The Carillon November 2017 United Methodist Church...2017/11/11  · The Carillon November 2017 4...

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Transcript of The Carillon November 2017 United Methodist Church...2017/11/11  · The Carillon November 2017 4...

The Carillon November 2017


The Mission of Fletcher United Methodist Church is to proclaim the gospel and make disciples of Jesus Christ, and to glorify God by actively growing and serving God’s family through Worship, Education, Fellowship, and Outreach.

United Methodist Church

Little Things, Big God We come to the month of Thanksgiving, a time to pause, reflect and give thanks for all the blessings we have received in the past year. For some people, this is an easy thing, particularly if there have been some great blessings that came unexpected during the past twelve months. For others, not so much. They look back at the year, and all they see are mundane and

everyday events, and all the petty disappointments that follow each and everyone of us. Then there are those who simply refused to believe in miracles, and attribute all of the past years ups and downs to random chance.

Sometimes, it’s not the events, but our interpretation that molds our perception on whether we are blessed or not. Some people look into a sunset on the beach and say “Wow!” Others simply say “That glare is terrible!” Same sunset, same beach, just that since it comes every day, it is seen as ordinary, and unworthy of the title ”miracle”.

(St.) Augustine makes an identical point of miracles in his discussion of the miracle at Cana. "Our Lord’s miracle in turning water into wine comes as no surprise to those who know that it is God who did it. At the wedding that day he made wine in the six water pots he had filled with water; but he does the same thing every year on the vines. The servants put the water in the jugs, and he turned it into wine. In just the same way the Lord turns into wine the water that the clouds drop. Only that does not amaze us, because it happens every year… so the Lord kept back certain unusual things for himself to do, to wake us up with miracles to worship him.” Prayer by Simon Tugwell

Considering all the disasters that have struck our world this year, doesn’t it seem more miraculous to live a “boring” life? Remember that when the Pilgrims were down to a ration of five kernels of corn per day, they still found reason to give thanks and celebrate with their neighbors, the Patuxet Indians in an event that lasted THREE DAYS! That is a lot of pumpkin pie! Are you thankful?

The Carillon November 2017


Income and Expense Month of September 2017 and Year-to-date (thru 09/30/2017)

Income: General Tithes & Offerings $28,696 $344,486 Preschool Rent $600 $4,200 Other $5,298 $14,261

Total Income: $34,594 362,947

Expenses: Staff (wages, insurance, pension, payroll taxes, etc. $21,771 $197,915 Administrative (office supplies, audit, copies, postage) $447 $9,809 Communication (phones, website internet, etc.) $278 $3,323 Utilities/Bldg. Maintenance $2,207 $27,403 Insurance $3,508 $10,906 Conference/District Apportionments $3,789 $34,103 Missions, Pastor’s Discretionary $0 $6,400 Christian Education $450 $6,744 Nurturing Ministry (sm. groups, youth hospitality, worship) $965 $11,482 Music (sheet music, instrument maintenance, guest/substitute musicians, copyright/licensing fees) $815 $5,103 Other (computers, copier lease) $165 $2,615

Total Expenses: $34,396 $315,800

Net Difference: $198 $47,146

BLESSINGS IN BOXES BeginninginNovember,theMissionsCommi3eewillbelaunchingits’driveforChristmasgi<sforkidsatFletcherElementarySchool. Inprioryears,thisoutreachwasreferredtoasthe“AngelTree”project.Now





The Carillon November 2017



Have you been enjoying the progress being made on our new sanctuary? I know I have! As I was sitting at my desk today, a long-time member came by the office, and as we were talking she said “It’s really happening, isn’t it?” She recalled the times in the past that there was talk about a building project that never (obviously) came to fruition. But, yes indeed, we are doing it! And it’s going to be beautiful! Praise God! Maribeth

New Sanctuary

New office area

The Carillon November 2017


Lord, we pray not for tranquillity, nor that our tribulations may cease;we pray for thy spirit and thy love, that thou grant us strength and grace to overcome adversity; through Jesus Christ. Amen

PRAYERS FOR HEALING/HEALTH -Brenda Chappelear's mom getting injections at home, awaiting decision on cancer treatment. -Harry Goble's brother taking chemo for cancer. -Eddie Kotynski's friend has prostate cancer. -The Ulmers SIL @ Deerfield; in hospice care. -Co-worker of Mary Farnsworth, stage 3 colon cancer -Dean Weaver restarting leukemia treatments. -Tina DiPerri is awaiting a lung transplant. -Pam Sizemore, coping with progression of ALS. -Friend of Clemmers starts chemo this week. -Mike/Kim Roberts' son's cancer has returned; Will have exploratory surgery to evaluate. -All who struggle with progressive illnesses. -Pete Martin's nephew, improved, but still coping with effects of brain injury. -For Jack Townsend, special needs person with rectal cancer. -Mike Pounders, cancer. -Ulmer’s daughter's MIL at Autumn Care. -Debbie Wilfong's mother broke hip & wrist. -Bob Otto's friend with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. -Jan Baldwin's family member has cancer. -Friend with colon cancer has complications. -Aunt with colon cancer. -T. Lee Smith doesn't have Parkinson's; further tests required. -Friend with stage 4 bone cancer. -Gary, who had open heart surgery. -A neighbor with bladder cancer. -Ken Revis quintuple by-pass surgery. -Cathy Bashaw's cousin having both kidneys removed in preparation for transplant. -Linda Richards' mother recovering - hip surgery. -S-I-L, run over by a truck. -Co-worker David Moushey had heart attack. -Friend with disabling MS having a hard time recovering from open heart surgery. -Friend recovering from knee surgery. -Eunice Chappelear,showing improvement. -David, friend of Blaine, health issues. -Hubert, Ruth Cannon's uncle, cancer, losing weight. -Laura Moushey's father back in hospital, irregular heartbeat. -Hannah Kotynski's friend's mother has colon cancer. -Lori Freeman's neighbor in hospital.

SPECIAL NEEDS -Patience with a handicapped spouse. -My MIL, struggling to remain at home. MB -Betty Land, Pat Maurer, Betty Nesbitt, Vaughn & Norma Pressley, Bill Wyatt and Kit Curbow in nursing homes. -For success in the Pumpkin Patch. -Haywood Street Church in need of donations of winter clothing. -Dying man with limited capacity to discern is being taken advantage of. COMFORT AND PEACE PROTECTION -For unintended victims in war/violence in general. -Protection, worldwide, from terrorist attacks. -Christians being persecuted around the world. -Aaron Groft, our g’son, security guard in Iraq. -Safety of our construction workers. -Those affected by hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria; wildfires out West, earthquakes in Mexico. -Chris Phillips’ daughter is by herself in Japan. -Michael Shepard on trip to Israel. WISDOM AND GUIDANCE -For the leaders, citizens, police & first responders to stem the tide of hatred & violence. -For all leaders dealing with terrorism. -For stability in our government. -For global response to N. Korea aggression. -Brenda Chappelear caring for her mother. FAITH AND STRENGTH -For the staff & congregation as we go thru the construction phase. -For Rich and Kathryn Sizemore as they support and care for Pam. -For Johnny, coping with facial cancer. BLESSINGS & PRAISES -Visit of Eloranta family from Finland and beautiful offertory solo by Vallery. -Friend renewed his relationship with Christ. -Uplifting organ music by Jan Kelly. -Ann Tate back in church. -Mike & Becca Wakeman expecting first child. -Virgil Paris continues to improve. -Cathy Bashaw had clean checkup for cancer

Please remember to keep us updated on your prayer requests so that the Prayer Team can keep their prayers meaningful. Thank you…The Prayer Team meets Wednesdays at 9:30am in the church library and is always open to new members.

The Carillon November 2017


WITNESS MOMENT Here are a couple of ideas to help you welcome others to our church: Circle of 10: Greet anyone, member or guest, who comes within ten feet of you. Make a special effort to greet the people you don't already know within your Circle of 10. Rule of Three: Please do not talk to other members for the first three minutes after the service. Talk only to those you don't know or people you know are guests.

It takes guests about three minutes to exit the church after worship and we need to make sure someone has made contact with them before they leave.

WE'RE GOING TO HAVE AN ADVENT FAIR!On the first Sunday of Advent, December 3rd, we will be having a very special program during the Sunday School hour.  In the Fellowship Hall you will be able to enjoy displays, food and activities to help all of us enter into the Advent Season.  There will be many things to see, do and learn about traditions (some international) and customs related to this season of preparation.  If you attended and enjoyed our Lenten Fair last spring you have a pretty good idea of what this will be like - except that it will be about ADVENT! A special addition will be our Children's Choir presenting their

Advent & Christmas program during our time together.  They will be presenting a medley of songs and carols that reflect Christmas traditions around the world.  That's December 3rd from 9:30 until 10:45 in our Fellowship Hall.

Join us on Sunday, November 5th, both services, as we remember and honor those near and dear to our hearts who have gone before us to join the legion of saints in heaven.Presented by: Fletcher United Methodist

Church’s Drama Ministry Group

The Carillon November 2017


MUSICAL NOTES… Our project to finish building the harpsichord that was donated to our church is moving along quickly!  We appreciate our "committee" that has been working on this for the past couple of months, as well as the guidance we've been receiving from Stephen Klein at Trinity Presbyterian in Hendersonville.  We hope to have the instrument ready in time for Advent!

If you're interested in being a part of the Chancel Choir for special Advent/Christmas music on Dec. 17 or 24 (or both) come to our rehearsals at 7:00pm on Wednesdays in the sanctuary!

Save the Date: Church-wide Christmas Caroling - Sunday, Dec. 10 - 2-5 p.m.

Our Anticipate Ancient-Modern services will resume Wednesday, Nov. 29 at 6:15 and continue throughout Advent.  This year Blaine will be posting a sign-up sheet to allow volunteers to help with these services on Nov. 29 and Dec. 6, 13, and 20.  If you are interested in helping out with these services in any way (singing, playing an instrument, doing a reading, etc.) then sign up with your name and what you want to do on the sheets that will be posted outside the sanctuary.  

Kids Music is off to a great start this season as we prepare for Advent and Christmas music!  The kids will be presenting a musical program in conjunction with the Advent Fair, which will be Sunday, Dec. 3 during Sunday School hour in the Fellowship Hall.  Under the direction of Christina Russell, the kids will be singing about Christmas traditions from around the world.  

Nov. Birthdays… Robert Woodruff 11/01Zoe Jackson 11/02Dr. James Smith 11/04Joan Glisson 11/05Zack Rhodarmer 11/09Jan Merrill 11/10Renee Forrest 11/11Vicki Sheppard 11/11Cathy Bashaw 11/12Sharon Loftis 11/14Dianne Barba 11/15Avery Dull 11/18Mary Farnsworth 11/19

Kayla Barba 11/20Kati Fischer 11/21Ava Holler 11/23Vaughn Pressley 11/24Talia Rhodarmer 11/24Stacy Witte 11/25Tim Hubert 11/26Treva Cross 11/29

Nov. Anniversaries… David & Kim Rogers 11/11David & Dianne Barba 11/15Greg & Renee Forrest 11/21Kerry & Ellen Baker 11/28Bob & Carol Greene 11/28


The United Methodist Women are pleased to announce that the September Bakeless Bake Sale raised $710 for their causes.

Thank you so very much for your support Nancy Lesher

The Carillon November 2017


RECURRING MEETINGS/EVENTS AT FLETCHER U.M.C. Standing Meetings Meeting Day/Time Location Adult Study Tuesdays @ 2pm/Wednesdays @ 6:15p Anticipate Services Begins Nov. 29th @ 6:15pm Sanctuary Building Committee 2nd Thursdays @ 7pm Sales Classroom Choir Rehearsals Wednesdays @ 7pm Sanctuary Church Council 4th Sun. @7pm Sales Classroom Church Staff Meeting Tuesdays @ 10am Library Dinner Group Tuesdays @ 5:30pm Kosta’s Kitchen FASST Group Sundays @ 9:45am & 5:30pm Fellowship Hall/Side Room Finance Team 3rd Thursday @ 7:00pm Library Handbell Rehearsals Tuesdays @ 5:45pm Handbell Room Kids Music Wednesdays @ 6:15pm Rooms behind the Sanctuary Martha Schoch Circle 3rd Tuesday @ 10:00am Fellowship Hall Men’s Group 1st & 3rd Saturdays @ 9:00am Church Library MidWeek Connections Dinner Wednesdays @ 5:30pm Fellowship Hall Mission/Outreach Team 4th Sunday @ 6pm Asbury Room Myrtle Sales Circle 2nd Monday @ 7pm Home of a member Prayer Group Wednesdays @ 9:30am Library Seniors’ Luncheon Group 1st Tuesday 11:00am Fellowship Hall or as noted in bulletins SPRC (meets as needed) Sunday Morning Youth Sundays @ 9:45am In “The Underground” Tai Chi Class Mondays @ 1:30pm Fellowship Hall Trustees Team 4th Sunday @ 6pm Wesley Room Witness Committee 4th Sunday @ 6pm Library Worship Team 4th Sunday @ 6pm Choir Room Youth Group Sundays @ 5:30pm Fellowship Hall FASST Drama Grp. Sundays @ 4pm Fellowship Hall

All meetings are subject to change as necessary. Exceptions will be noted in our weekly bulletins or announced at the beginning of services, so chairpersons/leaders, please be sure to notify the church office of any changes in your normal schedules. If a worship service needs to be cancelled for any reason you may expect a robocall, so please be sure to keep the church office informed of any changes in your phone information so you will be able to receive these calls. You may also look for our major closings on WLOS TV.

The church office will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 23rd and Friday, Nov. 24th in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.

Blessings to you and yours from the entire Fletcher UMC staff.

The Carillon November 2017


Fletcher United Methodist Church 50 Library Road Fletcher, North Carolina 28732



Both of these outreach efforts deserve our support, and you have been doing a wonderful job of just that so far. But, it is so easy to get caught up in our own lives, and those of our families, that it's just time to take a moment to remind ourselves that, even if we don’t see them on a daily basis, those in our community who suffer from economic adversity and homelessness are always out there, somewhere. So, please, toss a can of beans in your grocery cart for Calvary, or bring in a bag of used clothing for God’s Outfitters. It will be so appreciated.

As the saying goes - “There, but for the grace of God, go I.”

Boy Scout Troop 602 Christmas Tree Sales… Order your tree and/or wreath from the Boy Scouts this year and help them raise funds for their activities. Trees (Fraser Fir) start at 5’ and go up to 12’ and wreaths start at 8” and go up to 16.” The order sign-up form, along with pricing, may be found on the bulletin board in the church’s office wing.

Items may be picked up starting Friday, Nov. 24th, at 3579 Hendersonville Road beside Asheville Savings Bank in Fletcher. (Payment due upon pick-up.)

For more information, contact: Dan Gilbert at 828-691-1698 or