The Brand Loop

Post on 22-Oct-2014

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Transcript of The Brand Loop

The Brand Loop:Discover How to Evolve Your Brand

What was branding?

“The objective is to create in the mind of the prospect the perception that there is no other product on the market quite like your product.” –Al Ries, The 22 Immunable Laws of Branding

What is branding today?

A constantly evolving conversation between consumers and a brand through multiple channels.

• Create the brand

• Do Market Research

• Name a product

• Run Advertising

• Results?

We know how to…

The only way to guarantee results is by adding value to the conversation.

So how do we do that?

The Brand Loop

Its starts with an idea, disseminated through multiple kinetic channels, building up momentum and creating brand equity over time.

The public reaction to the idea or product is gathered and helps mold and refine it.

The brand tinkers with their message to build up momentum and once again be seen before consumers with a modified product.

The Brand Loop is created when feedback is received about a brand and its messaging.

This process evolves and refines the brand. The Brand Loop endures for as long as the conversation is taking place.

The Brand Loop creates emotional attachment and builds value in the consumers’ minds. This ultimately is responsible for purchases and brand loyalty.

The Brand Loop makes the brand a living entity.

It has a voice and an open ear to its audience.

Nike is the definition of the Brand Loop. From the running shoe to the running app, Nike listens to its followers and innovates.

The Brand Loop teaches us not to deviate from what made you successful in the first place.

Make modifications, not reboots.

“We love to make change--to see the effect of what we do. It starts with the belief that culture wants to change. So we do our part and give it a good nudge.”

- Andrew Keller, CEO of agency CP+B

Tropicana fell out of the Brand Loop. They departed too far from the familiar and consumers responded.

Keep things fresh and always listen to the people that got you where you are.Know your strengths.Know your limitations.