The Book of Remembrance

Post on 05-Apr-2018

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Transcript of The Book of Remembrance

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ESTHER 6:1-3

That night the king could not sleep; so he ordered the book of the chronicles, the record of his

reign, to be brought to him.2It was recorded there that Mordecai had exposed Bigthana and

Teresh, two of the king’s officers who guarded the doorway, who had conspired to assassinate

King Xerxes.


”What honour and recognition has Mordecai received for this?” The king asked.“Nothing had been done for him,” his attendants answered 

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Drama Coordinator……………………………….Bro Oreoluwa Abolade 

Welfare Secretary………………………………..Sis Darasimi Ogunmiluyi 

Drama Secretary………………………………….Sis Ifeoluwa Oluwasogo

Stage manager……………………………………..Bro Olusola Oladefo

Director…………………………………………………Bro Olusola Oladefo

Light and sound effect manager……………Bro Michael Omololu

Costume manager………………………………..Sis Faith Ogbodo 





Mummy Tolu……………………………………………… 

Driver Tade………………………………………………… 

Angel of Supplication…………………………………. 

Angel of Remembrance 1…………………………… 

Angel of Remembrance 2…………………………… 

Voice of the Holy Spirit………………………………… 

Passer-by 1……………………………………………….... 

Passer-by 2……………………………………………….... 

Beast from the pit of hell……………………………. 


Angel 1………………………………………………………….. 

Angel 2………………………………………………………….. 

Angel 3…………………………………………………………… 

Angel 4…………………………………………………………… 

Angel 5…………………………………………………………… 

Angel 6……………………………………………………………. 

Lost souls……………………………………………………….. 

***Prayer Warrior……………………………………… 

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The book of Remembrance

Esther 6:1-3

(That night the king could not sleep; so he ordered the book of the chronicles, the record of his reign, to be brought

to him.2It was recorded there that Mordecai had exposed Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king’s officers who

guarded the doorway, who had conspired to assassinate King Xerxes.3”What honour and recognition has Mordecai

received for this?” The king asked. “Nothing had been done for him,” his attendants answered)

Scene One:

{…here we see a woman (a member of the church) coming to the pastor, to give testimony of a new car God as just 

 provided for her family just 2 weeks after a serious breakthrough prayer…}  

Mummy Tolu: Daddy! Daddy!!...Thank God I met you at home…I have been praying that I should meet you at home,

{…kneeling down and showing signs of respect…} good afternoon sir. Thanks for the other day sir, thank

you very much… 

Pastor: Good afternoon!...are you not going to work and who has this car?...

Mummy Tolu: …aah! I’m coming from work sir…Daddy, the car is mine ooo! 

Pastor: Seriously!!!

Mummy Tolu: Yes o! Daddy, the prayer we had last two weeks, about “God’s Divine Remembrance”…Daddy! I salute

this God…indeed he is a good and faithful God. {…calling her  Driver Tade} ; come forward to greet my

pastor, whom I’ve talked much about… 

Driver Tade: Good day sir

Pastor: Hello sir, God bless you.

Mummy Tolu: God has DIVINELY REMEMBERED ME. My boss that stood as an hindrance in our place of work was

been transferred and I was put in his position with an official car and my own personal Driver Tade. So, I

brought him along that, you would also pray for him and counsel him in the right path.

Pastor: As the Lord liveth, you will soon be remembered for good

Mummy Tolu and Driver Tade: Amen!!!

Pastor: Nobody will remember you if Heaven doesn’t. This is just the beginning in Jesus name . {…while they were

still praising God, praying and talking to each other, Michael came into the scene crying, fed-up and 

showing attitude of non-satisfaction}. In Jesus name, I declare the car accident free; your job is secured in

Jesus name… 

Mummy Tolu: Is this is not Michael?...

Pastor: Brother, why are you always crying? Em!

Michael: I am fed up with life

Mummy Tolu: Why?!

Michael: I went looking for job as usual, but just to meet a quit notice from my landlord after returning with so much

disappointment already, Daddy…I’m fed up… 

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Mummy Tolu: Didn’t you pray the last prayer of “Divine Remembrance” at church?

Michael: I did pray.

Pastor: You were not fervent enough, here is someone testimony of the prayer.

Mummy Tolu: I have made the prayer mandatory for myself everyday and the Lord has been faithful to me.

Pastor: can you see now?

Michael: Daddy, I have been praying but it is like God does not love me, God has forsaken me.

Pastor: The Lord answers prayer, you’ve got to pray the more. You’ve got to pray fervently that, the heavens should

remember you for good. I’ll be going to the prayer mountain today, if you are chanced, you can join me for

your prayer of divine remembrance.

Michael: Pastor, please wait for me, we are going together! Probably, that is where I will be sleeping because I have

no roof to shelter me again. God must remember me by force by fire oooh Pastor!

{….pastor continues prayer for the Mummy Tolu and her Driver Tade while Michael feels so depressed and unfulfilled…he leaves the stage } 

Mummy Tolu: Daddy thank you very much but before I leave, please help me manage this little token {…hands over 

a small envelop to the pastor…}  

Pastor: See oooh! The breakthrough of the church members is the comfort of the pastor! Definitely, this is the

beginning of new things in your family {…admiring the envelop as the Mummy Tolu leaves the stage…}  

remember to bring the car on Sunday for thanksgiving… 

Mummy Tolu: I will pastor!


Scene Two: Act One

{…Pastor and  Michael on the mountain seriously praying for breakthrough…}  

Pastor: In Jesus name we pray

Michael: Amen

Pastor: Si iwe iranti kan mi o Baba (2x) [Turn to my page of remembrance O Lord (2x)]

Oba to si iwe iranti kan Mordecai [Thou King who remembered Mordecai]

Si iwe iranti kan mi o Baba [Turn to my page of remembrance O Lord (2x)]


Pastor & Michael: {…both of them singing together} 

Pastor: In Jesus we pray! {…Michael shouted a big “Amen”}  Today, we’ve got to pray for the opening of the book of 

remembrance…Pick up your Bible…{…Michael took up his Bible and begins to open} …Open your Bible to

Esther 6:1-3, to buttress the point on the issue of remembrance.

Michael: {..reads the Bible passage} …That night the king could not sleep; so he ordered the book of the chronicles,the record of his reign, to be brought to him.

2It was recorded there that Mordecai had exposed Bigthana

and Teresh, two of the king’s officers who guarded the doorway, who had conspired to assassinate King

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Xerxes.3”What honour and recognition has Mordecai received for this?” The king asked. “Nothing had been

done for him,” his attendants answered 

Pastor: Imagine a plot to kill a king, someone who stands as the head of state/president, now revealed by Mordecai.

Tell me, should the king forget such a thing?

Michael: the king shouldn’t. 

Pastor: the king cannot remember him because the Heavens haven’t. The king became restless when the Heavens

remembered Mordecai. We are going to pray, that God should search and open The Book of Remembrance

wherever it may be, and let the Heavens announce it now. Pray in the name of Jesus

Michael: Father in the name of Jesus, Holy Spirit! Oh Lord, turn to my page of remembrance {…Michael praying

vigorously} …Oh Lord, let there be happening that will cause me to be remembered.

Pastor: In Jesus name we pray!

Michael: Amen

Pastor: Our existence in life is programmed with time of individual’s success {…pastor giving instances of those whohad breakthrough because Heaven remembered them, people such as Joseph, Mordecai, etc} Trugling will

be over when God remembers you!

[A person will enter the stage dressed as a soldier for God while the main character pause on stage. He will lead the

entire congregation in section of short prayer as he emphasises on the main message that is been passed


Michael: Oh Lord my God, as you remembered Joseph in the prison and you raised him to position of kings and men

of honour, raise up my head today and remember you son in distress {…as Michael was praying, he

collapsed and the Angel of Supplication came to him and took him away in transit} 


Scene Two: Act Two

{Here we have Michael and two Angels of God in transit} 

[…Michael was taken into transit by the Angel of Supplication…] 

Angel of Supplication: I am the Angel of Supplication assigned for leading human beings unto this table of 

remembrance, when they might have prayed thoroughly. Therefore, I have brought Michael Adeyemo here

for remembrance because it’s his time to flourish.

Michael: Angel of God, it’s my time to flourish. 

Angel of Remembrance 1: Let’s check these books of remembrance if your name is therein.

Michael: so, is there possibility of my name not in these books

Angel of Supplication: Hold your peace and be at rest.

{Michael is praying for mercy solemnly} 

Angel of Remembrance 1: this book records the names of those that will be rich in life…{Michael quickly cuts in…}  

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Michael: {dancing and praising God…}…Yes, money answereth all things, song: yes! Owo la fin saye

Angel of Remembrance 1: {…He continues…}…Those that will be the head and never the tail, those will sow little and

reap bountifully are the names found in here. Therefore, if your name isn’t here, that means you are

doomed. Let’s check therein  {…the Angel searches these books of remembrance and shocks his head 

solemnly…}…It’s a pity, your name isn’t here in the book. 

Michael: HAAAA! Angel of God, please your own will not spoil, kindly help me check thoroughly!!!

Angel of Supplication: Michael, take it easy! There are other books to be opened. So, take it easy! Angle of God,

check other books of remembrance to see, if Michael Adeyemo’s name will be found there. 

Angel of Remembrance 1: This is the book of remembrance for those that will build houses of their own and not die

as tenants, names of those who will pass out with distinctions from University and pass through the facet of 

life without stress, If your name is not found here, that means you are doomed …. { …the Angel searches

these books of remembrance and shocks his head solemnly…} .Incredibly! After thorough searching your

name is not in here.

Michael: HAAA! What have I done?

Angel of Supplication: Be patient, your name will soon be found! Angel, continue your searching!

Michael: When will they find it! Abi tell me, what is left to do in life? Tell, me ki lo tu ku? Abi!

Angel of Remembrance 1: Here is the book of remembrance for those that will succeed, if your name is not found

here, that means, your existence on earth is characterise with failure. {…the Angel searches these books of 

remembrance and shocks his head solemnly…}…HA! HEEY! This is amazingly; your name is not here!

Michael: Haaa! Angel of supplication, this is getting out of hand. Ba se jo so ko yi!!!

Angle of Supplication: the search is not yet over, put your mind at rest! Angel of God, Please continue with your


Angel of Remembrance 1: Alright! Behold the book of remembrance for those that will be divinely favoured in all

ramification of their life. More also, if his name isn’t here, that means all his effort will be fruitless.  {…the

 Angel searches these books of remembrance and shocks his head solemnly…}…HAAA! Angel of 

Supplication, let Michael get ready to serve his mates for the rest of his life, he will say “Yes Sir! Yes Sir!! Yes

Sir!!!” to the day of his death, because, his name could not be found here either!

Michael: Angel of Supplication, please enough is enough, I’m not supposed to be here in the first place! 

Angel of Supplication: Michael, I said you should be at rest!

Michael: Oga!!! What kind of patience are you saying, what is left to be done? The whole book has been searched!

You are asking me to be patient still!

Angel of Supplication: Angel of Remembrance 1, I want you to search for Adeyemo Michael’s name in THE MAIN

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE…which is the first Book that all names must be recorded, that Book, which is the

BOOK OF MERCY…the Book that serves as The Foundation for all other Books of Remembrance, I am very

sure, that hos name will be found there!

Angel of Remembrance 1: Hmmmmm! truly, his name must not be missing in there! Let us check there…But if his

name…{Michael begins to ask God for Mercy}…What is your name again?

Michael: it is Michael, the son of Folorunsho and Kikelomo Adeyemo ni!!!

Angel of Remembrance 1: This is not your Adewale….Haaa! Angel of Supplication, what a pity!!! After thorough

searching, his name could not be found here!

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Michael: Yeee!!! I am Doomed ooooH!!!!


Scene Two: Act Three

{…Michael woke up from his collapse with a grievous noise…}  

Michael: Yeee!!! I am Doomed ooooH!!!!

Pastor: What happened?

Mchael: Haa!! Daddy {…Holding the pastor’s leg with so much fear}…I am doomed, my name could not be found in

the Books of Remembrance

Pastor: Who told you that? Moreover, what brought about such silly thoughts into your heart!

Michael: It is the Angel of God that showed me!!!! HAaa! Te mi ti ba mi!

Pastor: The Angel of God?!

Michael: Yes Daddy! In that vision, my name wasn’t found in the books of remembrance. 

Pastor: Lai! Lai!! I rebuke that vision for you, it is of the devil.

VOICE OF HOLYSPIRIT: Servant of God, This vision is of the Lord and not the deceit of the enemy, all you have to

do is pray more that your inner eyes and hears might be opened to understand better! Then will he be

taken to where his name can be found in book of remembrance.

Pastor: Hallelujah! Thank you God! Hahah! I said so na!

Michael: Daddy you are still giving thanks to God!

Pastor: Brother! Let’s give thanks 

Michael: There is no cause for that.

Pastor: I heard the voice of the Lord, saying “There are still Books of Remembrance” 

Michael: Pastor, stop deceiving me, never in my life have I had a vision. This one was as clear as watching a movie!

Abi mo paro ni?! It is authentic; you are now telling me that one thing is still left somewhere. Please stop

lying to me jooo! Who should I believe you or the Angel of God? I’m done with prayer, I’m going… 

Pastor: Brother Michael, we don’t need to argue on this, truly you saw that vision but I had that voice which says, we

should pray for the remaining books of remembrance. {Pastor and Michael continued praying and the

 Angel of Supplication came to show them more visions… } …We are going to pray now… 


Scene Three: Act One

[Pastor and Michael in the heavenly realm]

Pastor: Angel of Supplication, is it true that Adeyemo Michael’s name was not found in the Books of Remembrance

at the tabernacle of Remembrance?

Angel of Supplication: Man of God, there are two tabernacles of remembrance, we are yet to visit the second

station. Every name on earth is written in either the first or the second table. Therefore, let ’s hurry up to

the second station.

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Scene Three: Act Two

Angel of Supplication: Angel of Remembrance, I am the Angel of Supplication, I have brought Adeyemo Michael’s

name here to search for his name from the book of remembrance. We have checked the first book of 

remembrance, but his name wasn’t there, so we came here to check from the second book of 


Angel of Remembrance 2: Let me check if his name would be found here!

Michael: Please check very well ooo! My name must be found here

Angel of Remembrance 2: What is your name?

Michael: Angel of God, My name is Michael, the son of Folorunsho and Kikelomo Adeyemo!

Angel of Remembrance 2: {…responded with a big smile} HAAAA! Your name is written in this book. Today, we shall

turn to your page of remembrance

Pastor & Michael: {…with great joy, they shouted aloud} HALLELUJAH song: mo so rire o, Eleda mi mo dupe o (3X)

Angel of Remembrance 2: {…exclaimed with a loud voice} …This is the book of remembrance of those that will be

poor on earth and look at it oo! Your name is not far at all, your name is number 2 on the first page

Michael: Never oo! I reject it in Jesus name, check it very well, sir! Probably you checked for the wrong name

Angel of Remembrance 2: This is another book of remembrance for those that will strive hard in life, those that will

not be favoured and those that will always lack helper in life. It is a pity that your name is boldly written in

capital letter

Michael: No!!! What can far such thing????!!!

Angel of Remembrance 2: This is the book of remembrance for those that will be humiliated and forgotten by theirbenefactors, those that heaven will be shut at their request and supplications, those that, their fasting and

sacrifices will be in vain, and again, your name can be boldly found on the first page.

Michael: Pastor! Haaa! E n wo ran ni!

Pastor: Haa! Angel of Supplication, why the silence too!

Angel of Supplication: be patient pastor, one messenger cannot hinder another, until he finishes his task before we

can say anything, so! Be patient.

Angel of Remembrance 2: This is the book of remembrance for debtors, those that have been cloth with garments of 

debt, your name glitters there like the afternoon sun!

Michael: What are all these things now! {Michael and Pastor in great distress} 

Angel of Remembrance 2: The Word of God can never change; His thought for every man on earth is of peace and

not of evil

Pastor: Exactly what I wanted to ask you! So what could be the problem?

Angel of Remembrance 2: All names on earth are written in the Book of Mercy, but there is one mighty man that has

the ability to remove the name of any man form the Book of Mercy and I Believe that man as removed

Michael’s name from there! And no Angel can question him!

Michael: eeeeh! Who is the stupid man that gave you order to remove my name?

Angel of Remembrance 2: We only know him by “beast from the pit of hell” 

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Pastor: beast from the pit of hell?!

Michael: beast from the pit of hell or whatever he is been called, should come out here, let me see him face-to-face,

and talk like men! Today he will know that craze pass craze!!! He must have been doing it for others but my

own will be his last! Call him out oooH!

Angel of Remembrance 2: {…He calls out for the beast form the pit of hell}…beast form the pit of hell! Come out

ooh! Someone is here to look for you!

[the beast from the pit of hell came out with so much terrifying entrance]

beast form the pit of hell: Haaaa! HAHAHAH! Who art thou calling me to question? Which rock is contending with

the rock? You Michael son of Adeyemo, how dare you? I will kill you today! Wait for me if they born you

well! {…he begins to chase Michael}  

Michael: Help me ooo! E gba mi oo!

Pastor: Angels! Why do you keep silence! Chase them!

Angel of Supplication: Pastor! No Angel can withstand this horrible creature.



Scene Four

[Here we have an angel of God (a lady) at a junction with bottles of water and a bowl of salt]

Passer-by 1 {Brother}: Lady in white cloth, which table is this?

Angel 1: This table carries the water for abundant rest and salt of life that exchange human bitterness for joy and


Passer-by 1: Water for abundant rest and honey for joy! Let me partake of it, so that I can have rest from all struggle

and that my life may be filled with joy and laughter.

Angel 1: Young man, I have been permitted to give you out of this water and salt before your arrival. Take, drink and


Passer-by 1: thank you very much my Lord and Saviour.

Angel 1: as from today henceforth, no more struggles and bitterness go in peace!

{Michael arrives and waits behind the passer-by} 

Michael: Yeeh! Yeeh! {Limping on one leg}  

Angel 1: Peace be unto you, Mr Michael! Why are you encompassed with problem? What is the cause of your


Michael: Lady in white cloth, I, myself don’t understand oo! My mysterious life is just something I can’t even explain,

it is beyond my comprehension. I have been running here and there due to one nasty problem or the other.

The beast from the pit of hell has chased me pass a lot of table. Which one is this ooo?!

Angel 1: This table carries the water for abundant rest and salt of life that exchange human bitterness for joy and

happiness. Success is certain for those that are able to drink of this water and bitterness will be taken from

their life as well.

Michael: I am thirsty due to much trouble that I have encountered today, let me drink out of the water and taste out

of the salt that I may be comforted.

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Angel 1: I can’t give you to drink except I have been permitted . Let me seek permission from the I AM THAT I AM,

THE ONE WHO WAS, WHO IS AND WHO IS TO COME. May I give Michael out of this water and salt of life

dear Lord?!




Angel 1: Almighty God, The Ancient of Days, The Creator of Universe, Let your name be praised. {…She raised up thecup to give Michael water when suddenly beast from the pit of hell appeared to rebuke him from taking


Beast from the pit of hell: Impossible, you can never partake with them from the water of comfort and salt of life.

You have been forbidden to do so! NO WAY!!! Not in my life shall I see you, Michael take from the water of 

comfort or the salt of life. {…he began to say some incantations}  

Michael: HAAA! This man as cut up with me again! E gba mi oo!

Beast from the pit of hell: you are still standing there! {he began to chase Michael while Angel 1 solemnly shook her 

head saying “you should have tried to take from this water of comfort”  }  


Scene Five

[Here we have an angel of God (a brother) at a junction with varieties of fruits on a table and folded white cloths]

Passer-by 2 {Sister}: Man in white cloth, which table is this?

Angel 2: This table carries the fruits of God and the servo of life to secure the future of man, and I have been

permitted to freely give to as many in need of it. Take and be blessed.

Passer-by 2: Thank you very much, my Lord and Saviour.

Angel 2: as from today henceforth, Heaven as removed your name from the list of those to be disgraced, now your

future is secured. Let your glory begin to shine before men, go in peace.

{Michael runs on stage from nowhere with great distress, the Angel of God saw him and took pity on him} … 

Angel 2: Son of man, why are you so depressed and confused in life!

Michael: Man in white cloth, this problem as dominated every stage of my life. From one junction to the other, I

have been denied of the riches and goodness of this life. I am tired, but please, what table is this?

Angel 2: as you can see for yourself, this is the table of blessing and I have been permitted to give to as many that

are in need of it so that, their pain and ill-luck will be erased, also to give them the servo of life that will

secure their future. Take and be blessed.

Michael: I will eat this for the removal of all the curses that I’ve inherited and be clothed to secure my future. Thank

you oo!

Beast from the pit of hell: {arrives as usual} throw that fruit away and the cloth of servo, they are not for you. {…he

began to say some incantations} …this is truly your point of breakthrough but I, the beast as dominated

and been made manifest in your life, so throw it away now {…Michael threw away everything angrily and 

the beast began to chase him again}. 


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Scene Six

[Here we see devil in hell fire and lost souls in agony and bitterness of heart crying aloud for mercy]

Devil: Hahahahahah!!! Hahahahaha!! Hahahahaha!!! I am the horrible spirit. Hahahahaha!!!!, my friend from the pit

of hell, make sure Michael gets here on time, for the soul is mine, here is his place. He must not be saved.

He is mine! He is mine!!!

Make sure you deprive him of all his entire goodies in life



Scene Seven

[Here we have 4 to 5 angels of God singing hymnal praises (Rejoice in the Lord and be Glad in Him) to God in Heaven]

{…Pastor walked in and saw them with so much joy and gladness} 

Pastor: greeting to you, the redeemed. I’m so sorry I interrupted you. Please where is this place? {One of the Angels


Angel 3: This is the place of happiness, where all the saints sing the song of victory.

Angel 4: Yes! This is where we are comforted that we are victorious by the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Pastor: this is indeed the table of happiness through victory. Please, have you seen a young man named Michael pass

through here?

Angel 5: we’ve not seen him, and moreover, there is nobody that will pass through here without stopping over to

sing the songs of praise and victory.

{Suddenly, Michael appeared from nowhere} 

Michael: Haa! You are already here?

Pastor: yes!

Michael: that wicked man as pursued me here…{while he was still speaking, t he pastor cuts in} 

Pastor: put your mind at rest, this is the place of happiness where the redeemed sing the songs of victory. Please

give me a hymn book, today marks the end of reproach in your life. Take and sing with them! There is no

room for sorrow here!

Beast from the pit of hell: impossible! You can’t sing the song of victory alive. Never!! You are meant to sing the

songs of sorrow and reproach in life, which you have inherited. {…he began to say some incantations}… 

Pastor: who art thou? Don’t you even have regards for the anointed ones?! Who do you even think you are?! How

dare you?!

Beast from the pit of hell: Look at you! I am unstoppable, no prayer, fasting or even Angels of God can stop me, so

the question is who are you to be afraid of?!

Michael: pastor I told you, you are the one delaying me! If I have been on my way, I will at least rest for a while

before this good for nothing creature catches up with me!

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Pastor: put your mind at rest, I have prepared myself for this beast. Watch and see!!

Beast from the pit of hell: are you threatening me?! Hahaha! I laugh in the face of danger!

Pastor: I command you by the power of the Holygost power, flee from Michael’s life. 

Beast from the pit of hell: {…he hissed}…is that all Mr Man! You, Michael, he is only compounding your problems for

your name has been erased from the Book of Deliverance, if they born you well, wait for more few seconds

{he began to pursue Michael} 

Pastor: What more can be done to this horrible creature? Holygost power has no effect on him! Wonders shall never

end. I have never witnessed such a thing in my life.

{A man in white walks on stage and tapped the pastor} 

Angel 6: Man of God, let not your heart be troubled over this beast for there is an oath between Michal’s great -

grandfather and him, and likewise, nobody knows the real name of this beast and that makes him

unstoppable. This is what has been causing the problems of many on earth.

More also, the foundation of all powers of darkness and evil on earth, in the atmosphere and beneath the

ground are rooted in this beast.

Pastor: Ok! What are we going to do now? Because this man must not die in this!

Angel 6: the only solution to find the root of the problem by asking the beast himself!

Pastor: How? He bows to no man or angel! How then can we get him to talk?

Angel 6: Have you forgotten that we have a power above every other power that, at the mention of the name JESUS,

every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.

Pastor: if that is the case! Accompany me to search for him!


Scene Eight

{A voice from the pit of hell saying, ”engage him with all your strength , do not allow him to rest, make sure he

gets here, this is his place”. Michael runs pass the stage with confusion and great fear}  

Beast from the pit of hell: Yes master, I will not stop until I see to his destruction, {he turns to the audience} …and

the destruction of many that are on earth


Scene Nine

[Michael runs pass pastor and Angel of God on stage while the beast comes from behind]

Angel 6: beast!!! Strop right there you horrible creature! I use the nails on the hands and legs; I use the crown of 

thorns and the agony of the cross to command you today. Stop!!

Beast from the pit of hell: {…he knelt down with regret}…ok Angel of God! What exactly do you what?

Angel 6: What has this man done wrong to deserve all this?

Beast from the pit of hell: is that of Michael? The secret between us cannot be revealed to anybody. Angel, listen, I

will never leave him until I pursue him to death.

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Angel 6: you won’t even consider the prayers and effort of his pastor concerning his life? 

Beast from the pit of hell: I won’t allow his prayers for him to be answered.

Angel 6: Okay! If that be the case, tell me your real name, because I know you have hidden your real name under this

act only to blind people from knowing the real cause of their problems. A lot of people know you to be

various sorts of names. Some call you “the power of witches and wizards”, other call you “bondage”, and

other names like that, without knowing your true name. So, tell me what is you real name?!

Beast from the pit of hell: that is a secret which I can’t reveal 

Angel 6: you have to say it! Simply because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So! I command you in the

name of Jesus, tell me your name!

Beast from the pit of hell: Haa! Angel of God, why have you done this? This is too much to bear! Have you forgotten

that, this is a secret not to be revealed to man?!

Angel 6: there is no secret again since the curtain of the alter had been torn, for the light came and darkness could

not comprehend it. No matter what, Say it.

Beast from the pit of hell: I will say it on the basis of the crown of thorn and the piercing on His side. OK MY REAL

NAME IS SIN, the foundation of hell and the pillar that holds the calamity and affliction of men on earth.

For the ears of God are not heavy to listen neither are His arms too short to deliver but the iniquities of 

men have separated them from their Father and has hidden His face from them. For it is written also that,

damnation is for sinners. Those I dwell with have been disconnected from heaven and as such have no

inheritance from God. So now you have heard, can I go?

Angel 6: now you can see! The only solution now is to call upon the Great Advocate to plead on his behalf or nothing

from him.

Pastor: can’t I call The Great Solicitor on his behalf?! 

Angel 6: You can’t do that for him oo! Only he can call upon Jesus by himself. He must confess with his mouth andbelieve in his heart. {The pastor runs after Michael and the beast to warn him, asking him to call upon the

Great Solicitor} 


Scene Ten

{Michael on stage shouting for help when the beast arrived to destroy him totally} 

Beast: wait there Michael! It is time for your final destruction

Michael: Help me! Help me!! Help me!!!

{While the beast was beating Michael, the pastor runs in} 

Pastor: Bro Michael! Bro Michael!! Call upon the Great Solicitor, Call on Jesus to save you!

Michael: Oh Lord my God, The Great Solicitor of men, The Great Advocate in Heaven, have mercy on me. Don’t let

my life end this way, for you do not rejoice in the sin and destruction of men, you are the God that is slow

in anger but abundant in love and mercy, please, ARISE AND HAVE MERCY ON ME, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH,


Beast: Haaa! Who taught you this?! Shut-up {but he shouted the more}  

{Jesus appeared to save Michael and the beast fell to the ground and bowed down} 

8/2/2019 The Book of Remembrance 14/14





AND GRAVE. He has called on Me and I have come to set him free, therefore, depart from his life and

return all stolen and lost glory back to him.

Beast: Who am I to disobey you the Great one, I depart from Michael’s life as from today henceforth. {he ran out of stage with his face on the ground} 

JESUS: Son, come closer!

Michael: Thank You, Jesus, My Saviour and My Lord, The KING of kings, The ANCIENT of days. I thank you from

requeing me from the pit of hell. Friend of sinners, I THANK YOU.

JESUS: do you know what lead you to this point? Do you know what took your name from the Book of 

Remembrance? Do you know what has denied you of all your blessings?

Michael: I have no knowledge my Lord.

JESUS: sin is responsible for all you misfortune in life and has sent many like you to their early destruction on life. But

because you have called upon the Great Mediator, you have been saved! GO AND SIN NO MORE! I WILL

WAIT FOR YOU AT THE WEDDING OF THE SAINT WHICH IS AT HAND! Arise now, and claim your possession!

Michael: {Michael begins to sing as JESUS leaves the stage} 

Mo fi gbo gbo re fun,

Pata pate lia ku

Igbagbo mi rom o,

Fo’ ba ta bi saye 

I wll live for Him,Who died for me, how happy then, my life shall be

I will live for him, who died for me, My saviour and my God! 



Copyright: the major part of this script was gotten from Conner Stone Ministry’s Movie, Titled: Alagidi

Ogun and some concept were adopted from Vineyards Drama Ministry’s Movie, Tiled: Asiri Ogun