The Consolidated Life Company With Keith Davis

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A case study

Transcript of The Consolidated Life Company With Keith Davis

The Consolidated Life CompanyA Case Study

Prepared by

Dimarucut, John MarkMacabenta, Angeline P.Maigue, Jhun RobertMagaling, Marco

Human Behavior in OrganizationsProf. Agnes T. Goyenechea25 September 2014

The Consolidated Life Company

I. Statement of the Problem

Conflict between two different managerial cultures at Consolidated Life Company.

Basically, the very obvious conflict that is taking place within the Consolidated Life Company is that there is a clash between how Jack Greely and Mike Wilson manages their people. Jack was more into a guided missile culture with impersonal relationships and task-oriented approach while Mike was more into interpersonal and maintains a daily supervision to his subordinates.

II. Objectives:

1. Know the best leadership style that would help the organization gain competitive advantage.

As stated above, the problem is all about the kind of leadership style being implement. So, one the first objective we aim to reach is to consider what really best leadership style suits the organization in order to help not only the employee but as well as the managers and the company itself. Obviously, Jack Greely is really controlling the company because of the authority given to him, implementing consistent organization rules and procedures just to maintain the harmony of the company according to his favor. He almost forgot that managers should not stick to their own desires only. If managers wanted desperately to stay in their position and got the reward of respect from their subordinates they must strive hard and do something about maintaining it. Managers should also think that it is not all about the power of controlling things or people, it is all about using your power to motivate, encourage and build-self-confidence to your employees.

2. Know what methods or approaches leaders should practice effectively to its people for them to outline on their capability and meet clear objectives.

Being a leader doesnt mean you are given a crown, instead you were given a responsibility to bring out the best in other specifically in your subordinates (Jack Welch, 2005). You should always bear in mind that you are not a leader to win a popularity contestyou are a leader to lead. For example, employees under the management of Jack Greely feel like they are working in a prison and they experience lack of concern coming from the management. Thats why some are looking for new jobs while others transfer. Well thats because no one wants to be in an organization where they arent wanted. To be a leader success is all about growing yourself, and when you become a leader success is all about growing other. That is the problem with Jack Greely. He did not even check his people. He doesnt even make some time with them to have some exchange of opinions, ideas and suggestions for the success of the company. Leaders should relentlessly upgrade their team, using every encounter as an opportunity to evaluate, coach and build self-confidence to its people. Getting more participation from people really makes a difference, giving more insights and more ideas.In Consolidated life company people have to do the work following the vice president rules and procedures with no margin of freedom or self-initiatives. Management, by oppression and hardship, governed the atmosphere in the company that some employees felt like working in a prison. An organization must at least practice an event where in everyone can be involved in debating them in all kind of meeting discuss topics and issues. There is nothing wrong in being a task-oriented person but you should make sure that you return the credits to your employees.

3. Practicing communication in organizations.Employees want constant communication, especially about how their efforts help the organization succeeds.Mike Wilson was more into a family type of culture with personal, face-to-face relationship with his team members. His concern is to improve their organization and let its people be heard their thoughts and perception about how the management is doing. On the other side, Jack Greely protecting his power and position is eventually forgetting his responsibility to create, build and maintain the connection between each individual, departments and the entire company. Communication is a two-way street. If Jack wants to give commands and wants to be heard therefore he must also learn to listen without judgment. A day-to-day communication to all employees makes them feel that they are a part of something big and important and they also have to know how the business is going. Being the epicenter of the company, his behavior, attitude, style, manner sense of self influence everyone around him.

III. Course of Actions Clearly discuss the causes of the conflict openly acknowledging there will be differing perceptions of the problem. Jack Greely and Mike Wilson must first need to reconcile their animosity towards each other. They must align their perceptions about how things should be done to get results that will be a great help to the company. Make a clear statement of why you want the conflict resolved and reasons to work on conflict. Though Mike Wilson explained well the reason of improving his subordinates, Jack Greely must be open mindedly listen to them. Communication of how Mike Wilson or Jack Greely wants the conflict resolved. Jack Greely must also need to participate in every activity, forum or meetings involving the rest of the company, they must work together to find a mutually beneficial solution. Encounter Group. The forum formulated by Mike Wilson is a good example of encountering your subordinates. This kind of activity enables them to cooperate to discuss certain issues face to face.

IV. Conclusion Or RecommendationsTherefore, how you handle or manage the entire company has an impact to the employees and also to the quality of their work. It is not always about the power that you possess that matters. If only Jack Greely and Mike Wilson unite and have exchange of ideas there is a probability that their company may become one competitive organization.It is also important to know what are the reactions or does your employees are well adjusted to the type of your ruling or at least you are able to elaborate why you rule such way.The number one problem of management today is communication (Alvin Dodd), lack of communication between Jack Greely and the rest of the employees is also one of the problem taking place. So, as an officer in charge having the power to manipulate the entire company it is much better to use that power to strengthen the relationship between one another.We can also conclude that supervisors attention has significant influence to productivity and social relationships could be a greater motivator just like what Mike Wilson did. Take time out if necessary. In the resolution of a conflict, our emotions may interfere with arriving at a productive resolution. If this doesnt work, take a time-out and resume resolving the conflict at another designated time.Give some considerations to your people. Remember that they are the engine of a successful company. Learn how to give importance to them and focus upon the connection with them.