The Calypso Family Apocalypse Ch 15

Post on 22-May-2015

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Chapter 15 of The Calypso Family Apocalypse.

Transcript of The Calypso Family Apocalypse Ch 15

The Calypso Family Apocalypse

Chapter 15

Welcome back. This is another college chapter. This time college isn't as hard as the last time but it is still a little monotonous.

I tore down the old college house and rebuilt them a better home. I had Beth bring the sewing machine from home so she could start learning to use it. I've been having the heir learn how to sew. She will need

to get going, the clothes she and her siblings grew up in are horrible.

Since the alien technology restriction was lifted I decided to make them use this to reroll their LTW. I want to make them max their skills and be platinum for life.

It only took two rolls for Bastian and Sorka. It took a little longer for Cassie and Seth. But I didn't have to buy too many of the Re-nu-u spheres.

Cassie is platinum. Everyone except Bastian had gotten their skill levels up to eight or higher. Bastian only got four of his skill related scholarships.

Now she shows up. Just when I had already gotten everyone settled to max all their skills.

Oh well, I guess I will just save the lamp for later. I don't need it now.

My game stopped showing the Maxed skills doodad again. So you get to see this instead.

Well, now Seth is done as well.

And last but not least, Bastian.

Now that everyone is platinum. They head outside to enjoy the rest of spring. It's very close to being winter again.

"Na-na na-na boo boo, You can't get me."

"Oh yes, I can."

"Silly sisters. I will get them both."

After the water ballon fight was over, everyone was heading back to the front of the house. This guy was hanging around reading our paper.

"Hi, My name is Beth, What's yours.""I'm Peter. So you're the heir to the Apocalypse, You're cute."

They have really good chemistry, Two bolt."Beth, I really like you. Want to go out.""I would but, Dates are still not allowed."

Peter stuck around the whole day talking and flirting with Beth, and she finally got her first kiss.

"I'm glad you could come over, Peter. I wanted to congratulate you on being in college.""I think I love you, Beth."

I'm sure if she could talk right now she would be saying that she loved him too.

"Peter, Will you marry me.""It's so shiny. Of course I'll marry you."

I decided that since I've got five kids in college that they could have one extra computer.Otherwise, I don't think they could get their term papers all done.

Beth works on her sewing badge in her free time.

I put the computers and the sewing machine up here so that they couldn't get to the computers when I wasn't looking.

I was killing time, Everyone got fit.

And I do mean everyone. They took turns.

Sophomore year has passed and Cassie is back to being a Romance sim.

A few Sunglass socials later.

And we have a first kiss.I'm sure she will roll the want to meet someone new, soon.

Ok, I'm not going there. I don't have anything against gays, but this is my game and I just don't play that way.

"Stop swooning over my sister."

The evil witch seems to get a big kick out of the fact that I still can't be a Witch. Well, I could have someone be a witch, but I wouldn't be allowed to use the cauldron. So it would be a waste of time.

Everyone sits around just waiting for something to happen.

Beth finished making some nice clothes for her and her siblings.Here we see Sorka and Beth in matching dresses.

Seth and Bastian get matching clothes as well.

And just to be different, Cassie gets the outfit she wanted."If she hadn't made the outfit I wanted, I'd have sicced my zero nice points on her."

Seth is the first one to be taken by the Secret Society.

"Oh no, I forgot what I was supposed to say."

"Yay, Now we can Renovate the Society house."

I hope they appreciate this

Before going home, Seth steals the money from the money tree. Not that it will give him any money.

The next night, Mr. forgetful comes back for Bastian.

"Don't worry Bastian, I'll punish him for you.""Ow ow ow. Stop, It hurts."

"Owwwwwwww."Hmmm, anyone want heart on a platter.

"This is your fault. Now you’re going to pay."

"I'm locking you up, and throwing away the key."

Well, It looks like his idea of revenge fell through."She's hot."

"Hey, where's the other guy.""Do you really think he's going to come back here after your sister ran a plate through his chest?"

"Your really beautiful.""Oh, you're so sweet. You even got us a limo."

"Um, I think that’s here for one of my siblings."

"You're going to pay for what you did."

No one comes to her rescue. They're too busy.

But it appears she doesn't need rescuing anyways.

Back at their house, Bastian gets his first kiss. But I can't remember her name.

Beth invites Peter over so they can have their first woohoo.

Seth is abusing the glasses, but if it works, why not?

They finally come to get Cassie. I guess they couldn't put it off any longer.

"I wouldn't do that, not if you want to keep it."

Somehow he manages to get her in handcuffs."I let him. I think it's kind of kinky."

"I hate my job."

"Moooo, let me innnnnn."No, go away.

Some of the kids decided to have a couch bouncing contest.

I think Seth won this round.

College is almost over, so I wanted to get some pictures of all the kids together.

Here we have the silly pose.

Bastian is the first to go.

He grows us in ugly clothes.

Beth is next.

I guess she is looking forward to the vacation we might get to go on.

Cassie end up in the worst looking clothes this generation.

Somehow Seth gets a fairly decent outfit.

After double checking to make sure I hadn't left anything important behind. Sorka heads home.

That's it for chapter 15, Come back soon to see how things go for chapter 16.I had Beth take all the career rewards that she brought with her home. As well as our sewing machine.

Can't forget that.