The 'bully' German

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Transcript of The 'bully' German

8/3/2019 The 'bully' German 1/1

The 'bully' alemánEl excancillerHelmut old Schmidt put a lucid counterpoint to a Brussels summit marked by el'diktat 'Angela MerkelDefendiende the idea that the current crisis can only be resolved from the drive and demanded the need for "a compassionate heart "with European neighbors was as if boomed the voice of conscience of Germany. ex-Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, 92años, who had to be put in the pillory Angela Merkel's policy and denounced the 'diktat' of Berlin in Europe.The veteran agent who was not involved in a Congress of the Social Democratic Party (S

PD) since 1988, he did last Sunday from his wheelchair with a one-hour speech entitled "Germany, and with, Europe." His message was loud and clear : a "bully German nationalist spirit" is destroying the European Union and solidarity cooción raised its founders. His words, however, found no echo in the Brussels summit on Friday in the German demands that laid the foundations for a multi-speed Europe with advanced students (euro countries that accept a rigid fiscal straitjacket),'the squad are in the euro torpes'no but try to catch the new Treaty) and expelled from the class (with the United attached to the head) Schmidt warned againstattempts to shape a German Europe will cause the "immediate reaction" of other nations and recalled the historical sense of the EU primal: to avoid attracting the continent warmongering and tie to Germany feared. European history, he said,"surely remain for many generations even a latent distrust of the Germans" due t

he many occasions "in which we made others suffer under our central depoder position." According to the Social Democratic politician "who today do not understand the original reason, you can not resolve the current crisis in Europe." The former foreign minister defended the idea that the current crisis can only be resolved from the drive and demanded the need for "a heart of compassion to our neighbors and partners and especially with Greece." In this regard, he recalled how"the post-war German development would not have been possible without the help of the victorious powers, without the integration into Europe and NATO, without the help of nuestrosvecinos and without the end of communist dictatorships." Forif their rejection is little doubt the policy of Merkel, Schmidt made a concretealusióndirecta and the Government of Merkel: "Who now suggests that in future German-speaking Europe, when a foreign minister stated that the visits Kabul or Tripoli ... are more important than political contact with Lisbon and Madrid and War

saw, or as another says to avoid a union of transfers, this is nothing more thanbully German nationalist spirit. " In these times when issues only serves losque Economists and technocrats seem to have carte blanche, the old man recalled the most important political philosopher living German, Jürgen Habermas, and signed his warning that "for the first time since the founding of EU, democracy is in danger. " Five days later gave the reason loshechos and the Brussels summit saw the main European institutions with the Parliament at the head were confined by the short cut of a decision-making between governments. The Court ConstitucionalMerkel and more specifically the German Constitutional Court suidea succeeded in imposing economic governance, control and budget discipline and monetary stability with penalties for violators. The growth would come in addition. Schmidt believes on the contrary, as the laureate Joseph Stiglitz and Paul Krugman, that if E

urope wants to emerge from the crisis must act together, but not politicand adjustments as deflation but with the funding of growth projects, which SINLA is not possible for any State sanitize their public accounts and debt free dellastre. The chancellor was very satisfied with the results of the summit to impose their views with minimal concessions. However, the peripheral countries, including Spain, are still clearly see the horizon, even if they apply the settingsand horse medicinade savings. The markets will again be on Monday the juecesde agreed in Brussels and will agree to those, like Schmidt, consider holding them hostage to policy makers, incapable of joint action and solidarity. One can onlyhope that the epitaph is not met a vignette of The Broken, "the cry of 'every man for himself' drowned all."