The Buckner Baptist Beacon - Amazon S3 · 2015-01-20 · The Buckner Baptist Beacon Sunday January...

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Transcript of The Buckner Baptist Beacon - Amazon S3 · 2015-01-20 · The Buckner Baptist Beacon Sunday January...

The Buckner Baptist Beacon Ye are the light of the world. – Matthew 5:14


the heart. Where do broken

homes, crime, war, terrorism, and other vicious attacks come from? They come from hearts that need to be changed. Repentance means change, not just change of mind but change of heart. America needs to repent in order to experience the abundant life of Christ.

The abundant life that comes through the cross means we have been challenged. Living the abundant life does not mean we have no problems nor does it mean we do not suffer. Hearts break and we wonder how we can have abundant life with such pain and struggle. The challenge is to lift our eyes above the present crisis and focus on the present Christ.

On the cross the Lord carried our sins and our sorrows. Isaiah stated that it was by His stripes that we are healed. He healed my spirit through His death, burial, and resurrection. He also heals my hurts and my wounds. He bore our grief and sorrows and is well

Volume 2 Number 2 Sunday January 11, 2015 Ye are the light of the world. – Matthew 5:14


Will the bad news ever stop? How much worse can it get? TV stations and other media proclaim attacks, dangers, and destruction. Death and destruction make up the headlines of the day and it seems that the news is that no one is safe anywhere.

Bad news comes on a personal level as well. You just received a phone call from the doctor and the lab tests were positive. News came of trouble for your child. Your husband or wife said that the marriage is over. Your loved one died and now you don’t know where to turn or what to do. There is no end to the list of things that make up bad news. Neither does there seem to be an end or a bottom to the pit of despair and hurt in which we seem to find ourselves.

In the dark, dangerous days in which we live it is hard to see hope. But there is. The hope is not in change of circumstances or the easing of adversity. The hope lies in the cross of Christ and the fact that through the cross there is relationship with the Lord.


Jesus, speaking of His sheep, said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly,” (John 10:10). It is the Lord’s plan that we not just exist but that we have the rich abundant life that comes through Him.

The abundant life that comes through the cross means we have been changed. All of the struggles of today’s world are symbolic of the inner churning and turmoil that is in the heart of man. Mike Huckabee made the statement that America, “has a sin problem.” I agree. We could also put it this way. America has heart trouble. Change is needed in our country. It is not just the change of political leaders but it is the change of the heart of man.

That change can only come through the cross of Christ. Our sins were placed on Christ. His bleeding and suffering body was a visible picture of what man faces in his heart. We are broken, bleeding, and suffering because of the condition of


acquainted with the wounds we carry. He was wounded for us and there is not a hurt or wound that we experience but that He has already been there.

The challenge is to bring to Him our brokenness. He is moved by our struggles and has promised to never leave us or forsake us. The good news is that no matter what I face I can turn to Him and He puts His arms around me to comfort me and to carry me. The cross is still the answer for broken hearts and broken lives.

When bad news overwhelms our days and when it seems that there is no hope the cross is still the answer. When darkness, danger, and depression threaten to destroy the cross is still the answer. When our lives seem to have fallen apart and sorrow becomes our master the cross is still the answer. He is still King of Kings and Lord of Lords and the good news is that no matter the noise of the world He is coming again.

The Cross is Still the Answer

The Buckner Baptist Beacon Sunday January 11, 2015


The Pastor’s Pen

What does it mean to worship?


There are all kinds of ideas as to what worship is and how we should go about it. It was no different in Jesus’ day. John 4 records a conversation Jesus had with a woman of Samaria and in the discussion He made a very powerful statement. “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth,” (John 4:24).

Arguments, even bitter arguments, have caused much conflict and confusion. The pastor should wear a tie and coat. No, he should be casual and wear no tie and wear a golf shirt. Traditional hymns or Southern Gospel music should be sung. No, contemporary music should be the standard so that young people will be attracted. Dismiss Wednesday night services and go only to small groups. Maybe even dismiss Sunday night services. No, it is important to stick to tradition. The arguments go on and on with seemingly no resolution.

It seems that many


have forgotten the standard of worship laid down in the Word of God. Certainly everyone has a preference for dress, style of music, and structure of worship, and study. However, we need to understand that preferences are not necessarily Biblical and that the real standard of worship is from the Lord not from what is popular or the fad of worship for the day. God is not moved or impressed with style of worship. He is concerned about the substance of worship. Jesus’ statement in John 4 point to specific standards as to what real Spirit filled worship is.

True worship requires the Presence of God. That truth may seem to be obvious but in many cases worship becomes a performance. It may also be so rigid and so programmed that there is no room for the Spirit of God to move and work. When we come to true worship we come into the Presence of the Living God. We are not there to be impressed by the music or enthralled by the preaching. We are there to focus mind and


heart on Christ. True worship requires

the power of God. It is the Spirit Who energizes and fills the worshipers. It is the Spirit Who puts power in the music so that when it is delivered it touches the heart and magnifies Christ. The Spirit must fill the preacher and must be in the preaching. Through Spirit filled preaching the Word of God penetrates the heart and soul and draws people to Christ.

True worship requires the passion of God. This involves more than feeling. Passion has to do with the burning yearning of the soul for more of God. It is a joy and a celebration that takes place as we enter into His Presence and experience His power. To worship in Spirit and truth means that there is a deep and intense spiritual passion that makes worship alive and relevant to our times. How I am dressed while delivering the Word has nothing to do with the effectiveness of worship. It is the uplifting and magnifying of Christ in the power of the Spirit and rejoicing in the truth of Who He is that causes us to go away from worship knowing that we have been in the Presence of the Living God.

Prayer List

Scott Jones Severe ankle injury

Shannon Jones Underwent knee surgery Friday The Family of Jewel Hendrix

Linda Drake’s Aunt Bob Sanders Frances Gage

Kathleen Ballard Carolyn Jewell

Sharon Pennington Annita Berna Karen Hollon Pauline Estes Paul Pannell Gene Payton

Juanita Dobrinsky Lee Laizure

Keith Edwards Letticia Reeves Nola’s daughter

Christopher Ross Nola’s grandson

Margaret Taylor Pat Rogers

Becky Walker Leslie Reeves

Linda Drake’s daughter Ted & Charlene Doke

Mack Graves Hospice Care

Jeannie Graves Don & Connie Dunnington

Brother and sister in law of Pauline Smith

Debbie Evenson Waymon Dugan’s Cousin

Diagnosed with lung canceer Piper

Johnny Burke Judy Pitts

Tyler Edwards Student of Seth Jones

J Morse Shirley Burke’s father

Shannon Jones Surgery January 9th

Jolie Janssen Loretta Garrison’s granddaughter

Rethal Hicks Kaylee

Lindsay Dugan’s friend Dewayne Pennington

Bob Boyd Raymond Aguierre

Sunday January 11, 2015 The Buckner Baptist Beacon


A Prayer Heavenly Father, let today and every day be a time of worship for me and my family. Let us worship You, not only with words, but also with deeds. In the quiet moments of the day, let us praise You and thank You for creating us, loving us, and saving us. Amen

-Discovering Peace

Worship When God is at the center of your life, you worship. When He’s not, you worry.

-Rick Warren

We’re here to be worshipers first and workers only second. The work done by a worshiper will have eternity in it.

- A W Tozer

In commanding us to glorify Him, God is inviting us to enjoy Him.

- C S Lewis


Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. Think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths.

-Proverbs 3: 5-6

How many times have I needed to see ‘something’ or ‘someone’ more clearly! Dim lights have a way of provoking frustration, confusion, and lack of direction. My thoughts, feelings, and actions suffer spiritually when I am not quite sure what is going on or what direction to take. Fortunately, the Bible, inspired by the Holy Spirit, gives the needed comfort and light to follow God’s direction and perfect will.

The more time I spend in God’s word and prayer, the brighter my path becomes. God’s word becomes “a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path.” I begin to see my circumstances and problems through the ‘eyes of faith’ rather than the ‘dimness of fear.’

I recently read an interesting story from a book entitled, 100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know by Heart by Robert


J. Morgan. This story tells how Burleigh Law served as a jungle pilot in central Africa.

One day he took off in clear skies, but shortly he noticed thunderclouds in the distance; and these thunderheads rushed together at startling speed. Burleigh frantically searched for an airstrip, but there was nowhere to land. Openings appeared in the clouds here and there, and he kept turning his plane toward them, following little patches of blue. It was like a needle threading its way through fabric. Burleigh was lost in the skies, depending entirely on visible navigation. Finally, spotting a little landing strip, he made it safely to the ground.

Suddenly a vehicle raced up to his plane, and a nurse jumped out and ran to the plane shouting, “I don’t know where you came from, but I know you are an answer to our prayers.” This woman was staying with a missionary couple and they had been isolated on a remote station for months. The unsettled political situation had left them


cut off from outside communication. The roads were impassable and the bridges were out. The missionary wife had become ill with a fever and possible rabies. That morning they had called together the Christians in the village, and the church had earnestly prayed for God’s guidance. That day, the Lord arranged the storm clouds to direct and guide Burleigh Law and his little plane to that spot of earth.

I may not always have the amount of light I would desire to ‘thread a needle’ to repair a piece of clothing or understand the reason for every difficult situation. However, I have learned that if I keep seeking the Lord through prayer, trusting His Word, waiting on Him to show me the way in His timing, enough light will be given to me to trust Him and take that first step of faith to trust His

Words of Wisdom A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver

-Proverbs 25:11

Trusting the Light -Mary Mitchell

The Buckner Baptist Beacon Sunday January 11, 2015



Last Wednesday the church began a new Wednesday Evening Bible Study Program. The evening began with a meal at 5:30. Much appreciation is extended to Shannon Jones for her hard work in getting the meal together; especially in light of the ER episode with her husband, Scott. Thanks to Becky Ginger for stepping up to help with meal preparation. Also, Verda Baker, Elaine Trolinger, and Linda Drake worked hard in setting up, serving, and cleaning up.

At 7:00 classes began. The TeamKid studies and activities involved three groups: ages 3 through kindergarten, first grade through third grade, and


4th grade through 6th grade. Grades 7 through 12 were involved in a Bible Study project called Fuel 2. The adults continued their study on Revelation.

The evening was like the first day of school with students discovering where their classrooms were. It was also a time of learning the new schedules and even the adults had a new place to meet for Bible Study.

The teachers did an outstanding job and the structure of the program gave the teachers an opportunity to work together as a team with a common goal. Those who have committed to


teaching and working with students are greatly appreciated.

There were several who registered to work on a food team for Wednesday nights. The registration form will again be in the foyer for those who have not had the opportunity to sign up for food team help. The goal is to have at least four teams so that no one is overworked.

Opportunity is still available for those who would like to help with classes. See Mary Mitchell or the pastor.

Wednesday evening was a good beginning. Good things are going to come as God uses this program.

The Buckner Baptist Beacon Is a ministry of

The Buckner Baptist Church 2780 Wyman Road Fayetteville, AR

72701 479-445-6088

Larry F Mitchell, PhD, Pastor 4229 E Huntsville Rd

Fayetteville, AR 72701 479-283-8995

Sunday School 10:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 PM

Wednesday Evening 7:00 PM


Sunday January 11 • 10:00 AM Sunday School • 11:00 AM Worship • 5:00 PM: Brotherhood and Ladies

Auxiliary • 6:00 PM Worship

Monday January 12 • 6:00 – 7:30 Ladies Bible Study

Study on Gideon Wednesday January 14 • 5:30 PM Supper • 7:00 PM Bible Studies

TeamKids Teen Classes: Fuel 2 Adult Study: Revelation

Sunday January 18 • 10:00 AM Sunday School • 11:00 AM Worship • Fellowship Dinner after worship • 6:00 PM Worship • Business Meeting after Evening

Worship Monday January 19 • 6:00 – 7:30 Ladies Bible Study

Study on Gideon Wednesday January 21 • 5:30 PM Supper • 7:00 PM Bible Studies

TeamKids Teen Classes: Fuel 2 Adult Study: Revelation

Sunday January 25 • 10:00 AM Sunday School • 11:00 AM Worship • 6:00 PM Worship Monday January 26 • 6:00 – 7:30 Ladies Bible Study

Study on Gideon Wednesday January 27 • 5:30 PM Supper • 7:00 PM Bible Studies

TeamKids Teen Classes: Fuel 2 Adult Study: Revelation

Sunday February 1 • 10:00 AM Sunday School • 11:00 AM Worship • 6:00 PM Worship Monday February 2 • 6:00 – 7:30 PM Ladies Bible Study

Study on Gideon

Wednesday Evening Program


Music Ministry A new opportunity to

be involved in music ministry is here. The church has much musical talent and every week it is used in worship to


glorify Christ. This involves the congregational singing led by Music Director, Roger Wilson and also the specials that are presented.

Underway is a project that will involve those who would like to be part of a worship team. It also includes the building of a choir. All ages are encouraged to be a part. Those who would like to minister in this way please see Roger Wilson or the pastor. Thanks to those who have already committed.


Brotherhood Brotherhood Meeting

this evening at 5 involves planning for this year. It also involves vision development and ministry projects.

Ladies Auxiliary

Ladies Auxiliary meeting at 5 focuses on scheduling and project planning for this year. Ladies Bible Study

Ladies Monday Night Bible Study resumes tomorrow January 12th from 6:00 to 7:30. Study of Gideon resumes.