The crash! ASTEROIDS EVERYWHERE! Liam could see asteroids and space junk heading towards him...

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The crash! ASTEROIDS EVERYWHERE! Liam could see asteroids and space junk heading towards him...


By Melika and Faizaan.

The crash!

ASTEROIDS EVERYWHERE! Liam could see asteroids and space junk heading towards him rapidly. While everyone was panicking, Liam headed for the cockpit; he squeezed through the dents that asteroids were creating. When he arrived at the cockpit an air tank was hit and flew towards the self destruct button. He had 60 seconds to disarm the self destruction before the ship exploded... He ran to the manual override and tried to stop it.

But the override code was incorrect. Quickly, he reached the escape pod and climbed inside. Seconds later, the pod hit land. Liam opened the exit hatch and stepped outside. It was land but not as he knew it. He could see stark barren and lifeless pillars of rocks and stars filling the black night sky. How would he ever get home now? Three paths appeared in front of him, did he go left, straight ahead or right?Right path straight ahead left path

The crossing

As he walked straight ahead he saw a volcano. There was lava everywhere. What would he do? How would he cross the volcano? He tentatively took a step, and then he looked around then took another step slowly and then took a few more steps. He thought that he should start walking because the volcano was active and it might erupt at any moment! But as he was just about to take his next step there was a bang!!! Liam went flying back. He nearly broke his back but luckily he didn’t. The volcano erupted and gigantic balls of lava came spitting rapidly out and whizzed right past Liam.

Liam ran as quickly as he could to get away from the volcano and he looked around to find a way out. There were three tunnels one square, one triangular and one circular. Just before he was going to go through one of the three tunnels he could hear something - it was calling him and it said that it wanted to find out who had come to its home but Liam was too frightened to say anything or even do anything. He didn’t know who it was but he thought that it sounded like himself so he ignored the voice. Anyway, did he choose the triangular tunnel, the square tunnel or the circular tunnel? Circular triangular squared

Chapter 2 – The Crossing Liam went right and found a frozen lake. It looked dangerous and he wanted to turn back but he could see that he was a long way from his spaceship. He would either go on to the other side of the frozen lake or die on this weird planet, so he chose the frozen lake. He took two steps and started to slip and skid. He took a deep breath and tried to get over but he just kept on falling down. He started to get some wood and tied it around his shoes and made it look like ice skating shoes and started to slide across. But all of a sudden a big gush of water flew out of the icy, cold lake and hit his skating shoes. He was flying down the ice, sliding across the frozen lake. Behind him the ice was breaking, he was so scared. He didn’t dare to look back. When he hit land, he fainted. Eventually he got up and started to dance he was so happy that he started shouting and cheering. In front of him were three tunnels, carved out of the dusty, red soil. Did he choose the square tunnel, the circular tunnel or the triangular tunnel?Square triangular circular

The crossing of the creepy bridge

Liam Walked to the left but he saw something creepy and dark .It was a creepy bridge. It was damp and broken. What if it breaks into pieces? Should he take the risk or does he go back? He saw a strange entity. He thought he should run across the creepy bridge, so that it would not break! So he just rushed across the creepy bridge .He did it finally! As he was trying to catch his breath, the creepy, dark bridge had collapsed down the red, dirty rocks. That was bad, Liam thought seriously. He had 3 choices The 3 choices are square, triangular and circular tunnel.

Square triangular circular

Chapter 3-The Prisoner

Liam crawled into the triangular tunnel. It was dark and dusty and the rocky floor scratched his clothes as he scrabbled along. He could hear strange rustling noises as if he was not alone in the tunnel. He was glad he had his air tank to help him breathe. Suddenly a silver and red bug, with six long legs and three tails scurried past him. Liam froze like the lake of ice above him. Sensing him, it turned around and scuttled up to him sniffing the air. Liam didn’t dare to move. The bug waited for a moment and then turned back and ran into a hole in the side of the tunnel. Liam carried on crawling until he felt the ground give way and he fell down into a large cave-like room. In the darkness he felt his hands being tied with invisible ropes. He peered into the gloom and saw an army of small grey beings, all exactly alike. The creatures had two legs and arms, but only one eye in the centre of their nose. Liam shivered with fear.“Who are you” Liam asked.Altogether they replied, “We are the clones of Mars.” The voices were robotic and loud. “You have come here, now you will die.” Liam’s hands were tightly tied, but he managed to wriggle until the ropes became a little bit loose. Struggling quietly so as not alert the creatures, his finally came together and released one hand. Reaching into his pocket, he grabbed his pepper spray and sprayed it at the clones’ eyes.“AWWWA!” cried the clones. Liam did not wait around. He charged out of the cave into the nearest tunnel. He ran and ran. He didn’t stop until he reached three stairs. Did he choose stony stairs the grassy stairs or the icy stairs which way should he go?

Stony staircase icy staircase grassy staircase

The taken prisoner.The tunnels were so different, one soggy, one rocky and one spikey. He went through the circular one, which was rocky. There was a big rocket with someone who was standing next to it. It looked like a person. It was walking towards him slowly. Then he started to move even faster each second. Then when it got closer to Liam, Liam just about saw what it was, it was a cyborg. It came up to him and grabbed him by the arm and took Liam with him wherever it was going. Soon the cyborg opened a door, still grabbing Liam by the arm, and threw him inside a dark, dirty room. Liam tried to open the door but it just wouldn’t open. Ten minutes later the cyborg came back but this time he was holding a tray with squishy stuff in it and a glass with green ectoplasm.

”Kapto kapto spincha tapa wacky wacky sapper”, said the cyborg“What did you say? Are you talking in the alien language or something?” said Liam The cyborg looked surprised, he put the tray down on the soggy, filthy floor and turned around and shut the heavy, metal door. “Where are you going don’t leave me in this scary, dark room please come back.” The cyborg heard him and opened the door and said “masa masa sill haka taka lolly flop.”Liam immediately ran past the cyborg and escaped. Soon he slowed down because he was tired and in front of him were three staircases, one icy, one stony and one grassy. Which one did he take?

Grassy staircase icy staircase stony staircase

Taken prisoner.

Liam went through the square tunnel. The tunnel was made from steel and rock .When Liam walked into the tunnel, it made a cracking noise. Liam thought that the tunnel was going to break into pieces. Liam sprinted further at the end of the tunnel he saw a huge, rainbow, coloured alien. The alien saw Liam. Liam shone the torch in the alien’s eye. The alien got angry, and started kicking his feet back as if he was a Bull which was about to attack him! Liam got frightened and sprinted to the mouth of the tunnel. The alien followed him and Liam saw the three stair case. They where ice, stone and grass staircase.

Icy staircase stony staircase grassy staircase

EndingWhile he walked up the icy staircase, the atmosphere was getting colder and colder. Every time Liam took a step his breath turned into a ball of smoke. He was becoming weaker and weaker, the air was turning into fog; soon all around him was weakness, fog and extreme cold weather. He couldn’t see anything. It could’ve been a dangerous fume or something but he didn’t know, his head was spinning round and round and everything was turning upside-down. He felt like he was about to faint and as a matter of fact he did.

Half an hour later, Liam woke up, tears rolled down his cheeks. He couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted to go home and if he couldn’t he would rather die. But as he opened his eyes he saw that the fog was gone. He knew what to do. He got up and looked around to see if he could find a really sharp rock. He turned around found one on the ground. He slowly and sadly pushed the rock right through his heart, a gush of thick, dark red blood dripped from his body. He dropped onto the floor screaming with pain as his life flashed before his eyes and then nothing complete darkness, he was gone forever.

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The stone staircase ending. Liam ran up the stone staircase. He looked around. He saw a stone chair and Liam, exhausted from all the running, sat down. He looked about himself and saw that he was in a strange place. It looked like a castle throne room, and Liam realised that he was actually sat on a throne. He heard a strange sound coming up the stairs that he had just come from. Hundreds of strange creatures emerged from the opening and started to sit in front of him. With a shock, Liam realised that they thought he was their leader. One of the creatures handed Liam a golden necklace. Liam wondered if he should put it on. Would something nasty happen? He decided that the strange creatures might do something worse if he refused, so carefully he placed it around his neck. As he put it around his neck he began to hear the aliens talking! He could hear them in his head. He decided that he could wear it safely after all. Perhaps he could become somebody important, a king! Liam looked around and knew that he had found his real home. Mars.

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Chapter 4Liam chose the grassy staircase and went inside and found three rings. One that was made out of leaves one that was made out of flowers and the last one was made out of fruit. Liam found a special ring with a pearl inside. The ring had a glass box on top of it and by the glass box there was a poster by the side of it. It said don’t touch because this will make you go home. Liam found a sharp sword and started to break the glass at last he got the special ring and started to run down the bridge he was at the end of the bridge but there were no tunnels no holes and also there were no steep ground Liam wanted to turn back but he had the most amazing, fantastic idea in his whole life he took out the ring and put it on his finger and a portal came out of know were he found clones chasing him to try and snatch the ring of him but he ran inside the portal and the portal went. As he was swirling round the colourful portal he found a dark hole and dropped right inside it. His head banged his head against something and found him lying by a rock.

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