The Casbah 33 (1989) - 01 March 2016

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Transcript of The Casbah 33 (1989) - 01 March 2016

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Dedicated to the Casbah spirit of Aziz Hassim

Edition 33 - Vol 4 01 March 2016

Stories and adverts from The Leader - year 1989

Join us on facebook• Grey Street Casbah and Surroundings

• Grey Street Sounds

• History of Non Racial Soccer in South


• Grey Street Casbah Recipes (Durban)

• Grey Street Casbah Publications

It is the duty of all South Africans to ght

and destroy the ‘rituals of apartheid’ as

this would be in line with the beliefs andactions of the revered gures of all reli-

gious faiths.

Speaking at a special prayer service for

those suffering under apartheid, execu-

tive member of the Natal Indian Con-

gress, Mr Mewa Ramgobin, placed the

spotlight on the fundamental duty of

Christians, Hindus and Muslims to ght

and destroy apartheid.

This would be consistent with the beliefs

and actions of revered gures such as Je-

sus, Swami Dayanand, Prophet Muham-

mad and Mahatma Gandhi.

Mr Ramgobin said the initiative taken by

religious organisations to ‘intervene cre-

atively in the affairs of our land augers

well for South Africa.’

‘To pray and protest today must lead all

South Africans to some kind of action

where are religious convictions are mani-fested.’

Mr Ramgobin said it was essential to un-

derstand the lives of ‘the great men and

woman of our times from Christianity


It was Christ’s willingness to suffer on the

cross, he said which gave birth to Christi-

anity. For Mahatma Gandhi, like Christ,

resistance without violence was not pas-

sive but in fact a ‘call to action’ to resist

evil, political or otherwise.

Swami Dayanand fought against the evilsof caste, the repression of woman and the

adherence to rituals. It is in this context

the historical duty of South Africans to

ght and destroy apartheid in consisten-

cy with the scriptures of Hinduism, Islam

and Christianity.




Prayer service at the APS Hall, Durban, for victims of apartheid.

Sea Belle: with less than a week of the school holidays left,

Jasmine Abboy (16), was found making the most of it on the

beach. She loves swimming and volleyball and is taking model-

ling and deportment at the Model ‘Ace Agency’, but she sees

that her schoolwork does not lag behind.

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The administrators of the ‘Grey Street Cas-

bah & Surrounds’ FaceBook Group and

founders of the ‘The Casbah’ eNewspaper,

Ishaan Blunden (082 561 8730) and Buddy

Govender (083 560 1213).

• Thank you all for sending on ‘The Casbah’to your work colleagues, and friends and fam-

ily around the world. Please do ask them to

send us an email (greystreetcasbah@gmail.

com) so that we can place them on our mail-

ing list for future editions of ‘The Casbah’.

•If you have any family photo’s, memorabil-

ia etc. that you would like to have featured

on ‘The Casbah’, please contact us via email

and we will arrange to collect, scan and re-

turn to you once done! If you keep your fam-ily’s treasure hidden away, your history will

disappear but if you allow us to share it with

the world, it will live forever!

• If you would like to place any Classied ads

and/or company adverts on future editions of

‘The Casbah’, contact us via email on grey- for further details.

• Note that all articles are sourced and is not

necessary the views supported by the Owners

of ‘The Casbah’…….

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Join us now!!!

Please join and encourage your family, friends and col-

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family on FaceBook.

We also have other related pages on FaceBook that we en-

courage you to join as well

‘Grey Street Hits’ – music and music videos from back in

the day …come have a party with us!

‘The History of Non-Racial Soccer in South Africa’ –Historical photos etc from the glory days

‘Non Racial Sport in South Africa’ – Acknowledging non-

racial sports and personalities in SA



It’s a prosperous and happy new year’ for clothing industry workers afliated to the

Garment and Allied Workers Union. This year they will received their rst wage

increase in two years.

After lengthy negotiations GAWU has succeeded in winning increases for grade one

workers from R101 a week to R122, while grade two workers will earn R114.50 as

against R94.50 previously.

In July, they will receive another R3 increase. But while these workers will go homewith slightly heavier pay packets there is no comfort for workers in the decentralised

areas who are receiving low wages.

In an attempt to tackle the plight of these workers GAWU intends to set up a branch

in Northern Natal.

Accordingly to regional secretary, Mr A.J. Moodley, workers in the decentralised are-

as were earning low wages because factories there ‘were not governed by rates agreed

to by the unions and industrial council.’




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Durban family members of convicted ANC member, Mr Ebrahim Is-

mail Ebrahim went to Johannesburg this week for the nal days of the

treason at Pretoria’s Palace of Justice.

Mr Ebrahim’s mother who had asked ‘The Leader’ not to disclose her

rst name in an earlier interview, has been in Johannesburg since the

trial moved to Pretoria from Bethal last year but as the trial draws to a

close other family members have also travelled to Johannesburg.

A family member in Johannesburg conrmed their presence since Mon-

day as the sentence of Mr Ebrahim, Mr Acton Mandla Maseko and MrSimon Dladla moved into gear. Mr Ebrahim has apparently accepted

the fact that a lengthy sentence – possibly between 10 and 15 years –

awaits her son and wants to pass the few precious moments she has left

with him at the courts.

In his judgement in November, Mr Justice Daniels said he believed that

not only was Mr Ebrahim involved in political work but that he had an

‘intimate involvement beyond political structures.’

It may be possible, that the judge found, that Mr Ebrahim was chair-

man of the ANC’s Regional Political Military Committee in Swaziland.

Giving argument in mitigation on Monday Prf J.J. Degenaar of the Stel-

lenbosch University said that ‘any group of people, including Afrikan-

ers, would resort to similar decisions (opt for the armed struggle), if

their non-violent strategy, pursued for decades, was ignored.

The ANC resorted to violence only in the 1960’s while it was formed in


Prof Degenaar pointed out that world-wide South Africa was regarded

as a structurally violent country as it was possibly the only country in

the world to legally implement racial discrimination.

The professor said he understood the reasons why people resorted to

violence but on, moral grounds he remained ‘extremely critical’ of it.

Prof Degenaar said that the ANC and the government must strive to-

wards achieving a negotiated settlement in South Africa.

International relations expert, Prof Gerhard Erasmus also of Stellen-

bosch University said in mitigation, that oversees the armed struggle

waged by the ANC was viewed as a ‘just war for liberation.’

He gave various reasons to justify this view including the fact that at the

United Nations the ANC and PAC were accepted as representatives of

the people of South Africa while the UN continuously attacked the gov-

ernment’s racial policies.






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At the opening night of Avalon-Raj, now under new management, TracyHillman and Naeem Ally were seen with Mr Mahomed Joe Vahed, manag-

er of the Avalon Group of Cinemas, Mr Vahed stressed that high standards

will be maintained and among the top movies to be screened will be Robert

De Niro in “Midnight Run” and Clint Eastwood in “Dead Pool”.

Oresent at the hair and fashion show at the Palladium to mark the 10th

anniversary of Isipingo’s Salon Ramona were Cheryl and Theo Smithof Sshwarzkopf, Rajes Pathiappen (proprietor) and hairstylists, Cecilia

Naidoo, Sharmalan Govindsamy and Trevor Chetty.

Rita Morgan and Venessa Padayachee are all smiles after their hubbies,

George and Clive, splashed them with roses - in the spirit of the festive


Getting into the festive mood at the Belgica Hotel recently were Neela

Govender, Phyllis and Lawrence Joseph and Neela Padayachee.

Faizel Landrie, Nire Narainsamy, Shashi Raymund and Devan Chetty

take a break from gyrating to pose for our photographer at Club Manhat-

ten last weekend.

Enjoying the New Year celebrations at Athlone Hotel, where the Dukes

Combo performed, were Cape Town holiday-makers Varsie Archary

anked on her left by Gordon and Thiru Alfred and on the right Nellie

and Pundy Pillay.


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Carl Lewis and Ben Johnson displaying the latest sports range at the

annual graduation ceremony at the St. Benedict School of Fashion


Two of the models show a range of fashion wear at the annual graduation

ceremony of the St. Benedict School of Fashion Designing.

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Ingredients:1 kg pumpkin or butternut (peeled and chopped into cubes)

½ cup oil

1 cinnamon stick

1 large onion (nely chopped)

4 cloves garlic (slivered)

1 teaspoon mustard seeds1 teaspoon jeera seeds

¼ teaspoon methi seeds

4 whole green chillies (slit)

5 dried red chillies (split)

Salt to taste

+- 4 tablespoons sugar (you may not need to add all the sugar)

1 sprig curry leaves

¼ cup chopped dhunia

METHOD:Heat oil in a pot, add onion, cinnamon stick, mustard, jeera and methi

seeds. Fry until onion turns a lovely golden brown. Now add your garlic

and fry for ½ minute. Add cubed pumpkin/butternut together with your

green and red chillies and salt. Leave to cook on low heat until pumpkinsoft and cooked through.

Although the pumpkin may release its own water, it may not be enough.

You may need to add water to help the cooking process.

Some pumpkins/butternuts are naturally sweet and may not require a lot

of sugar, so it is prudent to taste the dish before adding the sugar. This will

help you determine how much sugar to use or if it is even necessary.

Once the pumpkin is cooked through and dry, add ½ the sugar. Toss, leave

to simmer 5 minutes. Toss again and taste. If you want it sweeter, then add

more sugar.

You could mash the pumpkin in the pot or leave it as is, depending on your

preference. Garnish with your greens and serve with roti or puri…

I love pumpkin with sugar beans curry and puri… (Eshana Suleman)

The extra oil is necessary to allow the pumpkin to 'fry'...tilt the pot and

remove any excess oil after it has cooked....


From our facebook Group Called Grey street Casbah Recipes

Traditional Pumpkin Curryby Eshana Suleman


1kg lamb chops

1 & 1/2 teaspoons red ginger/garlic masala

1 dessertspoon red crushed chillies

1 dessertspoon dhania (coriander) powder

1 teaspoon whole jeera

1 teaspoon turmeric powder1 teaspoon garam masala

3 elachi, 2 sticks cinnamon, 4 cloves, 6 peppercorns

2 onions sliced


Add all ingredients to chops except onions, and allow to marinate for an


Add oil to a pot , add onions. Add the chops, and cook on a low heat till

all water has been absorbed. Stir occasionally. Allow to simmer till done.

Serve with potatoe wedges, salads, puri or roti.

And Eshana Sulemans pumpkin curry!!


Wanting back copies of our publications?

Please join Grey Street Casbah Publications on

Facebook. There you will nd all the back cop-

ies of our publication, The Casbah, Grey Street

Recipes and Grey Street Sounds.

Just click and download them.

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Warwick Ave...the hub of the City and an integral part of The Casbah.

Where did you live and 'play' in Warwick Ave...Let's visit those days and

recall the people that made it unquestionably unique in the Casbah....


Nazeera Bassa Asmal : We 'played' in the English Market, @ my late dads business.

Good times & awesome memories!

Kausalee Naidoo : Chdhood days in Scala.Had 2 much of beautiful

memories.Also went to Scala cinema below my at.the best time of my life.

Mohammad Jeewa: Scala Cinema free ice cream or cool drink when they opened up -

continues movies the whole day - many Saturdays were spent there

Sheila Johns De Gee: Hi Buddy Govender i grew up in Acorn Rd b4 Kajee musa was

built i lived there for 37 yrs before leaving for Oz i saw lots of changes Jumbo had a gro-

cery shop where a big house use to b plus a shoe shop & chemist on the corner of Acorn

Rd & Lancers rd .Where Kajeemusa building stands were semi detached houses which

had a huge backyard where all the tenants shared.

Gloria Abrahams: My late husband lived with my father in law sister in Acorn Man-

sions. Remember they had relatives in Kajee Moosa. The twins sis Sheila Johns De Gee.

Can't remember their names now. Long time. Malay family

Issy Tronix I lived in Kajee-Musa building.

Riduwaan Adam: I lived in Kajimusa Building from 1972 to 2005. The best days of my

life. We were one BIG family in that building. Ishaan will second me on this.

Gloria Abrahams : And the nice thing was you had the morning market right opposite.

At your door Eshana

Jayshree Manthiri: I use to play in the playgrounds near the re house on a Saturday

after going for tennis training @ M.L Sultan it was between 1976 to 1978

Jai Narsai-Rubens: Lived in Narwin court, played in the swing park. Have lots of

photos with neighbours and friends in the park. During school holidays it was Botanic

gardens, we knew the whole gardens and all the tress and also the people who worked in

the nursery, saw thw whole construction of the Orchid house.

Quentin Du Plooy: I lived in Syringa Avenue when I was a student. ...

Ted Bremner: Etna lane soccer on a weekend

Gloria Abrahams: Lots of Catholic Portuguese families lived in Syringa Ave Quentin Du

Plooy. Lots of them were patients for a group of GPs that I worked for back in the day

in Durdoc centre Smith Street

Jayce Singh: Himalaya House for school holidays. Stayed with the venerable Mr P.R.

Singh and his wife and daughter. My Uncle and Aunt.

Amarasen Naidoo: Old Dutch Road

Jack Praga Moodley: M. JOHNS building. in Warwick ave. next to THE famous Jailani

Cafe.The building was built in 1939, Who lived there

Mac Mackenjee: Lived in Atomic building. Went to school at Methodist (69-75). Gandhi

details 76-80.

Jack Praga Moodley: Was that not Penny a Penny or i may be wrong

Mac Mackenjee: U ryt ther jack

Ted Bremner: Hey Praga we use to play ball in the court yard outside your at

Jack Praga Moodley: well i went Hindu TAMIL IN Cross STREET 1958

Gaynor Ramlakan: Lived at 43A Old Dutch Road. wonderful memories of the multi

ethnicity of the area, a vibrant community.

Charmaine Snyman: lived in bahgats court played in the park next to the school

Avesh Maharaj: Himalaya house can never ever get those days back .....

Buddy Govender: Wow, thank you for the awesome response.....what vivid memories

being shared of special times.....keep them coming you all...

Razmiela Hoosen: We lived at at 25 Kajee Moosa in 1959 and moved to Victoria Walk

in 1960.

Deena And-Indera Naidoo: Hi Razmiela I lived at at 27 at the time and you may

remember a little boy fell from our at to the road below I think that was Stratford Rd

. He was my younger brother Seelan fortunately he survived with no injuries.He was

three years old at the ...See More

Razmiela Hoosen: Yes Deena thats me. My dad was the barber. Oh i remember the little

boy falling.

Deena And-Indera Naidoo: Hi Vinod Yes I remember you we were in Gandhi DesaiSchool (Kriba Logan{ my brother) Seelan Biza Yoga Horse etc I heard you are living in

Melbourne IM am in Sydney

Firoz Mulla: We lived in Vinay Court then Kajee musa building, one big family, great

fun, good memories, still thing about the people and remember those good old days,

miss the extended families, unfortunately good things never last forever.

Razmiela Hoosen: My aunt lived in vinay court. Everyone called her aunty Kay. Sadly

she passed on on monday after a long illness.

Kamlesh Gosai: 402 Himalaya House. Great vibrancy, automatic alarm clock (early

morning buses), children screaming & running day & night, hint of danger from mug-

gers & pick-pockets, threat of police detaining activists, colourful fruits & veggies from

the market, & just as colourful characters

Devan Mari: Born in Velvet Mansions Carlisle street moved to Kajimusa Bldg when 3

years old - primary school Methodist school near scalas ans the Garage - now taxi rank

- high school Sastri College - good ole days lots of good memories - can be here all day

writing about the fun and games we had - but gone are those days peoples mind set is

unfortunately not the same - i still share some of my experiences of days with family and


Faizal Sahib: I lived in Wills Road since 89 (with no burglar gates)then in Syringa

avenue.It was a pleasure living there. The boys had the area checked,no nonsense from


Ahmed Mather: Lived in Kajimusa Building for 24 years

Virgil Barnabas: Lived in 25 Bhagats court right across the swing park

Rajen Nair: Lived in 145 Warwick Avenue. Flat 5 Evergreen Court

Jack Praga Moodley: Hi Rajen I LIVED IN FLAT 11 M. JOHNS bUILDING. yOU


Anne Brooker: Anyone recall 'Ati boy' hair dresser?

Ted Bremner: Any one lived in Himalaya at the time the building caught re???

Jack Praga Moodley: Yes when the re dept were so effecient bringing people down the

step ladder from the Etna Lane side. Great memories. do u remember KILL ROY RUN-

ING around at the same time .

Gloria Abrahams: Kill Roy was noted to be all over the place. He scared the day lights

off me.

Mahomed Gany: Anne of course atti boy what memories

Mahomed Gany: Atti boy and faizal

Sheila Johns De Gee: Attie Boy was my neighbor since he was born in 16 Acorn Rd i

livex in 18 Acorn Rd The Ansary family was my second family. The eldest Ansary was

Fatima thenFarouk Julie Salome Attie boy (Fuad)then Gharoonisa i hope spelt it rightas

i also called Mrs.Gadija Ansary Mummy Ansary .Ilearnt to make Samoosas & Koek-

sisters from Mummy Ansary.Those were the days when neighbors ran in & out of each

others homes.I regarded the @Ansary siblings as my brothers & sisters .May Mummy-

Ansary Attie bog & Salome R.I.P.Always in my prayers & thoughts Ameen xxxxx

Ralph Chetty Etna lane,above the undertakers & Mouralls barber shop(excuse my



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The 1989 draw for the Moosa’s Salvage

Knockout Cup was held at UDW on Tues-

day evening and there was tremendous

excitement as the two top North Coast

teams, Coronation and New Orleans were

drawn against each other.

The D’Alberton Callies indoor soccer

tournament reaches new heights on Sun-

day evening when the Moosa’s Salvage

tournament is held.

The rst xture in this exciting knock-out

competition begins at 6pm when two Dur-

ban teams, Reservoir Hills and Varsity

Heights clash.

Darby United, which nished second in

the Sonakwazsbo League meet Quarrians

of Phoenix, whilst New Orleans meet the

1988 Sonakwaszbo Div II League win-

ners, Coronation.

Incidentally, Coronation head the indoor

league at this stage by one point from Dar-

by United. The entertaining D’Alberton

Lads meet Eastlands, whilst the 1988 Clo-

ver Cup winners, Motherwell, meet the

high riding Sparks Uts of the DFA.

Villa Park of the North Coast meet the

UDW team, whilst Creedance meet the

host club D’Alberton Callies.

Chelsea, who hails from Pietermaritz-

burg meet Carlisle of Durban in a drawthat could provide the most reworks for

the evening.

Mr Lites Sayed, the hardworking Callies

ofcial and spokesman, told The Leader

that the Callies tournament had been the

best yet and that the popularity of this

type of soccer tournament had increased


‘Whilst we are happy and thrilled at the

response we have had thus far, next sea-

son we denatly have to look more closely

at organising such a tournament in the

under 18 colts, juvenile and under 10 di-

visions as well. Our Cup presentation

function will be held on 20 January and

will include a beauty queen contest,’ said

an enthusiastic Lites Sayed.

Brian Barend, seen here receiving

his trophy after being chosen Sparks

United’s “Most Dedicated Player of the


Sparks United “Player of the Year”, Salim

Shaikh, proudly holds the trophies he re-

ceived for his outstandings performance in

the past year.



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ALL is fair not only in love and ware, but in many spheres of life, even sport. While

the ref is there to see right being done on the sports eld, it certainly is another story

in the boardrooms where power play is pure politics.

In the United States it is not uncommon to look for skeletons or bring out the dirty

linen of candidates in order to stie their chances of election.

On the local front it is not as intense but when the gloves are off the situation can get


Presently, the spotlight is on the FPL election, to be held on Sunday February 19.

Ashwin Trikamjee, who has done sterling work as President of the FPL for the past 10

years, is set to clash with Pops Chetty, Director and Manger of Real Taj.


In previous FPL elections, Trikamjee’s position was threatened from certain quarters,

but the threat zzled out on the day of reckoning.

It is quite apparent that Trikamjee is not popular in certain quarters of the soccer

circle because of his independent line on many issues.

Given the several unsuccessful attempts that were made to oust him, the latest opposi-

tion is viewed with circumspection by some.

While Chetty is exercising his democratic right to stand for the presidency he has em-

phatically denied rumours that he is a decoy for Trikamjee’s opponents.

Chetty made this clear to delegates of clubs he addressed in Durban last month.

After the denial, Chetty was asked to explain the roll of George Bailey, the representa-

tive of Birds who requested that Mr S. K. Chetty (the chief Executive Ofcer of the

FPL) align himself with Pops Chetty’s cabinet.

Pops Chetty told that meeting he was surprised at Bailey’s role as he had not instruct-

ed Bailey to canvas on his behalf.

S. K Chetty conrmed, when approached by ‘The Leader’ that Bailey did discuss the

matter with him.


Amidst these allegations and denials, Bosmont Chelsea’s delegate to the FPL, Mo-

hamed Mubarak, expressed concern.

He told ‘The Leader’ that with all these allegations going around, he is not sure wheth-

er Pops Chetty is standing as an independent or a front for someone else.

Furtheremore, Mubarak said that he is concerned that the FPL will lose the Osman

Spice R30,000 sponsorship if Trikamjee does not head the affairs of the FPL.

Will Chetty have ready sponsors at the ready to replace the Osman Spice ~Sponsor-

ship or has he concluded any negotiations for major sponsorship fr the new season?

These and other questions will need to be answered by Chetty before Chelsea make a

decision on who to vote for on February 19.

Mr Chetty could not be contacted to answer questions raised by Mubarak.

In the meantime the usual anti-Trikamjee letters to the editors are making their bien-nial rounds.

FPL election contest hots upBy Dan Manicom

Ashwin Trikamjee Pops Chetty

Cricketers and cricket fans in Natal will be looking forwards

with interest to the home’s team new fortunes during January21-23 and February 18-20 when Natal play two home games in

the Howa Bowl interprovincial series.

The present Natal team will have to do everything in their pow-

er to redeem themselves before their home crowds and their fel-

low club cricketers, after fairing dismally in recent seasons.

The Natal team has thus far failed to impress. In their recent

games against Eastern Province and Western Province, Natal

suffered humiliating defeats.

Firstly, at the Zwide Stadium in Port Elizabeth, Natal were

beaten by 90 runs and then over Christmas weekend, Western

Province won by an innings and 182 runs.

The question that is being posed is what has gone run with Na-

tal cricket?

Not only has Natal seniors fared badly but it’s Under 21 team

failed to win a single match in the recent SA tournament held in

Port Elizabeth.

And to add more salt into the wound, The Natal U16 team which

had won the national tournament last year lost its title to West-

ern Province in Cape Town.

Natal cricket is denitely in a poor state and something must be

done to improve things. For a start it is hoped that the Natal

seniors players apply themselves with greater dedication, more

discipline and more commitment in their next two games.

This deantly will be the last chance for some our ‘big names’

who have failed to impress.



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