The Endurance Athlete - AERA · The Endurance Athlete Its not about the Horse Its about the Horse...

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Transcript of The Endurance Athlete - AERA · The Endurance Athlete Its not about the Horse Its about the Horse...

The Endurance Athlete

Its not about the Horse Its about the Horse and rider!

Bob Campbell-Burns - 0400 980 336

on a horse for 1+ hrsYep that's you too!

Most of time this is how I see my Athletes

Mr Guinea pig

Most of the Time this is how my Athletes see me

How I see you Guys

How You See Yourselves

Background Information some thoughts from people who know? The standardised skin tent test and measures of mucous membrane dryness investigated in this study were not valid or repeatable indicators of dehydration when compared with Posm as a ‘gold standard’ criterion. The volume of water consumed and the number and duration of drinking bouts were the most reliable guide to hydration status currently available for mature working horses. Offering palatable water to drink ad libitum provides both the diagnosis and the remedy for dehydration in working horses.

Background Information some thoughts from people who know?

The standardised skin tent test and measures of mucous membrane dryness investigated in this study were not valid or repeatable indicators of dehydration when compared with Posm as a ‘gold standard’ criterion. The volume of water consumed and the number and duration of drinking bouts were the most reliable guide to hydration status currently available for mature working horses rider. Offering palatable water to drink ad libitum provides both the diagnosis and the remedy for dehydration in working horses rider.

Horse Fuel Cycle

Human Fuel Cycle

Energy Cost of Riding

riding induces a significant increase in energy expenditure. During jumping, a mean value of 75% VO2max was reached.

Therefore, a good aerobic capacity seems to be a factor determining riding performance in competitions. Regular riding practice and additional physical training are recommended to enhance the physical fitness of competitive riders.

Demands Of RidingThe experienced riders used at least 60% of their maximal aerobic power in trot and canter, which is an exercise intensity that may induce some training effect. Two elite riders consistently had lower oxygen uptakes in riding than the other riders.

Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 1983;50(3):373-82. A study of physical demands in riding. Westerling D.

The heart rate -- oxygen uptake relationships in riding and in the ergometer tests were similar, except during trot sitting when the heart rate tended to be higher, indicating a larger share of static muscle contraction in this gait

Energy Cost of Riding - StudiesThe main research findings are that as a horse progresses through the gaits (walk, trot and canter), the rider's heart rate and oxygen consumption increase.

A systematic review of physical fitness, physiological demands and biomechanical performance in equestrian athletes. J.-L. Douglas1, M. Price2, D.M. Peters1, 3

It is the faster gaits, and jumping that require the rider to adopt a ‘forwards’ riding position that necessitates weight bearing to be through the rider's legs, where weight bearing is predominantly through the pelvis. It is apparent that these ‘forward position’ modes of riding significantly increase metabolic cost and anaerobic demand.

Do we have enough evidence?Due to the paucity of literature available for review and particularly that which incorporates data obtained from ‘competitive’ performances, future research should attempt to prioritise investigations in competitive in addition to simulated riding environments. Only when further physiological and biomechanical data are available from a greater range of equestrian disciplines and from a range of level of athletes, will the demands of these sports be more clearly understood. Until such time, the development of evidence-based sport specific and potentially performance enhancing rider strength and conditioning programmes cannot be realised.

A systematic review of physical fitness, physiological demands and biomechanical performance in equestrian athletes. J.-L. Douglas1, M. Price2, D.M. Peters1, 3


Horse and Rider Association!The findings demonstrate associations between horse temperament and heart rate and the rider’s cognitive (mental concerns or worry) and somatic anxiety (bodily symptoms of anxiety) during equestrian sport.

The working relationship between horse and rider during training and competition for equestrian sports A dissertation submitted by Donald J. Bridgeman, Department of Psychology, University of Southern Queensland Bridgeman, D. J., & Pretty, G. M. (2005). Exploring heart rate as an indicator of synchronisation between dressage horse and rider at training and competition. Paper presented at the ISSP 11th World Congress of Sport Psychology, Sydney, Australia


This was enhanced with the findings of the relationship between the horse’s misbehaviour and the rider’s somatic anxiety in both the training and competition environments. Associations between the rider’s cognitive and somatic anxiety and horse temperament with the heart rate synchronisation were also identified.

It all depends on the horseDuring a normal training session of 1hr (walk 10 min, canter 20 min, trot 30 min) expenditure of 1553Kj (371 kcal) Jumping will increase this considerably . 1hr running (70kg male) at 60% V02 Max = 2800kj (650kcal) But it all depends on the horse the tougher the horse the more expenditure: the variability in rider energy expenditure according to horse and the rider. Mean V02max always below 75%

Energy expenditure of horse riding. Mari-Francoise Devienne and Charles-Yannick Guezennec Eur J Appl Physiol (2000) 82: 499-503


Sports Nutrition is like a revolving door with an

endless cycle of research going in and new recommendations

coming out.

What we know

1. Lots about the horse

2. Little about endurance equestrian rider

3. But it seems to be the same for any endurance athlete

4. Except there is probably a link between the living units

Therefore1. Performance is related to metabolic status,

2. Poor performance has ramifications for both rider and horse

3. This means both hydration and nutritional intake

4. Decision making is affected by current nutritional state

Feed Station Feed the horse and rider

Its not ‘brain science’

and You don’t have to be a

‘rocket surgeon’We know that the more energy you can consume each hour of exercise the better your performance will be. And just as you train your body to be more efficient at handling greater training loads, you must also train your gut to be more efficient at tolerating greater amounts of carbohydrates and fluids during exercise.


You can get significant info on nutritional needs…………..

1. Pre event loading? The week before……………. 2. Pre event loading? The night before……………… 3. Event loading? The day……………… 4. Event loading/maintenance? The day………………. 5. Post event loading? The next few days……………


1. During event requirements? 2. Water! Did I say Water? Clear fluid! Did I say Water? 3. Other fluids – pre-mix for yourself? 4. Gels and other foods 5. Emergency and kick starts - Did I say water? Caffeine? 6. Ask you endurance nutter (sorry expert)? Changes all the time 7. Depends on you individually!

Generally, we think of sports lasting longer than 90 minutes as endurance events. Fuel fatigue is now more likely, although the durability of muscle glycogen stores will again depend on the rate of fuel use during the sport and the success of pre-event fuelling. A competition fuel plan should be developed in training sessions, to fine tune the timing, type and amount of carbohydrate choices that suit the athlete and the logistics of their sport.

Endurance Event

Some general guidelines are: • It seems best to start refuelling early in the event

rather than waiting for fuel stores to become depleted;

• A carbohydrate intake in the range of 30-60grams per hour works for most athletes;

• Fuel-containing drinks are often able to look after all needs of the event. For example, fuel targets can usually be met by 500-1000 ml of a sports drink per hour; and

• As the length of the event increases (and the intensity is reduced), there may be more opportunity or need to consume solid carbohydrate choices. These can range from special sports foods to confectionery items and everyday foods

Ultra-endurance events (> 4 hours)• Ultra-distance events have an increased requirement

for additional fuel intake during the event. Luckily, because they are undertaken at lower exercise intensities, they usually offer more opportunity to consume a greater variety of carbohydrate sources.

• Solid foods become more valuable in lengthy events when hunger is possible, and it is also good to have extra choices to reduce the risk of “flavour fatigue”.

• It may also become important to replace salt losses and to consume protein. Athletes (or their handlers) need to be creative in choosing energy and nutrient sources that fit the logistics and requirements of their events, as well as their individual preferences.

Examples of carbohydrate choices during exercise

Each serve provides ~60 g of carbohydrate:

1 litre sports drink 600 ml cola drink 1.5 sports bars 3 cereal bars 2 sports gels 3 small or 2 large bananas 95 g jelly babies or jelly beans 1 round jam sandwiches – thick sliced bread and 2 tablespoon jam ·Liquid meal supplement (~ 5 scoops in water)

Carbohydrate + protein focused

• Fruit smoothie (low-fat milk, banana, yoghurt) • Liquid meal supplement (e.g. Sustagen Sport) • Breakfast cereal + milk and fruit • Sandwich or roll including meat/cheese/

chicken in filling • Baked potato + baked beans + grated cheese

Summary1. During sporting activities, it is important to have a fluid

plan that replaces most of the athlete’s sweat loss. 2. In events of 60 minutes or longer, replacing

carbohydrate during the event may enhance performance.

3. Experiment to find a plan that works for you and your sport

4. A refuelling target of 30 - 60grams of carbohydrate per hour of activity is a good starting point.

5. In shorter events, even a small amount of carbohydrate can be useful, while in ultra-endurance events, higher intakes may be needed.

6. After exercise, the athlete may speed up their recovery by choosing meals and snacks providing fluid, carbohydrate, protein and salt



Back Pain (incidental information)

Compared to the general population, a high incidence of back pain is found among riders. A significant correlation between the intensity of riding or the riding discipline and frequency or severity of back pain could not be found. For riders with pre-existent back pain the pace "walk" seems to have a positive influence on pain intensity.