The Christ State of Being

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The Christ State of Being

The Christ State of Being

The reason the Thunders could not be written and why Bro Branham heard them in an unknown tongue and could not understand them, was because they could only be unveiled and clearly understood and revealed by The Lord Himself in His message of The Revelation of Jesus Christ. He unveiled them, not the fore runner.The Thunders is the invisible supernatural eternal State of Being, the "Knowing", of being "I Am". It is The Faith of Jesus Christ. His eternal supernatural State of Being that you have now become. it just is. It is a declaration from an invisible expression that emanates from within. It is heard, as to the Thunders, by the Inward Man as its divine revelation changed it to an eternal quickening spirit, thus it is now The Christ. This was His secret coming as a thief in the night. Then this inward Christ descends from heaven, the Kingdom of God within you by transformating the outer man or mind as it sounds the Trump of The Lord, the Voice of The Lord Himself, The Thunders sounding forth to your outer man resurrecting Him from the dead and revealing to Him His redemption of How He is married to This Christ and they are ONE Spirit and they are One Body as This Christ in its Melchizedek Priesthood Power and Authority marries the Two together as One Flesh. When this is complete then it will manifest itself in a transfiguration of manifestation that will be The Coming of The Lord where Every Eye shall see Him! Your Spirit is in Heaven as heaven is The Spirit and your Soul is in heaven as it is been redeemed and married to The Christ and has His Faith which works by His Spirit, as His Spirit in its essence has produced a state of absolute authority by a constituted eternal knowledge and understanding has birth an Eternal Mind of Knowing and Authority as it can be said God has revealed Himself unto Himself and His Eternal Wisdom and Knowledge and Understanding hath by using the Soul of Man, the Soul being the Power of Decision, then God hath used that Soul subjected it to the darkness of sin and hell and torment in utter darkness so that His Light could come and transformate it and use its defining qualities as darkness reveals Light to reveal Himself unto Himself and in the process take and make that Soul One with Himself and bring it to a state of eternal existence, with eternal life, and eternal faith and authority! In other words, God hath subjected Himself to The Son, to The Faith of The Lord Jesus, he hath said, Command Thou Me, concerning the Works of My Hands! What is the Works of Gods hands? All that exist! Everything in heaven and the earth and all of eternity is the works of His hands! God hath veiled Himself in all of creation and then hath turned and subjected himself to The Faith of Jesus Christ who alone dwells in that Light! The Great Spirit hath birthed a Son, a Faith that alone expresses the Eternal God as The Faith of Christ hath

defined God and made Him a declaration! The darkness of Christ who was Light, was made sin and darkness and placed in the lowest hell so that that darkness could ultimately define the greatest light! This is why the highest angel or spirit in heaven had to fall to the lowest hell, it is why the seed of the man the stronger spirit has to cast forth his seed into the bloody lustful hellish burning passions of the depths of the womb of the woman, to birth forth that child which is the Father reproducing His own Image! The Woman came forth from the Man as the Soul came forth from the Spirit, man came forth from God and man was made a living soul. Mankind the female part or side of God, God using the soul or the faith of man as a womb to "make man into His Image"! when lightning strikes it is the quickening of the anointed inspired word of God or the seed of God rending the heavens in the twinkling of an eye, as the lightning shines from the east to the west so this is the Coming of The Lord like a thief in the night, so is Light or seed penetrates the rent veil and enters your Holy of Holies and places His seed upon the Mercy Seat of your heart, there you dwell upon the throne the Blood Life the Soul part of you, it now as the seed of the man is encapsulated by the blood cell of the woman, thus God has veiled himself in darkness as a Child within the womb of the woman, Christ in the Heart of Man. Then as this child is forming and growing within the womb it is being revealed to it who it is. The Two Covering Cherubims of the Law of The Good and Grace and The Evil and The Law, as you work out your own salvation, these two cherubims in your heaven within your holy of holies begin a warfare as the darkness that has encapsulated you being the fleshly mind or blood cell of the woman, is a middle wall of partition camouflaging the truth before your eyes and Here (Hear) the Thunders begin to sound as divine comprehension takes place as you heed the good and cast out the evil, you change the lies back into the truth, by listening to the spiritual Christ and not the fleshly mind. So Truth needs the Lie to define and reveal itself unto itself, as darkness is needed for light to be made known. The flesh or the carnal mind was the stone needed to sharpen and define the edge of the blade. The fire was to purify the gold. Lucifer was the Light bearer, as The Woman bears the Child, As the Blood Cell bears the Seed of the Man, as The Soul bears the Spirit of Christ. The Inward Man is the Spirit, the Outer man is The Soul, The Spirit is Light, The Soul is darkness, Thus a middle wall of partition between the Spirit and Soul causes the Soul to be cast as a state of unbelief which is Satan or that which is perverted, distorted and seen as unruly and evil full of lies which cast its shadow upon the body which means death. But as the child of light grows and the thunders sound, and the veil of ignorance and unbelief is rent in twain by the brightness of this growth then the sinful soul is changing, transformating, the satanic perversion is being destroyed as the fog

is burned away and as His Faith enters the Soul, correcting the fallen image from the garden, the light eventually dissipates all the darkness, Satan is no more, the soul is redeemed and a shadow is no longer cast upon the body but glorious light shines upon it as it is now eternal and can never die! Once this Child is fully formed as it stands between the Covering Cherubims of The Law and Prophets or Law and Grace, it has heard the Thunders of The Voice of God say unto it, This is My Son in whom I am pleased to dwell and it leaves its Father and its Mother as they are ONE and cleaves unto its Wife or marries the Body and they are now One Flesh! God personified in you and I. God reproducing Himself. Creating Man in His own Image, the Image of The Lord Jesus Christ who was the First Born of many Sons that were to also be born after Him and By Him and through Him. Lightning is Light rending the veil of ignorance and unbelief, casting out The Prince of The Powers of The Air as this light brings forth The Divine Quickening Supernatural Revelation of God Himself! The Thunders is The Divine Quickening Supernatural "COMPREHENSION" of what was revealed and has birthed forth by divine comprehension a Supernatural, divine, quickening eternal "State of Being" which was and is known in the Bible as "I Am"! You have "Come To Be" The Christ, God Himself! You are now God manifest in the Flesh, Eternal in Life, Power, Glory, Wisdom, Understanding, Faith and Authority! say what you will and it shall be done unto you.This is what saith The Thunders, The Voice of The Lord Himself, The Seals within You are opened and revealed and loosed as it was Christ in You that was in the midst of those Candlesticks, Those seals were the 7 Spirits of God, as the Holy Ghost is A Seal! YOU was the One standing in the Midst of the Candlesticks, You was Christ and all of what took place in the Book of Revelations was YOU, it was for you and it was The Revelation of Who You Are In Christ, By Christ, Through Christ, In Christ! It was The Revelation of Jesus Christ, so it was what happened and took place in Him as God revealed to Jesus Christ whom He was! Now by His Spirit coming into you then it is The Revelation of Jesus Christ happening all over again as Christ is revealing Himself to You as to who you are, by what he hath done for you, by His finished works!You are His Bone and Flesh, You have His Spirit and that made you one with Him, then You are Him so it is your revelation! The same revelation God gave to Jesus Christ in Revelations, is the same revelation He is revealing to you and I as we are also one of the many Sons He is brought unto perfection! So The Thunders are The Revelation of Jesus Christ, The Coming of The Lord! The Birth of The Many Membered Man Child! The Elect Chosen of God coming to their graduation! Coming to the Fullness of The Stature! Glory unto God!!!! Amen and Amen!