The Emerson Legacy 1.1

Post on 18-Jan-2015

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Transcript of The Emerson Legacy 1.1

The Emerson Legacy 1.1


It had been over three years since Natalie had been left at the altar by Andrew Carson after he had claimed to have still been in love with her older sister. That day had always stuck in the young woman's head. Was she angry with her sister? Of course not. Grace had no control over who fell in and out of love with her. Did she feel bitterness towards Andrew? Well, maybe a little bit. Even after three years, she couldn't get past the fact that she had basically been dumped on her wedding day. She had not gotten the fairytale wedding that she wanted. There was never the pitterpatter of little feet a few years later. Natalie needed to change all that.

Even her eldest sister, Margaret, who liked living in luxury and liked the finer things in life had finally broken down and had a baby boy whom she loved very much and spoiled incessantly.

Her other sister, Grace had had a little girl, which had been named Scarlett O'hara O'Shea after a character from one of her favorite novels, Gone With The Wind.

The two of them had happy families. Who's to say the same couldn't be said for her? Yes, it could be said for her. All she had to do was go out and find someone. She was well off. True, her house had only cost around ten thousand, much cheaper than the houses other people lived in, but it could always be expanded if she were to have a few children.

Natalie went to her small office and opened up her laptop. Making herself comfortable, she began to research dating sites using the Google Search Engine. It wasn't the route she wanted to go, but one had to start somewhere. She didn't plan on registering, but perhaps she could gain some inspiration from the heartfelt stories on some of these sites.

As she clicked through the search pages, she came across something that caught her eye. A legacy challenge? Shrugging, she clicked the page and began to read. Her eyes grew wider and wider. This...this was perfect! This was just what she needed! Sure, she would have to move. That was the only downside, but it would be worth it in the end. She was sure that her sisters could help her get settled.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Natalie shut her laptop, stood from the chair and made her way into her miniscule bedroom.

Looking her hair over, Natalie sighed. Ever since she was young, she always wished that she could have that long mass of curls that Grace had. Instead, her hair was as straight as a pin. The last time she had gotten it permed, it hadn't turned out the way she wanted it to and a week later it was back to it's normal silky curtain-like sheen.

Once her hair was sorted, she stood up and walked towards her closet to choose something to wear. Something casual would do. She didn't want something that would make her look like she was trying too hard.

Natalie chose one a rather short innocent looking indigo dress with flowers lining the bottom and a plain white shirt to go underneath it. She wanted to be comfortable when searching for Mr. Right. However, there was no guarantee that she would find him right away and that suited her just fine.

After having sorted out her hair and her clothes, Natalie decided that she should perhaps invite her two sisters over and inform them of her decision and what she planned to do. She couldn't just do it in secret without telling them. Besides, she could use all the help she could get.

"You want to start a what?!" Margaret asked incredulously once greetings had been made and everyone was comfortable in Natalie's bedroom.

"A legacy. I want to start a legacy," Natalie repeated. Margaret fell silent as Grace spoke. "Are you sure, sweetie? I know you're lonely and you're looking for that special someone, but legacies are very hard work." Natalie rolled her eyes. "I know that, but what else am I supposed to do? You and Margs have your own little families I'm starting to feel left out."

Margaret and Grace exchanged glances and sighed. "Well...all right then," Margaret said. "We'll help you in any way that we can. In fact...there is a small house just down the road that some workers just finished building awhile back. It's not the ritz, but it should help you get started."

"Remember...if you need us for anything, we'll come running," Grace promised. Natalie smiled. "Thanks, but I think I should be able to make it on my own." There was that independence shining through again, Natalie's gumption to prove that she could do even the most difficult of tasks without the help of anyone.

Was this really it? Was this really the house she was supposed to live in? It had made the house she lived in before look like the Hilton. Yes, there was room to expand, but who knew how long it would take until she gained enough money.

After paying interest on the house, there was only so much left over. She would have to find a new job that paid more than what she had now in order to keep up the bills.

The inside of the house wasn't much better, but at least it wasn't too grimy. The wallpaper was quite nice and the floor was clean, although Natalie would have preferred separate rooms instead of just one large room with a separate one used as a miniscule bathroom.

Having a love of art, Natalie decided that she wanted to decorate the house with her own designs and put a little life and color into this drab setting.

Natalie soon grew bored and decided to head down to the Crypt-O-Night nightclub. Perhaps she would be able to find Mr. Right here.

The first thing she did when she got to the club was head straight to the bar. While Natalie wasn't a heavy drinker, she could use some. What was it her sister Margaret called it? Oh yes, some "liquid courage".

It's probably needless to say that while there were a lot of good looking men at Crypto-O-Night, Natalie did not feel the least bit of attraction towards any of them.

The next day, Natalie paid a visit to her sister, Grace. The middle sister was doing very well for herself. Callahan and she had just finished turning the basement into a private living area that now had a purpose.

The two of them settled in the kitchen, each with a mug of coffee.

"So where's Callahan?" Natalie asked curiously.

"I think he's giving Scarlett a bath," Grace said.

"Who's a messy girl!"

"Scarlett is!"

Natalie looked down at her coffee cup before looking up again. "So...I went to Crypt-O-Night last night."

Grace looked up from her drink. "You did? How was it?"

Natalie merely shrugged and sighed. "It was all right. I didn't meet anyone though."

Grace looked at her sister sympathetically. "It'll just take some time. You're still young. I'm sure you'll find someone."

Callahan walked in afterwards carrying Scarlett who looked adorable, her cheeks rosy. She looked so much like Grace, but had Callahan's deep stormy blue eyes.

"Our little mess maker is all cleaned up," Callahan said fondly.

Grace took Scarlett and held set her on her lap. Callahan came from behind and draped his arms across Grace's shoulders. Natalie smiled. They really looked happy together. They had only been married for three years, yet their marriage was still going strong.

Once Natalie left, Callahan took Scarlett into her room to play with her toys before he came back to the kitchen and picked Grace up, throwing her over his shoulder.

"To the bedroom!" he cried like someone about to charge into battle before running with a laughing Grace over his shoulder up the stairs.

Days passed without any sign that Mr. Right was near. Natalie went to work, came home, went out to some of the town's most popular hotspots. Still...she hadn't had much luck in finding the man who would be her husband.

Natalie had always had a sweet tooth. It helped that there was a bakery a few blocks from where she lived. She went to J'adore Bakery thinking that perhaps she would do nothing more than grab a slice of cheesecake.

She was wrong. As she eyed the cheesecake, the bells atop the front entrance jingled, signaling another customer. Natalie, being a rather curious person, turned her head slightly. Her cheeks developed the soft tinge of a rose when she saw the handsome young man with shaggy blonde hair, grey eyes, and skin that was just a lighter tan than hers. He walked over to the display. The two of them exchanged glances before Natalie turned away shyly. Still...she could feel his eyes upon her.

Thinking that he wasn't going to speak to her, Natalie made her purchase and left. But as she walked out, she heard a voice. "Hey, wait."

Natalie jumped and turned around. The man who had caught her eye earlier laughed. "Yeah, sorry about that. I was just wondering if you're new here to Blue Water village."

Natalie held her hands behind her back and shuffled her feet nervously. "Yes, I am. Um...I'm Natalie Emerson."

"Natalie, eh? My name is Phil Haggerty," he said. "Well, Natalie. Welcome to Blue Water Village. I hope to see you around some time." He looked her over causing Natalie to blush once again.

"O-Of course," Natalie said shyly. "I have to go now though. I have work tomorrow."

"Oh, sure." Phil said. "See you some other time."

Once Natalie left, Phil walked to the back of the small bakery and sat down next to a woman with dark brown hair and light blue eyes.

"Sorry I'm late, baby," he said in a husky tone of voice.

"Who was that?" the woman said.

Phil waved his hand, dismissing the subject. "She just wanted directions, that's all. Now then...where were we?"

There was no talking after that. Yet, Phil's mind was not on the woman before him, but on the blonde that had just left. She had looked so fresh and innocent. Rather naive as well. Perhaps he could make good use of that.

Natalie invited her sister, Grace over a few weeks later.

"So you really did? You think you might have met someone?!" Grace asked excitedly.

Natalie stared down at her chess piece. "I think I did. I mean, I just met him, but he seems really nice."

"Do you know his name at least?" Grace asked.

"Phil Haggarty," Natalie said.

"You should invite him to dinner tomorrow at my house. Marg's will be there too. She'd love to meet him."

It was already on Natalie's mind.

The next day after Natalie had gotten off of work, she looked in the phone books for Phil's number. Luckily, he was listed and there were no other Phil Haggarty's making her search easier. There was more luck when it turned out that he was home.

"Er...hi...Phil? Yes, this is Natalie." She was surprised that he remembered her voice. "I was wondering if you'd um...well...if you wanted to have dinner at my sister's house this evening." She feared that he would decline, but was glad when he accepted. "Great! No no, I'll meet you there." She gave him detailed directions before bidding him good-bye for now.

Dinner at Grace's house was quite...interesting to say the least.

Stuart, who was generally a very friendly person, was one of the first to speak to Phil. "So...Phil. What is it you do for a living?"

"I'm actually a Police Detective," Phil said a little smugly causing Maragaret to glare at him before stabbing her fork into her food and taking a bite.

"A Police Detective! How interesting!"

"What is it you do, Grace?" Phil asked unable to help looking her over appreciatively, but he knew how to do so discreetly so that no one would notice.

"Oh, I used to be a History teacher, but when Grace was born, I had to quit my job in order to raise her."

"Of course, I don't mind going to work," Callahan said, smiling fondly at his wife.

"I see..." Phil said before turning to Margaret who had yet to look at him and was merely glaring down at her plate. "And what about you, Margaret?"

"That's Mrs. Emerson to you," she muttered. "I'm actually a lawyer," she said. It was clear that Margaret didn't trust Phil one bit.

After dinner, the girls settled in Grace's bedroom for a little girl talk.

"He seems very nice," Grace said approvingly.

"I don't trust him," Margaret said bluntly.

Both Natalie and Grace looked at their eldest sister. "But why?" Natalie asked.

"He has slimy written all over him," Margaret said not budging from her opinion of him. "He's not the sweet man you think he is."

"You don't trust any man do you?" Grace asked Margaret.

"That's not true!" Margaret snapped. "I trust Callahan. I trust Stuart. It's just everything about this guy screams womanizer."

"I'm sure Natalie is smart enough to determine if he is or isn't right for her. Right, Nattie Bumpo?"

Natalie nodded. "Of course."

The men settled in the living room, each with a beer in hand.

"You know, Stu. I don't think your wife likes me very much," Phil said with a chuckle.

"Eh, she'll warm up to you, man," Stuart said waving the subject off.

" and Nat, huh?" Callahan said taking a sip of his beer.

"Yeah. She's a sweet girl. We just clicked, ya know?"

Stuart nodded. "It was the same with me and Margs. We met in college and never looked back."

"And now your wife nags you, doesn't she?" Callahan threw his head back and laughed.

"She does not nag me!" Stuart said incredulously. "She" He settled back grumbling, leaving the other two men to laugh heartily.

After leaving Grace's house, Natalie invited Phil back over to her house where they sat on the couch.

This was Phil's chance. He slipped his arms around Natalie and pulled her close. "You look so good tonight," he whispered in her ear.

Natalie bit her lip and smiled softly. "So do you."

Natalie was surprised when Phil laid her down upon the couch gently.

"You're so beautiful. Let me show you how much I appreciate you!"

"Phil I--" But before she could protest, his lips were upon hers and there was no more talking for the next few hours.

Sometimes certain actions have consequences as Natalie discovered three weeks later when she ran into her bathroom after work to throw up. Now while Natalie had never been pregnant before, she knew the symptoms. Phil and she hadn't exactly been careful. She should have known that this this would happen.

That next evening, Natalie invited Phil out to dinner. Phil had accepted.

So...she wants more, Phil thought licentiously. Guess she couldn't get enough of the ol' Phil-meister.

"So, listen Phil. There's something I need to tell you."

"Mmm...what is it sweet cheeks?" Phil asked taking another bite of the delicious salmon.

"Well...I'm pregnant," she said deciding not to beat around the bush.

Phil was silent for a few moments. Damnit! he thought. I thought this bitch was smart enough to be on the pill. "I see."

"Yes. So listen. I know we haven't known each other for long, but I don't want the child to grow up without a father figure in his or her life."

She better not be doing what I think she's doing, Phil thought. "I definitely agree."

"You do? That's great because well..."

Natalie set the box down on the table. "It was my mother's. She passed it onto me when she died."

Phil eyed the ring warily. He didn't want this. He didn't want to be tied down to just one woman. Especially not a pregnant woman.

Phil slid the box back to her. "Look, you're a nice girl and everything, but I'm not the marrying type. I was just looking for a good time. I didn't expect you to get pregnant. I'll send child support money here and there, but I have big dreams that don't involve me being tied down if you know what I mean."

Natalie's face fell. He...rejected her? H-He said no? Now what was she going to do? Sure, she had made a little money to expand on the house, but how would she raise the child and go to work at the same time? She couldn't afford a baby-sitter.

"I-I see," Natalie said her voice cracking.

"So...yeah...good luck and all. I'll send $100 every month to help pay for child support and all that." Phil was itching to leave now before this woman started with the dreaded waterworks.

What will happen to Natalie now? Will she find someone to help raise her child with her? Someone who won't just use her for a piece of meat? Find out in our next chapter!

But first...a word from my simself!

Hello there, Luna's simself here! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I tried to make it interesting by giving the founder a background and having her born from a family.

I would like to extend an apology if any of the pictures look sloppy, especially the posing. There were just times when the poses would not do what I wanted them to do even with all of the OMSPs that I have. I'm very sorry for that. I hope to get the hang of it.

I also apologize if some things seem a little rushed and if I jumped a little too much. I'm still getting used to more dramatic plots. If anyone has any tips for me, I would love to hear them.

Many of you may ask, will Natalie ever get married? The answer to that...I cannot say for that would be spoiling and spoiling is bad when it comes to legacies or any sort of sim challenge. I can guarantee though that the founding generation will be a lot more interesting than it is usually supposed to be.

I believe that's all from me. You may see me wandering around the hood a little bit, but as far as anyone is concerned, I'm just a regular sim with not one ounce of power.

I hope you enjoy this legacy and if you have any questions, please feel free to express them