The development of transportation in america from 1790 1860

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Transcript of The development of transportation in america from 1790 1860

The development of Transportation in America from

1790-1860By: Sierra Garrison, Cory Selig,

Cammy Chambers

Railroad Systems

• The first railroad charter was granted to John Stevens in 1815

• Work soon began on the first operational railroads

• Surveying, mapping, and construction began on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad in 1830

Railroad Systems Continued

• Early railroad surveys and construction were financed by private investors

• Steam power railroads had competition from canals so many partially completed lines were abandoned

• The transcontinental railroad was supported by the government and it created the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific Railways which met at Utah


• Richard Trevitick invented the first train in 1803 but it wasn’t very successful; George Stephenson and Timothy Hackworth developed it further in usable form.

• The first passengers were carried on the Stockton and Darlington Railway in 1825 but it was mostly a coal train. The first passenger only railway was the Liverpool and Manchester built in 1830

Pony Express

• Romantic, bold, daring, ROMANTIC, adventurous.

• Existed for 19 months from April 3rd 1860 to October 24th 1861.

• Across a 2,000 mile long trail with 100 stations, 80 riders, and around 450 horses

• The Pacific Telegraph line ended the Pony Express

Steam Engine

• Thomas Savery was an English military engineer who patented the 1st crude steam engine based of the 1st pressure cooker made in 1679. He used this first version to pump water out of coal mines.

• James Watt improved upon his design to use it for transportation purposes.

• All other inventions were derived or used the steam engine which is why it was so important.

Steam Boats

• 1791 the first U.S. patent for a steam boat granted to John Fitch

• his idea needed improvements to make it a commercial success.

Clipper Ships

• It was originally designed to move small amounts of very high value cargo over large distances in a small amount of time.

• It was built for speed not volume

Canal Systems

• By 1800 the most practical way of travel was via the waterways

• Man made water ways used for shipping that preceded trains and other forms of travel.

Erie Canal

• Proposed in 1808, completed in 1825

• Runs from Lake Erie to the Hudson river

• July 4th 1817, governor Dewitt Clinton broke ground for construction

Horse Drawn Omnibus

• In the early 1800’s the omnibus was the first mode of public transportation in large cities.

• In the winter they would replace the wheels with sleds and use the omnibus as a horse drawn sleigh.

The Lancaster Turnpike

• Started in 1794 which started in Philadelphia became the United States first toll road.

The National Road

• The first paved highway in 1818 that extended west from Cumberland, Maryland

• It was maintained through congressional appropriations.

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