THE DOVER LUMBER CO - Rockaway Township Free...

Post on 23-Apr-2018

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Transcript of THE DOVER LUMBER CO - Rockaway Township Free...





The Dover Printing Company,PDBUBHBBS AHU PBOHIETOE8,

Offlofl as BUokweirfltreet next daor toThs Bation&lUJiiion Bank.



O u e Y e a r , - - - - - - -S i x M o u t h s , - - - - - -C l i r e o m o n t h s , - - - - - -


M t O B . 1 1 WK. | 2 WKS, 3 WKH

8 "4 "5 "column.


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Corner or Diacliwull mi«l HIIBH:I His.










711 & 713 BRJAD St.

OPEN ALL TUB VI- AllTllf Si'liniii of Schools !


dealer in DRY GOODS, (JKOCEBIES ANDPROVISIONS, LEATHER AUD FINDINGS,BOOTS AND HHOEB to order; cigars, tobio-CUB, ami ia faut evorrtliluff wkioh U genorullykept iu a CODQtry store. I gell all my goodsat Ian- iipurus. Call and aco my utock and be--- ineed. 13-lj


UNION HALL BUILDING,Bhtckwell Streci, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces,.-armVfip *,ilil'k u't'i'd j!ri'vat.-"lfjm?!uiK«- V l '

suriortiutiiti.f Hovtn, cheap for I'UMII


STOVES, RANGES,Ac, Aifon var.i/l) of

I. 3, JOLLEY, Proprietor.! X^^T^T^'; 'r1 "T""14'

- l / T A H L O N PITKBir,





/~1E0. O.COMMINH, M. D.,











DOVEIt, N. J.flpcdnl office hourH on rkturdavB from B A

M. till 12 M, 1 " '


Bti'liBb BuitH niailu to HnkT Jrom J" 15 hi S:!0.

•' 0 ™ « t . trail,' l» nr.l. r Iron, «15 lo »> aro limliT II) oi.liB.itimi In lakr

tkt Karmenla nnlernl ll not a'ili«r«.|»r5.Oloanlnii and pn*?pi»K promsilly dnm>.Cill Biiil Bfo ELY, tlio worltinK tailor.



Diaeaaea of wonmn and elilWrcn, anil of tho

OlFIOK)8toO A. SI.Hor j ia . iHo8atn l7 io8P. l t .

0» and «fler April lit »ill l«»o Ml odlcc onmoond floor of HaMiuiiaa limlilniB. llontflence, corner of Gold ami Cbogtnut Sireets.Might calla al rnMcncc.

WH. T. ALLEN. rTTrixMiii.


BU1LDEKS,D o v o r , 3ST. 3T.





County Collector's Notice!I will bo «1 the offlcc of tho Knrro» t< Mm

na tnwn, for tlio t r mnctiou (if C u n n n bn»ncaft, on TlmrBiU} of tiLli wrrl», mi l at theofllao of George R i t i n n ' ° TKII , P i r, ou

W ! l . l f l .


STANHOPE, K. J.Oonlracti Tor buiMiiie« Intoi rrmii lire ox

fivntioil or Hie collar, ami uiatcrlnlB Nirni'LiMl,Aim si l l i . Door., Ullo.l., Ji™MI«K., P . I I ; <EooHra Fait U.I » n * e ' BtKralicuiislaMl;onlmuil. State rooanrj. • ' !


and Jobbidft promptleft «t William H. Bator's slorcareful &nd propjpt attention.

T.lfd to 0r-H'«l




POOL AND ]llLI.IAItD TABLE.barber shop inoonnectlon with tlio i>ool room

OLIVER S. FREEMAN,Carpenter and^Builder,

h « removed loTlraibrt'iiic»l«ilMlnB,Jii t ie

NE.U5 THE OASAL BASIS.« • Jol.Unn i n ' r»p»i'i"B prompUv

etttnctaJto. A Icng i-ipcni-'eee la ili« Imji-


& A. LOON,SUSSEX STREET,(bBttreen tho MANSIOK HOO8E ana Depot, I

DOVEB, >J. J .ThBnUce haahcen entirely refl t tedin a m a t

oSSrSr L " D " S » ' ami ClllLDllEH'8 HMII(TOTTISQ A BPEOIALTif.

M A . R T I N & B U C K ,k i i | Sign mi Ommeii&l JaiatsuOBAISEI13, UIUDliBS tml TAPEH HAKCl-

•lore' next to Yonsht ft KillfiorL's (lnic Hturo.P . O . B i t IB3.

A eprclally mailQ of atencil cttttinfi.J.lSAttTIN. '1M» I . BOOK.

KANOUSE & MOLLER,(fnccE!flon«Ti> A. K

ilc.lrrs in



Otn offer iUa twst and movt lilitial Indcracnla lo ikalsra.


y s t a t e in tli •IJ:,iIN mill te:idi,T.<oHtiiln.

C O L E J I A X * I'ALJIH, l'rii[irifl..r«.



O I'I 'K'F, ailjnliiini,. tin. Ilnv.i Li . inl i . rC •|,aiiy> mill. CoiilrarlK l a k i u . 1 plain

SLATE ROOFING.Slato luniisho,! from HID 1^1 cimrrirp ftimll quant i ty ur par load, oiitl laid, ifuuoil, ty oii.tirinncwl ivorkiii.'ii at law rate;







Joseph YorkC-tr MOKRISTOWIi, N. J

FAMILY GROCERIES!DnalitiRR o r t h e Beit P n U n t Flour,'rcsh Bmokfd Trcn ion Itniua a n dhanld«r<,Fliic Bt>.tt#r,Cltecie n n d L » r drat grades or Cmined Ooodi, and m.H

•applleiorthnhaaiciiald line atWM. U. BAKER'S.

Dover, N.J.




The Seneca Falls Yeast Co.,(LIMiTOJ.)



itti aicel clia tublnjr. , . . - — in. umwda Mm. ,.wincli !B tnf'.olPB3. Ttioyrivc tlie best or patia-?B"tion. Tboy rtnfccpp in Block " T B E NEWI'MPIIIE" Hu'-A-'r, a an and DaKd-BiiriiniKOjotiiiii' nlovc, tlio boat inbiriR Btovc in it

.rl.l.Al^al : iw : .w»t»Hn.VntUr : | lb«r«lyl :

if CiKikiimStuvt J Parlor Btovcn, Ac,SUMMER ANII WINTLH USK. Al«i., ..leu Htock of HinDWAIlE, UBTLEIlY,m.. WooJi'D. Copper, I'tfttu " ^ Jno»nritd

1INWAIIE. Oil UlutliP. C*rpeti, Lttnpi,n,;Oil( birdOftKtB, Pcntlicra. Pravi1*

A n . r . . ^ f1 fnonoiPlmiTi'.) AUo, rtcalrr* inCOAT,., l*Iii«.i,li.B nti«l Jnli Workpromptly attPiidMl to. Furlnnk^ J^|i


Mr Vh aljoTR ernlci In"front !>f tlicir plsco nUMiUfi I fit ;.nlili,-n-< i-l.iii:-, OH Iron, Tnpur, ISmss, Lead, lUjra mn.' Uroetii »ck8 (akcii HZCIIIDRD r o r K o « H ^ E N ^ HDNNELL.

Also mumiracliirci-ii or nynnell1* fcspriOK BeJ Pi

1883! SPRING. 1883!

Openini) of MILLINERY GOODSof ovory dcHcription at


All p r a o n . olaUn't a»ytUnB In >>•' Uiill profit hy buyiug of her.HOOKS, PAPEIS, NOTIONS,

CANDIES, NUTS, PIPK8, TOBAOCOS,itc., ean I") fonnd at her store in lorgt qnoi

tttiei ' '




LliAM]:KH,n:l<]u!l l.mduiif in (Le bi'»t nnmiiiolici-. MiKln-ft lirito

M.-rJnM)iiiKi»m.r a:i,l at lliu slmrtcsll>u<! lor old Iroi

tipper leal atu! |i«^u.|' titliuii iu t>x.clittti[;<

ALEXANDEK WIGHTON.Ui mbi'i-21tli. 1H7U. 1-1 vr

DKESS GOODSBest line of Dress Good

anil Tiinuniius at


MRS, S. TREWARTHA,Sussex St., Dover,






PUKE CONFECTIONERY,,i line Hpccial ImliKc-meuts are ofinni


Scods, Fertilizers,md tvcrylliinjr lor FAHM AND GAHDEN.





With belter facilities I um onablod to puti SLATE HOOFS chfapcr than eror usiug)uo but ilia bout quality of Blato and em-

ployinp flmt-oliiK« mcchauicH. l e a n Ruat-leo inntfrial auil work in every purtion-

r, Tur KlieatbiDg FeltftlwiiyH or haud.DiLted October 13ih. 1880.





inalwuyson Imrid t full »n.. Irish Block of• hitdirdeoMlaju

KEASONABLK PU1CKS.It douBn'tpay to cipcrnutiiitivilli fiour. Anl

VIOLA BRAND,ul Uko no o the r . II in alwajn R o o d - c a n beHcil npnn ovcr,v t ime . HanierBon on tliicio b n u i l iiicroaBOc] Lls flnnr trailc COO vvi


SUSSEX St. GROCERelillouutiunee lo keor. a fall abd Treab qual

Wj ol

Groceries nnd Provisions,

SEASONABLE FRUITS.foreipn niid (iomeslic, t b e best g w d e sCANNED G O O D S , and a l l Bupplioa o ( tinbounel iohl in iiis liiifi.

Care will alwayH ba t aken to secure g<of tbe hcb{ quali ty imd equal pa ins t ot b t - w a t Ilio moKt rcasoiiable marKins i

itli tn. . i . i inti»Hii>epticfl . SUSSEXB Pf Ularkwcll. Dover.HT.. i!


Queenstown, Liverpool,Norway, Sweden, &c

While Star Line,Iiuiiiiii Line,

('iu.;ir<J Line,Nalioniil Line,

State Jjinc.

E, Lindsley&Son.Agents,

W. H. BABBITT.Wn lia< ruufiviiig from Ihe large

tuitle nuctifinnnr l l i n liwt iiioiitb In voices ufUATIINOS .ma CAKl'KlH Wu havtIngrain Carpt-t for Iweuty-flve cenls, wliiul

ipiiru fnvortilily with UOOOH ut twice dialru in olhfir IIUCRR. Wo lmvU Hev.-n!:enat IIIIH I'vic, all diff-rciit tbo IluriforJ ami Lowell csin* stiiier

•IK, whkh M iwki.ow]i'(lKP t" bo the l«.stn«rnii] i-aT]>i-i mul-, tu itll tlitir irma-inn.-M

he liivvt-tt t^nve-i. Wi< -ire cx-i'yc li-ii' ol nil |;i-ivifM'i[ GAIU'ETK.

V«-'i»lly :•< tlii-i lrn« in Tii]'»!,trivH un.lJ v \in\n- 1H. 'J'lut Li.-t nmkus nf KHCII in

H'ir lii;-,t pilionis uio lo lju fuuml in ourirp. t mo it;. fi| tin.. 1 ,M , st priut's. BOBDEKid ]trin In Tiiiilch c.iriKt-'. Our nsi-ortuii'iiMATTINus is very lirgo, bwin^ br-'eJJutl to liy roocnt purcbuses Iu nuctio.mnis. Mitiij ilticidt'il bnrfiiima ore to bod. AU iijiuJQ up Oilico Oowcs for Qrty

'tiU iiro being rt'tilled by ITH, and ulreutlyiinytavo b.'un disjioHed of. A lurye in-)ioi3 of HfisiJktTolnefa was received from

Iso aurlion rooms, the prices of which are•ly ttfly nor cent (IBWU.

W. fl. BAEBITT,HorriitDwn.N.J,


00T AND SHOE MAKER,D o v e r . XJ*k a*.

Tlio best Vnrli ot loivost pricoR. fiepsirinnlieaiilyamiprcinntljrilc.ue. Neittoolr] I'rea-JlcrUn Cliuroli. lll.ickivull 20-ly

> Morris County h::?j Sink,

flioiuusrovvN, N.J.

:ENI1V W. MILIEU, Prtakkiil.

H. T.1IULL, 8cc'j mil Treos

MAKAGKllS:YC. PirNi:v, A. U. Huu.,iH.C..i.K»as, Ann. 0. Oisrm.D,TI;N I). M\n<n, PtiiLtr II IIUFKHANY W. Mu.i,Kit, 0. Y. SWAN, SI. D, '

O n e i i j ln i ly f r o m O A. I>1. t o 1'. J>I, n n d o n Sr.Uir<1ay e v e n i u c aroin 7 ID » o'clock.Deposits iniitteoii orliefnre I lieKN'III DAY 1)1' JAM'AllV,

mil remitiniuc in Hnnk an tlie-IHSI' DAY OF JULY, will heUlilU-cl t o « tlioiilli^ (tiUlTKt.Deposits utiMlc on or before the

I'll 'III DAY (IT AI'HIUuia.l i t -[lu-iiiMit in llauli ositlic I I US IDAY OPJI I IA, will l ie.ntill , .]

™tn«MiHi*' interest.jof*ha ntuiloonor lieforellii!

Bii/iiiiktMLT in Iliinlt'mi the tIKSl"DAY OP JAM1AKV. will I»tutitlcil to 0 inonlli^ interest.f>i>|ioriijgiiintt(> on ot-before theIFTM I)AY OP Ot'TOUi;H,«ndfiniiiniiiK in ItiiHk ou (lie

Fl IWI1 DAY OP .1 AN IIA KV willlie ciititUMl to 3 months' inttiirht

n->- l.D.iuiil o.i ISo-iit mill MurtRHKt



are now offering a tremendous line of MEN'SLOW SHOES at the following reductions:

Oar regular A m l t . . .1200 Wsbsler lie roduwul to . . . 81 00" " " . . . 225 Otfora Seamlou reduced to 186'* ." g»Quiaecalf 2 50 Webster tie railaood to . . . 2 00" . » •• •' 2 76 . " " " 3 SB" " " •' 200 Hind wolt 2 60

and so pn through our eatire assortment. Theabove goods are all clean and regular, man-ufactured expressly for this season's trade bythe same manufacturers that have made ourgoods for years, and we were only able to getthem at the; above reductions on account ofthe baokward season leaving them on theirhands and foroing them to close out at a lossMost of our customers are well acquaintedwith the above lines of goods through theirpurchases of them in former years and cantestify to their elegance and durability andto the above; extremely low quotations.

Let Ihosu uoir coiuti wbo niivofcaiuo liofuic,Anil those ^bo alwnys eamo now come lUa more.

j OPP. 0., L A W. R. R, DEPOT, DOVEB.


Carrel &; Byram,Real Estate, Life and Fire Insurance Agents,


lint rlkki iifT.!iiil In (lie N»f<'4i ii)iii]nini.i, fin- lid' nnd ilrt liiaiiriinrc, null

tin- maul utlruiitugtoun li-iiiis.

'eiin Mniiuil Life. iiKMrii»mtccl 1817.jBtun Piit-> Inn. (Jo., Hurlfort), Ut. Cash capital $4,000,OOJ.

Bun Firu Ollke, Lomlun, EogluiiJ. Organized 1710.

jondon cud Provenclol, Loutiuo, EUK.IMHI. C'iisli cnpilnl $500,000.Asrinil tnrulFire tint. C o , Wnturtovo, N. Y. Oa^lt cnpitnl $300,000.

Queen Fito Ins, On., Liverpool, Eii^lund Eatablinhe'l 1868.

THE DOVER LUMBER COiffers to bailders tliu best opportunities ia the purchase of LUMBER

of every grade and description including LOW PRICES and the greatadvtiQtago oi liuvint'

.Lumber Worked to Order>y machinery tit tho place wboro it in purohased, greatly lessening the

cost of building by tho great saving iu munnal labor. Oary g gatock always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings,ud LUMBER of every description, and especial pains are taken

to give Katislaction iu ovory particular.QEOBIE KioaiHDu, I'rtssiduut.Wu. II. L\MDEIIT, Src'y fiua Tterw

I. W. SBAJUSO, Gen'i Manager.

E.DUNN&BR0.mproved Low Pressure Steam

Heating Apparatus


Notice of Settlement.Xotfoo ii herebj RIVOD tliBt Hie nceDtinU of

.io inbBcrlbcr, Administntnr with tbo Willmooied da bonii nnn. of Bitliini Tiioints,ccetied, will bo ladlled inJ (Uloell.y tlio

SurroRkte, uid reported for Rettlement lo tlieOrphans' Oourl or ilio Count; of Uorrh. onHoadu tho third day of Bcptembar, nei i .

1. BUDOINQTON,Dover, N. J.

99-9*Diled Jaue l b, 1S

$5T0$20j?;iSMbatna. SnapMwor lb

LIVER CHILLED PLOWSIli^l in tlio ina rk i t . 500 pol.l by us.

Acme Ilnrrow,

Knslc Wliecl CllllimCor,

Casadny Sullty Pluiv,

Grain and Garden Seed Drills,

Walter A. Wood's Mowers,


Thomas & Field Wheel flay Kakes,


Lever ititd Tread Powers,Tlircshor?, f'lrnnrrs, he.,

aud nil oilier tirst-cIsBH farming imph/mculp,




Trawling Agent.

JOHN »AWEit now open for liiuineaa In hii tam EeBtan-imnt and o«n acoummodato a rnnabor ofbooTden on roiwoMWo tortni, u veil u snp-pl/l»od-iiiatl» ill hottn, »t W pricei.Blaclwdl Bt, oppnlta Brlok Blotk, Dover.

Freeman Wood,FIHB


DOVJBK.N. J-;&lly authorized ajjcDt D[ tbe following flrat

classcompaniea—the hoatlQ thoTOrlcl :

0ND0N nnd LIVEBPO0L nnd

QL0D6 Capitol 820,000,000.


Capital 810,0011,000.

OYAL OF LIVERPOOL,Capital 810,000,000.


UUDSOH COUNTY, Jersey Oitj,CupitBl $300,U0O.

Korth Hriti*li ami Moromtiln Innnranco O,.,f Louaim ami lMenlinrfih i capittl tlO.OOO.OUO.

Oormnnia Vin, lii.-uranco Cn. of Nuv( York;ca|utHl 11,000,000.

Tlio Ijomlon AaKumoco Corporation ofLondon, capiul $5,500,000. •

Springfield Fire Insurance Co., Slausachu-»ctls, capital $1,600,000.

WcHlcbeater Fire Insurance Oompany foCO York, ca,|ilUl 4600,000.CBUaH AUETUOAN 91,000,000

F1IIE A3SO0UTION OF FHILADBLFHU.I, . _ . . - . . . $3,60O,IJO(

OipmL 600,001

Freeman Wood.J twt ic" of ttie Pufcco mcl Pol ico J i i g i j t r a t c

H E 1 S T PLACEofitH lciucl rorcTijuymciit in iliim.eel.oti Is


DOVISH, N . J*JUKI rwei red an<1 i>l»rnl in ixmillmi THBEE


BilliardA M )

Fool Tablestlii) celi-liriUi'fl m icu l ae td ty of J . U .


OECHESTKLWhin &1HO t a i l been tuppliod v i t l i n o r m m l eanil will dd ig l i l Ibe p*tronB nf tlio b o m o m o r ot h i n cTBr, lurniiliiDR mnaio o q m l t o a b r w sband ol 50 piece..


LAGER BEERllwtyi oo dniosht tnd Uio b u t of

WINES. LIQUORS and CIGARSftlwsja pTOTidcd Tor Iha pfttrona of


'•'WW' .' ' . BtUIAllD BOOHB.

CROCKERY,Dinner and Tea Sets in Decor'

alfil White Oranlte and C. C.Warp, Decorated and PlainToilet Ware, Majolica Ware,IIUCIUIIKIIIIIII Ware, VcllonWarbt Htone Ware, nnd evcry-IhliiB; in the Crockeiy line ntthe lowest possible prices at

Will. II. KAKElt'H,Dover, N. J.


. ' (his biitlneD liccpo ol lr

etuli.ilvur ID liccp ft W H O naHa In his lino ol lr,u!u, c o l l a t i

t Uio old at and,orimtfnt (if


COAL AND WOOD!• Scrautnn nn.l L t lns l i at nil BIZ^B; aUo Bi-I n in in cm i Ui).i] lur lil.nrlisiiiilliini,'. Cunl woolnnvcdnnd tiplit r ta ' ly fur usonl'Viya <m k&rnl.

Flag Stones: Curbing.Order* r

ing mdGiTawctn riijiiattcnuDd t

iitracts taken for l a j -^ curb , and nil otl iornc will bo prompt!}'

PHOSPHATES!A variety of brandri of s l a n j a n l fertilizer!.


MASONS'MATERIALS!Hard nnd VAo Cricfe, Lime, Comcnt, Oil-

cinril riamer, Hdr, Firo itul FrontBrick, Flro Oliy. Orden will tie

promptly filled at Ilio


Saw Mill.lor bird wood Ininber eat to iny sice »nd

length denreil.400 cotdi loisoned wood for nle.

LOCK BOX 39,... i Dovcr.H.J.

THOS. JOHNSON,miniirsotarerini) dealer In

tnd nil work in Uarbta anil GMDIIO. All workof the beit order and pricpa reinonsble,


PORT MORRIS.And now Janob WTiltcgoll wlio brakes, or

did brake for Conduetor Wlieuler. got hisbroken tbe other nigltt in tlie elbow joint. Hew u taken to the huipital at Kflvnrk. Whenthe euglno VM retuniiug from Cbatliatn tovltteb plaoe t h e ; took Wbitesell, tliat honiglit %fl sent to the hosjiltnl, they Htntck an-

otLcr mnn who wo* witHdnjc in tlie middle oftbo track, knocked him off. liroko hU leg,

lade nliolelu Ida hc&dj aud bo UuA to lietakes to tlie hoajjltnl, too. I don't know whothe luat was was. IIOWM not u ruilmwl mananyway.

I t U said that the doctore had to cut Mr.Itephen's leg cffjmtbolowttio knee tlio other

day.Oco. Long in getting along ns woll u oonld

he expected under tlie circumatmices." The doling youth who fired tho El

donm, iliflll long outlive tlio pioun fuiil whorcurud It." So, I nupposa Captain Wolili huemitnageit to UMaoelnUt hie uame licreuiter wil"lasiaia bydruwuiug MniHolf iu tlio ru]ildi

ulow tho fnihI eee Uicy lire jmitlug thn steeple on the

new EpUwpul Churoh at SUmliopo. UoUrtSloglitlms moved into liin new hoiiac a t thelatter plaoo.

Tlie little folks of this place intend tu hti<a ])io-oio nljcjiit tlio lfitlt of August,

Fnnitico No. 2 at Stnuliope is doing hetbiftu«1io«v«rd(ifii) beforo, though it 1B nowDIIIR on i yearn iliicc gho Um bo«u re

They used to tUink 3U0 tnng jier vrtekgood turn out for hfcr. Week before liwt ahouiwlaWitoonofiiigimu. I liu

ithoHty for saying that BIIQIIIDVFU out, excojit nomotliliig hapjiodcr it ueeoseury, wlile elio hi Uoiug rullaH

Mrs, Elifubcth Stftoklionlio has gnno t« visitar dnugltter. now Mrs. Haokett, in Soutl

Jeraey.•Tlie D., L. St. VT. ooul tmSni wore Into the

other day and 1 lost truck of them no I Baldo one of tiie ttiiiti men, " Wlwt uro you IMtntihig w-Jiut wm tliu iiuinLer uf bi* train,' O, we"ro lrigh." lie riiplicd, though ho kirery well what I mogul.

Homebody Bold to tho ChuJrinau of the Com-mittctt ou miiBlo durli.g tho week that hewould uot bulong to tlio liefonn Club uooauauHO and «o did, uuil it wua Btatedin thu mootingof tha olul) Sunday ufUjruuou that the reuuouiftliacjlHh'Hejdateuuo waa t« take HJI

ho hurt b'jci] drunkards imil iielp tinroiiuer the habit they hod mxiiUrfld. Ar:d ifluim frills 70 tliuca 7 times to pick him up

ttgniu and help him nloug. Wliilu the club Inuot only willing but nuxluus to huve mcu who

i> uot tiuci'l rofurining auioug ito uumlura tboliel'eud of Jin oxbtonto wna tu "ruBoue tltiirigliing," tu tiiku the gruutcit drunktud Iniwu, gi't him to aijju the pludgo and tainitii liy tho iuii.1 and help him l*i keep it. Ificro be any wlio tliuk this orgnnlzation

iccrot HociDty, whose nioiiibeta aro ulioscii byvote of other members and udtaltted or

us (ho uiua may bo, that mim 1B mis-taken. I t i i the iMiaiiicua of tho Soforiu Olnbto admit to fellowship tho incniioat man intown If he will sijpi tho pledge—tho greateatl rnnkardl mean—they don't nlwnys metntho flimo thing. Oue of the members toldhow ha liud ouou btieu neipminted with n n u n

"io oould drive team If lie wua drunk ajillind tnuny u tiiiieloiilcod lum In tho burn of

G hotel until ho inhered up. One nightlomeboiiycHtui) to him, told him his friendrvnsdniuk, and if ho attempted to g<tiatiiight he would nurely grt killed. Tbepeakor udd that be hml loolceil lil.n ii]irol tlmos beforo ami lie nuidc up hU mind

it he would let him go that time nud nother with him. Well, pretty Boon ho HOW

:ho toom oumo along nt a pretty good gait nndn-hcti tbe team got piwt hU plaoo about a mllo,

io team Bliicd, the drnnkon man thrown out! tho wngon, bU head was Injured and in ft>w diiys tbo Runtlomau who let the, drunken

mm " gnug Iiis aiu gait" wan askod to ant asmo of tbo pull bearers at tho funorat. Fanoy

Tho hoarders nt Dndd'a Lake tnlk of get-ng oil utovca to put In tho stages. Tbo ther-tometer wnn 48 nt Nowton on TueRtlay toorn-

Eng, ntut tlie story goes tbat it waa eo obtttgenthunau up tbnro oould uot hold thoaoythv

mow. ' 'Mr, W. I). Day weotto HuokoHatowutoaoor. RusHiig, on the milk train Sunday. Hemill Col. Holt und his wife there from Trcn-n. They went to churoh in tho morning,

ind talked after dinner until about4:90>; it,,rTiicn Mrs. Holt oomplninod of boing sick find

it in to llo iluwn on the lounge whero Mr.Ifolt found her at tea time, dead, fio "Inthemidst of life we arv In doatb." Hm Holt

idtotenuhseuool In Haokottstown, as didi Colonel, somo years ago—and wna a vory

iseful woman. Sbo died In the midst of herisefultiesa. "Robert Vpton, tho traekwnlkor at Waterloo,

be ha» a curiosity hi tlio ehnpe of u pigwith right legs, two hoad» and aslnglo stom-nck. It is done nji In nloohol.

Tbo operators ut tho stations of tho D. L. &V.ll.K.hiiTonotstniokyet,It wiw given out that Rev. Mr. Dnolttfle of

Itsnliopo. wan topteach a iwrnion on PotoiMoHlior Sunday night, ft ii! unneocasary tomiy tbo ehnroii was fulL Mr. Doollttlo maden goral teniperaneo sermon of It, imd I hftiroleurd his offort very highly spoken of,Tba pio-nlo la to bo nt Lako Hopatoong tbo

6tb of August. Tho Presbyterian SandajSchool, of Stnnbopo, aro going thote too oilibo itamo dny. and the Catholios aro going toimvo a jilc-nio nt South Stanhope on the stuno

ilc. I hcliove tho Uethodtst Sunday Selioolratnnbopo Intend to Iinye an exonwlon toio Water Qnp ou adnto not yet namnl.Thnro is nintorinl aeoumulntlnff for n flntI1.B8 divorce suit In tho latter town, and thowinur tliu proocwllnga begin tho better, Ifuiior ho correct Tliore are other plooesB dciuomliiing to young nicnos rumhave a notion to t ry " tlio wind mill" a tus-e mtybow.

Sirs. Samuel Lawronoo, the Btanhopo milk-inn's vita, died Monday morning.It ia rumored thai Jncol> Whltcsoll wil

nvo to loso his arm. .At last aouounta K.\ Steiihena, of Lake

lopatooiig, waa Ukoly to die of blood poiaon-if;. Ho may bo dead by (he time this o'opyrthoEnAgoostoprctis,The new powder company are building n

•cry fine l o a n for their Superintendent


Loet Sunday evening Rev. Dr. Crane,Morriitown, preaohed in the chapel to a largeeotgrugatiou—rooit of them from the ForestHouu. The i i wns very good. Dr.Crane i« atoppiug at tbo Forest House forfew veolu and will preadi in tbe Cbapclnext flontlay, nt II A. Sf,

The camp iHiya from Fleming ton »tmitheir tent on Tuosdn.v: o3so tbe Jluugry Cliof Eaxton, Pa., wbo have Imen here nuoutthroo weeks. Tlio Flemington hoya and thoboys from tU# Foreat House hud a game ofhall in tbe Held near tbe old Budd munilou,hi which the Flemlugton boys wore toofor tbe Yorkers, heating them badly, wbicl1 gpeukiug well'for tho Jersey boytTbe oumpiug parties aro still on Book;

Shore.Tho M't. Olive oorres])ondent aald aome-

thlng abuut a nioo mess ot llsh he saw wbiebhud becu oftURlit on Suitduy In tlie LahiHtfuig siok tbut Sunday, I did uot know cit. He Huys he also wiw a inuu cradling grainIlio aiitnc Sunday. Perhaps he moans lien mau rookiiif* the urudle on Suiiuuy.psirlicjs will null on tho Sabbath they

it ttielrnnd ns othorebnvo in thus violatingthe di.y without a nioment'H wutnlng. TlioSalibutli Itrtiiikor will aui'ely be puniibed

oner or later. 13ut our laws ought to punIt them for fishing on the Subbatls here,id prubuhly will, if parties persist iuiirk, they bo called beforo a Justice to

I»uvv u lltiu mimv Monday inoni«uj,', I hopeguilty of this jirnctico will take warn-

very good ing und rteiist.ill not be I hopo tlio annual Budd pio-nlo, ta U> held

August 16tb, will bo kept Iu mind. Johu 8.Qlbvou will deliver tho oration.

J. V. Build, Esq., is absent ou a blue Qeli-ig excursion,Tho excursion to tlio Water Gap<x Tuesday van n grand aucoone. Thirteen

pumteugor cara were tilled with itbout 800ineludltig your correupondent.

IVoloft 8tunho])o at 10:10 A. &!., nnd arrivedut tlio Water (Jap at 11:20, vhen> tho oxeur-

disperacd tbrongh the mouutoinainsiiioll plo-nio parties, uploading goodtbluga on whito tabloclotlis upon the ground.If yuu bad aeon tliuui out you would Lavetbouglit them hungry, as doubtless lhuy were.These wlio did uot tiiua provide dinod at thevarious hotels, which now bnve nearly 2,000gueatft, while the private hoarding bnuica uroall full. The Gap llouae, the largest, bosover UK) guesUi From tbe numuiit of thisbonso you have a magnuloont view of thesurrounding country, extending many inlleiAfter dinner the places ol interest wore vis-ited by inoet of tho exourtdoiiista. They saidthey had quit* a froat there in Uia morning,it being 43 dog. above rero. At Dudd'a Lake

. was 58 deg. ft was ujilto warm Iu tbelo of the duy at the Gap. This is n very>mautie plnee nnd personit fond of suchiijoyniuot oou have It to tb«ir henrts'nit Board ranges from |1S to «8 poe week.Fy friond " Vau" and anlf dlnoil at tbe Blvorlow Homo. Located near tbo river you

have a vory pretty view of It from tbia bouse.Wo hod. a auinptuouii dinner, which was well

rved. We met several friends irora Nowarkid Philadelphia, ineluding UUi C. 8. Bmitb


After dlliuur " Van" nnd yourumbla serraiit Wero invited to upend a few

hours with tbe Glen Cvttflgo Club, of Phil-adelphia, which consists of eleven yoaugld les nnd ouu gentleman. One of tho young

idicB eould imltati) a oornet to perfection,itli or without the inMtrutuent, This clubro baving u Jolly good time. Wo regrettedbat tlio thno passed no quickly. Bidding

rarowell U> tho Qlen Cottngo Club and thuSap, wo arrived homo safely ut 8 P. If.


MOUNT FREEDOM'The Committees for tho fair anil festivalhich U to come off next Thursday afternoon

and. evening, the 16th, (Instead of tha litli oistated last week) are ineetlug with good suo-

wlii their arnuigamoiiU foe tho same, and< predict a Bplendlfl time. A band fromm-istovrn is ta furnish tbo music. TUB

ladles will be pleased to havo everyhodyomo and " take tea" with them and tpend a

profitable and pleasant evening.Rev. F . A, Trlppett and wifa aro spending

their vacation with relatives and former par-ishioners in this place. Mr. T. will preachf r Mr. Smith, at the Presbyterian Church

;t Sunday,Q. P . Curtis, of UackettBtown, is visiting

ild Mondfl and pupils, having hocu a Umoiierour Bobool ta former years.Mls&Liuiu Plnkorten, of Boontou, formerlyteacher here, hi speudlug a fuw days v-itliid aequaintanees.Misa Laura l^ulbertU rusticating at Orangeilloy.John Totten, an employee at the Stateyiuni, Is spondlng a few days with pnnmtadfriendB.

Ituv, Mr. llanoymau and wlfo aro visitingi in thin vicinity.

AnutnberofnurelUcoua have httoly beenfronting thcnisolven to new earringee, nnd woire almost aiiro to rood, aoltl liy II, P.Saniler-

n, Dover, on them, ao that wo JndgohoUther toWug tha lead In the solo of vehicles.

'hay arc certainly very fine looking oneaaudem to be doing good urr lce . and givingirfeot satisfaction.

State Encampment of tJie C. A- fi*A ffcnorul order itaned by Qco. B. Fielder,

lopartiucntCotnraiuidorof tho Grand Armyif thD Republic of Now Jersey, is an follows:

Them will bo a Summer. Euoaiapmeut,ndnr canvas, oftbla Department at Frinoo-

JII Juuction from third to the eighth day ofioptotnbur Inclusive.

Ouard mounting and oiler military exer-ISM will m pnrt of each day'; nroeramme.Fiicworks on Tuesday; nnd; Friday evou-

Shatn battles on Wednesday and Saturday,TUB ofllctjra ami comrade* of eooa poitaro

rcqiiostiid to assist tho Department Offlcereiu makiug tho enoantpaient a SUUCUBS. With-

ut tho asBistonee'auii octiro ^oo-opeiation of -11 the ooinradoii, success will be tllffloult.This onooinprneut should lie of Buck a

uturo as to give eharuotcir and ropututioii toIO Depnrtment.Emk eomnidu should feel tut though a part"the sueoew or tbe encampment rent* ujionit individual efforts.Cooked rations will be furnished to the

tomrudes. aud eacli one oharged eo muchilly for tho same, at a prioe, from thirty toliny-five cents each day, enough to coverje expenee of buildings, chlnn, hnlp and

itber incidentaleKponioo, audnottherntlonB.Ifauyofthooomradofl havo any advice oriKecstlons ta uinkc in connection with anyftha details of tlio'nneamimient, tbe Depart-ient ConrniMidcr would bo pleoaad to have•em send tlieir siij«e*lion* to John Bamsey.A.G., atJer»cyl5ity.Comrades of Mi\J. Aodenon Poit, who ia-

nnd being present, will report at onoe toondcr Lombert.

HIBEHNIA.A now bridge spane the crock « this place.Mr. Wm. iroonitfoy and wife have returnedi their homo In the West.An amateur knight of tha camera is in towu

and has erected an cChuroh.

Tha Valley Doges c

> near tlio U. E.

second nine of this

e Sokhig Lake Ilopatcoug,

i hThe excursion season has oeen very goodn tUoD., L. & W, R. R.Tidk of currying coals to .Newcastle, they

» k n oar loud of oahbago from Hew Yorko Oswogo tbo otlior day. And, thougli rayitteiitlon was colled to this one, I am toldliia ID nut a solitary instance by a good deal.Mr. IT. 8. Hanoy'a house is nearly euoloaod.Thuynre working at that bole in tbo "ruff"

if tlio Stiinhopo Episcopal Church. I guesst will be a belfry.

Mr. D. Miscl fans had it noat eign paintedir hU oloUiIng atoro iu Btimhopo.Tho foot bridgo aorosa the creek from SUn-

lopo t« (he railroad depot miasos tbo careJint Dr. O. Q. Palmer used to glvo I t

They have had an explosion at the newpowder works already. Somebody cmnrj innml deposited noiuo powder In a aan in thoblacksmith's shop without saying anytnitiEto tbe blnoksmitli, tbo powder oxploilosknooklng tho blacksmith shop Into flindersnnd D M . lUchfe nnd Byram Imd a job of

itting offn nian'H arm hclow tho olbow, nndtho man got a big bole In kts leg besides nndhis nose wnV split In two. Tha bloclwrnlUi'ilame In this ease wmi Honry Levins and hisihop la 50!T Esr.

Aeoording to my prusont Informntion Dr.layno, of Phlladoiphla, was an nnob to tbeate Mrs. MoPeek, not her bnthor. Tim old,

original Dr. Joyne, I mean, father of thepresent oue.

I t would not bo a bad idoa to have the Ite-lnn Clnb or Stanhoru moot pwroptly at 8'dock, P. it., whether thero Waa a qnoruu

pnment or not. I don't like to BIofficers ftbftoiit at roll call.

t so many of

A uteht bloominir oerens nt Mr. Jolin M.l h r wns in full bloom the i ther ni&ht

^ • •


Tory few people knew that it letter maileda hotel envelope wliloh fails to reach tho

person nddrested in sent at onoo to tUo deadletter office, notwlthitandtng the ten dftyie*nni notice on the (timer. If yon stop atliotclnndnsacnRol their envelope*, always

mark out the nune and Inner! your awn ifyou want your letter again, If it fnlb) to reach

d d l '

ventured In their nspirationB far enoughaccept a chullongo of a Mt. Hope nine, audi Saturday lnat departed Jubilantly for theniggle which took plaeo at Mt. Hope. Iirbear publishing rcralta, but suffice It to sayit although t!io defeat was inglorious they

-eturnod with gplrits unilmuited. That iaright boyi. Tho ladder of fame is oftoa diffi-cult for us to surmount, but when once sur-mounted it amply repayB us for tbe labor ex-tended in reaching It

On Sunday evening our pastor, Mr. Jackson,>renohed a temperance sermon, taking for his

text, Proverbs, xxehap. and first vorse. Thoflormonwnsayeryflneono, oonsjpting of thototal abstinence doctrine in which he impress-ed very forcibly on tko minds of hla hearersthe duty of eaeli to ''taste not, tonch not and

MOUNT OLIVE*Rev. Dr. Crane, of Uorristown, preached a

very Interesting dlscounioin thD ProsbytoriiuiChuroh last Sabbath. Wo would be pleased,to have the Doctor with us again.

Our pastor, we Bro sorry to say, is not feeting very woIL Ho has becu to tho sea shorea couple of weokit, but Ida health is not mnehImproved.

The ptoplo at tho sea shore had better ooniBip here and noa if they aan get a warmbreeze. A mnn needs an overcoat hore everynight and morning. I should think they m u tba well oonlotf off down there.

The Budd family pto-nto bolng held tiie•amo day out fairwu announced, the indloBat a meeting on Monday resolved to okingothe lUtfi from the 16th to tho 33d. I want tboreaders of tbo ERA to keep flu eye on thisdate, and when It comes round to mako theirappearance on the Presbyterian Churchgrounds, whore a brass hand will enliven theoccasion nnd a largo table spretd with thegood things wo like beat, will feed Uje Inner


STANHOPE.The congregations In the Methodist Church

lu t Sunday were large and interesting,especially in the evening. In the morningthe nermon was about "Paul and Silas inprison," and In tho evening by invitation anumber of the ndorm Club heard a tomper-mieo discourse} the anhjeot w u "Againstwhom does the blood abed by rum cry I" fromthe words of God to Cain suggested by thodeath of a man well known ta Stanhope aaw days ago, killed by tbe cars; The polnUmuewerei1. This blood cries out against the men who

ofio thoir lives through strong drink.2. Agalnut tho instrument—rttm. !

8. Against tho license law;i. - Atraiiist those who carry out tho law.B. Against tloM who make the lotr.fl. Cries, to Clod for judgmentThe aulUect wns temperately presented and

WIB well'+Swoiveil by n Urge aadlenoe.% . . - • ; .- . ALPHA. '

SUCCASUNNA.A party of pio-akkers went down to

right and paid Ur. and Mrs. 8. T. Smith avisit Friday.

Tumday evening was tbs regular rime fortbe monthly mooting of tbe Boxliuiy Town-ship Temperance Alliance. I t v « held fathe Methodic Church. Rev. B. C. Maftio wasthe lecturer. Hig w u the UrU of a series oftou lecture^ to Ite given by the minuitan ofItoxbury and Itandotph township*. There

a steropttuon lecture in tho PrcRbyterianChurch, Friday evening. Hid subject wmthe YollowstouE. The lecturer was Mr.Lewis Carey. The nudicnoe were greatlypleased with tbe entertiiinmeiit aud approci-ato the kiudaess of Mr. Carey and others whohelped to mitko it a suocfiM, very muoh.

Tlie Proflbytcrian Sunday school had a pin-nio in thB grove hank, of tho school liouuoWednesday. The number who atlovded wnsiot aa large na expected. But tlwue whoituyed awuy have rcaaon to regret that they

did not come, for it was n very plcaRent pic-ami every ouu suomed to eujuy theimtlves

itumunBely. Oue boy diatiuguisbed hlniaclt*by uatiug eight lurgo dinUes of ico ercamaud oaken uooordliigiy nud waa anxious for

»; he is ouo of tbe boy* that go tu all thopie nica, CliriatuuiB ejitortainrnoiiU of bothSunday suhoula, und niiliio doubt bcou handat the AI. E. Sunday Suhool pic-uiciiKXtwei-k.

Ffltt Speedtof .Trains.A railroui! offloiiil wlio bus eeeu tliirty-sevnn

years vt active uorvlco says It Is mow safu' to mu pwaenger trams fifty miles anr, and freight trains twonty-Bvo miles anr, than it waa twenty yeara ago to run

them at liulf tbut rate of speed. Tho Millerplatform, tho Miller and tho Jauney coupler*,the itutoiuuttcitir brakes, tho more nubttt&n*lal yet elcgnut can, the bettor truck—lie did

not menu the stocl which has so largely re-placed the i-oit rails, but the road as a, whole.Tlio«s now make practically a con-titiuouH rail. Muny derailments oeeurred incurly t\uyt nf raiiroadiiig from chain break-ing mill mil* gutting slightly out of jionition.Then, on well built roads five crcas-tlea are

it in wlwre thrco formerly were thought tot» Bufflckitt. Vurtker, eiinipniontH are now

illy much more substantially built. Tholocomotive LOW, where tlie re Ii any strain, iabuilt stronger to meet suoh strain. Tbomooches, from the trucks U> the body, amlow constructed much stronger thin even

fifteen yearg ago; emd but, but not least, thomanner trains are now handled liy expert*enoed train dispatchers aud telegraph opera-tors, all established tho truth of his originalstatement,thntltwM Bftfeto rideflity mile*

hour, and reully more safe than to ridetwenty-live miles per hour twenty-five years

Mr Apgar's Itmntion-A corronpnudeut of tho Nowurk Advertiser,

•riting from Peapack, snys: Ellis A. Apgar,Uatfl Supcriiitendnit of PubKc Instmt-

i, with hia wife, ia hero fur <i few dnys pny-ig a visit to bis panmtB. I spent a pleasantur witli them ou Mmidny evening and ob-Ined *otuo iut«n<st1ag mid uaeful inronriii-in nbout our public pcluiols throughout theate. Superintendent Apgar's father, nowventy-ilve yearn old, invented, raanufao-

:urod and put into use, in tbe Ponpack Dis*:rlct School House, tlio llrnt rorer-sible iron

ml scat ever noon or known ln tbU or nnyir country. Like many other iuventora

le did not socurp hla invention by pa tout, buttilers did, nnd they now draw a royalty onrli»t ought to bring him n large annual <i-

He WOK attookod by a dinonae knownas aspbasin, which caused loss of xpeecb and

l lBB of memory. When partially recov-;red his memory did not act and ho was ob-liged to re-learn words, hut when spoken to,

listening to others, ho could understand as'ell an ever.

Important to Mill-D?m Owners.At the last session of tko State Legislature

> law w u passed making i tWigatory en theiart of mill owners having dams 0 feet orivcr in height to provide wasto gates to tho

io, the objoot being to prevent the burst-ing or giving way of such dams and entailingdamage upon property below. Tho law pro-

ides that upon oomplaint of any one inter-ested to tho Town Committee of any town-sliip wherein suoli mill fa situated, tbe com-mittee shall notify said mill owner to erect

sluiceway or gate. But tho mill ownerappeal iu alt oases to tbe hoard of Free*

lolders of hie county to meet and view tbe .tifm, nud if in the judgment of tho boardmeh waste gate, it nnneoesiary ho Is exempttorn constructing I t Tho decision of thoboard In final In all eases.


At the Siuwex Folr.the flist week In Onto.ber, $3,000 In speed premiums will bo offered,

Chas. Miller, a tramp, was knooked *ff aridge nt FhOIipsiiurft by a tram and in-

Btantlj killed.Howey has appointed Fred.

ollea, of Pbillipoburg, to tho vacant WestPoint eadetahJp.

Bev. George W. Lloyd has boen called totho pastorate of the Pnsliyt«rian Church atBranchvillo, Sussex county.

Miko Dolan, of Haokettstown, and JohncCIuikey.ofNowton, are to play auotber

matoh at pool, fcr (50 a dde.Tie wife of Col. William Holt, of Trenton,

who was visiting in Hackettstown with herbushnnd, died very Bttddenlv Sunday eveningrom heart diseao'

Morris 8. Eoe, of Jenoy City, wldle visiUg nt Branehvillo with bin family, WM taken

uddenly HI Saturday evening, waQo oon-owing with his children, and died BOOHfterward.

Nicholas Hatnei and Mr. Lannaoh, of Bel.videro, have brought suit for W,000 eachagainst the D., L. St W. Company, for dnm-ages resulting ftom a runaway caused by anengine "blowing off steam.

Tho Trustoes of the Newton Publio Schoollast week selected a Prindp.1 for tho comingyear, the ftrtanate applicant oetng Mr. O. A.Atwood, of East Bloomlnitton, Pa. Tlio sal-ary was fixed a.t«l,K», being fTOO more than

as paid last year, .Joslah KltkendAll, foreman of the round

iquHo of the Central UallroadrtPhUlipsburg,as kUlcd Monday nioming. He was eroBn.

Ing tho traek in front of his house and stoppedta front of A muvlng ood trato. He was anex-toldler, amtlost one leg some time ago in

railroad aoctdant. ' ;

m • .li-slh lr.ndbjltlmrivriil.™iKropcrtj lo IiU ooiuln, l l n . Swttai, whrj b uton Ilia hcnuokocpcr for « uiiiiiliMofjo.ruKB*. Ttomaa A. S9U911, for tho l « t flltMa

renra naator of the Illalntomi Vrafint»ri»n1""reb,_ Jirewherl Iito.'fimimU «rmon ftil,.

Mr. 8. oxpent* .to RMuraoof u uaoitriia Ulialan

HoiuprrUlooofthtltoiBl of•t Unaoogtei Inii.u Territory,

THEJRON EEAThe Dover Printing Company,

Saturday, Au«;. 11, 1883.

Kentncltj fans «UUH flfiuoonitk', of coutwItti fcy reduced mnjorltiew.

TUclru in nbapo to twiUe Rntlimu.

- Every penitentiary Itiuisle in Uw countryDemocratic crj "Turn UIis raisiop Ih

m=cn!s out."

Tha N- V. ComtnercU! AdvertiserMsta tint Win. Waller Phelps is lUo manfo* Governor.

It is estimated Hint Hie production cf pigIrnn'for tho year Ift*1. wilt be :i,101,000 lorn?.A taffou of 9R per o-wt.

EnglUIimen wlo eipect to in&k« moneyoat of Ooofedemtd Inn fa must have atenduring faith ID the millennium.

In reference to Its own revenue tariff proposition the Banner ban ROC a into a BaalIdle and Utw drawn thrt liolo in after it.

The newspaper* wain determined to IIbe weatluT fraud nlivo nnri urn \mtGround Vennor'n pn-dietioiw for knpitf.

jf ff. DaviH now rninen liis fertile voice andnays "Turn the rasnnN out." Jill, wnthem out lwoBtyyoarn ngo, but they woulgo.

It looltBaa if Mr. flulWii little Ouber-natnrinl boom IA iu need of a nurse nnd samesoothinR syrup to prevent IIB prenmture de.mine. Hut .ho Rood nlvmys din young.

It in nnnmincwl tlmt rx-Oovernor Rt.Tolin of KiiDBiw will deliver twelve PrnMWtion speeches In Ohio nt $fifl each. A littletemperance us to prices, pleaso Mr. Governor,

Tho value of tlie poultry nf Aranr-ica which 'finch n mnrltet enliHy nt lnrtie, TOin I8B2 *5fSI),0O0,00O, (.wnlrr limn Ibo m]aior whonl, hay. ontlon rr il>iiry pmineti. Thohell appear* to ho crieli nf the wnlk,

Wade Hampton Hiys Qpn. Hutlcr wonldstand A poor clmnce in (bo Soulli as a Fresidential candidate. They Imveu't Jorgotteithe llmo Butler demoQRtrateil tbe foroo ofUepobliBtn jtHnoiples iu Linlxinnn.

Tho Eatiner'filiir.refwsDfi to give onofiluglo reason to demonstrate ila own ivmtttiou that a tat IS for revenue will protectlabor. It Iff tlm most ifiuomii.ious Imokdown kuown to janraniUra In this flection.

Judge Htmdly, the Democratic caudidatefor Governor of Ohio, hoa docllhcd t« dla-enca the Democratic Iden of " a tariff forrevenue only " with , Judge Foraker, the lie-publlonn nominee. He baa the same (.ver-sion to tba Biibjeot that the Burner lias.

Tho Cnnniihu MatiiirtU'lnrcr, nuljlisheil inTorunto, wiyn ihnt tbo big pxpnrling holism*

1 ntiipplng (jnofl) In C,umil:i5 them bolnir cunt to eriiali out

aoinpetilion nnd break dnwn tbe hnme lnitn-wfuotnrers. Tlife U thownj llioy iwil to doin Ibe United Stntea whenever Ihe hriffwiwireduced, nnd they wonld do it ngiln underlike couditiona.

Tha reductions on Ihe tariff wout intoeffsotJulylst, andycttliBoustomBreDoipUatNew York were Rreotor than tbe mouth W-f jra of course. An; reduction ID the Ut-iiTwill increase tho revenues, bat tho increasedImports will drcrawa American labor jimtso muoli. Tils Is Ibe kind of » rcvenuotariff which the Bnuner says proteotx labor.No wopfler that it finds itself unibla toe i -plain how. ^ ^ _

80me are under tlie impression that the

THE FLIMSY EXCUSE OF THE BANKERSome four weeksORD Uiolliuee* came

out with BU emphatic emlorstiiient of tbeplauk of the Ohio Demoix-ilit; pUtforw,that a tariff far rareuao will promote hhar.Wo tluw asked thorn to fcmousiMte byeiugle instance at a Kulitary argument tbitruth of their own proposRIiiD. That tb:WAN oulj fair aud IIUHUJ'ULIU uuy Democriwill say. Tlio Banner having over sincekept that doetriho nt lliuliftml of its columnswe have ovary weak ivm-TCil tlio challenge,

piper which p r o v e s to bo•tfan of itH party Iu tbln Hectiou ougbithu

cither lo dumonatrato tho truth of its convIciiouB, or elwetakoa Iwolc seat, l i l t bjevery poiaible squirm it ia capable of it famdodged the question pt issue. It beganxayiog tbnt we wnntnl a monopoly of tbidiicusiiton of tbe tariff question. Thutexploded by nhow.nj{ thnt our challengeopened s way for the Banner to take [artin [t. Then Undid wo ralneil tho cryprotect Republican rascals, and uotalljJorrnrd. *\Ve showed that two of Jnmrd'iDemocratic predecessors had defaulted itba Game office, and olfored to nccoiamoikltbo Bauuer by discuHsiuj; tho raspeethr.merits of the parties on the questionrascality, if the Banner would only g'voa fair ansner to our qncHlion. Theialaimed (bat Ibe veatber was (oo hot. Builast weekbeinRddighlfnlly cooltbaBacner,ia sheer ngony, robnshed the old Ktorieuinto tho fnliowinp us nn nrgament to Rbow

for revEinie will protect lahiii Mr. EBA—thiit iiicn tbnt y*»

• in llii^ Hi'i'linn I'Hiiiitilc'of (\itid tlmt it in tint n stirii'k mine•i*ul.»f»» nittnil... Awl hy tintlir Enx HIIVH nf IlieUiiniiei1

IKHTM-II fl^rniwi/Iwtf iM^im-r

r EIIA editor's n-liiiintw to tlinl

liow n


pig iron trado in this country has boon n,rested by the blowing nut of many furnnoes. j mlhere, lo a party oppoaed to tho welfare of

There Bre pienly of people iu this BCotioipable of discussing the tariff question,and wLat is wore, lota of them are discusing it. But however Ibat may be, tbe Ban-ner has given abundant evidence that it inot capable of discussing the side of thquestion it professes to e«pouse. Aud wheiUIB Banner hints at any present shame oonnected with ono who exercises his own ctvirlions In iliis fros country anil ahaudoniparty be does not like, It rtiows that

iimt be badly cornered inileed, The Ban-ner In evidently alluding to tbo tuno of Ibechange of affairs in the office of the ERA.For itsctliflc-alion we rau prove (hit tinedilor vutetl with bis party Ihftt fall, re-

he offer of a desirable position, anddid not abandon tbat party oriuisnme thipolitical editorship of tho En* until thaiparly had put itself on record in the Houseof Congress an a free Irade orguuizntioop to Uio bent intorofllflnf thf ponplr

among whom ho lived. Oonoerniug tboivcols of thnt prriod tho Bmnar has noright to anmil nnj ono per^onnlly when itrfflectahow thflemployoftsof the En*,swindled by a disboneiit triok, and if a froo

of public nlTairs is going to descend to low pcraoniiUlies the Banner wil

•tir more of this matter than ft cares to.But what is the renacm ot all this foolUh-

uc68? The ERA nlalms that ouly a ulgbprotective tariff will benefit labor, and ndduces nrgnmonts to pn>ve It. Tho Bannerclnima that n rovemie tariff will protectlabor, nnd when challenged to the proofskulks out of tbe discussion with the lamestileuses a newspaper ever offered. To anyiBtmihle persou the reason is easily npparent,Tho Bntmer is compelled to fiupport its

irty, or lose its patronngo. It therefiadvocates tbi3doctrines of thatppirty.aUboiighit is ttiinhieto oiler a single argument intht ir favor. It is the most positive evlditbat tbo free trade and low tariff tendoncie*of its pnrly aru diametrically opposed to the

rcetd of tbo vast lioly of laboring meiMorris county, and we would rather

:are n party wo couldn't defend, than lo

It IB perhaps tbe right thing to be doiunder the circumstances, bnt it is not Iberight way to correct tho iron trade. Theonly proper way ia to have a tariff so highthut not a pauud of foreign iron or ore van

' come into this country while a single fur-nsce, mill or mino ia idle.

" I bave never even dreamed of the Gov-- emorsUp in connocllon witli myself. I wae

elected last year to tbe National Honse of• Represeutfttivea, and I feel prond of that

honor. My Bervioes for tbe next two yearsbelong to tho people of tbis CoogresBionnlDistrict—one of tbs most important in tbeobn'ntry--and linttnd to serve (Itemto thebeat of my ability ia tbo poet they gavo me.That should settle all talk about the Gov-eroorabip BO far as my name is concerned,"- H O D . Wm. Walter Fhelpi.

Jj»bor iu Enropa in frnui one and n-halfto threa limes cheaper thnu bore,not aompole with that kind of lulmr withoutprotection, unless we relnce our labor to tinflame love). Thehliorer iu llm country hasn voice in tbe government. Wn want himtouaablo to his childroa, to bo ngond oitir^n, lovo bis conntrv. nnd ID nb]cand u-iliiug to dike care of it. This bis beentho policy of tbs Republican party iu thepast; we intend to continue it in tbo future,—Judge Foraker in Ohio.

Sir. Porter'ajdttera from Germany to TheNaw York Tribune will attraut ns much at-tention and bo at valuable as bis letters frcruEaglfHiii), wbhh bave mode a marked im-pression anil strengthened tbe cause of pro-tection. From 1872 to 187D Germany triedfree trade. To day she in for protection, Andthe bcuflt to hot borne industries vindicatesthe wisdom of the now departure, Herassault on tbe American hog, distagennousthough. U be, Is i measure of protection In-tended Ipht-lp bet native swine industry.

. The Democracy ate gelling Into A tomtit-Buartov«tlie,tariff, Sis Slnto oanveatiutx.bave been hold thus fur, ihia yoar, and thtplitfcrms mnke iastraalive oanlmsls. IuIowa Iba party is in favor of " a RMdniil but

t t i t i u of pioteclive AMW; i

laboring n:

ORGANIZING FOR PROTECTION.A meeting WAS held in tteotliovcn Hall,

New York, l*at Friday night, to organize asociety for tha cxoluBlon of British manu-factures from oar inarketfl. A number ofdelegate) fro.n different parts of the oitywen present, and J. McCarthy Hoully wnsmade Obttlrman. On taking the chair Mr.Scnlly explained that the objeot of tbe meet-ing wns to organize a prohibition partyagalnet (ho Importation of English goodsInto tbii country. • He said England sendsus annually about $lE>r>,O0O,O0r> worth ofgoods, four-fifths of which represents tboprice of labor. This is equal to $150,000,000, which is BD muoh given to BritishWDrkingQien in preferonoo to our own. If^heae goods were manufactured here theywould give about 2i!O,O00 persons one year'swork at #2 per day. Tbla would providefor over l.cufl.oon pemoni annually, andtins money would run in the etmuncla oftrade here to tbo Btnall storekeepers, findultimately enrich tho tntton by so much.This is n question far tbo people, and by no

me a party question. It Is nlao tbe oul,common semo method ofborcotting EnglUb gooda.

A resolution wa i adopted for tbs forma'tion of an " Anti-BritlnL Industrial LengiingaioGt England, wbioh is to prohibit tlt<importation of English goods by all th<means within the power of Irishmen in thinoountry. It was also resolved to favor (lieproteotioQ of Irish industries.

INCIDENTAL PROTECTIONOne of the ablest Demooratiti advocate*

of toe new DsmacrsUc theory of "inci-dental |irotiH!lion" k Senator Thos. I '. Diyard, of iMaware. Hii BUto is BO uxaM tlintft !B uot uinck moro ihnu a lly B[>eok on thinupof Ihe country, but it uouUitw ouo otba greatert uonopoliat in existence—tbecombination of uwtob manufacturers.Through Mr. Bayard's efforts there is a campound duty oil matches, which averagesabout lifi percent. Mr. Bayard wants thisduty maintained, but would have no dutieiatallupou the other manufactures of tbecountry. Thin is his Idea of incidental pro-tection. Tbe only true and valuable uyatomof tariff is abigh tariff BO devised that itwill protect from ruinous foreign, oompeti -tiou encb nnd every producing ioduatry

whole country. Incidental protectionIs % fraji], anil muut go.



Mr. Bouerl P. Porter, > h n in studyingthe effects of pratectioo and free trade inEurope, had i iversation the other Haywith the able editor ef the Gterman "Ironand Steel," from which we take the follow-ing:

fv<i i t i l to t tm

rnlilv, H,c result*

hi tiii'"ironI" iVifiiifiVrF I cim. wifjoutlicdi-tatimi.K'ivvn. Pr. If. Kcntwli, 8ppr#tm->f tlio A'l'irin DpufAfher KiKrn nntl Stnlilrnihistrii'llrr, linn vltliin tin- ln»t w*:dt ile-iiioiiittmird *jati«tirn11v ihnt tlie nviTiifif

l™N"i(hieiVS?mrilff"iiiin!!M.Uniril<MdmiHk.Ui'il) r-nenertl in (he Iron mill steel !"-diiMlrv oP riernmnv wtin in Jminnrv, 1871),nnlv M iimiltB, Gl i>f[<iniiii[i«. vliili In .Tinmnry18S3 [after ftmryi'iirn* aver-UK*1 inntithlv itiiinnnt netnally iiriM endi i»r-Min nifruceii in thr Indnntrv liail Inereiwwl di71 marks, f.7 iilrmiSncH In t)i<' «»rap tlnm nf IUIIHIH lia<( iiii>ren«rd 3!1 prr rent.,iml Hi- vxliiennil ibe iiuionnt of IliO ]ir™lnc«I Hlum.ri think fnliv m nuiHi. Tltn fit fit itUnit iirnlectinn tm'vrd hi<hiKtrln1 flrminiiv,UixtiT rice trade mir wliolc indiiKtrlni nyateTii

liitiv ii)i)iiirei)t tlii«wi*» wlini ynu reflect mi

iiniko mifli a rmlfcnl cluniijt in tlie oi-onoiiiic|>oliry of n grtat I'tnpiro."

CHESTER.Out! fifihe nlil liiniiintirkfi o( Chester wna

•ntnvwl in flic ilnntiittf Sti'iibrn H. Hunt,•liidi imcurmt onrly on tho morning nf the

3d itiNt. Hi' ivnH imni in Cluiftti'r April Titli,81)3, hi tii« liltln frniiic cuttHgu unw untierlie rout nil of CO.I]HT, Hewitt & On., nn Muhiitm.t,].iimfto tho (,'entennlnl lmiltl-iij!. R<>i>iMiftiTbt»lilr!ii lilnpnrcntB niovmln I'lurkmmi, lm,l lenmincil Him tunm: eWutcn .vf-ai^thui retiinieiHo t!iio«l€r. Iknirne.l tbn culilnrt 1 linker's traile of tlio liitutaini't.Tii|jpin^ ivith whom ho worked for nitntt nfterwaril, tlmnwfiiit to Flaiidt-rs nml>ct ii]> In luiHitifHK for liinmclf. Soon nflcrhis hit formed the ncqiiiiintniieo of Mltw

Surah Hark, dmigliler of Ciil. John Stark,tlinl plncc, nml on the Itlmf Feb.. 1820, •nulteil to her in miirrisi^o l)y ltcv. AbiWill in niHun. The fruit of 1liis imioti wns

(Iron, four sona nud oun dmiglilcT—ViHani, Ann, John, Aaron nixl Stephru. Ja whih> IILH WIIVV henltlt he^aii tn fail, miinprovoit.nH well m bettor tlin eoiidltlnu

>t otititii family, lie Kinm^il hla hiiMinill In tin! full of 1S13 stnrUtd with tlimn•cjtmorr, KcKulti Co., llliuois. Jilt liml K<(nt on 1I!M vuy OH Lime, Huron Co., Obi

lien bin wife diml; lie hitrioil bur theremwdi'ii to ooui|ilutc IIIH Juiiriioy. Uprlvlnji at Hjeiiiiinro lie ltutoii i. fiinn mr the live yenm fnllnwliig ho wattfanning. At tlm end of tlmt lime lie Ii4 fiimlly nml cnnie back to CIient«r to loU'V and euro fur Li« agvtl puronla wli

both of them on tlm KMIIU dny—April 18il|M55—Mevcn yen™ after. Wkiie he wuaiycninore his noil Aurou iliti'l nud his dimpi1 mnrriril, and two yetira after lite retiiis HUH John vnnt out on tho front lnr mid 1lover beuti lieurd from *!..<•<•. In 18IW his nunItephen died mnl eight yam* later IIIH ilm

tor died iilMi, tlmrehy leuriug him milyL'hilil, William Ii., tlio uldm, who 1- m

loiig us, hiivlii£ tin ins on horu from liU hoiHyeamiin< to nttorul Iiin (uilu^n funerISTillm married fur his HI:IOUI1 wifti Mi

in Dyke, of Lniniuftton; dim died iu Kovcr, l&ifl, nml In H<ijiU;inliur of tin* follow!itr he married Mi«s CHthcrino Uilduhm

ir yenra nyi ho, together witk tliirtciotliers nt tlio tuiine tiuin, united with tl

ifnter l'ri-Bltytorliin Church, then nnuVi t!istornlo of Key, Ahnim Wiliininaoii; lie

ho lost rnie left of tlmt four (con. Siago ho -wan ulettt'il a ruling older in hli

elniruh, siuoo wiiioli tltno iivorthirty BCIhave been held nmt Mr. Hunt wna

Wttwipc, mid then lie wouldbuon proxBtit biul it liei>n ]xiHHiblc. In hi:

itrinnl T.oll«f hn iliQVrod from most Ckrfom i he WM whut i» neucrally known

porfuetfiMiMt—that is, lie itdieveiUt poslive nn nbHohitelyduluits life anil belli tinbail not Hlnmul fur a sriHcs of yean,. Thnwns a perfect innn, no outi will nllow

loithor oan miy be founil hut tbnt will a<li<lid that wlioh lie bclinvoil to bo right

^hrtlior it wan or not. Ho wan nn lioucsltwlco in hln life Lo wne fltmndnllj

FRANKLIN-Jerry Taylor, of Newark, while at work far

i few day* afO. was eotenlyflt dhittiu by it «Bflku whinb was Bt flr*t suppoud

t» I- uii wider. It wtm at one» killed b,\V. Hi111: *

nth, urn! u ixnuilnntluu proved toL- wat»r oimka Tliu bite b u nor

n.liivlv buikd.Vmuk Stockbaiue, of Eiwknwuj, ruusbis

frail imil vegetable wagou laniugh here unoaevery wtek.

John Bti'wart, who works fiirJJiivid C«oiieihim been siuk forto nay tliul now b

John 0. Hill bun tlm tulleat catyi't »een in thiH iicffchborhootl.

J. II. I'dtmcr 1B ilitoUiig some iulnuil; nnd In nlliorwiiM! impniriii^liihy liiiililiiii; new btiwta, ate.

n platform for diiuciu^Hill,

time, but weU ubout wall ii

it: glad

TU Union Kitnilay HL-IIOOI bnd n piu-nlchist Fiidiiy in grove, cur th?

nil lintl ii very enjoyable

i, llir buy nlm lintl Hi eyedcAtruyod hy lioing bitten by u hoiw, two>*oan* iigo, in Ilio frmittcatfiitboriiiitu anywherealiuiit lirrc He in six y*uw old, aud thp

herclny houkod a I'litiiwh no ltirgo thnt itiik awnyrnil niiiUini? and went ilowiiatrcammrly oue hundred yante Uuforo ho could,-crlnko It ajiaiu. I linvc not seen it, hut ftoniil to bi> the lurguet over cau^lit In Den

Th»Tho party


Convsntlon<in tbl» aeotion T>y

Camp Meeting-unl Cittup Sleeting of tboNowurk

M. K. Coiifi'nnico nlMt. Tnixirepniotl ycitter-<lny nilb fair gklna ami n timidly nttuodauoe,

Tlie Cuuvpiiliuti of Hit Woilinu'0 Clirintiniionijicrauco Union ol N,,w -lorscy wiwt heldr two iliij-fl prior, l>u» wliilP the itIBCtingsere curliest «ul thn addwuseH good, tliu at-'iulmii-o van not vcr.y grout. Among tlioxoikiriK n jiroiuiiifut part In thn meetings werool. »nine, nf Kentnokey, Mrs. DOBIIH, of

OcfiiiiflrovnfMr«. Hill, Mrs. Doumimn nndVn. Itluuchunl, of Newark, Mrs. Kloti, otliickvttHtowii, Jtm. EllU, of Floniington, uuillimy others.

The r<-£ii!iir Cuiiiji Alonting survioen ojioiie<lwt evening with the cplitbratlon of tlie Sao-

rameut of tlm Lord's Supper, under tli« Alvoc-tionofRcvs. J .H. Kuitwlotitud 1). H. Low-cry. t)v, IliittK waa ntuouneod to preaoh thviuitintory mmm thifl-FridKy-moi-niiig, to

iblluwed ILlHurii rnuaii 1>J PrfaUUujj ElilerCult. For to-morrow nnd Sunday K«vs. J\V. Slurfliall nnil W. ]'. Corbott, nud Rovi

DM. Toil,,ud Dm imocd as \nnaoh-

Kentucky it baa no Hews on Ibe tnbjecl; inOhio it favorsfree-tndo !>»kotion; in Virginia, protective free trade; in Penusvlrauia,p:o'.radefie3lecUan; And now in Iowi\, tbofdtntlikir titr^iu—-11 for rovouuo oiiW'.'1 Theparty should bnddle up PJI M>OU an poesihle,nndarmngeits priuciplcn—Tribnue.

Mr.BobertP. Portor, tiironghthooolnronaof The New-York Tribune, oontinnesto frcl

. the free trnderf. An esteemed New-York cou-temporary BT-JH Porter bail belter uoiue homeasd t ie cry is echoed fur nad v;d». Nodoubt tno whole crowd who wonhip at theRbrine of the frae-tr.^B folich woilil be gladto have him •* called off." Mr. Porter fcdoing a great work. Ho has gouo thronRhEngland and described the condition of tbapeople oagnned in those industries ffhiolibate counterpart* in this country. Hs hawpoiuted the two pictures in p]*in colon, anil

B plaiu people of thiifolly regftrJing them both, Ni> wonder thefree Intden are begging Jlr. Vorter lo oomtborne. •

NOTHfNC FOR PROTECTION.The Demooratio doetrina Menu to be mil-

lioiu for revenne and not one cent for pro-tActlun. The Minnesota Demooratio con-vention on Friday of last week adopted tbefollowing resolution:

We therefore favor men a tlwroUKh tevJ*ion ot the present tariff lani n*«it! rcruedvexistinz evils and result In the eataMhuiueutof a tariff fur revenue ftnly rw tlie pormauenltomtnerclal policy of thii country.

And so It goes I While the managers ofthe Democratic party In this itrongly pro-tlr« Motion are striving with all theirmight to make their followers believe thelie that the Democratio party favon protco

h I d

A HOME APPLICATION.ID tbe South StiSordsbira Iron district

3nghnd there baa botn n strike of tbe puddlers ogninst a reduction of their wtgea.Tbe puddlers had been receiving seven eh!lings and nine-penoo per ton for puddling,which is equivalent to $1 65 of our money,out of which the; bud to pa; their helperA reduction of three peoco per ton, or si:osnta of our money, was proposed, bringiufit to | l . 7? per ton. Ths men being ncossful in their efforts had to return to workon the rediiocd bouts. 1st us contrast (Li«condition of aUtfra with the rate of wageipaid puddlera right liera in our ovn town olDover. At the DOYPT mills they are paKby the Fblladelpbla scale, *hlch is $4.3per ton, with ft) cents additional for hitumiouous cofll, such an is used in England.Bo we Oud that for the EAme work ths pnd>dlera Iu Ilia town of Dover receive iwhere the English pnddler only gels $1.71).Wo kuow that the Usoos are bad ecoagbbut what wonld tbey bu If we bod a lets ratof tariff on puddled iron than cow F Wlthe political ecooomlitsot the Banner, wk<are adrocotiug a lower, or revetmo tariff, fithe benefit of labor, slow as bow In thUInstance it would benefit tba Dorcr pnd


THE DIFFERENCE IN WAGES.During the tariff debates In Congress, l

Winter the Democratic manibew from lh-Sotitbgave frequent expresalons that la theNortbera proteotioniat States the nmcufaatnrers beeanie monopoliatt and ground dor ntheir employees to almost starvation wageo.Bat flgnrei epeak in plainer language thantfoch flimsy assertions and show that theseoUma of the Southern free traders arsgrooBly uotratfaful. The following Blatistkaabow tbn average yearly wages paid in thanunufRotories of the Republican manufac.tnrlng centrua of ths North where proteationIs the pnYftlllog sentiment:

Connr-tieat, f3)ffl 25; itanMchimcttfl, «lt6 30;ldJriiw^fflPlU'fctfla;New Tork, #379 7 3; Illinois,

tlon, their party everywhere IsrssolDtloiu favoring free trade, or "tarifffor m w M only." In six great State* Inwhich they hate t ins fat bald conventions,]n not one—sol evira Pennsylvania—havetbey ootna out sqturely for a proteaUretariff, while io ever? iaattnes the ; baveadopted the low tariff, or nrsone, Idea.Tbe Democratic Totenof IhtsEeoUon willprobably ooma to nodbntand Ibeof iheirpartyi«OT»wkUe.

Now let us M< what are the avangaymrlywages paid in faofa<rlea in the Demrxnll*free trade oentrw of the Soatb from whkhthese gantlernea hail who prefeu to bo sodeeply interestod In ths welfare of the labor.Ing men. The -tatiatioa show the following:

Virglnin, |1»1 TJl; Oeoriiio, mi 17; BouttiCarolina, *138 17; North Carolina, flCL M.

The worklngmtn can easily gather fromthese figures the information that will aho*who s n tho real friends to labor in thi»country. The frte trade idea up law wagtiand cannot under the dnranutanDes be any-thing eue. . • ,;':'••"•••

ruinoil hy helping otliers, yet ho met buhliuationB to the nttcnnoit furtliiug, I]

is a guoil friend, II kind noighhor, nnil hcinil, n wnnn, unrunat, dovoteil, Hulfonc

icing ClirintiQn,libidos a Queen Aim roof, Mr. V\ T. Urn

taa oriioi-oil viirious otliur Imnro-, ouiontaI!H holme in kneping with Hint purlieu!ylo nf uroliltcotuii;; nuiouj; them n oozy

littlo cnnirr tiny window, wlilch In lioth ornn-inontal nml useful, mid u Iron!, coat of pnwliicbgDt»ofltUowlic)lontrtiDtiiro to n g<ndvanlnge. Mr. Bunl linn now ono ot theplonaautuHt rctiliUtiici>a on Main ntreot.

Tlm Chester House 1M boing imnumiliiiproTod in (ijiponranee Iiy n new ilrctif ]inint in two fihntlca nf olivo

tho hoay of tbo hnibUng is ol the lightnwhite tho triiumiiifl is of the darker shndc

don't know whnt color has been seluoUsifor tho blinds, hut n deop rich wiuo color

lid be In linriiionr nml prcsont tlio mostfling effect possible. Matt informs nsthntJiiti now my ilio Po«t OfRoo building Ii

reoelvcd ite flniaLmE touch. Woll, we ugl-.tlofit, forwahitvo waited n long time.tonay tho paint ulliigore no longer poaoliviug ndvcrtfaemcuU of tlio bmiueea eorrlcinn within by Sooly & Co.

Tbo Chcutur Coroot Bnud has been engag-ed Tor tbo Sinitli ple-iilo the liwt Wedntsdiin thiH mouth. This insures thorn flrat-elaea

lUNie, nnd plenty of It.All tlioIludds and IluddeBsos in tlilasection

arc bcHlowiag nn unusual nmauut of iwholesale fowl upon their olioiceat chlokontlircpnrntory tu tlioir wholesale slaughter Jiwibefore tholluddplcKiio, which is to lie brdil«u tbo intli, nt Undd's Uko. Huv, ir tliBuilds want iiumio ns good nml ns plcutifi

, their oitiblm n» sure to ho, let them Bjteakearly for the lerrlces of tlie Cheetcr CornetBand.

llucld nnd Apfjar nm milking nrrntiL.lo start west tldg Ritnrdny for ebcop; they

to Hirhisan, Ohio, nnd Indiana, apect tnbrlnitin about ilfteon hundred.

On Wodneadny evening Mr. JanDlckcraoo, who Ii suffering from a sninol UU-

rhich has neatly dcprin<d him of tbiiso of bin lower extremities, Init hit bnlnncemil Tell litmvily upon tho floor, fracturingho neck ofthr-loft tli.ghliono. This, at kUline of life nnd in his condition, it a Very

ftcrlmin nrctilent, the oatoome of whioh cannot be certainly known-

One dny lost week the Polka T)oU of Chea-ter played a game of lmll wltli the Morrlstownlino ou the grouudaaf tho latter; th

d l l to 10 in favor of tbo Korriatonn. Tho Polka Dotx cnniplaiu bitterly

lie umpiring all the way through. During;ne prourc** of the game tbe nmpire

in ceil, liut tho hut one tliny imy was wornon tbo first, for all ruling* were partial,•HUCII und gronaly uidnst. Tlie relum

;anie Is to bo jilnycd on the jrraumls of tbe'olka Dot* an Saturday.Prof. Abbey bn» in con tempi utlon a con port

•r week after next In .the event of tliolilng'R tnnturing we will give full jiartioulani>xt week.

him a prodigy iu a youth vhiproudly bout ofbenlg bis father1* brotherand lib fatbor doles nn Urn too nail say* tliattvlth the relationship that cxiaU betweenthem his son, or brother, can't help bcUig a

hoy. He must bo flood, fortlmt's all

Perfumery.finest aMortment in town at t l* Itrirk

Drug Store. ;" ; .'

:hcrc Is about It. OBSKBVBR.

Pleaunt Grove Fair.Tie fair will open oa Wednesday, Anguitllh, at 1 o'oltwk I'. 11. Sale of fanny article*,pj Irom 1 to 10 r . BI. Ice cream, iwdn-

'ater, luniuiiado, Tniits and otter refresh-W. JryaonpafTuricisli cuflen;da notto wo the curiosities in ths big tent) he

rare tn hear tlie Syrian lady speak In theihurcl. The •ulworipdous for the DenttyT/.OU will elose at a P. SL. and the result be

announced, tftiwdajaiiaiiidbe rtormy tlwft lvn l wiUbe bfia the nr i t fair day.

Bor. W.C. NoUnn cvnduota tlm 0 o'clockisyor ini'otlnj; every morning, Her. D. It.

Ldwcrv tlie Yoniifi Pea]iU'!8 Prayer MCCHIIKit tf iu thn evening, nml Him Currio Colt tlioChiMren's Meetine nt 4 in the ..firmon.i.

S|iM'ii»l tmliis, -nitli roilucoii farot, nre run-Ing ovur tho ])., L. nml W. road, which will

itoiitiiiuts (luring tbn Women's HOIIUCBH inoct-ig wliicli follows thy regular ciinip mocting.At tlio liwt onWiinlmncut of tho Young

fooplo's Asgosintioii Inst Sntnrday ev«iimg nfan drill, nntlor the ilirootinii of Alias FlorenceWA1«II. of Ncwnrk, wnx nn attraetlvo feature.

Buudny morning at (I o'clock a lore fonetwill lio held bolttro tlie Tiibciuticio: nt 10:30Rev. Win. P. Corbll, of JlnioHyn | 2s30 P. H.,Htsv. h. II. Dunn, D. D,, of Elisabeth; 7:30P. M., Kov. J. Tiidd, H, T>., of Nornrk.

Monilnj, 10:30 A. M., Rev. J. P., 8o<vmlnry of tlio CoufcroiiDo; 8:30 P. JI., ltcv. E.V. King, of Stony Point, L, I.} 7301*. M., Rov.

Tundny, lOiSO A, M., Rov. Goo. Miller, ofStutcu iHlaud; 2:30 P. St., Rev. Mr. VanmVtyuei 7:311, Rev. Ooo. Smith.

WudienUy. 10:30 A. M., Rev. V. A. Huou,of lfcruiirilHvUlo; 3:30. Itov. M. Simmons;7:30 V. M,, Rev. J. It. TliompBon.

As Others See Us-A corrcKpondeiit of the Nownrk Journnl,

writing from Btauliupo, enja:fltmiliope in sitiintail tin the Morrln nnd Ec-

3X lKvision «f the Delaware, Litpknwanuiiud W.Btoru milroml, nlimit f.irl.v-funr miles

from Newark, at one of tlio lifghctt pointscon Ni;w Yiirlt ami Euatnn, being over

WOO fo>t nlHH-e tlm HL>H, Dui-iug tlmjinHtfowJenrn it hn» I iuowlmt iu finpor*

l f f

py iMr.E. E. Potter, gwiknowii M the Gmm-back party, held its State Convention atOcenn Urovtt on ffedntsilay and Tbnnday.Mr. Potter WM tlio temporarv Chairman.Tn oatch the telep-npl operobim they de-clared in favor of govemmont control of tele-graphs und railroBda. To tickle the womenthey reaolrcd upon fttnalo Biiffrage. Thoproposed eeatitioD with the PraUultionlits,however, got n il»ok cyi> when a njiolutionasking for prahlbitory Inws vm votort down,thus iiuuulHajt all of Jlr. Potter'* recentspeeches nnd profceaioiis in tbnt direction.Assemblyman Carter, tic model Greenback-reformer of Jersey City, attempted to defendhimself for vutlug iu lie did on firolilMUou IDtbe Lpgblature, and fltcphnua Puysou, of,the Maine pluue, aconsed him of lircakloffoitk with the tompomnoe men of his diHtriat. iAll the prooeeilkge were of a vinegar and

l g tiiitiire, auil it would U difficult toharumuko itny two of this ideas jireaeDted.

The Condition haUotod for it omnllikte.r Goveruor, Buiijaitili Urner of Uuluu and

J. N. Quiuil>j, U. D,, nf Hudson were named.Judge .Hansom, «f Jeri«y City, who hadcomo to tlio Convention to cnpttiro it for Dr.Qnimhy, who wua iiranIncited for Governor stuontfa ago by the Prohllitioniab), said thnt ifUnior van uowlanlcd he would withdrafrom tlio room.

Adck,g,,tccxcitotU.y dccliircdiliutlfJudgeKausom propoiiod to willirlriKF from the Can-ventinu unions he emihl huvo his own waythu sooner he withdrew Ihe butt.

While tlio first bnllot va* holujr, takeu theChairman announced Unit Dr. Quiniby do-slreil tu uiuke u sjwacli, lmt tlie Cunveutiu

IOST-.-85 EEWABD.Last from Oamp i t P/DI, iDgrtrn's, LukeopatMi.g,*


If found and relnrnrf to Williwn Iuaram tbi:above reward will be paid. 86-lw p

BOARD WANTED.Ia |>It*mul family in Borer, b / ft

nentlcman for his n!fe. from now till Bpring.

Description of home tnd room and lowest

with a yell refused to r him. IIr. Oar-

withdraw. Tlie delegates would not listen,ono crying: " Let tto Imllut go on; if theycame here to sUnl tliia Convention they miss-ed it."

"Am I in tbo wrong Convention I " yclleildeleguto."Can't tell you nir," miid the Chnirmen;

' hut you're out «f urder just ui»w."Mr. Bnrtram wns dnnoiuieail by a delegate

as "ft ficlf-uppofuted ilelogntc, who uuinoto capture tlie Convention in the tem-perance interest." llnicr wns finally nomi-nated and the Convention stampeded fur thetrain.

tnuco, ohiffly through tho large furiiiices oftbo Muacauett'DiiK Iron Works, wliore n largeiiimlior ofuieu aro em|doyed. Tlio com]ipcralttift Ilio wiirkki own inlnoa in SUBBISX anilVnrrt'ti cauutlw, from whitb they nbtnin

their oro. Tlio stack of funiaoc No. 1 waeblown out for rojmlrs a few weeks eiuoe, butrill Bonn bo iu working order again. Yent«r-uy nfturnrmn 1 visited the furnaces, and

uml ttirongh tho kindness of tho chief engi-neer waa ebown through n part of tbe works.Tho oroisjmtinoiirtHiiiid placed on un ole-

itor, which rises nhout 130 feet, when tlinore is thrcwu into tbe retort, two enrt loiubring raised with each nscensbn of tho elevn-ir. The Iramoneo maolilnory in the engine-JDIB Is enuiigl to make one nervous and feeltllovcil when getting nway from it.Tbo grcnteBt curiosity .to aio wa« the male

ing of what la called "mineral wool," nmdoIbociiidornofconland limestono—witli

a very largB pcroentngo of the latter—wliluhformarod-liat liquid. Tula liquid is takenin small enrs or tanks ami ran slowly into n>

irts, out of wbleb the mineral wool is blownin n fleecy oloud into a brick building fromnbinb it is token ami shipped to various]>i>liite, It Is meat for packing, us a means to

lound, and for otker purjioses. Oneuftiiomostcurious fofttures nbout itisthntitisnotiuflamtnuDle and eannat iiobumeil.It Is wool Jn iijjpoaronoc, aa.iti umno wouldindicate,

Reiolutlom. .At a Mjjtilar utoetiiig of llethlcbcra En-

onmptnent, held in tlioir hall, Dover, N, J. cuFriday ovontng, July 27th, tho Cominittueajipolntcd to draft resolnttons of condolencerathe death ol Patriarch Edward Danleli,iibmittedthe following: •

ViiBBEAB It kiitb plenseil Almigbty Ood inhis intluno tviadom to suminans irom thelight of our nuofio Pntrlnrch Edwanl Ifan-ielii, tlim Bevoriua another link from tliefrat«rnnl chain tbnt hinds m togotiior; and

VIIICBEAS, Vfe fully niipreolating bisinnulydiameter, Btauneh inUgritr anil sterlingworth would not withheld from bis mem*orv the <jnmineudntfr.ii tlmt bis virtues claimat onr hnnttsj tltcrefore >liESOLVED, That while wo bow in submlR-

«ion to tbe will of a lieing who doeth nil*iing8 well wo may confidently hope- throughIs bellof ia the ineray of bU Heavenly Fatherint our Ions hns proved his* gain.REBOLVBII, That wo do; elueerely don

and most affectionately nympathlM with ..»rclntiyos end fHends it. their nfllletlve bo

nvemont and tender tbom our condolence.RlCBOLTElt, aecorduiBo witli th»nnleusteiu wo drape our ebartcr fur thoncoofthirtyiloynin mourning.llusoLVKp. Tlmt a oojiy of those rcwlutlnns

ho soDt. to tbe widow nnd published in tliBH0S BRA and Dover. Imlex and alio theharden of Jowcy City.


GKOHOE STAor,• Committee.

A Long Contemplated Scheme.Tlio Jcrseymnn says »f tlie late attempt to

nAt Ciishlnr Smith, of Orange, tlmt Claude II,relic, of Orunge, whu lant April wna sent

to State Prison for nino yenra for iteulingany fibre's Jiortc, WBH OUD of tba gang,

aud after hie conviction ho sent lor a certainpnrty in Morrlstnwu (iml requested hit" to go

ertuln jilficiig Iu Ni'\v Vofk nlty and in-form his confederates tlmt bo cimhl nut us-

LMBenoUieiilnformril this -])orwn oftbe iclieme, saying that il WHH the tlesign toknock down aud rob a bunk oftlccr wbo lirotlIn a Now Jersey manufacturing town, umlwent to Now York .onco it week fur a largoamount of lunitll bills to be used to payIKIIIIIH. TIioJoli.hOBniil, vim tn hn itimo onthe rfersey side of the river. They exportedto aecnrofit)iii(eO,OOOtu*4«,IKKr, and .ho Jobwas nirctdy put up,[with himsalf ne ono ofthBiiriuclpitlnoton,but IJHUCIWS impritioii-uo!it disitrranged mattniit foru time, and theittcmpt tunic plnBc Sutiinlny in ncoordBnoe

with Ltusolk'tt statement. Tho latter went

nr in to glvo tho mimes of tlio pnrtloe,nud when our informant who, hy tbo vay, re-fuseil tn act us a messenger lietweni tlltivct*,rend t to iiocoiiiit nf tbi' IIobokRii orhne, heinatantly roinotiiberod tbo UUIIICH US tbo HUIIIOgiven by Lassollo. Tke latter will now have

iipportunity to renew his numiaiutnucowith Fnrrel, Enierson uml Nugout nt Tron.h>». He waa a desperate follow, nuil naid bomould ,hnvB «liot tho COICIT who rapture.!him in Orange, hwl not bis iilslol emight inIds torn pocket lining.

The Telegraphers' Striko-It U ii good rule, laving lioguii n flglit, tnnkuit Lot fur your opionciit, lint it mayull be iluiibteil wbutbrr n pnitinl Htuii])ng»

of railmad husioeBS by striking teicgrnph 0[i-eratortittoulilnotonernto to thu ndvuutageol tbe telegraph companion by cniiatiug ar-iivcly hi their favur iutcii-Rta tlmt am nowpassive biioause tbey nrt> nmUettirLpii. Iliagood polioy to lot alone tlm railroad .lpeni-lora. It is good policy to lot the wires itlouc.Thrive til bo armed ivlio l.utli his quant!

PUBLIC SALE.HEiDbacrihet p.)lnff ont nl Iho hotel bat-

1 iupffi.will keil nil iil< hotel con tea K al1'ab i: S*lc at HUCCASUNNi, "u

WEDNESDAY, Aug. J5Ui,mx al 10 o'clock A. U the railomog prop*

crtj, TIZ ;


14 TOILET SETS,1 Bfl',1, S4 Cino Heat Ohalrs, 3 Lir^e Belt-FceiUuR Blnves wltli BrRlnter, 1 Marble 8lab,2 lurga Mirrors, IS small inlrrorn, 15 Ma(-tmefi, 1$ nets nf jjnri Sprinfle, Qiiiltf, Oom-

bleg, ftlnnhuts, Blic«ts, Piling, Bolntrm9 Kilcobioii Tallies. 13 Dining If-om Cliair*..Tdhlon. Orncliorv. PlnieN, GoMeli'. Banofr?,Ou{», Kuifps, Forks, Hpoouft, Ndptlnt, &o.

1 LARGE BUFFET,IVM-nil. l"l of Oamn Oliilra. BU! BOOMFIXTUltrs, Crnlcr TAtilp, 12 Hit ItoomClialro. Ulock. LRmill) and Drackelp. QIMMU.Oobltta. lco Bnz, Large Bar lloom Stove.

RITCBr.M Q0OD», Mcnl filoek, all hinds <ilGIMK VlrmVt. Tio-nirr. fc. 1 LAIIQEHEFillOBIIAT0n, largrlot ol

Brussels and Ingrain Carpets,

1 Pool Table,Orinitli'B make, lizo (1x0: tiro Barreki or OlderVilirfiar, 75BDHIIBIS of liirly llofio PoLetnpK

or Itoi ,

1H0E8E, 1C0W,Wagons, Sleighs, Harness,il Innidifilsofiiraallartlolc-B notmeuliouod.r£HH3-AII Fum, ntidor 910 catti; all BUUIBprvlO ami UDilor 1G0, three molitliBcredit;

orurfMHonr muutliB note wltli anproved so-curily payable at tlio National Union Bunk.Dnvtr. Sale will contln 10 if not N»I<I tlin llrntday.


Eiocutor's Sale of Eeal Betate.D; virtue or m nnler of Ilia OrptunV Court

ot ifio Connl.v or Hnrrla. mado on tho BcoonilliyorJulv, A. D. 1883, ttic subscriber,Exeo-llor of Beliastiiu Courail, decoaatd, Will noilit rnujlo VTiduo. M the nrtmlui'H, in thouwiwtiln of ruMslf, iu the buBDij of Ua rm

and BuieofNciv Jmioy.on

THUnsmy, thelll haayolSjpteraber,A, O. 1888, botiToeu Ihe hours of 12 M. and Go'clouk P. H-, t u t i* to lay at 2 o'ulook in fh aafternoon or iakl diy, tbo fblluwlng dtaorlbedland and re«l ostaie or vhloa tha eiirl fle-craecd died eelzed, In tJio follofflDft mannert lmti i tosiy: - '


ot or kitrirlanilBiliisto on LornnTimlilp ofPasBiifo, and cootain'

n i n . — *



GEO. McCRACKEN'SrBlackwell St., Dover.

Inj l»inly.|lit«o ami 0-10 aorea of land, andworn p.rtljnlail.r o«»orlli«l In , aoedfrnniA b ' r W. JIo»li,,m« a ,d«lro to .aid ilreiaBdI ra r ln i j t n Jnlt 311, 1MB, and reonrda.l InMiirrli Con.ty 11. cnnl. of Dtoil.. In Book 11,

p.Be. 16TI, *t.; nn.l 'BCXU-A trgci i>r tut of l.tnil ahn 6'lntlc

111 Mill TolWlilp „! 1>.,,,D.10. Qlul ,TNI. innsiTClvo andl-l« nrr,« .if 1,1,1, anil U mnrV.parlleuhrlf dcjo.ilicil m a ,l«,d [„,„ ,,MAblicr ff. SIoreliuiHo aud wife lo the tnid de-crawd, bfarluc dale Aug. 27tb, A. n. 1850

K" t lSf*"1 '" ""'' l k"°" 1 1 "' J)oc"11. '»V i, on pngca ifl5,6o.J IHM H. OI1TJI1N, Eseontm.

ldl Jaly 6 Ii, 1811. tstl

The Old Reliable millinerand Dress-makerl


T S HEAD9UiIiT£B8 fir HiUlDcry or allX klidaaiidttTle». Sbe keepa CFerjtblaR oftlie latest Oe.ljB, aod Bella •• ebeap as Ibec b t H d k i d e p a r t m o a t sivOBtlie latest Oe.ljB, aod Becbeapeit. Herdreu-makia Reonlne lit, and serer fHOD. OiT. berac.ll .

Bella •• ebeap askioKdepartmoat sfail! to give Batia


li»e nado Important roJoclions in prices o f


Seersuckers, Ginghams,e, Tliovovvlio for any ciiuse nrc ID wanL or

UiBso goods will find s cooslilernbln roducltoun ilio coat ot tliein, is wo aru dualrouilosinr out bnInure or H I i W'Ncli Woi k JOlt L'lTH IN PA.1USUL

SUN UMBRELUBalRr(ntlrrp<iiiceilpnJuRt reo'irer] KmbruMercd Wool Tuble

Coven, Bilk Mixed and Jute Table Cov-«=w i l l l l H k l PlauoCov«w

iein, is wo aru dualroui o,re or HIocic. WO »ra oponliiKL H IN PA.1USULB AND

l i l

«=w iDollKleos; l»r«All thrao goada &tBiiOkGoprB will

ixed and Ju t Tabll»r«e Hook ol PlauoCov

t m t a r t y loir prig d a &t murvetoarty loir priois.BDiiBOkGopcrB will fluil thin A KDOII limn clTcsr In buv TABLE LINENS, NAPKIN8.TOWBLB, BflEETJNQa. io. , Ac, us from HiedalloesB of (bo season JobDprs are dUpoted tnmake concesBloanin prioesnad woalwiyn RIVPour ctuktlumers Hie btneflt of any bargain* ITJ~Qme acroiB. Bilanco or 170 pifecs






- O F -


Whitlock I Lewis,WILL BE SO.-') AT








DOVER, KT. 3",

joor#....o! #

CLOSING OUT SALEri'i» M U C K Roo.ii p u n




LINEJIT uiii:,m,y nnurtTi) I



iiart' by

Dover, S. J.

Nutters re ni miiing nud aimedIn the Post Office BtDoTer.rV.J.

Dover, N. J.( AaRiut 10th. 1683.r. Amistnmg, W, '

Somtthing for the Cobb Eitate. ";^ ; W m . a a u U d , of HewOTk,,lias tc-

,ttrnod from a trip to Gntnil Rapids^ Knlamn-iiuJLunalnK, Mioklgau, nud HiilTiilo, N.whore no veut iwtbc interest of tbo Dan-

iel M. Wilson fuitate, Some time upo Mr». E.C. Hurt, of Orange, a flaugbter of Mr, Wilson,received word'that, thoto was some land IuMichigan lwlouging to Lor faUior's estate towblob. tlio party wauled to got a titlo. Tlienatter w u laid before Judge Guild, and beiBcerUdned tbat nhout tiie year 1840 Mr. Wfl-

nthelateaeorge T. Cobb, tfiitanb-iirn,,Thp wore iu partnership, bail received

lemflntofnu old accouOt tlio titlo tothe land named, ^ s it was then of littlernluc, tliey hail given no attention to it lie-,oml TeoonllBg tbo deod#, nnd la ttme it -was

gotten, and upon tlioir deatlu BO ovl-nco was found nmoug theie pai>en ofinroporty. Judge Guild found ttiatlthndin sold under tax Rales and tbat the fur-

ion occupying it held only t a r titles, lintere ready to make a fair settlement It Isot proliable that It will realiiea great mini

low of tlio oinotMu attending tuo seitlo-itof t ie mutter, bnt tbo estates "~~ '

Susan Lngcy,Ooo. D.Losey,

„., D.8.Maines,Itrnnutn, K, H. Morgan,

C. Choman, W, H. ItowellA. Clarlto, Nettie Bharn,Edward duller, fl. \V. Sluil crVnleskaJanos, " ' ~ ° " " " u r 'John T, Jones,A. Lnrson, ,Ella Iflrnayv Mr». Ghniu Wolla,Walter WDOII, Jerome Youngs.

To oblnin any of Ihe ftbore Ictlcra say "ail.oriUod" and give cliln of ibis list.




Dover, N. J.Dover, N. J.

Walnut Grove, N. J.Dover, H. J.

Neivark, N. J.




o. a. jinsson,JESSE jr. 8HAIH",JOHN I). EVANS,LEWIS nOBD,J. K. OOOPEIl,E. a, SSELLBHaED,JErlKlm £ CO.,on HESBY wiaoim,NATHASMeDAYIr,

i, N.J.ftmr, N. J.

Moadbam, N. J.BUniiopc.N. J.Eock»wfty, N. J.

Naiighrlght, K. J.SUnliope, H. J.etanliopo, N. J.Stanhope, N.J.

Hilton, N. J.Dover, N.J,Dover, H. J,

ObesW, N. J.Duver, N. J.Daver, N. J.

(lhotlcr, N. 1.Hurilloira, N. J.

D i m , N. J.GhdBler, N. J.

Mluo Hill, N. J.SureaaouiiB, N. 1.

:r, N. J.

iiTyBTHiGmors1VL qmlltvaua

My tlimis for Ii

'SmilirroRta norktnanslit|> of the best

n ' , - : - ; V liberal patronigo la the pist.»?.A " .? *™sriph meaiongor or telephonerders by le

odefl to.JOHN JONES. Undcrtaki

nookaway, N. J.


S JLP"T™''"" «"lftAami seveuteou days.

tbteojoin °g

VEBIIL-At Soiittami.ton, L. I , lugu.IUh,.nf eliolera infantnm, J u n W i u i iouljchlMof K,r. Ji.mea'0. »»d j i l t " fAyerlll, of Boukavay.


Dover, K. J.Dover, N. J.

CahTon.N. J.Nuccannona, N. J.

BIU Olive, N. J.Dovar, N. J.

rk, N. J.MHB. REV. BAKER S1IITII, Ml. Fteodoi

IfAWBENCE-At Slaniope, Aug. » , lg83,Un.Pamtlla LawranoJ ngol & year.

STALTER-At Teata Min., Aug. 1,1, I,AA(,«m^,r Jo^pl, o,,,l Mary &,lt«r, " \ u 2 lS

FARM FOB SALE.•„!> FAHH OP 07 AOREa In Sparta Town-ship, rrar or araonit the coa! rojrioim he-l»tm Dover »<1 8p.rl. t will b W &Boqatn on the prcmltts or

ver »<1 8p.rl. t will b o W c&w.q on the prcmltts. or Alimon Oohle,

At *£' o r ' h 0 Jr°PriBtor nt Stilton, Mid-dle»ci Co., Scir Jersey. SG-lm p



American Pig. -TlietiiarktthasbMh very quiet during tbo

[Hwi week, trad 'thongh there bus been aochange in prices and fomo grades a n very1ml; held, v« «nd that U hn* loit ratber

Kaiaedltstnnffth. ThB supply of No. 3mpio. T\'tc eontinao to qnoto £B nnd

3.5Ofar standard to oholoo Jfo. 1, ordinaryg ohtatnabia at a conecuion of

eeati) I19.GD, (30.50 fur ontinnry toeholeo3; and «IS and 120 fin Inferior to nhotco

Urny Forge. Dowemtr l'ig U dull nt *.-0Md ^31 at Udew»t*i". lionddnoabliag mi-

and 61s. for No. 1 to 3. 9j,lcrf-leu i» doll at (31 and $33 for 30 per cent.arrinilB of Eogliih metal of high grade

quantity an prewlng upon the market. AT miEWOKOUNK L4KE AND DTON 100lor Ameriomi fnrnaoet are now mitOMding J AGRBS OP LAM) AT HORSE HILL NEAIlnaiotnlninga biffli grade orer long per- MORBI8 PLAINS DEPOT TOR SALE Bi'

lodi reanlwlr, lint, of course, are unable to • « « «** «—„ _ men thu. » im.11 p. t i of the . 1 - A U G . W . C U T L E R ,Mortistoirn, N. J,


Isaac N, Doty & Co.,NEWARK, N. J .

DRY GOODS i CARPETS,Larger assortment and lower

rates than any other house.Extra special bargains inSilks; great decline in prices.Fancy Check Silks at 5D cts.;EeliaWe Black Silks at 75 cts.;Colored Dress Silks at E5 cts.;all Silks reduced from 10 to16 per cont DRESS O0OD9,richest collection in Newark;everything new in colors andmaterials. The superiority ofour Dress Goods Departmentover that of any other in thecity is manifest to tho mostcasual observer. Our NEWCARPET DEPARTMENT hasleaped into immediate popu-larity end has already gainedthe confidence and patronageof many families in this vicin-ity. We are soiling E0YA1WILTONS, MOQUETTES, VEl-VETS, BRUSSELS, three plygand Ingrains at the lowestprices ever quoted.


159 & 161 Market St.,


60,000 Chests of new seasonTeas via. Suez Cnunl iu livcil inNew York lust Wednesday nnilwas insiiccrcd by Custom Homeofficers anil found to ue



Tie 1 . 1 . & C l a Tea Go.HAS rUHOHASED

eoo CHESTSof UIG above cargo lluoii^b :i Now York

Tea Broitcr of 40 yen re osprrioncp.

and nro now rendy lo supplytlioir customers ut

tliuir aLure,

Blackwell St., Dover, N.J.

r before since they opened

Ilieir brancb ator« nt Dover Imvo Ihry

bettor bargains in TEAS AND


Tlio N. Y. & Cliiuii Tea Co. will give

you Uiilf ii dozen tea CUJIS nnil saucers

with 8 lbs. tc:i 01 C lbs. coffee.

Tlio N . Y. & Oulnn Tea Co. will fiiv

you 1 cue btilf (jalloiifjlnsspilcbtr wortl,

80o. for 4 Iba. ten or 8 lbs. coffuc.

M iiorioi.)

wr. j .






N 0 1 " I X D WiTOBES. M, ir.,,. e,,.bl, m lo bu, i . •' " " • ^WIS OP IMITATION ASD H1A11DIJ-EDDLI!D A ™ SOtD AB0U1"' THE


NEWARK, N. J.inv i te tlio oitiz

1 v i c l n U j r *"

Tho N. Y. & China Tm Oo. will giyou Iiall a Jozen gollcls with 8 lbs, leaor 6 lbs. coffee. -

Tlie N. I . & Ohinn Tea Oo. irill BivB

you ouo fiinoj lamplla. te

81.50 viilh 8

TboN.Y.tOliiB.TMOl.irillgi*.voa Pivnch dMna Ita sell W piecesporcelain lea Eels 44 piece! ; mos, „,„Ira BOIS 44 pieces; oMiia tea sal.« ]>uen; EORIUII wllldwllth' &U s«pieces; Sulss cottage terteli K pieiBjAlso toilet »els, maroon nnd pinl, 10pieces encli; all klna«:of TCmlableilialics, 600 poire of line vain, and oiliernrliclea for lioueeuoldUKf.;'.^;' ,

Wo again cull ynnr, atlenlion In lliequalit; ol oar cufleua nnd h.'an ; posi-tively tbej are the beet, imperial,

Summer Boarding Houses:I t nill ba l o l t o iuierest nt llie oirncrs


give VB a call tefore piirebapiag i

wbeto.: Wa willsell Ib toc l i t apcr llian

any New York House. t :

any of tbe nbova wards can be

bonslil5tNewYorliprice«. : " . '

N. Y. & c m I A ca,BLAOKWELL J3t.,

DOVER. N . j .


fl 'in purpose -"•»••*—-•• • •• ' - -house, au

BLACK AND COLORED SILKS!tlmt fur vanctj, qnililvumi nAND COLORKD WOOL DMifLADIES' AKDG1*D , t c . LA DIE:

1 (MEAT V A B i m . BILK .IE1ISEY3 in llclit R!I,L,1,.. r™'ndcrmniniinonri t l A Hulk, , ,iSi."™" ( ta i, r ™ , TS ( ! ,™P - lenia'SbltiB,

noOtESB, LINENS AND COIVON GOODS III o r i l . i l i "','"' ' " ' l"o»se»w|».-ri in«t ( W NBW YOIII PIlICEa - i t ) i i p°J" "b o v» "'IrtlDijtil «ro Bold

aioH;iEic3-A.T>ir B R O S . <»

75B Brood stS . B . -1U1I , OBnEllB Ptt3MITI,Y EXIXUTEI),

SMITH & ECKHART,(BncceBioraloIrn O. tamper,)


Oontraota tuten and materials furniH]icd fit


Office OD Morrli ititot, neit to former IIIOE u bnlldlBR. Duvet. N.J.

!. BMTB. ,TOUK J .


CARRIAGE PAINTER,Shop on Clinton St., Dover.

An experience of ID yours iIneet wort, la lbs Enirint

rtillty to plena theon to KI);H

nirinttn, I ufiVr oflio. My motlo u "a




nnici't" iv uVMi'lir-W,C''" w r i t 0 f o r nie* to Brcry

S d v",Lvu° """ml11™ "I" »• •"•H r . SAKDEHS0N,



LAGEJt BEEB!lipatnGILLr8.Biiiiex HI., Dover, N.J.,

opp. Uulier'n Open Home.

THE IRON ERA.SATt'KUAV. Auj. 11, 1888,


Dog day a end on Uic 18th.

Cotumoii Council nexl Monday evening.

The Malison liaml uow niimbt-M 17 pieces,BwM Famil?picnic uv Uudd'- Lalo nest

Tliursdny,Lcvi D. Jimard willoouttist hie ci tradition

from Canada.Bathing tin'hen wilb lij-lk eve.y morning

la Buid to curt: Him burn.• It is BOid n iivp pound black bun,, wtiscimglitinltaliTrtLnluliutwek.

TliBflrcwmiimuit* will liol«l tlii-ir iiniiimiukction next llmid.iy i-vcnii^.

It U now estimate ih»f Hilly l'nt.'i-ni wi-fe truck \>y a iolfRraph ojicralitr.

Mr. Fnwt, of llrnilliain, ivreivnl im

Till tt-iii-11 thi'llf-rnardHvilli-M-L.

8. K. Si. II., of Mom* 1'laiiw, 1

lltuil *9 to tlm Tiil.nne Fre.-Ii Air

Thu animal .'xammuli^iirtot^r

will lw lii-ld in Dover Aujr. iMtlu

TlieHt Freedom u&ool tbe oaaiag yearwill W tougbt by MIw Julia Yonngi. •

The Morrintowii Congtepttu>nalltii «ffl" extort" to Coney IslaM next week.

fierrioei, morning and evening, will be heldin St. Jobn'8 P. E. ChuMb on Sunday.

John Fell, a former well-known bnrineuman of Morriitown, Alei in Newark on Urn-diy.

Mr, K. HugliMiu lias vat oat* onhU placo atMount Freedom, grow lag over flvo feet Inlieigit.

Will J. Low ban sold hie tobuceoiiiat cstab-ientiii Morrittto

F. nml Thou, i i LowePug ibj

o hie brothers Halt.

• Kimiiii-lii nud Italian grey-



The olwiloDgD cup donated by Mr. B. C.Otdan, of Madison, to tiie Alert Clwli,pUoe, Ii to be held by them iintfl they a nbeaten two «un<» out of three by any other«ub In Morrii County. Tbo dub *o winningIt •ball rciponri to all cballenftei from otuirdluba ]ii Morris County, or lu caw of their

" ' ami , orin the event of thelrd-, _ .It shall return to tbo Alert*. There are fiveclubs in tlie county who are really competentto eompete for tbe enp, and these aw thenine* of Madison, Mt. Hope, Mine HO), Mor-rietown and Chester. No other* would hawashow to win it, and from tho way all a n

ring them ought to be * pretty warmiggle fnr it before the clow of the

ue. HOPE VB, HIKE mu»

The uiimtier of people gathered in the openfluid uciir tbo Mt. Hupo HaJlroad office at1'urt Omni last Saturday afternoon, to wit-Hi1*" the third game between the Mt. Hopeand Mine Hilt trains, U nit hunted to hit Ye1 11 fully 1.0U0. Tula was to bare bettliii'l !itid ileeiilini* game, Imt the grounds

i timt t ,- inn i: ohjouted tn tlt'm aud

'innlly it wan dcoideil to ii

^ to five tfiiinrx, plftyfup tho

mills «f thi'cout'-Ming i)in<

i In; pln.ycd oti the grounds

ing ihi« miitHi. Tho g

wittt another " liip nml luck"

ti t!ic-f eveul.T-yoked tei

lust full.

B«v. Jn

t imt till! tuhr.v

1>IT iMIHlLfl tlll

\V. S. (.'olli

j grcitt il in ]ir<-ili(

11 fur twfiitv-fivfi-i-

i<-it for tw

tl,Hg, lint. Mt 11 ope got

i mill lilltlikinj; Hit

to 1. In tbo fullrtlnd with n ran. but

cd it in tin- tilth ut 2 to 2.Hill k ilu Inul with two

-d t

John Liiiinitfaii, a

Brut hew, drew IheChureh, i>fM»rrinhi

Sixty immuri*employ*wleratHoi . Wit

in, K, J.

•jill to (he Sit. Olive llu'ilmi (h

ut the High Hrirtg*- Im


t lint ,Sa



urduy, I

Win. J- Shu.hvi-11 1

diummer of KiUHtliT'H Hand. Hu lin

ihthiii tine.


Charles 1>. I'lstr of Eli/iiln-tli, N. J., a fjra.

unto of Williams C*ilK-«t',lniH been < nyuyi

an Princiiial of thi> Jlurriw Aoiiilemy.

Mr. A. V. Wt-xi, lntu prim-lpiil cf Hie Morr

Aetiili-my, Iiiw been engaged IID Junior 1'n

legsurof Latin at Colmnliiii Ciillejie,

fAHnc»Bor Taylor found 1.B21) ]m1h in Km

duliih townnliip-lWO Im; Hum ln*l . \ iw. 'I'll

miinber of iloga is 41C, n ilccr^aHO of 2.

ttev. 1', McCnrthywill .uaku tbo iuHrof

lit tllO reception of the Children uf Mnr,i

ut 8 t Mary'st Church, noxt Wcdnewlaj-,

A myaticnl ruuior says tlio llmiiilmi lio

Worka oro tn ha nsain ntni'loil. Himmt Im

started those workw n (jroiit many timi'i*.

KtllgOK. tbe (IrujifitM, if nrnkiim the i-xti

r iorofl i lspluoc look very attrmstiv* liy Inn

ing Ida ripne repaiiite.! by l larl ln k Hm-k.

Thelftwluipowsuppnnlty of *ir» ftir vw

woodeciek klllcilliy nny i<mtm lictwccn Hi

liut dny of.Iiily nml tho 1st <lii,v i.i n, lul-i-r.

Boonton, Alorriatown nml Mtidijum inmii-

b a n IOIBDA Split Uui'kimud f«r lUliiut: pui

poiee. An naBwiatiitti will»iwv he urcii'iiKiil

Tjioscat-tlionifluiiUlnH Uir. f ni^litrt fieri

miller blunkntP, ond tin-nidi wo or ovoreunt

on the iiiazzn. Hut for nil this it i» A-linlitful

-Th*e BPIISOII «E tlio hiKcimix [Wiu-li is nn\

fipon us. Fwty-ilvu car loadrt [him Marvlnm

RUII Delaware arrived in Now Yurk JI

Durinjf the etioirer, a woi-k ago lust

day, Mr. Elms IlocltPiiherrv, of Unio

Uotrle couiity, hud H sharp Mllwl by


A largo willow tree near tho re»idoi

L. R. Schooubcit, of Gormnn Viillcy, IVI

by ligbtuing from top to bottom «mo cvnitii«


The progpcuts now in di cute a larpn c!i

l>row tliiB full. Hnny nppltcntlnm* liavi

received ami uccc]it£il fi'oin till portiu

tbo glolc.

Itov. nnkorSniltli, of Mt, Freedom, w

Oxfonl yesterday iw a (lelegato frn

Bible Society of Norm to thu Uil.le Society

Jolm A. DoreiniiB, of PiirHippany, dinl Ii

Suuday, nt tlm a in of 60 ycura, In tlm hm

vhero ho wns uoru, nurt in wlitch Im lind Uved

nil bin life.

Andrew MiiSBOii^er, n yonuji mnn, fell int<

tbeClfuton ntrcot ru t of tho High llriiiieh

while Wiilking aloug ita CIIRO Inet SuucLiy anil

broke hm leg.

Mary A.( wifo of HOP. J. A. Tndrt. o( Tuny-

town, N. Y., died on Thumliiy of limt week.

She wag a cluuglifor of tho lnt« Dr. U'. W.

Hcilgea, nf Cheater.

liev. W. W. Ilallowny, Jr., will picurli

BurnUy evening tlio inst of tho eouiw of>

moiiH to young people. The sulijrot will

" A Choice l'reBoutod."

Judge Guild, tlip editor of tlio Ncwnrk Jn

nnl, the letvWnR Dnnioi'mtiu luwHiinper

New Juraev, wns onm a mill boy in \

Dorcn'd grM mill, ut Poapiick.

Mr. Frank J . Qriffitb'fi rtournioii to

Delawnre Wnt«T t]np went tlmmgli Diver on

Tucailay, wiih twelve well filled c«w, ilruwn

by two engiiioa. It WHS a grunt BIIVKBH.

Dr. Thonina JI. Drnwn, Si-on'tary of tlir

American Inntituto of Tilhiiiif; Ktipinrrrn, nn-

LoimcCB tbnt tho full mcc-tiug will hv held in

Ti*y during the aoconil week in Oetuln-r,

Solomon Sum, of Morristown, winrtH out

tbia full with n nuw uiiiwtrcl orgimli-.iilimi,

oonpoBCd ontiroly of nrHt-flii«*< yrdfiesionul

talfnt, mid will nppear in Dovi-r Se()t. 4tli.

The MetliodiHtH nre acniii diHcusBinK tln-ir

Hj-Btfini of itineracy—some oppuniu*; mid iniin.v

favoring tho threo yearn rule. In tliix tnwn

tho ncnfinient in deeidudly in fnviir of tlic

m l e,

Tlie daily ]iapen Bay timt E. E. I'alfer, ,>f

MorriB,wii8 ti'nipDi-aryoliiiiniinnuf tlm Clrei-ii-

back 'S ta to Convontinii. Sm-li in fniiir—to

hnTO your nnine qtcllnl wrong iu tin* newer


and aretlon« ofnud «bi

nppoored this wcukeelyes Hcolj. DnUatinuo yery oeccptftbtnil tha tlinc.

The Mt Tabor ABBOci;!ti<»r, nrr

tnrmiiiedto tnkenponitncll liien-ofno small nmountof Ralibntli dPRopening Its grounde U the m nod Ilie on Sunday.

The Sunday Schools of OmnNauriglitvilln axA Siiddlo Viillmaking a grand union pirnic exethe High Bridge lirmioh to Late

t T l

njoying tli

loud Mill

iild be m-v.

or Hor



Mr. C. A. Mulr,

first mount upon

whBn tbQ trcttchcroua at ceil it-i

and "(aiw™ came to tho gro

force OJ to lirenklilrt nrm.

Tho Mayor of tlooulon IHT

Bgninsttwo persona of tbat jd

Uquor illegally, but a n*oluti

the clerk to proMcuto all IUTI'I

In the Oonnell by n tic vutv.


lio otlit-r iluy.

iired up behind

nd with sinili

H« . John Hillfrom A . D . Unseen, 3d Ana't. I'.Mtiiiiwtci-diii-

crnl, atWMhinRtan, ouo of tho find '.<:> ilic

proolnof thfl nr.T two-cflnt. piwtiigi* stampf

which outno into U«o Oct. Int.

One nf the most siipiifieiiiit mhnicnifiiH i.l

tbe oppnnuuta of tlio cor[)oriiitim U thnt Mur

riatown, nltlmuKh not ( luilo .1..ul.lo the impu

lation or Dover, raisoa four HWH tlm runniml

of tax for town «]>fnnci> timt Hover i\wt.

Th4 Dennnirt |ionil lhin BC«S«H Im-t l>ivu

covered witli pnnil lillcg. ninny nf Ih(-ti. (tfllir

(loublo rariely. utul any vmilur thore in tin

uarly morning wimlil He trpdteil with » rang-

DlfloRUt Right of Bort'nof thrni iu full liloiini

I t Is iwmnlcrinl to UIP EHA whrtlirr cither«r both of the 31. B. p rc i ichm rcl urn (o DovetWo elmply stoteil wlmt WR know tn l«» » ftfitbsc momheri of t h e t m t t M . E. Chun-lian

" MiUdKcv.U: " "t«lldnKortryinKlugfJIewton, lur their pwtor a

i h<<on-.l out; in lll<! fl

i Mt. Iliijiruii.IiirL'dt

w.i iifiiid jj

[i)iidhi|> fi I


i S. It wnnany-

ie<idi-ni wluok.v

it. Ml. Hiipo went to

-u -villumt seeming n

n.s third slrik.-r nnd

nl with bin tbird he

,'il Mi

it lui

»<-d n-Kj.",.

ml. tin- Mju.. Ililh vnnt (,> ll

p t p ^ i y in that ttbopUyodfitrby iBHfiwrjfl of Morris Cami-t j , UBdwtlilindcMoniatown cannot playfQr the ohampicnuOiip ot tte county and thotaopty witik "vbritow." •

The ColumttiM, of Uorrbttovn, beat a nineof the Lftwa TflBnUf Chib,of that plnoe, -Taesday, MtolS. - - - •

WHERE THE PLEASURE SEEKERS CO.Thoi. Ku t Ii Rt Spring bake, IT, J.Hon. John HIH vu ID DorerlMt Saturday.

CoL A. P. Berthoua fuu been ta Dov«r diepaat weak.

Ifr. 8. J. Palmer amWand Height''

Bev. Mr. Faulta andfemlly, of Korririown,aro at Ocean Grave.

Dr. Quinn andfttnUy, of FAtenon, are AtSchooley*! Mountain.

ROT. Dr. J. M. fnemm, of MonWown, ireturned from Ewopa,

BCT. Dr. Crane and ffttntly, of McrrUtowu,have been at Build's U k c

Tlio nwBical uct.i nl tbfl mnaqulto a n never•ati on Sohoalvy'i Mountain.

Han. Win. Walter I'IIDIDI find family wentfrom Lang Branch to Buratoga.

Goo. W. Smith and fmuily,are at the New J U M Y Highlimdd.

Mr. and Mrs. G! A. rtnkoi-, of Boontou, willgo to Sea Side Park for a forinU|bt

S. J. WiliriDk, of poyer, i)B* been to tlieooaat for the benon^of I ^ I breotoa

Rcr.A.'Prondfltatidfamily, W Haokotts->wn, nrOBUniinorhigatMantueket. 'Mr, John If. Tioaoh, of NowTork, ii Viait

in); his family mid frienda In Dover.Albert Hlohnnii Gco, Rich nnl s, J r .

ire enjnyluK aoatddo ro»ort« tbia week.Pnrlor tableaux tnd inneqiieradoB tako well

unong the giicBte at Solioolej'B Mountain

It in rntlior olujciilnr tltat only tlio well paidninistcra aeom to be In nood of Suuiinei

W. P. Tumor nnd 0 . E. rhurlicr ba¥0 hooiupending the wuok ntrortlnnil, Me., and otherjiolnts Ea«t.

men. Win. H. Baknr, of Dor or, and!)anicl EdwnrilB, of Pittstciu, Pu., nro visitingtloL'k Mmid.U u u n . Alfred Mills mid John E. Taylor, ofnrriHtown, uro liiiikiiifj u three wcuks tourM-on li (.'iilorndo.

llNith Ilmisc, Si-hoolcy'H Moiintiiiti,imlny ovonl.ig.

ltcv. John Krniitse. Jr., lum liet-n vi»iliiinIMH lib) roiii;r.^iiti<in lit Ititoitimi, anil liniicb-.1 lotlMHl Oil StIIMlU.V IlLHt.

,i»<]j!C. im.I Mirt I'lTi-niitii M'o^d wilt JXII up:ln- iiiidsoii t<f-iimiT.»w nn ti visil lo ilieir sim, JhivcMd-jiw.of Fliimli-w, i* ilrlviiift

,t the

At tin' il.-c.iny.ofJlor

•I.K. llimiiiii-i'; SI

: Fur

,uimi] Ihnvill; Cirriirr, 1'. ti. M.,(t; Kiij;i>w»rd, John Stfivi'iii*.> MIIlhnHik M. R Cl,

i. Imp- •tit npo

:, A H R . ^ I . All m

Veshim'iitrt will Iw

'!•,•!,-Rmpb Cm

ridiiy Ii. «»-t » dinpnMi Ihrnu-I.

City, to Mi-. Jos,-jili (!. Ft-h-

, iufm-niiiiR bint of tin- m-rious aei-.

1 for thirty

itiKlit ilm in

-•Ht of the Siimlii.

Th«> foilinv-11 <>


wct'iiy pr


illllliul 1)

t.v in Ch

A nioctiicliiitv wcomidoimpel' wnirrrtpi

i.V Ciuiw

wing mi

i Moml


Dpcrty i

intitfl fur111'I'M, \H

Uim.i to

g.-fthoH lu-.Id i)ution tlirIH drnn-

en wty in

1! I'll




1 lip

ro mu Iu by Shoiiflt : WiiHliiuntou B, vs. Ji-rninlttb Cmiic townnhip; soldXI. Adelia M. Slier1 Muchmoro; prop-1.;HOM to complai

rs «f Poajiaek andlyovfiiiinji t« takedof CuimdiHliintle.nnd Bigned by tko

svnt hinitiiiK theinsclvcn to prow-id ovcry. thistlo


The font

. K. Hu

inrcli Br

ides v;]\

viilfortliln.v Sriuiid.-i \\IK. 22J.Im nervi

e. will 1



(i lienmil \eiluen!«• (

il, !«•

i who ulimil.l tillowto HPCII on their

•(11 or (ho Hnrdtownill !><• h-1..1 on thod«y dftei-imou

will bo. provided,liidiod. mul !i hram

. ' ! ' . Clmctit Wi

ie:. 1). \V. l-'nx^H tb ry In NViv Lu , r<m

wiii h l tht- iith uf A

FRrEHOLDERS' PROCEEDINGS.The Augwtt neetlnft of the Board waahold

os WMneeday, with all tlic ntootberi i>rewutouwptUr. WoUe, of Mt Olive.

The minutM o/ the last meeting were read

d ppwed.. Conn^ Clerk ConJlct rioted the now tn-

dexea are complete «id ready for tlie inipeo-tion of the Board and the public. He laocalled1 fee attention ot tlie Board to thedition of irnie of t ie reoordi to bU affloewhich uead relinding, nud otter nattera,Whtoh Ue thought aliould be referred to *Committee ot thn Baaid. Tbe Director ex-premd bis gratification at tlie completion oftbe fndoxfnjt. Mr. C#ok, of Hanover, movedtheappotntmeutof a Committee to iavettl-fato tha matter, and the Director appointedtho Indexing Committee—Maain. W, W.Cook, Ropfcim and Bebout

A Dotamnnieation from forty oitiieuB ofDorer, wqaagtingtheeonstniotlonofabtiijgeover the Morrj* Canul, at Uerjeu St., ntalm-lug the tame aa a pttblio neotBiity, va* read.On motion of Mr. BHttin it wn« Kferred to tbeCommittee on tbo bridge in that vteinLt;dready appointed..County CulIoDtor Lambert's etatomont of

the AnanoM for tlio flnt quarter of tlie flar.ilwwaarpad, Itihowndtbo total racoiptabo •as.SSa.M i exnamoe, J19,K»554; ea«b

balan,oeln bank, «7.177.1*7. It w u receivedand oriterw! printed.

Tlio Cominfttee on Manimls roportal thatIhoy would be ready for distribution at the

The Committee on (las and stuff fur CourtHouse, reported thoir appropriation insuffi-cient. The lowest estimate, ou fin),' i<* ^more;, than tho appniprlatinn. Ut. Smithtaored ftnt tbo Committee Lo authorized loexpend tho additiauiil auiuimt ucecsaar.r.Carried.TheComiaitteoonStouiu Hrnitijytimid tlio

jontractorg ware willing to putTn n newlioilut thut would answer all the ptitpnaoj*,

it tho Committee Tern coiiNldnHng tlio nd-Mhilirj- of adding an additioual Usu hoiwor to Ita oapuoity nt n amt uf 1130. Ou

motion tlie matter of increased power wasleft dincrotionnry with tlm Cuunnittoe.

'flie uiual number of bills were pmsotitod

The Fatal Accident to Mark FelverWe Uet week noticed that Ur. Hark Felver

of Jewey City, «m of Mr- JOB. C. Felnr, ofDovHr, bad met with a wriotiB accident, thepartioulaw of wbJcb arc: On Thuwdayalgot of lest week sir. Felver woe alightingfrom » train nt West Borften, a email nodIbneaona lUtiaa on the Newark and NewTorkBallroad. It WM after elerea o'clockand as the train had hardly come to a halt,it WM morinK onward a* Ur. Felrer w uallKhUog. «TiUe to engaged hia foot oonghtIn tome manner in t ie itep, pouibly hy hlipsnt leg eatoblng in a apllnter, mi he vanthrown under the whoeU and dragged about360 feet. No one a&w- the ocouireBoe and tlietrain pawed on. Although hU foot waa oatoff, the wounded man succeeded in dragginghimself from tlio traqlt to eome roeks nearby, upon which he lay. Had he been foundsoon after hii life would doubtlec* hare beenwived. It « M the duty of tUe nfgbt watch-lan at that poiat to pau tho ipot avery half ia an expert.

hour, but be did not uomo along there fronthe time of tbe nrddout till 4 o'clock in tbemorulug. ThrouKhuut all tbo night tbewounded man lny thero tn ngouy, perfectly

usrtotu. with his life blood ebbtns nvaj.liGU fnund iu tho moruinfi bo was very

wuukfrom lote of blood, Hu wm tnkeu totho hnapttnl mid bis log ninpiitntpd below theitnte, but bn wna too foohlo to Tally, anil onSunday morning died. Mr. Pelvcc formerlyreildod in Dover where be via much likodby his ueqnaintanecs. Ouo uf tlio safeatures of tlio gait affair ia timt bo lowife ami ltvo oliittron, of tbem BiuallTbo remnlna were brought to Dover nud interred on Tuesdity.

BscU/ Injured by an Explosion,Au (ijqtlunluu took nluoo on Weihiemliiy i

tlio bliiflkanilth shop of the now worts of tlioAinericau Korclto Powilrr Cloiupuuy, at p

uport, by which Hi'nry Loving, Ibe lilach-nith, wait badly Injnrod. i l t WIH workingb l l o'douk in tho

Jarrard Explains.

Mr. Jarrard means tomukea flght ttain Us liberty. Pro»ecotor Kice nnd ConwtelAdruin, of Ulddioaex comity. Mttumed onSuuday niabt from Wellond, Cftnwli, wherethey bare lwen to arranso for the extradition.They found Ur. Jnrrnnl communicative. Heacknowledged toHn& tbo inauoy—«waehi»r&-ftl.liniMlf with taking an amount muchlargcrthan the inveitlgntion h u yetebown, but Mr.Bice roald not say how much it was. Ur.Jarntrd taid that lie ako convoyed to bisbondjunen u amount of property aiorc thanfltifflcient to Indemnify them for any b u they

y be called open to suffer on hi* account,andliecxpreuod aurprlte that they had notalready Kttled ap-or at leutexpreued tkelrwilUn|no«atodoao. Jorrard said he ihoulduiBlte a Iiatd fight, and the Uiddletex offieeniure in doubt whether he can be brougbtbaok.The defaulter ft a man of no mean ability,au4 In dodging the law by teohnloalituw he

nd ordered paid.Mr. Kins asked for

it Dlckersnu's norun•list uhont 1)301). Mt

i ih

P at PlMHiii


Coinmil too on fl bi-Koxliury Towuahii), to

. M. King, Carroll nud

. lli-Umt, Lowy ail'l

«..a!,lul niiii


d. Ill

Hill \

1'iii: v



1 21 0

l i n e






^mli tnr i in i ie i )H, I.snk. A U'.^lrrn

mud. In loi-utwl with hit funily in Mr

AtmniK the N«tf«fkciv ill lluild'.-i Laki

E. B.Uuddis, O. W, Wti-lit, I. Cliiimiic

Elmer K- RoOn-, Jtmc|i]i Ktirp uud O. A,

(. hiul yet put

.(,-b.T) nil tin-.

.1 in Ilii'tlr*until the Knu

:• ,.ntrbi-rtwelv hin

0 1 2 i. 1 1

Thp gainr, Hill cluli, lit i sdn

irknl.le fur twttlnft c wt fleldiu

that itml bull


A royal

rMI . Tnbo

their lio

ileutly co tho ground. Fortunately neit

Hluined buriuiiH Injury ami tlio lurnc

in atonped, allbough Mr. Kcurncy

A fnin.ud restiviil for the

'n-flbyterian Churolt nt Mt. Frretlo

iiuli-r a tcnl in tlio clinreh gr

day aft*moon and evening

liMiullUiodeilcMieioft l icaeiun

t'it, tea will be served, and m

nlVcred. Sliouid tbis d

-M t.f (lit

oin will b

romulM o

next, fu

n will l

ny (mie.

stormy i

i Ibf' xtnftfr

[)r, nuttol|)h, Hiipi'riiitciiih-iit of tin*ren Iiwiiiie aH.ylum, ralln attention-ttlu.l,liriinii*tiikoiu tlm ntinie, i Btntc

iitfl il to tho ctleet thnt W. A.

IM», ii patient, ilicd in thv Morriutdwn from tlio effects otn bentinn at tlie hanilM'mi iilteudnnt. No KIII-1I \>i-Tm\ has lie en in.yliiin there, nnd it i» b.-li.-ved tho -lentil m-irrrd nt Niirristown, l'n., if unywhere.Many will sinoerel.v reSret willi u* folcarulit Kiiicr Kev, nnd Mm. Averill Miirteil outi their Suinincr vutatiiin last .Moiuhi.v theyivc brt-ti (iftlictMliy tho low of their onlylild. Thi! child WHO not quito well wheney left, hut Ihcy did imt apprehi'ml iin.v

• rimw .ll«i.riler. Tlio siekiicm, hnvevL-r, ik-'l»l>id inlo :i severe nltaek of diolem iufun-m fntm ivliich death rnHtit-d nt Kl oVloek on

G A. R. Camp f-ire.

Cmnp Fir

Irnnp'imd ITm-kett*

iii|>lnti' holding a Kv:iail

f d

o the Water Cap.m I),nvr to the f

• direct m of th( 1 M. E. Sahhiith•],..,.!. .ind for it* 1';ig. Kil. The tramnveiiinit tiinc in thPdai i iu t lu i r top 'ri'iijoymeiit of this

'tifftt, nwill lea

ny •, lii-iii

. full dnyt and tbe

nrc gntlicred

Pnrt Oailing.

about it. Tlie fare fur tho round trip

Miiil.vfl.rA iiml all should get ready

Tin; tiniL- tiitiKinml other [larticidara

Civen nest week. Tim li-tiin will *top

•,k-'H'.il!,., l '«rt Morrla and

Busineti at Stanhope.M [). Miacl, tiic nuw firmly eatnljlished

r, hittlei md peat's furnisher of Bton-i[u>, ia now doing a great buabe?! at fltan-ipeiniliHpoHingof his large stock at wayivn prices to nmko room for fall goodf- BUitidgonw new sign clearly ibowi the right

Whera to rind a Pocket Book.Ilrick Urog Store h » the bert u<

ieat ia town.

the hen-viuxt hi

poor ono I .MW.1, eon.pi-isliiK a newly pi

inflehl, no full of lidh'H and bumps


1'roni tbe bnt to go straight. Vet for

Sumo opened witli n promiw of n low

liotli nltifs \muR blutikeil lu Ui« fli

inuingH. Ill tlin third tin- Alerts upeix

tholciul, Ht-oriii^ twn tn opponent ' nun.

in tho fourth tlie Mine Hill \,uyt< Ktit tlu< lea<l,

.1 to 2, by Hcoriiiji t wo rtitiH nnd Munkinj,' their

•lonenth. After t lm linlh niiii-H z<,t ou Hie

ilH-otivc pitclicru nnd tlm lilttiiif! wiia tcr-

ii', wliilo Ui.) imilliiiK and finiililiiiR WIIH

fill. Two and tlneo. bjwc hits were of liv-

(ht< moHt iiiHiKiiilii-aut liatx, Kline. Hill IM

; score by two runs in the fifth, two in tin

th nnd ['lie in tlie seventh. At thin imin

fiiiiHH, l i e Mine Hill <M!eher, wns forcetl ti

;nimh fnmi luidlv piiiVi-d linndn. linMiv,

-I, ]>".' « , - m<m elnm

wl«i tiiok hin plm-e van

iin.i.i Lakn,

Lewis V. I'nsl, uf New York, lato mild

Truth, v.ilh n [uii'ty of friendx in ninkittg n

ti-nilnyVcanipnt lludil'* Lake. Aniotii; tLn

l»iir;y iu'lirnry (U'ltvjjf, thi! ecli-hrnlii.l orutor

Hi-v. Dr. l'Ji-.liHim, of Morridtown, in nt Ori

ent, L. I., hut later will Mop wltU V. 0

Hiii-iitinin n( "Li t t le Mitosis Camp," in Her-

kimeiC'..,,N, V., when. Juaeplt V. linudolpb

nnd wfffi aro uleo Btnying.

Thci'iliiiir of tbe Itural Nuw Yorker tin

IHTII to Liko IIopiitconK, nud BIIJ-H in hi

paper that he wnn take a for a tramp, nlno foro porter, although bo wua drosaud in hi* vory

Th t f it hit cloth,

that. tli«

imido in hi-

The wowt of it

iiiillinetiliii-y lv

, ho e*y

avkH we

wer board

to 97 \te.

n. I t is a

thi!vii:w« n

to Dov


nd i

t, Mittnn, M,>m« Omuty

ek fur honnl, ami ft f«i

y pretty i-wutrv in thai

r HH naturnl Hennery goes, anil

very 11 no. Tlio riiln from Mil-

, tbroiif;li Loiigwood Valley, ia

ty by

tliirt nty.

follow nd Wil-

liy n badly hurt najji-

put in White, of I>iiv

Allrrts tiilliec! cifjlit I

akinIn tlm im

*', Riviiift tlif-i

if twenty IHIN

Tlio Moi


on tin* JJ;T-.

Tho Morri

(I 0 1 2 5 fi 2

nt Hop* iilmi i*h..ved » mi

,• >ift«ni'<«n with (lie MDIT

iiudsol' tint hitler at Mor

iniprt'si'iitod for tin*

I hn

ml entoliCT

en in !lu-

vho pmved tlio tin-


•t mauler «l the vnrimw fiirvcn, wliieli

nLined ivitliHwiflueHH, while tlic catuh-

s liMt-eliim, ami the twowcirkcd t<»K*>tl]-

li ul! Ilm pieeitiim of wclI-RCnri'd ma-

ry. Jn fuel tin- two pluyi-d tlio whole

,'nnirtl of the i>liivi-rit;;i*ii]i;oiit on ntrik(»

•y nlmri fliert wb'ch they tfot brtwneii

and iliRhiiluucr n(i\m nine verroClui t

more utility iu thi) lield tlnm vu innny

'ii pnst.s would liiiK' Imeii. In lite tliird

; ('I>II1I!I-H, thi' Mount Ilnpn cntclicr,

nilird ftoni a weak Land, ami lifter timt

nil their

unt, ll.iiu,

aity tn wi

id riiU-hu


ted and tlieiw batte

i'tin-il tu tii)

mid pla

i-rir. Chili,



IH they

Initnrd tlinl they worn rewiilenl

t th:it tlii-y wen

< n-A uf ttii: HCiit

otlicrs that they

HtiuleulHon avuentiiin. lh>vcvi

M ihi'y atv not n>Hi<lealN of tlin

•(•rtninly unfair in Morri«t<iwii-

• with |tleiity nf matcrinl In picl

lnK lorality. Tlic hnyn fn.

Aiuenu the NfiwiiTkcn* who an- pcniiaiii'

Cin-rttM nt Scliooley'rt Moimtiini HIIM MCIIHDU II

LRWJH ('. Or.ui i- mul fmuily, Wm. C. Farm

urn! wire, Mrtt. Kdsar Fm-nier, Minn Mi

Fanner, KIIKIII-C. Fiirmcr, Mra. Kernej;lin

EiijjeiH* Vimdcivridi, wiff nnd dimj;titern ;

1). 1'aliut-r (a fonniT KcwurliiT, n.nv

Chicii^ii), nnd 0!.ii n'o.i.lriill' (iml family

tlie Hindi ll».iwi'; wbilt-at Jli-Inicint Hall »

tlie fnaiiliiir iiumcri of C. K. WcfkB, wffn mid

dmiRlitcr, tin' lli«.«cH S|II-IT, Mv». F. 11. hmitli,

-eti the for n rt li

y. .V, J., i

tin; Mtinii

UIHIIII llit,m L-- tl

rt.v jilnysa brntwi

Imvlnji liniUnit litt

, Iln-y fiif

i. is prov

uln i.-t. Thn fiillM'


; i,

IiiH.S. Mi-lick, John

, .1. Iv Cuiti, M. .1.

-'rimk Oillen, J . .1.

W. Meliek, Th.

Heinl, J . R. Ti

UaekiilT, tiro. Itiieluuiin, Howard Btii-liatiiiii,

mnk Van Ilmiteu ami William Allen,-Slnr

rili« liein-li, l'oiut l'lraaant, X.,1., An«. -itb.


Mr. Win. .1. Li-t'evre, sun nf the lad! Dr.

ni. B. LelVvrt*. ilicd ut the family rcMlilciiei1

tiOrohiird street, Dover, nt hnlf-paat ei-ht

c!<n-k (in Mmidiiv evening lasl. He \\I,A

born on tho old family hnuio-I.Mil at

town urn] ax n buy pwt' eviilenee nf hix love

wtlmtnrtwhiel i IIIIM iimdo lor him a hi-;li


, youth lu-wr

iirromidlnn n

thi dn

•jerln,a.l I'.iloi' ]•


IIUI.4 <:oin|>elled lo worlt n!

n h r lo B * nfl'lii th« diij tlm

n latt l i l t lnc eilil, (il tlu

ritrMIin»t thi- Siunc .-fiiintlnK Tor the enniitj-

ini.ioiiHkili, tlic niuditions .if the trophy

n-il for thi> uino bdn B that tin- nitit*

k-Hllue fur it, Khali lie c o m b e d .if TVH\.

tH of Morris county. It in a. ele.irly

vrn fnot tlial all tlie players [>iinii>i>Miiig

M.mnt llojif, MiidiHnn, Mino Hill mid

Chester nine* are rninimst'drntirt'ly of plny-

rn livinfi in thomi loiiiilitii;H, and there ti n.

KiveutMt oil fuot tu iniluui) lh« four ulilx,

iiined to renelvn not lo play the MorriH Chili

-bile they have uon-rcnident plnyers. Blonnt

Hope and Minis Hill have t r e n d y Hignillcd

tlieiraflBBnttothigarranjienicnt, and wo un-

derftnnd it i i nbout oeHain that SUdinon ami

Chester will join them. Tlio gaino at Monia-

Slorris,Alt. Hope,

i i o 4 a at 0 3 0 0 1


The second nines of Mount Hops and MineHill played at the former plaeo ltut Friday,when the Mt Hope team won (he game bytboKoreoflStot

The sine* of the Young Ken'i CothoUoUnltnta of Do?« and Wonirtowii «rlH play atthe latterpUoo onThnttday fcfternoon next.

SuooManna hai orgaahml a baae hall oluh,officered ai folioWfi James Dolaud, Pretl.dentj Seontery, Wm. H. Pwiober) Trea»-nror, Jobs F. HufBlmaoi Captain, N. T,Heuler.

OaoofthooOTdiUoninixleby Ifr. Ohlet,t ie donor of th* Alert Challenge Cup, for tha

Htmly i»f his art, wliieh

iKdfalli, wl


in black nnd while

Idf h r

wliieh A

fXllil.ilil.ilv York hi-

nltrncted jmlilio

inniernhUiou fnmi

Mr.Tipir t t uppliod fnr a CoutnltteB ou E

riilj*e nt llibeinlii, iu Itoiltawny towiiBulp

Icwh.. lipimtt, Caiwll and King were aj>-


Ur. liilimil liroujjlit up tli<* eiine of a poor

d need vliluw In fiiuKiik tmvni)ii;i, whom

' iipichhorn were Jii-lpinB t» mipport, nud

mid eiiuttiiiii) tn do MI, if the county would

I'rnpriiilK n mni\\ xuni tor her support.

i'. o[iiuiiin of tho t'omiHul was Ibnt the

nuialy eonld ouly^ive mippnil to mioh per*

HinH IH Kimlil not bu lvuinved, nud im nctinn

V,;M taken. Tin; Director Hiiiil pruviiiluu Wilt

uinilo iu thi- l(iwnfihi|H for BUOII Bprcial nasoa,

mid Hie township* Hliniild |irnvid<* for tliisni

witliont bi-iuj;iiif; llujfenuM tn tlm county.

'I'IIK ('oiniiiiiti'n «aill the Holimiilim vagrant

in tin! County Jail seems now to bo ia bin

j-ijilit mind, and I ho Cmniiiltcn had juat rc-

''iiuimi-ii'Iril din diKi-hai'i!'-. lu thu emea at

Hie AHVIIUH Hi,' C'ommiltec rocomuimidoil Hint

HIP Iliiswiiii he sent to Pennsylvania mid tho

Un^Hliman to IThe llotinl a.lj Mini nil.

ii ho heard D b g noUo and Haw HOIUC-thing burning. Ho at onoo tried to get uut of

tlio shop, hu t before lio nmched tlio doorau

cipluKlon took place, which tore tlio hoartla

from both sides of the building. Tho tiluok-

niith'» right Imud VIM blowttered in minutu

Doatli of Win- A, Stephens-

Mi-. Williiun A. Stqiliem, pniprlotor of tlin

nt I.nlm Jlopiikoiig, dlciL

nnoii. The clc-

•IH death WDID of

r. A numlior <

rd in HID night noliiea out-


tuiceg ivlieli led lo

moKt pcimliar elm

ho hotlionne »If hiirjc cattle were

hioMC, a ml proceeded out ilnura barefooted (A

nHccrtiiln tlio ciiune. WMto outairfo ho foit

a Hhurp 'min iu tha font, IM if twuctldug lind

piori'i'il it, mid when ho wont iiwido fountt n

MliU pimcturu on tbc hull of tlio font. Tho

pain continning tlio nott dny he aunt fur Di

lUt'lieu, who prnhiid tin* Might puiicUnt, Im

uouht and nothing, IUHI aftor leaving dirco-

tiam to pouUleo and dnxs it left. Three

weeks later it was found timt nueiif bin'tnei

was aft'oeteil nnd had becanin dead. ])r. Cou-

dict, n«niHt«d l>y Dr. Kiohes, t

Aiirfjienl n*MTi*tii)n, rcnitivhig tho too nt the

Hernud joint, mid cutting nwny all ttia dein

tl.wiics tliat could h« found. Tlm tmt of tin

font npponied to he. pcrfei'tly hcnltliy and in

further ei>nnei>!.ielinen wore, fenred. Hut. twi

wi*okn later It was found tlinl tho fore par

(if the. taut vn* iimrtifyiup, wlien it win

divided t«( nmpiiitite tin- tool at tin- joints (if

tlieiiiHtq., wlitch H-iis JiiiK- liy Dr. Condii:t,

lifted \,y 1)IH. Kicburt mul Wicfiius, The

+1IWHH perfectly iii-nt anil fair hmkiiiu at

; Ihe \Auft> <>( iiui|iiilnliou hv^nu tit liml,

il there was every pnMjM'ct of H|ieedv

'ovrty. 'I'lii.^.-,'nnd»|ieralii>a wa" im the

•inf.Inly. XiiiK ihi.vri lalcr, mi Friduy of

I WM-k, it WIIH Ibnml Hint lnnrtitiealion

1 "-t in liriiiiti! tlie utujiutntmu, Dill ilhl

i cxli-ud tu tin- mikle. AlMiv«tlir i.nkh

•- flesh wns ;IM firm ami fniiMirt that of nny

it nl' (lio IHI.IV. llrH. Cmnlirt mul KielieV

'ii iufiiMucd Mr. StqiheiiH Hint liU only

.»'wan in nnnHier ainpiilntlun, nnd oven

thai mi<;li| no) avnil. AfUr i-oiisiiteriiiH for

mt Uv


i Riuiday i

utes Mr. Stci»)i«ii» ilecided

.irtiK'd, whii-li wafl

Whin tnkeu olT

next dny-Sntur-

ml mild Im expert-

it lung time. Uut

KfliitM work again

until liifl dentil.

>'d Hint Uic pimrliirod wound (irigltinlly

Ilhl lint ht< f.iilTli] '

HWMI hlimil ;>[<iH.ini

tendii.K ,i | , ,he 1,

>rii<tor or tho lio


i tcudon

ninllfrnciiiciit which

a pmhn ; ttuit thin

ink', atidtliattlieleiidiiii,

>•», earned tho pniaou to

nerly rewiili'd hi Dover,

lib trmlcuHacnTpcntM..

:il iu rimiihiJI the Moiler

il It-, nml latterly as pro-

i! which henrn hU catuo,

n tliroiifhont ttils HCi-tion

oU'eutirely uud

inbuilt t!iunhop,

inn m so wan Hpilt, fi Huiidl holo mm made iu his

ilde, ami three holt* like jur^o bullet wuuuds

mro ntudu in bin loft leg. Deapitu hin wound*

iu walked ta bis houaii oppimftc tho ultop.

I>M. RieLoB nit ' Bj-rani were seut for, nad

ipoii their arrival amputated lib urai bebw

the oliww and draaaod liia othor injuries. At

last ftoeomitfl bu wtw doing veil uiidor tho

is aud IVM In a fair way of ro-

envcry. No onn ocoiua to buve knowle.ilgo

Hint there wero nny exploulvcn lu t l o ahop

inil bow tbo uceldunt huppojiod in u mystery.

A Splendid Excursion.

All tiiB !irrttligeniontn are copipiotBd far ttio

lonririon to AtluhHoiltghtundB, oiiTuondny,

lURitst£8tli, under tbe nUBpiccs oud for the

bonofit of thd rreHlrytDrliut Sundiiy Sohiwl.

I*avluglJo¥0r(tt7iIWA. il,, tho train will

go by way of Uiiuiitoii to Hohoken, whero the

pnrty ^i l l emliark on ilm lluo dtosmor " Crys-

tal Stienw," whioli will nmkii u dolour roiitui

Cnstto diwdenaiirt up th6 Bnat rifor, so tin t*i


ihenefl tbsy will piw» out through ;NowVork

llurltorond tliP NitrmwR, giving fliio vlnwij of

ill tlio forta nnd other iittraatlnaB, to Atlnn-

:io IHfrbJnudB, Hour Sitntly Hnok, mnking a

BploiidldwatWToyngo. Tho HighlntidH will

nho bo found n rauat ottinutiTO roiort mid

• thoi-o will be vary pleasant. Tb<

tickets for tlio vliolo trip are nuly tl.60, and

owing lo tho limited capnoltyof tlio Btoain-

hont only 300 will 1)0 so|d. which will bo dis-

portod of in ndrniioo', Sliojild tlioy not nil bo

tnkenhi Dovb-, tho linlmico will he ecnt to

Dooatoti for dldpoini, and not ono more than

tlio stipulated nunthar, which will juatnhuut

noycr expenses, v i l l ba Raid. Tliorofarc, thoee

wlin coateuiplate going sliouliT secure their

tlckota ut mice. Ticket* ore for eala by Rob-

ert Kiligore, 8. II. Brocaoj and the Com-

mtttoo. ,

Robbing a Church.

On PrMny lumilugof luat woolt Rev. Mr.

Huitowiiy, mi tMiteciiiK H i study at tho roar

An Old Land Mark Cone.

On Friday niorutuB l i s t the liberty pole on

Wuehingtoa Hall wm taken down. Tlio ex-

repnln going ou within 'M- Hall call-

nd for its mnovnt. It wn» ftPvUnl during tlii

iiiniucr of 1800, when tho ineinornhlo catu-

nigu of LlnwilD and Humlin waa innugura-

nl, mid the old flag of our country waved

from the JKJIO, tlie signal fur iiit'ctiu^s, al-

to largely attended nml outltuidaHtic.

Tlii* polo WHS hroiiglit from tbu CatHkill

Mouut*inB by etoaraboat to New Yurie, nnd

b y caual to Boon ton. At the outbreak of the

n it was tlin'ig polut tor tho

groat "wnriuaotingn" held Ui th<*oiil Hull,

nnd has stood e.vor oiuoo tu ninrk tin1 jilneu of

voutful ttinea. I t lulu iiiiL-livtd very

if tboHo who rallied uround nnd tuider

the ilug timt wnvod fmm tho polo at that

timo, mid now PMBCS away among the tlibi(j«

of tins paat, full of hintoria interuet. It nor v-

eil its 'IIU'JIDBU w«ll, and will he mimed in* one

of tho linacon pniutaund uld laud uiurktt of


A Double AccidentLuKt Aridity evuulug as tlio Dovvr fn-iffht

tmiu guiiig ffuat gut u littlubuyund Buiuiuit it

Wita discovered that nnc uf the brakemcii, J .

II. Wetsoll, WIIH niUnbig. Tlio traiu wiut

laukod dowu andWoUeil was found lying

aiougaido tlw trunk with hwrigUL ana brokoii.

llewufl placed on t i e caboose of tbe trutn

ami thotruiu rcHUiucd its jouruoy. I t had

gtme hut a, Mhoit diataiico furtlei- wlieti it

ntriiok n innii walking on tlio trai-k, nud throw

him off. He, too, wan tukitn up and carried

iu u lltth) fnrtlier wheu both men wore traus-

ft-Hud tu uiiother ttuiit goiug o»at, uud ou ar-

riving nt Nuwurk went »ent to St. M

Honpital. Wuttwll'ti ami will Intro tv be

iiiiipiitatod. He 1« it resident ol Morris county

lind waa ntnltiti|t IIIH lust trip ltraparatory to

being married to a young Judy iu Port Slorrif.

Tim othoriuMi, wlioso iiaino IM lJatriok Mullen,

Is a m i d w - t o f Summit, Uigskuli U frwitui

od aud one log Ubrokon. llu cuuiuit ifcuvei












Threo Enterprising Boys,

v. (Joo. W. BoarietL, tbu MOW pustor uf

tho Huforoiod 'Cliurali a t Pcapnck, wan for

luerly an iniuuto of tho Elizabeth Oijiliau

Ho is ono of o orphan brothu


rrealijti 'ria

ho mid hu

i uu imlB^toueil

u In bi-cniuo It T

K y

CUurcli, fnnuil thero n

had obtulutid entrance

indow and tbat l ic

II , <l0ld. Mr, Hallo

i that huhnd no IIIIHIIICHS there

imwt empty all ho had In h i

ro lii< ponld go. He Iheroupoi

kt tc ra marked with tlic rublie

niy told lii

mil tbnt h

,iid out tw

lniM|> of Mr, A/ilunVim Coc, thu rnixtnn, mid

umi! p»]K>r mid eiivtdiipcH wliieh hud boeu

liken from tint nfudy, aud then Mr. Hallo-

,-iiyiilli)woilhiinti. go. Upon aittlng down

ii write, Minn lifter, t kit clergy mint found thai.

u giilil pen mul Imlder wcrn uihuiliig, aud

pan louldtig l«>r nuotlier gold pen iu hin d«-«k

I'uiinil Hint had Lewi taken aUo. Afti'i-wnrd

il wan fl> 1 that ho Im.I t.ikni uliat from tlm

'tndy, ii ml a cniii, pnir of slip-nia uuil pair of

.fin'lunfffifroni nniither part of tho church,

Ihi' lust iiiimed artinles being tliu property of

Mount Tabor i ima Tnble.

Wegivo bolow tin" time of the leaving iif

trniu* fur Mt, Tnbor irom stiitions in vicinity

during tho continuance nf the cituip meetiug:

Slorrbtown, R:55, 10:55, 11:53 A. M.; 1:00,

1:2.*, <:20,1:07, C:C3, t!:BO, 0:28 P . M,

Morris I'laiiiB, 0:03, 11:01, 11:59 A. M.; 1:10

1:31, 4:30, 5:01, TuSS, 0:B7,1»i35 p . Af.

Itooknwny, ttO8,7:31),§:50,11:25 A.M.; 12:55,

2:5,1, B:00, 0:5D, 6:40 P . Sr.

Dover, 7:00, 7:31, 8:12, 11:15 A. M.; 12:iT»,

1M4, !v.M, 0:4D, H:% P, M.

Port Ornm, 8:03 A. M.) 13:10,4:50, 0:40 P. H.

Drakeavillo, 7:20,8:30 A. I f : 2:S1,8:22 P. M.

Stauhoim, 7:10,8:30 A. i l . ; 3:30, 8:10 P. II .

Itotuniing, trains will leave J i t Tabor for

U:09, A. M.; 12:07, 1:10, 1:41, 1:46,

5:12, 0:05,7:M, and ffctt P. H. '

Thorn has been this jnnr n roductlon of tlio

fnro lietwcli Boror nnd Mt. Tnbor, nnd dur-

iuRtlio nieetingn return tiokota from Dover

will lie Hold at twenty-itro oonti. '


who wero uli homed out by thu asylum

(huritios to fanaors, two in tkU vicinity a

ouo in f<U!ii«yU-iiuin. Aftor completing tbi i r

tlmoof Aorvioo they wore ennblod in ntt^nd

college' Guorge went to RutgiiH, and

afterward graduated ut thu Tbcologiiiid

8oiuimirjT tUoco, and Jotiu muy or mny

Hot hare had a outluga educutluu, hut oeituin

it Is thai, bo Is » miceoBaful lawyer a t Dnuville,

Ponu, Jutiiutt IH it l'reflbytoriiui piiKtor lit

Ringocn, and Oeorgo van gmdimtod, ordninoi!

nnd installed pastor bure it fow months since.

Iorpluim" nujrwluirfi whi

do inuoh .hotter th

If there ii

Iiavo niniiuged t .

we are fluxions tu know uuniotuing of their

Itintory. ^ . . . ^

Fire Department Scandal-

There is ijiiito iibrcctze lu tho Murrietonn

re department. Sain, Jonna having IHJOII OK-

fllled fmai the truck ennijinity fur ptiutiliiig

lu the tonne, neglect nf duty, etc., uppoalcd

I O « W Q to tilt) Cmiunim Council, tins Kire

Coniiuittee of which we trying it. Tlio evi-

l i token on Mon-

was poalnoued to

this—Friday—owning, to givo jouea an of-

Iiortuulty to pu{ in bis tvidenco, somo of

blob is to uoinv from [inrtles now nltrond.

Somo Hay that Jones will show Unit gambling

linn IH'MI jioncrnl mid tbnt tha roannj. for tlio

uiit ilintlio won ill] tiko ••bniHlle."

Others urn ol'the opinion tliat Jonee will not

heal.Iotopm.lueo nny orklcnuo of tlm klud.

But aa ho hna lit on rxpullod for n'l'iiblitifr,

surely toincUody must hnvo ^ninblcil with


dence for the complaint

day evening, when tha e

h i


Heavy Real Estate Sales.

On Tiieadiiy Mr. John Deiry, Tor Mi

K. Colmiikx, purchased tlio -'Hiikc

e r t y " mi South Btreiit, Morrhlown,

prcseul uccupiint, Sh1. 1'oilhni, lor *l((,0iK).

bu iniiptily is near the mi|url« (.'iilmnk

.unifntwid, nud embrace* a very II ur lot 171

:nt front bywinip WMTi'i't dei'ii.

Mr. Frank M. Ilnhhitt, n lawyer nfXewnrk,

ouiiikrutuiidlKiH purchased the ,loHe]ilnm

S. Otierhi lartii on tlie MeiulbiLtii rond, o])]i(i-

ttlte Mr. Lullier KuntJiii'u plaei-, rontainirij;

miiiio nixty nrnw, for #12,000. Mr. (lucrin ban

hiiHcdtliD Dr. John S, Stiver fnmi, known

iiBthe"CnlvinI)iiy /ui-m," nenr Mondliam,

aining one bund 'oil acrofl. t 'outideni-

tion, ^8,000.—lliinncr.

icn tlify n1

CtuhiHR •-•

V^iun timt he.elf. A fthfirt tii

imce.fully, and wi

ilmurbiiiB intercMt

.ml rfllriiiK, hut t

ihfp know Wm u«

iotiM iu tln> i-.'vipwH


y tin- Niitii.inil

Aincrlmii di-l-lny i nt Miiiiii-ti, t»

-i'i-ntly nenl. Onu of

Tho Season for Budding Trees-Mr. H. V. Ilriaiit, »>f tliia towiittlifp, wl

md u lurj?!! eijHTionro in iiiuldiug trcc«, unys

Ills IH ihiijii-iiiiei'Minhouforiiu trontlng pcavb,

>e»r, applonnd plimi trees, an well aa rot

>mhe><, iiltliongh •Kindles and npploa cnu li

inddei! Inter. While lii the Eiti office thu

itlierdny Mr. llriant HIKIWCI! IM nomo Inter-

•Hting L-xperinieutA ut biuhlln^ which

iwaywitH some former metliuds empliiyed.

Uiioiij; iimny it lias hern thu custom to cut

mt a piece, of the wood with tlio luul anil put

t in thi- hranch to ho lii'dilcil Thin ii wrong

of two roiisoim—tlie wood never grows, nui)

« moHt incouveriiout in fthn]ii> to fit III it

IOW place, Mr. BHntit taken tlio branch IVoii

difrli tho lunls are ohtiiineil, linlds the but t

f i t fnnn him, draws (Im knife deeplyumlor

hu huil t<iwnnl liira, then makf>i a cross out

Iirnn^l! the hiirlt imly, and willi liU tlmmli

u l linger remnvM tlic piece of bark con-

<iiniau tin- huil, hut iinnc. nf llic wood. Tlio

jiamlin;,' iuuer snrfuee of tho linrk, therefore

nM flirt to the br.

ml,I,,]. M • thi'tupon which it in to be

l b c h to bo(liken tliH br

{ of hi-r.r

Mirkt-d liii

of Iiiit apqiinlntii)ir>e-

gcnlle in his manner t<

nil, and without n tlaw in ht« cbnnicter,

Deeply roligiciue by nature be proved In hi.

life a Christina without guUa. Ho wag tbo

only aon if tbeit tbo i

i Dr. LeFovro, and withinm of this brntu'h of

old nud honored family of French IlnptonotnROtUed in this oonutry many generntioni

g . The funeral icrvice* wcru leld from hielate residence on Thuridaj mornlnjt, afterwhich tbo romninB wen token to Hnrdtown

Important to Shoppers'Mr. Join,). Luke, of thfl lira orHcKirgan

Rroa., & Luke/ionnerly witb A. T,< StoWartJtOo.,would liku to infnnii hi* friends inDover that he It now located In Newark, N.J., when he would be glad to welcome themat anytime. H«ii> member of the firm ofMoKIrgon Bros, fle Lake, whoso now advop-tUeinent ta another eolamnJR worth; of at-

•nitiB the llp«

i.flmrk timt i

i cut through tun hark,nnlng iliinn tlm branch.

ontnliiB tbo bud under

iul |il cnwi tbo lip*Hiding botwi-cn.


thoHe ttiou takea a

fully prepared from thonilkcii like Him ohliihiad irnin between thewnod mitl Inirk nf tlin bnga wooil tree. Cum-mrnciuK nt tbo buck of tbo brnuoli from tlioout, ami aliove tbo bud, lio draws it tightly,thtiH bringing the lips clono, and thou psMUHit around ngain holnrr tbo bud and ties i tAtthlH si Hsoii tlie bnrk unites tii fifteen ortwenty day«, at tbo expiration of which timotho lif/amtnt inay he wmored and^ the workIM Bcconipliflbod. After BOIHB practloo a sin-gle parson oan Mt frqrn one to two thousandbnJa In a Hitiglo ilny, nnd .thim in a lit Howhile pranaro tho vay for a large nmouatiifdioieo fruit.

Striaksn with Paralyils,Mr. Elijiih C. Nlohoia,' tho Did nml wellIIIMVII head blaoksmith at tho Kurd mine, at

Uurdtown, worked all day on Friilny lout,nnd went homo apparently In hla usualhenltli. The Mtno nigh'tbcwiwatriekon withparalysis, which completely prostrated liint,run! ended bU Ufa a t an early hour on Monday morning.- Mr.Nloliola waa.oue of thoinoni upri«ht raon of thooommutiltylq whichlio lived, and iu «uoL was held,in general

ram. lie will ho quito generally rorooni-hored elsewhere ns tbo fntbor of t lo younggirl nt Hnrdtown, tho ilngulnx dBVctopraoutsof whoao illnc sttraotcd wido-flpreiwl atten-tion Bnme yoant ago. , lie, yas a memher oftlio Hunltown M: E.; dhuroli, which willinilly rabw bU aotivo and earliest support.He waa buried front that thnrcU on Tuewlnynnd (ho largo attondanoo nt tho funoralattested tho. high regard and lorraw of thowhole neighborhood. . ; : - ,

' ' Public School Matten.Duriuft the vawitlgn, of the Dover ptiblio

school, the interior of tho building has beentboronghly reuoratai by flid trastcea. Thavollabnvc lieon newly hal»omiiin(i by SmithA. Eckliftrt, tho-wood work lias been repaint-ed, uudtbo bbwliboardirflncweilhy Jlnrtiu& Duck, tlie entranoe doors have Iwen nr-ninged to npou outward in Arconlmioa withtbo now lnw, and (JiU whole building has hernscrubbed nnil itlenned nntU It In nwoct midfrCBh irom top to bottoio. All of tho oldoorpaoftoaohershave boon nmiigoffod withthe(sieeption of t,liePxiuoipal. Itinexpectedthat this oflioor wttteoiao from the Enut uudwill bo thoroughly familiar wltli the iainouaQulnoy *ytt*ati in Massachuwtti!. An addi-tional tinder teaelier will nlflo bu engaged,

A Fall While Ailaep.A little three-year old olilil of Ur. Tbotnns

Rogera, of Port Orata, went to sleep lustSaturday night in n bed alongside an openwind»r, and In tiin course of tbu night rolledout ol the window and fell lo tho ground, aafntuncBof about twelvo fwb In tbo nighttbefittlierlieard a nolu wtiich fan thoughtWM tho walling of • cat, and going down andoutside found hli oblM lying upon the groundwith » broken leg. Dr. Ayem, of Ilookaway,set tbu frnoturod limb ou Sunday mornins.

. . HowtoKeopCooL.Got a Eldgewny dry nLr Rofri^rutor, nnd

uii Adaiuh i Wc4tl»ko oil itere, »nld only byAllen fcHlW

• Ths Excursion to-Mt* Tibor-Conductor &, A. Crook's excursion from

Somcrvtllo, N. J., (o ML Tnbor. will be runon Pridny of next week, the ^7tu. The an-

ml camp meeting will then be at the hclghthof Its interest, sod it will afford tbo pnopioan excellent opportunity of ipooding the dnyin this, haniUnnie city amid tbu trees. Tbotrain will start from SomorrlHe at 7 A. II.,making all stops between that place andKenvll, running ns second oeatlon of trainNo. 4, dbrcotly to Bit. Tabor over tho D.t h.i IV. Itelnrnltifi, the train will leave lit .Tabor at 6:80 P. I t , and will ran over tboHigh Drldgo Branoh as a aectioo of trnin THo.19. Tho lare will he ao low thnt all will lieable ta attend.

Tha Shooting *ccldent at Hopatcong.Tbo boy who WM wounded by tbe shooting

accident at Lake Hopatcnng, is not dead, uwas roported lost week. Ue won witb a oainpof young men from Rnrltan, X. J., nnd whentlio accident ucoureu a companion was land-ing a rifle noar by, while he woi lying down.The rlfla suduenly went olT nnd the bnllstrnokliimtnanoRtdanfttifi&ice, tlien tooka circuitous course ninler tho jaw, aud final-ly lodged in the other nldo of the fuoe. llislather canio on after him last Friday nnd re-niavciIblmtokUboniDntJRuritiin, wboro no

1 wilt riouutieiui retover.

St. Bernard's Pic-nic-Iu ndilitionto the large number of sports

idrciuly ntiuniinecil to fciko plnao ut St Uor-rd'e plo-iiln, ntMt. Hopo, on Wednesday

next, them will bo a grand glass ball shootingintch for prizes. Tbo following addition^Slims hnvo been contributed to ninko (ho affair

Messrs. Mnteon WUlIanu, L. W.Stcpbom, Albert Itiolianln, Tboa. IlrightaudSmith &. De Hart, all *5each. It will undoubtedly ho tbe greatest dny far athlctii

k i

otiu of the old flnn, continue as ol a



I.lHKHAr, PHT*1!^ ,\\'i> I-'AIH l)K\f.) Tu Nl/STAlN ITS llErUl'ATlON' i'OIt







ml the best chlis or AliHICl I/I'IIHA I. I.MI'I.K.MIO.XTS, ME-CHANICS' IIIOI.S mill 111 IC.Dr.llS- I I A I U I W A I I K . a t his



ysports ever known in tills county, nnttruot the lorors ofsuohfuu near a

d willd fnr.

Wax Flower Basketsand Wat Flower material)* of ull kinds ut thoBrick Drug filore.

SUMMER GOODS.White . Goods. LnwnB, Buat-

DRB, Parasols, Fana, etc., atWM. II. BAKER'S,

Dover, N. J.






HATTERS AND CLOTHIERSare now closing; out thoir SPRING andSUMMEE STOCK and are offering ex-traordinary bargains in the followinggoods:


Hosiery, Suspenders,NECK-WEAR,



STRAW GOODS!we will offer at a sacrifice as we donot wnnt to carry one of (hem over.

CAMPING GOODS!As this is the season when camping

equipments are in demand, we havelaid in a full stock of


Oar prices on tliem will be foundns low as the same quality of goodscan bo bought for in the cities. Wealso carry a very large assortment of

TRUNKS, SATCHELS,Traveling Bags,'&c.

Notwithstanding tbe low prices at which we are nowoffering our goods, we wish to say to the boys we are stillgoing to make them a present of a BALL ADD BAT.-witheach suit ^*!"



HOW THEY DID IT.w e n *ittu.# Md«> hs »idn.I U Malted MM. t lmi In -i|itinl

J .mls i*eMli 'w.« i mid tti. n V tn

" O B in* wwl (In r. c MU h a wtijiii

A u d i * ««ltod awl thon •.** w i n

'• You Urns-, i »).k. MI bnltl I'm Rn>

Ami li>- gnum-i. . »».1 t l i« , «.«• grc

" My (Itanvit Iiultfv "And lie looked, and tWn «Ut- looked.

>' J'U bat* the*, if tluMt wilt.0

Autf be iriilwl, at>a tiwo atie willed.


" Tlicj will fit 3 ou like a tttiuwjr •.lieatli,Xo whiter than the Ma bmeittli."Tliete is o jonog iua» iu tiiis town fflio

is going nrnond with a great vail of de-spair and nnrtttfcafiou piesuug downon wliat waa ostensibly a fond nod .oviugbear.- He slays alive simply becauselie knows liis family cin't etanfl the ex-pense of a fan era), nud lit-* doLsa't drownliioiwlf bfCauKt) lie feels tliut be is issue]) IIHIJ loci Ibat bis body would slayon (op of Ibe water oml blow up andrtovo infiontot the e.ty, instead offloating down stream in i hccouxingnmo-

net. Ami it wtmu't his fault, fit ber. Hewan just ae i as von arc, dear

UUU tat fernd."Yes,'* Niid a WftMuiuwi

tourist lu its tbeolber tiny, " I've tnivelieJ « £.HKI dfttfiu Keolntik? andiuu'ta piJitldoiurquiet c^iButrj' fur am;lu move about ID. The ijelU-r *urtl>eo|>It> tliere,luiotl yuu.ari1 as un-e folks.t&jou would wuet witli attywljeri*, hatlie roagb* are about as rmigli astiiejmake tlicm. TIIPJ liavt1 ;i way, Iiulrodaeiiig ,i pistol iut» nn argaiaeaffbicb is licit appreciated by tlic Coldispirits of the Sortli."

*' Did you ever got ioto trouble ?""One*, vtbeu I was stajiug at Lei-

ipglou. I had a rather unpleasant ad-veatare."

"Let us bare it by all means.""1 noticed a big lough fellow com<

into the hotel and pay lor a bed. Hiwas 03 ugly a ioobiag brule as eveiI saw- Wore a black pttob o^et bfeye, and bad his boggy jeans Bluffed inbis bootu like a regular dime-oope] bor-der rpffiiiD. I cimL-at once to tbecon-clasion tlist it would be healthy to keeout of tbat lellow'a way, and I confesstbat I was surprised tbot nach a butlwould be accepted as a guest nt a firscla.'B botel.

The neit morcing I was np early.It was a littlo chilly, and I took a cbaby Ibe stove wbile tliey got bieakfnsl

; l>ecn tUcte more tbaflvemintiteB before iu wolked the very

reader, nulcss yoa bsve borrowed . l*Hj f e U o w j w j s l ] e ( 1 t o n ? o j ( ] i a t ] ( ] d r e w

paper instead of baling it, Tbe abotestory is tliis: Afow evePtDRungobe andUU ewcetlieatt were oat ing almond'a tit a

i, and tho young lady found

a pliflopena. The yonng man wentblindly iato tbe trap, ami, af eanrje, sbecjuglit "pbilopena" vti liim before boIT. at home tint night. This forced bhato make lier a present of ncine kind, andtbe next day lie neat to a dry goods

chair nod sat (IOWD beside we.""Siy, strnnger, liownbout tbem trail)!

lor Danville ?"' ' I do not know anything about tbi

ii-ains," said I, ratbecstifflj." Then I got up aod took a cbuir nen

the door, Tbere was DO ooeefflce bat a dapper little clerk, a chirp;

little fellow about fire feet bigb au<very girlish in opptaiiiuce.

store lofiet i t For n IODR time be flue-1 « f l io obnoxloos Kentuckiau earn,tuutea between bandkerebiefs, easlitf, L B j ^ a t l e d down ia a cbnir utc; but Unally tlie girl ot t l ioj m e . I fell, myself gettinff bot and cobRlove counter luld bim (lint tbe most ap- j w ; t l ) vexi,tJonB but knowing tbat I wouldpropttftte present for a youug ladj was j b f l V e D 0 oi ,BI ,M j n a peraoiiftl encoiiulia pair of those fottjg wbite Jersey glove«that come nearly to tbo elbow, Shetold liim that I bey were just tbe tbi up towear at parties, etc., and tugt if tbey bo-came Soiled sbe could have tiiom dyeil atlarh color anil tbt-y would still last. Hohe bought tbtna nntl had them wrappedin tissue paper and put in a pice box.He tola the girl to leave it on tbe coun-ter and bo would go and write n note

ttitli BUCII a giant, prudence suggestatbnt I act nnii'tir. Tiieij he drew outIll's pocket a dirty piece of tobacco wbiellooLeJ as thougb be Imd balf chewedwith hh wolflsb fuugs.

" Hev a chaw, atranger ?'*"Tiiankyou, I never chew."" Now, eee here, yer darned stnck-ti

Koitlieru cusa, Tbink yer can comedown bere and show olF yer liigb-touet]

and/then lend Jwtb up together to li!«|o)Mg G i I e H g ja<a H W an e r tbat lump ol

'baeca, or by God I'll"" Wliat he would lmvo done I do no

know, for iu an instant, with all tbi

Ho neat nnd wrolc (be nofc undPortly relarucil oud in a. little v\ii\o omof the crrna'1 boys delivered tbe noteand great) box to the young lady. Sbewas sa anxious to eee vviiat was in tbenoie Hiat sbe deliijed opeoiug tbe boinoli) sbe teat id. I t was as follows:

Sly Ows DiuusG : 1 hope you «illuwept Una liltlc iokeu of esteem, will)love. UIi, Mitry, bow I nisli tb:it no»tlicr bnud hut mine coald 1J.LU.IIC (lit?mafter yon unll tbeai off. But I knowUrn Pish is T.iiD, A fltousaml fellowsway loucli them, yc-a, ecuu squeeze Htm,v,-ben I itm not at yoar bide. Tbeyvfbitfl Taow, diiiiiug aod soft, bat nowinter nut] softf r tbnn the hkin they willu-joa raver, I knoiv this because I havefell—but why voter to tbis ? I neverniudtiuoy presents and I li:mlly knowwhat to say ; but I hope you tiill wearthese, Dud every time you go to a partywith ate wilt weaiyourtlresHaliorLatlicm, so tbat you may pull tbetn nvrujupnntl abow tbey lit. Anil on tbcslrectarerybody will ece tbem anil admire tbeirfit; and I know all tbe boya will try toget hold ol tbem, because I am 6iire theywill fit so snug and nice, Von tna;Uisuk, tliat if iUey wrmkio they arc toobig, but that niu't the way, because lotsof girls wear, tbcoi loose asd slippeddotvu. Xou know Berotiardt nare herstbat Way, Itit then she wdanwrtiUbiAnD, Miiry, the girls snj that if tbey getsoiled yon can get them colored. So, ifthe hoye keep getting tioU of t'aem asoiling tUem»jou can have tbem dyedblack; and tben tbey will bo n nice cootrast to the .fikia obuvc. I hope thatthey tire not too small. Blow in tbembefore you put them on.

I amid tills present to my love,White in tt>oir color, ill*' tl,c doro;They'll tit you Ifko n »unv$ Hbtmlli,No wbitur tltnn the akin btiucutli.

Vouruwu, VIUMK.The young giii WUB eutnptetely over-

como and murmured : , tltc dear.good fellow 1 Aad just to lljink bit canwrite aucb yietty poetry, tou. Now, I'llopen it, blci» hia \\mx Boai." And sheopened the green box and out fell n pairtf long white yarn stockings.

Bite jelled and fell back in a faint, andtbe wboto family rusbedio and saw thestockings and read the note. And tbatis why nhfln tha joung man went apthat CToaing her father Bliot at him withan aid burse pistol, the gill emptied


lithe activity of a panther, that littlicleik sprang over tbe counter with n bijnavy revolver in bis hand and e?<Imir of bis heai bristling liko the badof a terrier iu a dog fight.

" Get out of this, you brnte, or I'lblow the roof of your head off."

" The bully's savage look vunfrom iiia face awl like a whipped hcmuliesluukbaokwurdsout at (lie door, OsajiogiD omeck, shame-faced manner"Don't .shoot, mister; for God's 8ok<don't shoot; I war only a foolin1,"

" Then, wbeo the door was slammedto on the tlgaro of the retreat ing bully,tlifl c!otk turned to me aud aaiil in tinmost polite nml iuiiiQcrent manoLT: "ilijok, sir, you'll Bud your bieukfuready."

" Yea, tbey often wrap up flret-ctoigoods iu little parcels."

Pones or II (jiiiiit Ituce,Two miles from Mandril, sa s th<

Pioneer, oil the bluffs near tbe jimctioiof Hart and Missouri rivers, is an o!<cemetery of folly a huudred acres iiextent, filled with bonea of a giaat meTbis vast city of the dead lies jast caiof tbe Fort Lincoln road, Tbe groauclias the appearance of having been flllectrilb treochen piled full of dead bodies,both man aud beast, and corered wilseveral feet of earth, Jn many place:

oundB horn eight to ten ieet bigb, ansome of tbem ope hundred feat or moreia length, have beea thrown ap andfilled wltb bones, broken pottery, vasesof vnrioDa bright colored flints andiigale-. The pottery is of dark material,benutifully decomted delicate ID fluisli,and 08 ligbl DB WDO3, showing the woiof a people skilled iu Ihoarta and poasealed of n higti etato of

pail of h water an him, and herbMliier and oWg bull dog chased biiubout two squares.

The w»y of it was this; Just vflor hibOtigbi the gloves an old Dnlcb womancame ia Mid bougbt tlio stockings ol an-other elerkj nntl saw the green boxes ty-ing where tbe glove girl had been selecl-iug one. She askcJ the clerk if shetnnld liave OIIP, saying : " I'll yost pooldot slockioH in, nnt veil I git home I'llrivodetox by mino lectio gal." Tinclerk told her to help heruelf nnd lied ittip for ber, ncil it wag IT lien aba waalooking carefully to sen thnt licrVJS alt right tbat she laid it donn by (bedtber and tben picked up t ie wrong use.Accidents will happen to the best rcgu'nfetl boiQ3, bat Ml Urn surae tunt young111*11 iloejii't dare lo go through tbe Sec<J id wnrd, bnt goes down Eight atreeIIIIJ oronnd IJJ Division to get to thestore oo M;iin. Wucu tbe young ladyreuls t.rt issne of tbe Argm there maylft> a rrconciliflliou ; but she LaJ betterbarn tbat note Ural, to get it off berijiicd, osit were.—Evwsvitie Arqus,

The worM ia progression. Lawyimea, can oowgo tisbiog aii'I say theycaught uolbiug.

"Imet Mr. Bibnlooa ibis morning,said Mrs. Battler to bor liusband, " anilho ia fearfully scarred ; I should Ihinkha had beea slraett by a cyclone."•'Probably anotlicr blow-out," rejoinedIt.

Now that t ho aland Beasau 1ms opened,tlio missionary Kocieties will shortly issnettioirabDnii, nppenl, begging Ihe publicto Bave tliehacbboueB. They vraat [hemto palm oft apoa 1be bculbca a:combs,

TUo young man wbo called upon hiegirl the other night and mistook thecat for tbe chair cushion, ami sat downon it, lays Ibat be had DO idea thata catwoald comoapto'tlie scrnlob on iBbort notice.

One hotel in Albany has A nottod ropeat avetj wiotlow for guest* to letselves down l)y. The proprietor hna

-boon offered $100 to descend this wayfrom llio third story window, but bo de-oltoM with thanks, .

An ftgricaltarnl joarnal reoeotly puberUcle oa " Sheep Has-

biOdryVbntitdidDtByanyhBganttha man who bad conlinaaJIjr compH-mebteliawif^flltboughhe » miwt aa-

Tbis baa evidently been a grand battleHeld where thousands of men and borsfilave fallen. Nothing like a systematic

or intelligent exploration has been madis only littlf) boles two or three feat indeplb have been dug ia some of tbimounds, but many tbe parta oC theanatomy of man and beast, and beantl*ful speimena of broken pottery andother curiosities bare beea found inthese feeble efforts at excavation. '• Fivemiles above Ttlaotlan, on tbe oppositeido of tlio Missouri, is nnotber vast

cemetery as yet unexplored. Wo ttskedua oged Indtnn what his people know oimcieot graveyards. He answered:' Meknow Dotliiog about tbem. Tbey wereuero before tbe red men.'

A local Mrs. Muluprop gushingly saystbat she " docs so love to sit at tbe pianoiu the gloaming, and impoverish."

Green fruit will be late coming IDIOibe marlcQl tbis year, but tlio undertakeris already laying- in a snpply of smallsize casV.els,

If you ask & bald-beaded mau bow bewould prefer to be upholstered, he'lllikely express a deBrreformo'hair on thetop ol hie bead.

You CUD pack as much devil to tbeuare tticb iu a wetmn as jou can dyn-iiito ID a can, and wlien she goes off

slio goes off, and yoa know it

A foar Icgge3 boy baby has.been bornin tbnt land of wonderful event, Georgia.He will be a lightning double clog per-former if he lives.

Now let as enjoy a little repauUcaaharmony," remarked one Kilkennyto tlin other, as he let fly lri& dexter eat bis opponent's sinister ejo.

Tbe beit lUtng I cvat read 1"claimed a book reviewer, as lie perusedbis uneltt's will and foiind tbat the sen*sible lamented had left him a snog be-quest.

The Boston Globe man bos been stndy-og the Chinese Inognage nnd is ratbertatUcJ, though not aorprisovl, to find

that tbe 'Chinese call a sewing circle"cbincbin."

Now ibat tbe excitement raised by thePrince Napoleon lifts died ant, via a prrase nntbina; abort of a new cirens jokewould wake- Europe from ber fanciej se-curity.

" I wish JDJ hair cropped very close,"remarkod Obaxlea to tbe barber, "and,"dropping his voice, "I'll come in tltelaat of tbe week and pay yon." Charlesalill wears his hair long. ,

Daring tbe tmes it wai aisoorered ibatme swallow doos not make a aamtner;"

bat tnodern investigstion hat deTelapedthe painful/act that if Ihe swallow bebot it will make one spring.

A pawnbroker who went oat to nee abaseball malcl, expecting to pick nptome points for bis bosinesa, was dis-osied wben be foood that Ibe name isilayed with one ball irutend of three.

Tlie Power or Urr.

While oa their way home from a mileo^ctety (be other night oM Winkles andwife became eomewbat dNpluafed.

•Iin not going wilh you uaymore,uamael," said Mrs. Wiaklc. 'Yon »ietoo old a man to cut up the way you didto night The idea of uny old man wholing the rheumatism so bad that lie can'tpat bis 8ockn on mornings, going to amitt uieetiug ant. cavorting nnd romp-ing as you bare done to-night. I say it's

' I maj have rbeutoaliata,' said t ieold man, 'but I havn't got tiyspepsia,I don't growl and Bnnp nt everybody.You have been growing worse for thelust tea years. If yon didn't Lave mo topick at I beliere yon would die.'

' I won't walk witU a man tbat actslike a rhinoceros.'

'Hovr doesn rhinoceros act?' askedthe old mm, (binkinR that he wouldcateli lier on natural history,

' AeU like a fool, that's how lie acts,nnd Mrs. Winkle wnlked rapidly away,leaving tlic oH tuna several pocea be-hind. He finally caught up just as -jonng man came walking uloap.

' Yon are walking pretty fast,' Eaid tbeold gentleman.

His «ite dida^t say anything.' I t ' s cloudiug up,' he remarked ; it

must bo going to raia.'

Tae old lady made no reply, bat theyoung mas took in tbesttaatioP.

' Yoa are a villain !' lie del-aimed, ad-dressing Mr. Wickle. ' What do yoimean by attempting io thrust yoQ-eompnny upon a lady who does notwant you ? It is becoming too frequentfor ladies to lie insulted oa the streetsby loiifers. Get back.'

Tlie man atrnck at Wickle. Tbe oldIndy clubbed ber, umbrella, nnd exclaiming. * tint's my husband,' gave tbe vonoiman a very unJigniSed blow,

Tlie old man, encouraged by his wife'strike for the nnion, jumped on tinyoung man nod held him wbile the rat-tling ribs of the umbrella fell DQ theyontb's head with a sound like the falling bail Blones.

' one can breakup yourdomestic felicity,' satdhU wife after tliobattle.

No, sir,' said the old man, ' Wha man tries to destroy tho domes—huppicess of my household lie catclieamy consolidated power ol wratb.'

(Jettinff lined [o It.An Austin man has a business partner

who, liko Mark Tapley, is alwayiciiued to look on tlie blight side oleverything. Tbe favorite expression ol(hitt Jolly partner is, whenever one complaiufi to him, "Oh 1 yoa'll get used toit."

One morning tboserioaa partner camedown to the store und said :

I. bad a rather singular dream luslnight."

Did, 0U?" said UU partner, briskly.What was it ?"I dreamed I died."No—:li<j yoa ? Dreamed you wen!

to lieaveD, I suppose ?""On tbo oontrniy, 1 found myself in


Don't ssy ao I Well, I l-ockoo youdidn't find anybody you knew there

Yes ; I met you about the frit tI strack."

" Met me ?""Yea ; and wo bad a abort and some-

tvbnt burned conversntion.""Wbutdidyoaaay?"" I remarked that I was pretty mid'

ling blnmdd warm.""Well, whntdidlsay?""Yoa—Ob I yon wiped nwaysoi

tbnpireat on your blistered face with acast-hon pocket bnndkerohief and it wasall right, you thought, uad that I'd soonget used to it {"—Texas Stftingn.


late James T. Fields used to relate in tb<most graphic manDer tbe pnilioolurs olbis interview with the godlike DanielMr. Tielda wae tben a lad from tutcountry, Berviog DS a jnnior clerk in thebookstore of which he afterwards becametbe head, lleiug tha junior clerk, hetras dispatched upon tha most difficultand hopeless errand which tba businessOf tbe store afforded—namely, to collecttbe long standing nnd ever-growing bilfrom Pjniel Webster. Every one elsein the store had tried—nud failed. Iiwas now tbe turn of the Dei? hand.

He went iuto Mr, Webster's office,made bia most graceful bow, anil, bantl-ing him the bill, said in his politesttones:

"The firm present their compliments:o yoa. Mr, Webster, and beg to remindma that their account has been runninga good many years, and they would boextremely obliged to yon if you couldsettle it tbis morning."

"Young man," said Webster, "howcan n mnn pay n bill who has no money?Look Lere; see for yourself."

Saying this lie opened bis desk, andto 1 there hy a heap of bask notes,which be bad received some time beforemd had tctnl!> forgotten.

" I b e g your pardon, young man; Iiave somn money. I was not aware oft. Help yonneU "

The young man counted out themoney, eigued the receipt, ami neatback to the store with a light of victoryin liw eyes.

Pungent ParagraDug.

Noue hut Ibo moat inhuman wouldihink of pulling dewn the blind.

A piece of steel is a good deal liko; nman—when you get it red-hot'it lose*its temper.

Its pleasant to kno-w tbat Ibe bigiridgc between New York and Brooklyni a suspension and not a fail are.

A man may be erer ao nbwnt-minderl,und yet lie never forgets bis first wrestlewith a carpet tack.

Acts were first employed in dramaticl>ootry by tbe BomsinB. Horace speaks

" My love,"* said Mr. Topnoody tihis wife, Tuesday evening. " would yonlike lo attend 'be comtneDoemeo!Music Hall to-w'gbt t"

" DOCK it cost aujtUiog to go 9"

'"No, my love.""I thought so.""Why, my dear ?""Becanseyon woald not liave invited

me logo if it did."Oli, yes, I would my dear, for I wani

yon to go. There is somethingyouthful aud so joyous in each gather-ings ; sneb a profusion of promise; sucha happy ssaocmtiou of Ihe young atihe old, bringing memories so desr tous uod wafting echoes back ol tbn timeuben, ve were first stepping ov r tbthreshold of oar fatare, ailed with gol-den dreams."

That soundsrigbt well, Topnoody,but I don't want to go. I am prejadiced against ciommenceDDeuts of allkinds. ] took iu one once that I havinever recovered trom."

"Why, my dear, yon sarorise melever heard of it before. What was it?"

"Well, Topnoody, it was tbe commencement or your attentions towtieu I was a girl. I looked over onethreshold too inaay Ibat time, nnd gottack on yonr golden-dream business

I beard (be echoes wafted bfftk, andtumbled to tbe memories, so dear, as iwere, but, Topooody, I ain't that waymy more, and tha only commencementI want to hear of now is jour commence-ment of coafloct toward the Trite olyour bosom which will give meencouragement ia the teachings X bav<wasted on you. Every time I tbiak o:it I - "

Bat Topnoody departed hastily,revived dear memories by himself.

There Is at tbe present time a butch.belonging to tbe commune of lion-(rogue, near Paris, who would verymuch Mfae to have five minutes' talk w*a certain wanderiug gypBy, with wbhe concluded a bargain tUe ottier day,much to bis own disadvantage. Thelatter, with a gang of Bohemians, hadencamped for tha night on a plot owaste ground near MoEtrogae, Earl;on tbe following morning tbe bntchepaafed by and was accosted by one ofIlia men, «ho offered to sell him a sheepfor twenty franca. The* price was de-clared to be loo high; eighteen francswere offered, und refused; after whichthe batcher went on his way. The mo-ment bis back was tamed, tba gypijtook the sheep oat of the sack in nbicthe had placed it, put a little uoy iato itin iU stead, and, running after thebutcher, called oat :

"Muke it ttreaty francs, and luesais yours into the bargain."

Tbis time consent was given, tmoney paid and the eaak carried away.Oa reaching home tlio purchaser openedit, only to catch a glimpse of ft diminu-tive urchin, who took to his heels with

bag before the other hud recoveredfrom Lis amuzuneaK As a matter ofcourse, bo lodged o complaint with tbipolice, bat wbep tLo spot (there he haitnct with the gipsies waariflited thenwas no sign of tbem left, nor have Ibejsince been heard of.

I.umcrlnff'.tlift 1'nbllcTbe failure of a Wg Chicago lard loose

(be other week brooght oat the internlion tbat Chicago lord was composedtallow, cotton-seed oil, old butler ant]every ihing else at bond when tbe ket-tles were hot A Michigan retail groctrwho wa<s loaded np discovered thnt allbis customers avoided bis bird. All o!sodded bis tin pails disappeared and hiexhibited tidy tittta crocks la tbeplaces, which went off like bat cakes.

"Had tore!urn (hat Chicago Bluff,e h ? ' was naked boll1 a hundred time)per duy.

Yes; people wouldn't toacb it."And Ihisis-yei—ah I. troll, this is

real old-fashioned Ittd and no mistake,Seud me up a crock tail afternoon.Lapde! but that smells of the farm house,aud carries mo back to bag kitting days!"

It was Ohiojgo lard taken from pailsand put iuto crocks and tbe price misectiro cents per pound, but the grocer whedoes a successful business must humaithe public.

HIE HAD IT.—Colonel BEtier gut up yesterday morniog worse

i'.oil than the drinks tie had taken thenight before, When he was ready toMart on his usoal cocktail expedition,

cricfl:" Mnrif r, wtere's my Lot ?"* I don't know, dear, unless Johnnie

has it."Well, and wlut ia he doing with it?"I don't know—but he said bo wanted

a brick to sharpen (lie knives oa and Itold him to look in your bat. Ton saidyou bad ooe tborc."

The Ooloael wora bia last Summeritraw hat down town,

No, Mr DACOHTKB—NO, daughter;oa shall not a it off your fore hair lobave it bang abont yoor eyes like theforetop of a Shetland pony. Yourmother and I are the only ones thatknow you are a foot, anil we have toomucu pride to allow you to advertise itto the world.. No, no, yon must wearjonr hair combed bock no thftt peoplecan Bee yoa have a forehead, and theymay think yon have some brains behind

Comb your balr back,my younglady, nnd do not giggle in company, andpeople may think wall of yon.-—if. F.Express. ^

NErrnEa . I i i n NOB BIVZK.—A Ken-uoky mun was asked by a Northernfriend what kind of n home he had,

Oh/'berepliud, "we have a \pleasant place, indeed."

" Do yon live on a lake ot fiver ?'e live o

P»Ulw ma

The most offlic.ed part of the hoascis the window. It is Always fall of panesand who IIOB not scon moro than onetriodoTT-bliud ?

Tuanlt Heaven!" caclaltned a fondfather, as he paced Ihe floor at midnightwith his howling heir; " tlisnk Heivenyou arc not twins!"

A western man let ft black calf chasehim np a tree and keep him there uUnight. When lift observed next morbingtat tha call woa aot a beat,

"Believe I'll.try to mcnd,sonie.of mybad habits," wid Jones, in a fit of peni-tencFt.' " I wouldn't dear," replied hissuperior fraction sweetly, "yoor bud

ibits are certainly in *n excellent stateat repair."

Professor (u ft ypUDglarfjIaw stadent:'Yoarmarkis very la«rtaudyam havemlyjuut passed." Young ladr—"Oli.' am so glad." FrofesBor sarprised—

Why?" Young lady—"I do so lovetight squeezs."

A company has been formed IQ Vicunato undertake ihe general business ofwashing windows, Botubbinjj, deaningpavemenls, etc The originator of ihedea is supposed to have been at ODD limePhiladelphia nernmt girl.

Fruitful t f trouble—Oreen apples.

General Bbcridnn thinks that General

Croak is all straight.

Musicians are in tho habit of slarringsame noted, hat they all speak well orgreenbacks.

One who knowa says tbat, in tho conn-try, they blow a horn-before dinner, batin town tney take one.

When a married mao finds himselflocked out at 2 o'clock A. M., ho yearnsfor a key to tho situation.

Considering bow tall of change thisworld is, it is surprising haw little findsits way to Ibe contribation plate.

"AnaahclJsne:" Of course a womancm. keep A secret a great deal betterthan a man can. One little secret willlast A womnn through, a two hoars ahop-ing excursion, a nit* society, a mission-ary circle, ten oflIU sod a Loaseboldfarnltare nootion, nnd there'* ennnghof it loft to tell her htisbaod wben liegets bomo. Now, a man woald forgetthree-fifths«f both ends of it before becould get half so far with it. A womankeeps secret ? Annabel, she ean beepU on the dead rut more miles in morehours than a man can make it walk.




IH Hnr loiu, toolof3Ul)»tj St., Karib ihar.[K Bwono, Jemli> Ki»»rr, (bol of Fniton St.In Fmunuau , denata r . i Ii. B. M. «Ui ud

Green, md U maiEnU Sli.

LEAVE . 3 4 1.A. X. A. U. r. M.

Cbr.HibandarHoSti. 8 3C 1 «" 8d and Barks " BM S.M

Sluabotb . . . . . . .

liKhBiidftQ . . .TttTttort

.fiddle Tallnj. . . .leistttt Vfcllsj , .

aenuin Valley...Chester Arrive.-.

SiQaLrigbt . . . .„


ttoobawsy ,


Bocluway... . , , . .DoverPort Qnm ,RTDTP . , , . „


OlieilerOertniD Vulley

OerniftD Taller..,Middle TiUey... .VernoyCaliroo.. . . . . . . . .HiBbBritlp.BODHIBrook . . . .Elizabeth

% . . V . ».« too. . . ^ , . . 9M 4.87

8.UU.1S BJ»A.U.A.U, A.X.V.U. P.M.

. . 7.1S8J01I.354.15 (.45. . . 7 - J Q 8 . W U i O 4 . i l T.OQ

. . . XCBTS S.2911J9 6.U

B.Ull*i 8M


. . . . irnve fl 1511.15 7,90w i i t w < n ; w

A. K. P. M. F. V

r.".""".".'. 6.S9 S.S8 5!»0.1B 8.38 5.456.13 8.43 5.H6.41 S.41 B.SI6.U 8.48 8.01«J8 S.«J B.016.S6 8.68 SOD7.00 a .« 6.H

e.'fi'B.'M'iioo'sia'6'no7.06 B.» ll 0.15

Leave 7.07 1.07 &3I7.« t .H 6.8»7.10 4.19 6.897.4S i.!8 6.4J

Arrire 7J» 4.118 O.SS" 8.10 5.13 8.3S

. . . . " t t l 6.17 t.07

" 9.S3 6.1611 10.18 8.34" 10.07 8-05

new xork " fl.53 6.G0 9.37Cemreytacti csg be procured st Qenuiu

falter to tnd from B«lioolei's MnonlaiD ; UFlsndcr* toami from BnJil'« Lake; aiKontllIn and from Iato Baostcnoir.

New York tlms Ii tbo lUndurd, at Entile:bi tlie clock ID HiRb Dridge SUtloa. Tbe Cutu-paoj TfiKnes tht rigbt ia taty the rcnoing ofmini from ibta Unit uble ts clrcoraitaneeamiy require.

EAITOX OOBHXOTIOKI Conntellon la madi



iKOBBIfl U&D K8&&S. DLVlStON.)Oepott In Mew York, foot of Birc!»y Bt. and

: foatofCbriatopberflt,

Oommenelng AIONDAV, JOKE 18(li, 1L K N

fUi i l i e J imuu UranL

attirIm} l{i>i.VuJt>ver,Ntntuuj tlteii,, U.A \f, i t . 11. i tauataiJiitmkffat U t ^ i

tScrutoa, liujgliijawii, Uiua, UuLiitluSprlufiu, duiiiti, OurlUmJ, riyrjccsc, O»nii(anil pulala us tbe Ltckinunu* aud blouim-uarg aud Uela*nrt*ud Uml*oti Usilioadt;*lio at rniUJpalJijra iritli Letiifili Yalkj llall-ruailandliSlugh ami Sjniuubanui iteilroaJfor Bot&Ieliem, Uanoh Cuauk. lu-sdiui; KE(1

' At 1tW A-U. BlD6ii«aitm JlaiHDrsKiifa O U lUiwiiiUail4lU(Ui«(||iro&i nerc turk rii.t '*i-unon and Uoouton, raoi tunmgli to Watert i ip, dlroodtbarg, ScrmtoOi Ort»t BendloUiilDgtunMni, coonectinj; it Hover williJtijakr UatltctJ, at Witerluu mill tuBEtiiltilruiil tat AnduTCT, Sewtoti and all su-Ucm*jti Utlnwire fllli Ulairstoiru Itj., *idorxubiu. ritb <i[i>oiii«t>nrfc iHTlniou ter Fitti-wn, KiDKitau, WUkOBbuit-. JJfionlJt'. SurtU-amuerliaiti, Ac. I'asaoijgeni ttbiiig thlttninfUJHi New Ifori, Patemuii andiiuoctuncan oonncot «t fftittiDston with train fuif i t B111 ndai«.« M IJIB —a_^ UntLliiliiMrt 1.1I.M.(n.. r.

t «t ffailimston wltli train fuie* Eiiton, Bethlehem, Ulenloan,

Huriiburf(»nd&olnti on'tbe Lei>tb Vtllcy,Antl Ublgli aoifBnianehiaQi IfailrJaiU ; itt'tiUllpiborg with BelvitLore DiWwt, el Ta. It.lUoTUmbortvllie'ilrentonanuFhilideiphi!lUoTUmbortvllie.'ilrentonanuFhilideiphi!.

At O.«» A. II.Baffito aod O^CRO Eipnc*(Dr*n|Dff Boom Can) Water (Jap, tlrumla-burg, craoton, DliinliaiiitiiU. OIVC-KO, IlLaca.Wtvcrlf, JS'ffitu, X'iDtit Morris an) Uuflalo.Alao SjraooiO ID<) Oaweon, cocoertlDJ atU l D ( t f o r a l l ( i L I : d 8 p r ig(jamtonforation

k\ l(hlO A. M. DovetAt 1*00 U.Kiaton Bxpresi.I t 1:W V. II. JBltuin Kxpreii, Drawing Uoom

Oart atUohfd rou tbrooili to Water Oip, flinmda-onfg, setinton, BtaiHamM>B,8yi»cn»e aoaonrego,ooiuiActliisatScnntoa wtili Lack. * BloomibnrgaB,forfltUtOoiWyOTilBg,KlD8ilon«n'l WUk«a-Barn. PMMUgen taking thl* train from NnwVnk,Pa.uaattraiVw»toocaii araavA at Waalt*fngtonwitiitraluHo.s.

Lea TO New fork a 13,30 p , u (Eatton Ei-ji-MnUfCliDF at IValeHuo Tor Amlnvcr,

Sewlotnoa BraocLvlllo, and at rUillipibufgwith Ifdlilgb Vallev Hallroad and LcbigL apdinaquelianna R. It. rorBetlilohem.AHBuiowii,llaactine and HattUburg.

*Mi l>. M. tterinkn Sirtdaloonneclliig fttOorrrtritli Otittlct fl. B.; at ffaierloo witlidaiacz It. B.

4i3u p . u . t L. 76r Eipreii Tor SummitBuraurJarille, Daasiasridge ttnd all poln:i onuMia l t d DoUnare BiilroaJ.) Chatham,adiMD, MorrialuwQ, Uorna PUina, Dem-ilk,oakftnijr Rnd Dover.AtSiitu P.M. (HftcketUiown Exure*a)itop-

ping at ifilborn, 8nmmlt(CbBtliaiii, llndlson,JlantaUnn and *ll itallom neat lo HacVctU-kiwn, connecting at Waterloo with tniu orAodarertnd Ketrion.

T f l 0 r M Oflr.M.O!wRoainlBaT,ifEi. r m N c1'ork (aleeping oirmttiched} via. Palenon &Doontontiiraofil!t.WtterQip,8troQa»liurg,dcractoo, Bingl.aiuton, Iiale, alirathon.Curt-(and. Homer, »y»ense ant\ OanpRo.Atflinpliainlou itltlitraioforflrcene.Oironi,

.Vor»icit BiohfioM (jprioR*. Utlca. Ac. th i strain rpoa throu^b to OITTPRO Bnffilo andBiclifleid Sprlugs (but nit lo Ithaca) Sut.JiiOTorninjji

i.p . SI. Dover mojnli,,

tiatUata, Uorristowa tadDovct.Par SernanlsWlIf, Bukmcndge, Ljonn,illiDglOB. Stirling. QllletU, Bcrkcloj HdghldalTitat lo^ on Painaio and Dnlawarc It

ing. QllletU, Bcrkcloj HdghindalTitat lo^ on Painaio and Dnlawarc It.IW iN. 3. Writ lino BaDroad) 1:30,10:10 A.lL»ad JaOin.lfi^OP.H.

A. REAS014ER. Superintendent.

DOVEn TIMB TABLE.Trains arrive JLDII dcuait Irom thi* eUtiou

X1UT BQUKD A, M. WKtlT BOD!5.28 .Oiwego Eiiireaa 5.28

Mror Eipreis 7:00Hacket(*lownEip.7:31H t l " 821


Easton Mai) 9:25Umub'ton Mail* 8:5UUaffM.lo Express 10:27acket(*lownEip.7:31

Hsrantongpccul" 8:21 .EUICD BiprCBi 8:12 Do For Accom. 12:23D A o m U;15 I Easton Eipits* 2:0O

Bloiirn Eipr



rtBiam)0BB*s)iirB,iu»i*rkVvlrlaeof tbo abore atated writ of flerlB SS»I"mrlliuo.,1 akalimuMttrfitS a b " "end™., .t tU. Court Eoo», la M«-

HOSDii, tin IBth d>? "' »D0r;«T aelt,ASS i l u Ibe uoarl of ISM kvd

SEW JERSEY VeaU* TEST, 100" FHB11.T JllCHniEET OILS.-We take tlniiort In htrodnanir U the tride

b l d t h B O l l n l f l d w in«irl»»<Jtr«ae •

kJllCHniEET OILS.-We take tlniiort In htrodnanir U the tride onr «irl»»<Jtr«ae •blapnuidother BemOlli. newgoo>li »re oinofujltrod w in >t ourmrk«. <•!•tljtreKirelberatbebeDitntorodr twrwuit lapertUJon. Md iriuniDtoe tnorn to ffiveutufutton, both la qulitr tod pn». or no » K

» Crown" t i e h ' Compound." P M U U V Durk Cofflpouna,

oerleeiExtra Engine Oil,Tallow Engine Oil,Iio. 1 Engine,Dark EogiQe OH,Sperm Maoliiocry Oil,No. 1 Mjcliinerj Oil,Dark LnbricaliDn Oil,Bailrmd Lubricator,Sbaflinrf Lnbrieator,W«lTirgiDi> Oil,'• Crown" Wool Oil,Stainless Spindle Oil,Ko. 1 Spindle Oil,Steam ReSned Faanic OjliuJer Oil,TTTFVPxierTiisrm. o i r .

Aconta for Premium Safety Oil.>&• AIL OPS OILS GDABANTEED STRICTLY PUBE. "®«

THE BfoHTBGAN OIL Cn . Wmi i r n w r o r T B i B r A T E . , SawtBK, H. 3.

Briok PrMsed Oil,W. B. Sperm Oil,W. B. Whnla Oil,Prime Noaisfool Oil,Ho. 1 Keatefoot Oil.B. Heariligbt Oil, 150',No. 1 lord Oi>.W. Pare SaW Oil,Prime While, 115°,Qraolinn, 90",Dwk Oar Oil,Spetm Packing Oil,Eltra Packing Oil,l i J Ol

Boiling Kill Oresse,AxleGnttae,Sperm Signal Oil,W.BIrsined Prime Lard Oil,B. Headli(T»l Oil. 1B0'.P.W«tK-WUiteOil,K0°,W. White Cotton Seed Oil,W. M o w Gotten Betd OU,Onoline, 68".daioline, M',Pointers' Oil,

o'.S;kWT«fi.toar.t. f i n " ™ " .Udo«, .U tb. j j f

Hil Wms, li»H«d and bounded •• '»«»« 'Bctfnfllng at the second aoraei of the Leek

.nrVer, anfma; tbrnc. (l)on " • • •»»"° ' ioftbaumetotlie enge of tbe Uonia canalo Uieion'l. .Ide of Ibe t m . i ttem («•1»M laid Canal now It Intemoti lie Bravline ef nld I«ek anmil lliBnte a one '}"aaldlralllae (8) ontll If reaoliM aild begin-nlnaeorr,M,<»aWto8 tncee acrei, mor<imS K' t teaaro . ro t lbatr7a.oon».r»J tjlh»«>MPWIIpllraoy br deed from WilliamH, H. Oor»tn, Bmi O «, ( • • , *••, »'ted!, llorrH Oonow OtatVa OBst, i>MAasoil lit, 1U7. &0.PIIUE toai «ld I»tESerer > cmaln po'llo" eon'ejfd to lueTrenton Iron Onmpaoy on or oliont July l«t,

DeoJoriieJ Naptnu, KV Gtwiliei.

CARPET WEAVING AND MAKING!Theanderefcned will liereafteriioTote ill bU Hmn aDUtreuHon to tlie OABPEP Itnaiaest.

Fir»i-c!«j>. work in all kinds orirftwiu^ »T1 tlif mal.inft of felt car|»ti. Biqbcst oalh prhopaid far old rtffi, A IODK *BA estenslre knovrlolse of tbe budnesi en»blsa mo to do tbe bestwork and »tl»fj ail cnitoniBri.




Positive rnoring puppet wlft i . No losa from Motion, nowaitefn portibr alids cr roUryIr iDJaelloQ vilrea. HigbeatpoMlblo per cent of free air, Etnaom joal anil ilnnble. Olta-DBQODQtppttatlori. (Pall7iecamlbjTiateDt9.)


Lave ananged their businm in Ihrau ili.'pnriraent.'i, eompritiiDg

Three Large StoresUJ with the L'lHajj ariiclat of traJj iu tbi various branches. Tho flrtt depart


CROCKERY AND PROVISIONS,and in each broach ore new and replete MOC1;H of Roods. The second department,

juBt opened, lias fl lurgo stock of

BOOTS AND SHOES,for every kind ot wear, embracing all tbat is new in pBtt»ra nml dur.ible in Ber?ici

The tbird ilepirtment in devoted to


MINING SUPPLIESand will alwnydcftrrr comprehensive stocks of Builder's Hard'

ware, itla€k»initii HUTU ware, l'iiimbcr^ Materials, GasPipe, Mechanics' Toole, Steam Pitt ing Stenin Drills,

Sliorclfl, Plckn, IlnniineiH, Fuse,and erci'itliiiigcontained in tlie line of hardware.


Inriuble tfa; Tern, 1B79.Biam)0BB*

BSSTAVflAlfTlies vtilttng towo wltitlaa t. Itmch ol ai)V Icanilnya 1» sccommoiUtod at Emnij'B,

SALOON DEPARTMENTii t\ »\. timaa W»\S atctkei n-ltli i w rPorter, Cider, 8ira»parill«, Bud* Watti

EBIUTED B E E P . « ^ * t

Dated Kay 81.1,188S.

Administrator's Sale—or—


«6th, IMS, *t Pablio Veaflue, ato'clock V. JL, <,n tbP premiuoe, the

HOUSE AND LOT OP l i K D ,cootAfnlog two ocrca, formerly bolonaiiiK toJames 0. Score, naff dcoeatGd, and Ulc ofUeodbfttn, eitaste oppoilu V*D Arndalo'a cor-Dtr, OP »:" road icaiildg from Ohustor tcI - t . T E B . . B 0 A B H . O I ] N B _

AdtiiluiBlralorMonclbim,». J , Julf 71b, 1889. 82 HIT




Tor all fclad, of uulldtiiKljind' the comttraotioD

iTbdlldfDKl aaperlale&ded.

W l l 1» >t IU. office lo Dover, W Floor ol

T i l IBOI. E E A Building, on FI1IDAV OF EAOH

EK, from 9:M A. u . to 5:8(1 p. u .

GEO. MANNinvites teall from tU hie fiienfo to liis placonOLIKTONSTBEET.wliwefortUpiramus.ment he Lisa

PINE POOL TABLEanil a well lilted aud compltto

DOUBLE BOWLING ALLEYnil ni-wanil io jHTfct'l onlor. Aifi, the lici

fjKGAIW. AH niio favor nit- willi ji call wi

•veil treMfd. GEO."MANN.



Musical Instruments!

BDOCH60H 10 01HP

619 & 621 BROAD St.,NEWARK, N. J.





Iwm EsliiliiH lira 7. hn,






761 ft- 760 BROAD STREET.


ffB" RenO for cataloguo and circulars con-taiutus timriG o( at i i iy, ra losof,.";;.

0. T. MUJLEK,6 ly Priucipal ami Proprietor.



Elm in Eip.*Eistoa Hit!

r .H.1:573:145:076:50

fia p 8:07

Buto t t Accom. 8-.3G

' T i l , Boon ton Branch.

Eat*ton Eiprt'Bs 5:2;)S r t o n | i t * 512


18.27 6.2510.17 6.11)0.07 6.099,57 6.C.










Seeda and fertilizers,

SAFES AND SCALES.K>Boa s . roonn£E,. JUTE, B. voonaazi.


Nursery and GreenhousesUOUHI3 8r., UOEBIeTOWN, N. J .





Tlwrbura's Flower SeedsFOR SALE.


make a epeciaity ol tiio

3v. ar.iFinufaclure of






l»ir,!> unil bl'UING IVAOONS. nliich we offer nt TCJilow neuic». l'LEASE CALL, AftD K.VAMIiVE.




Scud for catalogue of five ceiiiwiu+ic. New oi-gnus solri for H(cents per week.

WM. S. WRIGHT,Blackwell St., Dover, N. J.

Sportamon'o O-oods,Split IlntnliiH], L*ni-F\»tHiil, Hornbeam

and Coinmuti Trout, Illack Bus*nml Pickerel HUD».

ICecls, Lines, I'llos, Hocks, lt.iMkols, etcA. full asBorlmont i-ODstaolly on iinnd of bvsi

Broocli and Mtuzle Loading Onu i .

au;i all llnjirfliluro*.

I'OWDEIl, Hlior, CAW, QLAS3 BALLS, i c


MOIiniftTOffN. N. J.

Another Solid and Very Inter-esting Fact ftbout

A strauKt-r in Hew Es.vnt was rnrtumte iKollluB t barrel or " COU11EKCE1' wliicleaa;cil lilm to " cntlinnb" us folbv* :Front BASK, NewEsjpt.N. J , June 12,18S3

OUTUiBMlLUHOOo.'.Owm!-Dar in ? lha past 27 yoara I l , m

iiaoil all the prommeuL brtuils or PLOUIt buthave uevcr uoforo found BO umfcrw & ( j jis t he " Commerce," so perfcutly fldantaw kind of p*8try and CUBIIIS onr «£« .a rter lo oicUiui " nlist boantil nl cream v nbtueait u j t brma you always havo an'a»n agteeablo iaste.

Ifcffl now Wring my second ban-el nnd waafearful It would not ntova M cood w iho Dili ITUQI It cannot bo uicetlul. Our mcrcbant didaotknoirwncreitiv.! niaOo bntu cirunlarofTOiw remlg " i ts home." Erorv O;nco or it

•!?»•, I n « » «" • eifusionsofayoutiKlrrtl BffCflKoiK "It'SJUBt lOTeljf.'',Wo arc »trannarit> yon bot stimnch frienda

ofyom "Oommorcb'1 Flonr. It 1< a niiafor-lana for tuy hmily ti bo wlluont it.

J0HS 8. HIAU.OI.Y,GcQllMin1g'rOalifop!I'.irk.







NOTICE.Estate or Mahfoii 1). Ford,


IJUJISUANT ic Hie order of the Hurrn-atout tli<! <>uiity o( Slntris, raailc on Uvj

m l (cntli day of J u l j , A. D. OHO lliouRaml «j;liiU m l r t d and eighty-tlireo, notlcu in \u-x-\ntjiv.t! tu itil pcriioiiri having claima ifiainft Hi*t '^a lcnf Jlahaon I". Fonl , laio nt tlie Cumilj-of Mornp, tl^^n^noJ, to f>rofiDQt the fumi1, tin-dcrimltKir afflrmftHoo, to ttiu au^criWr, on

tlmrixtiflntUitaTOf Aprtlnist.huias)1!IB Trot)) Mia date of s i idnn le r ; BIHI

liilnr nopleotms to brins in n'r iM-or her clafiit, nodcr oalli or iflirnii-na Oio limo Bollruiteil, ivill t>o faruver

:•{ big (>r lier action tlierofur u-alntltiiii.-.trntnr.

(1 tlic aixucnH, tlaj ot July 4. D. 19H3.A. J D D 3 0 S COR,

Administralor,Dover,!.. J.

libil hi








IVOTICE.Estate of William A. Vought.


PURSUANT to tlio order of the Smrogifouf Hid Coticlj of Jlorria, mailc "ii Ilio

third dav nf July, A. D. otic Ui<Hi*ajwlficlit hundred and eighty ILirf, noticois hereby Rivcu lo ail ncraoun )ianin» i-i.iii**aeniririt iliL'c&latoctWilllstiiA.VoiiKlit, laln.rtlic County o n i o r n s , Hrceafpc*, to i n t e n t 1I111

fame, noder dalli or sfflrtuMioD, to il.c m"-Ilie third •s c i t r , ou or bffor Hie

April n u t , LICIDR uiue man lbsl t f id ordor; ami an di

UE i d o l i t


lany creditnii>p tu I n tig ia and oiliitiit liia or Iier clutni,

iiniti'il, Tvill be lori-Tcr barred nl *m or LITdinn tberclur Hpuinal tlif K i c n i l r i i .Daiotl the tliirtldav o f J u h A . D . JSr3.

E i l i l i T . VOVO1IT,

SHERIFFS SALE!In Chuiiccr.v of Now Jersey—Between Suvfil It.

rjerson.Esoculor of Barali Pierson, decM,complainant, tnd Miry Colcaian B.TCEIIPV,[ and as artminiBtrntriK «UU Hi's«ill annExod oi D^riel Sireepey. dtccttpcil,defendant. Pi. fa. for Balo " ' mrrlfiJ'HfJlircmJHta, IUtnrntt.Ho to October Ttrru, \ .U. 1883. Eusiusc » . HaUET, Swl'r.

BT virtue of the above alated writ of fierifacias in myliande, IBIIBII expose lur ealo

at pnblie yenrluo, at tlio Conrt Honfee, in Mor-

MONDAV. tL« autli ,ioi' r,rAUatIST iiiiit.A. D. 1683, betneen the liaurs of 12 M. Mill 5o'clotik P. II., tint is to say at 2 o'clock in tiicultcrnoon of Ban! d;iy, nil that lot ofJuinl *n-unlf) in tlie tfi.vnhbip of Morris, In tlic Cuuiityof Mums and Hute oi Now Jersey.

Hi-pinning at a monois tlio middle of Ilio- • " miomttNuwVi-n.nii,

re of tbe fuMdle lint- «fo by what was foniK r'ynirunf. thence (1)*1<'HK<1 first raeiitiOJinl n^"

ic <i<!Rrci-s cast leu cliains ami l.iriyo . u ., tlnko in Ilia tulildlc oi A small bnil o

fifty liiikn lo Uiok-rtofa Urna elm irw on H ''terlv BiJi> of (aUJroaii,markedoQflBB«nlIi-

..,y fliile, BnOhcinKa wrnpr of lnudol Hiiy8. Wliituev; llieuce (i) villi the Whilnej liiwaiul umcliiti- Mia iiiatbes. elm tree t""1'1

toaitaJiu1? tlielico (5)

nnijig at a,inlitij- irom

e i[|[.i'r>rcli<jIn road ImdiuK t

II. Evaiin'place, ntn o! Hi


nvntj miuilLtH ii\.. * - - -

.. \\v IJIIICB f> tho place, of lirj..-iiDK, ciintnioinf; scveu Horus nail six Ii""trfiUbs ol HB nf re of ]»nO, bo tlionaoie rnw•r ifM8 ; liGiiiK Jbe Batoo premisoH coDTeveil ih« aiitl Daiiitl Swt'cuoy by Tliomia MoOarrJml wife, hy deed ( b t , d July 19tb, 1SC5.

WILLIAM H. H0WEI.L, Shwiff.Da!eilJaQDl3,1883. 17 2i


The clicapcst nnd best steel wire fencing in tlict e t At miumr.icturcr's prices.

BUPTURESCnml lijr tin, OOLUNOS1 METHOD In from

3U lo DO day, witbont spring trai>B or fitopnlnR•ork. rccarillefB or ace or period of affliction.raw, in Went-. Ad9re,i

,. . Bo* BS, Stanhope, N.J.Or call u Preaeti Boo! House, oppwito thembTlerlMOhrirDli ' " ^ a - 1 ,


OVI-ltL, «.i.W tt.o . ton of a . 11. hoaga,IIIKI imvt) n^nl tiitaio ior sale nt from fifty dnl.Inn* to twruly thounand ilollnra. ' * *


SlanUope; N. J .








'-*» DOVEn, ». J.



IOB all lh» principal llsn of ilauolilpiifrcmNeiriorktoLiTi!


WHOLESALE TRADEis dally Innreaiing, which Bhowi l«o i»RiviosrnititiftcuoD lo all liin ciiBtonicrr!. Hta

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSam df (he b e t l , »ml Iio wighos tbo dralcM.liroiiRlioiit thin oonnty would give him a call(uli idi vrtll p s r thf in) beraro bnr ing ''tat-wncre. All nnloi* Bcot by raivil will r e c t i f

J. J . BACKOFFDover, S . J-

Notice of Settlement.tiep is hereby j;iTjn tliat tlio iccontits ofnbFi-rflier, AssiBneeorCbarlrirA. Batumi*Lngcno lSuc.iatmn, pattncrB, indoiventrH, will ho nmlilrii aud iiUted by " | p

oRfitp.ninl reported for set Dement to HiotiiH1 Court of itio County of Monil. onBj tfao first i)»j of Octabernext. -

PETER C. BOOK, D o w , H. J-lprJ Jnlyaaj.1893. «•«?