The Church -...

Post on 07-Jun-2018

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Transcript of The Church -...

The Church:

Early (33ad - 400s)

Middle Ages (500s – 1400s)

Reformation (1500s - 1600s)

Modern (1700s - Today)

The Church:

Early (33ad - 400s)

Middle Ages (500s – 1400s)

Reformation (1500s - 1600s)

Modern (1700s - Today)

Modern (1700s - Today)

1707ad – Watts’ Hymns

Hymns Tired of the dull

songs sung in church, Watts set

out to offer a higher quality alternative of Christian hymns

Influence Wrote over 600

hymns in his life, produced 2 major

collections including ‘Hymns and Spiritual Songs’, with many of his hymns still sung

Modern (1700s - Today)

1716ad – Jonathan Edwards

Edwards Considered by many as ‘the greatest mind

America has ever produced’

Enrolled at Yale at 12 years old,

gained Master’s degree at 19

Influence Powerful preacher, delivered the most famous sermon in American history

(Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God), led the First Great Awakening

Modern (1700s - Today)

1735ad – Great Awakening

Condition Spiritual fervor of immigrants had been lost,

Desire for wealth and comfortable living increased,

Influence of Enlightenment


Awakening Church numbers grew, True piety

emerged, Barriers broke down,

Missions work revived, and Evangelism

among ‘Indians’ increased

Modern (1700s - Today)

1739ad – Wesley & Whitefield

Wesley Graduated and

taught at Oxford, Joined brother’s

group called ‘Holy Club’ (Methodists),

Very influential open-air preaching in England [1739]

Whitefield Part of ‘Holy Club’, Very dynamic, bold & colorful preacher, thousands came to hear him (England

& America), Helped Edwards lead the Great Awakening,

Believed in predestination.

Modern (1700s - Today)

1780ad – Sunday School Problem Factory kids

didn’t work on Sundays, they disturbed the adults, were

illiterate & many got involved in crime very early

Raikes Started a school on Sundays for poor kids that

included reading lessons, going to church, and then Bible


Result: Crime went down, literacy improved, many Sunday Schools

were started in England and in America

Modern (1700s - Today)

1793ad – Carey to India Passion

Carey believed that the Great

Commission was for all believers,

but he was uneducated and unsupported in for many years

Life He formed a missionary

society, sailed to India where he served for 41 years without


Result: Translated the Bible in 30+ languages, dictionaries in 4 languages,

founded many churches and schools, started a college, and converted 700

Modern (1700s - Today)

1807ad – Wilberforce & Slaves

Wilberforce A British politician

who, after befriending John Newton (Amazing Grace), spoke out against slave trade and slavery for the

rest of his life

Slaves After over 20

years of effort, Slave Trade was

abolished in 1807

After another 26 years of effort,

Slavery was also abolished

Modern (1700s - Today)

1840ad – Livingstone to Africa

Livingstone A Scottish doctor,

missionary, explorer, and

fighter against the slave trade

throughout Africa

Africa Livingstone was

sent as a missionary, who

then explored and mapped out

Africa, while writing about the horrors of


Modern (1700s - Today)

1853ad – Taylor to China

Taylor English Missionary to China who took the gospel into the unreached regions

of China, then began a massive

missionary presence there.

China At age 21, he

sailed to China, prayed to receive

funds, revised the Chinese N.T.,

and began the China Inland


Modern (1700s - Today)

1854ad – Spurgeon in London

Spurgeon He began

preaching at 16yrs of age, became

pastor in London at 20yrs, and

preached weekly to thousands til

his death in 1892

Influence He preached 10x a week, to over

10 million in his life, with 25k copies of his sermons sold per week and

3,500+ sermons still in print

Modern (1700s - Today)

1872ad – Moody in America

Moody Church planter, YMCA president,

International Evangelist, Founder of numerous Bible Colleges, President

of International Sunday School


Influence He preached all

over America and internationally,

leaving a legacy in his founding the

Moody Bible Institute and The

Moody Press

Modern (1700s - Today)

1906ad – Pentecostalism

Movement ‘Tongues

speaking’ revivals occurred in

Kansas (1900) & on Azusa St. (1906),

CA, sparking the Pentecostal movement

Belief A number of

denominations resulted, teaching to seek ‘baptism

of the Holy Spirit’, being evidenced by ‘speaking in


Modern (1700s - Today)

1921ad – Christian Radio

Radio Radio broadcasting began in 1920, and

the next year a Pittsburgh radio

station broadcast a local church service

Impact The gospel

could now reach thousands of people at one time, many of whom couldn’t hear the gospel


Modern (1700s - Today)

1931ad – C.S. Lewis Converts

Lewis An Irish scholar, philosopher and

author whose Christian

apologetic and fantasy books

gained him worldwide fame

Work Lewis’ books have sold millions of copies, his radio

messages reached all of the United Kingdom and he donated most all

of his wealth

Modern (1700s - Today)

1942ad – Wycliffe Translators

Purpose Wycliffe Bible

Translators was founded to

translate Scripture, train field

personnel and promote interest

in Bible translation

Impact ‘Wycliffe’ has translated the Bible into 700+ languages and hundreds more are currently in

process of translation

Modern (1700s - Today)

1947ad – Dead Sea Scrolls

The Find Over 200 scrolls of Old Testament

writings, from nearly every book,

dating around 250-150bc, were

found in the caves of Qumran

Importance These scrolls,

nearly identical to the oldest manuscripts

beforehand (at least 1,000 yrs

newer), proved the Bible’s


Modern (1700s - Today)

1949ad – Billy Graham

Graham Church Pastor,

Global Evangelist, Popular Author, Advisor to many World Leaders,

Founder of BGEA, Decision and

Christianity Today

Influence Preached in 400+ Crusades in 185 countries, to 80

million in person, 200+ million in live radio/TV

audiences, and has led millions to faith in Christ

Modern (1700s - Today)

1979ad – The Jesus Film

Mission To reach as many people groups in

the world as possible with the gospel through a

movie in their own language

Results Over 6 billion

people reached, in over 1,200

languages/dialects, over 200 million

professions of faith in Christ

Modern (1700s - Today)

2007ad –Creation Museum

A.I.G. Organization that promotes a literal understanding of

Genesis, in opposition to the Big Bang Theory & Darwin’s Theory

of Evolution

Museum A State-of-the-art

70,000 sq. ft. museum that

brings the Bible to life with a

planetarium, life-size dinosaurs, and many other


The Church:

Early (33 - 400s)

Middle Ages (500s – 1400s)

Reformation (1500s - 1600s)

Modern (1700s - Today)