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Part One

created and presented by Michelle Eloff© The Lightweaver

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Moon Myths

When people lived with Nature, the changing seasons had a great impact on religious ceremonies. The Moon was seen as a symbol of the Goddess. Because of this, the light of the Moon was considered magical, and a source of energy. Wiccan Witches often practice magic at a Full Moon to tap into this energy thought to exist at this time.

Plutarch once said "Egyptian priests called the Moon the "Mother of the Universe," because the moon, "having the light which makes moist and pregnant, is promotive of the generation of living beings.."

The Gnostic sect of Naassians believed in a primordial being known as "the heavenly horn of the moon." The Moon was the Great Mother.

Menos meant "Moon" and "power" to the Greeks. To the Romans, the morality of the Moon Goddess was above that of the Sun God.

In many cultures the Moon Goddess and the Creatress were the same. Polynesians called the Creatress Hina, "Moon." She was the first woman, and every woman is a wahine, made in the image of Hina. Scandinavians sometimes called the Creatress Mardoll, "Moon Shining Over the Sea."

Ashanti people had a generic term used for all their deities, Boshun, meaning Moon. Sioux Native Americans call the moon The Old Woman Who Never Dies. Iroquois call her "Eternal One." Rulers in the Eritrean zone of South Africa held the Goddesses name "Moon." The Gaelic name of the Moon, Gealach, came form Gala or Galata, the original Moon-Mother of Gaelic and Gaulish tribes. Britain used to be called Albion, the milk-white Moon-Goddess.

The Moon was called Metra, which means Mother , "whose love penetrated everywhere." In the Basque language, the words for deity and moon are the same. The root word for both "moon" and "mind" was the Indo-European manas, mana, or men, representing the Great Mother's "wise blood" in women, governed by the Moon. The derivative mania used to mean ecstatic revelation, like lunacy used to mean possession by spirit of Luna, the Moon. To be Moon-Touched or Moon-Struck meant to be chosen by the Goddess.

When patriarchal thinkers belittled the Goddess, these words came to mean craziness. Orphic and Pythagorean sect viewed the Moon as the home of the dead, a female gate known as Yoni, the name given to the vagina in Tantric/Karma Sutra practices. Souls passed through the female gate on the way to the paradise fields of the stars. Greeks often located the Elysian Fields, home of the blessed dead, in the moon.

The shoes of Toman senators were decorated with ivory crescents to show that after death they would inhabit the Moon. Roman religion taught that "the souls of the just are purified in the Moon." Wearing the crescent was "visual worship" of the Goddess. That was why the prophet Isaiah denounced the women of Zion for wearing lunar amulets. Because the moon was the holder of souls between reincarnations, it sheltered both the dead and unborn, who were one in the same. If a man dreams of his own image in the Moon, he would become the father of a son. If a woman dreamed of her own image in the Moon, she would have a daughter.

The Moon Goddess created time, with all its cycles of creation, growth, decline, and

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destruction. This is why ancient calendars were based on phases of the moon and menstrual cycles. The Moon still determines agricultural work in some parts of India.

India and Egyptn moon priestesses were responsible for finding the right phase of the moon for every undertaking. The Moon was to have been the receptacle of menstrual blood by which each mother formed the life of her child. This sacer, taboo moon-fluid kept even the Gods alive. The moon was "the cup of the fluid of life immortal, quickening the vegetable realm and whatsoever grows in the sub-lunar sphere, quickening also the immortals on high."

The Moon was supposed to rule life and death as well as the tides. People living on the shores were convinced that a baby could only be born on an incoming tide and a person could not die until the tide went out. It was often said birth at a full tide or a full moon means a lucky life.

Girls in Scotland refused to wed on anything but a Full Moon. Witches invoked their Goddess by "drawing down the Moon." It is said to be a rite dating back to moon worship in Thessaly, centuries before the Christian era.


Lunar holidays are also known as Esbats, but any Wiccan ritual held at any time other than a Sabbat is an Esbat. Due to the rotation of the earth, the Wiccan calendar contains 13 Full Moons and 8 Sabatts, also known as Days of Power. A full moon happens every 28 1/4 days.

Full Moon energy is used for banishing unwanted influences, protection and divination. A Full Moon is also a good time for planning, releasing and working backwards in time. Full Moon Magic can be done for seven days, three days before the full moon and three days after the full moon.

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Void of Course Moon – What is it?

"As the Moon orbits the Earth, it passes through the signs of the zodiac. Every lunar month it travels through all twelve signs, passing through each in more than two, but less than three days. When the Moon gets near the end of each sign, it goes beyond its last major aspect, or connection, with another planet. When this happens, and until it moves into the next sign, the Moon is said to be 'Void-of-Course.' This period is a time when we can really feel disconnected and without direction. It is, therefore, an ideal time for centering ourselves.

The void-of-course condition may occur for only seconds or minutes of time, or it may last for a day or two. It all depends on the locations of the planets and their interactions at the time.

While the Moon is void-of-course (voc) it is wise to avoid making important decisions. Judgment at this time is probably faulty. Decisions tend to be unrealistic, subject to factors unknown at the time. New paths are likely to be plagued with false starts, errors and unexpected hassles. Some say that won’t even grocery shopping while the Moon is Void of Course should be avoided because the food goes to waste. Buying clothing during this phase will also be disappointing and either end up hanging in your closet unused, or it falls into holes, which is also the case with clothes bought when the Moon is in Scorpio.

During Moon void-of-course, actions produce unexpected results. Creative efforts go in unexpected directions. Contracts, promises or new laws bring on difficulties or amount to nothing. Purchases prove to be unsatisfactory or the object simply does not fulfill its intention. Routines involving no decisions will usually go well but often require corrections later. Delays and frustrations are common. You can save yourself stress and wasted effort by not starting anything major then. Never knowingly mail off a manuscript, curriculum vitae, make an important business contact, or an agreement with another person in those intervals. Instead, tackle routine, undemanding work like housekeeping, filing, or trying to organize your desk.

The important guideline for Moon void-of-course periods is to not be involved in concerns beyond your spiritual center. Moon void-of-course is a time for subjective, spiritual, non-materialistic concerns.

Once the Moon enters the next sign, if we have taken time off from business to give attention to relaxation and to our spiritual growth, then we can more effectively go back to dealing with the affairs of the day-to-day material world."

It’s not considered a good time to initiate important efforts or make important decisions, for “nothing will come of it.”

What not to do when the moon is void of course -

• Begin a class or conference.

• Start a project.

• Try to sell something.

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• Initiate new business contacts.

• Start a job or search for a job.

• Make an important agreement.

• Sign a contract.

• Buy a car or house.

• Get married or take on a partner.

• Shopping for clothing, and preferably avoiding grocery shopping if at all possible.

What to do when the moon is void of course -

• Think of matters you hope will come to nothing – like responding to nuisance complaints, threatened legal actions, or invitations from people who bore you to tears.

• Keep a file on your desk of things to do purposely in those intervals. Fill in the void with tasks like tedious memos you’re supposed to respond to, senseless regulations that you can’t ignore, or your monthly statistics.

• Fill out your tax returns – the VOC Moon will make sure it comes to nothing! :)

• Meditation and inner work on emotions.

• Have a party – they are very successful during this phase

• Beauty treatments and pampering

• Play golf! :)

• “Spring clean”

• Write, watch a movie, sleep and basically just relax and recharge

Although the world judges us on our productivity, action isn’t always useful. In creative pursuits, a period of seeming inactivity when you read a novel or play solitaire for hours on the computer often produces a fresh burst of inspiration. Just as there is a solar Sabbath on Sundays, the voc Moon can function as a lunar Sabbath where we attend to our lunar hemisphere and emerge refreshed.

Below are three links I have added for you to access Void of Course Moon dates and times. After hours of reserch I found these three sites to be the best in terms of the actual calendar. I personally use the Lunarium calendar – second link below. When you choose a calendar be sure to check that the time line they are using corresponds with yours, or ensure you calculate the time differences accurately!

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Timing Magical Rituals and Ceremonies with the Moon

Timing your magic with the phases of the Moon is essential for success. A rule of thumb is to remember for white magic, this is best done while the moon is waxing (increasing in light; new to full). The best time is as close to the full moon as possible. Love spells, acquiring a new job, wealth success, and so forth.

When the moon is waning (decreasing in light; full to new), this is the best time for success in works of destruction/banishment, the best time being as close to the new moon as possible. The waning moon is also a good time for ending things, banishing spells and ending personal bad habits, losing weight etc.

• Moon in Aries Projects begun when the moon is in Aries often begin with much enthusiasm, but tend not to last. This is a good time fohigh energy spells, me, mine, quick but not lasting results, fire, sharp things, metals, daring feats, sticking up for yourself, risk taking, independence. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the head or face at this time. Magic ruled by Mars has the best outcome at this time. When the Moon is in Aries things move fast and people are impatient. These are good days for forceful, fiery, fearless types who want to take charge. These are not good days for making compromises.

• Moon in Taurus Projects begun when the moon is in Taurus are usually permanent or long lasting, especially when performed when the moon is in the first ten degrees of the sign. Money, finances, possessions, material things, sensuality, earth related projects, permanence, wealth, things that increase in value, loans, bankers, slow but lasting results, time delays. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the neck or throat at this time. Magic ruled by the Earth and Venus are successful at this time. When the Moon is in Taurus things just keep ticking over slowly. These are good days for types who enjoy slowing down and enjoying the finer things in life. These are not good days for making big changes.

• Moon in Gemini Communications, short distance travel, a Gemini Moon is dualistic in nature and rules over thievery, trickery, pulling a fast one, relatives, siblings and neighbors, and computers. Gemini lacks staying power and projects begun when the moon is in this sign tend to change. Neutral in nature. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the shoulders, arms, hands, or nerves at this time. Magic ruled by Mercury has the best outcome at this time. When the Moon is in Gemini things become restless and ideas are shared. These are good days for communicative, active types who like to connect with others. These are not good days for standing still and contemplating the bigger picture.

• Moon in Cancer Cancer rules over anything to do with the home, family, food, nurturing, the mother, and women in general. Things tend to last, as Cancer is a clingy sign. Good for love spells, weather spells, altar consecration, blessing the home, mediumship, psychic endeavors, but beware of over-emotionalism. Spells for the success in buying land, purchasing real estate, a decent place to live, and reconciling family

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members are best performed when the Moon is in this sign. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the stomach at this time. With love relationships or marriages begun when the moon is in Cancer, if the parties break up, they often tend to reunite. Magic corresponding to the Moon is successful at this time. When the Moon is in Cancer things become more nurturing. These are good days for types who like security and prefer being with close loved ones. These are not good days for moving out of your comfort zone.

• Moon in Leo Good for anything having to do with children, creativity, good for casting love spells; romance, success in gambling, winning, attracting center stage, personal charisma, men in general, the father, hobbies, speculation, risk taking, investments, stocks and bonds, authority and spells for gaining positions of power and authority. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the heart, spine, or back at this time. Leo is a fixed sign and projects begun when the moon is in this sign tend to last. Magical workings ruled by the Sun are successful at this time. When the Moon is in Leo things are playful and dramatic. These are good days for prima-donna types who like to perform and gain recognition. These are not good days for being shy and retiring.

• Moon in Virgo Health, sickness, wellness, things that require precision and perfection, hygiene, nutrition, herbs, vitamins, the armed forces, clothing, the work place, co-workers, workings of white magic and healing for others, service to others. Things that involve details. Hospitals, healing, the medical profession, institutions, bureaucracy, red tape, attention to detail. Virgo tends towards change. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the intestines, anus, or digestive system at this time. Magical workings ruled by Mercury are successful at this time. When the Moon is in Virgo things become more introverted and analytical. These are good days for helpful, discerning, down to earth types. These are not good days for showing off or going on flights of fancy.

• Moon in Libra Good time to form love relationships, marriages, partnerships of all kinds or cast spells to ensure the success of or to incite these. Peace, diplomacy, negotiation, legal matters, workings with two people, contracts, getting people to do what you want them to do easily and peacefully. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the kidneys or lower back at this time. Best for love spells. When the Moon is in Libra things become more balanced, harmonious and beautiful. These are good days for sociable, idealistic, fair minded types. These are not good days for selfish, uncooperative behaviour.

• Moon in Scorpio This is one of the best signs for banishing magical workings. Venting, exposing secrets, “death” spells, surgery, transformation, obsession, sex, the occult, the darker/shadow side of things, extremes, research, banishing spells, ending things permanently, death and dying. This is the most powerful and intense of all the moon signs. Secret, underhanded, and covert operations, willpower, drastic destruction. Like its opposite sign Taurus, Scorpio is usually permanent. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the pelvis, reproductive or sex organs at

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this time. Magical workings ruled by Mars are successful at this time. When the Moon is in Scorpio things become intense and mysterious. These are good days for deep, forceful, resourceful types. These are not good days for losing control of emotions.

• Moon in Sagittarius Religion, Universities, travel, higher education, gambling, good luck, good for ceremonial magic, best for white magic, publishing, sports, the outdoors, the law. Pulling off something big. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the hips or thighs at this time. Magical workings ruled by Jupiter are successful at this time. When the Moon is in Sagittarius things are fun and spontaneous. These are good days for adventurous, active, optimistic types. These are not good days for moping, nit-picking or for being pessimistic.

• Moon in Capricorn When the moon is in Capricorn, this is another excellent time for banishment magical workings. Beware of depression, ruthlessness, using people viciously, but long-term results occur during this phase. Honors, social standing, responsibility, authority, structure, setting long-term goals and plans for the future. NOT a good time to seek favors from those in authority. Magical workings and spells that feature a time delay or are lasting, be careful of wasting, manipulating people, but good for business,and banishing. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the bones/skeletal system, teeth, or knees at this time. This is a "ruthless" moon sign. Workings ruled by the malefic planet Saturn are favored at this time. When the Moon is in Capricorn things get serious and disciplined. These are good days for practical, ambitious, organised types. These are not good days for being lazy and shirking duties.

• Moon in Aquarius Friends, groups, platonic relationships, society, electricity, workings within a coven, computers, technology, individuality, originality, freedom, independence, humanity, anarchy, the unexpected, bolt out of the blue, genius, revelation, goals and ideals, shocking people. This is the best moon sign for spells of independence and breaking away from restrictive situations. Freedom and coming into your own. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the calves or ankles at this time. Workings ruled by Saturn are favored. When the Moon is in Aquarius things can be unpredictable. These are good days for eccentric, intellectual, inventive, humanitarian types. These are not good days for following convention and tradition.

• Moon in Pisces Poison, drugs, self-undoing, deception, sorrow, depression, isolation, insanity, very deep psychic stuff. Good for success in meditation and all psychic pursuits. Spells to expose secrets, swindles, and feelings of vulnerability are a possibility. Secret enemies exposed, altered states. This is the one of best times for endings, especially when the moon is in 20-30 degrees of the sign (make sure it is not void). Psychic healing can be done. Do NOT have surgical procedures performed on the feet at this time. When the Moon is in Pisces things are ethereal and dreamy. These are good days for sensitive, intuitive, creative, compassionate types. These are not good days for setting boundaries, rules and limits.

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LUNAR PHASES The lunar phase is important in determining the best time for magic. There are basically two lunar phases: waxing moon, ideal time for positive magick, and waning moon, ideal time for banishing magic, study, and meditation. In between you'll have the dark moon, the time of greatest power for banishing magic, and the full moon, the time of greatest power for positive magic.

Most witches and pagans work around these lunar phases. However, others suggest a much more complicated subdivision of the moon phases.

New Moon Magic, from the day of the New Moon to 3 1/2 days after

• Timing: The magic should be performed between dawn and sunset for the best use of this magic.

• Conjuring: beauty, health, and self-improvement; farms and gardens; job hunting; love and romance; networking

Crescent Moon Magic, from 3 1/2 days after the new moon through the 7th day

• Timing: The moon rises at mid-morning and sets after sunset.

• Conjuring: animals, business, change, emotions, matriarchal strength

First Quarter, Waxing Moon Magi, from 7 to 10 days after the new moon

• Timing: Sunset is the prime time for waxing moon magic.

• Conjuring: courage, elemental magic, friends, luck, motivation

Gibbous Moon Magic, from 10 to 13 days after the new moon

• Timing: It's a wonderful time for working around 10:00 to 11:00 p.m.

• Conjuring: patience

Full Moon Magic, 14 days after the new moon

• Timing: Midnight is the best hour to work.

• Conjuring: artistic endeavors; beauty, health, and fitness; change and decisions; children;competition; dreams; families; health and healing; knowledge; legal undertakings; love and romance; money; motivation; protection; psychism; self-improvement

Disseminating Moon Magic, 3 to 7 days after the full moon

• Timing: The time of souls is at 3:00 a.m.

• Conjuring: addictions, decisions, divorce, emotions, stress, protection

Last Quarter (Waning Moon) Magic, 7 to 10 days after the full moon

• Timing: The moon rises at midnight and sets at noon.

• Conjuring: addictions. divorce, health and healing (banishing disease), stress, protection

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Dark Moon Magic, from 11 to 14 days after the full moon

• Timing: As odd as this may sound, the strongest pull of the dark moon is around 10:00 a.m.

• Conjuring: addictions, change, divorce, enemies, justice, obstacles, quarrels, removal, separation, stopping stalkers and theft.

Lunar Eclipses

Eclipses represent the perfect union of sun and moon. Any type of magic is acceptable. There are 2 types of lunar eclipse:

• Partial eclipse

• Penumbral eclipse of the moon

Moon Phases -

The New Moon

The best time to begin a project, start a romance or do anything of consequence is just after a new moon. This represents a fresh start, a new beginning. The energy is very favorable for plans to move forward, and hopefully, eventually succeed. These new moons are considered "gifts" from the universe where one can plant the seeds of events they’d like to see come to fruition. New Moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to three-and-a-half days after. The new moon is for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health or job hunting.

Waxing Moon Magic:

From seven to fourteen days after the new moon. The waxing moon is for constructive magic, such as love, wealth, success, courage, friendship, luck or health.

The Full Moon

From fourteen to seventeen-and-a-half days after the new moon. Prime time for rituals for prophecy, protection, divination. Any working that needs extra power, such as help finding a new job or healings for serious conditions, can be done now. Also, love, knowledge, legal undertakings, money and dreams. The full moon has long been looked upon as a special and romantic time throughout the ages, and as many probably know, myths and stories abound about full moons. The full moon period, in astrology, represents a time when things reach a tipping point; things come to fruition. Here’s how the lunar cycle works in everyday life.

For example, let’s say you meet someone just after a new moon. The chemistry’s right, the two of you click, but there’s a conflict of schedules and the only time available for a date is on or around a new moon (about two weeks later after the initial meeting). This is perfectly acceptable and in fact, is the way most astrologers would like to see a romance come to fruition. The same holds true if you are looking for a new job. Send resumes out just after the new moon, schedule interviews during the following two weeks, and with some luck, accept an offer around the full moon.

Waning Moon Magic:

From three-and-a-half to ten-and-a-half days after the full moon. The waning moon is

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used for banishing magic, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity.

Dark Moon Magic:

From ten-and-a-half to fourteen days after the full moon. The dark moon is a time for dealing with attackers, for exploring our darkest recesses and understanding our angers and passions. Also bringing justice to bear.


A Moon Wobble is generally an unsettling time of sudden ups and downs, increased accidents and violence, unusual or extreme weather, greater incidence of earth activity, e.g. earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and intense, often volatile emotional behavior. People feel more restless and are more likely to over-react to problems. Anything begun during a Moon Wobble is usually short-lived because of the unstable energy--on average lasting 3 months to one year.

Moon Wobbles have benefits, too. They can be very stimulating times, bringing new contacts, innovative ideas, heightened creativity, and unexpected opportunities. Use them to gather information and consider different options, but wait until they are over to make final agreementsand actually begin new ventures.

This powerful cycle was first recognized, then researched and named by noted American mathematician and astrologer Carl Payne Tobey. He found that these cycles of intensified energies occur when the transiting Sun makes contact with the Lunar Nodes (the Lunar Nodes are where the orbit of the Moon intersects the orbit of the Earth around the Sun). There are usually 3.5 to 4 Moon Wobbles a year; however, occasionally there are 5, as in 1996.

The focus for Moon Wobble phenomena varies according to the sign the Moon Wobble is occurring in; however, there are some general "rules of thumb" that apply to all Moon Wobbles.

Try to AVOID:

• Buying a home or moving

• Starting a new job or project

• Having important medical work done

• Having major car or home repairs done

• Taking long-distance trips: If you do travel, BE FLEXIBLE!

• Having arguments or confrontations with the closest people in your life. They can easily escalate out of proportion and be very difficult to resolve.


• Remind yourself it is a Moon Wobble when difficulties arise.

• Try to ACT not REACT in dealing with problems.

• Be flexible and roll with the punches.

• Drive with extra care.

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Planetary Hours of the Day

Hour Sunday Monday Tuesda



Thursday Friday Saturd


6 (approximatesunrise)

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

7 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

8 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars

9 Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun

10 Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

11 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury

12 Noon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon

13 (1 pm) Sun Moon Mars Mercu

ry Jupiter Venus Saturn

14 (2 pm) Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

15 (3 pm) Mercury Jupiter Venus Satur

n Sun Moon Mars

16 (4 pm) Moon Mars Mercury Jupite

r Venus Saturn Sun

17 (5 pm) Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

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Planetary Hours of the Night


Sunday Monday Tuesd


Thursday Friday Saturd


18 (6 pm) Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury

19 (7 pm) Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon

20 (8 pm) Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

21 (9 pm) Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

22 (10 pm)

Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars

21 (11 pm)

Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun

Midnight Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

1 Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury

2 Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon

3 Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

4 Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter

5 Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars

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Tools for your new “Trade” -

Creating your Altar-

This is a lot of fun and very special. You don't need a huge altar, if space is a problem, use a tray or a something that can work as a table top, which can be hidden under your bed or in a closet if you're concerned it will be tampered with, or to avoid conflict if people you live with don't understand what you're doing, or are not open to accepting what you're doing.

Wash the surface down with a mixture 0f water, salt, lavender oil, and tea tree oil. Place some of this mixture in a spray bottle and spray it over your Altar, crystals, aura etc.This clears any negative energy held within the surface and items you're using. Do this regularly to keep the energy clear and clean on your altar, unless a specific spell or ceremony requires you leave it undisturbed for a specified period of time.

Basic tools for you Altar -

• Candle Stick Holders – minimum of 2

• Incence Burner

• Small glass bowl for coarse salt

• Small metal pot for burning in

• Matches (never use a lighter to light your candles)

• Candle snuffer (never blow your candles out)

• Mortar and Pestle for mixing fresh herbs, unless you prefer a small glass bowl for mixing dry herbs, oils and seeds.

• Obtain a beautiful blank paged book which is to become you Book of Shadows. This is the book you use to record your magical workings and to write down spells you have created. This book needs to be blessed and kept sacred.


• Preparation: At the time of the Full Moon, take your Book of Shadows (one that hasn't been written in yet) and some incense (pennyroyal, anise or rue) outside.

• Ritual: Under the light of the Full Moon, draw a pentagram on the first page and under this write the following information: date, time, place, your magical name (and sigil if you have one), the moon's phase and any other info you feel is important.

• Hold the book up to the Moon and say:

"Here as the Full Moon shines upon me, Bless this Book I've made tonight.

I humbly ask this of thee, Underneath your most sacred light."

Accessories for your Altar -

• Statuettes of Angels, Fairies, or any other deity you associate with. I have ones of Ganesh for removing obstacles, Entertwined Shakti and Shiva for balance between

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masculine and feminine, and sacred union, a Laughing Buddah for happiness and humour and a few others. This is just an example of what you can accessorize your Altar with. Make sure it has meaning for you.

• Crystals and Crystal Wands

• Pictures and ornaments symbolizing your intentions and for protection.

• Little trinkets you can charge during your spell or ceremony and carry with you as amulets or talismans.

Supplies for Spell Casting and Ceremonies-

• Taper, Tea Light and Votive candles in various colours. Colour associations listed below.

• Incence

• Lavender, Jasmine, Rose, Clove, Sage, Tea Tree and Orange Blossom Oil to begin with. You can grow your collection as you learn more and expand your field of focus in your spells and ceremonies/rituals.

• Dried Herbs and Spices – Basil, Mustard Seeds, Sage, Bay Leaf, Clove, Cinnamon, Chili, Ginger, Coarse Sea Salt, Black Pepper Corns. Expand your collection as you go along and as spells call for them.

• Base Oil like Olive Oil or Almond for annointing candles.

• Fresh Herbs – Basil, Comfrey, Clover, Parsley, Rosemary.

Here is a link to a webpage that offers some valuable information regarding Moon Magic, their cycles, types of moon phases, latest picture of the current moon phase, and the properties of the herbs and spices I suggest using above.

Candle Colours -

• White: truth, purity

• Red: love, health, sex, strength

• Green: money, luck, fertility

• Black: discord, evil, negativity, confusion

• Brown: neutrality, uncertainty, hesitation

• Pink: love, morality, honor

• Purple: power, business progress, ambition

• Orange: attraction, stimulation

• Greenish Yellow: jealousy, anger, discord

• Gray: neutrality, stalemate, negativity

• Light Blue: tranquility, patience, health

• Dark Blue: depression, changeability

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Protection and Cleansing:-

Before doing any kind of spell, ritual or ceremony make sure your enegy is cleansed and that you are protected. In an emergency situation or if lack of time permits it, spray your aura with a cleansing spray, or smudge it with incence and a feather, or a dried sage smudging bundle and a feather.

Energy Cleansing -

• Take a “ritual” bath. Put scented or unscented natural course sea salt in your water and add any other soothing and relaxing oil to your bathwater. Light a white tea light candle setting the intention that your bath cleanse you and prepare your energy for your ritual. Include relaxing music if you like. Let the candle burn out. You don't have to stay in the bath until this is done. We don't want the gods and goddesses to confuse you with a raisin!

• Relax in your bath for at least 10 – 15 minutes concentrating on feeling relaxed and emptying your mind, body and heart of heavy or negative thoughts, feeling and emotions.

• After your bath wear something clean, or if you prefer, your birthday suit will do! :)

Casting a Protection Circle-

• Before you cast your circle make sure you have everything you need to perform your ceremony. Once the circle is cast you cannot step out of it otherwise you break it.

• Depending on where you perform your ritual and if space and convenience permit it, use salt to make a circle of protection around you and your altar, make sure it is big enough to move around in.

• The circle is a sacred place in which magic is worked, where Wiccans can meet with the god and goddess. The word circle may be misleading though. It is actually a sphere made of energy that encompasses all the participants and the altar. The magic circle defines the ritual area, holds in personal power and shuts out all distractions and negative energies.

• You can use objects on the ground to show the boundaries of the circle, such as stones, flowers, branches and candles, or crystals.

• Whether using salt or not the circle is formed of personal energy which is visualized as streaming from the body to form what looks like a bubble made of mist. Some Wiccan Witches use tools such as the Athame (Sacred Knife), to direct this power, some use their hands, or crystal wands.

• Pour the salt in a clockwise direction to create your circle and visualize a five pointed star inside of your circle – this is Venus's Pentacle of Protection. If you cannot use salt, then use a crystal wand or crystal as a tool to project an energy field.

• Once the energy is flowing through your fingertips or chosen tool, walk the circle three times clockwise, envisioning the mist, or light or energy, trailing outward from you to form the sphere.

• When the circle is complete, shut off the energy flow by shaking your hand or

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pulling it back into your tool.

• Call in the Guardians of the 4 Directions (N,S,E,W) and the 4 Elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water). These Guardians will protect you according to their positioning for the duration of your spell/ceremony.

Opening your Spell/Ceremony-

• Cast protection circle

• Invoke all the associated Angels, Beings etc you want present

• Set the intention that whatever you do through your spell/ceremony be in accordance with the highest will of all souls concerned.

• Be creative and spontaneous while invoking these energies and preparing for your spell/ceremony.

• Perform your spell/ceremony

Closing your Spell/Ceremony-

• End your spell by saying “Harm to none, this spell/ceremony is done, by the power of three so mote it be!” Repeat this 3 times.

• Give thanks to all the Beings you invoked.

• Give thanks to the Guardians of the 4 Directions and 4 Elements and tell them they are released.

• Undo your circle by walking the circle 3 times in an anti-clockwise direction, once again reaffirming the Guardians are released.

• If there are any left overs from your spell/ritual you need to throw away or bury, then do it now.

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Some simple Recipes and Spells to play with get you started


• 13 drops of sandalwood essential oil

• 9 drops of vanilla essential oil or extract

• 3 drops of jasmine essential oil

• 1 drop of rose essential oil

• Mix prior to a full moon.

• Charge in a clear container or vial in the light of the full moon.

• Use to anoint candles or yourself for full moon rituals, or just when you feel like you need the moons energy.


Because of the very nature of Magic, each working should be highly individualized and personal Even if following a traditional spell should be tailored to suityour specific needs to be most effective for you. Understanding the basics of Spell Construction will enable you to formulate your own specific, effective spells for any purpose you desire. Preliminary planning is necessary.

The very first step is to decide precisely what your desired end result is to be. Before you can start, you must decide where you are going. You must be very explicit. It is important, also, that you choose your time carefully. You should take into consideration all Astrological implications, energy currents and Moon phases.

The Moon is the astronomical body closest to us and, therefore, has a profound influence upon us, therefore it is very important to choose a time when the Moon is in an astrological sign which is appropriate for your working. Refer to the information I provided on Planetary influences for in-depth information. But basically for example:

• Aries/Action - Enthusiasm,

• Taurus/ Renewal - Sensuality,

• Gemini communication - Curiosity,

• Cancer/ Emotion - Nurturing,

• Leo/Vitality - Determined, Virgo organizing – Studious

• Libra/Balance -Cooperation,

• Scorpio/Sexual - Philosophical,

• Capricorn/Authority - Ambitious,

• Aquarius/Innovation - Social,

• Pisces/Sensitivity - Idealistic.

Bear in mind that magical workings for gain, increase or bringing things to you, should be initiated when the Moon is Waxing (from Dark to Full); when the Moon is Waning (from Full to Dark), it is time for magical workings of decrease or sending away.

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The highest energy occurs at the Full Moon and, therefore, this is the most powerful time for magical workings. The New Moon is the next most powerful time for Magick. The Void of Course Moon is the time when NO magic is performed.


• Pink Candle

• Good Luck/Friendship Oil – you can make this oil by referring to your list above and combining their associated properties and mixing together with oils, which you will use to annoint your candle/s with. Don't make too much unless you are going to use it up in a relatively short space of time. If it stands for too long it becomes stale because the properties have evaporated.

• Pink silk Ribbon and White Silk Ribbon

• Cast protection Circle, arrange Altar, Invoke Goddess and God

• You will want to anoint the pink with the Good Luck oil you made all the while thinking of the friends you want to make.

• Imagine yourself laughing with them, going out with them. Really see and feel yourself with them.

• After your candle has been anointed, you may light it. At this point you may call out the things that are important to you in a friend: honesty, trust, open mindedness, humor, whatever.

• As you light the candle, see the flame as being the energy that burns between any two close friends.

• When this is completed, take your two pieces of silk ribbon and weave them together. Simply winding them around each other will do.

• While you do this, think of bringing that friend/s closer to you.

• This binding process is reminiscent of pagan handfasting rituals.

• You are binding that friend to you, making them loyal to you, a way any good friend should be. You do not want to bind a specific person to you, as that kind of magic is harmful since it influences the other person's free will. Only bind the idea of the perfect friend to you.

• Once you have done this, tie the ribbon to the base of your candle as best as you can. The candle's light is a beacon to bring friendship to you and another person.

• When this is done, you may want to sit and meditate on the spell that you have just cast,sending your energies out to bring that perfect friend to you. When you feel that your spell has been completed, then it has. Close your spell as advised earlie on. Let your candle burn all the way out and release your circle, thanking the Goddess and the God.


• Bake a fresh loaf of bread.

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• Hold it up to the moon and ask the lady to bless the bread as well as the relationship.

• Break off a piece of the bread for your partner, as well as one for yourself.

• As you share time together, share the bread as well.

• Do not cut the bread with a knife or any other cutting tool. Just break off the pieces with your hands.

• Adding butter or jam might be a good idea to help sweeten things up a bit.


• Find the center point of the house. If there is more than one level, then use the stairs as the center.

• Take a cup of red wine and take a sip at each turn. Drain the cup at the end, Face the East saying:

Lady of Love and power and all blessings, breathe Love into this house. Fill the air with good.

Through you and in you, I bless this house. Face the South saying:

Lady of Love and living and all blessings, warm this house with comfort. Make whole its hearth.

Through you and in you, I bless this house. Face the West saying:

Lady of tide and time and all blessings, let every hour flow sweetly in this house. Make pure its tides.

Through you and in you, I bless this house. Face the North saying:

Lady of earth and stability and all blessings, plant security within this boundary. Make strong its defences.

Through you and in you, I bless this house. Turn to all four points twice more and repeat each time: You are blessed


" Oh Great Ones, My Goddess and my God, I call upon you, In need of your help, Bless this water, (Hold up small bowl of water.)

Bless this water, With you power, With you purification, With you healing powers, Bless this water (put bowl down, and now use the water for power, purification and

healing) With the water you so blessed, May this harm none, The spell is done, So mote it be and blessed be ."


If you want to do a spell to comfort a sick friend for instance, try making a witch's ladder.

• Take a long blue cord or ribbon, and collect 7 symbols to hang from it -- things like Grey feathers for protection during sleep, sprigs of healing herbs, garlic for healing and protection, small talismans, conjure bags, charms you get the idea.

• The important thing is that the symbols should represent comfort, protection, and

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• Tie them to the cord and charge it with comforting power.


To convert the senses. This blessing gives the body more connection with the spirit. It may also help with your readiness to channel. To be done at night in the moon's view.

• Light a large white candle.

• Burn sandalwood and basalm and pine.

• Prepare a bowl of water sprinkled with salt. Put this before you and touch it to each part of your body and say:

To the eyes Bless my eyes that I might have clarity of vision

To the mouth Bless my mouth that I may speak the truth

To the ears Bless my ears that I may hear all that is spoken and not

To the heart Bless my heart that I may be filled with love

To the uterus (for women)Bless my womb that I may be in touch with my creative energy that stems from the

universe To the feet

Bless my feet that I may find and walk my own true path Give thanks and close your spell, unless there is anything else you want to add, be it

prepared or spontaneous.


Before leaving on a lengthy journey, bless your car.

• Walk around it clockwise and examine the body, the windows, the wheels, and so on.

• Imagine yourself storing up more and more energy within yourself with each breath that you take, then breathe out all of the energy, fixing it in each of the car's part.

• Say aloud, "May the protection of the Lord and the Lady be in and about this vehicle,

that it may deliver us safe to our destination. So mote it be!"



• piece of amethyst (as clear as possible), or a piece of Fluorite.

• Sit in a quiet place and clear your mind of everything you can.

• Take the amethyst (or fluorite)and hold it in the hand that is closest to the hurt.

• If the pain is in the center of the body hold it in your writing hand.

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• Imagine a soothing light collecting at your feet and draw it up slowly towards your head filling every part of the body. Whilst doing this say silently:

"bright light, shining light heal my hurts with all thy might."

• Repeat this as you move the light up through the body.

• When you reach the top of your head expand to fill outside the head with light for about a foot.

• Then return to where the pain is most concentrated, push all your healing energy into this area.

• If this doesn't work the first time then repeat. You should feel better soon.

• To end the spell repeat the verse again but finish with "so mote it be"


You Need -

• Large circle of cloth

• St. John's wort oil

• 2 yellow candles

• yellow flowers

• Spread cloth on the floor and sprinkle few drops on blood-red St. John's wort oil.

• Anoint candles with more oil and divide flowers into two bunches.

• Sit in the middle of the cloth and place flowers at the edge of cloth on each side.

• Light candles and place them in front and behind you.

• Pick 2 perfect blooms and hold one upright palm on your hand. Focus your mind and chant:

"Oh healing light, surround me now, relive my spirit's darkest hour"

• Imagine the light being drawn from the candles into the flowers on your palms, and from there feel it permeating the whole of your body.

• Try to keep concentration for 20 minutes.

• To complete, take the two flowers in your hands and give them back to Mother Earth.

• Close your spell


A cut onion near a sick person will absorb germs and illness. Rosemary oil dabbed on the temples and third eye will end most headaches.


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Inscribe on a red candle: Ochnotinos Chnotinos Notinos Tinos Inos Nos Os

As you burn the candle visualize the fever being burned away with the flame. Before the candle burns all the way down, quench with ice water.

The fever should disappear quickly.

These are just a few very simple spells. There are thousands. I suggest you get the book I use, which I use to adapt spells according to my needs, so improvise where needed. “The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells” by Judika Illes. ISBN 0-00-716465-3. This book is a wealth of information and the only one you'll need.

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The waxing phase of the Moon is the best time to build the body up. This is when you can use nurturing herbs and tonics to strengthen the body's natural immunities.

• Raspberry leaf is an excellent tonic for female reproductive organs;

• hawthorn berries are good for the cardiovascular system;

• nettle is a great blood tonic;

• marshmallow root is a soothing tonic for the urinary tract;

• astragalas is a wonderful immune system tonic;

• burdock is a good liver tonic;

• red clover builds fertility;

• oat straw is good for the nervous system;

• and alfalfa is a fantastic all-around nutritive tonic.

These herbs are simple and gentle. They are best taken in a cup of tea, three to five times a day. During the waxing phase you might also like to increase water intake to avoid water retention. The more water we ingest, the less water our bodies attempt to retain.

This is also a good time to apply medicinal salves and to take therapeutic baths. Most importantly, work during the waxing Moon to ensure that the body has all the nutritional support it needs. This is the body's building time, and it needs a good supply of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids to be healthy.

You should also not attempt to fast or to lose weight during the waxing Moon. Use energy healing techniques to strengthen and reconnect with the earth. Be careful to ground and center when healing so that you never use up your own life force energy. The universe is full of energy to use, and by tapping into it you will be able to help many more people than you could by using just your energy alone.


The Full Moon lasts about three days. It is a very intense phase. Many women still ovulate with the Full Moon. This is the time to apply the most powerful herbs.

• Use cayenne capsules to treat infections of any kind.

• Goldenseal is a well-known herbal antibiotic.

• Echinacea and lomatium are anti-viral.

• Dong quai is an excellent herb for female hormonal fluctuations.

Energy healing work during the Full Moon is very powerful. On the energetic level, it acts

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like a magnifying mirror. The strong lunar energy pulls everything out of hiding and reflects it back at us. This is often the time during an acute illness when people feel their worst.

The Full Moon intensifies whatever else is going on. Often people aren't even aware that they're sick until the Full Moon hits. This is also an excellent time for psychological therapy. Emotions seem closer to the surface than usual and social inhibitions melt away. Agendas that have been simmering under the surface tend to come out under the light of the Full Moon.

This is a time to strengthen relationships and reaffirm bonds. Never underestimate the healing power of simply holding someone's hand and listening. This is not the time for isolation or introspection . The Full Moon draws all of life toward it. Even the solid ground rises several inches when the Full Moon passes overhead!


The waning Moon is the best time to employ therapeutic fasts. Avoid drastic fasting. There is usually no need to starve the body to heal it. However, it may be helpful to limit your intake to juices and soups for a few days during the waning Moon, particularly when struggling with the flu. Use purifying herbs in moderation at this time.

• Sage, usnea, ginger, lemon, thyme, lavender, and peppermint are all cleansing and clearing herbs.

The waning Moon is also a good time to do sweats and diaphoretic (sweat producing) baths. In addition, if you are trying to kick a habit, do it during the waning phase. Use energy healing techniques to sever unhealthy bonds and strengthen boundaries.


The New Moon is as powerful in its own way as the Full Moon. It is a time for taking stock.

It is a phase of hibernation, retreat, and contemplation. Avoid crowds and gatherings and seek a little time for yourself. Rest is crucial during the New Moon. Simple foods and quiet times are powerful healers.

Many women menstruate with the New Moon. It is natural to want to curl up in bed with a good book and nice cup of chamomile tea.

• Stronger nervines (relaxing herbs) are skullcap, hops, catnip, oatstraw, and valerian.

After the New Moon ends and the first crescent appears, then the healing lunar cycle begins all over again. Most acute diseases do not last a full lunar cycle.

The information in these notes is only intended to be an educational tool, not a prescription. It is always wise to consult with your health care provider when experiencing any illness or discomfort.

Awareness of the rhythms of nature can assist you and your health care provider in

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determining the best course of treatment at any given time. Naturally, some conditions will require that you apply therapies that don't necessarily "fit" with the phase of the Moon.

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Star Energy

I have included this piece on the fixed stars, also known as constellations for those of you who are interested. By watching the cycles of the transiting moon through the various signs, and knowing at which degree she is placed within that sign at varied times throughout her motion, will help you use the Star information below. It's an added turbo charge to your spells and ceremonies. Please use these star influences with wisdom and caution. Knowledge is power, but if that knowledge or power is misused or abused, be prepared to suffer the consequences.

Energy from stars can be used to enhance personal traits, for example to strengthen self-discipline or for specific energies to be used use in ritual. Absorbing energy from Venus before performing a love spell can greatly assist in the desired outcome of the working. It is very important to know the nature of the star(s) you intend to invoke energy from, as some stars such as Polaris and Caput Algol are extremely destructive and people have gone insane after invoking their energies.

In order to effectively absorb stellar energies, one should be experienced with breathing in energy.

This exercise should be performed outdoors where you can see the star/s clearly.


• Relax and go into trance or an altered state of consciousness, in other words deep relaxation.

• Close your eyes and say the name of the star several times while visualizing it. (Photos of stars can be seen by typing the name of the star or constellation into the Google search engine and clicking on “images.”)

• Keep repeating the name of the star either silently or aloud several times and try to feel the star. You should begin to feel the energy.

• Now charge your aura with energy until your entire being is glowing. This is done through visualization. Breathe in the energy from the earth into your feet and fill your entire being with it.

• Now, stand beneath the star and visualize a line of energy about a foot wide extending from your aura and connect it with the star.

• Begin to breathe in the energy from the star. The energy of each star has a specific colour according to its attributes.

• Visualize the stellar energy saturating and expanding your aura with this color upon each inhale. You can program the energy with affirmations while you are breathing it in. For example, you can affirm: "I am breathing in green energy from Venus which is bringing me plenty of money in a happy way, and is mine to keep and spend as I please."

• Visualize your entire being saturated with green and with each inhale, the green becomes more and more vibrant and powerful.

A guideline for the colors of stars is:

• Red- Martian energy, anger, violence, pure lust. • Blue- peaceful, calming, spiritual,

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• Yellow- intellect; mind • White- cleansing, strength • Orange- creativity


• You can use a crystal to absorb and store energies from stars to be used at a later time in a ritual or whenever you need them. Hold the crystal under the star in your right palm and breathe in energy from the star through your hand chakras, only bring it into the crystal. Just visualize it entering the crystal and brightening and/or intensifying in the crystal.

• When you want to absorb the stored energy, just hold the crystal in your left hand, and breathe in the energy through your hand. Visualize the energy entering your hand and extending to your entire being and aura. The crystal can also be placed over any chakras you choose for the desired effects. Just breathe in the energy.

• A variation of the above is to program the crystal to absorb the stellar energy and leave it out under the star for as long as the star is visible and shining on it. Just focus your will into the crystal and tell it you want it to absorb energy from whatever star you choose. Repeat the name of the star several times and project the image of the star into your crystal using your third eye.

• You can also absorb energy from entire constellations. This should be done a little at a time until you are familiar with the energies and the effects.

• An advanced practice is to absorb the energies of a star you are familiar with into your chakras. Don’t do this unless you are already comfortable with the star’s effects and energies. Just breathe in the energy. You should be familiar and experienced with chakra breathing. It is best to work with stellar energies that are in harmony with the chakra you are working on. They should be of the same color.

• You can make star charged water. Use a clean magnet, place it at the bottom of a container of water and program it like a crystal. The water will absorb the energy. By drinking the water, you will absorb the energy. This can be an easier way to learn about the energies of the star you wish to work with, before seriously absorbing any of its energies.

Here is a list of stars and their energies. To learn more regarding the time of year the star is visible, and the appearance of the star or constellation, there is much available on the internet and at the local library under the subject of astronomy.

The four most prominent fixed stars are:

Aldebaran; 9 degrees of Gemini Regulus; 29 degrees of Leo Antares; 9 degrees of Sagittarius Formalhaut; 3 degrees of Pisces

These stars can also be prominent in magic.

Aldebaran is known as "Watcher of the East." Regulus is known as "Watcher of the North." Antares, is known as "Watcher of the West."

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Formalhaut is known as "Watcher of the South."

ALPHERATZ - (Sirrah) [14 Degrees Aries] Freedom, love of movement, speed, intellectual and can indicate riches and honors. Strong motivation, willfulness and the ability to take action. Well known, before the public and popularity with the masses; fame. Harmonius nature, good for relationships.

BATEN KAITOS - [20 degrees of Aries] Forced migration, accidents, shipwreck.

MIRACH - [0 Degrees Taurus] Happiness in marriage, artistic, love of beauty, strong intuition, brilliant mind, creative and generous disposition. Makes friends easily and inspires others. Gives beauty, a love of the home, brilliant mind, fortunate marriage.

HAMAL - [6 Degrees of Taurus] Independence and strength of will. Leadership ability. Cruelty and premeditated crime.

ALMACH (Alamack) - [14 degrees of Taurus] Popular influence, one is well liked and benefits come from others. Prominent position, possible fame. Artistic ability.

CAPUT ALGOL - [25 Degrees of Taurus] Here is one of the most violent stars in the zodiac. Very negative destructive energy and absorbing its energy can cause permanent insanity.

ALCYONE- THE PLEIADES - [29 Degrees of Taurus] This is a “bad” star at this degree. Very bad for the eyesight and can indicate blindness. It also brings sorrow and gives something to cry about. Can give keen insight and a harshly judgemental nature. Strong love of nature, ambition, possible injuries to the face, eminence

HYADES - [5 Degrees of Gemini] Gives a strong sex drive, greedy, overindulgent and excessive nature. Exploitive of others. Can indicate tremendous success in life. Lack of control and bad habits can cause downfall. High energy level with much military ability.

THE NORTHERN BULL'S EYE, EPSILON TAURI - [7 Degrees of Gemini] Gives artistic talent, writing ability, popularity, scientific and occult ability. Found in the charts of astrologers. Can make outstanding contributions in their areas of actvity.

ALDEBARAN - [9 Degrees of Gemini] Watcher of the East

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Rules the hands and fingers. Tendency to pneumonia. Possible violent death. High energy and ambition. Can attract dangerous enemies. This is a star of combat and war

RIGEL - [16 Degrees of Gemini] Lasting riches, honors and preferment. Good for military careers. Ambitious and hard working. Good mechanical ability. Teaching ability, somewhat conventional. Great military or ecclesiastical preferment if conjunct the midheaven. These people can stay on top, as long as effort is maintained.

BELLATRIX - [20 degrees of Gemini] Military and other honors which end in disaster. Bad for eyesight. Quick decision making ability, opinionated. Belligerent, daring, adventuresome nature. Rules swindling and forgery.

CAPELLA - [21 degrees of Gemini] Curious, sharp minded, a love of learning and research. Indicates martial or ecclesiastical honors and riches, often followed by squander and waste, leading to dissolution. Unusual, eccentric in nature

ALNILAM - [23 degrees of Gemini] Bestows honors.

POLARIS - [28 degrees of Gemini] Spiritual powers and much respect gained from them, possible illness and affliction. Legacies can encounter problems and misfortune. Good instincts and the ability to find one's way.

BETELGEUSE - [28 degrees of Gemini] This is one of the most fortunate of fixed stars and is frequently seen prominent in the charts of those who have hit the top. Success, riches, honors, fame. Much luck in life.

SIRIUS (ALPHA CANIS MAJOR) ORION'S GREAT DOG STAR - [13 degrees of Cancer] High offices in government, honors, fame. Danger from dogs. Danger and violence.

CASTOR - [20 degrees of Cancer] Violence, sudden fame, followed by prison or disgrace. Weakness of the eyes, injuries to the face. Well mannered, strong principles

POLLUX - [23 degrees of Cancer] Athletic ability, good for martial artists, boxers, fighters and warriors. Bad for eyesight with possible injuries to the eyes and face. Connections with poisons, honors, followed by disgrace. Possible imprisonment, cruel, subtle, scheming nature.

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PROCYON - [25 degrees of Cancer] Rules dogs, but danger from their bites. Achievement through personal efforts. Danger from liquids, poisons and gases. Jealous and quarrelsome and strong willed. Puts ideas into action.

PRAESEPE - [7 degrees into Leo] Bad for eyesight. Losses coming from others. Adventuresome, brutality, perverse, reckless.

ALPHARD - [26 degrees into Leo] Lack of control, violence, unethical, subject to imprisonment and tragedy. Connection with poisons and toxins. This is another very unfortunate star, frequently seen in the astrological charts of serial murderers and criminals.

REGULUS - [29 degrees into Leo] Watcher of the North Astrological ability, independent and high spirited. Destructiveness, military honors. Power, success and leadership ability. Possible disastrous fall from prominent position.

ZOSMA - [9 degrees of Virgo] Victimization, unhappiness, suffering, subject to disadvantage and abuse. This star is strongly connected to suffering and victimization.

DENEBOLA - [21 degrees into Virgo] Honors and wealth, impulsiveness, disgrace, regrets, misfortunes through natural forces.

VINDEMIATRIX - [9 degrees into Libra] Falsity, spinal problems, dishonesty. Loss of partner. Problems and loss through women if conjunct Neptune. (Bill Clinton is a perfect example here). This star is another negative influence.

ALGORAB - [13 degrees of Libra] One who is destructive, malevolent, fiendish and lying. Crooked businessman or politician. Self centered, charming and sly. Misrepresenting.

SPICA - [23 degrees of Libra] Riches and honors, fortune and fame, gives ability in the sciences, art, writing, music, creativity, sociable. Great benefactor to any planet it is conjunct. Spica was chosen as a prominent influence in the layout of the city of Washington DC for its beneficial energies.

ARCTURUS - [23 degrees of Libra] Renown through self determination, fortune through travel, lasting success, hot tempered.

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PRINCEPS - [2 degrees of Scorpio] Intelligent mind, good for research

ALPHECCA - [11 degrees of Scorpio] Artistic, talent for poetry, the occult and healing ability. Success in trade and commerce. Leadership ability, tendency to be a loner.

SOUTH SCALE - [14 degrees of Scorpio] Malevolence, disease, lying, danger from poisons, violence, bad health

NORTH SCALE - [18 degrees of Scorpio] Honor, distinction, ambition. Good fortune.

UNUKALHAI - [21 degrees of Scorpio] This star indicates a loss in some area, both natally and in prediction. This loss is not always negative in prediction. Perversions, lack of self control and danger of poisons. This star is of death.

ANTARES - [9 degrees of Sagittarius] Watcher of the West Impulsive, headstrong, stubborn, courageous, unpredictable events, turbulent life, loss of success comes from self undoing. Martial, can bring honor and favors, good for military. This star is that of the warrior.

LESATH - [23 degrees into Sagittarius] Outspoken, perverse, associated with acids, danger.

ACULEUS - [25 degrees into Sagittarius] Eyesight problems, leadership ability, subject to mental, verbal or spiritual attack. Victim of gossip.

ACUMEN - [27 degrees into Sagittarius] These people on the down side can get worn down by life and not care anymore. Disgrace, legal problems, imprisonment.

WEGA - [15 degrees nto Capricorn] Occult talent, riches and fame. Idealistic, hopeful and refined. Pretentious, artistic.

DENEB - [19 degrees into Capricorn] Good for military, successful warriors, ability for command. Benevolence.

TEREBELLUM - [24 degrees nto Capricorn] Greedy, scheming, shrewd. A fortune with guilt and a bad reputation.

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ALTAIR - [1 degree into Aquarius] Bold, confident, stubborn, sudden wealth, position of high command, danger from reptiles, adventuresome risk taker.

GIEDI - [2 degrees into Aquarius] Beneficial. Sacrifices made, strange events are brought into the life. Suspicion and mistrust.

ARMUS - [11 degrees into Aquarius] Nagging, unstable, contemptible, spiteful

DENEB ALGEDI - [23 degrees into Aquarius] Sorrow and joy. Life and death, always on the edge. Life of changes, trustworthy, just, fair, knowledge of human nature.

FORMALHAUT - [3 degrees of Pisces] Watcher of the South Variable effect for better or worse. Fortunate and powerful. Great learning, immortal name. Much hard work and labor. Increases and amplifies whatever it conjuncts

DENEB ADIGE - [4 degrees of Pisces] Clever and ingenious mind. Money can be made through the arts and sciences. Psychic, idealistic, likeable person.

ACHERNAR - [15 degrees of Pisces] Royal honors, success in public office, philosophical, patient, inclined to religion.

MARKAB - [23 degrees of Pisces] Danger from fire, fever, cuts and blows. Can give good fortune, good for spiritual nature and the mind. Ambitions are often not realized.

SCHEAT - [28 degrees into Pisces] Extreme misfortune, suicide, drowning, murder, rapidly gaining and losing friends, unpredictable nature, inclined to fantasize.

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