeth?^:

41 u omits

next two words + W. Better read fD^AyO*:42 ^ reads ^Oj&C^t: fDR-C^^I":

u omits next three words. 43

q t read *JA<S: Better read wWvte and omit next

word, or read with qt.44 gq omit. Here g ends.


/ omits.4G m q (save

that q readstoi-gv.fc;) /, /3. g reads Xi^'ira^^^': X^H; <0A^a*2V.;


226 ooflvtu: ym: cvm. n-15.

ncyi: nATAlY AXA: *<z>&&: A$MV<n>*: fcA: A^lPtf*: 2k1*<L.?<:


hero;* ^^ft. : Ayja^tf-hn*:: 12. tD*Ka>Qlia*i6 fWlJ: 6 (lCyi: 7 AXA:

rtStfO:8 AA^?: fr&A: artWlC: *ArhA .Rrfi^:

9 a*At: aWiad: 10trill: \LhV-.:

13. cD^frorfiaMi.:11 (TW?*}: H*VP: 13 TAfe: 14 &Am>: R\-fc Jttitf-: AXyAti:

JiAffD; ArnW^'H: yWt: J&IMI:15 *A<7

'l.fil: ?Pt: CtO:: 16 14. a>*&>

hf-Pa*-: 1 AXA: Ta>&&: 18 AJtatn>*:19 &Va)&W AJttVen)*:

15*JrtH: je.*a>rha>A.:

S^*}:: 2115. aJj&JU?*:


23 ^T^J: fclH:24 ^aJtha^dh:

aj2C?rha>.4: fctf^TF**. 27 A1A: 28 tJWhf:

29 Ira*: 30oi><pO&: atf-H"?"}:

*lA?: -MWt: HZFtl:31


? reads Xa^T: 2zrc,

/2/3. ^/ read P>y. u Uy. *

qt, 0. g reads

&&&SU m&r&fifk uhft&J&x 4 a-u. u reads <0. /3 Ah<n>:5


gmq, ah defk o xjb read fia^Aao4:

*mqt, fi. g reads AflClh u AftCtf :


prefix A. ft reads "TO: 8a-u. u, read $1&C9\ 9

? reads firh&: ftrh&s 10 0-

add trilC:"g reads (D(hah(h>:

nI reads A.


o,3 read h&Qaw. ugqu.

m, fr-k read ?&$: / "frA**: k ft&ft:15

q omits.16

/. ? read (ltT7'l&Ci

w (q omits) <?V<Pt: CtO: as A^-J^C: fflAC^O: A<PC"Pt: CtO: /9 (V^Wl:<??*: (^iTt: 0) CW*: 17 0- a. ? reads loh9>a*i g ChS*a*\ m u, ft

ZloXt'o*: t Oi&VO&x 18 m adds ^fTKi:19

,c omit next two words

through hmt. 30/, 0. d prefixes CD. gmq read ftfD({%.\

21/, 0. reads

a>%" &C<D". g reads JrtH: a>rfimfh<: (sic) T and m wKlUi WaHtHDrtK V.

q reads wKlHi &VV'lah>i<i and omits the next six words after &VV" through hmt.

22/20. gmi x

,nx read J&RC*-: ? (see note 2i) omit.

23/,/3. ^ read CKfa*:

m C&frPa*i 24^omits. q reads fflXlH:

*hmqtu. g reads J&aJrfiaMK

^ J&nClfr26

* omits. * o omits. 28?, * read Ahm>: *

. Other MSS.

TXehd.: 30 omits. 31

g m save that for AM: 'ift// ^ reads ^Xj&: 'ift*!*:

W ^-X?: 'lAA^: $r reads T<Lfccn> : ft*H?: ^X^; 'ift-At: HZFfc: / ti.Rffi>: HX?h:

,read tRffi>: OP-rh<{.: Jfffh: iaj&: x A"H?: t^.8tn>: ^0?: Jf^h: Other MSS. omit.


The three lists of the fallen angels given above in E vi. 2, G 8y% and G GI% go

back to one and the same original. In E lxix. 2 the same list reappears. In the

process of transmission, however, many corruptions and transpositions of the text

have occurred. In the main the same order is observed in vi. 7 ; lxix. 2 and G9.

But a very different order is presented by G. As Lods (106-107) has observed

the names in G were from the third onward written in four columns. These were

read from left to right by E and G B but from top to bottom of each column by Gs.

Within G 8 and Gs certain transpositions have occurred. These will be made clear

by the following Table:

E lxix. 2

E vi. 7

G 8



5. tfiv&jUV:

14. Ta/uJ/X


I. h9SH',

1. A^HTf:I. 2e/Luaar

I. 2epiad


6. b7&i:6. &&Lh,&\

6. 'Pa/xtjjX

l8. 'PaixirjX


2. hC<n$k:

2. AiUl:

2. 'ArapKoiKJ)

2. 'ApadaK


3. ihmi:3. WZhfc3. 'ApaKirjk

3. tKt^pa


7. ?&:

7. #}&&:

G 8 wanting

5. Aai/eiqX


8. UJtoA:

8. &H>*&&;

8. ZaxtijX

IO. 'EfeKii^X

(viii. 3 Sa&ijX)


10. ftnm&:10. A4&3V:

10. 'AfaX^X (viii.1


19. 'Ao-caX

()11. fiCTCfl:

1 1 . $apfiapos

6. 'Apeapas (viii. 3



12. (lmCftV:

12. n<nCAA,

12. 'Ap-api^X

1 1 . BarpirjX


4. frh'fl&lV:

4. Mia&lV;

4. XaftafiiTjX

9. +Xa>^api^X



9. (l#A>A;

9. (1<&?2V:

9. BaXwjjX

Ig. BapaKiijX

and in viii. 3


14. rfrfl/yv:

13. n*nh&\



16. 'ApavOvd





wA/3eX xxii. 7.

aftvo-o-os xvii. 7, 8; xxi. 7.

dyados V. 6;XXV. 3.

dyaWiavdat X. 19.

dyaWLaais V. 9.

ayanrjTos X. 12;

xii. 6;



d'yyeXo? vi. 2;

x. 7 ; xiv. 4, 21,

23 ;xviii. 14 ;

xix. I, 2;

(reoi> bvvdp,ea>v) XX. I, 2, 3, 4>

5, 6, 7, 8; xxi. 5, 9, 10;xxii. 3, 6; xxiii. 4 ;

xxiv. 6;xxxii. 6.

Trjs o~Tao~e<os tov alavos xii. 4-

dyioXdyos i. 2.

dyior i. 2, 3, 9 ;viii. I

;ix. 4 ;

xii. 2;

xiv. 1, 25 ;xv. 3, 4,

9 5xx. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


xxi. 5, 9 ;xxii. 3 ; xxiii. 4 ;

xxiv. 6;xxxii. 3, 6.

6 dyios 6 (/.eyas i. 3 5X. I ;

xii. 3; xiv. 1.

6 ayios Trjs 86r]s XXV. 3to aytov xxv. 6.

d8eX<pds xxii. 7.

d5Wa> x. 15 ;xv. II.

dSiKrjfia ix. 10; xiii. 2.

dSi/cia ix. 6, 9 ;x. 16, 20.

depofiadrjs xvii. 3.

depoo~KOiria viii. 3.

'Afo^X viii. 1;

ix. 6;

x. 4, 8;

xiii. 1.

"AfaX^X vi. 7.

ai/xa vii. 5 ; ix. 1,9; xv. 4.

alo~xyvr) xiii. 5.atria xxi. 4.

maH/i.4; v. 1,2,5,9; ix.4,6;x. 13; xi. 2; xii. 4; xv. 3 ;

xxii. 11, 14; xxv. 5, 7.


6 al<bv 6 fxeyas xvi. I.

a7r6 tov alcovos xiv. I.

yevedl tov alwvos ix. 4 5X. 3,

22;xv. 6.

yeveai twv alaivav ix. 4*

els tov alava X. 5 5xii. 6


xxi. 10;xxiv. 4.

els tovs alatvas x. 5j 1 6.

enX irdvTas tovs alavas xiv. 5-

eo-^aToi alaves xxvii. 3.

fxexpi alcovos xxii. II;xxv.

4 ;xxvii. 2.

tov alavos tS>v aiwvcov X.


alavios v. 6 ; x. 10; xv. 4, 6.

duadapcrla V. 4; X. II, 20,22.

d/cdXottos ix. 5-

aKaTao-Kevaaros xxi. I, 2.

aKova) i. 2;

ix. 1;xv. I.

a<pa xxvi. 4.

"AKpcov xxxii. 2.

dX)7&ta x. 16;

xi. 2;xv. 1


xxi. 5.

dXrjdivos xv. I;xxvii. 3.

dWrjXovs vi. 2, 4, 5, 6.

dXXotdw ii. 1,2; v. 2, 3.

aXcrr] 8ev8pa>v xxxi. I.

a/xa ix. 7 ;xxiii. 2.

'Ap.apir)X vi. 7.

ip.apTava> V. 8, 9 > (dpapr. eV)

vii. 5 ;xiii. 5 ;

xx. 6.

dfidpTTjfia xxi. 6.

dpapTia v. 6;

vi. 3 ; ix. 6;


8, 20; xiii. 2;

xviii. 16.

dp.apT<o\6s i. 9; v. 6;

xxii. 10,

12,13.dpneXos x. 19 ; xxxii. 4.

dp.vy8a\oi xxxi. 2.

dz>d /xeow xiii. 9 ;xxii. 2 ; xxiv.

3; xxvi. 3,4.dvaftaivco viii. 4 ;

ix. io; xiv. 5.

dvayyeXXa xiii. IO.

'Avayrjfids vi. 7.

di'ayi'yj'cBcrKa) xiii. 4> 7

dpdyKJj i. I.

di/dyw xxviii. 3.

dvadepLaTifa vi. 4> 5> 6.

draKaX utjtg) viii. 3 ;xvi. 3.

dva\ap,(Sdv<0 i. 2, 3.

'Avavdvd vi. 7-

dvanavopjai xxiii. 2.

di/an-awn? xxiii. 3.

drareXXo) ii. I.

dvaroXij xviii. 6, 1 5.

e' draToXaiv xxvi. 2.

eV dj/aroXdj xxiv. 2.

71736? di/aToXas xviii. 7 ; xxvi.

3; xxix. I;xxx. I, 3 ; xxxi.

2;xxxii. I, 2.

dvacpalva X. 1 6.

dvepos xiv. 8;

xvii. 7 ;xviii.

1,2,4,5.av^os xxiv. 4, 5.

dvOpanos i. 2;

vi. 1, 2;

vii. 3,

4; viii. 1, 3, 4; ix. 3. 6, 8,

10; x. 7,9, 11, 15; xi. 1, 2;xii. I

;xiv. 2

;xv. 1, 2, 3, 4,

9 ;xvi. 3 ;

xvii. 1;xix. 1, 3 ;

xx. 3 ;xxii. 3, 5, 7, 13 ;

xxv. 7.

dvlo'Tapai XX. 8.

di/otyaj i. 2;

x. 4 ;xi. 1


dvop.(3pos xxvni. 2.

dvop.r)p.a ix. IO.

dvopia ix. I.

dvopos vii. 6 ; xxii. 13.

dvoxh xiii. 2.


avTcnroboais tS>u nvevudrewxxii. II.

avTikanftavca i. 8.

avwdev xxviii. 2.

dvarcpov xiv. 1 7.

avarepos XV. 9dndya x. 6, 13 ; xvii. I, 2,


mra^ xvi. I.

anas vi. 4 ;xxvii. 3.

dn-ep^opai xvii. 6.

a7re^w xxxii. 2.

a;rd i. 4; ii. 2; v. 3 ;xiii. 5 ;

xv. 8;

xvi. I ; xxviii. 2;

xxxii. 4.

diro8vr}o-K.a> v. 9 ;ix. 10; xv. 4 ;

xxii. 10.

diroKaXinrrco ix. 6.

dnoKpivouai vi. 4 ;xv. I ; xxi.

9; xxii. 3, 7, 9; xxiii. 4;xxiv. 6 ; xxv. 2, 3 ;


aTTOKpvepa i. 5.d7roXet7ra) xii. 4 ;

XV. 3.

dn-dXXvpi i. 7, 9 ;v. 5 ;

viii. 4 ;

x. 2, 7, 9, 15, 16 ;xxii. 7.

a7rojrXai/do) viii. 2.

aTroarpfy^ai ttjv ypa/urjv vi. 4.aTroTiKdaxTis xix. I.

a7rorX( v. 2, 3 ;vi. 4.

dirox<*>pe<0 xiv. 23.

dnpen-Tjs xxvii. 2.

aiTTOUal xxv. 4, 6.

fOTcoXeia V. 5 (0PP> tO 0)17) J

viii. 4 ;ix. 3 ; x. 9, 12

;xii. 6


xiv. 6;xvi. 1

;xxii. 12.


Apa6d< vi. 7.

'ApaKirjX vi. 7.

apyvpov viii. I.

'Apeapws vi. 7.

dpiGuos V. 9.

'Apuapws viii. 3.

dpxdyyeXos ix. I ; xx. 7, 8.

dpX7 vi 7> 8;

xviii. 15.d. rijs KTl(Tta>S xv. 9-

a7r' dp\rjs ii. 2.

apx<o vii. 1;

ix. 7 ;xiii. 10 ;

xiv. 9.

apxa>v vi. 3 ;viii. I.

apaua xxiv. 4 ;xxix. 2 ; XXX.

2,3-'AcredX vi. 7.

do-ffteia i. 9 ; v. 8; viii. 2


ix. I ; x. 20.

u<j(pS(Q) i. 9.

dae^rji i. 9 ; v. 6, 7 ; xiii. 2;

xxii. xv. II.

dorris viii. I.

dorepo(TK07ria viii. 3.

do-rijp xiv. 8, II, 17 ;xvii. 3 ;

xviii. 4, 13, 15; xxi. 3,6.

darrpairai xiv. 8, II, 17 ;xvii.

3 (so read for do-rpanai in


darpoXoyia viii. 3.

aa-Tpov xviii. 1 4.

'ArapKovcp vi. 7*

'ArpiijX vi. 7.avdva> v. 9 ;

vii. 2.

airos xiii. 3.

d(pavia> x. 7, 8, 14 ;xv. 1 1


xvi. 1 ;xxii. 7.

dtyavifcarOai ev rals obois

viii. 2.

d(papi<rp,6s xii. 4*

a(p((Tis xii. 5-

acpecris Kal aa<p6rr]s xiii. 6. xvii. 2.

d<pt'ora/iai V. 4 ;xiv. 23.

Bt^S/jpd (= N"imD) xxix. I.

/3d#os to xviii. 11;

xxii. 2.

^a^uy xxiv. 2;xxvi. 3, 4, 5.

BcjXkijjX vi. 7.

j3dXX<o x. 4 ;xiv. 24 ;

xviii. 6


BapaKirjX vi. 7

P&o-avos X. 13.

17 /leydXTj xxii. II.

{idaavoi Kcii 7rXjyai Kal pdort-

yts xxv. 6.


Tovataii/osxxv. 3,5, 75 xxvii.

3-twv alavav ix. 4 ;

xii. 3.

fiao~Taa> xviii. 2, 5.

/3dros (=

T13) X. 19.

BarptTjX vi. 7.

j3a<piKa viii. I.

3e'Xor xvii. 3.

/3//3Xos xiv. I.

/3XaoTeG> xxvi. I.

/3odo> ix. 2, IO.

/3o>7 viii. 4.

ftor]6ea> i. 8.

/3opd xxv. 5.

fioppds xxviii. 3; xxxii. I.

Pordvr) vii. I ; viii. 3.


4>oiviK.a>v xxiv. 4.

d/un-eXou xxxii. 4.

ftovvos i. 6.

fipovrai xvii. 3.

TafipirjX ix. 1;

x. 9 ;xx. 7.

yaarrjp vii. 2.

yeved i. 2.

yeveai toi) aZoij/o? ix. 4 ;X. 3,

14, 22; xiv. 5 ;

xv. 6.

to>v dvdpd>7ra>v xi. 2.

yei/eai i(B8op.f]K.ovTa x. 12.

yemia) vi. I, 2 ; vii. 2; ix. 9;x. 17; xv. 3,4, 8, 10.

y^i.4,5,7; ii- 2; v-6,7,8; viii.

2; ix. 10 ;x. 8, 12, 19,20, 22;

xii. 4 ;xiii. 7 ;

xiv. 5 ;xv. 5,

8, 10, 11;

xvi. 1, 3 ;xvii. 8 ;

xviii. I, 2, 3, 5, 10, 12, 14 ;

xxi. 2;

xxii. 7, 10;

xxiii. I ;

xxv. 3, 6; xxvi. 1; xxvii, I,

2 (transliteration of N^);xxxi. 2

;xxxii. 2.

ylyas vii. 2;

viii. 3 ;ix. 9 ;

xv. 8, 11 ;xvi. 1.

yiveaBai ds rt xix. 2.

yivfoSai nvi xii. I.

yivopai i. 8;

ii. 2;

v. 2;


I; viii. 2; ix. 10, II

;x. 2,


xiii. 4, 6, 9 ;xv. 9 ;


3 ; xvii. I;

xviii. 14 ;xix. I ;

xxii. 10.

yivocTKa> i. 2 ; v. I;

xii. 1;

xvi. 3.

yXScro-a xiv. 2, 9, IO, 1 5.

yvo<pos xvii. 7.

yvaut) vi. 4.

ypapparevstt)S dXrjdeias XV. I.

rfjr 8iKaioavvi]s xii. 4-

ypafpfj xiv. 7.

ypd<pa> x. 8;

xiii. 4, 6;



eVi Tiri ras dpaprias X. 8.

yvri7 vi. 2;

viii. I;

ix. 9 ;x.


xii. 4 ; xv. 3, 4, 12; xvi.

3 ; xix. 1, 2.

yom'a xviii. 2.

AaSoiiTjX X. 4daiuoviov xix. I.

Adi/ xiii. 7.

AapeifjX vi. 7

8a>^iXds xxviii. 3.


8(r)(Tts ix. 3 ;xiii. 6, 7.

Set ix. II ;xv. 2.

8eUvvpi i. 2 ; viii. 1;

xiii. 2;

xiv. 4, 8;xxiv. I.

8eiv6s xxi. 8, 9.fieca X. 19.8(Karos viii. I.

8ev8pov iii;

v. 1; x. 18, 19 ;

xxiv. 3> 4 5 5xxv. I, 2,4;

xxvi. I, s ; xxvii. I; xxviii.

2;xxix. 2 ; xxx. 2

;xxxi. 1,


xxxii. 3, 4.

8ev8pov ttjs <ppovr]0~ea>s xxxii. 3'

8. (ppovrjaecos xxxii. 6.

Sector xiii. 7. xiii. 6.

deapoi xiv. 5.

Seo-payrfjpiop x. 1 3 (<rvycXet-

o-ecw) ; xviii. 14; xxi. 10.

SeCre vi. 2.

8ico x. 4, 12, 14 ;xiv. 5 ;


16; xxi. 3, 6 ; xxii. II.

77X00 vii. 1;

ix. 6, 8;

x. 2, 7,

11;xxvii. 5.

8id t'i xxi. 4 ;xxii. 8

;xxv. I ;

xxvii. 1.

8ia/3aiVa> xxxii. 2.

8ia8popa\ tu>v darepav xiv. 8.

6\ darepav xiv. II, 17-

8iaK07T)7 xxi. 7.

StaKoeriot vi. 6.

StaAAdo-o-fi> xxiv. 2.

SiaXiiw i. 6.

8iapeva> xxiii. 2.

5taj/ev&) xviii. 4.

8iavoeopat i. 2;

ii. 2;

v. I.

8iapvea> i. 6.

fitao-^ifo) i. 7.

diarptxa xxiii. 2;xxxii. 4.

Siacpepu xiv. 16.

SiSatTKaXia x. 8.

8i8ao-K( vii. I; viii. 1; ix. 6;

x. 3, 7-

8i8a>pi i. 8 ; v. 8;

ix. 7 ;xiv. 2,

3; xv. 5; xxv. 4, 7.

SitpXopai i. 6.

StWor i. 1, 2, 8; v. 6

;x. 3,

17 ; xxii. 9 ; xxv. 4, 7 ;xxvii.


8iKaioo-vvr)x. 16, 18; xii.4; xiii.

10;xiv. 1

;xxii. 14 ;

xxxii. 3.8t6 xxxi. 3.

dtopLfa xxii. 4.

Stopicrpos xxii. 4.SioYi xv. 9.

8rv//-aa> XV. II.

86Xos ix. 6.

8oa v. I;

ix. 3 ;xiv. 16


2,5;6p6vos ttjs 86t]s o~ov ix. 4*

Kvpios rrjs 86{-t}s xxii. 14 ;

xxvii. 3, 5.

#609 ttjs 86gr)S xxv. 7.

6 ayios TTjS 86i;t]S XXV. 3

17 86r) tj peydXr] xiv. 20.

AouSarjX x. 4.

8paKav XX. 7

8p6pos xv. 1 1 ; xxiii. 2, 4.

8p6(Tos xxviii. 3.

8vvapat vii. 3 ;ix. 5> io ; xiii.

5; xiv. 16, 19, 21; xxi. 7.


tov ovpavov xviii. 1 4.

dyyeXoi tS>v tvvdpeav XX.


8vvapis i. 4.

Sura) ii. 1.

8vo-is xiii. 7 ;xvii. 4, 5 ;



8vo-pai xxii. 1;xxiii. I, 4 ;


4 ; xxviii. 3.

eauToO of the i st person vi. 2;

of 2nd person xv. 3.edto ix. 11.

cf38op.r]KOVTa X. 12.

j38opj)KO(TT6s vii. I.

(ft8op.os viii. 3 ;xxiv. 3.

'E0eXo-aTa xiii. 9.

eyyia> xxiv. 2.

ru* xiv. 22, 23.tivos xiv. 9.

eyelpco xiv. 25.

eypr/yopos i. 5 ;vi. 2

;X. 7,

15 5 xii. 3 rou dyiov tov

peyaXov, 4 T0^ ovpavov ',

xiii. 10;

xiv. 1,3; xv. 9 ;

xvi. 2.

e'8a(pos xiv. 10, 17.

'E^fKtijX vi. 7.

iSo? xiv. 18, 20.

eludfa xxi. 7.

etKoo-rd? viii. 3.

et/it passitn.els xix. 3.

e^ xxii. 8;xxiv. 2.

eis t&v dyioov dyyeXwv XX.

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ;xxi.

5, 9; xxii. 3; xxiii. 4;xxiv. 6.

s viii. 4.

t? Ttva T07TOV Xvii. I, &C.eaovrat els f/pepav dvdyKTjs

i. I.

es ti)v vvv yeveav 8ievoovprjvi. 2.

els tov ala>va, Kai ovk eorat

avrols els eXeov icai (Iptjvrjv

xii. 6.

els avro tovto xxii. 3, &C.els for ev xviii. 11, &c.

eladyco viii. 4.

eto-dyeij' t)jv <pio~iv ix. 3.

elo-e'pxopai ix. 2; xiv. 9, IO, 13;xxv. 6.

elo-rropevopai vii. I.

elacpepa) viii. 4 ;ix. 6

;xiv. 8.


rou #eoi) xvi. 3.

yiyavras peyaXovs tttjxw

rpicrxt-Xio&v vii. 2.

ex 8etS>v xiii. 7.

emo-Tos ii. I; vii. I

;x. 10.

endrepos xxiv. 2.

eKaTOCTOS vii. I.

e'n8iKea> XX. 4.

tK8iKT)o~is xxv. 4.

eV8to)Kw xxiii. 4.iitcWep xxvi. I

;xxviii. I ; xxix.

I; xxxii. 2.

eKKonTco xxvi. I.

e'leXeyopai vi. 2; vii. I.

eWeiirco x. 16; XV. 5.

e'/cXexTor i. 1, 3, 8; v. 7, 8;xxv. 5.

eKireTavvvpi xiv. 8.

eKivopevopai xiv. 1 9 ;xvi. I


xxxi. I.

eVnW xiv. 3; xxii. 10, 13;xxv. 7.

e'K<pevya> X. 3, 1 7.

eK^)o/3ea) xiv. 9.

eKxvvvdi ix. I.

eicxvo-is xvii. 7.

f'Xa/a X. 19.eXaTTOV xxii. 13.eXarroG) viii. 4-

eXe-ytff xiv. I.

eXeyX<o xiii. 8, io;mid. i. 9 ;

xiv. 3.

eXeor i. 8.

eXeos teal elprjvr) V. K. 6". xii.


ei e'Xe'ei xxvii. 4.

'EX10L8 vii. 2.


iXkciira xxiii. 2.

i\iria> x. io.

ipfidWoo X. 4.

fifieva> absol. V. 4-

ipniirra XV. II.

ipnvpurpos x. 6.

ifKpavifa xxii. 12.

eV xvii. I;xxi. 3 ;

xxiv. 4, &c. ;

instr. v. 4 ;vii. 1

;x. 7 ;

xiv. 2, 5, 6, 16;xv. 4.

iv ya<rrp\ \a(3ov<rai vii. 2.

iv TToXefico irefureiv x. 9iv vp.1v KaTapdaovrai v. 6.

iv vfjiiv opovvrai V. 6.

ivavriov xxvii. 3.

i'varos viii. 3.

iv8eicaTos viii. 3.

ev8ogos xiv. 21;

xxiv. 2;

xxxii. 3.

ivddde xix. 1; xxii. 13.

tviavTos xviii. 1 6.

0776 eViavToi) ? iviavrov v.


ivTtvBev xxii. 13.

evrifios xxiv. 2.

to (VTifiov Kai ev8oov xiv.


ivroXt] v. 4 ; xiv. I.

e'j/Tvyxa'<B ix. 3, 10;

xxii. 5, 6,

7, 12.

/card rtvo? vii. 6.

ivwrnov viii. 4 ;ix. 3, 5 ; xiii.

4, 10;xiv. 6, 22.

'Ev<t>x i- l> 2; xii. I, 3; xiii.


xiv. 24 ;xv. 1

;xix. 3 ;

xxi. 5, 9; xxv. 1.

iaipa> i. I.

ia\el(pa> x. 20.

iavi< XV. 12.

ifjenre'iv xiv. 16.

**PXlJLai ix - i5 xiii. I;


12; xviii. 15.airo tivos xv. 9 ;

xxii. 7.

ii-ovaLa xxv. 4.

tj)i iovo~iav i'xcov ix. 5-

n)j> i^ovaiav e'StoKu? ix. 7.

f^vnvos xiii. 9.

eoprq ii. I.

inaipa xiii. 5 ; xiv. 8.

iwdvut xviii. 5, 12; xxi. 2;xxxii. 2.

inaoihi) vii. I ; viii. 3.

iireitciva xviii. 9, 12; xxiv. 2


xxx. 1, 3 ; xxxi. 2.

iirepXOpai X. 2.

iiri T(ov ayadasv XX. 5tov Kocrp.ov XX. 2.

y?7? ii. 2;

ix. I;xv. 8.

ini w. dat. x. 2;xx. 5, 6 ; i<j>

Spdtrei xiv. 8;

w. ace. i. 2,

4, 8; vii. 4 ;

x. 22 ; xxiv. 2;

xxxii. 2.

inibeco xxi. 4.emeiKtia v. 6.

iiridvpiui Tivd vi. 2;

xv. 4 (?"


iniOva xix. I.


iiriKokllTTTflV TlVl TL X. 567ri7rt7rT<u xiii. 8.

eVtcrKeVro/xai xxv. 3.

iiriarapai v. 8; xxxii. 3.

hnavvaya xxii. 3 ;xxvii. 2.


LS xxii. 4.

imrayr] v. 2; xxi. 6.

i7riTT]8(vpaTa ix. 6.

i7riTr)8ev(o ix. 6.

iirixapis xxxii. 5.

inixop^ytiv tivi vii. 3.eVrd xviii. 6, 1 3 ;

xx. 7 ;xxi. 3 ;

xxiv. 2; xxxii. I.

ipyd^opai viii. I.

ipycMrdrjaerai fj yrj x. 1 8.

ipyacrla viii. I.

epyov i. 9 ;ii. 1,2; v. 2, 3 ; xi.

1; xii. 2 ; xiii. 2

;xiv. 22


xv. 5 ;xxi. 2, 7.

17 eprjp.os x. 4; adj. xviii. 12;xxviii. 1.

iprjpoa x. 8.

'Eppovieip. vi. 6.

'Eppap. vi. 6.

'Epptcvtieip xiii. 7

ipTTfrd vii. 5.

ipvQpa 6d\a<j<ra xxxii. 2.

tpxopai i. 9 ; xiii. 8, 9 ; xvii.

5 ; xxxii. 3.

iparda xiii. 4 ; xv. 2;

xvi. 2;

xxi. 5 ;xxii. 6, 8

;xxiii. 3 ;

xxv. I.

ipa>rr](Tis x. 10;

xiii. 2 (cor-

rupt), 4,6; xiv. 4, 7.

r0i'a) xv. 1 1; xxxii. 3, 6.

eoxaToi alavts xxvii. 3.

erepos xxiv. 4.

etjj v. 5, 9; vii. I;

x. 10 ;

xxi. 6.

er ineWev xxix. I.

tTotpda> XXV. 7-

tvdoKia i. 8.

eveiSij? xxiv. 2, 3.

eiXoyeco i. I, 8; ix. 4 ; x. 21 ;

xii. 3 ;xxii. 14 ;

xxv. 7 ;

xxvi. I; xxvii. I, 3, 4, 5.

(IXoyrjTos ix. 4 ;xxii. 14.

evXoyla i. i;

x. 18;

xi. I.

EvpirjX vi. 7.

evaf^Tjs xxvii. 3.

tv(ppaivopm xxv. 6.

evadeorepos xxiv. 4 ;xxxi. 3.

(vabrjs xxiv. 5.(labia xxv. 4.

icpobeva xxi. I, 7 ;xxii. I


xxiii. 1;xxvi. I ; xxxii. 2.

ixdpos i. I.

tX i- 2; ix. 7 ;

xxi. 7 ; xxii.

2 ; xxiii. 3 ; xxiv. 4 ;xxv. 4 ;

^xxvi. I, 2, 3, 4.fa? conj. x. 12, 17; xiii. 7;prep. xiv. 24 ;

xxi. 1,7;xxii. 6.

fdeo v. I, 8;

x. 10, 17 ;xv. 4,

6; xvii. 4 ;

xxv. 6.

Cp-vpva xxix. 2.

(ocpd>8r]s xvii. 2.

<>? v. 5, 9; x. 3; xiv. 13;xxii. 10; xxv. 5, 6.

ZariTjX xxxii. 2.

fiyovpai xxi. 5 ; xxiv. 6.

17X10? viii. 3; xiv. 18,20; xvii.

4 ; xviii. 4.

ij/xepa i. 1;

v. 5, 9; vi. 1,6;x. 6, 12

;xii. 2

; xvi. 1;

xviii. 6;

xxii. 12;

xxiii. 2;

xxv. 6.

tj)s icpio-ecds xxii. 4, II, 1 3 ;

xxvii. 3, 4.

fjpipat tov ala>vos xi. 2.

0dXao-o-a v. 3 ;xvii. 5 ; xxxii, 2.

ddvaros xvi. I.


els rr/v yr\v xxii. IO.

Bavpdfa ev tivi xxv. I; xxvi. 6

(n-fpi tt)s (pdpayyos).

Qavo-arjX. vi. 7

dedopai vi. 2;

ix. I;

xxi. 2, 3,

7; xxii. 5 ;xxiii. 2

; xxiv. 2;

xxvi. 2;xxxii. 1.

#e'Xco vi. 3 ;xvii. 1


I, 2.

OepeXtos XV. 9.

n?? yr)r xviii. I.


deptXioeo xviii. 12; xxi. 2.

Beds i. 2, 8; ii. 2

; v. I; xvi.

3 ;xviii. 8

;xx. 8

; xxv. 3,

5,7;rov aiSavos i. 4twv 6ea>v ix. 4.

Btpda ii. 3.

deppos xiv. 13.

6eo*pea> i. 2;xiv. 14.

tfxas x. 5.

(6ea>povv Kai ei8ov xiv.


6ed>pt)pa xix. 3-

&7/07 xvii. 3.

OrjXeiai ix. 8 ; xv. 5, 7 ; xvi.

07pia rd vii. 5

Brjcravpol 01 xvii. 3 ;xviii. I.

0Xt'i3a> xxii. 13.

#opv/3da) xiv. 8.

6p6vos xiv. 18, 19; xviii. 8;xxiv. 3 ;

xxv. 5.

BvyaTrjp vi. I;

viii. I; ix. 8,

9 ;x. 1 1

; xv. 3.

dvpds V. 9.

0i;pa xiv. 12, 15, 25.

Gooi/tijX vi. 7.

dapaj; viii. I.

tdopcu X. 7.

'idpeS vi. 6.

tatn? x. 7.


ttjv I8lav rdiv ii. I.

1806 ix. 10;

xii. 3 ;xiii. 8 ;

xiv. 8, 15.

IXapos xxxii. 4.

ira x. 7 ; xiii. 4 ; xiv. 5, 6 ;

xv. 5 ;xxii. 3, II.

'lovpirjX vi. 7.

larijpi x. 3 ;xiv. 22, 25 ; xviii.

>3 ; xix. 1.

'larparjX x. I.

l<rxvpos XV. 8.

01 laxypol ttjs yrjs xvi. I.

Itrxvs i. 4.

i'x^vs vii. 5.

l<op.(iTj\ vi. 7.

Kadaplfa x. 20, 22.

KaOidpa xxiv. 3 ; xxv. 3.

Kadrjpai xiii. 9 ; xiv. 20.Ka0i'co xiii. 7 ; xxv. 3.*ca0d>s i. 1

; xv. 4.KdiV (Kdi>) xxii. 7.

Kaiopai xiv. 12; XVlll. 9, 13;xxi. 3 ; xxiv. 1.

Kai (pXeyopai xxi. J.

Kaipos ii. 1; xvi. 1

;xviii. 15,


to. KaKa. xvi. 3.

KaKa>o-j? viii. 4.

KaXeco vi. 6; xii. 3 ;

xiv. 8,

24 ;xv. 8, 9 ; xxxi. I.

KaXXi^Xe<papov viii. I.

KaXXopij xxiv. 2.

KaAXw7n'w viii. I.

koXos vi. I;

xxiv. 5 ;xxxii.

3 ' *KaXinrTO) xiv. 13.

Kapdia xiv. 2.

/captor v. 1;xxiv. 4 ; xxv. 5 ;

xxxii. 3, 4.

Kapvov xix. 2.

Kara(= '

upon ') navTcdv i.

7> 9 ; (= '

against ') Kvplovxxvii. 2.

vojov xviii. 7.

rovs vttvovs xiii. 10; xiv. 2.

ray tvToXds V. 4, &C.Karaj3aii>a> vi. 6; xviii. II;xxv. 3.

KaraKava X. 14.

KaracXvrp.dff vii. I;

X. 2.

KaraKpiva x. 14 ; xiii. 5.


Kara twos V. 4/caraXileii' intr. v. 6.

Karapavddva iii. I.

Karapoeti/ ii. I.

Karaj>rai> xvii. 6.

Kardpa v. 6, 7.

alcovaiv V. 5

Karapdo-Bai v. 5, 6; xxii. II;

xxvii. I, 2.

KardpetTO? xxvii. 2.

Karao-7rouSd^ci) xiv. 8.

KaraarcpaTToa X. 12.

Kararpex^ xvii. 5.

Karacpai/ifa xii. 4.

Karacpepa xi. I; mid. xxi. 7.

KaraCpwevQ) X. 1 8.

Karivavri. xiv. 1 5.

Kareadico vii. 3, 4, 5 ;viii. 3.

KaroiKTjais i. 3 ;xv. 7> 8, IO.

Kdra> xiv. 25./cei/dy xviii. 15.

Keparia xxxii. 4.

K0aX>7opouy xvii. 2.


/c;po'f i. 6.

KifiSrjXo? ix. 9 ; x. 9, 15.

Kip/3pd vi. 7.

Kiwdp.ayp.ov xxxii. I.

k. apdtparov xxx. 3.KXaico xiv. 7.

KXripovoptlv V. 6 (rr)v vr/p) ; V.

7, 8.

*cotXo? xxii. 2, 3.

KoiXapa xxii. 2, 8.

Kotpdopai xiii. 7 ; xv. 3.

Koivoivea intr. xi. 2.

KoXdfa) xxii. 13.Kd7ros vii. 3 ;

xi. I.

Kopvcpr] vi. 6;

xviii. 8; xxv.


Koapeai xviii. I.

Koapos viii. I;xx. 2.

6 Tail/ (poiarrjpaiv XX. 4-

Kptpa x. 12;

xiii. I.

Kpiva xix. 1;

xxii. 3.

Kplo-is i. 7, 9 ;viii. 4 ; x. 6,


xvi. I;

xix. I ; xxii. 4,

10, 1 1; xxv. 4 ;

xxix. 2.

tt)v Kptaiv elardyav Trpos riva


ix *


KpilTTTO) ix. 5 5 X. 2.

KpvardXXivos xiv. 1 8.

KTi{co xiv. 3; xxii. 13; xxv.

7-KTiais xv. 9; xviii. I.

kukXw xiv. 9, 22.

tcoj/ Tot'^coi/ xiv. 12.

KvXiopat xviii. 15.KV7TTQ) xiv. 25.

Kvpievco xxii. 14.

Kvpios ix. 4 ;x. 9 ;

xiv. 24 ;

xviii. 15 ; xxi. 6; xxv. 3.

Kvpicov ix. 4.

k.7-J7? ptyaXoo~vvT)s xii. 3>

k. tov ovpavov xiii. 4-

k. t^s Sd^s xxii. 14 ;xxvii.


XaXtlv i. 2, 9 ;x. I

;xiii. 5,

10 ; xiv. 2;xxvii. 2.

XapjSdi/a) i. 5 ;vii. 1, 2

;xii. 1,

4 ;xiii. 3 ;

xiv. 13 ; xv.

3 *


Xapirpds xiv. 20 (XapTTpoTepov).

Xdpnoi xiv. 18.

Xady xx. 5.

Xarpevo) X. 21.

Xe'ya) i. 2, 3 ;vi. 2, 3 ; viii. 4 ;

ix. 3, 11;

x. 1;

xii. 4 ; xiii.


I, 8; xiv. 2, 24; xv. 1, 2;

xviii. 14 ;xix. I ; xxi. 4, 5, 8,

9, 10;

xxii. 2, 3, 6 ; xxiii. 3 ;

xxiv. 5 ; xxv. 1, 3, 7 ;xxvii.

1; xxxii. 5.

e'lpijKci xiii. 3.

ipa> xxvii. 2.

Xetof xxii. 2.

Ae>ex x. I (Aa/zex x - 3)

XtvKos xiv. 20.

Xlav xxii. 2;

xxvi. 6 ; xxxii.


Aiftapos xiii. 9.

Xifiavos xxix. 2.

Xi#d7rXnKey xiv. IO.

Xi<9o? viii. I; xiv. 9, 10 ;


6, 7, 8;xxiv. 2.

\6yos i. I;

v. 3 ;xii. I


10; xiv. 1, 22, 24.X0177-01 vii. I ; viii. 4; x. II.

Xvpalvopai xix. I.

Xucrty AjiapTiSiv V. 6.

Xvrrjpiov eVaoiSau/ viii. 3-

jxafijpeoi (=HID) x. 9.

fiaKpdv adv. xxx. 1; xxxii. 2.

panpodev to Gen. xxxii. 3.

paKporrjs x. 9; xiii. 6.


cr(p68pa xxv. 2.

Mai>Soj3apd(=iO:nB) xxviii.


pav6dvu> XXV. I.

p.apyapiTT]s xviii. 7.

/xdo-ni x. 22; xxii. 11; xxv.


pa\alpa xiv. 6.

/j.eyaXftoT^S' vii. 2.

peya\o7rpeTri)s xxxii. 3-

peyakonpenws xxvii. 5.

peyakoavvrj v. 4 ; viii. 4 ;ix. 3 ;

xii. 3 ; xiv. 16.

peyas i. 3, 5 ;v. 4 ; vi. 3 ; vii.

2 ; ix. I, 4 ;xii. 3, 4; xiii.

I ; xiv. I, 2, 10, 22 ; xvi. I;

xvii. 5, 6; xviii. 10,11, 13;xix. 1

;xxi. 3, 7 ;

xxii. 1, 1 1;

xxv. 3, 4 ;xxx. I

;xxxii. 3.

6 ptyas x. 1, &c. See under


pcyedos xxi. 7.

pe'XXei yiveadai X. 2.

mcvw x. 3 ; xxvi. 1.

pepi(<0 xxvii. 4.

to /ieo-oz> xviii. 8;

xxvi. I;

xxviii. I.

dva peaov xiii. 9 ; xxii. 2;

xxiv. 3 ; xxvi. 3, 4.

prd i. 8 ; x. 14, 16, 17 ;xii.

2, 4; xv. 3 ;xxi. 5, 9; xxii.

3, 6, 13 ; xxxii. 6.

peraWov viii. I.

p-erai-v xiv. II;

xviii. 3.

piTacpvreva xxv. 5.

pereyeipco xxii. 1 3.

peroxos xxii. 13.

pirpov x. 19 ;xviii. 1 1

; xxi.


pe'xpi prep. i. 5 ;ii. 2

;ix. 2,

10; x. 12; xiv. 25 ; xvii. 4,


xviii. 16 ; xix. 1; xxi. 1,

10; xxii. 4, 11; xxv. 4;xxvii. 2.

/xe'xpi toO w. inf. xxi. 6;

xxii. 7.

ptXPls conj. xiv. 9.

pe'xpi? prep. xvi. 1; xxii. 1 1


xxv. 4.

peXPls ^ conj. vi. 4.

prjvvco xvi. 3

piaiva> vii. 1 ; ix. 8 ; x. 1 1;

xii. 4 ;xv. 3.

piaapa X. 22.

plyvvpi X. II;xix. I.

pidTjrpa 7roieii> ix. 8.

MixarjX ix. I;

x. 1 1;

xx. 5 ;

xxiv. 6.

pvrjpoavvov viii. 4.

pows vi. 3 ; xix. 3 ; xxviii. 1.

pvpids fj i. 9 ; xiv. 22.

puptos xiv. 22 ; xviii. 16 ; xxi.


pvoTtjpiov viii. 3 > x 7 ?

xvi. 3.

ra p. roil almvoi ix. 6.

pcmr? x. 12.

wipSo? xxxii. I.

Nn(p^Xei'p vii. 2 ; xvi. 1.

veKpos xxii. 3, 5, 9.

vtKTap xxxi. I.

fepw XV. 1 1 .

veoTT)s X. 17.

ve(p(\i] xiv. 8 ; xv. II ;xviii. 5.

j/oe'co v. 1;xiv. 2.

vorjpa V. 8.

i/otos xviii. 6, 7 ; xxiv. 2 ; xxvi.


rovr viii. 3.

vvv x. 14, 17 ; xv. 8.

vul xiv. 23 ; xviii. 6;

xxiii. 2 ;

xxiv. 1.

Nwe x. 2.

^pdf ix. 6;xxvi. 4.

oyBoos viii. 3.68df ii. 1 ; viii. 2.

oiSa ix. 6, 1 1;xxv. 2.

okew x. 5.

olKtp-Tjpiov xxvii. 2.

olKo8ope(D xiv. IO, 15.

olKo8opri xiv. 9.

otKoj xiv. 10,13, I 5 2Ijxxv - 5-

o?i>os x. 19.

o'lxopai xxix. 1; xxx. 1, 3;xxxii. 2.

6\ofia0T]s xxii. 2.

oXor ix. 9 ; x. 7 ;xiv. 15, 16.

opixXt] xiv. 8.

opwpi v. 6;

vi. 5, 6.

opvvvai opKW vi. 4.

opoios xxi. 3 ; xxiv. 3, 4 ; xxv.

3 ; xxix. 2 ; xxx. 2;xxxii. 4.

opoiapa xxxi. 2.

Spoiots v. 3-

6po) vi. 5 ; x. 14 ; xi. 2 ;xvi. I.

oveipos xiii. 8.

ovr)(Tis xiv. 6.

oVopa v. 6 ; vi. 7 ; ix. 4 ; xx.

7,8.dvopaoTos xvi. I.

6vs x. 5

o7Tt(ra) avT&v vi. 2.

077X01/ viii. I.

otvov xvii. 3, 6; xviii. 6, 12.

6Vwy x. 3 ;xiii. 4, 6.

'Opappaprj vi. 7

opao-ir i. 2 ; xiii. 8, 10; xiv. I,

8, 14 ; xxi. 8;

xxii. 2 ; xxiv.

5 ; xxxii. 5

6pda ii. 2;

Hi- I ; v. 3 ; ix. 5,

6, 11;

x. 12; xii. 6; xiii. 8,

10; xiv. 2, 18, 19, 21;xvii. 3, 6, 7; xviii. 1,2,4,5,

6, 9, II, 12, 13; xix.3.;.

xxl -

2, 7 ; xxvi. 1, 3; xxviii. I ;

xxix. 2 ; xxx. 1,3; xxxi. I, 2 ;

xxxii. 3.

dpyrj viii. 3 ;x. 22 ; xiii. 8.

dvnov v. 9.

opyiCopai xviii. 1 6.

opKos vi. 4

opos i. 4, 6 ;vi. 6 ;

xvii. 2 ;


xviii. 6, 9, 13; xxi. 3; xxii.

I ; xxiv. I, 2, 3 ; xxv. 3 ;

xxvi. 2, 3, 4 ; xxix. I ; xxxi.

I, 2; xxxii. 1, 2.

opo? a-ytoi/ xxvi. 2.

opos xeP0V$'LV XiV - 1 8.

or (with Semitic syntax)

a(p' &v . . . avrSiv xvi. I,

ocrios xxii. 13 ; xxv. 4.

oo-p^ xxiv. 4; xxv. 1,6; xxxii. 4.

oaos i. 7 J v. 2; xxii. 13.

ocms i. I;

vii. 3 ; xii. 4 ;xiii.

7, 9 ; xv. 4 ; xvi. 2;xxii. 12 ;

xxvii. 2.

ootouj/ xxv. 6.

dcnppatVopai xxiv. 4.oraj/ w. indie, vi. I

; w. subj.x. 12; xvii. 1; xxii. 12; xxv.

3 ; xxxi. 3.ov xxv. 3.

ov . . . airoO (emend.) xxii. 6;

xxxii. 3.ou . . . eV avT(3 xxii. 9.

ov pjj w. subj. xix. 3.ovfi

fit)w. subj. v. 9 ;

xxii. 13.ovdtis xii. 1 ; xxiv. 4 ; xxv. 4.

ovpavos i. 2, 4 ; ii. 1 ; vi. 2;

viii. 4 ; ix. 6 ; xi. 1 ; xii. 4 ;

xiii. 5 ;xiv. 3, 5, 8, 11 ; xv.

7, 10 ; xvi. 2, 3 ; xvii. 2;

xviii. 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14,

15; xxi. 2, 3, 6; xxii. 5, 6;xxiii. 4.

Ta>v oipavwv i. 4.6 v^Xos 6 ayior xv. 3.

OvpifjX ix. I;

x. 1 ; xix. 1;

xx. 2;xxi. 5.

otfrf . . . ovre xxi. 2, 7-

o#re after oi xii. 5 ; xiv. 23.oide ...ovTf. . . ovre xviii. 12.

6<pei\(rr]s vi. 3.

6<pdakfji6s xiii. 5.

6'^ts x. 5 ; xiii. 9.

vavToBtv xxviii. 3.

iravroios viii. I.

Trapafiaiva ii. I ; viii. 1 ; xviii.

15 ; xix. 2 ; xxi. 6.

napafiohr) i. 2, 3.

7rapaS<ros XX. 7.

rr/s &iKaioavvr]s xxxii. 3.

irapahexop-ai xiv. 4.

napaKvnra ix. I.

napaXap.[3ava> xvii. I.

napacpvds xxvi. I.

7rapep/3oXij i. 4.

Trapepxoiiai xiv. 21;

xviii. 6.

7rape^a) xvii. 4.

Trapia-rafiai xiv. 22.

ttas passim.Trard<r(T(0 x. 7

eVt y^i/ i. 4.

Trariyp x. io;xxv. 6 ; xxxii. 6.

7TfSda) xxi. 4. x. I, 9, 22; XV. 2;xvi. 2.

irtvOelv xiii. 9.

7rei/raKo'o-ia x. IO.

iripas i. 5 ; xviii. 5, 10 ; xix. 3 ;

xxiii. 1 ; xxxi. 2.

TrepifioXaiov xiv. 20.

TrepiKakvnTOi xiii. 9.

7TfpiKVKXda> xxiv. 3.

7rept7rarea) xvii. 6.

TTfTavvvfjLi x. 7.

ntTcivov vii. 5 ;xviii. 12.

nerpa xxii. I ; xxvi. 5.

n-?7y?7 xxii. 2, 9.

nrixvs v 'i- 2.

7ri'p7rXr;pt ix. 9; X. 1 8.

fl-tyco vii. 5.

Trinepi xxxii. I.

TrinTco i. 6 ; xiv. 6, 1 4.TTKTTfVCO i. 5.7rXarda) viii. I ;

xix. I.

7rXdroy xxi. 7 ; xxvi. 3.

rrXdcov xxv. 6;xxxii. 3.

TrXrjyt) x. 7 ; xxv. 6.

7t\tj6vvu) v. 5, 9 ;vi. 1

;xvi. I.

T:\rjnniKiUi v. 9.

tt\t]pt]s xxi. 7 ; xxvii. I ; xxviii.

2 ; xxxi. 2 (indecl.) ; xxxii. 1.

TrXrjpoa) v. 9 ; x. 1 7 ; xxi. 6.

TTvtvfia ix. 3, 10 ; xiii. 6;


2; xv. 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12;xvi. I

; xix. 1;xx. 3, 6; xxii.

3,6, 7j9j.II> 12, 13.ra nv. tZov yiyavrav XV. II.

ra ttv. tcov Ki^Sr'jXwv X. 1 5.intern xxix. 2.

7roie< v. 1, 2, 4 ; vi. 3 ; viii. I;

ix. 5, 11; x. 19 ; xii. 4 ; xv.


7, II ; xxii. 4, 9.

(IptjvrjV i. 8.

Kp'iaiv i. 9.

7roXepiKo'y viii. I.

TrdXepo? x. 9.

noXvp.op(pos xix. I.

7ToXvS ix. I.

7roXureXai> xviii. 6.

novijpia x. l6.


Trvevpa(ra) rrovrjpd XV. 8, 9.

nopevojxai ix. 8 ; X. 2, 4, 9, 1 1;

xii. 4 ; xiii. 3, 7 ; xv. 2; xxiv.

2;xxvi. 3 ;

xxviii. I;xxix. I.

iropvela x. 9.

Tropvevco viii. 2.


7r. a7ro tov 8tv8pov xxxii. 4.

ejri Troppco i. 2.

7roTap.6s v. 3 ; xvii. 6, 8.

7T. irvpos xvii. 5-

TroTap.01 nvpos (pXeyofievoixiv. 19.

ttov xii. I.


Ttpaypa vi. 3, 4.

77-pd xii. 1 ; xiv. 6.

7rpo/3aiVw xxii. 5, 6.

7rpds- w. acc. vi. 3; vii. 1;xviii. 7 ; xxx. I, 3 ; xxxi. 2


xxxii. 1, 2, 3.

Tzpoadyu) xiv. 25. xiv. 24, 25 ; xv. I.

TrpoaKonTa xv. 1 1 .

Trpoanvvea) x. 21.

7rpd(ro\|/'ir xxi. 9.

TtpodTayfia xviii. 1 5.

7rpda-0)7roj' xiv. 21, 24, 25.a7r6 npocromov i. 6

;ix. IO


x. 2;xxii. 7.

eVl Trpocratnov xiv. 1 4.

7rpdxoi;y x. 19.

npaTapxos viii. 3.

7rpa>Tos vii. 2 ; viii. I.

TTToeofuu xxi. 9.

7tvX)7 ix. 2, 10. xviii. 1 3.

7ri)p i. 6 ; x. 6, 13 ; xiv. 9, 10,

12, 13, IS, 17, 19, 22; xvii.

1,3, 4, 5; xviii. 9, II, 15;xxi. 3, 7 ; xxiii. 2, 4 ; xxiv. I.

nvpivos xiv. II.

nvppos xviii. 7.

Trajpd^a) (tiji> otyiv) X. 5.

77coj ii. 1 ; v. 1, 3 ;xxii. 2.

payus i. 7-

'PayouijX xx. 4 ; xxiii. 4.

'PaKj\ vi. 7.

'PapiipX vi. 7.

'Pa(piTjX ix. I;

x. 4 ; xx. 3 ;

xxii. 3, 6.


'PefJLlT]\ XX. 8.

pea> xiv. 5 ; xvii. 5.

prjpa xiv. 7.

p^a viii. 3.

pioTopla vii. I ; viii. 3.

piTTTco xv. 1 1; xxi. 4.

ei> rtw xxi. 3.

/jt^o-is XXVI. 2.

ad^fiara x. 1 7.

2a&jj\ vi. 7 ; viii. 3.

2a/ci^\ vi. 7.

SapiijX vi. 7.

Sappavrj vi. 7

2ap\f/lx vi. 7.

vdncpeipos xviii. 8.

~2aprjvds vi. 7>

SapiiyX vi. 7 ;xx. 6.

udpKivos xiv. 2.

"ap i 9 jxiV' 2I ?

xv - 4> 8, 9;xvi. 1

;xvii. 6.

Tay odpnas vii. 5 ; viii. 3.

aappdv (=,-)) xxxi. I.

<reauroJ> X. 2.

Setra i. 4.

crelopai i. 6 ; xiv. 1 4.

a-eiprjv xix. 2.

o-eX^vaycoyta viii. 3*

o-eXrjvr) viii. 3.

"2<-p.eia(ds vi. 3, 7 ; viii. 3 ; ix.

7; x. 11.

'S.ep.irjk vi. 7.

SmcnjX xiii. 9.

"2epifjX viii. 3.

a-Tjpuov viii. 3.

o-T) viii. 3.

OK(TT<D v. I.

o-Kevoy viii. I.

(TKXrjpoKapbia xvi. 3.

(TK\r]poKdp8ios v. 4.

(tk\t)p6s i. 9 ; v. 4 ; xv. 1 1 .

aicXiipd XaXelv xxvii. 2.

cTKortn'os xxii. 2.

(xkotos x. 4, 5 ;xvii. 6.

ao(pia v. 8;

viii. 3.

cnreppa x. 3 ; xxii. 7 ;xxviii.


aneppariCeiv els XV. 5

o-7rdpo? ox. 19.

(TTaKTTj XXxi. 2.

ordo-ir xii. 4.

oreyi; xiv. II, 1 7.

arrevaypos ix. IO.

orej/dfw ix. 3 ; xii. 6.

ortpeos xxii. I;xxvi. 5.

a-repempa xviii. 2, 12.

<rTT]piypa xviii. 5.

<rrr}p[i[a> xxiv. 2.

(m'/3eiff viii. I.

<tti\(3<o viii. 1.

o-rdpa v. 4 ; xiv. 2, 24 ; xvii.

8; xxvii. 2.

o-rpe<pa) xviii. 4.

o-TpoJBikea xxxii. 4.

orOXos xviii. II;

xxi. 7.


al>vos x. 13.

(TvyKoipdopai ix. 8.

avppiyvvpt x. II.

<rvpnaXata> xv. II.

crvp.7ro8ia> x. 4-0-iw i. 9 ;

ix. 7.

o-wdyco xiii. 9.

(Tvuex<0 xxi. IO.

o-ujreXeo-pd? x. 12.

avvreXe'co X. 12 ; xviii. IO.

crvvrripeoy X. 3.

oau/njp^ai?Ka\ elprjvr] i. 8.

(TVppLT7T(i) XV. II.


Kai dncoXeta Kal Bdvaros

xvi. I.

<r<p6bpa xxv. 2;xxxii. 3.

Volvos xxx. 2; xxxii. I.

axiTpa i. 7.

o-a>fa) i. I.

atopa xv. 9.

(TaiTrjpia V. 6.

ratfe'v (corrupt) xviii. 7.


TJ}s evXoyi'as xi. I.

TapirjX vi. 7.

Tais ii. I.

raireivos xxvi. 4.

Taneivovv i. 6.

rdprapos xx. 2.

rdo-cro) ii. I.

eVt twos XX. 5, 8.

retx ^ xiv 9-reK^a vi. 2

; viii. 3 ; xv. 5.Te<v6a> xv. 5.

reXelaxris ii. 2 ; x. 12, 14; xvi.


xviii. 16;xxv. 4.

reXevrda ix. IO.

reXeoj x. 12 ; xvi. I.

yvuprjv vi. 4-

TeXor x. 2;

xviii. 4.

reaaapes ix. I;xviii. 2

;xxii. 2.

rerapro? viii. 3.

TJJKO) i. 6.

Tt'/crw vii. 2; ix. 9.

ripr) v. 1;

xiv. 16.

Tipcopeat xxii. 13.rirdv ix. 9.

roiydp V. 5.


to. Toiavra XXV. 7.

Toixos xiv. IO.

ToXpd&) vii. 4.tooj/ xvii. 3.T07ros xvii. I, 2, 3 ; xviii. 10,

12, 14, 15 ; xxi. 2, 7, 8, &c;xxii. 1, 3, 4 ; xxv. 5 ; xxvi.

1; xxix. I ; xxx. I.

Tore ix. I ; x. I, 18 ; xi. 2;

xiii. 3, 6 ; xxi. 4, 5, 8 ; xxii.

3, 8, &c. ; xxvii. 5.

TovpirjX vi. 7.

rpaxvs x. 5 ;xxiv. 2.

rpets xxii. 2.

rpepo) xiv. 14, 24.

rpi'a xviii. 6 ; xxiv. 2;


4;rpi/Sco xxxi. 3.

rpi'y xxii. 9.

rpuTxiXios vii. 2.

rpopos xiv. 13.*cai <pdj3or i. 5 ; xiii. 3.

Tpo(prj xiv. 13.

rpo^djtov rjXiov xviii. 4toy tjXiov xiv. 18.

TvpiijX vi. 7.

uSpaywyd?d<n/rtXq? xxviii. 3.

v8cop xiii. 7 ; xiv. II ;xvii. 4,

5, 7 ; xxii. 2, 9 ;xxvi. 2, 3 ;

xxviii. 2, 3 ; xxx. 1.

vlas x. 1, 15 ;xii. 6; xiv. 6;

xv. 3.

ol tS>v dydpayncov vi.I ; viii.

1; ix. 6; x. 7 ;xi. 1; xv.


rrjs yrjs xii. 4 ; XV. 3.

tov ovpavov vi. 2 ; xiii. 8;

xiv. 3.

rij? nopveias X. 9.

vpvea xxvii. 5

VTrdpx<o v. 6; xv. 6.

vnepex 1 xxiv. 3.

vireprfCpavLa V. 8.

wrroi xiii. 10; xiv. 2.


vivo w. dat. xviii. 12.

inroieuawtu viii. I ; xiii. 2.

imoKaToa xiv. 19 ; xviii. 12;

xxvi. 2.

woKaTci) V7rd xxvi. 3.

vrropvqpa xiii. 7-

ep<0Tr)<re<0s xiii. 4, 6.

vnoTidriiu x. 5-

1)^77X0? i. 6 ; xii. 4 ;xiv. 18;

xv. 3 ;xxii. 1 ; xxv. 3 ;

xxvi. 3.

Z^no-Tos viii. 4 ; ix. 3 ; x. I.

vtyos xviii. 11 ; xxiv. 3 ;xxvi.

4 ; xxxii. 4.

tpayeipk xxxii. 6.

<paLvop,ai i. 4, ; ii. I, 2;

xvii. I.

(pavepos ix. 5

(papayt; xxiv. 2;

xxvi. 3, 4, 5,

6; xxvii. 1

;xxx. 1, 3.

(papfiaKfia vii. I;

viii. 3.

$app.ap6s vi. 7 ; viii. 3.

<pdapa to xv. II.

( xxviii. 3.

(pdeipco ii. 2.

ipdivoi xxiv. 4.

<piXoo-7rou8eii> xxi. 5

tf>\cy(o xiv. 12, 19, 22;xxi. 7.

7ri)p cpXtyov xiv. 17; xvii.


<Ad i. 6.

cf) i. 5 ; vi. 3 ;xiii. 3 ;

xv. I ; xxi. 9.

(pofiepos xviii. 12 ; xxi. 2, 7,

(pofios i. 5 ;xiii. 3 ; xiv. 13.

<polvi$ xxiv. 4.

(poveva) xxii. 7> 12.

(jbdj/or xii. 6.

cpovKa (= N31S) xviii. 8.

(ppovrjms xxxii. 3, 6.

cpvWov xxiv. 4, 5 ;xxxii.

ra (pvWa V. I.

(pi)Tevp.a x. 3.

<pvT(va> x. 3, 16, 19; xxvi. 5.


T^ff StKaiOO-VVT)! x. 16.


Tiva (synon. Ka\ia> Tti>d)

xiv. 8.

(pavrj ix. 2; xiii. 8; xv. 1;

xxii. 5, 6.

(f>a>vT)v aTTpenrj Xeyetv Kara

twos xxvii. 2.

<pa>? i. 8;

x. 5.

aya66v V. 6.

<ps koX x^Pls v 7> 8.

<pa>o-TT]p ii. 1 ; xvii. 3 ;xx. 4 ;

xxiii. 4.

(pcoTdvos xxii. 2, 9.

avdpauos TrecpaTto'p.ivos V.


xai'pa> v. 6 ; xxv. 6.

7rpi twos xii. 6.

XaXafa xiv. 9, IO.

XaXfiavr) xxxi. I.

X<ios XX. 5.

toC 7rupds x. 13.

Xapd V. 9 ;X. 16.

Xapts V. 7, 8.

^dcr/xa xviii. II, 12.

tS>v (papayyew xxx. 3.

Xeipepwos xvii. 7.

XCt-p-Mv ii. 2.

XetP x. 4-.

Xfpovfiiv xiv. II, 18 ; XX. 7.

^tXtds adj.

XtXtdSep x. 17, 19.

X&i.oo-t6s vii. I.

^toi'i/cdy xiv. 10.

XiM xiv. 10, 13, 20.

xXapds v. I.

Xpria-Tos xxxii. I.

Xpda xxx. 2.

XpoVo? xxi. 6;

xxii. 4 ;xxvii.


Xpvo-iov viii. I.

XP<^H-a xviii. 7

X<ofia(3ir]\ vi. 7.

Ywp'C xxii. 8, 9, II, 12.

Y&jpi's xv i. I.

Xw^apt^X vi. 7-

Xa>x"?^ viii. 3.

yf/eXia viii. I.

^/evpa v. 4

\^vxt ix. 3, 10; x. 3; xxii.

tijs crapicos xvi. I.

y^vxpds xiv. 13.

2>Se xiv. 24 ; xv. 1 ; xxi. 4,

6, 10; xxii. 3, 11; xxvii.

,2,3-wpato? xxiv. 5.

Kai koXos vi. I.

ws xvii. I; xxxviii. 3.

axm xiv. 18 ; xvii. 1;xxiv. 4 ;

xxxii. 4.

O>0~TTpfl V. 2.

ware w. inf. xiv. 16.


Page 5, col. 2, line 9. For Novaiionum read Novatianum.

10, note 24. For KpiOrjo-ovrai read KoXaaOfjo-ovrat, and see discussion on passage

on p. xxvii.

13, note 3. For ' GB omit'

read ' Gg omit ver. 6.'

14, line 1. Emend A.&C1& into &<\C: with G*.

16, note 19. KaTeo-dloo-av which I have treated as an imperfect is probably

a unique aorist. In that case the reading of a, $-abcvx should be followed.

17. In vii. 2 G3 remove the obeli.

19, lines 3 and 4. In Gsfor avra>v, kcu Trapt(3r]crap Kai errXdprjaav rovs dyiovs'. 2.

read avTuv*. 2. Kai nape{ST]o~av Kai enXavrjaav rovs dyiovs,

20, line 4 from bottom. For ' E Gg '

read * E GV21, last line. For 'note 12


read ' note 13/

22, note 30. After /, &-b add a full stop.

26, line 5 from bottom. For 'Gg '

read ' GV33, line II. If in ovk earai avrols els eXeov kcu elpfjvrjv the construction els eXeou

is original, then the original may have been pom? JIDJflri *6 = ov 8ao-us

avTovs ds eXeov. The construction is both Hebrew and Aramaic. Cp.1 Kings viii. 50 (Targum in loc.) ;

Dan. i. 9. But most probably ovk eo-rai

avrols is corrupt for ovk ecrovrai avro\ els eXeov=]iQrrb J10I1 (JVIiT) t&. Cf.

2 Chron. xxx. 9.

37, note 9. For ' note 23'

read ' note 24.'

47, line 14. For do-TpuTral read do-rpanai.

At end of note 10 add : the MS. reads : Btjkqs and darpands.

48, last line. For dweKeiva read eneKeiva.

59, note 2. For 'xvii. 1;xxxii. 3' read 'xvi. 1

;xxxii. 3.'

73, note 10. For 'xviii. 1; xxii. 5, 8


read 'xvi. 1;

xxii. 6, 9/

83, line 10. For (titlbOQ". read (UttPO*'..

121. At end of note 2 add : AffDlMrfr = dyyiXw = D^N^ID, corrupt for O^D.








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