The Chimes - Razor Planet · 2011-10-28 · November 2011 Vol. 30, No. 11 The Chimes FALLBROOK...

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Transcript of The Chimes - Razor Planet · 2011-10-28 · November 2011 Vol. 30, No. 11 The Chimes FALLBROOK...



Vol. 30, No. 11


463 South Stage Coach Lane ~ Fallbrook, California, 92028 ~ Phone (760) 728-5804 ~ Fax (760) 728-3865

From Beth Ann Murray 1

November Events 3

Women’s Ministry 4

Feature: Answered Prayers


Student Ministries 7

Mission/Ministry Reports and Ops


From the Flower Fields 9

Church Family News, Birthdays and Prayer Requests

12, 13

Quick Look at Dates 14


A Message of Thanksgiving from Pastor Jerome . . .

“Dear Friends, this year as we approach the Thanksgiving season, I want to express my overflowing gratitude for Beth Ann Murray and our wonderful Children’s Ministry Team. Week in and week out they continue to serve faithfully and joyfully, leading our precious little ones into Jesus’ loving embrace. I am so excited about the new children’s program they will be unveiling this month. Sara Brown (the granddaughter of our beloved Darlene Thumb) introduced this program to us and will help organize and lead it beginning Sunday, November 6. Below you will find Beth Ann’s preview of what’s in store for our children this holiday season. ENJOY! ... I know they will!” Pastor Jerome

“Elevate”“Elevate”“Elevate”“Elevate” From Beth Ann Murray, Director of Children’s Ministries . . .

Come join us as we visit Professor Playtime’s Christmas Shop of Wonders!

Here your kids will learn the true meaning of Christmas and see the Christmas story through the eyes of the people who actually experienced this wondrous event! Grab your Christmas cheer and as much jolliness as you can carry, because the Christmas Shop of Wonders is open for business!

(Continued on page 2)


All Who Served

November 11, 2011

page 2 The Chimes November 2011

The Mission Statement of Fallbrook Presbyterian Church: To bring people into a relationship with Jesus Christ, grow them up as His lifelong disciples, and gather them into a

Christ-centered community where they can experience and express God’s love.

On November 6th we will be intro-ducing this new Children’s Sun-day School Program!

“Elevate”“Elevate”“Elevate”“Elevate” Elevate is a children’s curriculum produced by Fel-lowship Church. This is unlike any children’s pro-gram we have ever seen before. With skits, Bible Stories, and Small Group video training, Elevate has it covered. Elevate uses theme-based, Bible driven, character lessons, that will immerse our kids in a world of creative and relevant biblical teach-ing. Elevate is an all-inclusive program, that will provide us with everything we need to make our Sunday School teaching the best it can be.

The new program will commence on November 6th. We have our awesome Sunday School team already in place plus brand new helpers who will be making this program come alive for your chil-dren. We continue to put together our teams to per-form the live skits and Bible Stories. To change it up, we even have the option to watch the Bible story and skit during the teaching time as well.

We are excited about our new venture. Not only will our new Sunday School program bring in new ideas, it will include Small Group activities, hand-outs for the families, continual volunteer training and Teacher Devotionals.

So church family, please pray that Elevate will help our children become more excited about church while they are learning more about God!

Children’s Ministry Happenings!Children’s Ministry Happenings!Children’s Ministry Happenings!Children’s Ministry Happenings!

Preschool is slowly adding to our enrollment one student at a time. God is so good about bringing the families that He wants to belong to our already wonderful family.

AWANA grows weekly, this week our Sparky’s team added 3 new students. T & T continues to be strong and consistent in their enrollment. Even our cubbies are filling a room. We are up to 50 stu-dents now. God is sooo good.

On October 10th, Los Amigos had a fun adventure at the San Diego Zoo. We will resume our normal routine of tutoring on October 25th. We have 21 children enrolled with 2 students on our wait list. Please make a dream come true and join our team so we can invite these new students into our program.

Our Sunday school program is gearing up for our new adventure with Elevate. Our first adventure is “Professor Playtime’s CHRISTMAS SHOP OF WONDERS! Not only do we have a superb Sun-day School team already in place, but we are trying something new for a few months to see if our kids and parents are ready for something new. We need lots of volunteers and friends who are willing to serve in the new Children’s Ministry program.

Sign up Sunday at our Children’s Ministry table.

“Elevate” (Continued from page 1)

November 2011 The Chimes page 3

Men’s Life Bible StudyMen’s Life Bible StudyMen’s Life Bible StudyMen’s Life Bible Study Wednesdays at 7 a.m.

in Nalbach Chapel This Fall the study will focus on the New Testament of Galatians. God seems to be calling our church to a new awareness of our need to reach out. As we do so, we might wonder “What place should obedience and good works have in our Christian lives?” Men of every age are welcome to join in these lively discussions. Chuck Boatman is the discussion facilitator. You are welcome to join in any time.

Moms in TouchMoms in TouchMoms in TouchMoms in Touch Wednesday mornings at 8:30 a.m.

in the PW Room Come join us! We are a group of women praying for Fallbrook High School students.

Fallbrook Women’s Fallbrook Women’s Fallbrook Women’s Fallbrook Women’s Support GroupSupport GroupSupport GroupSupport Group

First Wednesdays of each month 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Chris Conklin’s house This group supports and equips women through crisis. Call Cindy Bowers at (760) 310-7336 for more information or to sign up.









Daylight Saving Time EndsDaylight Saving Time EndsDaylight Saving Time EndsDaylight Saving Time Ends November 6November 6November 6November 6

Fallbrook Presbyterian’s Fallbrook Presbyterian’s Fallbrook Presbyterian’s Fallbrook Presbyterian’s Boy Scouts Boy Scouts Boy Scouts Boy Scouts

Troop 755 MeetsTroop 755 MeetsTroop 755 MeetsTroop 755 Meets All Sundays in the CACAll Sundays in the CACAll Sundays in the CACAll Sundays in the CAC

4:304:304:304:30----6 p.m.6 p.m.6 p.m.6 p.m.

Come check out our new display board with photos and info of what our program is about in the CAC.

Consider joining us.

FYI: There have been 51 Eagles Scouts through this troop in the past 25 years! And four more will

become Eagle Scouts this year!!

Scout Law

A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind,

Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave,

Clean, and Reverent.

For more information, please call Rhonda Hill,

Chartered Representative for Fallbrook Presbyterian Church Troop 755


Grief Share ContinuesGrief Share ContinuesGrief Share ContinuesGrief Share Continues 7 p.m. on Mondays, Fireside Room

It’s not too late to sign up. The group is led by Jan Hilton and Terry Bibbens. For more information, call Jan Hilton at (760) 728-9436 or go to

Centering PrayerCentering PrayerCentering PrayerCentering Prayer Saturdays, 9 a.m., Fireside Room

This is a small group which focuses on silently seeking God. Jean Tiffany is leading this group. Call Jean at (760) 728-1287 with any questions.

page 4 The Chimes November 2011

W.O.W. W.O.W. W.O.W. W.O.W. PresentsPresentsPresentsPresents Revelation

Here and Now...There and Then by Beth Moore

An 11-week lecture series on the book of Revela-tion continues. Beth presents many points of view, allowing women to decide for themselves when the interpretation varies among scholars. She teaches that God is as specific about what He does reveal as He is about what He does not reveal. We live in a world that is upside down and it is scripture that turns it right side up. Sixty-six books of the Bible are not like separate pieces of a whole. Picture them like a long rope with sixty-six knots in it. They are all telling the same redemption story over and over. They are all tied together. Revelation is the amaz-ing finish to what began in the book of Genesis.

Join us Thursdays 9:15 a.m. w/ Childcare

7 p.m. No Childcare

Call Heidi Roderick for more info…


P.W. Women Presents

“Set Apart”

A Study of the Beatitudes

by Jennifer Kennedy Dean

In this study, author Jennifer Kennedy Dean explores the Beatitudes. By bringing in the distinc-tively Jewish setting of Jesus inaugural sermon, Jennifer uncovers fresh nuances and overlooked undertones. Her distinctive communication style and approach to the Scripture is on full display in this challenging, encouraging, indispensable study. Join PW the first Wednesday of each month starting in November (Nov. 2) at 10 a.m. in the

Chapel. This group is a no-stress, slower-paced group led by Pastor Jerome. Call Juliana Tipton for more info at 760-728-3676.

Women’s Ministry Women’s Ministry Women’s Ministry Women’s Ministry Christmas Party Christmas Party Christmas Party Christmas Party (Save the Date)(Save the Date)(Save the Date)(Save the Date)

Friday, December 2, 6:30 p.m.Friday, December 2, 6:30 p.m.Friday, December 2, 6:30 p.m.Friday, December 2, 6:30 p.m.

Bring a friend, join us in the Chapel and celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are planning a night of fun, food, fellow-ship and worship. Tickets will go on sale in mid-November at the Women’s Ministry booth in the narthex.

Surrendering the SecretSurrendering the SecretSurrendering the SecretSurrendering the Secret Are you one of the 50 million women that

have been affected by abortion? While you

might feel alone in your shame and guilt,

you are not! There is hope. There is freedom.

There is healing. Surrendering the Secret is a

powerful new study published by LifeWay

Christian Resources. Find the path to healing

through honest, interactive Bible study;

meaningful group experiences; unique jour-

naling exercises; and a confidential caring


Call Cindy McAvoy (760) 497-8092.

Women’s Ministries Women’s Ministries Women’s Ministries Women’s Ministries

A Corner on Books, Movies, CDs, etc.A Corner on Books, Movies, CDs, etc.A Corner on Books, Movies, CDs, etc.A Corner on Books, Movies, CDs, etc. When you get excited by a movie, book, periodical,

CD, web site, etc. please give this information to us

for this corner! We want to know why the material is

good for us! E-mail Susan Frank or leave a note

for her in the Church Office.

November 2011 The Chimes page 5

Feature of the Month:

On every mission trip I have been, God has done at least one miracle. On my first trip in 2001, the first event happened in the San Diego airport. At that time we were a team of 50 plus from 14 different churches and headed for South Africa. With the confusion of that many people who could each claim 2 suitcases, we had a surplus of about 4 supply suitcases. We all believed we needed to bring these supplies so we gathered together to pray that God would intervene. When we finished praying and looked over to the loading area, the suitcases were being placed on the conveyor belt. The second miracle happened before we were in South Africa and I believe it occurred because of those additional suitcases. As we were approach-ing Africa, the pilot came on the intercom and announced that due to additional weight we would be unable to land in Jo’berg. Instead we were landing in Capetown (much closer to Paarl). Our checked luggage went on to Jo’berg and the airport apologized for the inconvenience. Customs was a breeze, there was no fees for additional luggage, and the rest of the luggage was delivered to us. All of these God interven-tions occurred before we were even settled in. There were many more that occurred throughout the trip. One of my favorite miracles shows that God has a sense of humor. We were on a Malawi trip on our bus and had to pass through a military check stop. One of our impulsive youths decided to take a picture of the guard. The guard stopped the bus, ordered the youth off (accompanied by our trip leader), and demanded to see the youth’s passport. We had been told to bring our passports everywhere we went. Of course, this youth did not have his. The youth was a tall thin

white kid and the passport that was passed forward for him to use was of a large black youth with dreadlocks. We prayed for the Lord to make the guard blind to the passport. We watched as the guard checked out the passport, looked at the youth and continued talking. In a few minutes we were all aboard and allowed to pass. In South Africa we were invited to teach about Jesus in the public schools. We were team teaching. Our first lesson was on the gospel beads and I was concerned as to how high school kids would receive this lesson. Not only were the kids completely involved, but they refused to leave at the end of the period. The principal had to find another classroom for his next class. The kids were open and honest with us and we fell in love with them. On the last day in the schools, a young girl came up and asked me to pray for her. Her name was Precious and she did not want to steal any more. My heart was overwhelmed. Besides praying for her, I told her that she was precious to the Lord and could always rely on the Lord to be with her. The youth leaders identified on this trip led to the development of the “Dream Team.” Shortly before we left for the Ethiopia trip, Pastor “Benny” Yusuf e-mailed me that he wanted to feed the pastors at the church leader-ship conferences. This would cost $2,500, and I responded that I would see what we could do. Everyone was still raising their own funds, and the budget did not include this money. We all believed that God wanted this to happen but had no idea how. We prayed and God provided the funds right before we left.

(continued on page 6)

Answered PrayersAnswered PrayersAnswered PrayersAnswered Prayers by Joannie Sawdon

page 6 The Chimes November 2011

Also on the Ethiopia trip, we were waiting in a tiny airport for our “puddle jumping” flight to one of the conferences. There was a thunderstorm that showed no signs of stopping. Our luggage sat on the tarmac getting soaked. We were told by Pastor Yusuf that we would have to sleep on the tile in the little waiting room if the rain didn’t stop. We would also miss a dinner with the church leaders and have no time to prepare for the conference the next day if we made it at all. We huddled together to pray. We finished praying and looked outside to see a patch of blue sky in the middle of the storm and our plane came through the patch. We boarded and took off through the blue hole in the sky. These are just a few examples of the miracles God has done on mission trips. I now look forward to seeing what God is going to do on each trip. I believe we are more aware of God’s work on mission trips because we are not constantly bom-barded by information and distractions as we are at home. I have also found that I am more aware of God performing his work back home because of these experiences.

Answered Prayers (Continued from page 5)

Thank You, Church FamilyThank You, Church FamilyThank You, Church FamilyThank You, Church Family

As a result of your obedience to God, we have re-ceived a great variety of fabric and supplies for the Malawi Orphans Clothing Ministry. With our needs being met, we are filled with encouragement and energy to keep this ministry going.

Bless all of you. Sherry Carter Susan Holthaus

November 27November 27November 27November 27

A Blessed Thanksgiving A Blessed Thanksgiving A Blessed Thanksgiving A Blessed Thanksgiving

To Our Church FamilyTo Our Church FamilyTo Our Church FamilyTo Our Church Family

And Friends!And Friends!And Friends!And Friends!

November 2011 The Chimes page 7

Fallbrook Presbyterian Student Ministries Mission Statement:

To grow Christ-dependant students who maintain Godly character,

demonstrate the love that comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ,

and equip them for the realities of life with the infallible truths from God’s Word.

Student Ministries


Fridays, 7-9 p.m.






Thursdays, 7-9 p.m.




The 463 Project

Every Sunday except

Communion Sundays

during 2nd service.











The 463 Café Hours Thursdays and Fridays

after school from 3 to 7 p.m.


S.L. C.

Student Leadership



3:30-4:30 p.m.




Call Banning or Meghan at 760-728-5804 for more details!

Cookie Ministry To Be Revived







The 463 After Hours


7-8 p.m. first and third

Sunday every month









page 8 The Chimes November 2011

Local Missions Local Missions Local Missions Local Missions • Brother Benno’s — November 25 (4th Fri-

days) (breakfast for the homeless). Call Chris Walls, 760-723-9468.

• Bread of Life — November 21 (3rd Mondays). Luke 14:13: “But when you give a banquet,

invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind,

and you will be blessed. Although they cannot

repay you, you will be paid at the resurrection

of the righteous.”

We feed the poorest of the poor once a month in Oceanside. We need volunteers to serve two hours once a month. Meet at the church at 4:45 p.m. by the CAC. Please join us. Contact Jeff Graflund, 760-723-0098

• Fallbrook Pregnancy Resource Center —

We are always in need of disposable diapers, especially in the larger sizes, and baby wipes. If you would like to donate these items, please bring them to the Church Office and we’ll see that they get to FPRC. For other information please call Miriam Kirk at 760-451-9337 or

Missions Need You!Missions Need You!Missions Need You!Missions Need You! We hope you have checked out the video display on the Missions Wall in the Narthex. The Missions Team is looking for help in our efforts to draw attention to the exciting and chal-lenging ministries of our missionaries. With the new website we have yet another timely way of highlighting the prayer needs, activities and lives of these wonderful servants. We know there are members who have creative ideas, possibly have some computer and communi-cation skills and/or would just like to help in some way in coming alongside the missionaries. Your help would be most welcome. Please consider joining our team. The Missions’ Team: Bill Holthaus, Bill Saunders, Gene Gauthier, Peggy Collins, Cindy McAvoy, Joannie Sawdon, Tom DuMont

Letter From Janet Rowlands,Letter From Janet Rowlands,Letter From Janet Rowlands,Letter From Janet Rowlands, One of Our MissionariesOne of Our MissionariesOne of Our MissionariesOne of Our Missionaries

FallFallFallFall----ing Into Placeing Into Placeing Into Placeing Into Place Dear Friends and Family - Today I am sipping a warm cup of tea as the weather turns blustery outside. In the last week the colors have begun to pop on the trees here in Budapest. Fall is definitely in the air! As much as I love summer ministries, there is something about fall that gives me a special joy. There is a rhythm to the autumn season, as ministries begin again in churches and the school year progresses. There is a daily cadence which I find comfortable after the exuberance of summer camps and schedules. It's as if things are fall-ing into place when the seasons change. This is true for my daily ministry as well. Since my last update, summer has come to a close, and I have been focusing on some specific ministry direc-tions. Here's a snapshot of the last couple of months for me. (and a link to a slideshow of photos accompanying each of the following stories):

sid=0AcMnDdq3cMmLEPA Summer Wrap Up As August drew to a close, I was serving with PI's Member Development Team in Orlando for a 2 week period of time. I learned so much about caring well for our field based personnel from those who do it best! I was also able to serve by facilitat-ing a 3 day strategic vision retreat for this growing team. In the past year they have almost doubled in size, so it was a timely opportunity to walk through a process of articulating their ministry vision for the next 3 years. It was a joy to be with them, and to hear their heart for those who serve HIM in remote and difficult places. I also enjoyed building on relationships which were started at our English Camp. Kriszti's two sons attended camp this summer, and they joined us for

(Continued on page 10)

Mission / Ministry Opportunities & ReportsMission / Ministry Opportunities & ReportsMission / Ministry Opportunities & ReportsMission / Ministry Opportunities & Reports

November 2011 The Chimes page 9

From the FPC Flower FieldsFrom the FPC Flower FieldsFrom the FPC Flower FieldsFrom the FPC Flower Fields

God didn’t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow or sun without rain. But God did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and a light for the way. And for all who believe in His Kingdom of love, He answers their faith with peace from above. Our yearly coordinators are Elissa Taylor and Miriam Kirk. Fall quarterly leaders are Sonja Smit, 951-587-0722 and Rhonda Hill, 760-451-1554. Designers for November are: Nov 6 Crawford Nov 13 Grantham Nov 20 Thanksgiving: Tiffany and Reilly Nov 27 Advent : McCalla

With grateful hearts We give thanks to God For family and friends, For home and health And happiness Have a blessed Thanksgiving Day! Patricia Reilly

Flower Dedications (as of time of publication)

[See page 12 for form to complete if you’d like to dedicate flowers.]

Nov 6 For Judith for “putting up with me for 50 years”

Our anniversary date is November 5 — by Pierre Domercq In memory of my beloved husband, Erich — by Mary Fahrion

Nov 13 Nov 20

Nov 27

We saw leaves go to glory, Then almost migratory Go part way down the lane, And then to end the story Get beaten down and pasted In one wild day of rain. We heard “’Tis over” roaring. A year of leaves was wasted.

Oh, we make a boast of storing, Of saving and of keeping, But only by ignoring The waste of moments sleeping, The waste of pleasure weeping, By denying and ignoring The waste of nations warring.

NovemberNovemberNovemberNovember By Robert Frost

page 10 The Chimes November 2011

church in Vecsés the Sunday following camp. She and I met several times as the summer came to a close. As a teacher, it will be more difficult for us to meet during the school year. Will you please

pray that we will be able to continue to build our relationship and I would be a reflection of Jesus as we spend time together? Fall Focus Outreach - I returned to Hungary in early Septem-ber, just in time for a fresh ministry year. This fall I've chosen to become more involved in the life of one of our church plants in Vecsés, Hungary. Each month they host a "Patchwork Club" - a quilting and craft evening outreach for ladies in the commu-nity. Approximately 20-25 women attend this monthly outreach which includes a quilting or craft project - and a time for a brief testimony as well. I love being a part of it - though it stretches my skills in both sewing and Hungarian! Please pray for the church in Vecsés as they seek to be salt and light in their community. Celebrations - Within the life of the small church in Petıfibánya, late summer/early fall brought two great occasions for celebra-tion. The first was the baptism of 3 young believers in early September. There was an overflow crowd (we had to move out into the yard!) for the service when Eszti, Zsofi and Gyuri were baptized. Both Zsofi and Eszti made commitments at English Camp this summer after many years of participating in the outreach minis-tries of the church. Celebrate with us as the family grows! Earlier, we celebrated with Gabi and Enikı as they were married. This young couple met at English

camp 4 years ago, and they have matured in their life and faith over the last few years. This was the first time I've been invited to a 'small town' Hungar-ian wedding. The traditions were wonderful and the occasion a reason for celebration!! Growth - Over the summer, the PI leaders asked me to take on the leadership responsibility for a first ever leadership development initiative for PI members serving in Europe. Tomorrow I will depart for a week long residential gathering with PI members from 5 continents. North Americans will be in the minority in this group and we look for-ward to a gathering which truly reflects the interna-tional PI fellowship. The goal of this time is to provide life opportunities for learning, ministry skill development, mentoring, spiritual formation, character development, and deepening intimacy with Jesus Christ. Those attending make a 2 year commitment to pursue growth in community. Will you please join us by praying for this time. We will be together from Sunday, October 9 through Saturday, October 15. It seems that this blend of local ministry and leadership/team development is emerging as a new direction in ministry for me. Yes, things are fall-ing into place for me as well. Some key details - like team placement - are still taking form. But God is moving and directing the process. Will you please pray with me as that journey continues. As I write this, I remain so very thankful for those of you who faithfully support this work through your gifts and (most important of all!) your prayers. I am grateful beyond what I can express! With love and gratitude, Janet Janet Rowlands 1221 Budapest Panoráma utca 38/a Hungary / Magyarország Phone: (36) 1-226-1999 Mobile: (36) 20-378-8408 Skype: Dzanetka

Fall-ing Into Place (Continued from page 8)

Praying for New Believers

November 2011 The Chimes page 11

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog’s owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker and they were hoping for a miracle. I examined Belker and found he was dying of can-cer. I told the family we couldn’t do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia pro-cedure for the old dog in their home. As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the ex-perience. The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker’s family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away. The little boy seemed to accept Belker’s transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat to-gether for a while after Belker’s death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, “I know why.” Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I’d never heard a more comforting explanation. It has changed the way I try and live. He said, “People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life — like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?” The six-year-old continued, “Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay as long.”

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Remember, if a dog was the teacher, you would learn things like: When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joy ride. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy. Take naps. Stretch before rising. Run, romp, and play daily. Thrive on attention and let people touch you. Avoid biting with a simple growl will do. On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass. On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree. When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk. Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you’re not. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently. Enjoy every moment of every day!

A Dog’s Purpose As Viewed By A SixA Dog’s Purpose As Viewed By A SixA Dog’s Purpose As Viewed By A SixA Dog’s Purpose As Viewed By A Six----yearyearyearyear----oldoldoldold By Bill Brown, submitted by Norm Leraas

page 12 The Chimes November 2011

Condolences to families and friends Condolences to families and friends Condolences to families and friends Condolences to families and friends who have lost loved ones recently. May God’s promise to be with you be especially real right now — and may you know the gentle comfort of His healing touch. Lila Sandschulte Lila Sandschulte Lila Sandschulte Lila Sandschulte in the loss of her husband, Jack.Jack.Jack.Jack. Rod & Windy Smith Rod & Windy Smith Rod & Windy Smith Rod & Windy Smith in the loss of Rod’s mother, Marguarite Smith.Marguarite Smith.Marguarite Smith.Marguarite Smith. Hattie Williams Hattie Williams Hattie Williams Hattie Williams in the loss of her sister.

Newsletter Deadline for the December 2011 issue:Newsletter Deadline for the December 2011 issue:Newsletter Deadline for the December 2011 issue:Newsletter Deadline for the December 2011 issue:

4:30 p.m. on

Tuesday, November 15

A Reminder: Please include your name and phone number with your submitted article. Please note that I reply to all e-mails that I receive. All submitted articles are subject to editing with regards to subject matter, space requirements and timely submissions. —Ann Seymour, Editor phone: 731-9629;

fax: 731-9629; please call first so I can turn on the fax machine;

e-mail address:

Flower DedicationFlower DedicationFlower DedicationFlower Dedication If you are interested in dedicating flowers in honor of loved ones or to celebrate special occasions, please fill out the following and put it with your $20 donation (marking your check memo “flower dedication”) either in the collection plate or in the Church Office. Call Pat Reilly 760-731-2877 or Miriam Kirk 760-451-9337 if you have questions. Name: ______________________________________ Preferred Date of Dedication: ____________________

Phone: _____________________________________

Please word my dedication as follows:




November 15November 15November 15November 15

November 2011 The Chimes page 13

Prayer Reminders

Eleanor Bathalter, Elizabeth Baumgart, Martha Baylor, Jake Berger, Jay Bibbens, Pat Boatman, John Bowling, Lois Brasfield, Sam Britton, Debra and Patti Brown, Marcy Burge, McKayla King/Brian Wood’s son Luke, Marina & Michael Burke & family, Cody Cantarini, Erin Correa, Ann Dunbar, Bonnie Eddy, Joan English, Maggie Donovan, John Gollner (Sherry McFarland’s dad), Henny Goresky, Alan Herd, Jeri Heiser, Adrienne Hess, Bonnie Johnson (Linda Shirey’s mom), Jane Leach, Jerry Maurer’s grandniece Katherine, Jody McIver, Danielle Miller (Sandy Goodman’s niece), Marilyn Miller, Conrad Murphy, TJ Murray, Joella Olson’s sister, Steve Perham, Agnes Poppel, Lila Sandschulte and family, Marlene Schmidke, Bruce Sharp, Rod and Windy Smith, Bita and Mari Snyder, Peg Stanley, Marilynne Stransky and Hattie Williams. Please keep our church family overseas and their families in prayer: Joey Alley, Michael Baldwin, Bryan Brooks, Jason Carter, Andrew Clayton, David Cooke, Joe Croninger, Gray Dawson, Shane Domercq, Matt Harvey, Matt Hill and Kevin Low.

News From the Church Family!News From the Church Family!News From the Church Family!News From the Church Family!

1 Lori Greenstone 2 Jeremy Croucier 4 Midge DeGroot Kaitlyn Martin 5 Sue Sheldrup 7 Karen Fatland Mike Knox Rachelle Roderick 8 Greg Coppock Paul Mattson 10 Veronica Mora 11 Shayli Coppock

Jo Porter 12 Hayden Haldi 13 Jane Estes Joanne Stephens 14 Charlie Dean Bill Holthaus 15 Gene Gauthier Anne Leonard 17 James Hargas 18 Roy Glasgow 19 Patrick Deming 20 Sherry Pfeil

21 Kelli Rice Shirley Strong 22 Spencer Bartlett 25 Ken Emory 24 Laura Johnson Susan Norton Denise Ragle 28 Giana Mora Barbara Sciarra

Here’s who’s counting candles in November!Here’s who’s counting candles in November!Here’s who’s counting candles in November!Here’s who’s counting candles in November!

Anniversaries in November!Anniversaries in November!Anniversaries in November!Anniversaries in November!

1 Darrel Janice Williams 2 Bruce & Rhonda Hill 3 Erich & Mary Fahrion 7 Jim & Barbara Sciarra 7 Ralph & Dot Tibbetts 9 Bob & Kathy Sears 14 Dean & Florie Meyer 17 Keith & Melanie Bonenfant

17 John & Lori Greenstone 20 Ed & Sharon Puett 25 Norman & Mimi Leraas 26 Bill & Virginia Cooke 26 Paul & Sharon Mattson 28 Don & Leanne Green 30 Bruce & Margaret Daniel

page 14 The Chimes November 2011


PAID Fallbrook, CA

Permit #22

Quick Look At Schedule

[See page 7 for Student Ministry Activities] Nov 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Men’s Life Bible Study, 7 a.m., Chapel Nov 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Moms In Touch, 8:30 a.m., PW Room Nov 2 P. W. Women, 10 a.m., Chapel Nov 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Women’s Support Group, 6:30 p.m., Conklin Nov 3, 10, 17, 24 WOW, 9:15 a.m. & 7 p.m. Nov 5, 12, 19, 26 Centering Prayer, 9 a.m., Fireside Room Nov 6 Daylight Saving Time Ends Nov 6 Elevate, a new Children’s Sunday School program begins Nov 6, 13, 20, 27 Boy Scout Troop 755 meets, 4:30, CAC Nov 7, 14, 21, 28 Grief Share, 7 p.m., Fireside Room Nov 15 Deadline for December issue of The Chimes, 4:30 p.m. Nov 21 Bread of Life dinner for the homeless Nov 25 Brother Benno’s breakfast for the homeless Nov 27 First Sunday of Advent Dec 2 Women’s Ministry Christmas Party, 6:30 p.m.

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Join us for Sunday morning worship. Join us for Sunday morning worship. Join us for Sunday morning worship. Join us for Sunday morning worship. 8:30 Traditional Worship Service 10:30 Contemporary Worship Service

Nursery & Children’s Sunday School at both services

�The Chimes is a publication of

Fallbrook Presbyterian Church

463 South Stage Coach Lane Fallbrook, CA 92028

Phone: (760) 728-5804

Preschool: (760) 728-1032

Fax: (760) 728-3865


Web site:

Pastor�Jerome Marroquin

Associate Pastor

Greg Coppock

Student Ministries

Banning Canterini

Zac Knox

Chris Low

Meghan Miller

Children’s Ministries

Beth Ann Murray, Director

Fallbrook Presbyterian Preschool

Beth Ann Murray, Director

Music Ministry

Brenda Tapley, Director

Church Organist

John Redford

Church Office

Sherry McFarland, Financial Administrator

Marcy Burge, Church Secretary

Facility Maintenance

Alex Gonzalez, Custodian

Aurelio Ferreira, Night Custodian

Angel Gaona, Gardener