The Chronicles of Erika | Vol2 | 2009 | Preparing for Life Abroad

Post on 25-Mar-2016

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I wrap-up a wonderful year in Toronto, and get prepared for my pending life abroad. I visit family and friends before jetting off to travel East Africa, and start my consulting gig in the Middle East.

Transcript of The Chronicles of Erika | Vol2 | 2009 | Preparing for Life Abroad

The Chronicles of Erika…The Chronicles of Erika…The Chronicles of Erika…The Chronicles of Erika… Vol. 2 Vol. 2 Vol. 2 Vol. 2 ---- 2009 2009 2009 2009

Life is a Sum of All Your Choices…Life is a Sum of All Your Choices…Life is a Sum of All Your Choices…Life is a Sum of All Your Choices…

The French Philosopher Albert Camus once wrote, “Life is a sum of all your choices.” I think a thought not so far from this one crossed my mind back in April, and this is when I decided to put some critical thought towards my next steps. Last I left you in my March update, I was considering two job opportunities – both about to take me abroad. One job offer was for a global partnerships position with AIESEC International, the global HQ of the organization I just finished working for in Canada. The second option was to go to the Middle-East, (to Amman, Jordan, more specifically) and become a business development officer (essentially partnerships and marketing) for a Sustainability Consultancy Firm. Soon after writing my last update, I had come to realize that I was letting the process (interviews, application process, ‘first offers’) somewhat dictate which path I would take. I suppose my attitude was, “both sound amazing, I’d be happy with either.” But later on, I realized that I had a strong desire for one over the other, so… I pulled out of the process for AIESEC International, decided this was the end to my “AIESEC Career” – already a long one by many standards for those friends of mine from AIESEC who are reading this update, and I decided to work towards my future career ambitions in Sustainability / CSR.

They say that in business, it’s all about the networks and finding yourself mentors to help guide you through your career. I think this past year, I had a great time building a significant network in Canada, and some abroad… and a handful of those individuals proved inspirational and diligent enough to put up with me ☺, allowing me to discover the beautiful nature of mentor-hood relationships. But, I realized that I’ve been seeking a more direct path to a career in Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – [ Wikipedia or Google it! ] I’ve developed a significant passion for sustainable practices, renewable energy and pushing this agenda forward through the private sector, and I felt the need to find a job in this area. Lucky for me, the CEO in Jordan is a Canadian success-story, and is everything I would have wanted my mentor to be in this field. Though the culture-shock may prove challenging at times, I am more excited to discover the beauties of the middle-east, and to feel the rush of a steep learning curve again… lately I’ve had an insatiable hunger to learn about what’s going on in the world… and I’ve replaced TV with TED talks. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, visit and find out what you’ve been missing!

What I’m Most Excited About… What I’m Scared For…

(1) Getting hands-on, high-level experience in the field of Sustainability (CSR) with a Boss I trust & respect, and am eager to learn a ridiculous amount from! Company:

(1) My poor Mom and sister Mariko. They are the one’s that worry for me the most when I’m off on yet another one of my adventures. I promise I’ll be safe and cautious, please try to reduce the worrying – Jordan is safe & beautiful, I hope you come visit!!!

(2) Jordan has been on my top 3 countries to visit for at least the past 4 years… it feels something like fate to find a dream job in a dream destination… Let’s not forget the neighbouring Israel, Turkey, Lebanon and Egypt to name a few either!

(2) The stresses of moving. Apparently it’s difficult to get an apartment in Amman with your ‘boyfriend’ – and often they ask for a marriage certificate for proof. This is a hassle I really hope won’t be as troublesome as it sounds!

(3) My boyfriend, Vince, is doing well in Afghanistan, rolling with the ups and downs as best he can… and when he finishes his tour, he’ll be moving to Jordan with me! It’s such a blessing to be with someone who is willing to carry-out your dreams with you, no matter how far it takes you away from family and friends (thanks love!)

(3) There’s always the possibility that your dream job turns out to be far from the dream… I’ll stay optimistic, but I worry about the gender-equality issue and how they will affect my work-life (though I’ve heard Jordanian women are amongst the strongest in the world) ☺ I’m filled with anticipation!

And Another Chapter Comes to an End…And Another Chapter Comes to an End…And Another Chapter Comes to an End…And Another Chapter Comes to an End…

Some people can’t wait to find out what happens in the end of a book or movie, the suspense is unbearable. I’m the opposite, I relish in the suspense, and I try and enjoy the moment. Of course, that doesn’t apply to everything… I remember not being able to “wait another second” until I moved out on my own 5 years ago, or finishing up University… but it was only because I wanted to get to the juicier parts of life – and I can attest to the last year in Toronto has been one of these unforgettable experiences that I will carry with me forever. I have met some of the best friends I could have ever asked for… who knew you could meet people from around the world at 23, an age when most social circles are already cemented firmly…and still be making some of the closest friends you could ask for?!

This is what the last year has been for me, here in Toronto. I can’t say I’m the greatest fan of this city (ahem, sorry Torontonians!) – they say you either love it or hate it… but I have to say I’m indifferent. But the people I’ve met through my work and this entire experience working for a non-profit in a profit-driven world has been enlightening and has given me rose-colored glasses to view life through again.

So these last days I’ve been relishing every minute with these amazing people, preparing to say “see you later” as opposed to goodbye… My best-friend is my partner at work, Frank, and he’s headed back to his homeland: Columbia. Though he’s applied for Permanent Residence status in Canada, who knows when I’ll get to see him next! Others on the team are headed to Europe and Malaysia, and some others have their whole life planned ahead of them and are heading back to Calgary and Vancouver. We’re all dispersing across the world, and I’m overwhelmed with a sense of pride and am honoured to have gotten the chance to share my life with such incredible people. Each of them were testament to my convictions in “relationships being the ultimate learning-tool in life”… I have learned incredible things from each one of them. It’s been a tearful goodbye.


• Wrapping up AIESEC Canada’s year-end results at our 4th Quarter Board Meeting. It was quite the celebration with our

Board Members and my team! (first picture on the top right)

• I went to go visit Vince’s parents in St-Etienne-des-Gres (Quebec) for the most wonderful, relaxing weekend this June.

• As a celebration, our office IT consultant took us out on his yacht just a few days ago, and it was such a treat! • My final weekend in out East was spent checking out Niagra Falls, and the beauties of Wine Tours in Niagra-on-the-lake

with my Team… though I was sick, it was such a memorable and enjoyable ‘family’ trip to a beautiful destination! Danny, Eldon, Emily, Frank, Layial, Marina, Marc… thanks for the great memories ☺☺☺☺

My Best Friend, Frank, and I

My bestfriends and co-workers in Toronto Marc, Eldon, Me, Em, Danny, Layial, Frank and Marina

Final AIESEC Board Meeting Quarter Four, June End

On Lake Ontario: on a Yacht

On the Horizons…On the Horizons…On the Horizons…On the Horizons…

There are exciting things on the horizon, and that’s the upside to a bitter-sweet end to another chapter of life.

Though I’m leaving some of my best of friends, and some of the greatest memories, I’m excited for my future, for the new things to come, and for the next stage – Here are some of the things I have to look forward to in the next months!

1. I came back home to Nanaimo, Vancouver Island (BC) to stay with family, get home cooked meals, see friends that I haven’t seen in far too long, and enjoy 10 days of blissful vacation at home. I’ve seen friends, had late night catch-ups, and gotten my batteries recharged. And it’s just so beautiful out here: For the last of my Pictures of my final weeks in Canada, click here, or see some on next pg: !

2. On July 11th (This Saturday), I embark on a journey that I’ve dreamt about since I was a little girl. I will be heading to Cairo, Egypt for a few days, followed by 3 weeks in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda with my boyfriend Vince – for our vacation together.

3. In Kenya, I’ll get to do some Safari’s that I never got to do during my time in East Africa (2006) so it’s a lot to look forwards to…

4. In Uganda, I will be trekking through the Rain Forest for a 3-day Gorilla Trek, following Mountain Gorillas and seeing them in the wild!

5. In Rwanda, I will drop by the Genocide museum and see the night life, it should be exotic and wonderful!

6. On August 3rd, I will be heading to Amman, Jordan to begin my work there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Talk about a summer!

There will be updates to come when I get back! I hope everyone is doing well, I do miss you – and I hope I get to see as many people as possible in the coming days!

XXX Erika

Scuba Diving with my Dad and friend Dan in BC

My Brilliant and Gorgeous Team at a Conference in Halifax, in May A social in Toronto after my last Board Meeting for AIESEC CANADA, with some Board members and members of the team.

My wonderful boyfriend surprised me with a Limo And a Spa Day after work in Toronto one day in June. He organized it while on Duty in Afghanistan! Talk about a Keeper! My friend Dan, brother Kenji and I stop to take this beautiful scenic shot

of the ocean in BC this July, while we were driving home. BEAUTY!

My old highschool friends and I get together for a grand ol’ time at a Brew Pub in Nanaimo… it was fabulous to see everyone together!

A photo op with some high-school friends in Nanaimo, BC this July

(RIGHT) A beautiful picture of Parksville Beach (for all your Easterners, Parksville is where Pamela Anderson came from, just 20min North of Nanaimo)… This is how beautiful this wonderful place I call home is!, BC this July