The Comma Style

Post on 10-Jan-2017

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Transcript of The Comma Style




(S.R.I. III)

OVERVIEWAzman saw a dog trapped under

a big branch. Azman and Abu lifted the branch. They saved the dog.

Azman saw a dog trapped under a big branch. Quickly, with the help from Abu, Azman lifted the branch to save the dog.

INTRODUCTIONA successful teaching and learning process is crucial in pupils writing development.

The latest UPSR format requires pupils to think critically and creatively especially in narrative writing

INTRODUCTION‘The Coma Style’ is a mini-program under English Language Panel of SRI III which aims to achieve the above with a simple method.

OBJECTIVESTo help pupils construct more creative sentences especially during examinations.

To encourage pupils to be brave in experimenting different language structure in narrative writing

OBJECTIVESTo accustom pupils with the unorthodox language style that is more dramatic and portrays HOTS.

To help pupils score higher marks in UPSR English Writing Paper (014)

PROBLEM STATEMENT Pupils are too accustom with the

conventional ‘S V O’ style that most teachers practice in schools all across Malaysia.

S – Subject V- VerbO- Object

PROBLEM STATEMENT Hence, most of the pupils’ writing

are often identical with very little evidences of creative element.

Pupils’ essay are monotonous and could not grab the readers interest. Let alone the exam markers.

TECHNIQUES 1. Pupils study a picture

2. The pupils are expected to master the ‘S V O’ skills

3. The pupils identify the ‘main idea’ of the picture.

E.g: The little girl cried alone

TECHNIQUES4. The pupils identify another 1

or two ‘additional details’ of the picture.

E.g: -by the window-silently


5. The pupils rearrange the main idea and additional details to create a dramatic sentence.

E.g: Silently, by the window, the little girl cried.

WHAT SUBORDINATE-POINTS SHOULD BE USED? 1. adverbs of manner / adverbs of time

Gradually Slowly Spontaneously Quickly Gracefully Later After two hours of waiting

2. preposition Beneath the tree At the canteen On a bench

3. other info With a pen With a spade


Main point : the girl ate her breakfast

Sub : at the canteen

Sub : chatting with her friends


Main point Sub Sub

Sub Main point Sub

Sub Sub Main point

The girl ate her breakfast on a bench while chatting with her friends

While chatting with her friends, the girl ate her breakfast on a bench

On a bench, chatting with her friends, the girl ate her breakfast.


Main point : Puan Salmiah waited for the bus

Sub : reading a newspaper

Sub : on a bench Sub Sub Main point


GROUP WORK1. Each group will get a picture in a balloon. 2. Pop the balloon to see the picture. 3. The main point is given at the back of the

picture. 4. Add two sub point to make a complete

sentence with the style below.

Sub Sub Main point


Main point The little boy slept

Sub With his pet python

Sub On the bed


On the bed, with his pet python, the little boy slept.

Main point The little girl cried Sub AloneSub On her ruined houseFINAL SENTENCE

Alone, on her ruined house, the little girl cried.

Main point The patient talked to the doctor about his back pain.

Sub SlowlySub On his bedFINAL SENTENCE

Slowly, on his bed, the patient talked to the doctor about his back pain.


On the ruin, thinking about where to live, the little girl cried.

The end.

Thank you for listening.