The body system that fights disease. $100 What is immune system?

Post on 19-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The body system that fights disease. $100 What is immune system?

The body system that fights disease.

$100What is immune system?

These pathogens cause strep throat.

$100What are bacteria?

These diseases do not spread from person to


$100What are noninfectious


A chemical that helps body cells take sugar

from the blood.

$100What is insulin?

___ is a medicine that kills bacteria.

$100What is an antibiotic?

$100What is an infection?

When pathogens multiply somewhere in

the body, you have an…

An infectious disease caused by a virus that

attacks disease-fighting cells.

$200What is AIDS?

Your body’s natural ability to fight off any disease on

its own.

$200What is resistance?

___ are the signs and feelings of a disease.

$200What are symptoms?

A condition that damages or weakens

part of the body.

$200What is disease?

The condition in which antibodies protect a

person from a specific pathogen.

$200What is immunity?

$200What is abstinence?

Avoiding behaviors that Put your health at risk.

All living things that are too small to be seen without a microscope.

$300What are microbes?

A long-lasting health problem.

(chronic or acute)

$300What is chronic?

Yeasts and molds can cause disease.

$300What are fungi?

The virus that causes AIDS is called.

$300What is HIV?

Any tiny living thing that causes disease.

$300What is a pathogen?


You might have brown eyes and a

cleft chin like your dad because of ___.

What is heredity?$300

Diseases that don’t last long.

(chronic or acute)

$400What is acute?

Diseases that are spread from person to


$400What is infectious disease?

The one-celled living things that cause

diseases such as amebic dysentery.

$400What are protozoa?

The special care you get when you are ill.

$400What is treatment?

Giving vaccines to make people immune

to certain diseases.

$400What is immunization?

$400Tiny hairlike

structures, they push pathogens toward a

body opening.

What is cilia?

Describe how pathogens cause disease.

$500Pathogens cause diseases when they

grow and multiply in the body. Some kill cells; some produce substances that are harmful to the

body in other ways.


Chuck has had several colds and other illnesses this winter. Explain how his resistance to these illnesses may have been


Chuck may not have been eating a nutritious diet or following other healthful

habits, such as getting regular exercise.


Name five different ways the body keeps pathogens

from entering it.

$500A thick layer of skin; sweat, saliva, and stomach

chemicals all kill pathogens; mucus traps pathogens; cilia push pathogens toward body openings; earwax traps pathogens; tears kill

And wash away pathogens.

What causes asthma attacks? How can asthma be treated?

$500Most asthma attacks are triggered by things

Such as stress, exercise, respiratory infections, And substances in the air. Treating asthma

Involves finding out what triggers attacks and avoiding these things. There are also medicines to help.

Most people outgrow asthma.

Name three noninfectious diseases that are more common in tobacco users than in people who do not

use tobacco.

$500Lung, throat, mouth, tongue, and

Lip cancer; heart disease;Lung infections; emphysema.

What is a booster?

$500A booster is an extra dose of a

vaccine that is given to maintain immunity.
