Post on 24-Jun-2018

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••Sm~< if 1 Umm. «t W m Its L**tt*M> cm » la

Overwhelming Victory at Local Primar-ies for James F. Buckle, RepublicanCandidate for Assembly Nomination.





i.ppoaedby foar•T

I F He. *le will koi T IBaaMarray to

Oeanrtr oaaTaariaa thlaaa PlaJaaold'a obalao tar

y, aaa* baiag taw daolalao oftba party at ibo prinaarlaa bold boroToaoday. Mr. Bookie la Ibo aaadl-

Unltad BUtaa TUaalnr 8>a* Oa thlelaaaa Ibo liae waa arawa aad tba pri-mary WM bat a rapatttloa of Ibo wao

Robert Baabmora, of tha Tblrdward, whloh la rapraaoatod aa tbaKeaa bailiwick, waa Iba aaly —on—fel oaadldato for Ibo Oaaaty oaaiatll-t»« aoaiiaatod by tba friaada of tbaSenator, Mr. Kirk, blaaaalf, who reeidaa la Iba aaaao ward, baing defeatedby J. Btopboo Blgbam, tha Fowiaraaalaoa. Aaaoa Aadrawa' puajalariiy•Mod biaa la goad atoad aad aafrorad

. m • r«f

m, David a•ekle. 179For a*ater i af Ibo City Coo»alt-

toa, O. L. Jeaktaa, ITS; J. F. Baokla,84B; Horace O- Adaaa*. 8M: D. B.

raa*. 88.Flrat Ward, Sacaad Dlatriet

Far dalagaaaa to Oaaaty aoavaatlaa,TO; A I M A a

r, Joaaaa

ooanty ooavaatioo

Bo far at tba Ptanaraai ara OBB-oamad tba prlatarloa wara aalaipor-last, there bam* aoooatoato wbaaovar•ad Iba roto balag ostraaaaly Ugh*.Tba loadara of tba minority party ap-peared to taka little Istoraat la Ibaprtaurlaa. la a w y dlatrtol Iba Bo-pa blloaaa polled a hoary TOM, la aoaaataalaaofa almoat lhair antire atreng thbeing raptaaoatoa. Tbla of ooaraa WBJdue to tba ight mada by Mr. Kirkaad hla frlanda. Ba far u Iba Ooaa-otlakaalo iltaatltMi la ooaoaraad, tbalocal adalalatralloa raporto ao loaaaa,tboagfa a flf ht waa made agalaat It IDall ward*, aioapt too Tblrd. wherethere WM bat oao aoaainae, Ur.Daniel, who la ooaaldarad noo-pai-Uaaa. Far Bank* la tba Ooaaoa Ooaa-oU A. F. Aadaraaa, la tbo Flrat wardWM dafoalod by Iba priaial IB-raabaal, Mr. Olaak, whlla la tbeBaooad FraaoU Maaiocawry WMbeaten by Tbaodare Wllaoa. OaanaU-

• an Rohan Lao again woo bla opanla tba torbolaai Faartb. TaaqalablegW. W. Oortall.

In Ibo Flrat ward. JaaMa T. Maa-Marray. B P. T. WUbar. Wai. L.anak aad Waltar Baaaald, J*., wareaaalTaly at work all day. aa waa J.Fvad MaaDaaaJd, a frlaad af tba Booaad ward, Jadaa Baayonand Oaorgo P. Malllok wora L«oaHagMk Baokla. Ovar la laa Third ward.Mr. Kirk waa la oaatral al Ibo F l mdietilot. while Obarlaa W. Baayaa. ottba MaaMarray foraaa, worked la op-

• MlUaa. Mr. Kirk aantod tbo aia-trloL Robert Baabaiara waa la obargaot lha K»aa aad of Ibo battle la Iboniuna. dlatrlot. thoogfc Oaoraa TablaaaaUtod by Obarlao D l n atag a aaooaamfat 8gbt tbara., FraakMawaora aad Wltllaiworklag tor Baeble aad bla tlokotIba Foarth. W. 8. Aaclanaaa hottltaappoatlaa.

Tao looal Rapabltoaaa ara aattUadto I I M N I dalaaatoa to Iba OoaalyMMTaaltoa. M follow*: Flrat ward. < |Boooad ward, 8; Third ward,Foarth ward. * Tbta ataat ba a.

aaa ward la

& P. T. WUaar. m ; Jaa. T.i n , M : I . D. SavaU, MB; M. W.

U B "

r aartaBBto* to olty eaoraotloo.Obarlaa J. Bawaaa. 118. For o n -bar of r t i—na Cooacil. Willieo) L.(Maak, 7k, A. W. Aadaraaa, 88. Far

aa of tbo paaoa, a J. Mnokoy.Far ooaatablo, Jaoob O. Daa-188.

r member, of Ooaaty Committoa, Dawld O. Smaller. 188: Jaaaaa F.Baokla, 87; Adotpb Eabranao, flS.

r member, of City Ooanalltoa,O. L. Jaaklaa, 187: J. F. BaokU, 18»;H. O Adaaaa, Hi.

Baooad Ward, Ftrat DistrictFor daUgatoa to Ooaary convaatioo,

RvarU Traoy, 181 ; Obarlaa B Man*,II | BTtlaoa Baayoa, 118; T. S. Danrla,17: A- L. a Matafc, 47. M. 8. Acker

BUB, 47. Aratfltraag M.lford. 48.Far dolagatoa to otly oooTaatloa. W.

Koaptoa Browatag. 171; O. H. Hall,78; Frad J. Popa, ITS; B. J. Oootoy,78. for mwabar af Oaaamaa Oaxnoll,

Theodore D. Wllaaa, 178. For jaorloaaf tba paaoo, Vlaoeat W. Nub, 188.

Far member* of Ooaaty OOBBDIIMM.KTarkf Traoy, 174; William K. Baa-

i, 174.•or mabara at Olty Oommlttor,

I n . BT. Kaoyoo. ITt ; John E Kaaly,89; J. Borvay Doaaa. 171.'

Baoaad Ward, Saooad Dlotnct.For dologataa to Oaaaty ooavaotloa.

Obarlao H. Hand, s i ; R. A. Fray, 17.Far dalaiam to olty ooavoaiioa,

Oaartaa U Daria, 108. For member ofOanunoa OoaaoU. Theodora D. Wllaaa,

For Jaetloe of tbe paaoa, T. Wi, 108. For

IK; Wai.artbarB. VoaohU, 47;

r, 84. Far aaaaibar afOaataoil, Robert L. Laa,

ML W. Ooriall. 84. Far jaattoo attha paaoa, Jaoob Krtaey, 1*1

WUUaaa Walton, taliFraak R Taalirhiaf, SL

•bora af Ooaaty nnwialaamFraak H Smith, l i t ; William Jfaw-

18; Mom™, iff; Bar-a n A. Wabar. 84; Abraham Angle

"Bfc A. Clia*. ao.ibara at Oily Ooaalttoe,

Fraak H Baallh, 184; Wmi»m W* w-118; JBBM

W. OortoU, 84; aaaaa S.tat** W. MltahoU, 48.

Faartb Ward, Third Dlatnaa.For dalagaaaa to Ooaaty oavaatloa,

William O feck, 107; Bokart 8.Craig, I0B; Honry Llafke, M; laaaa B.Boadolpe, 18.

For (lalagnlaa to oit> OOOT*B|[OO.Joba Owoaa, 108; Jaaapa H i w a w .104; Daniel 8. Paaaa. 18; JaaMa B.

i bar of Common

Far maa*bar* ot Coaatj CoaalMoo,Hart* Traoy. 108; William M. Baa-

yaa. 108.war BMaiban of Oily OammiMaa.

Warn. B. Banyoa. 108; J. Berreywaa*. 1071 John K Kaaly, 107.

Third Ward, Fin* Diitrict.For dalearatoa la Oooaly eooTOortoa,

Fred H Flratbrook, SI | OUTOS B"<aoaaa8. f 1; Lawia K Waring. 87;r*r*ak A. Popa, ti.

For i to ally oaavaaklaa.Froak W. Baayaa, 80; Wm H.Bacora, 84; A- F. TaoHora, 78;Jalloa E Krtehaoo, U ; f a B. Tyler.

t; Wnk. a Klaaay. ST. For awmboi

« m n n uoeioou. uamn — •« • •« ,FacJaotMoof tbo aaaoa. Job.

anW 176. Foe naaaakl*. ABMB

ir m — i m af Ooaaty OommilWa,J. Baapbaa Blgham. 88; I n , T. Kirk.

j * * * n llaakiaaia 88.,r aiaaiaara af Olty OaaaailMoo, A.

D Malllaaoa. 81; K. B. Ackermaa.104; Jaa. X. Klmhall, 88; Joba B.Oaaa »l . Oaartao Foator, 78.

Tblrd Ward, Boooad Dlalilil.far dolagam to Ooaaly oaavoaUaa.

Saapbaa Blcaam, 81: Jobs B.

J. Tobla. 78

Lealle M Daalel. anaatbara of Oaaaty Oanaailtaaa.

J. atopaaa Hlahaai, B0; Robert Bnah-e, 44. Warn. T Kirk. 80.

M. a Ackoraae-.-a.Jao.• I-. A D Maillaaaa. 78.

Faartb Ward. F1M DtaarWM.

1U: Joba14: John MoPook, 88;Bdaa Botoo, 81Far aaanikar af Co-moo OoaaoO,

Bikait L. Lao, 118; William W. Oarla*J, 88. For jaatloe mt oho paaaa,Jaaab Krlaoy. 148. Far BOaataalt.

Walton, 111. Frank B. Taa

• a m al Oaaaty Ooamltaaa.Fraak B 8**ltb. tSO; Wai. Hawoara.

Wabar. 80;Wm L. BUM, tT.

For aiaaibati af Olty Oaaiailtaaa,aaartn. l l » ; Wlllloai How

km I H r i m nMwnn OOJJ waoatoat la tba Democratic rOaraay ranWam WM arraytba Linbar«ar foCIower*. ai«t oaa litiaali to tba Uc

la lai riial jIH a |M_l l i | i i l loaa MakM tbo aail-aaaazatiwl alaaaaaltrarl dawa jfc a oraahiaitb* primary kanVM asaj baladlaatloa. W. O. Debate

Ooriali, 1C Fwf )*atloa of too paaoa,Jaoob Krtoaj. : « . For ooaatabla,w ii i i UD Waltara, 10S; Frask B, Taa-

oof. A Far aiaairnri of OoaalyOaaaaiUM*. Frank B. Bmith, 106;William Hawaora, 104: Jaaua Morri

For member* af City Com mitt**,rank H. Baits, 107 ; William Newirn. 104; Jaanao Morrlroo, 107; Wan.

J. OortoU, 16; laaJoa. W. MitobaU. f&

Daaaa eratto Priaaary-Flrat Ward, Flrat Dlatrtot.

For delegate* to Oooniy.T. U Fraaaa. B; A. j . Nolan, 8.

For delegate* to oily oooTeotioo, V.L Fraaao, A. J. Molaa. For Mtnbarof C3oaamoo Cooneil, Frad 8 Oattor.

For jaattoa of tbo paaoo, Banry L.MmUoraoa, 4.

Flrat Ward, Sooond Dlatrlol.Far dalagatoi to Ooaaty aaa**ation,

P. B. QoodfaUaw, IFor member of I

Frod & Oattor, S.

Boooad Ward. Flrat Dittriot

obtto, D i. A. B

aaatod tba adariairtration, and Dr. J.Baobaaas, L. A Haanar. aad

Faraiar Maywr Oarlaa Plaoa wara tup-id by anti^aaaaxallotofata la Iba

Rfpoblioaa EMka. Dibala rooalnd 87a, Daadoa. 80 aad Laa. St, wbil*Baobaaaai aaoalTad 19 TOMO. Baa-

l»aad Paba U•a a w i«Wp lor Baaalley waam ay thayaUota ant la tba Bo-

pablloaa box la Iba Bacood dlatrlol.Bobart Olark^Jr.. a Bmltbud Ji l ioi J. atakl wara tba Bnalloy•aa. Thair TOWM wara: Clark. Jr..101; Bmitb. SO and Stab). 84. All tooaattU aa tba tiekat la Ibal dirtriet re-oalTOd light TOtaa. Barrlaen Ooddlac-W» lot M, Dr. J. H. Coolay, 17 and

Jan. Harrigaa, 7: Fraak J. 8battle.r., 7.For dalagaaa la city con*antloo,

Paol F. Maiaaaor, 7; Jame* Jio-ioo. 7.For BManbora at Ooaaaaaa Oaaacil,Fraaeto L. Maataoaiiry, 7. Far Jaa-tloa of UM peace, Patar H Latoarette,

For iiaitiillT. Paal F. Malaaaar, 7.n n m l Ward, Baooad Diatriot.

For dolagaloa to Oooaly eoo'eotioo,V. F. DUU, 8; Haaaklab Hand, 6

For dalaaatoa to oily ooaTaaUaa,Daniel F. Dagaa, a; Joaa Horiay, C

Oommoa OoaaeU.Fraatdj L. Maatgaawry, 8. For Ju.-tloa of Ibo paaoa, Patar B. Laioarolte.

Fw> aaaatabla. Paat F. Malaaaar, 8.

Third Ward, Flrat Dtatrlo*.Tat i i l iaall* to Ooaaly cooTentlon.

K. J. Blr-i>cbua, 8M city oaavoatloa, K.

. a. For m*.t>.r afWaltor F. H u

ola«. I.Third Ward, Saooad Dlatriat.

MT dalaaataa to Ooaaly aaaT—U—,H. * . Mwahall. 8.

For diliaolaa to oily Dia^aaWan.lartia Oalbralth, • . For BBaaabar o*

Ocm-OB OoaaoU. Wnltor F. 1

Foartb Ward, Flral DlatrlolFar dalaaataa to Ooaaly ooaraatloa.L B- riyna, 11; J. & Bamka. n.Far dilaaalii to oily iBBTaallaa.

Jaaa F. Oaaay, IS; FraakJ. Wanaa, 11.Faorta Ward, Baoaad DlakftoL

Mayor N. B. Smallay Control*

•atlra Pillgitton to Bepub-

lic*n County Convention.



A . wcepi B« Tlotory for MayorataUoy aad b i • friaada WM Iba i

ot tba prlsary alaotlaa la botb dte-Moai la Bortk PlaiaBald too Flrot diatnet oolj was tbara a

raaka. Tbaarrayad aaai—t

* *™, aaob aooar-i«t oa« liligali to tba Uoaaty oaa-

ri ir riaiII II m ia tao Firatdlatrlot, Qoorfa W. Bird, rapraautlngtba Oaraoy faction aad Joaa T. Oaaa,of tbo Uakargar elaa, wan alaotoddolagatoa ta tba Ooaaty ooaTaatloa.Ooorgo W, Bird, of tba former fao-tlon. waa ohaaan by 81 votoa; ObarlaaKaUar reoal*ed SB THIII. while JobaT. Oaaa, at Ibo Llabaxgor raotua, WMahoaaa miagala by 88 rotaa afalaat W.J. Kialj'a 88.

la Ibe Firat dl.lrlcl there wara only88 VOta* polled. IhiM of which wererejected -booaaaa they had baaa da-poalted la tbo wrong ballot b n . Tbatotal Democratic TOta in tbe Seeoaddlatrtot aaMMBtad to ao. with ao ta-



Of tba Knight*ot I U Goldea Kagla alaetod at tbo

bald at Aakary Park aaLabor Day. Dr. J.Barroy Baahan.naaao appear*. Bo WM nhmaa grandriea ohiaf of tbo i r u d caHle. aaa O)Ibo blgboal offlcee la Ibo lodgo. Otbanalaotod aio— PaM graad oblaf, Tbocnai

idala ; graad chief, F.O. Oaaa, Laag Branch ; graad highprfaet, George Ofaaataarlala, NewEgypt; anad ataator of raoorda. A.L.Clark, Tiaalua | kaopar of OKobaqnor,Qoorga Bottoa, Oaaaaoa ; air horald,Fraak Bahaaok, Paawlo; traatoa,A.Q.Bloom, TiBBtoa; ineide gaard, a K.

lyar. Bwadaiaart; tword gwartLOao.Waatfalac, Troatoa.

F. a Bowman, ot Freedocn Oaallo.o- 41, Ibla nlty, waa baaorad by be-

ing appointed aaa af tbo oaamlttaa oftbo Good Of Iba Order aad R V.Klasoy waa avpetaapt to a poat tion

aaoa • • • m l t l n of IbaOraad Onatla. Mr. Klaaay waa ap-pototod by tbo Grand Chief to tbaoffice of dlatrtot grand chi-r ot Dt*-trlet So 10, which aasbraoaa Plain-Bald, Bound Brook, 8omer»illt aad


Al tbo npaotlBg of Freedom Oaatlalaat araalag Paat Chief A. a TTiag

.fflcia! report to thaladga. Among tba paat onlafi praaaatal too aaatlaa at tbo aaaalda raaort

Dr. J. Har^y BaahanoD, R. T.KlatMy, A. a Hoaglaad, F. & Bow-

na, F. D. Bailey, R. D. Oarw, W.L Day, Kobert Larlmotir, Embly,joo and L W. Nile*.Tba officer! alaotod at tbe anno*)

aaaaloB wara io»ta)led la tbalr raopao-UTO chair* \ j Snprame Oblaf Jaaklaa

Hill, of Barrlabarg, pa. TbaKnight* degree WM conferred apootba paat chiefi praaaak.

At tbe meeting al Fraadom Oaatlalaat aroBlag tba Pilgrim, dograa WMworked oa four candidate*.

Tba Woman'* OhrlaUaa TeaperanoaUaloa, of Union Oaaaty, will bold aCo*BIT aoavoatioB at KUnabota. Ooto-ba* 8. All tha eooietie* la IBla coaatj

ill ba rapra—aaad at tba aaaaiaa andla probable that proaiaoal apaakan111 ba praaaal The Mlddlaaax Ooaa-

m aaaToallaa will ba bald at ForthAatboy tbla yaar* on Bopaabar 80,

Thar* la ntooh work going oa aaaagII Ibe eoeieliva arranging Ibo fall

aaapalgaa la Oaaaty, Stato aad, intaroagaaat Iba ooaatry. Tba

flrat of the fall onapaifjaa I U held alToaaa Blrar. Tbaraday of laat weak.

to place baa baaa dooldod apoo tot>r iba Kaau Ooaaty ooBTaotloa. Tba

nil taka alaea la

rlatowa, October 80. :for tala a eating la aat yat arraagaal

Tba National Woman'. OnruUaaToaparaaoa Uoloo aaaliag will bebaM thla yaar at Cmcla nati, O.. from

eabar IS to Korea per 80. Al thlaIII - | tbe alaatlaa ot (ba Nationalanoara will taka plaoa.


Oa tba atroagtk afrooalTad Monday by Bborlf B. FraakOoriall fram Xdwaid Wtlaoa. af Bad



Howard A. Oaorfo, of Oralc piaoa,who waa oaa af tba fiction of Mmrailroad dlaaator BOOT We*tfield oa tbo

Jaroty Oaatral BaUrond Jaaaarj87, WM awarded a rerdlot af 87,000 Iitbo Oonnlj Ooart al Elisabeth yaatorday. Hla lajartaa aoailalad of a brakaa

A. Uaarga la a aaa af Bdgar D.Craotfta. Om tba nlgbt af lha aeeldaatba WM aaatod la tba rear coach of tbaralo which WM wrecked, aad aaa-

talaad « compound fraotora ot Iba leftlag, tba lajary balag of n e b a obarao-

hat, II la claimed, It la axtraaalydoabtfal If ba oaa orar walk againwltboat Iba aid of orotoboa.

For two month* afur tha aooidaolr. Oaorga WM a patient la Manlon-

barg Hoapital. Booa after hla dla-obargo from that InitltaioD bo WMBBfortnnata enoagh ta fall wbllo ba-glaalng to walk wltb a eaao. Tbla

ltod in a aecoad fraotara of tbaeg ID the *ame plaoa a* bafora.

Tbo railroad company rcoognlaingthat Mr. Oaorga WM oaa of th* mootaorloaaly injnrad of tboaa In tha terti-

•onidaot, agreed to settle in tkaBom of 87.000, which prorad anoepta-ila ta tba yonng man and hla pnraaU.Mr. Qaorga, bowarar, balng a minor,

rna aaeoaaary to taka tha oaa* Intoooart.



Dofaaaa T»at Haaao la Vatoaaat-oblo-Oaao to ba Bold In

Kiifi Countj.

Bolt to roooTar 81,000 taaa baaa in-atltBMd la tba Bnpreme Uonrt byFrad F. Qalld, raoaWu of tba Oom

ilal Bnildlog aad Loan Aieocia-taoa. Of Newark, against D r AaronF. Carpenter, of tbli olty. Tbo ac-tion waa bronghl sndar aa aarJgnmoat

lade by Ooorga F. WortbiBKton, alaoof Ibla olty, for rant daa oa a boaaaat 1004 Putnam araaaa.

Too olalai of tba daroodani, Dr.Oarpoator. la that tba nooaa waa aa-flt to li»a la aad that ai a l e n l l ofIti dampaaaa, doe to a lack of rapalnaad aaaitary arranicmanu, ba waaiavolvad la ooaaldarBbla aipaaaa for" on ' bill*. Oa Ibla groaad babaa brought action of recoupmentifaroagb Attaraay T. W. Xaab, Jr.3aild A Martin, of Hawaik, rapra-M l tba ptalakiSa la Iba originalfolt. Tbo oaaa will ba heard Is tba

.bar Mia of tba I a n CircnitOoart.


City rather. Too l u l Aaoorbod In

Booaaaa of a look of a qooraa, BOiMllag at tbo Ooaaoa Ooaaoil WM

bald Uat aigbt. When tba roll waocalled il wan foond iba* Ihoro waraonly tbraa mem Mr* proaaal, Preatdaol

aa F.Boekla aad Oonncilmen ranH n l l i i a aad Oairigne. Bid* wereoalUd tar Iba parlag of tao atraata Mad**niaad."~n. M. Moakar WM laaoaly biddar prtaaat. It waa agreed tobold a BBOOlal BMOttac Maitday >T«-


Bnl tkrao mber* of theathly sraattag

ot tba BaaM of Ooraraon of Kablaabarg Boaplanl. laat night, at tbe

Uaaa wo* apaat la laforaal dlacoaioo of w l o o . aabjaota

lib tba Baw koapttal.

Saaatal arioaa by taa a


Howard A. Oworv*, Injured In

W«ajt&«dd KailroAd Diaastar,

Oeta Bla; Vsrdict.




BOB af Edi>r D. li*or|>a Mlaaw it Waa !*a«-

T to Bava Dootoloa




Today-nUahtoaa Paolora to

Tbo BwodlM Latboraaa of It a Phlla-dolpbla dlalrlel a t t laat alght la tbo(Ji-rman Latharaa Ohorcb oa Orora.treat. North PlalaBald. aad llatoaod

»addraaao by Bar. V, Lynag, atinoklya; Be*. Dr. Bjoriman. ot

Dorer, V. J. ; B*T. K. W. Bwanala,at Arlington, • . J., and Bar. H. L.Wllaaa, of Baal Oranga. Tbo aarrloaa

I la charge of Re». a F. Sud*>bJ,of MoatolBir. Tbo aarrloa wan waUattended and a faalaie WM Iba baartreboraa alagtag of aalaotod bynuw. J.a WaotlBBd, of Brooklyn, WM n*>

The vlaHlBg nlalaton wora tawgnaata of member, of Iba oongr*«MloaOTor alght and wont to BUaabalh thla

ting to attend tha ooBfaraaao toba bald there la tbo Qamaa Lot he ranOharch. Tba main object of tail ooa- •

joe ta to aelaot a paator for tbapaatarata of ^Klixabetb, Plnln8ald aadPerth Aaboy. BlgbtoMi partora wlU

" 3T«ne and In tba abaaaoe of tbaifaap tbo oooferenoa will ba praaldMl» by the Bo*. O. Meltenlaa, at

Brooklyn- The paator will bo alaotod

Tba conference atartod IbU morningat»:80aad will ba In two aaarlaaa.

aln« and afternoon. Thla *T*otn«ft wiU ba fpaolal praaoblng aat-• and oalabralloa of tha Holy

Before Boanton Fireman.

| tbe three hnndradtnMlino la tbo Labor Day pamda at Boctoo waro twaaty mambara of tba WiBad Hoaa Com pan J wltb tbalr Iparatoi. With them wara Oonocllmlaaaa K. Arnold, rtpraauiling the

tb PlalnSald Common Oonnotl,Jamei K. Martina, rapraaantlng Plato-Bold, aad all tba ex-chief* of the da-partmant Botb mada apaaohaa ba-fora tba nramoD whoaa gneata Ibay

awljTbo local memberi made • daolded

hit wltb tbalr Baa drUllag aod wordaommandatloa wata board for tbo

tfortb PlataBald boy* oa avary tandTba local firemen wara la oharga ofChlaf J. J. Stobl a&d Flrat AaalitutOhlaf Ban


Booortod Tbat Mr. aad Mra. U w i iBO84 Baa BHak of B*lsX Attacked.

A dMpatob front Boeton aayi thaiifflftDI tna miMionariea of tba Ameri-

Board Of Foralga Mlarlona, whoare la parti from too Bathi Basoakiand Tarklah troop* who ara burning'Ulagaa la Maoodoala, aro Lewi

Boad, of PlalnSald. N. J., aad hiwife, Fanny Q. Bond, who waa a

llaa BaotoU. of Patoraoa, K. J.The» ara atailoaad al Monaatlr.

Tbo Anaartcaa board haa in all aboalI TO mtationariM BtaUoaad In EoropeanTarkay.

Ooo. B. Bappleya, of Baa Angrlo,Texaa, la TlalUag bla brother, B. W.

pley*. of Woatarralt aienae. lahoroogb. Be ia aooompaolad bytaoa. Mlaa Loralne Cobert. alao

of Baa Asgolo. Mr. Bapployo owaa•ly f,000 acre* of land and U a 0*0-

ooaatal cattle ralaar, baitos followed

f o r

thirty j

Joba Noagle made aa Bnavoooaafolaaapt , yoatorday. ta dlalodga tbaiwl* that bar. asada tbalr borne la

tba towar ot Iba BaraatbDay BaptittObareh. Tha bird* aro ran of

Tba laadlord aad toaaat oaaa olVail agalaat Oardaor la JaaMoa Baah'iooart yoatarday affcnaooa WM adjadl

a la favor of tao pfcalaM*, WIMwaa rapraaaatod by V. W. aTaah, Jr

Joaa Blakart, faraMriy of WorthFlaiaaald. waa lodgad la tbo Hawark

(aw da** u o for u •IligUl

H i J CONFERENCEPaatora of tha Phil*. Dlatrlot

in S w i o n at the Gorman

Lutheran Church.



Olty aad Boraagb Dologata* la At-toad tta OeaToatloa la Atlantic

city Loft Today.

Ptlagatoa from bla city aad frommo borongh to tba oooTontlon of tboFlromaa'* Relief AaKoUUoo al At-lantlo Olty lafl tola morning. Plain-field"* rapnaontallTM ara WilliamAddU, Daolal Koroe, Otariatopbor

Laontng and Oblof Doaaa, tha laatoatued being alraady al Atlantio Oily,la attendance at Iho four day*1 ie»loaOf tba National Aiaooiatioii of FlrOEDgioeen. Chief J. J. Btabl, Fora

inn L. B. Bodlna, Jacob Hlgglna aadObarloa Koilar, tha boroagn deiegataa,left for Atlantle Olty yaatorday.


Mra. JalU Uaoola Foramorly of tklac i t j PtH«a Awaj at Poaaptoa

liatkaa L u t Saturday.

Mra. Julia Lincoln, tor atoay yaana reildant of tbli olty, died al Poaip-toa Lakat, laat Saturday. Bho waa

widow of Jallaa Flanay aad w uMgblor of Ibo lato Laka u d

Catharine Lincoln, who, at one limareal dad oa Watonnag avoaaa, aaarBrvaatb »treet Tba lataraiaat of tbobody took plaoa In Greenwood Orma.Mry, KUiabalh.

aaaa Taalalo, Vletto Vialala aadFrank ForaaH, Italiaaa, had aa a»-poaaira day'a apart Baaday. Jamaabagfod two meadow lark, lor wbiohJartioo BaS yaotcrday ch»r««d hlat880. aad Tlotto paid taO for a oaokaaaad a Saab. FaraaU, for oarrylaa: agaa, laat 8». Tba gaasa lawi a M

Aamloablo Settlement.Tha caa* In DOOtract batwMo Baobt

a Ooaaaay Bad Mm Oarl Wil-lam*. which WM . to hata b**abroagbt ap for trial yoatarday w r a -lag la JaaMoa BaMUay'a oaart, WM

I of oaan. WU-

Batllai'a KaUoa.People ia aaareb at i

will Bad an I

OoDrtgaaaa. A. Oaanatt, tba artaaa-yaar-old dangbtor af WlUlaaa aadLaara Ooaaott, aatarad, dlad Moaday

bar boaaa aa PUlalUld. aranaa.

Oa a obargigtag Jaha Rogara waa ana* ta iboooaaly )all

Constitutionalist VOL XXXVI. PLAINFIELD. N. J.. THURSDAY. Strnmn 10. 1903.

Overwhelming Victory at Local Primar-

ies for James F. Buckle, Republican

Candidate for Assembly Nomination.




ib« tirtk n at eucttyIte M i w of Ik* I I H I T W . aad thaiIk* what* aeaeme of ereailoB « M e»t-aeatly p.»i k«J - ;L* |,.*nA«* fl pra-lMcfss u « . «o«n* of the old ih*o-tBg1*na hart el* a:* irn1n'»i»n1 ttU.MH Dr Wails** arrived at ib« Weetatte Independent of theology- Wbea.hi* arst *aao«*c*aiea.i of kli dlscav-

Tk* recent protaiaence glvaa ttt H. .• t ie LiJBll. tk* eeienlh ftrealdeat of Pallm tatra Fraaaa rvpabUc.

_1* rateat lalaraatloaal Tkaew interest ta him aad to Ikoaa wko ALl l 1J f .have occupied hla posiuoa before hits. , , o icIL

UaU ia all aaaDcrsfortkwltb sad smoitklgk. They said >•Jaat a* they kid aUd It w u madneaila aappose man bad deweaded fromaaoakey*—which was the popular wayat eeerrlblnt- the dnrtrlne put forthby Dr Wallace and Darwin, and aowalmost unlveramlly arrested.

Dr Walls..* waa living la oae of Ikeramote Molarcas lalaaris ia 1*M aadaafferlm from a violent attack offever when in* Idea of tbe law ofaataral wWiini burst npoa aim.Fever or ao fever, be roold aot reataatll be had worded It not aad pot I*apon paper. K* sent tt off to kl* friendDarwin to aak him what be thought ofH, tittle dreatolBK that hla letter wouldbe a thunderbolt to Darwin.

Dr. Wallace, who. tt tfe*> a«e of *f>.la eeliinn forth on one of the greatestarlenUflr battle* of bit life, ba* alwaysaaaa a tremendous worker He beganto earn a

ckeleaat dishes aad whom sb* eater- Italned Joilallr la their tat• In the Ba*aa Touraoa while th* ottrtU raatlaaai .

. hut r.Mc.ia a r y . rnla' aMural hlatiiry. aetilBK fortbUs* Arnasoa on * M->IIUH<- exptloa. and i-.ln* later to th* Halayareblp*la«o. m > » he WM wbea hakM apon DnrwitiB rt-ii MMkKtttred (a Amerifn. IT ye«ra aao •baa written many hooka that MBbja raak Im aiimtllc nesvek.


kiPB mrr ru t * * r% • t * • "r Taere W M M Be Tw«

Should King Peter, who it well advaaced In yean, die suddenly or b>asaaaalnatrU, then »ih be at leaet two( a m * claimants Th* tret Is. ofasarss. Crown Prtnc* Gturga. tk* sonof ezKlog Kl'an. Co«at«sa Cris

Alasaader had ao offspring, metr livela OnastaaUnople tke morganatic witOf ex-Mag Hltaa. tke Count*** Crla-Utach, whoa* aoa. Prlaoe Hilaa. alaerears old. Is a pretender, tt was f*aredrecently tkat tke roe* of the Obreaovttea dymasty. la •*-»- ••••— ' "'•

la Hew Tort, and she proved a >ewe4la her tin*. Oa the fourth day ta baraww Moat* aba paralfted bar miby falling la aa tath.itk- tt Oa re-coT»rla«. in* OQOJ. »w;r* that skeaakjirt. lo them. Mrs Jo*uaoata* girl naat lean the ho«te«. n at»r declared :hat ae i*« had been «a



Aa4tkea.tkeH»wiTk* Ttaaaaadiaa railway wOl forts,

wbea completed, the connecting link**•* batwaea tk* truak Ua*sof U.e AgenilB*

u Republic aad tke ttate railway* DI Chill.glrlnt a through railroad eommuniea-

but the nst sicoit 1* too "oa to ibe east aad wast coaat pons ofNo longrr fa Anton ODellio Bneooa A j n s aad Valparaiso. At pres-

Of all tbe seven presidents there was ' bearded lUe tke part; a* loagtrdocsa* eat the line on tbe AraenUae aide of•e wfcoaaadeent looked leas proas- ' ,in( tad ballads to his mlttreet* eye- tk* And** lib* Baeaos Ayresaad Valpa-tbat tkat of M Esaiie Loaket. • brow. Hla aces, if he sings, is a dirge ralso Trsasandin* Railway company,

et it la an absolute fact thai sot oa* of ' iwiratr d to his own whiskers. They limited> I* nnlabed op to La* Coeva*.six predecessors maaaced to aecore are gone, and to I* bis happiness. When eolte »a to tbe frontier, where • lunnelBach goodwill aa be from all par- ' lore flew out of thtwlrdow. tbe whiskers of m • 2% miles will pierce the Summitla tke state. Tbe kindly feeling to- ' went not of the b=.rj- door. rldfe lo connect np with tbe *~hl!lan

d him I* not due to traaacaadaat ' As Samaoa had bis Delilah, to did ' laattna o[ Lbe railway In ChilinbilllM* or boMaesa of ialtUttlve oa bis OpeClo Btre his Acna Plncro*. She has , •part, for be lays ao claim to either of j a koanMrg boose In South Chicago. I

• qual I He*—If oataltt tea they beaow- ; Opelllo UveUwo blocks away. And two—/a la any bat an autocratic ruler. I blocks l o t far when two people were (

Ba\ tkere la a boakomi* about tk* asaa playmate* and sweethearts ta Poland.wkick every eae of hit piudaL**aora 41 aay rate. Opelllo. whote home Is at '

ked. tkat which pass id master aa *5»7 Houatnn arcane, anally found his* with J B 1 « Ore* r aalai a more or , way to the Plndros home. I3Z7 Baltimore \

lass palpable Imitation, according to tk* ivenae, aeveral time* each week.a* of propinquity from which one J There w-.a osly one cloud on the horl-tke opportualty of Jodiiag Gam- -on of Opeillo's happlne** That was a •

betta, w ho approached vary closely, I huabaad. Hla name la Michael Pladros, >called tk* third president of the repah- u d he I* broad shouldered. strong of

"Hatbiavel-PnidboaBma'-—la other arm. fiery of dl»po*Ittoa.aad eoaldatbe !tortt, a "tpurlofl.- goo4 sort —aad aa ' more healthy If he fulfilled the promise* ,

as aot far wroag. I of breakfast food advenlaementa. ForOrevy aaffered. moreover, from tk* 1 m-retat he worV* In one of tke Southnaming sin of nearly all Frrnchmea ' Chicago steel plants. Iartaglag from th* middle ilttan. '' Well, for a time all went well. Opelllo

thoe«h perhaps not to the same extent w u content to speak of the d*yt whenaa Tkler*—aasaely. r*|iariii*snti**. a , he wore tbe rxar'auniform *rd Annaad-Cault from which Loubet la perticalarly I mired bim. Bed the nl*fcti wben he

resnarkably free A rrldent — for It , walked beside her from the Tillage todd be Idle to call it earthing *)*•— | ber father'* rattaiv. Althoogh there la

u also befriended him by matins bim "> anthoritj for thl* B 1* presumed that1th aa open-handed wife, eordlal. aa- | Aatoa looted Into Annaa eyea and re- I

and nanrrallr-aa diatlact , marked-lally-amlable to all. bat I "Ab. tBow were happy daTi!"

' *"r.h"b""''' er°B**-tOr ' «?!L|(S7 Anf^Heiorred1 "^^1 b-"*« «h« C1""" «•«»-•-« and the* ? . — - « • . " - » - to.2SS.iT--*i^«r?£ owner, of lh. line on tbe aide HheTran-

, ANsav* lost *m he wst bask- • swnllKht of her smllea, tke w W c h "*i:l requlrea some 13 miles to

complete. The following description,therefore, will be manned lo the finishedportion in the Argentine tide. Tbe lo-cation of this Hoe present* some inter-etlng features. Mendoxa. tbe terminusof ibe brosd gauge ( feet fix inches)line* from Bornos Aires, Is over 6E2mile* from that port, sad stands I.ITS 6Sfeet ab^vc sea level, and the lowest pointof the pass over tbe summit of the AndesIs at 12.7CI.73 feet. The railway, whichIs of metre gauge, la on lalrly easyground, with only one important bridgeop to entering lbe mountains, at about18V, miles. At Ibis point tbe line be-gina to follow the r&lley of tfac RiverHendoca, a mountain torrent which,with It* tributaries, drains tbe meltimtmows of the principal rammiu. and likemaay rivers of It* kl n.l. Is subject to sud-dea rises and also to many treacherousvariations, owing lo the am'heavy RravcU and bowlder* it bringsdown The floor of the valley Is formedby a series of terraces ftbe beds of old

bcarhes (lo which the torrent

It U regarded aaday* tor tk* rejected lower to swallowhis disappointment, smile at the world,aad take courage with the thought he

be eaaa, as a few Instaaoea will ihow.There a n cases of lovelorn rows being

Tnrta a Big. Meccmituiy ago, was on the ere of betasmarried t

i all that land ofj beauty. But the maid was aa fickle

aa aba w u fair, and at the Utt mo-ral Jilted her lover In favor of aa-mar rival-When news of her treachery reached

Mecca he bad already put on hia wed-IU. »nd he there and then

took a row that, however long hewould never wear any

other. This vow he rellgioualy keptto the end of ota dara. and he mightoften be seen la ihe street of Turin, np-oteoqne. shabby, and pathetic

vival of the sartorial arts of the nine-nh century.was a similar evil fate that over-

took Nathaniel Bentley; only In hlaIt was tne : »mi of death and not

•hpry that rubbed him of bU brideon tae morning of the day that was tohave made him happy. The weddingfeast was already spread, and Nathan-'lei, who was a noted dandy, was ar-

n all his bridal flnary wh«n the

PRBSDurr g n u LOUaar.taa prealdeBt of tke senate—tbe Lss-

Tkters wbea he became president ofthe republic had a vary ambiguous po-litical past to atone lor; Kmile Loo bethas nr»er served may other regime.Thlara waa ibe reverse of i t a t r a u tohia relaUrea. who. it la true, wen not

Loubet U most sollc-'dfsre of bis klosnen,

and particularly affectloatfection cooats for

h la Fnuice. albeit thai geasrally Uaaad npoa greed, which 1i with Loabei, for old

bat U«ed In hsmala circ.n t political atar reached, th*

ascendant, and to a gnat azteni

The ttagJr death of at. aadl Caraot•atrlbnted mveh to the creation of

esauerated. nm to aay % falae. halotrouad him after hi* demise. Hia•aa of Incalculable benest to him dur-ing hla preeidencj He w u a citllalaeer of raspectabta attMnmenta,ncxblng more. An act of simple Ielementary iniesritj brought himthe fore when Orevy waa forced to re-slgn the pre«td«acy of tke republicbecaaM known that Camot bad refused

ihadr traaaacdoa lavorrlaitha mlsapproprlailon of a maple of mil-lion* of fraaea while ke waa la oUce,It aeeawa aa if the Dloa>a**ea of thethird repabllc. wiiji all taalr lamalight. w«n baffled u> lad aaotbar _ _

aad Cirnoi waa elected. There

taerhadau•• not oaljr

* haaiber aad m. _at*, bat to the Parisians In general whowould bear nettberwrf J.l*a Ferry atof H*att Brtaaoa. nulaly on aceonnt itheir aoBsoolable qnalitiea. It la a atialtVaat fart that, notwithstanding 11hints acaJnat Rmlle Loabet in rnaaaturn with tke Panama af air. be wielected to tae presidency by a •

SOMETHING HIT ASTONchannel. In places nsidhas cut

erable depth.husband would appear ID tte doorway A wpnt aboat the bridges- OM !>»,»«-to cast a sbaflnw apon hlw. At urn AB- tooi « l r d*r > w " l h * " mre lo°r- * o d °°*loa decided be couidnl wait for tkU *»*•** t"t- •" bridging thrloud to roll by.

So be proposed to H n Ptndrot that .they By together He pictured purple 'poppy Beld> of forge tint :t*a, when

Bat )u»i tkea something, or. rather. !omrbodr. hit Anton. He doeva't ra-eaiber ]oat wast did happetv facrpt Iat when he opened his eyea r.rt. Pin- :

"DogT- that la tfc* ant word he re- 'nnb*n henrl^c. He didn't listen hard,

iboogh. for he *-*s watrhlre a palrof•heart which had been on the a«w1c« \bmna.

"BasK" went hi* head back on tke 'Door, aa be tried to raise It. And with

(bead and her wholeweight- OB tke plsc* when be would .

m a protertor If be were a baseballtrher, th* oth«r band came near hla I

fao*. ' through bridges are of steel c"Snlp-anlp" went the scissora. aad be- American truss pattern, bnll

' f d i


for* poor An. ad be Ame pattern,

n !T»W tt one side of bla ' llah factors of safety, and with pinid d Jhc. his pride aad Joy, was s«v- aectione to avoid riveting during erec-

•ad. i ibn. There « r e s i i deck brideei of 147.64"Snlp-ealp" went the * h » n srsln. and and 111.23-foot spaas, and these are atee!• felt the •ephyn peaetnu hi* chin. ' glrdera. all of BngHaV make. For the

Ions: protect .a bT his luiurtaot beard. I 4>.I1 and (5 62-foot spans the sameThen. 1IV» SITWH, he made a mighty !• lisiill. the 05.S!-fi.ot spsn being aqi

tort aad tkrew her from him. Bat as ended girder*. Smaller spaaa are platahe atrnggled to hla feet he aaw her arise I girders, generally deck bridge*. Thehe tnfta of hair and toss them from tke Mt-foot spans weigh IM ton* each, and

bsrk door Into the alleAccording t

Mm Plndm wfll have explain a 'railway lanv of (•(••orderly conduct to Juttlce

Footer, for Anton recwred a warraat forher armt »* •ooa a* ke left her hoaae

Bni this l" aot all. Anton, who con-viden hi•)•• ir a-i-r. a be-u eedares thatthe lota of h h

>t free from Interruption byfalls af aaow In winter, -aad »u<rushes of water from heavy rainstorms,aad sodden rlaaa of river, cause Intarmp-itoaa la tommer. An occaaional ramof trouble, too. is what Is termed a mud'

it. e majority OTcouraeM. bornbet badd h i h t

Mnki lto mtantl tke oaaiaQght of a great por-

tke Parisian press, lacladlagth* organ* of If Druatout aad

M. Rochefort. bat tboe* Inspired by sachsaea as M J*lee Letnaltre aad M Paul _

' * whea all tkea* baa tke place from whlrh they ut#dittularr of

has eaased other rus. when the accaamlated debris oflooked upon him not an- I rock/ valley Is collected by the noc

kindly to t a n from fatal, aad a*n he ' following a rsJastorm and sweepa ore~ ' k d f J f


y tUakamoral. iBtetlermal aad po-[

, they toot to rrlllclalag hlad

CM track to a depth of several feet.careful:* superintended system of line

, vetehmefl. however, by whlrh-ak. those were whaskera.- ke say*, tloa is walled over Immediately before

tk* passage of a traltk* risk of accident from the**

spl te of It* incomplete Mate, ta steadily

coaataat traaV of aoaae J.MO paaaen^n to the two aaaatoriiims of Cacheaud Paeote del laca. where there are hot

g hla Tte lanceot poplar leg ever takenapvearaar* r-d hi* clothes. >« of Leteaer conaty. Kestncky. h u

They bad voted Kel.i r*a.sre loo mncfa last been takes from th* farm of Isaacof a daady; ttey h*e b«at*red M. Cast- Potter, a Booae'a Pork faraMr, aadashr-Fartsr aboat kl* tara-dowa collar- Boated down tke Keatacky rjvar. Tk*tbe. «U«I L«al« > Trfte^r endll t ~ - !• «-e«to. eoatalaed thr^ ig-foot . ^ . ^ . .auache-e, -«OM- politer t n h l t 8 u a - e - t a . a a d t k e t o . c a t coatalnM ijaa ^ r t f c lday «»ota«a- T t « reawh,*: p a o ^ o i tawt o( lambwr a.d « . a ^ y „,„ ^ T tAawk* Para, tke acires*, « k « at oa* tmt ta dtamatar It reaalrwd foar yoke

Cape Horn will to aiolded.


k. u < CirryOat OM Vows.


T t t Hato r« 1 is: V is i ts T b is Odorffer-«ns Aaimai la Its Home, I Although Japan has la the last M

rears become a modern civilized na-tioa. It still retains many of i

Only a few weeks ftfo there died at. who Jnst half i

of the i litest maidsmnthlne aad sprtght-

pretty well liked, since I w n^j, acaloMbabltofcarryarounddainUealnthe waj j t ] o a .hich wof raw beef, or a chle*when I wished

* « . ofpeen. Theelcmate* with- h e wmn,»<i l n e

te or a camera hidden la thanearby. On tbe occasion I fairly ,

y breath with delight, when 1 be- i ( eooii In>w. several

t.i i.1- . y nf four-*.'cme of ev.ra ta-, i-ii n ijprare tic home:*ror sent word tbu1 rvj».i. an. the o

the buJbaby akunkt. two .Ugglog away at their mother, who lay jon her tide that they might have everyon her tide th

* was brought I . him.He immediately locked the door of

politicalOf "clear th'hlcb

I w u well within range of tbe nna . ' The mPor be It known to any who know At not I pers. Inalready, that a skunk** tall, so far from I for hav! ibeing used as meaat of flinging the if- I preeencetensive fluid, la always held carefully | menu which he bad worn at Onop. out of the way, wben the animalgoes Into action. The fluid itself, which

.ted by two planda about the sizeof hickory-nuts, one on each tide of thetall, Is expelled In two floe streamsthrough two nipples, with which theClands are provided. I saw that any

during hia life. He lost all pleaauiaad pride in bU personal adornmentand from being the spmcest man abouttown degenerated Into a dirty, ahabby.forlorn sample cf humanity, the buttof street boys, and an object of pityor derision to his acquaintances.

th* north of England the story ofHenry Jackson's eccentric manner oftaking a lov* disappointment i* toldto-day, although 40 years have paseed

e the pathetic. If foolish, chapterof his lite w u closed. Henry Jacksonwas a Yorkshire farmer, one oftallest • It In all the

itry side, and great preparationshad been made for his wedding: topretty Mary How&rth. daughter of hianearest neighbor. He waa leaving hishouse or his way to the church whena messenger rushed up with the newsthat hi* bride to be had disappeared

returns." tbe young bride-groom aaki, philosophically, aad heforthwith retired to his room.

Later In the day news came to himthat the fickle Mary had been seendriving through a distant village Inoompanv with a former lover. "Ifthat's ao," Henry placidly answered,"I may u well stay where I am." andtrue to his word, he kept his bed for34 years, until bis death, never seeinganyone but his faithful housekeeper.and never once mentioning the nameof the girl who had proved so false.

An amusing story la told of anotherYorkshire farmer, who accepted Usfate in quit* a different spirit. Th*bann* had already beea called oace lathe pariah church wben hla fiancee. In

Jealous moment, refused point-blankto marry him "Tbah < i do aa uikes." be answered, gayly. "I mna]ust ioak oat for some other lass";

d b t f Ib d i iy

tbe following Sunday the

they were "for the first time of ask-

vlew. and as I came nearer Ir back with a sort j eral oratk

i for action" move- I murdered

• my part might bes mother.

sndden movemeniitood by tbi

and u I was particularlyavoid any misunderstanding In thiscase. I sat quietly down and waited.3radual!y the expressive tall was low-

id I began to speak In my moatsoothing tones. I knew that tbe ani-mal would recognize the sound of myvoice, and I hoped that tola would ridler of any fear she might have at myipproach. My hopes were Justified, for

In a few minutes I w u kneeling at the:h of the burrow, and tbe mother

ikank who bad raised her head u:bough to make sure there was no mis-take, miffed at me over her shoulderwith seeming; indifference. Then shelaid her head down again, and I bold as to tenhand. In an 1ward, and I felt that tbe supreme mo-n u t had come.

"Hello, old lady," I said. In the ton*ihe had alwart heard me use, and at th*•ame time I stroked ber fur very gently.Che effect w u reassuring. Very slow-

ly the tail w u lowered to tbe ground,and u I continued to stroke the far,the animal (tretched herself with an on-

lUtakable air of contentment Now>r tbe next step. Gently I worked myand forward, until I could grasp one

af the babies, aad gently I loosened bishold on bis mother, and drew him fromtbe burrow. Carefully 1 arose to mvfeet, and once clear of the month of the

ikunk. s e ootei d myleisure.

Within an hour 1 returned to tbe bur->w, and by this time tbe little akunk•aa hungry and giving vent to strange,

rather shrill, vibratory tqueaki. I hadno desire to tempt Providence again sosoon. the little fellow < , th-sround near the den and retlriirespectful distance, awaited develop-

eats. The cries of the baby Increased'hen he found himself on the cold

ground, and In a moment the weaael-Mke head of tbe mother appeared at

rac« of the burrow. She *nlffedright and left, and then came out talook for the crying infant. She soon aawhim, and, advancing, with her peculiarwaddling salt, picked him up by the

.f hi* neck with her teeth, andbacked 1: i the borrow with him.

The next Urn* I visited tbe den, Ifound tbe little family much furtherfrom the opening, and It was. with aomadlmculty that I succeeded In getting holdtat on* of the children. When I did get

ed him at aame dlsice. and. Instead of

sway, I remained near the holetbe mother came forth to Snd him. Then

itting In mytthebablet.of a autrrias-e on record wai thAt of I kand.Ibroughtout the rest

which a rrtotn hotel In a midland ' tve In all, and while the mot hitown waa the acene only a few months busy with them I quickly blocked theago. In rme room of the hotel tbe • far end of the hole with atones. Had 1gaaat* were m*V1n? merry over a not done tola, the old tkunk mlcht hav*sumptuous wedding breakfast; while j spoiled all future ehaner for observationfrom the adjacent Tootn came peals of . by carrjlng thellttle nnetfar bark out oflauittiter froas tke guests of a rejected I I—Kli As It waa.l t lilted tbe family dailybat by BO m*ana broken-hearted ftaaea for wwks, photographing tbe little onesof tbe bride, who was entertaining hla at all stases of their development, andayrnpethixeraata precisely simitar baa* a i V l i f note* which I hope to publish•jaet. ta a fatar* article of this series. Th*

rfc—» »r.M -f n « ™ . B*oth*r baeam* more and sore easy toTbe Belirtsns are rreit pigeon breed- approach, and before the'rnd of a fort-

era. aad oae of ta* cboiceat birds of, algbt she would allow rae to pit ber aa4tkls kind Is tke true Antwerp carrier KTfttcn her head.

t da? several of the newsna-party spirit, denounced him; gone immediately Into th*


f each yar the em-peror RIVPS a'garden party. Many of

meinben of (he old regime gatherihe soli where his chair h u re*ted

and take it away. betle»!njr it to be ata. Other giieita

take away portions of the fond prcIded by the

sacred to eat. and prethings too

doaajahe it attended in hi*

me enjoy this privilege,idant altl opposite. .•••] imure to nft bin ey*i to loiperor. H? hus i I T I P pi


The bluest K. P. In the world livesat WaycroBi, Ga The nun* of thisiztraordinary members of tbe Knlghta>t Pytblaa Is W T. Brinaon. and b<> istot only active but he Is

Nor b u tie dreamed his life away asbacbelnr, for he has a handsome

young wife and eight hale and heartychildren, ranging in ages from IS to J.

Mrs. Brinson was a Mi** Hart andwelgha only 115 pounds.

Mr. Brtnson tip* the scales at 570pounds, and has a waist measure of MInches and weara number 11 shoes.As a child he waa not above tba aver-age; but at If he weighed somethinglike 300 pounds, and since then hisweight h u steadily Increased.

He baa had repeated offer* iromnorthern museums to put himself oaexhibition, but has preferred to stayat home and ran bis turpentine still.

His buggy, his chairs, and Us bed. fthas been neceeiary to hav* maid*specially to order. Mr. Brinson find*It difficult to arite from a sitting posi-tion, but oace upon bis fr--» he latremendously strong.

A short time ago a mule ran ««aynear his store, and hearing- CM ikaauiof hi* neighbor* he w&Uuu W '•middle of taa street Jost a« : j * f . >coed animal darted np. Wlik k • . •of ttridea. be was In the middl* <.: •;*road and had tbe mule by tbe brid*.To tke ooost*nu:Uon of s:1. Om ••name to a violent uop. falling ta la


of raw bwf. or a chicken bow and then, wtoi I wished to coos the Inmates with- in mage of a camera hidden la the boshes nearby Oa the oceaaloa I fairly held my breath with delight, whem I be- held. >ost Inside the burrow, several baby akaaks. two or three days old. tagging away at ihelr mother, who lay on her side that they might have every opportunity Whether ahe was dosing, or whether she wna regarding her la- tan^ with maternal admiration. 1 do

J THE EiiVKKVH OF JAF.XS. H ■ hrM (He le Looktd t’pjn with Aseard >W*p*ct MADAM SKUNK ANO HS* FAMILY OOgW I *>* HI- gubjects ) vtar raitNDLY ( ceremonies not quite In Keeping with not know, for her head was hidden la | the western character of the new Ja- ils* darkness, but her tall was la fall : pan. Lost year Marquis llo. the great- view. and as I came nearer I saw ft rat of living Jerv’rao. pruunrad a I tin- raised Slowly over her back with a sort : eral oration in the temple over hit of "clear the decks for action" move- | murdered political colleague. &!r. meat, which wna very Impreeslve. since Koabl. I was well within range of the pina. The nest day several of the newspa- For be It known to any who know^t not 1 per*. In a party spirit, denounced him already, that a skunk’s tall, no far from i Tor having gone immediately Into the being used as means of flinging the de- presence of the emi eror In the tu- lemaive fluid, la always held carefully : mem* which be bad worn at the fun- op. oat of the way. when the animal ' eral. goes Into act loo The fluid Itself, which In November of each year the em- la secreted by two glanda about the nice peror gives a garden party Many of nf hickory-nuts, one on each aide of the the members of the old regime gather tall, la expelled In two flne streams up the soil where bis chair baa rested through two nipples, with which ths and take It away, believing It to be a glands are provided. I saw that any cure for all a Imenta Other guests sodden movement on my part might he take away portions of the food pro- mlsusderatood by the anxious mother, tided by the ein -cror. as thing* too and as I was particularly anxious to sacred to sat. and preserve them la avoid any misunderstanding In this the hotfezi pla?*e in the bouse, case. I aat quietly down and waited. Th^uiperor rarel. go-e out. When 3radoally the expressive toll was low- be doaa/ffie le attended In hl« carriage ered. and I began lo apeak In my most by ooe of two old gentlemen, who soot king tones. I knew that the aal- %k»ne enjoy this privilege The at-


1 be railway, which Is on fairly easy nc important bridge

look at the pulse* -nil who drlrsa Giirut2l£ GEORGIA GIA IT.

found the little family much farther from the opening, and It wan with some difficulty that I succeeded la getting hold of one of the children. When I did get

to a violent stop, falling


i anal slrtw walsfb«s>ds will be) nfeatuf* for (be nrti fe-w w h s . thoughUM shaped i-lt of blarir panne hi byfar a nor* charming ft

Bodices ar» nearly alfashion, yet tbe waist Mat la dalatlryAanned by a pointed saah or band

Ait tbe

t aoft. clinging fsbrtes ran standany amount of rucblag and torklag.

taffeta tn pate shades aa well na inblack forma tome of tbe moat dressygowna. and a good many are made for

tsttalnmenta at watering aptte or ruches and flounce* skirts

are kept very plan at tbe tap. and ev-erything points to a return of th* se-verely aerpentllk* skirt - serpent likeat least aa far aa tbe knees, whence Itgrows si least twelve yssjls wide• round the fart. Truly th* skirt of tbehour mu»i be cut by a dressmaker who

Tbe rut thaws a tailor mad* of bineclott. with a plaited jacket and skirt.

J C D I C cnoi,i-arr.


Tbe fashionable gown baa ttaa ap-pearance of bring too large tor Itsw*#rfr. sn*t a ci'itfTiilty inotF effe* I lapeodncad by tha shap* and tha trim-ming*. All oxt.m Rnwitf follow tfafe*rok*. and tii- walsta arc full all around.morh poached In fmnt and bave BOOMspecie* of test or .nemisrtte which lausually Irft transparent.

Wbni the akin H accompanied by •

and follow* the sack than*-. Tb* troMla DIM in with haaxlnc frith of Ur»o r i f u l l pawned w L which add* to

TW front. f«-i-ti«l oo - i th a highberkhatt) and lnhtty plane* at tfcewalet. la admirable with tbe ••asti.nt l i i i and murb cooler Iban a atarra-

R»«l ha* m»nj fallow w and la shownla crape, M M and mu-li»- Tbe m p >fabrics have • dseldeJIY n-onln« Influ« M oo ib~ bright rotor* and bo*hfUM btw and r*s» red arr r ! u « mtn inks f,;l«r <•

TW pvtnw sn*ws a f .«!ar* sww«trtmm«l with bine aa<1 *WW eaahFaa*.•ry. irnif rnoixrr



"*"batever els* man does not do, oaw I ' '*•"•« W a ^ W dep««d«d on to «•' I StW Hoids (at F i t MMknterly. . « ] tbat la «.t" rro.rtod • i 1 I 1

as look Into this publication -for- » and wife.- It ki caJW. kM asnay, W N , . . , whole E I H M N . Itaraal name la enough Hho that to bethaa eipreased Tbe ntMMi are amMtiouafy Indicated mnssj the cover I .Mg black kmers across the top Is Sratthe announcement, -pretty Japancw

After tbe bargain counter announee-nent of th* paper pattern given awajfree Is tbe headline of tbe principal srtlrle In tbe magazine, an artlcte vanntell with large, sprawling Mark letter<raarhlng across the page. They aay•Should tllrht Marry ror l ove o,

MooeyT" I'jder present aortal rood;ttona a far more pertinent awry wouldbe. Khali a girl marry at all* Betteryet. Can she' But for the sake ofboth love and money M M M whatthis document Ia tbat undertakes tosettle a girl'* fntnre

"Common sense Is mure valnabterhaa sentiment In everycourse creature comfort* cannot be pro-duced by love atone. To suppml loveyou mnst have money. Let a coapb

irry with love aa an asset snd alM no cash and love will die. Thai

Money u ma

"* n#ver will prodncv mnn»T"After alt, perhaps that la not «

mchlDx for tb* aes tbat haay#t learned to control Its rblldtah

TW fratMMa of - bi.-t hi thin mia i l iw which beraUs

tt«H-ir a« tbe r t p n w r of woman'aMmn> are two: First, rlutbea. rtoti

md. tb> Kllllivt. flabbtesl.•neat IOT*

In tbe sloppiest EagtMb you rrer readIn year lift-. If a public school girl oftea maid read these lore tales wit bootbring dlaga*t*d then abe would not be

Intelligent •• the avenge. TbeMralM'l "heart w

and tben aremM like a atone Inber brvant the nr grrsolntloD (o Mrlkr and strike bardtook powanlon of ber oarr mm." Atlength ah# off-ml "That unman" achance lo 'iliw-una thla mMerabie bual


There In a pug« of advice to greenIrk, One green girl tells the editorMl bar Jack, her nance, does not

dance, while she does snd ia very foodof It Bat since ber Jack does notdance be objects to ber doing so. sndtbe girl wonts to know whether sheshall give np tbe dancing which she

enjoys Jnst to please Jack or hi notJack a little unreasonable to aak ber toatop It Just because ba Is not also fondof this amusement? What shall she

| flea to tbe fore In this delectabb-_ iratton—tell bat If her Jack truly

nrrd ber be would at once lesrn to, an a* to abare with bar her fae entertainment' That woald be

four American Htera ry woTbe oU M I ' I i n ill J T a th* woan- ' ** Mtlocal repatstlon. latch of

an to thlaklnc anrWunly. H u n aJI *** had by ber own genius and perse-! annkind a n In tbe babtt of eating, and ******* achieved enviable financial re

since even tbe oldest fogy admits tbat *mlu- *" wrn comfortably well offa woman «an feed people succnafully. •« » « * dlatlng-lsbed. .11 ooght taad nines tbe trades and profesaiona la •*** »>•*• bappy. To each tb* Interwhich women engage ara Marty all >**»» put tbe question, so tbe Doverrrwded. why might not women **"* "•T* Which would you rather beof brains and education take bold la s «>"r «r beautiful? And tbe ansiadentlOc. bosineaalike way of this ta ' " r y ens* waa. so It hi said. Beavery trade of feeding tbe human ant ful- w > » - l ° ° n t believe It. The at .ma) and make of It something vastly •*" th* •nrmarka of British Invention

In the word "clever" "Clever" doesnot commonly mean sifted In tbe Uniter Statea. Agam. I am sure nn Jlean woman "clever" I imngil to Ia national reputation for herself woukba no such fool as li here implied. The

any one of ber sex not sctnally de-formed or unnatural In face and figurecan make beraelf attractive lookingThe manna nre ail around ber. Tbe]are an-, water, exercise, sunohlne. rtgbfood and good temper—cheap and plentlful. you see. Perennial youthgood looks lie tn these. Tbere hi beiof sooJ within and transcetMllogThat Is In reach of every woman whowill recognise that mil life ia one; thawban Ibe appreciates tbe good quatitles In another Individual and gounly grnnta them abe manifests Isame qualities In Herself. Tbe generooa nature tbat sees tbe best Inera and Ignores or refuses to criticisewhat seems unlovely, that abntianger and envy aa viper*, win in timemske the aoilest gtrl crow to be abeautiful woman. 'It baa been provedao many a time.

Two men. A and B. were friends andmembers of tbe same clnb. Both hadyachts, and A had snailed Into tbe harbor ayacht Ofty feet awsy from A'a boat

m. A considered evidently that 1»owned the ocean, and he roared at B"Take tbat boat »wajr Tbe boatcould do no pomrbie harm, except to

sense of own-rshln of tbe ocaB roared back. "Guess not!"

ran and got hla gun. "Take It awayI'll cut your cable." making as If bewoold shoot tbe cable in two. "Toocouldn't hit a barn door." replied B

i insult was unpardonable. Awhanged away and shot six times, but

tan's when sbe triea to throw». B Mugned derunvry. A sprang

ou shore and B •prang on •bore, andthey clinched and fodgbt and foughttill spectator* separated them. TbenB had A arrested and haled before amagistrate But it'B only women thai

me excited aud quarrel over trinasOh. yea!

« IIverj gifted young sculptress, only

twenty-three yeara old, has come promInently before tbe art world In Vienna.8be la Use ConrmL A monumentBrabms, tbe composer, which ahe

e calls forth irrncra! admirationuse of Ita graceful proportions

tne wooderful expression she has beenable to IroprcB* upon tbe marble.

t career I" before Ilse Conrat. Ger-man art critic* predict.

K •Mbw CarmeUta Beckwlth. advertis-

ing manager for a Urge electric com-pany, edits and publishes a neat monthly bulletin which la very InterestingMIts Beckwitb herself understand* wellIbe mechanical apparatus used In elec-trical works, BO is quite capable of edliIng a monthly of tbis kind.

*t •young man and woman. Fritx Sage

row and May Oodall. belonging totbeosophical cult, were lately marL tbemselvea performing tbe wed-

ding ceremony, somewhat after tb*ner M the gentle Quakers.

Friends. A civil contract, signedthe presence of witnesses and a nodcompleted tbe legal ceremony. Tor tberest, each took the other by tbe handind prooonnced poetic vows, ending

wtth an Invocation to the universalMW*r tbs theohophlats belter* in. aa'ollow« "O my divinity! Blend tlioo

with me, that from the corruptible Imay become Incorruptible: that frommperfectlon I may become perfection:

tbat from darkness I may go forth Intoightr

t W Just. 'bin

. I>aea tb* editor any It? Not• He Just write*. "If you tmhjyoar Jack ysu wonkl have no

la giving up aay m.Mnne.1M not cat* far." Jnst so! Bvettyranny na the nan of man. M

toes tn this prertoua nMgaitne ofaa'a esltrace. sav^e dlrectlovi*ig niMia how to bare tbetr ryea

«M over tnr* and needle work. ibea> tWeverlasting Mail banaka aver

a Idea *f "th* proppr litersIff they don't Ilk- 1

far the « a o nt


iVomin ss a scientific food purveyortbe human race, leading It through

Its stomach up tbe spiral of progress to-•rd a healthier, finer body, a more

reilned, bsrmouloas mind!Tbere are a few women who have

already realised tbla pleasing Ideal.

ke was a graduate, withhonor*, from Vaaaar college,. It niuat

been Inspiration that put It Intober mind to become a scientific food

ss tbe stomach torturedrace of a little of It* woes. She enter-ed th* Massachusetts Institute of Tech

pvt in r*-if hjn't.T the in-struction of the acknowledged food ex-port of America—we are proud abe I*

" a. Ellen H. Blchard*.There MUM Went worth learned to feedpeople bygienlcally ao satiafactorUj

it Mrs. Hi'iiBi-dn asked ber to go tn-tbe Boston N'ew England Kitchen1 run li. wltb Mrs. Richards herself

na Bdvtsory board. The kitchen wasestablished In one of tbe districts of

;o«ton Inhabited by tbe poor that tberomen might buy good food cheaplynd at the salboat preparing it themselves.Bat once she bad learned ber profes-

sion as food expert Mlaa Went worthwa» lo demand in many places at once.ID Insane asylum In Illinois wantedt-r to plan meals for Its 2.00U patlentand 300 attendants. 8be went there

and did this sli months for them.Then she waa wasted st the Massachu-setts Qeneral hoapltal. £be took chargeof Its kitchen and. while Improving tbefood of patients and attendants, savedthe establishment thousands of dollars.ibe was wanted to take charge of tbeLitffaen of Memorial hall at Harvard,

but declined wltb thanks. For a permnnenry tbla college woman food ex

ilna with tbe New EnglandKitchen'

Two other college girls are showingbow profitably educated women canrun a boarding boos* Miss M. B. Wag-

ind Mlas A. S. Lapbam. Miss Lap-ban la a New York girl and a graduate

college M is. Wagner hi aHlnnesMan and took a course In tbe

ate university They decided to openboarding bouse for Vaaaar students

They called It however, by tbe astbetlrname of raaaar Inn. which has a more

sound than Just plain hashIng "boarding boose ' The hutnear the entrance tn th* college

The ladle* bought tbelr buildng In tbe beginning of the enterprise.

Tbe Inn is portly clubhouse and rea-partly hotel. From tbe be-

ginning It had attractive reading sml•ptiosi rooms, hesldi'a Its alluringJng ban.,t nrst there were lodging accomnw

da How for comparatively few. Tbeailles fonnd they could flU thetr boose

•> times over If they had steepingna, so they prenarod to build aa an. When It la In readiness VaaaarwtU have room* for 100 permanentritt*. But even these will not bekient Before the close of tbe col

lag* yaar lost June every room In tbetan was engaged two years ahead

Cooking and bonaework can be madedabrty and rstbertc by those who have

CoJtlfaui habitual aUence, especially

len who everlastingly nagand meddle wltb their children don't4naf rra any children. There are wom-en who continually scold and Jerk tbetrpoor little oass for nothing at all. •spe-cially away from baana. It an mi asthough some evil spirit pasaessss themand they wnnt to show off tbelr nun;authority Anyway half tbe time wbeuchildren are reproved or punished It l»

need* tbe reproof and

» M I M s«y U—dua't nukeyonr aUmcnto a topic of cooreraailooThat style of ta!k baa quite gone out

tbs facnlry brhkg tbrt'd» to Its reataurafrt parties. Everybody Rkea Vas-h»; ererybndv respect* and e*• socially and In every other way• WamkK and Laafeam.


m mTrain ja—aiir to regard yaw daur

tasks as pfcmy and rorreattan. Von bar-no Ham wtost a beJp it will be


Almost tbe only thug of which fash-Ion Is certain as yet to that pedeatmasans a™ to he made with long coataand abort aUita cnt In many tirnndrhiand clearing the ground by half aband's breadth. Tweeds, just such aahav* heretofore been derated to men"use nearly eirluslvely. a n mad* upInto the mast atytlsh of ccatnmmsi. Sonj*of these, arc perfectly plain, wltb noth-ing but tW twill to designate tbem. butothers have several quite farcy tonchM.Tweed is practically tndestrnctlbla. andwhen well chosen as to color nothingcan make a more satisfactory suitTW very nature of the •tuff roqulM

TWy wer* lelllnjr mosquito •torlaa.Thcr bad preiaricated right along tothe amusement of Ik* l iaUnm. an•aeh was abo«t to snaj oux of yarns.Eacn felt that ft was tlms to g*i*ia bast v a n .

"Wny, over In Jersej." said tbe Hsrhim man. "1 . » , .pending the nighwith a friend near a big iwanip. AftrI crawled in M I heard a rrssbingnoise near my hea.i, and tiirnei! troumto find that a mosquito had been |«iambalatlng tbrougb tbe hallway, hagotten mod. .nd had drive* bis blthrough the ceiling Into my room.Jumped up, ifiird a monkey wn-ncL.and brodded tbe hill on the Inslda,Then I walked through the aid» doorseised a sfaotjrav. loadtd It with buck" t. Bred tbe whole load Into

ouito, and wrnt (o bed a

careful tailor work wttb a plain nnlsblike tbat In tbe mon'itrimming can be toiera

i except careful stitching and tbemis. The larger and fewer of theae

tbe better for -<> 1- Some of tbe Bainockbum tweedi bave allgbt effects ofother colors than the general onetiny knots and fine threads showingunexpected placea and times, renough to be noticeable, bat sienough to give a little variety. For I

inc«, there Is s light brown tweedwith a green thread and aometlmea aIn* red one showing aa though qult<by accident.

After the tweed suits tbe cheviot:re probably the best. They are pro

duced In excellent quality and anide so well and are rut on such one

!lnea that fewer droast• ara requiredthan when they are made of poorerqualltle* and In an Inferior manner.Tbe long coats aim lend tbelr dressl-

to making n flner sod more ele-gant rait.

For what we call tailor suits tweedi one of It." forms Is the best and most

durable of materials, wltb cheviots.eta mines, meltons, xlbellnex, bome-

- and mixtures following ID tbeorder mentioned, and tbere are also

I a number of light coverts andbrUllantlne and slcillenne raits ror runibouts. These In-t are made up in dis-

tinct tailor manner, though some oftbem to suit every taste have sun oraccordion plaiting.

Some of the blue cheviot aulta navetbe skirts cut In seven gorea. snng atthe hip*, with a long straight fronted

Tbese caati often bave flyfronta and sometimes double breasted•ffectfl. In whatever way th*y are

made they look well. Tbe atralgbtToot* will douMi™ be tbe favorites,rbey are satin lined, and all are more

ess ornamented with (trapping.Most of the sleeve* are in coat abape.

Black, blue, llgbt brown, mixture*and tbe nickel and gun metal •hades ofrray are very fashionable for thesenost useful ratta. The nickel and guntetal are to be found all tbrougb tbe

M of woman's special requirement a.tbe One ailk warp henriettas, on

ribbon*, ailka. satin* and velvets and'lutlnas. feather*, glovea, buttons and1 aorta of ornaments one finds the

nickel and gun metal shades with tbelrsubdued luster, and In satin and taffetatbe two shades are beantlfnl.

Even in deep mourning the cleverworker* bave somehow been able togive the black garments something ofbe luster of metal In the application

of highly flnitbed Mack satin ribbonr crape. A rich mourning suit foi•how* a tblrty-slx Inch coat border-

ed with crape over tbe eudora, withrow* of tbe satin ribbon at eacb

edge. Tbe aame plan Is carried out on 'alsevea, bertha and skirt. It ligbienanp tbe somber costume beautifully. Iwhile In nowise detracting from Its

HE BRADDED THE BI1X.Later on I heard another out to Investigate, I ascertainedthat the mosquito had broken hi• billoff and hod frooe out of the bouse mi-BUS a part of his probing appanThree da; . later I *aw that . an*mosquito estlng s chicken H

"I believe you are a very itrlctchurchman." tald the other msn, "•ndof course, you had to tell the wholitruth about that ttory, but I'll tell youwbat 1* a fact. Down In tbe Flo; ""Everglade* there 1* a mosquito t

s your*. I m i fishing on a creekday when I heard an awful bu:

Ing- noise overhead. Looking up, 1saw a mosquito flyirnr along with ahalf-grown colored child under omwing-, and a grindstone under thi.ther. Occaalonarly b« would whethii>it) on the grlnditone and take a bit<•f th* child. To show yon that Ihiitory 1B true, t will cross m;

The third liar, cays the New Toririmes, had prepared to » y something,nit be saw the threatening lo 'in the faces of the- crowd



The lawyer for the defendant n aiIrvine to crose-esamlne a Suede whohad been subpoenaed by the •>( litr lidsas a witnetc in nn acclder.l case.

"Now. Andertoo, M m .!.. yoadoT"diked the lanjer. according- to

ew York Times."Sank you, but Aw am not•It"•1 didn't ask you how i.your health,

but what do you do?""ilh. yaa. Ow vewrk."-We know that, but nhat kind ofork do you do?" •"I'r.i! '\ bard vowrk; it eei paddy

bird itwrk."Yea, but do you drive a team

do you work on a railroad, .ir do yon

Evening gowi» aslook abow* them have very old faabton«d bertbas on tbe low necked waists, i handlewith the •boulders left very much tn ' t o r y f

md a point In front- All j -oh, yaa; Aw. vcwrk In facfry."a fall bertha of lace or to \ -Very r,.™l. What kind of a fa*.

* beautiful fringe. i)a»,xary?"Mr inch atlvw fringe. - I t « . w r r j b l_ f^t-ry.~

aad tbe lac* lavishly T o u r honor." .aM tfce tawyer. ad-beaded and spangled, will be very , jr^ . iar th- court, "if thi, ke'ep. on.

iloyed tbe coming season j u i B K „ - , , ksnsj to have an Inter-Tbe bertfvM are pointed In some esses. • nwrter." Tbe-n he returned to lbsand ma>f pointed shawls of noe em- ; . i t n r , . .

well a* many l i e"Look here. Anderson, what do

you do In thst factory—* b»t do yonI •cakeT" he a>ked.

Wthtag d*M Hasty quaint, -oh. ya.. I « n > r , U n - y o - . n t t .and old tJmey about many of t b V ° » * ' , kaow Tit 1 ssske In fst-fry ehr*as< things foe the coming season. "Esactly. Xow. tetl as «bat n s

its i laa i t „ , ; , ••Mlnncna the .kirta, and tbe trimming - -y.ln -!.:'-- an1 a half i <tar**

one of the fashion, of the eariy | Amg t V; w » , S * I , , 0BEXRIETTE B O C U U l ' . learn H* snfl

terribly 1pity to tarn than*

graceful fashions Into caricatures,Bad batlatB. red delaine and mm•arlet serge ore bring made Up Inirga nambera. Aa a rule, then* gowns

arc relieved wltb black or ecru.beautiful linen gowns barna lately. One had Ita aktrt Jua*the ground, with a border of

. _ at tha bem, while tbe comae* 'waa trimmed with the ssme guipure bl

effect, flnlsbed wtth n barkdraped waistband of green taaMa.Wltb this was wovn a pretty green and]mauve toreador bat trimmed with. •Urge black Mrd.

Oray Ia a color which la always popaylar. and aotns lovely gray sole de rhbw

gowni are viriliroldered In allBold. Anothevfavorite mlxtnnU com-posed of gray and grera, and name wall

rn society women are wearing[ray fowna relieved ooly wltb cream

and rather vivid green bat and

The sown In the cut sbowa tbe newfull Bklrt and the double stole effect



The ; mini; girl baa many pretty•tries' for her eapcclnl benedt tills year,chief among them? being the accordionplaited skirt and tbe loose accordionilalted blooM belted in with a *watb*d

band of silk or untln. When Irlmmedwltb fancy bnttona these little accor-dion plaited suits are charming for thecountry and later on In heavier mate-rials for school wear.

White with Juat a touch of crimson hiaart for a girl to weur at the seaabora1 In tbe country, and quite a prettyock can be made In line white aerfaIth a abort walking aklrt neatly and

flatly box plaited as far M tbs Ind tben left to Dow oat wltb ampht

fullness around tbe bem. A Moans ofaa* batiste with rmbroldertea In criav

thread worked by baml might bea with tbla orrg* skirt. Tbe blowsUd be 'drawn down to a point In

front under a *oft !>•!; of crimson pat'•nt leatber, wiiO* ME the throat tteiw

Mold be a !,.• of crluiwn glace silk.The doth guvn In tbe eat k u a enp*

•fleet of gul-.ur-. lan* und •i.irred cbif-JL'UIC CHOLLJST.


of tWM M pwfwflj

HE BRADDKD THE DILI. Ul»r cm l heard another Doiw. Go- Inf out to Investigate, I ascertained tknt the mosquito had brnken his bill off and had gone out of the house ml- ana a part of his probinf apparatus. Three dajs leter I saw that same mosquito eatlof a chicken It had caught.** "I be line yon are a eery strict churchman." said the other man. “and. of course, you had to Ull the whole truth about that story, but I’ll tell you what la a fact. Dow. In the Florida Everglades there Is a mosquito that beats yours. I was flaking on a creek one day when I heard an awfnl busa- U»ff noise overhead. Looking up. 1 saw a mosquito flying along with a half-grown colored child under ona wing, and a grindstone under the other Occasionally be would whet hit bill on the grindstone and taka a bit# of the child. To show you that this story is true, 1 will crons my

careful tailor work with a plain flniah like that In the men's garrtentn. No trimming ran be tolerated on the tweed suits except careful stitching and tlic buttons. The larger and fewer of tbeae the better for style Home of the Ban- nockburn tweeds hare alight effects of other colors than the general one In tiny knots and floe threads showing at unexpected places and times, not enough to be noticeable, but at in enough to glr« a little variety. For In- stance. there is ■ light brown tweed with a frees thread and aometlmre a fine red one showing as though quite

gray gowns relieved only with cran lace and rather eleld green bat an parasol The gown In the cut shows tbs nar foil nklrt and the double mole effect JUDIC CHOLLIT.

Tbs third Uar. says the New York Times, had prepared to aay something, but he saw the threatening looks on the faces of the crowd and desisted.


neea to making a finer and more ele- gant suit. For what we call tailor suits tweed la ooe of Its forms Is the beet and ntoei durable of materials, with cheviots, eta mines, meltons, xlbellnee. borne spans and mixtures following In the order mentioned, and there are also quite a numt—r of light coverts and brllllantlnr and akilleune suits for run a bouts. These last are made up In dis tlnrt tailor manner, though some of them to suit every taste have sun or accordion plaiting Borne of the blue cheviot suits have the skirts cut In aeTen gores, snag at the hips, wltb a long straight fronted coat. These roots often have fly


Th<* Tonne *lrl has manj prattj •tjWa for bn aaparfat hanaflt this yaar. rhlof among tb-ar brine th- acroitUon Clallnl skirt and lb- loon* acconUoa plait'd bloom ballad In with a swatted band of silk or satin. Winn Irtnunad with fancy bottom thnaa lilt la arroa-

The lawyer for the defendant «aa trying to croea-egemlne a Swede who had been subpoenaed by the 'fiber aide a. a witness in an aceidenl ease. “Now. Anderson, what do you doT" asked the lawyer, aeccrdlng to the New York Times. “Bank yoe. bet Aw am not verg wall-** ‘*1 didn't ask you bow Is your health, but what do you do?** “Oh. yaa. Ow vewrk." “We know that, but what hied of work do you doT* “Poddy hard vowrk; It ees poddy hard vewrk.** “Yes. but do you drive a team, or do you work on a railroad, or do you


The Constitutionalist4 PBHOOBATIC WEMLT.

Tk« e»ty« . MMUt.tkM The


ha Data**aalary farho4 pi*** M4 a villa*, MI l*d Dodge

aiiMiIy aw*ltt*g tb*that be bw a t d t

Ta*Madlag Ibe bartal of Lord Bellebejrywas Ibe H S S S S M B M S I that Alfred

bad osaipeeed a memorial

Her* Is a really brllllaatla aotva lba« Plalalald Berth Plali

aid meddle I laatsaid of laklas NorthPtalaleld frees •pmoraet Ooeutj. loki

1*I*B«M free* Uaioe Doloa woe Ida'IPrrbohly ehe'd never n>i*a t

aad Plalateld woeld be OMI•ed and Bomaree* wo*ld bo happy •eaaaa Ibe aoortaiio* had feeea sCootedwlthooi tbo loa* of either Seoa Swackbomar or Charlie Rood.—**w Braoo-wlok Borne Mews,

loaae Raws wafca areailog over tbo back t i e * of i l l

or Ib* O—if litaadsre d«ww yea take I t . " Tba gran

i dlrploy*d>r.*''" aiaaMfla liHI taaall id I he oaalaao* of Oaaoy.

Qeaalse m m WM • ipre**rd barawb*a Iba death of F iuk Hoatara b*M M kiowi Tba *ad a.w. waa • •Mralr aBOipeewd l a l w u i aMwfe tc•Mar fneada In both city aod bar.Oagh. Altho*«h a atroag parlleao.Mr. Boasaia a-njoj'd the r**p*ol *adW i n of tba «.n»ral pablic throngboot JDMtnH Cooniy. Ha powMiiil• genial DIIOII wblch awde him w*|.

Ual«a woaldai eare? Boa'I yoabailer* IL Part wllb PUiaSeld' Mover

ba'a taa ealy *p-io data city Sba'iawoaaetty oe election day **•* ae

H O I oo *v*ry day. Bat why ba iI. brstb»r. aa M losiaaate tbi

Plalateld woald ba Mttalod to bapan of laassraet Ooeaty w » • 'eeilo** for tfc» day to so— wMBlortb Plalafeld will no loagsr ba a

•ad panel of tba progress! • •

raat Cooni*

II la BO* bajoad the raega of poariMtlty that this mappta* Rapobllo.wblob Blr Thorn** Lipton adaiite tobe "the groat*** natloo oa eara i r T«« b* oelled open to *ol»* thatgisal p«i*l* which ba* BO leag•orbed tho *r*wa*d bead*. What to4a wltb th* "•ici man of Banhas boea a iioabUoome qoaatlea u• irt— power*, hot If be allowa hlaee eject* M IDOIHI oar reproaoatatlto tbe Oiiiaieo Empire tbo aalatloawill qeiokly follow, aad II will takeloo* Hate ibee it did to ooptor*

l l Is I* he regretiod that tbe aatoa-Uoa of a <ai collector laethla aaaalelpaltry will aa* ba veetod la ibe Oaaa-aaoo Oeeaell ee plaaoed by tbe oil]falbera •omxiniB age CorporationOoaaeel Marah'a oplalon that tbe lawpaaaed at th* last Legleletare for thataarpeao it aaoooBUtatloaal Iwisely eoaepted by the Oominaa OWOBell B* <ak»* Ih* Head Hi*', laao-naoh aa tho naiat- only appliOtUas of Ih* *oeood sloes havia, apopulation of l*ea tb*a t«.«Bpeatal Walaleiion Ooaerqeoetly Ibaa bo** det-idrii 10 coadoot aatlon oader th- old law this fall aad totook Ibe Btaeh d**trcd r*ll*f al tbe•eat LegUlaiar*. Tbete la neoo*pt ih* argsmfBl mad* by tbefcieadt ot ib* propoard ohaoge (ha•Mtat ramlta woeld bo obtoiBed fro**tb* offloe. *>*r« tbe power olag the dollfctor nmond tn» tbe

ot who**, la many la at laoari*it la paraelng the d*tt*a ofhie offleo. Daliaoaoat taaea meat beeollaoMd aad Ibo mot* dlllgeat tb*oallecte* u (be •.ore apt 1

other people, are bamaa a*they he** pelltleal oaptratloae tb*r*la daag*r of Ibolr being ralaetilaoar Ih* diellk* at their fallow

< •.»•• HOT T*ld o Bad


John Wllooa, tb* lad who raa awayi Hew York with 9H In checks from•rry Pea* lam week, woa erne***warrant t*aei*d h*r* and wa* broaght

p foi heartae befeTe Jeotioe H*ff atbe city coort Moaday •or*'oat did aos appear to prseeaaae himad baa rveelvod tbo ebeeks whlob

Wllaaa bad made a* attempt to barenaa hi i Tbe lad pleaded gaUty of tbe

barge bat sate be had taken tbemsosj hsnaaai the family we* poor.

a Uoad batacthat aaa oooapylac that poaltlooIk* BBBioipal r o t i n u M i a n i l ioaii* a aatety Mr bta aorvtaaa. la bII ti raportad that aa atdlaaaaa t

•be Beat faeare. Ifpee* It I. 1*4meeeer* abawld ba killed. Why *a«alB mambei at tha* body r*o*iv* aasaMlamaaia foe bla aervteeT Tb*ibaa beea i uti* diaValty la ibe pa

PlelBBeM.r* have n u n to teal proaof Ibo oompeHloa of that body fromUrn* tollaaa.•bet* I* * city la tbe H u t , or to feela in* •ooatry. whichoommoo ooaaesla of a staadard soBettor M ibeaa whlato bev* baoa «rol* ta rooeat yean bet*. Ja*t rtoecfoi a mom ait oo tbo Uao at n bamallal a*ea wb* have ajadlyIbeit aameea in this capacity of tbooily* welfare. There Is ao dearth imaterial M the priisat time aad f•tboraura tbero le ao roaaoa to boltoithat ther* will M Mf a Iki Mfetor* To atasa a aaiat* t* aaob aaottoe woald lead to abaaa. ootow trifling *a«b poeaalary rewardailghi be aaede whom Km Inatlleted

| Thee* la a* oooactoa to* *e*b a a™ Bad It la bopod that any *Mpa

-rtik-li Maaaajtb* aiuriipelrtots.

ronp* jo In



CHEERED m m mmIfttSCCNT COMPANY. NO. 13, K. Of P..


•r Ordor Hold • * aooobora

w J*t**y Knight* of Pyti-laa e*-aamblvd at Asbary Park Moaday forheir aaanel Bald day. Or*ee*ai Com

No IS alt—d*d I unity an

etroogla Ih* pored* throagh th* prlaetpelreote el Aabery Park, the Plalaaaldimpeay oame ia for more tbaa its

•hare of epple*** tor its *so*ll*atIgnmaat ta paawJng in* r*vt*w<

TRINITY REOPENS.Moolo Marks U*O U r r u l o i

kt Wblrk tba Pulor , Bar*. I•cbOaMk, r r n r b H Ably.

Bprctai mailr obanetarioad tba r*

Opoala* ot taa Trtolly BaloroitdOharoh Saaday. afMr tba amiBOB. Tha paator, IUT. Dr. OoraollooBoboaok, pnoobod at tba c

m • aarrloaa. Ba arao (twaaad b;larta MMgr*«aiiaai at bHta aabjoat la tb* morminW* flao Joaoa." aod ! • thpraaaliid a piociiooJ"Oanat'a Eolo«» of Faith. *' la tbo• or.tBf, "TbO City Qlori<oapraaoaoto by HMJ« n Boa

Of Halifax. Bag., waabaaattfoUy r«d*r*d Tbo aowly

Tbo aorrtoM w.r . tbo trot M tb*ibarab ataoo i u roaoratMa. Darla*ibo past aaoottb workatoa la chart* of1 S. WyokoaT ba*, rwdooaraoodaolllac Otaar eaaagao, aaob M tbaaloaalag aad rolaytac of tbo aafpaai.

> aaTdad aasa to tkoof Ib* (berth

lM*raaci M M ' * Oats**.Aboet thirty mtabtn of tbe laeal

ataff ot Ibe PradaaUal Lit* Iaoaraa<Oompaay wltb taesr ramlll** we:givsn tbelr BBBBB! wattay •apertatoanait a E. Bali;

waa apaat at Maaea Obeak.


Ri.V'Dl'KXT. O^ Hrpt. ».—TW aaVj f tac Lottie. »hlob It waa feared

cone down wltb orrr a bondrwdracon la tb* M« norm oa Lako

Eric. arrfYed a m aafVly from I / i a -s n . Oat Tbc Laabw> atartrd from

bora far Lraminxton. cartrlnc • bdaw-

Knocli w*atb»r * • • rnpntM«l Joatontstd> tb* barhor bst Captain DaOd!f dcrttM not to turn bact. Toeboat plowed "hro-irh **•.« that had herd«rk* awasb half tb* Bam and f-rr-ry-Dody OQ hoorrt wi(s •«•': I.-'»miii2irn

f i l l y mrb-d at n-«n At «if portj •nrt-'d r^ tb- n*'!ira

trip In erm a nogbaf • a :h^i afM <•»-countrrrd on tbf w,^ orcr.

ATI«T a afniFrl^ «•«-.] t!ie w v - * t'.i*LontW *Ot Inio ::.*. !• r -f I*fl-- !*I i'*.wtwr- "be toy i ' v - i l l-wan. T' a r"_->

* Z ' * l

In•- -• l t«tr Art mi ml

• . cnrl « r xwai cf t ie d

1 O!B.-!JI - -'--n Of It- Hoimm l. I ChfMhtm vrcm

mta, t l « r hartttj C-rd Bpa

. * ot (brlr rv*ppctira

trt. cdrrrK-ll<Hl tb*and Ibry

Tbo hrtlt-h -i)'i«nl *t IV mt inUnedl-tfli after tbr riot celled trpna fbe railIH] Ihntitropd to a«k H*-:ir Admiralo;ton In land n i i r i w * fnim ilir Amrr-

In oftrlal HPPIOB hero the disturb-n m are *itr:imfe«l to tbe srr iml of* Anjpri<nu aqnadron. and the beliefi PXpwsapd that the i "lirl-liann at Bci-0 arc cii-ltTivnrfnc to Itrir.c aboBt tbe

.'I :it I. .in.- in R cNrri.icp In tbeii-nine whrn on pa«n>inc a stivel n*>ari" Kan iU-irn:. • bradlanal a Unit ''roei l i n from Brtrnt, nn which atntxi ilieuildincs of i h ' A merlntn mbwlon. be.•..I.! •M-IIIIIIN tit ]i. r*.l flrine l i e turn-

r<l i r-nl (o an- from wbrnt-v tbe> nbotaIBB*>. aril a tiuilPt whlKSHl post hlaII». 'i 1 .• vii-v . i.ii-ul at in..-., had tbe: r r i a » atnpped and Jumped out

W l i - . M •Old «.» DO

Thr dny hr w.-nl to tb*•ri tin-iit oAlcei. wberc be irii-i i ..;i>i?l r.nd Ib* Aimrmn .•..n-ul.bad m m e to nitDplaln about bar-

lea la ibHr h-.u-^« TW n > T m m"'-•'1 an Jovntilffiltlovi nf (In- attackJr M i r r i w n but ibr only rvwult

wa* thr i r M of • ynnnc t'hrimJan. :... I a.1 ailnMlHl a marriBBi- <m tb*• i t«ii« nlKbl and In wbnw (n •!!• amluiiraa h>«ml a t o ; pisloJ. Tbr A w r l u n. . - . . .mill l o d l m a n t l j rrfn*nl I ft »ri-I't tlw i r M at Ihl* man and d*cldxl. r t t l hi* brotbrr-la-law. tb* Aekert-

irt- in-'untiiim In It f iv-nl. of IVIrnlThrr* nwnlba brfnrp Mr Uaerhawo

ras m t i . Lr.1 by n n la Turk tab unt-•>rio*. nut wtmnn l.y hi* atrrnetfe hes>t to aicfat. It 1- Mid that I I M I * latil* put tlr mff t j In Brlmt and rhatt I* v^.^ djifis^r^'M* f'iT Eorof<**• Q« tol>|W*r on Ibo Ktr>-rin at nlarht Mar-mr and pillar- I N daily arrurrrnre*.ri<1 ntitny ffiiirllE*^ tmvo Ili^refore

!•••'.».» mt i .bt— ia w » -rtBae,HT J O H ^ S . N P ^ S M '.. M..v,r

-luntl of (bo mya! onglnwrt arrirvd•T- to lBTiwtl|pM in I f l u if of theIrtrlih ri"rm;n>-iit (br qomlhin of tbon p^r -I ' •• • of tbe Atlantic rablaa

i s all tbo teVni.mihi o f tlii> r n M n la. « T « Brolla and SewfsnndItin He

k-ill atnd]' tbo |in.Iil«n of al«> prntort-ng ib* rablc« n-row tbr Ureod bank*i»l ilofpndins tl>p c*\i\r stationt fromUMk

EVK.VSVII.I.K. Mont.. Kept. » - Ahold attempt to linM up tbe Bitter Root

:preaa Ju»t «t«t nf here waa fruvirnt-•ti by the rinlan. P of tbe M*w. A pileif tie* had been placed oa tbe track.Tbe rnrtneer alowed Op and backed

y aa anon aa be rootd. Tbrve meni-ealed In Ibe boatae* Janpod oat

ran after the train, bat aooa fellbehind.

JOriJX . Kopt. B.-ln a mil- aontb of Bexter

. a, _ - . . . twotvr pooplo worr 1a-Inrod. two fatally. A poaaona-of train

> into a frogrhl train otandlng oa tbeIn trark Tbo fatally Injured aniiDknown rnloml woman and an la-

lid white woman who waa tnveUacib hrs atiiall rhIMron.

HEWER. Sept. B. - mchirnod bytho CmMnc "f tbo. Hark trimming <mla- b*en» at a fit BOTH I la VarvoreV.tbe team attached to the noxt rerrlagele lino ran away, tb* ferriage waaavortnmod. anil n

MACON. tin Rrpt. B.-The•ta la tb* abop* of tbo iltwrla Oswtral

•Uilrood cooipanj quit work bees

• It rlob a 100 ft

K.oC ?..: v.- . ' . i. t

" l.o:«-Ira. f*leree"B Itrx r n k r i itNEWPOB1. h. I.. K.-II H-IOW had a thrti: :; n:.d wlint "•.'• -:nrt Ihinitbt l o b . f.i:r.I hjrtHBl Inis •hrnw-ig of n-t. Th-im« W.lerce or lir.'tW'd. M i « , rr..-.n ber

well known Jtimper. Tornado. Mrs.Pierce was about to tnk? one ot tbeJump* w b n ber borw utrtwk one oftbe fence* on tbe *klr of tbe tmrrterawl reil over on bla ataa, and Mr*.Pierce rolled orer oo the around, andit flr»t It wan tbnnsbt that the bone

had roltod on top of ber. Sbe wa* car-oat aJanont HatrtM. Hhe had ml«-

tainnl naptfe* •" ' t t frartnrp of berrirht l - t ' tAi wdfain an hour cameback to th* Caalnn in an automobileIIMI waa necardml «. ert-nt oration for

ber plnrk. The winnlni cf the bine by]!•• road team of A If ml O. and Refd-•ald C. asalnst aerm com-petitor* proved onp of tbe moat popular

rlea of tbe day.

LANCASTER, f a . . Hept. 9. — JodgvLand:* ha* - t ' i , i n . . . l il-nrj C. K<»!T-rotb. am^l thlrtj-tbree yearn, a farmer,

ting In S:ili-I>uri tim-n«lilp. thisly. to fiftet^i ir;i->" aotltary con-'"•iit In tbe EflRlern penitentiary.

KofT-nth n-»« conriried on Indlctmentaars tns bonw atralinx. arson and Ur-

inj. It waa shown that Koffrotb stoleb o n e from John n gkilea at Salla-

bnry townahfp. took It to the barn ofEdward P. t>e Haven, a few mile*

y . and. exchanslnr Skilex' bnraefor a better one botongtiisr to D P Haven.Bred tb* latter1! m»l-U- to mver hla

e. 81s twrww and twenty cattle• bnrned to death. Later, when dl«-r «H>tiir.l iinmin' nt. Koffrotb led

De Haven's borae Into the Wasb mnun-I»ln». abot and dtneinbnweird It.

[ i | I'.I.IN Keri•rtory of the T'nited Irtati leakm1 heldaneetlsK at I'niiiiii nruler the preal-

daary of Wdliam RednMtnd. U. P. Aresolution • • > adopted weli-omlnK tb*Irtob land bill • • the nwBM iinbatantlalrtrtory Kalned l.y the Irlali people for

inrtea and • «-T,I.M:^ thin reanlt toInraitf of i 'hW Irlab Secretary

odham. the tii«h nntillr »;-irlt of tbaLiberal party and tbe court Kill of tbelandlord*. Qftvr rewtiutioti* nrxetl tbotoaaata to neamtlate itu* pnrfbBae oftheir boldlnK* in • npirit of frleiidll-

DflHAVAPOUS. in.i. s. i>t B.-Brit-lah antboritio* iri.'j tiw mw of Jamoo

ipnl Irinh ronrirt,'orml from I ndlnnarmll" to BwBl

Owing tn ih.. ntnonre of «ometoy* 'hi- rtoint baa nnt bcon de-

rided In tbe 1'nltfd Mali* ™niini*-,on-er's conrt.


JOJH pM-CMlt.Om.aii.aR: baluoa.>t7.Ml.a*.

• prtcn

C .C .(•**" «t L.

D. * a... ,O*a." ici VrV-'.".'.

Ummlrn. * N a a l i






N. T. CiKorf. *

Rock lal

Boatmanaouib. V

UBMLTu. o-^tV I l l lw™t. v



r looked attaken In h

data**, aad his gase bespoke keea dte-•polnUnent."WA n*ver i' had this tnk It K

badat boon for thlm children telllagme about th* improvement* In photo-

to muttered, holding thecard upon which Ma Hrrnnsa waa

nted farther and farther away.ipnrremeaU U It? OI'd lolke to

•how tale pictor sold* be ootdo wldl* warn Ol had twlaty years ago. It to aaaybodv which o'-thlm twotad* rie b*ith*r mon o' me. There'ss old, aaxlous. toired-ont look to thissw wan that wa* airer in the other.There may be improvements la

Photographing." raid Hr. Hertlhy aa hedeposited the cabinet-slced card fee*do*i in his tablo drawer, "but OI'T*ylt to see thlm."—Tooth's Compnnloa.

QTb* fore* of hs,bit waa very forcibly

noatrated by in Incident recently atkbe pumping atatloa of' t)>« water-

ii at Enid. Oils A tS*fe stand]tut outiide tbe bttfldlnc I* I opt full ofwater for tb* accommodation of paa-aenby and the neighborhood stock. Acow accustomed to drink at this tankI M for her moraine drink. Th*'allay w*a covered with water and

stood within two or there Incbeo ofthe top of tbe tank, but tbe cow wont

tbo waste ot waters to the tank.Twice ah* stnek In tb* mud and ap-peared to bo In dancer of drown in*.but by poracToraae* she Inalir reachodtho obJactlT* point. After drlnkinfIon* and copiously ah* turned aboutand alowly made her war to land, ap-parently satisfied thai ihc bad dontth* only BTatUWe thins to And wator.—Cl«T«land Leader.

"The crow* and other birds that carryahell-feh hUh In the air and then letLbem drop upon the roelu to break the.hell show aomethinf very like reuon>r a knowledge ot the relation of canseand eaTect. Fronde tells of *ome apeclcaof bird that h« saw In Soutb Africa fly-ing amid tbe swarms of migratinglocust* and clipping off the winga of theinsecu so tbat they would drop to thaearth, where tbe birds could devourthem at their leisure. Our squirrels will

oft the chestnut burr* before theyhave opened, allowing them to fail totbe ground, where, as they seem toknow, tbe burn coon dry open. Feed acaged coon lolled food—e piece of bread

neat rolled on the ground—and bo-fore he eat* it will put It in his dish

>at«r and wasb it otl."—John Bur-roughs, Eminent Writer and Naturalist.

DHIfei • • i Is becoming understood tbat death

1* often—If not always—a gradual pro-cess, cells or tissues remaining alive forhours or even days after the organism aa

whole Is dead. Professor He ring pointsat that this Is especially noticeable inime of the lower animals. The action

of dilated cell* fron tbe gills of a clamor the trachea of a dead frog may be ob-

ed for a long time under tb* micro-scope, and wtai-n supplied with nutrient

tlon cells from a frog's brain havebeen kept alive for more than * week.Hearts of animals often move long afterntmovs.1 rrom the body. The heart ofa frog will beat Tor hours, and that of a

\r or snake sometimes for a week.—• l i f t !

The number of Americans who mayenter the Traniraal or Orange RiverColony Is limited to 60 a month, andeach moat have a permit, the blankapplication for wblcb can be bad ofaa* British consul. And, too. an affl-

t must me made that the applicantsufficient mean* to support him-

aelf and family after arriving. Con-sideration of such applications Is oftendelayed for weeks, and those who growImpatient and arrive In advance oftheir permit are generally given thooption "f leaving the next day or Im-prisonment for i l l months, with a Oneof U i' •

ol I t u received aRancidityvariety of explanation*. A chemicalstudy leada Jensen, a German bac-teriologist, to conclude that mlcro-or(-anl»ms are the caoae, three spedeabeing especially active, and that thaair play* no pan except In stimulat-ing the growth of the bacteria. Saltretards their growth. They requireoxygen, and In protecting butter It ladesirable to keep It in large inaiam.exposing tbe amaJleet poeslble aurfac*

th* air.

tat."I hive oaly one fault to Bod with it."

anawered the. goesL-What Is thatf-It doesnt correspond with the price.

Either the room onght to be better orthe price less."—Chicago Post.

la Cyprus pooaants are paid £40 for•very U» of locust eggs they destroyIn aome years aa many as 60,000 tonsar* dartroyad. which m u m that aom*CM.Q00.000 of locuata have been ch«*t-

** thalr chance of axlataac*. Butstlil they com*, and recently th* lo-cust awanns were as actlv* aa ever.

Enphemla—Mr Tlmngton doesn'tm rery affable.Boetacia— No: but h* can ba affable

where be thinks it la worth while.—Detroit Free Pram

H,l «k* F. . -J .U, . .Mar-Tea, Charley Bapp boaata of be-

he "Upp*r cruat."doesf Wall, it lent alwayanot that has th* most dough.

To llliaol* beloaga the ditUncUoa ofBatBg the greateat wb

R«di"8 System

,US, iVS, iOU KM Uik«wood. TOSM Mirer and Banwa-at-ortiyljr.t*l. i r . l U t * . l U I H O l » a . BunAar»-«tt

rni JiminiQ TU Honorni JocnO>— [yrmwii in POBTUIVIOB.

A. VtOLFF.H&nufaotnier ol

CIGARS.And dealer In ail kinds ofand Chewing Tobsooo, and *moiarticle*, has retooved from BSl 1

Front street, to South side of Somar-BBt s- reel. flr»t door from Front street,and solicits tbe pairon&ge of hisfriend* and the public generally.


Qentral AuctioneerSalee of Personal Property solicitedP. O. Box 132, Dunellen, N J , or address i s care of: Const!tutionaJUtTerma reaaobable.

AGENTS WANTED.IPC 0P T. anrrrr TALHACI, by hu m ,XV. FRANK rjgWil l TALMAOK and aaB-M* rdiun* of CbriMian Hcnld. Oo1T hook

ndorwl by Talaagc family. XBOTBMUm i u -bo ad qaicklr. Ontsi t n cI iMBWdi*i«ly C U U ft CO. tn # Pt. PWla.. r v Ifot ios into paper.

Woolston & Buckle,


Wall P.ptrj. Pallrten- Suppllt.

**ph V. OjatUoosa, of Bast Sec-ond street, is away on a waak'i n m -Ham

Miss Variant MoOowan, or Brook-lyn, is Tlsttlni V. W. Naab, Of Fros-paol BTanna.

IB. Peter Doerlnger, of Vltta•treet, la eipaetcd homo today frontMlddlatown, Del

William Thick*ton. ot Oentral H »out, has rotnrnod from a a***ralweeks' i u ; at Balaiar.

Ralph W. Binaamln, of Easl Nmtb•treat, plans to enter BaokcttstowoOolleglato Institute ihli fall.

Mlas Oartbarine Lonsfellow. of Al-I red, N. V . was iu town yesterday Uiba c a « t of Jnslloe Jooapb E. Mother.

Hr. aaa Mrs. Leonard Tooog, whonave been spending a few days atBoynton Beach, bavt. retBiDed home.

K m Eagone H. Hatch, of WortSeventh itr*«t, baa rolatnad fronBoatbwoat Harbor. Mt. Desert, Me.

Mrs. Qeorga H. Babooek Is al barbone OB West Eighth street, afterapaading tba paot few weeks al VaUbBUI. R. I.

Hr. aad Mr*. Joba Tawgar and son,of Morristown. are v.iliing Mr. aodMtm. A. H. Ooatptoo. of SI Ooaipton

Mr. and Mra. Albert Lederar, otFalrvlew arenoe, have retorned bemafrom a nip lo the mosatalns of Peoo-ijlvaola.

Mr. and Mr*. 1. P. Crawford, ofJamaica, L. L. ara vUittng Mrs.Crawford's sister, Mra. T. W. Na*l>,of Froapeot areai.*.

MlBford aod family >fat Watobang Bvmne from Otif-

loo apriaga, wboro they Lavs beeniatiDK the mm me i.A plaaaant party m t ' i l vio at tb*

home of Misa BoasU Tltiworlh lastTbe trsDiDR i n apest la

playlof ganaea and dancing. FriendsBtaoaat from Plalnfiold, Dnoel-



TboChoioo Boor* Omtmt laThirty-Six Holao th« Princi-pal Attraction at Park.




C. B«»fc». Jr., Warn—1ir»r A I . , tka »B«oy H

'*» Tsakard E n d U,W. C.

Wttb ao Itaal day far the U « M I( a n .* of tolf the Park Oolf ClmbcntrM WM wall oeoaplod Moataywith n l b t i l i N i wbo ware « Mla ii" »«fio«i >T«nu for pilaaa Tlwma at flatarday pat the m m 1B ih«•••a* ooadltion u d ateacatlwr» t o u proved itfoct altraotloaa-i.iff avaal WM whu waa aaila

et. Thirty-als bolaa

.iinw.-i «o aalaat ale tat >i|hMMbole*. Beantor OaortM A. Road, W.A. TowneeDd u d ObarlM U l l t M neach made a Ml Mil l of Tl aai wanit. for a m plaoa Tbe Ma will beplayed o> «arla« tla M I > I waefc.

' l.ari.i A. Road, M, It—Tl; a L.IflcfaoU, «7, M—Tli W. A. Toweaand.M. 14—71; B. a OanaU. 87, 11-71;Arthur Paak, M, i* -7 i ; W. B. PaMr,M. IT—W; O M T P T. Baajara, IIS, M-T«; Praafc Bafata, 91, I M - W . O. O.Faber, H. IS—flO: ft B*. Joba MeOat

H. II—si;Laalta Ballook, 101. IT—M:J. a BeeroU, SS, IS—BS; Herbert 8Rogtn. 101. 14-87; Morgaa T. Town-Hid, Hi. p l H l - M , l«taoa • Mil-ler. Ill, SS—tl.

In Ibe dilvlat coataat O. W. Fabarv i i tba winner with aa average ofti« yard*. Tbe ether wetMnrgaa T. Townaead. SODTowaaead. 181; Ohartaa Da pa*. l « ;O O raber. 171; Dr. A. W. Ander-•OB. 167.

Mr. O. I- Oeodrleb and FrankRogera waa Ibe imttlai aad approach-ing ooiHM wllb B aoara of 11. Theotbcr ceaieataatai were II* for mplaoa: Mr. aad lira 8. 8*. JohnOatehOB, II; at lee laid** M M Ho wellwd W. & Fabet, 11; HimElabatf Md Henry a Walla, IS.

Aa atlrnollva p r o g w a . o levenia broagbl oat oaa of tbe large**crowd* of tba aeaeoa at tha Hunts.Taanl* a»d Ootf d a b yaatardaj'. I*marked the opening of tba fall aeeaoaaod lha ratnra to Iba ooarta of manyOf tha member, who have beaa ao-joarnlPi at **Mhor* Bad aaoaelata*dartag Iba MBIBMI. BoeidM theavoat* aa Iba oaaraa. there WM Ibadtaaer-daaoe la the area lag al thaelabboaaa, Tbla proved to ba a eoelaj• of more than ordiaarj later**!and WM Uigelv attended.

Among Ihe i r a W oa tha oonraa,lha reialar pUy for Iba Holiday rajamong ihoM wllb handicap* of el«b-I H I or more, brooabl oat a goodly• amber of ooateetaate. D. W. TaylorWM a lag oa Ibe eap wltb n osara of77. The OMWM I

D W Taylor, N, »J—77 ; PercyBtawBTl, M. IS—BO) J.W, IS—CO; Harold Berrall, 111, 17—K4 ;r r Abbott, lie, 17-87; F. H. Aadraw*. 108. M-tO; B. K. Rlnahari.KM. 18-BD; 8. B. Bb f a k i r , 118. SO-BO; Uoawrd C Traey. 114. SO—M.

PUy fwf the Oraaai' Oa-mltiUakard aWo oltraetew a sombercoamiaat*. Tbla eveat WM far IB*bavtag baadloapa of atTeataea or toMd Fraak O. Talamadge trored a winfar ibla iropoy with a aol aaan a* Ta.

Fraak O Talm.lg.. 7a, S-T«; E B.Iramoag**. t l , ! * - ? • ; Waller Pater-Ma. U. ! _ » ; a D. Hlhhard. Iff, I --• r a Barka. tT. IS—«1: Twtra-aaad EMkaaw. SB, !•—M ; C. B.gna. *J. IB—M; C. a Bark*. Jr., SB,u - w ; Dadley B. Barrows, t l , « - • »K- T. h n t n MM. IS-M.

Tha a**i araart end eae whtolaraofbt oal tha targe** Bead, WM theElefeera1 baadtoap The wlaalogaoare WM aalnl i l by Iba eommllaMfrom ba< waa. tha aaova el 76 aad M.Tba

a by & a

V. P. 1efta. ThoM

war* taraed laJ. A. Weed ward aad F P _

M. . « _ * , ; a/, t. BofMtaadTaylor. 104. It—at; I* IX•nd E. H. FMlhaai. IU, » - > * ;C » M HBBMI aad A D. TiMk. 108.» * - " i «• D. Floyd *md Wat. Towa-ley, ion. IS-W


Thomaa Oliver, ot Soldier.'Horn*, Commit* Buicide ID

Booth PlmlnlUld Hotel.



B*aia»M S n U i a t of Boat. Plain-

Tired of life al •ifbty.Oliver, na old aoldlor, who WM on a

laaty daya' rarloagb from tbeSoldier.' HOBK M Newark, committed

Ida 8aaday main lag In Mormna'aHotel 1B Boatb PUtofield Tb. deedWM done wltb aa ordinary belt atrap

* WM pi*a*d nbaat bit nook la aBOOM nod than all ache a to iba top ofIba had poet.

lv*r oaaie to tba hotel laat Wed-aeeday and falrad a room. He *p*ni

neb ttma In bl* apartment aad. It laHoped, commlllad tba deed while 1B-

tonoatod. William Ooollor, aa oldacqnaiBtanoe, oatled at the hOBM andaebed to aee bl* friend. Ba WM shown

>* room. After knocking aeveraldm** art receiving •"> reply he brokeopaa the door- Banging to the bedpool WM the body of bU frland,

eaa. Bla face WM blnckeaedBad from tbe appearaoo* of Ibe roomIt I* apparent the a r t tied la agony.

I bad been aa laaante of tha homeaboat tea jean. PreMoaaly be

lived la Oak Tree and aoma y**r»lor WM a naideal of Sooth Plata-. 8a vraa brooghi ap by a Mr.

Clark ecu, of Bbort Bill*, wbo W M alaa* M B * bl* gaardtaa.

Ivor WM a aoldur In ibe Mexicanand In the Civil War. Ba WM a

panaleaer a>d « b n foaad bad gl» iatala poekete. The atrap with wnlebthe daad WM doaa « H made to orderla Mataehon Monday- Be look pride

ihowlag It In friend* and oom-lof Bfoa tbe faat that II WM •«-

Mpttoaalty atroag. It wnnld go aboutwal*t twice and bookie la front.

Wllb Ibl* ttrap of laMhar ha aadadbl* exleteaee.

The ramaiB. wara e***alaad byOaraaar John V Babbard. of Hew

BooMraet OoaotyMar of a falthfal t u t a i i Moaaay

B tbo fosaral arrlai of tba DaiebBeformed Obnreb WM hold orer tbe

dae al Ooaaty Clerk Frank W.Bomerr. who died IB North PlnlntaldFriday nfainooa. U WM Mlargee* fanemla aver bald at

i end WM attended by politician!proaalaenl In n r t o u part*

k.) tbo botna of tha dead

Boatb atraat, nmple prajer* wara baldat 1 o'alook. There Br. Dr. E. O.Bead, paaM> of tba Booond Befamiedchurch, aaaiatad by Be*. ObarlM T.

.raoB, of Bo.pd Brook. From tb*BOOM Ibe foaaral oorncga wended I taway to tba flaooad Bofsrwwd Obareh

Floral tnbwtM won ooaajrtoaoaafrom tb* Bolomoa Lodge aad CaatarnStar Lod«e. Y. and A. U . Boral Ar-

,m, BM*VOIMI Protect.T* Orderof Elka, aad BnalaM Owaipaay, No. 1,of goBirtilli, of wbioh the dead man

n member. Al tbe obareb theioM war* la eanrte of Ib* Mnaooto•a. Special maiio i n rendered

u d aalo«le* w

Tba Joaraoy ttom tba abinb to tba•aiotary M Bound Brook WM bacas

at • o'clock. Tba pall baaran waraT *


view of Ihe reMrkable aaaoto* ofOeaoral Klac'a boak, pabilahod earlythai year. Minted '•* Daagneer af tbefllo. i. tne mere anBowaoBaaaBi'i oiaatMher acory frees tbl* famoaa aalbor

•a all-ramri**t A critical read-Mg of Ibe advaaee aha*** of tbta aew•ale ladloalM ahal II U *v*a baatw

i laat, wbloh la aaaalaelve ia ItThe aame arttata, who are an

aqoaUod, have aadertakes lha Ulnatra-. ta «il detain of aaMBaatoala ap Ibe IUHI ht«» Mnadnrd baai f B M i n d The aaaay tbounad

render* of "A DaaghMr of lha Bloni"are *ba* BMnrad from a litemry.

of their plea—r.Aa A pooh* Prtaaaaa." ta ba pah-

ltabad by Ib* Ho ban C***»*ay, ofFifth avwna, Kaw Tork.

. K i t fBw, M. SS—71; O. B.Oukoan. 101. a a - T f ; a & MergM.•7. *>-77;l>. W. Tnylor, m SB-TT;Dr F. a *re\ ST. rt—tt; B. B.Siocktoa. IB, T-W; WaKor tNiamaa.» . 7-IB | Tewaeead Raaharor*. t». ID-T»; E % lr*aMa«*r, t l . 1*-Tt: C.W Abbaii. « . • — » ; Dr. 0., M. It-SO;•6, l . '-W; U a B.rk», It. m, IB-HI; B. B. Ikaiwal— IBB. S7-M.O.a Barka. 101. ! * - « • ; FnMb _O^ Ta*.made*. SS.

to Iwoo, wbeaheriBwj

'•ooaptad Mr Bryan with entnaataa.I or with nalgnntlaa, M not M nil. la

I MA, and IS00, Mlbrva that bla aaef al-aaaa M n l n l ~ BM goaa, aad that theaolr nope of D*ai.matH awaawa U N

aoin«rt.ti Coonty ClarkHald fat I n a a pfTI»




l l ap

O. T. Qo rabae*. *••eordar Robert Banton aad Baparltmoim* of School* J. H. Hoffman, ofiba BaMani Star Lodga. F. aad A. M..from Boaad Brook u d Oaorfa;cb»nok, former SheriS Wvokoff aad

J. Boaa Lake, of Iba Bolomoo Lodfaaaoai M Somertille. Tha latar-

taaat WM la tba Boaad Brook oema-tary.

Tba ledoaa rapraaaatad at IbafaaaraJ MitUaa wara Iba Haw Braaa-wlok lodge, a R O • . Royal Ar-

aj, Jr. 0. 0 . A. H. aad F. aadM. Maay from tbla cuy altaadad

tba obaaqalaa.

A M U S E M E N T S .

Tbe new thia«» at "Pompeii"PnlB'* ABipblthantro, Maoba,!

•e a brand new ehniiM nbatlla of borarmaa In tbe water aad n

ballet, which la to be •aarTallow*-17 beaattfal

Following the all-answer n a ofTbe Karl of Pawtankot'' al tba Man-

hattan Theatre. Hew Tork, Mlta Han-intia Oroaaana ha* rarlvad al tbMopnlar hou* for a week, Bbakee-u n i "Aa TOB Like It," and aa•it Monday. Sept u. Mm. FlafceM i l

i la b«r (raM aad pro-•a* of laat aaaaoa. "Mary


Club H « » nl u Taaat b j OlTlag s MarapWaa.Taa Bt. Mary Haaaball Clab m

•arid a raoaptlaai to IU baU taaai bMlatoaday, aad about 100 attaadad tbaaaTalr. Tba raeapttoa WM M ba baldoa Iba ball Bald, bat owlaa to tbaibraacaalag waautar It took plaaa Istba T A B BalL Mono WM f*ra-labad fey I M W I O'aUally'a arnl ••Ha.Tba ciBimttUa ID charf* wara Clla-taa Bbaaaoa, obalraMa; WllUaa* Ooa-oelly, TbOBiM Molaanay Baary

Btrapp. ViobMTroloa aad J U H Day.

. 8 Brown, af Byaaiari araasaa.

Mra. JaatM B. Pray, of BaM Sixth

\m Jane K. Parry, of WaahlBgtoaKrtM, I* the gMat of frleado la

at*-•BTIM Madlaaw, of D M I Mraat,

a a ratnrned froaa a abort vMt MBooth Braojab, •

CharlasT. Mayan, of Bjraoaaa, M.T., 1* tha> gaaal of JaaBM

aarvwUv. Iba* hi* Mr. Bryaa la •«bt • j M fl^g aollaaUy for B **—•• caaae At-treat)** M b*a p*re.n*llly la aatd aaaoyM kia frlna*. ar*. aa i* w—rlag BBI

. af

Haiaart Ulataajar la aaaM M Uraad


BapOat Church Cnpol*



Tb« atarm played bavm at tba Ali»-t. Mary'• aaata oa OraaoMt Orai.

Taa laraa i n M t of btayotoa mliaadilaail aWraataa tba Ilgbtnlainaaaill tba rarraat ta pua throagfa

A batM owned by Oormtek O. Caal•eld, of Weet Third etreet, WM linlaaiijkilled by litbtniDB. It WM Had to atrolley pole aa Arlington aveoae sad

owner, together with "OhiSalllvao and Tboro** Knne. <•eated ia the carrlai* OamlBeld• hocked aad thrown ander tba

_ r. ••Ulvan WM bataod aboat thatBM Bald band* nod Baa a waa thiIBIO the raad aad brnlaad.

the nnpniB of the P»rk Avaone Bap-lirt Obarih wa* flmck and a part of

m away Tali I* tba fonrth Umathat n llcMadag bolt hu Hrnck tboehareb A horM 1> Iba aknblo la the

of 8. Bobene* * Company'e aMav,on Waat Final atreet,killed. Tha baca w»aarerai ton* of bale, of hay fall oa tbebone. Peter Jobaana, a Boatb Plain-Bald firmer, WM tba owner of tba

ML Jobaaoa la la tba hablitUbliof bla hatM la tbla plaoe «rSatarday whoa be OOBMBa laa poor MOD.

INTied for Tint Place With

ancsted for for Golf Oom-mltte* Cop CompeUUon.




rraak O. Belabart laeraaaed Bl*Beer*-Maar*C. WeU* Woa lade-

pealaaaa Do* Oap at ParkClab Oo.r*e— The Seoraa.

There won a good Bald ilaried In tbaweekly eoaapetltiooi for Ib* Praal-deal'a «np M tb* Park Oolf Olab onBnsnrday, hat tba terer* abtwhleb dialled thi* vlelally dorioj tbaaftanoon prereaied tba coalealnnti

on Bniahlng.Tb* only other eveni of Ibe attarM WM tha p'ay off of the tie boreea Hoary O. Wall* aod C. L-11 chol • for the lo.ependeno* Day

Bolldny cop Ia Ibla Mr. Well*at.In winning In* boaor* for tba Oolt

Ooaamltta. cap at the HUlaida Taanlanad Oolf Clab on Batardhy. Freak 0.

M. BOW hBtiB* n total of 9.Frank Talmadc* won ar«ond boaonj

hleh giTM him n total of dpoiata. white Waller retaiwwt IB ea-cnriDit tbe one remaining pointm l 15 polnla la all u d la tie withOlnf Bannatnd tar Irat poelttoo

nil* tbo UUBIM WM well filledwith player* aa UMarday, iba

idar etorw MwagM alamilaatioB to play. Tbe re wara.

Fraak O Haiah*rt. T8. ft—78; Fraak

H; Bobart Abbott. Ba, l - t t j DaBalklay, 104, 1«—«.

WaatBald. SapC 8—Ia tba I n t roaadsaaeb play far Iba Praaidaali cap M

Weataald Oolf (Bab, oa) nalaiiaj.J. A. Woodward baa* L D. Ooatpaon,« ap aad S ta go; a V W Brawatarbaai E. H Fwattaar, t i p ; F . P. Com

wwl from M. U Fooqatt by da-faalt. W. M. Towalay bawl J. a

ipball, 7 ap aad C ta pUy ; B L_ _ -alay boat Cbat. Baaaall. 4 a* aad

I ta pUy aad A D TatUo baa* K. D.F l d , I ap. Tban wan two poat-

•d atkbM aad l>*7 wUI ba p'ajad___ waafc. Tba Moaad roaad phy far

Ibta oap will ba playad aaxt •aairawy.

Mtaa Barab Whttahall. of Pea Tan,B. T . bl aha of Meed* I* Nanb

CASTOR IAfor atvarat day*. Twt EW T M I M

HIM ISSpoUed Saturday'a

B a t tM MontUy



h» •*.Other

St. Mary'* played n He game, aoorato J, wltb Weatflold, Monday af

erBooa. Tb* gnaie WM called Is Ibeilnth lonlng on BOOonnt of dmrknaai

Tb* ttaint* aoored two onmed ran* li-bird In to* Mvanlb Bark*

for Westtold atarted off with a olii, nod kaanlalait by error* aoorod,

Ball alnglad and reached third ;MaIbatted to MoOoaban wbo threw

ih Ball M tbe borne plate. Tbalire declared the mnner mi*, andM B diMaaaloa followed. Tba 11B*-



Tba third and laat gam* of tbaM H M for tb* Hill A Bhapp lo"onp took ptnoa Monday Boralai, oa

ipe OoaaoD. between tbe HopeM. A. and St. Hirj' i bail team*,•be pretence of 1,000 people By

the Tiotory, yeeterdny. S i Mnry'a be-came ibe owner* of the oap.


Vador Wlro and Lo*t b r a Beak-.J. w. Johaaea>« W m a wiad

Waa (foirt. la >:S8 Cla*a.Good aport In plenty WM provided

lovera ot horn* racing at Mondny'imeet of Ibe Fair Aore* Drrlving Olabal We*ta*lo\ PlnUlleld bone* onp-tnnd oBoond money in twn of tbe

•eat*Tba S M olau for n pone of ffJOO

WM won by Dnnlel, nwntd by W. R.Kirk, of MorrlUowB. Thla no* waaa hot one. Edgar 0., owned by J. W.Oebora, of Plainfleld, took two beaubandlly and all bat wade good•iilb bent, bal brake nnder tbe wireand lot* by a seek. General fiik,OWBBd by a Barker, of Newark, woathird money. Beetle D., tba brownunit of J. B. Greene, Jr., ot PlainBald, banded Ib* traoefa in the nr*ttwo beat* bat WM diiburaad la tbaflfth.

Vint money In tb* 1:25 elaai, *J00poree, want to Kanter Boy, J.

ma, Trenton, ownor. J.Greene, Jr. '• Glitter* La)d, driven byOeorge Gntlin, WM flr.t ia two heat*and WM Mary tooond money. Third

i west to Dan P.. I. D. Norton,of New Brnn.wick, owner; and fonrth

Woven Wind, owned by J. W. JobiBon, of PlBinflfld. Fred. T., own*by J. s. IrriDg, of Woatflsld, won ihe

olnaa, pnrae l ied Mannar*, T.Brant ingr,»in, ownar. of Plalnfleld,

flfth. A mile flat race for Hire*rear old* and over we* won by HamWaller la 1:56 V Of the oft!*Mayor Newton

•raa-a, S . * I I

Tr. H. I o • J

Sssr&i i : i

L Twv-HucUu-

,.y left on b w t - D

All* Md Scotch Plain, eplit 0t«•*i r two gnniM at Oreeoent Oval

Monday. In tbe morning All* WOBidily by Ib* *oor* of fl-5. Orll

wbo WM in Ib* bos for AH* holdScotch Plain* down to nine bit*Ail* rapped oot ten bit* M their ahareiff Leon'* delivery. Tba afternoon

jnaoe WM character iced by rajfielding, eepeelnlly by AlUi DBTupitched elegant ball. The 'Plain* ag-

low Jumped oa R*tr**M tor •total of fourteen bit*, including twobaa* hit*, tbree ba«genand olena tin

IS to*.


M. J. Tfa lokatoa. of OawtfalavwMM, baa raaaraai from a fewBaa**' taaatloa at Balmar.

lM M. Oabora. at Oawa«o, >.T., wbo a n kaaa iba gnaat af friandala tnta ciry for taa paM tana waaka,

M ntawaod M bla BOBMLMr. aad Mm Fraah Cadarfalll, ofrooalys, bawa rataraod baaae alterliiiioc Mr aad Mra Edward Sbaanr,

of MadlOM » » • • ' , o w Saaday.R,» WllUaw M. Dawnay, of tba

iba Holy Oroaa. la baaaaIV L,

StcoDdMontyWon by LocmlMen In Two. E vtnU on

TtrAenm Timok.




r <•-, rake


and tha reaolt of Ib* prtniarieiyeaterday deman*tral«* that Oongr***-

Fowler h nnabla tn Moare a /oothold. Ho real agnl aaoamd exceptIn tbe Eleventh wnrd, in wblob tbeooflgreMman reeldM, wbera Fowlur(mined hi* o n dlrtrlcl bot lent iheward. Kftn and Fowler iplll even In

il* word,(Special to Tb* Dallv PTCH.]

Bnhwny, [BepL B—Thrre were nooontset* Bl tb* prlmariM ben, osoept-Ing In tbe Beooad ward where the Bepoblioana war* at odd* over repreaantalloo to tbe Oonnly eonventloa. Freebolder Furell and 8. K. Tomb*,favorable to tbe nomination of PalerTlllmnn for aMamblymna. won oalTlllman i* n Fowlar man. The Bepublican, cut 1S1 votM and Ib*

An exceedingly light vote WM polliin Fnnwood borongfa yeeterdny. Ontba Bepabllonn ticket OfaarlM BbaaleaWM elected M delegBta to tb* eonaty

•ention nnd F. W. ~II1IIII| |rty oommltlee. There

eifhteen vote* coat Tba Democrat.Md Wm. R. Stanbery M dalegue

to tb* oooaiy ooaveatlon and for ibeity oommine*. Five TOON wara

Marrtod r«r FroanAl tbo par*n*ng* of Iba Flnt Bap-

11*4 Obmrob, of Stamford. Ooao , oniwaj, We*l*y Brafenw and MIMrtioa Barber, of Ibia oily, won

married by tba paolor. Bar. J. Wtlborlohatrdaoa. Oa Banday monlati thew i | ooapl* nllandad wonolp nlrat Obaiob, Bad wbaa II hM

Mwa that Ibay aaroe frM ba married by tbeir t

M r ot tb* aMgngaWoa p i b i n dlost them aid tc»d«red eoagrntsla-oaa and benny good-wlaba*.

—Fraak Hodden, af Oeniral nveana,nMraed Snlarday sight from BeaohHaren, wban ha hM IIbe latter part of bl* vaontlan.

Sanitary Plumbing

b . W. LITTELL,>o. ut Hoifla 1m. Plalaltld. M. K



143 N O R T H A V E .



Batwem Front and HMOD-1 > I I M I >

Tinners,PlumbersGas Fitters,

OroMa asd bricks for all klnaa -ot•torea oan be found her* M TIIIIIIIM*prloM. Bring rour tinware moookMFto oi. Tbe beat tlnnera, tbo baaiplombers, u d tbe beat gaa-&tten lathla aecUon. We use none but ttM*ory boat of material*, and our wawfeAlwan giTM MttafaoUoa. K«wj ot

made hew TISWM»


Savings Institution,Of Plaiifield, I. J.,

Ia now raoelvtnjr depodtaInteroat, allowed ot ail auma I•5 to 93.000.

J. PKAXI Ht BB*ni>, Prealdent.O*i. W. ROCIJULOW, Vic*-Proa.J. 0. Porm, TroamrrcT.

Honor depoaltod on or bolora 3SA*>*ry tenth wfll draw Intoraat from tbo

w.of Deed*. MMtar-lav

fouiy fti&Bc. _OBMB|

ALBERT nEOOENLivery S Boarding Stables


Brwoeko. 11*.

Wm. A. Woodruff


CMMT Frnt St. ud m t limm.

*M I n n lot tu> oo~T ok» A


gou nuns it

m pi

Thlrtr-«l* Holm the Prim*- pal AttrxrUon tl Hrk.



Mf TMk»H BfMl to

I tat prim TM

chief mil *■ vftal <

•Mb Mta O MC MOT* W Tl H4 wot* It* far firvt ptaoo. Th* We will to ptayod am d*nag tto mill *aal Chart#* A. Haod, M, If—Tl; Q L. HtctoU, Y7. to—Tl i W. A. Tanrni M. 14-71 i WL a Carroll. to. II—71; Ankai Pot*, to. 11-71; W a Tatar. M. 17-11. (to|t T lapm. id. to -II. Fraol R***ra. IT. 11-71; a O. Fetor. N. IS—*0: A R* Jobe MaOai a Not. W. 11-11: Ta«Mata, H. 11-to; LotII* Hallo**, 101. IT—to; J H H*«r*U. to. If—to; Horton A Kot*r*. 111. 14—to; Horgeo T. Towo- ml, to, ptoa 4—to; Nelaoo A. MU tar. HI. to-tl. la tto iflrtoi coaurt O. W. Tatar «m lb* wiener wild as araraga of tl« *erd* Tto altar mot a a war* Horgu T. Toaaoad. *00; W. A. Tamaa*. Ill; Ctortoo Dapw. |71; O 0 Fobor. 171; Dr. A. W. Aoder ao* 117. Mr* a L Ooodrtab and Traak

io« omM wlto o mn of IL Tto •«Oar raaiaatoia w*r* it* for wtad plaea . Mr aai Mr* A A Job* He Cat*too, II; Min told#* Moo Hoaroll oo4 W A Fotor. If; Htaa Dotar Klatorg o*4 H**ry a WaUo. IA Ao ottroollv* pragroaoa of golf aaaola broa|fel Nltoaflfel lorfaal crowds of tto aaaaoB U tto HlltaM* Ttaila o*4 Golf dob yesterday to oark*4 ib# apaalH of lb* foil homo oo4 tto rotoro to tto aaaraa of moot of tto oaoban wto toro booo oo- Jooralog to —ib»r* • dortag tto noon

clobbooM. Tbta per*4 to to o eoetal •rent of otra Iboo orlloorj lolarrat

tto ecolor ploy for ib* Holtdoy top

■•■tor of a D. H. Toy lor 77. Ttoaroao*:

D W Toylor. to. to—77; Foray B ft*wort, fA If—to I J. A Irtataaa. •*. If—to; H*r*44 lorvoll. III. fT-A4 0. r Abbott. 114, *T—IT; r H. Ao-

,T**y- y — • **^a*

* *. imm — r a. (mu. ». *. hpnaMAM IM. I*-*; L. D. f—

•* * * ruiiMt. iu. m-m-. ■—i •* A. D. TMR KU. *-•> I a n. ruj* — Wm. T.n


HIS OWN [KISH Thomu OllTir, of ftoldlors' Homo, Commits Salcido is

Booth PlAJnfUld HotaL a miHD totdb body STRANGULATION AS A MEANS Of I0U-


•old Ur.' Boom *a Ha wort. oowmlttad i«o Boodoy MorolDc lo Unren a Hotel lo Boolh Plato field Tto dead loo* with oo orfiloory bolt tamp whaob woo phttd oboot Ui ooob lo o Mto oo4 ttoo oatocbad to tto top of bo bol pool. Otlr*r aaoa to tto boul loot W*4- oodoy ond hired o rooM Bo aptol aoob tlM* to bta oportMtot ood. It ta *11*4*4. cob Bitted tb* do*d while to tonootod Wiiitoa Oooltor. oo old

After knock I eg severe! floao* ota raeotrtag oo reply b* broke tpaa tto low H*o|1*b to tto tod pota wo* the body of bta frtaod. llf*l*M HI* foe* WM bloob*o*4 i oppaarwM of tto foom It ta opporeot tto moo 4tad to ogooy oboot tao veer* Prorieoaly bo Ueod lo Ook Trr* ood mm* y*or* torltar wm o resident of tooth Plolo- told B* wm broofibt op by o Hr. Bbon Hill* who wo* ot

Oiler wo* a aoldiar lo tto Maitaoo or ood lo tto Otvtl War Ha wm o •oalooar ood wtoo foood bod |l» ■ bta pooka ta Tto strap with wnloh

lo abowtoc It to fried* ood roof It woold to oboot ta* ood back I* lo frool With tbta Nitp of k*totot to *o«*4

Oorooar Jab* T. Bobtard. of How


I mot ta* of tto Dotab

■tit* ood

At tto b Ttoro Ear. Dr. A O.

I by Bo* Obortao T.

Mar Lodfi*. V ood A. IL. Borol Ar- •f Blka. ood Bogles Ooapooy, Ho. 1. of tooaorrlllo. of wbtob tto 4*od boo o maw tor. At tto oborob tto

Tto Joarwcy froM tto oborob to tto o’elaok Tto poll toorore wor* OoooellMoo O. T. Ooambod. Bo- or Baton Ron too a

tb* Bootaro Htar Lodf*. r. ood A M , took. forMar atony Wytooff ood J. Root Lok*. of too BoIomoo Lodge Homo* ot toaerrlU*. Tto lotar-

fooarol mttIoo* wor* tto Haw Rrooo- wtak lode*. A F O B. Royol Ar- aaaio, Jr. O. U. A. M. ood F. ood A. H. Hooy from tbta eitj ottoodod

Foltawioe tto all-woMr roo of "Tto Sort tf Paotaatat" oa tto Moo- boatoo Tbootro, Hew York. Mina Boo- rtotao Otoomoo tar ro*1*od ot that poor* # "Aa Too Lib* It," ood oo

of loot aoooao. "Mary RECETTION TO NINE.

Chi WUsfctM*


aa mu..

mm wl


ALU FLATXD KAOOKD *rrt« smrirc oat cortot ava

•WM Oorwlok a Onl- bl«.M f M Itlrf IMhii, HIM hr ItfkMla*. It WM IMA M Mi. m ArttaiMa .imm M

nA wm KM* Ml ■ put of ■WM TMl to M foarth I ■ to tb. Wahl, la Iba

■mnl Mm mi toto a* haj fall aa tba a PaMr JabaMa. a Baalb Plata- farmar. waa tba awaar of tb.

1 HILLSIDE GOKIIST Tlwd for First Place With ■attested for for Qolf Com-



vs i i i :: i 5 £3N!:: it;:

■S': :'i: i'SSjTi;: i:

’HS& Httytatatbiuai

Tto third ood laat triao for tto Hill B Bhopp lortof OOP tgok piooo Hootfoy Borotog. oo Hop* OaoBto. botwaao tto Hop* J. M- A. ud 8( Bory a boll tao—. to tto proaoooo of 1,000 people By tto Ttatory, y**terdoy. 84 H*ry‘a to- • tto owo*ra of tto aip “■Wfc.J "fta.. sai : i: m:: ? j ;

H*4a*aa Day Owp ot Porfe

wbtob etaltad tbta etototty dorloe tto

oooo wot tto ploy off of tto Uo bo- Iwoob Baary a Well* ood a L Htabota for tto lod*pood*oo* Doy Holiday pop lo tbta Hr. Volta *•4 lo Wtoo lag I rat booota for tto Oall OobbIM** oop al tto HUlald* Taaola dob oo Botordoy, Prook a



II Hi 11 laooad Money Won by Local Man la Two. Bwanta on


7iM CUM EVERT. J. W. Oafcara-a U.u C-. Braka

Oada. WlraaaOLeat&raRaak J. W. Jebaaee’a *na WU4

M A wllk WaaUald.

fa. WMtlalk Martad off wUk a Oku raaobad third .MallM

a—k Ball at tba I boodily ood all bol aoA* good io tto diib boot, hot brwk* oodar tb* wire it by o oook. Oai*rtl Flak, •wood by a Barker, of Haworb, woo aoooy. R—ta D.. tto browa boio of J. B. Or****, It,, of Plolo wdod lbo oooob lo tto firta •wo toots bet wot ilatoacwd to tba fifth. rim Booty Io tto i m do*, mo pares, wool to Boater Boy. J. H. Poyroo. Treotoo, owoar J. B. Urtaar, Jr.’a Gllttan Lod. drlrra by (borp (Jatlio. woa I rat to two boota « May sooowd Booty. Third plooo wool ta Doa P„ L D. Hortoo. of How Braoawlck. owoar; ood foortb to Wo**o Wtod. owned by J. W. Jobs- of Plolofald. Prod. owaad by J. 8. Irrlog. of Wotafiold, woo tto t tm oi*M. pore* gtMi Moo*an. T. ghoB. owner, of Plalnfiald. woa fifth. A nil* Aot roo* for thro* Wollor io l H«t. Of tto <^Bot*l*. Mayor Na wtoo B. HmalUy woa a

KKiliBH&iii sc:'.* .: i i: &•>;::::

Alta ood Beedob Plolo* split a*fl ttolr two ■•■•# at Ovaseoot Oral I on day, U tto Borotog Alla boodtly by Iho wore of fi-A Orlffln who woa la tto boi for Alta told Sowtcb Plains down to also bits ood Alta rapped o*i tao btta oa ttolr shot* off LaM’a delivery Tto oftarnoao ■tot wm eboioalerlaod by ro«g*d toldtog. wpMiolty by Alta. Dovta ptached ategaot boll Tto 'Plolo* oc- tet. I of foortaoo bits, ioeledtng two- boa* hlta, Ibra* bogfen ood o!*oa filet Soar* It to 4 Mwetac cbm. •cOTa^rtAlirm. alia ^ “jaa I i: :sn&: i: I

ti:::; saifi::::

Oood sport lo ptaoly woa provldod ta**ra of bora* roetog ot Moodoy'a i of tto Fair Aorta Dm ring Glob ind aaeoad away lo two of tto raota Tto | JO cloaa for o paras of ROO aa wm by DmIsI. owned by W R Kirk, of Morrtatowo. Tbta roM woa hot ooo. Bdgor a. owood by J. w.

ood too rosolt of tto prlBorlM ywtardoy doBOostratas that Coog Fowtar la an obi* ta aoeara o /oot- hold. Ho rool fight oooartod oiccpt tto Bl*y«otb word, la wbleb tto graBMoo r**lde*. wbira Fowtar gained bta owa dlatrlot tot leal tba word. Kaon ood Fowlar apUt area to

TUIann a* o Fowler



Qaa Ftttlay.TIa I

igaLrsaSm* D. W. LITTELL,

■a. Ill North Am.. PlaUOald. *. A.

NEW IN EVERY DETAIL! Hyo*w harbor abac ot

143 NORTH AVE. us mijsssr incru—.



Tinner\ Plumbers Gas Fitters,

«ar*r r rerr baat of matarlala. ami tmn bItm aallafaotloe all UDda an aiada hate. SSCv

25'SZ3 m. U» kaJ


Savings Institution, Of naiRfieit, I. J..

noalTtac d.poatta

Mooay d.poaltod oa OT boton JaM n taatb *fll draw lataraal from tea

Wm. A. Woodruff


caraRr Froii St. ul Park Itw* •lateBoId.K.J.



Dry<Un to Wlluw Unrall-

taC of BMU. Monum.nt-

TaTBBAVs TO u r n s





ft, UM Data riM4,D

i oa tb* Aattatam bsMla-aaas ha* wade flaal arrangement* fortha dadieatary aarrisss, which will be

d tba* Prealdaat Roosevelt willth* oareasoalee of Oadloasloa

a* «aaa place aa lbs aattlaasM Bept-tbe aaalvaraary of this

gnat battle foaghl forty oas yeanasa. Piastdaal Roosevelt will aeoeptaha monument, lo ho aarod for by .tbaBBBtaaal aathoriiiaa for all tlaaa.

Tha aeruBBOalea of tha dadloattoaWill eoastat of a report to GovernorHarpby by the ehalrmas of the batUaSsld oomoJlBBloa, Jaaase O Benin,of Mewarh. who will than tara araras the Ooveisor, as rapraaaallag tba•aaaa of Mew Jersey, Iba aaishadVSSh of lbs eomaslaaiea. Oorirsor•arphy, la tarn, will, oa behalf ofSaw Jaresy, PI Basal the assiaaalawrSTBBMat, tbrosgh President Boo**vett, lha M.•as aavanaha potata aa Iba laid wbsrs HawJensy's son* were eagaaed.

Tho Pnsideal, saaerlsl by Oovar-as* Marshy aad staff, alas UnitedMasse las stars Keaa aad Drydan.will leave Jersey City oa tb* evenlagof September IP» l l -« . oars.Bashes. The* sBasal 9 o'olooh tbe aext morning, sadahartly after the oaramoataa are ooa-aladad will r*-*maark oa their trainaad rasoh J*r,»y r.itj ths followingBMcaiag. Tbla siraagamaat baa baaamad a to meat other angagementa ofaha Praaldaat, both bafora aad aflarthe Aatiatam Ma.

i •ht le UOVSTSOI Msrpb? bad hoped•a )O«rn*y to lha old battlelald wherea*, aa a hoy of aavaaMBa, a aaaasbaraf Company A, Thirteenth Hew Jeraay, pan lei pate* la tbla gnat batUa,with hi* old eoairadaa, ha facia it hie

X0M7 to aannrt lha Praaldaal la aadness the aald, as II waa at tba taraeetaallollatlon at himself that Mr Hooeavail isisagldared a daollnaltoa of aa

af this * let allyilob a party of as apt* reooattly

tpaal their vacation*. The places visi sW h*m*a»iaas of lha

Belo*.Co**n. Haraallaa, Bawdolph aad othar fa-tile* R KOariell, af this eity. waa th* galaesad tnoladed la the party waa Mr*Asabel Welah, of Oanaaalowa, Phila-delphia, Job* Head*. • * thla ally, ae-ooaspaaled tha partT aa photographerBe baa some fas views takea ea route

Some af lha |ilan«a visile- wareWaetBeld, Plain BeM. Mew Market.BewMWB. Plaoataway. Harris' Laar.loaad Brook aad Ureea Brook. Oaaf tha historic ptaava vlalted was tba

owaad by E.S.Sobenck. Tba home afDavid Oorieit and Us wifa. Elate,

plaaaered la 17TT by a for-I party Of British aoldisrsMaw Braaawlcfc. Aa lavaatory

af thalr property taken or destroyedigned and swara ta by their BOB, aa aiecotor, la now oa Da1 Iba l a t * Hoaae at Trenton Twor David Oorlell'a aoas, Abraham aad

David, 1

m i apaoal train afiih dialog ear at-

ill arrive at Aatietam

•'Barmy.Tha two BOB* lived to a great ageId Mad la Iba early part of the laatmtsry sad wars bailed with thalr

w i n s la tbe family burying groundtba farm. On September 90. 1B7S,

Abawr Oartell, of New Market, visitedtba old graveyard Bad copied all Iba

(crlptiom Tbat part of the fansm then UBnod by a Qermaa BSIB*4BBOIB wbo afterwards removed tbeBBSBsass aad destroyed all trace* ofI namtalj Some of tbe torn batonf s

ware broken ap to be assd for a partof a foundation for a boaaa. Ha threwtha other etoaee Into a dltob bj tberoadside where they wen found a fawsats ago ewried la and sad over-rown with bwshaa aad weeds. Thao*

which marked the grave* of Abrahamaad David, iba soldiers, and David's•rife, Elisabeth, iWhttabeadi were re

rared by tbe party aad ramavad to«rg»eea Cematery IB IhUolty wben

bey will ha properly eared tar. Aphotograph of tb* old b



lha eommlaslOB BOW sspeotetsralah tranaportatioo to Aatl*aad retara ta aboat 400 Mew Jersey• l i m a 1 wbo partlotpaled Is thla bat-Ma Tha veaaraai will be fsnUtaadwitb tickets through tbatr aev

• a w BalldlBfja—•a««a*Ula Attrae-

walla otbara who h» IdaattfladaaaBMalvaa wltb UMaa vatana orgas'toMloaa a n balag anendad to by UM

lha ooatmlaatoo 0od# It will ba ablia lha N N T M I wiih UUl

I Ibatr IOB. Wblla aa•aaM golag aaoh aid aaldlar will homw*l«ed with a leech, whlah will beprepared by the Paaaaylvaala Imad aad dtatrthatod aa the tral

Oa naoblag tbetha pates ea I

>bara tha Mew J*iloaatad oarriagse 1

will ha provided la earry tbeM. which la a>

iwa mtlas ft«m tha railroad.The r i l ina i wlU ha pswridad wiih

•Mete, good fram aay amtlaa aaaNaaaylvaalB ayatam la Maw Jerseyas Aatletaai eat reaara. Tlakaea willto Biased ea aaU at ail o, ib* Mata Maw Jersey where stop* are mass,a> showa aa tha aehadsta. alsof%llao>lphls. Bread Sweet Btatloa. aafas rate paid by the f l a n af 97.•BBBd irip. Ttokvta will aiao ha pro-etasd by aay- i w i l n a*aa* sa the•asaaylvaala ryalam la Maw Jaraavhat aaly wbea raqeeata te> ticket

at-< < a aaaMfwl IISMIT 1 «a -iiret i* Ia

la wall aaaawwB. N J I 'Two y«an agoaaffamd tnaUy tram iBtlaaaMaa.Aftor aaUai. ffraa* dlatia— waald ta

y n n l l . laattag far aa

allaata Mm ta Waablaf-

CapM c*rtaialy works ta a aaaa*ijatcrtuu* way hla n m d c n lo p«r-

torm aad hi the affaire fl i l l r naaird l>«j*r. <

tha BinBicipal liehtioe pMM ih De-troit, hi. aMaa*at*r waa a pair of

•y unrni!.. Dwj*r wlabad I*dtBoni ln i t ID a friend Iba powerfuldraft at ih* big cbimmrj. So be put

i.r of oW grcawy otcralU ra »b«door al Ik* bottuai of lha tall alack.The iroaacra. to atroag ia tha draft.gracvfqlly f»il«-.i ap UM e a b u * j u d

•I at lk* lop.

Urilinariij the alary should b a ncaded BBMi but ia tbla caa* II docaat.

i • • oM aajlng "that what goa* up•t come do*n." aad it waa th* coaa-

d « r i of lha well lubricated•ra.Ha that m k n tbla o'er true t«le.r IB deac«x!rng the oTtmlla bad theremt tod laala U> c o a t dowa

>luoip oa a neatly oVcaaed yomaa;as who waa takiag ao aflrmoon

1 a block or two away, blxifallynaciou* of a>y draXt teatlaf • * -ncata- It ia not nice lo b« •truckrely by a pair of dilapidatedilia and It doet not at all linprora

the appearance of a tailor m»d« walk-

where the aaddeoly beatow«4 eanta!ron>. Some bore playing la the Btract ]tad area the flight of the oraralla aad .aid tba yonng woman their origin.ihe lodged cuB3|>l»inl at the power 'iou»i! and the yonng mechanic who'

bad made .ib* draft teat waa aaaa-nooed lo make the amcada bosormbl*.

How well be tnweaded wa. demoa-.trsttd th* otb*r day w h n be waanarrlvd to tbe young womaa whoa*ia met under ••eh not*] drrwaa-taaaaav

Cupid I N B I to bare BO racial prejg-dieea. The latnt proof ba hat gi*enof this wa* tbe bringing togelber aa

n u r j Uahloo Margaram baaiverytiang IB readlneaa for Iba opeang af tha later-State Fair, at Treo

asa, >. J., oa Monday. Haptember 18This •iblbitlon. wbioh it Ib* greatestiBoUtaUoa af its kind la tba Beat,aaa tba eqaal of aay ta Ibis ooealry,WlU osatlBBS uatil October S, lncla

atteaUaa baa bean paid thisyear to tha exhibit* ta every depart-ment Man prise* aia aaTered, sodlha aatriee raaatvsl to data atsMM of the total of 1 asl year,waa the largest i s this respect 1history af Ibe aaasBiaHsB, *aew halldtasa hare baaa ataotad aad

at tba aid aaaa have asea aathat shay are aa though

workaaea had jaat uamalinl ib•vaiTthlag la bright aad aboerfal

There will ba aaaiaraaa apevasdevllle alii Bull aaa of a hign el aaa,aad tao speed |inniamia*s for eachday of the fair will prevent the gi

la tba soBBtry.lllaJ, •

air, aad UM ahaaga aaaa ao laaghaataa4 waaaahaa. A vatdteg W I M M aaM1 " l u l l , m i l l r i a laaat bard 1yaa iaaa AUaa'a Laag aaaaaam. Bat*•ar bad. whoa ahoaaafl M uaaakj aa«aaa arabi uaaU hi aaaaai aaaa lato UMlaa«a, lar aaaa, m a wiih AUaa',

' MB. aaaipiaaa raUaf wUl ba



ria * Woaaa, will to thaIto Oread Opara Hoaaa naxt waak.Tfala atroag play, wbtoh ta a oaaa-pauloa plaaa to tha oalabtatad Svl-l i n a , Harris * Wood*' toooaaa, "TbaFala.1 Wedding." • •« with i i i t u lfavor baa* M M , aad tha aaoooaoa-» « t that H la to ratara will ba awalaoaaa OM to tha paltaaa of UM Mg-toylMWa*.

Tha Mtraotloa a* tha Giaad OparaHoan r*prlnnlD| Moo day araalag iiaooad to laova aa Impraaulaa that willlaat many aaaaaaa yet to coma. "TorH«r Ohlldna-B 8ak«." It by TheodoreK n t w i , aatbor of "Tha ratal Wed-ding " Tbia alaaa togata lntanat.BalUraa, Sarrla * Wood* ata dlraot-lag i ta forlaaaa.

With UM ••caption of patting nptaata aad UM arrival of axblbiaa, Sae-rtury Mahloo R Margmai baaaTarytblag Is rcadlaeoi lor ttolag o* *a* Inter SUM Fair,M. J., on September 3H Thia eihi-bitioa, wbiob U UM gnatoal inrtitn-Uoa of Ita fciod la tto K M , and *qaalaf aay ta ttitt country, will continueaatil Ootobar M. laclawra.

Tba laat waak of tba araworkB atManhattan Beaob baglu tomorrow.It will to tba doal oppottaatty to —UM moat woadarfal flraworki trnabowa. Each sight aftor iba "Fall ofPaaapaU" than la a wealth of tbaSaao* prodaota of Iba pyrotaebnUt'aart Thuraday wlU ba Coney talaadJonkay Clob night Bad Satmrday. UMoloain*. Bigot, will to tha earatval re-paatod.

Vacarira or a Cold.Toa oaa aanr ba qnita aara wfaara

a cold la galag to hit yon. In tba faU"liar It may aattl* ta tba

producing aararu pain. Do•tot to alarmed nor torment yonraelfWith faan of appendicitis At tbaflrat algn of a oramp take Perry D « U 'Painkiller la aara , awaatoB«d watoru d ralicf cornea at ontta. Tban la

Painkiller. Parry Davla'. Uu d GO o n l i

Itloo did

tr.She sailed on DtttcCrr whtr. Lord

n-a VaJkyrle III. w c l dowa toIgnamlnona defeat. She was oa

"Is Mrs. a* v.a to be th* Rellano* mae-KtAiayearT asked Sir Thomas, as ther»t American, to greet thalr diaUn-nlahad guest boarded tba Irishman's

HI* fare fall as he r*Hved a reply IBM e a d s aad ralattTaa af tbe late *** amrmatlve, and bli Mends'

Aibu. A. a S PU«< « «. S J ^ ^ ^ S

Bar. Dr. D. 3.Tsrhes, pastor- emeri tas of Iba FirstBaptist Ohareh, ooadveted tha aecvleaa, whioh wan toaoblagly ahaple

farm, and spoke feelingly of UMUfa ot Mr. Weeks while a resident ofIbis city aad* Of hit sannsssfsl bast-

Tork Floral

them were severalon* of which, a

large floral oroe* of white and pinkrose bads, aama as a tribute from tbe

mniayee la Mr. Weeks' New Yorkava,Tbe interment waa made in tbe Oy-

pessa Hills Osmetery, Brooklyn, a* 1.'clock oa Tbntsday. Bev. J. P.

Oanoa, of tho Oealral PresbyterianOhurch. ol Brooklyn, wbo was Mr.Waaka' pastor daring bta residence inBrooklyn, conducted tbe service* at


B I D and wife a Chinaman and a Qcr-glrl. The grnom was Charley

Tang and the bride waa Miaa Dora~ hoU. both of Newark, N. J. Tang

lucts a laundry and tea store inNewark, where he hi superintendent of;be Chinese depart men t of the C*n-

Sunday *ehs>ol. Mis*Wtnholi was a pretty girl. S3 yeara old,

1 up to Ihe time of her wedding,studying for a trained Durse in a)kljn hoapita). Mis* WenboU mat

Tang at the borne of a schoolgirl ehnm,who ia alao wedded to a Chinaman. It

>rght.butthewedding *>i postpooed several times

4 Ue .-l.jcn .on. Df thebride'i parent«. finally Miaa WanhoU

lat ii waa aha who waa tortiinaman urn! aot her

od that the question reallyber and not them, an tha

ifwt there waa a quiet little•redding ra a pretty little h<

Newark, and now Mr. and Mr* Tang-:ongra.iulatlona of

their frit', 'The murk dlacuased qaeatioo snaal

I'm* and short n p g r a itied by two yovag people ia Louisvillela favor of the latter. Mis* ElizabethPohiauan met Frrdmand de la Oaaaaaae eveaiag and the aezt day theywere asarried. M. d* la Gas*, ia aPariitan. the dearendaat of • noblerare. Be Is an «! orat eit, much traveleda i t who wcai to Alaska a«i

ar* aro in vvarch nf a fortuneand ose. He n m down toilted S-«ie. ta lire sad settled tainmpolia. A faw

happened to ptrlc np a aiatrimonhilpaper and saw a a advert iacmealaigmed DJ Mia* Pohhmana. M. da laGasw wrote to th* Lowtsvllle girl. a>dBfler awhile tber eirhssffed photo-graphs. The French ami waa ao

* ky Bflaa*e«atm»ai that ha at 1

ttrd to I^iuiiTill* aad weal matillate-1> to the young woawn*B haaaas.Poalmaaa herself answvrrd hJa fcaad the two met for tha 1ml ttmo. It

low* at flr.t .-rht aad tbe aext. the asarrtagv waa e«l*hruted a»d

the two, after a w«#dj«g Iria. will be-ria BMrtied We n oaa «f theWastlfnl hoi

•tiiafad hs the way •» a i _ _

for djswipaU la wrvad s a w «f m

water, l u l n d of freaa water.aselpUa baker make, a . r e a l t y aftUa hrMd. and t •• dycprptln . k o aa.hdeeUra that It 1U1 tarm TV* haket«es> hla aaa wafer from At'.«rte City

A deliciotji little, comedy la tbaSeptember MuOlon'i » "Tba Ponpa-doar Angel." by Mary Mo-. A aeow-bonnd falloiaii oar in lha Jersey Bad

la, with Us qaeta of PullmanIjpaa IUJO Tall street broken, a bald

dad old ganUxau with ipau. a|bly conventional Maw York eo-

oi.ty maa aad "rlatag" yoaag law-a highly oaeT«Btioaal obBparoa,a woald to n neon rent tonal ao-

ciety girl, baart-brakaa for bar im-pooaaloaa caralry llanteaant. Bad

tba "pompadour aagal," In tbaparaoa of a bnsom, bMaay. atralght-frontad. capable, manniih. candy da-•oaring typa-wrltar gtil, witb bartypauriter for a deoa ax maohlna.Tba plot la too good to disclose.

Seen* lA Spccr'a Vineyard*.

a tr nsstic, ». j.




mt Loral Baal Katato

aa BaearJad la County Clarfc'a

real aaUtah»Ta baaa recorded at Kllaabetb fromAugust IV to 18:

~ Coddington to Jacob W.Walah, at al, W«« SaTantb itreel, 3S7faot aoatbwaatatly of Bnabmon'aland, Plalnfleld. 91 ; Thomai Baaaa,lot SI, block 2. "Map of hUry Pound,"Platnfleld, $l,S>7.60; Frederick B.Wyokoff to Mary L. Toms, oaotn lisa

street, 41 feet northwesterly ofDiTisioo street, PlaJnBeld, »1 ; Mary

to Henry J. Aognarbanar,Third itraat, corner Job Mae, Plain-•aid, $1,000; John A. tieflerta, at ala,to Olio L Jenkins. Iota 1 to 11, in-

lBBtT», block 6. "Map of BnlldlngLoM la Plalofleld," Plaloficld, 93,000;

Sandfora et m to AdolfThomnaobawakl, southeasterly sideSpooner BTaana. 34 foat of U u l a S.Sandford, PlalDaeld, 91.900; ArthurL. Walker to Mary O. Parker, oeotreline Plalaflold a»«nn», 139 faat Bortb-ariy of Thomas u. Soaddar, NawProTidance, «1,000; James H. Tottenat az to IaTBBtora' Realty Oo., aontb-aaatorly side Waal Fovrth street. IBS

ithwaotarly of Pnaaott place. Plata-Id, • 1.00; Flfat M E. Cboroh of

PUioaold to PUinneld District NawJeney Horn* Bayoia' League, tooth-westerly aide of Plalnfleld avenue, 235feet aorthwaaiariy of W«rt Seventbatnat, Plauflald,9lOO; Frank Hantlng-

to BlanohA Huntiagtoa,easterly aide Raymond, arenue. 43>faot of Raymond areoaa, PUinneld,93,600 : Plainflela Real EsUte Oa, to

Maber, aoatbaaatarly aideWaal Fifth atreet, 400 feat nortb-•aatorly of Monroe arrane, Plainfleld,

PUin&eld Real Estate Oa, toAdeiia Knnyoo, nortbeaaterly aideHo bar t BTanne, l«e faat aontbaaaterlyof Weal Serentb atiMt, Plalnfleld, 911Adeiia Ranyoa to Florence L. Keller,

itbeattarly aide Weat BeTentb street,faat nortb«aateily of Bobaxt

avanaa, PUinBald, 91; Joahua D.ix to Morgan O. Bird,

northwesterly aide East Sixth atnat,484 faat northeasterly of Barkmanitreel. Plainflela, |1 ; Morgan O. Birdat ax to Joabva D. Lolaeaaz, Fourtbstreet, SH fest of Oantral B. R of K.J., PUlnfleld, 91.

I 1SKLTN_ _ WUl Mascot the

American Cup D*tandcr.)

Columbia when Shamrock 1. crossed thaline behind It after a plucky fight.

No woman haa ever sailed on anyAmerican boat tn any of the Interna-tional matches except Mrs. Iselln. Only

nonor paid to her—Mrs. Henn. wife ofthe generous and gallant British sports-man. Lieut. Henn, wbo brought over hisGalatea in 1S86 to try for the clip.

The same seat is always allotted Mrs.Iselln. This is a place tn the compan-ionway. where she can see everythingu d yet be out of the way of tbe nimblesailor lada who crowd the deck. Sheknows them all by name; every bit ofgood work they do is at once noticed byMrs. Iselln.

She wears a trim yachting costumeof bine with a white collar, and on herbead Is snugly pinned a white yachtingcap emblazoned with the bnrgee of tbeNew York Yacht club.

This la because Mrs laeiln I* one Cthe few -women permitted to fly fromher own yachts the colors of the NewYork Yacht club.

What she knows about yachting would•tagger many a yachtsman. At tbetiller of a crack eloop sbe ta perfectly athome. Few of tbe men folk sre herbetters.

She christened the historic Defender.and now she is wrapped np In the Re-liance, which i r u christened by herstepdaughter.

"With her w can't he beaten." de-clare the crew of the keenest of enp de-fenders. So there you are.


The grand duke of Hesse is about toremarry. It Is s&ld that he h u con-tracted an engagement with PrincessXenla. of Montenegro. Although everyeffort ha.3 bttn made to keep the be-trothal a secret there Is sbuudaDt rea-son to believe (hat the report Is true.Princess Xenls. Is cow In her twenty-third year and is recognized as one ofthe most beautiful young women onthe continent. She Is at present stop-


Spcer's Port ft BurgundyWine

The Finest Wine ia the world fromhis 5* Acres of Vise yards, wheretha soil ia rich in iron, impartingit to theOporto grape and tbe grapeto tha Wine—causes the dark.deeprich color, aad blood-makingiproperty of this l i l W i w i u Wine.Tbe Iron in it. ThuiTtbeWinathat beats the world in its rsiua-ble medicinal qualities, for familyuse and evening parties; it Uespecially beneficial for females,invalid, and aped person*.

The Port Wine b nine jean oldand the Bnrgundy, a rich dry win*eight year. old. ^

Tha Claret equate tha fiaeat Fraoct

and Grocer* StU tt.

nlert tn New York L F I I MAil lo Wire Whose Child

Waa Iparloas.The will al Canning 8. Bedford,ho died In Paris laat Fabrvary. aad

' whose wlfa waa arrested on May ISteat in London for attempting to paaaoff BAOtber woman's baby aa tba ohlld

' af Bedford aad herealf, was Hied laat; Tbaraday In Naw York. Mr. Bedfordleft real proparty which waa estisaaMdat 110,000, hot the Tnlue of tbe per

1 Boaal eat AW u not glT«n.; Mrs. Bedford, who la a cwaata of

Mrs. Zerreaa, of Park svrnne, waa ac-cused of attempting, tbroush tbaboius child, to obtain 9B00.000 left byMr. Bedford's father. Frederick Bed-ford, with tba stipulation that tba la-tarcM on tba money waa to no to bisaaa for life, and afterward to hit aaa'ihairs. If ha died chiidlea*. bowarar,it waa ta fa I* other heirs, who at tbaUBM of Mrs. Betfford'a arrtat wereooataattna tha will aad tryiuj toprwra tha eliiid that Mrs. Bedford badwith ba* ta ha a apnrloma aaa, adoptad

, far aba parpoaa of dafiaadlaa than.. Wasa tha oaa* oame to Mai la BowBtoast, Loaaoa. aa Mar M, ahafoeaed sba bad obtained It Inyosng w«rhiagwoa>aa la Islaw

, who had answered aa adrartlaaaMatt' that bad baaa laaarssa" In tba paprvalas bar direction, aad aattlB« forth

Una. B. wlabad lo

XENIA or MONTENBGRO.(Bcaullfal Woman Who WlU Marry thl

Gnod Duk* at l l u » i

pins with the roral family of Monte-negro at Held el tiers.

It baa now been nearly two yeansince the grand duke of Hesse obtaineda divorce from hli first wife, who wa*Princes* Victoria Melita, the daughterof Queen Victoria'* "Sweet Princess Al-tee." This divorce was given on th*technical grounds of desertion and In-compatibility of temper, but It Is asopen secret that the Krmnd duchess wasdriven from her home by the cruel u dbrwtal trestmict cccorded her br thegrand duke.. One of his favorite amuse-ments was to set looae a easeful ofaalea In tha room wltb bis vita. Oa oaaoeouton he turned out the lights aton* of tha balls gl»en by tha royal

1 oaple aad then squirted dirty water.own US wife's neek. The grand duch-

is bore all thes* indignities In allenafor awhile, bat after iearlng her eon

. sort on four occasions and returning oaI his promises to behave himself she be-, cam* dUgusted and left him for all


Flood of Oratory Lat LOOM at

Black Blror FaUa* Suc-

cessful Orange




lorth Plalaflelder Tell . Bow He

Opposed Bad Maa*area-Rev. J.

B. Cleaver and J o b . B . Smith

Interest -the Crowd.

Uorrla. BsnlerdoB andw a n represented at tbafarmer's ploalo bald at Blaok BlverFalls, Sept. 1. Aseamblymeii Samuel8. BwBokbajsjei, of North Plainneld,

" iltb, ot Mew Braoawlok;Bev. J. B. Oleaver, of Bound Brook,and Brsstaa Potter, of Port Own, N.J., w e n tbe prinotFal •peakers. It 1.•tated tbsi there were no less Ibsn7,000 farmers at Iba grange.

Mr. Swaokbsmar'a add rest treatedE "Oar Vicious Laws11 and in pan

ha aald:" l a my disco-ion of tbe measure

Introduced tn tba last Legislature, 1to reflect opoo tbe grral

body of tbe BapabUosn paro. to theraak and file of wblob I cheertully ao-oord a high degree ol vtitne and reipectabllity. I am prond to say thait have nnmerona friends in Ibst partywhom 1 bold in Ibe highest estima-tion, sad who, I s a certain nave tbe


Indeed it wat through tbe oo-op«ra-tlcn of anch high minded and disin-terested Republican* wltb tbe Demo-cratic minority of Ibe Legislature lastwinter, tbat many vicious bill* weredefeated, and it was against their Tiro-ICBI that some w e n passed. It la notmy purpose therefor, to decry the Re-pnblican party aa inch, and I believeIt is tbe doty of all friends of truth,laatfeeand patriotism, to acknowledgemerit everywhere and to seek byboDBst mcanB to entist it In the causeof f lgbl And feeling oonacions of tbe

iperative need of political regenera-tion and reform. I bold out the bandof good fellowship to every oltiaen,on tba altar of wbose hearts boras tbeare of trne patrlotlim, regardless of

party affiliation* • " •I believe that JeSeraoo and Lln-

ooln were right wben they said thattbe American people mlgbt be trusted

govern Ihemaelvea. I believe thatthey possess tbe requisite lnteUgueeand virlnre, to maintain the great po-

itical principles whioh underlie Con-iiitutionai government. I believe tbatihe Oonatilntlon will endnie wbenibe last crown baa crumbled and the•ait throne has mouldered into doit:not II baa been said tbat ' The prloe efliberty Is eternal vlglianoe,' and tbi*troth has been ill nitrated by tbe char-acter of the recent lexielatlon of thiiSlat*.

Jersey la celebrated aa theseat of nomeroflB and powerful oorpora-

lona, and these corporation* whenroperly controlled by law ateaiogiee

of wealth and power and preitage, totbe State; bat when an attempt I*made to enact laws which give them

labla power* ao that they oanInfringe npon tbe ilgbtB of privateoltisena and shape legislation to sub-serve their own aelsab ends, it la time

Oa what flesh baa tbla oarO M B S I fed Ibat be baa grown aogreat.' Ood give u* men. A t in*Ilka tbta demands Btrong mlndi, greathearts, tras fsttb and willing hands.Men whom Iba laat of offloe does not

ill; men whom tbe spoils of officeurbol bay: man wbo have honor,•en wbo will aoi lie."Tba times demand mrn in publicFBoa who Bndarstaad asd will defend

the Interests of tb* people Men whocannot be bribed or Intimidated. Men

ho realise that so offloial oaib cover*th* poor man'a bnt aa well aa Iba rlob

paiaoe. Man who will not bowdawn and worship tbe golden calf.

lea wbo realise trial partisanship istrrower than patriotism. Men wbolow that fre* loallletiona are of

greater wealth than Ihe amoiament ofofBoa. Maa wbo IB public one* willapnold al all t ine* the eternal right "

The Kxoelleaee of apeer's Wtaa*.Is attested try physicians throughout

America aad Europe who bsve aaedItem. Orders for tbe Old Port saaBargundy are being shipped to Dres-den and Tleaaa.

Son B r l g h t o u floase.Mr. aad Mrs. Charles Jeana, of

Bomeraat street, a n rejoicing over, tbe arrival or a eon, Thnrsdsv eve-'ntag. Tba members of Ibe OesaogI and Tntn Varela presented Ihe happyI father with a large pool table.

Tha rats of Sonihem Italy are verycav ing , and dtspUy good taata. Tharclimb th* ortng* trees asd sack U s




Borrtk. Htmrtoa ml So....,, Wklk nprmBIfd M IM lAaoni; plo*lo bald M Black HI.., Falla, Bapt 1 Aaaaafalroiaa Saag.1 B. BvaekbuBM. af North PUlnlald, Aoto B. Ball!, at Bow Braaoaloh; Bar i. B. Olaanr, at Boaad Brook, aad Kraalaa PsHar, of Port Oraai, N J.. traro tba prloolpal .paakara li u alalad that lhara wara ao laaa ihao T.OOO farmara at tba |rao|a BY Bvaokbaaar'a addraaa iraataa ol "Oar Vloloaa Iawa” and la pari

raak aad Bla af trhlah I obaarfollj ac- cord a hlfb oaarao ol rlrraa aad ra- apooaabllUr. I aa paaad >o aaj lhal 1 Kara naataaa frlaada la that part; whom 1 bold la tba blgbaal aalUoa- tlaa. aad who, I aa oartala bara Iba I of aad It waa Uuoa(h tba oo-opara- Ilea of aocb bl,b aladad aad dlaU- taraatad H.pablloaaa with tba Daao- e ratio minority of I bo Legislators loot win tor. that many vlclooa bill* were defeated, and It wu again at their pro- wi! lhal aotno wort pa a—«L ll la not t»» porpoaa therefor, to decry the Re- publican party aa aacb, aad 1 believe It la Ibe dniy of all frienda of troth, Jo it Ice and patriottam. to aokaowledge merit everywhere and to eeek by honset mesne to enlist It la the cause of right And feeling eoaadoaa of the imperative need of political regenera tioa aad reform. I bold oat the bond of good fellowehtp to every cltlaen, on the blur of wboee hearts borne the Are of trne patriotism. regard laaa of bla party aSllatioae • • • “I believe that Jeffereoa and Un- coin were right when they aald that the American people might be trotted •o govern themselves I believe that they poeeeea the reqelelte lnte'lgance end airfare to melnUln the great po- litical prlnolplee which enderllo Oca- etitatiooal government. I believe tbet tba Oooetltntloa will endeie when the last crown has orombled and the last throne hea mouldered Into dost; bet II baa been eald that ‘The prloe ef liberty le eternal vigilance. ■ aad tbla troth boa been in nitrated by the char- acter of the recent laglalntlon of thla Slata. “Mew Jersey la oelebrated at the seat of on me rone nod powerful corpora- tion* aad these corporation! when properly controlled by law areaeoeiee of wealth and power and preeUge to th« Buie; bel when aa attempt It made to enact laws which give them ■areasonable powers so that they can Infringe epoa Ibe ilgbte of privets oltteens aad shape legislation to eeb- serve their own selleb sorts. It U time

"With her we enn’t he beeten." t cUre the crew of the keenest of cup t fenders. 8o there you are. PRETTY PRINCESS XENIA.

The grand duke of Hess* la about to remarry. It U said that he hat con- tracted aa engagement with Princess Xenia, of Montenegro. Although every effort has been made to keep the be- trothal a secret there la abundant rea- son to believe that the report la tme Prlnceea Xenia la now In her twenty- third year and is recognised as one of the most beautiful young women on the continent. She l> at present stop-

men nad wife a Chinaman and a Ger- man girl- The groom waa Charley Tang aad the bride was Miss Horn WenboU. both of Newark. X. J. Taag conducts a laundry aad tea at ore la Newark, where he la superintendent af the Chinese department of the Cea- teaary Methodist Sunday sehaol. Mins Weahols waa a pretty girl. S3 years old, who. ap to the time of her wedding, waa Studying for a trained nnrne la a Brooklyn hospital. MUs Wenhola mat Taag at the borne of a school girl rhnm. who is also wedded to a Chinaman. It waa a ease of love at drat sight, but the oa nee©ant of ike objections of the bride's parents, finally Mias VV«Bkola derided that It was she wke was to marry a Chinaman and not her parents, aad that the qaeotloa really cBsrersetl her aad not then* no the ether alf-ht there was a quiet little wadding U a pretty little home la Newark, sad now Mr and Mrs Taag arc rcc* ring the con grata la Hows of their friends The mark dUcnaaed question .neat nad short engagement, was set- tled by two young people la LoalavQle la favor of the latter Miss Elisabeth Pohlmaaa met Ferdinand de la Gaaaa erne evening aad the neat day they

eg minds, greet willing Lands



O m t Crowd U*W

by Ban I^Vaiw*» Baud


Tba pr*a-BM «f foar - r i m i l p*oE.,- M Ih. Ir.t fia* paMlo tw< * • -Mil I* Kortfc Flalaaeid Tbafadaya*H*k*d IW papalarlty ef aaaa air

cay t f N l i i . l «p i»b ir IS, at tbaMint plooe. Wittbui M l Fafrvlaw

rakecrlbad fM> far tb* sasl aaaMfi- IIhas kaaa decided Io arm*•aria* at apaa alt maataal

Thl* W MPan I -March. " T B B Oleb Fellow, "

.!HI,i) t ,rpr»t(• r».•' Kmjmoed," T h a n |ooaoert walls, "Boml of th* B i n . "r r m w D , oartMi MIO N I M M ; a*4-Uy. "Tba G H M I , " " ' M i n ; vooal•ol«, (a) --fcaaglBg lor To* Hweeti - . ' t - 1 <*) " M B R Ma a Boag of IbeSaath," Oasey. ay I n w t K. BaJL

Par! U-Beleet iea froaa r t M ,Ooe»od . deaortptlve, "Forge la tbaFar***," MlabarUa; a i l n t i w i fiata"Th» W i w d Of Oi ," Eltljloa; ragtiEst. 'Poor Lll 1 M , " Ameted.

r.rne.l K Boll, awrttOM, « U | thrwaaleelloae ooaipoacd by J U M W.Oaatv. «bo waa pineal. Tba asLae-UOD* readers* v a n : "I'm Loaflagfor T*M 8wl—B*art. Day by Day,""Slai H« a Bans of iba> Eaaay Soatb"•ad "LI til* Salll* Brow*." Ha WMarplaaded laafilr- Alh*** BwMt. oar-Bet 1st, EtotivM N T M U enooreai nlli'i I*\>ra. whs playrd lha banMm* ham, did rataeraabiy wall In• i " | i n | tba eolo part* la m u t «I (fa*dlffloalt ptaoM plajad.

Maay of in* people la th« tinghbarbood dmotiMl tbelr fnaan withOriental Untaraa aad American flagi.• irlaa to i h . neighborhood law mpp*araa B* if * typical a l l • • • • • r iaigbl r*Mi**J of a*a*ie JtaotilboMwbaa* baaaea war* dacatatad wareforatar O o n d l a a i kfairar B«rt1« aadAndrew Ken"ay

Aa a tokea o( appraetatioa for til*work la Maklag iha Baa-art ft aaaaaaa.I ha crowd ooairifaied fl> ta Baad• u i t r LaVere. Tata aararlae WManaagad by Mr LaVeiV* •irtrtaaT.Ban Harold.

A large, haadaaia baad ataad, d.for air

oarta, will aa •r*ot*d fraaa Ibe pro-C«KI« af the fair which la to a* b*Mla Sa*»t»r»-ond Hail dvrtag (JM waakpfMadtaf TftaaaairtTlai Day.


din* to MaklMlxri H Malta! Ba-r«lT«4 at laetltatlaa I>«rl»«

Maa*a af AafaiLTbaaa paapla he»» made aaaattoa*

to Mablaaben Hoaplial dariagAi | iM Urn Levarldga. taaharb aadapple* : Mr*. Edaraiw LOT*. IWO rmallhair pillow*; eaeaaeaf Mary A OU>I.It, baddla*: «™ " & Kaai. twobooka; Mrs. (Haaktaa, two SaakM* <applM; Mr» WlUlaaa A. Vbaalai• uif foar jarda of mulm , Ch«tlnW. Tallaua, two wMrm»lo»; MlaaMair T w»*dy. laa enaaa; Nn . Oaa.H Fraat, aaaarwaar a*4 N | v aaderas applaa . Mra. William J. Taylor.aaaaai and pillow caaaa; folf olaa,two barnla aacsaa; Mr*. Malliak. bagaf. applaa; Mlaa Baa*, ate glaaaaa a()»iir | Mra. WaltaMa, a n plaat: O*a.F. Uwaraa. Jt . Taa Taath'i Oaas-paalaw. Mr* M. M TaaBaraa. baakat•aan; LailM' Hemt Joaraal; KawTarfc Trlbaaa ; Plaial*ld Praaa. thraaaoplaa aally; waato Oaajtra

Dtaal rrwaa ra i l .Latay Apaw. *•* • » • T«r-old mom

of Oillara W. Ap«ar. of Brooilya.form.rlT af P1»t«i»l<t. fall «awa tbaatalra af iha Braaalni Hrid«a Ihara-«ar aad fiaaaaraal ata afcali. Bo WM

ataaa aa*. H« pABajar, af >ala ally, ard araawaaB ofMr aad Mra Baar* W. Aa«r*Biaa, af

i« ennui•Mill



HavlBg baaa aartaad by OarporaitoaOaaaaal Oralg A. Marsh tba* U l i uMknatltatloaai. mo art eat I oa will bapaid to tbe act pa**** ky IM last

Islotara which paraiMa tba Oeas-BMB Ooaactl to appoint a tax aal-laaaar. Aa •IBBUBB will ba bald sadar(ba old law this fail aad tba peoplewill select a aaaaaaaBr ta tba praaaallacambaat, Fraak H Smith Th>*llaa of aoUaa baa baaa agraaal spoa by

••mber* of Iba Common Oaaaellas-aws Vila tba baartr approval

•* Mr. Smith, who will ba Iba Repab-lleaa candidate ta MOuni* himself

Tba OaaimaB rajaaall fear* thai iftoa saw ataiate la aaaytd it wUl la-

"Jve lha ally ta a law sail, entailingBoh Hpaaa* aad paaathla loog drawoit puiaMtlnaa They do mat tblak It

tioo OaiBail Marsh, IB bla opinion,takea Iba Hand tbal laaamaab M thaprovision* af Iba bill inli iul Ita ap-plication to ottlfts of Iba second classbavlag a popalatioa at laaa tbaa 15,000

a la faat •paetal legislation and«(ora Bnooaeiltaiiooal It U btanon tbat tba better plan far Ib*

oily to parsn* la ta oontinoa to baldelection* aadar the old bill whicha aa Iba voter* iba right to select

aoollaoaar.has long baaa argaad thai lha

beat later*** af iba paapla woald be•erred by vaattag tb* powar af I I B

a oellactor la Iba Mayor ar Oom-Ooaaell aaeaaaa Is 1*1111 hi*

M Ib* collector i* compelled to•afore* payment of B u t fillaqaeata. Thl* waald makeFar blaa aBd bl* ratar*poluicoJly woald b* jeopardised, latba praaaal laataafi*. bo waver, BO re-IBBBt WM made By Mr Baillb for osyboage. altbaagb ba baa vlgoroa»ly

paraaed dallaqaaaia.Tba arlglaal Mil WM drawn by Mr.

•farab aad latfadaaad la Ib* AaaemMy ky Wllltaai ••woara. Assembly-

iaa liwBttkhamar. of North Plate field,led a itroag opposittoa against It*

aga aad tba maaaara w u killed.Tbea Mr. Marah draw asaabar bill

a t tba pswar af appatatasaat taOoaBmaa Council Tb* fight

aatalnet Iba proposed act WM OOB-•d. *a*B* Baa*a*Mym*a coataodlag

thai tl met wltb tba opposition afa* r111»• of tba m a i l ilaaa. la-lag TreaMB. Paaaale Md Pater-

whMh ware *ati*a.d with tb*method Tfala cowaed BB oa>*ad

BMBS M be tacked aa which liasltedsoap* of tba maaear* ta olrla* af

iba nlaaa having a popolailoa of laaaibaa SB,0m IB thla abapa It WMBMaad by Iba Latrlalalare aad slgaad•y Oetwraar Marpfcy.

la BBBBrrtBBM with tba provlrloaiof Ib* aaw atotate. th*afiB—OB Ooan-

j n • ' aa ardiaaaa* aa tret and•soaad reading ahaaglag tb« awtbod of•laetiaa. Before laal paaaaae. advtea

eaoght IiwBi Mr. Marsh, wbo aa-aoad bla opinion agalaat tba ooa-

•lliaUoataUiT af Iba akataa*.


VMMMar. Marawt Sw-*a*y. of LIV

M I N I , baa rataravd Cat bar krMhvr. Cbarka r>thfaa»r. *tN - - Tart Otrr. Mr. Orih.ra.-r WM

I af tkta fHT aaa»* T N N a*oa f*w <ta*« •?* artrr thr^«

TJarll th» *ta»a m* Mi

door Waaaaa appaar la ooart b* W M aaad »10 kyCity Jadaa Raayam. Brlttoa waataabit wife M pay bla aaa bat ba BMMwltb ao iBuaataa-iiaajl,

J M l M l b )* w*ra baBrwla. airaia wltb Brtnaa ta u i * aim to•Haaaata, Baary Wli>i-a«« ptadaoaw

ry mm «tT» bla. hlaWbn Brttt-w BMI till wifa

ba Btwafcata* 9*ait*naai whanbMMi. ih- aawpto

tM <»d BHttaa Btva•aril tM had pmnrt-a Hn. Brtitaa'agjp, alBMat •• • Ja*l» Brtnaa M l! « • • far parta sakaaara iaiaH4iaMlyIkrraaAar. aad aJtboasb a wamaat|*r bla anaat W M I B M I I by Obirf

af tb* ban aaa, tl • taTavu


-ttWllwatratJaa ef thai

of fbein tbe wudevaeaa. rletw eea

aad Haai tbe rblidreti of laraal•nnrasnml against Moaea and Aaronnad amid. "Would to God we baddied by th* band erf tbe Lord] blEgypt, wben we sat by tbe Aexb-

Oid eat M th* fall.far ye bate brought aa forth Into that

wltb hanger." God gar* tbras food.The pulmM aays. "He cave them tbelrrfjo^wt. but vtnt leanness Into tbelraonia - Their bodies were fed. bat

pertly they forgot God anded to live la vital and living commun-ion wltb Him. *Bd were coaatanUy•rand-rim from Him and tailing intotemptation.

The application of tbla subject ta:roipninrf Is easily made, and readilynndcnitood. tntetnpevaoc* In drink Isdioaaimas In many wave, but It b) aape-

y dkastroua to tbe aplrltaal life.Tb* ao«l id lean Indeed when tb* bodyIs full of wine instead of tbe eptrtt ofGod. Drunkenness dwarfs and de-atroys aoal life. It makes It Itnpo*-

*"" • far a man to live In vital and« rranmunfan with his (lod. It*s him an eaay victim to tbeptstlons of Mfr a?>ont him. And tb*

Brrtptnres clearly state tbat tb* drunk-ird shall not inherit the

• of tbe Btrangeot•faoaM he R raided and opposed by allwho do avoid It. We ahould not onlyobey tb* Injunction. "Be wit drunkenwltb wine, wherein Is nrrtm. lint beDili J * itli tbe ftririt** bnt we nbould

too atrlre to lead other* to obey tblamidland and us far a* pnaalhli tatake It ImpoMiible fur men to becomeitemperate. Totiil • tin tine ore should

be practical and preached: tb* saloon•honk] be coangfoaaly opposed and

r-r offered to Cod for Ita apeedythrow. In doing these thing* weI be eppralny" one of tb* greatest

dntm^rra of -i.iii; life and make ItpaaBlbl* for tbocMaads who are uplritn-illy debased o»w to be tilled with tbe

spirit of Uod.BIBLK BEAD* HOB.

ov. i x , 1; x a ill- 1-3. 31. 21, 2O-32;T, 11. 22. 33; Matt, xxlv, 43-51;




Thla ooadiaoB aslata partloalarly ladistricts w b t n tber* bM been a la*g*

l a tba popalatloa, wl tboat aproportionate appreciation

to tboaf Saat* Brnparlafadaal af Pnbl:

promptly art aboal Irytag la <J«*iaa

M to wbatber or aotrwaabwa ar railroad coaipaoie*. whichate tmsmA by Iba Btata, *boald ba in-traded la eatiaaallBg tba vacation*Iba N t f n l dlatrieta. ThU bM •Maa doa*. bat tba addition o f trailroad pi open- to tb* other ratable*woald BMBB a otnaldarabla additionta Iba aaBOBBt availahJ* for aobool pa:pasta.

Tba opinion ot Iba attorn«y.g»n*raJnndsred. la that Iba railroad propertyosald not b* laalBded under tba act.BBd Mr Baxter brought th* matter toIb* aiwalliMi of tbe Bute Board ofEdacatioa. Aa interesting OBMM to tba validity af laal wlBtar'a actla raised by tba ooaatJtattoo*! pro-vision making It Iba doty of thaLegislature to provide for • syitem afeducation that will give opportunityM all children between certain i

Tb* probable oa tcoma of tb* matterwill ba a demand ntit year far tba re-peal af tba praaaal law aad the

TbaOaaala* va. CoaaterfelUTba (Maine la alwara better than a

-iBBtaTfalt, bat tba truth of Ihl*I forcibly real

i i . n - f - .1 r n . n v i H .la tbe early day* of tbe

Rev. Dr. Clark drew np tbe foUow-s goo<J thing to repeat today for

the benvflt of tbe younger cvnrrstioa:~lrst--Tb* BorWy of Christian En-

var la nut and I* not to be an orgon-imi iiHifiwiuiniit of tb* cbnrrh. Itbe itan-l. at work for and wltb tbang and tb* yoang people at work

for aad with tbe church. In all thatwe do and say let a* bear thla ID mindaad Berk for tbe folle«t co-operaUoa of

o*a and cbarrh officers and njero-In carrying on oar work. Tbe Ho-

clet) of Ckrl*r1an Endeavor o n al-ways afford to wait miner than forcettarif upon an aswilllns; church

•eeoad.-8ince tb* aoctetlea exist In•very evangelical denomination, tbeaols of Uie union of th* societies 1*o* of common loyalty to Christ,Don noetboda of aerrlcelufual C£jr14ttan ntTection ratbef than

In rarh a union nil evBncWIcal Chris-> eaa unite wlibont rppodlatios; org disloyal to any denominational

castom or tenet.Third.-Tba purely reHgions features

of tb* <n^r*njiat.on shall alwara bepar*mount. Tb* Society of ChristianEndeavor ceiters about tbe prayermeeting. Tbe Mrttt "prayer meetingpledge." hottestly Interpreted aa ex-perience has prored. Is laaeatJal to tb*-ootinurd «occp*a of a Society of Chrbv:ku endeavor.

Fourth -The Society of Christian En.IMIUI sympathises with temperanceLad all true moral reforms, with wlaephUonthrvpa- measures and especially

many counterfeit* aad worthies- inb-stltaUs tbat are. on tli* market. W. B.Ledbatter, of Bbreveport, La., *ay«:•After BiingnumeroD* other remedlee

witboal bastflt, oaa box of DeWitf.Witch Haael Bolva cured aHL" Varblind, bleeding. Iwhlag and pntrad-lag pile* BO remedy ta <qaal to V-WiM** Wileb Haaal Solve, gold by LWl

j W. Raadolph


A ni>< r w <• bea>e»et yoa bear a good thins

pot It down, becawat If It la foodfar yon It will be KOod for somebodyerae. and we sboold paaa tbe Cora afbeat rn mn.ind Jvat aa we da tbe coinof tb* realm - I*. U Moody. -Pleaaareaad Profit In Bible Study "

• • «*•<•

Letters fromWomenCured bf Iba asa of Kodol are reoarvad daOy.Thiir trotibta* nearly all bsfln with toilgee-•" jn or s<thar lamaeh disorder.

If the tood yoa u t fails to rtva atraogtbto yonr boay. it I* becaos* lbs faioa* r*=«red by tba stomach, and dlgaadva argma*

iM arranfih. and th . n n J i bj riut ens ariHwn of a t aeltc ia m i i n i ersaHauly •'rowaweak. u«1 ihaa weaker, aatfl fioaJly (t ladiseased. Hera a treat mistake hi maoa.That of treaHnr tba -"r-arril orfso. Thatxen doecora la tha Una «-"**-


bwd la tb* ZMtpaaoberg diatrtd. Sooth T** * i a l ^ J 1 ? ? ? * ' L ' ? * ' ^Africa, by petaraed rrt*uasr of war i ! '?^v

• • » • C ! — ! "•'• k*>y-*"»dhv Niion'i'beMbaa«a.V3



i—- t i . i-a.

Tbet* w u no lack af raMglaai aadwanbto IB the bud. Every high billbad Ms grave of treca with aa altar la

•U4-C awromndad by aballaka afa ar T*TtT"— of waaa*. Oa every

aUatt in taa city waa a *brtaa far offertnx*. Hacrlncea were frequent, andall tbe life of ibe people WM interwo-ven wttb BCU at aavodaa They con Idundertake no took witboat Invoking tbefavor aad help of the divine powersand asking some sign or otnen to guide~ a. Mar WM this meraty oatwmrd

r. la tba vaa-r aaajpie wood la awe of tbeAH WM myatary Impwhile they Boagat life, health and prop-erty they fearad tbe power* whichral*d over all tbtaga and by offeringstried to boy tbelr help.

Tb* time* were tronblou*. Tbe na-tion mast maintain tU extotence by

tint war. Tbe last for power andtuiurr Infected all. Right was not amatter of reaaoo, but of strength.

to each times laalab found himselfbom and growing to mmobooJ Set intbe midst of tbe corruption, violenceand dlsaolnteneas of aodety tbere waa

•all band «f rare aplrtbi wbo aawbeyond tbe evils of tba time and haditrong faith in a divine force whichvas shaping events.according to a wiseind beneflcent pnrpoae. Tbe vie* of th*

people moat be checked or dtaaaterwould overwhelm ail In ruin To tbaa»

rellgloB waa net a routine of sacri-fice Bad feasting and burning of In-cense, not an argy of debauchery andblood. God to then waa a Lord ofrighteommeaa wbo demanded honest

ting and purity of sonL Be w u topropitiated not by offerings of

beasts, bnt by genuine piety and penl-•nce of heart. They rerarenced Himi protector and avenger of tbe lnao-MM aad a» punlitiir of wrongdoer*,ilgfa above all rulers waa thla Jabo-fhj ruling nations and their klnga

righteously. They w eie His mesaen-g*r* not prieatB to offer sacrifice*, but

lids to proclaim Hla law* and de-• and call men to obedience. Tbe

crime* and TOligtoas corruption of tbepaopl* terriaed them not for tbeir ownsafety, bat becaaee of tbe punishmentwhich mast follow tb* evil.

ch a one was Isaiah. Day andt meditating tbe will of Jehovah

and tbe timea. be sees and bears tbeJehovah •urroaaOed by heavenly hosts

wfnl majesty. He feels hi* ownancieanneaB of aonl and tbe thrill of

r divine Incoming. The commissiongo to tbe people aa the messenger of

Jehovah I* received and accepted withbounding heart.

Thla la tbe clew to tbe wonderfulifter life of Isaiah. He tt counselor to

kings. He la preacher of righteousness,recorder of history, expounder of God'*will, the prophet of true religion Intbe mld*t of every kind of falsity.

t eeea wltb cl«ar vision what noman bad ever before seen. He speakso tbe men of bis own time and of allifter time tbe divine me—age, that Je-

hovah la ruler of all m*a and com-mand* to rtgbtrouane** and brotherlove. He call* to men because God

.lied him.

O«niai County Clark of Bom

• n a t D M inBrookcid*



Fraak W. Som.r*. *|«k af BoBMraetaaaiy, rawed away at 1:45 fri

day afternoon at tbe Brooked* Sanlla North PlalaBald, after aa

Ulnaa* of three daya Death WM do,to caiwbral cMtageattoB •nperfedaoatby Ib* shook of a fall Mrtalaed Sun

near bta home. IB Somervlll*. Tbas at Iba death ef laa popaUi

Oaaaty dark spread rapidly throughoat tba city Bad II WM BO* long befora aaxloai loqairU* wars balag reaaiv*d bar* from all ports of th«

Manj pecpl* war* aaawanaf bla balBg at iba aoaitarlBai andwere loath to ballava Iba report.

a politician. Mr. Samara WMwall known in this part of tha Slate.Born Is BontH Boaad Brook, Janeary88. ISn, be woo his way to praml

IB politic* M a rasalt of biiatadloB* habits when a boy. Biilather waa Freeholder DanU! Somen,» leading Daivoaralla politician, goonBftar leaving aohool yonng Bomara »e

a poaltloB wtlb tha CentralRailroad of New Jersey at newiboyea Iba train*. He lator aaoarad a po-

• In MTeral stores In Bound Brookdevoted hta apao* t in* toilady.

At aa aarly aga h* allowed a moikadirnt la politloa. Ha WM employed

iv Charlfi E. Danbam, of BoundBrook. In tbe lattat'a hardware aton

remain wltb Ibal concern anil!WM elected aaaambljmaa froaj hla

County.tbongh hi* father WM a alannoh

Demoorat, Ut. Bomer* adberad toBepablloBB cant* aad as nomineethat paity wa* elected to all tbs pe-Itleal offlee* b* held. Ha did not•lenHfy faimwlf with f ither the Reed• Tbompaon factions of bi* party la

; tba Ooontt but acted a* a paeifloatorsea ins two IOIOML Bit minioned to b- that of barmontalng tbe

A mother IB bitter grief, being overher dying child, was trying to soothe It

olklBg about heaven. She spoke oftb* glory tbere. of tbe brightness glow-Ing oil around, of tbe sblntng counte-nances of the holy angrls; bnt present-ly a little voice stopped ber, saying. "1abould not like to be there, mother.tor the light bnrtt my eye*." Then shechanged the subject of her descriptionand spoke of tbe songs above, of theharpers harping on tbeir golden harpe,of tbe voices as the Bound of many

itera, of tbe new song which theya m before the throne; bat tbe childMid, "Mother. I cannot bear anynolne." Qrleved and disappointed atber failure to speak words of comfort.abe took the little one from It* restleasbed and Infolded It In ber arm* with

tb* toaderaess of a motber'a love.Then, M the little aufferer lay there,

• to all It loved beat In tbe world,thla whisper came: "Hotber. If heavenla like this, may Jean* take me tbere r—Archdeacon Sinclair.

Oa yoa think tbat religion 1* namemoarnful thing leading to dullness andgloom and always Interfering wits oarlil—BUi *a and spoiling tbe cap ef life*There-* tbe mistake that baa kept " *

After hi* marriage In 1895 to H i tJlUM Cattley, widow of the lateJames Oaalej. of 8om«I*llIe, Mr.

j Somen moved to tbe county **atj where be resided at tha time of hi.

1death. Io hi* private Ufa ba WM almoat M well knowa M In politic*. HiWM a member of ibe lodga of F. and

,A. af.., of Bound Brook and of tbeBenevolent Protect!** Ordec ot Elk*,

jal New Brno*wick. ID the JuniorOrder of Amertoaa UeehaaiM ha waiprominent and apoo aavanl ooeaaloniheld offices. Hla grandfather WM ashipbuilder on Long bland aad hi*father WM a jnttice of, tha peaoacarpenter In Boaad Brook.

Somer* nad not been enjoyingthe besi of health for almost a J H I .

inday evening, while retarnlngbl* home in SomarvllU fa* fall andfracturedbrought to thi* city Tuesday and takento tbe Brookatd* Sanitarinm. HI*wifa, wno bad betn coo fined to tbainstitution for almost flv* month*,

'M diaehargad Iba aama day bar baa-band WM admitted to tba tnatltatlon.

Inataad of ittiprovic«, ha bad gradually grown weaker. Tba ahoek of thifall hastened oongtatioa of tba brainBBd It WM aton "frtdsy morningttat that* Wat ltttla hop* ofuanatf. Hla wtfe waa aammotMSomerviU* Bad arrived thortly before

Mt OoaTa religtoo! Jaaoa cam* to giveBf* and tight and Joy and peace. Heshowed this from tba very nrst. andHe bore wttneaa to It to the very but.

placed tbe fact that He »ymp*tUaed wttb ail Innocent Bad par* «n-Joymenta In the very forefront of Histeaching and drove tt home to ourBUads by tb* first miracle that Hawrought ta Giat of GalUee.—Charcb

wlik oth-r..r to loee Bight of

tbe principle or Justice In tbelr trans-action* wttb other individual*. NoBlatter bow weak tb* individual i* sadbow great the ooportantty then to towrong bins witu Impunity or wttb ad-vantage to himself. If a man bf gov-erned by the principle* of Christ bewill reader to tbe ottwr tbat wUeb ta

Tba rate af tb* world hi to takeevery advantage ibe law will permit.

rale of Christ I* to take no advau-of any oa*.-CuriatIan I:

Ftaaaaura aff Hating,•ffarlng from Indigestion,

dyipapaia or other atomaeb troublewill lad tbal Eodol Dyspersia Oara

yoo tat and makes Iki•I. Thla remedy 1* icore far fadlgeattoa Md

Dytpcpsia aad all complaint* affect Ingin* glaad* or membraaM of lha

ar digestive tract. Wbaa joatake Kodoi Dyapapata Oara everythingyoa eat taatoa good, and evary bit oftb* oatrlBMMl tbat yoai food oonUin*

aaslsiilaied BBd appraprla(*d by tlblood aad tlawaa. Sold by L. 1

Purgative riaaeare.m i took DaWHt'a Little

«-**' H t a ™ '«" " " « « « - or eoa-"-Up-*'*" 7«>" *«rw wbat a panaiU*pieaMre la Tbaaa l o o n * little ptllsoleaate the liver nod rid tb* system ofall bile wit boa* prodanlitft vapleasanteaTeota Tbay do not gripe, asafcra or• • • • • • , bat l ire toaa aad strengthIB Ibn tl*SB** Bdd orgoai laTolwrtW. B. Hawaii, tt aoaatoa. Tea., My*;"No batUr ptlJeaa be a**d Ibaa Lit-

' It* Early Biatr* for cooHlpatloD. tick* * *" SaU *J I*. W. Roa

Ordar for Keturn to Old •»»-

t«m OOM Into Bflbofc la

This City.



Troeka ta ctt> OeaebaaJea—«a i aa.taea Sew Cat* Wttb Atr •raaaja

Ho traaafar* will ba iaaae d ta BMBV•aagan riding oa Iba oar* at *aaElioabeth, PialaBald aad Oaatral «aa-a»y Railway Company oa tM •**•>

Bin of tba Watohaag aeaaaa *ar-ilnua In i aa fa* I Beginning laat •**»-

aay alt paaMngara riding oa tba ta**A-linea will ba obliged Io Hk eudBBBBBi

tare la paid. Tba position of troaatBTBgeni will ba abollabed. Tbu bj laaooordBBM with in oraar maaa

ago by tb* directors aftb* Pabllo Ber»lc* Oorporatloa. Aft-thoagh tba ordar bM baaa axaow»ad a>other OIIIM la which |ba BorperaMaaoperaMa oays, Iba iDabtlity af •aaasr-lag tranifen BM Bad* II necessary *a•alntaln tb* poaltloe of tba uiaawaigeDt In this elty ap to the psaaeaa

Thii MDMDCfiMDt WM BMde taa*week by Jamas Browa, tha ai*>«**ot•aperlaNadaal at WoatBsli. Ha SBM:hat inasmuch •• Iba travailing pabtlawilt Bad It difllooll to become IIIIBItomtd to lha saw ayatam Iba enaaiBitor* will be a little laalaal at first *•*)at tha aad of on* waak. If th* f

k for ilime hi* or her fare la paid, iba ifiued.

w ay*tem has baeaneceaiary for two reaaooa. Flrat, aa-

Iba aid ayrteiB, aaaawpeople wbo have aol been entitle* tatliam have bMn la lha habit af i n n

ig traatfor* from Iba IrajiBfer aceathan h« I* raahed with p a s a i M f

clamoring for tleketa. Tha oompaaa'b u baea tha loatr M a reeatl. Aa>

baoaaa* la ralarwaathar people ar* obliged to •aaal hathe downpour ta accura a iiaaafaa.Uadcr tba saw plan tba paisenger oaaBlight from oaaoar Into BBOlbar wllb-

Ting to wait for a ticket,ipcaklag of trolley matter* aaai

what the company intend* doing fartba farrlc* la tfaii oily, Hr. BrowaMid to a reporter for Tba Dally r i a lthat tb* traoki In many pla*Mtbrongbont lha ait* have baaa ava*-banled aad Iba overhead wiring baa

'paired and tbaroadbed at prcaent, la In fairly •***

mdition.Ba daalred to ooiraot an rrroaeoaa

fmpreaalon hrld by many p«opla BBraid that the cosmpoar

bad not employed "apottara" npna la>ne* Io ipt opoo tha employes Baiplalnad tbal ibe mra were aaaA *a«i varioni nation* along tba Haai kB

order to obeoc up a saw •y*t*aJ kbaaipeiatlon. The conduct***

were in«truct*d uol to ring np OBBatare* for tionafar; and th«a* mea WMBplaced along th* varioot lints to BaoBtb* way tbe plan worked.

When aiked about what th* ooam-pooy WM going to do abont new eaat

OWB aald thai MTaalaaa faaw-doubletrock can bara aeaa

ordered to be n*ed on Iba main llaabatwMB Ibt* oily and Elluhetb. AHthaw can will b* e^alppad, ba said.wllb tha iste.t Improvement* looklaa;toward iba aafaty of ib* paaaeagea-.Tbey will lii rqalppad with aar

•aa. Tba ear* will ba r.ady lawIvary bafora winter.

J. E. Taa AraaaU. of Aatar plaaa, bl»i.itlng friend* la Pbiladeipbio.

Orange. H. J., wbo baa baaa vltlilaaj,'risnd. IB Plalnfleld, b u

Tbe Mia*** Anna and LIBSI* Cogaa.f Brooklyn, nave rataraed boasa

a/tar spaadlag two weeks with tbaa*Dole, Frank Wbltalr, of m*uariaea.Mia* Florence at Marlia, of Waa)

Front Mraai, bM retarned from alara*>aaks' vocation ipaol at tb* aawa*av

home of Hra. Alexander Millar, atBooth bay Harbor. Main*.

Heam. Bly Bras. :— I bare aaaa atreo* MBtrer from ealarrh aad bara»»r and tri-rt moav Ihlagi, hat-

foand aa ptrmammt relief anlil IM8d it in Kly'. Orcam Balm akaasight y»ar* ago, and wa have baaaMt f tlepds * m alnca ( R#v. ) It M.

Bo-Haaf.aaar. Ely Bica -Find eaulMai

•OofaU, for wMch Hraac aend ywa»Creasa Balm. I dad yoar remedy Bhaqaickeet and a- al permuieet oara fatCOM In Iba heart, catarrh, eta.

To*re ttmly.Dell H. Pott.f,

O«a. Hgr. ArtaaaaOcM ofin ag Oo.


IS M BY• Onlym L*v

Twaoty-Two M inutM.



I H » l | b Ib* l l l i l II of tlMtar M M M ; nrttlm* of that body

b* iptM of lwMt;i«) miaday I* tfeM iron US* fs.CXU

pal* oat fat Mil* da*; Jik. of flfcoa* Mml, WM *ppolat*d

VMAtrflM WMMir •**•••» of UM Oamall ITb* report of UM bataagb IttiwM u m F. Brawa, WM ihi* TM« l«l*r*M, |14H 01 ; Board

«!.•!; B— arra«r, l i w ,. • » ; lid* walki.

t railway repairs. haain.M; W H M fMsa b

; tataJ wttlpto. 9T.U4.M; dta-; cub (• hud,

•I.7M.M; •>•!•• bout faad,IMM.M; boraagh fiad i r i t d n naad CM U f l N bOTM, *4,*M.M.

K. AraoM, af ib*mttM*. la bis rapan i tomd

that **rl*g UM paat aioaih 93SS.

Clark, of in* I n , waMr and lamp*npartad •xpaa<ltarai of

u d ea Jofca l i r a u ' t aeeeaat.OoaaallMaa OharMa Laa. at

t I* If piaaasd to lore* tb*ial of all M B M la

A raaolalioa w u offarad aad adopMdaaahorllaag tta* macadam I alna of•warl MiM(. from Watchssg I T H I U

M l

i par la UM am

M M * * oa Ib* MtlMoB nbmitMd loM* Oovactl at tfa* laat meeting TblaaMHr bad b*aa **d*i sd*U*m*at foratari? Ibra* month*.

Owfag M th* ****aeifJaaaMl Oharl** A. Raad tbara wa*aa wrlltea I*g*J oploioo regaiding tb*

of A. J. aal tig, from North Plain 0*1 d Unbli

ttl** aad ir*n«f«rriDg thenatry. Tkit optaloa

will probably b* laMtvad at UM arat«• Ailaatic

•AIL ON, r.lrirm'. alllaaaa. af Tbla ( I I ; ,• • M * It* Tklrd Aaaaal

I<>r*ra aa IIka dMilaaiiaa of a large i• • • a * r s af D M r M Ha. 1.M ' I AUiaaa* af aas—iM. KaadajM Ih* third aaaaal •searslaa af tba

i . V. Gaaar. K i. Hawdlag. P

J. W. Hut l ia Wnttlale Baakiasaa, af laa

•mb v j Vi_ T»*


' M * <

OASTORIAF o r T" fc t*t> ^ p ^ Cffcndrajn.

The Kind You HaveAlways Bought

Bears the



For OverThirty Years



(*•« Bird, la l a i m , Bat Ar*•ciraa ftlfl Raaawar tb*

Caasa.Tb* Iral oysMt• from Haaric* BIVM

Om, aad Soblaaaoook bar **ad* lb*l>bar* aadJslMwbar* tbl*

waafc aad tb* aaa*ral traad of opfaioaI ttaa daaiars la tbat tbar* la a

it far tae OSM Ibis iiaiu*Tba prlaa, Ilka ib* prle* of ant*-

biag *1M la tba ptvrtalaa lla* willb* Bltghily la advaaa* af last y**r.

0 oaat* Mr bandiedaad frying 11.60 p*r hondrtd. How

T*J, lbs nha*n*i ar* tbal aa tb* stock

Daalan tfaraagboat tb* But* u jhat Ib* ojatar crop. Jodi lot from

aampUa. will b* batMr tbla aaaaaaiT*r bafoi*. Tb* bio* point* *r*


Moilk Will Claw* Taaa* Klll lag

D*To*. UM Haokanaaokwaatbvr prapbat, M I H UMM pradlc-

aa* far Ihii mooxb:8apt*»jb*r U bar* i i l n i n g«la|i |«» man aaaioMr d*y« than wa r*-

«*1T*4 la AD|D>I. Tbar* ar* twoqaaaUOM ragardtag UM waaltMr dor-lag UM noatb af Baplaaibar wblob

ar la** lutantwdla. Tint, an wa ta ba

T*ry One, It is said, and DM ahlad ih«m, aooordlng to ODS'S taata.i tb* Itaarlo* OOT* or BOCISWITS.

Moaday tb* ojster markets will b*a fall awing, tboagb not for two

will tb* trad* be at It* b***.BtpMabw IS aaaika tbe taal bsgla-

aa*D.far rasd bird* alM

opancd T*Mday. Raport* fro** BOOMJ*rs*y aad aarroaadlag dlatrlot* brlag

i tb* Conner, a* tb*7 ar*all to ih* fowl tbal th* Urda an

indreds of DIM traaipad th*•*ad*w* T***d*y, bat *TM tb* bast

boas* with taw bird*.

r aad attack bl* baad

ho a ltdbaaaa la Merrlftows,

WM varied Salarda* asaralag from'M* OMgrrgatioaal Obareb ta Okastsr. 1lfc*» • l f * ' « M

W. 1 Mr RMklaaM W M arvMty- l** 4 M 0 k - B* W M takM M a nearbya n y a a n a f a a a M l tb* *aa af tb* " * M l tam*r b y * " * Bbappard. ofk k Beat* J BMklaaam, af tfa it•My Mrs. J L M->dy a>d M M .a CUrkaM. af ihiadit. ar* *latars•fair Haattaaaa. wba laatr* UnaMM. CbariM. af Ha***ttatvMi, Pa..l * v r , af Kawatk. aad M t , afratlllasbarg. • J

Twa i w l i aca *k* akaaa «a M wbiatartog wUb a B. Margaa, and Ihra*wa«k. aga aa n whil* ptoyto.CMdjaiaatar O'Loatblto.

Bata Mapaad UM Alla-Bk M a r y iMBM at Onaaaal oval 8aaardar afMt-iooa aTMt aaa toatof bad b**a play.aV 8i Mary'a WM blaakad la tb.ti

half af th* taatoaj aad Alta

•arrr VaaHaaa. af AlMa. la aald tala** kaaakad aat a a n n—ri WhuMM. aald lo bail fMM IBM CllT, laaaa twaad at a 1 | M to a b a n a* Dog



tb* aqaiaoo-ad, ar* wa ta bar*Vot T*ar* aoiaDtlaU

ke paopl* ba-eb thing aa

bat It d«M not alwaya

Thii year I say we ar* «lOM to IB*>tb which Ib* great scars* will tol-as. And II la da* off oar Middl*

Atlantic co**t from Sept. 18 to 25. W*will profaablj baar tram II by Sept.

• H I tb* W**t IndlM Islands. IIBOTB oortbwaatward Tery alowly.

Florida will feel it by Sept. 90. BatIt I . likely to Inad northward, keep-r>f on the Mat aid* of tb* gull M m m .

Wa are not likely to nave killingfrasta tbi* mouth 1 aspect twa waafcs

foUaw*d by riolrat tbaadar atoma on•apt. 11, and a Mddaa fall in Mm-panMra. Tb* wind win abift to U M

aat tar U M

KB. DRAYTON BURLED.r * a w a l at Brakar Marka« b» a«r-

vt*M al*M as M M af H la Mother

Faaaial M H I O M ant tba ra—iliiiot Jaba B Draytoo, af Parkwba died Mddaalr Tbarsdar at LakaPlacid, B. I . , w a n bald Saturdayaflaraooa at 1.30 o'clock at th* net-daao* af bl* asotb**. Mra. Adalald*D DraTtoo. aa Baa* Hintb *trR*». K T. a—TMaaa. rector af O:Obareh. W M tb* officialsman. Tb* baaran w a n Dr O. W.EadlooM, James H. Kai t l t , Dr. A l . i -aadar Lyla. Th*odor* Wilaam, L. G.

•Mxratarr **>d baaaarar; Willata«*a% a & Tboaipaoa,barlrf^Oaarga R. Wyctaff. I*


PUwd Hia Decision.


All P . 1 . 1 . a

8CRANTOX, Pa.. Sept. 0.—noa. Car-mll D. Wricbt. ihi- ntnplrr to wwaa rrfrtwd tbr flvp il -T">I<-» brdtbr op*Ta(ora' and oilwra'tlrim on ih.- board of rone illation «p-pal>Wd nader tbc PTOTMOM i>f tbrthrarlte mtof •uritf cnmmlMilon. iil«lbia findlaga wltb T. l \ Ntcbolla, aecrr-tary of tbc board. IB d o l i n g wltbtb# <|Ut*Uon of naptorrn' rlubt to dla-c-harsv m m for any can-;* oltarr than ofcoatw«tioa wltb * labor mlnn 1'inplnWright ajrrera wholly witb tho contralion of .th* npMitnn' r.-pr.-*-nt«tlvM

and dM-larm tbat tin- rlirht of on .mployvr to dlM-tunn- without civtiii.- then o w of tlw diswimrs" 1P BUM lin-tl bytbe award of tbc rommtssfoB. As totbe i w k n m ' a dlapatt ibr amplre »«y*tlvy do no( romr un<1(>r tbe award.

Tb* minpUlDt ot Tbomnt T»nrn>r I*not Bitnttlnnl In rrff.ird to !1IP a\\fm-tlona of dlnrTfnilnnlLt>n on tbr part oftin- I.Miieh Coal and Sm iriiiii'ii pom-panr and Coxe Bra*, ft f'o. H« Mr*that Ibeae «otDpanl«i BfaonM take backold o n Instead of pattlaf oa n^w menla all caaca wbrr« the old m m ar* com-petent and b*vt> not \wn conrlcted or

n*t awaltlns trial for crime com-mitted dnrlns the Btrfkp.

Lmdln« up to tbe floal award, tb*unpin* aara:

Taklnr tb* nillrcT of tli# ronrt. tbciBBiill in of tbe aothraoite coal «trik#commlaalnn. tbe rUnwen In tue aErre-

ide by and wltb tbe t'nitedMlae Worker* of Ami-ri.-a and lb- >d-

tbe different member* oftbc board of ronrilLillon. wbeibpr on

then- ran beDO doubt tbat a h n a rStfit to qnit[be x r n t n d e of hln pmnloyer wheneverie tMt St. witb or without string anysoar , provided be p r « prop«r notice.ind tbat the employer ta« a perfectrigbt to einpl.iv and rilwharge mra In

with tbe mmtltlons of hlathat be in not ol>ilgrd to oire

•ny oanae for, ill-- harg>\ but that henbonld. •» In the n^-erw c w . giveproper notloe.

"Tbto ri«ht tn dinrharsv most (here-fore be mwtained Any other riew of

I would result In compellingwork for an employer when

tner did not wtan to and tnns enNlarethen), when, on tbe other hand. It

impel employer* to employmen whether they bad work for them

ind whether the men were in-competent or no! and would thna atar

brnlaea* and work to the Injuryll other employee*.

"All A II 'jl!ittinble b Ti

ST LOCIS. Hept. ».—For an hour ageneral strike among union artisan*

tbe wnrWn fair sroands wa* threat-ened aa a mra It ot dlfferenca* between

icntera and tbc Neyera Construc-tion company, whlcb Is building the In-

toral railway. Two thoasend car-penter* nnlt work becanse of the em-ployment by tbe contractor* of WTeral

at a lower rate than tbe uniont. A trace was reached when the

contractors *n*nende4 the men wboc objected to. George Newman,eaentinx the carpenter*, say8 aTil Ktrlke will he railed If tbe con.tor* 'I" not finally grant tbe de-


OYSTER BAT. N Y . Sept 0.—Ma-jor Joaeph Ii. CunninKhHui of Harrisoncount)-. O_ called on the president toInvite him to attend tbe unrellln* of amonument erected to (be memory ofOw late President M.Kinky on tbe bat-tlefield1 of Antletam. Tbe monnment 1*Mrated on tbe *pot wbere Major Mr-Klnley atnpfml to eat bis »U|iper on thenlgbt followlUK tbe erect battle. Preat-dent Rooaereft waa unable to gtre adefinite answer to tbe Invitation bntnromlHil Majur <'tinninghum to let bunknow certainly la a few day*.

SIJIMIT IIOl'gK. Mount Wnnhlnston. Sept. R—it was rlear and rrootTon Mount naxblntrton. and only a Hshlwind blew. t t t > the ISO rliritora werefavnr«l wltb t * .;.••' IIIUKIIHIWM ofthe entire aaaaaMT. The »••••;;» wa* tlio-Mnctlj rlitil.le fmtn Mirioe to «IB-*T.while ib* creat ranee of sisjht extemled1"''. mile* and im-liuKi] five «tnte* fin!

HAOEUSTOWN. lid., rVpt-9.—n~bldrlvtnit «:^nt :he hhKortr bMrtl'-i!"of Antietnm with li»r tmi ig bjawMU•tad t h n - .' -: .T Mrs WtmCM NMiraw. MJIW "VI 7, LeltCtbe Chlragn nilllir: . jnd coasln ofLady 4-unuti. rlre (VMS of India, wa*killed Instantly by tieing thrown froma carriage.

' ATSKil.I. ft, T.. Sept. ».—TbeI'aUkllla bare l:s<] a beary froat. Aprominent bni^i man from II in—'Pall* atated for coolnewi on tb*moaaUin top tbe unnirocr of 1003 i* nn

C B B * F -:'ik-r» aw Mrlfc*.(.'Hli'A<;iXS.:-: H •'• maker* em

ployed by i l s t n foi-tories hare (tracIO enforce * n!n> lour ilnr wtthoilt r--dnrOaa of *naa« and time I T I n bu'.h r aew^im*. A«riroiiB)atet7 1.000 m-.maad girl* are oai


1: Cleveland, fl. Batteand E f l M t i Btonl and

S f T - ^ T . • * <• o o a »


ClcvetaiidV '.V.V.'.V.'.'.V.'.'.V.'. IIPbltadeiphla g

BE: ENEW YORK. Hep*. » . -The Picket

this year's American I>ert>y winner,added anotht-r *tnke to bin llrt by win-ning the Sei.tcmtM-r stake- for thres-

holds at S! "i-;^!ii'i!-l Itii.v Theipton ntable'R :-™*l • nil Africander

Meoond. Ber^rly. the only otherstarter, was beaten off. The Picket

ped away In front anil, making allpace, won handily. Aft-lrs.nder'B

hard races nt SurnioK-si bave tnken theedge off hi* Speed. Woodrnrd Clay'sMemories raptured the Belles stakesfor two-yea r-ol<In from Mnrmee. wltbGolden l T t thlnl. The Brooklyn Jock-ey d u b IIIII:.- •, '1 that they had ndd-ed f2,.'i00 to th. M:si Bpectal to be run

;t Monday. A'atPrbny nml M.-cii.-,-are both ansJblc for thin race.

HARTFORD, lonn.. Hept. » . -Tbesecond day's racing In tbe full meet atCharter O*k purl: wan devoid of any

nal feature*. Wentber and track

though the air WIIR • trifle too nharp tora the U-M work of the horses. All

es s*~hiLdulcd for thik meet here go-ing to i j I III 111 lnatciiil. Tbe tlrxt rsce>f tbe day n-as the unfinished 2;J0 trot.D which oiilT Dr. Strone nnd McKln-\fj particlpnted. Dr. Strong tRklng twobeats nud McKlnley one. In the firstbeat of the second content McKinleyiron wllh i":i«e. but Dr. RtronR turnedhe scales next time, wlnninit the beat

Marias at K,.( Sept. 9 -Favorl tes won

:he o|<enlrii: HTid closing arcnts at Ken-llwoRh. :md ibe sport throughout w « !

i high orrtiT. In the second race J.M*dden'» Flv Wings and IL Ii.

«e. Prank llejsin train* lotli horse*hud nil her >'£pcrt<tl Ih* Mailden

doxen M mor* Mate* met her«

body for the pilrpu"* of flslprii i"* nf fiinn pnaln- tn. tvcitlnt

tetlnK "f *TO|»" mill i-niiriti elfvatont and ci>ld utiiragi

bouse* for the use of hriHMS.

SEA O1RT. N. J.. Sent. (i.-New Jer-•ey tmk the lenil nt the very >>••-- in n •

he national tnrohjr nuttHi and n-'ned at the bead of tbe list of com-

petitors upon _tln- .-•.::• in-:tin of thedar'» abootinit In tbe (treat military

rtfte content New Jersey. IJBUiMassachusetts. 1..V.3; New York. 1^143.

>.- Sept. ».—(.'rn by

UHOOLXthe trotting •tiillion. driveII Ketcbain. Ii!- owner, b

- • - for a half mile track at the statecnfurvl". lowering his own beat

revlon* time a half second. He cor-ered tbe mile in l>ii«V

Ir*i7i Waa 1« EurrlttCHICAGO. Sept. 9.—S. C. Hildnetha

Hywuy-. always fargrite. won tbe tblnlind feature event of the Harlem i-nrd.

Gallant wa* accond. and Tbe Don wasIhlrd. Tbe race was hardly more thaain eierci*e for Bj-waja.

WASBIKOTON. Sept. a.-After de-Hbcnting for sereral weeka over aB H M of documents anbmltted by thepoat ofBce inspectors the federal grandJmry has returned seven indictments Inpostal case* Involving mx different p#r-sana. All tba Indictments were kept offtb* public record, and both the officials•f the District attorney* otllc* and aftbe po*t ofllce depnrimem refu*ed todivulge names or details of tbe indictmeats until the pnrtlc* bkdjetsa arerested. The Identity of the lndlcteiIndlrMnals thun WAS left a m.uti

BULCARIA_MENACEDTtioatmnds of Tnrkiafa Troopi

In Macedonia.


It la expected that nrrest* win b*made today and that the poM office de-partment wUl then hnve nouie allnonncement to make. The grand Jury"action probably marks the iH-ainniiif; athe end of the in vent lest I on that haiheen In progress since the middle otort March.

Postmaster Genera I Payne and FourthAssistant Postmaster Gnernl Brireceived word at the grand Jnry'itton. but both officials refused to dlTttlge detail* penrtinc offlcial notlflc*tion of arrests.

Leopold Stem, the Baltimore contractor, wbo illsanpenreO from ll.iliimore before be could be arrested, haibeen located at Toronto. George WBearer*, the former head of tbe salaryand allowance division, hit* rarrenderbimsejf to tbe New York authorities.


Trrrlir K.pln.lo. Knllnrrrd Fir

SPRINGER, N. M . Sept 9 - U l n e No.1 of the Dawaon Fuel companj caughtlire and la burning, and three men havealreadj perished. Borne one aet tita curtain at tbe entry of the mine,from this tbe fire started.

The •upplintptideDt of tbe mine. 'a posse of men. ntirtpd to rescue themeInside, but when the rescue party waisome distance Inside the mine • frriU\c explosion took place, throwing sorotof tbe men thirty feet. All came outscratched, and some were badly Imii

BOGOTA. Sept. B. — The bill whichcongress Is now discuss I lift- authorisingPresident Mnrmtioin to iK-frotlatenew Panama cunnl treaty with tiUnited State*. <nntnlns the followinf!stipulations: Tlir pe|ipellasj Mr ofcanal is granted provided thn|_ atexpiration of each hundred yenrs

led States shall pay during theceeding hundred ynars 2-"3 per cent mor*premium and rental thnn for the pre-ceding term, the premium beginning atS400.000 and tbc rental at $400: *20.000.000 Is fixed as the price of tbe roncession, beside* the rental sum of *KV000,000, payable by the canal company,I consideration of Colombia's approvalof the transfer of shares; tbc railroadshall in sixty-four years revert to Co-

>',,i. hut the Vnlted States may buyit under a valuation.

nlllkoagnate. Perdra] \V. Clement or thl*Jty. and Wlllliini II. Field of Xew

f the New York American, took placelear Center Kulland villnee. The cer-

emony WB« perfnriiie<l by Rev. <!iHtrgeV. rbllllp». the bride linvlnn refused

to bo marrlrxl by her own pa<tor, Rer.Joseph i;.^ inild-. Rplwopallan. !«•

iu»e of tbe prefwnce of the wordbey" in the service.

ST. T.OIIS*. S<>pt. a—Wltb a t«rvh «•in woHtxin sonH> in-rmin. sui<n-i*rtl to

be the igpol of i HI rrt sorlely. noughtnice ii]ion Jo4P|>ti li<it.i ;i Hjiloon

keeper, nnd ewtang -r-A tlie lives ofty pemoiii. Tbi'lr i-n-n|>e was due

to Cnrhi DateaafeL tiiree yearn old. wbomil bis nintbrr. Tbe Inmtites of the

blaxlng hulldim: Mnfa*J J"wl In Hme.wa* destroynl nith m rantmtfa.

PABIS. Sept. Ii - A dlfipatch fromUarM-Illcft nraerts thst tbe fcnveniuienti** requlKUluned nil the steamers on:be f-iv enstem service of the Mesna-gerle* Mamtline* nnd ChnrEeurs Iteu-

p yf number of troops of all arauisntlty of supplies. Thi* atcps tbat s i-ritk-nl ul

Hun prer*ll<> in chlnn.

I'll II. \I PKI.I '111 A s-i.i ».—The gold-en Jubilee i-clflvration in honor of I he fif-tieth anniversary of Archblahop Ryan'sordination lw*t i At the rathedrsl Sts.Petor and I'nul wltb tlte ceh'limtlon Ofsolemn |H>ntlfi(ii1 ntaiw by the .•irchl'lsh-op. Tin- cerrmony wss sttended by

ight archltUhnp*. thirty tw. liKhops.Sre mono'.Knori .mil abont •*»' I>I n-<t*.

BO. Man. Sept. «.—A dis-patch fmni Neepawa. the country resi-dence of J A. Darid-on. proTlndal

•-oisiiTvr. say*: "^.'n-iltoba's 0n»nca iM*« I* horcrtni.' between life an*

..tli His rltallty is at tbe loweatluce be was ntria-ken by paralysisibont two w«rta «C". and nales* a'uanxo *oon Mkss pl*<-e for tbe better

be cannot 1 >i:t awrtrt. Ills brother

Mir.wAVKEr:. vn*.. sept. n.-Hen-ry C. Delano nf MunblleM. U*ML. <* -I

King hi* iir-i! .t'l'ii-.-tu-r For thiryyear* be wa* mssapwi I ' r>ntiM Web-ster and WSB :Ur- i,IPi to look mi (begreat • la!••!•* ll'l fact', closine tbe lidin tbe . -i!;n


In-r la l i n - . l . U a i l n L

•ppnlnf'il I t - k'lp >-'.i'orTti((iil *'» "d-•:ilral In rhe BrlttM na-ry as s token ofthe fricn<N:i:p !v;»r-v,i the two coun-tries, wlikli w i . »:-!••>-tb-n«l by hla

Jesty's receiil -Ml m PAnnaiti

XaTW YOBK. f-\'t. S . - T ! elartan Americnn llnr » ; ^ - I I - T

State*. Capf 'a J- Wnlff i-MrfirlT«d here fiom Ch-: i i4M«wthe trip In nil" rtaya TWs topr*Tkm* record* froa ChrisiL-.n

of tf'" IT—•!•-•• ' - - I . 1 •''in-lt •puny h-"e 'i ••« •i:::-.*•*-* from *errte»a n d SB —%:.-} .,<-,-- ,--r . , i . . ! ; n j t«' re

• •Ca Dlaaateheia mmr r « n Arv Hlf(Tkrrr Tk.l Ikr f a n * Mrdl.

lair. >x Klork ••>Mas*.

SOFIA, Bulgaria. Sept. 0.—The Us.cedonlan Interior orxanlutloo eatltnm.ttbat 100,000 women, children and oldman are hiding In the mountain* andfonsts of aUccdonl*. The Turk* anburning tbe foreata In tbe districts otLeren and Kostur and killing fuglUretwho attempt to escape to the BlalmTbe viiKh villnee of Gop«sh. t!i:>.hoars' dltUnt from Monastlr. has beenburned by the Turks, wbo ar* reportedto hare thrown several of the inhabitants Into tbe Ore. The [tashlbasouk.'hare destroyed tbe village of Stollovu.near Malkoteruovo.

Thirteen thousand TurkUh soldier*ar* awembled on the frontier at IVlanka, Kratovo mid Gotsclmnl and nrrplundering the surrounding village*.Tbe popnlation has not compliinrci.fearing that It mny be murdered. Inthe district of I>obrltsl, rllnyet of Uo-nastlr. the soldiers are reported to brnaked and hungry and to be robbingall around.

The general staff of the Insurgent*na.5 issued a circular ordering tlie band-not to molest the peaceful Turkish u dAlbanian Tillages'

Famine prevail* In tbe district ..fKruabero, and the population I* goinginto the adjacent districts.

All reports from the Tllsyet of Mo-nastlr agree In describing the situationss appallng. Between 40,000 and &>.000 Bulgarian lnnabltanta are bellevo!to hare been massacred b j the Turk*,and every Bulgarian Tillage In tlie viia

lint been dmtrored. Tbe refuge?*lie mountoln* snd forests are dying

of starvation by thousands.The rerolutlonarr headquarters em)<inif that 30.000 Bulgarian mm. «-nion and children have been kllliilhlle at lenst the same number or refu

goes are slowly perishing of buns<-r.i' Turks sre npporentlv determlntilexterminate tbe entire Bulgarian

population of the vilayet. Tbe foreignrepresentstives nt Monastlr are de-pendent on Infnrmntlon fnmlsbed to

a from Turkish official

ii gan Bitun

wed with Increasingliably reported tliat the Turkish

forces In MacedonlR number 300.001)ldered linpoulble that such n

s been assembled merely toreliclllon. It la bared Hint

Bulgaria.According ta a telegram from Con-

stantinople, the porte has l**ued an un-conditional order thut nil European cor-

*pondeots inii-t Ifnve Macedonia t"iose they are circulating fklse newH.

The ambassadors huvc been notified ofdecision. Borifl KarafoD*. the Msce

donlan leader. 1* reported to have beenrounded in thr leu nenr Dalrene.The rerolutlonary cnmmltfee I* about

to spring a new Rorlen of surprise* onthe Turks. It will issue to tbe repre-sentatives of the powers a circularlote forewarning them of coming•rents. "The note Is Intended to Justifyhe fnture actlonx of the lnoiirgent'iod will point tn the prolmble total e.verminatlon of tbe i-|iri«ilnn« a* necexlitatlng the emploriiK-nt of the sum.-

atrocious measure* by the rerolutlon-" fratnat tho Turks and will o n

tend that the rpsnonidhlMty fnr rnirhdesperate octn will re»t with the now-

prepnrThe TurklRh covenum-ing a clrculnr to the poire

tentlon I" '• • ittltiyle nf lliileariti nn lirln-,- ii U tli" hiientlon of thn irov

•rtiim ii' to pur-"ie •• •.< . i Bulgarianindi in MacedoiilTi itnd orcn into Bu)

trartun territory.

t " l " n Wir " ^ - r a a ••IrlJr.NEW BRtTNRWl .<. X. J.. Sept. 9 . -

Thomas A. Ollrer. rlgMr yrnnt old. n-an of the H m r a a wnr. taM ended

his life by tungiiiK himself In the Le-hlgh Valley hotel In S..utlt I'lainflelu.

secured ncvei-al lenttirr Htntp*.which he r.-iKtencl to tlie head of hisb e d . I I , - ' , , • : : . , , • | i - . • :its neck He win dend Wbffl IIIHCOV-


CUFTON. N. V.. f •>!. D . * . > threemasted schooner l..i -1 •! M. Baow, <"np

K. M. HHW.TT. r'-iini Kcninndina.Fla.. with lamb' r. for Sew Tort, w**

with tlw H:mil.ti'nt Araer-bole

number of nrniorcil turret* nnd Knip|>iruii- for defenM- of the fnrts In the

and add* that twenty-fonr Ital-ian gans were recently dlaimt<-b*d totLe Kongo.

MINNEAPOLIS Minn.. 8ep l .9 . -Th-bnltdtng strike ha* come to an being retrained on nil the ! -n.buildings. Difference* between !<nllr1 •-big laborers ami coiiirartor* win I tr;




divulge UDM or detail* of the indict monta until the part lea ::»dl.trd am ir ranted. The Metitliy of the Indicted Individuals thus was left a nutter of foraata of M*crd<nl* The Turk* art burning the focvrts la tba dlatrkis of Iem and Kortur and killing fugitives who attempt to earupo to the plain* The Vlach village of Gofwah. three hours* distant from Mona stir. has been burned by the Turks, who are reported to hare thrown several ©f the Inhabit anta Into tba Ore. The Ilashibasouk. hare destroyed tba villa** of RtoUovu near Malkoternovo. Thirteen thousand Turkish soldi,-m are assembled on the frontier at l‘a lanka. Kratovo and Gotachaul and are plundering the surround In* village. Tba population has not complained fearing that It mny be murdered In the district ©f Debritsl. vilayet of M.» nastlr. tba soldi era are reported to be naked and hungry and to be robbing all around. TV general staff of the Insurgent. has leaned a circular ordering the band- not to molest the peaceful Turkish and Albanian village. Kami.>* prevails In the district of KrusVva, and the population Is going Into tV adjacent districts All reports from the vilayet of Mo nastlr agree In describing the situation as appalln* Between *0.000 and 50.- 0UU Bulgarian Inhabitants are believed to have been maaaacred by the Turks, and every Bulgarian village In the vlla- yet has been destroyed. The refugees In Hie mountains and forests are dying of starvation by thousands. The revolutionary headquarters esti- mate that 30.000 Bulgarian men. wo m«n and children bars been killed, while at leas* the same number of refu gees are slowly perishing of hunger The Turks are apparently determin'd to exterminate the entire Bulgarian population of tV vilayet. The foreign representatives at Monaatlr are d* pendent on Information furnished to them from Turkish official sources. In government circles here the situa- tion Is Viewed with Increasing alarm It la reliably reported that tba Turkish forces in Macedonia number MM100 It la considered Impossible that such n force has been assembled merely to crush tV rebellion. It Is feared that the sultan la meditating an attack on Bulgarin. According to a telegram from Coo- staotloople. the porte has Issued an un conditional order that all European cor respondents roust leave Macedonia V cause they are circulating fklae new. TV ambassadors have been notified of this decision. Boris Kara faff. the Mare donlan leader, is reported to have been wounded In the leg near Datrene. The revolutionary committee Is about to spring a new series of surprises on the Turks. It will Isaac to I he rapro srutatleM of the powers a circular note forewarning them of coming eventa. The note Is Intended to Justify the future actions of the ln"nrgent« and will point to the probable total ex termination of the Christiana as ncm stealing the employment of the same atrocious measures by the revolution artes ngalusl tie Turka and will con- tend that the responsibility for such desperate acta will rest with the pow

HPHIXGKK. N. M Hept. 9 -Mine No. 1 of the Dawson Fuel company caught Are and la burning, and three men have already perished. Some one set Ore to a curtain at lb* entry of tb» mine, and from this the fire started. The superintendent of tV mine, with a posse of men. started to rescue those inside, but when the rescue party wai tome distance Inside the mine a terri- ble explosion took place, throwing some of fV men thirty feet. All came out scratched, and *»ine were badly hurt.

rw rwk.« vs. BssiUr. NEW YORK. Sept. 9 -TV ticket, this year’s American Ib-rt-y winner, added another stake to his list by win nlng the ReptemVr slakes for three- year-olda at Rh-epshead lUy. The Hampton stables pood colt Africander waa aecood Beverly Ih* only otVr starter, was Imstrn ,dT Tin- Pictet tV pace, won handily Africander's hard races si Saratoga have taken lb* edge off hit *p,««l. Woodford Clay’s Memories captured the Belles stakes for two-year-old* from Marine*, with Golden Drop third. Tb* Brooklyn Jock ry dab annotyirod tliat they had add ed C2J09 to tl*.- first special to be run next Mooday. Water!**? xml M.-CVs- ney are both eligible for this race.

Teems of Comal Treaty. BOGOTA. Kept. 9. — TV hill which congress Is now discussing, authorising President MorroqulD to negotiate a new Panama canal treoty with the United Rtates. contains the following stipulations Tlir r^ctuil use of the cavl Is granted provided that at the expiration of each hundred years the f’nltrd Statra shall pay during the sue reeding hundred years 23 per cent mors premium and rental than for tV pro- ceding term. tV premium 1-“ginning at •490.000 and the rental at MOO. «2a "00.000 la fixed as the price of the con- ceaaloo. besides tV rental turn of $1(V 000.000. payable by tb* canal company, in consideration of Colombia’s approval of tV transfer of "bares; the railroad shall tn sixty-four years revert to Co- lo mbit. but th* t’nited Htates utay buy It under a valuation. “All discharges. as all qoirtala. should V made oo a reasonable bads TV employer and th* employee should treat each other with Justice sad with a de- fa 111 lag frost’ BrUr M.-U Snt Bay -Oh*f* RUTLAND. Vt.. Hrpt. 9.—The wed- ding Of >llss Ethel -I < l.-mcnf daughter of tie millionaire railroad magnate. Penlval \\. Clement of thia city, sod William II. Field of New Turk, a member of the editorial staff of the New York American, took place near Center Rutland village Th* cer- emony waa perfortaed by Itev. <;<-»rge \V. Phillip*. tV bride liaeln* refnsed to bo married by her own pastor. Her. Joseph Reynolds. Kpl*<-opallan. be- cause <»f the presence of tV word "ob#y" in tV service.

RT LOCI*. Kept. 9 -For an hoar a general strike among tmloo artisans at tV world’s fair grounds waa threat Favorites BUFF AI. Ike opening IIworth an of a high o E Madder Leeds* |a« winning by - Iiotli horses lhe Madden tcureth

i% la Ufa sly |© (road northward, heap lag on tV east at V of IV gull slroam. Wa are not likely to haee killing ST. LOUIS*. S«-pt n-tvitb a torch ns his weapon -out* person. xunp'Wed to V the agent of a sc ret society, sought revenge iijsmi Joseph Hova. a saloon keeper snd cmlang Ml the liven of thirty persons. Tie Ir .•s.-npe was due to Carlo liulrsahl. three years old. wV aroused hi" Bother. TV Inmates of tV biasing building ** ai-ed ■-si In time, as It was destroyed with lie contents.

•f agricultural associations In a •r more "tat*** met her* to dla- rju for organ lx. ng a national body for tV purpose of fixing the prt<-e« of farm pn«ln> ts. rrrnlatlng tbe marketing «f cnq-i* a ml constructing grata elrvatoce and cold storage ware- honors for tV use of farmers.

TV Turkish government Is prepnr Ing a circular to the powers rslllna at tent Ion t« **- *mif«p1e of Bulgaria an I declarinv it Is th" Pi'entlon of tb- gov erument to pur**ie armed Bulgarian Vnd* In Maeedonln and even Into Bn' gartan territory.


tV Vnd of the list of cotu- pon 4tli* cooelusioa of t V Xing In the great military contest New Jeraey. IJM4; letta. 1A1S; New York. 1.545. critical situs a quantity of supplies firms tv report tvt thm prevails In fhtaa. CLIFTON. N. Y.. K t*t. . V thr masted schooa-r Ln-| u M. Know. Ca tain E M Hawy-r. '-..mi IVr.nrwlfti Fla., with land. r. for New York, w In collision with tie »l uubtir* Am* Iran steamship 1'rinwtilinl A be. was stove In the «cl and aV w towed to IV Merritt-* Tapman docks this plate, wler. sV sank to tV rsl

LINCOLN. Neb Kept 9.-4 Year tV trotting stallion, driven by Ge. II. KetcVm. hi* owner, broke all *-*• for a half mile track at tV a ArvkUiks* Iras'* Galdea J.klb*. I‘1II L ADEL CHI A. Kept. 9.-TV gold- en Jubilee celclwatlon In honor of the fif- tieth anniversary of Archbishop Ryan’a ordmatlon Vgan at tV Cathedral fits Peter and IYiiI with tie celebration of solemn is.nillt.-ul mass by tV archbMf- op. TV ceremony waa attended by eight arehlnshops. thirty two bishop", five moos'.gnnrl a ml about 500 priests. CHICAGO. Kept Byway*, always fa and feature event Gallant waa serum

RR1'Mr.lJ Kept. 9. -1 state administration Vs number of armored turret* run* for defense of tV f HAG KBX TOWN. Md„ Kept 9 -While riving almn tk* historic Vttl.-fi-V* f 4 nt let am with V' yiBg hus'mal nd three-year-opl •* ‘.w Mra. Fran rs MiOnw. ule.- *v| 7. Lei ter

WINNIPEG. Man.. Kept 9-A dt* patch from NVrpsws. tV country real <ten.<- of J. A. Davidson, provincial *-»isurer, auys ’^'mltobt'i finsne* * -tstef Is Vverln»* between life aiF • sill Hla vitality la at tV lowest since be wa* stricken by paralysis LISBON.

NEW YORK. Kept 9-Jesl cm of a nan with whom aV waa In love.Yvonns >rd ah ana. twenty-seven yearn *M. a rre*»cb drsssmakcr. committed *n'r'd* n her room st 2*5 *, Wert 1‘oftie.h

•t belted by his Tor tijiL