THE DEVIL'S JOKEBOOK by Phil Clarke Jr. - … · THE DEVIL'S JOKEBOOK by Phil Clarke Jr....

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Transcript of THE DEVIL'S JOKEBOOK by Phil Clarke Jr. - … · THE DEVIL'S JOKEBOOK by Phil Clarke Jr....


byPhil Clarke Jr.


Sun hangs over the horizon, casting long shadows over shops filled with everything Native American: clothing, souvenirs, fancy art.

TOURISTS walk through the streets. The occasional INDIAN is also seen

A large hotel overshadows the rest. Bright neon lights spell out: HIGH POINT CASINO.

On the edge of the village is a field. NO TRESPASSING signs posted all around.

A small sweat lodge rests in the field. White smoke bellows through a chimney.


A few stools and several blankets are the only furniture. A fire burns in the middle of the room.

TIM FISHERCAT (80) sits on a stool, back to the wall. Salt and pepper hair frame wrinkly skin and tired eyes. He claps his hands, keep to a simple beat.

MICHAEL DELACROIX (30) lays on blankets half-naked and sweaty next to the fire. His eyes stare straight ahead.

The Indian reaches into his medicine pouch. Pulls out powder and throws it in the fire.

The flame flares. Smoke drifts its way into Michael’s nose and mouth. His eyes light up.


YOUNG MICHAEL DELACROIX (20) kneels at the edge of a chasm. DANIEL DELACROIX (25) dangles in Michael’s hands, unconscious.

NICHOLAS DELACROIX (50) clings tightly onto Daniel’s belt. a pudgy balding man with horned-rimmed glasses and a thick mustache.

NICHOLASLet go of him, Michael! Let go of your brother!


No! You’ll die! Daniel! Wake up!

Daniel swings like a rag doll from his brother’s wrist. He’s dressed in the black clothes of a ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIEST.

The stitching in Daniel’s jacket POPS at the shoulder.

Michael angles for a better grip.

MICHAELSomebody help!

He looks around. A dozen FACELESS PRIESTS surround him. They stand frozen in prayer, oblivious to his plight.

MICHAELDad, climb up! It’s your only hope!

His fingers start to slip.

NICHOLASNo! I’ll stay with Daniel!

MICHAELDad! I can’t hold both of you!

Stitching POPS further.

Michael turns to the priests again, desperate.

MICHAELWhy are you standing there? Help me!

NICHOLASThey’re praying to God for help!

Michael looks at his father and brother in disbelief. Daniel’s jacket RRRRRIPS down the back.

NICHOLASGod won’t let us die!

Michael’s grip slips. He falls to the ground. He grabs his brother’s hand, barely holding on.

Fingers cling desperately--


Dad... You have to--


Limp fingers slide through a sweaty grip. Michael watches in disbelief as his father and brother. They disappear into the void beyond.



Michael jerks up from prone position and looks around, bugged-eyed. He COUGHS UP a cloud of smoke. It floats up the flue, over the fire pit.

He stands and grabs his pants from the floor. He composes himself, back to Fishercat.

The Indian approaches him.


Michael casually slides his pants on. Looks over his shoulder at the old man.

MICHAELSame old shit.


Michael stands next to a large basin. Pours a pitcher of water over his head.

Tim Fishercat stands by the lodge door, watching.

TIM FISHERCATThe same vision?

MICHAELMy father and brother plummeting to their deaths while a bunch of faceless priests do nothing to help? Yeah.

He grabs a collared shirt from the table and puts it on.

TIM FISHERCATYou’re the only one who has visions like this. Your conflict with your father and your beliefs run deeper than I thought.

The two walk toward the casino. Stop at a gate.


MICHAELEx-beliefs. I’m not Catholic anymore.

TIM FISHERCATOne doesn’t just throw his faith away like a cigarette butt. Some part of you still believes.

MICHAELYou’re definitely wrong there... What do I owe you, Tim?

TIM FISHERCATStay out of my grandson’s casino for a month and we’ll call it even.

Michael stops at the gate and smiles at the Indian.

TIM FISHERCATCareful, Michael. Hatred is like a crow. It will eat at you even after you die.

The two exchange looks.

MICHAELI’ll see you in a month, Tim.


Michael walks through the gate. Tim Fishercat watches him leave.

A crow lands on the fence and CAWS.


Lower East Side. Fire trucks park in front of the charred remains of a century old apartment building.

Firefighters roll up hoses. RADIO CHATTER is heard.

SAINT PATRICK’s OLD CATHEDRAL sits across the street. PEOPLE surround two young PRIESTS. They talk with them (MOS), seeking comfort.

MONSIGNOR DANIEL CAVANAUGH (50) stands behind the fence of the church cemetery. He stares grimly at the scene.

JENSEN (O.S.)Monsignor Cavanaugh...


Cavanaugh turns. FATHER CHARLES JENSEN (35) steps up, a muscular man with a buzz cut. He escorts ARCHBISHOP FRANCIS CARDINAL MITCHELL (65).

Several PRIESTS follow. They wear grey clergy shirts. Matching lapel pins rest on their jackets: a yellow crest with a bright red cross. Jensen wears the same pin.

JENSENArchbishop Mitchell has arrived--

CAVANAUGHYour Grace...

Cavanaugh kisses Mitchell’s ring. Mitchell glances across the street.

MITCHELLHow bad was this fire, Daniel?

CAVANAUGHTwelve families are homeless. Some minor injuries. That’s all.

MITCHELLAnd the church?

CAVANAUGHWe should talk inside. Downstairs.


The tunnel is cramped and composed of red bricks. Old lighting fixtures illuminate the passage.

Martin and Cavanaugh walk the tunnel, followed by the others.

CAVANAUGHAt five-thirty, this morning, the flood alarms in the tunnel--

MITCHELLFlood alarms?

CAVANAUGHArchbishop Dawson installed them in the nineteen-seventies.

They approach a rusty metal door. Cavanaugh steps up and pulls out a set of keys.



The door swings open. Light floods the next chamber.

CAVANAUGHAn alarm sounds when water levels in the tunnel reach one inch deep.

Cavanaugh hits a switch and more lights come on. Shelving lines the wall, filled with storage crates.

The Archbishop turns to the others.

MITCHELLIf you would be so kind as to wait here.

He steps through the doorway.


Cavanaugh and Mitchell cross the chamber. Shelves are filled with boxes, tubes and canvas-wrapped mysteries.

MITCHELLIf there’s water damage, everything will have to be moved.

CAVANAUGHWhere would we keep them during the repairs--?

MITCHELLMight be a good time to return some things to Rome. I’ll ask his Holiness for advice on the matter.

They stop at a formidable-looking iron door. A small puddle at the door resembles a miniature moat.

Cavanaugh opens a storage bin on the wall and pulls a leatherbound ledger from it.

MITCHELLIt would give the Archdiocese time to upgrade the electrical system and security system.

Cavanaugh signs his name to the ledger. Mitchell signs, too.


MITCHELLThe Archdiocese of Denver recently installed a security system that reads your fingerprints and your retinas.

CAVANAUGHSounds expensive.

MITCHELLNothing compared to what they’re protecting.

Cavanaugh reaches into his collar and pulls out two keys, secured to a lanyard. Mitchell does the same.


An inch of water on the floor reflects the light from the single overhead bulb.

MITCHELLNot much water, thank the Lord.

Three barrels sit on a small dais. Tarnished copper hoops circle dirty ancient wood.

Mitchell steps up to the barrels as Cavanaugh wipes a finger along the wall, smearing a layer of damp dirt.

CAVANAUGHWe were lucky.

Mitchell examines the barrels. Identifying marks are barely visible through layers of dirt on two of them.

The markings on the third are more legible. Cleaner.

MITCHELLDaniel, do you have a flashlight?

Cavanaugh pulls a keychain from his pocket and clicks on a small light on it. Mitchell takes it from him.

The third is definitely cleaner. Three small screws rest in the barrel’s head.

CAVANAUGHIs something wrong, your Grace?

Mitchell makes the sign of the cross. He tries to talk but can’t.



Mitchell taps on the barrel’s head with shaking hands. It breaks apart and collapses inward.

Mitchell SHUDDERS. He shines the light into the barrel.

Mitchell grabs the barrel and pulls it off the dais. It shatters on the cold stone floor.



It’s empty! There’s nothing there!

He staggers to the nearby wall for support. Cavanaugh rushes to his side. He gasps for air. He looks years older than just minutes ago.


Contact the Vatican. Cardinal Grigore--

CAVANAUGHWe need to get you to a hospital--

Cavanaugh drapes Mitchell’s arm over his shoulders. He tries walking him out. Mitchell resists.

MITCHELLNo! You must tell Cardinal Grigore the Devil’s Joke Book... has disappeared!

The ROAR of a large plane grows.


A commercial jet lands. Tires SCREECH on the tarmac.

A cell phone RINGS.

MICHAEL (V.O.)Ginger, it’s Michael. Have a minute?

GINGER (V.O.)(groggy)

Michael? What time--? It’s eight o’clock in the morning.



Michael hurries through the terminal.

GINGER (V.O.)Tuesday’s my only day to sleep late...

MICHAELSorry, but you need to tell Kutcher I want my finder’s fee back.

GINGER (V.O.)Kutcher?

MICHAEL (V.O.)His contact with the stone engravings failed to show again in New Hampshire.

GINGER (V.O.)I’ll call him--

He exits the terminal and climbs into a yellow taxi. It pulls out into traffic.

MICHAEL (V.O.)I have clients waiting for those engravings. And I’m looking foolish with them. Something I don’t like.



Cavanaugh sits behind the desk. He skypes with CARDINAL ALEXANDRU GRIGORE (85), very thin, a skeleton in flesh-tone paint.

CAVANAUGHArchbishop Mitchell suffered a heart attack. The doctors’ are optimistic--

GRIGORE(thick accent)

He will be in our prayers, Monsignor Cavanaugh. What did he tell you of the missing artifact?

CAVANAUGHNothing, your Eminence. Nothing that I didn’t already know...


Cavanaugh glances nervously at Jensen, then back to the monitor.

GRIGOREWe received the facsimiles of the current tunnel logbook. There is no other?

CAVANAUGHNone. I’m sure of it.

Grigore studies a sheet of paper, eyes straining.

GRIGOREYou and Archbishop signed in at six-twenty-five this morning when you visited the vestige chamber.

CAVANAUGHThat’s correct.

GRIGOREThe most previous entry was on February 23rd, 1999 by Archbishop Mitchell, Monsignor Theodore Deagan and yourself. Is that correct?

CAVANAUGHYes. Two weeks after my elevation to pastor.

GRIGORETwo weeks to the day, I see. Your security clearance went up quickly.

CAVANAUGHArchbishop Mitchell thought it best. My predecessor, Monsignor Deagan, was growing... muddled. Confused.

GRIGOREHe was retired and assigned to Mother Theresa’s Retirement Home in Nutley.


Yes. He died there last year.

Awkward pause. Cavanaugh bows his head.

GRIGOREDid he visit the church after his retirement?


CAVANAUGHYes. Often at first.

GRIGOREWere you always with him when he visited?

CAVANAUGHNo. You’re not suggesting Monsignor Deagan might’ve had something to do--

GRIGOREMembers of the Vatican Security Council will be arriving in New York City in a few hours--

CAVANAUGHThe Security Council--?

GRIGOREAn investigation must be conducted.

CAVANAUGHI understand.

GRIGOREDiscuss this matter with no one, Monsignor. The future of the Catholic Church--of Christianity--depends on the recovery of this codex.

CAVANAUGHI understand.

GRIGOREI will contact you shortly.

The screen goes blank.

Cavanaugh and Jensen look at each other.


The century old lobby is pristine. Spotless marble-tiled floor. Ornately carved walls. Simple chandeliers line the painted ceiling.

Michael enters the lobby and approaches the mailboxes.

An apartment door opens a crack. An ELDERLY WOMAN, with port wine stains on her face, peers out at him.



You have visitor. Been waiting since dark.

He looks at her. He turns to the stairwell and sniffs the air.

ELDERLY WOMANThe board won’t approve of your guests.

She closes the door. Locks SNAP tight behind her.


He reaches the upper landing. He places a key in a lock--

LAPRON (O.S.)You are late, Michael Delacroix...

Michael looks further up the stairs.

LAPRON sits on the floor, hidden in shadow. Twisted horns grow from his head. Copper-colored skin and horns head poke out of a tattered robe. Widely-spaced eyes stare at Michael, like those of a half-dead trout.

LAPRONYou were to be here at dawn.

MICHAELLapron. What brings you up from hell?

Lapron sits up. Long sinewy legs unfold, resembling those of a grasshopper. Flies buzz around him.

LAPRONI do my master’s bidding.

He raises his hand to his face and licks flies from it.

LAPRONAs do you.

Michael unlocks his door and enters.

MICHAELI serve no master.

Lapron stands up to follow. Michael SLAMS the door behind him. Locks CLICK.




The room is furnished with antiques, mostly of a religious nature. He drops his keys in a silver dish on an entry table.

Lapron’s head and skeletal arms pass through the door with some resistance. He grabs Michael by the neck and yanks him back. Michael SLAMS against the door.

LAPRONVery disrespectful!

Michael gasps for air. He reaches toward the wall, toward a holy water font.

LAPRONMy Master wants you. When she is done, I shall have you and leave you broken.

The font is out of his reach... by inches.

LAPRONHow can your kind live so confident and smug when your flesh is weak and your lives so corrupt?

Lapron jerks Michael back. The font is out of his reach again. Bug-eyed, he looks around.

The silver tray on the table! Michael grabs it with shaking fingers. Keys hit the floor as he brings it up.

He hits Lapron’s wrists with the tray, nicking skin. Dark blood is drawn, but no serious damage.

LAPRONI have requested you as my slave and simply await your death.

Michael raises the tray to the font and hits it. The holy water splashes onto Michael’s hand, soaking it.

Michael drops the tray and grabs Lapron’s wrist. Lapron SQUEALS. Smoke rises as demon skin withers.

He tries pulling himself through the door. Michael holds on tight and smiles.


Lapron pulls himself free and retreats through the door. Michael stumbles away and gasps for air.

He looks down and sees Lapron’s severed hand in his.

MICHAELHow are you going to masturbate your master now?

He picks up his attache and walks into--


A huge museum-like room, filled with religious artifacts and books.

He drops the hand on a table and steps toward a steamer trunk.

He pulls a wide-mouth jar from it. Filled with dry leaves. He lights them. Smoke dances in the vessel.

He carries the jar to the table. The hand is gone.

He spots it slowly crawling on the floor.

MICHAELSon of a bitch.

He grabs the hand and drops it in the jar. It squirms as Michael screws the lid on tight.

After a moment, the hand stops moving.

HANNAH (O.S.)If I didn’t know better, Michael--

HANNAH (14) stands in the kitchen doorway, wearing a tight schoolgirl uniform that accents every curve of her nubile body. Small gold horns grow from her forehead. Every hentai fan’s wet dream.

HANNAHI’d think you’re trying to make enemies in hell.

She skips over to him. Her blonde ponytails hang past her hips and dance around, defying gravity.

She wraps her arms around Michael’s shoulder and hugs him. A playful/seductive smile grows on her face.


MICHAELHello Hannah. That’s a new look for you.

She steps back.

HANNAHYou like? Got tired of the bat wings and horns look. That was so pre-Vatican two.

She looks at the jar and taps it. Fingers twitch.

HANNAHIs that my Lapron?

MICHAELPart of him.

She taps the glass again. She turns and steps away, giving him a clear of her lace-covered ass.

He turns away. She grins.

She skips around him, oozing that perfect blend of virgin and whore.

HANNAHSo when can he have it back?

MICHAELIt’s mine. I won it by right.

He returns the jar to the steamer trunk.


Wouldn’t have if not for the holy water, Michael. That’s cheating!

He closes the trunk and sits on it, facing her.

MICHAELIt’s not cheating to be prepared.

He points up. She looks.

Scores of fragile-looking bottles hang from the ceiling, filled with water. Small crosses are etched on them.

Hannah scurries to the kitchen, horror on her face.

HANNAHIn here, too?


She jumps in the doorway, nervously seeking shelter in the six inch frame.

Michael walks over to her.

MICHAELThere was a message for me, Hannah?

Her eyes race between him and the bottles.

HANNAHSince when did you become so paranoid?

He rests a hand against the door frame, over her head.

MICHAELMessage, Hannah?

He SLAPS the frame. CHIMES are heard. Hannah looks up.

Several bottles swing. They TAP into each other, like wind chimes about to break.

HANNAHSomething was stolen from a church! A book! We want it!

MICHAELSomeone stole a Bible?

HANNAHA relic!

MICHAELWhich one?

He SLAPS the door frame again. TINKLING is heard again.

Hannah puts her arms up, shielding her face.

HANNAHCan’t tell you! My Lord forbids me!

MICHAELIldeth forbids you? What am I supposed to do?

HANNAHFind it. Before the damned Church can. She’ll pay handsomely for it.

Michael shoulders past her, into the kitchen. She hangs back in the doorway, too scared to move.


MICHAELCan’t find something if I don’t know what it is. I need a clue to get started.

He grabs a tea pot from the stove. He empties it in the sink and refills it.

MICHAELTea? I have that chai tea you like--


He returns it to the stove and turns on the gas.

MICHAELMust be pretty valuable.

HANNAHMore valuable than anyone may imagine.

MICHAELAnd Ildeth can’t find it?

HANNAHA cloaking spell, most likely.

MICHAELThe church hasn’t cast cloaking spells in thirteen hundred years.

Realization. She avoids his eyes, confirming his doubts.

MICHAELThe book is eighth century?


MICHAELIt’s an actual book? Not Ildeth’s way of saying some saint’s dried asshole?

HANNAHYes. One that will topple empires.

He looks at her, concerned.


Long shadows hang over the cathedral. Traffic isn’t moving on the cluttered side streets.


CAVANAUGH (V.O.)For your penance, my brother, you will recite the Lord’s Prayer three times--


The cathedral is mostly empty. An MAN sprays cleaner on the altar and wipes it clean.

CAVANAUGH (V.O.)While you do so, reflect on how your selfishness hurts those closest to you.

SINNER (V.O.)I will, Monsignor. Thank you.

An ELDERLY MAN (75) steps from a confession booth. He slowly makes his way toward the altar.

A man on a nearby pew enters the confessional, his face cloaked in shadow.

MICHAEL (V.O.)Forgive me Father for I have sinned--


Cavanaugh sits in his compartment. He peers at the silhouetted figure beyond the screen.

MICHAEL (V.O.)It’s been twelve years since my last confession.

CAVANAUGHTwelve years? That is a long time without seeking the Lord’s forgiveness--

MICHAEL (V.O.)I’ve stolen something, Father. From the Church. And I do not know what to do.

CAVANAUGHYou... stole from the church?

MICHAEL (V.O.)I stole a book from the church.

Cavanaugh snaps to attention. He tries looking through the screen but can’t.


MICHAEL (V.O.)And now I fear for my soul--

Cavanaugh rushes from his seat and pulls the curtain away from the penitent’s booth.

Michael sits there, eating a box of Junior Mints.

MICHAELHello Daniel. Long time no see.


Michael sits at a table, opposite Father Jensen. Two other priests stand by the door, like well-dressed thugs.

MICHAELKeeping me against my will is illegal.

Jensen stares silently at him.

MICHAELYou probably don’t care... Answering to a higher authority and all that.

He points to Jensen’s lapel pin.

MICHAELYour pin, the Order of Saint Isidore? Patron saint of record keeping? I read his books, the Etymologies. Not all of it, but enough.

Jensen tightens his jaw in irritation.

MICHAELHow do you get a nun pregnant...? Dress her up as an altar boy.

Jensen POPS him in the nose. Michael pinches his nostrils as blood drips out.


Jesus! Whatever happened to turning the other cheek?

He pulls a handkerchief from a pocket and applies pressure.

The door in the room opens. Cavanaugh enters with FATHER WADUSKY (65), a heavyset and completely hairless man.


Jensen offers his seat to Wadusky who quickly takes it.

CAVANAUGHThis is Michael Delacroix--

Wadusky waves Cavanaugh off, shutting him up real fast.

WADUSKY(Polish accent)

The Vatican is familiar with Michael Delacroix, Monsignor. Thank you.

He turns to Michael.

WADUSKYI am Father Peter Wadusky, director of archival storage and security for the Vatican Apostolic Library.

Michael checks his nose, not too impressed.

WADUSKYMonsignor Cavanaugh advised me you are in possession of an early church codex.

MICHAELHe told you that? I told him that during confession. The sacrament of penance.

Wadusky turns to Cavanaugh.

WADUSKYHe told you this during the sacrament of penance?

Cavanaugh nods.

WADUSKYWe will concern ourselves with Monsignor Cavanaugh’s trangression accordingly. But, at this moment we must discuss the object that you claim to possess.


WADUSKYYes. This item is of great importance to the Roman Catholic Church. Tell me, Son--

MICHAELDon’t call me that.


WADUSKYExcuse me?

MICHAELDon’t call me ‘son.’ My father’s a retired bus driver in Brooklyn.

JENSEN(in Latin)

He’s playing with you, Father.

WADUSKY(in Latin)

Are you sure, Father Jensen?

JENSEN(in Latin)

He wouldn’t be so casual if he had the codex. He’s an arrogant fool who is of no value to us.

MICHAEL(in Latin)

I’m an arrogant fool who speaks Latin.

Everyone looks at him, surprised.

WADUSKY(in French)

We should speak later about our friend here--

MICHAELI speak French, too.

Awkward pause.

WADUSKYMister Delacroix, do you know what it is that you possess?

MICHAELA book that predates Benedict the First. That could mean the end of the church.

WADUSKYThat’s very vague. You don’t sound like you know what the codex is.

MICHAELI have friends translating it for me.



MICHAELTo learn its true value, I need to know more. How old it is. Things like that If you want to save me some time--

WADUSKYWho do you have looking at it?


Four colleagues.

Wadusky shakes his head. Jensen looks furious.

Cavanaugh seems relatively calm.

CAVANAUGHMister Delacroix, how did you acquire the codex?

MICHAELAn unnamed source.

CAVANAUGHAdmit it, Mister Delacroix, you don’t have any such book, do you?

Everyone looks to Cavanaugh.

CAVANAUGHYour hatred for the church is well documented. Two lawsuits over your brother Daniel’s death.


CAVANAUGHTwo of them, Father Jensen. I’ll advise you of them later.

He turns to Michael.

CAVANAUGHPerhaps you can provide some proof that you have the item in your possession.

MICHAELMy knowledge of the missing book isn’t enough? Or even its existence?

CAVANAUGHYou must’ve looked at it. Please, describe the cover to us.


Michael plays for time. Looks like he’s screwed.

CAVANAUGHIs it leather? Lead? Wood? Gold?

MICHAEL(feigned anger)

I will not be tested.


Michael storms out the door. Humiliated. Pissed.

CAVANAUGH (V.O.)Mister Delacroix is obviously playing games with us, wasting our time...

Jensen watches him walk away from the door.

WADUSKY (V.O.)He knows something. Otherwise he wouldn’t have come at all.

CAVANAUGH (V.O.)Father Jensen, if that man returns here, notify the police immediately.


Michael storms into his apartment and locks the door. His foot steps on something--


He looks around.

Paintings hang on the wall, slanted. Books and trinkets are scattered on the floor. And broken glass.

MICHAELWhat the hell?

HANNAH (O.S.)Hell had nothing to do with this--

Hannah peeks around a leather chair, facing a window. Her hair is bright red and shoulder length, with bangs.

She leaps on the chair and faces him, kneeling. A sexy nurse outfit barely covers her hips.

She flips through a large leather bound book.


HANNAHIt was those naughty priests. While you were visiting them, they visited you.

MICHAELTerrific. Did they take anything?

HANNAHNope. They just looked around and broke a lot--O.M.G!

She jumps from her chair and points to an illustration.

HANNAHI know him! I met him during the plague!

Michael snatches the book and tosses it aside.

MICHAELI spent the last four hours doing your master’s bidding, only to be ridiculed by an old man in a collar. I think you know how much that pisses me off.

HANNAHOhh, poor baby. But you know what?

She points up to the ceiling.

The bottles of holy water are broken or missing.

She smiles sinisterly at him.

HANNAHYour night’s only gonna get worse.

She grabs him by the throat and flings him effortlessly across the room. He hits a bookshelf and CRASHES to the floor. Empty shelving falls on his head.

She leaps across the room and lands next to him.

She grabs him by his face. Her fingers elongate and turn into talons. Skin bleeds where they dig in.

HANNAHThis is for your silly bottles!

She SLAMS him into the floor.

HANNAHAnd for trying to control me! Me!

She SLAMS him again.


HANNAHI thought you liked me, Michael! We’re supposed to be friends.

His hand searches the floor. He finds a bronze figurine and stabs Hannah in the side with a pointy edge.

She leaps to her feet with a girlish scream.

Michael fishes through the mess for another weapon.

Hannah pulls the figurine from her side and looks at it.

It’s Vishnu!

HANNAHYou stabbed me with Vishnu? Seriously? We’re not even in the same sphere.


Give me a minute. I’ll find something Judeo-Christian.

She raises the figurine and prepares to throw it at him.

MICHAELThe book--!

She stops. He painfully climbs to his feet.

She presses the statue to his throat. His hands are behind him, against shelving.

MICHAELThe church brought in their big guns and I’m working blindly. I need something to work with... I thought I was your favorite, Hannah.

HANNAHYou stabbed me!

MICHAELWith Vishnu! That wouldn’t have hurt you if you were Daityas.

Her expression softens.

MICHAELWe’ve done this dance for how long? Ten years? If I wanted to hurt you, I would’ve stabbed you with a crucifix.


She drops the statue and kisses him passionately. He doesn’t look too happy.

His right hand, still behind him, gently drops a crucifix back onto a shelf.


Hannah sits Indian-style in the leather chair. She holds a large latte cup in one hand while dipping six teabags with the other.

MICHAEL (O.S.)Okay. Was this book written by a figure of the New Testament?

Michael picks up books and statues from the floor. He places them on the shelves just so, displaying a certain degree of OCD.

HANNAHYes. Question four?

MICHAELWas it written by one of the Apostles?

She sips her tea.

HANNAHVague question. Please rephrase it.

MICHAELWas it written by one of the twelve commonly referred to as Jesus’ apostles?

HANNAHYes. Question five?

MICHAELWas it written by either Matthew, Mark, Luke or John?


He picks up an empty glass jar. He looks around.

MICHAELDid you take Lapron’s hand?

HANNAHNo. Question seven.


He looks at her, surprised.

MICHAELThat doesn’t count. I was asking a question outside the game.

HANNAHLet me check the judges.

She looks up at the ceiling, smiling.

HANNAHJudges say it counts. Question eight.

He SIGHS. He reaches under a shelf and presses a button. Two bookshelves open up, revealing a--


He steps inside and looks around. Jars of roots and herbs. Powders and oils. Preserved animals.

Various electronics and a laptop. Looks like a Wiccan Radio Shack.

MICHAELAt least this is safe... Does this book contradict the others in the New Testament?

HANNAHOoooh, big time.

MICHAELEnough to hurt the Church?

He steps out of the secret room.

HANNAHHurt it? It would destroy it!

She kicks her legs in front of her, giddy.

MICHAELOne of the four wrote a book that contradicts the Gospels?

HANNAHJust one part--whoops!

MICHAELWhat part?


His head jerks in her direction. She brings the cup to her face and sips, eyes darting left and right. Like a child with a secret she can’t contain.

MICHAELWhat part, Hannah?

She hides her cat-that-ate-the canary smile with the mug.

MICHAELDoes it deal with the resurrection?

HANNAHNope. Question nine.

MICHAELThe crucifixion?

HANNAHGetting warm. Question ten.

MICHAEL(to himself)

Getting warm...

He looks at her, deep in thought. Her smile grows more.


The tunnel is flooded with construction lights. Members of the ORDER OF ST. ISADORE (’ISADOREANS’) stand guard.

Father Jensen exits the final chamber. Others follow, wheeling metal carts. Heavy locks secure the contents.

They pass Cavanaugh and Wadusky. They follow the group.

WADUSKY (V.O.)The other items will be flown directly to the Vatican and placed in the vaults.

CAVANAUGH (V.O.)I feel so responsible for this.


POLICE OFFICERS meet the priests in the driveway. The containers are loaded into an armored truck.

WADUSKY (V.O.)Do not blame yourself, Monsignor. We will investigate the matter thoroughly--


Police hurry to the street and awaiting squad cars. Priests climb into limos with tinted windows.

The procession drives past Wadusky and Cavanaugh, still on the sidewalk.

WADUSKYThe item will be found. As well as those responsible for stealing it.

CAVANAUGHAny suspicions? The Conveyers of the Word, perhaps?

MRS. DEARBORN (70) steps up to Cavanaugh. A grey-haired woman in outdated clothes. A professional bingo player, if there ever was one.

MRS. DEARBORNMonsignor Cavanaugh, is everything okay? With all these police cars and trucks--

CAVANAUGHNothing to worry about, Mrs. Dearborn. Our cellars took damage from the fire and we are moving some items to another location.

Something catches Wadusky’s eye. He turns to a nearby street light. There’s a yellow flyer taped to it.

MRS. DEARBORNBut everything is fine? That’s good. I’ve been praying for everyone who lost their homes. And for the firemen--

WADUSKYMonsignor Cavanaugh, would you please come here?

CAVANAUGHI must go, Mrs. Dearborn. I will see you soon, I’m sure.

MRS. DEARBORNYou have a good evening, Monsignor--

He turns to Wadusky and the light pole.

CAVANAUGHYes Father Wadusky, I was--

He looks at the flyer. His jaw drops.






Cavanaugh makes the sign of the cross and shudders. Wadusky glances down the street. He GASPS and points.

Yellow flyers! Dozens of them, taped on light posts. Under the wipers of every parked car.

CAVANAUGHHe’s insane.

Wadusky rips the flyer from the pole and gives it to nearby priests. He whispers something (MOS). The priests separate, grabbing the flyers.

Something catches Cavanaugh’s eye, across the street.

Michael sits at an outdoor table, sipping tea. He raises his cup to him.

CAVANAUGHThat insolent animal!

Cavanaugh and Wadusky storm over. Jensen and two other ISADOREAN PRIESTS follow.

WADUSKYWhat is the meaning of this, Mister Delacroix?

MICHAELDo you believe me now?

The Isadorean priests surround Michael.

WADUSKYPerhaps we can finish it in the rectory?

MICHAELWe finish it, here. On my terms. You and Monsignor Cavanaugh can have a seat. The guard dogs will have to step away.

WADUSKYI am required to have security--


MICHAELIf they stay, I leave. And I promise you, I won’t be back.

Wadusky reluctantly sits. He turns to the others and waves them off. They step back.

CAVANAUGHI should return and make sure the tunnel is secure... I’ll be back shortly.

He walks off as Michael sips his tea.

MICHAELThis shop has a wonderful tea selection, Father. Make yourself comfortable.


Cavanaugh closes the door behind him. He draws the curtains closed and hurries to the foot of his bed.

He pushes a steamer trunk aside, revealing a mismatched panel in the wooden floor. He presses on it.

It flips up, exposing a safe.


The door opens. Cavanaugh pulls out a leather sack, the size of a cigar box.


Wadusky faces Michael.

WADUSKYMister Delacroix, I do not understand your intentions in this matter. Perhaps if I met with your patron--

MICHAELMy client wishes to keep her identity a secret at this time.

A waitress in a short tight skirt serves Wadusky a tea.

WADUSKYI see... Thank you, my child--


Jensen rushes through the wall of priests and stops at the table. He holds flyers in his hands.

JENSENFather Wadusky, I insist you step away from this man.

WADUSKYI appreciate your concern, Father Jensen--

JENSENMichael Delacroix is a confidence man! No more. No less. He can do nothing--

A table candle flares up. Flames form a devil’s head. It leans toward Jensen and ROARS, showing off sharp teeth and dark eyes.

Everyone but Michael and the waitress jump back.

The devil vanishes as suddenly as it appeared.

The priests look at each other, stunned. Michael glances over at the waitress and winks.

Hannah, the waitress, winks back.

Michael swings back to Wadusky, all business.

MICHAELTell me about the codex.

WADUSKYNot here, Mister Delacroix. May we talk where there is more privacy--?

MICHAELNot the rectory. Not the church.


I know a place.


Security lights shine down on sun-bleached gravestones.

Michael and Wadusky sit on an old stone bench.

WADUSKYArchbishop Mikael of Axum found four papyrus scrolls in 635 in Ethiopia.


It wasn’t until he brought them to the Vatican and translated that anyone knew what they were.

MICHAELA confession to the greatest betrayal and frame up of all time?

WADUSKYMister Delacroix, please. Your cavalier attitude is not appreciated. The College of Cardinals have sequestered themselves numerous times over the centuries, debating the matter.

MICHAELAnd their decision?

WADUSKYSome say the Devil’s Joke Book should be made public. Other say it should be destroyed... In 702, it was stolen from a Vatican vault by three bishops. They made two copies of it before they were captured and tried as heretics.

MICHAELAnd you’ve been keeping it here in recent years?

WADUSKYIn the basement tunnels, yes.

MICHAELWhere do you stand on this? If you don’t mind my asking?

WADUSKYIt should be destroyed.


Cavanaugh steps from the church and up to Wadusky.

CAVANAUGHFather Wadusky, you have a phone call. It’s... his Holiness.

Wadusky stands; Michael follows.

WADUSKYI must take this call, Mister Delacroix. I’m sure you understand.


MICHAELCompletely, Father Wadusky.

Cavanaugh leads Wadusky away. After a few steps, he stops and turns to Michael.

WADUSKYI’m sure we will talk again, Mister Delacroix. And I pray you see the severity of this matter.

Wadusky and Cavanaugh enter the church. Some of the Isadoreans follow.

Others stay glued to Michael’s side.


Michael presses the button in the bookshelf. The doors to his secret room swing open.

He turns on a laptop and pulls jars off the shelf as it warms up.

His fingers dance over the keyboard. PDF files pop up. Handwritten pages, centuries old.

Hannah leans into the doorway.

He measures ingredients and places them in small mason jars. He sticks a wick inside and seals them with wax.

HANNAHFootprint spell? Seriously?

MICHAELI need to find out who took the codex.

HANNAHIt’s an amateur spell! You’re better than this.

He stuffs a metallic briefcase with various equipment. He examines lock pick tools before placing them in his pocket.

HANNAHWe could just wait for the priests to step away from hallowed ground. Force the information out of them.

MICHAELDon’t wait up.


He leaves his apartment, briefcase in hand. Hannah stands there, arms folded and a major pout on her face..


The street is busy but the church and grounds are dark.


The tunnels are quiet.

Michael walks along, briefcase in hand, LED lights strapped to his head.

He approaches the first metal door and whips out his lockpick tools.


Michael passes water-stained crates and shelves.

He stops at the final door, studded with keyholes.

He sets to work on the first one. His pick slides in the hole. Surprised, he fishes around. No resistance.

He tries the second. Same results.

MICHAELNo locks?

The third keyhole offers resistance. He plays with it. CLICKING is heard.


Michael fires up his laptop. He plugs the cameras in and aims them at the dais. Images of the dais flash on the screen.

He places the mason jars in front of the cameras and lights them

He sits on the floor, shuts off his flashlights. He stares at the screen and chants quietly.

The flames flicker and burn a brilliant orange. Dark smoke dances from them.


An orb rises from the flames. Takes the shape of a disembodied head.

It’s Michael!

He types in his computer. The images on the screen sharpen.

Other orbs appear. Some in groups; some by themselves. They dance through the air and take on the form of heads.

Michael continues the chant

An arm reaches around and grabs him in a choke hold. He’s whipped around like a rag doll. Pushed into the stone wall. He throws wild punches, each time.

His opponent socks him in the jaw, spins him around. He slams into the wall and staggers.

The laptop’s glow falls on his attacker, a very pissed-off priest.

Michael knees him in the groin. The man crumbles to the floor.

Michael grabs his briefcase and SMASHES it on the priest’s head. The priest GROANS on the floor as Michael packs his things and hurries from the room.

As he races around a corner in the tunnel, Jensen greets him with a roundhouse to the face. Michael stumbles and grabs his nose.

MICHAELNot again...

Everything goes black.


Michael wakes up on the floor, his arm raised above his head. He’s handcuffed to an old radiator. Bloody nose.

Jensen watches him from a high back chair.

JENSENYou really know how to get in trouble. Trespassing in the inner sanctums of a church. Using black magic. And attacking a priest.


MICHAELIf I recall, he hit me first.

JENSENDo you think the police will believe that? Or the Church’s story?

MICHAELPeople have believed worse from the Church. Haven’t they?

He sits up and looks around. His briefcase rests on a desk, open.

JENSENWho do you work for?

MICHAELI work for myself. A spiritual mercenary, so to speak.

JENSENSpiritual? You have a funny way of showing it, desecrating a church.

MICHAELBeing spiritual and being Catholic are two different animals... How about you? Who do you work for?

JENSENI work for God.


MICHAELAnd where do you stand in this whole Devil’s Joke Book matter?

Long silence.

JENSENThe truth should be revealed.

MICHAELAt the cost of destroying the church?

JENSEN“Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” John, Chapter 2, verse 19.


MICHAEL“But found none: yes, though many false witnesses came, yet found they none. At the last came two false witnesses, and stated, fellow said, I am able to destroy the temple of God, and to build it in three days.”

Jensen looks at him, slightly impressed.

MICHAELMatthew, Chapter 26, verse 61... I hope you can appreciate the irony.

They stare at each other. Jensen is the first to grin.

JENSENFor a non-believer, you know your Bible.

MICHAELI wasn’t always a godless heathen. I graduated Saint Charles Academy on the Upper West Side.

JENSENYou were considering priesthood?

MICHAELOld man wanted me to follow in my brother Steven’s footsteps.

JENSENYour brother’s a priest?

MICHAELDied in his third year of seminary. A drunk driving accident. You may have heard of it.

JENSENYour brother was one of those who died in the accident with Father Murphy?

MICHAELFather Murphy’s blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit.

He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a ballpoint pen, and a handkerchief. He drops the pen and wipes the blood from his face.

MICHAELMy father, a devout Catholic, immediately settled with the church.


Ten thousand dollars. And then he turned around and donated the money right back to the church. Because suing God is a sin.

Awkward silence from Jensen.

MICHAELNearly killed him when I dropped out of Cathedral College. I needed time to think things through. Instead of going back, I found a whole new world in religious studies and occult research.

Jensen pulls a mason jar from the brief case.

JENSENSo, you earn a living by playing wizard? Buying and selling religious books and artifacts?

MICHAELThere’s no playing involved. Pass me my computer.

Jensen gives him a are-you-kidding-me look. Michael raises his cuffed hand.

MICHAELWhat do you think I’m gonna do? Break out of my cuffs with it?


The laptop rests on the chair, next to Michael. He types with his one free hand while Jensen watches on.

The screen shows the candles lit in the chamber.

MICHAELJust imagine that, wherever you go, you leave a bit of your energy behind.


MICHAELLike spiritual fingerprints. Now, what if I were to lift these prints like a cop at a crime scene?

The first orb floats across the screen. It shines like a soap bubble. Michael maximizes the window.


MICHAELThe spell makes the aura visible. Look--

The orb morphs into Michael’s head. It slowly spins around. Another orbs follow.

JENSENIs that you?

MICHAELThe most recent one in the vault. It works backwards.

Cavanaugh’s head appears from an orb.

MICHAELMonsignor Cavanaugh...

More faces appear.

MICHAELYou and your fellow priests... Monsignor Cavanaugh and Father Wadusky--

JENSENIt showed the Monsignor twice?

MICHAELEach time you’re in the room... There’s your friends again.

JENSENHow far back can you--?

MICHAELSixty or seventy years. If I’m not interrupted.

Jensen’s expressions change from curiosity to concern.

MICHAELHere we have the Monsignor and Father Wadusky... and now the Monsignor and--is that Archbishop Mitchell?

JENSENCan you determine time with any of this?

MICHAELTo a point...

A lone orb floats upward. It turns into Cavanaugh’s head.


MICHAELAnd Monsignor Cavanaugh again... And Monsignor Cavanaugh yet again.

He turns to Jensen.

MICHAELThe Monsignor visits the vault a lot. Doesn’t he?

Cavanaugh’s head floats across the screen again.

Jensen’s face floats in an orb... alone.

Jensen’s eyes dart to Michael; an eyebrow arches. He shoves Michael into the wall--


Jensen grabs the laptop and places it on the desk, out of Michael’s reach. Michael reaches for it, still cuffed to the radiator.

MICHAELYou and Cavanaugh? You stole the book?

JENSENYou know why.

MICHAELI’m working for someone who wants to show the book to the world! We’re on the same side!

Jensen walks to the door and opens it.

JENSENMonsignor Cavanaugh will want to speak to you. Don’t disappear on me.

He closes the door. Tumblers CLICK.

JENSEN (O.S.)(muffled)

No one goes in or out this door. Understood?

Michael reaches for his lockpick kit on the desk. It’s too far.

He swings a leg toward the desk, hoping to hook it with his foot. No luck there, either.


He looks around. And it hits him.

He grabs the ballpoint pen and pops the cap off. He bites down on the tip and pulls out the ink reserve.


Jensen hurries through the rectory. Cavanaugh struggles to keep up with him, tying a posh robe as he walks.

CAVANAUGHAre you sure he knows? It’s not some trick?

JENSENHe did some spell. He saw us in the chamber, somehow.

They turn a corner. Two priests stand watch outside a door. They step aside.

CAVANAUGHAnd he has proof?

JENSENHe recorded it on his computer.


Cavanaugh and Jensen walk in. Michael is gone!

The handcuffs hang from the radiator. A mason jar burns on the desk.

One of the small windows is open. Curtains blow gently in the breeze.

CAVANAUGHWhere is he?

Jensen leans out the door.


Has anyone left this room?

He comes back in and closes the door. Cavanaugh walks toward the open window.


He was here. Restrained--


CAVANAUGHCould he have climbed out that window?

JENSENToo small, Monsignor. And there’s a three story drop.

CAVANAUGHCould he have... used magic to escape?

Jensen steps to the desk. He snuffs the flame with his fingers and puts the laptop down.

JENSENI don’t know... Is the book secure?

CAVANAUGHIn the safe in my room. We must find him.

Jensen swings the door open.

JENSENThe prisoner’s escaped! Wake everyone up! Hunt Michael Delacroix down and bring him back!

PRIESTS in the corridor hurry off.

JENSENI’ll check the tunnels.

The two race from the office and close the door behind them. The room is quiet until...

The chair behind the desk rolls away. Michael climbs out from underneath the desk.

MICHAELAlmost too easy.


Michael peeks out. The corridor’s deserted. He creeps down the hall, briefcase in hand.

A door open. He jumps back as Cavanaugh exits a room, dressed in layman’s clothing. The priest hurries off, having not seen Michael.



Michael slips into the room and closes the door. He walks around, peeking behind the paintings on the wall.

He sees scratches on the floor by the steamer trunk. He slides it aside. Mismatched floor tiles.

He lifts them up and sees the safe.

He pulls his lockpicks from his pocket and sets to work.


The safe pops open. He pulls out a leather sack and reaches in it...

A silver box, so heavily tarnished that the engraving on it can barely be seen. He flips a simple latch on it.

A small book, with an equally-tarnished silver cover with barely readable Greek lettering etched in it.


Last testament... of Matthew of Galilee.

He slowly turns the cover in a most of reverie and awe.

A car horn HONKS in the distance. Michael jumps. He closes the case and returns it to the sack.

He heads to the door, sack and brief case in hand. He stops. To the side an open closet, filled with priestly garb: black suits and collared shirts.

MICHAELWon’t be my worst sin tonight...


Michael exits the side door, sack in hand. Dressed as a priest, his outfit bags around his waist, ill-fitted.

He bumps into a YOUNG PRIEST.

YOUNG PRIESTOh, excuse me.

MICHAELDid they find him yet?


Two ISADOREANS pass by. Michael slowly circles the Young Priest, keeping his back to them.

YOUNG PRIESTThat man snooping around?



MICHAELKeep looking.

Michael reaches the street. Sees Isadoreans in the distance.

A checker cab stops in front of him. He climbs in.

DRIVER (O.S.)(cartoony Brooklyn accent)

Where to, buddy?

Michael looks up. It’s Hannah, wearing a Brooklyn Dodgers cap and jersey. A cigar butt hangs from her mouth.

He rolls his eyes.

MICHAELWater Street and New York Plaza.

The cab drives off, passing priests. Michael whips out his phone.

MICHAEL (V.O.)Ginger, it’s Michael. I know it’s four-thirty... No. This can’t wait! Meet me at the perch as soon as you can... Just get there quick..


Century old buildings line the street, surrounded by modern skyscrapers. All businesses are closed.

MICHAEL (V.O.)Right here.

The cab pulls up to ICARUS’ PERCH, a century-old pub. The windows are dark


The two step from the cab. Michael looks at Hannah’s attire. She’s not wearing pants. Her jersey barely covers her ass. Leather boots climb halfway up her legs.

The cab rusts away in seconds. Blows away in the wind. Michael watches with a raised eyebrow.

They step up to the bar. Its windows are dark.

GINGER (25) sits on the stoop. She stands up. Five foot two inches of butch liberal arts major in a sweatshirt and Dockers.

MICHAELYou got here fast.

GINGERIrene lives two blocks from here. I was staying at her place, celebrating--

HANNAHI can’t believe you called the she-blob.

GINGER(to Michael)

Still slumming the seventh level of hell, Michael?

MICHAELGirls, let’s not fight--


The front door opens, flooding the restaurant with street light. Michael enters. Hannah pushes Ginger aside and follows along.

HANNAHWhy are we here?

They stop at a small table, underneath a brass light fixture. He pulls the table away.

MICHAELWe have work to do.

He pushes the lamp upward and turns it clockwise.

The wall opens inward. Michael steps inside. Hannah skips after him. Ginger drags in the rear.



Shelves are lined with antique books. Tables in the middle of the tiny room are covered with electrical equipment.

HANNAHWow! I didn’t know you had this place.

GINGERNeed to know basis.

The two exchange dirty looks.

Michael puts the leather bag on a table. He removes his disguise.

MICHAELThis room was used during Prohibition to hide liquor. Thug named Corey White was killed here and the room was sealed up--

HANNAHA happy ending!

Ginger stares at her in disbelief.

MICHAELOwners found the room ten years ago, while renovating. And the body. Since then, none of their liquor tasted right.

GINGERI remember that--

MICHAELThey disturbed Corey’s resting place. The owners tried everything to fix the problem. Then they called me.

He turns on some computers and sets a large camera on a frame, pointing straight down.

He pulls the silver case from the leather bag and gently puts it on the table.

MICHAELI exorcised Corey’s ghost. Things returned to normal and I now rent this room at below market price.




She steps over to a coffee maker and turns it on. Grabs a cup and amuses herself by searches nearby shelves.

Michael steps to a table. He grabs latex gloves from a box and SLAPS them on. He gently pulls case from the sack and opens it.

He grabs test tubes and a fine brush and brushes some dust from into each tube from the book’s faded pages.

He caps them and brings them to Ginger.

MICHAELI need to know how old this dust is.

GINGERWhat’s it from?

MICHAELI’d... rather not say right now.

HANNAHNeed to know basis, bitch!

She sticks her tongue out at Ginger.

MICHAELJust an approximate age. But I need it done right away.

GINGERProfessor Maybrick doesn’t like me in the labs outside of normal hours--

MICHAELI’ll take care of Professor Maybrick.

She glances at Hannah and then back to Michael.

GINGERThat important, huh?

MICHAELBiblical proportions.

She places the vials in her pack. He drops money in her hand.

MICHAELCab fare. Call me as soon as you have anything.



MICHAELAnd keep this to yourself, okay?

Hannah steps up to Michael as Ginger leaves, dipping several teabags in a travel mug. She rests her head on Michael’s shoulder

HANNAHI’m gonna miss her.

MICHAELJust don’t touch anything.

He gently moves the codex under the digital camera. It appears larger than life on the monitors. He presses buttons and takes pictures.

HANNAHSo, what about the book you were supposed to find?

MICHAELExcuse me?

He points to the codex. She follows his finger, then looks back at him.


MICHAELYou don’t see it? You really don’t...?

He stares at the case, deep in thought.

He gently turns the cover, revealing an antiquated page of handwritten text. He points to it.

MICHAELDo you see a book now?

HANNAHNo! I don’t know why you’re--!

He points to computer monitors. The book and case are plainly visible.

Confusion grows on her face. She stares at the monitors. Then where the book should be. Then the monitor.

HANNAHWhat the hey?

She turns to Michael and SLAPS him.


HANNAHDo not play with me, Michael Delacroix--!

MICHAELIldeth couldn’t find it because the church put a cloaking spell on it. Demons can’t see it.

He closes the book and centers the camera on the silver cover.

MICHAELWhat do you see now?

She stares at the monitor, and inscription on the cover.

HANNAHThe Last Testament of Matthew of Galilee...?

Her eyes light up. She smiles from ear-to-ear.


Lucifer’s brides! We did it!


She jumps up on him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his hips. She kisses him passionately. He staggers, off balance and off-guard.

After a few seconds, she jumps down. He wipes blood off his mouth, confused. His lips are blistered.

HANNAHMy lord will be happy to receive it--

She reaches for the codex.


He grabs her wrist and pulls her back. She squirms.


He releases her, stepping between Hannah and the book.

HANNAHHow dare you--?


MICHAELThe church cast a spell on it! So demons can’t see it. Who knows what would happen if you touched it?

HANNAHIf I touched it--?

MICHAELYou could destroy it! How would you explain that to Ildeth?

She looks at him, speechless. Her anger fades away.

MICHAELGo to your lord, Ildeth. Tell her that I may have the book. Emphasis on the word, ‘may.’ Until I know for sure, she can’t visit me. Or send any of her minions.

HANNAHNone of them?


MICHAELExcept for you.

She smiles like a giddy schoolgirl.

MICHAELBut only if you do as I say. And you don’t touch anything.

She winks at him as she fades. Before she vanishes completely, she holds her hand to the side of her head, gesturing a phone.


Call me.

Michael returns to the book and continues photographing the codex.


Light shines through stained glass windows. Every window in the rectory is lit.

WADUSKY (V.O.)I have spoken with his Holiness. He is very displeased.



Wadusky sits behind a desk, Cavanaugh at his side.

WADUSKYHe has ‘implied’ that, if the matter is not resolved and the codex recovered--

Jensen sits opposite Wadusky; behind him, a DOZEN PRIESTS. They stand like soldiers, ready for battle.

WADUSKYWell, none of us will like the consequences.

CAVANAUGHCan’t we simply call the police? Michael Delacroix did steal church property.

WADUSKYYou repeatedly said he didn’t have it, Monsignor.

JENSENI doubt he’d leave it where it would be found.

CAVANAUGHHe may have sold it already. Didn’t he say he had a buyer for it? Who was it?

JENSENHe didn’t say.

WADUSKYWe mustn’t concern ourselves with this buyer. Mister Delacroix needs to confirm what he has in his possession. That will take time, I’m sure.

CAVANAUGHHow could we find him? He won’t be at his home. He won’t be at his business.

Jensen picks up a sheet of paper from the desk. One of Michael’s yellow flyers.

JENSENPerhaps there is another way...

Michael’s number is clearly visible on the page.



A street sweeper drives along the deserted street.

MICHAEL (V.O.)I know it’s been only two hours, Eneas--


Michael mixes oils in a flask. A bluetooth hangs off his ear, FLASHING.

MICHAELBut I’m not even asking for a full translation.

He yawns. Exhaustion shows on his face.

MICHAELI just need--I need to know what century Greek it is, Eneas. You’re one of the best historical linguists I know. That’s why I sent it to you.

He sips tea from a cup. Doesn’t seem to be very calming.

MICHAELI sent the same page to Chloe Floros and Stephon Pachis... My client is very impatient and I need answers now.

He swirls the flask again before placing it on a burner.

MICHAELEneas, I have someone on call waiting... Call me when you have something. Okay?

He taps his bluetooth.

MICHAELThis is Michael.

WADUSKY (V.O.)I hope I’m not calling at a bad time, Mister Delacroix. Then again--


Wadusky sits behind a desk, phone to his ear.


WADUSKYI doubt any time will be a good time for any of us for a long, long time.


Michael sits down and stares at the book.

He picks up a mason jar filled with powder.

WADUSKYThe item is in a safe place, I pray.

MICHAELIt’s in front of me. For two thousand year old papyrus, this book is in incredible shape.

WADUSKYAsking for you to return it would be fruitless, I’m sure.

MICHAELExtremely fruitless.

WADUSKYYour patron must be of great wealth and influence to have you steal the codex--

MICHAELI didn’t steal it. At least not from the church. Monsignor Cavanaugh and Father Jensen did. I just stole it from them.

WADUSKYMonsignor Cavanaugh...?

Wadusky looks to the side. Jensen sits at a nearby desk and talks on the phone (MOS).

MICHAELMy laptop’s in the Monsignor’s closet. The video needs some explanation, but it’s there.

Wadusky jots something on a note pad. He gives it to FATHER CABOT (45) and raises his finger to his lips, gestures for silence.

The priest reads it and nods. He leaves, passing Cavanaugh who works at another desk.


WADUSKYThe church will pay handsomely for its return. Is your patron as... affluent as the Church?

MICHAELYou’d be surprised.

Wadusky wipes sweat from his upper lip.

WADUSKYMister Delacroix, since I can’t sway you with financial gain, or appeal to your faith, I would like to appeal to your sense of morality.

MICHAELMy sense of morality?

WADUSKYThe church has... provided guidance and teachings for its flock all these centuries. The codex jeopardizes this.

MICHAELAnd you want to continue teaching what you know is a lie?

He swirls the flask again and returns it to the burner.

WADUSKYMany of the church’s congregation are no more than children. If they lose faith in the church, who knows where they will turn to for leadership.

MICHAEL‘If they lose faith in the church?’

WADUSKYExcuse me?

MICHAELYou said, ‘if they lose faith in the church,’ not ‘if they lose faith in God.’

Wadusky squirms.

MICHAELAre you afraid people will lose faith in God? Or losing your job?


WADUSKYI consider the Roman Catholic Church to be synonymous with God. Please excuse my choice of words.

Michael pours the flask among six beakers. He adds different powders and roots to each one.

WADUSKYIf people turn away from the church, they will be very vulnerable. Chaos will ensue.

MICHAELChaos? Really?

He stirs the beakers.

WADUSKYDo not take what I say so lightly, Mister Delacroix. When American Forces left Afghanistan in the late 1980’s, the Afghani people found themselves without leadership. Who did they turn to?

Michael stops working. He leans against the table.

MICHAELThe Taliban...

WADUSKYPrecisely. And that was within one small country. Imagine if, instead of thirty million people desperate for guidance, three billion people were. They would follow the first shyster that promised salvation. What do you think would happen then?



Jensen hangs up his phone. He steps to Wadusky and gives him a legal pad.


Phone company pinpointed his cell phone location.

Wadusky covers his phone with his hand. He looks at the pad. Written on it, in big letters: ‘71 WATER STREET.’



I can get some men--

Wadusky holds up a hand: ‘stop.’


We need to get--

Wadusky puts the hand closer to Jensen.

WADUSKYAre you still with me, Mister Delacroix?



WADUSKYI pray you give your actions deep consideration before making decisions you will forever regret.

He hangs up as the young Isadorean returns. He places Michael’s briefcase on the desk. Jensen looks concerned.

Wadusky opens it. It’s Michael’s laptop and cameras. The two look at each other.

WADUSKYFather Cabot, both Father Jensen and Monsignor Cavanaugh are relieved of their duties--

Cavanaugh and Jensen look at him, shocked.


WADUSKYConfine them to their quarters immediately.


Police cars pull up, followed by a convoy of limousines.

Wadusky steps from one. A dozen priests follow him toward the restaurant.

CAPTAIN STILES (50) steps up to Wadusky.


STILESAre you sure this Delacroix is here, Father?

WADUSKYPositive, Captain Stiles. The telephone company was able to pinpoint the location of Mister Delacroix’s cell phone.

They step over to the Perch’s door.

WADUSKYThe Archdiocese of New York appreciates all assistance the police can provide in this delicate matter.


The codex rests on a table. Six beakers sit around it, filled with different colored fluids.

Michael opens a large jar and pulls out two bat-like wings. One twitches and curls in his hand.

He returns the inanimate one to the jar.

MICHAEL(to himself)

Only the best for you...

He rips the ‘live’ wing apart with its hands. He throws pieces in each beaker. They bubble for a few seconds and continue to squirm.

He reads from an old leather tome.


Direteetus pirteetus co. Kalamae corratu hershu-we. Hershu-we... We turn to you for guidance. We turn to you for answers. Show us the truth. Show us the truth...

He slides the beakers toward the codex. The liquid in two lose their color. Shredded bat wings swim around before they disappear.

He glances at the tome.

MICHAELCould it be that easy?


He steps over to a nearby shelf and takes down another book from it. He flips through, and stops in the middle.

Muffled TAPPING is heard in the distance.

MICHAELCopper nail. It’s a copper nail spell...

He glances across the room at the case.

MICHAELThe case is silver. So that means..?

He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a handful of change. Pennies drop in the clear beakers. They bubble and vanish like Alka-Seltzer.

MICHAELHoly shit.

More muffled TAPPING. Too loud to ignore. He looks toward the door

Michael hurries to his computer and clicks several keys. Security cameras flash on the screen.

Several shots show the crowd outside the bar.

Wadusky stands out in the crowd.

MICHAELSon of a bitch.

He looks at the codex. Then back to the monitors.


Stiles and Wadusky KNOCK on the door. No response. They peer through darkened windows.

STILESAre you sure this is the correct address?


Michael slides the silver case into the leather sack.

Wadusky presses his nose against the glass.

Slivers of light creep across the floor. They originate from under a wall... The door to Michael’s library.


Michael lifts a floor panel, revealing stairs.

Wadusky strikes the glass with his elbow. It shatters.

STILESFather Wadusky!

Wadusky pulls out a leather travel wallet and opens it.

WADUSKYI have diplomatic immunity. From the Vatican City State.

Wadusky steps in through broken glass.

Michael creeps down the stairs. Pulls the floor panel closed behind him, just as the others enter through the hidden door.

Michael steps out of a narrow alley. Eyes the priests and police gather at the other end of the block.

He casually steps onto the sidewalk and walks casually away. At he approaches a corner, he bumps into a VERY TALL COP.

VERY TALL COPExcuse me, sir?

MICHAELUhh, yes Officer

VERY TALL COPThis area is cordoned off for a police investigation. I’ll need to see some identification.

MICHAELIdentification? I was just on my way to work over at--


Michael and the cop look at the priest.

MICHAEL(to himself)




Michael holds tightly to the sack, his back to the wall. Priests and cops surround him.

POLICE SARGEANTSir, hand over the package!


ISADOREAN PRIESTThat’s church property!

Wadusky and Stiles push their way through the crowd.

WADUSKYCareful! That artifact is extremely fragile.

The mob closes in. Fear shows on Michael’s face.

WADUSKYIt’s over, Mister Delacroix. Release the codex. We can do this peacefully.

Michael sees Hannah, atop a squad car, in a sexy cop uniform. She chants (MOS), her arms up in the air.

MICHAELOhhhh, it’s much too late for that.

The ground shakes. Everyone looks around, surprised.

RUMBLING is heard. Cracks form in the cobblestone. Smoke HISSES from below.

The street bulges. Priests and police stare in shock glowing red lava oozes between the stones.

STILESWhat’s going on?

The pile grows and takes on a humanoid shape. Fifteen feet tall, comprised of burning cobblestone.


Cops draw their guns.

Wadusky turns to Michael.


WADUSKYWhat sort of trickery is this, Mister Delacroix?

Ildeth turns slowly to the crowd. Her face is dark, except for burning red eyes.

MICHAELThat’s my client.

The police shoot. Bullets bounce off the stone and hits a PRIEST. He falls and GRUNTS.

Ildeth raises an arm and brings it crashing down on one cop, crushing him. His corpse SIZZLES.

Everyone runs but Wadusky and Michael.

Two cops run by Hannah. She swings talon-like claws, slicing effortlessly through their necks. They fall; their heads bounce along the sidewalk. She smiles.

Ildeth lumbers after the runners. Her arm grows as she swings at two PRIESTS, crushing them again a wall.

Her mouth opens, spraying lava and bricks. She hits several people. They burn away in seconds.

Wadusky grabs Michael’s arm, horrified. Michael stares at the creature in frightened amazement.

WADUSKYStop that thing!

MICHAELI don’t control her.


Michael shakes him off. The priest inches away, keeps a frightened eye on the burning creature.

Priests jump into a sedan and race away. Hannah leaps through the air and lands right in front of it.

The vehicle crashes into her. She’s unhurt and unmoved; the car is damaged.

The priests look at her in horror. One holds up a crucifix.


With her claws, Hannah effortlessly slices a path through the engine and hood. Shredded metal flies around her. She cuts through the windshield like tissue paper.

The priests scream. Blood sprays everywhere.


Wadusky jumps into a small doorway. He tries the door; it’s locked. He hides behind his crucifix. Ildeth stares at him. Her mouth opens and it inhales. She prepares another attack.

MICHAELLord Ildeth!

She glances down. Michael steps up leather sack against his chest.

MICHAELI believe I have what you’re looking for!

Wadusky takes the opportunity to flee. He run towards a police officer with her back to him.

WADUSKYOfficer! Help me!

The cop turns around. It’s Hannah!

She wipes blood from her mouth with her fingers. Licks them like they were covered in barbecue sauce.

HANNAHWhat can I do you for, Father?

She removes her hat. Street light glisten off her horns.


She nods and smiles.

HANNAHYup. You know what that means, right?

WADUSKYYou’re a devil?

HANNAHI would’ve accepted Jew, but yeah--


He holds out his crucifix at her, secured to a chain around his neck at her. She rolls her eyes and slaps it against his chest.

She presses her hand against it and holds it there. Smoke rises. Wadusky SCREAMS. Hannah lets go.

Wadusky’s shirt is burned away. The cross is half buried in his blistered chest.

She grabs him by the arm.

HANNAHLet’s go, cocksucker.

She drags Wadusky to Michael and Ildeth and throws him to the ground. She bows before Ildeth.

HANNAHMy lord, judgement is needed for this pig.


Ildeth leans over Wadusky, mouth open enough to swallow him. Wadusky shields his face with his hands.

MICHAELDon’t kill him!

Hannah stares at Michael, shocked.

HANNAHHow dare you order the Lord of the Abandoned--?

MICHAELFather Wadusky holds a powerful seat in the church. A close friend to the Pope. Killing him would be wasteful.

Hannah’s eyes turn to Ildeth, awaiting a response. The stone demon turns to Hannah and HISSES.

HANNAHMy lord asks if you have the testament of the patron saint of traitors?

MICHAELI still need to confirm if it’s the original codex--


WADUSKYMichael, why are you doing this--?

Ildeth ROARS. Sparks fly from her mouth onto Wadusky, peppers his face with tiny burns.

HANNAHDo not interrupt the Lord of the Abandoned! The Mother of the Forsaken!

Michael grabs Wadusky by the shoulder and shoves him hard into the wall behind him.

MICHAELYou had two thousand years to rule the world, priest! Time for new management!

He turns to Ildeth.

MICHAELIf you present false document to Lucifer, your punishment will be spoken of until Jesus, himself, returns.

Ildeth stares at him. Steam rises from her stone body. After several long seconds, she HISSES.

Hannah steps over to Michael.

HANNAH(very diplomatic)

My lord asks what you will need to accomplish your task?

MICHAELTime. To remove this spell of protection and determine its age.

Hannah turns to Ildeth.

HANNAHWith your permission, I shall watch over him. And report all progress to you.

Ildeth stares down at the two and nods.


Michael crushes dry leaves into a boiling beaker.

Hannah leans against a wall and sighs. She wears a Sailor Moon outfit and bright green hair.


HANNAHBored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored--

Michael glances her way.

HANNAHHow long is this going to take?

MICHAELCould be hours. Maybe a day or two.

She GROANS dramatically, and strolls over to him.

MICHAELKeep in mind that I’ve been awake nearly twenty-four hours. It’s hard to stay up this long.

She strokes his crotch and smiles.

HANNAHI can keep you up if you’d like--

He awkwardly steps back.

MICHAELMaybe when I’m done here.

She puts on a pouty face.

MICHAELWhy don’t you just out and have fun? Do some shopping. Or pillaging--

HANNAHCan’t! My lord ordered me to watch Father Piggy!

She points to Wadusky, huddled in a corner.

HANNAHDon’t know why he has to stay here.

MICHAELI may need a second set of hands and you can’t touch the codex, remember?

HANNAHLike he’s gonna help?

Wadusky looks at them, afraid. His skin looks blotchy.


MICHAELYou think you demons cornered the market in pain and persuasion? You forget the Inquisition?

HANNAHForget it? I was there!

Michael lines up the beakers on the table. The clear ones are at the far end. The dark ones are in the front.

MICHAELI need to test something, Hannah. Can you blow on these beakers?

HANNAHBlow on them?

MICHAELBlow on them. Nothing should happen.

She leans over the ones with dark solution and blows. The liquid grows a little lighter.

She doesn’t breathe on the two with the clear liquid. Michael watches with great interest.

She stands up and looks at him.


MICHAELOne more time.

She repeats, with the same results.

HANNAHDid I pass?

MICHAELIf proving you’re evil means you passed, then you passed.

She smiles and claps daintily.

HANNAHYay! What’d I win?

MICHAELDinner, when all this is over.

Her eyes light up. She wraps her arms around him, lovingly. He feigns a smile.


MICHAELCould you make me a tea?

She nods happily and skips over to the coffee pot.

HANNAHHow many tea bags?

MICHAELJust one, thank you.

He pulls a set of keys from his pocket and dunks it in a beaker with clear fluid. He places it on the table as Hannah returns.

She gives him his tea and places hers on the table, right next to the key. Four tea strings peek out of the cup.

Michael pats down his pockets and looks around.

MICHAELHave you seen my keys? Did I put them down anywhere?

She looks around the table--right past the keys.

HANNAHNope. Don’t see them.

MICHAELThey were here a second ago.

He rests his hand on the table next to his keys. Taps a finger on the keys.

She looks at his hand. Glances around again and shakes her head.

MICHAELThey’ll turn up, I guess...

He steps to Wadusky and escorts him to a nearby chair. The priest is pale and shaken. He doesn’t resist

MICHAELHave a seat, Father Wadusky.

The priest plops himself down; he and Hannah stare at each other.

WADUSKYThank you, Mister Delacroix.


MICHAELWould you care for some tea? Or coffee?

WADUSKYIf it’s not too much--

HANNAHShould we make him breakfast, too? A back massage? Plow the back field?


She rolls her eyes and turns away, disgusted.

Michael brings tea and crackers over to Wadusky.

MICHAELSorry I don’t have anything better. Maybe when the restaurant opens--

WADUSKYThank you very much.

Wadusky pulls two prescription bottles from a pocket and pops the caps. Hannah watches him, very curious, as he shakes pills in his hand.

HANNAHCareful Michael, he might be preparing a potion.

MICHAELHe’s just taking his morning meds.

She steps over and watches. Wadusky hesitantly takes them and sips some tea.

She takes the pill bottles and looks at the label.

HANNAHWhat do these do?


The white ones are for my heart. The pink ones are my ulcer.

HANNAHAfraid of dying?

WADUSKYI would prefer wait a few more years.


HANNAHBut if you die, don’t you go to Heaven? Why wait?

Wadusky looks at her, a loss for words. He turns to Michael, listening to the conversation.

MICHAELI’d like to hear your answer, too.


I have unfinished business to do.


Oh really? Shit, you’d probably be the first person in history to die with unfinished business--


HANNAHThe rest of us? We always have our shit packed. We know that, at any time, our lives could be taken--


HANNAHBy priests and soldiers serving that bastard son of God!

She slaps Wadusky, almost knocking him off his chair.


He grabs a beaker with dark solution and throws the liquid at her face.

It BUBBLES and POPS effervescently against her skin.

HANNAHHow dare you? I am the right hand of Ildeth--!

Michael storms around the table and yanks her back.


You will behave!


She looks him, shocked.

MICHAELWhen your Lord learns my work isn’t done because her right hand is acting like a bratty child, she won’t be mad at me!

Hannah’s eyes well up.

MICHAELYou’re here so he doesn’t escape. But you’re becoming a pain my ass right now.

She shrinks back, her feelings clearly hurt.

MICHAELGo away for a few hours. Find something else to do. Get rid of that energy.

HANNAHI have to stay--

MICHAELGive me three hours. Go outside and give me some time alone!

She turns to leave. Looks at him with quivering lips.


Promise you won’t leave...


I won’t.

She leaves.

Michael turns to Wadusky.

MICHAELDo you know how to cook?

WADUSKYCook? I cook a little.

Michael grabs a book from a shelf. He opens it and places it in front of the priest.

MICHAELGood. You’re going to help cook an escape for us.

He points to a page written in French.


MICHAELDouble this recipe. You’ll make a pint. Ingredients are on the shelf behind you. Shouldn’t take more than hour.

Michael returns to his end of the table as Wadusky reads the book.

WADUSKYIs this a potion?

MICHAELIt’s a medieval atomizer. You mix it with other potions to make it airborne.

Wadusky looks at him, surprised.

MICHAELYou want to get out of here, don’t you?

The priest nods, more than eager.


Police cars and fire trucks line the street, evaluating the damage. Priests are corralled in the distance. News trucks are even further back

Hannah stands nearby dressed in a long flowing robe. Rats climb out of the sewer at her feet. They race up her legs and disappear in the cloak.

She stares straight ahead, eating. Spits out half a rat skull.


Wadusky measures a spoonful of silver powder into a large beaker and stirs it.

WADUSKYAre all potions this simple to make, Mister Delacroix..?

He looks over to Michael, perched over a microscope.

WADUSKYMister Delacroix?

Michael jerks himself up. Looks around.


WADUSKYAre you alright?

MICHAELSorry... I fell asleep. How is the atomizer coming?

WADUSKYIt just needs to boil for another five minutes, I believe.

MICHAELIf it starts getting cloudy, let me know.

He returns to the microscope.

WADUSKYIf you don’t mind my asking, Mister Delacroix, how did you get involved with these...?

MICHAELDemons? It’s not an insult to call them that. They know they’re demons.

He sits down, suddenly looking very old and tired.

MICHAELI met Hannah in a bar ten years ago, after leaving Cathedral College. She wanted to seduce a seminary student and I wanted to bang... anything. After a few hours of Jack Daniels and Buds, we went back to my place and found out the truth of each other, ruining both our plans.


If I was allowed to enjoy that story, I would... Go on.

MICHAELThose who ‘left the table,’ as we ex-seminarians were called, are desirable in Hell. We possessed knowledge of the church but were vulnerable without spiritual leadership.

WADUSKYThat’s... that’s interesting.

MICHAELShe broke the will of a lot of others. But not me. I think she likes me for it.


WADUSKYShe certainly doesn’t like me.

MICHAELShe hates the church. Remember what she said about the Inquisition?

WADUSKYYes. She said she died there.

MICHAELThe Dominican Order tortured and killed her family because they refused to give up their faith. And Pope Gregory condemned them to Hell.

Wadusky looks at him, shocked and embarrassed.



He pulls his phone from a pocket and gives it to Wadusky.

MICHAELWe’ll need a car. To pick us up in ten minutes at Pearl Street and Broad.

Wadusky looks at him, confused.


Hannah waits at her spot, watching everything.


Wadusky hangs up the phone. Michael pours one ‘copper nail’ beaker into Wadusky’s beaker. He stirs it.

MICHAELThe copper nail spell was created by a fifth century monk named Almatius. He did it to protect the dying.

WADUSKYTo protect their souls, I’m guessing?


MICHAELIt made the souls invisible to demons so they couldn’t be stolen. Pope Gregory later banned the use of all spells.

He pours the mixture into flasks and caps them.

WADUSKYBut it works?

MICHAELWe’re about to find out.


Hannah sips a soda through a straw as coroners load a corpse onto a van.

TWO POLICE OFFICERS (50’s) walk toward her.

FIRST OFFICERI’m hearing all this talk about monsters. Don’t know what they’re talking about.

SECOND OFFICERMaybe they’re filming Ghostbusters Three and we didn’t get the memo.

The two continue on their path, oblivious to Hannah. The first walks past her; the second walks through her.

FIRST OFFICERThey already stopped it in Staten Island--

The second officer grabs his stomach. He doubles over and vomits.

FIRST OFFICERDavie, you okay? Davie?

The cop wretches violently.

FIRST OFFICERDavie, what’s wrong?

He brings up a half-digested rat. Hannah doesn’t care. Doesn’t even smile.


Michael places the codex and case in its leather sack. The flasks rest on the table nearby.


Wadusky stands nearby, on the phone.

WADUSKYThe car is waiting, Mister Delacroix... How long do you think this spell of yours will last?

He pours a small vial into the coffee pot’s reserve. He makes a sign of the cross and MUTTERS a prayer.

MICHAELCan’t say. Could be minutes. Maybe an hour.

Michael places the leather sack in a brief case.

MICHAELJust remember, the codex stays with me! Anyone tries taking it and I vanish with it. Forever.

Wadusky makes a sign of the cross over a cup with boiling water. He adds four tea bags.

WADUSKYYou have my word... I’m not sure I understand your sudden change of heart.

MICHAELI’m not a big fan of chaos. Is the tea ready?

Wadusky puts the teacup, next to a note, saying ‘HANNAH.’


The two step over to the trapdoor. Michael takes a flask and smashes it on the floor.

The cloud grows from it, enveloping them.


Hannah still looks bored.

Something suddenly catches her attention. Her eyes dart to the bar, concerned.

HANNAHThey’re gone..?


She races across the street to the restaurant. Fire whips out from underneath her cape.

She leaps over the police and CRASHES through the bar’s front window.


Flames explode around her, igniting everything.

HANNAHMichael what are you doing?

She shoves the hidden door open to the--


She looks around. No one’s there.

HANNAHI am not happy, Michael! Michael?

She notices the tea on the table. And the note:


She rolls her fists in frustration and grinds her teeth.

LAPRON (V.O.)Our lord will not be pleased...

Lapron stands in the doorway. His tattered robe sways gently. His impaired arm very visible.

HANNAHI didn’t summon you!

He bows to her.

LAPRON(slightly condescending)

I do our lord’s bidding, Master. She has ordered me to look in on you.

HANNAHReturn to hell and tell her that everything is fine!

LAPRONAs you wish, my lord.

He glances around.


LAPRONAre we alone, master? I do not see your prisoners--

HANNAHEverything’s under control, you roach-ridden carcass!

She throws the tea at him, splashing him in the face.

Lapron SHRIEKS as his entire head blisters and rots. Dark liquid oozes from crevices and he collapses to the floor, flapping around like a fish out of water.

Lapron fades away. His screams echo long after his withered body disappears.

Hannah looks around the room, a confused look on her face. She looks in the cup and at the note again.

Something catches her attention. Two beakers with clear fluid. Small patches of flesh swim around pennies.

Hannah’s eyes darken with fury.


A minivan sits on the street corner. A DRIVER with a clerical collar stands in front.

Michael and Wadusky exit a building and race into the vehicle. The driver climbs in and they speed away.


Michael frantically looks through all the windows.

MICHAELSaint Andrew’s. Second Avenue and nineteenth.

WADUSKYSaint Patrick’s is closer.

PRIESTSaint Patrick’s--?

MICHAELSaint Andrew’s! I’ll explain later!



The van races through traffic, blowing red lights.


The room burns around Hannah as she stands over the two beakers with the pennies in them. She’s pissed!

Small creatures, DARKLINGS, fly from the flames and circle her head like a crown. Hundreds! Thousands!


Find him! Find him!

She raises the beaker in her hands. It boils. Steam PUFFS between her fingers.

HANNAHCatch his scent! Kill the priest he’s with! Kill everyone! But I want Michael Delacroix alive!

The Darklings fly from the room, out toward--


Hundreds of the winged creatures darken the sky. People flee, SCREAMING.

The Darklings attack, biting everyone. Police shoot wildly in the air.

A priest falls lifelessly to the concrete. Half-wing/half-mouthed creatures burrow through his flesh.


The Darklings travel like locusts. Panic ensues.


Wadusky talks on a phone as Michael peers out the window.

WADUSKYSaint Andrew’s Church on Nineteenth Street--


MICHAELHave the rectory doors open for us.

WADUSKYKeep the rectory doors open... Mister Delacroix assures me this is a very secure location... Yes. I believe him.

Something SMACKS into the windshield, startling the driver. It smears across the glass like a juicy bug.

DRIVERWhat in heaven’s name...?

He turns on the wipers, smearing it.

Another hits the windshield with the same result. Hundreds of tiny razor sharp teeth scratch at glass.

Darklings fly around the street, striking other vehicles.

DRIVERWhat are these things?

MICHAELThey’re Darklings. Hell’s version of locusts.

Wadusky puts the phone door down.

WADUSKYThey found us.

Michael looks all around.

MICHAELNo. They didn’t.


The creatures fly everywhere and attack everything. The minivan isn’t singled out.


Michael watches the havoc through the windows. He grabs his phone and hits speed dial.

MICHAELThey’re attacking everything. They don’t see us.


A taxi, covered in Darklings, skids out of control. It CRASHES into the minivan. Both vehicles swerve as they skid wildly around.

The driver regains control of the wheel.

MICHAEL(into phone)

Ginger, it’s Michael... No, I haven’t seen the news. I’m living it right now.

He looks out the window. Darklings are everywhere!

MICHAELI’m heading up to Saint Andrew’s. I need to see what you got.

The van swerves. Cars veers out of its way.


Don’t say you have nothing! Whatever it is, I want to see it!. We’ll be there in a few minutes--

A Darkling smashes against the window. It cracks the glass, inches from Michael’s face. He jumps back.

The minivan makes a sharp turn onto nineteenth, nearly colliding with a blood-splattered woman. It sideswipes several parked cars to avoid hitting her.

Michael leans to the driver and points to the street.

MICHAELUp there, on the left! Go right on the curb!

The minivan jumps the curb, stopping in front of a small gothic-style church. The three rush from the vehicle and to the rectory, adjacent to the church.

The driver opens the front door and races in. He’s stopped by a wall of people.

He shoves them back, making room for Wadusky and Michael.

Darklings bite Michael and Wadusky. Blood is drawn is every nip. As they pass the rectory doorway, the creatures fall to the floor and burn away. The driver SLAMS the door shut.

WADUSKYThe creatures. They’re--?


MICHAELThey can’t exist on consecrated ground.

Michael looks at his hand. Blood, from hundreds of nips and scrapes!


Blood trickles from Hannah’s mouth. She wipes it up with a finger and licks it.

She smiles sinisterly.


Pure mayhem! Darklings blot the sky.

Hannah levitates inches off the asphalt and glides up the street. Her sexy bobby soxer outfit, with pink poodle skirt, blows in the wind.


I found you Michael...

As she glides, a PANICKY PEDESTRIAN crosses her path, trying to swat the Darklings off him.

She SWATS him and knock him to the ground. Darklings swarm him... and feast.


The front room is packed with people. Many are hurt.

Tense silence....

MICHAELWe need to get to the basement!

He fights his way through the crowd. Wadusky follows.

MONSIGNOR COOPER (60) appears in front of them.

COOPERWhat is the meaning of this?

Wadusky pulls out his wallet and shows it to Cooper.


WADUSKYI’m Father James Wadusky, deputy director of archival storage and security--

Michael continues past him. He passes the waiting room desk and opens the first door he sees.

A closet.

He turns to a nearby NUN (80).

MICHAELYour basement, Sister. Where is it?

NUNThe basement?

COOPER (O.S.)Down the hall...

Cooper and Wadusky step up to Michael. The Monsignor points down a crowded corridor.

COOPERIt’s the door on the end.

Michael squeezes through the frightened crowd.


The three hurry down the stairs. Cooper hits a switch; the place lights up.

WADUSKYI don’t understand, Mister Delacroix. What’s in this basement--?

MICHAELI’m not interested in the basement--

He looks around and gets his bearings. He walks to the far end of the cellar.

MICHAELBut what’s next to it... Wonderful.

File retention boxes line the wall, floor to ceiling.

He puts his brief case down in and yanks boxes from the wall.

COOPERWhat are you doing?


MICHAELThe next building over holds the N-Y-U’s off campus chemistry labs.

A door frame peaks over the boxes--

MICHAELGinger! Ginger!

GINGER (V.O.)(muffled)


Michael pulls more boxes down and tosses them haphazardly aside.

COOPERWhat is going on here?

MICHAELWe’re clearing the doorway! Just give us a second!

He turns to Cooper.

MICHAELMy associate is doing some work for me.

COOPERBut that door is sealed!

MICHAELWe unsealed it from the other side years ago. And used your basement for some... private stuff.

Cooper turns to Wadusky.

COOPERWhy is he doing this? And what is happening outside? The Apocalypse?

WADUSKYI wouldn’t call it-- Well, what I mean to say-- Mister Delacroix?

MICHAELNot my call.

He removes enough boxes to expose the door. Grabs the knob and yanks it open.

Ginger stands on the other side of the door. She wears a white lab coat and safety goggles on her head.


GINGERWhat’s going on? It’s like the end of the world out there.

Michael takes his brief case and walks through the door.

MICHAELWe were just talking about that.


Michael walks through the doorway and into a modern-looking storage room. The priests follow.

Ginger grabs a first aid from a shelf.

They enter a state of the art chemistry lab. Work stations fill the room, many in mid-experiment.

MICHAELGinger, is there a first aid kit--?

She holds one up to him and smirks.

MICHAEL(peters out)

That we can use?

TECHNICIANS, in lab coats, watch the mayhem through basement windows. They talk into cell phones and take Instagram pics.

WADUSKYMister Delacroix? Shouldn’t we stay in the church where these Darklings can’t touch us.

MICHAELWe’re on consecrated ground.

COOPERThis lab is consecrated ground?

Ginger opens the first aid and pulls out gauze. She yanks Michael toward her.

MICHAELThis property use to be owned by Saint Andrew’s Church. It was sold to NYU about 1960--


WADUSKYSo it was blessed at one point in it’s history.


Michael turns to Wadusky.

WADUSKYThat’s why you wanted to come here? To continue your work?

MICHAELMonsignor, I think you should return to Saint Andrew’s. Your congregation will need you. Don’t you agree, Father?

COOPERBut what do I tell everyone--?

Wadusky tugs on his arm.

WADUSKYTell them to pray, Monsignor. Tell them all to pray.

Wadusky leads him back to the doorway.

Ginger tends to Michael’s wounds.

GINGERWhat have you gotten me into, Michael?

MICHAELWondering that about myself--

She maliciously digs a finger into a wound on his hand. He jerks his arm away.



She pulls his hand back and continues working on it.

MICHAELYou get anywhere with the dust samples?

GINGERAre you serious? I’m still setting up.

MICHAELStill setting up?


GINGERI don’t keep a laboratory set up for whenever you need scraps of papyrus dated. You don’t pay me enough--

MICHAELAlright. Alright.

They look out the windows. The Darklings are everywhere. Some fly into the glass and burst into flame.

GINGERWhat do you have that’s so important?

MICHAELA book that could expose Christianity as a religion based on lies.

GINGERGee, what a shock.

MICHAELHannah’s boss commissioned me to find it.

GINGERAnd you found it?

MICHAELI need to prove it’s the real thing and not a copy.

GINGERLooks like she doesn’t want you to.

MICHAELShe does. Time works differently in Hell. Here, they dragged me into this yesterday. In Hell, they asked a thousand years ago. She just wants the answer yesterday.

GINGERHmm. I got a boss like that.

MICHAELProfessor Maybrick?

She looks at him and rolls her eyes.

MICHAELNot Maybrick?

Realization slaps him in the face.



She takes off her latex gloves and turns to her co-workers. Michael stares quietly at his bandages.

GINGERRebecca, can you come over here and dress the Father’s wounds when he comes back?

REBECCA (25), a technician, looks at her. She leaves the others with a sour look on her face.

GINGERYou can watch the Apocalypse on the news tonight, okay?

She turns to Michael.

GINGERHate working here... Let me set up my work.

MICHAELI get you some more dust from the book, if that would help.

She nods and walks off.

Michael pulls his phone from his pocket and dials. He opens his briefcase and pulls out the leather sack.

WADUSKY (V.O.)Is everything okay, Mister Delacroix?

Rebecca grabs the first aid kit and steps up to Wadusky.

MICHAELEverything’s fine, Father.

(into phone)Eneas? It’s Michael. Please tell me something... Anything!

He carries the sack to a nearby work table.

MICHAELI just need to know what century-- This is an emergency, Eneas... Your country’s economy is not an emergency compared to-- Hello? Hello?

He tosses the phone on the table.


He pulls the silver case from the sack. Stares at the codex in his hand.

Wadusky steps up and stares.

WADUSKYIs that it? The Devil’s Joke Book?

MICHAELThis the first time you’ve seen it?

WADUSKYYes. It’s amazing how much trouble one book can cause.

MICHAELYou do see the irony in what you just said, right?

WADUSKYIt’s not the book that’s evil, my son, but how its words are interpreted.

Michael pulls the codex from its case. He gently turns the first two pages.

He squeezes the bottle. The cap POPS off and the air inside is expunged.


He sweeps the bottle along the book’s spine as he loosens his grip on it. Air is sucked back in, along with dust and lint.

A loud CRASH is heard outside. The technicians vie for a better view.


A car slides on its side to a grinding halt. Darklings fly through the broken windshield. SCREAMS are heard.



Michael sprays dust from the bottle into a test tube.


MICHAELWhy do you call it that? The Devil’s Joke Book?

WADUSKYWe never referred to it by its true name, in case someone overheard us. Do you still plan on giving it to Hell?

MICHAELI need to verify if this is the real thing first.

WADUSKYAnd if it is? How many people died today because of that book?

Michael sprays another test tube with dust. He watches the priest from the corner of his eyes.

WADUSKYWill it be worth it? For the truth?

Michael walks away and peels off his gloves; Wadusky follows close behind.

WADUSKYIs your animosity toward the church worth all those lives?

They step up to Ginger as she places drops of solution on several glass slides.

GINGERMore dust?

Michael puts the test tubes on the table. He eyes Ginger’s work.

MICHAELSo, this is how you do it?

GINGERNot everything is done with, eye of newt and virgin’s blood.

MICHAELTrue. New for me. It’s really interesting--

GINGERYou have me working on my day off, Michael. Let me finish this before the end of the world happens, okay?


Give me, like, three hours. Go outside and play with the others and let me get my work done.

MICHAELOkay... We’ll leave you alone, then.

Michael and Wadusky turn to leave.

The priest notices a donut resting on a paper napkin on a table. A birthday candle sticks out of it.

They return to the main area. Lab technicians stare out the windows. The Darklings have blocked out the sun.

WADUSKYHow long have you known Ginger?

MICHAELGinger? Four years. Maybe five.

WADUSKYHow well do you know her?

MICHAELPretty well. Why do you ask?

AMANDA, a female technician, (25) steps up to the two.

AMANDAExcuse me, Father...

She fidgets with a small gold cross necklace, frightened.

WADUSKYYes, my child?

AMANDAIs this..? Is this the end?

Wadusky and Michael look at each other.

WADUSKYSaying this is the end implies that there is no hope. And there is always hope. Isn’t there, Mister Delacroix?


Sure, Father. Always hope.

He returns his attention to the codex and SIGHS. He reaches for a pair of latex gloves and stops.


He walks toward to Ginger. Freezes when he sees the donut with the candle. Realization hits him.

Ginger peers into a microscope. She looks very alone.

He TAPS a finger on the table. She looks up.

MICHAELI know you’re busy--and I appreciate you doing this on your day off.

She stares at him.

MICHAELI’m sorry I forgot about your birthday.

GINGERYou never remember my birthday. I accepted that a long time ago--

MICHAELI’ll remember from now on... Assuming there is a ‘now on,’ after this.

GINGERThis book must be real important. Hannah never gets this dramatic.

MICHAELThis goes way beyond Hannah. Way. Way beyond Hannah.

GINGERAnd, no matter how old this book is, it’s the end of the world, right?

MICHAELNo. Only if...

A light bulb goes off over his head.

MICHAELYou want to go home early?


Michael hurries toward the larger lab. Wadusky and Amanda huddle together. The others watch the windows.

MICHAELFather Wadusky, a minute of your time, please.


WADUSKYIn a moment, Mister--


Wadusky steps up to him.

WADUSKYMister Delacroix, I was performing the sacrament of penance with that young woman--

MICHAELHow would you like this to be over?


MICHAELHannah, the Darklings, Ildeth all go back to hell. And I fix this problem with your codex.


Of... of course I would want this.

MICHAELIn return, the Vatican owes me a favor.

WADUSKYA favor? What kind of favor?

MICHAELI don’t yet.

WADUSKYI can’t promise such a vague--

MICHAELI’m not looking to put a Starbucks in the Basilica, Father Wadusky. Just a small favor--

TECHNICIAN (V.O.)Look! It’s clearing up out there.

Everyone looks toward the windows. The Darklings have seemingly disappeared.

TECHNICIANThey’re leaving.


The technicians crowd closer to the windows.

MICHAELGet away from those windows!

The technicians look at him, confused.

Two man hole covers CRASH through the glass. Shards fly everywhere. People SCREAM.

One cover hits a technician in the leg, knocking him over. Everyone gathers around as he screams.

The technician’s leg is twisted backward, hideously broken. Bone peeks through a rip in his pants. He GROANS in pain.

Ginger runs out. Everyone stares in shock and horror.

HANNAH (V.O.)Warriors, come out and play-yay...

Michael slowly steps over to a window and peeks out.


Hannah sits on the hood of a severely damaged car. She smiles from ear-to-ear and turns directly to Michael. She waves blood-soaked fingers at him.

HANNAHWarriors, come out to play-yay...



Ginger steps up and hands Michael a Manila envelope. He peeks inside.

MICHAELYou owe me one, Father.

He grabs the codex and drops it in its case, showing little care for it. He takes the case and runs off.


The street is clogged with damaged, burning cars. In the distance, police cars block the street, lights FLASHING.


Skeletal remains lay in the road.

Hannah leaps off the car and walks to the windows.

HANNAHMichael Steven Delacroix! I have been more than patient with you...

Her hand flairs up in a fireball.

HANNAHDeliver us that book! So we can bring upon the world a whole new age and--!


Michael forces his way through the terrified people. As he passes the desk, he takes a red lily from a vase.

HANNAH (V.O.)Piss on the lies of God’s bastard son!

He approaches the doorway and squeezes by those standing there.


Hannah’s hand is a huge fireball of blue flame.

HANNAHDo not mock me, Michael! I command you, come out!

MICHAEL (O.S.)I’m beginning to think you’re mad at me.

Her head jerks to the side. Michael steps toward her. She SNARLS--

And then she sees the lily. Her expression softens as he gives it to her. The fire fades away.

She SMELLS it and smiles.

Then slaps him in the face, knocking him off his feet. He clings dearly to the silver case and the envelope.


You lied to me, Michael! I thought you liked me, but you lied to me! You said you would stay. You promised!


MICHAELI had to finish my work here. I needed to come here. Call Ildeth.

HANNAHCall Ildeth? You finished?

MICHAELI need to speak to Ildeth.

HANNAHGimme a hint!


HANNAHOkay. Okay. Okay.

She skips across the street to an old brownstone and pirouettes. She raises her arms and chants.

Michael looks in the laboratory windows. He and Wadusky exchange nervous looks.

The ground shakes! Michael’s eyes dart around.

Cracks form in the brownstone. The wall and steps buckle and bulge. Flame and smoke escape from the cracks.

The bulge takes humanoid shape. Ildeth, even larger than before! Burning brick and mortar. Copper pipes stud her back like vertebrae. Red eyes in a stone head look around, angry.

Hannah falls to her knees to the monstrosity before her.

HANNAHLord Ildeth! My servant has procured the item you desire. The Final Confessions of the Fallen Saint.

Ildeth ROARS, deep and gravelly.

HANNAHIt was your wisdom and guidance that has brought us to this glorious moment.

Ildeth GROWLS.

HANNAHOf course, my lord. As you command.


Hannah turns to Michael. She tilts her head, gesturing, ‘come here.’

Michael steps up next to Hannah. He bows to Ildeth.

MICHAEL(whispers to Hannah)

Call me servant again and I’ll--

HANNAH(hushed staccato)

Not now, Michael.

Michael stands.

MICHAELLord Ildeth. Wife of Lot. Thank you for granting me this audience.

He steps toward her, clutching tightly to the case.

MICHAELAnd for trusting me with this task. It was an honor that I proudly took.


Wadusky turns to Ginger.

WADUSKYDoes he know what he’s doing?

GINGERDemons love having their asses kissed. He told me that.



Michael places the case on the street, in front of Ildeth. The occasional Darkling flies into her--sparking upon impact--without much notice.

MICHAELI’ve recovered the codex from the lost sons of Christ.

Hannah smiles.

MICHAELBut it is not what you think.


Ildeth leans over him and GROWLS. Her breath blows his hair back. Sparks dance around him like fireflies.

HANNAHWhat do you mean Michael?

MICHAELMatthew died about ninety BC. This codex was written until centuries later.

Ildeth GROWLS.



MICHAELThe Last Testament of Matthew of Galilee was stolen in the early eighth century by members of the Church. Copies were made.

He opens the manila envelope and pulls out a complicated-looking report.

MICHAELSamples were taken from the papyrus. Carbon dating was performed to determine the age of the codex...


Ginger and Wadusky watch from the basement window.

MICHAEL (O.S.)As well as Asimov-54 fiber testing and Tolkein-90 pollen scoring--

WADUSKYWhat is he doing?

GINGERWhat he does best... Bullshit the devil.



Michael reads from the papers in his hand.

MICHAELAll tests indicate that the papyrus used in this codex can be dated back to sometime between 700AD and 760AD.



Ildeth GROWLS a ‘what?’

MICHAELWhen the Church destroyed the copies, it accidentally destroyed the original.

Ildeth SLAMS her foot down. Michael loses his balance and falls over. Nearby cars bounce off the asphalt.

He fight to stand up

MICHAELAnd it kept a copy in its place--

Ildeth SLAMS her foot in the street again, narrowly missing Michael and the silver case. He falls again.

MICHAELWhat do you expect? It was the Church. They do a lot of foolish things.

Hellfire FLARES UP from the ground.

Ildeth ROARS a long and upsetting wail. Windows SHATTER.

Hannah runs to Michael’s side and sits him up. He’s scraped up and bloodied.

HANNAHYou trying to get yourself killed?

MICHAELI’m trying to help.

HANNAHYou’re failing big time!

Michael stands and limps toward Ildeth. She ROARS and spews lava at the buildings around her.

MICHAELLord Ildeth! I order you to stop!

The demon turns toward him.

MICHAELYou wanted me to find this Devil’s Joke Book? I found it...! And I found it to be a fraud.

He steps next to Ildeth. And the codex.


MICHAELYou should thank me! If you brought this book to your master, what would he have done when he learned it was just a copy?

Ildeth and Michael stare each other down.

MICHAELWhat would happen if you showed this book on the world? How would Lucifer handle the humiliation? Who would he punish?

Ildeth raises another foot at Michael. He rolls out of the way at the last second. The demon lands on the silver case. It flares up in a ball of flame.


Everyone GASPS. Wadusky makes the sign of the cross.



Ildeth lifts her foot and sees the molten remains of the silver case.

Michael smiles. Ildeth backhands him.

He flies down the street, bouncing off the asphalt. He SLAMS into a car’s windshield. The vehicle rocks; the glass SHATTERS.

Ildeth steps toward him, raised fist. Hannah steps in the way.

HANNAH(with bravado)

Don’t hurt him!(timid)

Please, my Lord, don’t hurt him. He did what you wanted. He really did. And he did save you from punishment.

Ildeth GROWLS. She turns and slowly walks away, sinking into the street with each step. The asphalt breaks apart for her, like waves on the water, until she disappears.

Hannah hurries to Michael’s side and gently pulls him from the windshield. She cradles him. Glass sticks out of his bloodied back.


HANNAHMichael? Michael?

His eyes half open and look back at her. Blood oozes from his mouth as he tries to talk.

LAPRON (V.O.)Humans are so weak...

Hannah looks up at Lapron, standing behind her. His severed hand is replaced with a long rusty blade.

LAPRONI will enjoy taking him--

Enraged, Hannah grabs Lapron by the neck. He SQUEALS as her talons sing into his rotted flesh. Flame shoot from her hands as his entire body burns.

HANNAHNo one. Takes. Him!

Lapron fades away, SCREAMING.

Michael coughs up blood. Hannah wipes it from his face and holds him tighter.

HANNAHI can’t heal you. I don’t know how.

WADUSKY (V.O.)We can help.

She looks up. Wadusky and Ginger stand there. Ginger holds a phone to her face.

WADUSKYThe human way.

GINGERWe need an ambulance on nineteenth and second...




A large building in the middle of Manhattan. A statue of the saint, tied to the cross, stands by the doors.


NURSE (V.O.)Mister Delacroix, the doctor’s have signed your discharge papers--


Michael sits on top of the bed, in street clothes. One leg is in a brace. One arm is in a sling. His nose is bandaged like a failed prize fighter.

Flowers and balloons clutter a nearby table.

A NURSE (50) hands him an envelope.

NURSEYou’re free to go. You’ll have to contact your family physician regarding physical therapy. Is someone coming to pick you up?

Ginger and Wadusky walk in. She carries two Starbucks cups and hands one to Michael.

WADUSKYMister Delacroix’s transportation has been arranged.

Wadusky stares at the nurse, examines her face. She looks back, confused by the attention.

WADUSKYExcuse me...

He steps toward Michael as the nurse leaves.

WADUSKYNeeded to be sure she wasn’t that imp of yours.


I thought you would’ve been back in Rome by now.

WADUSKYI’ll be returning to Rome this evening. Monsignor Cavanaugh and Father Jensen are already there, waiting tribunal.

GINGERGood. Both their butts should be defrocked and ex-communicated.


She pushes a wheelchair alongside Michael. He climbs into it, grateful.

MICHAELThank you.

WADUSKYNo ex-communication. They will be reassigned to monasteries where they can do no more harm. Where we can keep an eye on them.

Ginger reaches to the collection of stuffed toys. She grabs a plush red devil and places in his lap.



GINGERKnew you’d like it.


Michael glances at his phone. He puts it down, uninterested.

WADUSKYHis Holiness is grateful for all you’ve done. Your actions have saved the world from a cataclysmic disaster... And, though he won’t admit it, he is happy regarding--

(hushed)the fate of the codex.

GINGERHe’s glad it was destroyed?

Wadusky nods.

WADUSKYBest to remove all... temptation for future generations

MICHAELI do have digital copies of--

WADUSKYDestroy them. Please. The church’s opinion is that the codex never existed. It’s safer that way...


Mister Delacroix, I’ve made the arrangements regarding your ‘favor.’ If there is anything else we can do...?

MICHAELThere’s just one more thing...


Thousands of stones stretch out over the landscape. Despite heavy overcast, things are quite serene.

A marble stone, meticulously maintained.


NICHOLAS DELACROIX (65) sits on a folding stool in front of the stone. Rosary beads dangle from shaky hands.

He looks very much alone...

MICHAEL (O.S.)Dad...?

Startled, Nicholas turns around. Michael hobbles up on crutches, flanked by Wadusky and Ginger.

Nicholas forces himself up.

NICHOLASMichael...? Michael, is that’s you?

MICHAELYeah, Dad... It’s been a while.

NICHOLASWhat are you doing here?

MICHAELI knew you’d be here. You come every Sunday...

NICHOLASI watched what happened on television. What happened in Manhattan.

(stern; chiding)What did you do?

Michael rolls his eyes. Ginger SNICKERS. Wadusky steps forward.


WADUSKYMister Delacroix, I am Father Peter Wadusky. Your son’s actions saved Manhattan and, possibly, the world. You should be proud of him.


Wadusky nods.

WADUSKYMichael corrected a delicate problem that the church had been struggling with for quite some time.


MICHAELDo you mind if I talk to my father for a minute?

WADUSKYNot at all. Miss Kennedy?

He and Ginger retreat to the limo.

NICHOLASIt’s been... It’s been a while.

MICHAELEight years, maybe.

NICHOLASEight years? Still selling your occult books?

MICHAELReligious book and artifacts. Sometimes. When I’m not involved with other things.

Ginger and Wadusky lean against the side of the car.

WADUSKYMichael Delacroix is a very interesting man. Quite complex.

GINGERYou have no idea.

WADUSKYReally? After all we’ve been through this past week?


GINGERAsk him about his deal with the Buddhists. You’ll shit yourself.

He looks at her, surprised.


Michael runs his hand across his brother’s tombstone.

MICHAELThe Church invited me to speak at the Pontifical Faculty of Social Sciences in Rome in a few weeks.

NICHOLASYou’re going to speak in Rome?

MICHAELOn the checks and balances of multi-religious cultures... You can come if you’d like--


Michael looks at his phone before stuffing it back in his pocket.

NICHOLASYou want me to come with you? To Rome?

MICHAELI’ve arranged some things. Private tours of museums and churches. There’s a dedication ceremony of a new pew in the Basilica of Santa Mary Major.

NICHOLASDedication ceremony? For who?

Michael taps the front of the stone. Over his brother’s name.


For Daniel? You-- you had a pew--?

MICHAELDaniel’s death put a wedge between us. And it shouldn’t have... I’m... I’m not saying that this will fix everything between us...


Nicholas wraps his arms around his son, hugging him tightly. A tear runs down the old man’s cheek.

Michael hugs his father back.

The two stay like this for a long time.




Feminine fingers text “WHY WON’T YOU CALL ME?”



The type of bar that bikers and meth-heads avoid.

Hannah drops her phone on the bar, knocking over empty shot glasses. Her hair is messy. Her sexy Saint Paulie girl outfit is dirty. And not in a good way.

Eighties music plays loudly in the background.


Why won’t he call me?

She turns to an ADJACENT PATRON, head on the bar. She struggles to stay balanced on her stool.

HANNAHI thought we had a thing. I thought he liked me. I like him. Did I come on--am I coming on too strong..?

OTHERS are slumped over the bar and draped over tables.

HANNAHI thought men today liked strong women?

She turns to the patron next to her, a burly biker type.

HANNAHAm I wrong here? Really? Am I?

She looks at him, waiting an answer.


She grabs him by his hair and jerks him up. His face is ripped off. His eyes are missing. Blood is everywhere.

HANNAHWhy do bad things always happen to me?

She awaits an answer, very upset. Finally, she lets go of the corpse. He falls back on the bar with a THUD.

HANNAHMen suck...

