The cooke legacy chapter thirty

Post on 08-May-2015

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Transcript of The cooke legacy chapter thirty

The Cooke Legacy:The Cooke Legacy:Chapter Thirty – Chapter Thirty –

Girl Power!Girl Power!A joint legacy between: ilovereecee and meadowthayerA joint legacy between: ilovereecee and meadowthayer

Welcome Back!

Thanks for coming back to read the thirtieth chapter of The Cooke Legacy. In the last chapter you saw Leighton Cooke become

the next heiress, marry her sweetheart Hayden and they started their family

together. They had two lovely little girls, Madeline and Molly. That is where this

chapter picks up.

Madeline is a child now and she’s already studying her skills that will earn scholarships for college! Hayden and I like to be good examples for our girls, so he skills with Maddie. I’m proud of my growing family – everyone is so smart and goal oriented!

“Molly can you say my name? Can you say Grandma Kenadie” My mother Kenadie has been teaching my youngest child her talking and walking skills.

“Gamma Kennie,” As you can tell, that is a work in progress. But “Gamma Kennie” is closer to Grandma Kenadie than anything else Molly has said by now!

“Peek-a-boo Molly! Peek-a-boo!!” Madeline loves to play with her baby sister! She adores Molly and wants to teach her how to play with her toys correctly and how to play peek-a-boo. Whenever Molly isn’t napping or being fed, Madeline makes sure to spend time with her. She’s a great big sister. I can’t wait to see how she’ll do with two siblings once my third baby is born.

Hayden is still working hard to become a Mad Scientist. I feel so extremely proud of my husband – he’s a dedicated worker, father and husband. He really does it all. Just today he was promoted to an Inventor. That is the level that I started out on and now I’m a Mad Scientist. It won’t be long before Hayden has reached his lifetime want.

I’ll be so thankful once my pregnancy is over. I am expecting my little one any day now and I couldn’t be happier. When I was pregnant with Madeline and Molly I never had any problems. But with this pregnancy I have heartburn every time I eat, I’m constantly weak and tired and I can hardly keep up with my kids during the day.

Thankfully I didn’t have to wait much longer on my newest baby to arrive! My little daughter made her arrival just on time for her due date. She, like her older sisters, has blue eyes and brown hair. It seems that I won’t get a child with my blonde hair. Hayden’s hair color is just too dominant! I’m very proud to be the mom of three beautiful girls – no matter what color their hair! Our new baby is named Melody.

Hayden and I decided that Melody would be our last child. In just a few months Molly will be a child and I’m ready to be done with diapers, bottles and naptime all together after Melody. Once I knew I was done with babies, I began working out so that I could get down to my old size. Hayden thinks I’m silly, but I know if I work hard I can be as skinny as I was when we first got married. He says it’s impossible after three kids – I’ll show him!

Hayden and I both think it’s important that our children have the best education possible. Summertime is almost over and that means Madeline will be starting school. So mom invited over one of the many headmasters she met while getting us all into private school as children. She gave him a tour of the house while Hayden cooked a salmon dinner. He was very impressed when he saw that our children aren’t glued to the television, but that they work on their skills and play with toys that enhance learning.

“I have to admit, I think you and Mrs. Cooke are doing a wonderful job with your children. Madeline is very polite and Molly is a sweetheart. Thank you for inviting me into your home and for this amazing seafood dinner. It would be my pleasure to have Madeline in my school. Once Molly is school aged, you just have to have me back for another dinner.” The headmaster loved our family and accepted my daughter Maddie into his school!

Melody is a complete joy in our lives. She’s such a doll! I know once she’s a toddler I’m going to miss her being so little, so I try to spend as much time with her now as I can. Hayden, who works for half of the mornings, usually takes the night shift with Mel while I’m working. This way we get to both spend an equal amount of time with her while she’s an infant. We’re going to miss this stage once it’s all said and done.

We invited over my sisters Lily and Leona to celebrate Molly’s birthday with us all. I can’t believe my middle child is growing up so fast! She certainly turned out to be a beautiful child. I see much of my father in her – she has his nose. I’m glad I have a child that looks like my dad. I really do miss having him around. I know he’d enjoy watching the girls grow.

After the party was over, I got to introduce my sisters to their new niece! It makes me happy that I have such close friends in my sisters. They’re the best friends I could ever ask for. They love me, Hayden and of course our three girls. It’s great to have family around so often.

The day after Molly’s birthday was a school day. She and Madeline go to two different schools, since Maddie is in private school. Maddie has always come home happy from school, but Molly’s first day in public school was a tad different. She didn’t come home excited to tell us about her day or show us what she did. I think it’s time Hayden and I invite over the private school headmaster and see if he can’t find some room for Molly in his school!

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Melody. Happy birthday to you!” We all sang the traditional birthday song to Mel as she was about to age into a toddler. I’m so thrilled that my sisters, Komei, my mother Kenadie, Hayden and Mel’s big sisters could all be together to celebrate this exciting event!

Melody turned out to be a beautiful little girl. She certainly is precious. I think she looks a lot like her oldest sister Madeline. I can’t believe that Mel is the last toddler I will ever have. This night has been bitter sweet for Hayden and I. Our baby is growing up so quickly.

Before the party was over, Lily and my mother Kenadie made a deal together. Snowball and Butterbean don’t really get along enough to have kittens together, so Lily asked if she could take them home for her two boys Alvin and Matthew. Mom agreed and adopted two new kittens after the party was over. Maddie and Molly named them Snowball II and Pepper. Hopefully they will get along well enough to have kittens once they are fully grown cats.

The celebrations were over for Melody’s birthday party, but Hayden came home from work celebrating that night. He went in right after Melody aged and came home with a promotion to Scholar. I’m so proud of my handsome hubby.

It’s time to get Molly into private school! Hayden and I want our little girls to get the best education possible and don’t want little Molly in public school any longer. So my mother Kenadie made chili con carne for dinner, Hayden gave the tour and at the end of the night Molly was accepted!

Hayden and I were discussing the events of the weekend over leftover chili con carne when my mom walked into the room with the grim reaper. Instantly I knew what was happening! I can’t believe my mom is dying. It’s not fair to have her taken away from me when so many exciting things are happening in the family.

Mom was close to all three of her granddaughters, but she helped raise Madeline and Molly since they were born. They have the most memories of their wonderful grandmother and are completely torn up over her death. I’m still mourning the loss of my last living parent, so Hayden tries to comfort our girls as much as possible.

The only way I’m getting through losing my mom is by my babies. While Maddie and Molly are at school, Melody takes my mind off my mother. She’s such a sweet child and a joy in my life. I couldn’t function at work anymore – all I did was mope around the lab thinking about mom. So I quit my job to finish raising my girls. It’s a decision I already know will work out for me. I love staying home with Melody.

Now that I’m no longer working, I get to see my older girls off to school everyday. I’m so happy that they are in private school – I’m proud to know that they are getting the very best education possible.

Molly is a very soft hearted child. She is friends with Hayden, me and both of her older sisters. She even wants to be friends with Snowball II and Pepper.

I hope that she remains to be as kind and patient with everyone she meets in her life as she grows. I’m proud to have three such wonderful and caring little girls to call my daughters. They are the biggest joy in me and Hayden’s lives.

Hayden is still working towards becoming a Mad Scientist. He is almost at the top of the science career and getting closer everyday! Today he was promoted to a Top Secret Researcher. He’s almost there!

When Madeline and Melody’s birthdays came around, Hayden and I decided not to have a party. During Melody’s last party my mother was taken from us, and the memory is still on our minds. Instead, my small family of five celebrated together without our extended family.

I’m overly proud of how both of my girls aged. I can’t believe I have three smart and gorgeous girls to call my own. Madeline decided to follow the popularity path in life primarily and the pleasure path secondarily. She grew into a lovely young woman. Before I know it, she’ll be going off to college! Melody, my sweet baby, is no longer in diapers. She’s all grown up as a child. This means another visit from the headmaster is in our near future!

With all the nourishment and love we have provided for Snowball II and Pepper, they have grown from tiny little furballs to fully grown cats! Pepper should have been named Mr. Sock because his front left paw is completely white! Snowball II’s color faded from pure white to a tan and crème color mix all over. She’s got beautiful blue eyes to contrast her coat color. I have high hopes that they will have adorable kittens.

All my girls are very smart! Molly was the first one to completely finish all of her skills. She is now completely prepared for college and should rack up a great deal of money for scholarships. Even though she’s younger than Madeline, she still beat her out when it came to studying.

Of course our girls don’t spend all of their time studying though. Hayden and I still spoil our darling daughters with plenty of playtime. Hayden is especially close to Melody, our youngest. I can understand why – she is our baby, our last born precious little girl. It’s hard watching her grow up so quickly. I just wish I could freeze time!

Someone in the house is expecting! And for once, it isn’t me. Snowball II and Pepper are the soon-to-be proud parents of a liter of kittens. Snowball II spends much of her time sleeping these days – I can sympathize; pregnancy is very exhausting.

“…Happy birthday dear Leighton and Molly, happy birthday to you!” Hayden, Madeline and Melody gathered around the kitchen islands to help celebrate the family birthdays. I’m aging into an elder beside my darling Molly who is going to be a teenager. Where has all the time gone?!

Molly and I had wonderful birthdays! I was thankful that I didn’t get gray hairs just yet – I’m stilly lucky enough to have beautiful blonde hair. I can’t hide from wrinkles though – Hayden doesn’t seem to mind in the least. He still finds me beautiful, of course!Molly is such a lovely young woman. I think she resembles my father Remington in a way. She is such a lovely and freckled young lady.

“Of course I’ve heard all about your family. The past generations have been in private institutions for ages. We only show up here for the free meals by now, Mr. Cooke,” the headmaster was invited over for dinner and he rambled on about how our family has been in his school for years. At least he was so busy talking that he didn’t notice Hayden had accidentally overcooked the lobster! Melody was accepted into private school that very evening.

Snowball II’s kittens are due any day now! I’m very excited that we’re going to have the pitter patter of little feet in the house again – even if it is kitten feet. I wonder if Snowball II and Pepper will have one kitten, or two or three or, God help us, four kittens!?

Hayden has finally done it! I’m so proud of my handsome husband. He is at the final stage in his career. He has become a Mad Scientist at once! Hayden, who is getting close to his own old age, confided in me that he is thinking about retiring soon.

Snowball II gave birth to three kittens! So far they are completely black all over like their father Pepper. The liter is made of two boys and one girl. Nessie, the girl, was born first. Stinker was born second and Whiskers was the last to be born.

“Who’s my little Stinker cat?” Molly coos to Stinker, “Stinker is my little Stinker kitty!”

She absolutely loves having three kittens in the house. She was the only child that had the want for a new kitten to be born, so naturally she spends most of her time playing with the soft newborns.

Madeline and Molly are around the same age now and so they spend a lot of their time hanging out together. I don’t mind that Molly spends so much of her free time goofing off with her sister, because she has already maxed all of her skills. I just wish Maddie would settle down and finish her logic and creativity skills. She’s so close to finishing and it would look good on a college resume!

Nessie, Stinker and Whiskers are three wonderfully behaved little kittens. They know how to use the litter box, sleep in their rightful beds, never eat off any of the plates we use or climb all over the furniture. I hope their good manners carry over once they become adult cats.

Now that Hayden is a Mad Scientist, he only works in the very late hours of the night. This means we have the house to ourselves while the girls are all away at school. It’s like being married at twenty years old again, before we had kids. I’m glad we get to spend this much alone time together now – I can’t wait to have him home and in bed every night once he retires though.

I couldn’t believe it when my baby Melody’s birthday rolled around again. It’s already time for her to become a teenager – and that means soon she and her two older sisters will be heading off to college and leaving home. I don’t know if I’m ready for all of this to happen just yet.

It looks like I better get ready though, because Melody is aging into a teenager whether I want her to or not! I’m very proud of Mel, she decided to primarily follow the family path in life (I secretly hope she has a whole lot of kids). Her secondary aspiration is popularity.

Nessie, Stinker and Whiskers all aged into adult cats the following morning. They got a good mix of both Snowball II and Pepper. I’m pleased with the way the cats turned out.


And this is where the chapter ends! Don’t forget to vote for your favorite potential heiress in the heir


Look back in the next chapter, written by Haleigh, to see who won the poll and so read about Madeline,

Molly and Melody’s lives post-poll.

Thanks for reading,
