The Digital Conglomerate Magazine - April 2012

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The spring issue of The Digital Conglomerate Magazine features Mr. Frank Lucas. The issue also includes green technology articles, deals with issues in society, has advertisements, entertainment reviews and more.

Transcript of The Digital Conglomerate Magazine - April 2012

Frank LucasDoes Not Want To Be Known As The…

Inside This Issue…

Health / Medical


Eco Fashion


Technology For Self Sufficiency


April 2012

An Exclusive Look At What Frank Lucas Is Doing Now!

Our publication continues to make strides and overcome obstacles with each new issue that is published. Although developing strategies and presenting marketing techniques that benefit our clients is our niche we provide more than just basic services as a marketing and public relations agency.

Taking the time to help develop talent and creative expertise is slowing coming to the surface as core strengths within our publication and public relations agency. This gives us reason to believe that the future and success of our agency is only now beginning to reap the benefits of valued exposure.

Dedicated team players from the publisher, agency president, all the way to our interns have vowed to give their productive insight in order to bring a continued success for the agency and publication in 2012.

Sincerely,Garland L. McLaughlin

Pg. 6 - Children Who Are LostBy Shaquana Jackson



Pg. 17 - The Art of Renewable EnergyBy L. Simone Hart

Pg. 21 - Cape Horn - The Sailing Destination

By Garland L. McLaughlin

Pg. 24 - Footlocker GURU Contest!By Willie4Ever

aka B. Blessed of HYPE Magazine

Pg. 25 - Celebrity Hairstylist Dr. Boogie Is a Suave Fashion Star!

By J Bluntz of HYPE Magazine

Pg. 28 - The Arbor Collective ReviewBy Garland L. McLaughlin

Pgs. 32 – 41 - Entertainment Reviews

Pg. 42 - I Don’t Want To Be Known As “The American Gangster”

Interview With Mr. Frank LucasBy Garland L. McLaughlin


The Forgotten, Misjudged, Misunderstood, Unloved, Neglected, the Wonderers, the Children who are lost. In Today’s society many children has no sense of direction. Our Communities and Churches are now added to the list of all who lost hope in our children. Children are sometimes placed in the most difficult circumstances in which they have no control over. Children are being raised by single parents who have to work two and three jobs just to make ends meet. That cause children to be left alone hours at a time without any supervision due to parent not having enough money for a sitter. Children then have all the time in the world to get into trouble when parents don’t spend as much time with their kids as they should.

The reason for our children being Misunderstood: Instead of listening to our children’s goals or desires we quickly brush them off like they’re an unwanted disease. Fathers also play a major role with our children being lost. The reason for our children being Unloved: Due to Fathers backing down from their Fatherly duties give children a reason to not care about life and to continue to act in various ways that are not appropriate for a child. Children then take their problems and frustration to school causing them to drop their grades or do something that may prevent them from getting their education. The reason for our children being Neglected: Guidance Counselors are placed at every school to be a listening ear and to help children with whatever they’re dealing with but instead they’re either too busy or don’t want to deal with the hassle.

The reason for our Children being Forgotten: Instead of the Community, Churches, or Neighbors step in to help one another with our Children before it gets out of hand we turn the other cheek because it’s somebody else’s kid and not our own. The reason for our children being Wonderers: The last result for our Children is to find love from the street which leads to jail or death. However children don’t see it like that, because any love is better than no love. The reason for our children being Misjudged: Once a child enters the system we are quick to put a label on them rather than help that child get on the right track. If we get together as a whole we can save our children from becoming just another statistic. We can help each other whether it’s big or small with saving our children by giving a helping hand. Remember children are our future but without you there’s no future for them. Changing a child’s life can be as simple as giving a smile or a hug. So remember when you see a child who seems to be troubled offer your help along with giving them your smile.

About the Author

Shaquana Jackson is the a 28 year old mother of a beautiful baby girl. Her birthday is Feb. 24, 1983.

“I am a Pisces that’s why I’m so creative! I was born in Lafayette, la and was raised in Abbeville, La. I write novels, poetry, children’s stories, plays, TV and movie scripts. I love to model, act, and sing. I have a degree in General Studies with a concentration in Liberal Arts. My heart’s desire is to one day have my own Film Production and to direct my own movies. I’ve been writing since the age of ten. I believe God has called me to be a blessing to others through my writing. I’m an Author of a poetry book “Underneath the Truth There Lies a Girl” which a book of inspirational and motivational readings. My first novel “Remove the Cover and See What’s Beyond” is an inspirational urban book to inspire others to never give up on one’s dreams even though we have stumbling blocks. Also there is a Sequel to “Remove the Cover and See What’s Beyond” known as “Now that the Cover Is Removed” which continues drama but an heartfelt story. I thank you kindly for supporting me, Love Shaquana.”





Continues on Next Page

Silence emerges, wind of silence blows and a pin drop silence seizes. Such silence occurs in the graveyard. Each day goes by and always a brand new day emerges. All we expect is that sunlight that shines on our eyes, telling us that we have survived a day. Honestly, that’s you experiencing the beauty of life, some home down the street are in total despair. Why? The darkest hour emerges, a loss of relative or loved ones to dreadful diseases that put their thorns into families and shatter them forever, some families don’t recover from this. Tanks of tears wouldn’t wake the dead, remember, that’s you in the position to weep. Imagine your doctor telling you that you’re next of the death list, all because that scorch of an illness is crawling right from your genes and would soon go full blown. Parkinson, Alzheimer, several forms of cancer, AIDS and Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID), just name it! No cure but hope lies beneath these dreadful conditions listed and even more but due to space they cannot all be listed here.

Gene therapy might sound new to a few but its existence came to be in September, 1990, the first approved clinical protocol for somatic gene therapy started trials (Blaese et al., 1995). Gene therapy is ‘the use of genes as medicine’. It involves the transfer of a therapeutic or working gene copy into specific cells of an individual in order to repair a faulty gene copy. Thus it may be used to replace a faulty gene, or to introduce a new gene whose function is to cure or to favorably modify the clinical course of a condition. The scope of this new approach to the treatment of a condition is broad, with potential in the treatment of many genetic conditions, some forms of cancer and certain viral infections such as AIDS. Gene therapy remains an experimental discipline however and much research remains to be done before this approach to the treatment of certain conditions will realize its full potential. The majority of clinical gene therapy trials are being conducted in the United States and Europe, with only a modest number initiated in other countries, including Australia. The majority of these trials focus on treating acquired conditions such as cancer. The only gene therapy that has been approved for routine treatment so far is for a form of cancer which was approved in China in early 2004. A form of immune deficiency called adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency was the first condition to be treated with a gene therapy approach in humans in the early 1990s. It is also the first condition for which therapeutic gene transfer into stem cells has been attempted in the clinical arena (Candotti F, 2001). Sure the light of hope has given us a twig to hold on to. This education on the importance of gene therapy is necessary so families generally understand the clinical implication and how they can restore joy.


As much as this seems to bring hope for our loved ones, several considerations have to be made before its clinical protocol is established. The condition in question must be fully understood and the underlying faulty gene identified. A working copy of the gene involved must be provided, the specific cells in the body requiring treatment must be identified and accessible and finally, a means of efficiently delivering working copies of the gene to these cells must be available. Of all these challenges, the one that is most difficult is the problem of ‘gene delivery’ i.e. How to get the new or replacement genes into the desired tissues. Some of the ‘vectors’ for the role of delivering the working copy of the gene to the target cells include using:

A HARMLESS VIRUSOf all methods that have been devised, the most promising of them all is the use of a harmless virus in the procedure. In this process, the virus’ own gene is removed and replaced with human gene. This clinical maneuver, would allow for the smooth transfer of gene into cell. Some of these vectors are capable of not only carrying the gene into the cell but also of inserting the gene into the genetic makeup of the cell. Once in the right location within the cell of an affected person, the transplanted gene is ‘switched on’. The transplanted gene can then issue the instructions necessary for the cell to make the protein; cascade of actions would ensue for the proper development of the missing or altered gene.

STEM CELLSAnother technique with potential is the use of stem cells in delivering gene therapy. Stem cells are immature cells that can differentiate or develop into cells with different functions. In this technique, stem cells are manipulated in the laboratory in order to make them accept new genes that can then change their behavior. For example, a gene might be inserted into a stem cell that could make it better able to survive chemotherapy. This would be of assistance to those patients who could benefit from further chemotherapy following stem cell transplantation.

PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES:It’s necessary to understand that human lives are very important in respect of any experiment. So many merits as wells as demerits are fused to this process, scientist always look for a way in which it benefits an individual outweighs the risks. Just as various clinical trials would emanate in future times, safety is always given consideration and strict clinical guidelines would be developed as the field advances.


While the body has many billions of cells, only a very small proportion of these cells are involved in reproduction, the process by which our genes are handed on to future generations. In males these cells are located in the testes and in females, in the ovaries. These special reproductive cells are called ‘germ cells’. All other cells in the body, irrespective of whether they are brain, lung, skin or bone cells, are known as ‘somatic cells’. In gene therapy, only somatic cells are targeted for treatment. Therefore any changes to the genes of an individual by gene therapy will only impact on the cells of their body and cannot be passed on to their children. Changes to the somatic cells cannot be passed on to future generations (inherited). Somatic gene therapy treats the individual and has no impact on future generations. As much as these procedures bring security to the lives of individuals affected by conditions that could put them in total despair, ethical grounds are necessary to be understood between the disparities of humans. The possible genetic manipulation of the egg or sperm cells (germ cells) remains the subject of intense ethical and philosophical discussion. Various schools of thoughts have antagonized the proceedings of this process, a strong consensus view at present is that the risks of germline manipulation far exceed any potential benefit and should not be attempted.


It’s important to note that the core objective of gene therapy is to develop vectors that can be injected, will target specific cells, result in safe and efficient gene transfer into a high percentage of those cells. Cells insert themselves into appropriate regions of the genome (or will persist as stable episomes), and will be regulated either by administered agents or by the body's own physiological signals. This will be cost-effective to manufacture and will cure disease. As the number of target cells may be in the billions, very high efficiency of gene transfer and the injection of a large number of gene-therapy vectors may be necessary. How soon can we expect significant progress in each of these areas? The next 5 years should bring the first successes for gene therapy. This means statistically significant data from gene-therapy protocol results in significant improvement in the clinical condition of patients. Within this time frame the first vectors that can target specific tissues should begin clinical trials and tissue-specific gene expression should have made its way into clinical trials. I envision that the next couple of years will result in a high flow of human genome projects coming about which aims to develop a safe, cost effective and viable way to combat various terminal conditions that do not merit the very human existence.

Gene therapy is a very promising field that would reinstate hope in the lives of people, more importantly; better ways should be developed for better delivery system whether viral or non-viral. In every field of medicine, the ability to give the patient therapeutic genes offers extraordinary opportunities to treat, cure and ultimately prevent a vast range of diseases that now plague mankind. I hope in recent times more works would be done to improve on this field of medicine.

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Where did we go wrong in society that brought about the awareness of everyday products we use for energy are causing harm to ourselves and planet Earth? As humans we have always been in tune with energy, starting with the alignment of the stars and even emotions we feel.

But now we have come to a point in civilization where there is an immediate need to conserve energy, due to global warming and possibly the dying of our greatest energy source the sun. We are now really becoming aware of the need to preserve and harness energy properly enough to service the most amounts of people as possible.

The Art of Renewable Energy

By L. Simone Hart

Wind: It has been harnessed as an energy source for hundreds of years. Sailors captured its power to navigate boat or ship sails. Birds use it to glide on or assist in changing the course of their flight. So it’s no surprise the awesome power that wind presents to better us as a human society.

One of the largest windmills can harness enough energy to service 600 homes with this fact it’s only common sense that people all over the world are taking advantage of this simple yet powerful energy renewing method.

What about solar panels? They are self relying ways of capturing and putting to use the suns energy. Solar panels can make it possible to be off the grid, meaning you could rid yourself of energy bills all together. How magnificent it would be to be able to have all the renewable energy needed to run your household or business, without sacrificing quality. So why aren’t people gravitating towards the use of solar panels? For one reason, the average person probably can’t afford them; though they can be costly the up side is that solar panels usually pay for themselves in three years time.

Imagine if hospitals ran solely on solar panels? It could be great for all of us. Because they would be able to cut energy cost they can hire more staff thus creating more jobs, while reducing their carbon footprint in the world. Not only that but in case there were an energy crisis and the electricity went out, solar panels wouldn’t be affected by the outage because they are charged from the sun’s energy. This means no worries about losing the lives of people who are relying on medical machines to sustain or enhance their quality of life.

Let’s not forget about the simplest form of renewable energy known as recycling. Keep being green world and recycle, reuse, reduce and close the loop.

You can find solar panels here…

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Cape Horn has a rich history of being the go to travel destination for sailing and yachting. The location is also known as being the fastest sailing route to take in order to travel around the world. British sailing enthusiasts take their sailing voyages seriously and consider the venture to and around Cape Horn to be an experience of a lifetime.

Taking a long distance sailing trip around Cape Horn is sure to be a memorable experience. The views are excellent, the atmosphere is calm and enjoyable, giving avis sailors something to talk about for years to come. The wildlife and natural surrounding are also something that is often talked about when visitors take an interest in seeing the Cape Horn area.

The Cape Horn area and sailing route was practically discovered by accident. In 1525 an explorer named Francisco de Hoces was accidentally thrown off course and drifted southward, leading to the discovery of the passage that led to the Pacific Ocean. Due to the weather conditions and navigation uncertainties it was only discovered in 1624 the Cape Horn is actually an island. The island rests just 400 miles away from Antarctica. Sailing experts that take on the venture of rounding Cape Horn also enjoy the bragging rights of stating that they have conquered the Mt. Everest of the seas. This is a notable as well as a dangerous feat that has been accomplished. Weather conditions are often cold by most standards. The average temperature year round is just around 41 degrees Fahrenheit.

After the discovery of this passage that made traveling around the world faster trade routes were set up leading from Europe to Australia. This route ultimately made it faster to ship good from the centralized European continent to the far reaching continent of Australia in less time than before. In previous voyages before the Cape Horn discovery a whole other route was taken and this added weeks of time onto a voyage.

Cape Horn has been featured in numerous books and article that focus on the topic of sailing. Individuals that take the trip to Cape Horn can see for themselves the spectacular and breathtaking views that the area has to offer. It is advisable that individuals capture the rare moments for themselves by making sure that they have a still photo camera or video camera on hand to enjoy the moments later on after they have traveled back home.

Cape Horn

The Sailing Destination

By Garland L. McLaughlin

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Back for 2012 is Foot Locker's "Locker Mania" Facebook sneaker bracket tournament! 16 shoes have been chosen to compete for the right to be called champion. Will the powerhouses like the Jordan Retro 10, Nike Foamposite or Lebron 9

reign supreme? Can the new kid on the block, the KD IV, show it has fight to make a run? Or how about the Adi Rise 2.0 rising to the top to shock

them all? Anything can happen and your vote can be the difference! Enter now at http://!/footlocker?sk=app_334386919931544 and let your voice be

heard! YOU can win FREE sneakers for one year! Doesn't get much better than that right?

Footlocker GURU Contest!

By Willie4Ever aka B. Blessed of

"'Working with the Suave Professionals was great fun," reveals Dr. Boogie. "My fans have been asking to see me back on TV and "Fashion Star" was an incredible opportunity to make it happen again! I truly love their product line and their Suave Professionals Dry Shampoo Spray is just my favorite. It is simply out of this world!"

Dr. Boogie made his television debut on the first season of Bravo's "Shear Genius" endearing himself to fans with his creative flair for hair fashion. Having done the 'do's of Hollywood's finest, including Kimora Simmons, Vivica A. Fox and Kym Whitley - the hair doctor has plans to unveil his own product line soon.

Check out Dr. Boogie on the Suave Beauty/ Fashion Star BTS Guide Facebook page at and keep up with him at

Dr. Boogie is back on the scene! This time the sought after hair stylist to the stars graces television on NBC-TV's new reality series, "Fashion Star" starring host and executive producer Elle Macpherson along with celebrity mentors Jessica Simpson, Nicole Richie and John Varvatos. Dr. Boogie joins the cast as one of the Suave Professionals® who team with the show's top stylists as they create the hottest hairstyles to complement the designers' fashion looks. One of Dr. Boogie's fabulous hair creations opens the season's first show!

By J Bluntz of

Celebrity Hairstylist Dr. Boogie Is a Suave Fashion Star!

The Arbor Collective Review

By Garland L. McLaughlin

Some of the best skateboards in the world are sold by the Arbor Collective. The Arbor Collective not only enables customers to buy skateboards, they have clothing and snowboard lines as well. Arbor clothing and arbor skateboards have grown to be nationally recognized as quality providers of durable consumer products. It has also been said that the Arbor Collective produces the best skateboards of any skateboard retailer in the world.

Being known as the maker of the best skateboards put the Arbor Collective brand in a category of its own. Just being associated with the term best skateboards allows the company to corner the market and concentrate on catering to their core audience that will buy skateboards. Arbor skateboards are fashionable just like the arbor clothing line. It isn’t hard to see that anyone could fall in love with the design and quality of the skate boards and then want to buy skateboards and accessories that the Arbor Collective have to offer.

The Arbor Collective certainly has a concept that will keep its customers hooked and always looking to purchase the newest products that become available. The company also bases it’s concept around an eco and outdoor friendly motto that speaks to the bulk of its customers. These ideas are intertwined and drive home the idea that being environmentally friendly and participating in extreme outdoor sports can be very fun. It is a very unique and smart concept to brand eco friendly ideas with sporting goods products, making their customers look good as well as smart environmentally conscious people.

Sure consumers are not just buying

into the concept that

arbor skateboards have to offer,

they are buying into the

brand and lifestyle. Arbor clothing brings

a definitive look and feel to the Arbor Collective brand and pushes the image and

lifestyle concept that

snowboarders and extreme

sports fanatics crave.

In today’s world fashion is extremely important when a company is expanding their brand. Fashion unites groups of people with the same interest and tastes. The Arbor Collective has done this very well and extreme sports will benefit from the ongoing campaigns that push the skateboarding and snowboarding image.

Shelly B. has an energetic style that hip hop audiences can appreciate as being creative and colorful. Her music not only has a colorful side but her personality speaks volumes as well. With all different sides to this Ms. Diva it is hard to tell which creative side she will be showing audiences next.

The electric Shelly B. is a versatile Queen of media showing off her talents for modeling, broadcasting, and of course performing on stage. She is one of the few MCs representing the North Carolina area that is bringing a new style and feel for women rap and hip hop artists. Her grind is finally paying off in many ways, from earning awards to generating press for her brand and musical combinations.

Be sure to learn more about the talented artist Shelly B. on her website…


George Sykes III might very well be gospel music’s best kept secret but he does not mind. The Newark, New Jersey native, who spent years working under the very able guidance of Cissy Houston, was patient, allowing himself to be led by his calling. He knew that timing was everything.

With Houston’s teachings well ingrained, Sykes left New Hope and became Minister of Music at New Zion Baptist Church in Elizabeth, New Jersey. But this would be his last official role at a church. He was now ready to write a new chapter in his life.

In April 2001, he created SIII & The Truth. Along with this 10-piece band and 18-member choir, he went on to work with some of the biggest names in music, among them Dizzy Gillespie, Sarah Vaughan, Melba Moore, Angie Stone, Wyclef Jean, Mary Mary, Tonex, Richard Smallwood, and the Clark Sisters.

He began to catch the eyes and ears of the industry and in 2009 he was crowned the best new artist by the Bobby Jones Gospel Hour. Many years and four CDs later, much had changed for Sykes but his music remained the same. It was still as pure and as powerful as ever. That, he says, is a testament to his unique style and the talent of his performers. “We do a lot of Take 6 style harmonies,” he says. “We do a lot of jazz gospel, reggae gospel, club gospel. I try to cover every style of music that’s out there.”

The success of SIII can also be credited to Sykes’ high standards. “I really train my choir hard to make them understand the difference in the way we sound and what we can bring to the table when we get out there.” But, Sykes, who says he creates on the spot, acknowledges that some things cannot be taught or planned. They must simply be felt. “I’m very spontaneous,” he says. “I write so many songs in my head so we usually go into rehearsals not knowing what God’s gonna give you. Whatever He gives us, we record.” While his process may seem unorthodox to some, Sykes has learned that in music and in life, you simply have to listen, surrender and trust God.

“I’ve just celebrated 25 years in gospel music,” he says. “And in all those years I have trusted that everything would come to me in God’s own time.” Sykes recalls an incident that reminded him that, even after many years and many successes, God was still making changes in his life. “A few years ago I was doing a concert in New York for a dinner. Afterwards, a woman came up to me and said, ‘You’re going to be big someday but the choir that you have now is not going to be your choir. The next choir that you have is going to be the choir that takes you where you need to be.’ At that time, this choir had been with me for seven or eight years and I didn’t believe what she was saying -- until it all unraveled in my face. The whole choir fell apart and everybody quit and started doing their own thing. I was very upset but I had to remember what she said. Now I have a new choir that sounds even better than the one I had before.”

Nowadays, George Sykes is no longer content to be gospel’s best kept secret. He has paid his dues, earned his stripes and he is ready for the world to stand up and take notice. “My goal is simple,” he says. “I want to be the biggest gospel artist in the world. I would hope that this would be anyone’s goal in life - to reach the highest heights in whatever you’re doing. If you don’t give 100 percent you don’t get 100 percent.”

By J Bluntz of

Sykes grew up in Newark’s Deliverance Baptist Church where his father was pastor and his mother was a singer and pianist. He went on to follow in her footsteps, eventually mastering the piano, organ, bass guitar and percussion.

At the age of 17, he became the Minister of Music at Ebenezer Baptist Church where he taught and played for four different choirs. But it would not be long before he would go on to direct the Youth Inspiration Choir and the male chorus at New Hope Baptist Church in Newark, New Jersey and work alongside none other than the great Dr. Emily Cissy Houston.

“I played with Cissy Houston at New Hope for 13 years,” he says. “She taught me how to be disciplined. Sometimes we think we know what we’re doing but God puts people in your life that know better. She was one of those people. She really grounded me.”

Who is

George Sykes III?

Many know Mr. Frank Lucas as being the “American Gangster” and know him from being the underworld boss that controlled the heroin trade in New York City. These days he is looking to get his message out about his foundation that caters to giving youth a positive direction to go in. Mr. Lucas is still a business man at heart as he is also gearing up to start pushing his luxury class clothing line for men and women.

Although Mr. Lucas is gearing up to present his fashion he really did not want to talk a whole lot about the fashion. There is a website featuring his fashion that is already out there on the internet, but he stated “I don’t want people to know about that crap that is currently online”. “It ain’t worth looking at and it is not good quality.” This say a lot for someone who was known to be quite the flashy gentleman in the past, he only accepts the best. Mr. Lucas assured me that he would be ready for The Digital Conglomerate Magazine Inc. to promote and run an advertising campaign for his clothing line in the early fall months of 2012.

At this point Mr. Lucas is concentrating on reaching young people and letting them know that crime is not the answer nor is it the way to go in order to be successful. Mr. Lucas has created the Frank Lucas Foundation in order to initiate awareness to youth and encourage them to stay in school and become productive citizens. This is a 180 degree turnaround from the Frank Lucas that most of us know. Mr. Lucas is initiating programs through his foundation in Alaska, Hawaii, and of course New York. Next I asked Mr. Lucas what kind of legacy does he want to have on history and why? Mr. Lucas answered, “Kids, don’t try to be a Frank Lucas… Your going to wind up in jail without a doubt.”

I Don’t Want To Be KnownAs “The American


Interview With Mr. Frank Lucas

By Garland L. McLaughlin

In talking with Frank Lucas I discovered that even if he was known as a criminal mastermind, he still has a conscious. Mr. Lucas stated, “I do have some regrets of the things that I have done in the past”. Frank Lucas went on to say that he feels that being labeled the “American Gangster” is a title that he surely is not proud of and he wishes that he never got that title. I also asked Mr. Lucas in a follow up question if he ever

felt tempted to return to his infamous ways of doing business? Mr. Lucas immediately responded, “No way, and I am deeply sorry about the past.” Mr. Lucas also went on to state that he is very remorseful, “Yes, for more things than I can count.”

Having the experience of interviewing a figure like Mr. Lucas surely sent a message to me that everyone deserves a second chance when they have done things wrong in their lives. The message that also became clear to me is that when you get that second chance don’t just talk about the things one is going to do to make positive changes, take action and make the right corrections to reflect the positive nature that needs to come about.


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