The congress of vienna

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Transcript of The congress of vienna

The Congress of Vienna

What was the Congress of Vienna?

The Congress of Vienna was an international conference that was called in order to remake Europe after the down-fall of Napoleon.

What are the Countries that took part in the Congress?

• Great Britain

• Austria

• Prussia

• Russia

• France

What were the main intentions?

● They wanted to divided Europe among the winners.● To create buffer states, that would stop any French

expansion.● Create a balance of power that would preserve peace.● To restore back absolutism● To abolish liberalism.

What were the territories that they divided among the winners?

- Austria: parts of Germany and Italy (Lombardy, Venice, Parma, Modena and Tuscany)

- Russia: Finland, Poland and Besarabia

- Prussia: Parts of Germany (Saxony, Westphalia and Rhine Province)

- Piedmont: Savoy

- The Netherlands: Belgium

- Great Britain: Naval bases (control of seas) and Hanover

What were the main ideas that the Congress of Vienna wanted to restore?

The main ideas were Absolutism and Divine Right