The Enchanted Loom reviews Joseph LeDoux's book, Anxious

Post on 19-Jan-2017

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Transcript of The Enchanted Loom reviews Joseph LeDoux's book, Anxious

The Enchanted LoomTeasing sturdy threads from

neuroscience masterworks

Teasing 10 threads fromJoseph LeDoux’…

Thread 1:

Fear and anxiety are complexly entwined and must be understood both separately and together.

(pg. viii)

Thread 2:

One of the key issues is that the detection and response to a threat is independent of conscious awareness.

(pg. 20)

Thread 3:

Threats, whether real or imagined, demand action …. fight, flight or freeze.

(pg. 17 )

Thread 4:

The amygdala contributes to fear in 2 ways. It has a direct role in detecting threats non- consciously. And an indirect role, via cognitive systems, in the emergence of the conscious feeling of fear.(pg. 35 )

Thread 5:

The purpose of the stress response is to help the organism adapt, not to wear us out or make us feel bad. It is only when stress is prolonged and especially intense that nega- tive consequences result.(pg. 59 )

Thread 6:

If two stimuli are presented in rapid succes- sion, the first one is noticed but the second one tends not to be, a phenom- enon known as attentional blink. (pg. 217 )

Thread 7:

The idea that emotions are psychologically constructed states is related to the notion of “bricolage,” a French word that refers to something constructed from items that happen to be available.(pg. 227)

Thread 8:

Often one does not know why one is anxious, and this uncertainty increases anxiety.

(pg. 255)

Thread 9:

Anxiety is the price humans pay for autono- etic consciousness. (autonoetic: the human ability to mentally place ourselves in the past, in the future, or in counter- factual situa- tions, and to thus be able to examine our own thoughts.)

(pg. 253)

Thread 10:

Worry is the cognitive equivalence of behavioral avoidance. Worriers escape from fearful images by thinking about the future in abstract verbal terms.(pg. 276)

Thread 11:

An easy and free way to have some power over anxiety, is to learn to do slow, measured, controlled breathing.

(pg. 315)

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