The development of the internet2

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of The development of the internet2

The Development of The Internet

• December 1969 –ARPANET (Advance Research Projects Agency) was brought online, the first attempt to create an ‘internet’ by the US Ministry of Defence


The internet was designed in part to provide a communications network that would work even if some of the sites were destroyed by nuclear attack.

What was ARPANET designed for?

Email was adapted for ARPANET in 1972 by Ray Tomlinson .

In Autumn of 1972 the first email was sent which consisted of the letters:



1989- Tim Berners-Lee proposed a new protocol known as the World Wide Web to distribute information. That’s where www. comes from…

1989 -The World Wide Web begins

Tim Berners-Lee

1992 – AOL introduced

1993 - Microsoft internet explorer was developed

1998 – Bill Gates capitalises on the massive growth of the internet


Bill Gates

1998 – 7th September was launched on the internet. It was created in a garage in California by Sergey Brin and Larry Page (now billionaires) in 1996

2003 – Wi-Fi was introduced to the Public.

Wi-Fi was invented in 1991 by Vic Hayes to be used by the military.

1998 - 2003

Convergence with other media technologies such as tablets, pocket PCs, smart phones, eBooks, gaming machines, music devices and GPS means the internet is far easier to access.

Today the internet is faster and more accessible to non-technical communicators and is dominated by social networks

Present Day

YouTube was created by Jawed Karim, Steve Chen and Chad Hurley who met while working at Pay Pal.

YouTube was launched in February 2005

It’s first video was Me at the Zoo on the 23rd of April 2005

YouTube was bought out 2 years after its launch by Google for $1.65 Billion Dollars!


Hotmail was created by Jack Smith and Sabeer Bhatia in 1995.

MSN launched on the 24th of August 1995 to coincide with Windows 95 at Microsoft

MSN and Hotmail

The first online purchase (well, teleshopping really)

in the UK was by Mrs Jane Snowball of Gateshead, England in May 1984.

But the first true examples of online shopping didn’t become popular until the 1990s

Online Shopping

1992 – first online bookstore aka

1994 - Amazon was created.

1994 - Online banking was introduced to the internet

1996 - Ebay was launched

Online Shopping

• Facebook created in 2004 has around 500 million members

• Twitter created in 2006 has around 150 million members. Between April 2009 and April 2010, their users increased by 62%. Many celebrities use it.

• MySpace created in 2003 has 100 million members but has recently struggled to compete with Facebook

• Bebo created in 2005. Once popular, it is now in steady decline and was recently sold by AOL

Social Networks

Create a fact file on Youtube, Facebook, Myspace and Twitter

Include background information on each company e.g. when it started, who started it, who owns it now, what it’s worth, most popular users, trending topics for 2010 etc etc

Independent Research