The Dog Rambler e-diary 02 March 2012

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Transcript of The Dog Rambler e-diary 02 March 2012

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Walk The Northern Trio of The Pentlands Length 6 miles

Dogs on walk Cyrano, Dylan, Maggie, Tim, Struan, Talaidh 

Less of us out today as we rattled around in the borrowed Land Rover Defender. Big,chunky, rural and sparse. I love them. Not so sure the dogs are as keen as me. Little in the

way of comfort in the back for them despite my best effort to line it with rugs and

blankets. Not so easy to see out either, with my two Struan and Talaidh hogging the view

to the front leaning over the metal panel between the front cabin and their domain.

Maggie huddled by the back door could see some of what was going on outside. Cyrano and

Tim had little chance and just waited for us to get to the start of the day out. Dylan had

bagged the front passenger seat so was travelling in comfort. Doing his best to ignore thecovetous stares of Struan and Talaidh.

We arrived as Swanston and even before setting off met a man we often see walking about 

in the hills. With the dogs looking a bit disgruntled at me we took a minute to chat whilst 

they were still cooped up in the Defender. We gave him a head start as I finished getting

ready and then as though the car had split open out they shot and straight up the woody

path toward the tiny village.

For the second day running I had not worn waterproof trousers. And today I would pay

The Dog Rambler 



02 March 2012

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the price for it as we reached the tops. The dogs taking it quite easy on the climb up

Caerketton Hill. Struan probably still quite exhausted from his madness on yesterday’s 

walk. Tim a little quieter after yesterday too, but he did manage to rouse himself. He could

not lose face after all.

The rain began as slight drizzle as we neared the top of Caerketton Hill. Looking

southwards a wash of rain was coming in erasing the hills and fields as it approached. Sure

enough it got a little heavier. Given the temperature it became stiflingly humid. Perhaps

the dogs felt it too and its heaviness weighed on them reducing their desire to run.

Maggie’s tongue was already lolling and we were only at the top of the first part of the

hill, many more ups and downs still to go. Dylan stalked about in the heather and grass

and pounced at something but nothing emerged.

The sounds of heavy fire from the rifle ranges drifted on the south westerly wind. Cyrano

did not like it. He has heard to guns up here many times and never flinched but today

there must have been something different about them. He kept as close to the far edge of the hill as he could without losing sight of me.

We made the last of out steep climbs up onto the summit of Allermuir Hill in further 

failing weather. Cyrano, Dylan and Tim managing a chase. Maggie sticking with Struan

and Talaidh who in turn were sticking with me. It was Dylan who was taking the lead in

the fun. Vigorously tearing up bits of heather, root and all, from the ground. Then waving

it provocatively in the faces of the others. Like a fish after its bait they followed his everymove with it, swimming back and forth over the rippled and wet grass.

As they all slowed again we strode over the shoulder of Capelaw Hill before dropping back

to the low ground and a walk beneath the hills now capped with rain clouds. Maggie ran

with a stick but lost it all too quickly to Tim who was then mugged by a suddenly revived

Struan. It was soon forgotten and even when we stumbled on yesterday’s shoe (see e-

diary) it had little effect today.

Wetly we made our way back over grassy paths to the main track back into Swanston. The

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horses’ fields empty. Perhaps all sheltered up in the livery yard at the end of the track.

We too were soon sheltered up back inside the car.


Photo slideshow from the walk 

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The Dog Rambler

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