The Complete List of Fortunes

Post on 07-Dec-2015

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A list of lesser Fortunes & advantages for l5r

Transcript of The Complete List of Fortunes

The 1,000 Fortunes Blessings

Uzume's Blessing: [Spiritual] 3 Points (2 Points for Crane)Uzume is the Fortune of Dance and is often considered to be an aspect of Lady Benten alongside her sisters Sadahako and Sakura, but she answer prayers and grants blessings in her own right. Those blessed by Uzume are light on their feet and always move with grace. When they dance, the goddess's true blessing can be seen as they move with sublime skill and grace. When using Perform: Dance or Athletics (Acrobatics) you may gain +1k0 to all rolls.

"And now, I shall perform the Heavenly Prayer to Amaterasu, the sacred dance of Spring!" -Doji Ai

Uzume's Curse: [Spiritual] 3 Points (4 Points for Crab)Those cursed by the Maid of Dance are wretched people indeed. They are incapable of expressing their joy through dance and are utterly devoid of the love of the art. When watching some one dance they feel sleepy and exhausted as if all the joy is being drawn from them. These people can often not attend any major celebration without becoming depressed and insular, a dangerous thing indeed in the Festival filled Rokugani year. When participating in, or observing a Dance performance, you lose one Void point. If you have no Void Points you are fatigued as if you have not rested for a full day. This condition lasts until you sleep for a full night.

"Zzzzzzz..." -Hida Mokumasa

Tenjin's Blessing: [Spiritual] 3 Points (2 Points for Fortunist Monks and Phoenix)As the Fortune of Literature and Writing, Tenjin is revered by scholars of all kinds. Tenjin favors those with more scholarly bents and allows them to create works of lasting beauty and real depth. Choose either Calligraphy or Compose: Play, Poetry, Story, or Pillowbook. When making one of these skill rolls you gain a +1k0 bonus. Further you may spend a void point and make a Raw Void skill roll to understand any written language. The TN of this roll is based on the complexity of the language and the similarity to Rokugani. This does not allow you to pierce Ciphers however, it only lets you understand foreign/obscure languages.

"I wonder what this says?" -Bayushi Mori"It reads: 'Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here...'" -Ikoma Korin"You can read this?" -Bayushi Mori"What, you can't? Seems simple enough. See, this guy weeping? He clearly represents the loss of hope. I mean, obviously." -Ikoma Korin

Tenjin's Curse: [Spiritual] 3 PointsTenjin can grant great understanding or he can take it away. Those cursed by Tenjin will never be able to read or understand any form of writing. This even extends to simple ideograms and pictograms. Any and all forms of writing are equally incomprehensible to you. You may still be able to appreciate the pretty pictures, however.

"Well, I think they are just lovely pictures. Look! That one's a birdy!" -Otaku Wu-Xing

Blessing of Natsu-Togumara: [Spiritual] 3 Points (2 Points for Miya)Natsu-Togumara is the fortune of Travel and experience. Many travelers seek his blessing before setting forth on a great journey, and few of the famed Miya Heralds walk without a small icon of him tucked into their obi. Those blessed by Natsu-Togumara have pleasant, swift journeys and return home safely much the wiser for their travels. You may spend a Void Point once per day to make a raw Void Skill roll (TN 20) to gain the Way of the Land advantage for the area you are currently in. This advantage fades after a full day, although a character may purchase that advantage later.

"I don't like the looks of those clouds, we better find shelter. Where are we?" -Tsuruchi Kyoden"Three ri from the Village of Honama Ogama in the Matsui prefecture. It should be just over that ridge there, past a small stream, and through a charcoal burner's village. If we start now, we can get there before the storm hits." -Miya Kaiyoko"You've been here before?" -Hida Watanabe"Not once in my life. Let's get going." -Miya Kaiyoko

Curse of Natsu-Togumara: [Spiritual] 3 PointsNatsu-Togumara's wrath can be terrible for those traveling the byways of Rokugan, although they may still learn something from it. cursed with never being able to find their way, these unfortunate sorts spend much time lost, wandering about in search of home or destination. Any attempt to find your way requires a Perception/Navigation or Perception/Hunting roll with a TN of 25. Failure means you are lost for ten minutes for every point of difference between your roll and the TN. This TN may be raised or lowered depending on circumstance as defined by the GM. Finding your way in your own home may be easier (TN 10), while trying to navigate a maze may be hopelessly impossible (TN 60).

"Wait, now how in the thousand hells, did the mountains get over on THAT side? They're supposed to be behind me... And the Sun is supposed to be setting over THERE! Where in Jigoku am I?" -Mirumoto Ryoga"Que?" -Manuel Rafael Rodriguez Santiago De La Ruiz

Blessing of Hamanri [Spiritual] (2 Points, 1 Point for Crab)Hamanri is the Fortune of Stability and Government. While it seems he doesn't do much for the more legalistic and bureaucratic minded samurai, his blessing are often given to those in need of a strong footing. Hamanri grants those under his guidance with the ability to maintain their feet in many situations where they would otherwise be dashed to their backs. You may add a +5 to the total of all rolls involved in keeping your feet and in avoiding being pushed. This includes contested rolls for knockdown and athletic rolls to avoid slipping or falling.

"You are a thousand years too early to knock me down, samurai. Now, let's play." -Hida Kenpachi

Curse of Hamanri [Spiritual] (5 points)In his guise as Fortune of Stability, Hamanri does terrible things to those who angered him. Any and all rolls involving balance require you to declare a raise for no effect. This includes nearly all athletics rolls as well as contested rolls avoiding being knocked prone. You also receive a -3 penalty to your ATN in environments with tricky footing. This includes difficult terrain, ice, mountains, climbing, deep woods, boats, sand dunes, the backs of writhing orochi, or burning castle roofs in windstorms. Basically any environment aside from streets and dojo. And even then, a lot of streets are rather muddy in the rain...

"Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!" -Yoritomo Zoiduberku

Blessing of Megumi [Spiritual] (8 Points)Megumi, the Fortune of Heroic Guidance has seen fit to grant you the stuff of heroes. Whether you are destined for greater things or because of your devotion to him, you are under his watchful eye. Every day at dawn, you gain a Void Point. This bonus void point is not recovered through sleep, magical effects, meditation, or Tea Ceremony and has no effect on Void Magic (unless Void magic is used to detect your Void, then it can be discerned). It may be learned during the Assessment Phase of a duel, but is in no way different than any other Void discerned in this manner. You gain this void each morning regardless of whether or not you have slept the previous night.

"What? You mean to tell me that you're not this awesome? I am shocked, shocked to hear it." -Kakita Kiyomori

Curse of Megumi [Spiritual] (5 Points, 6 Points for Spider Clan)Megumi, the Fortune of Heroic Guidance has decided to let the Giant Hamster of Misfortune run on your particular Karmic Wheel all day long. As such you lose a Void point each morning. This Void may be regained normally. If you have no void to lose you are Fatigued and will not lose the Fatigue until you spend a Void Point specifically for that effect. This condition stacks with other Fatigue effects (going without sleep or food, Bushi Techniques, Magic, Poisons, etc).

"Sure, sure, rub it in. I make up for divine providence with skill, my good man." -Akodo Sosuke

Blessing of Kaze-no-Kami [Spiritual] (11 Points, 10 for Bayushi and Kakita Bushi)Kaze-no-Kami is the god of wind and is the essence of raw speed and reactions. Seldom in life does one not feel the wind, equally so, seldom does your character not move with wind borne speed. You may add +1k1 to all initiative rolls when outdoors or where the wind can be felt (this includes near windows, in open gardens, or drafty homes. You are out of luck when trapped in the Tomb of Iuchiban however).

"I AM the Wind!" -Bayushi Kagekaze

Curse of Kaze-no-Kami [Spiritual] (9 Points, 12 Points for any school with an initiative bonus)Kaze-no-Kami is a fickle god and his curses are as horrific and dread as his blessings. The wind foils your strikes, dust blows in your eyes, the roar of wind hides your foe's movements, and the press of air on your body slows your steps. Your dice for initiative never explode, you may never increase your initiative through void, magic, kata, or school techniques, and if you try to switch initiative scores with another willing character, both of your scores are reduced to the lower number.

"Hang on, hang on, hang on! ... why is everyone ducking?" -Hida Tetsunori

Hujokuko's Blessing [Spiritual] (1 Point)As kami of fertility, Hujokuko has a respected following; there is no greater fear in a marriage than the fear of infertility. Failing to produce an offspring is a deep shame as it ends a bloodline, deprives one's lord of future warriors and servants, and assures one that their titles, name, and lands will pass to another. Those with Hujokuko's Blessing never need to fear that outcome for they are most fertile. Any appropriate sexual encounter will be assured of producing a pregnancy (please don't make me describe what exactly entails 'appropriate sexual encounter').

"Pregnant again? By the kami, what does that make now? Fifteen? Sixteen?" -Ikoma Chidori"Seventeen, actually, and what can I say? I am one hell of a proud husband." -Matsu Masamori

Hujokuko's Curse [Spiritual] (1 Point, 2 Points for Imperials and Kuge Class)Those so cursed by Hujokuko are doubly cursed; not only will they never be able to pass their bloodline on to another generation, when this is discovered they are likely to experience great shame and ridicule from their peers. Characters with this disadvantage are utterly sterile and will never be able to produce offspring, no matter how often they copulate.

"Don't worry baby, I never get a girl pregnant, we're totally cool!" -Shosuro Kunio"Hang on, how many girls have you been with?" -Matsu Reiko

Kenro-ji-jin's Blessing [Spiritual] (3 Points)The Fortune of Soil is a god send to peasants and farmers and well respected by those who love to garden especially those who indulge in the high art of bonsai. A true master of any of those arts knows that the proper soil makes for the best plants. Those blessed by Kenro-ji-jin may expect to see all of their plants prosper. You may gain a +2k0 to one skill: Choose Artisan: Bonsai, Artisan: Gardener, Craft: Farming, or any Craft or Artisan roll that relates to growing things from the earth.

"How DO you get your garden so wonderful Doji-san?" -Yasuki Maki"With love. I name each of my plants and I talk to them. This one here is Jun-kun, and he's a healthy boy! So strong and brave, he grows right in the shadow of this pine and never falters. That one there is Ai-chan, a sweet thing, but she needs so much more care and water, her greedy brother keeps taking all of it, don't you Tasuke-san?" -Doji Nene"And now I see why you don't have children..." -Yasuki Maki

Kenro-ji-jin's Curse [Spiritual] (2 Points)You are the bane of all plants. For some reason, any plant taken into your care is doomed to a terrible death of malnutrition, sickness, disease, and dehydration. It's sad, really, and plants know to fear your name. You must always drop your two highest dice when making a roll involving growing, tending, or planning any plant life. This includes Gardening, Bonsai, and any farming rolls.

"I don't get it, every bonsai tree I get just seems to wither and die. Some of them scream, then die, but they always die." -Mirumoto Aizen"Have you considered taking up painting?" -Kakita Ryunosuke

Blessing of Muzaka [Spiritual] (4 Points, 3 Points for Dragons)The Fortune of Enigmas is quite a mystery. Who he chooses to bless, and why, has left scholars debating for centuries. Nonetheless, He blesses who He chooses, and His blessings can be essential to anyone faced with a conundrum. You gain a +1k0 bonus to all Lore: Riddles or Investigation rolls to solve any complex question (it does not help you spot an ambush, or interrogate a subject, but it may assist you in piecing together clues at a crime scene).

"Aha! The Game is afoot!" -Kitsuki Horume-san

Curse of Muzaka [Spiritual] (3 Points)The Fortune of Enigmas is a devious little monster indeed. Those so cursed find it difficult giving a straight answer, indeed even at giving even clear responses to direct questions are nigh impossible. You must make a Raw willpower test at a TN of 30 to respond to any question without a question of your own. This extends to anything from someone asking you for directions or the weather all the way to your Daimyo asking you if you want to marry his daughter or a magistrate torturing you for information on a crime you may or may not have just committed.

"Ah, Shiba Sannosuke-san, welcome to my home. In return for your fine efforts in my service, I would like you to marry my youngest, most attractive and intelligent daughter. You will be like a son to me and a welcome member to my family. Will you accept?" -Shiba Tsumetsu, Daimyo of the Shiba"Should I?" -Shiba Sannouske, a soon to be Ronin"Not any more." -Shiba Tsumetsu

Blessing of Hachiman [Spiritual] (7 Points, 6 Points for Crab and Lion)The God of war and battle is a good god to have on your side. He often protects his favored in war while covering them in glory. You always gain at least one Glory each Battle Turn on the Personal Battle Results table. So long as you are Heavily Engaged you may also reduce to zero any damage result that is equal to or less than your current Glory or Honor, whichever is higher.

"I am most dangerous man in history of world! I am immune to arrows! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Cry some more!" -Hida Kuwanan

Curse of Hachiman [Spiritual] (7 Points, 8 Points for Ashigaru and Ronin)The God of War is displeased with you and revels in getting you in dangerous engagements. It seems that so long as you are even near a battle, someone will try to spear you or shoot an arrow in your direction. You always take at least 1k1 wounds from the Battle Table no matter what modifiers or engagement level you are in. So long as you are Disengaged or in the reserves you also take an additional +2 wounds, which cannot be reduced by any means.

"Five armies now? Sakurambo-san, enough is enough!" -Sakurambo-san, an accomplished burglar and battle observer.

Nagiroko-To's Blessing [Spiritual] (2 Points)The Fortune of Forgiveness is a seldom prayed to fortune as there are not many times in a typical samurai's career that he or she will need to be guided into a true apology, although many married Rokugani (husbands and wives) do tend to visit her Shrines more than most. When making an apology you may keep an additional die.

"Dearest wife, know that I am truly sorry. Truly. It grieves me to know that I forgot something so important to the both of us, and I swear by the kami that I shall never do so again. I would beg you to forgive me, but I can not ask that of you, not now... Allow me to try and make up for it, by showering you with a week's worth of love, affection, and attention. Happy Anniversary, my love..." -Kakita Kensuke"Oh, Ken-chan!" -Kakita (nee Mirumoto) Ritsuko

Nagiroko-To's curse [Spiritual] (2 Points, 3 Points for Scorpion)For some reason all of your apologies fall flat and seem to sound insincere. The Fortune of Forgiveness has, for one reason or another, decided that you must be punished for falseness. As such, when making an apology you must remove your highest rolled die before selecting kept dice and may also never keep more dice than your Insight Rank (this does not allow you to keep more dice if your Insight rank is higher than your Trait however).

"It's our what now?" -Matsu Ieshige

Blessing of Xing Guo [Spiritual] (3 Points, 2 Points for the Tsi or Kaiu)As the Fortune of Steel, Xing Guo is a new god, but one that takes his duties seriously. For those who honor him (and those who he chooses to bless), Xing Guo grants a degree of resilience to their weapons and armor, most especially to those that have been properly treasured and passed down from generation to generation. Ancestral Weapons (those inherited from one's parents either from Inheritance, Heritage Table results, or possibly from other advantages/Role Play) are notoriously hard to break or be knocked from one's hand. All TN's to break or disarm an ancestral weapon are increased by +5. If the Player has a ancestral suit of armor he or she may choose that instead of the weapon and gain +2 Reduction.

"Your father's katana. This is the weapon of a Samurai. Not as clumsy or random as a tetsubo or yumi. An elegant weapon, for a more civilized person." -Kakita Toshimoko

Curse of Xing Guo [Spiritual] (3 Points, 4 Points for Yoritomo)The Fortune of Steel, when roused to anger, can be life threatening for any warrior. His curse makes steel brittle and easy to shatter. All TNs to break or Disarm your weapons are at a -5 (making it easier for your opponent) and your armor's Reduction is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0. This stacks with other effects that reduce Reduction).

"Zakennayo! Another sword broken!" -Yoritomo Kamae"Really? What are you doing to these poor things? Perhaps they keep breaking because you mistreat them so. Like, when my brother's puppy kept running away, it was because he kept tormenting it. Perhaps if you sang to them, or held them tenderly, or, I don't know, something." -Tsuruchi Tsumetomo

Blessing of Hikora [Spiritual] 4 PointsThe God of the mighty Oak tree, Hikora is a symbol of resilience, durability, and eternity. Few things in Rokugan last as long as the mighty oak tree, and the Fortune has blessed you with a touch of that endurance. You gain a Reduction of 3 to all manner of physical damage which will stack with worn armor, although magical sources penetrate this easily. Fire is a true bane of all things wood though, and you suffer an additional 1k1 wounds from fire based attacks.

"Who's got two thumbs and laughs at your puny weapons? This guy." -Mirumoto Tohohko

Curse of Hikora [Spiritual] 7 PointsThough strong, the oak tree can often reveal that to be a myth and show a rotten core. In your case, the Fortune of Oak has decided to pass that rot onto you. You may never benefit from Reduction, be it from spell, Tattoo, Kiho, Kata, armor, or School Technique. When you are not wearing armor or under the effect of a Technique, Spell, Tattoo, Kata, or Condition that grants reduction you take an additional point of damage from all sources.

"By Shinsei, I barely scratched you! Shugenja, get over here, we've got a bleeder!" -Akodo Ritsu

Blessing of Kyufoki [Spiritual] 3 PointsMost Rokugani give homage to the Fortune of Earthquakes and it is rare to find a community that does not have at least a small statue of him somewhere in the village. As lord of the shifting earths, he sends his wrath to all parts of the Empire and only routine appeasement can keep him from sending his wrath too often. Still, he does sometimes give blessings, and those with his respect find themselves always surefooted. You gain +1k0 to all rolls to retain your footing or keep your balance when on unstable, shaking, or collapsing earth. Furthermore, if the ground you are standing on gives way naturally, you may make an Earth Roll to force the ground to remain stable long enough for you (and only you) to move out of the way. The TN is generally set at 15, but may be increased by the GM at their discretion. Spells that cause the ground to grab, crumble, fall away, turn to mud, or otherwise impede your balance have their TNs increased by your Earth.

"How in Tengoku did you just survive that? The ground just swallowed up your entire squad!" -Akodo Tsumitsu"I dunno, I just found my footing." -Akodo Shirakawa"Found your footing? The bleeding ground ripped in half!" -Akodo Tsumitsu"You should have been there that time the whole rock shelf tore out from under me. Rode the thing down like a surfboard." -Akodo Shirakawa

Curse of Kyufoki [Spiritual] 3 PointsThe Fortune of Earthquakes causes the ground to tremble whenever he moves in his home underground. Sometimes he finds that one mortal walks a bit too loudly on his roof and sends that mortal much misery. These poor mortals will find that the ground will suddenly shift under them at the worst moments. Any time you are standing on dangerous terrain or in a precarious location you must make an Agility/Athletics Roll or have the ground fall out underneath you. The ground may crack, ledges will give way, and roots will twist and entangle you. The TN for this is determined by the GM, but will usually be a 15. This effect will stop once you have failed a Agility/Athletics Roll until the next game session. (Cruel GMs may have this disadvantage trigger more than once a session, but are advised to increase the number of points the Curse grants.) You are, however, safe when on ice, in rivers, or on sailing vessels, so Shinsei recommends you take up sailing.

"So why did you become a pirate? I mean, it's none of my business, Otaku-san, but your family seldom ever sets foot on a boat if they can avoid it." -Yoritomo Wakohiko"I hate the ground and everything on it. Damned hill ate my horse, tripped me off a cliff, mud nearly drowned me until I could crawl to a tree, and I spent the next four miles back to my family home stumbling and smashing into every sign, house, bush, tree, and sinkhole along the way. The Ground can go bugger itself." -Otaku Zhi-yi

Blessing of Raijin [Spiritual] 5 PointsRaijin is a fortune who is often found serving Osano-wo. Technically the original God of Lightning, he has become subordinate to the Fortune Osano-wo who is the Lord of Storms. Those with his blessing are quick as the spears that Raijin tosses to earth and are capable of instantaneous reactions; during rounds where they would be surprised they may take a single simple action before anyone else in the combat. This enables them to move, or make an attack (if they have the ability to attack as a simple action). It does not grant them any special knowledge of an opponent's moves or where they may be, but it does allow them to act based on knowledge they have at the start of the Initiative round. For example, if a ninja attacks them from the shadows they get to act before the ninja, but do not know where he is, just that they are about to be attacked. This would be an excellent time to switch stances or move away from their current spot. If they did see their attacker, or know that an opponent is going to be attacking them, they may attack as normal.

"What?!? Impossible! How did you dodge my attack?" -Shosuro Kunio"Fool, I am the Lightning of the North! No man has been born who is fast as I! Now, prepare to meet your ancestors!" -Kakita Kiyamori

Curse of Raijin [Spiritual] 5 PointsThe Fortune of Lightning is a fickle deity and curses as often as he blesses. Those who bear his ire are often blinded, confused, or bewildered in times of sudden action. During Surprise Rounds your ATN is dropped by 5 and all of your actions have their TNs increased by 5. If you choose to move during a surprise round, the amount you may move for each Action is reduced by 5.

"What's that in the Shadows? Hey! You can't.... ugh..." -Ronin Sannouske"All too easy..." -Shosuro Kunio

Blessing of Jotei [Spiritual] 3 PointsJotei begins every morning by running before the light of Amaterasu and kissing each and every blade of grass, leaving behind a single drop of morning dew. It is an important job, as Fortunes go, and one that Jotei takes with sincere pride and joy. Jotei knows that unless the grass properly shines in Amaterasu's eyes, shedding a thousand sparkles, she will grow bored with the world and soon turn her gaze elsewhere. Those blessed by Jotei are one of the most damnable creatures, damnable to others that is. Known as "Morning People" they are always chipper, cheerful and greet the dawn with joy and boundless exuberance. When they rise with the morning light they receive a +2k0 bonus to one skill of their choice. This bonus must be chosen at dawn and lasts until Amaterasu has fully stood in the sky (Noon, so from Dawn until midday).

"Oh what a beautiful morning,Oh what a beautiful day,I've got a wonderful feeling,Everything's going my way!" -Miya Kaiyoko

Curse of Jotei [Spiritual] 3 PointsAnd then there are those who simply hate mornings and the rudeness inherent in rousing them from their slumbers. Grouchy, grumpy, and full of bile in the mornings, their attitude has stuck Jotei the wrong way. If others find the glorious sun shining on the lawn to be wonderful, it hurts their eyes. If the morning hymn of the birds brings a lightness to others' hearts, to these people it brings misery and migraines. These people are not truly a part of Amaterasu's world for hours, or at least until they have had their caffeine. As such they are cursed to lose -2k0 to one skill (GMs Choice) until Lady Amaterasu-no-kami has risen to her fullest extent in the day (Noon).

"I hate mornings, the tweeting birds, that damned dog, and I truly hate you. Where's my Coffee?" -Yoritomo Kamae

Blessing of Koshin [Spiritual] (3 Points, 2 Points for Miya)The Fortune of Roads is a commonly prayed to fortune when traveling, especially for those from the Miya and Yasuki families. The Miya in fact have the honor of owning the largest temple in all Rokugan dedicated solely to Koshin. As lord of all roads, streets, highways, and byways, Koshin has a rather narrow scope of control, yet one that is valued for anyone who travels long distances in the Empire. Those with his blessing always end their journeys sooner than those without as they tend to find shortcuts, smoother travels, and are generally refreshed just by walking the roads of the Empire. You gain +1k1 to all rolls for finding your way, direction sense, or land navigation when on a road, and will never become fatigued from travel on the road (you may become fatigued from other effects such as lack of sleep however).

"Have you seen a road with so much dust and dirt and sand?" -Yasuki Hamanari"Listen, I've traveled every road in this here land! I've been everywhere, man. I've been everywhere, man. Crossed the deserts bare, man. I've breathed the mountain air, man. Of travel I've had my share, man. I've been everywhere." -Miya Juni

Curse of Koshin [Spiritual] (3 Points)The Fortune of Roads is not one to anger if you ever plan to travel much. Those with his ire will find themselves late, taking far longer to travel the same distance as other people and the trip will always be harder and more tiring. Whenever you travel for more than an hour on a road, path, track, highway, or street, you become Fatigued. This condition will last until you rest for at least ten minutes per hour of a travel. If you travel for more than six hours, you become Fatigued and the penalties are applied twice. This condition will last until you rest for a full night of sleep. In addition, travel times when using roads are increased by 10%.

"Well you walk into a restaurant,Strung out from the roadAnd you feel the eyes upon youAs you're shakin' off the coldYou pretend it doesn't bother youBut you just want to explode " -Poem by Shosuro Shegeru

Blessing of Ko-no-Hana [Spiritual] (3 Points)As the Goddess of Flowers, Ko-no-Hana is responsible for both the art of Ikebana but also in bringing beauty to nature in the form of flowers. People blessed by her find themselves with an instinctive understanding of both the art of Ikebana but also in choosing the right flower for the right person. You gain a +1k0 bonus to Artisan: Ikebana rolls and gain a +1k0 bonus to opposed social rolls against one person whom you have personally crafted and gifted an Ikebana display. This bonus will last for a number of opposed rolls equal to your Insight rank or until the next day (whichever is shorter).

"Oh, Kiyohara-san, it is so beautiful! How did you know Hibiscus were my favorite flowers?" -Doji Aiko"Ah, Aiko-chan, I know you; heart and soul. It is as if the Heavens themselves guided my hand to that flower, just as surely as they draw my lips to yours." -Matsu Kiyohara

Curse of Ko-no-Hana [Spiritual] (3 or 6 Points)It is said that the Gods laugh in flowers. Well, sometimes they also swear and curse in flowers. And they have been swearing at you all your life. Flowers bring you nothing but misery. You can not appreciate Ikebana and never receive any benefit from Ikebana (this includes any Doji Artisan Techniques involving Ikebana or other advantages). In fact, the very presence of flowers can cause you to fall into a fit of sneezing and itching fits. When you are around flowers all Social TNs are increased by 5. For 6 points your fits are so terrible that when you are around flowers your Physical TNs are also increased by 5. This includes gardens, ikebana displays, most rural and wilderness areas during the spring, and some markets that specialize in flowers.

"By all the Gods of Rokugan and Gaijin, I hate this time of the year. Ah-choo!" -Otaku Eri"You hate the Spring? Who does that? The world is alive with life after the death of winter, birds sing, flowers bloom, the sun shines, why even the rains are a delight! And the cherry trees drop their carpet of love across the land! Perfection!" -Kakita Kaori"Exactly. SNNEEEEEERKKKKKKKKK! Gah. The flowers bloom. Damned things every where. The pollen drifts in gagging clouds, and the perfume sits like a rancid fog across the land. And those cherry trees? Bugger 'em. AH-CHOO! Makes me break out in hives. I hate flowers." -Otaku Eri"Well, that's just silly. No one hates flowers, here, smell this one!" -Kakita Kaori"ARGH! Gah! HARKL-PHLEH! AHHHHH-CHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Ugh... I was wrong. I really hate you." -Otaku Eri

Blessing of the Fortune of Dung [Spiritual] (3 Points. 2 Points for any Imperial Courier or Messenger)The blessing of the Kami of dung is one that many Samurai would actually appreciate if they merely thought about it. When he was named by the Emperor, what was failed to be mentioned was what kind of dung He rules over. This Fortune holds sway of all types of dung, man, horse, bird, fish, even bull... ...dung. As such, you are a master of prevarication and gain a +2k0 bonus to any roll to convince someone of something of which you have no actual knowledge. This might or might not be an actual lie, but it is certainly a stretching of the truth, so it probably will count as a use of Sincerity (Deceit). When speaking something you know is an outright lie, the bonus is reduced to a +1k0. You may also purchase the Lore Skill Trivia for one point less.

"I wonder if you know that the harp is a predecessor of the modern day biwa. Early minstrels were much larger people. In fact, they had hands the size of small dogs." -Miya Chikao

Curse of the Fortune of Dung [Spiritual] (3 Points)While the blessing of the Kami of Dung may be more esoteric than some, his Curse is downright literal. You smell at all times of dung. No amount of bathing, perfume, or magic can cover the smell for longer than a hour and this has affected you deeply. You must call two raises on all social rolls for no effect with the exception of apologies as no one wants to be around you long enough to hear your entire apology.

"By the Festering Pit! Did you not just bathe?" -Hida Tetsunori"Yeah... this... this happens. It's a problem. Should we take this conversation outside?" -Hida Mokumasa"It's below forty out there and the winds are gale force! It's a blizzard!" -Hida Kenpachi"True, but it will keep the smell down." -Hida Mokumasa"...after you, then." -Hida Tetsunori

Blessing of the Fortune of Knots [Spiritual] (3 Points, 2 Points for Ninjas)The Fortune of Knots, unnamed and unremembered is still one that has his or her uses for some members of society. Whenever you attempt to create or undo any knot, you may add +1k0 to the roll. Further, any knot with a TN of less than 5 times your Intelligence simply falls apart at your touch.

"Ha! Now you're one dead merchant, Yasuki-san! Tied up, gagged, and just for good measure a few stabs. Once we toss you in that river, you're as good as dead! Boss Gamabunta was right, all talk and no show! Hahahahahaha!" -Jimbo, Kolat thug"Three things before you toss me. One, my name is Shosuro Aizen. The Yasuki was just a cover. Second, I am already free. And Three, you're already dead." -Shosuro Aizen, Ninja Master

Curse of the Fortune of Knots [Spiritual] (7 Points, 8 Points for Ninjas)One would not expect the God of Knots to have a terrible curse, but one does not realize just how many things actually require knots. Kimono, obi, sandals, sword wrappings, sleeve cords, armor, fancy packages, the list is nigh endless. Until someone in Rokugan invents zippers or the button, you should probably invest in a reliable servant. And not let anyone know your terrible secret. You will never be able to successfully tie a knot. Either they are ugly messes that require cutting to remove, never stay tied, or simply look as if a rather daft child (possibly lacking thumbs) did it for you. You receive half the benefit from Armor (including reduction) and lose 1k0 from all social rolls that involve appearance, unless someone else ties your things for you. If you choose to wear sandals, your movement is reduced by 1' and your initiative by 2.

"And so, we can see that the Scorpion have drastically over stepped their bounds and we must.... BY THE GODS! What is that? It looks like a tangle went and mated with hedgehog!!!" -Damiyo Akodo Shigetoshi"Er... That's my armor cordage sir... my valet was sick and couldn't tie it properly so, well, I... uhm. Yeah." -Akodo Testunoske

Blessing of Ekibyogami [Spiritual] (3 Points)The God of Plagues and diseases is a commonly prayed to fortune in Rokugan. Nearly every home has at least a small statue or icon of him for warding of illnesses, and his temples are often flooded during times of epidemic. Those who carry his blessing are rare and special: you may never get ill. No mundane sickness will ever take you, no flu, no cold, no plague, pestilence, disease, or such. Magical versions still have a hard time affecting you and you receive a +1k0 bonus to resist them (or the spell casting rolls are considered 5 higher to afflict you). You are even able to resist powerful maho illnesses like the Wasting Disease. Shadowlands Taint is not considered a Disease however, nor are mutations that stem from the Taint and you may accrue those however.

"Fear not, my son, I will tend you in your sickness." -Asako Meji"Please, abbot, no! You too will fall ill, let me die and spare the order!" -Asako Kentaro"I am not so easy to inflict for the Lord of Plagues counts me as His chosen. I shall not die, young monk, fret not." -Asako Meji

Curse of Ekibyogami [Spiritual] (5 Points)Those cursed by Ekibyogami are perhaps the most wretched of all those who fall under the ire of a Fortune, for they are walking bastions of sickness. You are always sick, it seems, and always roll one less die to resist any form of sickness. Further, you spread illnesses far easier than others (the TN to resist any disease or illness you carry is 5 higher than normal and individuals must check against you twice as often). Magical Diseases are even worse: the TNs to inflict you with a magical based disease are reduced by 10.

"By the gods! Matsu Mari has typhoid again! Run before she gets close! Archers, shoot her in the leg, that'll slow her down!" -Matsu Reiko

Blessing of Haruhiko [Spiritual] 3 pointsHaruhiko is the fortune of fishermen, and he watches over his followers with a good eye. While sometimes the sea takes them, when He can, Haruhiko guides them to safe harbors and shoals deep with fish. While Haruhiko might be seen as a god expressly for peasants, for Samurai he has his own special gifts. You may spend one hour fishing in any body of water that is known to hold fish. If you do so, you may make a Void/Hunting (Fishing) roll at a TN of 20. If you succeed you not only catch a fish suitable for eating, but you may regain 2 Void for your relaxing efforts.

"The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. " -Akodo Kenshiro"You got that off a fortune cookie, didn't you?" -Kakita Kiyama

Curse of Haruhiko [Spiritual] 3 PointsWhen angered, Haruhiko sends down a dread curse upon any Rokugani. You will never gain sustenance from fish. Ever. It tastes disgusting to you and provides no nourishment. This includes both whole fish and fish used as flavorings and broths, so any food made with fish products is revolting and unfilling. This can cause problems when at a guest's house or when eating at formal dinners, so you might wish to practice eating fish with a straight face.

"Fish. I loathe thee. I loathe your smell, the feel of your scales, the muddy and ashy taste of your flesh. I loath the slime you leave down my throat and the putrid flavor you impart to all the foods I am forced to eat by these fools in blue and white. Oh why can't I get a good steak?" -Otaku Eri

Blessing of Kojin [Spiritual] 3 PointsThe God of Kitchens and Housewives is one of the most prayed to Fortunes in the Empire. Whenever a meal is prepared, cooks Empire wide say a small blessing and intelligent builders will make sure to bury a idol to Kojin somewhere under a kitchen hearth for security. Those blessed by Kojin receive two benefits: first no Kitchen they routinely work in will ever accidentally catch fire and secondly, they will gain a +2k0 bonus to all Craft: Cooking rolls.

"By the gods, son, if she cooks this good, you marry her!" -Ikoma Genma"Oh, you tease!" -Daidoji Ukyo

Curse of Kojin [Spiritual] 3 Points (4 Points to Anime Hero's Girlfriends and Love Interests, 5 Points if they are Royalty)Kojin is a baneful deity for marital satisfaction however, and individuals with his ire will often set boiling water afire and cook meals inedible to any but themselves. Any time they prepare food they must Raise an additional time for no effect and if they fail a roll or do not call a raise, the food will burst into flames at some point during the cooking process (this includes plating). Regardless, even if the individual succeeds, the food will be unappetizing. If Kojin or the GM allows, the Player may call four raises to make food that is actually tasty, though most people familiar with the person's cooking will find it hard to believe he or she prepared the tasty meal.

"Who's cooking tonight?" -Ikoma Ranma"Why, Akane asked to cook. She has something special planned." -Kakita Nabiki"Oh ye gods! Get out of my way!" -Ikoma Ranma"Get back here son! You have to marry one of them!" -Ikoma Genma

Blessing of Hakudo Maru [Spiritual] 4 Points (3 Points for Mantis, Yasuki, and Daidoji)In the ancient myths of Rokugan, Hakudo Maru came down from the skies and taught the young nation how to build sailing ships. Those under his blessing have an innate ability to craft sailing vessels that can withstand all but the roughest of weather and are known to be better constructed than others. You gain a +2k0 bonus when using any skill to craft a boat (Usually Craft: Boat, but if used to make sails Craft: Sewing may also gain the benefit). Further all boats built entirely under your direction gain a +2 bonus on all rolls involving their seaworthiness (Any rolls made to resist being destroyed in storms, to resist combat damage, or sailing attempts to keep them off rocks for example). When on a boat, you gain a +1k0 to all skills.

"All I ask for is a tall ship and a star to steer her by." -Yoritomo Renji

Curse of Hakudo Maru [Spiritual] 2 Points (3 Points for Unicorn or Dragon)For whatever reason, you can not grasp the idea of flotation and hydrodynamics. Whenever you build a boat, it seems to follow no course set, and wallow in storms like a drunken bushi. Whenever you use a craft skill that will create something to ultimately be used in a boat, you must call a raise to no effect. Further, any boat built under your guidance increases the TN of all physical actions taken aboard it by 5, thanks to the swaying, rocking, and general lack of seaworthiness of the ship. For non-boatbuilders, you also have the unfortunate addition of always being sea sick when on a boat (even a parade float designed to look like a boat). All of your TNs are increased by 5 when on a boat, in a storm they are increased by 10.

"Curse this wallowing hog and the twisted, blind fool that cobbled her together! What did that man use? Suicidal trees? Depressed nails? Why does this damned thing insist on hurling itself into reefs?!?" -Hiruma Senzo

Blessing of Jikoju [Spiritual] 3 PointsThe East wind, Jikoju brings warmth, spring, and rain to the farmlands of Rokugan. Sweeping in from the sea, it is a bounty to farmers and samurai alike. Those who bear Jikoku's Blessing bear the full strength of spring; once a day you may spend a void point to heal a number of wounds equal to your Air plus Insight Rank. This may be done reflexively, immediately, or during the reactions stages and does not count as an action. During the Spring months you may do this twice a day, but can not perform it at all during the Fall.

"With the spring winds, comes new life." -Togashi Benisato

Curse of Jikoju [Spiritual] 3 PointsThose who bear the East Wind's Curse suffer mightily. You heal one point of damage less on all healing attempts (Medicine, Spells, or Natural Healing). During the Spring you may not heal naturally from any damage source unless you have had the Medicine Skill performed on you (by your self or another person). You may heal normally otherwise.

"Can anything be done, doctor?" -Asako Eri"I am afraid not. The infection is... severe. He never did heal properly from that spear wound last summer and with the cold..." -Asako Mitsunari

Blessing of Zocho[Spiritual] 3 PointsMaster of the South Winds and lord of Summer, Zocho brings heat and humidity. Few look on his Wind with favor, except possibly the Lion who favor the hot and dry season as perfect for campaigning. Those who hold the Summer Wind's Blessing may spend a Void Point during the Initiative or reaction Stages of Combat to gain a +5' movement for the following round. This may not increase their movement beyond their normal movement, but may be taken as a separate Free Action from the Normal 5' Movement. During Summer Months you may do this twice a day, but may not perform it at all during the Winter Months.

"Today is a good day for marching! The roads are dry and hard, the wind is blowing the dust away from us, and the enemy is just down that road! So let us lift spears and raise our voices, for today we go to battle, to glory, and to death! Ten Thousand Years of Memory!" -Akodo Kagekatsu"Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!" -The Lion Army

Curse of Zocho [Spiritual] 3 PointsSummer can be brutal in Rokugan with oppressive heat and a burning sun. Those who hold Zocho's ire find themselves often lethargic during the day as the heat draws out their vitality. Your maximum movement is reduced by 10' during the summer months. In other seasons your maximum movement is reduced by 5'. You suffer no penalty during the winter months.

"Oh Lord! It is Hot out here! Thank the gods the Lion chose to march to us!" -Daidoji Hikaze

Blessing of Komoku [Spiritual] 3 PointsMaster of the West Wind and the Great Harvester of the Autumn, Komoku is beloved by Farmers for His winds signal harvest time. For everyone else in the Empire, they look on with suspicion as His winds also bring the taste of sand and spice from distant lands. You gain a +3 bonus to all social rolls when dealing with Non-Rokugani as you find that hint of spice and foreignness familiar and satisfying. This Bonus is increased to +5 during the Autumn months. You still need to speak their language (or they yours) to converse, but they do not seems fully strange to you. You do not gain any bonus during the Spring Months as Komoku's power wanes.

"Welcome my friends, welcome! It is not often that I get visitors from your lands. Please come in and have a seat, that rain is terrible, eh? Would you like some tea? How about some rice, that would be good, yes, there you go. Ah! Where are my manners! You must be tired, let me have the servants draw you a bath and... uhm... you can't understand a word I am saying can you?" -Kakita Kiyama"?Que?" -Don Rafael Aldana del Orduno del Castillo

Curse of Komoku [Spiritual] 3 PointsAs harbinger of the Distant West and the Gaijin nations beyond the Burning Sands, Komoku is often seen with mistrust. Which is fine by him, but he returns that mistrust fivefold. Those with his curse are scented with the smells of foreign lands, which is often off putting to Rokugani as these smells are jarring and alien. When dealing with Rokugani unused to Gaijin cultures you are considered to have 5 Boxes of Infamy. During the Autumn Months, you are considered to have an additional 5 boxes.

"Well, look who it is, Hiruma Ichijo, the gaijin lover. Well, we don't serve your kind here, boy." -Mirumoto Bobikun"Watch your tongue, Mirumoto, I am no gaijin lover!" -Hiruma Ichijo"Then why do you smell like one? Can't get a bath?" -Mirumoto Bobikun"No actually, it seems I really pissed off some god. That being said, nothing excuses your tone, now draw, dog or I'll kill you where you stand." -Hiruma Ichijo

Blessing of Tamon [Spiritual] 3 PointsThe Winter Wind is a powerful one, bowing from the Great Wall of the North, it brings snow, ice and cold. Much maligned, especially in the cold climes of the Dragon, Phoenix, and Unicorn Clans. Those with his blessing find it easier to move and operate in cold weather and even find themselves looking forward to going outdoors, even in the midst of the worst weather. In the Winter months you may add your Earth to all rolls when outside (at GM's discretion this may also include indoors if it is particularly cold). During other months this bonus is reduced to +2 and may only be gained if it is cold or windy. You gain no bonus during the Summer Months.

"Omigoditissnowingalready! Let's go outside! Snow! Eeeeeeee!" -Doji Tsuneko

Curse of Tamon [Spiritual] 3 PointsTamon is the embodiment of Cold and Icy Winds and those who do not give him proper respect are often cursed terribly. You can not deal with cold weather at all and receive a penalty of +5 to all TNs when cold. During the Winter Months this TN is creased by an additional +5. At GM's discretion, you may mitigate or reduce this TN penalty by finding ways to stay warm.

"What are you wearing, man?" -Seppun Innoue"Seven kimono, three hakama, two haori, a small rug, gloves, mittens, six scarves, two hats, and three obi to hold it all together. I'm cold, now sod off." -Seppun Arai"Look at you, you can hardly move! Why, it would be a cinch to knock you over just by touching you!" -Seppun Innoue"Okay, funny. Now stop laughing and help me up. Gods I hate the cold." -Seppun Arai

Blessing of Isora [Spiritual] 3 PointsThe Kami Isora is the god of the seashore, the waves, and the winds that play in those areas. Mainly worshiped by fishermen and sailors, Isora is an often kind and loving god, and one who often grants protection to those who give him praise. One of the highest forms of praise for Isora is that of riding upon his waves. Many Mantis will surf these waves in small two or three man boats, while a few have learned to truly please Isora by riding atop planks of wood, entrusting their lives to his gentle hands and their own athleticism. You gain a +2k0 bonus to all physical rolls when in sight of a sea shore. This bonus increases to +2k1 on all Athletics (Swimming), Pilot: Small Boat or Athletics (Surfing).

"Surf's up!" -Yoritomo Ikaika

Curse of Isora [Spiritual] 3 points, 4 Points for MantisIsora does have a dangerous side, as his waves can occasionally form the mighty Tsunami or the more common storm surge. When these mighty waves tear into Rokugan, they can cause massive devastation and destruction. Waves are not all the ways Isora can harm those he dislikes, however: mastery of tides and currents is also his purview. Those so afflicted find any body of water becoming dangerous, as unexpected currents try to drag him or her to her fate. While they are safe from Isora's wrath in man made bodies of water or any body of water that does not connect to the sea, if the lake, stream, or river eventually connects to Isora's domain, he may send tides to drown a hated Samurai. On or near any natural body of water that eventually connects to the sea (no matter how far) you suffer a -2k0 to all athletics rolls. If you are stupid or unlucky enough to swim in the ocean, the penalty increases to -2k1.

"He was dragged out to sea?" -Mirumoto Genji"Indeed, most horrible." -Kitsuki Sadakage"For the love of the Kami, this is a hot spring! And the sea must be five hundred miles away!" -Mirumoto Genji"I know, I know, but Isora was NOT happy with him. Just reached up and pulled him the length of the Empire through that river there. Worst thing I ever saw. You could hear him screaming all the way down that waterfall, through that lake, and then down that river." -Kitsuki Sadakage

Blessing of Tsukune [Spiritual] 10 Points, 9 Points if you have Great DestinyThe Fortune of Rebirth is a relatively new God in Heaven, but no less powerful for her youth. Born to the Shiba, and eventually the bearer of the Soul of Shiba himself, Tsukune was a great Hero in the Empire and noted for her skill, wisdom, and courage. Those she favors bear a spark of her immortality and may be reborn when they die. If you are ever killed, you may choose to rise with the dawn, bursting with light and thunder, regaining all Void, expended spells, kiho, techniques, and recovering from all wounds. This includes any maimed limbs, lost eyes, destroyed body parts, diseases, poisons, or scarring; all are cured instantly. In addition, you immediately gain 5 Exp that must be spent on improving Traits or School Skills (or any skill that you have Great Potential for). This ability may only be used once, and is lost after it is used. At GM's discretion, you may repurchase this advantage at a later date. As final note, everyone who has risen from this Blessing gains a small "Re-Birthmark" somewhere on their body of a phoenix in flight.

"But, I killed you! I killed you last night! How is this possible?" -Shosuro Aizen"Fool, I am blessed by the Goddess Tsukune, and even were I not, no force in Heaven or Hell would let me rest with your injustice hanging over my family! Now, let us dance, scum. I will not lose again for I have been tempered in the Forge of Rebirth, and am harder for that." -Kakita Kiyama

Curse of Tsukune [Spiritual] 10 PointsAs the Lady of Rebirth and Renewal, Tsukune's scorn carries a terrible weight. Those who she dislikes find themselves perpetually with one foot in the grave, always balanced on the edge of life and death. If you are reduced to the Out Wound category, you immediately die.

"Sempai. Hyatt... is... cold..." -The Ronin Hyatt"Whoa! There she goes dying so peacefully again!" -The Ronin Excel

Blessing of Toyoyuke-Omikami [Spiritual] 3 PointsToyoyuke-Omikami is the god of grains and is as important to Rokugan as Inari, the God of Rice. Grains other than rice show up in animal feed, noodles, cakes, fritters, steamed buns, medicine, and a host of other foodstuffs. Some enterprising Unicorn have even taken to fermenting some of the noble grains for intoxicating beverages. As such, all Rokugani give prayers to Toyoyuke-Omikami to stave off starvation and to bless the meal about to be eaten. Those who hold the blessing of the God of Grain have the advantage of warmth and hospitality everywhere they go, for their appearance is as welcome as the harvest. You gain a +1k0 on all Etiquette rolls made within an hour of your arrival in any location as everyone is happy to see you arrive. If you eat with your hosts, this bonus increases to +1k1 on Etiquette and +1k0 on all other social rolls. Further, any meal you partake in automatically has enough food to provide for everyone there (although most of the suddenly appearing food is in the form of grain stuffs), provided you give a small token gift of grain (any grain will do).

"Oy! Greetings to the farm! I am but a weary traveler, might I stop for a bit?" -Roku"Of course, monk-sama, come in! We were just getting dinner started, would you care to stay awhile and eat?" -Hatta"Please! And have some of these dumplings I made, it is not much but I would love to share, could we fry them? That would make more for all!" -Roku

Curse of Toyoyuke-Omikami [Spiritual] 3 PointsThe god of grains sends out a terrific curse: those he hates bring hate upon themselves as his presence can blight crops, spoil stored grains, and is the storm crow of famine. You have a -1k0 penalty to all etiquette rolls for the first hour of meeting people. If you stay longer than an hour, the penalty rises to -1k1 on Etiquette rolls and -1k0 on all other social rolls. In addition, if you stay longer than a day all grains in a radius of 100 feet x Void tend to grow sickly, wither, or spoil. This effect reduces yields by roughly 10%, or 1 Koku of grain per field/store room.

"Keep walking, Ronin, we have no need of you here. The last time you came through, you brought a blight and we starved." -Hatta"That's preposterous! I am a samurai, and you can not keep me out!" -Shen"I buried my daughter last summer, stay a moment longer and you can meet her in person." -Hatta

Blessing of Saibanken [Spiritual] 4 Points, 3 Points for MagistratesSaibanken was once a mortal by the name of Soshi Saibanken. In his life he rewrote nearly every Imperial custom and made them Laws. He is revered as the greatest magistrate ever, the greatest master of law to have ever been born, and that was during his life. Upon his death he was nearly instantly raised to fortunehood as the Fortune of Laws. Granting a portion of his brilliance to those under his benevolent gaze, those with his blessing seem to have a natural affinity for laws and court proceedings. You gain a +1k0 bonus to all Investigation rolls meant to discover the truth and to all Lore: Law rolls. Saibanken despises those who abuse their position, and any magistrate who uses the Law to their own benefit immediately loses this blessing (and may even gain his Curse).

"None can escape the long arm of the law, criminal!" -Seppun Seiji

Curse of Saibanken [Spiritual] 3 PointsWhen Saibanken curses someone, they gain a terrible, terrible curse: they become immediately noticable to anyone in the field of law enforcement, from the lowliest doshin to the highest Emerald Magistrate, and not in a good way. Any attempt to recognize you by a legal and recognized servant of the law gains a +1k1 bonus and their dice may always explode (even if they do not have ranks in the skill in question). This includes all rolls to pierce your stealth, disguise, lies, or simple recognition rolls. If you are guilty of a crime and have a warrant out for your arrest the law officer may add their Honor to the total of the roll (Or +5, whichever is greater).

"Well, well, well... if it isn't Deiwa the Unlucky! I thought you were supposed to be swinging from a gallows. And why, look at this! An entire wagon full of opium. Someone's been a bad boy, eh?" -Kitsuki Gendo"How did you know? I'm wearing a mask for God's sake, and the Opium is covered with a pile of dung! This is impossible!" -Deiwa the Unlucky, aka Deiwa the Thrice-Hanged"Oh, I'll never forget you, Deiwa, I got a folder on you thicker than your arm. Maybe this time we can make that hanging stick, eh?" -Kitsuki Gendo"Well, hell, you know what they say, Three times the Charm!" -Deiwa the Unlucky, aka Deiwa the Thrice-Hanged

Blessing of Sudaro [Spiritual] 5 PointsThe God of Perseverance is one that is held in high esteem by samurai; after all the desire to succeed despite the odds is often at the heart of many bushido tales. Rarely though does this god grant his blessing to mortal men. Scholars debate this, but the truth is rather simple: To be truly pure, endeavor must be won by one's own abilities, honor, or willpower; were your trials to be won through the grace of God, then it would have no meaning. Still, there are times when Sudaro grants his powers to a few worthy people. Usually for those with a powerful destiny, but sometimes as a reward to those with a driving will so strong, that not even He could deny it. You may spend a Void point and make an oath. Until this Oath is fulfilled you will not regain this void by any means (sleep, magic, meditation, tea ceremony, kiho, kata, et al) but you will gain a +1k0 bonus to all rolls that further the completion of the Oath (GM's Discretion). Further, if you die while trying to fulfill this oath you may (if possible) spend 3 Void to have the Oath fulfilled by some force. Note: these effects can only be fulfilled if the Oath is reasonable and one that can be achieved by a Mortal (at your stage of ability). An Oath to run across the Empire in a single day would be wasted, while an Oath to defeat your rival could be attempted. The GM is the final arbiter on this, but an impossible oath merely results in the loss of Void. If a Player keeps making impossible Oaths, Sudaro will abandon him without remorse. One does not squander the God's gifts.

"My mother and father were murdered by a Lion Samurai. He cut them down like they were dogs, for no reason other than they wore blue and he yellow; I will never forget that moment. I swore an oath that day to hunt down that murdering monster and get my vengeance. I felt powerful then, very powerful. And I directed myself to becoming the finest swordsman in the empire. Thirty duelists have met my blade, and twenty seven bowed to it. A good record, I think, but my foe continues to elude me. When I seem him, I will draw this sword, the sword of my father, and I will say to him: 'My name is Kakita Kiyama. I am the son of a murdered father and murdered mother. I have trained for twenty years for this moment. By all that is Right and Holy under the Gods and on this bare Earth, I swear, you will not walk from this place alive. Draw your steel and let us dance." -Kakita Kiyama

Curse of Sudaro [Spiritual] 5 PointsWhile Sudaro does not give out His blessings easily, the opposite is true of his Curse. When he finds a soul weak and unwilling to follow through with anything, Sudaro turns the entire world against them. Things begin to become more difficult, more onerous, and much riskier for those who constantly procrastinate, delay, and let things idle. Only striking those who give up to readily, this curse imposes a nasty penalty. Whenever you give up, fail, surrender, or otherwise refuse to complete an objective (regardless of how difficult) given by yourself or someone in authority, you suffer a cumulative +2 TN penalty to all actions. These penalties go away once you have performed a difficult action to successful completion (GM's Discretion)

"Hunh. That kind of reminds me of this time when I was trying to get lodgings for a night, what? Twenty years ago? Almost thirty now, it must be. Anyways, I was on the Border and lost in the rain. Wet, cold, god it was awful. Had a real bad week too: we were supposed to scout the border and keep Kakita raiders from swarming over, right? Damn, but it was a tough duty. Anyways, I gave up after a few hours. It was storming something fierce. Tried to find my way back, but the wind was in my eyes and it started hailing. So anyway, I finally stumbled on this tiny town and tried to get a room in the Inn, but the innkeeper wouldn't believe me that I'd pay him, no matter how much I tried to convince him. Probably could have killed him, but after I drew my sword it seemed... well, stupid. Even if I had, what then? Sleep in his Inn where his widow and orphaned son were? Yeah, right! They would have slit my throat and rolled me in the latrine ditch. Forget that noise! So, I left and went to this one samurai's home, and asked, begged really, for shelter. They thought I was a Ronin, or a deserter, and refused me! That was too much. I am a Proud Matsu Warrior, so I did what I had to do. I killed them both. Pity their brat saw me do it. Anyways, after killing them I felt a bit better... I don't know why. Kind of like... I had done something finally, you know? After that I was able to find my way back to my post easily enough. What? What's that look for?" -Matsu Moritomo"My name is Kakita Kiyama. I am the son of a murdered father and murdered mother. I have trained for twenty years for this moment. By all that is Right and Holy under the Gods and on this bare Earth, I swear, you will not walk from this place alive. Draw your steel and let us dance." -Kakita Kiyama

Blessing of Emma-O [Spiritual] 5 Points (4 Points for Kuni)The God of Death is a strong one and one that all men must see one day. For you, He has given many secrets of the nature of Death. You may spend a void point when in the presence of a dead body to become the moment of death. You will see everything that that body saw, smell everything they smelt, hear everything they heard, and feel everything they felt. This will cause you to take half the damage they they suffered from the death blow (and there is no way to negate that damage), but you may make a Perception/Investigation roll to learn what transpired. Due to the incredible pain and disorientation of seeing the moment of death, the TN for this roll is a 25 (for causes of death other than damage) or a TN equal the full amount of damage suffered in the death blow. You gain a +2k0 bonus to this roll if you are touching the body.

"Not even death itself can hide secrets from a master, young one. Give me but a moment and I will tell you everything that happened." -Kuni Daigoro

Curse of Emma-O [Spiritual] 3 PointsEmma-O is a dread god to be cursed by: for He knows your final moment and torments you with it. Every night you dream of your death and in the dream you feel the wounds, feel the disease, feel the body wasting away, or however your allotted time is set to end. When you wake, the details slip away (for man was never meant to know his time), but the horror remains. You wake feeling hurt, tired, and exhausted. Each night you must make a TN 20 Willpower roll or awake Fatigued. If you go to sleep fatigued, the roll increases to a TN 25 and if you fail that roll you not only awake fatigued, but you also awake without regaining any void (though this void may be regained normally through meditation, tea ceremony or other effects).

"You look terrible, Mai-chan, what happened?" -Matsu Moritomo"The dreams came back. Dreams of blood, pain, and death. It... I don't know why they won't stop... I feel like I am losing my mind... I dread closing my eyes! Every night I see my death! Blades. Blood. The pain... so much noise... Kami help me..." -Ikoma Mai"Well, look on the bright side. It sounds like a hell of a battle." -Matsu Moritomo

Blessing of Neko-no-Kami [Spiritual] 4 Points (3 Points for people who are kind to cats or have Allergy: Cat)Neko-no-Kami is the grand god of all cats and He grants several benefits to those who earn His favor. First, you are always well regarded by cats and will never be attacked, molested, disturbed, or assaulted by any cat. This includes house cats, wild cats, and the big cats such as lions, tigers, etc. This protection also extends to your personal items, although if you leave something unattended for more than an hour, the protection fades. This protection does not apply to animals controlled by magic or by a Technique, although they will be most regretful as they maul you. Secondly, Neko-no-Kami's blessing gives you some of the powers of the cat; you gain a +1k0 bonus on all Stealth (Sneaking), Stealth (Ambush), Investigation (Notice), and Hunting (Survival) rolls.

"Who's a good kitty? Yes! You are! Would you like some more tuna belly?" -Doji Aiko"Meow." -Shining Prince of the Morning's Bright Dawn, aka Good Kitty.

Curse of Neko-no-Kami [Spiritual] 4 PointsThe God of cats is most unkind to those who earn His ire and is happy to make their life a living hell. Any cat, be it house, wild, or big cat, will always seek do you harm first, regardless of better targets. You will always be chosen first for a cat's attack, even if this causes difficulty for the cat. This also includes your possessions, especially if you care for those possessions. Secondly, for whatever reason, cats seem to enjoy ruining your good time. Whenever you are trying to remain unseen or whilst hunting, a cat will usually appear and begin distracting you or causing your prey to become aware of your presence. Whenever you perform a Stealth or Hunting roll when there could conceivably be a cat around, the TN is increased by 10.

"Meow!" -Mittens, a Cat"Look! Over there by that oddly fortuitous cat! An assassin! Get him guys!" -The entire night guard force of Matsu Reiko"Oh come on! We're in the middle of a blizzard in the sweeping tundra of the Gaijin lands!" -Shosuro Deiwa, Cat Hater"Stupid assassin, Reiko never leaves home without Mittens!" -The entire night guard force of Matsu Reiko

Blessing of Yama-no-Kami [Spiritual] (6 Points, 5 Points for Crab)Yama-no-Kami is the Fortune of Stone. While he still lived, he was much revered by stonemasons, mountaineers, and warriors in the Crab Clan. Even dead, his spirit still lingers in some form, granting powers to those worthy (though some scholars attribute the gifts to his still living servants). Those with the blessing have inherited a portion of his great power and resilience. So long as you remain standing on stone, brick, or hard packed earth you gain a Reduction of 2. This bonus stacks with all other reduction. You may spend a void to increase this bonus by your Earth (ie the bonus becomes your Earth ring +2) and this effect will last for a number of rounds equal to your Earth or until you are no longer standing on stone, brick, or hard packed earth.

"Oh, I'm sorry, was that supposed to hurt? Would it make you feel better if I cried some and pretended to have felt that?" -Hida Shigezane

Curse of Yama-no-Kami [Spiritual] (6 Points, 7 points for Unicorn or Mantis)Yama-no-kami's powers as Fortune of Stone were great enough to cause great difficulties to those that earned his ire. Stealing away their inherent resilience and ability to withstand injury, he makes them as weak as sandstone or wet clay. When standing upon, lying, or moving across stone, brick, or hard packed earth, those who have been cursed by the Fortune take an additional amount of damage on every hit equal to their opponent's Earth Ring after Reduction. If their opponent (or damage source) does not have an Earth ring, such as in the case of falling damage, they take an additional 5 points of damage after Reduction.

"We can't fight here. The ground... too firm. It will give our opponents an advantage. Move to the river." -Yoritomo Ieda"Damn, every time we find a good, solid place to fight, you make us fight on sand, mud, water, or the swaying back of a wagon. Can't you just apologize and get that damned curse lifted?" -Akodo Tetsunori"No way, Yama-no-kami is a total idiot. Besides, I'm a pirate, how often will I need to be afraid of mountains?" -Yoritomo Ieda"To be fair, you must admit the time we fought on the roof a burning castle in the midnight rain amidst lightning, pitch black dark, and hail was pretty epic." -Kakita Kiyama"Okay, that was pretty neat." -Akodo Tetsunori

Blessing of Musubi-no-Kami [Spiritual] 4 PointsThe God of marriages is both a much loved, and much hated Fortune. He gives his blessings and curses on a whim, and can even switch them at a moment's notice: a marriage of respect and success can easily turn sour, and the harshest of marriages can sometimes turn into something better. Still, few Fortunes receive as much raise; maids often pray for a kind and generous husband and more than a few young men pray for a smart and beautiful wife. Those with His blessing receive something more important than any of that: satisfaction. If you spend a full day with your Spouse, you gain a free raise to all school skills due to your inner contentment and tranquility for the following full day.

"Why, Reiko-san, you're looking well! Did you see that young rake that's been sending you all those flowers and poems?" -Doji Aiko"Oh no, even better. I had a lovely breakfast with Satsumoto-san, and then we spent the day playing shogi. After dinner, we went to that play that just came out. It was so enjoyable." -Matsu Reiko"You had fun with your Husband? Are you feeling well?" -Doji Aiko

Curse of Musubi-no-Kami [Spiritual] 4 Points (6 Points if you spend a great deal of time with your Spouse, GM's discretion)Conversely, those who have been cursed by Musubi-no-kami have a relationship with their spouse that brings disharmony and discord. Their very sense of harmony is so disrupted that everything seems to be worse for them. If you spend more than an hour with your spouse (or in a residence that your spouse also lives in, even if you do not interact), you suffer -2k0 to all School Skills for a full 24 hours hours. Not even the company of a geisha will restore your harmony and alleviate the penalties.

"Oh no, my wife is home. Ye gods had I known, I would have stayed at the sake house... Uh, Jun-san, could I impose on you for dinner tonight? And maybe a few more sakes? I never get any rest when she is home, she's always glaring at me, and telling me I failed, and reminding me about that time I dallied with the courtier, and, gods, so much more... so... can I stay with you and your wife?" -Kakita Kiyama"Not on your life, Kiyama-san, last time we did that, the harridan harangued me in the market square and accused me of seducing you!" -Doji Jun"Well, to be fair, she was right about that." -Kakita Kiyama"True, but yelling about it in public is just not done. -Doji Jun

Blessing of Yoru-no-Kami [Spiritual] 4 points (3 Points for Assassins, Shinobi, and Night Watchmen (also for some odd reason, Scholars, especially befuddled ones...))Yoru-no-Kami is a lesser known god, the god of night. Often overlooked in favor of Lord Moon, He still has a great deal of power; indeed half the day is devoted to Him. Those with his blessing are swifter, stronger, and more capable at night and more than a few criminals, assassins, and nightwatchmen have burnt a few sticks of incense in His shrines. You may add your insight rank to the total of all rolls at night. Further, you gain a +5 to all rolls to remain awake at night (and you may never be put to sleep by Spell during the night).

"Kunio-san, how do you do this every night? I hate staying up this late!" -Shosuro Aizen"I dunno, I always hated getting up before noon and going to bed before dawn. I guess I just like the night. It makes me feel... right." -Shosuro Kunio

Curse of Yoru-no-kami [Spiritual] 5 PointsThose who are not favored by the God of Night suffer terribly; the night is darker, the call of sleep stronger, and the desire to crawl into bed is even more powerful than for most. You suffer a -3 penalty to the total of all rolls during the night. In addition, you suffer a +5 TN penalty to any roll made to stay awake and any and all spells that fatigue or cause sleep status cast on you during the night are automatically successful.

"For the love of god, Kentaro! Wake up! We are being attacke- agh!" -Hida Tetsunori"Zzzzzzz." -Asako Kentaro

Kangitens Blessing [Spiritual] 4 PointsKangiten is the god of bliss and grants both happiness and material success to those who worship him, but those who He has graced with his constant touch have a special gift: they are happy and can always see the bright side of things. While their irrepressible energy and excitement is surely annoying to those around them, it has several benefits. First, they may always add their Intelligence to the total of all Fear Checks as they can always imagine a possible solution to their problem. Secondly, whenever things are hopeless (vastly outnumbered, outclassed, when crippled, etc at the GMs discretion) they may take an action pondering their fate and refresh all their void. This may be done once per day, regardless of how often they are in mortal peril and hopeless odds.

Well, look on the bright side. -Kakita KaoriBright side? The shugenja is dead, my arm is broken, and theres still six of them! -Ikoma KorinAt least they ran out of arrows! -Kakita Kaori

Kangitens Curse [Spiritual] 3 PointsAs the God of Bliss, Kangitens curses can be terrible for ones life and mental well being. Those struck down by the fortune seldom experience joy, happiness, or enjoyment. Melancholy is a apt description of these poor souls mood, though chronically depressed would also fit. Worse, your fits of black moods tend to bring those around you into your gloom. Whenever the situation becomes grim, risky, or dangerous (sailing in a stormy sea, fighting long odds, about to meet the daimyo in formal court), you must make a pronouncement of how much worse things can get. All of your allies (including yourself) receive a +5 penalty to all TNs. Further, the GM is encouraged to take your advice and make it worse.

Ugh, I hate sea travel. I always get sea sick-Mirumoto TohokoNow we just need to keep an eye peeled, these waters are filled with pirates, you know. Theyll surely swarm the ship and kill us all. Well, after they torture us and ravish the womenfolk...-Yoritomo Raikuri, the BleakYarrrrr! -The horde of piratesYou just wait, once it begins storming, youll wish you were never born. In these seas, the storms send waves big enough to smash this ship to flinders. -Yoritomo Raikuri, the Bleak*Krakoooooommmmm!*Just be glad theres no Orochi attacking. This strait is known for them. -Yoritomo Raikuri, the BleakRRRONNNNNNNKKKK!!!!!!! -GojiraBy the gods man, shut up! -Mirumoto Tohoko

Blessing of Moriboshi-no-kami [Spiritual] 3 PointsMoriboshi-no-kami is the fortune of fools and he is one that truly enjoys to bless those more foolish than he. Although, those so blessed are not always thankful, as they tend to live interesting lives. Once per session you may announce an unlikely happenstance that works in your favor. If stranded on the wrong side of a river while being pursued, you may state how wonderful it would be to find a boat, or a handy bridge, and sure enough such will be found. GMs should take care to ensure that this never fully resolves the situation, but opens up either more complications or more adventure.

A chasm?!? What will we do now? -Doji MendoIf only there were a way across, like a bridge, or a rope swing, or even a hot air balloon! -Hiruma AtaruHOT AIR BALLOONS RIGHT HERE! RENT EM WHILE THEYRE HOT! -William Boyle, Hot Air SalesmanSeems awfully convenient does anyone know how to pilot these things? -Kitsuki ShinobuWe can learn while we fly, hop in! -Hiruma Ataru

Curse of Moriboshi-no-kami [Spiritual] 3 Points (4 Points for Nobility, Kuge, and the direct heirs of wealthy houses)The fortune of fools tends to strike those who he feels need to be made to look foolish. Sadly, this can be anyone, though those who are high and mighty (or at least think they are) seem to draw his ire more than most. His curse grants the poor individual the following flaw: your ideas, no matter how good, always seem foolish, silly, or suicidal. You suffer a -2k0 penalty to all rolls to convince someone to follow a plan you created. Once per session the GM may increase this penalty to -3k1, but you will then not suffer from this penalty for one full session.

Okay, listen up. Ive got a plan. -Doji MendoOh great, another patented Mendo Special. Man, can someone else come up with something? -Hiruma AtaruLook, Im just saying we should spread out, flank them, and attack them in pairs! -Doji MendoThats the stupidest plan I have ever heard. -Hiruma Lum

Blessing of Amatsu-Mikaboshi [Spiritual] 4 Points (3 Points of Kitsune)The God of stars, specifically the Morning Star (that star which burns brightest in the heavens just after dawn), Mikaboshi is a powerful, if relatively unknown god. Worshipped mostly by those few who spend their nights out and about, it is still considered part of the moon viewing customs to give a brief thanks to him before any nightly sky watching. Those who carry his Blessing have excellent night vision and can see well in the dark. As long as there is appreciable light (full moon, stars, bright lanterns) you may see as if it were full daylight. If there is no light (in a cave, moonless and cloudy night) you gain no benefit.

Careful, there is an assassin hiding behind that bush. Let me deal with him. -Shiba KaiWhat? How do you see him? Its just an inky shadow -Isawa KoganeMy eyes can pierce the darkest nights. Plus, hes just kind of crouching there. He could have at least picked a bigger bush. -Shiba Kai

Curse of Amatsu-Mikaboshi [Spiritual] 4 PointsThe god of the stars and the night sky is a fickle lord, as is the wont of all the sky gods, and those he curses, seemingly without pattern, have an annoying defect. They have exceptionally poor night vision and find actions harder to take in the dark. (it is up to the GM to determine what the penalty should be, but a +5 to +10 to all TNs requiring sight wouldnt be unreasonable).

Okay, you can do this Murai. Sure, youre drunk, but it's late and the parents are asleep, just creep inside and no one will ever know. Just dont make a soun -Doji MuraiSMASHCRASHtinkle tinkle...Out late? -Doji JunAHH! Gods! Dad! What? How? -Doji MuraiIve been sitting here the whole time, how did you not see me?-Doji JunWell, its dark -Doji MuraiWell talk about this tomorrow. Oh, and clean that up and go to bed!. -Doji Jun

Blessing of Tajimamori [Spiritual] 2 PointsKnown as the God of sweets,Tajimamori is a lesser kami, but one that is widely venerated by chefs and at nearly every festival in Rokugan; indeed many say it is not a proper festival without a small shrine to Tajimamori (adorned with fragrant flowers, sweet cakes, and sweet sake). Those with his blessing are fortunate enough to always have access to sweets. You may spend a void point to gain a small box of sweets. Depending on the season this can range from sweet mochi, sweet bean paste filled fritters, sake, honeycomb, or even sugary confections. You may do this as many times a day as you have void, and each box provides enough sweets for a number of people up to your Insight Rank. These sweets are not particularly nutritious and will, if consumed too often lead towards heaviness and fat. The sweets typically arrive through mundane means (gifts, free samples, arrived in the mail), but if none can be provided, they will arrive mysteriously.

Students, part of knowing the way of the Bushi is to know the way of frugality. Therefore, for the rest of the day you shall drink only water and eat nothing. This will teach you humility, patience and Hey! Where did you get that? -Akodo Mitsunori, SenseiFound em. Want some? I got a Taiyaki for you too, sensei... -Matsu Kiyohara

Curse of Tajimamori [Spiritual] 1 PointThe god of sweets can be truly cruel. Those cursed by him can never eat sweets. Not because they lack the proper taste buds, but rather because everytime they try to eat a sweet, they are thwarted in some way. Perhaps they drop the sweet and crush it under foot, perhaps a bird snatches it away. Maybe they become distracted and someone snatches their food. In some cases the sweet is actually a fiery hot food disguised as a sweet. In any event, at best these poor beings can get a mere taste of sweets and thus truly know what they are missing.

Ooo! A Sweet mochi! And no one's around to stop me! -Hida ShigezaneNo, wait, thats -Genma, a cookARGH! FIRE! BURNING! WHY! -Hida Jigokus Furnace spicy mochi it just looks like a sweet one-Genma, a cookWhy would you do this?!? -Hida Shigezane

Blessing of Yamato Takeru [Spiritual] 8 Points (6 points for Imperials)A mortal hero of the early Empire, Takeru was known for many brave and daring deeds: he fought many battles to expand the empire against the tribes of humans and other beings that lived in the lands before the Kami fell. So great were his deeds that when he grew ill with disease, the fortunes reached down and brought him into their number to spare him from the agony of death. His most notable feats were with his sword skill: extinguishing fires by cutting them, splitting boulders in twain, or knocking aside lightning bolts from a (presumably) impressed Osano-wo. You may spend a Void point to attempt an impossible task with your sword. The TN for this is a minimum of 60 (GM may make it more difficult based on the nature of the task), if you succeed you actually do perform the impossible, possibly gaining glory in the attempt.

Blast! They sealed the gates! We cant escape now!" -Matsu MasamoriOh ye, of little faith -Seppun SosukeBentens smile! You cut the gate apart! That wood was over three feet thick! How?" -Matsu MasamoriIts called skill, my friend. Now, keep running! -Seppun Souske

Curse of Yamato Takeru [Spiritual] 8 Points (9 Points for Kakita or Schools that teach only Kenjutsu, 3 Points to any School that does not focus on Kenjutsu)A swordsman of great, perhaps even divine skill, Yamato Takeru can cripple a warrior with his anger. He curses people with a utter lack of ability to perform great deeds with their sword skill. You may never raise on any Kenjutsu or Iaijutsu skill roll, nor may you benefit from Free raises. If a technique forces you to call raises, each raise increase the TN by 10 rather than 5.

Kenichi-san? When I said cut this apple into exactly three pieces before it hits the ground, I most expressly did NOT mean for you to smash it with the flat of your blade and make applesauce. -Bayushi TsubakiYes, master. No, Master. Sorry Master. Uhm, let me get you something to wipe your face. -Bayushi Kenichi

Blessing of the Fortune of Torture [Spiritual] 4 Points (3 Points for Crab)Created by the Steel Chrysanthemum and later removed, this unnamed kami still grants powers and blessings to some. The Fortune of Torture gives a powerful gift to those who it has chosen to bless. Those under his benevolent gaze gain a near immunity to physical torture. They still feel the pain, but be it indignation, willpower, fury, honor, or sheer cussedness, they all find a way to resist all but the most horrific of punishments. You gain +3k0 to all rolls to resist torture or drugs and may spend a Void to increase the bonus to 3k3.

Crack!Who taught you how to punch? Your husband? -Hida ShinobuWhack!You better hope you kill me! -Hida ShinobuThud!Seriously, maybe see if your daddy will give you a roll of Zeni? -Hida ShinobuFirst of all, how are you still conscious?! -Daigotsu Taro

Curse of the Fortune of Torture [Spiritual] 4 Points (5 Points for Courtiers)Pain is not your friend. Sadly, neither is the the Fortune of Torture. He sends you dreams of torture and is able to fill your imagination with dreadful images of what can be done to the human body. You easily fold, even under the lightest of tortures (or even threat thereof) and will spill massive amounts of information or confess to nearly any crime in order to spare yourself the horrors you can imagine all too well. The TN to resist any Torture attempt is increased by 20.

And now we shall begin. You see this? It is used to -Kuni JuroOK! I'll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Hiroshis toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Hida in my School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Erika down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog... When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out... But the worst thing I ever done - I mixed a pot of fake puke at home and then I went to this kabuki theater, hid the puke in my haori, climbed up to the balcony and then, t-t-then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa - and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life. -Shiba Misaki...I see we are going to be here a long time. I shall order some tea. -Kuni Juro

Blessing of Hayabusa [Spiritual] 3 points (2 Points for guards and hunters)Hayabusa, the Fortune of Vigilance is revered as the founder of the Falcon Clan and as a guide for all watchmen and hunters. Through his blessing, you gain a small part of His divine eyes and senses. You gain +1k0 on all Investigation Rolls to spot hidden danger, ambushes, sneaking foes, and threats to your safety (including traps).

Well, I know youre there. It was smart of you to carry a cricket in your pocket so I would still hear them chirping. But it was foolish to bring the wrong species: that is not the song our crickets sing. -Daidoji KitaAre you kidding me? What are you, an entomologist? -Bayushi Mori

Curse of Hayabusa [Spiritual] 3 PointsThe Fortune of Vigilance has a potentially fatal curse to layer down on those who are struck by his vengeful hand. You are easily distracted and your mind tends to wander, especially while bored. If you ever fail an Investigation (Notice) roll you are distracted by something else entirely, often leading you to be surprised in rather unfortunate situations

Did you hear that? -Shinjo HayatoHey, look at that moon! Its HUGE! I should compose a poem about it, eh Shinjo-san? Uh, Shinjo-san? Where did you go to now? Hello? -Shinjo Nobuyuki

Azamis Blessing [Spiritual] 8 Points (6 Points for Fortunist Monks)The Founder of the Centipede Clan was known for her single-minded devotion and deep sense of piety to the Goddess Amaterasu. She was ascended to the Status of Fortune of Devotion and has since bestowed great favors upon those who are equally devout. Once per day, you may spend a void and make a Void/Theology roll to gain the benefit of any other Fortune's Blessing for the same length of time you prayed. You must pray for at least 30 minutes and the TN is based on the cost of the Fortunes Blessing: 1-2 is TN 15, 3-4 is TN 20, 5-6 is TN 25, 7-8 is TN 30. Fortunes Blessings costing more than 8 points require two Void and have a TN 40.

How did you do that? -Otaku Zhi-yiI am blessed by mighty Raijin. -Monk GiatsuWait, I thought you were blessed by Emma-o. -Kakita KiyamaHe told me he was blessed by Benten -Matsu ReikoNow, one second, last week I saw you dancing like you were holding Uzumes blessing, whats going on here? -Shosuro AizenI am blessed by many gods. You should try it some time.-Monk GiatsuWell, he clearly wasnt blessed by the Fortune of Humility -Hida Kenpachi

Azamis Curse [Spiritual] 8 PointsThe Fortune of Devotion is not a good goddess to anger. Those who have done so earn a truly terrible curse: each morning the Goddess grants you a different Curse as strikes her will. Further, anyone around you may transfer the curse of their own to you by making an opposed Void roll. If you fail, you gain the effect of their Curse for a number of hours equal to their Insight Rank. The Curse each morning is chosen by the GM and they are encouraged to choose Curses that will most affect you during the next day. These effects fade at the end of the day. If the curse you gain costs more than 8 points normally, you will gain an additional Exp at the end of the session.

You know, ever since we started working with you, Ive felt wonderful! Im not exhausted in the mornings! -Yoritomo KamaeAnd you should stay over at my house more often, I finally got my wife pregnant!" -Shosuro KunioYeah, and I havent had a dying dream in weeks! -Ikoma Mai Hey, can you come over here a second? I wanna talk" -Hida MokumasaLeave me alone, all of you! Vultures! Get away from me! -Agasha JimmuPlease! Help my allergies, Curse Sponge! -Otaku Eri

Blessing of Heichi [Spiritual] 8 PointsThe founder of the Boar Clan was canonized and granted his Clan because of his integrity in seeing their debts paid. Having been abandoned by their feudal overlord, Heichi and his family made sure to carefully collect the rightful taxes and duly paid them to the Emperor. Now serving as the Fortune of Debts, Heichi respects those who follow in his footsteps. Every time you pay off a significant debt (be it monetary or otherwise) or fulfil an Obligation, you may choose to refres