The Byzantines

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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The Byzantines. Eastern Roman Empire. New Rome. Constantine rebuilds Byzantium in 330AD Constantinople = wealthy, well defended trade center Commands key trade routes. New Rome. Much like Rome at its height Survived Rome by 1000 years - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Byzantines

The Byzantines

Eastern Roman Empire

New Rome

• Constantine rebuilds Byzantium in 330AD– Constantinople = wealthy, well defended trade

center– Commands key

trade routes

New Rome

• Much like Rome at its height

• Survived Rome by 1000 years

• Great civilization that blended Greek, Roman and Christian influences

Emperor Justinian

• Ruled from 527-565 AD– Re-conquered lands ofRome• Came at a great cost at


– Rebuilt Constantinople after a fire destroyed it in 532

• Hagia Sophia

Justinian’s Code

• Reformed the law based on that of ancient Rome– Far reaching consequences beyond Byzantines

• Ruled as an autocrat– Has control over the Church– Had help from wife, Theodora,

who was his advisor

Christianity’s Schism

• Eastern Orthodoxy– Patriarch– Clergy’s right to marry– Greek – Easter– Less emphasis on Xmas

• Roman Catholicism– Pope– Chastity– Latin– Easter– Christmas is BIG

• Dispute over the use of icons • 700s, Byzantine emperor outlawed their use• Rebellion ensued• Pope excommunicated the patriarch• Led to the Great Schism of 1054

Beginning of the End

• Crusades were a result of Byzantine decline– 1090, emperor asks Western Europe for help from

Seljuk Turks• leads to further rivalry between the East and


• 1453, Ottomans surround Constantinople– Used cannons and hauled their ships overland– Ottomans win and rename the city, Istanbul• Hagia Sophia becomes a mosque