The dog owners handbook

Post on 08-May-2015

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If you want to know how to care for dogs then this ebook will give you guidelines on taking special are for dogs.

Transcript of The dog owners handbook

The Dog Owners Handbook

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Please Start By Reading This - Then Pass It On

- "The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win." Roger Bannister

- "The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much important than the events that occur." Vince Lombardi

- "Success in our calling is the result of a person's love of and belief in the work he has undertaken. Earnest and conscientious labor often accomplishes more in the end than the brilliant genius." Anonymous

- "Food offered without affection is like food offered to the dead." Hindu Proverb

- "What you have to do and the way have to do it incredibly simple. Whether you are willing to do it, that's another matter." Peter F. Drucker

- The best motivation is self motivation. The guy says, "I wish someone would come by and turn me on." What if they don't show up? You've got to have a better plan for your life. Jim Rohn

- "How does one measure time? No, not in days, months, or years. It is measured by the most precious of all things: Love. Without which all beings and things whether brave and/or beautiful would perish." Irish Blesshin

Table of Contents:- The General History Of Dogs..............................................................................................5

- How To Pick The Right Dog For You..................................................................................7

- How to Teach Your Dog Their Name...................................................................................8

- How to Take Care of Your Dog...........................................................................................10

- How To Proper House Your Dog.........................................................................................11

- How To Train Your Dog......................................................................................................12

The General History Of Dogs

There is no incongruity in the idea that in the very earliest period of man's habitation of this world he made a friend and companion of some sort of aboriginal representative of our modern dog, and that in return for its aid in protecting him from wilder animals, and in guarding his sheep and goats, he gave it a share of his food, a corner in his dwelling, and grew to trust it and care for it.

Probably the animal was originally little else than an unusually gentle jackal, or an ailing wolf driven by its companions from the wild marauding pack to seek shelter in alien surroundings.

One can well conceive the possibility of the partnership beginning in the circumstance of some helpless whelps being brought home by the early hunters to be tended and reared by the women and children. Dogs introduced into the home as playthings for the children would grow to regard themselves, and be regarded, as members of the family

In nearly all parts of the world traces of an indigenous dog family are found, the only exceptions being the West Indian Islands, Madagascar, the eastern islands of the Malayan Archipelago, New Zealand, and the Polynesian Islands, where there is no sign that any dog, wolf, or fox has existed as a true aboriginal animal.

In the ancient Oriental lands, and generally among the early Mongolians, the dog remained savage and neglected for centuries, prowling in packs, gaunt and wolf-like, as it prowls today through the streets and under the walls of every Eastern city.

No attempt was made to allure it into human companionship or to improve it into docility. It is not until we come to examine the records of the higher civilisations of Assyria and Egypt that we discover any distinct varieties of canine form.

The dog was not greatly appreciated in Palestine, and in both the Old and New Testaments it is commonly spoken of with scorn and contempt as an "unclean beast." Even the familiar reference to the Sheepdog in the Book of Job "But now they that are younger than I have me in derision, whose fathers I would have disdained to set with the dogs of my flock" is not without a suggestion of contempt, and it is significant that the only biblical allusion to the dog as a recognised companion of man occurs in the apocryphal Book of Tobit (v. 16), "So they went forth both, and the young man's dog with them."

The great multitude of different breeds of the dog and the vast differences in their size, points, and general appearance are facts which make it difficult to believe that they could have had a common ancestry. One thinks of the difference between the Mastiff and the Japanese Spaniel, the Deerhound and the fashionable Pomeranian, the St. Bernard and the Miniature Black and Tan Terrier, and is perplexed in contemplating the possibility of their having descended from a common progenitor.

Yet the disparity is no greater than that between the Shire horse and the Shetland pony, the Shorthorn and the Kerry cattle, or the Patagonian and the Pygmy; and all dog breeders know how easy it is to produce a variety in type and size by studied selection.

In order properly to understand this question it is necessary first to consider the identity of structure in the wolf and the dog. This identity of structure may best be studied in a comparison of the osseous system, or skeletons, of the two animals, which so closely resemble each other that their transposition would not easily be detected.

The spine of the dog consists of seven vertebrae in the neck, thirteen in the back, seven in the loins, three sacral vertebrae, and twenty to twenty-two in the tail. In both the dog and the wolf there are thirteen pairs of ribs, nine true and four false. Each has forty-two teeth. They both have five front and four hind toes, while outwardly the common wolf has so much the appearance of a large, bare-boned dog, that a popular description of the one would serve for the other.

Nor are their habits different. The wolf's natural voice is a loud howl, but when confined with dogs he will learn to bark. Although he is carnivorous, he will also eat vegetables, and when sickly he will nibble grass. In the chase, a pack of wolves will divide into parties, one following the trail of the quarry, the other endeavouring to intercept its retreat, exercising a considerable amount of strategy, a trait which is exhibited by many of our sporting dogs and terriers when hunting in teams.

A further important point of resemblance between the Canis lupus and the Canis familiaris lies in the fact that the period of gestation in both species is sixty-three days. There are from three to nine cubs in a wolf's litter, and these are blind for twenty-one days. They are suckled for two months, but at the end of that time they are able to eat half-digested flesh disgorged for them by their dam or even their sire.

The native dogs of all regions approximate closely in size, coloration, form, and habit to the native wolf of those regions. Of this most important circumstance there are far too many instances to allow of its being looked upon as a mere coincidence. Sir John Richardson, writing in 1829, observed that "the resemblance between the North American wolves and the domestic dog of the Indians is so great that the size and strength of the wolf seems to be the only difference.

It has been suggested that the one incontrovertible argument against the lupine relationship of the dog is the fact that all domestic dogs bark, while all wild Canidae express their feelings only by howls. But the difficulty here is not so great as it seems, since we know that jackals, wild dogs, and wolf pups reared by bitches readily acquire the habit. On the other hand, domestic dogs allowed to run wild forget how to bark, while there are some which have not yet learned so to express themselves.

The presence or absence of the habit of barking cannot, then, be regarded as an argument in deciding the question concerning the origin of the dog.

This stumbling block consequently disappears, leaving us in the position of agreeing with Darwin, whose final hypothesis was that "it is highly probable that the domestic dogs of the world have descended from two good species of wolf (C. lupus and C. latrans), and from two or three other doubtful species of wolves namely, the European, Indian, and North African forms; from at least one or two South American canine species; from several races or species of jackal; and perhaps from one or more extinct species"; and that the blood of these, in some cases mingled together, flows in the veins of our domestic breeds.

How To Pick The Right Dog For YouAfter deciding to get a puppy or adult dog, the next question is: What kind of dog is best—mixed-breed (mutt) or pure-breed?

There are fans on both sides of this question who would never consider owning the “other” choice. Then there are people who just want a great companion and don’t care whether he’s a mutt or an AKC champion. [Note: We use the term “mutt” with affection. We have a warm spot in our heart for mutts. But we love all kinds of dogs!]

Pure-breed puppies are more predictable in terms of behavioral and physical characteristics. In many cases before picking a pure-breed puppy, you can check out the appearance, friendliness, basic manners, and general health of his parents.

Sometimes too much breeding/inbreeding, or breeding to achieve a desirable physical characteristic (such as the flattened nose of a Pug), can create health problems. Pure-breed dogs can be expensive. Depending on the breed, a pure-breed puppy will typically cost several hundred dollars.

A mutt, on the other hand, is pretty much a one-of-a-kind dog. If you’re adopting a mutt puppy from a friend, you might see what the mother is like, but the father is often a total mystery. If you adopt from a shelter, you can only guess about both parents. Mutts generally have fewer health problems and tend to live longer than pure-breed dogs. And mutt puppies are much cheaper (often free).

You cannot simply select the "perfect" breed or the "perfect" individual puppy and have him automatically grow up to be a "perfect" adult dog.

Any puppy (mutt or pure-breed) can become a wonderful companion if properly raised and trained. Conversely, any puppy can become a canine nightmare if not properly raised and trained. Regardless of pedigree (or lack thereof), you should pick a pooch that is best suited to you and your lifestyle.

Whether you want a mutt or pure-breed, the next thing you should think about is the size of the dog. If you live in an apartment, you may think it’s best to limit your pooch possibilities to small dogs. But you don’t have to. Large dogs can make wonderful apartment companions as long as they receive regular exercise during walks or dog park visits. Large dogs are often calmer and quieter than small dogs (less barking for neighbors to complain about). Dogs of any size will make great apartment pets as long as they are properly trained.

If you have small children, would a small dog be better? Not necessarily. Any dog, regardless of size or breed, may be frightened and irritated by children. A dog that feels threatened is more likely to bite. Of course, the bite of a Chihuahua will be less severe than that of a Rottweiler. Dogs of any size can make good companions for children if they are properly trained and socialized around children (but also make sure your children are taught how to act around dogs).

Small dogs eat less (so are cheaper to feed); and you’ll have smaller piles of poop to clean up, of course. They can be easier to control (they are not physically able to drag you down the street during your walk). But again, proper training will enable you to control any dog of any size.

If you’ve decided on a pure-breed dog of a particular size, it’s time to do specific research and consider behavioral traits as well as physical ones. If you pick a pure-breed pooch without doing your homework, you may be in for some surprises.

For example, Border Collies are very smart dogs, so you might think this would be a great choice. But super-smart dogs actually require more attention and care than average-intelligence dogs. They need mental exercise as well as physical exercise. Like bright students, they tend to get bored easily—and a bored dog is not a good thing.

If you find a particular breed of dog appealing, get information about it from appropriate resources:

Ask a veterinarian if the breed is prone to any health issues.

Get “reviews” from people who actually own the breed. Go online. The Internet makes research easy. Just do a search for the breed and you’ll find several web sites. Don’t limit your reading to just one site; pay particular attention to comments made in online discussion forums (by owners and trainers as well as breeders).

Look for tendencies and traits that you do not want, such as aggressiveness toward other dogs. Get several opinions. People who complain about behavioral problems—such as a Schnauzer that barks too much or a Chihuahua that still pees in the house at two years old—may not have trained them properly.

Even after compiling the results of your research, remember that every dog is different. His behavior will mostly be the result of genetics and how he’s raised. And don’t forget personality. Two sibling pure-breed pups raised in the same way by the same person may have totally different personalities. Even the best breeder cannot accurately predict how a puppy will turn out. But there are things you can do to increase your odds of finding a great dog.

How to Teach Your Dog Their NameEven if your dog already knows his name, please don’t skip this! The first thing we all teach our dogs, even before we realize we’re doing any training, is that when we make a certain specific sound, we want their attention.

This “sound” is their name. That’s all it is, and that’s all it should be used for.

Many dog owners tend to think of their dog’s name as more than that. They use it as a “catch-all” command with multiple definitions that vary depending on what they want their dog to do at the moment:

“Max!” (Meaning “Come here!”); “Max!” (Meaning “Stop that!”); “Max!” (Meaning “Get down!”); “Max!” (Meaning “Stop barking!”); “Max!” (Meaning “Don’t eat that cat poop!). You get the idea.

You’re dog may be the smartest dog in the world, but he is not a mind reader. You shouldn’t use your dog’s name any differently than a child’s name. For example, if you call a child’s name, he may acknowledge that he hears you (if you’re lucky), but his likely response will be to call back, “What?”

He probably won’t even look up from the video game or whatever else he was doing when you called his name. You’ll need to follow up with an instruction; tell him what you want: “Bobby! Stop playing that game and do your homework!” (Then he may or may not do as you ask, depending on how well he’s been trained.)

The point is, plan to use your dog’s name in the same way—to get his attention. Period. Then use other sounds (commands) and actions to tell or show him what you want him to do.

Important: Even after your dog learns his name, he may continue doing whatever he was doing when he hears you use it (just like Bobby). Don’t get upset or impatient. And don’t repeat his name: “Max… Max!... MAX!!!” Doing this will only teach your dog to ignore you until he hears his name over and over. We’ll give you better solutions.

So let’s get on with teaching your dog his name. Read this lesson first, and then practice it with your dog.

1. First, load up your pocket (or a bag or pouch) with 20 or so treats.

2. Take your dog to an area where there won’t be a lot of distractions.

3. Wait for your dog to look at something other than you, then say his name (once!).

4. When he looks at you, immediately give him a treat and say “Good!” (Or whatever you’ve chosen as the primary reinforcer, phrase or clicker. We’re going to just use “Good!” in our training examples.)

5. Now move a few steps to another location and again wait for your dog to be looking away from you.

6. Say your dog’s name again and immediately reward him again with the treat and praise when he looks at you.

7. Repeat this process five times. If your dog was particularly distracted before responding to his name, give him extra praise and treats. If you say his name and he doesn’t look at you, he may be too distracted. Move him a few paces to a different location and try again. Say his name. Use an enthusiastic tone of voice. Give immediate rewards if he looks at you.

If he still doesn’t respond to his name, clap your hands, whistle or make some other attention-getting sound. When he looks, say his name again and immediately give the rewards. Do this as a last resort. You want him to learn to respond to his name, not the other sounds.

If your dog does not show any response to those attention-getting sounds, please have his hearing checked. Seriously. Some breeds, such as Dalmatians, are prone to hearing problems. A dog owner who thinks the dog is too dumb to learn is sometimes surprised to learn the dog is actually deaf!

Another tactic: put the treat in your hand and let your dog sniff your closed fist so he’ll know it’s there. Pull your hand away and wait until your dog looks away from you. Say his name and immediately reward his response.

If your dog continues to ignore his name after several attempts, try moving to a less distracting location. Distractions include smells, not just sights and sounds. Keep trying, be patient, and remember not to repeat his name. Give immediate rewards when he responds.

How to Take Care of Your DogThe Bond that can come between a person and a dog can be extremely strong, especially if that bond had been strengthened living with each other for many years, I have personally cried after loosing our family dog that had been like a best friend to me from my birth till I as 15 years old, when he was hit by a car one morning. Dogs serve many different needs for people. Some people get a dog because they are lonely and need a loyal friend or because they want a dog to protect the home.

A dog that is taken good care of and given attention to regularly will give his life to help protect his home and his owner. For the blind a dog can be a pair of eyes to help them get around and for the police a dog can be an important tool and a loyal partner, with a nose that nothing can beat.

The first thing you need to know about taking care of a dog is that dogs need lots of exercise. This is the same for large dogs and small dogs.

All dogs need to be let out at least once every 8 hours and should given at least a 20 minute walk to give the dog some fresh air, exercise and a chance to relieve themselves.

It is also important to play with the dog on a regular basis. This can mean going to the park on a weekend or day off and having a good game of fetch, tossing the ball around in your back yard or just wrestling on the ground with the dog, just make sure if you are ruff housing with a little dog that you don’t accidentally hurt the dog.

Playing with the dog for a half hour a day, is not only good for the dogs physical health but a dig that is played with regularly is mentally healthier and less likely to become a depressed dog, it also lowers your blood pressure as well and it will form an unbreakable bond between you and your pooch, which will extend to your family if you should start having one after having the dog.

What you feed your dog is very important to the dogs continued good health. The butter dog foods will be marked for what are groups the food is appropriate for.

Younger dogs need certain vitamins and minerals in larger amounts then an adult dog, and the same goes for an elderly dog they need more calcium in their food to help protect their bones and joints.

Feeding your dog the wrong food can stunt the dog's growth and opens the dog to a larger risk of surgery when they are older.

Just like a person a dog should be taken to the veterinarian's office every 6 months, and must receive their shots every year. Regular checkups and vaccinations will also help assure that your dog grows to be an old happy dog.

How To Proper House Your DogDogs have been one of the most popular house pets from ages and taking care of a dog involves showing him proper care and attention to all of his needs and housing is one of the primary needs of every animal.

When it comes to dog houses, you can find many adequate solutions to take proper care of your dog’s housing necessities while keeping to you budget, if that is an issue.

Dog houses can be interior or exterior, depending on the type of habitation you have, dog houses can be located inside your own home or outside it.

They can also be all of shapes and materials. The most popular exterior dog houses are simple wooden ones, simply composed by four walls a roof and a door.

Cement dog houses have been widely used as well and have been very popular means of dog housing for years as aluminium ones have but both have proven to be very inefficient dog houses since they both were not comfortable for the pet.

Cement dog houses have proven to be very cold during winter while aluminium dog houses are extremely hot in the sunny weather making those two options a very cruel way to house your canine friend.

Nowadays the most popular and efficient option for exterior dog houses is still wooden or, if you fancy luxury dog houses or want to make a custom one, you can build your dog a super cosy, isolated dog house, using the same architectural and design techniques as if building a mini house for yourself. This can be a costly solution, but if that is not a problem for you, custom dog houses can be the safest way to make sure your dog is properly taken care of.

The idea of a custom housing for your dog is not all original and there are many different companies developing this type of products and services. You can now bring dog houses to a new level with customization.

Nevertheless, if you still love your pet very much but cannot afford to build him a two story with air condition house, the market has also more modest options that will keep your dog happy and well taken care of.

Interior dog houses can be exactly of the same type as the exterior ones- only they are placed inside your house- or they can be completely made out of smooth fabrics such as cotton, felt and sponge.

They are very warm and comfortable dog houses, specially made for the comfort of your dog without the need to think about the exterior weather conditions. Different form simple dog beds, those interior dog houses have the traditional four walls and one roof but they are made using very different materials.

All efforts to keep your furry family member happy are worth it and giving him the best housing you can is an act of love and respect.

With such big an offer for dog houses, whatever your lifestyle, you can provide him with a safe and proper place to live. Dog houses don’t need to fancy or expensive, just keep your dogs contort in mind.

How To Train Your DogIf you have a young puppy, we recommend that you wait until he’s at least 8 weeks old to begin formal training.

Before you begin the formal training lessons with a dog of any age, please plan to follow these keys to success:

1. Be patient. Each dog is unique, and can only learn at his own pace. Some dogs learn quickly; others take more time. Patience is indeed a virtue when it comes to effective dog training!

2. Be kind. This goes hand-in-paw with “Be patient.” Don’t lose your temper if your dog doesn’t “get it” right away, or appears to be ignoring you. Please do not punish your dog for not learning quickly enough. As a matter of fact, don’t punish your dog at all. (We’ll be teaching you effective ways to stop or prevent inappropriate behavior—without punishment.)

3. Be flexible. If your dog is struggling to learn, be willing to change your training routine. The location may be too distracting. The time of day may be too close (or far from) feeding time. The length of your training session may be too long (or too short). The training exercises may need to be broken down into smaller, simpler steps. Remember, each dog is unique. Be flexible and willing to do whatever you can to help your dog succeed.

4. Be generous. Be generous with your rewards and your time. Always reward your dog’s correct responses generously. Don’t be stingy with the treats—he’s worked hard and deserves a generous reward! And commit ample time to your training lessons. We’re all busy these days, but this is “quality time” for you and your dog. You’ll both enjoy and benefit from the lessons, so make sure your schedule is adjusted accordingly!

RewardsOne of the biggest keys to success with positive reinforcement training is rewarding your dog properly. This means giving him something he loves at exactly the right moment. Your first task is to figure out what kind of reward will best motivate your dog.

Food TreatsAll dogs are unique individuals. Most dogs are motivated by food that tastes and smells good to them. Food treats can be very small, which is handy for keeping them in your pocket or a pouch to use during training—and important to maintaining your dog’s caloric intake to healthy levels. So that’s the form of reward we’ll be using throughout this dog training. Be sure what you’re giving your dog is good for him. But don’t rely on the packing of store-bought treats to tell you “Your dog will love it!” Strong-smelling meat and cheese treats are usually winners, but many store-bought treats are made primarily of other ingredients. Your dog may not appreciate artificial colors, tastes or smells.

Small morsels of cooked chicken are a popular home-made treat. But keep in mind that what motivates other dogs may not motivate yours. Experiment and find out what he loves to eat.

Non-Edible RewardsWhat if your dog isn’t motivated by food (rare, but a possibility)? You’ll have to find something else that motivates him. You may think a couple of pats on the head are a great reward, but your dog may not. He might not even like it (most dogs don’t)! Try scratching his belly or some other form of petting. Again, experiment to find out what your dog loves.

Another form of reward to consider is play. Tossing a ball, playing tug-of-war, or playfully chasing your dog for a few minutes may be his idea of heaven.

The Best RewardLet your dog show you what he truly loves. He’ll do this with his reaction to the reward you offer. You just need to pay attention to how he responds. Just because he accepts a piece of kibble doesn’t necessarily mean he loves it. Watch him carefully when you’re giving him a treat, petting, or playing with him.

If he looks away or walks away, he probably isn’t all that thrilled about what you’re offering. But if he gets excited, stays close and begs for more, he’s showing you that he loves it and will be willing to work for that reward in the future. For initial training, we highly recommend using a food treat as the reward. It’s the easiest to work with and gets the fastest results…just make sure your dog really likes it!

"As A Dog Owner It Is Very Important That You Take Extra Care Of Your Best Freind And

Keep Him/Her Healthy At All Times"


New Dog Owners Guide

Inside this eBook you will discover:

How to select the right breed for your family.

How to find a reputable breeder.

Discover the perfect pet to suit you.

Should you go with a purebred or a mutt?

What is best, a puppy or an adult?

How to putty train your dog

Learn how to housebreak your puppy

What is obedience training and how to implement it.

Many dogs are overweight. Learn the proper diet for your dog.

How to spot allergies in your pet.

When to vaccinate your pet and what vaccinations he needs.

and much, much more!

(Click Below)

To A Healthy Happy Dog!

Best Regards,

Anthony Jerome.