The Beginnings of Industrialization. What is the Industrial Revolution? Greatly increased output of...

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Transcript of The Beginnings of Industrialization. What is the Industrial Revolution? Greatly increased output of...

The Beginnings of Industrialization

What is the Industrial Revolution?• Greatly increased output

of machine-made goods that began in England.

• It began during the Middle 1700’s

• Prior to machine-made goods, people wove textiles by hand

• This soon spread to Continental Europe & North America

Agriculture Revolution Begins• Wealthy landowners began

to purchase up the small amounts of land once owned by small village farmers

• Build an enclosures• Began experimenting with:

▫ More productive seeding techniques

▫ Better harvesting methods• 2 Results of enclosure

▫ Trial of new methods▫ Forced small farmers to

be either tenant farmers or to move to the city

Jethro Tull• Scientific Farmer• Recognized that sowing

seed by scattering it across the ground was wasteful

• Invented the horse drawn seed drill in 1701

• This would create crops into neat rows

• Seeds would take root at specific depths

• More seeds took root creating larger yields of crops

Seed DrillsJethro Tull’s Seed Drill Modern Seed Drill

Rotating Crops

•Crop Rotation- System of growing different crop in a field each year to preserve fertility of the land.▫1st Year plant wheat (exhaust soil nutrients)▫2nd Year plant turnips (restore nutrients)▫3rd Year plant barley and clover

Livestock Innovations• Robert Bakewell increased

his sheep meat (mutton) by allowing his best sheep to breed

• Increased size of lambs

• Food supplies increased

• Living conditions improved

• England’s population began to increase

What is your thought of this image?

Does this seem right?

1. Would you attempt to change your working conditions in the factory?

2. Would you join a union, go to school or run away?

Factors of Production

•Resources needed for Industrialization•Water Power & Coal to fuel machines•Iron Ore to build machines, tools &

buildings•Rivers for Transportation•Harbors for ships to set sail from

•Also needed is business investors•Britain’s highly developed banking system

Britain’s Textile Industry• Britain’s lead the world in

textile industry• First industry to make

significant changes• John Kay developed the

flying shuttle (pg. 285) in 1733

• James Hargreaves developed the spinning jenny (spinning wheel) in 1764

• Both the shuttle and the jenny done by hand

Textile Industry Cont.

•1769 Richard Arkwright developed the water frame

•1779 Samuel Crompton developed the spinning mule

•1787 Edmund Cartwright developed the power loom

•All of these inventions were bulky and were kept in large buildings called factories

Textile Industry Cont.• Eli Whitney invents the

Cotton Gin

• Separates seeds from the cotton itself

• American cotton production jump from 1.5 million pounds to 85 million pounds

Transportation• James Watt made the

steam engine work faster and more efficient

• Work with Matthew Boulton who was an entrepreneur

• Goal to build even better engine

Transportation•Robert Fulton built steamboat named

Clermont while using Boulton & Watt steam engine

• In England the creation of canals▫Over 4,000 miles of inland channels▫Transport goods and materials at a lower cost

• John McAdam improved road travel ▫Placed a layer on road beds with large stones

for drainage▫Used crushed rocks for top layer prevent

wagons sinking in the mud

Railway Age Begins• Steam Engine on wheels• Richard Trevithick won bet

by hauling 10 tons of iron over 10 miles of track

• Soon other British engineers built even better models

• George Stephenson built 20 engines for mine operators creating first rail line

• 27 mile line from Yorkshire coal fields to the port of Stockton (North Sea)

Railway Age Begins Cont.

•Entrepreneurs in northern England wanted a railway from Liverpool to Manchester

•George Stephenson Rocket ▫Haul 13 tons of material at 24 mph▫Opened in 1830

•Railroads revolutionize life in Britain▫Cheap way to transport goods▫Created more jobs▫Boosted agricultural & fishing industries