The Convicts Daily

Post on 29-Jul-2016

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This is a group project about a book that my group read. The authors are Kirandeep, Ricky, Karanjot, Sukhmani and me. We hope you enjoy it.

Transcript of The Convicts Daily

The Convicts Daily

Facts about the Convicts

Convicts or detainees?

Do they deserve it?

Do they get away?

What problems they faced

Written By:Yashna, Ricky, Karanjot, Kirandeep, and Sukhmani


Iain Lawrence has written “The Convicts” which turned out to be a very satisfying book. Iain is a best selling author for kids and young adults. Iain was born in 1955. Also, this brilliant author has won four awards over the years. The awards he won are Governor General's award, PNBA Book award, Bank street college award, and Sheila A. Egoff Children’s Literature Prize.

About The Author


The Euryalus

If you didn’t know the Euryalus is the ship that the Lachesis is based off of. The HMS Euryalus was an apollo class frigate. This frigate was

decked with 36 guns, this made it a ship used in war. This ship was used for twenty-two years and fought in major battles. One of the battles, this ship has participated in is the battle of Trafalgar. In this war, the British navy clashed with the spanish and french navy where the british were victorious due to their leader Lord Nelson. In 1825, the Euryalus was turned into a

prison for boys by stripping it of its guns and mast. It was used as a prison for 18 years sitting at the docks of Chatham. Once the boys arrived, they

were taken to Australia on this rotting ship. In the book The Convicts, it is stated that no one even recorded the basic details of the ship and don't even

know how the boys were divided. The author knew one thing that the Euryalus was much worse than the Lachesis and that is why it was



In the movie Pirates of the Caribbean, all of the Pirates worked together to safely get off the boat, but this is not the case for Tom Tin in the great novel The Convicts. In a certain chapter in the book Tom is planning on escaping the Lachesis. He is using his friend Midge’s help to pick through the the walls but he is not planning on bringing Midge with him even though he asked. This is just a brief description of the behaviour of the convicts on The Lachesis.

By: Kiran.C

How boys behave on the ol’Lachesis

Remember, we all have to work together as a team!

This is what happens when you don't work as a team!!!

Boy Found Guilty for Murder but no Execution!

By:Yashna M., Crime Reporter, 04/23/1964A boy name Tom Tin was found

guilty this afternoon. He was accused of murdering an old, blind man because of the clothes Tom was wearing. Tom was wearing boots from the old man and a jacket from his dead double named “The Smasher”. Tom Tin was suppose to be executed but the judge considered his age and decided to send beyond the seas to a ship for 7 years. The sea’s name is “The Old Lachesis”. He is to work hard everyday. All we can do is hope for the best for him.

About TomTom Tin’s mother is half mad.

She says she has no son until a few days ago. She started telling everyone that her son is dead. Tom Tin says her mother is saying these things because she is mad at him for going out of the house and village. Tom Tin’s father is in jail because he owes a huge debt to someone. He also thinks that Tom is dead.


Do you know there is a new bridge called Fair bridge. There is a grand opening this weekend. Fair bridge is a great place to visit. There are many fun things for kids to do. There is a water park near the Fair bridge. Kids

will love coming to Fair bridge. So, make sure you come to the grand opening.

Can you believe a lawyer can betray his own client? Well guess what, this happened to a boy named Tom Tin. This boy was accused of slaughtering a blind man and stealing from him. Isn’t it a lawyer’s job to help the client instead of helping the opposite person? These cases have been going on for decades and I’m going to explain one case that was such a catastrophe. The suspect went on a boat for almost seven years!

Tom Tin was a normal kid;he lived in Tottenham square, which is in England if any of you did not know. He ran from home after asking him, and he was accused of trying to assault a 25 year old. He went to court for that and he was caught wearing a blind man's boots that was found dead in a lake. So the opposite lawyer decided to accuse him of this. Then, the court day was over. Mr.Meel was a lawyer that decided to help Tom out so he did, and Tom told Mr.Meel his side of the story.

Mr.Meel asked if Tom could pay a price. Tom agreed and said “if he wins the case he will pay” Mr.Meel said “ok” but, when it came to the court, Mr.Meel betrayed Tom. Tom is now in jail serving a 7-year sentence. Thats one story of many

Let’s get back to my point this should be illegal.In commercials these days it says, “if we win you pay us” but I’m thinking this is more of a lie after so much of these story’s releasing. In conclusion, these rules should be banned and before the jury even starts deciding you have to tell the judge what lawyer you have so they can not defend the other person other than you.

Lawyer Betrays Client


Life on the LachesisThe Lachesis a is prison meant to keep prisoners who do various crimes. The crimes

could be something like stealing a sheep or murdering a human if you are too young to get executed this is your punishment. You do something wrong and you will get beaten, no matter how serious the activity you did is. You get two meals a day and those meals are the same every day so it’s a miracle if you do get a change in the meal plan. They also make you do labour such as the first time you enter you have to stitch your clothes to wear and if you mess up you will get beaten. The police will brutally beat you if you don’t have a needle even though it’s not even your fault. This is a huge problem because it’s proving that police brutality exists in those time and occurs often. Not to mention it’s on a ship. So if the ship floods or gets washed away, hundreds of men and boys are going to die. The surprising thing is that this type of ship actually exists in real life. It’s called the Euryalus. The ship called the Lachesis is directly based off this ship and everything that happens on it, are most likely true stories. The author even stated that if Tom Tin was real, he would go to the Euryalus because the Lachesis is a made up ship. Overall it is bad place to be and jails like shouldn't exist. Jails like this exist in modern society and that's needs to be changed.


Last Tuesday, a kid named Tom Tin was disowned by his mom because he tried to follow in his father’s footsteps. His father was a person who worked in the marine but did not have a ship. Tom decided that one day he would become like his father and show him what he is capable of. Since, his father went to jail his mother did not want Tom doing any of this. When Tom faced his mother she told him to “get out the house right away”. One of the witnesses Mr.Goodfellow said, “she was a abusive mother and since her husband was gone she had to supply herself and her kid Tom she could not take it and disowned the kid”. Tom also said “she was a very abusive mother”. He showed a big bruise that looked like he was whipped daily at least twice. Tom is now in a foster home and is seeking foster parents that will respect him and will take care of him not hit him.

Mother Disowns Child After Trying to Following His Father’s Footsteps


Police need to step up their game

By Karanjot Sandhu, Middle School Student

Tom Tin should be sent to jail. No one should beat up a blind man and get away with it. The man was defenceless. He couldn't see anything. Not only that, he stole a diamond from him.He should not be allowed to roam the streets and should be taken into custody immediately.

He beat a blind man. Who does that? All over a diamond he loses later. If brutally beat someone, you get taken into custody but Tom Tin is allowed to roam the streets freely. It's not even like he's hiding. For instance yesterday he broke into a cemetery and didn't get caught! What kind police force do we have, if they can't even catch a kid breaking into a cemetery.

They didn't even recover the diamond. If you were going to do anything, at least recover the diamond and give it to its rightful owner. It's a diamond and it's probably worth a lot so the person who finds the diamond will be rich. The police are the only people I've ever seen not recover evidence when it's right in front of them. The police is changing for the worse and has to be trained for the welfare of the city.

The way I see it, the police force is lazy, only taking in people they find as a threat. Like Tom’s father, he was “accused” of murder but was taken to jail but his son who robbed a diamond after wrestling a blind man, then breaking into cemetery, just to lose the diamond was not taken to jail. Do you call the justice, I don't! If they can't catch a kid, I’m afraid that police won't be able to handle bigger cases.

The police need to change how they work and if they don't, no one will take them seriously. We can't expect them to catch big criminals if they don't acknowledge the smaller criminals. The smaller criminals always turn big if they are pushed in a certain direction. So the police are to blame, not the kid because which one of them is not doing their job? I'd have to say the police.

Bank of Thames

The Bank of Thames is an amazing river. It is where the sea and the river meets. The Bank of Thames is 346 km long. It is the longest in England. It is also the second largest river in the United Kingdom. It has 45 locks in the river. The Bank of Thames is home to over 25 different species of fish. The Bank of Thames flows through southern England. It also flows alongside Oxford, Reading, Henley-on-Thames, Windsor and other cities. Two other names for Bank of Thames are Southbank and River Thames. The Bank of Thames is the only river in Europe to have a national trail follow its entire length. The trail is called Thames Path. The Thames Path is the longest riverside walk in Europe. The path follows the river for 296km. Some attractions near the river are the Tower Bridge, London Bridge and more. Now that you know some information on the Bank of Thames, come and visit.

Bank of Thames During the Day and Night

By Yashna M.

The black holeSukhmani

Tom and his friend had been found by two guards. The guards locked them up in a black hole. Tom and his friend were terrified. They both were kept in different narrow spaces. They were kept in the black hole for days. Tom and his friend were finally let out.

Hungerford is a market town and civil parish located in Berkshire, England. It's amenities include shops, cafes, restaurants, schools also

sports teams or clubs. It has a railway station. Hungerford isn't small, it's actually quite big then it looks like in pictures. In Hungerford there is a

castle called Farleigh Hungerford Castle. The castle is there since 1383. Hungerford has amazing sites to see like Hungerford Wharf, the

Hungerford Town Hall, and more. Hungerford is a great place to travel with family and friends.


Visit London, England to see all these amazing attractions. The London Eye, The Tower Bridge

and more. Call 905-480-8310 to book a flight and guide or visit to book a flight and

guide.By Yashna M.

Young Boy Guilty Of 2nd Degree Murder

Kirandeep C., reporter/journalistWednesday, March 2nd,1996

TOTTENHAM- A young london boy named Tom Tin was arrested for theft and was taken to court.Then later on accused for 2nd degree murder in his trial.

With such sorrow already in his life, Tom Tin was arrested for theft and was brought to court and then he was accused of the murder of a blind man. The judge had no evidence to call him guilty for theft but when a old women said he was wearing the blind man's boots, the judge had to see the story from a different perspective. Tom Tin said “These boots were given to me by another boy, sir.” The old woman said that he was lying. Then Tom restated his journey and how he met the boys in the sewer and how he was accused of theft. The judge and the jury in the courtroom thought Tom’s story was a lie and a weak albi. The jury believed he was guilty for 2nd degree murder, the judge sentenced Tom to execution. According to the law he was not old enough. His sentence was commuted and he was transported to a prison boat.

Prison boat that Tom Tin was transported to.Photo by: Mark (professional photographer from England)


A lawyer looks best in a suit and tie...

Suits is a tv series based in New York but filmed in Toronto. The drama/crime and comedy tv series is about a Harvard graduate who is a lawyer at the Perason law office. His first case was to defend a man who was possibly guilty of murder. Mike Ross the new lawyer, is terrified because he has his first big case and he doesn't want to mess up. He won the case but the other attorney was furious that he won the case. The attorney was jealous he won that Mike won the case and he would expose Mike’s secret if Mike didn't pay a price…

Tune into Bravo or USA at 9pm on Wednesday’s to watch as Mike makes friends and foes at his law office.

Ask Tom

1. Would you life be any different if you hadn't have met mr.Goodfellow, If yes how.

Answer: Yes, my life would have been different because I wouldn't be in this mess because I'd be at my old house. Mr.Goodfellow is the reason we moved. He forced to, we didn't have choice so yeah my life would have been different.

2. Was worms helpful on your journey?

Answer: To a certain extent yes, he got me food but he also made me lose a diamond. A diamond that I could've used to bail my father out of jail and then move away from this town. So in some aspects he was helpful, in other aspects he was not.

3.How was your life before your father went to jail

Answer: It was horrible but not as bad as right now. My sister fell into the river Thames and my mother is grieving about it ever since. I would love to go back to my old life if it meant I could bail my father out of jail because even if my old life was bad, it was better than this

4. Where would you be right now if you had not have found the diamond

Answer: I wouldn't be in jail, that's for sure. It's why I'm in jail because they thought I killed someone because of diamond. I thought he was alive but apparently the blind man I attacked is dead and I'm being taken to jail because of it. I might even get a death sentence but it's unlikely because of my age.


Read “The Convicts” today. You can see adventures and action in the book. This

image is a recreation in an image of what happened to the main character when he got

in trouble for many things.

By Yashna M.

An interview with Dr.Jones and TomHello, my name is Tom Tin, I am a young boy in need of your help. I am currently on a all boys prison boat, where my only friend Midge, has been deliberately blinded. Midge told me that this boy named weedle had blinded him, but then this other boy said he came out clean and he said he was the one whom blinded my dear friend. His name is Penny. What should I do? Should I get revenge on Penny? Or should I resolve this this conflict in a peaceful manner? If you possibly can, please reach out to me as soon as possible. Sincerely Tom Tin

Hello, my name is Dr. Jones from London England, I am a high professional therapist and I can help you and give you great advice for the situation you are coming across. If I were you I would resolve the the conflict peacefully or forget all about it and move forward with my life. You should not beat up anyone for their cruel actions because there will be more tension and problems than before and your others problem will not be resolved. I hope I gave you great advice to help you in your situation.Sincerely, Dr.Jones


The Convicts Book:The ConvictsAuthor:Iain Lawrence

Group:Karanjot,Ricky,Yashna,Kirandeep, and Sukhmani

All rights reserved to the original author of the book: The Convicts. This was made as a Middle School literacy group project and us all fair use.