The Business Pre Glossary

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Transcript of The Business Pre Glossary

  • 7/29/2019 The Business Pre Glossary


    1 Living abroad

    1.1 About business - Working abroad

    abroad (adv)/brd/

    za granic, zagraniczny We try to go abroadat least once a year.

    analyse (v) T /nlaz/ analizowa The quarterly sales figures will be analysedat our next meeting.

    application (n) C/U /plke()n/ podanie His application for membership of the club was rejected.

    candidate (n) C /knddet/ kandydat The candidate must demonstrate good communication skills.

    career (n) C /kr(r)/ kariera Rosen had decided on an academic career. He felt like having a careerchangeand went into teaching.

    chameleon (n) C /kmilin/ kameleon You have to be a culturalchameleon if you work for a multinational company.

    competitive (adj) /kmpettv/ konkurencyjny the struggle to survive in a highly competitive marketplace.

    cover letter (n) C /kv(r) let(r)/ list przewodni, list motywacyjny The first thing your potential employer will read is yourcover letter.

    culture (n) U /kl(r)/ kultura If you're looking forculture, then Paris is the place for you. Britain's literaryculture.

    CV (n) C British /si vi/ CV, yciorys The Euro CVis the best kind ofCVto use when looking for a job.

    drought (n) C /drat/ susza The country's economy suffered because of a drought.

    emergency (n) C/U /m(r)()nsi/ nagy wypadek We always carry a medical kit foremergencies.

    expect (v) T /kspekt/ spodziewa si We are expectinggood weather at the weekend.

    handwrite (v) T /hndrat/ napisa odrcznie Candidates for this job are requested to handwrite their letters of application.

    homesick (adj) /hmsk/ tsknicy za domem I was feelinghomesick.

    manufacturer (n) C /mnjfkr(r)/ producent The firm manufactures women's clothing.

    mirror (v) T /mr(r)/ odzwierciedla Does artmirrorsociety or shape it?

    reference (n) C usu. pl. /ref()rns/ referencje Her former employer provided a reference for her.

    relevant (adj) /relv()nt/ majcy zwizek, znaczcy How is thatrelevantto this discussion?

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    relocate (v) I/T /rilket/ przenie co lub kogo (do innegomiejsca lub obowizkw)

    I left my job because the company relocated.

    shortlist (v) T /(r)tlst/ wstpnie wyselekcjonowa If you get your cover letter wrong, you destroy your chances of gettingshortlistedfor interview.

    straightforward (adj) /stretf(r)w(r)d/ prosty, nieskomplikowany a straightforwardprocess

    withdraw (v) I /wdr/ wycofa si The injury has forced him to withdraw from the competition.

    1.2 Vocabulary - living abroad

    bulletin board (n) CComputing

    /bltn b(r)d/ tablica ogosze (zw. w Internecie, wfirmie)

    New job adverts will be posted on the company's bulletin board.

    contract (n) C /kntrkt/ umowa, kontrakt After six months she was offereda contractof employment.

    deposit (n) C /dpzt/ kaucja, depozyt She paid a 400 depositwhen she rented the flat.

    exception (n) C /ksep()n/ wyjtek There are some exceptions to every grammatical rule.

    insurance (n) U /nrns/ ubezpieczenie Do you have insurance for the house yet?

    landline (n) C /ln(d)lan/ telefon stacjonarny I'll try to call you later when I get to a landline.

    landlord (n) C /ln(d)l(r)d/ wynajmujcy (wacicielnieruchomoci)

    My landlordhas increased the rent price for my flat for the second time this year.

    overdraft (n) U /v(r)drft/ debet You have to pay large fines if you exceed youroverdraftlimit.

    prepaid (adj) /priped/ przedpacony aprepaidphone card.

    register (v) I/T /rest(r)/ rejestrowa Births must be registeredwithin 42 days.

    top-up (n) C British /tp p/ doadowanie (karty telefonicznej) Is buyingtop-ups easy?

    utility bill (n) C /jutlti bl/ rachunek za media (prd, wod, gazitp.)

    If you want to open a bank account in Britain, you may have to show utility bills

    with your name on them

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    1.3 Grammar - Present simple and prepositions of time

    attend (v) I/T /tend/ bra udzia, uczszcza Most of his colleagues attended the wedding.

    au pair (n) C /pe(r)/ au pair I worked as an au pairin England in 2004.

    budget (n) C /bt/ budet Two-thirds of theirbudgetgoes on labour costs.canteen (n) C /kntin/ stowka I usually eat my lunch in the company canteen.

    fireworks (n) Pl. /fa(r)w(r)ks/ fajerwerki On 31 December people setfireworks off at midnight.

    grave (n) C /grev/ grb He's never even visited his mother'sgrave.

    kite (n) C /kat/ latawiec Flying large kites is a popular pastime in Afghanistan.

    parade (n) C /pred/ parada There are militaryparades on the Independence Day.

    permanent (adj) /p(r)mnnt/ stay, nieodwracalny The illness can causepermanentblindness.

    repay (v) T

    /rpe/spaci, odda pienidze I need to repay my student loan.

    shadow (n) C/U /d/ cie The dogs are always trying to chase their own shadows.

    vacancy (n) C /veknsi/ wakat We have severalvacancies to fill in the Sales Department.

    winery (n) C /wan()ri/ winnica South African wineries are known for their excellent Cabernet Sauvignon wines.

    1.4 Speaking - Making small talk

    conference (n) C /knf()rns/ konferencja a conference hall/room/centre.

    corporate (adj)/k(r)p()rt/

    korporacyjny corporate culture.

    divorce (n) C/U /dv(r)s/ rozwd I wanta divorce.

    extremely (adv) /kstrimli/ bardzo He knows the area extremely well.

    icebreaker (n) C /asbrek(r)/ co (np. zabawa), co pozwalaprzeama "pierwsze lody" w


    We'll start our training with an icebreakerso that we could learn each other'snames.

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    have something in common

    (phrase)/hv sm n kmn/ mie (co) wsplnego ze sob We've got such a lotin common.

    networking (n) U /netw(r)k/ nawizywanie kontaktw (zw.biznesowych)

    A lot ofnetworkingis essential if you want to survive in this business.

    technique (n) C /teknik/ technika surgicaltechniques.

    unique (adj) /junik/ unikalny It is her use of colour that makes her work unique.

    1.5 Writing - Formal and informal emails

    agenda (n) C /end/ plan, program (spotkania) Cutting the number of workers is not on the agenda.

    attached (adj) /tt/ zaczony Please see the attachedPDF document for details.

    colleague (n) C /klig/ wsppracownik Friends andcolleagues will remember him with affection.

    grateful (adj) /gretf()l/ wdziczny I'm verygratefulfor all your help with the party.

    reservation (n) C/U /rez(r)ve()n/ rezerwacja Could you make a reservation for me at a nearby hotel?

    1.6 Case study - Global Recruit

    advisor (alternate spelling:adviser) (n) C

    /dvaz(r)/ doradca the Prime Minister's advisers.

    boutique (n) C /butik/ butik She buys her clothes in the most expensive New Yorkboutiques.

    high-profile (adj) /ha prfal/ znany, gony a high-profile campaign/ company/politician

    leading (adj) /lid/ wiodcy He became a leadingfigure in the London art world.

    location (n) C /lke()n/ lokalizacja, miejsce The talks are taking place at a secretlocation.

    opportunity (n) C /p(r)tjunti/ szansa The trip sounds like a wonderfulopportunity.

    process (v) T /prses/ przetwarza Data isprocessedas it is received.

    qualification (n) C British /kwlfke()n/ kwalifikacje Simon left school with no qualifications.

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    requirement (n) C /rkwa(r)mnt/ wymg a list of safety requirements

    taverna (n) C /tv(r)n/ restauracja grecka Ms Mitropoulos works in a family taverna.

    unemployed (adj) /nmpld/ bezrobotny Have you been unemployedfor a year or more?

    2 Dealing with customers

    2.1 About business - The shopping experience

    chain (n) C /en/ sie (hoteli, restaracji itp.) Japan's leading hotelchain.

    consultant (n) C /knsltnt/ konsultant a design consultant

    convenience (n) U /knvinins/ wygoda Her hair was cut short forconvenience rather than fashion.

    department store (n) C /dp(r)tmnt st(r)/ dom towarowy Harrod's is the most famous department store in the world.

    elegant (adj) /elgnt/ elegancki She always looks so elegant.

    exceptional (adj) /ksep()nl/ wyjtkowy Her scores were quite exceptional.

    facility (n) C /fslti/ funkcja the text messagingfacility on your phone

    flagship (n) C /gp/ flagowy (= najwaniejszy) The company now consists of aflagship store in Stuttgart and a further thirteenstores across Germany.

    luxury (adj) /lkri/ luksusowy a luxury hotel/item/car

    reliable (adj) /rlab()l/ taki, na ktrym mona polega a reliable workman/car

    standard (n) C /stnd(r)d/ standard What can be done to raise standards in schools?

    2.2 Vocabulary - Telephoning and customer care

    blame (v) T /blem/ obwinia If it a'll goes wrong, don'tblame me.

    call centre (n) C /kl sent(r)/ call centre When was the last time you telephoned a company call centre?

    calm (adj) /km/ spokojny a calm voice

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    confirm (v) T /knf(r)m/ potwierdzi You can make an appointment now, and then call nearer the time to confirm.

    dissatisfied (adj) /dsstsfad/ niezadowolony a dissatisfiedcustomer

    2.3 Grammar - Countable & uncountable nouns, requests & offers

    busy (adj) /bzi/ zajty He is an extremely busy man.

    direct number (n) C /darekt nmb(r)/ bezporedni numer telefonu Could you give me his direct number, please?

    extension (n) C /ksten()n/ numer wewntrzny telefonu I'm on extension 334.

    household (n) C /hashld/ gospodarstwo domowe How many people are there in yourhousehold?

    scale (n) Sg./U /skel/ skala Is the Government aware of the scale of the problem (=are they aware of how bigit is)?

    competence (n) U /kmptns/ kompetencje I am not questioning yourcompetence.

    2.4 Speaking - Telephoning: Handling complaints

    broken down (adj) /brkn dan/ zepsuty The photocopier's broken down again.

    distribution centre (n) C /dstrbju()n sent(r)/ centrum dystrybucyjne The problem occurred at ourdistribution centre - the wrong label was put on thewrong consignment.

    double-book (v) I/T often

    passive/db()l bk/ zarezerwowa t sam rzecz (np. stolik

    w restauracji) dla dwch rnych osb

    na t sam godzin

    The meeting room has been double-booked.

    credit (v) T /kredt/ uzna rachunek, The money will be creditedto your account.

    urgent (adj) /(r)()nt/ pilny He had some urgentbusiness to attend to.

    2.5 Writing - Dealing with an email complaint

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    component (n) C /kmpnnt/ cz skadowa The delivery arrived on time but some of the components are missing.

    exhibition (n) C /eksb()n/ wystawa an exhibition hall/centre/space

    non-refundable (adj) /nn rfndb()l/ bezzwrotny non-refundable tickets

    sincere (adj) /sns(r)/ szczery His apology seemedsincere.

    submit (v) T

    /sbmt/przedstawi (propozycj, plan) The plans will be submittednext week.

    unacceptable (adj) /nkseptb()l/ nie do zaakceptowania This is unacceptable and I expect an immediate refund.

    2.6 Case study - The Panorama conference

    blanket (n) C /blkt/ koc They had to ask for extra blankets to keep warm.

    check in (n) C/U /ek n/ odprawa (na lotnisku), zameldowanie(w hotelu)

    There are always long queues forcheck-in at Heathrow Airport.

    thermostat (n) C

    /(r)mstt/termostat There is one centralthermostatwhich controls temperature in the building.

    3 Operations

    3.1 About business - Lean manufacturing

    defect (n) C /difekt/ wada The aim of lean manufacturing is to eliminate alldefects.

    domestic (adj) /dmestk/ krajowy, domowy domestic chores; domestic appliances

    efficient (adj) /f()nt/ efektywny The new machine is far more !efficientthan the old one.

    eliminate (v) T /lmnet/ wyeliminowa Many infectious diseases have been virtually eliminated.

    enthusiasm (n) U /njuzizm/ entuzjazm His enthusiasm for music has stayed strong.

    flexible (adj) /eksb()l/ elastyczny A moreflexible approach is needed.

    implement (v) T /mplment/ wdroy, zaimplementowa Attempts to implementchange have met with strong opposition.

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    keen (adj) /kin/ zapalony (np. cyklista) a keen cyclist/gardener; Luke's keen on swimming.

    premises (n) Pl. /premsz/ siedziba, teren (firmy) The company will move to newpremises next month.

    rumour (n) C/U /rum(r)/ pogoski A student had been spreadingrumours about the teachers.

    specific (adj) /spsfk/ okrelony, szczeglny You have to enter the information in a specific order.

    superior (adj)

    /spri(r)/doskonay, najwyszego standardu The hotel's service is superior.

    systematic (adj) /sstmtk/ systematyczny The TPS is a systematic way to satisfy customer needs.

    turnover (adj) /t(r)nv(r)/ przychd ze sprzeday, pot. w j.polskim obrt

    Just-in-time system means that the costs are cut andturnoveris increased.

    warehouse (n) C /we(r)has/ magazyn I'll speak to the warehouse manager and see if we have the items you requested instock.

    workshop (n) C /w(r)kp/ warsztat a creative writingworkshop

    3.2 Vocabulary - Trends and planning

    aviation (n) U /evie()n/ lotnictwo the aviation industry

    competitor (n) C /kmpett(r)/ konkurent All our majorcompetitors are also bidding for that contract.

    destination (n) C /destne()n/ miejsce docelowe podry a popular holiday destination

    hire (v) T /ha(r)/ naj (kogo) do pracy Ihiredsomeone to paint the house.

    leak (v) I/T /lik/ przecieka The roof is stillleaking.

    lifeguard (n) C /lafg(r)d/ ratownik (na play) There are no lifeguards or security patrols on the beach.

    market leader (n) C /m(r)kt lid(r)/ lider rynku We would like to become the market leaderby the end of next year.

    pickpocket (n) C /pkpkt/ kieszonkowiec The police know thatpickpockets are working at the markets and on the beach.

    subsidiary (n) C /sbsdiri/ spka zalena, filia a subsidiary of General Motors

    3.3 Grammar - Present continuous, adverbs and present simple passive

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    conventional (adj) /knven()nl/ konwencjonalny a conventionaloven /conventionalweapons (=not nuclear or chemicalweapons)

    ingredient (n) C /ngridint/ skadnik Mix allthe ingredients together carefully.

    laboratory (n) C /lbrt()ri/ laboratorium our new research laboratory

    organic (adj) /(r)gnk/ organiczny organic apples/meat

    pesticide (n) C /pestsad/ pestycyd Instead ofpesticides, some farmers use bats and owls to keep bugs under control.

    state (n) C /stet/ stan the state of Michigan

    strict (adj) /strkt/ cisy They operate within stricttime limits. Lynn gave us strictinstructions to be good.

    3.4 Speaking - Presentations: signposts and stepping stones

    cosmetic (adj) /kzmetk/ kosmetyczny cosmetic products

    3.5 Writing- Instructions and procedures for an exhibition stand

    annual (adj) /njul/ coroczny an annualconference/festival/ holiday

    attendee (n) C /tendi/ uczestnik (konferencji, zebrania) There were more than 600 attendees at the conference last month.

    convention (n) C /knven(n)/ konwencja Chicago was chosen as the site for an international crime convention.

    costume (n) C/U /kstjum/ kostium There is a fantastic costume contest in the evening.

    expand (v) I/T /kspnd/ rozszerza (dziaalno, asortyment) We are expandingthe programme to provide more student places.

    freebie (n) C /fribi/ darmowy gadet What kind offreebies should we provide for our stand at the trade fair inBarcelona?

    location (n) C /lke()n/ lokalizacja The talks are taking place at a secretlocation.

    logistics (n) Pl. /lstks/ logistyka We haven't thought about the logistics of delivery.

    seminar (n) C /semn(r)/ seminarium a seminaron marketing

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    showcase (n) C /kes/ pokaz The exhibition is a showcase for British exports.

    3.6 Case study - ScotAir

    budget airline (n) C /bt e(r)lan/ tania linia lotnicza Don't count on free in-flight food if you're flying with a budget airline.

    carbon footprint (n) C /k(r)bn ftprnt/ ilo zuywanych przez dan osob luburzdzenie gazw cieplarnianych

    There are websites which allow you to calculate carbon footprintof a flight.

    crew (n) C /kru/ zaoga, personel (w samolocie, nastatku itp.)

    All the passengers andcrew on board the jet were killed.

    discomfort (n) C /dskmf(r)t/ niewygoda the discomforts of life in the desert

    emission (n) C /m()n/ emisja (gazw, spalin) New laws are aimed at reducing vehicle emissions.

    route (n) C /rut/ droga, cieka The tunnel is the route taken by most drivers.

    second hand (adj) /seknd hnd/ uywany, z drugiej rki second-handbooks/clothing

    short-haul (adj) /(r)t hl/ krtkodystansowy (zw. o locie) Most airlines do no longer serve meals on short-haulflights.

    uniform (n) C /junf(r)m/ mundur, uniform He was still wearing his schooluniform.

    4 Success stories

    4.1 Speaking - Making small talk

    ambition (n) U

    /mb()n/ambicja His ambition was to become a successful writer.

    contact (n) C/U /kntkt/ kontakt Do you and Jo still keep in contact?

    dedication (n) U /dedke()n/ powicenie his dedication to the fight against AIDS

    financial (adj) /fann()l/ finansowy banks and otherfinancialinstitutions

    icon (n) C /akn/ ikona one of the best-known pop icons of the 1980s

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    immigrant (n) C /mgrnt/ imigrant There has been a rise in the number ofimmigrants coming from Eastern Europe.

    lipstick (n) C/U /lpstk/ szminka, pomadka do ust She was wearing the most expensive lipstick.

    luck (n) U /lk/ szczcie (o powodzeniu w jakiejsytuacji)

    We'd all like to wish you luckin your new job.

    motto (n) C /mt/ motto The company's motto is 'Bringing the best to everyone we touch'.

    original (adj) /r()n()l/ oryginalny a highly original design, a very originalsongwriter

    secrecy (n) U /sikrsi/ tajno, dyskrecja Discussions took place in totalsecrecy.

    sophisticated (adj) /sfstketd/ wyrafinowany Consumers are getting more sophisticated.

    tip (n) C /tp/ wskazwka The booklet gives some goodtips on getting the most out of your software.

    waft (v) I /wft/ ulatywa The scentwaftedthrough the crowd of shoppers.

    4.2 Vocabulary - Describing yourself and being successful

    cope (v) I /kp/ poradzi sobie Considering how bad her injuries are, she is copingvery well. The safety systemis designed to cope with engine failure.

    file (n) C /fal/ zbir dokumentw, teczka medicalfiles

    habit (n) C/U /hbt/ nawyk, zwyczaj healthy eatinghabits

    risk (n) C/U /rsk/ ryzyko the risks to consumers are being analysed

    role model (n) C /rl md()l/ wzr, przykad (o osobie) Highly successful business owners are greatrole models.

    stand out from the crowd


    /stnd at frm


    wyrnia si z tumu He's the kind of man who stands out from the crowd.

    well-informed (adj) /wel nf(r)md/ dobrze poinformowany The press doesn't seem to be very well-informed.

    4.3 Grammar - Past simple, past continuous and used to

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    basket (n) C /bskt/ kosz a laundry basket

    collateral (n) U /klt()rl/ zabezpieczenie kredytu (pod zastawlub hipotek nieruchomoci)

    The will definitely ask for some security orcollateralwhen considering your

    application for a loan.

    entrepreneur (n) C /ntrprn(r)/ przedsibiorca

    found (v) T /fand/ zaoy (firm, gazet, itp.) The newspaperwas foundedin 1909.

    launch (v) T /ln/ wypuci na rynek The company willlaunch a new version of the software in July.

    poverty (n) U /pv(r)ti/ bieda Half the world's population is living inpoverty.

    reality show (n) C /rilti / reality show (program telewizyjny) Big Brother is a well-known reality show.

    rural (adj) /rrl/ wiejski ruralareas/roads/schools

    vicious circle (n) Sg. /vs s(r)k()l/ bdne koo He lent the villagers money so that they could escape the vicious circle of poverty.

    4.4 Speaking - Appraisals

    element (n) C /elmnt/ element, cz Fieldwork is a key elementof this course. Advertising is not the only elementinthe marketing process.

    flexitime (n) U British

    Business/eksitam/ elastyczne godziny pracy Let's introduceflexitime so that everybody can decide when they come to and

    leave the office.

    intern (n) C /nt(r)n/ staysta, praktykant I don't have a contract of employment yet - I'm still an intern in this company.

    pressure (n) C/U /pre(r)/ presja Pressure for political change increased in the 1990s.

    self-assessment (n) U /self sesmnt/ samoocena Let's look at the self-assessmentpart of your appraisal.

    4.5 Writing - Profiles of business leaders

    charity (n) C/U /rti/ organizacja charytatywna I donated 1,000 to a localcharity.

    campaign (n) C /kmpen/ kampania an election / advertisingcampaign

    float (v) T Business /t/ wej na gied The company was floatedin 1983.

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    limited edition (n) C /lmtd d()n/ edycja limitowana The Steiff Company has produced a number oflimited edition teddy bears.

    merchandise (n) U formal /m(r)()ndaz/ towary

    polio (n) U /pli/ polio (choroba) She contractedpolio when she was a small child.

    shortage (n) C/U /(r)t/ niedostatek Refugees are facing serious food and fuelshortages.

    trademark (n) C /tredm(r)k/ znak towarowy This name is a registeredtrademarkand you cannot use it on your products.

    wheelchair (n) C /wile(r)/ wzek inwalidzki As a result of an accident, she had to spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair.

    4.6 Case study - The English Academy

    campus (n) C/U /kmps/ kampus uniwersytecki We have rooms for 2,000 students on campus.

    hydroelectricity (n) U /hadrlektrsti/ prd wytworzony przezhydroelektrowni

    Hydroelectricity accounts for more than half of Switzerland's electricity


    industrial estate (n) C British /ndstril stet/ teren przemysowy They opened a new language school on an industrial estate.

    magnate (n) C /mgnet/ magnat (o przedsibiorcyprzemysowym)

    an oilmagnate

    orphanage (n) C /(r)f()n/ sierociniec When she was six, her mother died, so she grew up in an orphanage.

    outskirts (n) Pl. /atsk(r)ts/ dzielnica peryferyjna a park on the outskirts of Edinburgh

    patent (n) C /pet()nt/ patent In 1878 Edison received apatentfor his phonograph.

    prestigious (adj) /prests/ prestiowy The school is in a very prestigious location.

    quality (n) C/U /kwlti/ jako This cut in funding will affect the quality of education in our schools. The food is

    of the highestquality.refugee (n) C /refji/ uchodca His family moved as refugees to Greece in the early 1920s.

    steel (n) U /stil/ stal The works produced a million tons ofsteela year.

    tanker (n) C /tk(r)/ tankowiec The western coast suffered from oil pollution when two tankers collidedyesterday.

    tailor (n) C /tel(r)/ krawiec He learnt everything about making clothes in his mother's smalltailorshop.

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    untimely (adj) /ntamli/ przedwczesny his untimely death

    whaler (n) C /wel(r)/ statek do poowu wielorybw

    5 Selling

    5.1 About business - Advertising

    billboard (n) C /blb(r)d/ bilbord The company's advertisements could be seen on billboards all around the country.

    branded (adj) /brndd/ markowy (np. produkt) Athletes have always earned a lot of money by wearingbrandedsports clothes.

    desire (n) C/U /dza(r)/ ch, podanie his desire to join the army

    differentiate (v) I/T /dfreniet/ rozrnia Neil is colour-blind and cannotdifferentiate between red and green.forehead (n) C /f(r)hed/ czoo She had a long face with a high forehead.

    hype (n) U %infml /hap/ agresywna reklama I hate all the hype about portable music players.

    lease (v) T /lis/ dzierawi, wynajmowa The offices are currently leasedto a design company.

    logo (n) C /lg/ logo The company has changed its logo for the third time in the past ten years.

    potential (adj) /pten()l/ potencjalny The disease is apotentialkiller.

    run (v) I /rn/ rozmywa si When athletes begin to sweat, the tattoo starts to run.

    tasteful (adj)/testf()l/

    w dobrym gucie Some consumers may not find this type of advertising very tasteful.

    taboo (n) C /tbu/ tabu In some parts of the world showing too much skin in public is a taboo.

    unique selling

    proposition/point (n) C/prpz()n/ przewaga nad konkurencj Many advertising campaigns fail because the product's USPis too weak.

    word of mouth (n) U infml /w(r)d v ma/ poczta pantoflowa Most of our customers hear about us by word of mouth.

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    5.2 Vocabulary - Buying and selling

    characteristics (n) Pl. /krkterstks/ cecha, charakterystyka main characteristics of 20th-century culture

    complicated (adj) /kmplketd/ skomplikowany It looks very complicatedto use.

    potential (adj) /pten()l/ potencjalny apotentialdisaster

    pricey (adj) infml /prasi/ drogi (pot.) It was a bitpricey but definitely value for money.

    rival (n) C /rav()l/ rywal, przeciwnik She scored twice as many points as herrival.

    5.3 Grammar - Comparatives, superlatives and asking questions

    assure (v) T formal /(r)/ zapewni (kogo o czym) There's no mistake, I can assure you.

    breakdown (n) C /brekdan/ awaria You won't have a breakdown with this car.

    detection (n) U/dtek()n/

    wykrycie aircraft capable of avoidingdetection

    downloadable (adj)

    Computing/danldb()l/ do pobrania (o pliku komputerowym) The NewTech GPS Mapping System features celebrity voices as a downloadable


    exotic (adj) /gztk/ egzotyczny There isn't a good selection ofexotic fruit.

    helmet (n) C /helmt/ hem a motorcycle helmet

    integrate (v) I/T /ntgret/ integrowa How would such culturally different people be integratedinto our society?

    portable (adj) /p(r)tb()l/ przenony aportable television/heater

    satellite (n) C /stlat/ satelita a spy/communications/weathersatellite

    state-of-the-art (adj) /stet v i (r)t/ najnowoczeniejszy state-of-the-artvoice recognition technology

    steering wheel (n) C /str wil/ kierownica A hands-free handset allows you to talk on the phone without taking your handsoffthe steering wheel.

    trolley (n) C British /trli/ wzek (w sklepie lub bagaowy) Please leave yourtrolley here when you're leaving the supermarket.

    waterproof (adj) /wt(r)pruf/ wodoodporny, wodoszczelny a waterproofjacket

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    5.4 Speaking - Negotiating

    agenda (n) C /end/ porzdek spotkania Cutting the number of workers is not on the agenda.

    ballet (n) U /ble/ balet classical/modern ballet

    compromise (n) C/U

    /kmprmaz/kompromis Neither of them is willing to make compromises.

    subsidize (v) T /sbsdaz/ dopaca do czego, subsydiowa The company canteen should no longer be subsidized.

    sum up (v) T /sm p/ podsumowa It's a good idea to sum up agreements regularly.

    trekking (n) U /trek/ treking He had trekkedacross South Africa. She's goingtrekkingin New Zealand.

    5.5 Writing - Negotiating by email

    etiquette (n) U /etket/ etykieta (zbir zasad) professional/business/diplomatic etiquette

    inclusive (adj) /nklusv/ z wliczonymi kosztami, podatkiem itp. These goods are inclusive of VAT.

    prompt (adj) /prmpt/ szybki Promptaction is required.

    5.6 Speaking - Making small talk

    brochure (n) C /br(r)/ broszura holiday brochure

    disposable income (n) U /dspzb()l nkm/ dochd netto po opaceniu rachunkw(pot. w j. pol. "to, co zostaje na


    This social group has a very high disposable income.

    innovative (adj) /nvtv/ innowacyjny innovative products

    pamper (v) T /pmp(r)/ rozpieszcza You can relax andpamperyourself in one of our five-star hotels.

    relatively (adv) /reltvli/ relatywnie a relatively small flat

    status symbol (n) C /stets smb()l/ symbol statusu (spoecznego,finansowego itp.)

    For some,a personal bodyguard has become something ofa status symbol.

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    track down (phv) T /trk dan/ wyledzi (kogo, co) I finally managed to track him down in Manchester.

    trendspotter (n) C /trendspt(r)/ osoba obserwujca trendy A team of brilliant youngtrendspotters track down new products before theybecome too popular and everyone has them.

    6 The organization

    6.1 About business - Entrepreneurs

    debt (n) C /det/ dug By this time we haddebts of over 15,000.

    expand (v) I/T /kspnd/ wzrasta, rozszerza (dziaalno,asortyment)

    The population is expandingrapidly.

    festivities (n) Pl. /festvtiz/ festyn, feta Festivities include a parade an an open-air concert.

    headquarters (n) Pl. /hedkw(r)t(r)z/ siedziba (centrala przedsibiorstwa),kwatera gwna

    She has never been to her company's headquarters in Birmingham.

    liability (n) U /lablti/ odpowiedzialno prawna The owner's liability is only limited to the amount they invested.

    paperwork (n) U /pep(r)w(r)k/ papierkowa robota You don't have to do the paperworkyourself.

    6.2 Vocabulary - Types of companies

    bankrupt (adj) /bkpt/ zbankrutowany If you're a sole trader and you go bankrupt, you may have to sell yourpossessions to pay your debts.

    diversify (v) I/T Business /dav(r)sfa/ dywersyfikowa You have to diversify your activities to be successful in business.

    global warming (n) U /glb()l w(r)m/ globalne ocieplenie Big companies don't invest their big profits to stopglobal warming.

    monopoly (n) C/U /mnpli/ monopol No company should have a monopoly on rail transport.

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    pollute (v) T /plut/ zanieczyszcza The oil spillage has pollutedthe harbour.

    6.3 Grammar - Reported speech

    cognac (n) U /knjk/ koniak A good choice of present is an expensive cognac.

    face to face (adj) /fes t fes/ twarz w twarz aface to face meeting

    interrupt (v) I/T /ntrpt/ przerywa Please don'tinterrupther while she's working.

    6.4 Speaking - Interrupting in meetings

    absenteeism (n) U /bsntiz()m/ nieobecnoci If people keep injuring themselves, we'll have more absenteeism.

    clarification (n) U formal /klrfke()n/ wyjanienie If I don't understand what someone means, I ask forclarification.

    counterproductive (adj) /kant(r)prdktv/ przynoszcy odwrotny dozamierzonego efekt

    Research shows that sending young offenders to prison can be counterproductive.

    frown (v) I /fran/ zmarszczy brwi I neverfrown when I am talking.

    lose the thread (phrase) /luz red/ zgubi wtek More than once she lost the threadand had to ask them to speak more slowly.

    6.5 Writing - Agendas and action minutes

    atmosphere (n) Sg. /tmsf(r)/ atmosfera There is an atmosphere of tension in the city today.

    demotivated (adj) /dimtvetd/ zdemotywowany Staff are demotivatedby the lack of promotion opportunities.

    hot desking (n) U Business /ht desk/ system pracy, w ktrym pracownicynie maj przypisanego biurka i

    korzystaj z oglnodostpnej


    Staff are not happy abouthot desking.

    newsletter (n) C /njuzlet(r)/ biuletyn We'd like to ask staff to contribute materials to our company newsletter.

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    quarterly (adj) (adv) /kw(r)t(r)li/ kwartalny a quarterly report

    quotation (n) C /kwte()n/ wycena Can you give me a quotation for replacing all the windows?

    structure (n) C/U /strk(r)/ struktura the structure of DNA; the changingstructure of agriculture in this country

    summary (n) C /smri/ streszczenie The text provides summaries of the plots of Shakespeare's plays.

    temporary (adj) /temp()rri/ tymczasowy These measures are only temporary.

    6.6 Case study - Soup kitchen vs Gourmet to go

    be located (phrase) /bi lketd/ by zlokalizowanym The centre is conveniently locatedclose to many historical sites.

    biodegradable (adj) /baidgredb()l/ rozkadajcy si w rodowisku We use biodegradable components to manufacture our packages.

    cater (v) I/T /ket(r)/ zapewni jedzenie, zapewni catering Our sales objective for next year is to caterfor an average of 50 businessfunctions a week.

    healthy (adj) /heli/ zdrowy healthyfood; a healthy diet/ lifestyle

    organic (adj) /(r)gnk/ organiczny organic apples/meat, organic farming

    pot (n) C /pt/ garnek a set ofpots and pans

    utensil (n) C /jutens()l/ sprzt kuchenny cookingutensils

    wholesome (adj) /hls()m/ zdrowy (o ywnoci) We only serve wholesome soups.

    7 The stock market

    7.1 About business - Keep it in the family

    buyback (n) C /babk/ odkupienie a share buyback

    consolidated (adj) /knsldetd/ skonsolidowany a consolidatedfinancial report

    dividend (n) C /dvdend/ dywidenda The nextdividendwill be paid out on 31 January 2008.

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    secure (v) T formal /skj(r)/ zabezpieczy The team securedtheir second victory of the season.

    stock exchange (n) C /stk ksen/ gieda papierw wartociowych He invested everything on the stock exchange.

    7.2 Vocabulary - Dealing with figures

    annually (adv) /njul/ dorocznie The directory is publishedannually.

    lifespan (n) C /lafspn/ dugo ycia The average lifespan of a car in the UK has been estimated as between 13-17years.

    phishing (n) U /f/ phishing (sposb na wamanie dosystemw elektronicznych)

    The online bank was once again target of aphishingattack.

    productivity (n) U /prdktvti/ produktywno Productivity grew by 7% in the third quarter.

    surplus (n) C/U /s(r)pls/ nadwyka a surplus of oil

    unemployment (n) U /nmplmnt/ bezrobocie Unemploymentrose last month to its highest level in five years.

    vehicle (n) C /vik()l/ narzdzie, rodek (do osigniciaczego) He launched the newspaper as a vehicle for his campaign.

    virus (n) C Computing /vars/ wirus Mostviruses are spread over the Internet.

    overtake (v) T /v(r)tek/ przecign (sta si lepszym) The women students seem to be overtakingthe men.

    7.3 Grammar - willand won't, be going to, first conditional

    curry (n) C/U /kri/ curry (potrawa) Italians don't seem to like curry flavour pizzas.

    dozen (det)/dz()n/

    tuzin a dozen red roses

    nuclear (adj) /njukli(r)/ nuklearny, jdrowy nuclearpower/energy

    pensioner (n) C /pen()n(r)/ emeryt By 2075 there will be one worker for threepensioners.

    power plant (n) C /pa(r) plnt/ elektrownia The Government has announced that 12 out of 23 nuclearpower plants will beclosed by 2030.

    risky (adj) /rski/ ryzykowny The decision is politically risky.

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    solar panel (n) C /sl(r) pn()l/ bateria soneczna I'm going to installsolar panels to save on electricity bills.

    terrorist (n) C /terrst/ terrorysta a suspected/convictedterrorist

    villa (n) C /vl/ willa We have a luxury villa in the Bahamas.

    7.4 Speaking - Negotiations: making offers and agreeing deadlines

    catalogue (n) C /ktlg/ katalog a mail ordercatalogue

    guarantee (v) T /grnti/ gwarantowa The government provides help for small businesses, but it cannotguarantee theirsuccess.

    maintenance (n) U /mentnns/ utrzymanie, konserwacja aircraftmaintenance

    turnover (n) C/U /t(r)nv(r)/ przychd ze sprzeday (pot. w j.polskim "obrt")

    Just-in-time system means that the costs are cut andturnoveris increased.

    7.5 Writing - Describing figures

    resignation (n) C/U /rezgne()n/ rezygnacja Rebel groups have demanded the resignation of the government.

    run out (phv) I /rn at/ wyczerpa, zuy do koca Many hospitals are running outof money.

    short-lived (adj) /(r)t lvd/ krtkotrway The rise in share price was short-lived.

    speculation (n) C/U /spekjle()n/ spekulacja Share speculation was responsible for the collapse of the stock market.

    takeover (n) C /tekv(r)/ przejcie There was a talk of a takeoverbid.

    turbulent (adj) /t(r)bjlnt/ burzliwy the country's turbulenthistory

    7.6 Case study - Trading stocks

    barrel (n) C /brl/ baryka A barrelof oil was up USD 0.9 yesterday.

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    chip (n) C /p/ chip (ukad scalony) a computerchip manufacturer

    fabricate (v) T Business /fbrket/ wytwarza Cyberchip Plc has twofabrication plants.

    field (n) C /ld/ dziaka, pole The company intends to increase production from its larger gas fields.

    frost (n) U /frst/ szron bushes covered withfrost

    genetically-modified (adj) /netkli mdfad/ genetycznie zmodyfikowany Genezap Inc. is a company which producesgenetically-modifiedseed.

    pipeline (n) C /paplan/ rurocig a 500-kilometre oilpipeline

    plant (n) C /plnt/ fabryka a nuclear/ chemicalplant

    processed (adj) /prsest/ przetworzony processedmeat/cheese

    profitability (n) U /prftblti/ opacalno We have consistently increased turnover andprofitability.

    refinery (n) C /rfanri/ rafineria oilrefinery

    triple (adj) /trp()l/ potrjny a triple killing

    8 Going global

    8.1 About business - Franchising

    corporate identity (n) C /k(r)prt adentti/ wizerunek firmy We need to think of a new corporate identity for the Asian market.

    establish (v) T /stbl/ zaoy (firm, stowarzyszenie) The company was establishedin 1860.

    fulfil (v) T /flfl/ wypenia, spenia (np. warunki,kryteria)

    Do you fulfil the entry requirements for the course?

    global player (n) C /glb()l ple(r)/ gracz globalny If you would like to be aglobal player, perhaps you should think about setting upa franchise business.

    globe (n) C mainly literary /glb/ globus on the other side ofthe globe

    legislation (n) U /lesle()n/ prawo a complex piece oflegislation

    outlet (n) C /atlet/ punkt sprzeday Subway has more outlets in the USA and Canada than McDonald's.

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    overseas (adj) /v(r)siz/ zamorski (dos.) overseas visitors/students/markets

    relocate (v) I/T /rilket/ przenie (si lub kogo) I left my job because the company relocated.

    reputation (n) U /replte()n/ reputacja The town has a badreputation.

    tried and tested (adj) /trad n testd/ wyprbowany We only buy tried-and-testedproducts.

    8.2 Vocabulary - Setting up a franchise

    appeal (v) I /pil/ przemawia do kogo (o produkcie,reklamie itp.)

    I think we should offer something that willappealto kids.

    contact (v) T /kntkt/ skontaktowa si (z kim) Please contactus if you have any information.

    market research (n) U /m(r)kt rs(r)/ badanie rynku Companies always do thorough market research before launching a new product.

    persuade (v) T /pswed/ przekona (kogo) He did finally come with us, although it took a long time topersuade him.

    prestigious (adj) /prests/ prestiowy The school is in a very prestigious location.

    realistic (adj) /rlstk/ realistyczny Changing your job is the only realisticsolution. I don't think it's very realistic toexpect her to help us.

    sceptical (adj) /skeptk()l/ sceptyczny I'm very sceptical about the results of the survey.

    8.3 Grammar - Past simple and past perfect

    appliance (n) C /plains/ urzdzenie domowe appliances such as washing machines and refrigerators

    asset (n) C /set/ aktywa, majtek (assets) The company has assets of over USD 1.7 trillion.

    diamond (n) C/U /damnd/ diament, diamentowy a diamondring/necklace/bracelet

    household (n) C /hashld/ gospodarstwo domowe householdappliances

    joint venture (n) C /nt ven(r)/ konsorcjum, przedsibiorstwo typujoint-venture

    The two companies have set up a joint venture to bid for the government contract.

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    light bulb (n) C /lat blb/ arwka The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison.

    misunderstanding n (U) /msnd(r)stnd/ nieporozumienie There's been a misunderstanding: Mr Jones isn't expecting you until tomorrow.

    radical (adj) /rdk()l/ radykalny a radicalsolution to the problem of juvenile crime

    restructure (v) T /ristrk(r)/ restrukturyzowa There has been some radicalrestructuringin the last few years.

    silicon (n) U /slkn/ krzem Siemens developed a method to produce ultra-pure silicon.

    8.4 Speaking - Presentations: handling questions

    control tower (n) C /kntrl ta(r)/ wiea kontroli lotw The control toweris located near the arrivals terminal.

    domestic (adj) /dmestk/ krajowy domestic politics

    expand (v) I/T /kspnd/ poszerzy The population is expandingrapidly; There are plans to expandthe nationalpark.

    fog (n) U /fg/ mga Heavyfogforced drivers to slow down.

    groundwater (n) U Science /grandwt(r)/ woda gruntowa Thegroundwaterin this area will have to be lowered.

    impact (n) C /mpkt/ wpyw Internet shopping has begun to have a serious impacton traditional bookshops.

    runway (n) C /rnwe/ pas startowy (na lotnisku) The longestrunway in the world is at Qamdo Bangda Airport, China.

    statistics (n) Pl. /sttstks/ statystyka There are three types of lies: lies, damned lies andstatistics.

    terminal (n) C /t(r)mn()l/ terminal A secondterminalwas opened in 2001.

    transit (n) U /trnst/ tranzyt Our suitcases were damaged in transit.

    8.5 Writing - Reports of recommendation

    availability (n) U /velblti/ dostpno Parents are concerned about the availability of drugs in the school.

    component (n) C /kmpnnt/ cz, komponent XYZ Inc. is our main supplier of electronic components.

    criteria (n) Pl. /kratri/ kryteria Everyone whose qualifications meet ourcriteria will be considered.

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    dependent (adj) /dpendnt/ zaleny Your pay is dependenton your work experience.

    disruption (n) C/U /dsrp()n/ zakcenie (np. pracy jakiegourzdzenia)

    There was a majordisruption at our factory yesterday.

    drawback (n) C /drbk/ wada The main drawbackof the plan is its expense.

    flood (n) C/U /d/ powd The southwest of England has been badly hit by floods.

    forecast (v) T /f(r)kst/ prognozowa Weforecastthat costs are likely to increase quickly.

    humidity (n) U /hjumdti/ wilgotno The problem here is the high humidity.

    infrastructure (n) C /nfrstrk(r)/ infrastruktura Germany has a very good transportinfrastructure.

    monsoon (n) C /mnsun/ monsun the monsoon period

    rust (n) U /rst/ rdza Materials and parts will have to be kept in special buildings to stop them fromrusting.

    8.6 Case study - Choosing a franchise

    bonus (n) C /bns/ bonus, premia, prezent (w pracy),dodatkowe wiadczenie od pracodawcy

    a Christmas bonus

    cotton (n) U /kt()n/ bawena a cotton dress

    disabled (adj) /dseb()ld/ niepenosprawny We provide care to help older anddisabledpeople.

    overtime (n) U /v(r)tam/ nadgodziny I've done a lot ofovertime since the beginning of this month.

    retire (v) I /rta(r)/ odej na emeryture He retiredfrom the army last month.

    sustainable (adj) /sstenb()l/ zrwnowaony, wywaonyekologicznie

    You can also help to make this world greener, cleaner and more sustainable.

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